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- Hebrew Word Studies = a work in progress!
- Simple Guide to Greek Verb Tense, Voice, Mood
- How to Perform a Greek Word Study Using Tools Available on the Web
- Interpretation - Word Studies are important
- Inductive Bible Study - Why is it so valuable for growth in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ?
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Abandon (desert, forsake, leave) (1459) egkataleipo
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Note: For list of Word Study resources that can be borrowed for an hour from see Word Study Resources - Greek and Hebrew
Someone has well said that those who shun the study of the original Biblical languages will find themselves at the mercy of the translators.
NOTE - All of these resources can be borrowed from This list also includes resources to help study the Bible.
See also the list of Word Study Resources
The Complete Word Study Dictionary: New Testament by Zodhiates, Spiros - This is my "go to" resource for Greek word studies. One on the best lexicons for laymen. Highly Recommended for Greek Word Studies to aid your interpretation of a passage.
Analytical Lexicon of the Greek New Testament by Friberg, Timothy. Shorter definitions than Zodhiates but does an excellent job in summarizing the various nuances of a specific Greek word. One of my favorites.
NIDNTT - The New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology - Click for discussion of this resource which is available online with all 3 volumes (representing the full set) on the same link. This resource is fully accessible with no time limit or requirement to borrow and with full copy and paste functionality.
Shorter Lexicon of the Greek New Testament by Gingrich, F. Wilbur. Similar to Friberg but shorter definitions. Gingrich however gives more Scriptures for each nuance, whereas Friberg generally gives only one representative Scripture.
The New Linguistic and Exegetical Key to the Greek New Testament by Rogers, Cleon - This book is a gold mine of little gems on individual Greek words in any NT passage you are studying. If you have time it is always worth checking out! I use it in my Greek word studies all the time.
Word meanings in the New Testament - Matthew-Revelation by Ralph Earle. Strictly speaking this is not a lexicon, but it offers insights on select words in a verse by verse format (but not every verse is included in the analysis). This resource is worth checking if you have time as it can occasionally give some wonderful insights on a specific Greek word.
New Testament Words - William Barclay - 59 ratings very interesting resource - covers about 70 NT Greek words in Barclay's unique style. On page 289 there is a helpful index of English words with the corresponding Greek word, in turn followed by the places Barclay described them in New Testament Words and in his Daily Study Bible series (see list of DSB commentaries here). E.g., take the Greek word for "Covetousness" which is pleonexia and is found in New Testament Words on page 61 and pp 233-235 and is also described in the Daily Study Bible entries for : Mark 7:14-23; Ro 1:28-32; Eph. 4:17-24; Col. 3:5. So you can click the DSB commentary on Mark 7 and scroll down to Mark 7:14 to see Barclay's entry for pleonexia which concludes "Pleonexia ( G4124) is that lust for having which is in the heart of the man who sees happiness in things instead of in God." Interesting!
Greek-English lexicon of the New Testament : based on semantic domains - Louw Nida. Brief but nice definitions. Not easy to use - you need to know some Greek. Classifies Greek words into 93 "semantic domains" (see list on page XXV) and if you can categorize the word you are looking for in one of the domains, it can help find the specific word you are interested in.
Kittel's Theological Dictionary of the New Testament : abridged in one volume (TDNT) - Classic ("Little Kittel") work summarizing the 10 volume set by Kittel. For most of us the abridged definition is "more than enough!"
A Greek-English lexicon of the New Testament, and other early Christian literature (BDAG); by Bauer, Walter, More detailed definitions but need to know Greek. Zodhiates and Friberg are much easier to use.
Liddell and Scott's Greek-English lexicon, abridged : the little Liddell by Liddell, Henry George. The abridged version. You need to know Greek to use.
Exegetical Dictionary of the New Testament (Volume 1 - A thru E); Exegetical Dictionary of the New Testament (Volume 3- P thru ...) Volume 2 not available. I do not find this adds much to the easier to use resources like Zodhiates and Friberg.
A Pocket Lexicon to the Greek New Testament by Souter, Alexander. Brief definitions. Need to know some Greek. Not that helpful.
Vine's Expository Dictionary of Old Testament and New Testament Words - pdf. The old standby. You can also borrow Vine's complete expository dictionary of Old and New Testament words
New Testament Words in Today's Language by Detzler, Wayne A - Wonderful resource to supplement word studies. 3 ratings THIS IS A SLEEPER!
So That's What it Means - This is another book formerly titled "Theological Wordbook" edited by Charles Swindoll. It is now under this new title So That's What it Means and can be borrowed - it is more like a dictionary than a lexicon but the comments are superb! The contributors include DKC—Donald K. Campbell, WGJ—Wendell G. Johnston, JAW—John A. Witmer, JFW—John F. Walvoord
Christian Words By: Turner, Nigel, Published: 1980 - >500 pages. An interesting, unique resource on Greek words (no Hebrew) with extensive bibliography. For an example see "Abba" and "Alleluia" - "In Christian vocabulary Alleluia is a heavenly song, a chant of saints in the bliss of Paradise, echoed on earth as joyful seasons." One caution is he uses the Apocryphal writings extensively - I am not sure of his theological persuasion.
Zondervan NASB exhaustive concordance - 1589 pages
Pocket dictionary for the study of New Testament Greek by DeMoss, Matthew S. If you want to dig a little deeper into Greek. 66 ratings
Synonyms of the New Testament by Trench, Richard Chenevix - or click here for list of 108 entries.
Expository Dictionary of Bible Words by Richards, Larry, 33 ratings It is does not go into great depth on the Greek or Hebrew words but does have some excellent insights.
Expository dictionary of Bible words : word studies for key English Bible words based on - Stephen Renn
Abandon (desert, forsake, leave) (1459) egkataleipo
Abba (Aramaic for "father") (0005) abba
Abide (remain, persevere, stay, tarry) (1961) epimeno
Abhor (detest, treat with disgust) (948) bdelusso
Abhor (detest, hate) (655) apostugeo
Abide (continue, endure, remain, stay) (3306) meno
Able (mighty, possible, strong) (1415) dunatos
Able (can, could) (1410) dunamai
Able (can, could) (2480) ischuo
Able to judge (discerner, discerning) (2924) kritikos
Able to teach (apt to teach) (1317) didaktikos
Abolish (Bring to end, do away, nullify, void, cancel, release, KJV = destroy) (2673) katargeo
Abominable (unlawful) (111) athemitos
Abomination (e.g., of desolation) (946) bdelugma
Abound (surpass, overflow, lavish, have abundance, surplus, excel, exceed) (4052) perisseuo
Abounded (overflow, abound beyond measure or exceedingly) (5248) huperperisseuo
Abounding in riches (become rich)(4147) plouteo
Above reproach (blameless, unreproveable) (410) anegkletos
Above reproach (beyond reproach, blameless, faultless, unblemished) (299) amomos
Above reproach (without reproach, unrebukeable) (423) anepileptos
Abstain (keep away from, avoid)(568) apechomai or apecho (See another study - apecho)
Abstain (depart, desert, fall or draw away, withdraw) (868) aphistemi
Accept (receive, take aside) (4355) proslambano
Accept (4327) prosdechomai
Accept (1926)(epidechomai)
Accept (, contain, make room) (5562)(choreo
Acceptable (2144) euprosdektos
Acceptable (favorable) (1184) dektos
Acceptable (2144) euprosdektos
Accompany (4870) sunakoloutheo
Accomplish (bring about, do, produce) (2716) katergazomai
Accomplished (4135) plerophoreo
Accursed (anathema) (331) anathema
Accused, accusation (2724) kategoria
Accusing (bring charge)(1458) egkaleo
Accuse falsely (defraud)(4811) sukophanteo
Accustomed (custom, practice)(4914) sunetheia
Acted (4364) prospoiéomai
Active service (4754) strateuomai
Act unbecomingly (be rude) (807) aschemoneo
Addicted to wine(3943) paroinos
Add (2023) epichoregeo
Add (increase, proceed) (4369) prostithemi
Address (1941) epikaleomai
Administration (3622) oikonomia
Adoption as sons (5206) huiothesia
Advance (increase, make progress) (4298) prokopto
Affairs (4230) pragmateia
Affection (4698) splagchnon
Afflict (crowd, distress, suffer affliction) (2346) thlibo
Afflictions (scourging)(3148) mastix
Agree, agreed together (4856) sumphoneo
Agreed (4934) suntithemi
Agreement (4783) sugkatathesis
Alabaster (211) alabastron
Alien (3927) parepidemos
Alienated (excluded) (526) apallotrioo
All (whole, everything)(537) hapas
All (whole, entire)(3650) holos
Allegorically speaking (238) allegoreo
Allow (permit, let, stop) (1439) eao
All time (perpetually, continually) (1336) dienekes
Almighty (3841) pantokrator
Alms (charity) (1654) eleemosune
Already suffered (4310) propascho
Altar (2379) thusiasterion
Am (1510) eimi (Includes discussion of "ego eimi"),
Amazed (astonished, astounded, besides one's self) (1839) existemi
Ambassador (be an ambassador) (4243) presbeuo
Amen (281) amen [OT = Amen (0543) amen]
Angel (messenger)(32) aggelos/angelos
Anger (outbursts of) (wrath, rage, indignation) (2372) thumos
Anger (3950) parorgismos
Angry, be (be enraged) (3710) orgizo
Angry (very angry)(2371) thumomacheo
Angry (4360) prosochthizo
Anoint (5548) chrio (See also Messiah - Anointed One)
Announce (312) anaggello/anangello
Announced beforehand (4293) prokataggello
Annoyed (disturbed)(1278) diaponeo (or herei)
Answer back (reply)(470) antapokrinomai
Antichrist (500) antichristos
Anticipate (spoke first) (4399) prophthano
Anxious (3309) (be anxious) merimnao
Anxious longing (603) apokaradokia
Apostasy (forsake)(646) apostasia
Appeal, appealed (1941) epikaleomai
Appeared (made manifest, disclosed, revealed) (5319) phaneroo
Appearing (appearance) (2015) epiphaneia
Applying (3923) pareisphero
Appoint (put in charge, made) (2525) kathistemi
Appoint (establish, designate, determine) (5021) tasso
Appointed (destined) (2749) keimai
Appointed (4400) procheirizo
Appointed (show)(322) anadeíknumi
Appointed (5500) cheirotoneo
Apostle (652) apostolos; or here
Appearance (form, fashion) (4976) schema
Approve (4909) suneudokeo
Aprons (4612) simikinthion
Archangel (743) archaggelos
Argue heatedly (1264) diamachomai
Arise (arose, get/got up, stand/stood) (450) anistemi
Around (surrounding, round about)(2945) (kuklo
Arrange beforehand (4294) prokatartizo
Arrive (attain) (2658) katantao
Arrive (embark, set foot, mount)(1910) epibaino
Arrogant (inflated)(5448) phusioo
Arrogance (hapax legomenon)(5450) phusiosis
Arrogant (5244) huperephanos
Arrogant (5246) huperogkos
Art (craft, trade)(5078) techne
As, just as (even, even so, so, according)(2531) kathos
Ashamed (1870) epaischunomai
Ashamed (153) aischunomai
Ask (question, request) (2065) erotao
Aspire (make it one's ambition) (5389) philotimeomai
Assassins ("dagger men")(4607) sikarios
Assembling together (1997) episunagoge
Assurance (5287) hupostasis
Astonishment (1611) ekstasis
Attain (arrive, come) (5348) phthano
Attempt (inclination)(3730) horme
Attend continually (4342) proskartereo
Attested (displaying, exhibited, prove)(584) apodeiknumi
Auditorium (201) akroaterion
Avenge (take revenge) (1556) ekdikeo
Avoid (4026) periistemi
Babe (infant, immature) (3516) nepios
Bad (unwholesome) (4550) sapros
Barracks (camp, armies)(2925a) parembole
Basket (Peck-measure) (3426) módios
Be alert (keep watch)(69) agrupneo
Beat (buffet, harshly treat) (2852) kolaphizo
Beat (beating, flogged, receive lashes, strike) (1194) dero
Bear up (endure) (5297) hupophero
Bear (carry, endure, pilfer, supports, tolerate)(941) bastazo
Bear (put up with, endure) (430) anechomai
Bearing fruit (2592) karpophoreo
Bears (protects, endures) (4722) stego
Bears witness (4828) summartureo
Beat (strike, hit) (5180) tupto/typto
Beaten with rods (4463) rhabidizo
Became alive (sprang to life) (326) anazao
Become useless, unprofitable (889) achreioo
Be conceited (5309) hupselophroneo
Bed (conceived, sexual promiscuity) (2845) koite
Beelzebul ("Beelzebub")(954) beelzeboul
Before (2714) katenopion
Before (1715) emprosthen
Beg (beseech, request, pray) (1189) deomai
Begin (having begun) (1728) enarchomai
Begin (proceed, began, beginning, ruler, starting)(757) archo
Behavior (conduct) (391) anastrophe
Behold (2396) ide (see also "See")
Behold (reflect) (2734) katoptrizomai
Belly (Innermost being, womb) (2836) koilia
Be miserable (5003) talaiporeo
Be of good courage (bold, confident) (2292) tharrheo
Bereft (642) aporphanizo
Besetting (surrounding) (4029) perikeimai
Be silenced (1993) epistomizo
Bestow (put around)(4060) peritithemi
Betrothed (718) harmozo
Better (2909) kreitton/kreisson
Beyond reproach (176) akatagnostos
Beware (pay or give attention) (4337) prosecho
Bewitch (940) baskaino
Blameless (410) anegkletos
Blameless (faultless) ( 273) amemptos
Blamelessly (adverb) (274) amemptos
Blameless (677) aproskopos
Blaspheme (987) blasphemeo
Blasphemy (slander)(988) blasphemia
Blessing (3108) makarismos
Blessing (2721) kateulogeo
Blinded (5186) tuphloo/typhloo
Blindfold (cover) (4028) perikalupto
Blows (beatings, wound, plaque) (4127) plege
Boast (exult, glory) (2744) kauchaomai
Boast (glory, rejoice) (2745) kauchema
Boast (4068) perpereuomai
Body (corpse, dead bodies)(4430) ptoma
Boldness (have boldness) (3955) parrhesiazomai
Boldly (very boldly) (5112) tolmeros (tomeroteron)
Bond, bondage (4886) sundesmos
Bondservant (Slave, servant) (1401) doulos; doulos
Bondslave (maidservant) (1399) doule
Born (begotten, father of, conceived) (1080) gennao
Bosom (lap, bay) (2859) kolpos
Both (297) amphoteros
Bound together (2086) heterozugeo
Bought with a price (buy, purchase) (59) agorazo
Bound under an oath (332) anathematizo
Bound (bind, imprison, tie)(1210) deo
Bow (decline, lay) (2827) klino
Bowels (476) splagchnon
Brag (4068) perpereuomai
Break (tear)(1284) diarresso (diarrégnumi)
Breakfast (lunch)(709) aristao
Breaking (4919) sunthrupto
Breathed His last (1606) expneo
Brethren (81) adelphotes
Bridegroom (the actual individual)(3566) numphios
Bridegroom (in phrase "attendants of the bridegroom")(3567) numphon
Bridle (5468) chalinagogeo
Bringing...against (cast, overcome)(2702) kataphero
Bring down (brought)(2609) katago
Bring no fruit to maturity (5052) telesphoreo
Bring into bondage (2615) katadouloo
Bring/brought (offer, present) (4374) prosphero
Broad (hapax legomenon) 2149) euruchoros
Broken (crush, brokenhearted) (4937) suntribo
Broken to pieces (4917) sunthlao
Brood (KJV - "generation")(1081) gennema (cf genema = fruit)
Brought before (go ahead, lead way, walk in front)(4254) proago
Brought up (nurture)(397) anatrepho
Brought up children (5044) teknotropheo
Brought us forth (616) apekueo
Building (edification, edifying) (3619) oikodome
Build up (edify) (3618) oikodomeo
Build upon (2026) epoikodomeo
Built together (4925) sunoikodomeo
Burden (2655) katanarkao
Burden (cargo, load) (5413) phortion
Burdened (overcome, weighed down) (916) bareo
Burnt Offering (3646) holokautoma
Burst (break forth, slam)(4486) rhegnumi
Call (invite, name, summon) (2564) kaleo
Call (calling, summon) (4341) proskaleo
Call (invite, summon) (3333) metakaleo
Call (address)(4377) prosphoneo
Called (1941) epikaleomai
Came (3854) paraginomai
Came down (2718) katerchomai
Cancel out (blot out, erase, wipe away) (1813) exaleipho
Cannot be shaken (immovable) (761) asaleutos
Capernaum (2746) Kapharnaoum
Captain (owner)( 3490) naukleros
Captive (161) aichmalosia
Captive (164) aichmalotos
Capture (take or hold captive) (2221) zogreo
Careful, be (be intent, give attention to) (5431) phrontizo
Careful, carefully (199) akribos
Carried away (associate with) (4879) sunapago
Casting upon (1977) epirrhipto
Cast (throw, send, drive, take, put) (1544) ekbállō
Cast...into hell (5020) tartaroo
Cast off (659) apotithemi
Caught (beforehand; takes...first)(4301) prolambano
Caught up (carry off, snatch, take away) (726) harpazo
Celebrate (rejoice, be merry, glad) (2165) euphraino
Census be taken (enrolled, register) (583) apographo
Cent (Small copper coins) (3016) leptos
Centurion (1543) Hekatontarches
Certain (securely, under guard)(806) aphalos
Certificate of debt (5498) cheirographon
Change (exchange) (236) allasso
Charges (accusation)(1462) egklema
Cheerful, be (keep up courage) (2114) euthumeo
Chief tax collector (754) architelones
Child, children (see also "little children") (5043) teknon
Chose, choose (1586) eklego/eklegomai
Chosen (1588) eklektos; click here
Chose (choosing) (138) haireomai
Christ (5547) Christos (See also Messiah - Anointed One)
Christian (5546) Christianos
Church (1577) ekklesia/ecclesia
Circumcise (verb) (4059) peritemno
City authorities (4173) politarches
Clean, cleanses (1571) ekkathairo
Clear (clear, innocent , pure) (2513) katharos
Clear (single, generous) (573) haplous
Cleverly devised (4679) sophizo
Clothe, clothed (wear, wrap)(4016) periballo
Clothes (garment, cloak) (2440) himation
Clothe yourself (1463) egkomboomai
Coarse Jesting (2160) eutrapelia
Collected a tenth (tithe) (1183) dekatoo
Confidence (boldness) (3954) parrhesia
Come (approach) (4845) sumpleroo
Come (stand, stood, be ready)(2186) ephistemi
Come (Coming, went) (2064) erchomai
Come in (slip in) (3922) pareiserchomai
Come out (came, left, went, gone)(1831) exerchomai
Come over (cross over)(1224) diabaino
Come short (lack, be in need, be inferior) (5302) hustereo
Come to...senses (366) ananepho
Come down (descend, went gown)(2597) katabaino
Come to life again (326) anazo
Come upon (1904) eperchomai
Come together (assemble, gather)(4905) sunerchomai
Command (direct, arrange, give orders or instructions) (1299) diatasso
Command (order)(2004) epitasso
Command (order)(1781) entellomai
Command (verb) (direct, instruct, order, prescribe) (3853) paraggello
Command (order, appoint)(4367) prostasso
Commander (5506) chiliarchos
Commandments (instruction, orders) (3852) paraggelia
Commandments (instructions, orders, requirement)(1785) entole
Commend (demonstrate) (4921) sunistemi/sunistao
Commendation (4956) sustatikos
Commit adultery (3431) moicheuo
Commit adultery (3429) moichao
Common (unclean, unholy) (2839) koinos
Communion (fellowship, sharing, contribution) (2842) koinonia
Compare (combining)(4793) sunkrino
Compassion (verb) (3627) oikteiro
Compassion (Mercies) (3628) oiktirmos
Compete (75) agonizomai
Compete (as athlete) (118) athleo
Complete (whole, entire) (3648) holokleros
Complete (535) apartismos
Compile ("to set forth in order" KJV) (392) anatassomai
Composed (united)(4786) sugkerannumi
Comprehend (overtake, seize, attain, lay hold) (2638) katalambano
Compulsion (constraint) (318) anagke
Concealed (hidden from) (3871) parakalupto
Conceive (arrest, help) (4815) sullambano
Concerned (care, worry)(3199) melo
Consecrated (shewbread, showbread) (4286) prothesis
Condemn (2613) katadikazo
Condemn (2607) kataginosko
Condemned to death (doomed to die, sentenced to death) (1935) epithanatios
Condemnation (Judgment) (2917) krima
Conditional Clauses click here
Conduct (4176) politeuomai
Conduct (390) anastrepho
Confer (talk with) (4814) sullaleo
Confer (conversing, helped, meet, met, pondering)(4820) sumballo
Confess (acknowledge, profess, admit, promise) (3670) homologeo
Confess (give praise, praise) (1843) exomologeo
Confident (convince, persuade, trust) (3982) peitho
Confidence (boldness) (3954) parrhesia/parresia
Confident (4006) pepoithesis
Confirmed (establish) (950) bebaioo
Conform (4964) suschematizo
Conformity with (conformed) (4832) summorphos
Confusion (bewildered, confounding, stir)(4797) sugcheo/sugchunno
Conscience (4893) suneidesis
Consecutive order ("an orderly account" = NKJV) (2517) kathexes
Consent (4909) suneudokeo
Consented (4784) sugkatatithemai
Consider (count, regard) (2233) hegeomai
Consider (behold) (2657) katanoeo
Consider (plan, purpose, resolve)(1011) bouleuo
Consider (357) analogizomai
Considered (1760) enthumeomai
Consideration (5364) philanthropos
Considering (examining)(333) anatheoreo
Considered worthy (2661) kataxioo
Consider worthy (deserve, desire, insist)(515) axioo
Consolation (3890) paramuthion
Consolation (3889) paramuthia
Console (3888) paramutheomai
Conspiracy (disorderly gathering)(4963) sustrophe
Constantly (88) adialeiptos
Constantly (without ceasing, always) (89) adialeiptos
Consult (contribute) (4323) prosanatithemi
Continue (abide, stay) (3387) parameno
Continue (abide, stay)(1696) emmeno
Continuing (4342) proskartereo
Contradict (argumentative) (483) antilego
Control (constrain, afflict, grip, hem, cover, crowd, distress) (4912) sunecho/synecho
Conversion (1995) epistrophe
Convict (expose) (1651) elegcho
Convincing proofs (5039) tekmerion
Convulsion (4952) susparasso
Copy (corresponding) (499) antitupon
Corner (corner stone) (1137) gonia
Corner Stone (204) akrogoniaios
Correction (1882) epanorthosis
Corresponds (4960) sustoicheo
Corruption (perishable, destruction) (5356) phthora
Council (conspire, plot together, conferred)(4824) sumboulion
Council (supreme court) (the Sanhedrin)(4892) sunedrion
Count (numbered)(705) arithmeo
Count...blessed (3106) makarizo
Counted (2674) katarithmeo
Counted (4860) sumpsephizo
Cover (2619) katakalupto
Covered (1943) epikalupto
Covered (shortened)(4958) sustello
Covered with sores (1669) helkoo
Covering (cloke) (1942) epikaluma
Covetous (4123) pleonektes
Crept in unawares (3921) pareisduno
Crime (4467) rhadiourgema
Cross (tree, club, wood) (3586) xulon
Crucified with (4957) sustauroo
Crushed (4729) stenochoreo
Cry (clamor, shout) (2906) krauge
Cry out (shout)(2905) kraugazo
Cry out (shout, call) (2019) epiphoneo
Curse (2672) kataraomai
Curse (accursed) (2671) katara
Curse (2617) katathematizo
Cursed (1944) epikataratos
Custom ("was...custom)(1486) etho
Cut in pieces (1371) dichotomeo
Cut off (hindered) (1581) ekkopto
Cut off (mutilate)(609) apokopto
Danger (be in danger) (2793) kinduneuo
Dare (have courage, be bold)(5111) tolmao
Dead (be or consider dead) (3499) nekroo
Dead bodies (corpse)(4430) ptoma
Deal gently (3356) metriopatheo
Debtor (3781) opheiletes
Debtors (5533) chreopheiletes
Debts (what is dure) (3783) opheilema
Decay (to destroy) (1311) diaphtheiro
Decay (corruption)(1312) diaphthora
Deceit, deceitfulness, deception (539) apate
Deceitful (deceiver)(4108) planos
Deceive, deception (mislead, misled, stray, go or be led astray)(4105) planao
Deceit, deceitful (4106) plane
Deceiver (5423) phrenapates
Descendant (race, kind, birth, family, children) (2085) genos
Decently (2156) euschemonos
Declared (determine, fix, predetermine) (3724) horizo
Deeds (practices, function) (4234) praxis
Deed, deeds (work, works) (2041) ergon
Deeply grieved (very sad) (4036) perilupos
Defending (626) apologeomai
Defraud of your prize (2603) katabrabeuo
Degrading (Dishonor, Shame) (819) atimia
Deliver (give over, hand over)(1929) epididomi
Delivered (betray, commit, entrust, hand over) (3860) paradidomi
Delivering an address (1215) demegoreo
Delude (3884) paralogizomai
Demon-possessed (1139) daimonizomai
Demonstrate (1731) endeíknumi
Demonstrate (proof, sign) (1732) endeixis
Deny (533) aparneomai
Depart (leave, move, passed) (3327) metabaino
Depraved (2704) kataphtheiro
Deprive (defraud)(650) apostereo
Describe (1555) ekdiegeomai
Designated (4316) prosagoreuo
Desire (Good pleasure, good will, kind intention, well pleasing) (2107) eudokía
Desire (will, intention) (1013) boulema
Desire (to will, want, wish, intend) (1014) boulomai
Desire (Want, Will, Wish) (2309) thelo
Desire (covet, long, lust) (1937) epithumeo
Desolate (desolation) (2050) eremosis
Despairing (1820) exaporeomai
Despise (2706) kataphroneo
Despise (regard, treat or view with contempt) (1848) exoutheneo
Destroy (perish, lose, lost) (622) apollumi
Destroy (perish, vanish) (853) aphanizo
Destroy (utterly) (1842) exolothreuo
Destroy (4199) portheo
Destroy (abolish, tear down)(2647) kataluo
Destruction (2506) kathairesis
Destruction (waste) (684) apoleia
Determine (1231) diaginosko
Detestable (947) bdekluktos
Devoted (472) antechomai
Devote (4342) proskartereo
Devotion (2138) euparedros
Devour (consume, ate) (2719) katesthio
Devout (worshiper, God-fearing)(4576) sebomai
Dialect (language) (1258) dialektos
Die (581) apogenomenos or apoginomai
Die (death) (599) apothnesko
Die (deceased, die, dying, put)(5053) teleutao
Die together (4880) sunapothnesko
Direct (2720) kateuthuno
Discern (distinguish) (1253) diakrisis
Disciple (make disciples) (3100) matheteuo
Discipline (chasten, correct, educate, instruct, teach, punish) (3811) paideuo
Discipline (4995) sophronismos
Discipline (1128) gumnazo (gymnazo)
Discipline (buffet, batter, beat my body black and blue) (5299) hupopiazo
Discuss (debate, argue)(4802) suzeteo
Disguise (transform) (3345) metaschematizo
Dishonored (treat shamefully) (818) atimazo
Disappoint (disgrace, put to shame) (2617) Kataischuno
Disclose (Make clear, bring charges, appear) (1718) emphanizo
Disgrace (reproach) (3681) oneidos
Disobedient, to be (544) apeitheo
Displayed publicly (4388) protithemi
Display (to disgrace) (1165) deigmatizo
Dispossessing (2697) kataschesis
Dispute (5379) philoneikia
Dispute (hostility) (485) antilogia
Disregard (4065) periphroneo
Dissensions (1370) dichostasia
Distinguished (splendid, glorious)(1741) endoxos
Distort (3344) metastrepho
Distress (4730) stenochoria inheritance (2624) katakleronomeo
Disturbances (disorder, contusion, tumult)(181) akatastasia
Disturbed (shaken) (4525) saino
Divide (allot, apportion)(3307) merizo
Divide (distribute, share)(1266) diamerizo
Divided (distribute)(1244) diaireo
Division (gifts) (3311) merismos
Division (1267) diamerismos
Do (gain, laid) (2698) katatithemi
Do business (occupy)(4231) pragmateuomai
Do, done, did, doing; Make, made, makes, making; Perform, Practice (4160) poieo
Doctrine (teaching, instruction) (1319) didaskalia
Do good (15) agathopoieo
Do good (14) agathoergeo
Domain, dominion (1849) exousia
Double-minded (1374) dipsuchos
Doubt (judge, discern, make distinction) (1252) diakrino
Drag (seize, capture) (4884) sunarpazo
Draw near (at hand, approach) (1448) eggizo
Draw Near (4334) proserchomai
Dream (1797) enupniazomai
Drift away (3901) pararrhueo
Driven (oars, rowed)(1643) elauno
Dropsy (5303) hudropikos
Drove away (forced away)(556) apelauno
Dwell (spread tabernacle) (4637) skenoo
Dwell (live, reside, settle) (2730) katoikeo
Dwelling (2732) katoiketerion
Each one (each, every man, everyone)(1538) hekastos
Eagerly wait (553) apekdechomai
Early in the morning (3721) orthrios
Earnestly (eagerly)(4709) spoudaios
Earnest expectation (603) apokaradokia
Earnestly contend (1864) epagonizomai
Earthen (3749) ostrakinos
Earthquakes (storm at sea)(4578) seismos
Easily entangles (besetting) (2139) euperistatos
East (rising, Sunrise)(395) anatole
Eaten by worms (4662) skolekobrotos
Elapsed (over, past)(1230) diaginomai
Elders (4245) presbuteros
Elect (1588) eklektos; Chosen in Christ
Elements, elementary (4747) stoicheion
Emperor (Augustan)(4575) sebastos
Empty (empty-handed, futile, foolish) (2756) kenos
Empty chatter (2757) kenophonia
Empty conceit (2754) kenodoxia
Empty talkers (3151) mataiologos
Enact (3549) nomotheteo
Encourage (3888) paramutheomai
Encouragement (3931) paregoria
Encourage (exhort, comfort, implore) (3870) parakaleo
Encouragement (exhortation) (3874) paraklesis
End (custom, outcome) (5056) telos
End (Consummation) (4930) sunteleia
Endure (persevere) (5278) hupomeno
Endure hardship (2553) kakopatheo
Enemy (hostile) (2190) echthros
Enjoy...pleasures (619) apolausis
Enlighten (Illumine) (5461) photizo
Enlist as a soldier (4758) stratologeo
Enter, entrance (1529) eisodos
Enter into (1531) eisporeuomai
Entertain (to stay, lodge, surprise) (3579) xenizo
Enters (come, came)(1525) eiserchomai
Entertain (324) anadechomai
Entrust (commend, commit) (3908) paratithemi
Equipping (2677) katartismos
Escape notice (without knowing)(2990) lanthano
Especially (more abundantly)(4056) perissoteros
Establish (confirm, strengthen) (4741) sterizo
Establish (founded, grounded, lay foundation) (2311) themelioo
Evangelists (2099) euaggelistes
Evil (wicked, bad) (4190) poneros
Evil (worthless)(5337) phaulos
Exacting (austere)(840) austeros
Exact representation (5481) charakter
Exalt (magnify, make great) (3170) megaluno
Examining (appraise, call to account, ask questions) (350) anakrino
Example (5261) hupogrammos
Example (5296) hupotuposis
Example (copy, copies) (5262) hupodeigma
Exceeding abundantly huperekperissou
Excellent, excellencies (703) arete
Excellent (differ, are more valuable, worth more) (1308) diaphero
Excellent (differ, various)(1313) diaphoros
Exchanged (3337) metallasso
Exchange (465) antallagma
Exchange (489) antimisthia
Excuse (3868) paraiteomai
Exercise (1128) gumnazo (gymnazo)
Exercise (have) authority (1850) exousiazo
Exist (being, live, possessions)(5225) huparcho
Exorcists (1845) exorkistes
Expect (suppose, thinking) (3633) hoiomai
Expect, expecting (4328) prosdokao
Explain (relate, declare, make known, exegete) (1834) exegeomai
Explain (1329) diermeneuo
Explain (set outside)(1620) ektithemi
Explain (report)(1285) diasapheo
Explicitly (4490) retos/rhetos
Exploit (engage in business) (1710) emporeuomai
Eyeservice (3787) ophthalmodouleia
Face (presence, partial) (4383) prosopon
Face (503) antophthalmeo
Factions (sects, heresies) (139) hairesis
Factious (141) hairetikos
Fail (come to an end, obscure)(1587) ekleipo
Faint (Lose heart, grow weary) (1590) ekluo
Fainthearted (3642) oligopsuchos
Faith specific phrase "the faith (pistis)"
Faithful (believer, believers) (4103) pistos
Fall (falls off or away, failed) (1601) ekpipto
Fall away (stumble; take offense) (4624) skandalizo
Fall down (slam against) (4363) prospipto
False circumcision (2699) katatome
False, Falsehood (5579) pseudos
False apostles (5570) pseudapostolos
Falsely called (5581) pseudonumos
False prophets (5578) pseudoprophetes
False Teachers (5572) pseudodidaskalos
False witness (5577) pseudomarturia
Fashion (4964) suschematizo
Fastings (fast, hunger) 3521) nesteria
Favored (freely bestowed) (5487) charitoo
Fear (reverence) (5401) phobos
Feel compassion (4697) splanchnizomai
Fell, fallen (embrace, grip, press around)(1968) epipipto
Fellow bondservant (4889) sundoulos
Fellow citizens (4847) sumpolites
Fellow heirs (4789) sugkleronomos
Fellow members of the body (4954) sussomos
Fellow partakers (4830) summetochos
Fellow prisoner (4869) sunaichmalotos
Fellow soldier (4961) sustratiotes
Few (small, little, short) (3641) oligos
Fight (strive, compete, labor earnestly) (75) agonizomai
Figure of speech (figurative language, proverb)(3942) paroimia
Fill up (fulfill, complete, make up) (378) anapleroo
Filled (complete) (4137) pleroo
Filled (fulfill, complete) (4092) pimplemi
Filled (well-fed, satisfying, enjoyed)(1705) empiplemi
Filthiness (151) aischrotes
Filthy lucre (147) aischrokerdos
Finding fault (complainers) (1113) mempsimoiros
Fine linen (1040) bussos/byssos
Finish (complete, carry out, accomplish) (5055) teleo
Finish (fulfill) (4931) sunteleo
First-born (firstborn) (4416) prototokos
Fit together (4883) sunarmologeo
Fixing our eyes (see) (872) aphorao
Flashed (4015) periastrapto
Fled for refuge (2703) katapheugo
Fleshly (flesh, material things)(4559) sarkikos
Flood (2627) kataklusmos
Follow (190) akoloutheo
Follow (1872) epakoloutheo
Follow (1811) exakoloutheo
Followed (investigated) (3877) parakoloutheo
Following...example (4831) summimetes
Fond of sordid gain (146) aischrokerdes
Food (eating, rust) (1035) brosis
Footstool (beneath) (5286) hupopodion
For (on behalf of, for sake of) (5228) huper
Forces (press, compel)(29) aggareuo
Foreknown (4267) proginosko
Foreknowledge (4268) prognosis
Forewarn (foretell, tell in advance) (4302) prolego
Forfeit (Suffer loss) (2210) zemioo
Forgetting (neglect) (1950) epilanthanomai
Forgive (grant, freely give, bestow) (5483) charizomai
Formerly (4391) prouparcho
Form (appearance, sight) (1491) eidos
Form (embodiment) (3446) morphosis
Form (5296) hupotuposis
Former (first) (4387) proteros
Formerly (ever, last, once)(4218) pote
Fortune telling (soothsaying)(3132) manteúomai
Fraud (4468) rhadiourgia
Freedom (liberty) (1657) eleutheria
Free (1659) eleutheroo
Free (1658) eleutheros
Free gift (5486) charisma or click here for summary of spiritual gifts
Freedman (558) apeleutheros
Frightened (disturbed) (2360) throeo
Frightened (terrified) (1719) emphobos
Fringe (tassel) (2899) kraspedon
From a distance ("from afar") (4207) porrothen
From the beginning (from above) (509) anothen
Full (abounding, covered, mature) (4134) pleres
Full of idols (2712) kateidolos
Full of light (bright, illumined)(5460) photeinos
Fully accomplished (658) apoteleo
Fully supplying (4322) prosanapleroo
Fully assured or convinced (4135) plerophoreo
Full assurance (4136) plerophoria
Full of fear (1630) ekphobos
Fully trained (2675) katartizo
Fullness (patch) (4138) pleroma
Furnished (bother, bringing, give, grant, show, offer)(3930) parecho
Furnished (spread)(4766) stronnuo
Gain (verb) (win, win over, make profit) (2770) kerdaino
Garden plants (vegetable, garden herb)(3001) lachanon
Gather (assemble, gather together, invite, store)(4863) sunago
Gather together (gather) (1996) episunago
Gather together (4871) sunalizo
Genealogy...traced (1075) genealogeo
Genealogies (1076) genealogia
General assembly (3831) paneguris
Generous (2130) eumetadotos
Gentleness (Consideration)(4240) prautes
Gentleness (4239) praupathia
Gentiles (nation, nations) (1484) ethnos
Genuine (505) anuopkritos
Gift (5486) charisma or click here for summary of spiritual gifts
Gird (328) anazonnumi
Gird (4024) perizonnumi
Girded (1241) diazonnumi
Give attention or heed (1907) epecho
Give birth (bring forth, born)(5088) tikto
Give hearty approval (4909) suneudokeo
Give heed (1801) enotizomai
Giving thanks (2168) eucharisteo
Giving thanks (437) anthomologeomai
Give up, desert, loosen (447) aniemi
Gladness (20) agalliasis
Gladness (2167) euphrosune
Gleaming (1823) exastrapto
Gloomy (looking sad)(4659) skuthropos
Glorified (1740) endoxazomai
Glorify Relationship of Justified, Sanctified, Glorified
Go (following, journey, started, traveling, way, went) (4198) poreuo
Go on ahead (4281) proerchomai
Going (get, go their way, go away, goes, went) (5217) hupago
Going on (Advanced) (4260) probaino
Gong (bronze, copper)(5475) chalkos
Good Deeds (Good Works) - word study
Good for nothing (Raca) (4469) raca
Good opportunity (2120) eukairia
Goodness (19) agathosune
Goodness (5544) chrestotes
Gospel (2098) euaggelion
Gossip (hapax legomenon)(5587) psithurismos
Gossips (5588) psithuristes
Great, Greatest (3187) megas, meizon
Greatly annoyed (greatly disturbed) (1278) diaponeo
Greatness (3168) megaleiotetos
Greet (salute, embrace, take leave, pay respects) (782) aspazomai
Greeting (salutation)(783) aspasmos
Grieving (in agony, torment) (3600) odunao
Grieve (be distressed, to sorrow) (3076) lupeo
Groan (complain, sigh) (4727) stenazo
Groans together (4959) sustenazo
Grope (touch, feel) (5584) pselaphao
Gross immorality, commit (1608) ekporneuo
Grow up, spring up (5453) phuo
Grumble (1234) diagogguzo
Guard (1314) diaphulasso
Guilty (5267) hupodikos/hypodikos
Guilty (liable, subject , deserving) (1777) enochos
Hakeldama/Akeldama (184) hakeldamach
Handled (touch, grope) (5584) pselaphao
Handling accurately (3718) orthotomeo
Handkerchief (napkin)(4676) soudarion
Hanging (2910) kremannumi
Hanging on (1582) ekkremannumi
Hard (harsh, difficult) (4642) skleros
Hardness of heart (4641) sklerokardia
Hard to understand (1425) dusnoetos
Hard to explain (1421) dusermeneutos/dysermeneutos
Harm (injure, do wrong, offend, treat unjustly) (91) adikeo
Harmony (4857) sumphonesis
Haters of God (2319) theostuges
Haters of good (865) aphilagathos
Have...attitude (5426) phroneo full (568) apecho (See another study on apecho)
Have nothing to do with (3868) paraiteomai
Have strength (2729) katischuo
He (that, that one, those, he, she) (1565) ekeinos
Head of the house (owner)(3617) oikodespotes
Headwaiter (755) architriklinos
Heart (476) splagchnon
Hearty agreement (4909) suneudokeo
Heavenly (2032) epouranios
Heaven (3772) ouranos see longer definition of ouranos
Heavy laden (5412) phortizo
Heirs (2818) Kleronomos
Hellenistic (1675) Hellenistes
Helmet (4030) perikephalaia
Help (482) antilambano
Helper (Advocate, Comforter) (3875) parakletos
Helpless (sick, weak) (772) asthenes
High (adjective, haughty) (5308) hupselos
High (5311) hupsos/hypsos
Highly regarded (precious)(1784) entimos
High priest (749) archiereus
Hindered (thwart) (1465) egkopto/enkopto
Hinder (forbid, prevent) (2967) koluo
Hired servants (3411) misthotos
Hit (strike, sting)(3817) paio
Hold fast (firmly) (472) antechomai
Hold fast (occupy, restrain, possess) (2722) katecho
Holding fast or forth (1907) epecho
Homeland (country of their own)(3968) patris
Hometown (country) (3968) patris
Homosexuals (733) arsenokoites
Hope (1680) elpis; elpis (2) Believer's Blessed Hope
Hospitable (5382) philoxenos
Hostile (verb), hold grudge (be subject)(1758) enecho
Hostile (adversary, enemy) (5227) hupenantios
Host of heaven study of this phrase
House (household, home) (3624) oikos
How great (what kind?) (4217) potapos
Humble (5014) tapeinosis
Humility of mind (5012) tapeinophrosune
Hurry (make haste) 4692) speudo
Hypocrisy (5272) hupokrisis
Hypocrite (5273) hupokrites
Idle babbler (4691) spermologos
Idolatry (1495) eidololatreia
Idolater (1496) eidololatres
If (3rd class condition) (2579) kan
Imitate (follow...example) (3401) mimeomai
Immeasurably more huperekperissou
Immediately (at once) (3916) parachrema
Immorality, commit (4203) porneuo
Immovable (277) ametakinetos
Impart (share, give) (3330) metadidomi
Impartiality (678) aprosopoleptos
Imperishable (861) aphtharsia
Imperishable (862) aphthartos
Implore (3143) marturomai
Imposed (insistent, lying, press around) (1945) epikeimai
Impossible (without strength) (102) adunatos
Imprisonment (chains)(1199) desmos
Imprisoned (prison house) (1201) desmoterion
Impure (169) akathartos
Impurity (167) akatharsia
In Christ Jesus Click
Incorruptible (861) aphtharsia
Indescribable (411) anekdiegetos
Indicate (made clear, communicate)(4591) semaino
Indignation (74) aganaktesis
Inexpressible (412) aneklaletos
Inform (indicate, signify, make clear) (1213) deloo
Informed (report, showed)(3377) menuo
Inherit (2816) kleronomeo
Inheritance (2817) kleronomia or see kleronomia
Inheritance (lot) (2819) kleros
Inn (guest house) (2646) kataluma
Inner (inside, within, inner man)(2080) eso
Innocent (unsuspecting) (172) akakos
inquire (ask)(4441) punthanomai
Insane (3912) paraphroneo
Insisting (1340) diischurizomai
Inspired by God (2315) theopneustos
Insurrection (riot, dissension)(4714) stasis
Intelligence (prudent)(4908) sunetos
Intending to (about to, going to)3195) mello
Intentions (purpose) (1771) ennoia
Interpretation (2058) hermeneia
Instruct, instructed (2727) katecheo
Instruct (knit, hold together, conclude) (4822) sumbibazo
Instruction (admonition, warning) (3559) nouthesia
Insult (cast insults, revile, reproach) (3679) oneidizo
Intercede (appeal, plead) (1793) entugchano
Interpretation (2058) hermeneia
Inventors (2182) epheuretes
Irrevocable (278) ametameletos
Iscariot (2469) iskariotes
It is finished (5055) tetelestai = perfect tense of teleo
Jealous (earnestly desire, eagerly seek) (2206) zeloo
Jettison the cargo (1546) ekbole
Joined....hypocrisy (4942) sunupokrinomai
Joined together (4801) suzeugnumi
Join (cling, cleave) (2853) kollao
Joined (4347) proskollao
Joining in helping (4943) sunupourge
Jot (smallest letter) (2503) iota
Judge (decide, determine, condemn)(2919) krino
Judgment (justice, court, sentence)(2920) krisis
Judaizer - see "Live like a Jew"
Justice(penalty, punishment)(1349) dike
Justify Relationship of Justified, Sanctified, Glorified
Justify, justified (acquitted, vindicated, freed) (1344) dikaioo
Keep (reserve, guard, heed, kept in custody, observe, preserve) (5083) tereo (treasured)(1301) diatereo
Keep house (3616) oikodespoteo
Kill (put to death)(615) apokteino
Kill (slay, put to death - see also thuo below) (337) anaireo
Kind (5541) chresteuomai
Kindle afresh (329) anazopureo
Kindness (5544) chrestotes
Kindness (kind, easy, good) (5543) chrestos
Kindred spirit (2473) isopsuchos
Kinsman (Avenger) - Greek verb Agchisteuo
Kiss (2705) kataphileo
Know (make known) (1107) gnorizo
Know (recognize, understand) (1921) epiginosko
Know about (understand)(1987) epistamai
Know the hearts (2589) kardiognostes
Known (acquaintance)(1110) gnostos
Labor pains (verb)(5605) odino
Laborer (Workman, Laborers) (2040) ergates
Laid...upon (put, fall)(1911) epiballo
Laid (lies, set, standing) (2749) keimai
Laid bare (5136) trachelizo
Lamenting (sing a dirge)(2354) threneo
Lamp (3088) luchnos/lychnos
Large basket (4711) spuris/sphuris
Lawful (permitted)(1832) exesti
Lawgiver (3550) nomothetes
Lawless (only in Lxx) paranomos
Lay aside (put off, spoil, disarm) (554) apekduomai
Lay aside (659) apotithemi
Lay up (save, store, treasure) (2343) thesaurizo
Lay (laid, laying, put, place, attack) (2007) epitithemi
Lead a quiet life (keep silent, rest) (2270) hesuchazo
Lead (bring, conduct, lead away or astray) (520) apago
Leap (spring up) (242) hallomai
Leaped (2177) ephallomai
Learned the secret (3453) mueo
Least (smallest, very small) (1646) elachistos
Led captive (162) aichmaloteuo
Leprosy (3014) lepra
Less presentable (809) aschemon
Letter(s) (bill, learning, writings)(1121) gramma
Lie (do not lie...falsely) (5574) pseudomai
Lie (falsehood) (5579) pseudos
Lifted up (raise)(1869) epairo
Likewise (3898) paraplesios
Linen wrappings (3608) othonion
Little children (5040) teknion
Little Faith (3640) oligopistos
Littleness of faith (3640) oligopistia
Live (verb, living, alive) (2198) zao
Lived luxuriously (5171) truphao
Live like the Jews (2450) ioudaizo
Living creature (animal) (2226) zoon
Long (1973) epipothetos
Longing (1972) epipothesis
Longsuffering (3115) makrothumia
Look (observe, keep eye on, watch) (4648) skopeo
Looking (4327) prosdechomai
Look at (regard, pay special attention) (1914) epiblepo
Looked at (see, notice) (2300) theaomai
Looking around (4017) periblepo
Look (intently) (3879) parakupto
Look (gaze) intently (816) atenizo
Look up (regain or receive sight)(308) anablepo
Lord (master, owner)(2962) kurios
Lord over (master) (2961) kurieuo
Lording (2634) katakurieuo
Lose heart (1573) ekkakeo (used in KJV, Textus Receptus)
Lose heart (grow weary)(1457) egkakeo (used in Nestle-Aland)
Love (5363) philanthropia
Lovers of pleasure (5369) philedonos
Love of money (5365) philarguria
Love of the brethren (5360) philadelphia
Lovers of money (5366) philarguros
Lovers of self (5367) philautos
Loves to be first (5383) philoproteuo
Loving what is good (5358) philagathos
Lowly, low degree (5011) tapeinos
Lunatic (epileptic, has seizures)(4583) seleniazomai
Lying (in bed, sick, reclining, dining, bedridden)(2621) katakeimai
Made without hands (886) acheiropoietos
Made us alive together with (4806) suzoopoieo
Magician (sorcerer, wise man)(3097) magos
Magistrates (captains, officials) (4755) strategos
Majesty, magnificence (3168) megaleiotetos
Majesty (3172) megalosune
Majestic (3169) megaloprepes
Make, made (grant) (1303) diatithemi
Make a public spectacle (2301) theatrizo
Make...defense (626) apologeomai
Make every effort (4704) spoudazo
Make jealous or provoke to jealousy (3863) parazeloo
Make a slave (1396) doulagogeo
Making many rich (4148) ploutizo
Malice (2550) kakoetheia
Malicious gossip (1228) diabolos
Malign (987) blasphemeo
Manage (engage in, have charge over, lead, rule) (4291) proistemi
Manifestation (5321) phanerosis
Manifold (4182) polupoikilos
Many portions (4181) polumeros
Many times as much (4179) pollaplasion
Mark (image formed) (5480) charagma
Marvelous (2298) thaumastos
Master builder (753) architekton
Maturity (perfect) (5047) teleiotes
Measure (standard) (3358) metron
Measured in return (488) antimetreo
Meddler (244) allotriepiskopos
Meditate Site hits, Biblical Meditation, Primer
Memorial (3422) mnemosunon
Men-pleasers (441) anthropareskos
Mention (remembrance, think)(3417) mneia
Merciless (415) aneleos
Mercy Seat (2435) hilasterion
Message (31) aggelia/angelia
Messiah (3323) messias (See also Messiah - Anointed One)
Meet (5222) hupantesis
Might (2904) kratos (mightily; mighty deeds)
Miles (distance) (4712) stadion
Minister (serve , wait on) (1247) diakoneo
Minister (3008) leitourgeo
Ministering (3010) leitourgikos
Ministry (service) (3009) leitourgia
Ministers (3011) leitourgos
Ministry (service, relief) (1248) diakonia
Misery (5004) talaiporia
Mistreat (insult) (5195) hubrizo
Mocking - diachleuazo
Moderate...came (5285) hupopneo
Moment ("flash") (4743) stigme
Money (bronze, copper)(5475) chalkos
Money belts (905) ballantion
Money box (1101) glossokomon
Money changers (2855) kollubistes
Money changers (2773) kermatistes
More (greater) (4053) perissos
More than abundant (5250) huperpleonazo
More tolerable (414) anektoteros
Most excellent (2903) kratistos
Most High (highest) (5310) hupsistos
Mourning (lamenting audibly)(3602) odurmos
Move (provoked, stirs)(2795) kineo
Move up (4320) prosanabaino
Multitude (crowd, throng)(4128) plethos
Murder (commit murder)(5407) phroneuo
Murderer (443) anthropoktonos
Mute (dumb, silent)(880) aphonos
Myriad (thousands)(3461) murias
Mystery (3466) musterion; God's Mystery by Wayne Barber
Naked (stripped) (1131) gumnos
Nature (natural) (5449) phusis/physis
Natural (worldly-minded) (5591) psuchikos
Nature (5287) hupostasis
Necessary (must, ought) (1163) dei
Necessary (more necessary, pressing) (316) anagkaios
Necessity (necessary, need) (318) anagke
Neighbor (Near) (4139) plesion
Nest (2681) kataskenoo
New (freshly slaughtered or slain)(4372) prosphatos
Newborn (738) artigennetos
Noble minded (noble) (2104) eugenes
Noise (report, blast, roaring)(2279) echos
No offense (677) aproskopos
No (3756) ou, ouk, ouch
No one (nothing) (3762) oudeis
No longer (no more, not anyone)(3765) ouketi
Not...ashamed (422) anepaischuntos
Not know (not understand, unaware, uninformed, ignorant) (50) agnoeo
Not tempted (551) apeirastos
Now (so, yet, then, or, even, other hand)1161) de
Obey (3980) peitharcheo
Objects of Worship (4574) sebasma
Observe (2648) katamanthano
Observe (notice) (2657) katanoeo
Observed (3907) parateresis
Obtain (attain) (5177) tugchano/tynchano
Offer sacrifice (kill, butcher)(2380) thuo
Officer (attendant, helper, minister, servants)(5257) huperetes
Of the same kind (2472) isotimos
Of the word (spiritual, reasonable) (3050) logikos
Older men, women (3811) presbuteros
Once for all (one time) (2178) ephapax
One (alone, individual, one thing, first)(1520) heis
One accord (3661) homothumadon/homothymadon
Only (only begotten, One of a Kind, One and Only) (3439) monogenes
Open (explain) (1272) dianoigo (another word study)
Opinion (consent, judgment, decided)(1106) gnome
Opponent (adversary, enemy, oppose) (480) antikeimai
Opportunity (occasion) (874) aphorme
Oppose (cope) (436) anthistemi
Opposing arguments (477) antithesis
Opposition (475) antidiatithemi
Oppressed (2616) katadunasteuo
Order (Good discipline) (5010) taxis
Out of your mind (3105) mainomai
Out of trouble (275) amerimnos
Overcome (conquer) (3528) nikao
Overwhelmingly conquer (5245) hupernikao
Own accord (830) authaireto
Own initiative (1683)(emautou)
Parable (symbol) (3850) parabole
Paralytic (3885) paralutikos
Paradise (3857) paradeisos
Part (share, district, partial) (3313) meros
Partakers (partners) (3353) metochos
Parted...carried (1339) diistemi
Partiality (4382) prosopolepsia
Partiality (4346)(prosklisis
Partiality (4381) prosopolemptes
Participate (4790) sugkoinoneo
Partner (partaker, sharer) (2844) koinonos
Passed away (pass by) (3928) parerchomai
Pass by opposite (492) antiparerchomai
Passing (temporary) (4340) proskairos
Pass through (go through, spread, pierce)(1330) dierchomai
Past feeling, become (524) apalgeo
Patience (3115) makrothumia
Patient (be patient) (3114) makrothumeo
Patiently (3116) makrothumos
Patient when wronged (420) anexikakos
Patriarch (3966) patriarches
Pattern (5296) hupotuposis
Pay close attention to (1907) epecho
Pay tithe (collect tithe)(586) apodekatoo
Peacemaker (1518) eirenopoios
Pearls (3135) margarites
Peculiar (4041) periousios
Perfecter (accomplisher, finisher) (5051) teleiotes
Perfume (ointment)(3464) muron
Perish with (544) sunapollumi
Permit (give permission)(2010) epitrepo
Perplexed (639) aporeo/aporeomai
Perplexed (1298) diatarasso
Persecute (press on) (1377) dioko
Perseverance (4343) proskarteresis
Persuades (374) anapeitho
Persuasive argument (4086) pithanologia
Perverse, pervert (1294) diastrepho
Pharisees (5330) pharisaios
Philosophy (5385) philosophia
Physical (of flesh, human)(4560) sarkinos
Piercing (1338) diikneomai
Pilot (2942) kubernetes
Place (opportunity, room) (5117) topos
Planned (4388) protithemai
Please, to (verb) (700) aresko
Pleasing (desirable, pleased) (701) arestos
Pleased (take pleasure, be well pleased) (2106) eudokeo
Plotting (lying in wait) (1748) enedreuo
Plot together (4823) sumbouleuo
Pointing out (5294) hupotithemi
Policemen (4465) rhabdoúchos
Poll-tax (tribute)(2778) kensos
Polluted (stained, spotted) (4695) spiloo
Pool (2861) kolumbethra
Possess (obtain, acquire)(2932) ktaomai
Possession (4041) periousios
Possession (4047) peripoiesis
Poured out as a drink offering (4689) spendo
Power (Miracles) (1411) dunamis
Practicing magic (3096) mageuo
Practice Piety (worship)(2151) eusebeo
Praetorium (governor's palace)(4232) praitorion
Praise (fame, worthy of praise) (1868) epainos
Pray (4336) proseuchomai
Preach (the gospel, good news)(2097) euaggelizo/euangelizo
Preached the Gospel beforehand (4283) proeuaggelizomai
Preach (proclaim) (2784) kerusso
Precede (arrive, attain, come upon) (5348) phthano
Precious (great value, more precious, very costly) (4186) polytimos
Preparation (2091) hetoimasia
Prepare, prepared (ready) (2090) hetoimazo
Prepare (builder, built, construction)(2680) kataskeuazo
Prepared (3903) paraskeuazo
Prepared beforehand (4282) proetoimazo
Prepare beforehand (4304) promeletao
Preparation day (3904) paraskeue
Presence (before, in sight of) (1799) enopion
Present (came, have come)(3918) pareimi
Present (to come) (1764) enistemi
Presentable (2157) euschemosune
Pressing around (insistent, assail)(1945) epikeimai
Pretext (pretense, for appearance's sake) (4392) prophasis
Previously committed (4266) proginomai
Previously promised (4279) proepaggello
Previously ratified (4300) prokuroo
Previously said (4275) proeipon
Pride (5243) huperephania
Principles (4747) stoicheion
Prison (watch, guard)(5438) phulake
Proceed (progress) (4298) prokopto
Proceed out (1607) ekporeuomai
Proclaim (2605) kataggello
Proclaim (give notice) (1229) diaggello
Proclamation, preaching (2782) kerugma
Proconsul (deputy)(446) anthupatos
Profess (assert) (5335) phasko
Profitable (good, advantage, expedient)(4851) sumphero
Prominent (appropriate)(2158) euschemon
Promise (verb) (1861) epaggello
Promise (1860) epaggelia/epangelia
Proof (prove character, ordeal) (1382) dokime
Properly (2156) euschemonos
Proper (becoming, allowed) (2520) katheko
Prophecy (4394) propheteia
Prophesy (4395) propheteuo
Propitiation (2435) hilasterion
Make propitiation (be merciful) (2433) hilaskomai
Proselytes (4339) proselutos
Prosper (succeed) (2137) euodoo
Prosperity (2142) euporia
Protect (5432) phroureo; phroureo
Proud (5244) huperephanos
Provide (2023) epichoregeo
Provision, Providence (4307) pronoia (Related study: The Providence of God)
Provision (2024) epichoregia
Provoke to anger (3949) parorgizo
Prudent (wise, shrewd) (5429) phronimos
Pull up (385) anaspao
Purchased (obtain, keep) (4046) peripoieomai
Pure (1506) eilikrines
Purification (2512) katharismos
Purge, purge out (1571) ekkathairo
Purposed (4388) protithemai
Put aside (659) apotithemi
Put on the list (2639) katalego
Put out (656) aposunagogos
Put to death (1315) diacheirizo death (336) anairesis
Put to open shame (3856) paradeigmatizo
Put up with (5159) tropophoreo
Quiet (Still, be still, quiet, to silence, muzzle) (5392) phimoo
Questioned, ask (1905) eperotao
Quick (quickly, soon)(5036) tachus
Quickly (shortly)(adverb)(5030) tacheos
Quite evident (evident)(4271) prodelos
Rail (987) blasphemeo
Raised up with (4891) sungeiro
Ran a straight course (2113) euthudromeo
Ransom (3083) lutron/lytron
Ransom (487) antilutron
Ravaging (3075) lumainomai
Reaching forward (1901) epekteino
Read (314) anaginosko
Readiness (eagerness) (4288) prothumia
Ready to share (2843) koinonikos
Realize (become aware of) (4894) suneidon
Reason (discuss, ponder) (1260) dialogizomai
Reason (cause, guilt, ground) (156) aitia
Reasoning (Thought, speculation, disputing, doubts) (1261) dialogismos
Reason (discuss) (1256) dialegomai
Reason among (4817) sullogizomai
Rebellion, rebellious (506) anupotaktos
Receive (4327) prosdechomai
Receive (receive back, obtaining) (2865) komizo
Received (3880) paralambano
Receive (take, took) (2983) lambano
Receive (back) (618) apolambano
Receive (324) anadechomai
Receive (accept) (3858) paradechomai
Received (cast lots, chosen by lot) (2975) lagchano
Reception (feast, banquet)(1403) doche
Recline, reclined (377) anapipto
Reclined (sit down)(2625) kataklino
Reconcile (2644) katallasso
Reconcile (604) apokatallasso
Reconciliation (2643) katallage
Reconcile (be reconciled) (1259) diallasso
Recovery of sight (309) anablepsis
Redeem (make the most of) (1805) exagorazo
Reed (measuring rod, pen, rod)(2563) kalamos
Refuse (3868) paraiteomai
Refuses to listen (3878) parakouo
Refute (reprove) (1651) elegcho
Redemption (629) apolutrosis How to do Greek Word Study (See also)
Reformation (1357) diorthosis
Refuted (1246) diakatelegchomai
Regard (consider, lead, leader) (2233) hegeomai
Regeneration (3824) paliggenesia
Reign (become king) (936) basileuo
Rejected (593) apodokimazo
Reject (683) apotheo/apotheomai
Rejects (set aside, nullify)(114) atheteo
Rejoice (Exult, Jump for joy) (21) agalliao
Release (loose, destroy, untie, unbind, break) (3089) luo
Release (send away, divorce) (630) apoluo
Religion (1175) deisidaimonia
Rely (1879) epanapauomai
Remain (continue) (1265) diameno
Remain (continue)(4357) prosmeno
Remember (363) anamimnesko
Remember (recall, bearing in mind) (3421) mnemoneuo
Remind (5279) hupomimnesko
Reminder (5280) hupomnesis
Remnant (5275) hupoleimma
Remnant (2640) kataleimma
Remorse (regret, change mind) (3338) metamellomai
Remove (transfer) (3179) methistemi
Removing (being taken, changed)(3331) metathesis
Render (repay, pay/give back, reward, sold) (591) apodidomi
Renew (340) anakainizo
Renewing (342) anakainosis
Repay (pay back, render) (467) antapodidomi
Replied (received, support, suppose)(5274) hupolambano
Report (declare, tell, announce, proclaim) (518) apaggello
Reproach (3680) oneidismos
Required (demanded)(523) apaiteo
Rescue (deliver) (1807) exaireo
Resist (withstand) (436) anthistemi
Respect (put to shame)(1788) entrepo
Restore (600) apokathistemi
Rest (others, finally, remaining, other things) (3062) loipos
Rest (2663) katapausis
Rest (freedom, ease)(425) anesis
Rest, to (to give rest, to restrain) (2664) katapauo
Restoration (605) apokatastasis
Rest upon (1879) epanapauomai
Restrained (4729) stenochoreo
Retribution (468) antapodoma
Return (1994) epistrepho
Return (Turn away from) (5290) hupostrepho
Return (390) anastrepho
Reveal (601) apokalupto
Revelation (602) apokalupsis
Reverence (piety) (2124) eulabeia
Reverence (2125) eulabeomai
Revilers (blasphemer) (989) blasphemos
Reward(469) antapodosis
Reward (recompense) (3405) misthapodosia
Rich (rich man) (4145) plousios
Riches (wealth) (4149) ploutos
Right (immediately) (2117) euthus
Righteous (1342) dikaios (díkaios)
Righteousness (1343) dikaiosune
Righteously (1346) dikaios (dikaíōs)
Rise (dawned, arise) (393) anatello
Rise up against (2721) katephistemi
Roaring (Howling) (5612) oruomai
Robbery (seizure)(724) harpage
Rubbing (5597) psocho
Rubbish (dung) (4657) skubalon
Ruin (2692) katastrophe
Ruler (magistrate, official) (758) archon
Ruler (Sovereign, Court official) (1413) dunastes/dynastes
Rushed together (4890) sundrome
Sabbath rest (4520) sabbatismos
Sacrificed to idols (1494) eidolothuton
Sad (4659) skuthropos
Sadducees (4523) saddoukaios
Sailing past (3881) paralegomai
Salvation (4992) soterios/soterion
Same nature (3663) homoiopathes
Sanctify (hallow) (37) hagiazo
Sanctify Relationship of Justified, Sanctified, Glorified
Satisfy, satisfied (5526) chortazo
Sat up (339) anakathizo
Save, heal, make well or whole (4982) sozo, Three Tenses of Salvation
Save (bring safely through)(1295) diasozo
Say good-bye (take leave)(657) apotasso
Scatter (squander) (1287) diaskorpizo
Scattered throughout (1289) diaspeiro
Scatter like dust (3039) likmao
Scoffers (2707) kataphrontes
Scoffing (1592) ekmukterizo
Scolding (1690) embrimaomai
Scourge (5416) phagellion
Scourged (5417)(phragelloo
Scribes (1122) grammateus
Scum (4027) perikatharma
Seal, sealed (4972 ) sphragizo
Search diligently (1830) exereunao
Seasoned (make...salty)(741) artuo
Seat with (4776) sugkathizo
See (look, beware, take care, take heed) (991) blepo
See (2396) ide (See also Behold)
See (behold, look, observe, watch) (2334) theoreo
See (aorist middle subjunctive in Luke 13:28+ in the Textus Receptus) (3700) optanomai
Seeking (search) (2045) ereunao
Secret (hidden) (614) apokruphos
Secretly introduce (3919) pareisago
Secretly brought in (3920) pareisaktos
Secretly induced (5260) hupoballo
Seed (descendants, children)(4690) sperma
Seized (contained, stands)(4023) periecho
Self controlled (Disciplined) (1468) egkrates/enkrates
Self control, exercise (1467) egkrateuomai
Selfish ambition (2052) eritheia
Send (send back)(375) anapempo
Send for (sent, brought)(3343) metapempo
Sent away (1821) exapostello
Send on way (Accompany, help on journey/way) (4311) propempo
Senses (145) aistheterion
Separate (verb) (to leave, to part) (5563) chorizo
Separated (split)(673) apochorizo
Serve (minister, wait on) (1247) diakoneo
Serious (burdensome, heavy, savage, weighty)(926) barus
Servant (minister, deacon) (1249) diakonos
Servant (child, boy, girl)(3816) pais
Servant-girl (bondwoman)(3814) paidiske
Servants (healing)(2322) therapeia
Serve, be enslaved, render service (1398) douleuo
Service/Worship (2999) latreia
Set (4287) prothesmia
Set apart (separate, ostracize) (873) aphorizo
Set aside (put away) (115) athetesis
Set before (3908) paratithemi
Set before (present, exhibit) (4295) prokeimai
Set free (1659) eleutheroo
Set in order (1930) epidiorthoo
Set sail (put out to sea, brought, bring) (321) anago
Settle accounts (4868) sunairo
Sexual Immorality (4202) porneia
Sexual promiscuity (2845) koite
Shake off(660) apotinasso
Shame (indecent, unseemly) (808) aschemosune
Share (3330) metadidomi
Share (receive, take)(3335) metalambano
Sharply rebuke (1969) epiplesso
Shepherd (verb) (4165) poimaino
Show (1166) deiknuo/deiknumi
Showing (1731) endeíknumi
Show (warn) (5263) hupodeiknumi
Show (demonstrate, point out)(1925) epideiknumi
Shown hospitality to strangers (3580) xenodocheo
Show partiality (4380) prosopolempteo
Shrinks back (5288) hupostello
Shut up (enclosed) (4788) sugkleio
Side (rib in Ge 2:21)(4125)(pleura
Signs (4592) semeion See also another discussion of semeion
Silent, be (hush, be quiet)(4623) siopao
Sincere (505) anupokritos
Sincere (1506) eilikrines
Sincerity (1505) eilikrineia
Sing, sing praises (5567) psallo
Sinners (268) hamartolos
Sit (sat down, seated, settled) (2523) kathizo
Sitting (seated, sat, dwell, live, sit down, sitting down)(2521) kathemai
Slay (2695) katasphazo
Slip away (5298) hupochoreo
Sneer (5512) chleuazo
Sober (4997) sophrosune
Soberly (discreetly, self-restraint)(4996) sophronos
So great (5082) telikoutos
Sold (selling) (4097) piprasko
Soldier (4757) stratiotes
Soldier (4754) strateuomai
Solemnly charge (1263) diamarturomai
Something to eat (1979) episitismos
Sorcery (5331) pharmakeia
Sordid gain (147) aischrokerdos
So that (in order that)(2443) hina
Sound mind (4995) sophronismos
Sound judgment (mind), verb (4993) sophroneo
Sowed (upon or after)(1986) epispeiro
Sparingly (5340) pheidomenos
Speak against (oppose) (483) antilego
Speaking evil (2551) kakologeo
Spending our life (1236) diago
Spend their time (opportunity; have time)(2119) eukaireo
Spend the night (835) aulizomai
Spend the winter (3914) paracheimazo
Spirit (breath, wind)(4151) pneuma
Spiritual (4152) pneumatikos
Spiritual gift (5486) charisma or click for summary of spiritual gifts
Spoils, choicest (plunder) (205) akrothinion
Speak or say before (beforehand, foretell) (4280) proereo
Spies (1455) egkathetos
Splendor (adverb)(2988) lampros
Spoke with difficulty (speech impediment)(3424) mogilalos
Sprinkle (4473) rhantismos
Sprouted (sprout, produce)(985) blastano
Spy out (2684) kataskopeo
Standard (5296) hupotuposis
Stand around (4026) periistemi
Stay upon the earth (5550) paroikia
Steadfast (firm) (1476) hedraios
Sternly warn (deeply moved, scold)(1690) embrimaoma
Steward (manager) (3623) oikonomos
Stiff-necked (4644) sklerotrachelos
Stimulate (provocation, contention, irritation) (3948) paroxusmos
Stone (cast stones)(3034) lithazo
Stone (cast stones)(2642) katalithazo
Stone, stoning (3037) lithoboleo
Stoop and look (3879) parakupto
Stop (shut, closed)(5420) phrasso
Store, storing up (2343) theaurizo
Storm-tossed (5492) cheimazo
Straightforward, be (3716) orthopodeo
Stranger (foreign, another)(245) allotrios
Strengthen (restored, made erect again) (461) anorthoo
Strengthen (1991) episterizo
Stripes (3468) molops
Striving against (hapax legomenon)(464) antagonizomai
Striving together (4866) sunathleo
Strong (loud, mighty, severe, strong man) (2478) ischuros
Stubbornness (4643) skelerotes
Stumbling block (4625) skandalon
Subject, submit (5293) hupotasso
Subjection (obedience, submissness) (5292) hupotage decrees(1379) dogmatizo
Submit, lay (394) anatithemi
Suddenly (160) aiphnidios
Suffer hardship with (4777) sugkakopatheo
Suffering (passion) (3804) pathema
Suffered shipwreck (3489) nauageo
Suffers the pains of childbirth together (4944) sunodino
Summing up (346) anakephalaiomai
Superintendent (1985) episkopos
Supplications (2428) hiketería
Supply (2023) epichoregeo
Suppose (think, thought) (3543) nomizo
Surmise (suppose, expect)(5282) huponoeo
Surpass (more important) (5242) huperecho
Surpasses (5235) huperballo
Surpassing (beyond all comparison, more excellent) (5236) huperbole
Surround (encircle) (2944) kukloo
Surrounding district (or region)(4066) perichoros
Swear (make no oath) 3660) omnuo
Synagogue officials (752) archisunagogos
Tabernacle (dwelling, tent) (4633) skene
Talk (converse) (3656) homileo
Take (taken, took) (3880) paralambano
Take advantage (defraud) (4122) pleonekteo
Take along (4838) sumparalambano
Took in His arms (1723) enagkalizomai
Take away (cut off) (851) aphaireo
Take away (abandon, cast off) (4014) periaireo
Take captive (163) aichmalotizo
Take hold (seize) (1949) epilambano
Take pains (meditate, devise) (3191) meletao
Take shrewd advantage of (2686) katasophizomai
Taken up (changed, removed, took)(3346) metatithemi
Taking precaution (keep away)(4724) stello
Taking...stand (1687) embateuo
Take up, take on board (353) analambano
Taught by God (2312) theodidaktos
Tax collector (publican) (5057) telones
Teach (teaching, taught) (1321) didasko
Teachers (1320) didaskalos
Teachers of the Law (3547) nomodidaskalos
Teaching (instruction) (1322) didache
Teach strange doctrines (2085) heterodidaskaleo
Tear (split, divide)(4977) schizo
Telling...the truth (226) aletheuo
Temperate (1468) egkrates/enkrates
Temple (sanctuary) (3485) naos
Tender (476) splagchnon
Tender hearted (2155) eusplagchnos
Test (put to the test) (1598) ekpeirazo
Testify (3143) marturomai
Testify (witness, gain approval) (3140) martureo
Testify (1957) epimartureo
Testify solemnly (1263) diamarturomai
Testimony (3141) marturia/martyria
Testimony (3142) marturion/martyrion
Thanksgiving (2169) eucharistia
The (3588) ho, hē, to
Therefore (then, so)(3767) oun
Thing (affair, matter, case) (4229) pragma
Think (seem, seemed, suppose, thought, reputation)(1380) dokeo
Think lightly (2706) kataphroneo
Thirst (thirsty) (1372) dipsao
Thoroughly clear (1245) diakathairo
Through (because, for this reason = dia touto, why? = dia ti; continually = dia pantos)(1223) dia
Throw (put, cast, thrust, bring, laid/lying, bring, poured)(906) ballo
Thrown...down (cast) (4496) rhipto
Throw up (3925) paremballo
Throwing into confusion (1613) ektarasso
Thoughts (1761) enthumesis
Thunder (peals of thunder)(1027) bronte
Time, Times (season, opportunity, epoch, proper time) (2540) kairos
Tongue (1100) glossa (see also glossa)
Torturers (930) basanistes
Tossed by waves (2831) kludonizomai
Touch (681) hapto/haptomai
Town clerk (1122) grammateus
Trained (1128) gumnazo (gymnazo)
Transformed (3339) metamorphoo
Transgression (3847) parabasis
Transgression (trespass) (3900) paraptoma
Transgression (3892) paranomia
Transgress (5233) huperbaino
Translate (interpret) (2059) hermeneuo
Translated (interpreted)(3177) methermeneuo
Travel with (4898) sunekdemos
Treasure (keep) 1301) diatereo
Treasury (1049) gazophulakion
Trembling (1790) entromos
Trial (Temptation, proving) (3986) peirasmos
Triumphed over (2358) thriambeuo
Triumphs (2620) Katakauchaomai
Troops (armies, soldiers)(4753) strateuma
Trouble (disturb, stir up) (5015) tarasso
Trouble (3926) parenochleo
Troubled (uproar, make a commotion) (2350) thorubeo
Trumpet (4536) salpigx/salpinx
Trustworthy (faithful) (4103) pistos
True (adjective) (228) alethinos
True (sincerity) (1103) gnesios
Turn (return, convert)(4762) strepho
Turn aside (transgress)(3845) parabaino
Turn away, aside (1578) ekklino
Turn away (incite to rebellion, remove) (654) apostrepho
Turn away (1294) diastrepho
Tutor (child conductor, guardian)(3807) paidagogos
Turn (1994) epistrepho
Twist together (weave) (4120) pleko
Unchangeable (276) ametathetos
Uncleanness (167) akatharsia
Uncircumcision (203) akrobustia
Uncircumcised (564) aperitmetos
Uncircumcised, become (1986) epispaomai
Unclothed, be (1562) ekduo
Uncondemned (178) akatakritos
Uncovered (177) akatakaluptos
Under compulsion (317) anagkastos
Under obligation (3781) opheiletes
Undertaken ("have taken in hand" KJV)(2021) epicheireo
Undistracted (563) aperispastos
Uneducated (62) agrammatos
Unfading (262) amarantinos
Unfailing (413) anekleiptos
Unfathomable (421) anexichniastos
Ungifted (untrained, unskilled)(2399) idiotes
Ungodliness, ungodly (763) asebeia
Ungrateful (884) acharistos
Unjustly accusing (5396) phluareo
Unknown (57) agnostos
Unload (670) apophortizomai
Unprepared (532) aparaskeuastos
Unreasoning (absurd) (249) alogos
Unrepentant (279) ametanoetos
Unrighteous (unjust, wicked)(94) adikos
Unruly (506) anupotasso
Unsearchable (419) anexereunetos
Unsettling (384) anaskeuazo
Unstable (793) asteriktos
Unstable(182) akatastatos
Unstained, unspotted (784) aspilos
Untrustworthy (802) asunthetos
Unveiled (343) anakalupto
Uprightly (1346) dikaios (dikaios which is distinct from dikaios 1342)
Upset (trouble, stir up) (387) anastatoo
Urge (prevail)(3849) parabiazomai
Useful (2173) euchrestos
Utter (5350) phtheggomai
Utterly destroyed (1842) exolethreuo
Utterance, giving (declare, utter) (669) apophtheggomai
Vain (without cause) (1500) eike
Various (manifold) (4164) poikilos or click here
Vehemently (powerfully)(2159) eutonos
Veil (2665) katapetasma
Vengeance (justice) (1557) ekdikesis
Vessel (goods, container, object, instrument) (4632) skeuos
Violent (5189) tuphonikos
Visions (appearance)(3706) horasis
Visit (concerned about) (1980) episkeptomai
Visitation (office, office of overseer) (1984) episkope
Visitors (visiting)(1927) epidemeo
Voice (sound, utterance)(5456) phone
Votive gifts (334) anathēma
Wage war (4754) strateuomai
Wage war against (497) antistrateuomai
Wait, waiting (4328) prosdokao
Wait eagerly (553) apekdechomai
Waiting (4327) prosdechomai
Waiting (1551) ekdechomai
Walk (Behave, Conduct, Tread) (4043) peripateo
Walk (follow, keep in step, live) (4748) stoicheo
Walk among (1774) emperipateo
Wanton pleasure (4684) spatalao
War (battle, quarrels) (4171) polemos
Warned (show)(5263) hupodeiknumi
Warned (called) (5537) chrematizo
Washed (3068) louo
Watch (watch closely) (3906) paratereo
Way (road, journey)(3598) hodos
Weakness (sickness) (769) astheneia
Weak (sick, helpless) (772) asthenes
Wealth (mammon) (3126) mamonas
Wear out (become old, obsolete) (3822) palaioo
Weight (burden, authority)(922) baros
Welcome (588) apodechomai
Welcome (Receive) (5264) hupodechomai
Welcome (1774) eisdechomai
Well (sound, healed, good health, restored)(5199) hugies
Well (good health) (5198) hugiaino
Well pleasing (2101) euarestos
Went away (left, went, go away)(565) aperchomai
Went from place to place (went around, sailed)(4022) perierchomai
Went up (came up) (305) anabaino
Widely spread (1310) diaphemizo
Wilderness (secluded, desolate, desert) (2048) eremos
Willfully (voluntarily) (1596) hekousios
Win, win over (gain, make profit) (2770) kerdaino
Withdrew (left, departed, gone aside, stepping aside)(402) anachoreo
Witness (testify, gain approval) (3140) martureo
Witness (noun) (3144) martus/martys
Without cause (vain) (1500) eike
Without excuse (379) anapologetos
Without offense (677) aproskopos
Without hypocrisy (505) anuopkritos
Without understanding (801) asunetos
Without wavering (186) aklines
Womb (with child, glutton, pregnant)(1064) gaster
Word (matter, message, news, reason, saying, statement, utterance) (3056) logos
Work, work out (2716) katergazomai
Work (Accomplish, Do, Perform, Produce) (2038) ergazomai
Workers at home (Hapax legomenon)(3626) oikourgós
Workmanship (what has been made) (4161) poiema
World forces (2888) kosmokrator
Worrying (3349) meteorizomai
Worship (bow down) (4352) proskuneo
Worthy (adjective) (514) áxios (axios)
Worthy (adverb) (516) axíōs (axios)
Wounds (3468) molops
Wrangle about words (3054) logomacheo cloths (4683) spargannoo
Wrath (rage, indignation) (2372) thumos
Wretched (5005) talaiporos
Written before (Marked out, publicly display) (4270) prographo
Wrong (perverse, unusual)(824) atopos
Yoke (pair of scales or balances) (2218) zugos or zygos