- Verse by verse Commentary on Isaiah 53 (Isaiah 52:13-53:12) - Bruce Hurt
- Verse by verse Commentary on Isaiah 35 - Bruce Hurt

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Chart from recommended resource Jensen's Survey of the OT - used by permission
Another Isaiah Chart see on right side
Caveat: Some of the commentaries below have "jettisoned" a literal approach to the interpretation of Scripture and have "replaced" Israel with the Church, effectively taking God's promises given to the literal nation of Israel and "transferring" them to the Church. Be a Berean Acts 17:11+!
ISAIAH ("Jehovah is Salvation") See Excellent Timeline for Isaiah |
JEHOVAH'S Judgment & Character (Isaiah 1-39) |
JEHOVAH'S Comfort & Redemption (Isaiah 40-66) |
Uzziah Jotham Ahaz 1-12 |
13-27 |
28-35 |
Hezekiah's Salvation & Blessing 36-39 |
True God 40-48 |
Suffering Messiah 49-57 |
Reigning Lord 58-66 |
Prophecies Regarding Judah & Jerusalem Is 1:1-12:6 |
Prophecies Against the Nations |
Warnings & Promises |
Historical Section |
Redemption Promised: Israel's Deliverance |
Redemption Provided: Israel's Deliverer |
Redemption Realized: Israel's Glorious Future |
Prophetic | Historic | Messianic | ||||
Holiness, Righteousness & Justice of Jehovah | Grace, Compassion & Glory of Jehovah | |||||
God's Government "A throne" Is 6:1 |
God's Grace "A Lamb" Is 53:7 |
Time 740-680 BC |
- Interesting Facts About Isaiah
- Isaiah Chart
- The Book of Isaiah
- Isaiah Overview Chart by Charles Swindoll
- Visual Overview
Introduction to Isaiah by Dr John MacArthur: Title, Author, Date, Background, Setting, Historical, Theological Themes, Interpretive Challenges, Outline by Chapter/Verse. Excellent overview same intro as in The MacArthur Study Bible (borrow).
Interpretive Challenges - Interpretive challenges in a long and significant book such as Isaiah are numerous. The most critical of them focuses on whether Isaiah’s prophecies will receive literal fulfillment or not, and on whether the Lord, in His program, has abandoned national Israel and permanently replaced the nation with the church, so that there is no future for national Israel. On the latter issue, numerous portions of Isaiah support the position that God has not replaced ethnic Israel with an alleged “new Israel.” Isaiah has too much to say about God’s faithfulness to Israel, that He would not reject the people whom He has created and chosen (Isaiah 43:1). The nation is on the palms of His hands, and Jerusalem’s walls are ever before His eyes (Isaiah 49:16). He is bound by His own Word to fulfill the promises He has made to bring them back to Himself and bless them in that future day (Isaiah 55:10–12). On the former issue, literal fulfillment of many of Isaiah’s prophecies has already occurred, as illustrated in Introduction: Historical and Theological Themes. To contend that those yet unfulfilled will see non-literal fulfillment is biblically groundless. This fact disqualifies the case for proposing that the church receives some of the promises made originally to Israel. The kingdom promised to David belongs to Israel, not the church. The future exaltation of Jerusalem will be on earth, not in heaven. Christ will reign personally on this earth as we know it, as well as in the new heavens and new earth (Rev. 22:1,3). (Isaiah - John MacArthur)
Overview of Isaiah - Charles Swindoll -
Why is Isaiah so important? The book of Isaiah provides us with the most comprehensive prophetic picture of Jesus Christ in the entire Old Testament. It includes the full scope of His life: the announcement of His coming (Isaiah 40:3–5), His virgin birth (Isaiah 7:14), His proclamation of the good news (Isaiah 61:1), His sacrificial death (Isaiah 52:13–53:12), and His return to claim His own (Isaiah 60:2–3). Because of these and numerous other Christological texts in Isaiah, the book stands as a testament of hope in the Lord, the One who saves His people from themselves.
JEHOVAH IS SALVATION (1130 pages) - this is the entire book of Isaiah -
Coming Judgments on Both God’s People and God’s Enemies But Hope Offered in the Future Millennial Kingdom –Focus on the Threat from Assyria
A. (Isaiah 1:1-12:6) Jerusalem and Judah Headed for Judgment (Near Term and Eschatological) but the Delivered Remnant Will Enjoy Millennial Blessings Via the Reign of Immanuel
(Isaiah 1:1) Introduction to the Book of Isaiah
1. (Isaiah 1:2-5:30) Indictment of Judah with Interludes regarding Millennial Blessings and Insights into God’s Judgment-chiastic structure (a-b-c-c-b-a)
a. (Isaiah 1:2-20) Indictment introduced against Judah for spiritual rebellion-with a call for repentance
1) (Isaiah 1:2-9) Spiritual rebellion breaks both the health of the sinner and the heart of the Sovereign
a) (Isaiah 1:2-4) Indictment of rebellion as shocking and hurtful
b) (Isaiah 1:5-9) Infection of rebellion as all-encompassing except for a divinely preserved remnant
2) (Isaiah 1:10-20) Spiritual rebellion condemned as hypocrisy that demands repentance and reformation
a) (Isaiah 1:10-15) Rejection of hypocritical religious activity
b) (Isaiah 1:16-20) Call for repentance and reformation
b. (Isaiah 1:21-2:5) Interlude regarding the glory of the future Messianic kingdom
1) (Isaiah 1:21-31) Despite spiritual harlotry, purified Jerusalem promised a future of justice and righteousness
a) (Isaiah 1:21-23) Looking at the present-tragic lament-faithful city becomes a harlot
b) (Isaiah 1:24-26) Looking at the process-tough love-harlot becomes a faithful city
c) (Isaiah 1:27-31) Looking at God’s promises-transformed legacy vs. terminal legacy-redemption for the repentant
2) (Isaiah 2:1-5) The glory of the coming Messianic kingdom will be manifested in the universal indoctrination in the Word of God and the unilateral implementation of justice and peace
a) (Isaiah 2:2-3) The universal indoctrination program of the Messianic kingdom
b) (Isaiah 2:4) The unilateral implementation program of justice and peace in the Messianic kingdom
c) (Isaiah 2:5) Application: Learn and Live the Light of God
c. (Isaiah 2:6-22) Insight into the terrors of the Day of the Lord when self-absorbed Israel will be abased and quaking before the majestic presence of the exalted Lord-3 Descriptions of proud Israel’s humiliation:
1) (Isaiah 2:6-9) Self-absorbed-description of a land filled with iniquity
2) (Isaiah 2:10-17) Abased-description of Israel abased and the Lord exalted
3) (Isaiah 2:18-21) Quaking-description of Israel quaking before the terror of the Lord and the splendor of His majesty
c. (Isaiah 3:1-4:1) Insight into the intended targets of God’s judgment amidst the chaos of a collapsing society-Jerusalem destined for judgment
1) (Isaiah 3:1-15) Rejection of God leads to the collapse of society and specific judgment against lofty, male leaders
2) (Isaiah 3:16-4:1) Rejection of God leads to the collapse of society and specific judgment against arrogant, aristocratic women
b. (Isaiah 4:2-6) Interlude regarding the glory of the future Messianic kingdom as a time of boasting, cleansing and protection-The Messianic God-man will purge Jerusalem to usher in a kingdom of security where God’s people make their boast in their beautiful and glorious redeemer
a. (Isaiah 5:1-30) Indictment fleshed out to vindicate God’s severe, righteous judgment
1) (Isaiah 5:1-7) God cannot be blamed for Israel’s apostasy and unfaithfulness-Parable of the vineyard
2) (Isaiah 5:8-23) God’s severe judgment directed against an apostate people-6 Woes against 6 Perversions:
a) (Isaiah 5:8-10) Perverters of Possessions
b) (Isaiah 5:11-17) Perverters of Pleasures
c) (Isaiah 5:18-19) Perverters of Reverence
d) (Isaiah 5:20) Perverters of Values
e) (Isaiah 5:21) Perverters of Wisdom
f) (Isaiah 5:22-23) Perverters of Justice
3) (Isaiah 5:24-30) God’s wrath is imminent, intense and inescapable
2. (Isaiah 6:1-13) Isaiah’s (Conversion?) Call to ministry and Commissioning
a. (Isaiah 6:1-7) Isaiah’s call to ministry -- Overwhelmed by forgiveness from a holy God
1) (Isaiah 6:1-4) Overwhelmed with a vision of the emphasized holiness of the majestic God
2) (Isaiah 6:5) Overwhelmed with the guilt of personal and national sin
3) (Isaiah 6:6-7) Overwhelmed by the gracious provision of forgiveness
b. (Isaiah 6:8-13) Isaiah’s commissioning to a ministry of hardening hearts
1) (Isaiah 6:8) No predetermined expectations -- Requires a faithful prophet
2) (Isaiah 6:9-10) Ministry expectations -- Seems contradictory to God’s character (e.g. His goodness)
3) (Isaiah 6:11-12) Judgment expectations -- Must accept the duration and severity of God’s judgment while maintaining a heart of compassion
4) (Isaiah 6:13) Remnant expectations-Still anticipates the hope of a believing remnant
3. (Isaiah 7:1-12:6) Immanuel Introduced as the only valid object of trust and hope for God’s people
a. (Isaiah 7:1-9) Celebrating the Victory of Faith in the Lord-4 Ways to reinforce the necessity of faith:
1) (Isaiah 7:1) History lesson-the victory of faith must feed on past experiences of God’s faithfulness
2) (Isaiah 7:2-4a) Command-the victory of faith must look to God with courage
3) (Isaiah 7:4b-9a) Encouragement-the victory of faith must be reinforced with godly encouragement
4) (Isaiah 7:9b) Warning-the victory of faith must respond to divine warnings
b. (Isaiah 7:10-16) The Messianic promise of Immanuel announced-anticipating fulfillment of kingdom objectives -- God sovereignly extends His grace in the form of precious Messianic promises that ensure the fulfillment of His kingdom objectives and meet our need in times of trial
1) (Isaiah 7:10-11) The offer of God’s grace comes by way of revelation
2) (Isaiah 7:12-13) The rejection of God’s grace tests God’s patience (but never frustrates His purposes)
3) (Isaiah 7:14-16) The sovereign extension of God’s grace centers on Messianic fulfillment of kingdom objectives
c. (Isaiah 7:17-25) The exercise of God’s sovereignty over wicked world rulers -- Shocking judgment comes from the hand of the Lord as He uses wicked instruments for judgment to bring about almost total desolation
d. (Isaiah 8:1-22) Rely only on Immanuel
1) (Isaiah 8:1-18) Immanuel is the only safe sanctuary from hostile enemies
a) (Isaiah 8:1-4) The arm of flesh (Assyria) can look impressive
b) (Isaiah 8:5-8) The arm of flesh will ultimately destroy you
c) (Isaiah 8:9-15) The only hope for refuge is Immanuel
d) (Isaiah 8:16-18) The signs and wonders associated with the promise of Immanuel encourage us to anticipate deliverance
2) (Isaiah 8:19-22) Avoid any contact with the dark side of the occult-8 reasons given
e. (Isaiah 9:1-7) God will transform His people from gloom to glory by the righteous reign of the promised Immanuel
d. (Isaiah 9:8-10:4) Rely only on Immanuel -- The unrelenting wrath of God executes waves of judgment against a people that persist in rejecting His counsel
1) (Isaiah 9:9B-12) Critical sin of prideful self-reliance
2) (Isaiah 9:13-17) Critical sin of blind loyalty to godless leaders
3) (Isaiah 9:18-21) Critical sin of self-preservation
4) (Isaiah 10:1-4) Critical sin of judicial injustice and exploitation
c. (Isaiah 10:5-19) The exercise of God’s sovereignty over wicked world rulers -- The tools used by God for His sovereign purposes (e.g. Assyria) must never imagine that they function with independent purpose and power
1) (Isaiah 10:5-11) Contrast between the sovereign purpose and the Assyrian purpose
2) (Isaiah 10:12-14) Contrast between the sovereign power and the Assyrian power
3) (Isaiah 10:15) Contrast between the praise due to the sovereign Lord and praise due to the tool nation
4) (Isaiah 10:16-19) Judgment executed by the sovereign Lord against His tool nation for their moral culpability
b. (Isaiah 10:20-11:10) The Messianic promise of Immanuel realized-fulfilling kingdom objectives
1) (Isaiah 10:20-34) The mighty God carries out His master plan for the repentant remnant by controlling historical cycles of oppression, deliverance and judgment
a) (Isaiah 10:20-23) Word of hope for the oppressed
b) (Isaiah 10:24-27) Word of deliverance via the coming Anointed One
c) (Isaiah 10:28-34) Word of judgment
2) (Isaiah 11:1-10) In the future Messianic kingdom the knowledge of the Lord incarnate in Immanuel will establish justice, peace and unity
a) (Isaiah 11:1-5) The establishment of justice-Messianic King ruling in wisdom and righteousness-delighting in the fear of the Lord
b) (Isaiah 11:6-9) The establishment of peace-Messianic Kingdom environment enjoying peace and harmony-dominated by the knowledge of God
c) (Isaiah 11:10) The establishment of unity-Messianic Kingdom nations submitting eagerly-devoted to the majesty of the Davidic monarch
a. (Isaiah 11:11–12:6) Celebrating the Victory of Faith in the Lord-Final redemption and rejoicing
1) (Isaiah 11:11-16) The redemption of the redeemed -- Exodus redemption revisited in final victory of the regathered remnant
2) (Isaiah 12:1-6) The rejoicing of the redeemed-Exaltation renewed as the rescued remnant gives thanks and Testimony
B. (Isaiah 13:1–23:18) Ten Oracles of Judgment (mainly on the Gentile nations surrounding Judah) Because of Their Pride and Self-Reliance-Destined for Both Near Term and Eschatological Judgment With Some Remnant Hope-Application: Trust in God Alone!
1. (Isaiah 13:1–14:27) Judgment on Babylon-Root Sins of Pride and Self-Reliance Will Be Judged
a. (Isaiah 13:1-22) The wrath of God directs instruments of destruction against evil nations on account of their pride and self-reliance
b. (Isaiah 14:1-23) Presumptuous pride brought low-4 reactions to the destruction of the proud king of Babylon
c. (Isaiah 14:24-27) Transition-Judgment on Assyria-demonstrates God’s sovereignty over all the nations
2. (Isaiah 14:28-32) Judgment on the Philistines-God’s Kingdom will Triumph in the End
(Isaiah 14:28) Prelude-listen to God’s revelation-God provides light in dark times
a. (Isaiah 14:29-30a) Do not gloat prematurely-God’s kingdom will triumph
b. (Isaiah 14:30b-31) Instead, bewail your impending doom-God’s enemies will perish
(Isaiah 14:32) Application to God’s people-Trust in the All-Sufficient Savior
3. (Isaiah 15:1–16:14) Judgment on Moab-Compassion for the Lost-Prideful idolaters should stir our hearts to compassion as they face grievous devastation for their rejection of refuge in Christ
4. (Isaiah 17:1-14) Judgment on Damascus-Warning Against Forgetting God-Forgetting God dishonors Him greatly but does not cancel out His covenantal remnant program
a. (Isaiah 17:1b-3) Devastation coming for Syria and Israel
b. (Isaiah 17:4-6) Glory fading away for Syria and the northern kingdom of Israel-yet a small remnant preserved
c. (Isaiah 17:7-8) Faith refocusing on the only true God
d. (Isaiah 17:9-11) Root sin = forgetting God and seeking security in the arm of the flesh
(Isaiah 18:1-7) Core Salvation Message for the Gentiles (Isaiah represented here by the Ethiopians)-Transition from Woe to Worship - Stand Still and See the Salvation of the Lord and Worship Him Alone
a. (Isaiah 18:1-2) Woe-Dangerous threats can stir up a frenzy of protective activity
b. (Isaiah 18:3) Waiting-Wait for the Lord to manifest His dominion
c. (Isaiah 18:4-6) Watching-The oppressive invasions by world powers will be nipped in the bud by the Lord who reigns over all
d. (Isaiah 18:7) Worship-Submission and tribute will be gratefully offered when the Lord reigns visibly from Mount Zion
5. (Isaiah 19:1-20:6) Judgment on Egypt-The Futility of Trusting in the Arm of the Flesh and the Process of Salvation-Egypt will face deserved judgment and experience undeserved blessing-but will never be a dependable source of salvation
a. (Isaiah 19:1-15) Egypt cannot save itself-human wisdom leads to ruin
b. (Isaiah 19:16-25) Egypt cannot save you because it needs salvation itself-The Process of Salvation:
1) (Isaiah 19:16-17) Conviction of Sin-starting point of the conversion process-Fear of God
2) (Isaiah 19:18) Crossroads of Decision-pledging allegiance-Salvation vs. Destruction
3) (Isaiah 19:19-22) Consummation of Salvation-leading to worship and growing knowledge
4) (Isaiah 19:23) Congregation United in Worship-reconciliation and fellowship on human plane
5) (Isaiah 19:24-25) Congregation United in Blessing-unity of saved Jews and Gentiles experiencing God’s blessings
c. (Isaiah 20:1-6) Trusting in the arm of the flesh (Egypt and Ethiopia) will be futile-always leads to bondage and humiliation and shame
6. (Isaiah 21:1-10) Judgment on Babylon-The Horror of God’s Judgment-Horror strikes those who perceive the destructive consequences of trusting in the arm of the flesh
a. (Isaiah 21:1-2) Harsh vision of unrelenting attacks
b. (Isaiah 21:3-4) Horror overwhelms God’s prophet
c. (Isaiah 21:5-9) Hopes crushed by the shattering of the arm of the flesh
d. (Isaiah 21:10) Hard times lie ahead for the people of God before millennial blessing
7-8. (Isaiah 21:11-17) The Certainty of God’s Judgment-There will be no stay of execution with respect to God’s judgment plans for the nations-regardless of how general or how precise the revelation of His timeline
7. (Isaiah 21:11-12) Judgment on Edom (Dumah = Silence)-How much longer? Uncertain timeline but hope will be followed by even more severe hardship
8. (Isaiah 21:13-17) Judgment on Arabia-Precisely one year until fleeing refugees reduced to a very small defeated remnant
9. (Isaiah 22:1-25) Judgment on Jerusalem-The Valley of Vision-Unbelief = The Unpardonable Sin –
Two Specific Examples of Self-Reliance:
a. (Isaiah 22:1-14) The refusal to trust in God constitutes the unpardonable sin as divine protection is removed from the self-reliant who blindly party their way to destruction
b. (Isaiah 22:15-25) Self-reliance leads to condemnation-whether the fault lies with the leader (and his presumptuous self promotion) or with the people (and their proclivity for hero worship)
10. (Isaiah 23:1-18) Judgment on Tyre-The Pride of Earthly Affluence-Greedy capitalism with its root motivation of prideful self-sufficiency will be judged by God as prostitution-yet a remnant will be restored and sanctified
C. (Isaiah 24:1–27:13) Songs of Praise for the Blessings of Faith Enjoyed in Millennial Triumph After the Catastrophic Devastation of the Guilty World-City of Man Reduced to Rubble While the City of God Worships and Sings Praises
1. (Isaiah 24:1-23) Judgment on the Earth-The Whole Earth is Headed for Catastrophic Devastation and Only the Remnant Remains to Praise God
a. (Isaiah 24:1-12) Catastrophic devastation and gloom on the entire guilty world in the day of the Lord
b. (Isaiah 24:13-16a) Worldwide songs of praise from the meager remnant glorifying the Lord
c. (Isaiah 24:16b-22) Catastrophic devastation of eschatological judgment
d. (Isaiah 24:23) Songs of eternal triumph-Kingdom of God exalted in the new heavens and new earth
2. (Isaiah 25:1-12) Songs of Praise for God’s Greatness and His Salvation-The Redeemed Need to Express Their Praise to God for His Greatness and His Salvation Culminating in Swallowing Up Death for All Time
a. (Isaiah 25:1-5) Song of praise of the prophet Isaiah-exalting God for His greatness
b. (Isaiah 25:6-12) Song of praise of the redeemed nations-exalting God for His salvation
3. (Isaiah 26:1-21) Songs of Praise for the Blessings of Faith-Faith in the Rock of Ages is Fortified by Valuable Lessons From God’s Righteous Judgments
a. (Isaiah 26:1-6) Celebration of faith-blessings and motivations
b. (Isaiah 26:7-19) Instruction in righteousness-via God’s righteous judgments-impact on the righteous and the wicked
c. (Isaiah 26:20-21) Application: Escaping the day of the Lord’s wrath
4. (Isaiah 27:1-13) Song of Praise of the Fruitful Vineyard-Regathered Israel Flourishes in the Millennial Kingdom as God Deals Decisively With Her Enemies
a. (Isaiah 27:1) Transition: Destruction of powerful enemies in preparation for blessing
b. (Isaiah 27:2-6) Contrasting Song of the Vineyard-the protection and cultivation of the vine keeper produces good fruit that impacts the world in the millennial kingdom
c. (Isaiah 27:7-11) Two divine actions and two contrasting results-the moderated discipline of the Lord and the unmitigated destruction of the enemy city leads to people being either forgiven or forsaken
d. (Isaiah 27:12-13) Two images of the divine regathering of saved Israel
D. (Isaiah 28:1-35:10) 6 Woes Against Worldly Alliances Based on Pride and Self-Reliance-Destined for Both Near Term and Eschatological Judgment With Some Remnant Hope-Application: Trust in God Alone!
1. (Isaiah 28:1-29) Woe #1-Directed Against Harmful Political Leaders = Disoriented Drunkards and Security-Seeking Scoffers of Israel – The Only Sure Foundation = The Precious Cornerstone = the Messiah
a. (Isaiah 28:1-13) Woe on the disoriented drunkards of Ephraim (Northern Kingdom)
b. (Isaiah 28:14-29) Woe extended to the security-seeking scoffers of Jerusalem (Southern Kingdom)
2. (Isaiah 29:1-14) Woe #2-Directed Against Religious Hypocrisy in Jerusalem –
The Lord Judges Rote Religious Tradition with Spiritual Blindness
a. (Isaiah 29:1-4) Jerusalem reduced to dust
b. (Isaiah 29:5-8) Jerusalem’s enemies (God’s instruments of discipline) reduced to fine dust
c. (Isaiah 29:9-14) Judgment of spiritual blindness
3. (Isaiah 29:15-24) Woe #3-Directed Against the Sophisticated Self Sufficient = Those Who Think They Are Smarter Than God = Deceivers and Defrauders – Those Who Think They are Smarter Than God Will be Wiped Off the Face of this Earth
a. (Isaiah 29:15-16) Condemnation for those that mock God = Ruthless Deceivers
b. (Isaiah 29:17-21) Deliverance in the Millennial Kingdom from those who mock God = Defrauders
c. (Isaiah 29:22-24) Transformation for the redeemed
4. (Isaiah 30:1-33) Woe #4-Directed Against Alliances with the World –
a. (Isaiah 30:1-7) Returning to Egypt is the Pathway to Shame and Futility
1) (Isaiah 30:1-5) False security leads only to shame
2) (Isaiah 30:6-7) Futility is the name of the game
b. (Isaiah 30:8-17) Rejection of God’s Word dooms religious frauds to complete collapse
1) (Isaiah 30:8-11) Rejection of God’s Word is the characteristic mark of religious frauds who substitute smooth sayings for hard truth
2) (Isaiah 30:12-14) Bad choices (Rejection of God’s Word) lead to bad consequences (your world collapsing and shattering)
3) (Isaiah 30:15-17) Rejection of God’s Word leaves nowhere to turn for deliverance
c. (Isaiah 30:18-33) Restoration and Retribution culminate in the Day of the Lord
1) (Isaiah 30:18-26) Restoration to the blessing of covenant privilege = God’s Grace
2) (Isaiah 30:27-33) Retribution with fire and brimstone on Assyria and the enemy nations –both near term and eschatological focus
5. (Isaiah 31:1-32:20) Woe #5-Directed Against Those Who Trust in the World’s Wisdom and Power
a. (Isaiah 31:1-9) 3 Arguments for trusting in God instead of in the world
1) (Isaiah 31:1-3) By way of Reminder-of the superiority of God to worldly power and wisdom
2) (Isaiah 31:4-5) By way of Illustration-two images of the invincibility of God in protecting His covenant people
3) (Isaiah 31:6-9) By way of Warning-to trust God alone and escape the fire of His judgment
b. (Isaiah 32:1-8) Lousy government and upside down social values will be transformed by the righteous reign of the Messiah
1) (Isaiah 32:1-4) Transformed rulers and discerning populace-anticipation of the glorious reign of the Messiah
2) (Isaiah 32:5-8) Transformed social values-respect for legitimate nobles vs exposure of fools and rogues
c. (Isaiah 32:9-20) Complacent feasting will soon be replaced by judgmental famine in preparation for the eschatological blessings of the outpouring of the Spirit
1) (Isaiah 32:9-14) Warning to complacent women at ease in Zion –Abundance replaced with Abandonment
2) (Isaiah 32:15-18) Blessings from the outpouring of the Spirit
(Isaiah 32:19-20) Epilogue-Severe judgment precedes abundant blessing
6. (Isaiah 33:1-12) Woe #6-Directed Against the Destroyer with Deliverance for Zion – When God Springs Into Visible and Dramatic Action, the Destroyer is Destroyed and God’s People are Delivered
a. (Isaiah 33:1-12) Two movements of judgment and deliverance
1) (Isaiah 33:1-6) First movement: judgment and deliverance
2) (Isaiah 33:7-12) Second movement: judgment and deliverance
b. (Isaiah 33:13-24) Two results of witnessing God’s judgment and deliverance –
Appreciate the Savior as our True Deliverer, Lawgiver and King
1) (Isaiah 33:13-16) Fellowship with the holy omnipotent God
2) (Isaiah 33:17-24) Blessings from the majestic Messiah-King
7. (Isaiah 34:1-35:10) Summary Conclusion of Woes Against Worldly Alliances
a. (Isaiah 34:1-17) Images of Slaughter and Desolation flesh out the horrifying picture of the unleashing of the wrath of God
b. (Isaiah 35:1-10) 3 Kingdom Blessings that encourage believers as we eagerly anticipate the faithful fulfillment of God’s promises
HISTORICAL HINGE (Isaiah 36-39) –
Object Lessons Regarding Judgment and Deliverance -- Looking back to Threat of Assyria and Forward to Threat of Babylon
A. (Isaiah 36:1-37:38) Threat From Assyria
1. (Isaiah 36:1-37:7) King of Assyria Threatens Jerusalem-Seek the Lord for deliverance in times of Satanic intimidation and pressure rather than cutting a deal with the devil
2. (Isaiah 37:8-38) The Power of Prayer-Crisis situations provide the opportunity for God to vindicate His preeminence and glory as He responds to prayers for deliverance from His covenant people
B. (Isaiah 38:1-39:8) Threat From Babylon
1. (Isaiah 38:1-22) Healing of Hezekiah-Divine Deliverance demonstrates the sovereignty of God over life and death . . . and defines our life in terms of worship
2. (Isaiah 39:1-8) Pitfalls of Pride-Opening the door to the threat from Babylon
The sovereign God of creation and history (Isaiah 40-48) sends His promised Suffering Servant to redeem His people from the judgment they face (Isaiah 49-57) with the anticipation of entering into the future glory of the Messianic Kingdom (Isaiah 58-66)-Focus on the Threat from Babylon
A. (Isaiah 40:1–48:22) Supremacy of the Lord-Deliverance From Captivity / Ultimate Redemption – His Credentials as Sovereign Creator and as Accurate Predictor/Controller of the Future
1. (Isaiah 40:1-31) Introduction of Supremacy-Application = Promised Comfort of Zion
a. (Isaiah 40:1-11) Hope Derives from the Salvation and Governing Blessings Associated With the Promised Coming of Messiah
b. (Isaiah 40:12-31) Hope Requires Patiently Waiting on the Lord for Sustaining Strength and Perseverance Because of His Ultimate Supremacy and Significance
2. (Isaiah 41:1-29) Test of Supremacy = Who Calls the Shots-Challenge to False Gods to Prove Themselves
a. (Isaiah 41:1-7) God Calls All the Shots-The Supreme “I AM”
b. (Isaiah 41:8-20) God’s Covenant People Have No Need to Fear and Much Cause for Rejoicing
c. (Isaiah 41:21-29) False Gods Are Powerless to Call the Shots
3. (Isaiah 42:1-25) Praise of Supremacy
a. (Isaiah 42:1-9) Servant Song #1-Predicted Justice on Earth is Coming
b. (Isaiah 42:10-17) New Universal Songs of Praise for God Fulfilling His Promises
c. (Isaiah 42:18-25) Warning: Clueless Israel Still Unresponsive to God’s Discipline
4. (Isaiah 43:1-44:5) Redemptive Purposes of Supremacy
a. (Isaiah 43:1-13) Confidence and Certainty in God’s Redemptive Purposes
1) God’s Special Relationship to His People Reinforces Our Confidence in God’s Redemptive Purposes
2) God’s Identity as the One True God Makes Certain the Performance of His Redemptive Purposes
b. (Isaiah 43:22-44:5) God’s Gracious Forgiveness Can Transform Worthless Worship Into Surprising Salvation
5. (Isaiah 44:6-46:13) Uniqueness of God Undergirds His Supremacy
a. (Isaiah 44:6-23) Idolatry Makes No Sense In Light of the Uniqueness of God
b. (Isaiah 44:24-45:13) Divine Deliverance Orchestrated by the Unique Creator/Lord-Predicted Mission of Cyrus
c. (Isaiah 45:14-25) The Uniqueness of God Determines the Exclusivity of Salvation
d. (Isaiah 46:1-13) Superiority of the Sovereign Unique God Over the Idols of Babylon
6. (Isaiah 47:1-15) Humiliation of Babylon (and Their False Gods) For Opposing God’s Supremacy-Powerless to Deliver
7. (Isaiah 48:1-22) Warning Against Neglecting the Message of God’s Supremacy-Keys to Spiritual Listening “There is no peace for the wicked”
B. (Isaiah 49:1-57:21) Servant of the Lord-Suffering Precedes Glory
1. (Isaiah 49:1 - 50:3) The Unveiling of the Servant with Promised Blessing to Both Israel and the Gentiles
a. (Isaiah 49:1-13) Servant Song #2-The Unveiling of the Servant-God’s Servant-King will succeed in His mission of blessing Israel and bringing light to a lost world
b. (Isaiah 49:14-50:3) God has not abandoned the nation Israel
2. (Isaiah 50:4-11) Servant Song #3 -- The Marks of an Obedient Servant -- The victorious Servant/Disciple has God as his helper in effective communication and persevering commitment
3. (Isaiah 51:1-52:12) Preparation for Responding to the Mission of the Servant-Suffering Precedes Glory
a. (Isaiah 51:1-8) 3 Calls to Pay Attention -- Listen to God’s Word of Encouragement-Present pressures must not distract us from listening to God’s Word of encouragement regarding the consummation of salvation and righteousness
b. (Isaiah 51:9-52:12) 3 Wake Up Calls-Embrace the discipline of the Lord that ultimately leads to divine deliverance as sovereign redemption demonstrates that God reigns
4. (Isaiah 52:13-53:12) Servant Song #4 -- The Mission of the Suffering Servant in Accomplishing Redemption
a. (Isaiah 52:13-15) Stanza 1-The Exaltation of the Suffering Servant
b. (Isaiah 53:1-3) Stanza 2-The Rejection of the Despised Servant
c. (Isaiah 53:4-6) Stanza 3-The Substitution of the Punished Servant
d. (Isaiah 53:7-9) Stanza 4-The Silent Submission of the Sacrificed Servant
e. (Isaiah 53:10-12) Stanza 5 -- The Exaltation of the Satisfied Servant
5. (Isaiah 54:1-56:8)) Results of Redemption Accomplished by the Suffering Servant
a. (Isaiah 54:1-17) 3 Rocks of Security for the Redeemed People of God
1) (Isaiah 54:1-5) Rock of a Fruitful, Growing Family
2) (Isaiah 54:6-10) Rock of Committed Love in Marriage
3) (Isaiah 54:11-17) Rock of Glorious Fortified City as the Heritage of the Servants of the Lord
b. (Isaiah 55:1-13) 3 Superior Aspects of the Gospel of God-God Offers Joy and Peace at No Cost to Anyone Who Will Seek Him in Repentance Before it is Too Late
1) (Isaiah 55:1-5) Command to Come-Superior in terms of its Universal and Grace Oriented Salvation
2) (Isaiah 55:6-11) Command to Seek-Superior in terms of its Power to Save
3) (Isaiah 55:12-13) Command to Celebrate-Superior in terms of its Outcome
c. (Isaiah 56:1-8) Outsiders Can Become Insiders-Blessing Promised to All Who Commit to God’s Righteousness –Even Gentiles and Eunuchs
6. (Isaiah 56:9-57:21) Condemnation Remains for Self-Serving Leadership and Man-Made Religion
a. (Isaiah 56:9-12) Condemnation of Self Serving Leadership-God Invites Unsuspecting Disaster Upon the Self Serving Leaders Who Should Be Protecting and Feeding his Vulnerable Flock
b. (Isaiah 57:1-21) Man-Made Religion Can Never Produce Peace -- Peace Only Comes From Sovereign Grace of a Holy God
“There is no peace for the wicked”
C. (Isaiah 58:1-66:24) Salvation of the Lord-Future Glory Lies Ahead
1. (Isaiah 58:1– 59:15a) The Need for Salvation
a. (Isaiah 58:1-14) Israel Characterized by the False Worship of Hypocritical Ritual –Only Genuine Worship Brings Blessing
1) (Isaiah 58:2-12) Blessing Associated Only With Genuine Fasting
2) (Isaiah 58:13-14a) Blessing Associated Only With Genuine Sabbath Keeping
b. (Isaiah 59:1-15a) Israel Characterized as a Depraved Society –The Pervasive, Corrupting Impact of Sin Leaves Society Devoid of Truth, Justice and Righteousness
1) (Isaiah 59:1-8) Sin’s Culpability and Condemnation
2) (Isaiah 59:9-15a) Sin’s Consequences and Confession
2.(Isaiah 59:15b– 63:6) The Anticipation of Eschatological Salvation
a. (Isaiah 59:15b-21) The Redeemer-Warrior Comes to Execute Both Salvation and Vengeance
1) (Isaiah 59:15b-20) The Provision of Redemption and Execution of Vengeance
2) (Isaiah 59:21) The Promise of Redemption = The New Covenant
b. (Isaiah 60:1-22) The Magnetic Draw of the Light of the Lord in the Millennial Kingdom (10 Stanzas)
1a) (Isaiah 60:1-5) The Light of the Lord Becomes the Light of Israel (Stanza 1 & 2)
2a) (Isaiah 60:6-9) Transformation of Israel– a Magnet and a Mirror (Stanza 3 & 4)
3) (Isaiah 60:10-14) Transformation of the Nations to Serve Israel and Worship the Holy One of Israel
(Isaiah 60:10-11) Edification and Enrichment (Stanza 5)
(Isaiah 60:12) PIVOT VERSE– Contrasting Abrahamic Curse
(Isaiah 60:13-14) Beautification and Bowing Down in Genuine Worship (Stanza 6)
2b) (Isaiah 60:15-18) Transformation of Israel (Stanza 7 & 8)
1b) (Isaiah 60:19-22) The Light of the Lord Shines Forever (Stanza 9 & 10)
c. (Isaiah 61:1-11) The Promised Messiah Comes on a Mission of Blessing and Vengeance
1) (Isaiah 61:1-3) The Mission of Messiah Involves Both Blessing and Vengeance
2) (Isaiah 61:4-9) The Mission of Messiah Transforms Israel’s Status Among the Nations ---Distinct Roles for Both Gentile Nations and Israel in the Redeemer’s Mission
3) (Isaiah 61:10-11) The Mission of Messiah Brings Great Joy for its Righteousness and Fruitfulness
d. (Isaiah 62:1-12) The Lord Swears He Will Bring Salvation and Righteousness to His Holy City Jerusalem
1) (Isaiah 62:1-5) Promise of Fulfillment
2) (Isaiah 65:6-9) Two Guarantees of Fulfillment
3) (Isaiah 65:10-12) Anticipation of Fulfillment
e. (Isaiah 63:1-6) The Messiah-Warrior Stained With Blood Comes to Execute Divine Vengeance
1) (Isaiah 63:1) Who is Coming to Execute Divine Vengeance?
2) (Isaiah 63:2-6) Why Does He Look Like He Does = Garments Stained With Red Blood?
3. (Isaiah 63:7– 65:16) The Petition for Salvation
a. (Isaiah 63:7– 64:12) Appealing to the Lord’s Lovingkindness for Mercy and Deliverance
1) (Isaiah 63:7-14) Remembering God’s Faithful Love
2) (Isaiah 63:15– 64:12) Reaching Out to God for Mercy and Deliverance
b. (Isaiah 65:1-16) Provoking God by False Worship Brings Divine Retribution in Contrast to Salvation
1) (Isaiah 65:1-7) Divine Retribution for False Worship
2) (Isaiah 65:8-16) Two Contrasts Between Those Who are Blessed and Those Who are Cursed
4. (Isaiah 65:17–66:24) The Realization of Salvation
a. (Isaiah 65:17-25) Rejoicing in Anticipation of Millennial Blessings
1) (Isaiah 65:17-19a) Creation of New Heavens and New Earth / Millennial Environment
2) (Isaiah 65:19b-25) Characteristics of New Heavens and New Earth / Millennial Blessings
b. (Isaiah 66:1-24) Final Contrasts– False and True Worship / Eschatological Judgment and Salvation
1) (Isaiah 66:1-6) Our Attitude Towards the Word of God Determines the Legitimacy of our Worship
2) (Isaiah 66:7-14) Reborn Jerusalem Will Provide Ample Sustenance to God’s People
3) (Isaiah 66:15-25) Culmination of Judgment and Salvation in the End Times– When things come to an end they will continue on forever
a. (Isaiah 66:15-18a) The Eschatological Judgment of the Lord is Determined, Devastating and Deserved
b. (Isaiah 66:18b-23) The Eschatological Salvation of God’s People is Determined, Glorious and Gracious
c. (Isaiah 66:24) The Eschatological Judgment of the Lord is Determined, Devastating and Deserved– and Unending and Repulsive
- Isaiah 1:1 Commentary
- Isaiah 1:2 Commentary
- Isaiah 1:3 Commentary
- Isaiah 1:4 Commentary
- Isaiah 1:5 Commentary
- Isaiah 1:6 Commentary
- Isaiah 1:7 Commentary
- Isaiah 1:8 Commentary
- Isaiah 1:9 Commentary
- Isaiah 1:10 Commentary
- Isaiah 1:11 Commentary
- Isaiah 1:12 Commentary
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- Isaiah 1:14 Commentary
- Isaiah 1:15 Commentary
- Isaiah 1:16 Commentary
- Isaiah 1:17 Commentary
- Isaiah 1:18 Commentary
- Isaiah 1:19 Commentary
- Isaiah 1:20 Commentary
- Isaiah 1:21 Commentary
- Isaiah 1:22 Commentary
- Isaiah 1:23 Commentary
- Isaiah 1:24 Commentary
- Isaiah 1:25 Commentary
- Isaiah 1:26 Commentary
- Isaiah 1:27 Commentary
- Isaiah 1:28 Commentary
- Isaiah 1:29 Commentary
- Isaiah 1:30 Commentary
- Isaiah 1:31 Commentary
- Isaiah 2:1 Commentary
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- Isaiah 2:3 Commentary
- Isaiah 2:4 Commentary
- Isaiah 2:5 Commentary
- Isaiah 2:6 Commentary
- Isaiah 2:7 Commentary
- Isaiah 2:8 Commentary
- Isaiah 2:9 Commentary
- Isaiah 2:10 Commentary
- Isaiah 2:11 Commentary
- Isaiah 2:12 Commentary
- Isaiah 2:13 Commentary
- Isaiah 2:14 Commentary
- Isaiah 2:15 Commentary
- Isaiah 2:16 Commentary
- Isaiah 2:17 Commentary
- Isaiah 2:18 Commentary
- Isaiah 2:19 Commentary
- Isaiah 2:20 Commentary
- Isaiah 2:21 Commentary
- Isaiah 2:22 Commentary
- Isaiah 3:1 Commentary
- Isaiah 3:2 Commentary
- Isaiah 3:3 Commentary
- Isaiah 3:4 Commentary
- Isaiah 3:5 Commentary
- Isaiah 3:6 Commentary
- Isaiah 3:7 Commentary
- Isaiah 3:8 Commentary
- Isaiah 3:9 Commentary
- Isaiah 3:10 Commentary
- Isaiah 3:11 Commentary
- Isaiah 3:12 Commentary
- Isaiah 3:13 Commentary
- Isaiah 3:14 Commentary
- Isaiah 3:15 Commentary
- Isaiah 3:16 Commentary
- Isaiah 3:17 Commentary
- Isaiah 3:18 Commentary
- Isaiah 3:19 Commentary
- Isaiah 3:20 Commentary
- Isaiah 3:21 Commentary
- Isaiah 3:22 Commentary
- Isaiah 3:23 Commentary
- Isaiah 3:24 Commentary
- Isaiah 3:25 Commentary
- Isaiah 3:26 Commentary
- Isaiah 4:1 Commentary
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- Isaiah 4:4 Commentary
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- Isaiah 4:6 Commentary
- Isaiah 5:1 Commentary
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- Isaiah 5:9 Commentary
- Isaiah 5:10 Commentary
- Isaiah 5:11 Commentary
- Isaiah 5:12 Commentary
- Isaiah 5:13 Commentary
- Isaiah 5:14 Commentary
- Isaiah 5:15 Commentary
- Isaiah 5:16 Commentary
- Isaiah 5:17 Commentary
- Isaiah 5:18 Commentary
- Isaiah 5:19 Commentary
- Isaiah 5:20 Commentary
- Isaiah 5:21 Commentary
- Isaiah 5:22 Commentary
- Isaiah 5:23 Commentary
- Isaiah 5:24 Commentary
- Isaiah 5:25 Commentary
- Isaiah 5:26 Commentary
- Isaiah 5:27 Commentary
- Isaiah 5:28 Commentary
- Isaiah 5:29 Commentary
- Isaiah 5:30 Commentary
- Isaiah 6:1 Commentary
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- Isaiah 6:12 Commentary
- Isaiah 6:13 Commentary
- Isaiah 7:1 Commentary
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- Isaiah 7:11 Commentary
- Isaiah 7:12 Commentary
- Isaiah 7:13 Commentary
- Isaiah 7:14 Commentary
- Isaiah 7:15 Commentary
- Isaiah 7:16 Commentary
- Isaiah 7:17 Commentary
- Isaiah 7:18 Commentary
- Isaiah 7:19 Commentary
- Isaiah 7:20 Commentary
- Isaiah 7:21 Commentary
- Isaiah 7:22 Commentary
- Isaiah 7:23 Commentary
- Isaiah 7:24 Commentary
- Isaiah 7:25 Commentary
- Isaiah 8:1 Commentary
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- Isaiah 8:13 Commentary
- Isaiah 8:14 Commentary
- Isaiah 8:15 Commentary
- Isaiah 8:16 Commentary
- Isaiah 8:17 Commentary
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- Isaiah 8:19 Commentary
- Isaiah 8:20 Commentary
- Isaiah 8:21 Commentary
- Isaiah 8:22 Commentary
- Isaiah 9:1 Commentary
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- Isaiah 9:11 Commentary
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- Isaiah 9:13 Commentary
- Isaiah 9:14 Commentary
- Isaiah 9:15 Commentary
- Isaiah 9:16 Commentary
- Isaiah 9:17 Commentary
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- Isaiah 9:19 Commentary
- Isaiah 9:20 Commentary
- Isaiah 9:21 Commentary
- Isaiah 10:1 Commentary
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- Isaiah 10:11 Commentary
- Isaiah 10:12 Commentary
- Isaiah 10:13 Commentary
- Isaiah 10:14 Commentary
- Isaiah 10:15 Commentary
- Isaiah 10:16 Commentary
- Isaiah 10:17 Commentary
- Isaiah 10:18 Commentary
- Isaiah 10:19 Commentary
- Isaiah 10:20 Commentary
- Isaiah 10:21 Commentary
- Isaiah 10:22 Commentary
- Isaiah 10:23 Commentary
- Isaiah 10:24 Commentary
- Isaiah 10:25 Commentary
- Isaiah 10:26 Commentary
- Isaiah 10:27 Commentary
- Isaiah 10:28 Commentary
- Isaiah 10:29 Commentary
- Isaiah 10:30 Commentary
- Isaiah 10:31 Commentary
- Isaiah 10:32 Commentary
- Isaiah 10:33 Commentary
- Isaiah 10:34 Commentary
- Isaiah 11:1 Commentary
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- Isaiah 11:13 Commentary
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- Isaiah 11:15 Commentary
- Isaiah 11:16 Commentary
- Isaiah 12:1 Commentary
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- Isaiah 13:13 Commentary
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- Isaiah 13:15 Commentary
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- Isaiah 13:19 Commentary
- Isaiah 13:20 Commentary
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- Isaiah 34:13 Commentary
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- Isaiah 34:15 Commentary
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- Isaiah 35:1 Commentary
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- Isaiah 49:1 Commentary
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- Isaiah 49:13 Commentary
- Isaiah 49:14 Commentary
- Isaiah 49:15 Commentary
- Isaiah 49:16 Commentary
- Isaiah 49:17 Commentary
- Isaiah 49:18 Commentary
- Isaiah 49:19 Commentary
- Isaiah 49:20 Commentary
- Isaiah 49:21 Commentary
- Isaiah 49:22 Commentary
- Isaiah 49:23 Commentary
- Isaiah 49:24 Commentary
- Isaiah 49:25 Commentary
- Isaiah 49:26 Commentary
- Isaiah 50:1 Commentary
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- Isaiah 50:11 Commentary
- Isaiah 53:1 Commentary
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- Isaiah 53:6 Commentary
- Isaiah 53:7 Commentary
- Isaiah 53:8 Commentary
- Isaiah 53:9 Commentary
- Isaiah 53:10 Commentary
- Isaiah 53:11 Commentary
- Isaiah 53:12 Commentary
- Isaiah 53:13 Commentary
- Isaiah 53:14 Commentary
- Isaiah 53:15 Commentary
- Isaiah 53:16 Commentary
- Isaiah 53:17 Commentary
- Isaiah 61:1 Commentary
- Isaiah 61:2 Commentary
- Isaiah 61:3 Commentary
- Isaiah 61:4 Commentary
- Isaiah 61:5 Commentary
- Isaiah 61:6 Commentary
- Isaiah 61:7 Commentary
- Isaiah 61:8 Commentary
- Isaiah 61:9 Commentary
- Isaiah 61:10 Commentary
- Isaiah 61:11 Commentary
- Isaiah 63:1-6 Commentary - Jesus is "Mighty to Save!"
- Isaiah 63:2 Commentary
- Isaiah 63:3 Commentary
- Isaiah 63:4 Commentary
- Isaiah 63:5 Commentary
- Isaiah 63:6 Commentary
- Isaiah 52:13 Commentary
- Isaiah 63:1-6 In Depth Commentary - Jesus declares "I Am Mighty to Save!"
- Mighty to Save - related study
- Isaiah 40:31 In Depth Commentary - Those Who Wait Upon the LORD will gain new strength!
This is a verse by verse, phrase by phrase, occasionally even word by word 178 page commentary from a literal, pre-millennial perspective. Includes numerous word studies, quotes and devotionals.
- Isaiah 53 Background
- Isaiah 52:13 Commentary
- Isaiah 52:14 Commentary
- Isaiah 52:15 Commentary
- Isaiah 53:1 Commentary
- Isaiah 53:2 Commentary
- Isaiah 53:3 Commentary
- Isaiah 53:4 Commentary
- Isaiah 53:5 Commentary
- Isaiah 53:6 Commentary
- Isaiah 53:7 Commentary
- Isaiah 53:8 Commentary
- Isaiah 53:9 Commentary
- Isaiah 53:10 Commentary
- Isaiah 53:11 Commentary
- Isaiah 53:12 Commentary
Explanation - The following list includes not only commentaries but other Christian works by well known evangelical writers. Most of the resources below are newer works (written after 1970) which previously were available only for purchase in book form or in a Bible computer program. The resources are made freely available by but have several caveats - (1) they do not allow copy and paste, (2) they can only be checked out for one hour (but can be checked out immediately when your hour expires giving you time to read or take notes on a lengthy section) and (3) they require creating an account which allows you to check out the books free of charge. To set up an account click and then click the picture of the person in right upper corner and enter email and a password. That's all you have to do. Then you can read these more modern resources free of charge! I have read or used many of these resources but not all of them so ultimately you will need to be a Berean (Acts 17:11+) as you use them. I have also selected works that are conservative and Biblically sound. If you find one that you think does not meet those criteria please send an email at
Be Comforted (Isaiah) by Wiersbe, Warren - Always worth checking. Literal.
Bible Exposition Commentary - Old Testament
With the Word - Devotional Commentary - Warren Wiersbe
Wiersbe's Expository Outlines on the Old Testament by Wiersbe, Warren W
"Even the most difficult Scriptures come alive as Warren Wiersbe leads you book-by-book through the Old Testament and helps you to see the "big picture" of God's revelation. In this unique volume, you will find: • Introductions and/or outlines for every Old Testament book • Practical expositions of strategic chapters • Special studies on key topics, relating the Old Testament to the New Testament • Easy-to-understand expositions that are practical, preachable, and teachable If you have used Dr. Wiersbe's popular BE series, you know how simple and practical his Bible studies are, with outlines that almost teach themselves. If not, you can now discover a wonderful new resource. This work is a unique commentary on every book of the Old Testament. It contains new material not to be found in the BE series.
Bible Knowledge Commentary - Old Testament - 1608 pages. Dallas Theological Seminary - Literal. Isaiah written by John A Martin. (About 100 pages of commentary)
James Rosscup - Martin briefly defends unity by Isaiah, then provides a succinct, carefully-studied and clear commentary following a good outline. On problem passages he often offers views and reasons, but is brief due to his limitations of space. On the Servant Songs he provides logic for seeing fulfillment in Jesus Christ, and in many texts he argues for realization in a future earthly millennial era, after the Second Advent. He sees many passages fulfilled in Old Testament days and is quite specific about historical details that match these. Cf. also the related book he and his father wrote: Alfred Martin and John Martin, Isaiah: The Glory of the Messiah (Chicago: Moody, 1983).
Events to come : a study in Isaiah By: Martin, Alfred, 1916- This is a study guide and not the full commentary "Isaiah: The Glory of the Messiah."
Cyril Barber (Comment on full commentary "Isaiah: The Glory of the Messiah.") Though designed for laypeople, this treatment of the theme of Isaiah can only be described as brilliant. It is a masterful summation of what God chose to reveal through this OT prophet. It is happily free from critical issues and maintains the unity of Isaiah's thought. It builds on a consistent eschatological foundation so that NT truths are brought into harmony with the OT without confusing Israel and the church.
Isaiah Prophecies Promises Warning by W.E Vine. Recommended resource which takes a literal approach.
James Rosscup - Though this helpful work of a premillennial nature is somewhat brief, it often refers to the original text and observes the syntax. It contributes to the student who has other works which get into the details more at length.
The Book of Isaiah. Chapters 1-39 by Oswalt, John N.
Cyril Barber - This is a very extensive, scholarly and generally reliable commentary, discussing the historical background, unity, date, and authorship of Isaiah's prophecy. Oswalt assesses the prophet's theology under four topics: the nature of God; humanity and the world; sin; and redemption. He follows this with a lucid exposition. Pastors will find his handling of the text most helpful.
James Rosscup - This and Motyer’s longer work rate high among evangelical products of the past few years, offering belief in supernatural prophecy, even if amillennial on passages relating to the future kingdom and Israel’s restoration. Oswalt provides a diligent fullness of comment, with readable and usually clear explanations of passages.
Isaiah : an introduction and commentary Tyndale OT Commentary Series - 416 pages - Alex Motyer - 1999 - Note this is NOT the longer The Prophecy of Isaiah: An Introduction & Commentary. which is highly ranked by Tim Challies. In his comments on the longer work he writes "Motyer has written a couple of commentaries on Isaiah; this is the longer and better of the two and should not be confused with his contribution to the Tyndale Commentary on the Old Testament (though that one is also worth consulting)."
James Rosscup - This compact work retains much wording and the essence of Motyer’s longer product (above). It does not have as much grammar, word study, and other detail. Some material is new. All in all, verse by verse, this is a lucid, helpful aid for teachers wanting a highly competent assist, and for pastors, students, and lay readers, except on details of prophecy. It ranks among the best medium-length expository sources, usually contributing well on verses. For prophecy (ED: ISAIAH IS FILLED WITH PROPHECY!), one can gain a better framework and perspective in Robert L. Thomas’s comments on Isaiah, done for The MacArthur Study Bible, and also the comments in Bible Knowledge Commentary, Vol. 2, or in W. E. Vine’s work (Isaiah Prophecies Promises Warning), as examples.
James Rosscup: (ED: This comment is on longer work The Prophecy of Isaiah: An Introduction & Commentary.) Motyer in this 594-pp. book draws on three decades of study in Isaiah to help readers by careful evangelical, exegetical work in grammar, word study, context, background, customs, and theology. He meets problems, not dodging them or putting a haze on them. He combines clarity with fresh and stimulating style and even an eye for relevancy today. He believes that Isaiah 7:14 refers to “the divine son of David” (86), defending this view and connecting the child with the mighty God in Isaiah 9:6–7. Characteristics of the work are discussion of issues and obvious broad adeptness in the scholarly literature about his subjects (cf. the footnotes on writings and problems). This work, despite Amillennial views on prophetical parts, which show blinders as to a true system in which God will fulfill details, has to rate as one of the top recent commentaries. Cf. also Motyer’s somewhat condensed work on Isaiah (408 smaller pp.). on the amillennial approach - "the fact that fulfilled prophecy was fulfilled literally is the best reason of all for assuming that unfulfilled prophecy will also be literally fulfilled. The prophecies concerning Christ's first coming were all fulfilled literally. Therefore, prophecies concerning Christ's second coming should also be expected to be fulfilled literally. For these reasons, an allegorical interpretation of unfulfilled prophecy should be rejected and a literal or normal interpretation of unfulfilled prophecy should be adopted. Amillennialism fails in that it uses inconsistent hermeneutics, namely, interpreting unfulfilled prophecy differently from fulfilled prophecy." Amillennialism
Cyril Barber on Tyndale OT Commentary Series - 416 pages. Motyer, J. Alex. The Prophecy of Isaiah: An Introduction and Commentary - A wise and winsome guide by an acknowledged evangelical Bible scholar. Isaiah’s prophecies are strung out along a historical timeline. Motyer finds three central, recurring themes--the Messiah presented as King, Servant, and Anointed Conqueror. Preachers will find this work exceedingly helpful. Amillennial.
Unger's Commentary on the Old Testament (Volume 2 - Isaiah - Malachi) by Unger, Merrill Frederick. Literal.
Interpreting Isaiah : the suffering and glory of the Messiah By: Wolf, Herbert,
Cyril Barber - The many quotations and allusions to Isaiah in the NT provide a vital clue to understanding this prophetic work. Indeed, one of the most fruitful challenges in the preparation of this book was the interpretation of those quotations and allusions, especially the ones that refer to the Person and work of Christ. Wolfs main concern is to explain clearly the meaning of Isaiah's words and concepts and in that way begin to fathom the meaning of his prophecies about the future of God's people in a world that will be judged and then marvelously renewed.
The Gospel of Isaiah by Allan A. Macrae Chicago: Moody Press, 1977.
James Rosscup - The President and Professor of Old Testament at Biblical School of Theology in Hatfield, PA wrote this. He was one of Dr. Robert Dick Wilson’s outstanding students. The work is not a commentary but a book elucidating themes in Isaiah 40:1–56:8, showing the interrelation of thoughts and the development of themes, based on the original Hebrew. The section has more verses cited in the New Testament than any other Old Testament passage of its length. Several portions of Handel’s Messiah came from here. The chapter on Cyrus as God’s instrument has many good insights (cf. p. 29), as do the discussions on Isaiah 40 and the several chapters on the Servant of the Lord in Isaiah 41–53, and the thoughts on chapters 54–56.
Cyril Barber - A brilliant study of the servant motif in Isaiah 40:1-56:8. Opens up the content for examination and discussion. Recommended
The Prophecy of Isaiah - volume 1 The Prophecy of Isaiah - volume 2 - G Campbell Morgan
James Rosscup - A thorough analytical treatment of a pre-millennial nature which some have regarded as one of the finest broad studies on Isaiah.
Commentary on Isaiah By: Bultema, Harry Translated from Dutch by Cornelius Lambregtse. Grand Rapids: Kregel, 1981, original publication In Dutch, 1923. 630 pp.
James Rosscup - Bultema (1884–1952), greatly nurtured for Christ by a Christian mother in the Netherlands, studied at Calvin College and Seminary and pastored Christian Reformed churches. He became persuaded of premillennial dispensationalism and left the Christian Reformed movement to found the Muskegon Berean Church. He writes a respectable commentary verse by verse, sometimes going into detail on arguments to distinguish Israel with its past and future from the church of the present (cf. pp. 51–53 and often in Chapters 40–66). He prefers the Messianic view of 7:14 but is brief and weak in discussion of such a debated verse. He argues on 11:9 that there will be literal animals in the glorified state of the new earth, that Isa 14:12 refers not merely to the king of Babylon but to Satan, and that Isa 26:19f refers to resurrection of believers. In introducing Chapters 40–66, he offers ten arguments that the same writer who penned 1–39 also wrote these. This is a fairly good commentary despite such a view as on Isa 11:9.
Isaiah. 1-33 Volume: 24 Word Biblical Commentary - Watts, John D. W
Cyril Barber - Awakens new interest in Isaiah's early prophecies. Describes the change in God's dealings with His people. Important themes are to be found in these pages: the day of the Lord, true servanthood, God's discipline of the nations, and the like. Excurses on theological themes are included. A redactional exposition.
Isaiah - Volume 1 (chapters 1-32) Volume 2 - Daily Study Bible. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1984. By: Sawyer, John F. A
Cyril Barber - Covering chapters 1-32, this well-outlined discussion succeeds in elucidating the main tenets of Isaiah's indictment of Israel
Isaiah By: Ridderbos, Jan - Bible Students' Commentary. Translated by J. Vriend. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, Regency Reference Library, 1984
Cyril Barber - Part of the Korte Verklaring Der Heilige Schrift. This study deals adequately and conservatively with the history of the times and the unity of Isaiah's prophecy. Students will find Ridderbos' treatment to be insightfully written and exegetically sound.
James Rosscup - This is evangelical, originally in a Dutch series in 1950–51 for lay readers without Hebrew. The NIV has been edited. The introduction is so taken up with authorship issues that it fails to deal with the aim, theology, unique characteristics and other matters that give perspective. Ridderbos sums up each section at the outset of it, and often has beneficial exegesis and theology on verses, with some freshly stimulating insights. He is amillennial on prophecy of Israel’s future but gives reasons for Messianic fulfillment in such texts as the Servant Songs. It is a very good commentary on many passages, and in his amillennial stand shows how one of that persuasion reasons his view.
Understanding the Old Testament Proverbs, Isaiah, Jeremiah by Scripture Union
Isaiah : Bible study commentary by Garland, D. David
James Rosscup - A handy premillennial survey of Isaiah, holding to the book’s unity, using a good outline, giving a competent overall view of the book and comments on some key passages.
Exposition of Isaiah By: Leupold, H. C. (Herbert Carl), 1892- Exposition of Isaiah.Published: 1976
Cyril Barber - Defends the unity of this prophecy and furnishes a satisfying exposition. Amillennial
James Rosscup - Leupold, as usual, offers much detail in explaining verses from the standpoint of the background, Hebrew word meanings, customs, and the context. It is a fine commentary and is a good recent example of amillennial understanding on prophetical sections such as Isaiah 2, 4, 9, 11, 24–27, 35, 40–66 in relation to the fulfillment of messianic and kingdom hopes.
The prophets of Israel by Wood, Leon
A thoroughly conservative work, very clearly written, in two sections, prophetism and the prophets. Wood under the first division goes into the identity, meaning of “to prophesy,” function, the Holy Spirit and prophecy, and other aspects. In the second, he discusses in some detail prophets before Samuel, Samuel, monarchy prophets, and the writing prophets from the ninth century to post-exilic days. This is a fine book that gives the student or pastor a much better, integrated understanding of the prophets behind the prophetic books.
Note: The first 3 resources have no time restriction and allow copy and paste function:
(1) KJV Bible Commentary - Hindson, Edward E; Kroll, Woodrow Michael. Over 3000 pages of the entire OT/NT. Well done conservative commentary that interprets Scripture from a literal perspective. Pre-millennial. User reviews - it generally gets 4/5 stars from users.
Very well done conservative commentary that interprets Scripture from a literal perspective user reviews
The King James Version Bible Commentary is a complete verse-by-verse commentary. It is comprehensive in scope, reliable in scholarship, and easy to use. Its authors are leading evangelical theologians who provide practical truths and biblical principles. Any Bible student will gain new insights through this one-volume commentary based on the timeless King James Version of the Bible.
(2) The King James Study Bible Second Edition 2240 pages (2013) (Thomas Nelson) General Editor - Edward Hindson with multiple contributing editors. Pre-millennial. See introduction on How to Use this Study Bible.
(3) NKJV Study Bible: New King James Version Study Bible (formerly "The Nelson Study Bible - NKJV") by Earl D Radmacher; Ronald Barclay Allen; Wayne H House. 2345 pages. (1997, 2007). Very helpful notes. Conservative. Pre-millennial.
The MacArthur study Bible : new King James version - John MacArthur
ESV Study Bible - The discerning reader must understand that the ESV notes are not always literal in eschatological passages including those that deal with the future of the literal nation of Israel.
Example: In comments on Isaiah 35+, which speaks of the future Messianic kingdom, here is the ESV note on Isa 35:5, 6+ Then...then - "The prophet points to the promised future, inaugurated in the first coming of Jesus Christ (Luke 4:16–21; 7:18–23) and fully consummated at his second coming (Rev. 21:4; 22:1–5)." Notice how this comment completely skips over the 1000 years (mentioned 6 times) in Revelation 20+, and goes to the New Heaven and the New Earth! The ESV comment continues "Isaiah contrasts God’s people (NOTICE AVOIDANCE OF MENTION OF THE NATION TO WHOM THIS PROPHECY WAS GIVEN - ISRAEL!), suffering now but destined for heightened powers of enjoyment in a new world...." Commenting on the "highway" in Isa 35:8+ the ESV spiritualizes the passage writing "God’s pilgrim people (AGAIN ESV AVOIDS SAYING "ISRAEL"!) are led forward to Zion, singing their way into their eternal home." Numerous other examples could be cited, but these examples should give you a sense of the non-literal bias. Be a Berean (Acts 17:11+)!
NIV Study Bible - (2011) 2570 pages - Use this one if available as it has more notes than edition below. This resource has been fully revised in 2020.
HCSB Study Bible : Holman Christian Standard Bible - General Editor Jeremy Royal Howard (2010) 2360 pages. Conservative. Good notes. Include Holmans excellent maps. One hour limit
Life Application Study Bible : New Living Translation. Has some very helpful notes
NLT Study Bible (Illustration Version)
The Living Insights Study Bible : New International Version - Charles Swindoll. Notes are good but somewhat sparse and not verse by verse.
The David Jeremiah study bible - (2013) 2208 pages. - "Drawing on more than 40 years of study, Dr. David Jeremiah has compiled a legacy resource that will make an eternal impact on generations to come. 8,000 study notes. Hundreds of enriching word studies"50+ Essentials of the Christian Faith" articles."
The Experiencing God Study Bible: the Bible for knowing and doing the will of God - Blackaby, Henry (1996) 1968 pages - CHECK THIS ONE! Each chapter begins with several questions under the title "PREPARE TO MEET GOD." Then you will interesting symbols before many of the passages. The chapter ends with a "DID YOU NOTICE?" question. This might make a "dry chapter" jump off the page!
NIV Archaeological Study Bible (2005) 2360 pages 950 ratings- Has the full text of the Scripture with study notes at bottom of page. Pages are dark and slightly blurred but still legible. Comments are historical, cultural, and archaeological.
The Ryrie study Bible - Charles Ryrie (1978) 2142 pages. Conservative.
The Defender's Study Bible : King James Version by Morris, Henry M.
Wycliffe Bible Commentary - Charles Pfeiffer - 1560 pages (1962). Less detailed than the KJV Bible Commentary. Conservative. Notes are generally verse by verse but brief.
Rosscup goes on to add these comments on Gleason Archer who authored the comments on Isaiah - Archer has packed a lot of good material into this commentary and is very helpful in historical and cultural details as well as the interpretation of difficult phrases. He takes a premillennial covenant viewpoint, so it is nothing unusual for him to refer prophecies concerning Israel to the church (ED: WOE! See What is replacement theology / supersessionism? Be a Berean!)
Believer's Bible Commentary - OT and NT - MacDonald, William (1995) 2480 pages. Conservative. Literal. Often has very insightful comments. John MacArthur, says "Concise yet comprehensive - the most complete single-volume commentary I have seen." Warren Wiersbe adds "For the student who is serious about seeing Christ in the Word." One hour limit.
James Rosscup - This work, originally issued in 1983, is conservative and premillennial, written to help teachers, preachers and people in every walk of life with different views, explanation and application.
Jensen's Survey of Bible - Old Testament and New Testament (online) by Jensen, Irving This is an outstanding resource and a great place to begin your study on any book of the Bible.
IVP Background Commentary - OT - John Walton
Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary - Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel. Well done notes explaining cultural/historical aspects of the texts with color pictures. Interesting resource to supplement your study of the major prophets.
Back toward the future : hints for interpreting Biblical prophecy by Kaiser, Walter C.,
The Old Testament in contemporary preaching by Kaiser, Walter
The uses of the Old Testament in the New by Kaiser, Walter C
Nelson's Expository Dictionary of the Old Testament by Unger, Merrill
Toward Old Testament ethics by Kaiser, Walter C.
Toward an Old Testament theology by Kaiser, Walter
The promise-plan of God : a biblical theology of the Old and New Testaments by Kaiser, Walter C - Excellent.
The Messiah in the Old Testament by Kaiser, Walter C
Every prophecy of the Bible: Walvoord, John F
Zondervan Atlas of The Bible By: Umair Mirza
Dictionary of Biblical Imagery - free for use online with no restrictions (i.e., you do not need to borrow this book). Editors Leland Ryken, J C Wilhoit, Tremper Longman III - This is a potential treasure chest to aid your preaching and teaching as it analyzes the meaning of a host of Biblical figures of speech. Clue - use the "One-page view" which then allows you to copy and paste text. One downside is there is no index, so you need to search 3291 pages for entries which are alphabetical.
Archaeology and the Bible - OT and NT - only 123 pages. No division by books. Strictly confines itself to discussion of archaeology.
Dictionary of deities and demons in the Bible (DDD) - 950 pages (1995) Read some of the 65 ratings (4.8/5 Stars). A definitive in depth resource on this subject. Very expensive to purchase.
Unger's bible handbook : a best-selling guide to understanding the bible by Unger, Merrill F
Rosscup - A former Professor of Old testament at Dallas Seminary, evangelical writer of many scholarly books, did this in his late years. He has sections on each Bible book, archaeology, Major Prophets, Minor Prophets, between the testaments, the four gospels, epistles of Paul, how the Bible came to us, Bible statistics, outline of church history, creation stories, Ur of Abram’s day, Egypt, Assyria, the Chaldean empire, demonism, miracles, Bethlehem, Dead Sea scrolls, Corinth, Ephesus, Rome, etc. The work includes more than 20 charts and 30 maps and has color sections. Unger has good material at some points in surveying passages, dealing with certain problems, etc., and handles the long-range prophecies in a premillennial way. Often he is very cursory.
Halley's Bible Handbook Henry H. Halley - (2000) 2720 pages (much larger than original edition in 1965 and no time limit on use). (Halley's Bible handbook : an abbreviated Bible commentary - one hour limit 1965 872 pages)
Rosscup - A much-used older evangelical handbook bringing together a brief commentary on Bible books, some key archaeological findings, historical background, maps, quotes, etc. It is helpful to a lay Bible teacher, Sunday School leader, or pastor looking for quick, pertinent information on a Bible book. This is the 72nd printing somewhat revised. Halley packed in much information. Unger’s is better overall, but that is not to say that Halley’s will not provide much help on basic information.
The Shaw Pocket Bible Handbook - Editor - Walter Elwell (1984) 408 pages.
"This hardback is small in size but packed full of content: Brief summaries of every book of the bible, cultural, archaeological and historical info, word definitions, pictures, maps and charts." Worth checking!
Eerdmans' Handbook to the Bible (1983) 688 pages
What the Bible is All About Henrietta Mears
The New Unger's Bible Dictionary by Unger, Merrill Frederick, 1909-
J.Sidlow Baxter: Explore The Book - pdf
- Vol. 1 Genesis to Joshua
- Vol. 2 Judges to Esther
- Vol. 3 Job to Lamentations
- Vol. 4 Ezekiel to Malachi
- Vol. 5 The Gospels
- Vol. 6 Acts to Revelation
The Apologetics Study Bible Understand Why You Believe - Comments from over 90 leading apologists, including: Ted Cabal, Lee Strobel, Chuck Colson, Norm Geisler, Josh McDowell, Albert Mohler, J.P. Moreland, see reviews. Here is a review from The Christian Reviewer.
Baker Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics by Norman Geisler
Cyril Barber - This is a goldmine of valuable information! Well-indexed. Covers everything from “Absolute Truth” to “Zen Buddhism.” Extensive articles on such topics as “Agnosticism,” “Annihilationism,” “Bible, Alleged Errors in,” “Gnosticism,” “Miracles in the Bible,” “New Testament Manuscripts,” and “Objections to Resurrection,” “Big Bang Theory,” “Edward John Carnell,” “Christ, Death of,” are only a few of the insightful essays in this masterful work. Each article has been written in an understandable way, and a 28 page bibliography forms a valuable source for further research. An excellent resource.
The Kingdom of the Cults by Walter Martin (another source without restrictions or here)
Mormons : answered verse by verse David Reed
Jehovah's Witnesses : answered verse by verse David Reed
Evidence That Demands A Verdict - Josh McDowell (no restrictions)
The New Evidence that Demands a Verdict - Josh McDowell (no restrictions)
More Than A Carpenter - A modern classic by Josh McDowell - Great resource for those who are skeptical that Jesus is fully God, fully Man.
Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties by Archer, Gleason L - or here with no restrictions
Hard Sayings of the Bible - Walter Kaiser
When Critics Ask - Norman Geisler
When Cultists Ask - Norman Geisler
When Skeptics Ask A Handbook - Norman Geisler
Today's Handbook of Bible Times & Customs by Coleman, William L
Nelson's New Illustrated Bible Manners & Customs : How the People of the Bible Really Lived by Vos, Howard Frederic
Manners & Customs of the Bible (The New Manners and Customs) Freeman, James M., 1827-1900 Published 1998
The New Manners and Customs of Bible Times: Gower, Ralph, 1933- Published 1987
Manners and Customs of Bible lands By: Wight, Fred Published 1983
Manners and Customs in the Bible By: Matthews, Victor Harold Published 1991
Handbook of life in Bible times By: Thompson, J. A. (John Arthur), 1913-2002 Published 1986
Illustrated dictionary of Bible manners and customs By: Deursen, A. van (Arie), 1891-1963 Published 1982
The Illustrated Guide to Bible Customs & Curiosities by Knight, George W.
Orientalisms in Bible lands, giving light from customs, habits, manners, imagery, thought and life in the East for Bible students By: Rice, Edwin Wilbur, 1831-1929 Published 1910
Bible manners and customs By: Mackie, G. M. 1854-1922 Published 1898
Teach it to your children : how kids lived in Bible days By: Vamosh, Miriam Feinberg, author
Everyday life in Bible times : work, worship, and war By: Embry, Margaret Published 1994
Everyday living : Bible life and times : fascinating, everyday customs and traditions from the people of the Bible Published 2006
The Land and the Book; or, Biblical illustrations drawn from the manners and customs, the scenes and scenery, of the Holy land By: Thomson, William M. (William McClure), 1806-1894 Published 1880
Eastern manners illustrative of the Old Testament history By: Jamieson, Robert, 1802-1880 Published 1838
Scripture manners and customs : being an account of the domestic habits, arts, etc., of Eastern nations mentioned in Holy Scripture Published 1895
Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament by Harris, R. Laird - (5/5 Stars) One of the best OT lexicons for studying Hebrew words.
Here is another link to the TWOT which has no time limit on use and does allow copy and paste. Can be downloaded as PDF.
Vine's Expository Dictionary of Old Testament and New Testament Words - Online pdf
Hebrew Honey: a simple and deep word study of the Old Testament - 330 pages. The definitions have more of a devotional flavor. For example, see the descriptive definition for "Abide" (Hebrew - gur).
Expository Dictionary of Bible Words by Richards, Larry, It does not go into great depth on the Greek or Hebrew words but does have some excellent insights.
So That's What it Means (Theological Wordbook) - Formerly titled "Theological Wordbook" edited by Charles Swindoll. It is now under this new title So That's What it Means and can be borrowed - it is more like a dictionary than a lexicon but the comments are superb! The contributors include Donald Campbell, Wendell Johnston, John Witmer, John Walvoord
Nelson's Expository Dictionary of the Old Testament by Unger, Merrill. Indexed by English word and then any related Hebrew nouns or verbs. Definitions are solid and geared to the lay person.
Excellent resource - Highly Recommended. Pdf with bookmarks for quick access of chapters
Steve Armstrong was dedicated to teaching the Bible verse by verse and was taken home to his Lord Jesus Christ at the early age of 54, succumbing to a COVID-19 infection in January, 2021. These PDF's (and audios) average about 10+ pages each (total of >300 pages) and are part of his legacy and a testimony to his dedication to 2 Timothy 2:15+ to "Be diligent (aorist imperative see our need to depend on the Holy Spirit to obey) to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth." For audios click this page. For list of all Steve's verse by verse teachings click this page.
- Introduction; Isaiah 1:1-17
- Isaiah 1:18-31; 2:1-4
- Isaiah 2:1 - 3:16
- Isaiah 4:2-5:30
- Isaiah 6
- Isaiah 7
- Isaiah 8
- Isaiah 9 & 10
- Isaiah 11 & 12
- Isaiah 13 & 14:1-27
- Isaiah 15, 16 & 17
- Isaiah 18, 19 & 20
- Isaiah 21 & 22
- Isaiah 23-25
- Isaiah 25:6-12; Isaiah 26
- Isaiah 27 & 28
- Isaiah 29; 30:1-18
- Isaiah 30:18-33; 31-33
- Isaiah 34, 35 & 36
- Isaiah 37, 38 & 39
- Second Isaiah Intro; Isaiah 40:1-11
- Isaiah 40:12-31; 41:1-29
- Isaiah 42-43
- Isaiah 44; 45:1-13
- Isaiah 45:14:25; 46:1-13; 47:1-15; 48:1-11
- Isaiah 48:12-22; 49:1-26
- Isaiah 50, 51 and 52
- Isaiah 53-56
- Isaiah 57-61
- Isaiah 62-66
DAVID BARON (1855-1926) - Messianic Jewish author of The Servant of Jehovah
The Sufferings of the Messiah and the Glory That Should Follow - An Exposition of Isaiah LIII
Chapter 1: Jehovah's Introduction of His Servant and a Summary of His Redeeming Work.
Chapter 2: Israel's Penitential Confession: The History of the Servant of Jehovah Unfolded.
- The Early Years and Unobtrusive Character of the Servant of Jehovah.
- The Despised and Rejected of Men.
- The Vicarious Character of His Sufferings.
- The Moral Necessity of Messiah's Sufferings.
- The Voluntary Character of His Sufferings.
- The Unjust Trial and Violent Death of the Servant of Jehovah.
- God's Special Interposition in the Burial of His Servant.
Chapter 3. The Resurrection and Future Glory of the Servant of Jehovah.
Chapter 4. Jehovah's Final Word Concerning His Servant: The Glorious Award for His Sufferings.
The Suffering Messiah of the Synagogue.
J. I. Landsman
Literal Interpretation - Well done outline format with illustrations and applications to assist you in preparation of your sermon.
Same resource as above but Sermon titles and colors added
- Isaiah 1 Thursday Study
- Isaiah 2 Thursday Study
- Isaiah 3,4 Thursday Study
- Isaiah 5 The Sad Song of the Vacant Vineyard!
- Isaiah 6 Our Call, Confession & Commission!
- Isaiah 7 God With Us!
- Isaiah 8 I will fear no evil; For You are with me!
- Isaiah 9 The Royal Hope!
- Isaiah 10 El Gibor/Mighty God!
- Isaiah 11,12 Thy Kingdom Come
- Isaiah 13 Fruit of Rebellion!
- Isaiah 14 King of Babylon & Lucifer!
- Isaiah 15,16 Smashing Pride!
- Isaiah 17,18 Double Trouble!
- Isaiah 19,20 Futility of Reliance on Another!
- Isaiah 21,22 2 Nations & 2 Leaders!
- Isaiah 23 Trampling Tyre!
- Isaiah 24,25 The Last Word is with God!
- Isaiah 26 Peace, Peace!
- Isaiah 27 The Fruit-full Vineyard!
- Isaiah 28 The Master Farmer!
- Isaiah 29 Mouth Religion!
- Isaiah 30 Trusting in….?
- Isaiah 31 `Tis so sweet to Trust in Jesus!
- Isaiah 32 The King, His Spirit, & His Kingdom!
- Isaiah 33,34 See the King in His Beauty!
- Isaiah 35 The Barrenness of Edom & The Blossoming of Israel Part 1!
- Isaiah 36,37 The Barrenness of Edom & The Blossoming of Israel Part 2!
- Isaiah 38,39 Hezekiah’s Mid-life Crisis!
- Isaiah 40:1-11 The Lord is my Shepherd!
- Isaiah 40:12-31 Those who Wait on the Lord!
- Isaiah 41 Presenting the Case!
- Isaiah 42 The Servant, the Song, the Sight, & the Sin!
- Isaiah 43 You Are Mine!
- Isaiah 44 There is no other Rock!
- Isaiah 45 God’s Warp & Woof!
- Isaiah 46,47 To Carry, or be Carried…that is the Question!
- Isaiah 48 Lean on Me!
- Isaiah 49 God’s Tattoo!
- Isaiah 50 Never Too Late!
- Isaiah 51 Your God Reigns!
- Isaiah 52,53 The Glory of the Cross
- Isaiah 54 The Family & The City of God!
- Isaiah 55 Come!
- Isaiah 56 Alien’s & Eunuch’s!
- Isaiah 57 War & Peace!
- Isaiah 58 Camouflage Christian?
- Isaiah 59 His Own Arm Brought Salvation!
- Isaiah 60 Thy Kingdom Come!
- Isaiah 61 Double Advent!
- Isaiah 62 His Thoughts Towards Me
- Isaiah 63 The Blood Stained Warrior
- Isaiah 64 How Do You Think of God, & Yourself?
- Isaiah 65 Rebels, the Remnant, & the Regeneration
- Isaiah 66 Peace Like a River
NOTE: Pastor Bomkamp's original site is no longer active. He passed into the arms of Jesus in November 23, 2023. I will use the wayback machine for the old material. That said click the following link to the table of contents on Isaiah and on that page you should be able to access all the titles listed below.
- Isaiah 1:1-16 - Introduction/Isaiah Prophesies Against Complacent Religion
- Isaiah 1:22-2:22 - The Lord Will Judge Judea And Establish His Kingdom There In the Lat Days
- Isaiah 3-4 Judgment For Jerusalem And Judea/Restoration Of The Earth And The Faithful Remnant
- Isaiah 5 Six Woes Of Judgment
- Isaiah 6 The Vision And Calling Of Isaiah
- Isaiah 7-8 The Ministry Of Isaiah To King Ahaz And Jerusalem At Large
- Isaiah 9 Hope For The Nation Comes Through A Son To Be Born
- Isaiah 10 Judgment Is Determined For The Assyrians
- Isaiah 11 The Root And The Shoot Springs Forth From Jesse
- Isaiah 12-13 Israel's Song Of Praise/ Babylon To Be Judged
- Isaiah 14 How God Judges Evil
- Isaiah 15-16 The Judgment Of Moab
- Isaiah 17-18 The Judgment Of Damascus And Ethiopia
- Isaiah 19-20 The Burden And Restoration Of Egypt
- Isaiah 21-22: The Burden Of Babylon, Edom, and Arabia, And The Valley Of Vision
- Isaiah 23-24 The Burden Of Tyre, Apocalyptic Vision: Part 1
- Isaiah 25-26 Apocalyptic Vision, Part 2: The Song Of Praise
- Isaiah 27-28 Apocalyptic Vision, Part 3: Deliverance Of Israel / Woe To Ephraim
- Isaiah 29 Woe To Ariel / Woe To Those Who Try To Deeply Hide Their Plans From The Lord
- Isaiah 30 Woe To Those Who Execute Plans Without The Lord
- Isaiah 31-32 Woe To Those Who Go Down To Jerusalem For Help & Rely On Horses/Reign Of The Righteous King
- Isaiah 33 Woe To The Treacherous Destroyer: Assyria
- Isaiah 34-45 The Lord Will Judge All Nations / Everlasting Joy Will Fill Christ's Kingdom
- Isaiah 36-37 When Judea Turns To The Lord He Finally Dispatches Assyria
- Isaiah 38-39 Hezekiah Is Healed Then Shows His Treasures To Babylon
- Isaiah 40 How Great Is Your God?
- Isaiah 41 Who Besides The Lord Can Bring Into Being What Does Not Exist And Foretell The Future?
- Isaiah 42 The Lord Says, "Behold My Servant!"
- Isaiah 43 The Lord Will Be With His People Through The Waters And The Fire
- Isaiah 44 The Lord He Alone Is God And There Is No Other
- Isaiah 45 The Captive Judeans Are Encouraged To Gather Themselves Together And Come Out"
- Isaiah 46-47 Babylon, All Of Her Sorceries, Magic Spells, And Astrology Shall Not Be Able To Deliver Her"
- Isaiah 48 Judea Must Finally Take Ownership For Her Sins
- Isaiah 49 God's Ideal Servant Declares His Own Coming And Works
- Isaiah 50-51 God's Ideal Servant Is A Model Disciple And All Are Called To Be Obedient To Him
- Isaiah 52 Israel Is Told To Clothe Themselves In Strength & Beautiful Garments For The Coming Of God's Servant
- Isaiah 53 The Suffering Servant Is Revealed
- Isaiah 54-55 The Blessing On Zion And The Invitation To Come
- Isaiah 56-57 God's People Are To Walk In Righteousness & Justice, Leaders Rebuked For Failing To Watch & Protect
- Isaiah 58-59 Be Careful Of Your Motives For Fasting / General Call To Repentance Of Sin
- Isaiah 60-61 Zion Glorified / God's Ideal Servant Speaks Of His Work
- Isaiah 62-63 I Cannot Keep Silent Until Jerusalem Shines In Righteousness & Brings Salvation / The Lord Pours Out His Vengeance On The Nations
- Isaiah 64-65 Isaiah's Intercession For The People / The Lord's Response
- Isaiah 66 The Consummation Of God's Plans For Mankind
- Isaiah 1 - The Remedy for Rebellion
- Isaiah 2-4 -- Our Pride and His Glory
- Isaiah 5 - The Song of the Vineyard
- Isaiah 6 - High and Lifted Up
- Isaiah 7 - Immanuel: God with us
- Isaiah 7:14 - The Virgin Shall Conceive
- Isaiah 8-9: Trust and obey for there's no other way
- Isaiah 9:1-5 - A Great Light
- Isaiah 9:6-7 - Unto us a Child is born
- Isaiah 10:5-12:6 -- The Root of Jesse
- Isaiah 13-20: Hope in the midst of the storm
- Isaiah 21-22 - The Valley of Vision
- Isaiah 23 - God's sovereignty over global financial markets
- Isaiah 24-25: Judgment saves!
- Isaiah 26-27 - Darkness before Dawn
- Isaiah 28-29: The Precious Cornerstone
- Isaiah 30-31: The Holy One of Israel
- Isaiah 32-33 - The King of Righteousness
- Isaiah 34-35 - The Highway of Holiness
- Isaiah 36-37 - The Prayer of Hezekiah
- Isaiah 38 - Hezekiah's Illness
- Isaiah 39 - Envoys from Babylon
- Isaiah 40 - Comfort My People
- Isaiah 41-42 - Here is My Servant!
- Isaiah 43-47 - The Only One
- Isaiah 48-49 - The Time of My Favor
- Isaiah 50:1-52:12 - He Who Comforts
- Isaiah 52:13-53:12 - Numbered with the Transgressors
- Isaiah 54-55 - Come to the Waters
- Isaiah 55:7 -Stop your Backsliding
- Isaiah 56-57 - A House of Prayer for All Nations
- Isaiah 58 - True Fasting
- Isaiah 59 - The Redeemer will come to Zion
- Isaiah 60 - Awaken to the Glory!
- Isaiah 61 - The Year of the Lord's Favor
- Isaiah 62 - Watchmen on the Walls
- Isaiah 63 - Who is this, Robed in Splendor?
- Isaiah 64 - The Potter and the Clay
- Isaiah 65 - New Heavens and New Earth
- Isaiah 66:1-16 - Peace Like a River
- Isaiah 66:17-24 - The Culmination of a Glorious Vision
- Isaiah 1:18 The Invitation To Cleansing
- Isaiah 6:1-8 What We need In The Down Times
- Isaiah 9:6 No Wonder They Call Him Wonderful
- Isaiah 9:6 His Name Shall Be Called Wonderful
- Isaiah 9:6; Matthew 1:21-25 What's In A Name?
- Isaiah 12:1-3 Where Salvation Will Take You
- Isaiah 21:6-12 Watchman, What Of The Night?
- Isaiah 25:8-9 Some Tears Our Lord Will Wipe Away
- Isaiah 25:8-9 He Fought The Battles, I Enjoy The Victories
- Isaiah 35:8-9 Traveling The Heavenly Highway
- Isaiah 38:17-20 The Psalm Of The Rescued Saint
- Isaiah 41:8-10 Precious Promises For Your Journey
- Isaiah 42:1-4 Our Tender Lord
- Isaiah 43:1-7 How To Enjoy Your Salvation -
- Isaiah 45:22 Salvation Made Plain And Simple
- Isaiah 49:13-18 Unforgettable
- Isaiah 53:1-3 The Real Beauty Of Jesus
- Isaiah 53:4 Jesus: Our Burden Bearer
- Isaiah 55:1-3 The Invitation To Contentment
For Mp3's click here. These notes are generally brief but are filled with practical applications as well as numerous illustrations (see the latter below) and scattered maps...
- Isaiah 1:1-18 Study Notes
Illustration on Isaiah 1:16 - Have you ever watched a little girl get her new dress dirty just before church? Little girls get their dresses dirty sometimes when they really don't mean to, and then they're faced with a number of options. (I can testify that this doesn’t apply to little boys, little boys don’t seem to care at all about what condition their clothes are in when they come to church!) They can try to hide the dirt by folding the dress over and walking close to their mother. Or they can pretend that they don't know about the dirt: "Dirt? I didn't know there was any dirt on me!" Or they can just try to stay away from mother so that mother can't see the dirt. If mother comes into the living room, the daughter goes into the bedroom. She'll try to get in the car before her mother gets in. Or she can do what she ought to do if she has a mother who reflects the grace of God. She can go to her mother and say, "Look, my dress is dirty." If her mother is right on, she does something about the dirt but not the daughter. -- Steve Brown, "The Prime Principle," Preaching Today, Tape No. 107.
Illustration on Isaiah 1:16 - In Mexico and the tropical zones of South America a so-called "strangler" fig grows in abundance. The Spanish-speaking people refer to it as the "matapalo" which means "the tree killer." The fruit is not palatable except to cattle and the fowls of the air. After the birds eat it, they must clean their beaks of the sticky residue. They do this by rubbing them on nearby trees. The seeds of the small fig have a natural glue which makes them adhere to the branches. When the rainy season arrives, germination takes place. Soon tiny roots make their way down into the heart of the wood and begin to grow. Within a few years the once lovely palms have become entirely covered with the entangling vines of the parasitic growth. Unless the tree is set free through the removal of these "strangler" figs, it finally begins to wither, dropping one frond after another until it is completely lifeless. The only way to stop the killing process is for someone to take a sharp knife and cut away the invader.
Comment on Isaiah 1:18 - scarlet – towla’ – worm, scarlet stuff, crimson; the dye made from the dried body of the female of the worm "coccus ilicis". When the female of the scarlet worm species was ready to give birth to her young, she would attach her body to the trunk of a tree, fixing herself so firmly and permanently that she would never leave again. The eggs deposited beneath her body were thus protected until the larvae were hatched and able to enter their own life cycle. As the mother died, the crimson fluid stained her body and the surrounding wood. From the dead bodies of such female scarlet worms, the commercial scarlet dyes of antiquity were extracted. (from page 73, "Biblical Basis for Modern Science", 1985, Baker Book House, by Henry Morris) (See my paper on Towla' - Psalm 22:6-I Am a Worm)
- Isaiah 1:18-31 Study Notes
Illustration on Isaiah 1:18 - Carl G. Conner (Leadership, Vol. 16, no. 4.) writes, "A few winters ago, heavy snows hit North Carolina. Following a wet, six-inch snowfall, it was interesting to see the effect along Interstate 40. Next to the highway stood several large groves of tall, young pine trees. The branches were bowed down with the heavy snow--so low that branches from one tree were often leaning against the trunk or branches of another. Where trees stood alone, however, the effect of the heavy snow was different. The branches had become heavier and heavier, and since there were no other trees to lean against, the branches snapped. They lay on the ground, dark and alone in the cold snow. When the storms of life hit, we need to be standing close to other Christians. The closer we stand, the more we will be able to hold up."
Isaiah 1:25 - Learn the lesson you’re supposed to learn! Don’t fight the discipline, learn the lesson! Get to the peace!
Illustration - A lady visiting the Holy Land came upon a sheepfold located high on a hilltop. Her attention was drawn to one poor sheep lying by the side of the road bleating in pain. Looking more closely, she discovered that its leg was injured. She asked the shepherd how it happened. "I had to break it myself," he answered sadly. "It was the only way I could keep that wayward creature from straying into unsafe places. From past experience I have found that a sheep will follow me once I have nursed it back to health. Because of the loving relationship that will be established as I care for her, in the future she will come instantly at my beck and call."Refinement brings strength-
Illustration - Some time ago an article appeared in the Reader's Digest telling about an unusual tree called the "Bristlecone Pine." Growing in the western mountain regions, sometimes as high as two or more miles above sea level, these evergreens may live for thousands of years. The older specimens often have only one thin layer of bark on their trunks. Considering the habitat of these trees, such as rocky areas where the soil is poor and precipitation is slight, it seems almost incredible that they should live so long or even survive at all. The environmental "adversities," however, actually contribute to their longevity. Cells that are produced as a result of these perverse conditions are densely arranged, and many resin canals are formed within the plant. Wood that is so structured continues to live for an extremely long period of time. The author Darwin Lambert says in his article, "Bristlecone Pines in richer conditions grow faster, but die earlier and soon decay." The harshness of their surroundings, then, is a vital factor in making them strong and sturdy.Illustration- Charles Spurgeon said: I bear willing witness that I owe more to the fire, and the hammer, and the file, than to anything else in my Lord's workshop. I sometimes question whether I have ever learned anything except through the rod. When my schoolroom is darkened, I see most.
- Isaiah 2 Study Notes
Isaiah 2:7 Beware of looking for wealth.
Illustration - The March 1988 Rotarian tells about a bounty of $5,000 offered for each wolf captured alive. It turned Sam and Jed into fortune hunters. Day and night they scoured the mountains and forests looking for their valuable prey. Exhausted one night, they fell asleep dreaming of their potential fortune. Suddenly, Sam awoke to see that they were surrounded by about 50 wolves with flaming eyes and bared teeth. He nudged his friend and said, "Jed, wake up! We're rich!" -- Gary C. Payne, Reidsville, North Carolina. Leadership, Vol. 11, no. 1. Some of us can get a little too excited about getting rich when we ought to realize we’re about to be eaten by wolves! - Isaiah 3-4 Study Notes
Isaiah 3:10 - Hang in there. This is an encouragement for those who are holding out and doing what is right. Sometimes we get discouraged and feel like it’s not worth it. It is. The righteous will reap from their doing right. Gal 6:9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.
Illustration - There are years in South Africa when locusts swarm the land and eat the crops. They come in hordes, blocking out the sun. The crops are lost and a hard winter follows. The "years that the locusts eat" are feared and dreaded. But the year after the locusts, South Africa reaps its greatest crops, for the dead bodies of the locusts serve as fertilizer for the new seed. And the locust year is restored as great crops swell the land. This is a parable of our lives. There are seasons of deep distress and afflictions that sometimes eat all the usefulness of our lives away. Yet, the promise is that God will restore those locust years if we endure. We will reap if we faint not. Although now we do not know all the 'whys', we can be assured our times are in His hands. -- Ron Hembree in, Fruits of the Spirit, (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Book House, 1969). - Isaiah 5 Study Notes
Isaiah 5:7 - Illustration - A preacher visits an elderly woman from his congregation. As he sits on the couch he notices a large bowl of peanuts on the coffee table. "Mind if I have a few" he asks. "No, not at all" the woman replied. They chat for an hour and as the preacher stands to leave, he realizes that instead of eating just a few peanuts, he emptied most of the bowl. "I'm terribly sorry for eating all your peanuts, I really just meant to eat a few." "Oh that's all right" the woman says. "Ever since I lost my teeth all I can do is suck the chocolate off them."I apologize for the sick, gross joke. But I told it for that specific reason. Things aren’t always exactly quite what you think they are. What started off as a nice bowl of peanuts actually starts to make you kind of sick when you think about it. God is looking for GOOD fruit. He’s looking for His kind of love in our lives.
- Isaiah 6 Study Notes
Isaiah 6:2 - Make no room for pride. If you didn’t get the message while we looked at Uzziah, listen again. The person who thinks they’re really hot stuff, and God is lucky to have a person like them, doesn’t have a clue to real life.
Illustration - A newly elected politician was visiting Washington, D.C., to get acquainted. He was visiting in the home of one of the ranking senators who was trying to interpret the bizarre wonder of the capitol. As they stood looking out over the Potomac River, an old deteriorating log floated by in view on the river. The old-timer said, "This city is like that log out there." The fledgling politician asked, "How's that?" The senator came back, "Well, there are probably more than one hundred thousand grubs, ants, bugs and critters on that old log as it floats down the river. And I imagine every one of them thinks that he's steering it."
Illustration - Dick Jones lived as if everything in the whole community depended upon him. One morning he woke up early with a high fever. His wife called next door to a doctor friend. When he diagnosed that Jones had viral pneumonia, he suggested that Dick stay in bed for several days but Dick complained, "No! I've got a breakfast meeting at the school, I'm president of the PTA board, then I've got crucial business at the office, a luncheon date, and three very important dates this afternoon, and then the Building Committee at church this evening. There's no way I can be sick today doctor." "I'm sorry," says his doctor friend, "but Dick, I don't know anyone who's indispensable, and I suggest you stay in bed." But at that very moment, as the story goes, Dick's high fever sent him into a trance. And there in that trance, he saw himself looking in on heaven. The angels were gathering around God and His holy throne. But everything seemed to be in disarray; some papers were being passed around, and finally after some discussion, the angels passed a significant-looking paper to God, He read it and God was obviously upset. God got up off His throne and said "Oh, no! Oh, no! What will I do today? What will I do?" The angels in chorus said, "What is it, God? What is it?" And God replied, "What will I do today? Dick Jones is sick!"Isaiah 6:5 - I believe that if we’ve been truly worshipping, there’s going to be a time when this too is the place we come to.
Illustration - It’s like being in the light. The more light you have, the more you see the imperfections. If you’ve ever tried to shave your face in a darkened bathroom, and then later are able to look in a mirror with a bright light, you can see all the imperfections. The more light you have, the easier it is to see the problems. The more we spend in God’s actual presence, the more we will be aware of our own sinfulness and God’s holiness.Isaiah 6:8 - Illustration - There is a story told about a faithful old deacon whose oft repeated prayer expression was, "O Lord, touch the unsaved with Thy finger." One prayer meeting night he was leading in prayer when as he intoned this petition, as he so often did, he abruptly stopped praying. Supposing he had been taken suddenly ill, someone went to him and asked if there was anything wrong, if he were ill. "No," he replied, "I'm not ill. But something seemed to say to me, 'Thou art the finger'."
- Isaiah 7 Study Notes
Isaiah 7:4 - Trust or fear. This is God’s challenge to us when we’re facing difficult times. God was asking Ahaz to trust Him. Illustration - Green Bay Packers' head coach Mike Holmgren looks back at a heartbreaking moment, when he was cut from the New York Jets as backup quarterback to Joe Namath, that directed him to a bigger plan. "I had committed my life to Jesus Christ when I was 11, but in my pursuit to make a name for myself in football, I left God next to my dust-covered Bible. But after getting cut from the Jets, I pulled out my Bible and found comfort in a verse I had memorized in Sunday school: 'Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths' (Proverbs 3:5-6). "I asked Jesus Christ to take control again. My priorities in life are faith, family, and football--in that order." -- Men of Integrity, Vol. 1, no. 2.God promises us that as we grow to trust Him more, we will experience more and more of His peace. (Isa 26:3 KJV) "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee." Hudson Taylor, the great missionary to China wrote, "Let us give up our work, our plans, ourselves, our lives, our loved ones, our influence, our all, right into God's hand; and then, when we have given all to Him, there will be nothing left for us to be troubled about."
Isaiah 7:12 - Give God a chance. One of Ahaz’ ancestors, King David, wrote this: Psalms 34:8 O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him.
Illustration - At the University of Chicago Divinity School each year they have what is called "Baptist Day". It is a day when all the Baptists in the area are invited to the school because they want the Baptist dollars to keep coming in. On this day each one is to bring a lunch to be eaten outdoors in a grassy picnic area. Every "Baptist Day" the school would invite one of the greatest minds to lecture in the theological education center. One year they invited Dr. Paul Tillich. Dr. Tillich spoke for two and one-half hours proving that the resurrection of Jesus was false. He quoted scholar after scholar and book after book. He concluded that since there was no such thing as the historical resurrection the religious tradition of the church was groundless, emotional mumbo-jumbo, because it was based on a relationship with a risen Jesus, who, in fact, never rose from the dead in any literal sense. He then asked if there were any questions. After about 30 seconds, an old, dark skinned preacher with a head of short-cropped, woolly white hair stood up in the back of the auditorium. "Docta Tillich, I got one question," he said as all eyes turned toward him. He reached into his sack lunch and pulled out an apple and began eating it. "Docta Tillich ..." CRUNCH, MUNCH ... "My question is a simple question,"CRUNCH, MUNCH ..."Now I ain't never read them books you read" ... CRUNCH, MUNCH ... "and I can't recite the Scriptures in the original Greek" ...CRUNCH, MUNCH ... "I don't know nothin' about Niebuhr and Heidegger" ...CRUNCH, MUNCH ... He finished the apple. "All I wanna know is: This apple I just ate -- was it bitter or sweet?" Dr. Tillich paused for a moment and answered in exemplary scholarly fashion: "I cannot possibly answer that question, for I haven't tasted your apple." The white-haired preacher dropped the core of his apple into his crumpled paper bag, looked up at Dr. Tillich and said calmly, "Neither have you tasted my Jesus." The 1,000 plus in attendance could not contain themselves. The auditorium erupted with applause and cheers. Dr. Tillich thanked his audience and promptly left the platform. I don’t share this story to give you the impression that a belief in the Lord isn’t rational or that the garbage that the Tillichs and Neibuhrs dish out can’t be answered in understandable, thinking arguments. But the point is this. Someone like this simply hasn’t tasted my Jesus. They’ve never really given Him a chance. Taste and see that the Lord is good.
- Isaiah 8 Study Notes
Isaiah 8:10 - If God is on our side, what are we afraid of? The hard thing is that just like in Isaiah’s time, sometimes it doesn’t look as if God is on our side.Illustration - Two traveling angels stopped to spend the night in the home of a wealthy family. The family was rude and refused to let the angels stay in the mansion's guest room. Instead the angels were given a small space in the cold basement. As they made their bed on the hard floor, the older angel saw a hole in the wall and repaired it. When the younger angel asked why, the older angel replied, "Things aren't always what they seem." The next night the pair came to rest at the house of a very poor, but very hospitable farmer and his wife. After sharing what little food they had the couple let the angels sleep in their bed where they could have a good night's rest. When the sun came up the next morning the angels found the farmer and his wife in tears. Their only cow, whose milk had been their sole income, lay dead in the field. The younger angel was infuriated and asked the older angel how could you have let this happen? The first man had everything, yet you helped him, she accused. The second family had little but was willing to share everything, and you let the cow die. "Things aren't always what they seem," the older angel replied. "When we stayed in the basement of the mansion, I noticed there was gold stored in that hole in the wall. Since the owner was so obsessed with greed and unwilling to share his good fortune, I sealed the wall so he wouldn't find it." "Then last night as we slept in the farmers bed, the angel of death came for his wife. I gave him the cow instead. Things aren't always what they seem."
Illustration - A little boy was overheard talking to himself as he strutted through the backyard, wearing his baseball cap and toting a ball and bat: "I'm the greatest hitter in the world," he announced. Then, he tossed the ball into the air, swung at it, and missed. "Strike One!" he yelled. Undaunted, he picked up the ball and said again, "I'm the greatest hitter in the world!" He tossed the ball into the air. When it came down he swung again and missed. "Strike Two!" he cried. The boy then paused a moment to examine his bat and ball carefully. He spit on his hands and rubbed them together. He straightened his cap and said once more, "I'm the greatest hitter in the world!" Again he tossed the ball up in the air and swung at it. He missed. "Strike Three!" "Wow!" he exclaimed. "I'm the greatest pitcher in the world!" Things aren’t always what they seem. Though we may not understand our circumstances at the present, we may not understand exactly what we’re the greatest at, but we can be sure that God is on our side. He is with us.
- Isaiah 9 Study Notes
Shorten the discipline. - Keep in mind we’re talking about a kind of discipline for our sins. Not every difficult time that we go through is a result of sin. Not every difficult time is going to be shortened by just saying you’re sorry. We see a glimpse of this in the Scriptures, such as when Jonah went to preach to the city of Nineveh. The entire city responded to Jonah’s call to repentance. And as a result, God’s judgment never came. (Jonah 4:2NLT) So he complained to the LORD about it: "Didn't I say before I left home that you would do this, LORD? That is why I ran away to Tarshish! I knew that you were a gracious and compassionate God, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love. I knew how easily you could cancel your plans for destroying these people.
Illustration - Sometimes it’s really up to us just how long the discipline will last. With my kids, when a child misbehaves to the point that something needs to be done, sometimes they just fight with me. They’ll yell and kick and scream. I took one child into the bedroom the other day and calmly asked him how far he wanted to take the situation. I told him he could end it all very quickly by calming down and apologizing to his mother. Or I could get the paddle. I was surprised to see him choose to apologize. He actually stopped being angry. He wasn’t even stewing with anger. He gave me a great big hug, apologized to his mother, and was a different boy coming out of the bedroom than went in. But it doesn’t always work that way. Sometimes they choose the paddle.
- Isaiah 10:1-15 Study Notes
Isaiah 10:3 - Judgment is coming. (Heb 9:27 KJV) And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:Illustration - Charles Spurgeon writes, "Is it not foolish to be living in this world without a thought of what you will do at the end of it? A man goes into an inn, and as soon as he sits down he begins to order his wine, his dinner, his bed; there is no delicacy in season that he forgets to order. He stays at the inn for some time. By and by, the bill comes due, and it takes him by surprise. "I never thought of that--I never thought of that!" "Why," says the landlord, "here is a man who is either a born fool or else a knave. What! Never thought of reckoning--never thought of settling with me!" After this fashion too many live. They eat, and drink, and sin, but they forget the inevitable hereafter, when for all the deeds done in the body, the Lord will bring us into judgment." God is an excellent accountant. There will be a day when all bills are due. How do you intend to pay for the debt racked up by your sin? The Bible says that the price of that bill is death (Rom. 6:23). You can pay it yourself, or you can let someone else. Jesus came to earth for the purpose of paying your debt, and that is why He died on a cross, dying in your place to pay your bill.
Isaiah 10:15 - We’re nothing without Him.
Illustration - Corrie Ten Boom used to tell the story about a proud woodpecker who was tapping away at a dead tree when the sky unexpectedly turned black and the thunder began to roll. Undaunted, he went right on working. Suddenly a bolt of lightning struck the old tree, splintering it into hundreds of pieces. Startled but unhurt, the haughty bird flew off, screeching to his feathered friends, "Hey, everyone, look what I did! Look what I did!" This old woodpecker reminds me of people who think more highly of themselves than they should. Usually they are so busy bragging about their achievements and their greatness that they fail to recognize God as the source of all their abilities. They are suffering from spiritual delusions of grandeur. Without the Lord no one amounts to anything, and in our own strength we cannot please Him. Now saying that we’re nothing without Him doesn’t mean that we don’t have any value. We do. But again, it’s only because of Him.Illustration- Just the other day, someone bought the baseball that Mark McGwire hit for his 70th homerun last year. They paid three million dollars for it. Does that make it a valuable ball? Yes. But its value comes because someone was willing to pay such a high price for it, not because it was actually made out of three million dollars worth of material. You as a person have great value, not because you’ve accomplished great things, but because someone was willing to pay such a high price for you. And now, when He chooses to use you, you still have great value, not because of what you’ve done, but still just because He paid such a high price for you.
- Isaiah 10:16-34 Study Notes
Isaiah 10:20 - Who are you trusting in? When we put our trust in people, we will eventually be disappointed. Under King Ahaz, Judah had been counting on the Assyrians to deliver them. Sometimes its certain people we always count on to bail us out of our problems. It’s not uncommon for us younger folks to expect our parents to deliver us from all our bad financial decisions. Sometimes its when we find our heart so thrilled with a person, perhaps even the hope of a friendship or relationship with them, and we begin to find all our joy coming from being with that person rather than being in the Lord. Even in marriage, its not hard to find yourself counting more on your spouse for your sense of fulfillment than you do the Lord. It’s not that we can’t find joy in our relationships, but what are we counting on most? When we put our trust in the Lord, we will never be disappointed. Yet it’s hard to trust in someone you can’t see.Illustration - We’re like the little girl who was frightened by the clamor of thunder in the night. Holding her securely in his arms, her father explained that she needn't fear. God would take care of her because He loved her greatly. "I know God will take care of me and love me," she replied. "But right now, Daddy, I want someone with skin on to love me." Though God at times gives us people with "skin on" to be a part of our lives, there is a place where God wants us to be where we are ultimately putting our trust in Him. That’s what walking by faith is all about. Not seeing God, but trusting Him anyway.
Isaiah 10:21 - Tough times can bring us back to the Lord.
Illustration - Tough times can be like a fire in your life. When fire comes in contact with wood, it burns it up. But when it comes in contact with metal, it purifies and strengthens it. Are your hard times making you bitter or better? Are you allowing your hard times to drive you closer to the Lord, or are you still trying to run from Him?
- Isaiah 11 Study Notes
Isaiah 11:3 - Appearances can be deceiving. Sometimes things aren’t quite what we think they are.
Illustration - Boat Race and Management - The Americans and the Japanese decided to engage in a competitive boat race. Both teams practiced hard and long to reach their peak performance. On the big day the Americans felt ready, but the Japanese won by a mile. Afterward, the American team was discouraged by the loss. Morale sagged. Corporate management decided that the reason for the crushing defeat had to be found, so a consulting firm was hired to investigate the problem and recommended corrective action. The consultant's finding: The Japanese team had eight people rowing and one person steering; the American team had one person rowing and eight people steering. After a year of study and millions spent analyzing the problem, the consultant firm concluded that too many people were steering and not enough were rowing on the American team. So as the next race day neared the following year, the American team's management structure was completely reorganized. The new structure: four steering managers, three area steering managers and a new performance review system for the person rowing the boat to provide work incentive. The next year, the Japanese won by two miles. Humiliated, the American corporation laid off the rower for poor performance and gave the managers a bonus for discovering the problem. There may be some situations in our lives where we’ve made some pretty rash judgments. We could be wrong. We may not know the whole picture.Bring the lost sheep home. - As you read Isaiah 11:10-16, you get the idea that the Lord is bringing His people home. He’ll take care of all the problems, all the things that are standing in the way, and His people will come home. It’s not too unlike how a Shepherd brings his flock home. He wants us to be a part of what He’s doing now to bring the lost sheep home. This is an excerpt from Phillip Keller’s A Shepherd Looks at the Good Shepherd and His Sheep (pg.349-450):
How does an eastern sheep man gather up his stray sheep? How does He bring home the wanderers and stragglers? He does not use dogs the way western sheep men do. He does not resort to horses or donkeys to herd them home or round them up. Nor does he employ helicopters or Hondas as some western ranchers do. No, the eastern shepherd uses his own pet lambs and bellwethers (sheep that take the initiative, sheep that are leaders) to gather in lost sheep. Because these pets are so fond of being near him and with him, he has to literally go out into the hills and rough country himself taking them along, scattering them abroad. There they graze and feed alongside the wild and wayward sheep. As evening approaches the shepherd gently winds his way home. His favorite pet lambs and bellwethers quietly follow him. As they move along in his footsteps, they bring with them the lost and scattered sheep. It is a winsome picture full of pathos. In Matthew 10 Christ actually took his twelve men and scattered them out among the lost sheep of Israel (vs. 6). He warned them that He was sending them out as sheep in the midst of predators who might try to prevent them from bringing home the lost (vs. 16). But they were to go anyway, because the presence of His Spirit would be with them to preserve them in every danger. This is a precise picture drawn for us in bold colors of what our Good Shepherd requires of us. He does not demand that we embark on some grandiose schemes of our own design to do His work in the world. He does not suggest that we become embroiled in some complex organization of human ingenuity to achieve His goal of gathering in lost souls. He simply asks me to be one who will be so attached to Him, so fond of Him, so true to Him, that in truth I shall be like His pet lamb or bellwether. No matter where He takes me; no matter where He places me; no matter whom I am alongside of in my daily living, that person will be induced to eventually follow the Shepherd because I follow Him.
- Isaiah 12 Study Notes
Isaiah 12:2 - Don’t be afraid, trust.
Illustration - The great tightrope walker has stretched a cable across Niagara Falls. As the crowd begins to gather, he carefully makes his way from one side to the next. The crowd is asked if they think he can ride a bicycle across. They shout "Yes!" as he rides back across the falls. Next they are asked if they think he can push a wheelbarrow across. They all shout "Yes!". A man is singled out. "Will you get in the wheelbarrow?" When you think about it, getting into a wheelbarrow and being pushed across Niagara Falls doesn’t exactly make me think about losing my fears. It only makes them worse. So I stay on the sidelines. And be afraid. Growing in life is all about learning to get across the falls. And you know that you can’t walk that tightrope by yourself. It’s best to just get into the wheelbarrow. Keep in mind, you’re not getting into the wheelbarrow of an inexperienced, reckless, angry person. He’s the best tightrope walker there ever was. He’s never lost a person getting across yet.Don’t be afraid, trust. Illustration - The great tightrope walker has stretched a cable across Niagara Falls. As the crowd begins to gather, he carefully makes his way from one side to the next. The crowd is asked if they think he can ride a bicycle across. They shout "Yes!" as he rides back across the falls. Next they are asked if they think he can push a wheelbarrow across. They all shout "Yes!". A man is singled out. "Will you get in the wheelbarrow?" When you think about it, getting into a wheelbarrow and being pushed across Niagara Falls doesn’t exactly make me think about losing my fears. It only makes them worse. So I stay on the sidelines. And be afraid. Growing in life is all about learning to get across the falls. And you know that you can’t walk that tightrope by yourself. It’s best to just get into the wheelbarrow. Keep in mind, you’re not getting into the wheelbarrow of an inexperienced, reckless, angry person. He’s the best tightrope walker there ever was. He’s never lost a person getting across yet.
- Isaiah 13 Study Notes
The name "Babylon" is actually used several ways in the Bible.
1. It is primarily used for the real, historical city located on the Euphrates River.
2. But we see it also used to describe false religion, as it’s used in Revelation 17:5
3. There is also a third possible use, that of describing the world system as it is today. It is possible that Revelation 18 is using it in this way, though I also think it’s possible that it could be referring to the real city, which is being rebuilt by Saddam Hussein.
Could it be that this chapter may apply to all three? Possible. Up until recently, there weren’t many people who considered Isaiah 13 as being in the future, regarding a real city of Babylon. That has all changed. In the late 1980’s, Saddam Hussein started a project to rebuild the city of Babylon. Supervised by Muaayad Saeed, head of Iraq’s Antiquities Department, they have already rebuilt Nebuchadnezzar’s palace at Babylon. In a news article from last September, 1998, Saeed discussed how they are currently trying to decide whether to rebuild what they consider might be the famous tower of Babel, also located at Babylon.
- Isaiah 14:1-14 - Study Notes
Isaiah 14:5 - A heart for the lost. There are some folks who like to talk and preach about God’s judgment. And the problem isn’t that they’re talking about judgment. We ALL need to be reminding people that God’s judgment is real and is coming. That’s what Isaiah is doing. But some people seem to get a kind of perverse pleasure in yelling at sinners and telling them they’re going to hell. I think we’ve all been exposed to preachers like this. But there’s another way to do it.Illustration - President Woodrow Wilson told this story. He said: "I was in a very common place, I was sitting in a barber chair, when I became aware that a personality had entered the room. A man had come quietly in upon the same errand as myself -- to have his hair cut and sat in the chair next to me. Every word the man uttered showed a personal interest in the man who was serving him. And before I got through with what was being done for me, I was aware that I had attended an evangelistic service. Because Mr. D.L. Moody was in that chair. I purposely lingered in the room after he had left and noted the singular effect that his visit had brought upon the barbershop. They didn't know his name but they knew that something had elevated their thoughts and I felt that I left that place as I should have left the place of worship. My admiration and esteem for Mr. Moody became very deep indeed." Don’t forget that Jesus was known as the "friend of sinners". Do you have compassion on those who need to know Jesus? Can they tell you care?
- Isaiah 14:16-15:9 - Study Notes
Isaiah 14:17 - I understand that some of you have been hurt by others. And there is wisdom in learning to step away from certain persons instead of always being hurt by them. But don’t carry the grudge forever. You need to move towards forgiveness. In the end, you are only hurting yourself with your unforgiveness. In a way, just like this king of Babylon, you have ended up in a kind of prison yourself. A prison of anger and bitterness. It’s time to forgive. It’s time to let it go. It’s time to let the prisoners go free.
Illustration - Corrie Ten Boom shares this true story in her book, The Hiding Place: It was a church service in Munich that I saw him, the former S.S. man who had stood guard at the shower room door in the processing center at Ravensbruck. He was the first of our actual jailers that I had seen since that time. And suddenly it was all there -- the roomful of mocking men, the heaps of clothing, Betsie's pain-blanched face. He came up to me as the church was emptying, beaming and bowing. "How grateful I am for your message, Fraulein," he said. "To think that, as you say, He has washed my sins away!" His hand was thrust out to shake mine. And I, who had preached so often to the people in Bloemendaal the need to forgive, kept my hand at my side. Even as the angry, vengeful thoughts boiled through me, I saw the sin of them. Jesus Christ had died for this man; was I going to ask for more? Lord Jesus, I prayed, forgive me and help me to forgive him. I tried to smile, I struggled to raise my hand. I could not. I felt nothing, not the slightest spark of warmth or charity. And so again I breathed a silent prayer. Jesus, I cannot forgive him. Give me Your forgiveness. As I took his hand the most incredible thing happened. From my shoulder along my arm and through my hand a current seemed to pass from me to him, while into my heart sprang a love for this stranger that almost overwhelmed me. And so I discovered that it is not on our forgiveness any more than on our goodness that the world's healing hinges, but on His. When He tells us to love our enemies, He gives, along with the command, the love itself.
Isaiah 14:27 - God has plans for you. And because He’s God, you know His plans are perfect for you. (Eph 2:10NLT) Illustration - Gladys Talbot tells the story of three little trees who wanted to be something in life. The first tree wanted to be a pretty cradle when it grew up. One day some people came to the forest and cut the tree down. The tree was hewn into rough pieces and carelessly put together to form a manger in a stable in Bethlehem. The little tree was disappointed because it was shoved into a dark cave with no one to see it but some cattle. One day however, God laid there His own Babe -- the Son of God. the manger quivered with delight. "Oh, this is wonderful! In all my dreams I never thought to hold a Baby like this. This is better than all my planning. Why, I am part of a miracle!" Years passed by, and men came to the forest to cut down the second tree. This tree aspired to be a great ship when it grew up. But the little tree did not do great things. It was not made into a great vessel, but instead it became a tiny fishing boat, owned by a simple Galilean fisherman named Peter. The little boat was most unhappy. One day it stood by the shores of the Sea of Galilee dejected and disappointed. A crowd had gathered by the shore and because of the multitude, a Man, called Jesus, stepped into the little boat and taught the people from it. "This is wonderful!" it whispered. "In all my dreams and planning I never thought I would be used as part of a miracle." After some months, men came to the forest to cut down the third tree. This tree just wanted to remain on the hillside and point to God. But men did not leave the little tree alone. They tore away its branches; they cut into its bark, and deeper, into its very heart. They hewed it apart and put it together again, in the form of a crude cross. The little tree quivered through all its being. "This is terrible!" it whispered. "They are going to hang someone. Oh, I never wanted this to happen to me -- I only wanted to point to God! This is awful!" One day, outside of Jerusalem, a great crowd gathered. In the midst of the crowd was Jesus and beside Him was the cross. After nailing Him to the cross, the little tree heard words of forgiveness and peace that were offered to the whole world. Then Christ completed His work of redemption and "gave up the ghost." And the cross began to understand! "This is wonderful!" it whispered. "In all my dreams I never thought to point to God in this way. I am part of a miracle. This is better than all my planning." -- Talbot, G.M., Stories I Love to Tell, Chicago: Moody Press
Isaiah 15:5 - A heart for the lost. There are some folks who like to talk and preach about God’s judgment. And the problem isn’t that they’re talking about judgment. We ALL need to be reminding people that God’s judgment is real and is coming. That’s what Isaiah is doing. But some people seem to get a kind of perverse pleasure in yelling at sinners and telling them they’re going to hell. I think we’ve all been exposed to preachers like this. But there’s another way to do it.
Illustration - President Woodrow Wilson told this story. He said: "I was in a very common place, I was sitting in a barber chair, when I became aware that a personality had entered the room. A man had come quietly in upon the same errand as myself -- to have his hair cut and sat in the chair next to me. Every word the man uttered showed a personal interest in the man who was serving him. And before I got through with what was being done for me, I was aware that I had attended an evangelistic service. Because Mr. D.L. Moody was in that chair. I purposely lingered in the room after he had left and noted the singular effect that his visit had brought upon the barbershop. They didn't know his name but they knew that something had elevated their thoughts and I felt that I left that place as I should have left the place of worship. My admiration and esteem for Mr. Moody became very deep indeed." Don’t forget that Jesus was known as the "friend of sinners". Do you have compassion on those who need to know Jesus? Can they tell you care? - Isaiah 16 - Study Notes
Isaiah 16:6 - Pride – Anger - Lying. They’re all tied together. Its pride that makes you think that you’re the best.
Illustration - A young woman went to her pastor and said, "Pastor, I have a besetting sin, and I want your help. I come to church on Sunday and can't help thinking I'm the prettiest girl in the congregation. I know I ought not think that, but I can't help it. I want you to help me with it." The pastor replied, "Mary, don't worry about it. In your case it's not a sin. It's just a horrible mistake." -- Haddon Robinson, "Good Guys, Bad Guys, and Us Guys," Preaching Today, Tape No. 80.
Its pride that makes you think that you don’t need to ask for help or help others. The Moabites didn’t think they needed help. Its pride that fuels your anger at people when they don’t do things the way you think they ought to.Illustration - Executive consultant Richard Hagberg told this story: The head of one large company recently told me about an incident that occurred as he and his wife waited in line to get his driver's license renewed. He was frustrated at how long it was taking and grumbled to his wife, "Don't they know who I am?" She replied, "Yeah, you're a plumber's son who got lucky." -- Fortune (6/26/96). Fresh Illustrations for Preaching & Teaching (Baker), from the editors of Leadership. Its pride that makes you lie to others to keep up the crumbling front that says you’re the best.
Illustration - A mayor who was very proud of his city was asked how the recession had affected it. He answered, "We don't have a recession here, but I will admit we are having the worst boom in many years. Could it be that your anger would go away if you would humble yourself? If we would humble ourselves, perhaps we’d find it easier to tell the truth.
Isaiah 16:11 - How do I grow in compassion for others? I think one way is to sincerely pray for them. If praying for them doesn’t give you more compassion, then I would suggest that something is wrong with your prayers.
Illustration From Howard Hendricks: Years ago in a church in Dallas we were having trouble finding a teacher for a junior high boys class. The list of prospects had only one name -- and when they told me who it was I said, "You've got to be kidding." But I couldn't have been more wrong about that young man. He took the class and revolutionized it. I was so impressed I invited him to my home for lunch and asked him the secret of his success. He pulled out a little black book. On each page he had a small picture of one of the boys, and under the boy's name were comments like "having trouble in arithmetic," or "comes to church against parents' wishes," or "would like to be a missionary some day, but doesn't think he has what it takes." "I pray over those pages every day," he said, "and I can hardly wait to come to church each Sunday to see what God has been doing in their lives." Do you pray for those around you? Do you pray for the other folks at work? Do you pray for the people you know who are going through hard times, even if it seems that they deserve it?
- Isaiah 17 - Study Notes
Isaiah 17:4 - Be careful who you join yourself to. The Bible warns us: (2 Cor 6:14-16 KJV) The warning is against developing the kinds of relationships with unbelievers where they will tend to influence us and bring us down. Marriage, business partnerships, etc. This doesn’t mean we aren’t to have any relationships with unbelievers. We need to be there to love them and draw them to Jesus. But when we get too close, too tied up with them, then when they stumble, we fall with them. When they come under judgment, we can get hit with it as well. It’s one thing to be hanging around, loving and sharing with a drug dealer, seeking to lead them to Jesus. But when that person is your room mate, and then they get arrested, you may go to jail too.
Illustration - Abraham’s nephew Lot got himself and his family into trouble because he got a little too close to the wild life. When he and Abraham had to part ways because their flocks were getting too big to share the same land, Lot decided he’d start wandering over toward the city of Sodom (Gen. 13), even though he knew it was a wicked place. Then we next find Lot living in Sodom (Gen. 14:12). When the Sodomites are carried off by an invading army, Lot and his family are carried off as well. But thankfully they are rescued by Uncle Abraham. But rather than pay attention to God’s wakeup call, the next thing we find is that Lot is not just living in Sodom, but is a part of Sodom, even being considered an "elder" of the city (Gen.19:1). But don’t think he was trying to be a godly influence in Sodom, when it came time to leave, his sons in law couldn’t take him seriously. He had compromised too much. As a result, when judgment came, he lost everything but his two daughters.
Isaiah 17:13 - God can take care of the biggest enemy. Sometimes our problems can seem pretty big:
Illustration - There were some backwoods hillbillies living across the river from each other, who feuded constantly. John hated Clarence with a passion and never passed up a chance to throw rocks across the river at Clarence. This went on for years until one day the Corps of Engineers came to build a bridge across that river. John was elated; he told his wife that finally he was going to get the chance to cross over and whip Clarence. He left the house and returned in a matter of minutes. His wife asked what was wrong, didn't he intend to go over the bridge and whip Clarence? He replied that he never had really seen Clarence up close and didn't realize his size until he started over the bridge and saw the sign: "CLEARENCE 8 FT 3 IN"
- Isaiah 18 - Study Notes
Isaiah 18:2 - Satan wants you to think that God can’t be trusted. From the beginning Satan has tried to make men question God’s Word. (Ge 3:1) We get some silly ideas about God sometimes.
Illustration - A young girl, dressed in her Sunday best, was running as fast as she could to Sunday school. As she ran, she prayed, "Dear Lord, please don't let me be late! Dear Lord, please don't let me be late!" which moment she tripped on a curb and fell, getting her clothes dirty and tearing her dress. She got up, brushed herself off, and started running again, praying, "Dear Lord, please don't let me be late! Dear Lord, please don't let me be late! ...But DON'T SHOVE me." Satan will try and tell you God is out to destroy you, or that He has forgotten you.God isn’t worried. I don’t mean that God doesn’t care. But He’s not worried about what is happening to you. He will do what He needs to, just when He needs to. If we are doing what He asks us to do when we’re in trouble, then we don’t need to be filled with worry either: (Phil 4:6-7 NASB)
Illustration - I read the story of a man who was the director of a YMCA in Philadelphia. Things were going bad and he was working 85 hours a week to try and keep the place open. He was on the verge of a nervous breakdown when a friend suggested that he had to find a way of letting go of the problems and letting God into the situation. As he took a walk that afternoon, he took a pencil and notepad and wrote God a note: "Dear God, today I hereby resign as general manager of the universe. Love, George." Much to his surprise, God accepted his resignation!
- Isaiah 19 - Study Notes
The problem with bad counsel is that it is usually just what we want to hear.
Illustration - A man was on the golf practice course, when the club pro, Maury, brought an important-looking man out for a lesson. Maury watched the guy swing several times and started making suggestions for improvement, but each time the pupil interrupted with his own versions of what was wrong and how to correct it. After a few minutes of this interference, Maury began nodding his head in agreement. At the end of the lesson, the man paid Maury, congratulated him on his expertise as a teacher and left in an obviously pleased frame of mind. The observer was so astonished by the performance, that he had to ask, "Why did you go along with him?" "Son," the old pro said with a grin as he carefully pocketed his fee, "I learned long ago that it's a waste of time to sell answers to a man who wants to buy echoes."-- J.F. Moore, Reader's Digest Are you a person who really wants to know what God thinks?
Illustration - The folly of human nature is neatly summed up by the case of the middle-aged school teacher who invested her life savings in a business enterprise which had been elaborately explained to her by a swindler. When her investment disappeared and the wonderful dream was shattered, she went to the office of the Better Business Bureau. "Why on earth," they asked, "didn't you come to us first? Didn't you know about the Better Business Bureau?" "Oh, yes," said the lady sadly, "I've always known about you. But I didn't come because I was afraid you'd tell me not to do it."
Isaiah 19:22 - Pain for healing. Sometimes God allows difficult times in our lives, but for the very purpose of bringing healing to us. It’s tough, especially when we’re in the middle of the pain, to understand why God could be allowing something so difficult. But there are some diseases that can only be helped if we undergo surgery. It takes incisions to get to the thing that needs to be removed.
Illustration - When my dad had his recent heart attack, he described it as an incredible pain and pressure on his chest. When they took him to the hospital, the doctor first did an angiogram, where he inserts dye into the heart to see where the blockage is. Then the doctor performed an angioplasty, where a line is inserted into the artery and a little balloon is blown up inside the artery to open up the blockage. Because my dad’s blood pressure was so low from the heart attack, they couldn’t give him any anesthesia. My dad explained that the heart attack itself was pretty painful, but the angioplasty was far worse. That is, until they opened up the blockage. That’s when the healing began to take place. Sometimes we have to be hurt, smitten, in order to get to the healing. If you are going through a difficult time right now, ask yourself the difficult questions. Is there something in my life that needs to be removed? Is there something that needs to be changed, something I’ve been unwilling to deal with? Something I’m reluctant to change? If you want to see the healing take place, you’ve got to deal with the root issues. - Isaiah 20 - Study Notes
Isaiah 20:3 - A living witness. It was not uncommon for God to ask his prophets to do something that would give a chance to teach the people some lesson. Ezekiel prophesied to the captives in Babylon, and had a kind of model of Jerusalem to demonstrate how the Babylonian armies were currently surrounding their beloved Jerusalem and how it was being captured. He was a kind of living CNN. In the New Testament, the prophet Agabus took Paul’s belt, bound himself up, and said that the man who owned the belt would be one day bound the same way. People who hung around a prophet could expect to see some kind of tangible demonstration of God’s message to them. Can people see God’s Word active in your life? I’m not suggesting that you take your clothes off like Isaiah, but the world shouldn’t just hear us talking about Jesus, they ought to see Jesus at work in our lives.
Illustration - A small town prosecuting attorney called his first witness to the stand in a trial-a grandmotherly, elderly woman. He approached her and asked, "Mrs. Jones, do you know me?" She responded, "Why, yes, I do know you Mr. Williams. I've known you since you were a young boy. And frankly, you've been a big disappointment to me. You lie, you cheat on your wife, you manipulate people and talk about them behind their backs. You think you're a rising big shot when you haven't the brains to realize you never will amount to anything more than a two-bit paper pusher. Yes, I know you." The lawyer was stunned. Not knowing what else to do he pointed across the room and asked, "Mrs. Williams, do you know the defense attorney?" She again replied, "Why, yes I do. I've known Mr. Bradley since he was a youngster, too. I used to baby-sit him for his parents. And he, too, has been a real disappointment to me. He's lazy, bigoted, he has a drinking problem. The man can't build a normal relationship with anyone and his law practice is one of the shoddiest in the entire state. Yes, I know him." At this point, the judge rapped the courtroom to silence and called both counselors to the bench. In a very quiet voice, he said with menace, "If either of you asks her if she knows me, you'll be jailed for contempt!
Isaiah 20:6 - Illustration - Paul Harvey, in his book For What It's Worth, tells about a county jail in south Florida where jail officials found a plastic trash bag hanging to the bars of a cell. Inside was Jimmy Jones, a prisoner who hoped he'd get taken out with the trash. And he might have--except during roll call his reflexes took over. And when the name Jimmy Jones was called... From inside the bag came a muffled response: "Here."Sometimes we flee to things like drugs or alcohol:
Illustration - I understand that the FDA may be considering additional warnings (J ) on beer and alcohol bottles, such as: WARNING: consumption of alcohol may make you think you are whispering when you are not. WARNING: consumption of alcohol is a major factor in dancing like an idiot. WARNING: consumption of alcohol may create the illusion that you are tougher, handsomer and smarter than some really, really big guy named Kerry. - Isaiah 21:1-10 - Study Notes
- Isaiah 21:11-17 - Study Notes
- Isaiah 22 - Study Notes
- Isaiah 23 - Study Notes
- Isaiah 24 - Study Notes
- Isaiah 25 - Study Notes
- Isaiah 26 - Study Notes
- Isaiah 27:1-6 - Study Notes
- Isaiah 27:7-13 - Study Notes
- Isaiah 28 - Study Notes
- Isaiah 29 - Study Notes
- Isaiah 30 - Study Notes
- Isaiah 31 - Study Notes
- Isaiah 32 - Study Notes
- Isaiah 33 - Study Notes
- Isaiah 34 - Study Notes
- Isaiah 35 - Study Notes
- Isaiah 36 - Study Notes
- Isaiah 37 - Study Notes
- Isaiah 38 - Study Notes
- Isaiah 39 - Study Notes
- Isaiah 40:1-11 - Study Notes
- Isaiah 40:12-31 - Study Notes
- Isaiah 41 - Study Notes
- Isaiah 42 - Study Notes
- Isaiah 43 - Study Notes
- Isaiah 44 - Study Notes
- Isaiah 45 - Study Notes
- Isaiah 46 - Audio Only
- Isaiah 47 - Study Notes
- Isaiah 48 - Study Notes
- Isaiah 49 - Study Notes
- Isaiah 50 - Study Notes
- Isaiah 51:1-6 - Study Notes
- Isaiah 51:7-23 - Study Notes
- Isaiah 52:1-12 - Study Notes
- Isaiah 53:3-5 - Study Notes
- Isaiah 53:6-9 - Study Notes
- Isaiah 53:10-12 - Study Notes
- Isaiah 54:1-10 -See Illustrations
- Isaiah 54:11-17 - See Illustrations
- Isaiah 55:1-5 - See Illustrations
- Isaiah 55:6-13 - See Illustrations
- Isaiah 56 - See Illustrations
- Isaiah 57 - See Illustrations
- Isaiah 58:1-7 - See Illustrations
- Isaiah 58:8-14 - See Illustrations
- Isaiah 59 - See Illustrations
- Isaiah 60 - See Illustrations
- Isaiah 61 - See Illustrations
- Isaiah 62 - See Illustrations
- Isaiah 63 - See Illustrations
- Isaiah 64 - See Illustrations
- Isaiah 65 - See Illustrations
- Isaiah 66 - See Illustrations
Jamieson, Fausset, Brown's Commentary is one of the more literal, conservative older commentaries (prior to 1900) and is therefore a recommended resource for your study of Isaiah.
- Introduction Commentary
- Isaiah 1 Commentary
- Isaiah 2 Commentary
- Isaiah 3 Commentary
- Isaiah 4 Commentary
- Isaiah 5 Commentary
- Isaiah 6 Commentary
- Isaiah 7 Commentary
- Isaiah 8 Commentary
- Isaiah 9 Commentary
- Isaiah 10 Commentary
- Isaiah 11 Commentary
- Isaiah 12 Commentary
- Isaiah 13 Commentary
- Isaiah 14 Commentary
- Isaiah 15 Commentary
- Isaiah 16 Commentary
- Isaiah 17 Commentary
- Isaiah 18 Commentary
- Isaiah 19 Commentary
- Isaiah 20 Commentary
- Isaiah 21 Commentary
- Isaiah 22 Commentary
- Isaiah 23 Commentary
- Isaiah 24 Commentary
- Isaiah 25 Commentary
- Isaiah 26 Commentary
- Isaiah 27 Commentary
- Isaiah 28 Commentary
- Isaiah 29 Commentary
- Isaiah 30 Commentary
- Isaiah 31 Commentary
- Isaiah 32 Commentary
- Isaiah 33 Commentary
- Isaiah 34 Commentary
- Isaiah 35 Commentary
- Isaiah 36 Commentary
- Isaiah 37 Commentary
- Isaiah 38 Commentary
- Isaiah 39 Commentary
- Isaiah 40 Commentary
- Isaiah 41 Commentary
- Isaiah 42 Commentary
- Isaiah 43 Commentary
- Isaiah 44 Commentary
- Isaiah 45 Commentary
- Isaiah 46 Commentary
- Isaiah 47 Commentary
- Isaiah 48 Commentary
- Isaiah 49 Commentary
- Isaiah 50 Commentary
- Isaiah 51 Commentary
- Isaiah 52 Commentary
- Isaiah 53 Commentary
- Isaiah 54 Commentary
- Isaiah 55 Commentary
- Isaiah 56 Commentary
- Isaiah 57 Commentary
- Isaiah 58 Commentary
- Isaiah 59 Commentary
- Isaiah 60 Commentary
- Isaiah 61 Commentary
- Isaiah 62 Commentary
- Isaiah 63 Commentary
- Isaiah 64 Commentary
- Isaiah 65 Commentary
- Isaiah 66 Commentary
- Isaiah 1 Commentary
- Isaiah 2 Commentary
- Isaiah 3 Commentary
- Isaiah 4 Commentary
- Isaiah 5 Commentary
- Isaiah 6 Commentary
- Isaiah 7 Commentary
- Isaiah 8 Commentary
- Isaiah 9 Commentary
- Isaiah 10 Commentary
- Isaiah 11 Commentary
- Isaiah 12 Commentary
- Isaiah 13 Commentary
- Isaiah 14 Commentary
- Isaiah 15 Commentary
- Isaiah 16 Commentary
- Isaiah 17 Commentary
- Isaiah 18 Commentary
- Isaiah 19 Commentary
- Isaiah 20 Commentary
- Isaiah 21 Commentary
- Isaiah 22 Commentary
- Isaiah 23 Commentary
- Isaiah 24 Commentary
- Isaiah 25 Commentary
- Isaiah 26 Commentary
- Isaiah 27 Commentary
- Isaiah 28 Commentary
- Isaiah 29 Commentary
- Isaiah 30 Commentary
- Isaiah 31 Commentary
- Isaiah 32 Commentary
- Isaiah 33 Commentary
- Isaiah 34 Commentary
- Isaiah 35 Commentary
- Isaiah 36 Commentary
- Isaiah 37 Commentary
- Isaiah 38 Commentary
- Isaiah 39 Commentary
- Isaiah 40 Commentary
- Isaiah 41 Commentary
- Isaiah 42 Commentary
- Isaiah 43 Commentary
- Isaiah 44 Commentary
- Isaiah 45 Commentary
- Isaiah 46 Commentary
- Isaiah 47 Commentary
- Isaiah 48 Commentary
- Isaiah 49 Commentary
- Isaiah 50 Commentary
- Isaiah 51 Commentary
- Isaiah 52 Commentary
- Isaiah 53 Commentary
- Isaiah 54 Commentary
- Isaiah 55 Commentary
- Isaiah 56 Commentary
- Isaiah 57 Commentary
- Isaiah 58 Commentary
- Isaiah 59 Commentary
- Isaiah 60 Commentary
- Isaiah 61 Commentary
- Isaiah 62 Commentary
- Isaiah 63 Commentary
- Isaiah 64 Commentary
- Isaiah 65 Commentary
- Isaiah 66 Commentary
Written from 1943-46 - Prior to Israel Becoming a Nation on May 14, 1948
Biblical Research Studies Group Literal interpretation
- The Message of the Prophet Isaiah-Chart
- Isaiah 1- The Great Indictment
- Isaiah 2-4 -Jerusalem Purged By Judgment and Blessed
- Isaiah 5-6 - Vineyard of Jehovah and Isaiah's Call and Commission
- Isaiah 7-12 -The Book of Immanuel - Babylon
- Isaiah 13-14 -The Oracles Regarding the Nations
- Isaiah 15-17 -The Oracles Regarding the Nations Moab and Damascus
- Isaiah 18-20 -The Oracles Regarding the Nations - Ethiopia and Egypt
- Isaiah 21-23 -Burdens Concerning the Nations Completed
- Isaiah 24-25 -The Tribulation and The Millennium
- Isaiah 26-27 -Israel's Song of Hope During the Tribulation
- Isaiah 28-29 - The First and Second Woes
- Isaiah 30-31- The Third and Fourth Woes
- Isaiah 33 - The Fifth Woe
- Isaiah 34-35 - World Judgment and World Blessing
- Isaiah 36-37 - Sennacherib's Challenge to the Almighty
- Isaiah 38-39 - Hezekiah's Sickness and he Visit of the Ambassadors from Babylon
- Isaiah 40 - Jewish Evangelization Commanded
- Isaiah 42-43:13 - Messianic Times According to Isaiah
- Isaiah 43:14- 44-5
- Isaiah 44:6-23
- Isaiah 44:24-45:25 -The Two Restorations of Israel
- Isaiah 46-48 - Babylon's Final Overthrow and Israel's Complete Deliverance by Her Messiah
- Isaiah 49 - The Servant of Jehovah and Israel's Restoration
- Isaiah 50 - The Servant of Jehovah King Messiah
- Isaiah 51:1-52:12 - A Triple Call And a Threefold Exhortation To Awake
- Isaiah 52:13-53:12 - The Servant of Jehovah Set Forth in Isaiah
- Isaiah-The Servant of Jehovah
- Isaiah 54 - Israel and the Millennial Jerusalem
- Isaiah 55-57 - A Call To Israel To Repent
- Isaiah 58-60 -The Final Call For Israel To Lay Aside Formalism and Wickedness and To Accept Her Messiah
- Isaiah 61 - A Blueprint of Messianic Times
- Isaiah 62:1-63:6 - Israel In Gods Future Plan
- Isaiah 63:7-64:12 - A Second Version of Israel's Confession Of Her National Sin
- Isaiah 65 - Isaiah's Viewing the Future
- Isaiah 66 - Matters of the End Time
Below are a Majority of his 189 messages (many of the 189 are duplicates)...:
- Isaiah 1:1 The Prophet Isaiah
- Isaiah 1:1 - The Prophet Isaiah
- Isaiah 1:1 - God and Government
- Isaiah 1:9 The Doctrine of the Remnant
- Isaiah 1:10-18 Atonement Under the Prophets
- Isaiah 1:18 The Great Invitation
- Isaiah 2:1-5 The Last Days
- Isaiah 6 The Prophetic Call
- Isaiah 6:1-8 Who Pays the Price?
- Isaiah 6:8 The Passion for Souls
- Isaiah 6:8 The Volunteer
- Isaiah 7:14 The Sign of the Virgin Birth
- Isaiah 7:14 The Sign of the Virgin Birth - 2
- Isaiah 7:14 The Book of Immanuel
- Isaiah 7, 9 The Wonderful Name
- Isaiah 8:19-20 The Foundation for the Faith
- Isaiah 9:6 The Wonderful Child
- Isaiah 9:6 The Child of Mary and the Son of God
- Isaiah 9:6 The Prince of Peace
- Isaiah 9:6 His Name is Wonderful
- Isaiah 9:6 The Shoulders of Jesus
- Isaiah 9:6-7 The Two Comings of Christ (2)
- Isaiah 9:6-7 The Redeemer's Return
- Isaiah 9:6-7 Jesus Our Lord - His Shoulders
- Isaiah 10:1-5 God's Judgment Upon America
- Isaiah 10:1-5 America and Israel vs World Communism
- Isaiah 10:1 Death in Détente
- Isaiah 11:6-9 The Little Child
- Isaiah 11:1-9 The Kingdom Is Coming
- Isaiah 14:12 Lucifer
- Isaiah 14: The Beginning and the End of Satan
- Isaiah 19:23-25 The Future of the Arab Nations
- Isaiah 19:18-25 Peace Between Arab and Jew
- Isaiah 21:11 The Weight of God's Word
- Isaiah 21:11-12 Watchman In the Night
- Isaiah 21:11 The Book of Burdens
- Isaiah 28:9-10 God Teaches Doctrine
- Isaiah 28:9-10 How God Teaches Doctrinal Truth
- Isaiah 28:11 The Christian Faith and World Revolution
- Isaiah 28:9-10 To Whom God Teaches His Doctrine
- Isaiah 30:12-21 This Is the Way Walk Ye In It
- Isaiah 30:21 Walking in the Way of the LORD
- Isaiah 35:8 The Highway to Heaven
- Isaiah 35:8 The Highway of Holiness
- Isaiah 35:8-10 Where is the Road to Heaven?
- Isaiah 36 The God Who Delivers by Prayer
- Isaiah 38:1-5 Prayer and the Miracle of Healing
- Isaiah 38:1-8 Death: Praying in the Will of God
- Isaiah 38:1-5 The Fear of Death
- Isaiah 38:1-5 I Am Afraid To Die, What Shall I Do?
- Isaiah 40:8 The Imperishable Word of God
- Isaiah 40:30 They That Wait Upon the Lord
- Isaiah 40: God's Book of Wonders
- Isaiah 40-66 The Books of the Wonders
- Isaiah 40:8 My Favorite Text
- Isaiah 40:31 They That Wait Upon the Lord
- Isaiah 40:8 This I Know (Film of Criswell's life)
- Isaiah 40:8 The Qumran Scrolls
- Isaiah 40:1-11 Comfort My People
- Isaiah 40:8 The Unfailing Word of God
- Isaiah 40:8 The Imperishable Word of God
- Isaiah 40:8 The Preservation of the Word of God
- Isaiah 40:8 The Book That Lives Forever
- Isaiah 40:8 The Bible and Modern Science
- Isaiah 41:11-14 God is Our Strength
- Isaiah 42:1-7 The Faithful Jesus
- Isaiah 43:1 God's Faithfulness to Israel
- Isaiah 43:1-7 Israel in the Remembrance of God
- Isaiah 43:1-7 Passing Through Deep Waters
- Isaiah 44:24 Person or Process in Creation
- Isaiah 45:22 Look and Live
- Isaiah 45:15 Why Does God Hide Himself?
- Isaiah 45:20-25 God's Simple Plan of Salvation
- Isaiah 46:9-11 Predestination
- Isaiah 46:9-11 Predestination: The Eternal Purpose of God
- Isaiah 47:7-15 Leading America Back to God
- Isaiah 51:1-2 The Christian Martyr
- Isaiah 51:1-2 Baptists and The American Constitution
- Isaiah 51:1-2 Our Baptist Heritage
- Isaiah 51:1 The Martyr at the Stake
- Isaiah 51:1 The Birth of Religious Freedom
- Isaiah 51:1-2 Our Baptist Forefathers: John Clarke, Obadiah Holmes
- Isaiah 51:1-2 Freedom Written in Blood
- Isaiah 51:1-2 The True Freedom
- Isaiah 51:1-2 Christianity & Communism
- Isaiah 51:1-2 The Church and the State
- Isaiah 51:1-2 The True Freedom
- Isaiah 51:1-2 A Century of Blessing
- Isaiah 51:1-2 Look Unto the Rock
- Isaiah 52:13 The Heartbreak of Isaiah
- Isaiah 52:14 Marred More Than Any Man
- Isaiah 53:1 The Suffering Savior
- Isaiah 53:1-12 The Lamb of God
- Isaiah 53:1-12 Great Words of Salvation: Atonement
- Isaiah 53:1 Our Suffering Savior
- Isaiah 53:10-12 The Cross and the Crown
- Isaiah 53:1-12 The Lamb of God
- Isaiah 53:9-10 Somebody Died For You
- Isaiah 55:1-9 The Gospel of Isaiah
- Isaiah 55:6 Death-Bed Repentance
- Isaiah 55:6-9 The Ways of God and Man
- Isaiah 55:11 What Happens When I Teach the Bible as Truth
- Isaiah 56:7 The Ways of God and Man
- Isaiah 56:7 Building the House of God
- Isaiah 57:15 The Humble of Heart
- Isaiah 59:1-2 The Barrier Between
- Isaiah 59:20-21 God's Faithfulness to Israel
- Isaiah 60:1-5 The Glory of the Lord
- Isaiah 60:1-3 The Light of the Lord
- Isaiah 60:1-5 Arise Shine First Baptist Church
- Isaiah 61:1-3 The Spirit of the Lord
- Isaiah 61:1-3 The Soul Cry That God Answers
- Isaiah 63:1-6 The Great Tribulation
- Isaiah 63:1-6 The Red In the Flag Is Blood
- Isaiah 63:1-6 The Terrible Tribulation
- Isaiah 64:4 For Those Who Love the Lord
- Isaiah 65:17-25 The Golden Millennium
- Isaiah 65:17-25 The Millennial Kingdom
- Isaiah 66:5-8 The Birth of Spiritual Children
Audio Only - Click link below for access to following titles
Isaiah - Believers Chapel Dallas - then select books and select Isaiah
- Isaiah 1:1-31 The Great Arraignment
- Isaiah 2:1-22 Two Jerusalems
- Isaiah 6:1-13 Holy, Holy, Holy
- Isaiah 7:1-16 God Is With Us
- Isaiah 9:1-7 The Child with Four Names
- Isaiah 11:1-16 Root and Branch
- Isaiah 14:12-17 Lucifer's Fall
- Isaiah 36 - 37 A Mighty Fortress
- Isaiah 38 - 39 He Remains Faithful
- Isaiah 40:1-11 Comfort
- Isaiah 40:12-31 The Majesty of God
- Isaiah 42:1-9 Justice For All
- Isaiah 43:1-7 Fear Not
- Isaiah 48:1-22 The Lord of History
- Isaiah 49:1-7 The Light of the World
- Isaiah 50:1-11 The Steadfast Servant
- Isaiah 51:1-11 Encouragement for Believers
- Isaiah 52:13-15 God's "Ecce Homo"
- Isaiah 53:1-6 The Servant as the Substitute
- Isaiah 53:7-12 The Suffering That Satisfies
- Isaiah 55:1-13 Free Grace
- Isaiah 61:1-11 Good News to the Afflicted
- Isaiah 63:1-7 Mighty to Save
- Isaiah 64:1-12 A Prayer for the Unclean
- Isaiah 65:1-25 The New Heavens and the New Earth
- Isaiah 66:1-24 Hope for the Humble
Note: This resource is listed because it has numerous commentary notes that relate to the OT Prophetic Books
- Israelology: Part 1 of 6 Introduction: Definition of Terms
- Israelology: Part 2 of 6 Israel Present (Note: Article begins on Page 2)
- Israelology: Part 3 of 6 Israel Present (Continued)
- Israelology: Part 4 of 6 - Israel Future (Part One)
- Israelology: Part 5 of 6 - Israel Future (Part Two)
- Israelology: Part 6 of 6 Other Relevant Topics - Illustrations of Israel (including marriage)
Literal interpretation
- Introduction
- Isaiah 1 Commentary
- Isaiah 2 Commentary
- Isaiah 3 Commentary
- Isaiah 4 Commentary
- Isaiah 5 Commentary
- Isaiah 6 Commentary
- Isaiah 7 Commentary
- Isaiah 8 Commentary
- Isaiah 9 Commentary
- Isaiah 10 Commentary
- Isaiah 11 Commentary
- Isaiah 12 Commentary
- Isaiah 13 Commentary
- Isaiah 14 Commentary
- Isaiah 15 Commentary
- Isaiah 16 Commentary
- Isaiah 17 Commentary
- Isaiah 18 Commentary
- Isaiah 19 Commentary
- Isaiah 20 Commentary
- Isaiah 21 Commentary
- Isaiah 22 Commentary
- Isaiah 23 Commentary
- Isaiah 24 Commentary
- Isaiah 25 Commentary
- Isaiah 26 Commentary
- Isaiah 27 Commentary
- Isaiah 28 Commentary
- Isaiah 29 Commentary
- Isaiah 30 Commentary
- Isaiah 31 Commentary
- Isaiah 32 Commentary
- Isaiah 33 Commentary
- Isaiah 34 Commentary
- Isaiah 35 Commentary
- Isaiah 36 Commentary
- Isaiah 37 Commentary
- Isaiah 38 Commentary
- Isaiah 39 Commentary
- Isaiah 40 Commentary
- Isaiah 41 Commentary
- Isaiah 42 Commentary
- Isaiah 43 Commentary
- Isaiah 44 Commentary
- Isaiah 45 Commentary
- Isaiah 46 Commentary
- Isaiah 47 Commentary
- Isaiah 48 Commentary
- Isaiah 49 Commentary
- Isaiah 50 Commentary
- Isaiah 51 Commentary
- Isaiah 52 Commentary
- Isaiah 53 Commentary
- Isaiah 54 Commentary
- Isaiah 55 Commentary
- Isaiah 56 Commentary
- Isaiah 58 Commentary
- Isaiah 59 Commentary
- Isaiah 60 Commentary
- Isaiah 61 Commentary
- Isaiah 62 Commentary
- Isaiah 63 Commentary
- Isaiah 65 Commentary
- Isaiah 66 Commentary
- Book of Isaiah - Bible Survey
- What are the Major Prophets and Minor Prophets?
- Does the Harbinger Really Predict America’s Future? - Book of Isaiah
- What Is Source Criticism? - Book of Isaiah
- What is the Deutero-Isaiah theory? Was the Book of Isaiah written by multiple Isaiahs?
- What should we learn from the life of Isaiah?
- Isaiah 1:8-note What does the Bible mean when it refers to a “Daughter of Zion”?
- Isaiah 6:1-note Who was King Uzziah in the Bible?
- Isaiah 6:3 What does it mean that God is holy, holy, holy?
- Isaiah 6:1-7 What are seraphim? Are seraphs angels?
- Isaiah 7:14-note Is 'virgin' or 'young woman' the correct translation of Isaiah 7:14?
- Isaiah 7:14-note Where does the Old Testament predict the coming of Christ?
- Isaiah 7:14-note Why wasn't Jesus named Immanuel?
- Isaiah 7:18-25 What Is the Day of the Lord?
- Isaiah 9:6-note What does it mean that Jesus is our Wonderful Counselor (Isaiah 9:6)?
- Isaiah 9:6-note What does it mean that Jesus is the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6)?
- Isaiah 14:12, Rev 22:16-noteWhy are both Jesus and Satan referred to as the morning star?
- Isaiah 14:12-14, Ezekiel 28:12-18 How, why, and when did Satan fall from heaven?
- Isaiah 14:12–18 Is Lucifer Satan? Does the Fall of Lucifer Describe Satan?
- Isaiah 14:12-14, Ezekiel 28:12-18 Was Satan in charge of music in Heaven?
- Isaiah 14:12-14 Did God Create Satan?
- Isaiah 16:1 What Is the Significance of the City of Petra in the Bible?
- Isaiah 22:22What is the Key of David?
- Isaiah 23:11, 66:1 What Is an Anthropomorphism?
- Isaiah 28:16-17 What Does It Mean that Jesus Christ Is the Cornerstone?
- Isaiah 28:27-28 What Is a Threshing Floor?
- Isaiah 30:27–30 What Does It Mean that God Is a Consuming Fire?
- Isaiah 41:41:4, 44:6, 48:12 What Does It Mean that Jesus Is the Alpha and the Omega?
- Isaiah 45:1,4 Who Was Cyrus in the Bible?
- Isaiah 45:7 Why does Isaiah 45:7 say that God created evil?
- Isaiah 45:23, 5-6, 18, 22 What does it mean and when will it happen that every knee shall bow?
- Isaiah 46:9-10 Does God Know the Future?
- Isaiah 46:9-10 If God knew that Satan would rebel, why did He create him?
- Isaiah 46:10 What is process theology?
- Isaiah 42:1–9; 49:1–13; 50:4–11; 52:13—53:12 What are the four Servant Songs in Isaiah?
- Isaiah 52:7 What Does the Bible Say about Peace?
- Isaiah 52:14 Why did Jesus have to experience so much suffering?
- Isaiah 53:2b, 14 What did Jesus look like?
- Isaiah 53:1-12 Is Isaiah 53 'The Suffering Servant' a prophecy about Jesus?
- Isaiah 53:5, 1 Peter 2:24-note What does it mean that “by His stripes we are healed”?
- Isaiah 53 Where do the Hebrew Scriptures prophesy the death and resurrection of the Messiah?
- Isaiah 59:20–21, Romans 11:26-note Will All Israel Be Saved in the End Times?
- Isaiah 62:4, 2 Kings 21:1What is the meaning of “Hephzibah” in the Bible?
- Isaiah 64:6 Why are all of our righteous acts considered filthy rags?
- Isaiah 65:17 Will we remember our earthly lives when we are in Heaven?
Encourage, Appreciate, Challenge | Isaiah 6:1-13 | Zaretsky, Tuvya |
Lift Jesus Up | Isaiah 52:13-15, 53:1-12 | Zaretsky, Tuvya |
Seeing the Whole Story | Isaiah 9:2-7 | Hall, Danny |
Music From Home | Isaiah 55:6-13 | Grant, Scott |
The Greatest City in the World | Isaiah 54:11-17 | Grant, Scott |
The Compassion of the Lord | Isaiah 54:6-10 | Grant, Scott |
Breaking Out of the Box | Isaiah 54:1-5 | Grant, Scott |
The Servant Enjoys His Family | Isaiah 53:10-12 | Grant, Scott |
Strange Twists in the Story | Isaiah 53:7-9 | Grant, Scott |
Wounded Healer | Isaiah 53:4-6 | Grant, Scott |
Ordinary Appearance, Extraordinary Love | Isaiah 53:1-3 | Grant, Scott |
A Strange Wisdom | Isaiah 52:13-15 | Grant, Scott |
You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet | Isaiah 43:14-21 | Grant, Scott |
The Love that Goes With Us | Isaiah 43:1-7 | Grant, Scott |
Strength for the Weary | Isaiah 40:12-31 | Grant, Scott |
God Comes Home | Isaiah 52:1-10 | Grant, Scott |
Trusting God in the Darkness | Isaiah 50:4-11 | Grant, Scott |
God Affirms His Servant | Isaiah 49:7-13 | Grant, Scott |
A New Day | Isaiah 48:1-22 | Grant, Scott |
The God Who Carries You | Isaiah 46:1-13 | Grant, Scott |
You Can't Outdream God | Isaiah 49:1-6 | Grant, Scott |
God's Amazing Plan | Isaiah 45:14-25 | Grant, Scott |
Feeding On Ashes | Isaiah 44:6-20 | Grant, Scott |
You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet | Isaiah 43:14-21 | Grant, Scott |
Love That Goes With Us | Isaiah 43:1-7 | Grant, Scott |
Invitation to a Feast | Isaiah 55:1-5 | Grant, Scott |
The Servant of Compassion | Isaiah 42:1-9 | Grant, Scott |
The Servant, the Worm, and the Wanderer | Isaiah 41:1-29 | Grant, Scott |
Strength for the Weary | Isaiah 40:12-31 | Grant, Scott |
The Voice of Comfort | Isaiah 40:1-11 | Grant, Scott |
Come To Me | Isaiah 55:1-13 | Hall, Danny |
What Do We Do Now? | Isaiah 6:1-8 | Hall, Danny |
Jesus: Born to Serve | Isaiah 61:1-2 | Ritchie, Ron |
Jesus: Born To Rule | Isaiah 9:6-7 | Ritchie, Ron |
Jesus: Born Of A Virgin | Isaiah 7:10-14 | Ritchie, Ron |
A Teacher for Turbulent Times | Isaiah 50:4-11 | Goins, Doug |
A Savior for Turbulent Times | Isaiah 49:1-13 | Goins, Doug |
A Servant for Turbulent Times | Isaiah 42:1-13 | Goins, Doug |
A Shepherd for Turbulent Times | Isaiah 40:1-31 | Goins, Doug |
And then Comes the End | Isaiah 59:1-21, 60:1-22, 61:1-11, 62:1-12, 63:1-19, 64:1-12, 65:1-25, 66:1-24 | Stedman, Ray |
The Time of Rain and Snow | Isaiah 54:1-17, 55:1-13, 56:1-12, 57:1-21, 58:1-14 | Stedman, Ray |
Man of Sorrows | Isaiah 53:1-12 | Stedman, Ray |
Behold the Messiah | Isaiah 49:1-26, 50:1-11, 51:1-23, 52:1-15 | Stedman, Ray |
God of Space and Time | Isaiah 44:1-28, 45:1-25, 46:1-13, 47:1-15, 48:1-22 | Stedman, Ray |
Who is Like our God | Isaiah 40:1-31, 41:1-29, 42:1-25, 43:1-28 | Stedman, Ray |
Faith and Folly | Isaiah 36:1-22, 37:1-38, 38:1-22, 39:1-8 | Stedman, Ray |
The Black Holes of Life | Isaiah 24:1-23, 25:1-12, 26:1-21, 27:1-13, 28:1-29, 29:1-24, 30:1-33, 31:1-9, 32:1-20, 33:1-24, 34:1-17, 35:1-10 | Stedman, Ray |
Why do the Nations Rage? | Isaiah 13:1-22, 14:1-32, 15:1-9, 16:1-14, 17:1-14, 18:1-7, 19:1-25, 20:1-6, 21:1-17, 22:1-25, 23:1-18 | Stedman, Ray |
What's Coming Down? | Isaiah 11:1-16, 12:1-6 | Stedman, Ray |
O Come Immanuel | Isaiah 7:1-25, 9:1-21 | Stedman, Ray |
His Majesty | Isaiah 6:1-13 | Stedman, Ray |
The Human Problem | Isaiah 1:1-31 | Stedman, Ray |
The Servant of the Lord | Isaiah 42:1-4 | Stedman, Ray |
Comfort for Captives | Isaiah 40:1-31 | Roper, Dave |
Emmanuel | Isaiah 7:1-25, 8:1-22, 9:1-21 | Roper, Dave |
The Salvation of the Lord | Isaiah | Stedman, Ray |
Literal interpretation
- Isaiah 1 Commentary
- Isaiah 2 Commentary
- Isaiah 3 Commentary
- Isaiah 4 Commentary
- Isaiah 5 Commentary
- Isaiah 6 Commentary
- Isaiah 7 Commentary
- Isaiah 8 Commentary
- Isaiah 9 Commentary
- Isaiah 10 Commentary
- Isaiah 11 Commentary
- Isaiah 12 Commentary
- Isaiah 13 Commentary
- Isaiah 14 Commentary
- Isaiah 15 Commentary
- Isaiah 16 Commentary
- Isaiah 17 Commentary
- Isaiah 18 Commentary
- Isaiah 19 Commentary
- Isaiah 20 Commentary
- Isaiah 21 Commentary
- Isaiah 22 Commentary
- Isaiah 23 Commentary
- Isaiah 24 Commentary
- Isaiah 25 Commentary
- Isaiah 26 Commentary
- Isaiah 27 Commentary
- Isaiah 28 Commentary
- Isaiah 29 Commentary
- Isaiah 30 Commentary
- Isaiah 31 Commentary
- Isaiah 32 Commentary
- Isaiah 33 Commentary
- Isaiah 34 Commentary
- Isaiah 35 Commentary
- Isaiah 36 Commentary
- Isaiah 37 Commentary
- Isaiah 38 Commentary
- Isaiah 39 Commentary
- Isaiah 40 Commentary
- Isaiah 41 Commentary
- Isaiah 42 Commentary
- Isaiah 43 Commentary
- Isaiah 44 Commentary
- Isaiah 45 Commentary
- Isaiah 46 Commentary
- Isaiah 47 Commentary
- Isaiah 48 Commentary
- Isaiah 49 Commentary
- Isaiah 50 Commentary
- Isaiah 51 Commentary
- Isaiah 52 Commentary
- Isaiah 53 Commentary
- Isaiah 54 Commentary
- Isaiah 55 Commentary
- Isaiah 56 Commentary
- Isaiah 57 Commentary
- Isaiah 58 Commentary
- Isaiah 59 Commentary
- Isaiah 60 Commentary
- Isaiah 61 Commentary
- Isaiah 62 Commentary
- Isaiah 63 Commentary
- Isaiah 64 Commentary
- Isaiah 65 Commentary
- Isaiah 66 Commentary
Literal interpretation
- Isaiah 1:1-4:6 Commentary
- Isaiah 5:1-Isaiah 9:7 Commentary
- Isaiah 9:8-Isaiah 14:32 Commentary
- Isaiah 15:1-Isaiah 23:18 Commentary
- Isaiah 24:1-Isaiah 27:13 Commentary
- Isaiah 28:1-Isaiah 35:10 Commentary
- Isaiah 36:1-Isaiah 40:8 Commentary
- Isaiah 40: 9 - Isaiah 45:14 Commentary
- Isaiah 45:14-Isaiah 49:4 Commentary
- Isaiah 49:5-Isaiah 51:16 Commentary
- Isaiah 51:17-Isaiah 53:9 Commentary
- Isaiah 53:10-Isaiah 55:13 Commentary
- Isaiah 56:1-Isaiah 58:14 Commentary
- Isaiah 59:1-Isaiah 60:5 Commentary
- Isaiah 60:6 - Isaiah 62:3 Commentary
- Isaiah 62:4-Isaiah 64:3 Commentary
- Isaiah 64:4-Isaiah 65:12 Commentary
- Isaiah 65:13-Isaiah 66:24 Commentary
- Isaiah 1:18 - Scarlet
- Isaiah 6:1-12 Confrontation
- Isaiah 12:1 O Lord, I Will Praise Thee - William Cowper Hymn
- Isaiah 27:1 Leviathan
- Isaiah 40:18-31 Life Sentence
- Isaiah 40:25, 27-28 Our Thoughts of God (J I Packer)
- Isaiah 40:21-31 Three Proofs of God's Ownership of This Universe (Today in the Word)
- Isaiah 42:3 Hand of Mercy
- Isaiah 53:6 Our Troubles
- Isaiah 54:2 Six Inch Christians (Pastoral Renewal)
- Isaiah 55:9 Unanswered Questions
Literal interpretation
- Ironside's Notes on Isaiah - another source - Scripture popups on mouseover
- See also - Harry A. Ironside Audio Sermons
Dr Neil Cushman comments on use of Ironside in preaching Isaiah - "Summary on Ironside: Therefore, Ironside’s commentary on Isaiah remains an effective tool for preachers who seek to understand Isaiah in respect to the overall argument of the prophet from the perspective of a dispensationalist. The commentary’s weaknesses, however, are significant enough that it might not be consulted by the preacher at all. First, this tome is not technical in any sense; it does not deal with the Hebrew text (including any textual critical issues). Second, it interacts very little with other literature on Isaiah. Third, it passes over difficult passages in Isaiah with little comment. Fourth, it does not have the advantage of using literary tools that have been developed in the latter part of the 20th century. In short, it is dated and somewhat devotional. But this is what one might expect from popular commentaries that were produced in the first half of the 20th century. This brief survey of Ironside’s commentary on Isaiah raises two related problems pertaining to homiletics and Isaiah for dispensationalists. First, sermons on this prophecy frequently overlook the argument of the book as a whole. Favorite texts are presented in isolation from the main theme. Many a missionary message has been preached from Isaiah 6 without comment on how this divine scene fits Isaiah’s overall message. Christmas sermons on Isaiah 7:14 or 9:6 skim over the greater implications of messianic promises of the Davidic king’s incarnation. Passion sermons on Isaiah 53 (Isaiah 52:13-53:12) disregard this chapter’s placement between promises of Israel’s restoration (Isaiah 51:1-52:12) and a song that celebrates Israel’s national salvation (Isaiah 54:1-17). Second, few exegetical resources are available on Isaiah that might help the preacher with the problem described above. Commentaries which address textual, lexical, syntactical, and critical issues of the text are almost without exception non-dispensational. Most dispensational works, on the other hand, are either popular works like Ironside’s commentary or they are exegetically weak.... In the past year, 468 sermons in which Isaiah was the principal text were uploaded onto Sermon Audio’s website. Since approximately 6000 sermons were uploaded during that same period of time, sermons on Isaiah would account for nearly 8 percent of those preached. As previously noted, preachers frequently focus on familiar texts in Isaiah’s prophecy. Thus, homeleticians expounded Isaiah 6 thirty-one times, 7:14 eighteen times, 9:6 thirty times, and chapter 53 ninety- three times. In the majority of these sermons the overall message of Isaiah was not mentioned, although the historical context was sometimes addressed, especially in respect to chapters 6 and 7. (Preaching Isaiah: Dispensational Issues - Neal Cushman)
- Isaiah 1 - THE CALL TO HEAR
- Isaiah 7 - THE VIRGIN'S SON
- Isaiah 13-14 - THE BURDEN OF BABYLON
- Isaiah 15-16 - THE BURDEN OF MOAB
- Isaiah 19-20 - THE BURDEN OF EGYPT
- Isaiah 23 - THE BURDEN OF TYRE
- Isaiah 51 - THE CALL TO AWAKE
- Introduction
- Isaiah 1
- Isaiah 2
- Isaiah 3
- Isaiah 4
- Isaiah 5
- Isaiah 6
- Isaiah 7
- Isaiah 8
- Isaiah 9
- Isaiah 10
- Isaiah 11
- Isaiah 12
- Isaiah 13
- Isaiah 14
- Isaiah 15
- Isaiah 16
- Isaiah 17
- Isaiah 18
- Isaiah 19
- Isaiah 20
- Isaiah 21
- Isaiah 22
- Isaiah 23
- Isaiah 24
- Isaiah 25
- Isaiah 26
- Isaiah 27
- Isaiah 28
- Isaiah 29
- Isaiah 30
- Isaiah 31
- Isaiah 32
- Isaiah 33
- Isaiah 34
- Isaiah 35
- Isaiah 36
- Isaiah 37
- Isaiah 38
- Isaiah 39
- Isaiah 40
- Isaiah 41
- Isaiah 42
- Isaiah 43
- Isaiah 44
- Isaiah 45
- Isaiah 46
- Isaiah 47
- Isaiah 48
- Isaiah 49
- Isaiah 50
- Isaiah 51
- Isaiah 52
- Isaiah 53
- Isaiah 54
- Isaiah 55
- Isaiah 56
- Isaiah 57
- Isaiah 58
- Isaiah 59
- Isaiah 60
- Isaiah 61
- Isaiah 62
- Isaiah 63
- Isaiah 64
- Isaiah 65
- Isaiah 66
Literal interpretation
Isaiah Sermons
- Isaiah 1:1-31 The Great Arraignment, or The Wickedness of Formal Worship
- Isaiah 2:1-4:6 The Two Jerusalems: Past and Future
- Isaiah 5:1-30 The Vineyard of Jehovah, or The Problem of Lawlessness
- Isaiah 6:1-13 The Prophet Cleansed, Called and Commissioned
- Isaiah 7:1-25 The Virgin’s Son: the Divine Sign
- Isaiah 8:1–9:7 The Stone of Stumbling and the Mighty God
- Isaiah 9:1-7 The Child Who Is a Father
- Isaiah 9:8–10:34 The Destruction of the World’s Kingdom
- Isaiah 11:1–12:6 The Coming and Consummation of Jehovah’s Kingdom
- Isaiah 13:1–14:23 Babylon and Lucifer
- Isaiah 14:24–18:7 Isaiah and the Foreign Nations – I
- Isaiah 19:1–23:18 Isaiah and the Foreign Nations – II
- Isaiah 24:1–25:12 The Little Apocalypse – I: The Moral Universe in Judgment
- Isaiah 26:1–27:13 The Little Apocalypse – II: Israel Raised From the Dead and Fruitful In The Earth
- Isaiah 28 The Book of Woes – I: The Covenant with Death, or the Sure Foundation
- Isaiah 29 The Book of Woes – II: Formalism, Faithlessness and the Holy One of Israel
- Isaiah 30-31 Politics and Faith, or the Folly of Trusting Horses and Chariots
- Isaiah 32 The Ideal Man and What’s Wrong With Women
- Isaiah 33 The Treacherous Assyrian and the Glorious Lord
- Isaiah 34-35 The Battle of Armageddon, the Coming of the Lord and the Kingdom of God
- Isaiah 36-39 History, Prophecy and Son: the Difference Jesus Christ Makes
- Isaiah 40:1-31 The Comfort of Israel’s Incomparable God
- Isaiah 41:1-7 Jehovah: the Sovereign Lord of Israel
- Isaiah 42 The Servant of Jehovah, the Covenant of the People and the Light of the Gentiles
- Isaiah 43-44:23 After Discipline: Deliverance
- Isaiah 44:24-45:25 Cyrus: Anointed of Jehovah and His Greater Captain
- Isaiah 46:1-47:15 Babylon Again! Its Gods and Its Fall
- Isaiah 46:1-47:15 The Moral Claims of Predicted Prophecy
- Isaiah 49:1-26 The Glorious Success of the Discouraged Servant of Jehovah
- Isaiah 50:1-11 Israel’s Sin and the Servant’s Steadfast Salvation
- Isaiah 51-52:12 Tidings of Salvation to Stricken Jerusalem
- Isaiah 52:13-53:12 The Degradation and Exaltation of the Servant of Jehovah
- Isaiah 52:13-15 The Astonishing Messiah
- Isaiah 52:13-15 The Startling Christ
- Isaiah 53:1-3 The Misunderstood Messiah
- Isaiah 53:4-6 The Vicarious Messiah
- Isaiah 53:7-9; 1 Peter 2:20-25; Revelation 5:5-14 The Submissive Messiah
- Isaiah 53:6-9 The Submissive Messiah (Not the same message as above)
- Isaiah 53:10-12 The Sovereign Messiah
- Isaiah 53:10-12 The Righteous Servant, Bruised but Exalted
- Isaiah 54 The Glory of the Covenant Nation
- Isaiah 55-57 The Sure Mercies of David, or Invitation, Admonition and Denunciation
- Isaiah 58 True Worship, or the Works of Faith
- Isaiah 59 The Power of Human Sin
- Isaiah 60 Vistas of the Future, or the Glory of the Kingdom of God
- Isaiah 61:1-3 The Glory of the Servant
- Isaiah 61-62 The Glory of the Servant and His City
- Isaiah 63-64 The Advent in Judgment and Appeal for Deliverance
- Isaiah 65 Jehovah’s Answer to Israel’s Appeal, or New Heavens and a New Earth
- Isaiah 66 The Seat of the Scornful in the Day of Salvation
Messianic Prophecies in Isaiah
- Isaiah 1:1-31 Introduction
- Isaiah 2:1-5 Messianic Salvation in the Last Days
- Isaiah 4:2-6 The Glorious Branch
- Isaiah 6:1-13 The Holy Seed, the Stump in the Land
- Isaiah 7:1-25 The Greatest Political Power in Israel Since David
- Isaiah 9:2-7 The Messianic King: The Mighty God
- Isaiah 11:1-12:6 The Salvation of Jehovah
- Isaiah 40:1-31 The Comfort of Israel’s Incomparable God
- Isaiah 42:1-25 The Servant of Jehovah, the Covenant of the People and Light of the Gentiles
- Isaiah 49:1-26 The Glorious Success of the Troubled Servant of Jehovah
- Isaiah 50:1-11 The Servant’s Words to Zion’s Children
- Isaiah 49:1-26 Degradation and Exaltation
- Isaiah 54:1-17 The Glory of the Servants of Jehovah
- Isaiah 55:1-13 The Sure Mercies of David
- Isaiah 59:1-21 Jehovah’s Coming and Covenant
- Isaiah 60:1-22 The City of the Kingdom
- Isaiah 61:1-3 The Glory of the Servant
- Isaiah 63:1-64:12 The Advent in Judgment
- Isaiah 65:1-25 Jehovah’s Answer to Israel’s Appeal
- Isaiah 66:1-24 The Seat of the Scornful in the Day of Salvation
Another source - Indexed by Chapter
- Isaiah 1:1-9, 16-20 The Great Suit: Jehovah Versus Judah
- Isaiah 1:3 The Stupidity of Godlessness
- Isaiah 1:30, 31 What Sin Does to Men
- Isaiah 4:5 The Perpetual Pillar of Cloud and Fire
- Isaiah 5:8-10 A Prophet's Woes
- Isaiah 6:1-13 Vision and Service
- Isaiah 6:1 The Empty Throne Filled
- Isaiah 6:2 A Seraph’s Wings
- Isaiah 6:5 The Making of a Prophet
- Isaiah 8:6, 7 Shiloh and Euphrates
- Isaiah 9:2-7 The Kingdom and the King
- Isaiah 10:17 Light or Fire?
- Isaiah 11:1-10 The Sucker from the Felled Oak
- Isaiah 12:3 The Well-spring of Salvation
- Isaiah 17:10, 11 The Harvest of a Godless Life
- Isaiah 25:6-8 In This Mountain’
- Isaiah 25:6 The Feast on the Sacrifice
- Isaiah 25:7 The Veil over All Nations
- Isaiah 26:1-10 The Song of Two Cities
- Isaiah 26:1-2 Our Strong City
- Isaiah 26:3-4 The Inhabitant of the Rock
- Isaiah 27:5 The Grasp that Brings Peace
- Isaiah 28:1-13 The Judgment of Drunkards and Mockers
- Isaiah 28:3-5 A Crown of Pride or a Crown of Glory
- Isaiah 62:3 Man's Crown and God's
- Isaiah 28:16 The Foundation of God
- Isaiah 28:21 God's Strange Work
- Isaiah 28:23-29 The Husbandman and His Operations
- Isaiah 30:15 'Quietness and Confidence’
- Isaiah 30:18 God's Waiting and Man's
- Isaiah 31:5 Three Pictures of One Reality
- Isaiah 31:9 The Lord's Furnace
- Isaiah 32:2 The Hiding-place
- Isaiah 33:14, 15, 1Jn 4:16 How to Dwell in the Fire of God
- Isaiah 33:16 The Fortress of the Faithful
- Isaiah 33:21 The Rivers of God
- Isaiah 33:22 Judge, Lawgiver, King
- Isaiah 35:5-6 Miracles of Healing
- Isaiah 35:6-7 Mirage or Lake
- Isaiah 35:8-9 The King's Highway
- Isaiah 35:9-10 What Life's Journey May Be
- Isaiah 37:14-21, 33-38 The Triumph of Faith
- Isaiah 37:14 Where to Carry Troubles
- Isaiah 40:1-10 Great Voices from Heaven
- Isaiah 40:9 O Thou that Bringest Good Tidings
- Isaiah 40:2, 28 'Have Ye Not? Hast Thou Not?’
- Isaiah 40:26, 29 Unfailing Stars and Fainting Men
- Isaiah 40:30, 31 The Secret of Immortal Youth
- Isaiah 42:3, 4 Christ the Arrester of Incipient Evil and the Nourisher of Incipient Good
- Isaiah 42:16 The Blind Man’s Guide
- Isaiah 43:1,7 Thy Name: My Name
- Isaiah 44:1,2 Jacob Israel Jeshurun
- Isaiah 44:20 Feeding on Ashes
- Isaiah 44:22 Writing Blotted Out and Mist Melted
- Isaiah 44:15, 19 Hidden and Revealed
- Isaiah 45:12, 14 A Righteousness Near and a Swift Salvation
- Isaiah 48:18 A River of Peace and Waves of Righteousness
- Isaiah 49:9 Feeding in the Ways
- Isaiah 49:11 The Mountain Road
- Isaiah 49:16 The Writing on God’s Hands
- Isaiah 50:4 The Servant's Words to the Weary
- Isaiah 50:5 The Servant's Obedience
- Isaiah 50:6 The Servant's Voluntary Sufferings
- Isaiah 50:7 The Servant's Inflexible Resolve
- Isaiah 50:8,9 The Servant's Triumph
- Isaiah 50:10 A Call to Faith
- Isaiah 50:11 Dying Fire
- Isaiah 52:1 The Awakening of Zion
- Isaiah 52:3 A Paradox of Selling and Buying
- Isaiah 52:11 Clean Carriers
- Isaiah 52:11, 12, Marching Orders
- Isaiah 53:1 The Arm of the Lord
- Isaiah 53:2,3 The Suffering Servant I
- Isaiah 53:4-6 The Suffering Servant II
- Isaiah 53:7-9 The Suffering Servant III
- Isaiah 53:10 The Suffering Servant IV
- Isaiah 53:11 The Suffering Servant V
- Isaiah 53:12 The Suffering Servant VI
- Isaiah 54:10 The Passing and the Permanent
- Isaiah 55:1-13 The Call to the Thirsty
- Isaiah 55:1 The Great Proclamation
- Isaiah 55:8,9 God's Ways and Man's
- Isaiah 54:12 Can We Be Sure of To-morrow? A New Year's Sermon
- Isaiah 59:6, Re 3:18 Flimsy Garments
- Isaiah 60:1-3 The Sunlit Church
- Isaiah 60:18 Walls and Gates
- Isaiah 61:3 The Joy-bringer
- Isaiah 62:1, 6, 7 The Heavenly Workers and the Earthly Watchers
- Isaiah 63:1 Mighty to Save
- Isaiah 63:2,3 The Winepress and Its Treader
- Isaiah 63:9 The Sympathy of God
- Isaiah 64:5 How to Meet God
- Isaiah 65:16 'The God of the Amen’
Mp3's on Each Chapter (Note: These are not the same as McGee's commentary below). Literal Interpretation with Frequent Practical Application
- Isaiah 1 Commentary
- Isaiah 2 Commentary
- Isaiah 3 Commentary
- Isaiah 4 Commentary
- Isaiah 5 Commentary
- Isaiah 6 Commentary
- Isaiah 7 Commentary
- Isaiah 8 Commentary
- Isaiah 9 Commentary
- Isaiah 10 Commentary
- Isaiah 11 Commentary
- Isaiah 12 Commentary
- Isaiah 13 Commentary
- Isaiah 14 Commentary
- Isaiah 15 Commentary
- Isaiah 16 Commentary
- Isaiah 17 Commentary
- Isaiah 18 Commentary
- Isaiah 19 Commentary
- Isaiah 20 Commentary
- Isaiah 21 Commentary
- Isaiah 22 Commentary
- Isaiah 23 Commentary
- Isaiah 24 Commentary
- Isaiah 25 Commentary
- Isaiah 26 Commentary
- Isaiah 27 Commentary
- Isaiah 28 Commentary
- Isaiah 29 Commentary
- Isaiah 30 Commentary
- Isaiah 31 Commentary
- Isaiah 32 Commentary
- Isaiah 33 Commentary
- Isaiah 34 Commentary
- Isaiah 35 Commentary
- Isaiah 36 Commentary
- Isaiah 37 Commentary
- Isaiah 38 Commentary
- Isaiah 39 Commentary
- Isaiah 40 Commentary
- Isaiah 41 Commentary
- Isaiah 42 Commentary
- Isaiah 43 Commentary
- Isaiah 44 Commentary
- Isaiah 45 Commentary
- Isaiah 46 Commentary
- Isaiah 47 Commentary
- Isaiah 48 Commentary
- Isaiah 49 Commentary
- Isaiah 50 Commentary
- Isaiah 51 Commentary
- Isaiah 52 Commentary
- Isaiah 53 Commentary
- Isaiah 54 Commentary
- Isaiah 55 Commentary
- Isaiah 56 Commentary
- Isaiah 57 Commentary
- Isaiah 58 Commentary
- Isaiah 59 Commentary
- Isaiah 60 Commentary
- Isaiah 61 Commentary
- Isaiah 62 Commentary
- Isaiah 63 Commentary
- Isaiah 64 Commentary
- Isaiah 65 Commentary
- Isaiah 66 Commentary
Literal interpretation. This resource is NOT the same as the Mp3's listed above but a different resource.
FOREWORD: If Isaiah is “The Prince of Prophets,” then the Book of Isaiah is the most majestic of all the books of prophecy. It has been our intention in these pages to direct the attention of the reader to the Person of the One who is both Saviour and Sovereign. We trust that there is something helpful in every comment on this magnificent prophecy. No attempt has been made to create an artistic production—rather our effort is to place tools in the hands of those who long to dig for treasure in the Word of God. This book is practical rather than poetic. It is geared to everyday living, not to the hypothetical theories of theologians.
Jim Rosscup: This is one of the best older expositions of the book from a Hebrew scholar. There are frequent word studies; he deals with syntax; he has an original translation; his commentary is more detailed than most and is often helpful verse by verse. (Commentaries for Biblical Expositors)
Cyril Barber - Excellent, nontechnical, ideal for pastors and laypeople.
- Isaiah - Theology of Isaiah by Paul Wegner (Baker's Evangelical Dictionary)
- American Tract Society Isaiah
- Bridgeway Bible Dictionary Isaiah
- Easton's Bible Dictionary Isaiah
- Fausset Bible Dictionary Isaiah
- Holman Bible Dictionary Isaiah
- Hitchcock Bible Names Isaiah
- Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible Isaiah
- Hastings' Dictionary of the NT Isaiah
- Hawker's Poor Man's Dictionary Isaiah
- Whyte's Bible Characters Isaiah
- Watson's Theological Dictionary Isaiah
- International Standard Bible Encyclopedia Isaiah
- Kitto Biblical Cyclopedia Isaiah
- McClintock and Strong's Bible Encyclopedia Isaiah
- The Nuttall Encyclopedia Isaiah
- Isaiah 6:8-13 Whom Shall I Send? -
- Isaiah 9:6 More than a Babe in the Manger
- Isaiah 9:6 The Promise of the Prince of Peace
- Isaiah 12:1-6 Redeemed, How I Love to Proclaim It
- Isaiah 35:8-10 Walking up the King's Highway
- Isaiah 41:1-10 Provision or Pride
- Isaiah 43:1-7 Real Joy in the Journey
- Isaiah 43:11-15 There is None like Him
- Isaiah 55:1-2 A Life of Plenty
- The Prophets and the Promise - Index to his 433 Page Book
- Preliminary - Sources, Interpreting Sources
- Terms Used to Describe the Prophets
- History of the Prophets
- The Prophet A Citizen with a Message
- Functions of a prophet: Naturalistic vs Supernaturalistic
- The Prophet's Message (eg Micaiah's lying spirit)
- The Prophet as a Giver of Torah
- The Promise Doctrine as Taught in the NT
- The Promise Given to the Patriarchs
- The Promise as Renewed to Israel and to David
- The Promise Doctrine of the Prophets and Psalmists
- Messianic Terms - The Servant
- Messianic Terms - The Kingdom and Its Anointed Kings
- Messianic Terms - Yahweh's Hasidh (Hhasidh)
- Collateral Lines of Promise-Doctrine
- Messianic Expectation and Fulfillment
- The Apologetic Value of Prophecy
- Commentary on the book of the Prophet Isaiah - Volume 1
- Commentary on the book of the Prophet Isaiah - Volume 2
- Commentary on the book of the Prophet Isaiah - Volume 3
- Commentary on the book of the Prophet Isaiah - Volume 4
Rosscup's critique of John Calvin: A lucid amillennial commentary, in this reviewer’s judgment good but not as directly to the point and certainly not as recent as amillennial works by Leupold, Young, etc.
My Critique: Be cautious. Calvin does not interpret the text literally and as a result assigns to the Church the prophetic promises that in context were clearly given by God to His Chosen People, the nation of Israel. For example in his 4 volumes, Calvin uses the term "church" 1228 times and the term "Israel" only 515 times in a book clearly addressed by a Jewish prophet to Judah and Jerusalem and not the church (Isa 1:1, 2:1, etc is very clear as to the intended audience - to change it to the church is to spiritualize the text. Read Allegorizing and Spiritualizing the Truth)
- Top 5 Commentaries on the Book of Isaiah by Keith Mathison - Ligonier Ministries - caveat - some listed do not interpret Isaiah literally!
- Best Commentaries on Isaiah - Tim Challies - Caveat - Like Mathison above, he ranks Motyer the top commentary - see Rosscup below
- Evangelical Commentaries on Isaiah - Martin J Selman (Discussion of J N Oswalt's NICOT - Isaiah 1-39 and J D W Watts Isaiah 1-33 - Word Biblical Commentary)
- Cyril Barber critique - *Martin, Alfred, and John A. Martin. Isaiah: The Glory of the Messiah. Chicago: Moody Press, 1983. Though designed for laypeople, this treatment of the theme of Isaiah can only be described as brilliant. It is a masterful summation of what God chose to reveal through this OT prophet. It is happily free from critical issues and maintains the unity of Isaiah's thought. It builds on a consistent eschatological foundation so that NT truths are brought into harmony with the OT without confusing Israel and the church.
- Cyril Barber - Oswalt, John N. The Book of Isaiah, Chapters 1--39.Borrow this book - The Book of Isaiah. Chapters 1-39
New International Commentary on the Old Testament. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1986. This is a very extensive, scholarly and generally reliable commentary, discussing the historical background, unity, date, and authorship of Isaiah's prophecy. Oswalt assesses the prophet's theology under four topics: the nature of God; humanity and the world; sin; and redemption. He follows this with a lucid exposition. Pastors will find his handling of the text most helpful. Oswalt, John N. The Book of Isaiah, Chapters 40—66. New International Commentary on the Old Testament. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1998. Though Oswalt’s main introduction to his work will be found in his volume on Isaiah 1—39, he opens his commentary with an important discussion on the state of the scholarly debate on the unity/diversity of this canonical book. He then provides a verse-by-verse exposition giving attention to the message of the prophet for his own time and its relevance to readers today. He handles Messianic texts with skill though his amillennial leaning minimizes the literalness of the millennium.
- Biblical Commentary on the Prophecies of Isaiah (Volume 1) - Google book - can download Pdf
- Biblical Commentary on the Prophecies of Isaiah (Volume 2) - Google book - can download Pdf
James Rosscup: Among technical works for trained students who are able to grapple with and appreciate the Hebrew, this is one of the outstanding older linguistic commentaries on Isaiah. Delitzsch put great exegetical, historical and theological learning into the work, which is highly respected. In prophecy it is Amillennial.
- Isaiah 1-9: Isaiah declares how God's people should be Living
- Isaiah 10-20: God's plans for Judah, Assyria and Egypt
- Isaiah 21-30: God controls the Future
- Isaiah 31-39: God defends Jerusalem
- Isaiah 40-48: God promises Comfort to his People
- Isaiah 49-57: God's Special Servant
- Isaiah 58-66: God's Promises to his Special People
- Sermons on Isaiah - Be a Berean - he does not interpret Isaiah literally in the prophetic portions = Amillennial
- Sermons on Isaiah - series 2
- The Prophet Isaiah - Commentary
- Isaiah - The Annotated Bible - links to each chapter.
- Three Studies in Isaiah
- Messianic Predictions in Isaiah
- Future Glories & Blessings in Isaiah
- The harmony of the prophetic word; a key to OT - Day of the Lord, Great Tribulation, etc
- The Jewish question - The Remnant - scroll down page
- Studies in prophecy - Chapters entitled - The Present Age, The Blessed Hope, Who will be Caught up when the Lord Returns?, The Church and the Tribulation, The Ten Virgins, The Redemption of the Purchased Possession, The History of Satan, The Conversion of the World, The Feasts of Jehovah, When the Day Breaks and the Shadows Flees Away, Prophetic Poems by Horatius Bonar
- Sermons on Isaiah - most are Mp3 but there are a few transcripts - Be a Berean as not all sermons approach Isaiah from literal interpretation.
- Isaiah 1:1-2; God's Inspired Revelation: Since God has spoken through the written Scriptures, we should study the inspired Word of God carefully in order to understand and live in God's will. Video
- Isaiah 1:2-20; Corporate Repentance: As local churches, we should repent when we have taken advantage of God's grace. Video
- Isaiah 1:21-2:4; The Messiah's Reign: We are to look forward to the time when the Lord Jesus Christ will rule on earth and there will be world peace. Video
- Isaiah 2:5-4:6;Producing Much Fruit: As believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, we are God's spiritual vineyard and we should bear fruit that reveals that we are Christ's true disciples. Video
- Isaiah 5:1-7; Pride and Unbelief: As the church of Jesus Christ, we must be on guard against the sin of pride and arrogance, which can lead us into a state of unbelief and hardness of heart. Video
- Isaiah 5:8-30; The Failure of the Church: As those who profess to be members of Christ's family today, we must be on guard against the same sins that God condemned in Israel. Video
- Isaiah 6:1-13;Living Holy Lives: We are to respond to God's mercy and grace by continually renewing our hearts and minds and living in His will. Video
- Isaiah 7:1-14; The Incarnation: We must stand firm in our belief that the Lord Jesus Christ is both God and man. Video
- Isaiah 8:11-1; Faithful Service: Even though the majority of Christians may not be living dedicated lives, spiritual leaders must continue to take a firm stand for God's truth. Video
- Isaiah 8:16-9:7; Serving Christ Faithfully: As members of Christ's church, we are to devote ourselves to carrying out the Great Commission until He comes again. Video
- Isaiah 9:8-10:4; Ultimate Judgment: When presenting the gospel, we must not only teach that God's love extends to all people, but that His judgment will ultimately come when His offer of salvation is rejected. Video not available - 6/11/2023
- Isaiah 10:5-34; Sovereignty and Free Will: We are to rejoice and relax in the wonderful truth that God is sovereign and good. Video
- Isaiah 11:1-16; God's Future Plans: To understand the biblical story in all its richness and fullness, we must understand God's future plans for Israel as well as for the nations of the world. Video
- Isaiah 12:1-6; Godly Praise: As believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, we should praise God continually for choosing us to be a part of His eternal plan. Video
- Isaiah 13:1-22; Signs of the Times: Though no one knows when Jesus Christ will return, we should carefully consider what appear to be signs that this awesome event may be near. Video
- Isaiah 14:3-15; Defeating Satan: We are continually to put on the whole armor of God so we can defeat Satan and his evil associates. Video
- Isaiah 14:24-23:18; Prophetic Fulfillment: As believers, we should be motivated to share the gospel of Jesus Christ because of fulfilled prophecy. Video
- Isaiah 24:1-23; God's Wrath: Though God will eventually pour out wrath on the entire earth, believers in the Lord Jesus Christ should be encouraged since we will be delivered from this judgment. Video
- Isaiah 26:1-4; God's Peace: To experience God's divine power and presence in our lives, we must place our trust in Christ our Savior. Video
- Isaiah 25:1-26:21; Divine Mysteries Revealed: As members of Christ's church, we are to thank and praise God and encourage one another with revelatory truth that Isaiah and other Old Testament prophets did not have. Video
- Isaiah 28:14-16; God's Household: To become living stones built on the foundation of Jesus Christ, we must receive the gift of eternal life, which makes us members of Christ?s spiritual house, the church. Video
- Isaiah 29:1-30:17; Willing Obedience: Spiritual leaders should be willing and eager to lead God's people with total integrity. Video
- Isaiah 32:1-33:24; King of Kings: As believers, we are to allow the Lord Jesus Christ to rule and reign in our hearts. Video
- Isaiah 34:1-17; God's Love and Holiness: We must never compromise the biblical message that involves both God's eternal love for sinful humanity and His righteous anger against sin. Video
- Isaiah 35:1-10; Supernatural Restoration: Though there is some marvelous restoration in the land of Israel today, we must be cautious in equating this human effort with God's miraculous restoration when Jesus Christ returns to earth. Video
- Isaiah 40:1-5; Spiritual Preparation: As the church of Jesus Christ, we are to prepare ourselves and all people for the glorious second coming of Jesus Christ. Video
- Isaiah 40:6-8; The Eternal Word: Though there are many and varied messages that are being presented today, we must devote ourselves to accurately proclaiming the word of God. Video
- Isaiah 40:9-31; Supernatural Enablement: We are to draw continually on God's supernatural strength and power to enable us to walk worthy of our great calling in Christ. Video
- Isaiah 41:1-29; The One, True God: When we are tempted to engage in idolatrous activities, we should carefully review who God is and what He has done for sinful humanity that false God's cannot do. Video
- Isaiah 42:1-9; God's Witnesses: As believers, our focus should be to shine as God's lights in this world Video
- Isaiah 43:8-13; The Only Way: To be true to the total biblical story, we must believe and teach that pursuing faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is the only way for people to inherit eternal life. Video
- Isaiah 43:14-28; Forging the Past: As those who have been forgiven and cleansed by the blood of Christ, we are to forget the past and move forward. Video
- Isaiah 44:1-45:1; God's Sovereignty: We are to understand and believe that God can use anyone or anything to achieve His divine purposes. Video
- Isaiah 45:14-25; God's Redemptive Plan: We must understand that God chose Abraham from paganism in order to provide salvation for all nations of the world. Video
- Isaiah 46:1-48:22; Godly Living: We should study and teach biblical prophecy in order to help all believers live in the will of God. Video
- Isaiah 49:1-50:11; Trusting God: To inherit salvation, we must depend on God, not on ourselves. Video
- Isaiah 52:13-53:12; God's Redemptive Story: When we present the redemptive message, we should use Old Testament passages to support and clarify New Testament truth. Video
- Isaiah 54:1-55:7; Seeking God: To experience true satisfaction in this life and the glories of the life to come, we are to hunger and thirst after spiritual food just as we hunger and thirst after natural food. Video
- Isaiah 55:8-13; God's Omniscience and Omnipotence: When we encounter what appear to be impossible tasks and insurmountable obstacles, we are to remember that God is not limited by our human perspectives. Video
- Isaiah 56:1-8; Reflecting Christ's Character: As God's living temple today, we are to reflect the character of our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. Video
- Isaiah 57:14-21; Christ Our Peace: All people, regardless of their ethnic backgrounds, social status, gender, or race, should seek to be at peace with God through the reconciling ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ. Video
- Isaiah 58:1-14; Proper Prayers: To have an effective prayer life, we are to live consistent Christian lives. Video
- Isaiah 60:1-24; God's Prophetic Plan: In interpreting prophecy, we must remember that no single author of Scripture had a complete and definitive understanding of all aspects of God's overall plan from eternity to eternity. Video
- Isaiah 61:1-11; The Day of Grace: Our primary message today should focus on God's grace and truth in Jesus Christ. Video
- Isaiah 62:1-12; The Wedding Supper: We are to prepare ourselves for that wonderful moment when all true believers will be presented to Jesus Christ as His spotless bride. Video
- Isaiah 64:1-12; Grace Alone: When presenting the gospel of Jesus Christ, we must always make it clear that no one can receive eternal life by doing good works. Video
- Isaiah 65:1-10; Wild Olive Branches: As Gentile believers, we are humbly to thank God for including us in His great plan of salvation. Video
- Isaiah 66:1-2; God's Dwelling Place: As those who are God's sanctuary (the church), we must do all we can never to damage His sacred dwelling. Video
- HCSB Study Bible : Holman Christian Standard Bible - (2010) 2360 pages. Conservative. Good notes. Include Holman's excellent maps. Borrow
Studies in Isaiah - over 400 pages of commentary from a literal perspective. Plymouth Brethren.
J Vernon McGee quotes from him several times in his Thru the Bible Commentary
- Isaiah 1
- Isaiah 2
- Isaiah 3
- Isaiah 4
- Isaiah 5
- Isaiah 6
- Isaiah 7
- Isaiah 8
- Isaiah 9
- Isaiah 10
- Isaiah 11
- Isaiah 12
- Isaiah 13
- Isaiah 14
- Isaiah 15
- Isaiah 16
- Isaiah 17
- Isaiah 18
- Isaiah 19
- Isaiah 20
- Isaiah 21
- Isaiah 22
- Isaiah 23
- Isaiah 24
- Isaiah 25
- Isaiah 26
- Isaiah 27
- Isaiah 28
- Isaiah 29
- Isaiah 30
- Isaiah 31
- Isaiah 32
- Isaiah 33
- Isaiah 34
- Isaiah 35
- Isaiah 36
- Isaiah 37
- Isaiah 38
- Isaiah 39
- Isaiah-Intro to Isa 40-66
- Isaiah 40
- Isaiah 41
- Isaiah 42
- Isaiah 43
- Isaiah 44
- Isaiah 45
- Isaiah 46
- Isaiah 47
- Isaiah 48
- Isaiah 49
- Isaiah 50
- Isaiah 51
- Isaiah 52
- Isaiah 53
- Isaiah 54
- Isaiah 55
- Isaiah 56
- Isaiah 57
- Isaiah 58
- Isaiah 59
- Isaiah 60
- Isaiah 61
- Isaiah 62
- Isaiah 63
- Isaiah 64
- Isaiah 65
- Isaiah 66
- The Prophecies of Isaiah - index to all 66 chapters
Cyril Barber - The Minister's Library - Fills a long-standing need for a premillennial commentary. Kelly was a well informed student of God's Word. His knowledge of eschatology was exacting. He never evaded critical or hard-toexplain sections of Scripture. His sensitivity to the Holy Spirit's thoughts often led him to understand intuitively what later expositors have verified experimentally. This is a work that can be recommended to serious Bible students. It is nontechnical, accurate, and well worth the time spent on mastering its contents.
James Rosscup: This is in some ways a useful English exposition of the book, but offers no Hebrew help. It is quite thorough and pre-millennial and dispensational. Kelly usually tells the reader why he takes a certain view in the debated prophetical passages. A Plymouth Brethren author, he died in 1906.
- Isaiah 1 Commentary
- Isaiah 2 Commentary
- Isaiah 3 Commentary
- Isaiah 4 Commentary
- Isaiah 5 Commentary
- Isaiah 6 Commentary
- Isaiah 7 Commentary
- Isaiah 8 Commentary
- Isaiah 9 Commentary
- Isaiah 10 Commentary
- Isaiah 11 Commentary
- Isaiah 12 Commentary
- Click arrow to go to comments on Isaiah 13 & all chapter thru to...
- Isaiah 66 Commentary
- The Prophet's Watchword: Day of the LORD - Is 2:12, 13:6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 (Related Resource: Day of the Lord) - this article has a nice bookmark to go to the relevant discussions in Obadiah, Joel, Amos, Isaiah, Zephaniah, Ezekiel, Zechariah, Malachi (17 page article in Grace Theological Journal 6.2 (1985), pages 231-246.
Excerpt - Interpretive Challenges - Interpretive challenges in a long and significant book such as Isaiah are numerous. The most critical of them focuses on whether Isaiah’s prophecies will receive literal fulfillment or not, and on whether the Lord, in His program, has abandoned national Israel and permanently replaced the nation with the church, so that there is no future for national Israel. On the latter issue, numerous portions of Isaiah support the position that God has not replaced ethnic Israel with an alleged “new Israel.” Isaiah has too much to say about God’s faithfulness to Israel, that He would not reject the people whom He has created and chosen (Isaiah 43:1). The nation is on the palms of His hands, and Jerusalem’s walls are ever before His eyes (Isaiah 49:16). He is bound by His own Word to fulfill the promises He has made to bring them back to Himself and bless them in that future day (Isaiah 55:10–12). On the former issue, literal fulfillment of many of Isaiah’s prophecies has already occurred, as illustrated in Introduction: Historical and Theological Themes. To contend that those yet unfulfilled will see non-literal fulfillment is biblically groundless. This fact disqualifies the case for proposing that the church receives some of the promises made originally to Israel. The kingdom promised to David belongs to Israel, not the church. The future exaltation of Jerusalem will be on earth, not in heaven. Christ will reign personally on this earth as we know it, as well as in the new heavens and new earth (Rev. 22:1,3).
Isaiah and Diving Healing - Christ’s healing ministry served various purposes; all of them primarily contributed to authenticate the person of Jesus as the true Messiah. The healing miracles never were performed merely for their physical benefit.Matthew 8:17—A fulfillment of the Messianic prophecy in Isaiah 53:4. Matthew 12:15-21—To fulfill the Messianic prophecy in Isaiah 42:1–4.....When John the Baptist questioned whether Jesus truly was the Messiah or if he should look to someone else, John sent his disciples to Jesus for an answer (Matthew 11:2–19, Luke 7:18–23). In reply, Christ first healed, and then he told John’s men to report these miraculous events back to John, remembering Isaiah 35:5–6. On another occasion, Jesus healed in order to fulfill Isaiah 42:1–4 (Matthew 12:15–21). Healing in Mark 7:31–37 alludes to Isaiah 35:5–6. On those occasions, Jesus healed to preview His kingdom power as an appropriate credential in order to be rightly recognized as the King of Israel. These brief bursts of power in the Gospels pointed to something yet future which the Old Testament (especially Isaiah) had predicted. The Bible anticipates two future periods when human health will be dramatically improved—the Millennium and eternity future. The Millennium - Isaiah 29:18–19, 32:3–4, 33:24, 35:5–6, 42:7–16, 65:19–20, 22....Eternity Future - Isaiah 25:8. (Excerpt from Richard L Mayhue - The Biblical Pattern for Divine Healing)
- Isaiah Commentary - 219 Individual Mp3's
- Isaiah Introduction - 14 page Pdf
- Isaiah Commentary - Isaiah 1-66 Mp3's
James Rosscup's critique: A thorough analytical treatment of a pre-millennial nature which some have regarded as one of the finest broad studies on Isaiah. (Commentaries for Biblical Expositors)
- Isaiah-Living Messages
- See also - Isaiah Brief Notes
- See discussion of the Day of the Lord = Is 2:11, 12, 20, 21, 13:6, 9, 34:8, 61:2
- Knowing God Through Isaiah
- Amazing Names of Messiah
- See related topic Messianic Prophecies
Be a Berean when using this resource as it does not always interpret passages literally, especially eschatological passages that have no clear historic fulfillment. For example notice how the RSB explains "mountain" in Isaiah 2:2:
"The prophet spoke of the Temple Mount as a metaphor for the Lord’s kingdom that will be exalted above all other kingdoms (cf. Isaiah 11:9; 65:25; 66:20). Mount Zion and the temple on it were symbols of heaven and the heavenly sanctuary (Heb 9:24). These earthly representations have passed away (Heb 8:13) (Ed Comment: Is that really a true statement? Pictures of modern day Jerusalem clearly demonstrate the persistence of Temple Mount - it has not passed away!); through the priesthood of the ascended Lord, the church comes directly to the heavenly reality (Heb 12:22–24)."
Comment on the RSB Comment - Observe first of all to whom the prophecy was directed in Isaiah 2:1 = "Judah and Jerusalem" and there is no allusion whatsoever to the "church." Notice how the RSB makes no mention of Judah as the recipient of the prophecy. The point is that the diligent student of Scripture who seeks to rightly divide the Word of Truth, must be very careful when using the study notes in the Reformation Study Bible as they related to prophetic passages. They are good on many passages and phrases, but one must be very careful when reading comments on prophecies that clearly have not yet been fulfilled. And remember - If many of Isaiah's prophecies have been literally fulfilled (e.g., the Scriptures describing Messiah in Isaiah 53 are a prime example) why would the other prophecies not also be literally fulfilled? The safest way to interpret the Scripture is to let the Word speak for itself and not try to spiritualize the text or allegorically interpret a passage that has future eschatological implications, especially if one has a bias against future literal eschatological fulfillment. To interpret some prophecies literally and not others is not consistent hermeneutics and opens one up to the high probability of misinterpretation. (cf Acts 17:11+) As an aside, I am not a dispensationalist, but a literalist.
- The Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges - opens to Isaiah 1
- Note: To go to specific chapter go to URL and change to desired chapter number
- Isaiah Commentary (literal) - over 400 pages (millennial)
- The Messianic Banquet and the Eschatology of Matthew - See discussion of THE MESSIANIC BANQUET IN ISAIAH
- Book of Isaiah Overview - Insight for Living Ministries Isaiah Overview Chart on right side of page
A noted conservative Old Testament scholar of a few decades back builds a carefully reasoned case for one author and unity of the book. This is his aim, and not the task of writing a commentary.
- Isaiah 40-48 A Sermonic Challenge to Open Theism - Trevor Craigen
- H. L. Ellison, Men Spake from God, 2nd edn.. Exeter: Paternoster Press, 1958. (from chapter 6 of Men Spake from God- H.L. Ellison)
- Preaching Isaiah: Dispensational Issues - Neal Cushman
- Lucifer in Isaiah 14:12-17 Dennis Bratcher
- The Immanuel Prophecy, by William Brooks
- Isaiah 1:18 - Declaration, Exclamation or Interrogation? - Robert D Culver
- The Purpose of the Book of Isaiah - William J Dumbrell
- An Analysis of Isaiah 40:1-11 - Terry W Eddinger
- Isaiah 6:9-13 in the Context of Isaiah's Theology - Craig A Evans
- The Preposition B in Isaiah 27:13 - F C Fensham
- Israel's Mission to the Nations in Isaiah 40-55: An Update - M A Grisanti
- Isaiah's Immanuel - Edward E Hindson
- A Note on Isaiah 45:9 - Alger F Johns
- Who's Who and What's What in Isaiah 53 - Gordon D Kirchhevel
- Isaiah 40-55 As Anti-Babylonian Polemic - Eugene H Merrill
- Isaiah 40:20 Towards a Solution - A R Millard
- Sennacherib's Attack on Hezekiah - A R Millard
- Context and Content in the Interpretation of Isaiah 7:14 - J A Moyter
- Trust in the Lord - Hezekiah, Kings and Isaiah - John W Olley
- A Note on Paul's Use of Isaiah - Douglas A Oss
- The Servant of the Lord: Language and Interpretation: D F Payne
- The Nature of Faith in Isaiah - G C I Wong
- Flying Serpents? (Also article by D J Wiseman)
- The NT Use of the Old Testament (36 mentions of Isaiah) - R L Thomas.
- 1. Basic Considerations in Interpreting Prophecy
- 2. The Kingdom of God in the Old Testament
- 3. The New Testament Doctrine of the Kingdom
- 4. The Kingdom of God in the New Testament (continued)
- The Doctrine of the Millennium - mentions 10 Isaiah passages
DANIEL WOODHEAD - SERMON SERIES ON ISAIAH - millennial, literal perspective
- 151 Sermons on Isaiah - includes audio and pdf' - for Pdf click title and on the next page scroll down and click "View Pdf"
- Example of Pdf on Introduction to Isaiah - 35 pages
- A Grateful Gentile Thanks Israel!
- What Was Moses Singing About? ... the Lord is become my salvation!
- Torah: Is It the End of the Law?
- Bethlehem: Food for Thought...
- Did God Survive the Holocaust?
- Peace: Is It the Sign of Messiah's Coming?
- Hanukkah: Nes Gadol Hayah Sham (A Very Great Miracle Happened There)
- The Shepherds of Israel
- Atonement: Is it from Mt. Sinai or Mt. Moriah?
- Pesach: The Heart of Passover
- Isaiah 6 The Down Side of Worship: Preparation
- Isaiah 6 The Up Side of Worship: Praise
- Isaiah 6 The In Side of Worship: Purity
- Isaiah 6 The Out Side of Worship: Proclamation
- Isaiah 6:1‑8 Experiencing the Presence of God
- Isaiah 5-6 A Vision of God in a Time of Crisis
- Isaiah 5-6 - A Godly Man in a Nation in Crisis
- Isaiah 5-6 - How Long, O Lord?
- Isaiah 5 - A Nation in Crisis
- Isaiah 5 Warning to a Nation in Crisis, Part 1
- Isaiah 6 Warning to a Nation in Crisis, Part 2
- Isaiah 6 God's Man for a Nation in Crisis
- Isaiah 6:5: The Concentration of Personal Sin
- Isaiah 6:8: Called By God
- Isaiah 6:8: The Voice of the Nature of God
- Isaiah 8:19-9:7 The Savior Is Born
- Isaiah 9:6 The Child of Prophecy
- Series The Christ of Christmas - 9 sermons
- Isaiah 9 - Multiple Messages
- Isaiah 9 Messages - different links but duplicates some of above
- List of Sermons on Isaiah 9 - 363 PDFs 12/18/22
- Isaiah 9:6 What does it mean that Jesus is our Wonderful Counselor
- Isaiah 9:6 What does it mean that Jesus is the Prince of Peace?
- Isaiah 9:6 What is the meaning of “Everlasting Father”?
- Isaiah 9:1-5 Five Great Blessings of The Gospel
- Isaiah 9:6-7 This Is My Savior
- Isaiah 9:6 His Name Is Wonderful
- Isaiah 9:6 His Name Is Counselor
- Isaiah 9:6 His Name - The Mighty God
- Isaiah 9:6 His Name is The Everlasting Father
- Isaiah 9:6 His Name is The Prince of Peace
- Isaiah 9:8-10:4 What Will It Take To Make You Repent
- Isaiah 9:1-5 Nevertheless - The Blessings of Christ's Coming
- Isaiah 9:1-5 The Blessings of Christ's Coming
- Isaiah 9:1-7 When the Savior Comes
- Isaiah 9:6 Audrey Grace - A Child Is Born
- Isaiah 9:6-7 His Name is Wonderful
- Isaiah 9:6-7 That Name
- Isaiah 9:6-7 The Blessed Character of Our Savior
- Isaiah 9:6-7 The Name We Trust
- Knowing God Through Isaiah
- The Amazing Prophecy Of Names - Isaiah's names for the Savior
- The Jewish Tradition Of Two Messiahs
PASTOR LIFE - sermons
- Isaiah 9:2-7 The Gift That Keeps On Giving J. Mike Minnix
- Isaiah 9:6 God's Greatest Gift Frank Page
- Isaiah 9:6 What's In A Name David E. Owen
- Isaiah 9:6 The Birth That Changed The World fSammy Burgess
- Isaiah 9:6 Prince of Peace J. Mike Minnix
- Isaiah 9:6 Wonderful Counselor J. Mike Minnix
- Isaiah 9:6 Mighty God J. Mike Minnix
- Isaiah 9:6 His Name Shall Be Called Wonderful Donnie L. Martin
- Isaiah 9:6-7 A Christmas Promise Franklin L. Kirksey
- Isaiah 9:6-7 Announcing the Savior Toby Frost
- Isaiah 9:6-7 The Christ of Christmas Franklin L. Kirksey
- Isaiah 9:6-7 Peace J. Mike Minnix
- Isaiah 9:6-7: The Humble King
- Isaiah 9;6-7 The Resume of the Messiah
- Isaiah 9:6: Mighty God
- Isaiah 9:6: The Prince of Peace
- Isaiah 9:6: Wonderful Counselor
- Isaiah 9:6: Everlasting Father
SERMON CENTRAL - 497 sermons
- Sermons on Isaiah 9 - audio and some transcripts, variable quality - below are some of more highly rated, all with transcripts
- Isaiah 9:6-7 The Hope of Christmas - David Radcliff
- Isaiah 9:2-7 Unto Us A Son Is Given - Christopher Holdsworth
- Isaiah 9:2-6, John 8:12 The Light Of Christmas Dennis Lee
- Isaiah 9:6-7 Five Facts On Jesus Messiah Jordan Muck
- Isaiah 9:6-7 “a Christian Responsibility” Andy Grossman
- Isaiah 9:2-6 The Light Of Christmas Stephen Sheane
- Isaiah 9:6 The Perfect Gift Tim Strickland
- Isaiah 9:6 Everlasting Father C. Philip Green
- Isaiah 11:1-5 A Shoot from the Stem of Jesse
- Isaiah 11:6-16 Our Blessed Hope
- Isaiah 12-40 One Liners in Isaiah
- The rise of Babylon : is Iraq at the center of the final drama? - Borrow book
- The road to Armageddon - Chapter 5 is on Babylon - excellent discussion of past, present and future - Borrow book
- World news and Bible prophecy - Borrow book
- Storm clouds on the horizon : Bible prophecy and the current Middle East crisis - Borrow book
- What's next? : God, Israel, and the future of Iraq - Borrow book
- The ISIS crisis - Borrow book
- Isaiah 32:2: Safety, Fullness, and Sweet Refreshment in Christ
- Isaiah 33:14: Sinners in Zion Tenderly Warned
- Isaiah 43:9: God's Partnership in Our Affliction
- Isaiah 45:1 Comfort Ye, Comfort Ye - scroll to first chapter of his book "Christ in Isaiah"
- Isaiah 45:22: What Am I Looking At?
- Isaiah 49:5: The Missionary's Predestinations
- Isaiah 52:12: Yesterday
- Christ in Isaiah - separate publication
- Isaiah 52:13-15 The Vindication of Christ - Go to page 96 in resource above
- Isaiah 53:1 Faith as a Switch - Go to page 102 in the resource above
- Isaiah 53:10 Make His Soul Thy Sin-Offering - Go to page 107 in the resource above
- Isaiah 53:11 The Satisfaction of the Messiah - Go to page 113 in the resource above
- Isaiah 53:12 The Greatness of the Sin-Bearer - Go to page 118 in the resource above
- Isaiah 53 - Of Whom Does The Prophet Speak? - This Resource Includes an interesting Jewish Interpretation of Isaiah 53
- The Gospel in the Feast of Israel - borrow this book
- Isaiah's Messiah - borrow this book
- Isaiah 53:3: The Unwelcome Christ
F DUANE LINDSEY - Isaiah’s Songs of the Servant
- First Servant Song - The Call of the Servant in Isaiah 42:1–9 - Bib Sacra: 139 (1982): page 12
- Second Servant Song - The Commission of the Servant in Isaiah 49:1–13 - Bib Sacra: 139 (1982): page 129
- Third Servant Song - Commitment of the Servant in Isaiah 50:4-11 - Bib Sacra: 139 (1982): page 216.
- Fourth Servant Song - The Career of the Servant in Isaiah 52:13-53:12 - Bib Sacra: 139 (1982): page 312
- Isaiah 52:13-15 The Startling Servant of Jehovah
- Isaiah 53: (discussed in sermon on 1Peter 2:21-23) The Suffering Jesus: An Example for Every Christian
- Isaiah 53 The Astonishing Servant of Jehovah
- Isaiah 53 Behold! The Lamb
- Isaiah 53:1-3 The Scorned Servant of Jehovah, Part 1
- Isaiah 53:1-3 The Scorned Servant of Jehovah, Part 2
- Isaiah 53:4-6 The Substituted Servant, Part 1
- Isaiah 53:4-6 The Substituted Servant, Part 2
- Isaiah 53:7-9 The Silent Servant, Part 1
- Isaiah 53:7-9 The Silent Servant, Part 2
- Isaiah 53:10-12 The Sovereign Servant, Part 1
- Isaiah 53:10-12 The Sovereign Servant, Part 2
- Isaiah 53 The Astonishing Servant of Jehovah
- Isaiah 53 The Astonishing Servant of Jehovah
- Isaiah 55:1, 2 THE POOR MAN’S MARKET
- Isaiah 60:1 ARISE! SHINE!
- Isaiah 61:1 THE LORD’S SERMON
- Isaiah 61:1-2 The Good News of Christmas
- Isaiah 61:1,2: Balm for the Broken-Hearted
- Isaiah 61:1: Refreshed by the Light
- Isaiah 61:1: Setting the Captives Free
- Isaiah 63:1: Jesus Christ Triumphant
- Isaiah 64:8: God's Preparations
- Isaiah 64:8: God's Unfailing Love
- Isaiah 64:8: God's Workmanship
- Isaiah 65:14: The Joy of Service
Isaiah 1:2–4. A tenfold accusation:—
- Children have rebelled against God. Isaiah 1:2.
- Israel doth not know. Isaiah 1:3.
- My people doth not consider. Isaiah 1:3.
- A sinful nation. Isaiah 1:4.
- A people laden with iniquity. Isaiah 1:4.
- A seed of evil-doers. Isaiah 1:4.
- Children that are corrupters. Isaiah 1:4.
- They have forsaken the Lord. Isaiah 1:4.
- They have provoked the Holy One of Israel to anger. Isaiah 1:4.
- They are gone away backward. Isaiah 1:4.
Isaiah 1:6.“From the sole of the foot even unto the head there is no soundness.”
Most people would do like the African princess who broke the looking-glass because she was so ugly. Civilization is a poor varnish. You have only to scratch it to turn up the same old egotism that has prevailed six thousand years.
Isaiah 1:16, 17. An eight-fold instruction:—
- Wash you, make you clean.Isaiah 1:16.
- Put away the evil of your doings. Isaiah 1:16.
- Cease to do evil. Isaiah 1:16.
- Lean to do well. Isaiah 1:17.
- Seek judgment. Isaiah 1:17.
- Relieve the oppressed. Isaiah 1:17.
- Judge the fatherless. Isaiah 1:17.
- Plead for the widow. Isaiah 1:17.
Isaiah 1:18. No matter how fast the color is, the blood of Jesus Christ can wash it out.
Isaiah 6:1. Uzziah’s reign was a kind of Victorian era in Jewish history. It was when this passed away into shame and disgrace that Isaiah saw the Eternal King on his throne.
Isaiah 22:22. The Spanish Jews have a silver key of David, bearing the inscription, “God shall open, the King shall enter.”
Isaiah 26:3. P. P. Bliss used to say, “I love this verse more than any other verse in the Bible, ‘Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee: because he trusteth in Thee.’ ” The tree of peace strikes its roots into the crevices of the Rock of Ages.
Isaiah 33: This chapter is true literally of Sennacherib’s invasion.
Isaiah 33:21. Jerusalem lacked a river, and nearly all large cities are built on seas or rivers. The Lord promised to be a river without the drawback that enemies’ vessels could come up against the city. So there is no drawback, no temptation in any blessing the Lord gives.
Isaiah 40: Nine aspects of man’s insufficiency:—
- Isaiah 40:6. Grass, flower of field.
- Isaiah 40:15. Drop, small dust, a very little thing.
- Isaiah 40:17. Nothing, less than nothing, vanity.
- Isaiah 40:22. Grasshoppers.
- Isaiah 40:6–8. The frailty of human life. Ps. 103:15, 16; Mt. 6:30; Luke 12:28; 1 Peter 1:24.
- In its short life. Ps. 90:6; James 1:11.
- In its full-blown glory. Isaiah 40:6.
- In its sure decay. Isaiah 40:7; 1 Peter 1:24.
- The permanence of God’s Word. Mark 13:31; 1 Peter 1:25; Ps. 119:89.
Proclaimed among men. Col. 1:23.
Centered in the gospel. 1 Peter 1:25.
Isaiah 40:31 I never could understand the order—mount up, run, walk,—until I saw a man riding a bicycle. It is easy to mount, but to walk or go slowly takes a clever rider. So with a convert.
Isaiah 41:10. Fear and despair are high points of atheism.
Isaiah 42:6. Called—held—kept—used.
One day Miss F. R. Havergal asked her attendant to read this verse: “I the Lord have called thee in righteousness, and will hold thine hand, and will keep thee.” “Well,” she said, “I will just go home on that”—and she died that day.
Isaiah 43:2 “Where is Jesus of Nazareth, my old and faithful friend?” asked Jonathan Edwards, dying, “I know He will be with me.” And he died triumphant.
Isaiah 45:7.“I create evil”—not sin, but the punishment thereof.
Isaiah 53: Notice the paradoxes:—
- Despised, yet accepted and adored.
- Poor, yet rich.
- To die, yet to live.
The Rabbis said there must be a double Messiah to fulfil this chapter.
Isaiah 53:2.In the sight of God, a tender plant; in the sight of man, a root out of a dry ground.
Isaiah 55:7
- God is angry with the wicked. Isa. 63:9, 10; Ezek 22:21, 22.
- God is unwilling to punish. 2 Peter 3:9; Eze. 33:11; Jonah 4:11.
- God is glad to forgive. Isa. 1:18; 1 John 2:1, 2.
- God rejoices over the forgiven. Luke 15:6, 7, 22, 24; Isa. 62:3, 5.
Isaiah 59:1. If our water-supply runs short, I do not conclude that the river or lake has run dry, but that our pipes are out of order.
Isaiah 62:2. “By a new name”:—
- Saints, because of their holiness.
- Believers, because of their faith.
- Brethren, because of their love.
- Disciples, because of their knowledge.
- Christians, because of their head.
Isaiah 65:24.“And it shall come to pass that before they call, I will answer.” God sometimes answers before we ask!
Literal. Millennial. Conservative notes from Dr Morris who approaches the text seeking it's literal meaning in the context. Millennial. Click the words or phrases after the Scripture for the Study Notes and note that they are from the KJV translation.
- Isaiah 1:1 vision Isaiah
- Isaiah 1:3 crib
- Isaiah 1:4 Holy One of Israel
- Isaiah 1:9 very small remnant Gomorrah
- Isaiah 1:11 your sacrifices
- Isaiah 1:13 oblations
- Isaiah 1:18 let us reason crimson
- Isaiah 1:24 mighty One of Israel
- Isaiah 2:2 the mountain
- Isaiah 2:4 swords into plowshares
- Isaiah 2:6 please themselves
- Isaiah 2:8 full of idols
- Isaiah 2:10 hide thee in the dust
- Isaiah 2:12 the day of the LORD
- Isaiah 2:19 shake terribly the earth
- Isaiah 3:1 stay
- Isaiah 3:3 eloquent orator
- Isaiah 3:4 babes
- Isaiah 3:9 their sin as Sodom
- Isaiah 3:17 daughters of Zion
- Isaiah 3:18 cauls
- Isaiah 3:22 crisping pins
- Isaiah 4:1 seven women
- Isaiah 4:2 In that day the branch
- Isaiah 4:5 every dwelling place
- Isaiah 5:1 vineyard
- Isaiah 5:7 the house of Israel
- Isaiah 5:10 ten acres of vineyard
- Isaiah 5:11 wine inflame them
- Isaiah 5:20 Woe call evil good
- Isaiah 5:21 in their own eyes
- Isaiah 5:22 drink wine
- Isaiah 5:26 with speed swiftly
- Isaiah 6:1 the Lord
- Isaiah 6:2 seraphims
- Isaiah 6:3 Holy, holy, holy
- Isaiah 6:5 Woe is me mine eyes have seen
- Isaiah 6:9 he said
- Isaiah 6:12 removed men far away
- Isaiah 6:13 it shall return
- Isaiah 7:1 to war against it
- Isaiah 7:3 fuller’s field
- Isaiah 7:8 Ephraim be broken be not a people
- Isaiah 7:11 a sign
- Isaiah 7:14 Lord himself a virgin virgin Immanuel
- Isaiah 7:20 the king of Assyria
- Isaiah 8:1 Maher-shalalhash-baz
- Isaiah 8:8 O Immanuel
- Isaiah 8:13 Sanctify the LORD
- Isaiah 8:14 stone of stumbling
- Isaiah 8:19 familiar
- Isaiah 8:20 To the law
- Isaiah 8:21 hardly bestead
- Isaiah 9:1 Galilee
- Isaiah 9:2 great light
- Isaiah 9:3 not increased the joy
- Isaiah 9:6 child is born Wonderful, Counsellor mighty Godeverlasting Father Prince of peace
- Isaiah 9:7 increase throne of David zeal of the LORD
- Isaiah 9:12 stretched out still
- Isaiah 10:5 Assyrian rod of mine anger
- Isaiah 10:7 he meaneth not so
- Isaiah 10:15 the axe boast itself
- Isaiah 10:21 remnant shall return
- Isaiah 10:34 Lebanon.
- Isaiah 11:1 stem of Jesse Branch
- Isaiah 11:2 spirit of the LORD
- Isaiah 11:4 spirit of the LORD
- Isaiah 11:6 rod of his mouth the wicked
- Isaiah 11:8 cockatrice
- Isaiah 11:9 not hurt nor destroy
- Isaiah 11:10 root of Jesse
- Isaiah 11:11 second time Shinar
- Isaiah 11:12 from the four corners
- Isaiah 11:16 shall be a highway
- Isaiah 12:2 my salvation
- Isaiah 12:3 wells of salvation
- Isaiah 13:1 did see
- Isaiah 13:10 sun shall be darkened
- Isaiah 13:13 earth shall remove
- Isaiah 13:19 Sodom
- Isaiah 13:20 never be inhabited
- Isaiah 13:21 satyrs shall dance
- Isaiah 13:22 beasts of the islands dragons
- Isaiah 14:4 king of Babylon
- Isaiah 14:7 at rest
- Isaiah 14:8 feller
- Isaiah 14:9 Hell
- Isaiah 14:12 fallen from heaven O Lucifer
- Isaiah 14:13 above the stars
- Isaiah 14:14 like the most high
- Isaiah 14:15 hell
- Isaiah 14:16 Is this the man
- Isaiah 14:23 besom
- Isaiah 14:25 Assyrian tread him under foot
- Isaiah 14:26 all the nations
- Isaiah 14:29 cockatrice
- Isaiah 15:1 Moab
- Isaiah 15:5 My heart shall cry out
- Isaiah 16:1 Sela
- Isaiah 16:4 covert to them
- Isaiah 16:5 tabernacle of David
- Isaiah 16:14 Within three years
- Isaiah 17:1 a ruinous heap
- Isaiah 17:7 his Maker
- Isaiah 18:1 rivers of Ethiopia Ethiopia
- Isaiah 18:2 scattered and peeled
- Isaiah 18:7 present be brought
- Isaiah 19:3 familiar spirits
- Isaiah 19:4 cruel lord
- Isaiah 19:5 dried up
- Isaiah 19:7 paper reeds
- Isaiah 19:8 fishers also shall mourn
- Isaiah 19:19 a pillar
- Isaiah 19:22 to the LORD
- Isaiah 19:23 Egypt
- Isaiah 20:1 Tartan came unto Ashdod Sargon the king
- Isaiah 20:4 naked and barefoot
- Isaiah 20:5 Egypt
- Isaiah 21:1 desert of the sea
- Isaiah 21:2 Elam
- Isaiah 21:9 Babylon
- Isaiah 21:11 Dumah
- Isaiah 21:13 Arabia
- Isaiah 21:14 prevented
- Isaiah 22:1 valley of vision
- Isaiah 22:8 house of the forest
- Isaiah 22:11 made also a ditch
- Isaiah 22:15 Shebna
- Isaiah 22:20 Eliakim
- Isaiah 22:22 the key none shall open
- Isaiah 22:23 a sure place
- Isaiah 22:24 flagons
- Isaiah 23:1 Tyre Tarshish Chittim
- Isaiah 23:15 forgotten seventy years
- Isaiah 24:1 maketh the earth empty
- Isaiah 24:6 the curse
- Isaiah 24:10 city of confusion
- Isaiah 24:19 clean dissolved
- Isaiah 24:21 the high ones
- Isaiah 24:22 after many days
- Isaiah 24:23 the sun ashamed
- Isaiah 25:7 covering cast over all people spread over all nations
- Isaiah 25:8 swallow up death wipe away tears
- Isaiah 25:9 waited for Him
- Isaiah 26:3 perfect peace
- Isaiah 26:4 everlasting strength
- Isaiah 26:9 judgments are in the earth
- Isaiah 26:15 all the ends of the earth
- Isaiah 26:19 dead men shall live
- Isaiah 26:20 the indignation be overpast
- Isaiah 26:21 inhabitants of the earth
- Isaiah 27:1 leviathan that crooked serpent dragon
- Isaiah 27:2 A vineyard
- Isaiah 27:13 trumpet shall be blown
- Isaiah 28:1 Woe
- Isaiah 28:10 precept upon precept
- Isaiah 28:11 another tongue
- Isaiah 28:16 a stone sure foundation not make haste
- Isaiah 28:17 plummet
- Isaiah 28:18 covenant with death
- Isaiah 28:21 his strange work
- Isaiah 28:25 fitches
- Isaiah 29:1 Ariel
- Isaiah 29:13 removed their heart
- Isaiah 29:14 wise men shall perish
- Isaiah 29:16 He made me not
- Isaiah 30:6 bunches
- Isaiah 30:7 sit still
- Isaiah 30:8 note it in a book
- Isaiah 30:15 your strength
- Isaiah 30:18 will the LORD wait
- Isaiah 30:21 This is the way
- Isaiah 30:26 sevenfold
- Isaiah 30:30 lighting down
- Isaiah 30:31 the Assyrian
- Isaiah 30:33 Tophet
- Isaiah 31:5 As birds flying
- Isaiah 32:1 Behold, a king
- Isaiah 32:2 shadow of a great rock
- Isaiah 32:8 the liberal
- Isaiah 32:15 from on high
- Isaiah 32:17 work of righteousness
- Isaiah 32:20 sow beside all waters
- Isaiah 33:1 Woe to thee that spoilest
- Isaiah 33:2 time of trouble
- Isaiah 33:6 stability of thy times
- Isaiah 33:14 everlasting burnings
- Isaiah 33:17 the king
- Isaiah 34:2 the indignation
- Isaiah 34:4 as a scroll
- Isaiah 34:5 Idumea
- Isaiah 34:7 the unicorns
- Isaiah 34:10 shall go up for ever
- Isaiah 34:14 satyr
- Isaiah 34:16 the book of the LORD
- Isaiah 35:1 blossom as the rose
- Isaiah 35:3 weak hands
- Isaiah 35:6 waters break out
- Isaiah 35:7 habitation of dragons
- Isaiah 35:8 an highway
- Isaiah 35:10 ransomed of the LORD
- Isaiah 36:1 king Hezekiah
- Isaiah 36:2 sent Rabshakeh fuller’s field
- Isaiah 37:1 when king Hezekiah heard it
- Isaiah 38:5 say to Hezekiah
- Isaiah 38:8 shadow of the degrees
- Isaiah 38:20 sing my songs
- Isaiah 39:1 At that time
- Isaiah 39:7 eunuchs
- Isaiah 39:8 in my days
- Isaiah 40:1 Comfort ye
- Isaiah 40:3 voice of him
- Isaiah 40:4 rough places plain
- Isaiah 40:5 shall be revealed
- Isaiah 40:8 stand for ever
- Isaiah 40:12 measured the waters with the span dust of the earth weighed the mountains
- Isaiah 40:13 hath directed the Spirit
- Isaiah 40:15 the nations
- Isaiah 40:20 oblation
- Isaiah 40:22 circle of the earth stretcheth out the heavens
- Isaiah 40:26 hath created these things number by namesstrong in power
- Isaiah 40:28 fainteth not his understanding
- Isaiah 40:31 wait upon the LORD renew their strength
- Isaiah 41:2 righteous man from the east
- Isaiah 41:4 first, and with the last
- Isaiah 41:8 Israel
- Isaiah 41:10 I am with thee
- Isaiah 41:20 hath created it
- Isaiah 41:25 one from the north
- Isaiah 42:1 Behold my servant
- Isaiah 42:3 he not break
- Isaiah 42:5 cometh out of it
- Isaiah 42:6 a light of the Gentiles
- Isaiah 42:8 that is my name
- Isaiah 42:9 new things do I declare
- Isaiah 42:10 a new song
- Isaiah 42:19 but my servant
- Isaiah 43:1 The LORD that created thee
- Isaiah 43:7 for my glory made him
- Isaiah 43:10 I am he
- Isaiah 43:11 there is no saviour
- Isaiah 43:15 creator of Israel
- Isaiah 43:16 a way in the sea
- Isaiah 43:27 first father hath sinned
- Isaiah 44:3 pour my spirit
- Isaiah 44:6 and his redeemer
- Isaiah 44:10 Who hath formed a god
- Isaiah 44:24 maketh all things
- Isaiah 44:28 Thou shalt be built
- Isaiah 45:4 by thy name
- Isaiah 45:7 create darkness create evil
- Isaiah 45:9 potsherd
- Isaiah 45:12 even my hands
- Isaiah 45:17 world without end
- Isaiah 45:18 formed the earth not in vain to be inhabited
- Isaiah 45:19 in vain
- Isaiah 45:22 there is none else
- Isaiah 46:1 Bel boweth down
- Isaiah 46:9 Remember the former things
- Isaiah 46:10 the end from the beginning
- Isaiah 46:11 ravenous bird from the east
- Isaiah 47:1 sit in the dust
- Isaiah 47:5 O daughter of the Chaldeans
- Isaiah 47:11 come upon thee suddenly
- Isaiah 47:13 astrologers
- Isaiah 48:12 I am the first
- Isaiah 48:13 stand up together
- Isaiah 48:16 his Spirit, hath sent me
- Isaiah 48:22 no peace
- Isaiah 49:6 for a light to the Gentiles
- Isaiah 49:8 Thus saith the LORD
- Isaiah 49:12 come from afar land of Sinim
- Isaiah 50:4 tongue of the learned
- Isaiah 50:5 opened mine ear
- Isaiah 50:6 to the smiters
- Isaiah 50:7 like a flint
- Isaiah 51:1 whence ye are hewn
- Isaiah 51:3 wilderness like Eden
- Isaiah 51:6 wax old like a garment
- Isaiah 51:9 Rahab
- Isaiah 51:11 everlasting joy
- Isaiah 52:1 beautiful garments no more come into thee.
- Isaiah 52:7 good tidings
- Isaiah 52:12 go before you
- Isaiah 52:13 Behold, my servant be very high
- Isaiah 52:14 astonied
- Isaiah 52:15 sprinkle
- Isaiah 53:1 Who hath believed
- Isaiah 53:2 root out of a dry ground no beauty
- Isaiah 53:3 we hid esteemed him not
- Isaiah 53:4 our griefs stricken
- Isaiah 53:5 wounded bruised are healed
- Isaiah 53:6 like sheep every one hath laid on him
- Isaiah 53:7 was afflicted as a lamb dumb
- Isaiah 53:8 declare his generation transgression of my people
- Isaiah 53:9 grave with wicked
- Isaiah 53:10 prolong his days
- Isaiah 53:11 travail of his soul my righteous servant bear their iniquities
- Isaiah 53:12 poured out made intercession
- Isaiah 54:2 Enlarge the place of thy tent
- Isaiah 54:5 thy Maker
- Isaiah 54:8 for a moment
- Isaiah 54:9 waters of Noah
- Isaiah 54:12 carbuncles
- Isaiah 54:13 taught of the LORD
- Isaiah 55:1 without money and without price
- Isaiah 55:3 sure mercies of David
- Isaiah 55:9 higher than the earth
- Isaiah 55:10 rain cometh down
- Isaiah 55:11 not return unto me void
- Isaiah 55:13 instead of the thorn
- Isaiah 56:4 the eunuchs that keep my sabbaths
- Isaiah 56:7 house of prayer
- Isaiah 57:1 taken away
- Isaiah 57:5 slaying the children
- Isaiah 57:15 inhabiteth eternity
- Isaiah 57:20 the troubled sea
- Isaiah 58:5 a fast that I have chosen
- Isaiah 59:2 that he will not hear
- Isaiah 59:5 cockatrice into a viper
- Isaiah 59:17 helmet of salvation
- Isaiah 59:19 When the enemy like a flood
- Isaiah 59:20 come to Zion"
- Isaiah 60:3 Gentiles shall come
- Isaiah 60:8 fly as a cloud
- Isaiah 60:20 everlasting light
- Isaiah 61:1 good tidings unto the meek opening of the prison
- Isaiah 61:2 day of vengeance
- Isaiah 61:6 Priests of the LORD
- Isaiah 61:7 everlasting joy
- Isaiah 61:10 garments of salvation
- Isaiah 62:4 Hephzi-bah, and thy land Beulah
- Isaiah 62:7 give him no rest
- Isaiah 62:11 thy salvation cometh
- Isaiah 63:1 cometh from Edom
- Isaiah 63:2 red in thine apparel
- Isaiah 63:4 day of vengeance
- Isaiah 63:9 angel of his presence
- Isaiah 63:10 his holy Spirit
- Isaiah 64:4 the beginning of the world
- Isaiah 64:6 filthy rags
- Isaiah 64:8 thou our potter
- Isaiah 65:8 new wine
- Isaiah 65:17 I create new heavens
- Isaiah 65:18 I create Jerusalem
- Isaiah 65:20 an hundred years old
- Isaiah 65:25 the lion shall eat straw not hurt nor destroy
- Isaiah 66:1 earth is my footstool
- Isaiah 66:2 this man
- Isaiah 66:22 I will make remain
- Isaiah 66:24 look upon the carcasses
Links open chapter in left panel and notes in right. Click tab "Constable's Notes" for excellent notes that synchronize to the chapter.
- Isaiah 1 Commentary
- Isaiah 2 Commentary
- Isaiah 3 Commentary
- Isaiah 4 Commentary
- Isaiah 5 Commentary
- Isaiah 6 Commentary
- Isaiah 7 Commentary
- Isaiah 8 Commentary
- Isaiah 9 Commentary
- Isaiah 10 Commentary
- Isaiah 11 Commentary
- Isaiah 12 Commentary
- Isaiah 13 Commentary
- Isaiah 14 Commentary
- Isaiah 15 Commentary
- Isaiah 16 Commentary
- Isaiah 17 Commentary
- Isaiah 18 Commentary
- Isaiah 19 Commentary
- Isaiah 20 Commentary
- Isaiah 21 Commentary
- Isaiah 22 Commentary
- Isaiah 23 Commentary
- Isaiah 24 Commentary
- Isaiah 25 Commentary
- Isaiah 26 Commentary
- Isaiah 27 Commentary
- Isaiah 28 Commentary
- Isaiah 29 Commentary
- Isaiah 30 Commentary
- Isaiah 31 Commentary
- Isaiah 32 Commentary
- Isaiah 33 Commentary
- Isaiah 34 Commentary
- Isaiah 35 Commentary
- Isaiah 36 Commentary
- Isaiah 37 Commentary
- Isaiah 38 Commentary
- Isaiah 39 Commentary
- Isaiah 40 Commentary
- Isaiah 41 Commentary
- Isaiah 42 Commentary
- Isaiah 43 Commentary
- Isaiah 44 Commentary
- Isaiah 45 Commentary
- Isaiah 46 Commentary
- Isaiah 47 Commentary
- Isaiah 48 Commentary
- Isaiah 49 Commentary
- Isaiah 50 Commentary
- Isaiah 51 Commentary
- Isaiah 52 Commentary
- Isaiah 53 Commentary
- Isaiah 54 Commentary
- Isaiah 55 Commentary
- Isaiah 56 Commentary
- Isaiah 57 Commentary
- Isaiah 58 Commentary
- Isaiah 59 Commentary
- Isaiah 60 Commentary
- Isaiah 61 Commentary
- Isaiah 62 Commentary
- Isaiah 63 Commentary
- Isaiah 64 Commentary
- Isaiah 65 Commentary
- Isaiah 66 Commentary
- Click here to see all the Our Daily Bread Devotionals (>300) listed below on a single page
- Click here for links by chapter to 100's of devotional illustrations from Today in the Word and many other sources.
- Reflections on Isaiah 1-61 - Devotional Thoughts from Howard Morrison
- Isaiah 1:1-9 The Teacher Is An Animal
- Isaiah 1:1-9,16-20 Unruly Children
- Isaiah 1:10-20 Look What's For Dinner
- Isaiah 1:1-4,12-17 Imitation Faith
- Isaiah 1:1-17 Imitation Faith
- Isaiah 1:1-17 What Is Heavy When Empty?
- Isaiah 1:13-17 What Does God Require?
- Isaiah 1:18-20; Psalm 51:7 Diamond Dust
- Isaiah 1:18 Scarlet
- Isaiah 1:18 - As White As Snow
- Isaiah 1:19 Willing To Change
- Isaiah 2:1-4 Plowshare Christmas
- Isaiah 2:1-5 Hope For The World
- Isaiah 2:1-9 A World At Peace
- Isaiah 2:4 The Eleventh Hour
- Isaiah 2:6-18 Not A Simple God
- Isaiah 5:1-7 The Rights Of God
- Isaiah 5:1-10 The Greed Problem
- Isaiah 5:18-25 Misnomers
- Isaiah 5:18-23 Calling Evil Good
- Isaiah 5:1-25 Rearranging the Price Tags
- Isaiah 5:20-25 When Evil Is Good
- Isaiah 6:1-6 Seeing God In Familiar Places
- Isaiah 6:1-12 Controntation
- Isaiah 6:1-8 Holy Love
- Isaiah 6:1-8 Talent Search
- Isaiah 6:1-8 The Great Miracle
- Isaiah 6:1-8 Whom Shall I Send
- Isaiah 6:1-8 Macauley
- Isaiah 6:1-10 Face-To-Face
- Isaiah 6:1-10 Supersize It
- Isaiah 6:1-5 The Wrong Standard
- Isaiah 6:1-7 Ordinary People
- Isaiah 6:3 Holy Is The Lord!
- Isaiah 6:3 Theory Of Everything
- Isaiah 6:5 Awesome!
- Isaiah 6:8-13 Is Faithfulness Enough?
- Isaiah 7:10-14 Where's The Baby?
- Isaiah 7:14 The Spirit Of Giving
- Isaiah 7:14 A Special Birth
- Isaiah 7:14 Hope In Him
- Isaiah 7:14 in Poetry
- Isaiah 8:1-10 Immanuel
- Isaiah 8:11-18 Don't They Believe In God?
- Isaiah 9:1-7 Christmas in Captivity
- Isaiah 9:1-7 Wonderful!
- Isaiah 9:1-7 Little Rajah, Little King
- Isaiah 9:1-7 Isn't He Beautiful!
- Isaiah 9:1-7 A Great Light
- Isaiah 9:1-7 No Other Name
- Isaiah 9:1-7 The Big News
- Isaiah 9:1-7 A Promised Gift
- Isaiah 9:1-7 Pax Romana
- Isaiah 9:1-7 Light And Shadow
- Isaiah 9:6 The Son Is Given
- Isaiah 11:1-9 Snake In A Box
- Isaiah 12 Bibles And Buckets
- Isaiah 12 Don't Be Afraid
- Isaiah 12 "Not Know!"
- Isaiah 12:3 At The Well
- Isaiah 12 Wells of Salvation
- Isaiah 16:1-5 Fire And Rain
- Isaiah 18:1-5 Watching and Waiting
- Isaiah 24:15 By Dawn's Early Light
- Isaiah 25:1-5 Our Refuge in the Storm
- Isaiah 25:1-9 Silent Helper
- Isaiah 26:1-9 Prepare To Sleep
- Isaiah 26:1-4 Peace In The Storm
- Isaiah 26:1-9 Perfect Peace Is Possible
- Isaiah 26:3-4 Dealing With Delay
- Isaiah 27:1 - Leviathan
- Isaiah 28:23-29 God Has A Purpose
- Isaiah 28:23-29 Pain Is Not Pointless9
- Isaiah 29:13 Imitation Faith
- Isaiah 30:1-18 More Than Knowledge
- Isaiah 30:8-18 Hide Or Seek?
- Isaiah 30:8-17 The Resisters
- Isaiah 30:12-19 Waiting Game
- Isaiah 30:15-18 Worth The Wait
- Isaiah 30:15-18 Calm Under Pressure
- Isaiah 30:15-22 Answer The Cry
- Isaiah 30:18 Waiting . . .
- Isaiah 30:15-22 Navigational System
- Isaiah 30:15 Strength in Stillness
- Isaiah 31:1-5 Lion Of Judah
- Isaiah 31 Our Refuge And Strength
- Isaiah 32:1-8 Noble Plans
- Isaiah 33:14-24 Living In The Fire
- Isaiah 35 Obsolete
- Isaiah 35:3-10 Well Done, David Schumm
- Isaiah 37:30-38 The Mighty Finns
- Isaiah 38:19 Education Starts At Home
- Isaiah 38:17 They Never Meet
- Isaiah 39:5-40:5 Comfort in Captivity
- Isaiah 40:1-11 Getting Ready For Christmas
- Isaiah 40:1-5 Pigeon Hill
- Isaiah 40:1-5 The Glory Of Humility
- Isaiah 40:1-8 Spring Beauty
- Isaiah 40:1-8 A Lasting Letter
- Isaiah 40:3-5 Make Way
- Isaiah 40:5 The Reveal - Our Daily Bread
- Isaiah 40:6-11 One Beautiful Moment
- Isaiah 40:6-11,28-31 Outrunning Cheetahs
- Isaiah 40:6-8 The Lost Library
- Isaiah 40:8 The Press And The Bible
- Isaiah 40:10-11,28-31 Promised Strength
- Isaiah 40:11 Safe In His Arms
- Isaiah 40:11 Everlasting Arms
- Isaiah 40:12-13,25-31 Perspective
- Isaiah 40:15-31 Above Your Problems
- Isaiah 40:18-31 Test Your Tiredness
- Isaiah 40:18-31 Life Sentence
- Isaiah 40:21-31 The Final Picture
- Isaiah 40:21-31 - Universe- Proofs of God’s Ownership
- Isaiah 40:25-31 In His Hands
- Isaiah 40:25-31 Power Up!
- Isaiah 40:25, 27, 28-Our Thoughts of God
- Isaiah 40:25-31 Souls And Stars
- Isaiah 40:25-31 A Difficult Hill
- Isaiah 40:25-31 Think Young
- Isaiah 40:25-31 Unlimited Power
- Isaiah 40:25–41:1 Anti-Aging Power
- Isaiah 40:25-31 Drained Of All Strength
- Isaiah 40:25-31 I’m Invisible
- Isaiah 40:25-31 Not My Worry
- Isaiah 40:27-31 Running Well
- Isaiah 40:27-31 Plugged In
- Isaiah 40:28-41:4 A Season Of Renewal
- Isaiah 40:28 A Possum’s Pose
- Isaiah 40:29-31 Eagle Flight
- Isaiah 40:25-31 Burned-out Jugglers
- Isaiah 40:27 Star Shepherd
- Isaiah 40:25-27 The Star Shepherd
- Isaiah 40:31 Patience To Be Patient
- Isaiah 40:31 Crumbs of Time
- Isaiah 40:31 A Deadly Weapon
- Isaiah 40:31 Get Up!
- Isaiah 40:31 Use Your Weapons
- Isaiah 40:31 Wait On The Lord
- Isaiah 40:31 Spiritual Decompression
- Isaiah 40:31 Ruts And Routines
- Isaiah 40:27-31 On Eagles’ Wings
- Isaiah 40:27-31; 41:10 Without Power
- Isaiah 41:10 Frightened By A Boxer
- Isaiah 41:8-14 Life-Changing Choices
- Isaiah 41:8-20 Someone Is With You
- Isaiah 41:13 Holding Me Up
- Isaiah 41:10-13 Chipmunk Chatter
- Isaiah 41:17-20 Embroidery Of Earth”
- Isaiah 42:1-9 God's Surprising Answer
- Isaiah 42:1-7 Eye Level To A Bulldog
- Isaiah 42:1-9 The Power Of Compassion
- Isaiah 42:3 Hand of Mercy
- Isaiah 42:8 That Is Mine!
- Isaiah 42:1-4,23-25 Who Is Deaf
- Isaiah 43:1-4 Fear Not
- Isaiah 43:1 A Winner Either Way
- Isaiah 43: Trust Me
- Isaiah 43:1-13 In The Car Wash
- Isaiah 43:1-13 Heat And Holiness
- Isaiah 43:1-13 Carwash Experiences
- Isaiah 43:2 Does Your Roof Leak?
- Isaiah 43:2 Trouble
- Isaiah 43:19 New Beginnings
- Isaiah 43:19-28 "Sweet Cane" For God
- Isaiah 43:22-28 Think Of Them No More
- Isaiah 43:22-28 Life-Saver
- Isaiah 43:25 Unable To Sleep
- Isaiah 43:25 Moving Past Sinful Failure
- Isaiah 44:21-28 Amnesia
- Isaiah 44:22 The Best Eraser
- Isaiah 45:1-13 The Big Picture
- Isaiah 48:11 Glory Deflectors
- Isaiah 45:18-25 Help From Above
- Isaiah 45:18-25 He’s There All The Time
- Isaiah 46:1-10 miracle Material
- Isaiah 46:1-9 Bel Bows Down
- Isaiah 46:1-11 Carried In His Strong Arms
- Isaiah 46:4-13 How to Grow Old
- Isaiah 46:4 What We Cannot Lose
- Isaiah 46:4 Aging Gracefully - Our Daily Bread
- Isaiah 46:1-13 Carrying The Canteen
- Isaiah 46:8-11 One Mysterious God
- Isaiah 46:1-9 Bel Bows Down
- Isaiah 46:1-4 Carried By God
- Isaiah 47:1-11 Don't Be Fooled
- Isaiah 48:10 The Furnace
- Isaiah 48:17-22 Chess Master
- Isaiah 48:16-22 Desert Places
- Isaiah 49:1-7 He Calls Us By Name
- Isaiah 49:1-6 Small Ways In Small Places
- Isaiah 49:8-16 God's Constant Care
- Isaiah 49:8-18 Do We Matter to God?
- Isaiah 49:13-16 Not Abandoned
- Isaiah 49:13-18 No Need Is Too Trivial
- Isaiah 49:13-18 Greater Compassion
- Isaiah 49:15 Covenant
- Isaiah 49:13-20 For This I Have Jesus
- Isaiah 50:4-10 Something To Say
- Isaiah 50:4-10 A Word to the Weary
- Isaiah 50:4-10 What Do You Believe?
- Isaiah 50:4-5 The Secret Chamber
- Isaiah 51:1-16 What Do You Fear?
- Isaiah 51:7-16 Healthy Fear
- Isaiah 52:7-15 Yesterday And Tomorrow
- Isaiah 52:7 The Runner
- Isaiah 52:7 Beautiful Feet
- Isaiah 52:13-53:12 The Value Of Prophecy
- Isaiah 53 Hope In Him
- Isaiah 53 A Place For Sorrows
- Isaiah 53 A Portrait of Jesus
- Isaiah 53 The Clue Of Silence
- Isaiah 53 Why Did Jesus Die?
- Isaiah 53 He Died For Me!
- Isaiah 53 The Agony Of The Cross
- Isaiah 53 The Clue of Silence
- Isaiah 53:1-6 Pack Up Your Sorrows
- Isaiah 53:1-6 Seeing Jesus
- Isaiah 53:1-6 Blue Christmas
- Isaiah 53:1-10 Why He Died
- Isaiah 53:1-10 Claiming Responsibility
- Isaiah 53:4-12 Wounded For Me
- Isaiah 53:4-12 Wounded For Me -2
- Isaiah 53:4-12 Trail Trees
- Isaiah 53:4-12 That’s Jesus!
- Isaiah 53:4-10 Why Is Sin So Bad?
- Isaiah 53:4 Where Was God?
- Isaiah 53:5 The Deadliest Disease
- Isaiah 53:5 A Fragile Lamb
- Isaiah 53:5 The Burned- Over Place
- Isaiah 53:6 Who's To Blame?
- Isaiah 53:6 Condemnation Certain
- Isaiah 53:6 - Six-Inch Christians
- Isaiah 53:6 Make A U-Turn
- Isaiah 53:6 Calvary's Deepest Pain
- Isaiah 53:9 Why?
- Isaiah 53:12 Sin Hurts
- Isaiah 54:1-10 Close The Gate
- Isaiah 54:4-10 Predicting The Future
- Isaiah 54:13 Instructed By God
- Isaiah 55 Making Things Square
- Isaiah 55 The Price Of Food
- Isaiah 55:1-3 The Toy Search
- Isaiah 55:1-6 The Search For Satisfaction
- Isaiah 55:1-5 Buy Without Money
- Isaiah 55:1-6 Taking The Medicine
- Isaiah 55:1-7 God Loves Atheists
- Isaiah 55:1-7 Stumbling Christians
- Isaiah 55:1-7 God Loves Atheists
- Isaiah 55:1-7 Something For Nothing
- Isaiah 55:1-7 What Money Can’t Buy
- Isaiah 55:1-7 Just As I Am
- Isaiah 55:1-9 It's Free!
- Isaiah 55:1-9 Welcome To All!
- Isaiah 55:7 Repenting And Rejoicing
- Isaiah 55:6 "Better Late Than Never!"
- Isaiah 55:6 When It's Too Late
- Isaiah 55:6-13 The Plantings Of Grace
- Isaiah 55:6-13 Keep At It!
- Isaiah 55:8-13 Upside Down
- Isaiah 55:8-11 God’s Refreshing Word
- Isaiah 55:8-13 The Miracle We All Need
- Isaiah 55:8-13 Hope For Skeptics
- Isaiah 55:8-11 Six Degrees Of Separation
- Isaiah 55:8 Gimme It!
- Isaiah 55:8 Surprise Me!
- Isaiah 55:8 Doesn’t God Care
- Isaiah 55:9 It All Makes Sense
- Isaiah 55:6-13 Do I Have To Read Leviticus?
- Isaiah 55:8 Knowing The Unknowable
- Isaiah 55:9 Unanswered Prayer
- Isaiah 55:9 Unanswered Questions
- Isaiah 55:9 Mysterious Ways
- Isaiah 57:14-21 The First Step
- Isaiah 57:15-21 The Restless Sea
- Isaiah 57:15 Back On The Farm
- Isaiah 57:21 Conscience
- Isaiah 58:1-10 Let Freedom Ring
- Isaiah 58 Willing To Change
- Isaiah 58:1-12 Misapplied First Aid
- Isaiah 58:6-12 All Year Long
- Isaiah 58:6-12 Hoarding Or Helping
- Isaiah 58:1-9 Religion And Reality
- Isaiah 58:1-10 Spend Less, Give More
- Isaiah 58:1-12 Cry for Help
- Isaiah 58:6-12 Helping Hand
- Isaiah 58:8 “Don’t Worry, Dad!”
- Isaiah 58:10-12 A Healing Community
- Isaiah 58:11 Eye In The Sky
- Isaiah 59:2 Our Father's Face
- Isaiah 59 A Call For Justice
- Isaiah 59 Inner-City Injustice
- Isaiah 59 What Can We Do?
- Isaiah 59:12 You Won't Get Away With It!
- Isaiah 59:1-2 Who Is Deaf
- Isaiah 60:19-22 Piercing the Darkness
- Isaiah 60:17-22 Gone The Sun
- Isaiah 61:1-3 The Oil Of Helpfulness
- Isaiah 61:3 Everything Is Beautiful
- Isaiah 61:1-3 New Start For A Broken Heart
- Isaiah 61:1-3 The Power Of Praise
- Isaiah 61:1-2 The Answers Can Wait
- Isaiah 61:10 Buyer’s Remorse
- Isaiah 61:10-11 Frog And Toad
- Isaiah 63:3 Vengeance Is Mine
- Isaiah 63:9 His Pain
- Isaiah 64 Bad Sinners Made Good
- Isaiah 64 New Clothes
- Isaiah 64:1 God's Surprising Answer
- Isaiah 65:17-66:2 Learning from the Redwoods
- Isaiah 66:7-13 Learning To Trust
- Isaiah 66:5-13 Safe in His Arms
Literal Interpretation
- Introductory Handout - includes timeline (see another Excellent Timeline for Isaiah)
- Introductory Notes
- Summary Handout, part 1
- Summary Handout, part 2
- Summary Notes
- Isaiah 1 Chart
- Isaiah 1 Commentary Notes
- Isaiah 2-4 Chart
- Isaiah 2-4 Commentary Notes
- Relation to Ps. 80
- Structure of Isaiah 5
- Isaiah 5 Commentary Notes
- Quotations of Isaiah 6:9-10 in the NT
- Isaiah 6 Commentary Notes
- Isaiah 8:14 within Isaiah 8 and in the NT; chiasm in Isaiah 8:16-20
- Isaiah 7-8:20 Commentary Notes
- Isaiah 8:14 within Isaiah 8 and in the NT; chiasm in Isaiah 8:16-20
- Isaiah 7:1-8:15 Commentary Notes
- Isaiah 8:16-9:7 Commentary Notes
- Structural chart of Isaiah 9:8-10:4
- Isaiah 9:8-10:4 Commentary Notes
- Isaiah 10:5-32 Commentary Notes
- Isaiah 11-12 Commentary Notes
- Isaiah 13:1-14:23, The Burden of Babylon - Commentary Notes
- Isaiah 14:24-32, The Burden when Ahaz Died - Commentary Notes
- Isaiah 15:1-16:14, The Burden of Moab - Commentary Notes
- Isaiah 17:1-18:7, The Burden of Damascus - Commentary Notes
- Isaiah 19:1-20:6, The Burden of Egypt - Commentary Notes
- Handout on Isaiah 21
- Isaiah 21-23 Commentary Notes
- Maps of Tyre for Isaiah 23
- Overview of Isa 24-27
- Isaiah 24 Commentary Notes, The Judgment on the Earth
- Isaiah 25 Commentary Notes, Isaiah's Song
- Isaiah 26 Commentary Notes, Judah's Song
- Isaiah 27 Commentary Notes, The Lord's Song
- Overview of Isaiah 13-35
- Map of the Assyrian Advance in the 8th Century BC
- Isaiah 28 Commentary Notes and the Gift of Languages
- Isaiah 28 Commentary Notes Woe to the Leaders
- Structural Chart of Isaiah 28
- Handout for Isaiah 29:1-14
- Isaiah 29 Commentary Notes
- Handout for Isaiah 30
- Handout for Isaiah 30:8-17
- Handout for Isaiah 30:18-26
- Isaiah 30 Commentary Notes
- Isaiah 31-32 Commentary Notes
- Isaiah 33 Commentary Notes
- Structural Chart of Isaiah 34
- Isaiah 34-35 Commentary Notes
- Structural Chart of Isaiah 36-37
- Isaiah 36-37 Commentary Notes
- Charts on Isaiah 37:7-20
- Charts on Isaiah 37:21-32
- Charts on Isaiah 37:33-38:6
- Charts on Isaiah 38:7-14
- Isaiah 38-39 Commentary Notes
- Overview Charts of Isa 40-66
- Structural overview of Isa 40:1-11
- Charts on Isa 40 and John the Baptist
- Charts on Isa 40:12-17
- Isaiah 40 Commentary Notes
- Charts on Isaiah 41:1-42:17
- Isaiah 41:1-42:17 Commentary Notes
- Isaiah 42:18-44:28 Commentary Notes
- Charts on Isa 42:18-44:28
- Isaiah 45-48 Commentary Notes
- Charts on Isa 45-48
- Structural overview of Isaiah 49-57; detail on vv. 1-3
- Charts on Isaiah 49:3-6
- Isaiah 49:1-13 Commentary Notes
- Charts on Isaiah 49:8-13
- Charts on Isaiah 49:13-20
- Isaiah 49:14-50:3 Commentary Notes
- Charts on Isaiah 50:1-6
- Charts on Isaiah 50:6-9
- Charts on Isaiah 50:8-11
- Charts on Isaiah 50:11-51:8
- Isaiah 50:4-51:8 Commentary Notes
- Charts on Isaiah 51:9-11
- Charts on Isaiah 51:12-16
- Charts on Isaiah 51:17-23
- Charts on Isaiah 52:1-5
- Charts on Isaiah 52:6-8
- Charts on Isaiah 52:7-12
- Isaiah 51:9-52:12 Commentary Notes
- Charts on Isaiah 52:13-15
- Charts on Isaiah 53:1-3
- Charts on Isaiah 53:3-4
- Charts on Isaiah 53:5-8
- Charts on Isaiah 53:7-9
- Charts on Isaiah 53:9-10
- Charts on Isaiah 53:10-11
- Charts on Isaiah 53:11-12
- Charts on Isaiah 53:12
- Isaiah 53 Commentary Notes
- Charts on Isaiah 54:1-4
- Charts on Isaiah 54:4-5
- Charts on Isaiah 54:5
- Charts on Isaiah 54:6-8
- Charts on Isaiah 54:8-10
- Charts on Isaiah 54:11-13
- Charts on Isaiah 54:14-17
- Charts on Isaiah 54:16-17
- Isaiah 54 Commentary Notes
- Isaiah 55-57
- Charts on Isaiah chapters 55-57
- review of Isaiah 49-57 Commentary Notes
- Charts reviewing Isaiah 49-57
- Charts previewing Isaiah 58-66
- Notes previewing Isaiah 58-66
- Charts on Isaiah 58:1-7
- Charts on Isaiah 58:8-12
- Charts on Isaiah 58:10-12
- Charts on Isaiah 58:10-12
- Isaiah 58 Commentary Notes
- Charts on Isaiah 59:1-8
- Charts on Isaiah 59:7-15
- Charts on Isaiah 59:9-15
- Charts on Isaiah 59:15-21
- Isaiah 59 Commentary Notes
- Charts on Isaiah 60:1-3
- Charts on Isaiah 60:4-5
- Charts on Isaiah 60:6
- Charts on Isaiah 60:7
- Charts on Isaiah 60:8-9
- Charts on Isaiah 60:10-12
- Charts on Isaiah 60:13-18
- Charts on Isaiah 60:19-22
- Isaiah 60 Commentary Notes
- Charts on Isaiah 61:1a
- Charts on Isaiah 61:1b-3a
- Charts on Isaiah 61:3-6
- Charts on Isaiah 61:7-11
- Isaiah 61 Commentary Notes
- Charts on Isaiah 62:1-5
- Charts on Isaiah 62:4-7
- Charts on Isaiah 62:8-12
- Isaiah 62 Commentary Notes
- Charts on Isaiah 63:1-6
- Isaiah 63:1-6 Commentary Notes
- Charts on Isaiah 63:7
- Charts on Isaiah 63:8-10
- Charts on Isaiah 63:10-14
- Charts on Isaiah 63:15; 64:10-12
- Charts on Isaiah 63:16-19; 64:8-9
- Meditation on Isaiah 63:17
- Charts on Isaiah 64:1-3, 5b-7
- Charts on Isaiah 64:4-5a
- Charts on Isaiah 65:1-3
- Charts on Isaiah 65:3-8
- Charts on Isaiah 65:8-12
- Charts on Isaiah 65:13-17
- Charts on Isaiah 65:17-25
- Isaiah 63:7-65:25 Commentary Notes
- Charts on Isaiah 66:1-2
- Charts on Isaiah 66:3-4
- Charts on Isaiah 66:5-6
- Charts on Isaiah 66:6-11
- Charts on Isaiah 66:12-16
- Charts on Isaiah 66:17-19
- Charts on Isaiah 66:20-24
- Isaiah 66 Commentary Notes
- Isaiah The Handwringer Franklin L. Kirksey
- Isaiah 1:18 The Great Invitation W.A. Criswell
- Isaiah 1:6-9 True Thankfulness J. Mike Minnix
- Isaiah 2:4 Peace and Harmony Franklin L. Kirksey
- Isaiah 5:1-7 A Sad Song Over A Blessed People J. Mike Minnix
- Isaiah 6:1-11 Some Components of Worship David E. Owen
- Isaiah 6:1-13 An Encounter with the Enthroned Almighty Donnie L. Martin
- Isaiah 6:1-8 Holy Smoke J. Gerald Harris
- Isaiah 6:1-8 Have You Seen The King? fSammy Burgess
- Isaiah 6:8 Here Am I, Send Me David E. Owen
- Isaiah 6:9 Everlasting Father J. Mike Minnix
- Isaiah 7:14 Christmas B.C. Terry Trivette
- Isaiah 7:14 Jesus - The Promise Foretold Steve Wagers
- Isaiah 7:14 Christmas in its Christian Context Donnie L. Martin
- Isaiah 7:9 Stand Firm Franklin L. Kirksey
- Isaiah 8:13 The Fear of God - Lost and Found Franklin L. Kirksey
- Isaiah 8:14 How Firm A Foundation J. Mike Minnix
- Isaiah 9:2-7 The Gift That Keeps On Giving or A GIFT THAT NEVER GROWS OLD J. Mike Minnix
- Isaiah 9:6 God's Greatest Gift Frank Page
- Isaiah 9:6 What's In A Name David E. Owen
- Isaiah 9:6 The Birth That Changed The World fSammy Burgess
- Isaiah 9:6 Prince of Peace J. Mike Minnix
- Isaiah 9:6 Wonderful Counselor J. Mike Minnix
- Isaiah 9:6 Mighty God J. Mike Minnix
- Isaiah 9:6 His Name Shall Be Called Wonderful Donnie L. Martin
- Isaiah 9:6-7 A Christmas Promise Franklin L. Kirksey
- Isaiah 9:6-7 Announcing the Savior Toby Frost
- Isaiah 9:6-7 The Christ of Christmas Franklin L. Kirksey
- Isaiah 9:6-7 Peace J. Mike Minnix
- Isaiah 10:33ff The World's Greatest Question Vince Hefner
- Isaiah 14:24-27 God is in Control God Franklin L. Kirksey
- Isaiah 30:15 Quiet Please! Alan Stewart
- Isaiah 30:21 Journey Off The Map Franklin L. Kirksey
- Isaiah 37:14-38 Power Through Prayer J. Mike Minnix
- Isaiah 40:27-31 God's Prescription for Overcoming Stress J. Mike Minnix
- Isaiah 40:31 Running With A Vigor In Mind David E. Owen
- Isaiah 41:10 How To Have Freedom From Fear Michael A. Guido
- Isaiah 41:8-13 Don't Give in to Fear Franklin L. Kirksey (See related articles)
- How To Handle Fear (1)
- How to Handle Fear (2)
- How To Handle Fear (3)
- How to Handle Fear (4)
- Study the Fear of the Lord
- What does “perfect love casts out fear” mean?
- What does the Bible say about fear?
- How is the fear of the Lord the beginning of wisdom?
- How can I overcome the fear of death? How can I stop being scared of dying?
- What does it mean to have the fear of God?
- How can I overcome my fear of the end of days?
- Faith vs. fear - what does the Bible say?
- How can a Christian overcome the fear of witnessing?
- What is hadephobia (fear of hell)? (See also A Study of Eternal Punishment)
- What does the Bible say about having a phobia?
- What does the Bible say about panic attacks?
- Isaiah 43:1-28 I Am The Lord, Your Holy One (outline) Bill Cannon
- Isaiah 43:1-4 God Says I Will Continue With You In The Difficult Places David E. Owen
- Isaiah 43:14-21 God Says I Will Comfort You In The Dry Places David E. Owen
- Isaiah 43:1-6 The Fear of Uncertainty Ernest L. Easley
- Isaiah 43:18-19 God's New Thing Franklin L. Kirksey
- Isaiah 43:22-28 God Says I Will Cleanse You In The Defiled Places David E. Owen
- Isaiah 43:2-9 God's Resolutions or When God Says "I Will" David E. Owen
- Isaiah 43:5-13 God Says I Will Call You Out Of Distant Places David E. Owen
- Isaiah 44:1-3 The Jeshurun Man - Christian Excellence! J. Mike Minnix
- Isaiah 44:1-3 A Man With Three Names - Father's Day J. Mike Minnix
- Isaiah 45:22-25 GOING IN THE NEW YEAR J. Mike Minnix
- Isaiah 49:13-26 God's Care For His Own Denis Lyle
- Isaiah 50:7 Staying Focused Alan Stewart
- Isaiah 54 Enlarge Your Tent - Stewardship J. Mike Minnix
- Isaiah 54:1-5 Enlarging The Kingdom James W. Weaver, Jr.
- Isaiah 55:6-7 It's Time To Turn To The Lord Donnie L. Martin
- Isaiah 55:6-9 Fire on the Wall Johnny L. Sanders
- Isaiah 57:14-21 Healing for a Backslider Franklin L. Kirksey (Related articles below)
- Isaiah 59:2 Just One Inch William F. Harrell
- Isaiah 61:1 God Holds The Key Larry Wynn
- Isaiah 64:1-9 A Heart-Cry For God's Presence J. Mike Minnix
- Isaiah 65:10 The Help of the Valley of Achor David E. Owen
- Isaiah 66:1-6 The Saints Highest Calling Franklin L. Kirksey
- Isaiah 6:1-8 Holy, Holy, Holy Is the Lord of Hosts
- Isaiah 6 In the Throne Room - audio/video only
- Isaiah 25:1-8 Cities of Ruthless Nations Will Revere Thee
- Isaiah 30:1-5 Battling the Unbelief of Impatience
- Isaiah 37 Prayer and the Victory of God
- Isaiah 40:5 Three Meditations on "The Messiah"
- Isaiah 40:8 Thanksgiving Toward the Past, Faith Toward the Future
- Isaiah 41:1-13 Fear Not, I Am with You, I Am Your God
- Isaiah 41:14 Fear Not, You Worm Jacob!
- Isaiah 43:1-7 God Created Us for His Glory
- Isaiah 43:8-13 I Am the Lord, and Besides Me There Is No Savior
- Isaiah 43:10-13 From Wonder to Witness
- Isaiah 44:1-5 A Precious Promise: The Outpouring of God's Spirit
- Isaiah 52:13-53:6 Surely He Has Borne Our Griefs
- Isaiah 53:3-12 The Risen Christ: Satisfied with His Suffering
- Isaiah 53:7-9 Like a Lamb That Is Led to Slaughter
- Isaiah 53:10-12 He Shall Be Satisfied with the Fruit of His Travail
- Isaiah 53:10 The Pleasure of God in Bruising the Son
- Isaiah 55:1-3 The Great Invitation: Call Others Too!
- Isaiah 55:1-3 The Great Invitation: Come! Drink! Eat! Live!
- Isaiah 55:10-11 The Great Invitation: God's Triumphant Word
- Isaiah 55:12-13 The Great Invitation: Break Forth in Song!
- Isaiah 56:1-7 Single in Christ: A Name Better Than Sons and Daughters
- Isaiah 57:14-21 The Lofty One Whose Name Is Holy
- Isaiah 58:1-12 A Fast for Waters That Do Not Fail, Part 1
- Isaiah 58:1-12 A Fast for Waters That Do Not Fail, Part 2
- Isaiah 58:1-12 Bethlehem, Break Forth Like the Dawn
- Isaiah 64:1-4 God Works for Those Who Wait for Him
- Introduction to Prophets in Old Testament PDF
- Introduction to Isaiah: Yahweh is Salvation
Isaiah 2:1-4 The Holy City Isaiah 4:2 The Branch Isaiah 7:14 God with Us Isaiah 8:14 A Rock of Salvation and a Stumbling Stone Isaiah 9:1-7 The Child with Many Names Isaiah 9:1-7 Name the Child Isaiah 11:1-5 A Shoot from the Stem of Jesse Isaiah 11:6-16 Our Blessed Hope Isaiah 12–40 One Liners in Isaiah Isaiah 25:8; 26:19 When God Wipes Away the Tears Isaiah 32 A Kingdom of Righteousness Isaiah 42-53 The Servant Songs of Isaiah Isaiah 52:13-15 The Divine Servant Isaiah 53:1-3 The Divine Sufferer Isaiah 53:4-6 The Divine Substitute Isaiah 53:7-9 The Divine Sacrifice Isaiah 53:10-12 The Divine Satisfaction Isaiah 54-66 The LORD God Reigns! - Related Resource (Recommended): Christ in the Old Testament (Multiple Messages)
This work, although generally conservative, is not listed as a recommended commentary for Isaiah because it has many comments that can lead to confusion especially if you believe the "safest" interpretation of Scripture is literal interpretation! A number of comments in the PC interpret Old Testament promises to Israel as being fulfilled in the Church. The PC mentions the "Church" some 827 times in the section on Isaiah despite the fact that the "Church" is not found in a literal reading of the Old Testament! There is only a single mention of the "millennium" in the PC (and even this comment on Isaiah 66 is not accurate) compared with 52 mentions of "millennium" in the highly respected Bible Knowledge Commentary. The importance of this fact is that the book of Isaiah is replete with direct and indirect allusions to a future time period which correlates well with the 1000 year period described by John in Revelation 20. If one interprets Isaiah's prophecies from an amillennial (no literal millennium) perspective, many chapters are difficult to understand, forcing one to resort to figurative interpretations. Click for several examples of non-literal interpretation in the Pulpit Commentary (on Isaiah 1:26, Isaiah 2:2, Isaiah 4:2-3, Isaiah 5:1, Isaiah 11:9)
John Calvin's Commentary is similar to the Pulpit Commentary and has some 1225 references to the "Church" in his comments on Isaiah! Calvin interprets many prophetic passages in Isaiah in a non-literal manner, interpreting many of the prophecies as referring to the Church rather than to Israel (see study of Israel of God). As an example, Calvin has a very confusing interpretation of Isaiah's great prophecy in chapter 2 in which God gives a promise of the future restoration of the kingdom of Israel, a prophecy which interpreted literally speaks of a future Millennial Kingdom. Calvin all but removes Israel from Isaiah 2 replacing it instead with references to the gospel and to the Church, making this beautiful promise to Israel almost unintelligible. Please do not misunderstand. John Calvin deserves great respect as a theologian for he was a "giant" in the Reformation, but like many of the reformers, his interpretation of the Old Testament and specifically OT prophecy is less than stellar.
- A Biblical Perspective on Homosexuality—Isaiah 3:8–9
- Why I Am Pro-Life—Isaiah 5:20
- The One True God—Isaiah 6:1–8
- Treasuring the Trinity—Isaiah 6:1–3
- God’s Answer to Loneliness—Isaiah 7:14
- His Name Is Wonderful—Isaiah 9:6
- The Infinite Infant—Isaiah 9:6
- The Prince of Peace—Isaiah 9:6
- History’s Greatest Happening—Isaiah 9:6–7
- The Christmas Story According to Isaiah—Isaiah 9:6–7
- The God-Man—Isaiah 9:6–7
- The Prince of Peace—Isaiah 9:6–7
- The Prince of Peace—Isaiah 9:6–7
- Dealing with Stress—Isaiah 40
- How Do We Handle Stress?—Isaiah 40:28
- How to Handle Holiday Stress—Isaiah 40:28–31
- How to Handle Stress—Isaiah 40:28–31
- How to Handle Stress—Isaiah 40:28–31
- The Discipline of Darkness—Isaiah 50:10
- The Discipline of Darkness—Isaiah 50:10–11
- How to Make Sense out of Suffering, Part 2—Isaiah 50:10–11
- The Greatest Story Ever Told—Isaiah 53
- The Prince of the Prophets and the Prince of Peace—Isaiah 53
- The Story of the Lord Jesus Christ—Isaiah 53
- Magnifying Jesus Through Worship and the Word—Isaiah 53:1–12
- The Biography of the King—Isaiah 53:1
- The Healing of Body, Soul, and Mind—Isaiah 53:1–6
- Forgive Us Our Christmases—Isaiah 53:3
- Who Crucified Jesus?—Isaiah 53:3–6
- Who Crucified Jesus?—Isaiah 53:3–6
- The Purpose of His Passion—Isaiah 53:4–6
- The Purpose of His Passion—Isaiah 53:4–6
- The Silence of the Lamb—Isaiah 53:4–7, 10–11
- Lengthening and Strengthening—Isaiah 54
- Lengthening and Strengthening—Isaiah 54:1–2
- A Nation in Crisis—Isaiah 59:1–5, 12–15
- Snake Eggs, Spider’s Webs, and Traffic Jams—Isaiah 59:1–5, 14, 20–21
- Revival Is When God Shows Up—Isaiah 64
- Revival Is When God Shows Up—Isaiah 64:1–12
- 1. Introduction to The Study of the Book of Isaiah
- 2. Israel’s Ungrateful Rebellion and Yahweh’s Gracious Invitation (Isaiah 1:1-31)
- 3. How the Sovereign LORD God Prepares His Servants Isaiah (6:1-13)
- 4. A Call for Faith and the Sign of Immanuel (Isaiah 7:1-25)
- 5. The Announcement of Judgment (Isaiah 8:1-22)
- 6. The Glorious Messiah and the Messianic Age (Isaiah 9:1-7)
- 7. The Burdens Upon The Nations (Isaiah 13:1—23:18)
- 8. The Defeat of the Forces of Evil and the Deliverance of the People of God (Isaiah 27:1-13)
- 9. The Deliverance of Judah’s King (Isaiah 38:1-22)
- 10. A Message of Comfort to God’s People (Isaiah 40:1-31)
- 11. The LORD is the Gracious Redeemer (Isaiah 43:1-13)
- 12. Dead Idols or the Living God (Isaiah 44:6-23)
- 13. The Knowledge of the LORD (Isaiah 44:24—45:25)
- 14. The LORD’s Superiority to the Gods of Babylon (Isaiah 46:1-13)
- 15. Exhortations to Heed God’s Call (Isaiah 48:1-22)
- 16. The LORD Can and Will Help Those Who Trust Him (Isaiah 50:1-11)
- 17. The Announcement of Comfort to the Redeemed (Isaiah 52:1-12)
- 18. The Suffering Servant (Isaiah 52:13—53:12)
- 19. The Triumph of the Suffering Servant (Isaiah 52:13—53:12)
- 20. Future Blessings for the People of God (Isaiah 54:1-17)
- 21. God’s Exhortation to Receive His Grace (Isaiah 55:1-13)
- 22. God’s Condemnation or God’s Comfort (Isaiah 56:9—57:21)
- 23. The Spirit-filled Servant and the Kingdom of God (Isaiah 61:1-11)
- 24. Israel’s Plea for Deliverance (Isaiah 64:1-12)
- 25. The LORD’s Answer: Mercy for Israel Isaiah (65:1-25)
Seems to Generally Interpret Israel as Israel (Jewish)
- Introduction Commentary
- Isaiah 1 Commentary
- Isaiah 2 Commentary
- Isaiah 3 Commentary
- Isaiah 4 Commentary
- Isaiah 5 Commentary
- Isaiah 6 Commentary
- Isaiah 8 Commentary
- Isaiah 9 Commentary
- Isaiah 10 Commentary
- Isaiah 11 Commentary
- Isaiah 12 Commentary
- Isaiah 14 Commentary
- Isaiah 19 Commentary
- Isaiah 21 Commentary
- Isaiah 22 Commentary
- Isaiah 24 Commentary
- Isaiah 25 Commentary
- Isaiah 26 Commentary
- Isaiah 27 Commentary
- Isaiah 28 Commentary
- Isaiah 29 Commentary
- Isaiah 30 Commentary
- Isaiah 31 Commentary
- Isaiah 32 Commentary
- Isaiah 33 Commentary
- Isaiah 35 Commentary
- Isaiah 38 Commentary
- Isaiah 40 Commentary
- Isaiah 41 Commentary
- Isaiah 42 Commentary
- Isaiah 43 Commentary
- Isaiah 44 Commentary
- Isaiah 45 Commentary
- Isaiah 46 Commentary
- Isaiah 48 Commentary
- Isaiah 49 Commentary
- Isaiah 50 Commentary
- Isaiah 51 Commentary
- Isaiah 52 Commentary
- Isaiah 53 Commentary
- Isaiah 54 Commentary
- Isaiah 55 Commentary
- Isaiah 56 Commentary
- Isaiah 57 Commentary
- Isaiah 58 Commentary
- Isaiah 59 Commentary
- Isaiah 60 Commentary
- Isaiah 61 Commentary
- Isaiah 62 Commentary
- Isaiah 63 Commentary
- Isaiah 64 Commentary
- Isaiah 65 Commentary
- Isaiah 66 Commentary
Click Here - Then Select Notes
- Isaiah 1 Commentary
- Isaiah 2 Commentary
- Isaiah 3 Commentary
- Isaiah 4 Commentary
- Isaiah 5 Commentary
- Isaiah 6 Commentary
- Isaiah 7 Commentary
- Isaiah 8 Commentary
- Isaiah 9 Commentary
- Isaiah 10 Commentary
- Isaiah 11 Commentary
- Isaiah 12 Commentary
- Isaiah 13 Commentary
- Isaiah 14 Commentary
- Isaiah 15 Commentary
- Isaiah 16 Commentary
- Isaiah 17 Commentary
- Isaiah 18 Commentary
- Isaiah 19 Commentary
- Isaiah 20 Commentary
- Isaiah 21 Commentary
- Isaiah 22 Commentary
- Isaiah 23 Commentary
- Isaiah 24 Commentary
- Isaiah 25 Commentary
- Isaiah 26 Commentary
- Isaiah 27 Commentary
- Isaiah 28 Commentary
- Isaiah 29 Commentary
- Isaiah 30 Commentary
- Isaiah 31 Commentary
- Isaiah 32 Commentary
- Isaiah 33 Commentary
- Isaiah 34 Commentary
- Isaiah 35 Commentary
- Isaiah 36 Commentary
- Isaiah 37 Commentary
- Isaiah 38 Commentary
- Isaiah 39 Commentary
- Isaiah 40 Commentary
- Isaiah 41 Commentary
- Isaiah 42 Commentary
- Isaiah 43 Commentary
- Isaiah 44 Commentary
- Isaiah 45 Commentary
- Isaiah 46 Commentary
- Isaiah 47 Commentary
- Isaiah 48 Commentary
- Isaiah 49 Commentary
- Isaiah 50 Commentary
- Isaiah 51 Commentary
- Isaiah 52 Commentary
- Isaiah 53 Commentary
- Isaiah 54 Commentary
- Isaiah 55 Commentary
- Isaiah 56 Commentary
- Isaiah 57 Commentary
- Isaiah 58 Commentary
- Isaiah 59 Commentary
- Isaiah 60 Commentary
- Isaiah 61 Commentary
- Isaiah 62 Commentary
- Isaiah 63 Commentary
- Isaiah 64 Commentary
- Isaiah 65 Commentary
- Isaiah 66 Commentary
Recommended Resource
- Isaiah - The Salvation of the Lord
- Isaiah 1 The Human Problem
- Isaiah 6 His Majesty
- Isaiah 7, 9 O Come, Immanuel!
- Isaiah 11, 12 What's Coming Down
- Isaiah 13-23 Why Do The Nations Rage?
- Isaiah 24-35 The Black Holes of Life
- Isaiah 36-39 Faith and Folly
- Isaiah 40-43 Who is Like our God?
- Isaiah 44-48 God of Space and Time
- Isaiah 49-52 Behold the Messiah
- Isaiah 53 Man of Sorrows
- Isaiah 54-58 The Time of Rain and Snow
- Isaiah 59-66: And Then Comes the End
Description of the Prophecy | New Testament Fulfillment |
Isaiah 6:1-5 Isaiah saw the glory of God |
John 12:41 |
Isaiah 6:10 hardening of the hearts of Israel |
John 12:40 |
Isaiah 7:14 Virgin birth of the Messiah |
Matthew 1:23-25 |
Isaiah 9:1-2 Light brought to Zebulun and Naphtali |
Matthew 4:12-16 |
Isaiah 9:6 A Son to be born |
Matthew 1:23; Luke 1:31-33; 2:7,11 |
Isaiah 11:1 A shoot from Jesse (David’s lineage) |
Luke 1:31-33; |
Isaiah 11:2 Spirit of the Lord will rest on Him |
Matthew 3:16; 12:18; Mark 1;10; Luke 3:22, |
Isaiah 28:16 The Corner Stone, rejected |
Matthew 21:42-44 |
Isaiah 29:18 The deaf to hear, the blind to see |
Matthew 11:5 (this will also occur in the Messianic Kingdom: Isaiah 35:5) |
Isaiah 40:3-5 Preaching: Prepare the way for Messiah |
Matthew 3:3; Mark 1:3; Luke 3:4-6; John 1:23 |
Isaiah 42:1-4 The Messiah’s calling and Ministry |
Applied by Matthew 12:18-21 but will be completely fulfilled in the Messianic Kingdom. |
Isaiah 42:1 The delight of the Father for the Son |
Matthew 3:17; 17:5; Mark 1:11; 9:7; Luke 3:22; 9:35 |
Isaiah 42:1 I have put my Spirit upon Him |
Matthew 12:18; Also, see above for Isaiah 11:2 |
Isaiah 42:3 not cry out, or hurt the weak |
Matthew 12:19; 26:57-68; 27:11-14; Luke 23:9-11; 1 Peter 2:23. |
Isaiah 50:6 beaten, beard pulled out, spat upon |
Matthew 26:67-68; 27:26-31: Mark 14:65; 15:16-20; Luke 22:63-65; John 18:22 |
Isaiah 50:7 set His face light flint (determined) |
Luke 9:51 |
Isaiah 53:1 message about Messiah not believed |
John 1:11; 12:38; Romans 10:16 |
Isaiah 53:3 Messiah despised, forsaken, sorrowful, and experienced grief |
Matthew 23:37; 26:36-46; Mark 14:32-42; Luke 13:34 |
Isaiah 53:4 carried our griefs and sorrows |
applied by Matthew for healing: Matthew 8:16-17 |
Isaiah 53:4-6 put to death for the world’s sins |
Declared: Matthew 20:17-19; Mark 10:32-34; Luke 18:31:34 |
Isaiah 53:5 by His stripes, we are healed |
1 Peter 2:24. (salvation from sin, not physical healing) |
Isaiah 53:6 world’s iniquities upon the Messiah |
2 Corinthians 5:21; 1 Timothy 2:5-6; 1 John 2:2 |
Isaiah 53:7-8 Messiah, oppressed and afflicted |
Acts 8:32-33 |
Isaiah 53:7 Messiah silent before accusers |
Matthew 26:63; 27:12; Mark 14:61; 15:5; Luke 23:9; (See also Isa 42:3: did not cry out) |
Isaiah 53:8 Cut off from life (put to death) |
Matthew 27:50; Mark 15:37; Luke 23:46; John 19:18 |
Isaiah 53:8 Messiah died for the sins of His people. |
Acts 2:22-23; 5:30-31 |
Isaiah 53:9 buried in a rich man’s grave |
Matthew 27:57-61; Mark 15:42-47; Luke 23:50-55; John 19:38-42 |
Isaiah 53:9 no deceit in Messiah |
1 Peter 2:22 |
Isaiah 53:10 Father’s will to put His Son to death |
Matthew 26:39; Luke 22:42; John 12:27; Acts 2:23 |
Isaiah 53:10 Messiah’s death a guilt offering |
John 1:29; 1 Corinthians 5:7 |
Isaiah 53:10 Messiah will see His seed (believers) |
resurrection appearances: Matthew 28:8-10; 16-20; Mark 16:9-18; Luke 24:13-49; John 20:11-21:23; Acts 1:1-8 |
Isaiah 53:10 Messiah will prolong His days |
Mark 16;19; Luke 24:51; Acts 1:9; 5:31; 1 Corinthians 15:3-8; 20-28 |
Isaiah 53:11 Satisfaction of the Messiah |
Hebrews 1:1-4 |
Isaiah 53:11 The Servant (Messiah) to justify the many by bearing their sins. |
Romans 3:21-26; 5:17-21; 2 Corinthians 5:21 |
Isaiah 53:12 Messiah’s glorious future |
Hebrews 1:1-4 |
Isaiah 53:12 Messiah’s willing death |
Matthew 20:28; Mark 10:45; John 10:11-18 |
Isaiah 53:12 Messiah among the transgressors ` |
Luke 22:37; 23:32-43 |
Isaiah 53:12 Messiah bore people’s sins |
see above: Isaiah 53:11 |
Isaiah 53:12 Messiah interceded for sinners |
on the cross: Luke 23:34 |
Isaiah 55:3 Messiah to be resurrected |
Acts 13:34 |
Isaiah 1:9 |
Survivors (first mention of the remnant in Isaiah) |
Isaiah 1:24-27 |
Zion to have righteous rulers and judges and a faithful people |
Isaiah 2:1-4 |
The Messiah to rule in His peaceful kingdom from Zion, the mountain of the Lord |
Isaiah 2:5-3:26 |
God will purge Judah the earth of the wicked and He will be exalted “in that day” |
Isaiah 4:2-4 |
The Branch of the Lord, the holy remnant and the glory over Mount Zion |
Isaiah 6:11-13 |
Desolation of the cities and a promise of a remaining “holy seed” |
Isaiah 8:9-22 |
Destruction of Israel’s enemies and a sanctuary for the remnant of Israel |
Isaiah 9:1-7 |
The righteous everlasting reign of the Son (the Messiah) |
Isaiah 10:20-22 |
A remnant will return to Israel |
Isaiah 11:1-10 |
The Messiah and His peaceful and righteous kingdom |
Isaiah 11:11-16 |
The return of the faithful remnant |
Isaiah 12:1-6 |
The remnant praise God for His salvation and comfort |
Isaiah 13:6-16 |
Judgement of God of the earth during the “day of the Lord” |
Isaiah Isaiah 14:1-3 |
God’s people to be settled in their own land |
Isaiah 14:4-23 |
Death of the king of Babylon (Antichrist) and destruction of his kingdom |
Isaiah 17:7-8 |
All will have regard for the Holy One of Israel |
Isaiah 18:4-7 |
Peoples of Cush to bring gifts to Mount Zion |
Isaiah 19:1-17 |
Destruction of Egypt |
Isaiah 19:18-24 |
Egypt to be saved and will (with Assyria and Israel) worship the Lord of hosts |
Isaiah 21:1-10 |
The fall of Babylon |
Isaiah 24:1-23 |
God’s judgement on the earth |
Isaiah 25:1-12 |
Praise for the Lord’s salvation |
Isaiah 26:1-21 |
Protection of God’s people during the tribulation and promises of resurrection |
Isaiah 27:1-13 |
Restoration of Israel and gathering of the remnant |
Isaiah 28:14-29 |
The righteous rule of the Messiah and Israel’s pact with the Antichrist |
Isaiah 29:1-24 |
Future blessings and discipline of Ariel (Jerusalem) |
Isaiah 30:19-26 |
Removal of idols and Restoration of the land |
Isaiah 32:1-20 |
The righteous and peaceful reign of the King (Messiah) |
Isaiah 33:1-24 |
God’s future judgement and blessings to Zion |
Isaiah 34:1-15 |
The day of the Lord’s vengeance for the cause of Zion |
Isaiah 34:16-17 |
Those who will live forever in the land |
Isaiah 35:1-10 |
The joyful future of Zion |
Isaiah 40:1-2 |
Comfort for all in Messiah’s kingdom |
Isaiah 40:3-5 |
A way cleared for God – His glory to be revealed (Malachi 3:1; 4:5-6) |
Isaiah 40:9-11 |
Preaching the Gospel to the Jews, God will come with might, As a shepherd, The Messiah will gather His people and care for them (in His kingdom) |
Isaiah 40:31 |
Those who wait – for the Lord’s return – will be strong |
Isaiah 41:1 |
The nations will be judged |
Isaiah 41:2-5 |
The coming of Messiah (Some ascribe these verses to Cyrus) |
Isaiah 41:8-16 |
The Jews called by God will defeat their enemies by His strength |
Isaiah 41:17-20 |
The blessing of God on the natural world in the Messianic kingdom |
Isaiah 42:1-4 |
The Messiah will establish justice in His future kingdom |
Isaiah 42:5-7 |
The Messiah will be a light and a covenant to the people |
Isaiah 42:10-13 |
Praise to the Lord who will come as a warrior and defeat His enemies |
Isaiah 43:1-2 |
The remnant will be protected when they return to Zion |
Isaiah 43:3-4 |
Other nations given as a ransom for the remnant |
Isaiah 43:5-7 |
The remnant will be gathered from the nations |
Isaiah 43:14 |
Babylon to be defeated |
Isaiah 43:19-21 |
The desert and barren places will be watered, the remnant to praise God’s praise |
Isaiah 44:1-5 |
Nature refreshed and the remnant will belong to the Lord |
Isaiah 44:21-23 |
The redemption of the remnant |
Isaiah 45:8 |
The earth to receive righteousness |
Isaiah 45:22-25 |
The remnant to be justified and will glory in the Messiah |
Isaiah 46:13 |
The Messiah’s salvation for Zion and glory for Israel |
Isaiah 49:2 |
Messiah’s mouth like a sharp sword |
Isaiah 49:5-6 |
The Messiah to gather the remnant, to restore them |
Isaiah 49:6 |
The Messiah to be a light to the nations so that His salvation reaches to the all the earth |
Isaiah 49:7 |
The Messiah will receive the worship of kings and princes |
Isaiah 49:8 |
The Messiah to be a covenant to His people, to restore the land for the remnant |
Isaiah 49:9-13 |
The remnant will safely come to Zion |
Isaiah 49:14-26 |
Zion to be populated; the land crowded; Gentiles to bring the remnant to Zion, The Messiah will protect the remnant from their enemies |
Isaiah 51:1-5 |
Blessings of the Messianic kingdom |
Isaiah 51:6 |
The earth and sky to be removed but Messiah’s salvation and righteousness to last forever |
Isaiah 51:7-11 |
Promises of God’s protection, the remnant to return to Zion |
Isaiah 51:12-23 |
The remnant set free from the horrors of the tribulation, Zion to be the people of God |
Isaiah 52:1-3 |
The holy to inhabit Zion |
Isaiah 52:7-12 |
The Messiah to restore and will reign in Zion |
Isaiah 52:13 |
The exaltation and honor of the Messiah |
Isaiah 52:15 |
The rulers of the world will understand God’s purposes and be silent before the Messiah |
Isaiah 53:10 |
The rewards of Messiah’s sacrificial work |
Isaiah 53:12 |
The rewards of Messiah’s sacrificial work |
Isaiah 54:1-6 |
The expansion of the land of Israel in the Messianic kingdom |
Isaiah 54:7-17 |
The Messiah’s love and protection for His people during the Messianic kingdom |
Isaiah 55:1-13 |
Blessings of the Messianic kingdom, the accomplishment of God’s Word |
Isaiah 56:1-9 |
Blessings in the Messianic Kingdom to all who love and obey the Messiah |
Isaiah 59:17b-21 |
The Messiah to come in vengeance. The Messiah as Redeemer will come to Zion. |
Isaiah 60:1-9 |
Blessings in the Messianic kingdom, the sons of the remnant to be taken to Zion. |
Isaiah 60:10-22 |
Peace and security in the Messianic kingdom, the remnant to be righteous |
Isaiah 61:2-3 |
The Messiah to proclaim the day of vengeance of the Lord, to comfort those who mourn |
Isaiah 61:4-9 |
The remnant to have a double portion in the land and have everlasting joy |
Isaiah 61:10-11 |
The remnant to rejoice in their Messiah and exult in Him |
Isaiah 62:1-5 |
Zion to be a delight to the Lord |
- Isaiah 2:3 Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord.
- Isaiah 2:4 World Concord
- Isaiah 3:10 Say ye to the righteous, that it shall be well with him
- Isaiah 7:14 Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel
- Isaiah 14:10 "Art thou become like unto us?"
- Isaiah 21:11"Watchman, what of the night?"
- Isaiah 26:4 Trust ye in the Lord for ever for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength
- Isaiah 27:3 Divine Cultivation
- Isaiah 28:16 Know How to Wait
- Isaiah 30:15 A Quiet Heart
- Isaiah 30:18 Therefore will the Lord wait that he may be gracious unto you
- Isaiah 31:5 Defended and Covered
- Isaiah 32:2 The Safest Shelter
- Isaiah 32:18 My people shall dwell in quiet resting places
- Isaiah 33:10 God Himself Shall Work
- Isaiah 33:16 High Places of Defense
- Isaiah 33:16 His place of defence shall be the munitions of rocks: bread shall be given him
- Isaiah 33:17 Thine eyes shall see the King in his beauty
- Isaiah 33:21 Broad Rivers Without Galley
- Isaiah 35:8 The King's Highway
- Isaiah 36:5 Now on whom dost thou trust?
- Isaiah 37:22 The daughter of Jerusalem hath shaken her head at thee
- Isaiah 40:5 The glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together
- Isaiah 40:9 "Get thee up into the high mountain
- Isaiah 40:9 Get thee up into the high mountain
- Isaiah 40:11 He shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom
- Isaiah 40:11 He shall gather the lambs with his arm
- Isaiah 41:1 Let the people renew their strength
- Isaiah 41:9 Thou art my servant; I have chosen thee
- Isaiah 41:10 I will strengthen thee
- Isaiah 41:10 A Wonderful Guarantee
- Isaiah 41:10 Help from Without
- Isaiah 41:10 Joyful Security
- Isaiah 41:14 I will help thee, saith the Lord
- Isaiah 42:3 Broken and Smoking
- Isaiah 42:16 A Sure Guide
- Isaiah 43:2 Though, Not Engulfed
- Isaiah 43:6 Keep not back
- Isaiah 43:24 Thou hast bought me no sweet cane with money
- Isaiah 44:3 I will pour water upon him that is thirsty
- Isaiah 44:3 Are the Children In?
- Isaiah 44:21 Not Forgotten
- Isaiah 44:22 I have blotted out, as a thick cloud, thy transgressions
- Isaiah 45:2 We Dare Not Doubt
- Isaiah 45:19 I said not unto the seed of Jacob, Seek ye me in vain
- Isaiah 45:22 The Outward, Upward Look
- Isaiah 46:4 He Will Carry Us Home
- Isaiah 48:8 Yea, thou heardest not; yea, thou knewest not; yea, from that time that thine ear was not opened
- Isaiah 48:10 Choice Men
- Isaiah 48:10 I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction
- Isaiah 49:8 I will give thee for a covenant of the people
- Isaiah 49:13 A Mountain Choir
- Isaiah 49:16 Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands
- Isaiah 50:7 Confidence Not Misplaced
- Isaiah 51:3 He will make her wilderness like Eden
- Isaiah 51:12-13 Men as Men, God as God
- Isaiah 51:5 On mine arm shall they trust
- Isaiah 53:5 With his stripes we are healed.
- Isaiah 53:6 All we like sheep have gone astray;
- Isaiah 53:10 Christ and His Children
- Isaiah 53:10 He shall see his seed
- Isaiah 53:12 He was numbered with the transgressors
- Isaiah 54:1 Sing, O barren
- Isaiah 54:4 No Cause to Blush
- Isaiah 54:5 “Thy Redeemer.”
- Isaiah 54:10 His Kindness and Covenant
- Isaiah 54:11 And lay thy foundations with sapphires
- Isaiah 54:12 I will make thy windows of agates
- Isaiah 54:17 Weapons Doomed to Fail
- Isaiah 54:17 No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper
- Isaiah 55:12 Full of Song
- Isaiah 57:16 What is Painful Will End
- Isaiah 57:18 I have seen his ways, and will heal him
- Isaiah 58:11 Continual Guidance
- Isaiah 59:5 They weave the spider's web."
- Isaiah 60:22 God's Multiplication Table
- Isaiah 61:6 Set Apart
- Isaiah 62:4 Never Alone
- Isaiah 62:12 Thou shalt be called, Sought out.
- Isaiah 63:1 Mighty to save
- Isaiah 63:7 I will mention the lovingkindnesses of the Lord
- Isaiah 64:6 We are all as an unclean thing
- Isaiah 65:19 The voice of weeping shall be no more heard
- Isaiah 65:24 Before and During the Call
- Isaiah 66:5 Joy for the Cast Out
- Isaiah 66:13 Tender Comfort
- See also - Isaiah - Expositions
- Isaiah 1:3 To the Thoughtless
- Isaiah 1:18 Invitation to a Conference
- Isaiah 1:18 Invitation to a Conference - Sermon Notes
- Isaiah 1:18 Reasons for Parting with Sin
- Isaiah 1:18 Scarlet Sinners Pardoned and Purified
- Isaiah 1:18 The Silver Trumpet
- Isaiah 1:20 The Infallibility of Scripture
- Isaiah 2:2 A Vision of the Latter-Day Glories
- Isaiah 2:5 Walking in the Light of the Lord
- Isaiah 2:5. Walking in the light - Sermon Notes
- Isaiah 2:11: Infallible Sign of Revival
- Isaiah 2:17 Man Humbled, God Exalted
- Isaiah 2:22 Man, Whose Breath Is in His Nostrils
- Isaiah 3:10-11 Cheering Words and Solemn Warnings
- Isaiah 5:1: Holy Song from Happy Saints
- Isaiah 5:1 The Well-Beloved's Vineyard
- Isaiah 5:6. No Rain - Sermon Notes
- Isaiah 5:17 How the Lambs Feed
- Isaiah 5:18 Cords and Cart-Ropes
- Isaiah 6:8 The Divine Call for Missionaries
- Isaiah 6:8 Messengers Wanted
- Isaiah 6:13: The Leafless Tree
- Isaiah 7:9 No Fixity Without Faith
- Isaiah 7:14, 15 The Birth of Christ
- Isaiah 8:14 Christ the Sanctuary
- Isaiah 8:18 I and the Children
- Isaiah 8:20: Search the Scriptures
- Isaiah 9:3: Harvest Joy
- Isaiah 9:6 A Christmas Question
- Isaiah 9:6 His Name--The Everlasting Father
- Isaiah 9:6 His Name--Wonderful
- Isaiah 9:6 His Name--Counselor
- Isaiah 9:6 His Name--Mighty God
- Isaiah 11:10 Christ's Rest and Ours
- Isaiah 12:1 A New Song for New Hearts
- Isaiah 12:2 Fearing and Trusting—Trusting and Not Fearing
- Isaiah 12:2 Mr. Moody's Text
- Isaiah 14:32 Questions and Answers Concerning Zion
- Isaiah 19:18-25: The Fruits of Grace
- Isaiah 22:23-25 The Nail in a Sure Place
- Isaiah 25:6: Good Cheer for Christmas
- Isaiah 26:3: Peace! Perfect Peace!
- Isaiah 26:3: The Song of a City, and the Pearl of Peace
- Isaiah 26:8, 9 Christians, and Their Communion with God
- Isaiah 26:9: The Desire of the Soul in Spiritual Darkness
- Isaiah 26:20 Good Advice for Troublous Times
- Isaiah 27:3: A Refreshing Promise
- Isaiah 27:3: The Keeper of the Vineyard
- Isaiah 27:13: Ready, Ay, Ready!
- Isaiah 28:12 Rejecters of the Gospel Admonished
- Isaiah 28:17 Refuges of Lies and What Will Become of Them
- Isaiah 28:20: The Bed and Its Covering
- Isaiah 28:24 The Plowman (Ploughman)
- Isaiah 28:25 The Principal Wheat
- Isaiah 28:27, 28 Soul-Threshing
- Isaiah 28:29 A Feast for Faith
- Isaiah 30:15 Messages to Sinners and Saints
- Isaiah 30:18 A Waiting God and a Waiting People
- Isaiah 30:19 Encouragement to Trust and Pray
- Isaiah 30:21 The Voice Behind Thee
- Isaiah 32:2 Our Hiding Place
- Isaiah 32:2 The Shadow of a Great Rock
- Isaiah 32:2 Rivers of Water in a Dry Place
- Isaiah 33:15, 16 The Rocky Fortress and Its Inhabitant
- Isaiah 33:17 The King in His Beauty
- Isaiah 33:17 A Vision of the King
- Isaiah 33:17 A Precious Promise for a Pure People
- Isaiah 33:20–23 Broad Rivers and Streams
- Isaiah 33:24 Healing and Pardon
- Isaiah 35:3: Weak Hands and Feeble Knees
- Isaiah 35:4 Good Cheer for Many That Fear
- Isaiah 35:5 The Dumb Singing
- Isaiah 35:6 The Dumb become Singers
- Isaiah 35:8 The Holy Road
- Isaiah 36:5 In Whom Are You Trusting?
- Isaiah 38:1 Landlord and Tenant
- Isaiah 38:14 Consolation for Poor Petitioners
- Isaiah 38:17: A Sense of Pardoned Sin
- Isaiah 38:17: Miracles of Love
- Isaiah 38:17 Love’s Medicines and Miracles
- Isaiah 40:1: Comfort Proclaimed
- Isaiah 40:6-8: The Withering Work of the Spirit
- Isaiah 40:8 Man Transient— God's Word Eternal
- Isaiah 40:11: Jesus and the Lambs
- Isaiah 40:11 A Sunday School Sermon
- Isaiah 40:11 The Lambs and Their Shepherd
- Isaiah 40:11 Jesus—The Shepherd
- Isaiah 40:29 Causes and Cure of Fainting
- Isaiah 40:31 Renewing Strength
- Isaiah 40:31 The Unwearied Runner
- Isaiah 41:1 Solemn Pleadings for Revival
- Isaiah 41:8 The Friend of God
- Isaiah 41:10 Away with Fear
- Isaiah 41:10 The Sweet Harp of Consolation
- Isaiah 41:14: Fear Not
- Isaiah 41:14: Thy Redeemer
- Isaiah 41:17 Wordless Prayers Heard in Heaven
- Isaiah 41:18 Two “I Wills” in Isaiah 41
- Isaiah 42:3 Smoking Flax
- Isaiah 42:4: Christ's Work No Failure
- Isaiah 42:7: Victor Emmanuel, Emancipator
- Isaiah 42:9 The Philosophy of Promise
- Isaiah 42:16: Joyful Transformations
- Isaiah 42:16 The Blind Befriended
- Isaiah 43:1-4, 22-25 Four Contrasts
- Isaiah 43:1-4 22-24 44:21-23 Love Abounding, Love Complaining, Love Abiding
- Isaiah 43:2: Fire! Fire! Fire!
- Isaiah 43:2,3 Trials Expected and Conquered
- Isaiah 43:3 Jehovah’s Valuation of His People
- Isaiah 43:4 Precious, Honorable, Beloved
- Isaiah 43:4 The Value and Rank of the Believer
- Isaiah 43:6: North and South
- Isaiah 43:6 The Church Encouraged and Exhorted
- Isaiah 43:10 God’s Witnesses
- Isaiah 43:10 Witnesses for God
- Isaiah 43:25: Forgiveness
- Isaiah 43:25 God’s Non-Remembrance of Sin
- Isaiah 43:25 Free Pardon
- Isaiah 43:26 A Loving Entreaty
- Isaiah 44:1-5 A Promise for Us and For Our Children
- Isaiah 44:3-6 A Revival Promise
- Isaiah 44:5 Converts, and Their Confession of Faith
- Isaiah 44:20 The Deceived Heart
- Isaiah 44:21 Forget You, I Will Not
- Isaiah 44:22 Barriers Obliterated
- Isaiah 44:22 Grace for the Guilty
- Isaiah 44:23: The Song of Songs
- Isaiah 44:23: The Joy of Redemption
- Isaiah 45:7: The Solar Eclipse
- Isaiah 45:19 Comfort to Seekers from What the Lord Has Not Said
- Isaiah 45:22: Sovereignty and Salvation
- Isaiah 45:22: Life for a Look
- Isaiah 45:22: The Life-Look
- Isaiah 45:24, 26 Five Divine Declarations
- Isaiah 46:1-4 Idols Found Wanting, But Jehovah Found Faithful
- Isaiah 46:4: The God of the Aged
- Isaiah 47:14 The Portion of the Ungodly
- Isaiah 48:8 God’s Foreknowledge of Man’s Sin
- Isaiah 48:9-11 Mercy's Master Motive
- Isaiah 48:10: God's People in the Furnace
- Isaiah 48:10 Refined, but Not with Silver
- Isaiah 48:18 The Great Need—Or, the Great Salvation
- Isaiah 49:8: Christ in the Covenant
- Isaiah 49:9 Out of Darkness into Light
- Isaiah 49:10 Heaven Above and Heaven Below
- Isaiah 49:13 God Comforting His People
- Isaiah 49:16 A Precious Drop of Honey
- Isaiah 49:16 God's Memorial of His People
- Isaiah 49:16 Neither Forsaken Nor Forgotten
- Isaiah 49:20, 21 Church Increase
- Isaiah 49:20, 21 The Church a Mother
- Isaiah 49:24 To the Rescue
- Isaiah 50:2–6 The Redeemer Described by Himself
- Isaiah 50:6: The Shame and Spitting
- Isaiah 50:7 The Redeemer’s Face Set Like a Flint
- Isaiah 50:10 The Child of Light Walking in Darkness
- Isaiah 50:10 Ps 57:1; 55:22 Three Texts, But One Subject—Faith
- Isaiah 50:10; 55:4 Our Leader Through the Darkness
- Isaiah 51:1 A Bright Light in Deep Shades
- Isaiah 51:1 A Look and Its Lessons
- Isaiah 51:2; 1Pe 3:6 Sarah and Her Daughters
- Isaiah 51:2-3: Hearken and Look: or, Encouragement for Believers
- Isaiah 51:3: A Prospect of Revival
- Isaiah 51:12, 13 Needless Fears
- Isaiah 52:2 A Call to the Depressed
- Isaiah 52:10: The Great Revival
- Isaiah 52:12: The Vanguard and Rear Guard of the Church
- Isaiah 52:12: The Glory in the Rear
- Isaiah 52:13–15 The Sure Triumph of the Crucified One
- Isaiah 53:2 A Root Out of a Dry Ground
- Isaiah 53:3: The Despised Friend
- Isaiah 53:3 The Man of Sorrows
- Isaiah 53:3 A Sad Confession
- Isaiah 53:3 Why Christ Is Not Esteemed
- Isaiah 53:5: A Simple Remedy
- Isaiah 53:5 Number Two-Thousand—Healing by the Stripes of Jesus
- Isaiah 53:5 The Universal Remedy
- Isaiah 53:5; 1Pe 2:24 A Dire Disease Strangely Cured
- Isaiah 53:5 Christopathy
- Isaiah 53:6: Individual Sin Laid on Jesus
- Isaiah 53:6: Sin Laid on Jesus
- Isaiah 53:7 The Sheep Before the Shearers
- Isaiah 53:10: The Death of Christ
- Isaiah 53:10: Our Expectation
- Isaiah 53:10 Ezpiation
- Isaiah 53:11 Our Magnificent Savior
- Isaiah 53:11 The Suffering Christ Satisfied
- Isaiah 53:12: The Friend of Sinners
- Isaiah 53:12 "Ever This Our War Cry—Victory, Victory!"
- Isaiah 53:12 Jesus Interceding for Transgressors
- Isaiah 53:12 Christ’s Connection with Sinners the Source of His Glory
- Isaiah 54:1 Songs for Desolate Hearts
- Isaiah 54:17: The Saint's Heritage and Watchword
- Isaiah 54:7–10 Fat Things, Full of Marrow
- Isaiah 54:9 Diamond Hinges—“As” and “So”
- Isaiah 54:11, 12 Sanctified Sorrow
- Isaiah 54:17 The Saint’s Heritage and Watchword
- Isaiah 55:1: A Free Salvation
- Isaiah 55:1 Ho! Ho!
- Isaiah 55:2 The Soul’s Best Food
- Isaiah 55:4 Christ’s Triple Character
- Isaiah 55:1 Buying Without Money
- Isaiah 55:3 Twelve Covenant Mercies
- Isaiah 55:5 Christ Glorified
- Isaiah 55:3 God’s Own Gospel Call
- Isaiah 55:4–6 The Greatest Gift in Time or Eternity
- Isaiah 55:7: The Need and Nature of Conversion
- Isaiah 55:7 Abundant Pardon
- Isaiah 55:7–9 God Forgiving Sin
- Isaiah 55:1 Without Money and Without Price
- Isaiah 55:2 Feeding on the Word
- Isaiah 55:8, 9 God’s Thoughts and Ways Far Above Ours
- Isaiah 55:8, 9 Man’s Thoughts and God’s Thoughts
- Isaiah 55:8: The Glory in the Rear
- Isaiah 55:10–13 Springtime in Nature and Grace
- Isaiah 55:13 Spiritual Transformations
- Isaiah 55:13 The Lord’s Name and Memorial
- Isaiah 56:8 Others to Be Gathered In
- Isaiah 57:10; Jer 18:12 Hope, Yet No Hope—No Hope, Yet Hope
- Isaiah 56:4, 6 Taking Hold of God’s Covenant
- Isaiah 57:14 Roads Cleared
- Isaiah 57:16–18 Contention Ended and Grace Reigning
- Isaiah 57:18 Amazing Grace
- Isaiah 57:19 Rare Fruit
- Isaiah 57:20, 21 Restless! Peaceless!
- Isaiah 58:1, 2 Ten Wrong Kind of Hearers
- Isaiah 58:8; 52:12 Ex 14:19, 20 The Glory in the Rear
- Isaiah 58:11 A Happy Christian
- Isaiah 59:9 Help for Seekers of the Light
- Isaiah 59:1, 2 Why Some Seekers Are Not Saved
- Isaiah 59:17 The Best Cloak
- Isaiah 59:19 The Standard Uplifted in the Face of the Foe
- Isaiah 60:1 Shining Christians
- Isaiah 60:8 Marvelous Increase of the Church
- Isaiah 60:8 Lessons from a Dovecot
- Isaiah 60:8 The Cloud of Doves
- Isaiah 60:20 The Eternal Day
- Isaiah 61:1 Binding Up Broken Hearts
- Isaiah 61:1 Freedom at Once and Forever
- Isaiah 61:1 Heart Disease Curable
- Isaiah 61:1 Our Lord's Preaching
- Isaiah 61:2 Proclamation of Acceptance and Vengeance
- Isaiah 61:3 The Garment of Praise
- Isaiah 61:3 The Oil of Joy for Mourning
- Isaiah 61:3 Solace for Sad Hearts
- Isaiah 61:3: Beauty for Ashes
- Isaiah 61:3 Beauty for Ashes
- Isaiah 61:10 Good Reasons for a Good Resolution
- Isaiah 61:11 Spring
- Isaiah 62:6: A Call to Prayer and Testimony
- Isaiah 62:10 Clearing the Road to Heaven
- Isaiah 62:11, 12; 63:1 Who Is This-
- Isaiah 62:12 Am I Sought Out-
- Isaiah 63:1 A Mighty Saviour
- Isaiah 63:3 The Single-Handed Conquest
- Isaiah 63:7 A Song Concerning Loving Kindnesses
- Isaiah 63:10 God Fighting Sin
- Isaiah 63:11: A Mighty Savior
- Isaiah 63:11-14: Where is the Lord?
- Isaiah 63:12, 14 God’s Glorious and Everlasting Name
- Isaiah 64:3 Divine Surprises
- Isaiah 64:7 Taking Hold of God
- Isaiah 64:6–8 A Sight of Self
- Isaiah 65:1 The Very Bold Prophecy
- Isaiah 65:5 Self-Righteousness—A Smoldering Heap of Rubbish
- Isaiah 65:17–19 God Rejoicing in the New Creation
- Isaiah 65:19: God Rejoicing in the New Creation
- Isaiah 66:1, 2 Living Temples for the Living God
- Isaiah 66:2 Trembling at the Word of the Lord
- Isaiah 66:8: Travailing for Souls
- Isaiah 66:10 A Dirge for the Down-Grade and a Song for Faith
- Isaiah 66:13 The Tenderness of God's Comfort
- Isaiah 66:21: A New Order of Priests and Levites
- Isaiah 1:18 Invitation to a Conference - Sermon Notes
- Isaiah 2:5. Walking in the light - Sermon Notes
- Isaiah 5:6. No Rain - Sermon Notes
- Isaiah 14:32. Enquires Answered - Sermon Notes
- Isaiah 32:2. Our Hiding Place - Sermon Notes
- Isaiah 32:2. Rivers in the Desert - Sermon Notes
- Isaiah 38:17. The Bitter and the Sweet - Sermon Notes
- Isaiah 45:22. The Life-Look - Sermon Notes
- Isaiah 46:4. A Sermon for the Aged - Sermon Notes
- Isaiah 49:20, 21. Church increase - Sermon Notes
- Isaiah 50:2-6. The Redeemer Described - Sermon Notes
- Isaiah 50:7. The Redeemer's face set like a Flint - Sermon Notes
- Isaiah 53:5. Christopathy - Sermon Notes
- Isaiah 54:7-9. The Little Wrath and the Great Wrath - Sermon Notes
- Isaiah 55:7. Repentance - Sermon Notes
- Isaiah 55:7 Abundant Pardon - Sermon Notes
- Isaiah 60:8. The Cloud of Doves - Sermon Notes
Literal interpretation.
- Isaiah 1 Commentary
- Isaiah 2 Commentary
- Isaiah 3 Commentary
- Isaiah 4 Commentary
- Isaiah 5 Commentary
- Isaiah 6 Commentary
- Isaiah 7 Commentary
- Isaiah 8 Commentary
- Isaiah 9 Commentary
- Isaiah 10 Commentary
- Isaiah 11 Commentary
- Isaiah 12 Commentary
- Isaiah 13 Commentary
- Isaiah 14 Commentary
- Isaiah 15 Commentary
- Isaiah 16 Commentary
- Isaiah 17 Commentary
- Isaiah 18 Commentary
- Isaiah 19 Commentary
- Isaiah 20 Commentary
- Isaiah 21 Commentary
- Isaiah 22 Commentary
- Isaiah 23 Commentary
- Isaiah 24 Commentary
- Isaiah 25 Commentary
- Isaiah 26 Commentary
- Isaiah 27 Commentary
- Isaiah 28 Commentary
- Isaiah 29 Commentary
- Isaiah 30 Commentary
- Isaiah 31 Commentary
- Isaiah 32 Commentary
- Isaiah 33 Commentary
- Isaiah 34 Commentary
- Isaiah 35 Commentary
- Isaiah 36 Commentary
- Isaiah 37 Commentary
- Isaiah 38 Commentary
- Isaiah 39 Commentary
- Isaiah 40 Commentary
- Isaiah 41 Commentary
- Isaiah 42 Commentary
- Isaiah 43 Commentary
- Isaiah 43:1-7 Commentary
- Isaiah 44 Commentary
- Isaiah 45 Commentary
- Isaiah 46 Commentary - no comments
- Isaiah 47 Commentary
- Isaiah 48 Commentary
- Isaiah 49 Commentary
- Isaiah 50 Commentary
- Isaiah 51-52:12 Commentary
- Isaiah 52:13-53:12 Commentary
- Isaiah 54 Commentary
- Isaiah 55 Commentary - no comments
- Isaiah 56 Commentary
- Isaiah 57 Commentary
- Isaiah 58 Commentary
- Isaiah 59 Commentary - missing
- Isaiah 60 Commentary
- Isaiah 61 Commentary
- Isaiah 62 Commentary
- Isaiah 63 Commentary
- Isaiah 64 Commentary
- Isaiah 65 Commentary
- Isaiah 66 Commentary
These are expository messages which in aggregate total about 397 pages, and which therefore function much like a substantial commentary on the Prophecy of Isaiah. Pastor Thompson approaches the prophetic text of Isaiah from a conservative, literal, millennial perspective and does not replace Israel with the Church. Recommended resource.
- Isaiah Introduction
- Isaiah 1:1 Commentary
- Isaiah 1:2-9 Commentary
- Isaiah 1:10-31 Commentary
- Isaiah 2:1-5 Commentary
- Isaiah 2:6-22 Commentary
- Isaiah 3:1-15 Commentary
- Isaiah 3:13-4:1 Commentary
- Isaiah 4:1-6 Commentary
- Isaiah 5:1-30 Commentary
- Isaiah 6:1-4 Commentary
- Isaiah 6:5-7 Commentary
- Isaiah 6:8-13 Commentary
- Isaiah 7:1-25 Commentary
- Isaiah 8:1-22 Commentary
- Isaiah 9:1-7 Commentary
- Isaiah 9:8-10:4 Commentary
- Isaiah 10:5-34 Commentary
- Isaiah 11:1-16 Commentary
- Isaiah 12:1-6 Commentary
- Isaiah 13:1-22 Commentary
- Isaiah 14:1-23 Commentary
- Isaiah 14:24-32 Commentary
- Isaiah 15:1-16:14 Commentary
- Isaiah 17:1-14 Commentary
- Isaiah 18:1-7 Commentary
- Isaiah 19:1-25 Commentary
- Isaiah 20:1-6 Commentary
- Isaiah 21:1-17 Commentary
- Isaiah 22:1-14 Commentary
- Isaiah 23:1-18 Commentary
- Isaiah 24:1-23 Commentary
- Isaiah 25:1-12 Commentary
- Isaiah 26:1-21 Commentary
- Isaiah 27:1-13 Commentary
- Isaiah 28:1-13 Commentary
- Isaiah 28:14-29 Commentary
- Isaiah 29:1-14 Commentary
- Isaiah 29:15-24 Commentary
- Isaiah 30:1-5 Commentary
- Isaiah 30:6-17 Commentary
- Isaiah 30:18-33 Commentary
- Isaiah 31:1-9 Commentary
- Isaiah 32:1-8 Commentary
- Isaiah 32:9-20 Commentary
- Isaiah 33:1-12 Commentary
- Isaiah 33:13-24 Commentary
- Isaiah 34:1-17 Commentary
- Isaiah 35:1-10 Commentary
- Isaiah 36:1-37:5 Commentary
- Isaiah 37:6-38 Commentary
- Isaiah 38:1-22 Commentary
- Isaiah 39:1-8 Commentary
- Isaiah 40:1-11 Commentary
- Isaiah 40:12-31 Commentary
- Isaiah 41:1-29 Commentary
- Isaiah 42:1-7 Commentary
- Isaiah 42:8-17 Commentary
- Isaiah 42:18-43:1 Commentary
- Isaiah 43:1-13 Commentary
- Isaiah 43:14-28 Commentary
- Isaiah 44:1-8 Commentary
- Isaiah 44:9-20 Commentary
- Isaiah 45:1-7 Commentary
- Isaiah 45:8-25 Commentary
- Isaiah 46:1-13 Commentary
- Isaiah 47:1-15 Commentary
- Isaiah 48:1-22 Commentary
- Isaiah 49:1-13 Commentary
- Isaiah 50:1-11 Commentary
- Isaiah 51:1-11 Commentary
- Isaiah 51:12-23 Commentary
- Isaiah 52:1-12 Commentary
- Isaiah 52:13-15 Commentary
- Isaiah 53:1-3 Commentary
- Isaiah 53:4-6 Commentary
- Isaiah 53:7-9 Commentary
- Isaiah 53:10-12 Commentary
- Isaiah 54:17 Commentary
- Isaiah 55:1-13 Commentary
- Isaiah 56:1-12 Commentary
- Isaiah 57:1-21 Commentary
- Isaiah 58:1-14 Commentary
- Isaiah 59:1-21 Commentary
- Isaiah 60:1-22 Commentary
- Isaiah 61:1-11 Commentary
- Isaiah 62:1-12 Commentary
- Isaiah 63:1-6 Commentary
- Isaiah 63:7-19 Commentary
- Isaiah 64:1-12 Commentary
- Isaiah 65:1-16 Commentary
- Isaiah 65:17-25 Commentary
- Isaiah 66:1-24 Commentary
Click below for 100's of devotionals on Isaiah indexed by chapter. These make excellent sermon illustrations.
- Isaiah 1
- Isaiah 2
- Isaiah 3
- Isaiah 4
- Isaiah 5
- Isaiah 6
- Isaiah 7
- Isaiah 8
- Isaiah 9
- Isaiah 10
- Isaiah 11
- Isaiah 12
- Isaiah 13
- Isaiah 14
- Isaiah 15
- Isaiah 16
- Isaiah 17
- Isaiah 18
- Isaiah 19
- Isaiah 20
- Isaiah 21
- Isaiah 22
- Isaiah 23
- Isaiah 24
- Isaiah 25
- Isaiah 26
- Isaiah 27
- Isaiah 28
- Isaiah 29
- Isaiah 30
- Isaiah 31
- Isaiah 32
- Isaiah 33
- Isaiah 34
- Isaiah 35
- Isaiah 36
- Isaiah 37
- Isaiah 38
- Isaiah 39
- Isaiah 40
- Isaiah 41
- Isaiah 42
- Isaiah 43
- Isaiah 44
- Isaiah 45
- Isaiah 46
- Isaiah 47
- Isaiah 48
- Isaiah 49
- Isaiah 50
- Isaiah 51
- Isaiah 52
- Isaiah 53
- Isaiah 54
- Isaiah 55
- Isaiah 56
- Isaiah 57
- Isaiah 58
- Isaiah 59
- Isaiah 60
- Isaiah 61
- Isaiah 62
- Isaiah 63
- Isaiah 64
- Isaiah 65
- Isaiah 66