Click chart to enlarge
Charts from Jensen's Survey of the NT - used by permission
Another Chart from Charles Swindoll

Click chart to enlarge
CAVEAT: A number of the resources listed below interpret the events of Mt 24:15ff as prophecy which was fulfilled in the destruction of Jerusalem and the Holy by the Romans in 70 AD. Matthew 24:21 would seem to be a stumbling block to such an interpretation. Jesus said "For then (speaking of Mt 24:15-20+) there will be a great tribulation, such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever will." Note His qualifier "NOR EVER WILL." Jesus is describing a time in history that will never be repeated (if we interpret Him literally, which I do). That means the worst tribulation in the history of the world occurred in 70 AD! What about World War I? What about World War II when 85 million people were killed? But let's say we restrict the "great tribulation" to an event just affecting the Jews. To say that the killing of upwards to a million Jews in 70 AD is worse than the 8 million killed by Hitler in the Holocaust does not seem to fit with Jesus' teaching in Mt 24:21 "NOR EVER WILL." For more discussion see Matthew 24:21 Commentary All this to say BE A BEREAN when you read the comments (INCLUDING MINE!) on the eschatological passages, especially Matthew 24-25.
Cyril Barber - Published posthumously in 1861 and covering (in detail) only chapters 1-16, this volume contains the same richness of thought and close attention to detail that is found in Alexander's other commentaries.
INDEX - Note that chapters 17-28 are only brief summaries.
MICHAEL ANDRUS - click link for audio and notes - click "Notes" for pdf
Comment: I appreciate Barclay's unique insights on Greek words, but clearly his teaching about a "second chance" is NOT sound doctrine! Be an Acts 17:11 Berean with Barclay. See discussion of his orthodoxy especially the article "The Enigmatic William Barclay".
- Matthew 20
- Matthew 20:1-16 Service, or Serve Us
- Matthew 20-17-34 A Love that Serves
BRIAN BILL Sermons on Matthew
- Matthew 20:1-16 The Scandal of Grace
- Matthew 20:20-28 Becoming a Servant
- Matthew 20:25-28 Serve One Another
- Matthew 20:1-16 Jesus Teaches About Living Under Grace
- Matthew 20:20-28 The Mother Of James And John Asks Jesus To Put Her Sons One On Each Side Of Him
- Matthew 20:29-21:11 Jesus Heals Two Blind Men Then Makes His Triumphal Entry Into Jerusalem
James Rosscup writes that "In many ways it is the finest and most satisfying overall older commentary on Matthew. It helps the student on almost every verse. Broadus deals frontally with problems and gives much rich material that throws light on the text. His citations from other sources are often very helpful. From the standpoint of the Greek text, he is also sound. This 1886 work, long a part of the American Commentary on the New Testament series, is still one of the best in detailed explanation of the text where it counts." (Ibid)
Rosscup rates this as the #2 best detailed exegetical commentary on Matthew.
Cyril Barber - Very complete. Tackles interpretative problems honestly. Provides "Homiletical and Practical" suggestions for preachers. Adopts an amillennial interpretation of Christ's parables and teaching about the Kingdom. Valuable.
D Edmond Hiebert - One of the ablest American commentaries on Matthew from the past century and still valuable for the systematic interpretation of the gospel. It is the work of an accomplished conservative scholar.
Note: Broadus does interpret Mt 24:15 as fulfilled in 70AD.
- Matthew 20 Commentary - Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges
- Matthew 20 Commentary - Cambridge Greek Testament for Schools and Colleges - more Greek text
- Matthew 20:17-19 Shadow of the Cross
- Matthew 20:20-23 The Baptism in Blood
- Matthew 20:28, Luke 19:10 Dying For A Lost World
RON DANIEL - Sermon Notes
- Matthew 20:1-16 The Character of the Kingdom, Part 5: God's Sovereignty in His Mercy
- Matthew 20:17-19 The Work and Character of the King, Part 1: The King Must Die
- Matthew 20:20-28 The Work and Character of the King, Part 2: The Cup of the King
- Matthew 20:29-34 The Work and Character of the King, Part 3: The Compassion of the King
CHARLES ELLICOTT (editor) - Edward H Plumptre - author of Matthew
D Edmond Hiebert A well-outlined paragraph-by-paragraph interpretation by a noted conservative Presbyterian teacher and writer. Intended for the lay reader. His understanding of the Olivet Discourse is premillennial.
This commentary is easy to read often with a devotional flavor.
EXPOSITOR'S DICTIONARY OF TEXTS - excerpts from other sermons
D Edmond Hiebert - Greek text. Provides introductory material on the synoptics in relation to each other and individually. The notes provide many illuminating insights for the Greek student. Due to its age, it does not reflect the latest insights concerning the Greek.
GENE GETZ - 10+/- minute videos emphazing principles in each section of Scripture
- Matthew; Principle #47; Mt. 20:17-28; Servant-Leadership: Spiritual leaders who follow Christ's example should become servant-leaders Video
- Matthew; Principle #48; Mt. 20:29-21:11; Personal Interest: Servant-leaders are not to allow accolades from the masses to dull their compassion for the specific needs of individuals. Video
- Gospel of Matthew - Bible Survey
- Mt 20:1-16, 19:27 - What is the meaning of the Parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard?
- Mt 20:29-34, Mk 10:46-52, Lk 18:35-43 - Did Jesus heal two blind men (Matthew) or one blind man (Mark, Luke)?
HOLMAN STUDY - Open>select "gear" symbol right upper page>select "Synch>enter Scripture
- Matthew Notes - well done notes
DAVID HOLWICK - frequent illustrations
JAMES HASTINGS Matthew - Great Texts of the Bible
- Sermons on Matthew - Mp3
- Sermon Notes on Matthew - 176 pages - Uses a lot of alliteration
- Not Futuristic
- 20
Tim Challies: Keener’s work receives high recommendations and significant warnings about the limits of its usefulness.
Click for Another Critique on Keener's commentary on Matthew
Futuristic on Matthew 24-25
- Matthew 20:17-28 Particular Redemption and Greatness in the Kingdom
- Matthew 20:29-34 The Second Joshua Working Miracles in Jericho Again
- 34. That's Not Fair! No, That's God's Grace Matthew 20:1-16
- 35. What's In It For Me? Matthew 20:17-28
- 36. What Do You Want Jesus to Do For You? Matthew 20:29-33
STEVE KRELOFF - Messianic Pastor
Futuristic on Matthew 24-25
- Matthew 20:17-19: The Sufferings of Christ
- Matthew 20:20-25: How to be Great in the Kingdom 1 - Study Guide - click dropdown
- Matthew 20:20-25: How to be Great in the Kingdom 1
- Matthew 20:26-28: How to be Great in the Kingdom 2 - Study Guide - click dropdown
- Matthew 20:26-28: How to be Great in the Kingdom 2
- Matthew 20:29-34 The Blind Who Saw
- Matthew 20:21 Nearest to Christ
- Matthew 20:28 The Servant-Lord and His Servants
- Matthew 20:28 What the Historic Christ Taught about His Death
HEINRICH A MEYER - Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament
Hiebert - The prince of biblical expositors covers the entire gospel in a series of seventy-three biblical expositions. This volume on Matthew is the best of his expository volumes on the four gospels. Does not deal with critical introductory problems. The volume requires careful and intent reading, and offers many rich spiritual insights into Matthew's gospel.
Hiebert comments on "A Practical Commentary on the Gospel According to St. Matthew" (1895) - The lengthy introduction covers critical problems and supports traditional Matthean authorship. This volume of some 650 closely printed pages offers a thorough interpretation by an accomplished conservative scholar of the previous century. It shows wide acquaintance with the scholarly work on the gospel to his day. (Ed: His comments are verse by verse, phrase by phrase, often with a devotional "flavor.")
HENRY MORRIS - Defender's Study Bible study notes - well-done, conservative
NET BIBLE NOTES - short notes including notes on passages where there is a variation in the manuscripts used for translation. Futuristic
- Matthew 19:27 - 20:16 The First Last, the Last First
- Matthew 20:20-28 Kingdom Greatness
- Matthew 20:29-34 The Mercy of Christ
JAMES NISBET - Church Pulpit Commentary
- Matthew 20 - multiple on one page
- Matthew 20:1-16
- Matthew 20:20-28
- Matthew 20:20-28
- Matthew 20:20-28
- Matthew 20:26
- Matthew 20:27
- Matthew 20:28
- Matthew 20:34
- Matthew 20:34
- Matthew 20:36
- Matthew 20:17-19 Jesus' Journey To Jerusalem - David E. Owen
- Matthew 20:20-28 Happy Mother's Day Salome! - Franklin L. Kirksey
- The Mother of Two Sons: Christ Speaks to the Problem of Misguided Ambition (Matthew 20:20-28)
- Grumblers Anonymous (Matthew 20:1-16)
- Matthew 20:1-16 The First Will Be Last
- Matthew 20:17-28 Christian Greatness
- Matthew 20:29-34 Relentless Faith and Great Compassion
- The Coming Kingdom of God - 60 page booklet (futuristic)
- To Earth With Love - 23 pages
- Willing to Pay the Price (discipleship) - 15 pages
- Matthew - Divorce on Trial - 25 pages
- The Labourers Or Lessons For Christian Workers Matthew 20:1-16
- The Two Blind Men Matthew 20:30-34
- Matthew 20 Commentary
- Matthew 20:1, 3, 5, 6 Early and Late or Horae Gratiae
- Matthew 20:3,4 From Twenty-Five to Thirty-Five
- Matthew 20:3-4- From Twenty-five to Thirty-five - Sermon Notes
- Matthew 20:6 Good News for the Angel
- Matthew 20:6: Good News for the Elderly
- Matthew 20:15: Divine Sovereignty
- Matthew 20:17-19: The Private Thoughts and Words of Jesus
- Matthew 20:28 Christ's Great Mission
- Matthew 20:28: Particular Redemption
C H SPURGEON - Devotionals
- Matthew 20:7 Help Wanted
YES, here is work in Christ’s vineyard for old bodies. It is the eleventh hour, and yet He will let us work. What great grace is this! Surely every old man ought to jump at this invitation! After men are advanced in years, nobody wants them as servants; they go from shop to shop, and employers look at their grey hairs and shake their heads. But Jesus will engage old people and give them good wages too! This is mercy indeed. Lord, help the aged to enlist in thy service without an hour’s delay.
But will the Lord pay wages to worn-out old men? Do not doubt it. He says He will give you what is right if you will work in His field. He will surely give you grace here and glory hereafter. He will grant present comfort and future rest: strength equal to your day, and a vision of glory when the night of death comes on. All these the Lord Jesus will as freely give to the aged convert as to one who enters His service in his youth.
Let me tell this to some unsaved old man or old woman and pray the Lord to bless it, for Jesus’ sake. Where can I find such persons? I will be on the look-out for them and kindly tell them the news.
- Matthew 20:8 God is a good paymaster; he pays his servants while at work as well as when they have done it; and one of his payments is this: an easy conscience. If you have spoken faithfully of Jesus to one person, when you go to bed at night you feel happy in thinking, “I have this day discharged my conscience of that man’s blood.” There is a great comfort in doing something for Jesus. Oh, what a happiness to place jewels in his crown, and give him to see of the travail of his soul! There is also very great reward in watching the first buddings of conviction in a soul! To say of that girl in the class, “She is tender of heart, I do hope that there is the Lord’s work within.” To go home and pray over that boy, who said something in the afternoon which made you think he must know more of divine truth than you had feared! Oh, the joy of hope! But as for the joy of success! it is unspeakable. This joy, overwhelming as it is, is a hungry thing—you pine for more of it. To be a soul-winner is the happiest thing in the world. With every soul you bring to Christ, you get a new heaven upon earth. But who can conceive the bliss which awaits us above! Oh, how sweet is that sentence, “Enter thou into the joy of thy Lord!” Do you know what the joy of Christ is over a saved sinner? This is the very joy which we are to possess in heaven. Yes, when he mounts the throne, you shall mount with him. When the heavens ring with “Well done, well done,” you shall partake in the reward; you have toiled with him, you have suffered with him, you shall now reign with him; you have sown with him, you shall reap with him; your face was covered with sweat like his, and your soul was grieved for the sins of men as his soul was, now shall your face be bright with heaven’s splendour as is his countenance, and now shall your soul be filled with beatific joys even as his soul is.
Not Futuristic on Mt 24-25 See Commentary on Matthew in Pdf
NOTE: This is a different set of expository notes
DON STEWART - 385 pages (1997)
- Workers in the vineyard - Matthew 20:1-16
- On the third day he will be raised to life! - Matthew 20:17-19
- Grant that one of these two sons of mine may sit - Matthew 20:20-28
- Two blind men - Matthew 20:29-34
TODAY IN THE WORD - Devotionals often with good sermon illustrations