Dromos (derived from trecho meaning to run) is the Greek word that refers to the course that one follows in a race, the racecourse or the place of running and figuratively refers to one's God given purpose in life and obligations in relation to it. There are 3 very poignant and practical uses of dromos:
(1) John the Baptist -
Acts 13:25+ “And while John was completing his COURSE (DROMOS), he kept saying, ‘What do you suppose that I am? I am not He. But behold, one is coming after me the sandals of whose feet I am not worthy to untie.’
This description is of John fully completing what God had assigned him gives us a great model we should all (enabled by the Spirit) seek to imitate. What task has God assigned to you dear reader? Finishing his RACE cost John his head. We all need to count the cost because in some way (probably not martyrdom like John) it quite likely will be costly to finish but the reward is "out of this world!" Only one race, twill soon be past, only what's done in Christ will last! Run to win beloved! (read/memorize 1 Cor 9:24-27+).
(2) The Apostle Paul -
Acts 20:24+ “But I do not consider my life of any account as dear to myself, so that I may finish my COURSE (DROMOS) and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify solemnly of the Gospel of the grace of God."
Using the personal possessive pronoun "my" Paul clearly understood that this was his "lane" for this life. It was not someone else's lane. Each Christian runner has a very specific "lane" assigned to them, and the call on each of us is to hit the tape, crossing the finish line as winners in Christ and for the glory of the Lord. Do you see your short life (in light of eternity - Psalm 144:4+) as a race to be run for an eternal prize to be won? We tend to evaluate our life in years (e.g., birthdays)! Moses referred to our life in terms of DAYS not YEARS. Psalm 90:12+ is a great prayer to consider
"So teach us to number our DAYS (REDEEMING EACH DAY-Eph 5:16+), that we may present to Thee a heart of wisdom."
(3) The Apostle Paul's last words -
2 Timothy 4:7+ "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the COURSE (DROMOS), I have kept the faith."
Note that each believer has a "custom course" specifically designed by God Himself (clearly conveyed in the phrase "THE race that is set before us" in Hebrews 12:1+) and that is the "lane" in which we are to run for His glory (carrying out the "good works which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them" - Ephesians 2:10+). In other words, God has a “lane” for each of His children to run in and a goal for each one to reach. We are not competing with each other. We are competing (in a sense) with ourselves (e.g., under grace denying self, cf Mark 8:34, 35+) and striving to press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus, the goal that God has set before us (Php 3:14+).
Remember, we are not running the race in order to get into heaven. It is only through faith in Jesus Christ that our sins are forgiven and we have the assurance of heaven (Jn 14:1-6+). In the Greek and Roman games, the contestants had to be citizens and no slaves or outsiders were permitted to compete. In the Christian race, each runner is already a citizen of heaven (Php 3:20+) and is running to bring glory to the the Father. (Mt 5:16)
Father, by Your Spirit and Your Word, enable each of Your children to "lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race (trecho = root of dromos) that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of faith (Hebrews 12:1-2+). Amen
Listen to the Scripturally based song "Run Like Heaven"
Surrounded by this cloud of saints who lived their lives and died by faith,
Keep running for the prize that’s sure to come.
And when the run is all but done, with your weary feet becoming numb,
Look to the ones who have walked the road before.
The saints of old whose lives have told you to endure.
And here’s one more:
Consider Him, the Christ, the founder and perfecter of our faith,
Who in spite of the shame and disgrace,
Endured the cross, and he did it for the joy!
Consider Him, the Son, our example of what it means
To race and run by faith.
He endured the cross, and he did for the joy!
So lay aside every weight and rid yourself of all your sin.
Before you lies a lengthy race, endure for the win!
And when you find you’re growing tired of all the trials, pain, and scorn,
Look to Christ and feel inspired – he has been there before.
And lay aside every weight and rid yourself of all your sin.
Before you lies a lengthy race, endure for the win!
And when your Father sends the rod and life seems to come undone
Remember it’s the love of God, it’s the love of God
It’s his love for his daughters and sons.
So keep running, running, running! Keep running all your days!
Keep running, running, running. There is glory that awaits.
Keep running, running, running! Keep running till it hurts.
Keep running, running, running. Till you leave this earth.
-- Psallos
Copyright Phil Ware @ heartlightgallery