- Note "WP" designates the source as from Wikipedia which has some excellent articles, maps and pictures. Wikipedia is not always Biblically sound, so Berean-like (Acts 17:11) discretion is necessary in order to separate the "wheat from the chaff" so to speak.
Bible Maps - overlaps with #2 but has maps not in the alphabetical listing
Bible Maps - Bible maps posted on preceptaustin.org
- Complete list of Holman Bible Atlas Maps - the best maps available on the internet in my opinion.
- Book by Book Bible Maps - allows printing (open map, right click, print) - Old and New Testament - Highly recommended
- Complete list: Maps from Studylight.org - most of these are Holman Bible Atlas maps
- Maps sorted by book of the Bible - most are Holman Bible Atlas maps
- Old Testament Maps - most are Holman Bible Atlas maps
- New Testament Maps - most are Holman Bible Atlas maps
- Complete list: ESV Maps
- Zondervan Atlas of The Bible By Carl G Rasmussen - NO RESTRICTIONS - 676 pages. Excellent maps, charts, pictures with commentary. A very nice resource.
- (page 1)
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- (page 11)
- (page 13)
- (page 14)
- (page 15)
- (page 16)
- (page 17)
- (page 18)
- (page 19)
- (page 20)
- (page 21)
- (page 22)
- (page 23)
The Ancient Near East
- The Ancient Near East
- Biblical Regions - Galilee, Bashan, Gilead, Gilboa, Jezreel, etc
- Modern States Superimposed on Ancient Near East
- Egypt: Land of Bondage
- Syria and Lebanon
- The King's Highway Nu 20:17, 21:22 - (another map) (article - WP) (article 2)
- Trade Routes Middle East - Via Maris - WP (cp "way of the sea" Isaiah 9:1)
Natural Regions of Palestine
- Regions of Ancient Palestine - Upper Galilee - WP, Lower Galilee-WP, etc
- Physical Geography of Palestine
- Topography of Palestine from the Southwest
- Cross Section of Palestine - a good sense of elevations of regions
- Northern Coast Topography - Tyre, Acco, Caesarea, Bashan, Gilead
- Geography of Israel - WP
- Mount Hermon (Sirion) - Dt 3:8,9 (Mt Hermon-WP)
- Jordan (Rift) Valley - WP (pix) (pix) (See also Great Rift Valley)
- Negev-WP - southern region
- Dead Sea - WP - cp "Salt Sea" - Genesis 14:3, Nu 34:12
- Plains of Dor, Sharon, Philistia - Topography
- Philistine Plain, Shephelah, Judah, and the Dead Sea - Shephelah - WP
- Arabah, Negeb, Wildernesses of Zin and Paran (Wikipedia)
- Rainfall and Temperature Ancient Palestine (Modern climate - WP)
Before Abraham
- Neolithic and Chalcolithic Settlements (Neolithic)(Chalcolithic)
- The Table of Nations-1 - Genesis 10:1-32
- The Table of Nations - 2
- Ancient Near East inthe 3rd Millennium (Akkadian Empire) (Sumer) (Elam)
Genesis - Patriarchs - Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Israel)
- Ancient Near East in Time of Patriarchs (2000-1550 BC)
- The Land of Canaan from Abraham to Moses
- Palestine in the Middle Bronze Age (2000-1550 BC)
- Mesopotamia: Homeland of Abraham - Ur - Ge 11:28, Haran - Ge 11:32
- The Migration of Abraham - Ge 11:27-12:9
- Abraham in Canaan - Ge 12:10-14:24, Ge 18:1-22:24
- Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob - Genesis 11:27-25:18
- Jacob (Israel) - Genesis 27:1-35:29
- Travels of Jacob (Israel) - Genesis 28:1-33:20, Ge 35:1-29
- The Journeys of Joseph - Ge 37:1-36, Ge 37:1-46:34
Background on Egypt Prior to the Exodus
- Expulsion of the Hyksos - Hyksos - WP
- Egypt & Palestine - Late Bronze Age - Bronze Age - WP; Late Bronze-WP
- Thutmose III & Amenhotep II - Thutmose III-WP; Amenhotep II - WP
- Sites in the Amarna Archive - Armana Letters - WP
- Canaan in the 14th Century: The Tell el-Amarna Tablets
- The Egyptian Empire and the Hittites - Ramses II-WP
- Egyptian Empire and Balance of Power, ca. 1400 BCE
Exodus - The Exodus of from Egypt
- The Route of the Exodus
- Exodus Maps (Google)
- Exodus from Egypt - Swindoll Study Bible.
Numbers - Israel After Exodus from Egypt
- Sojourn at Kadesh-Barnea - Nu 14, 16, 20:1, 22-29, Dt 1:41-46
- Journey of the Spies - Nu 13:1-33, Nu 34:1-12
- Journey from Kadesh-Barnea to Moab - Nu 20:1- 21:35, 33:37-49, Dt 1:2-2:37
- Nu 10:11-14:45 - Israel's Failure at Kadesh-Barnea (article)
- Kadesh-Barnea (Google)
Conquest and Settlement of Canaan
- Twelve Tribes of Israel - Swindoll Study Bible.
- Conquest of Canaan - Swindoll Study Bible.
- Ancient Near East from 1200-100 BC
- The Conquest of Canaan
- The Sea Peoples
- The Levant from 1200-1000 BCE
- The Conquest byJoshua
- Joshua's Central and Southern Campaigns
- Joshua's Northern Campaign
- The Limits of Israelite Settlement
- Israel in Canaan from Joshua to Samuel to Saul
- The Tribal Allotments of Israel
- The Division of the Land Among the Tribes
- Levitical Cities and Cities of Refuge (1)
- The Levitical Cities (2)
- The Judges of Israel
- Judges 13-16 Map and Timeline - Steve Rudd
- The Period of the Judges
- Ehud and the Oppression of the Moabites
- Deborah's Victory over the Canaanites
- Gideon's Battles with the Amalekites
- Jephthah and the Ammonites
- Samson the the Philistines
- The Battle at Ebenezer and the Loss of the Ark
- The Ministry of Samuel and Anointment of Saul
- The Kingdom of Saul and His Wars
- Saul, 1000 BCE
- David's Flight from Saul
Kingdoms of David and Solomon
- Kingdoms of Israel - Swindoll Study Bible.
- David's Rise to Power
- David in Conquest of Canaan
- David's Wars of Conquest
- Kingdom of David and Solomon
- The United Monarchy under Solomon (1)
- The United Monarchy under Solomon (2)
- Solomon's Economic Enterprises
- Solomon's Building Activities
- Solomon's Temple
- Jerusalem in the Time of David and Solomon
The Kingdoms of Israel and Judah
- The Kingdoms of Israel and Judah (1)
- The Kingdoms of Israel and Judah (2)
- The Kingdoms of Israel and Judah (3)
- The Campaign of Shishak
- Conflicts between Israel and Aram-Damascus
- The Omride Dynasty
- The Golden Ages of the 9th & 8th centuries BCE
- Phoenician Trade and Civilization
- Trade Routes throughout the Middle East
- Travel Routes throughout Palestine
- Elijah and Elisha
- The Revolt of Jehu
- The Rise of Assyria
- Assyrian and Babylonian Empires - Swindoll Study Bible.
- Israel & Judah in the days of Jeroboam II and Uzziah
- The Assyrian Empire under Tiglath-Pileser III
- The Syro-Ephraimite War
- Tiglath-Pileser III's Campaigns
- Fall of Samaria and Deportation of Israelites
- The Fall of the Kingdom of Israel
- Assyrian Districts after the Fall of Samaria
- Prophets of the 8th Century BCE
- Assyrian and Babylonian Empires - Swindoll Study Bible.
- Deportations and Returns Under Assyria and Babylon - Swindoll Study Bible.
Judah Alone amid International Powers
- Hezekiah's Preparation for Revolt
- Judah under King Hezekiah
- Hezekiah's Jerusalem - Swindoll Study Bible.
- Old Testament Jerusalem
- Sennacherib's Campaign against Judah
- Assyria in the 7th century BCE
- The Rise of the Neo-Babylonian Empire
- The Reign of Josiah
- The Districts of Judah under King Josiah
- The Golden Age of King Josiah
- Nebuchadnezzar's Campaigns against Judah
The Babylonian Exile
- Judah during the Exile
- The Kingdom of Judah
- Exile; Palestine in the Post-Exilic Period
- Jewish Exiles in Babylon
- Jewish Refugees in Egypt
The Persian Period
- World Powers of the 6th century BC
- The Conquests of Cyrus the Great
- The Persian Empire
- The Return of the Jewish Exiles to Judah
- Judah in the 5th century BCE
- Palestine after the Exile
The Hellenistic Period
- Alexander the Great's Empire
- The Division of Alexander's Empire ca. 275 BC
- Palestine under the Ptolemies
- The Seleucid Empire and Antiochus III
- Campaigns of Antiochus IV against Egypt
- The Maccabees in 168 BCE
- Selected Events in the Maccabean Revolt
- Jewish Expansion under the Hasmonean Dynasty
- Pompey's Campaign against Jerusalem
- Palestine Between Old and New Testaments - Swindoll Study Bible.
Rome's Emergence as a World Power
- Early Rome
- Roman Expansion in the 3rd & 2nd centuries BC
- Civil Wars amidst Roman Expansion in 1st century BC
- Roman Empire in the Age of Augustus
The Romans, Palestine, and Herod the Great
- Roman Rule in Palestine 63-40 BC
- The Kingdom of Herod the Great
- Herod's Building Program
- Roman Division of Palestine - Swindoll Study Bible.
World of Jesus
- Ministry of Jesus - Swindoll Study Bible.
- The Division of Herod's Kingdom
- Palestine under the Herods
- Palestine in the Time of Jesus (1)
- Palestine in the Time of Jesus (2)
- Qumran and the Dead Sea Scrolls
The Life and Ministry of Jesus
- Jesus' Birth and Early Childhood
- The Birth, Childhood, and Baptism of Jesus
- John the Baptist
- Galilee in the Time of Jesus
- Jesus' Ministry in Galilee and Journey to Jerusalem
- The Ministry of Jesus around the Sea of Galilee
- The Ministry of Jesus beyond Galilee
- Bethany, Jerusalem, Emmaus, Mount of Olives, and Bethlehem - Swindoll Study Bible.
- Jesus' Ministry according to John
- Jesus' Journeys from Galilee to Judea
- Jesus in Judea and Jerusalem
- Jerusalem in the New Testament Period
- The Passion Week in Jerusalem
Early Expansion of the Church
- The Kingdom of Herod Agrippa I
- The Kingdom of Agrippa II
- Pentecost and the Jewish Diaspora
- Expansion of the Early Church in Palestine
- Paul's Conversion and Early Ministry
- Paul's Journeys
- Paul's Missionary Journeys - Swindoll Study Bible
- The First Missionary Journey of Paul
- The Second Missionary Journey of Paul
- The Third Missionary Journey of Paul
- Paul's Arrest and Imprisonment
- Paul's Voyage to Rome
- Roman Empire and the Spread of Christianity - Swindoll Study Bible
The First Jewish Revolt
- Distribution of Roman Legions under Tiberius
- The First Jewish Revolt
- Titus's Campaigns
- Herod's Temple
The Early Christian Church
- Churches of the Revelation
- The Roman Empire ca. 117 CE
- Palestine from 73-135 CE
- The Bar Kokhba Revolt, 132-135 CE
- Hadrian's Jerusalem
- Christian Expansion in the 2nd & 3rd Century
Modern Jerusalem and Palestine
- The Old City of Jerusalem Today
- Modern Political Divisions of Palestine
- Israel and the Middle East Today - Swindoll Study Bible
See these innovative maps…
- Bible Atlas - All Places Names Alphabetized + Scriptures
- Great Map of the Greco-Roman Empire with City Names and Roads - check it out!
- Some of the best maps available arranged in Chronological Order - Recommended! They are from the Holman Bible Atlas (Hardcover/Paperback version) copyrighted © 1998 B&H Publishing Group, used by permission, all rights reserved.
Note - Those links that are titled "Introduction to...." or "at the Time of..." include Timelines, Introductory Background and usually a Map related to the specific time.
- Near East at the Time of Genesis
- Garden of Eden
- Table of Nations
- Abram Travels to Canaan
- Jacob Returns to Canaan
- Egypt at the Time of Joseph
- Journey to Mount Sinai
- Introduction to Leviticus
- Introduction to Numbers
- Journey to Canaan
- Boundaries of the Promised Land
- Introduction to Deuteronomy
- Introduction to Joshua
- Conquest of Canaan: Southern Campaign
- Conquest of Canaan: Northern Campaign
- Allotment of the Land
- Introduction to Judges
- Judges of Israel
- Gideon Defeats Midianites
- Samson’s Exploits
- Introduction to Ruth
- Introduction to 1 Samuel
- Introduction to 2 Samuel
- Battle at Elah
- David Flees from Saul
- Battle at Mount Gilboa
- David Captures Stronghold of Zion
- David and Absalom
- Extent of Solomon’s Kingdom
- Israel and Judah in 2 Kings
- Solomon’s Administrative Districts
- The Kingdom Divides
- Syria Captures Gilead
- Resurgence during Azariah, Jeroboam II
- Prophets of Israel and Judah
- Resurgence of Assyrian Influence
- Fall of Samaria, Deportation of Israelites
- Exile to Babylon
- Extent of David’s Kingdom
- Solomon’s International Ventures
- Syria and Israel Attack Judah
- Judah after the Fall of Israel
- Persian Empire at the Time of Ezra
- Persian Empire at the Time of Nehemiah
- Judea under Persian Rule
- Persian Empire at the Time of Esther
- Near East at the Time of Isaiah
- Israel and Judah at the Time of Jeremiah
- Babylonian Empire
- Babylon Attacks Judah
- Jeremiah Prophesies against Egypt
- Near East at the Time of Ezekiel
- Ezekiel’s Vision of Israel’s New Boundaries
- Introduction to Daniel: Babylonian Empire
- Empires of Daniel’s Visions: Persians
- Empires of Daniel’s Visions: Greeks
- Empires of Daniel’s Visions: Ptolemies and Seleucids (Early)
- Empires of Daniel’s Visions: Ptolemies and Seleucids (Late)
- Maccabean Kingdom
- Near East at the Time of Hosea
- Introduction to Joel
- Near East at the Time of Amos
- Introduction to Obadiah
- Introduction to Jonah
- Near East at the Time of Micah
- Near East at the Time of Nahum
- Near East at the Time of Habakkuk
- Near East at the Time of Zephaniah
- Jerusalem at the Time of Haggai
- Near East at the Time of Zechariah
- Introduction to Malachi
- Introduction to Matthew
- Jesus’ Birth and Flight to Egypt
- Jesus’ Ministry in Galilee
- Jesus’ Ministry beyond Israel
- Jesus’ Final Journey to Jerusalem
- Last Supper
- Jesus’ Arrest, Trial, and Crucifixion
- Introduction to Mark
- Jerusalem at the Time of Jesus
- Introduction to Luke
- Jesus Travels to Jerusalem
- Jesus’ Appearances after Resurrection
- Introduction to John
- Introduction to Acts
- Nations at Pentecost
- Paul’s First Missionary Journey
- Paul’s Second Missionary Journey
- Paul’s Third Missionary Journey
- Paul’s Journey to Rome
- Introduction to Romans
- Introduction to 1 Corinthians
- Introduction to 2 Corinthians
- Introduction to Galatians
- Introduction to Ephesians
- Introduction to Philippians
- Introduction to Colossians
- Introduction to 1 Thessalonians
- Introduction to 1 Timothy
- Introduction to 2 Timothy
- Introduction to Titus
- Introduction to James
- Introduction to 1 Peter
- Introduction to 1 John
- Introduction to Revelation
- The City of Ur
- The Table for the Bread of the Presence
- The High Priest’s Holy Garments
- The Altar of Incense
- The Golden Lampstand
- The Bronze Altar
- The Ark of the Covenant
- The Tabernacle Tent
- The Tabernacle and Court
- Tabernacle, Court Architectural Plan
- The City of Jericho
- Jerusalem in the Time of David
- Jerusalem in the Time of Solomon
- Solomon’s Temple
- Temple Architectural Plan
- Jerusalem in the Time of Hezekiah
- Zerubbabel’s Temple
- Jerusalem in the Time of Nehemiah
- Ezekiel’s Temple Vision
- The City of Babylon
- The City of Nineveh
- Jerusalem in the Time of Jesus
- The Temple Mount in the Time of Jesus
- Temple Mount Architectural Plan
- Herod’s Temple in the Time of Jesus
- Temple Architectural Plan
- The Synagogue and Jewish Worship
- Synagogue Architectural Plan
- Temple Complex in the Time of Jesus
- Temple Complex Architectural Plan
- Golgotha and the Temple Mount
- Architectural Plan of the Temple Mount - ESV resource not available
- Rome in the Time of Paul
- Corinth in the Time of Paul
- Ephesus in the Time of Paul
- Philippi in the Time of Paul
- Genealogies of Genesis
- Genealogies: Age at Fatherhood and Death
- Chronology of Noah’s Time in Ark
- Generations of Genesis
- Four Kinds of Abraham’s Offspring
- Covenantal Call and Dialogue
- Battle between Yahweh and Rulers of Egypt
- Sacrifices
- Holy Feasts
- Israel in Camp
- Positions and Duties of Levites
- Parallels: Exodus and Numbers
- Ancient Treaty Structure
- Joshua 1:1–9 as a “Table of Contents”
- Historical Books Timeline
- Seven Stone Memorials in the Land
- Covenant Renewal Ceremony at Shechem
- Judges
- Common Cycle for Each Judge
- Samson’s Ten Feats of Strength and Heroism
- Family of Ruth
- Journey of Ark of Covenant in 1–2 Samuel
- Fall of Saul and Rise of David in 1 Samuel
- Events of 1–2 Samuel Referenced in Psalms
- Rise and Failure of David in 1–2 Samuel
- Solomon’s Tainted Glory in 1 Kings
- Divided Kingdom
- Evaluating Kings of Israel and Judah
- Basic Chronology of 1–2 Chronicles
- Comparison of 1–2 Chronicles, 2 Samuel, 1–2 Kings
- Chronology of Ezra
- Adversaries Hinder Work
- Kings of Persia in Ezra–Nehemiah
- Chronology of Nehemiah
- Chronology in Esther
- Structure of Psalms
- Psalms Based on Incidents in David’s Life
- Use of Psalm 22 in Matthew
- Terms in Psalms
- Creation in Psalms
- Terms in Psalm 119 for Covenant Revelation
- Essential Features of a Good Life (Proverbs 19)
- Simplified Overview of Isaiah
- Kings of Judah in Time of Isaiah
- Datable Events in Book of Isaiah
- Oracles against Nations in Prophets
- Writing Prophets during Kings of Israel and Judah
- Parallels: Jeremiah and Lamentations
- Traditional View of Daniel’s Visions
- The 70 Weeks of Daniel
- Day of the Lord in Prophets
- Afflictions of Assyria against Israel
- Zechariah’s Visions
- Zechariah Quoted in NT on Jesus’ Ministry
- Malachi’s Sixfold Wake-up Call
- Lord of Hosts: Frequency/Use in OT
- Twelve Apostles
- Parables of Jesus
- Harmony of Events of Holy Week
- Five Controversies from Mark 2:1–3:
- Three Major Passion Predictions in Mark
- Parallels: Jesus, Peter, and Paul in Luke–Acts
- Predictions/Proofs of Jesus’ Death/Resurrection
- First Week of Jesus’ Ministry
- Jesus Is God: Theos Applied to Jesus
- Seven Signs Pointing to Jesus as Messiah
- Physical Items Used by Jesus to Teach Spiritual Truths
- Witnesses to Jesus
- “I Am” Statements of Jesus
- Work of the Trinity
- High Priestly Prayer
- Major Sermons in Acts
- Major Events in the Life of Paul
- Itinerary of Paul’s First Journey
- God’s Sovereignty in Salvation in Acts
- Itinerary of Paul’s Second Journey
- Itinerary of Paul’s Third Journey
- Paul Collects Offering for Judea
- OT Testimony that All Are under Sin
- Trinity in Romans
- Spiritual Gifts in Paul’s Letters
- The Epistles
- Imitating Paul as Paul Imitates Christ
- Church Leaders, Examples to Imitate
- Divorce and Remarriage
- Earthly Bodies and Resurrection Bodies
- Believer’s Apparent Defeat, Actual Victory
- Sufficiency of God in 2 Corinthians
- Weakness and Power in 1–2 Corinthians
- Spectrum of Beliefs about Christians and Law
- Trinitarian Expressions in Ephesians
- Christ and the Church
- Principles of Marriage
- Joy and Rejoicing in Philippians
- “In Christ”: Central Theme in Colossians
- Second Coming in 1 Thessalonians
- Authentication of Paul’s Letters
- False Teaching and Teachers
- Qualifications for Elders
- Qualifications for Deacons
- God and Christ as “Our Savior” in Titus
- Levitical High Priests, Jesus the High Priest
- Redemptive History in Book of Hebrews
- Psalm 110 in Hebrews
- Echoes of Sermon on the Mount in James
- Leviticus 19 in James
- Regeneration in the New Testament
- Deity of Jesus Christ in 2 Peter
- Theological Themes of 1 John
- Equivalent Expressions for “Last Days”
- Jude’s Application of Prophecies/Events
- Letters to Seven Churches
- Promises to Overcomers
- Doxologies to God and the Lamb
- Seven Trumpets
- Four Series of Seven Messages or Visions
- Seven Benedictions
- Seven Bowls of Wrath
- “Bookends” of Biblical Theology
- Listing of Numerous Maps related to the Book of Acts
- Tour the cities in Acts click "Tour", "Next" in upper right corner
- Acts - The Areas Traveled in the Book of Acts
- Acts 8:1-13:3 Journeys of Philip the Evangelist
- Acts 13:4-15:9 Paul's First Missionary Journey
- Acts 15:40-18:23a Paul's Second Missionary Journey
- Acts 18:23b-21:15 Paul's Third Missionary Journey
- Acts 21:16-28:31 Paul's Journey to Rome - scroll down page
- Acts 9 Gate in Damascus
- Jail Cell at Philippi - possibly similar to one that held Paul & Silas -Acts 16
- Acts 17 Ancient Marketplace at Thessalonica
- Acts 17 Altar Dedicated 'To the Unknown God
- Acts 20 Large Theatre at Miletus
- Appian Way - Traveled by Paul to Rome - Acts 28:15, 16
- Churches in Acts
- Chronology of Acts and the Epistles
Paul's First Missionary Journey | Acts 13:4-14:28 |
Paul's Second Missionary Journey | Acts 15:36-18:22 |
Paul's Third Missionary Journey | Acts 18:23-21:26 |
Note that the maps in the table above are some of the highest quality maps available. They are from the Holman Bible Atlas (Hardcover/Paperback version) copyrighted © 1998 B&H Publishing Group, used by permission, all rights reserved.
- Here is a map with all three journeys on one map.
- ESV Maps - First, Second, Third, Paul to Rome
M&P = Map and Pictures
- Beersheba - M+P (Wiki)
34x/33v - Genesis 21:14 (Gen. 21:14; Gen. 21:31; Gen. 21:32; Gen. 21:33; Gen. 22:19; Gen. 26:23; Gen. 26:33; Gen. 28:10; Gen. 46:1; Gen. 46:5; Jos. 15:28; Jos. 19:2; Jdg. 20:1; 1 Sam. 3:20; 1 Sam. 8:2; 2 Sam. 3:10; 2 Sam. 17:11; 2 Sam. 24:2; 2 Sam. 24:7; 2 Sam. 24:15; 1 Ki. 4:25; 1 Ki. 19:3; 2 Ki. 12:1; 2 Ki. 23:8; 1 Chr. 4:28; 1 Chr. 21:2; 2 Chr. 19:4; 2 Chr. 24:1; 2 Chr. 30:5; Neh. 11:27; Neh. 11:30; Amos 5:5; Amos 8:14) - Bethlehem - M+P Genesis 35:19
49x/47v - Gen. 35:19; Gen. 48:7; Jos. 19:15; Jdg. 12:8; Jdg. 12:10; Jdg. 17:7; Jdg. 17:8; Jdg. 17:9; Jdg. 19:1; Jdg. 19:2; Jdg. 19:18; Ruth 1:1; Ruth 1:2; Ruth 1:19; Ruth 1:22; Ruth 2:4; Ruth 4:11; 1 Sam. 16:1; 1 Sam. 16:4; 1 Sam. 16:18; 1 Sam. 17:12; 1 Sam. 17:15; 1 Sam. 17:58; 1 Sam. 20:6; 1 Sam. 20:28; 2 Sam. 2:32; 2 Sam. 21:19; 2 Sam. 23:14; 2 Sam. 23:15; 2 Sam. 23:16; 2 Sam. 23:24; 1 Chr. 2:51; 1 Chr. 2:54; 1 Chr. 4:4; 1 Chr. 11:16; 1 Chr. 11:17; 1 Chr. 11:18; 1 Chr. 11:26; 2 Chr. 11:6; Ezr. 2:21; Neh. 7:26; Jer. 41:17; Mic. 5:2; Matt. 2:1; Matt. 2:5; Matt. 2:6; Matt. 2:8; Matt. 2:16; Lk. 2:4; Lk. 2:15; Jn. 7:42 - Dan - M+P Genesis 14:14
Judges 20:1; 2 Samuel 3:10; 2 Samuel 24:2, 15 ; 1 Kings 4:25; 1 Chronicles 21:2 – Jo - Google Judges 20:1
- Dead Sea - M+P Genesis 14:3
Salt Sea - Gen. 14:3; Num. 34:3; Num. 34:12; Deut. 3:17; Jos. 3:16; Jos. 12:3; Jos. 15:2; Jos. 15:5; Jos. 18:19
Sea of the Arabah - Deut. 3:17; Deut. 4:49; Jos. 3:16; Jos. 12:3; 2 Ki. 14:25
Eastern Sea - Ezek. 47:18; Joel 2:20; Zech. 14:8 - Engedi- M+P Joshua 15:62
6x/6v - Jos. 15:62; 1 Sam. 23:29; 1 Sam. 24:1; 2 Chr. 20:2; Cant. 1:14; Ezek. 47:10 - Golan - map + pictures Deut 4:43
4x/4v Deut. 4:43; Jos. 20:8; Jos. 21:27; 1 Chr. 6:71 - Hazor - M+P Joshua 11:1
18x/17v - Jos. 11:1; Jos. 11:10; Jos. 11:11; Jos. 11:13; Jos. 12:19; Jos. 15:23; Jos. 15:25; Jos. 19:36; Jdg. 4:2; Jdg. 4:17; 1 Sam. 12:9; 1 Ki. 9:15; 2 Ki. 15:29; Neh. 11:33; Jer. 49:28; Jer. 49:30; Jer. 49:33 - Jericho - M+P Numbers 22:1 (all 53 OT uses)
64x/59v - Num. 22:1; Num. 26:3; Num. 26:63; Num. 31:12; Num. 33:48; Num. 33:50; Num. 34:15; Num. 35:1; Num. 36:13; Deut. 32:49; Deut. 34:1; Deut. 34:3; Jos. 2:1; Jos. 2:2; Jos. 2:3; Jos. 3:16; Jos. 4:13; Jos. 4:19; Jos. 5:10; Jos. 5:13; Jos. 6:1; Jos. 6:2; Jos. 6:25; Jos. 6:26; Jos. 7:2; Jos. 8:2; Jos. 9:3; Jos. 10:1; Jos. 10:28; Jos. 10:30; Jos. 12:9; Jos. 13:32; Jos. 16:1; Jos. 16:7; Jos. 18:12; Jos. 18:21; Jos. 20:8; Jos. 24:11; 2 Sam. 10:5; 1 Ki. 16:34; 2 Ki. 2:4; 2 Ki. 2:5; 2 Ki. 2:15; 2 Ki. 2:18; 2 Ki. 25:5; 1 Chr. 6:78; 1 Chr. 19:5; 2 Chr. 28:15; Ezr. 2:34; Neh. 3:2; Neh. 7:36; Jer. 39:5; Jer. 52:8; Matt. 20:29; Mk. 10:46; Lk. 10:30; Lk. 18:35; Lk. 19:1; Heb. 11:30 - Jezreel, Jezreel Valley - M+P Joshua 15:56
36x/33v - Jos. 15:56; Jos. 17:16; Jos. 19:18; Jdg. 6:33; 1 Sam. 25:43; 1 Sam. 29:1; 1 Sam. 29:11; 2 Sam. 2:9; 2 Sam. 4:4; 1 Ki. 4:12; 1 Ki. 18:45; 1 Ki. 18:46; 1 Ki. 21:1; 1 Ki. 21:23; 2 Ki. 8:29; 2 Ki. 9:10; 2 Ki. 9:15; 2 Ki. 9:16; 2 Ki. 9:17; 2 Ki. 9:30; 2 Ki. 9:36; 2 Ki. 9:37; 2 Ki. 10:1; 2 Ki. 10:6; 2 Ki. 10:7; 2 Ki. 10:11; 1 Chr. 4:3; 2 Chr. 22:6; Hos. 1:4; Hos. 1:5; Hos. 1:11; Hos. 2:22 - Kidron Valley - M+P 2Samuel 15:23
12x/11v - 2 Sam. 15:23; 1 Ki. 2:37; 1 Ki. 15:13; 2 Ki. 23:4; 2 Ki. 23:6; 2 Ki. 23:12; 2 Chr. 15:16; 2 Chr. 29:16; 2 Chr. 30:14; Jer. 31:40; Jn. 18:1 - Megiddo - M+P Joshua 12:21 Megiddo
12/12v - Jos. 12:21; Jos. 17:11; Jdg. 1:27; Jdg. 5:19; 1 Ki. 4:12; 1 Ki. 9:15; 2 Ki. 9:27; 2 Ki. 23:29; 2 Ki. 23:30; 1 Chr. 7:29; 2 Chr. 35:22; Zech. 12:11 - Mount of Olives (Alternative) - 2Sa 15:30, Zech 14:4
12x/11v - 2 Sam. 15:30; Zech. 14:4; Matt. 21:1; Matt. 24:3; Matt. 26:30; Mk. 11:1; Mk. 13:3; Mk. 14:26; Lk. 19:37; Lk. 22:39; Jn. 8:1 - Negev - or click here - M+P Genesis 12:9
38x/35v - 2 Sam. 15:30; Zech. 14:4; Matt. 21:1; Matt. 24:3; Matt. 26:30; Mk. 11:1; Mk. 13:3; Mk. 14:26; Lk. 19:37; Lk. 22:39; Jn. 8:1 - Philistine Plain, Philistia - Exodus 15:14
Philistia - 8x/8v - Exod. 15:14; Ps. 60:8; Ps. 83:7; Ps. 87:4; Ps. 108:9; Isa. 14:29; Isa. 14:31; Joel 3:4 (Philistine plain - Oba 1:19) - Valley of Jehoshaphat -
2x/2v - Joel 3:2, 12 - Mount Ararat Compared to other Mountains in Scripture
Ararat - 4x/4v - Gen. 8:4; 2 Ki. 19:37; Isa. 37:38; Jer. 51:27
M&P = Map and Pictures
- Athens - M+P (Alternative) Acts 17:15
5x/5v - Acts 17:15; Acts 17:16; Acts 17:22; Acts 18:1; 1 Thess. 3:1 - Bethlehem - M+P Bethlehem
Matt. 2:1; Matt. 2:5; Matt. 2:6; Matt. 2:8; Matt. 2:16; Lk. 2:4; Lk. 2:15; Jn. 7:42 - Cana of Galilee - M+P John 2:1
3x/3v - Jn. 2:1; Jn. 2:11; Jn. 4:46 - Capernaum - M+P Matthew 4:13
16x/16v - Matt. 4:13; Matt. 8:5; Matt. 11:23; Matt. 17:24; Mk. 1:21; Mk. 2:1; Mk. 9:33; Lk. 4:23; Lk. 4:31; Lk. 7:1; Lk. 10:15; Jn. 2:12; Jn. 4:46; Jn. 6:17; Jn. 6:24; Jn. 6:59 - Caesarea by the sea - M+P Acts 8:40
15x/15v - Acts 8:40; Acts 9:30; Acts 10:1; Acts 10:24; Acts 11:11; Acts 12:19; Acts 18:22; Acts 21:8; Acts 21:16; Acts 23:23; Acts 23:33; Acts 25:1; Acts 25:4; Acts 25:6; Acts 25:13 - Caesarea Philippi - M+P
Matt. 16:13; Mk. 8:27; - Greek Temple at Corinth
- Galilee - M+P Matthew 2:22
69x/68v - Jos. 20:7; Jos. 21:32; 1 Ki. 9:11; 2 Ki. 15:29; 1 Chr. 6:76; Isa. 9:1; Matt. 2:22; Matt. 3:13; Matt. 4:12; Matt. 4:15; Matt. 4:18; Matt. 4:23; Matt. 4:25; Matt. 15:29; Matt. 17:22; Matt. 19:1; Matt. 21:11; Matt. 26:32; Matt. 27:55; Matt. 28:7; Matt. 28:10; Matt. 28:16; Mk. 1:9; Mk. 1:14; Mk. 1:16; Mk. 1:28; Mk. 1:39; Mk. 3:7; Mk. 6:21; Mk. 7:31; Mk. 9:30; Mk. 14:28; Mk. 15:41; Mk. 16:7; Lk. 1:26; Lk. 2:4; Lk. 2:39; Lk. 3:1; Lk. 4:14; Lk. 4:31; Lk. 5:17; Lk. 8:26; Lk. 17:11; Lk. 23:5; Lk. 23:49; Lk. 23:55; Lk. 24:6; Jn. 1:43; Jn. 2:1; Jn. 2:11; Jn. 4:3; Jn. 4:43; Jn. 4:45; Jn. 4:46; Jn. 4:47; Jn. 4:54; Jn. 6:1; Jn. 7:1; Jn. 7:9; Jn. 7:41; Jn. 7:52; Jn. 12:21; Jn. 21:2; Acts 1:11; Acts 5:37; Acts 9:31; Acts 10:37; Acts 13:31 - Galilee, Sea of - M+P
5x5v =Matt. 4:18; Matt. 15:29; Mk. 1:16; Mk. 7:31; Jn. 6:1 - Huleh Valley - see also Caesarea Philippi; Dan; Hazor
- Jericho - M+P
Matt. 20:29; Mk. 10:46; Lk. 10:30; Lk. 18:35; Lk. 19:1; Heb. 11:30 - Kidron Valley; Kidron Valley - M+P
2 Sam. 15:23; 1 Ki. 2:37; 1 Ki. 15:13; 2 Ki. 23:4; 2 Ki. 23:6; 2 Ki. 23:12; 2 Chr. 15:16; 2 Chr. 29:16; 2 Chr. 30:14; Jer. 31:40; Jn. 18:1 - Jordan River Valley - M+P
- Masada - M+P
- Mount of Olives (Alternative) - Matthew 21:1 (See also Olivet)
Mount of Olives - 12x/11v - 2 Sam. 15:30; Zech. 14:4; Matt. 21:1; Matt. 24:3; Matt. 26:30; Mk. 11:1; Mk. 13:3; Mk. 14:26; Lk. 19:37; Lk. 22:39; Jn. 8:1
Olivet - 3x/3v - Lk. 19:29; Lk. 21:37; Acts 1:12 - Nazareth - M+P Matthew 2:23 (all 17 NT uses) // Alternative
- Nazareth
17x/17v - Matt. 2:23; Matt. 4:13; Matt. 21:11; Matt. 26:71; Mk. 1:9; Mk. 1:24; Lk. 1:26; Lk. 2:4; Lk. 2:39; Lk. 2:51; Lk. 4:16; Lk. 4:34; Lk. 18:37; Jn. 1:45; Jn. 1:46; Acts 10:38; Acts 26:9 - Nazareth Inscription Stone
- Qumran - M+P
- Topographical Map of Israel- focusing on Major Mountains
- Corinth - M+P (Alternative)
6x/6v - Acts 18:1; Acts 19:1; 1 Co. 1:2; 2 Co. 1:1; 2 Co. 1:23; 2 Tim. 4:20 - Map of Corinth // Greek Temple at Corinth
- 1 Corinthians - map with Phillip's paraphrase
- 2 Corinthians - map with Phillip's paraphrase
- Mesopotamia
- What is Mesopotamia?
- Mesopotamia map (another map)
- Map of Metal Production in Ancient Middle East
- Mesopotamia - click map
- Map of the Ancient Fertile Crescent (2500 B.C.)
- Map of Old Testament Events
The Assyrian Empire
- Maps of Assyrian Empire - Google
- Assyria - Wikipedia (2500-612) (map)
- Middle Assyrian empire 1365-1056BC
- Neo-Assyrian Empire (911-612BC) (map)
- The Assyrian Empire
- The Assyrian Empire
- Map of Assyrian and Babylonian Empires
- The Assyrian and Babylonian Empires
The Babylonian Empire
- Babylonian Empire - Google
- Map of the Babylonian Empire
- Babylon time of Hammurabi (1810-1750BC)
- Who was Hammurabi?
- What was the code of Hammurabi
- Babylon (1595-1155BC)
- Neo-Babylon (650-539BC)
- What was Neo-Babylon?
The Persian Empire
- The Persian Empire - Google
- The Persian Empire
- Persia - Achaemenid (550-330)
- Persian Empire (500BC)
The Greek Empire - The Inter-testament Period
- Grecian Empire - Google
- Alexander the Great
- Empire of Alexander the Great
- Greek - Seleucid (312-63BC) (map)(map2)
- Map of Alexander the Great - Decisive Battles (336-323 B.C.)
- The Division of Alexander's Empire ca. 275 BC (low resolution)
- Ptolemies (map)
- Ptolemaic Kingdom (323-30BC) (map)
- Map of Decline of Ptolemies (200BC)
- Map of Division of Alexander's Empire, 310 BC
- Seleucid Empire, ca 198 BC
- Maccabean Revolt 167-160BC (excellent map) from Holman Bible Atlas (Hardcover/Paperback version) copyrighted © 1998 B&H Publishing Group, used by permission, all rights reserved.
- The Maccabees - several woodcuts by Gustave Dore
- Selected Events in Maccabean Revolt (168-142BC)
- Jewish Expansion under Hasmonean Dynasty
- Palestine Under the Maccabees
The Roman Empire
- Roman Empire - Google
- Early Rome
- Roman Expansion (200-100BC)
- Growth of Roman Empire (from 270BC to 116AD)
- Animated Map of Romans Rise and Fall
- Roman Empire at time of Constantine (324AD)
- Roman Empire (rise and fall)
- Legend of Romulus/Remus - Founding of Rome
- Circus Maximus Rome's First and Largest Arena // Roman Coliseum
- Map Showing Greatest Extent of Roman Empire
- Appian Way (Map) (Pix)
- Ephesus at the Journeys of Paul take the Tour click "Next" in upper right corner
- Ephesians map corresponding to Phillip's paraphrase
- Ephesus: Virtual Tour
- Ephesus pictures
- Ephesus - Google
- Exodus: Life of Moses
- The Exodus Route - excellent-hold pointer over place name for Bible ref or click for >info
- Exodus 15:22, 23, 27, 16:1Jo - Israelites Out of Egypt Under Moses
- Exodus 17:1, 8 - Israel - Possible Routes Through Sinai
- Exodus 19:18 - Mt Sinai - Pix
- Israel's Wilderness Camp Around the Tabernacle - nice schematic
- Genesis 2:8,9, 10 - Picture
- Genesis 6-8: Noah's Ark
- Genesis - Nimrod's Empire
- Genesis - Palestine
- Genesis - Early Canaan
- Genesis - Aram-Naharaim- Homeland of Terah
- Genesis - Early Mesopotamian Kingdoms
- Discussion of tower of Babel
- Genesis 10:1, 2-31, 32 - The Table of Nations
- Genesis 10:1, 2-31, 32 - The Table of Nations
- Genesis - Palestine
- Genesis - Early Canaan
- Genesis 12:1 (Acts 7:2) Ge 11:31 - Abraham's Journey to Canaan
- Genesis 12:6, 7 (Acts 7:4) - Abraham Enters Canaan
- Genesis 12:8 - Abraham and Lot Between Bethel and Ai
- Genesis 12:9, 10 - Abraham in the Negev
- Genesis - Old Testament Map of the Negev - Home of Abraham
- Genesis 12:10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 - Abraham Migrates to Egypt
- Abraham's Journey
- Abraham's Lineage to Jesus
- Genesis 14:1,2 - Chedorlaomer's Alliance
- Genesis 14:3, 8, 9, 10 - Route of Chedorlaomer's Invasion
- Genesis 14:14, 15, 16 - Abram's Rescue of Lot
- Genesis 14:18, He 7:1,2,3,4- Abraham Meets Melchizedek
- Genesis 16:4,5,6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 - Hagar, Setting of
- Genesis 18:1, 2 - Setting of Sodom and Gomorrah
- Genesis - Sodom and Gomorrah - Map of Possible Locations
- Genesis 20:1,2 -Abraham in Philistia - Gerar = capital of the Philistine colony on the coast
- Genesis 21:14, 15,16, 17, 18, 19 - Hagar and Ishmael Flee
- Genesis 25:24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29-34 -Jacob & Esau
- Genesis 27:43 - Jacob's Flight from Esau
- Genesis 28:12 - Jacob's Ladder, the Site of
- Genesis 32 - Jacob and Esau Reunite
- Genesis 33:18 - Jacob Stays in Shechem
- Genesis - Jacob and Sons in Canaan
- Genesis - The Land of the Patriarchs
- Land of Canaan from Abraham to Moses (click to enlarge)
See also
- Genesis - Nimrod's Empire
- Genesis - Palestine
- Genesis - Early Canaan
- Genesis - Aram-Naharaim- Homeland of Terah
- Genesis - Early Mesopotamian Kingdoms
- Genesis 12:1 (Acts 7:2) Ge 11:31 - Abraham's Journey to Canaan
- Genesis 12:6, 7 (Acts 7:4) - Abraham Enters Canaan
- Genesis 12:8 - Abraham and Lot Between Bethel and Ai
- Genesis 12:9, 10 - Abraham in the Negev
- Genesis - Old Testament Map of the Negev - Home of Abraham
- Genesis 12:10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 - Abraham Migrates to Egypt
- Genesis 14:1,2 - Chedorlaomer's Alliance
- Genesis 14:3, 8, 9, 10 - Route of Chedorlaomer's Invasion
- Genesis 14:14, 15, 16 - Abram's Rescue of Lot
- Genesis 14:18, He 7:1,2,3,4- Abraham Meets Melchizedek
- Genesis 16:4-14 - Hagar, Setting of (images only)
- Genesis 18:1, 2 - Setting of Sodom and Gomorrah
- Genesis - Sodom and Gomorrah - Map of Possible Locations
- Genesis 20:1,2 -Abraham in Philistia - Gerar: Capital of Philistine colony on the coast
- Genesis 21:14, 15,16, 17, 18, 19 - Hagar and Ishmael Flee (Images only)
- Genesis 25:24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29-34 -Jacob & Esau
- Genesis 27:43 - Jacob's Flight from Esau
- Genesis 28:12 - Jacob's Ladder, the Site of
- Genesis 32 - Jacob and Esau Reunite
- Genesis 33:18 - Jacob Stays in Shechem
- Genesis - Jacob and Sons in Canaan
- Genesis - The Land of the Patriarchs
The following maps are some of the highest quality maps available. They are from the Holman Bible Atlas (Hardcover/Paperback version) copyrighted © 1998 B&H Publishing Group, used by permission, all rights reserved.
- Genesis 10:1-32 - Table of Nations
- Ancient Near East - Topography (plains, etc)
- Ancient Near East
- Biblical Regions - Palestine
- Modern States superimposed on Ancient near east
- Ancient Near East - Third Millennium
- Near East Time of Patriarchs (2000-1550BC)
- Mesopotamia - Homeland of Abraham (see Ur)
- The Land of Canaan from Abraham to Moses
- Palestine in the Middle Bronze Age
- The Migration of Abraham
- Abraham in Canaan
- Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
- Travels of Jacob
- The Journeys of Joseph
- Map of the Twelve Tribes of Israel
- Map of Some Major Old Testament Events
- Map of Division of Land to the Twelve Tribes of Israel
- Southern Cities/Mountains in Israel
- Israel at time of Joshua, Judges, Ruth
- The Period of the Judges - click to enlarge
- Twelve tribes in Canaan Joshua to Saul 1400-1100BC
- 1Sa 4:1-22 -The Battle at Ebenezer and the Loss of the Ark
- Ebenezer on Google
1 Sam. 4:1; 1 Sam. 5:1; 1 Sam. 7:12 - Geography of the Books of Samuel
- Battle of Michmash
- 1 Sa 17:1-4, 16, 20, 21-24, 26, 32, 33-48, 49-58 -David & Goliath at Elah
- David's Flight from Saul (scroll down to about mid page)
- David's Rise to Power
- Kingdom of Israel around the time of David and Saul
- 12 Tribes of Israel
- Solomon's Temple
- The Kingdoms of Israel and Judah
- The Kingdoms of Israel and Judah
- The Divided Kingdoms of Israel and Judah
- Divided Monarchy
- 1Ki 12:1 Shechem
66v/57v - Gen. 12:6; Gen. 33:18; Gen. 34:2; Gen. 34:4; Gen. 34:6; Gen. 34:8; Gen. 34:11; Gen. 34:13; Gen. 34:18; Gen. 34:20; Gen. 34:24; Gen. 34:26; Gen. 35:4; Gen. 37:12; Gen. 37:13; Gen. 37:14; Num. 26:31; Jos. 17:2; Jos. 17:7; Jos. 20:7; Jos. 21:21; Jos. 24:1; Jos. 24:25; Jos. 24:32; Jdg. 8:31; Jdg. 9:1; Jdg. 9:2; Jdg. 9:3; Jdg. 9:6; Jdg. 9:7; Jdg. 9:18; Jdg. 9:20; Jdg. 9:23; Jdg. 9:24; Jdg. 9:25; Jdg. 9:26; Jdg. 9:28; Jdg. 9:31; Jdg. 9:34; Jdg. 9:39; Jdg. 9:41; Jdg. 9:46; Jdg. 9:47; Jdg. 9:49; Jdg. 9:57; Jdg. 21:19; 1 Ki. 12:1; 1 Ki. 12:25; 1 Chr. 6:67; 1 Chr. 7:19; 1 Chr. 7:28; 2 Chr. 10:1; Ps. 60:6; Ps. 108:7; Jer. 41:5; Hos. 6:9; Acts 7:16 - Israel During The Divided Monarchy - mouseover place names for Bible ref, click name for >info
- The Northern Tribes of Israel
- The Southern Tribes of Israel
- Palestine at Time of Jesus
- Map of Israel's Cities
- The Kingdom of Herod the Great
- Herod the Great - Family Tree
- Herod's Kingdom Divided Archelaus (Judea, Idumea, Samaria), Decapolis, Ituraea and Trachonitis, Herod Antipas (Galilee, Perea)
- Palestine under the Herods
- Qumran and the Dead Sea Scrolls
- The Kingdom of Herod Agrippa I
- Pentecost and the Jewish Diaspora
- May of Early Church in Roman Empire
- Timeline 200-450 AD
- Palestine in the First Century
- Map of Major Events in Jesus' Life
- The Division of Herod's Kingdom
- The Roman Empire - 1st Century BC
- Galilee - Nice Color Map
- Probable route that Jesus took after the Last Supper - note Alternate Golgotha outside the gates
- Places in the Gospels
- Herod's Temple
- Herod's Temple
- Temple Site on Mt Moriah (Read discussion)
- Matthew 1-7: Jesus Birth & Ministry Leading up to Sermon on the Mount
- Galilee in the Time of Jesus
- Palestine in the Time of Jesus
- Jesus' Ministry in Galilee and beyond
- Jesus in Jerusalem - primarily pictures
- Golgotha or Calvary - Map of Location
- Intertestamental Chronology (Seleucids, Ptolemies, Maccabeans) (Discussion)
- Galilee and the North
- The Hill Country of Samaria
- The Hill Country of Judah
- Coastal Plain and Shephelah
- Hill Country and Wilderness
- The Negev and the South
- City of David (Discussion)
- From time of City of David's City to time of Hezekiah
- Jerusalem in Time of Nehemiah (2)
Nehemiah 2:13, 14, 15 - Refuse [Dung] Gate, Fountain Gate, Valley Gate
Nehemiah 3:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,1 6, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 - Sheep Gate, Fish Gate, Old Gate, Water Gate, Horse Gate - Jerusalem at Different Periods
- Under David c. 1000 B.C.
- Under Solomon c. 970 B.C.
- In the Time of the Maccabees 168 B.C. Onwards
- In the Herodian Period
- The Three Northern Walls
- Jerusalem Center of the World - Map from 1581
- Jerusalem - Elevations of Temple Mount, Mt of Olives, etc, Cross Section
- New Testament Jerusalem
- Jerusalem City Plan in 1st Century AD
- Jerusalem in the Time of Jesus (Around A.D. 30)
- Walled City of Jerusalem
- Modern Jerusalem - Ancient City of Many Layers
- Map of Modern Four Quarters of Jerusalem (C)
- <
- 1 Peter - Cappadocia, Asia, Bithynia, Pontus, Galatia
- The Jewish Diaspora
- Book of Joshua- pictures
- 12 Tribes of Israel
- Division of Canaan (1200 to 1030 BC)
- Division of Land - Twelve Tribes of Israel
- The Tribes of Israel
- Nations of Canaan
- Twelve tribes in Canaan Joshua to Saul 1400-1100BC
- Joshua, Conquest of Canaan, Northern Campaign
- Josh 2:1, 4:19, 6:2, 3, 4, 5, 20, 21 -The Battle of Jericho
- Josh 11:1, 11, 12, 13 -The Battle of Hazor
- Hazor - Joshua 11:1 - photo list in left column!
- Megiddo - Joshua 12:21- photo list in left column!
- Jezreel, Jezreel Valley - Joshua 15:56
- En Gedi- Joshua 15:62 - photo list in left column!
- Gibeon - Joshua 18:25, 21:17- photo list in left column!
- Hazor - Joshua 11:1, 10, 13- photo list in left column!
See Israel During the Time of the Judges
- Judges 3:15 -Moabite Oppression of Jericho
- Judges 3:20, 21, 22 - Ehud's Deliverance of Jericho
- Table with Partial List of Israel's Kings - mostly from Northern Kingdom
- Map of Where Israel Taken Captive after Defeat by Assyria 721BC (Wikipedia)
- Map of Where Ten Lost Tribes of Israel Migrated After Captivity
- Nu 12:16 - Moses moves Wilderness of Paran (at Kadesh)
- Nu 13:2, 3, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 - Spies Scout Canaan
- Nu 13:22, 28, 32, 33 (Dt 1:28, 29, 30) -The Land of Giants
- Nu 21:21, 22, 23, 33, 34, 35 (Josh 9:10) -Kingdoms of Og & Sihon
- Deuteronomy 32:49, 50, 34:1, 2, 3, 4 - Jericho - the Conquest
- Nu 20:17, 21:22 - The King's Highway, article, article 2
- Major trade routes in ancient middle east
- Timeline on Apostle Paul's Life - ESV; Timeline - BlueLetterBible; Another site for Timeline Chart of Paul's Life
- The Appian Way - Traveled by Paul to Rome - Acts 28:15-16
- Acts 8:1-13:3 Journeys of Philip the Evangelist
- Acts 28:15 Market of Appius - Appian Way (Map) (Pix)
- Jail Cell at Philippi - possibly similar to one that held Paul & Silas -Acts 16
- Philippians, Thessalonians, Corinthians
- Paul's First Missionary Journey Acts 13:4-14:28 - Do not duplicate - copyright by Holman
- Paul's Second Missionary Journey Acts 15:36-18:22 - Do not duplicate - copyright by Holman
- Paul's Third Missionary Journey Acts 18:23-21:26 - Do not duplicate - copyright by Holman
- Paul's First Missionary Journey
- Paul's Second Missionary Journey
- Paul's Third Missionary Journey
- Paul's Journey to Rome
- Paul's Journeys pictures of ruins of the cities
Satellite Image Maps
- Paul's First Missionary Journey
- Paul's Second Missionary Journey
- Paul's Third Missionary Journey
- Paul's Journey to Rome
Unbound Bible
- 1st Journey - includes parallel Scriptures
- 2nd Journey
- 3rd Journey
- Map of the Seven Churches of Revelation
- Church at Ephesus
- Church at Smyrna
- Church at Pergamos
- Church at Thyatira
- Church at Sardis
- Church at Philadelphia
- Church at Laodicea
- The Seven Churches in the Book of Revelation
- Revelation Illustrated
- Pictorial Tour Ruins of the 7 Churches of Revelation 1-3
- Seven Churches of Revelation - map corresponding to Phillip's paraphrase
- Petra
- Romans- map corresponding to Phillip's paraphrase
- Tour ancient Rome - click "Tour" beneath picture, then "Next" in upper right corner
- Paul Goes to Rome
- Paul's Journey to Rome
- Solomon's Temple (Discussion)
- God's Temple during the Reign of Solomon
- Herod's Temple
- The temple steps -- In Jerusalem
- The Second Temple - Destruction in 70AD (Discussion)
- The Rebuilt Temple in Daniel's Seventieth Week
- Ezekiel's Temple (Read discussion)
- Ezekiel's Vision
- The Dome of the Rock (Discussion)
- Wailing Wall - page on this website
(Note: Dates may vary from source to source)
- BlueLetterBible: Chronological/Genealogical Timeline - one of best I have found
- Timeline of the Apostle Paul
- Chronology of Acts and the Epistles
- Another site for Timeline Chart of Paul's Life
- Old Testament Timeline - Includes Links to Maps, etc
- New Testament Timeline - Includes Links to Maps, etc
- Old Testament Timeline: Minor Prophets of the Old Testament
- Old Testament Timeline: World Empires and Biblical Prophecy
- Old Testament Timeline: Divided Kingdom - Kings of Ancient Israel and Judah