Explanation - The following list includes not only commentaries but other Christian works by well known evangelical writers. Most of the resources below are newer works (written after 1970) which previously were available only for purchase in book form or in a Bible computer program. The resources are made freely available by archive.org but have several caveats - (1) they do not allow copy and paste, (2) they can only be checked out for one hour (but can be checked out immediately when your hour expires giving you time to read or take notes on a lengthy section) and (3) they require creating an account which allows you to check out the books free of charge. To set up an account click archive.org and then click the picture of the person in right upper corner and enter email and a password. That's all you have to do. Then you can read these more modern resources free of charge! I have read or used many of these resources but not all of them so ultimately you will need to be a Berean (Acts 17:11+) as you use them. I have also selected works that are conservative and Biblically sound. If you find one that you think does not meet those criteria please send an email at https://www.preceptaustin.org/
IMPORTANT CAVEAT - As these resources have become more popular over the last year, many times you will click on a book and it will say "UNAVAILABLE" which means that someone else has it checked out. And if they keep re-checking it out after their allotted hour, it may remain unavailable for a long time. There are a couple of "Work arounds" I have used in those cases. (1) If I know the exact quote I am want to read in context, I do a search on that specific book on archive.org taking care to put a portion of the quote in quotation marks. That will usually allow you to read that page plus one other page. (2) I will search on a word that I know will be on almost every page of the book. E.g., take the commentary by John Stott on The Epistles of John. Let's say it was unavailable. Then I do a search on the word "John" and retrieved over 500 hits which allows me access to most of the book. This does not always work and you make need to experiment. Otherwise you have to wait until the book becomes available.
"Borrow unavailable" means that someone else has it checked out for an hour. And if they are savvy and really like using it, they will immediately check it out after the hour expires and this keeps it from being shown as "Available." I use a few WORKAROUNDS when this happens. Below are examples taken from a popular commentary on Genesis.
(1) If I have the exact quote from the book and want to see the context, I search with a few words from the quote (putting them in quotation marks so that they are the specific words searched). That will allow me to open the page and see the context. Here is an example from Gordon J Wenham's Genesis 1-15 which is almost always listed as "Borrow Unavailable."
(a) So I have this quote from Genesis 3 and want to see the context - "Now, explicit characterization of actors in the story is rare in Hebrew narrative, so it seems likely that in noting the snake’s shrewdness the narrator is hinting that his remarks should be examined very carefully"
(b) I selected "Now, explicit characterization" and searched it (with the quotes) and found 1 hit, clicked it and retrieved the page with the quote in context. See the page with this quote and notice it allows you to read 2 pages.
(2) A second trick I use is to put one word in the title in search.
(a) E.g., I searched "genesis" and retrieved 522 hits. Note the page numbers it retrieved which is most of the pages.
(b) You will have to hunt to find what you want but this can occasionally be helpful.
(c) Sometimes you encounter "Limited Preview. Some pages are omittedl" You can try trick #4 but it may not work. Then you have to wait until you can borrow the book.
(3) Now let's say you want to look up comments on Genesis 15, the story of Abraham.
(a) Search "genesis 15" and you retrieve 8 hits and notice you have access to almost 12 pages of comments. Remember each hit gives you access to 2 pages.
(b) Click this one and you see beginning comments on Genesis 15:1-21.
(4) ONE CAVEAT - Let's say you perform the maneuvers listed above, click on the page and it is blacked out. What you can try to REFRESH that page and many times (not always) it will allow you to read that page. Note this will not always work because it will say "Some pages are omitted."
(5) You need to be "creative" in how you search for specific "unavailable" book. Sometimes I just put a number in the search queue. E.g., I put 7 in the search box and it retrieved 518 hits. Yes, you have to hunt around, but this might allow you to read the comments you are seeking.
(6) One other trick I use since these book do not allow copy and paste is I will do my search and find a quote I want to copy in the actual search column. E.g., search Wenham's popular book on Genesis 1-15 for "genesis 15." Notice the first hit on page 300. You can copy and paste this hit quote shown below.
Page 300 The uncountability of Abram’s descendants is a perennial theme of Genesis: 15:5; 16:10; 28:14; 32:12. Balaam, the prophet hired by the king of Moab to curse Israel, said Israel was already beyond counting in his day (Num 23:10). Solomon said the same thing some centuries later (1 Kgs 3:8), though of course both eras were famed for their censuses. The NT sees believing Gentiles as well as faithful Jews as being counted as Abram’s descendants (Rom 4:16—18; Gal 3:29), so that in heaven there will be “a great multitude which no man can number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and tongues” (Rev 7:9).
(7) The more you play around with this on a "Borrow unavailable" book, the better you will become at finding what you are looking for.
NOTE: If you find any other "tricks" that are useful please send me an email.
Defender's Study Bible : King James Version by Morris, Henry M. Excellent notes by well known creationist.
ESV Study Bible - Excellent resource but not always literal in eschatology and the nation of Israel
HCSB Study Bible : Holman Christian Standard Bible - General Editor Jeremy Royal Howard (2010) 2360 pages. Conservative. Good notes. Include Holmans excellent maps. One hour limit
KJV Bible Commentary - Hindson, Edward E; Kroll, Woodrow Michael. Over 3000 pages of the entire OT/NT. Well done conservative commentary that interprets Scripture from a literal perspective. Pre-millennial. User reviews - it generally gets 4/5 stars from users.
Very well done conservative commentary that interprets Scripture from a literal perspective user reviews
The King James Version Bible Commentary is a complete verse-by-verse commentary. It is comprehensive in scope, reliable in scholarship, and easy to use. Its authors are leading evangelical theologians who provide practical truths and biblical principles. Any Bible student will gain new insights through this one-volume commentary based on the timeless King James Version of the Bible.
The King James Study Bible Second Edition 2258 pages (2013) (Thomas Nelson) General Editor - Edward Hindson with multiple contributing editors. Pre-millennial. See introduction on How to Use this Study Bible.
Life Application Study Bible: Old Testament and New Testament: New Living Translation. Has some very helpful notes especially with application of texts.
NIV Study Bible - (2011) 2570 pages - Use this one if available as it has more notes than edition below. One hour limit
NIV Study Bible by Barker, Kenneth L; Burdick, Donald W (1995) 2250 pages. This is the first edition. This resource has been fully revised in 2020. One hour limit
NKJV Study Bible: New King James Version Study Bible (formerly "The Nelson Study Bible - NKJV") by Earl D Radmacher; Ronald Barclay Allen; Wayne H House. 2345 pages. (1997, 2007). Very helpful notes. Conservative. Pre-millennial.
NLT Study Bible (Illustration Version)
MacArthur Study Bible - John MacArthur. Brief but well done notes for conservative, literal perspective.
Ryrie Study Bible Expanded Edition (1994) 2232 pages. Conservative.
Ryrie Study Bible - Charles Ryrie (1978) 2142 pages
David Jeremiah Study Bible - (2013) 2208 pages. Logos.com - "Drawing on more than 40 years of study, Dr. David Jeremiah has compiled a legacy resource that will make an eternal impact on generations to come. 8,000 study notes. Hundreds of enriching word studies"50+ Essentials of the Christian Faith" articles."
The Holman Illustrated Study Bible Includes the excellent Holman maps but otherwise of little help in serious study.
Life application New Testament commentary - Bruce Barton - 1304 pages.
Reformation Study Bible - not always literal in interpretation of prophecy
The Wycliffe Bible Commentary - only the New Testament (for OT see below to borrow) - 1126 pages. (1971) Everett F Harrison - Editor of New Testament. Uses the KJV. Strictly speaking not a study Bible, but short notes are similar. KJV text in left column, commentary notes in right column. The comments are generally verse by verse, short, conservative and to the point. Pre-millennial.
Wycliffe Bible Commentary (OT) - Charles Pfeiffer - 1560 pages (1962).
Bible Knowledge Commentary - Old Testament - 1608 pages. Dallas Theological Seminary Faculty. New Testament not available.
Believer's Bible Commentary - OT and NT - MacDonald, William (1995) 2480 pages. Conservative. Literal. Often has very insightful comments. John MacArthur, says "Concise yet comprehensive - the most complete single-volume commentary I have seen." Warren Wiersbe adds "For the student who is serious about seeing Christ in the Word." One hour limit.
Rosscup - This work, originally issued in 1983, is conservative and premillennial, written to help teachers, preachers and people in every walk of life with different views, explanation and application. The 2-column format runs verse by verse for the most part, usually in a helpfully knowledgeable manner, and there are several special sections such as “Prayer” in Acts and “Legalism” in Galatians. The premillennial view is evident on Acts 1:6, 3:20, Romans 11:26, Galatians 6:16, Revelation 20, etc.
New Bible Commentary - (1994)
Evangelical Commentary on the Bible - editor Walter Elwell (1989) 1239 pages.
Compact Bible commentary by Radmacher, Earl D; Allen, Ronald Barclay; House, H Wayne, et al - 954 pages. Multiple contributors to the comments which are often verse by verse. The comments are brief but meaty and can really help your study through a given book. A sleeper in my opinion.
The Experiencing God Study Bible: the Bible for knowing and doing the will of God - Blackaby, Henry (1996) 1968 pages - CHECK THIS ONE! Each chapter begins with several questions under the title "PREPARE TO MEET GOD." Then you will interesting symbols before many of the passages. The chapter ends with a "DID YOU NOTICE?" question. This might make a "dry chapter" jump off the page! Read some of the 48 ratings
Disciple's Study Bible: New international version 54 ratings Not that helpful for verse by verse study. Focuses on application of Christian doctrines. 10,000 annotations; doctrinal summaries, "Life Helps" section relate doctrine to everyday discipleship.
The Living Insights Study Bible : New International Version - Charles Swindoll. Notes are good but somewhat sparse and not verse by verse.
The Apologetics Study Bible Understand Why You Believe by Norman Geisler
NIV Archaeological Study Bible (2005) 2360 pages 950 ratings (See also Archaeology and the Bible - OT and NT)
"Readers who desire a more intimate knowledge of the historical context of the Bible will appreciate the NIV Archaeological Study Bible. Full of informative articles and full-color photographs of places and objects from biblical times, this Bible examines the archaeological record surrounding God’s Word and brings the biblical world to life. Readers’ personal studies will be enriched as they become more informed about the empires, places, and peoples of the ancient world. Features include: • Four-color interior throughout • Bottom-of-page study notes exploring passages that speak on archaeological and cultural facts • Articles (520) covering five main categories: Archaeological Sites, Cultural and Historical Notes, Ancient Peoples and Lands, the Reliability of the Bible, and Ancient Texts and Artifacts • Approximately 500 4-color photographs interspersed throughout • Detailed book introductions that provide basic, at-a-glance information • Detailed charts on pertinent topics • In-text color maps that assist the reader in placing the action "
NIV Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible. Bringing to Life the Ancient World of Scripture Keener, Craig and Walton, John. Editors (2017)
Zondervan King James Version Commentary - New Testament
NIV Celebrate Recovery Study Bible
Daily Study Bible for Women : New Living Translation
The Woman's Study Bible : the New King James Version
The Study Bible for Women : Holman Christian Standard Bible
Daily Study Bible for Men : New Living Translation
NIV Topical Study Bible : New International Version
The Hebrew-Greek Key Study Bible : New American standard study by Strong, James, 1822-1894; Zodhiates, Spiros
The New Inductive Study Bible : updated New American Standard Bible - Introductions of each book give suggestions how to perform an inductive study on that specific book. Not strictly speaking a "study Bible" with notes but a Bible to help you study inductively. Has wide margins for making notes. This is one that works best in "paper," not digitally.
With the Word - Devotional Commentary - Warren Wiersbe - 428 ratings
Halley's Bible Handbook Henry H. Halley - (2000) 2720 pages (much larger than original edition in 1965 and no time limit on use). (Halley's Bible handbook : an abbreviated Bible commentary - one hour limit 1965 872 pages)
Rosscup - A much-used older evangelical handbook bringing together a brief commentary on Bible books, some key archaeological findings, historical background, maps, quotes, etc. It is helpful to a lay Bible teacher, Sunday School leader, or pastor looking for quick, pertinent information on a Bible book. This is the 72nd printing somewhat revised. Halley packed in much information. Unger’s is better overall, but that is not to say that Halley’s will not provide much help on basic information.
The Shaw Pocket Bible Handbook - Editor - Walter Elwell (1984) 408 pages.
"This hardback is small in size but packed full of content: Brief summaries of every book of the bible, cultural, archaeological and historical info, word definitions, pictures, maps and charts." Worth checking!
The Lion Handbook to the Bible - (1999) 822 pages. This resource is absolutely loaded with very nice color pictures and charts.
Wiersbe's Expository Outlines on the New Testament by Wiersbe, Warren W
Cyril Barber - This is a book of exceptional merit. Pastors, missionaries, and Christian workers will profit from its use. Wiersbe introduces each book of the NT, provides an outline, and then furnishes his readers with a chapter-by-chapter discussion of the contents. The homiletic style is a “plus.” Recommended.
Wiersbe's Expository Outlines on the Old Testament by Wiersbe, Warren W 113 ratings
"Even the most difficult Scriptures come alive as Warren Wiersbe leads you book-by-book through the Old Testament and helps you to see the "big picture" of God's revelation. In this unique volume, you will find: • Introductions and/or outlines for every Old Testament book • Practical expositions of strategic chapters • Special studies on key topics, relating the Old Testament to the New Testament • Easy-to-understand expositions that are practical, preachable, and teachable If you have used Dr. Wiersbe's popular BE series, you know how simple and practical his Bible studies are, with outlines that almost teach themselves. If not, you can now discover a wonderful new resource. This work is a unique commentary on every book of the Old Testament. It contains new material not to be found in the BE series.
POSB - The Preacher's Outline & Sermon Bible : New Testament, King James Version - Acts, Romans, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians - This is a very useful resource which always includes numerous related cross-references. It will be of aid to you preaching and teaching.
The Preacher's outline & sermon Bible : New Testament, King James Version - Matthew, Mark, Luke, John
The Preacher's outline & sermon Bible : New Testament, King James Version 1 Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians, 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, Jude, Revelation.
The Preacher's outline & sermon Bible. Old Testament, King James Version - Only has Numbers
Practical illustrations : Galatians-Colossians - companion to the POSB
A Treasury of Books for Bible Study - Wilbur Smith (1960) - see page 159 for interesting chapter on the Holy Spirit in Scripture
The Bible Knowledge Background Commentary : Matthew-Luke by Evans, Craig A - This resource will give you very interesting insights and is worth checking on individual passages.
Dictionary of Biblical Imagery - free for use online with no restrictions (i.e., you do not need to borrow this book). Editors Leland Ryken, J C Wilhoit, Tremper Longman III - This is a potential treasure chest to aid your preaching and teaching as it analyzes the meaning of a host of Biblical figures of speech. Clue - use the "One-page view" which then allows you to copy and paste text. One downside is there is no index, so you need to search 3291 pages for entries which are alphabetical.
The Expositor's Bible Commentary - 2007 edition - Luke and Acts - Temper Longman and David Garland
The Expositor's Bible Commentary - 2007 edition - Luke by Walter Liefeld - Must be borrowed.
The Expositor's Bible Commentary - 1994 edition - Abridged - New Testament
The Expositor's Bible Commentary - 1, 2 Kings; 1,2 Chronicles; Ezra; Nehemiah; Esther; Job
The Expositor's Bible Commentary - Genesis - Leviticus
Harper Study Bible : the Holy Bible, Revised Standard Version
The Jewish Study Bible - Only OT - Interesting Jewish perspective.
J.Sidlow Baxter: Explore The Book - pdf
- Vol. 1 Genesis to Joshua
- Vol. 2 Judges to Esther
- Vol. 3 Job to Lamentations
- Vol. 4 Ezekiel to Malachi
- Vol. 5 The Gospels
- Vol. 6 Acts to Revelation
Baker Encyclopedia of the Bible - 4 volume set
- Baker encyclopedia of the Bible - A-C
- Baker encyclopedia of the Bible - D-I
- Baker encyclopedia of the Bible - J-O
- Baker encyclopedia of the Bible - P-Z
Wayne Grudem's Systematic Theology
- Systematic Theology
- Systematic Theology
- An updated version
- Audio lectures by Dr. Grudem covering the content of his Systematic Theology
The Student Bible : New International Version
Hebrew-Greek Key Word Study Bible : New international version
Key Word Commentary : Thoughts on Every Chapter of the Bible by Water, Mark
Eerdmans' Family Encyclopedia of the Bible (1978) 344 pages
Eerdmans' Handbook to the Bible (1983) 688 pages
Tyndale Handbook of Bible charts & maps by Wilson, Neil
Bible Handbook and A-Z bible encyclopedia
International Children's Bible field guide : answering kids' questions from Genesis to Revelation by Richards, Larry
Unger's Commentary on the Old Testament (Volume 2 - Isaiah - Malachi) by Unger, Merrill Frederick, 1909- (1981) 972 pages.
The New Unger's Bible Dictionary (NO RESTRICTIONS) by Unger, Merrill Frederick, 1909-
Nelson's Illustrated Encyclopedia of Bible facts by Packer, J. I. (James Innell); Tenney, Merrill C.
Survey of the Bible : introductory insights, background studies, book-by- book survey by Unger, Merrill Frederick
The Parallel New Testament and Unger's Bible handbook : produced for Moody monthly by Unger, Merrill (1975) 744 pages 4 ratings
The Hodder Bible handbook by Unger, Merrill
Nelson's Expository Dictionary of the Old Testament by Unger, Merrill
Kregel Bible handbook : a full-color guide to every book of the Bible by Kerr, William 3 ratings
The New Encyclopedia of Christian quotations by Water, Mark
Zondervan Handbook to the Bible
Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary - Matthew, Mark, Luke - 552 pages. (2002) See user reviews.
Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary - John
Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary - Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel
Dictionary of Paul and his letters IVP Series
Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels IVP Series (968 pages)
Dictionary of the later New Testament & its developments IVP Series
Dictionary of New Testament background - Craig Evans, Stanley Porter (No restrictions)
Dictionary of deities and demons in the Bible (DDD) - 950 pages (1995) Read some of the 65 ratings (4.8/5 Stars). A definitive in depth resource on this subject. Very expensive to purchase.
The interpretation of st. paul's epistles to the colossians, to the thessalonians, to timothy, to titus and to philemon by R.C.H. Lenski
Lutheran commentator. Insightful comments. Not millennial
The Dore Bible Illustrations Gustave Dore
- Today's Handbook of Bible Times & Customs by Coleman, William L
- Nelson's New Illustrated Bible Manners & Customs : How the People of the Bible Really Lived by Vos, Howard Frederic
- Manners & Customs of the Bible (The New Manners and Customs) Freeman, James M., 1827-1900 Published 1998
- The New Manners and Customs of Bible Times: Gower, Ralph, 1933- Published 1987
- Manners and Customs of Bible lands By: Wight, Fred Published 1983
- Manners and Customs in the Bible By: Matthews, Victor Harold Published 1991
- Handbook of life in Bible times By: Thompson, J. A. (John Arthur), 1913-2002 Published 1986
- Illustrated dictionary of Bible manners and customs By: Deursen, A. van (Arie), 1891-1963 Published 1982
- The Illustrated Guide to Bible Customs & Curiosities by Knight, George W.
- Orientalisms in Bible lands, giving light from customs, habits, manners, imagery, thought and life in the East for Bible students By: Rice, Edwin Wilbur, 1831-1929 Published 1910
- Bible manners and customs By: Mackie, G. M. 1854-1922 Published 1898
- Teach it to your children : how kids lived in Bible days By: Vamosh, Miriam Feinberg, author
- Everyday life in Bible times : work, worship, and war By: Embry, Margaret Published 1994
- Everyday living : Bible life and times : fascinating, everyday customs and traditions from the people of the Bible Published 2006
- The Land and the Book; or, Biblical illustrations drawn from the manners and customs, the scenes and scenery, of the Holy land By: Thomson, William M. (William McClure), 1806-1894 Published 1880
- Eastern manners illustrative of the Old Testament history By: Jamieson, Robert, 1802-1880 Published 1838
- Scripture manners and customs : being an account of the domestic habits, arts, etc., of Eastern nations mentioned in Holy Scripture Published 1895
NOTE - All of these resources can be borrowed from archive.org. This list also includes resources to help study the Bible.
See also the list of Word Study Resources
The Complete Word Study Dictionary: New Testament by Zodhiates, Spiros - This is my "go to" resource for Greek word studies. One on the best lexicons for laymen. Highly Recommended for Greek Word Studies to aid your interpretation of a passage.
Analytical Lexicon of the Greek New Testament by Friberg, Timothy. Shorter definitions than Zodhiates but does an excellent job in summarizing the various nuances of a specific Greek word. One of my favorites.
Shorter Lexicon of the Greek New Testament by Gingrich, F. Wilbur. Similar to Friberg but shorter definitions. Gingrich however gives more Scriptures for each nuance, whereas Friberg generally gives only one representative Scripture.
The New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology (NIDNTT) - Colin Brown, general editor - all three volumes (total 3351 pages) are available and allow copy and paste and all 3 of the volumes below are available at the same link. See this page for a few instructions on how to most efficiently utilize this incredible resource.
- The New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology (NIDNTT) - Colin Brown, general editor - A-F
- The New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology (NIDNTT) - Colin Brown, general editor - G-P
- The New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology (NIDNTT) - Colin Brown, general editor - Pri-Z
The New Linguistic and Exegetical Key to the Greek New Testament by Rogers, Cleon - This book is a gold mine of little gems on individual Greek words in any NT passage you are studying. If you have time it is always worth checking out! I use it in my Greek word studies all the time.
Word meanings in the New Testament - Matthew-Revelation by Ralph Earle. Strictly speaking this is not a lexicon, but it offers insights on select words in a verse by verse format (but not every verse is included in the analysis). This resource is worth checking if you have time as it can occasionally give some wonderful insights on a specific Greek word.
New Testament Words - William Barclay - 59 ratings very interesting resource - covers about 70 NT Greek words in Barclay's unique style. On page 289 there is a helpful index of English words with the corresponding Greek word, in turn followed by the places Barclay described them in New Testament Words and in his Daily Study Bible series (see list of DSB commentaries here). E.g., take the Greek word for "Covetousness" which is pleonexia and is found in New Testament Words on page 61 and pp 233-235 and is also described in the Daily Study Bible entries for : Mark 7:14-23; Ro 1:28-32; Eph. 4:17-24; Col. 3:5. So you can click the DSB commentary on Mark 7 and scroll down to Mark 7:14 to see Barclay's entry for pleonexia which concludes "Pleonexia ( G4124) is that lust for having which is in the heart of the man who sees happiness in things instead of in God." Interesting!
Greek-English lexicon of the New Testament : based on semantic domains - Louw Nida. Brief but nice definitions. Not easy to use - you need to know some Greek. Classifies Greek words into 93 "semantic domains" (see list on page XXV) and if you can categorize the word you are looking for in one of the domains, it can help find the specific word you are interested in.
Kittel's Theological Dictionary of the New Testament : abridged in one volume (TDNT) - Classic ("Little Kittel") work summarizing the 10 volume set by Kittel. For most of us the abridged definition is "more than enough!"
A Greek-English lexicon of the New Testament, and other early Christian literature (BDAG); by Bauer, Walter, More detailed definitions but need to know Greek. Zodhiates and Friberg are much easier to use.
Liddell and Scott's Greek-English lexicon, abridged : the little Liddell by Liddell, Henry George. The abridged version. You need to know Greek to use.
Exegetical Dictionary of the New Testament (Volume 1 - A thru E); Exegetical Dictionary of the New Testament (Volume 3- P thru ...) Volume 2 not available. I do not find this adds much to the easier to use resources like Zodhiates and Friberg.
A Pocket Lexicon to the Greek New Testament by Souter, Alexander. Brief definitions. Need to know some Greek. Not that helpful.
Vine's Expository Dictionary of Old Testament and New Testament Words - pdf. The old standby. You can also borrow Vine's complete expository dictionary of Old and New Testament words
New Testament Words in Today's Language by Detzler, Wayne A - Wonderful resource to supplement word studies. 3 ratings THIS IS A SLEEPER!
Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament by Harris, R. Laird - 229 ratings (5/5 Stars) One of the best OT lexicons for laymen.
Here is another link to the TWOT which has no time limit on use and does allow copy and paste. Can be downloaded as PDF.
So That's What it Means - This is another book formerly titled "Theological Wordbook" edited by Charles Swindoll. It is now under this new title So That's What it Means and can be borrowed - it is more like a dictionary than a lexicon but the comments are superb! The contributors include DKC—Donald K. Campbell, WGJ—Wendell G. Johnston, JAW—John A. Witmer, JFW—John F. Walvoord
Hebrew honey : a simple and deep word study of the Old Testament by Novak, Alfons, (332 pages) Indexed by English words. No Strong's numbers to help you determine if you are researching the correct Hebrew word. Here is a "work around" - go to page 289 and see if there is an annotation of the Scripture you are studying. E.g., say you want to see if there is anything for "heart" in Ezek 11:19. In the Scripture list find an entry for Ezek 11:19 with the English word "Heart." Now go look up "Heart" (on page 123). It does take some effort, but you might glean an insight not described in other Hebrew lexicons.
Christian Words By: Turner, Nigel, Published: 1980 - >500 pages. An interesting, unique resource on Greek words (no Hebrew) with extensive bibliography. For an example see "Abba" and "Alleluia" - "In Christian vocabulary Alleluia is a heavenly song, a chant of saints in the bliss of Paradise, echoed on earth as joyful seasons." One caution is he uses the Apocryphal writings extensively - I am not sure of his theological persuasion.
Nelson's Expository Dictionary of the Old Testament by Unger, Merrill. Indexed by English word and then any related Hebrew nouns or verbs. Definitions are solid and geared to the lay person.
Zondervan NASB exhaustive concordance - 1589 pages
Pocket dictionary for the study of New Testament Greek by DeMoss, Matthew S. If you want to dig a little deeper into Greek. 66 ratings
Analytical concordance to the Holy Bible : containing about 311,000 references, subdivided under the Hebrew and Greek original with the literal meaning and pronunciation of each by Young, Robert,
The Englishman's Greek concordance of the New Testament by Wigram, George
Synonyms of the New Testament by Trench, Richard Chenevix - or click here for list of 108 entries.
Girdlestone's Synonyms of the Old Testament - click for list of 127 entries
The Holman guide to interpreting the Bible by Dockery, David S
Foundations for biblical interpretation : a complete library of tools and resources
Expository Dictionary of Bible Words by Richards, Larry, 33 ratings It is does not go into great depth on the Greek or Hebrew words but does have some excellent insights.
Expository dictionary of Bible words : word studies for key English Bible words based on - Stephen Renn
Basic Bible Interpretation : a Practical Guide to Discovering Biblical Truth by Roy Zuck. Recommended.
Protestant Biblical interpretation; a textbook of hermeneutics for conservative Protestants by Ramm, Bernard L
The interpretation of prophecy by Tan, Paul Lee
See other books available online related to Bible Study
Understanding and applying the Bible by McQuilkin, J. Robertson 108 ratings I have found this book to be practical and easy to understand. You will not be disappointed.
How to Study Your Bible by Arthur, Kay (CLICK HERE for many other resources from Kay Arthur). The basics of inductive Bible study succinctly described. Recommended. This is the original edition not the new edition.
Living by the Book by Howard G. Hendricks - A classic. An entertaining and informative read that is guaranteed to invigorate your Bible study. Recommended.
Living by the Book by Howard G. Hendricks - This is the revised book (2000) in pdf
Living by the Book Workbook by Howard G. Hendricks - supplements the preceding materials with hands on lessons - while it cannot be printed out or copied, it would be a great way to supplement the video tutorials listed below.
Youtube short course on Living by the Book - takes about 90 minutes - if you have never been taught how to read the Bible, this is a good introduction. Then you could view the full course in the free videos below.
Youtube long course on Living by the Book -click here for all 19 sessions of about 20-25 minute each -- this is highly recommended - I viewed it 30 years ago and it radically transformed by Bible reading!
Teaching to Change Lives by Howard Hendricks, Howard 561 ratings
The Christian Educator's Handbook on Teaching by Kenneth Gangel and Howard Hendricks 21 ratings
How can I understand the Bible? by DeHaan, Mart (52 page booklet)
The New How to Study Your Bible Workbook (2010) by Arthur, Kay, - Note that this workbook is the companion to the New How to Study Your Bible book (not the same as the one linked above).
Jensen's Survey of Bible (online) by Jensen, Irving 140 ratings (NT) 133 ratings (OT) This is a classic and in conjunction with the following three resources should give you an excellent background to the Bible book you are studying. Jensen has some of the best Book charts available and includes "key words." He also gives you some guidelines as to how to begin your inductive study of each book.
Discover the Bible for Yourself by Arthur, Kay 93 ratings - Proven methods to read, mark, and study God's Word. Introductions to set the stage for each book of the Bible. Maps and charts to add historic and geographic dimension. Word studies for NASB and NIV translations. Definitions and explanations to simplify interpretation. "Things to Think About" for personal application. This resource will inspire and guide anyone interested in creating a personal study of God's Word.
What the Bible is all about by Mears, Henrietta. This is a classic and is filled with "pearls" from this godly teacher of God's Word.
Talk thru the bible by Wilkinson, Bruce The Wilkinson & Boa Bible handbook : the ultimate guide to help you get more out of the Bible
How to profit from Bible reading by Jensen, Irving 2 ratings
Simply understanding the Bible by Jensen, Irving 8 ratings
Enjoy your Bible by Jensen, Irving 5 ratings
Independent Bible study by Jensen, Irving 14 ratings
MacArthur Study Bible - Topic "How to Study the Bible" - John MacArthur
MacArthur's Introductions to all 66 Books - includes a helpful discussion of "Interpretative Challenges"
Swindoll's introductions to all 66 Books - Answers the following questions - Who wrote the book? Where are we? Why is this book so important? What's the big idea? How do I apply this? He also includes a helpful Book Overview chart (right upper corner of page).
How to Get the Most from God's Word by John MacArthur 16 ratings
Journey of the Bible : the remarkable story of how the Bible came from God to you by Jensen, Irving
Word biblical commentary - Colossians, Philemon - Peter T O'Brien
Cornerstone biblical commentary - Psalms, Proverbs
Key word commentary : thoughts on every chapter of the Bible by Water, Mark
Word biblical commentary Hebrews 1-8 William Lane
Word biblical commentary Romans 1-8 James Dunn
The 365 day devotional commentary by Richards, Larry,
The power of His presence : a year of devotions from the writings of Ray Stedman
Mastering the Old Testament [volume 20] : Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah - 460 pages - Lloyd J Ogilvie (Book by book commentary)
Mastering the old testament : Job - 340 pages by Mckenna, David
Mastering the Old Testament [volume 14] : Psalms 73-150 - 556 pages by Donald Williams
Expository Nuggets from Genesis and Exodus by Stuart Briscoe
The Art and Craft of Biblical Preaching - 739 pages - Haddon Robinson, Craig Brian Larson - 201 chapters all by well known preachers and Christian writers. Recommended resource for preachers (and teachers).
Exodus 12 Week Inductive Study - Lisa Hughes (see also Teacher's Guide)
John's letters : how to grow in loving God (1 John) - (97 pages) More of a Bible study than a commentary. Conservative. Interesting quote bringing out the clear distinction John makes between a regenerate, saved soul and an unregenerate, lost soul - "The lost person will occasionally do what is right but will continually sin. The saved person will continually do what is right (ED: IT IS THEIR HABITUAL PRACTICE), but occasionally sin. Jesus reminded us in Matthew 7:16, "You will know them by their fruit."...Here in 1Jn 3:8, John made plain that those who live a life of sin provide evidence that the devil is their spiritual father. His nature is their nature; his actions are their actions." (page 46).
Discovering the Biblical Jesus
Exalting Jesus in Revelation - Conservative. Adheres to a literal 1000 year kingdom on earth inhabitants of which include born again Jews. God is not finished with Israel.
Seeing The Unseen A Daily Dose Of Eternal Perspective by Randy Alcorn
Reach through the fog of this life?and see the world beyond. From the author of the bestselling book Heaven, here are 60 meditations that will inspire you to live each day with an eternal perspective. Spiritually speaking, we live in the Country of the Blind. Sin has blinded us to the truth about God and Heaven, both of which are real yet unseen. But just as the physically blind must accept by faith there are stars in the sky, we must remind ourselves what Scripture tells us about eternal realities. In daily doses, author Randy Alcorn offers insights on the Christian life along with Scriptures and inspirational quotes that can transform the way you think and live today. It's time to open your eyes and see the unseen.
Life promises for eternity by Alcorn, Randy
El cielo para niños by Alcorn, Randy
Heaven for kids by Alcorn, Randy
The treasure principle by Alcorn, Randy (Or Here) (See also in depth commentary - 2 Corinthians 5:10)
“Supercharged with stunning, divine truth! Lightning struck over and over as I read it.” -John Piper
“The Treasure Principle will change your life! This book is destined to become a classic.” -Howard Dayton, Co-CEO, Crown Financial Ministries
“The Scripture passages and illustrations really ring true. Just what I needed!” -Hugh Maclellan, President, The Maclellan Foundation
“I enthusiastically endorse The Treasure Principle. I hope millions will read it.” -Ronald W. Blue, Founder and CEO, Ronald Blue & Company
See also A life God rewards Bible study by Wilkinson, Bruce
The treasure principle bible study Discovering the Secret of Joyful Giving by Smith, Brian; Alcorn, Randy (2003)
Readers of Randy Alcorn's bestseller The Treasure Principle encountered a revolution in material freedom and generosity that utterly changed their quality of life. In this companion Bible study, the principles become personally applicable and more real than ever, with a powerful combination of biblical concepts, practical quotations from the book, thought-provoking questions, group discussion starters, and short Scripture passages for meditation and memorization. Managing God's investment in their lives will become a new delight, as Christians learn to put their resources to their most rewarding use.
Publishers Weekly - "When you discover the secret joy of the Treasure Principle, I guarantee you'll never be content with less." So claims Alcorn in the introduction to this small gift book on Christian generosity. Noting that fifteen percent of Christ's teachings in the New Testament deal with money and possessions-more than his teachings on heaven and hell combined-Alcorn compares heavenly treasure, which is eternal, with earthly riches, which "will always be lost" after death. Alcorn encourages Christians to understand that everything they believe they own is actually God's; they are merely managers. He is a compelling storyteller, whether drawing on Scripture, accounts of others who have lived generously, or recounting his own experiences; all of his book royalties and a large portion of his salary go to charity. Analyzing the pervasive disease of "affluenza" and the fact that Americans' unprecedented wealth does not seem to be bringing extraordinary happiness, he says that he and other people who have discovered the secret of unfettered giving know that they are storing up treasures in heaven, their true home. Alcorn's writing here is more akin to a motivational speech (including an overabundance of rhetorical questions, italicized words and exclamation points for emphasis) than a book. However, many Christians will appreciate his countercultural messages that "giving is the only antidote to materialism" and the "health and wealth gospel dishonors Christ." Indeed, for many, this could be a life-changing book.
Money, possessions, and eternity by Alcorn, Randy 369 ratings
The law of rewards by Alcorn, Randy
Managing God's money : a biblical guide by Alcorn, Randy
The promise of heaven : reflections on our eternal home by Alcorn, Randy C
Wait until then by Alcorn, Randy
50 days of heaven : reflections that bring eternity to light by Alcorn, Randy
Safely home by Alcorn, Randy C
The grace and truth paradox by Alcorn, Randy
Grace by Alcorn, Randy
The goodness of God : why does a good God allow evil and suffering? by Alcorn, Randy
Happiness by Alcorn, Randy
If God is good-- : faith in the midst of suffering and evil by Alcorn, Randy
Prolife answers to prochoice arguments by Alcorn, Randy
Why prolife? by Alcorn, Randy
Is rescuing right? : breaking the law to save the unborn by Alcorn, Randy
ProLife answers to proChoice arguments by Alcorn, Randy
Women under stress : preserving your sanity by Alcorn, Randy
Christians in the wake of the sexual revolution : recovering our sexual sanity by Alcorn, Randy (1985 -- can you imagine what Alcorn would have thought about the epidemic [and it is WORSE than any sexually transmitted disease - As a pathologist I have a subspecialty in infectious diseases] of internet pornography in 2022?!!! Internet began about 1991) 344 pages.
Sexual temptation : how Christian workers can win the battle by Alcorn, Randy (1989) 36 page booklet
Proverbs : a commentary on an ancient book of timeless advice by Alden, Robert L
Psalms : songs of devotion by Alden, Robert
Praise! A matter of life and breath - READING THE PSALMS
Worship : rediscovering the missing jewel by Allen, Ronald
Discovering Psalms by Allen, Ronald B
When song is new : understanding the Kingdom in the Psalms by Allen, Ronald Barclay
Compact Bible commentary by Radmacher, Earl D; Allen, Ronald Barclay
NKJV study Bible : New King James Version by Radmacher, Earl D; Allen, Ronald Barclay
Acts of the apostles by Allen, Ronald J
Theology for preaching : authority, truth, and knowledge of God in a postmodern ethos by Allen, Ronald J.
Preaching Luke-Acts by Allen, Ronald J.
Preaching the topical sermon by Allen, Ronald J.
Preaching : an essential guide by Allen, Ronald J
Preaching for growth by Allen, Ronald J.
A faith of your own : naming what you really believe by Allen, Ronald J
Holy root, holy branches : Christian preaching from the Old Testament by Allen, Ronald J.
Preaching the Gospels without blaming the Jews : a lectionary commentary by Allen, Ronald J.
The teaching sermon by Allen, Ronald J
Interpreting the gospel : an introduction to preaching by Allen, Ronald J
The epistle to the Romans by Archer, Gleason
The epistle to the Hebrews by Archer, Gleason
Encyclopedia of Bible difficulties by Archer, Gleason L - or here with no restrictions
A survey of Old Testament introduction by Archer, Gleason L
Theological wordbook of the Old Testament by Harris, R. Laird
How to Study Your Bible by Arthur, Kay. The basics of inductive Bible study succinctly described. Recommended. This is the original edition not the new edition. 207 ratings
Related Resources for Inductive Study On Site:
- Inductive Bible study
- Observation
- context
- key words
- mark key words
- interrogate with the 5W/H questions
- term of conclusion
- term of explanation
- terms of purpose or result - so that, in order that, that, as a result
- term of contrast Consider the "5P's" - Pause to Ponder the Passage then Practice it in the Power of the Spirit
- expression of time - e.g. then; until
- term of comparison// simile // metaphor
- Guidelines for Figuring our Figurative Language
- Interpretation
- Observe With a Purpose
- Keep Context King
- Read Literally
- Compare Scripture with Scripture
- Consult Conservative Commentaries
- Application
The new inductive study Bible : updated New American Standard Bible 1,381 ratings I recommend you buy one of these (either ESV or NASB) as it has wide margins and helps you do inductive Bible study, not just read someone else's study Bible notes!
The New How to Study Your Bible Workbook (2010) by Arthur, Kay, - Note that this workbook is the companion to the New How to Study Your Bible book (not the same as the one linked above).
Discover the Bible for Yourself by Arthur, Kay 93 ratings - Proven methods to read, mark, and study God's Word. Introductions to set the stage for each book of the Bible. Maps and charts to add historic and geographic dimension. Word studies for NASB and NIV translations. Definitions and explanations to simplify interpretation. "Things to Think About" for personal application. This resource will inspire and guide anyone interested in creating a personal study of God's Word.
God, are you there? by Arthur, Kay - 60 ratings This is a study specifically for those who are unfamiliar with the Bible and may have never done a formal Bible study as it gives a helpful overview of how to study the Bible using the Gospel of John.
Our Covenant God : learning to trust Him by Arthur, Kay, 123 ratings Many (most) Christians do not truly grasp the profound, life changing meaning of God's covenants with man. If you have never studied covenant in depth (I am not speaking of listing the facts about the various covenants like Abrahamic, Mosaic, New) you will be pleasantly surprised about the practical truths of God's covenant! I speak with experience because the truth in this study literally "resurrected" our dead marriage and we have now made it to 52 years (2022). I strongly recommend this book.
His imprint, my expression by Arthur, Kay, 16 ratings devotional that is "filled with the promises of Scripture, these daily meditations focus on Jesus Christ as the answer to every question."
Beloved - from God's heart to yours by Arthur, Kay (can be borrowed for one hour - plenty of time to use for a daily devotional!) These are not "fluffy" devotionals, but are "bibliocentric," pithy and practical. You will be convicted but encouraged and edified! (30 ratings) (Recommended)
Lord, I give you this day : 365 appointments with God by Arthur, Kay, 169 ratings Substantial devotionals.
How can I live : a devotional journey with Kay Arthur by Arthur, Kay Respected author June Hunt writes "A rare combination of practical principles with potent power. These pages reveal the character of God and how we can live in relation to knowing His character. Few writings so reach the heart and convict the soul. I have read it, I have grown."
Teach me how to live : a second devotional journey with Kay Arthur by Arthur, Kay,
Powerful moments with God by Arthur, Kay, 280 very short devotionals. Not nearly as substantial as the devotionals listed above, so I would certainly not use this as your only time in God's Word!
Lord, I'm torn between two masters : a devotional study on genuine faith from the Sermon on the mount by Arthur, Kay, 65 ratings
How can I be blessed by Arthur, Kay, - Study of the Sermon on the mount.
Lord, give me a heart for you : a devotional study on having a passion for God by Arthur, Kay 103 ratings
A marriage without regrets by Arthur, Kay 31 ratings
A marriage without regrets : study guide by Arthur, Kay 31 ratings
Jesus, God's gift of hope by Arthur, Kay 65 ratings
Lord teach me to pray : workbook by Arthur, Kay, 467 ratings
Lord, I need grace to make it by Arthur, Kay 91 ratings
Lord, I want to know you (Names of God) by Arthur, Kay, 987 ratings (See also Name of God
Lord, where are you when bad things happen? by Arthur, Kay 101 ratings
God, I need your comfort by Arthur, Kay 6 ratings
Lord, only you can change me :a devotional study on growing in character from the Beatitudes by Arthur, Kay, 168 ratings
Lord, heal my hurts by Arthur, Kay, 284 ratings
When the hurt runs deep : healing and hope for life's desperate moments by Arthur, Kay, 170 ratings
Lord, is it warfare? : teach me to stand by Arthur, Kay 313 ratings
Lord, where are you when bad things happen? by Arthur, Kay 101 ratings
Beloved : from God's heart to yours : a daily devotional by Arthur, Kay
As silver refined : learning to embrace life's disappointments by Arthur, Kay, 318 ratings
God, help me experience more of you by Arthur, Kay,
Precious one, do you know-- God loves you? by Arthur, Kay, 5 ratings
Just a moment with you, God by Arthur, Kay,
Sex-- according to God by Arthur, Kay 1 ratings
The Holy Spirit unleashed in you by Arthur, Kay,
The call to follow Jesus - Gospel of Luke by Arthur, Kay 70 ratings
The God who cares and knows you - Gospel of John by Arthur, Kay,
Jesus in the spotlight : John 1-10 - for children by Arthur, Kay,
Abraham, God's brave explorer : Genesis 11-25 for children by Arthur, Kay
Teach me your ways Genesis - Deuteronomy by Arthur, Kay,
Walking in power, love, and discipline - 1 Timothy and 2 Timothy and Titus by Arthur, Kay, Walking in power, love, and discipline - 1 Timothy and 2 Timothy and Titus by Arthur, Kay,
Overcoming fear & discouragement - Ezra , Nehemiah by Arthur, Kay, 111 ratings
Choosing victory, overcoming defeat : Joshua, Judges, and Ruth by Arthur, Kay, 55 ratings
Desiring God's own heart 1 & 2 Samuel/ 1 Chronicles by Arthur, Kay, 51 ratings
Come walk in my ways 1 & 2 Kings/ 2 Chronicles by Arthur, Kay,
Forgiveness : breaking the power of the past by Arthur, Kay, 172 ratings - This is a powerful study if you are struggling with the sin of an unforgiving spirit. You must read this book (and study the Scriptures)
Money and possessions : the quest for contentment by Arthur, Kay, 20 ratings
Turning Your Heart Toward God A 6-week, No-Homework Bible Study by Arthur, Kay, These 40 minute Bible studies are excellent for couples, families, small groups as all are thoroughly Biblical. To get maximum benefit you should consider getting a paper copy so you can mark symbols,etc. 78 ratings
Discovering what the future holds by Arthur, Kay, 55 ratings These 40 minute Bible studies are excellent for couples, families, small groups as all are thoroughly Biblical. To get maximum benefit you should consider getting a paper copy so you can mark symbols,etc.
Being a disciple : counting the real cost by Arthur, Kay, 89 ratings This is a must if you do not understand what constitutes a genuine disciple of Jesus. Some teach the non-Biblical concept that there are two groups - believers and then disciples. This book will let the Scriptures settle the issue! These 40 minute Bible studies are excellent for couples, families, small groups as all are thoroughly Biblical. To get maximum benefit you should consider getting a paper copy so you can mark symbols,etc.
Living a life of true worship by Arthur, Kay, 87 ratings These 40 minute Bible studies are excellent for couples, families, small groups as all are thoroughly Biblical. To get maximum benefit you should consider getting a paper copy so you can mark symbols,etc.
Having a real relationship with God by Arthur, Kay 132 ratings These 40 minute Bible studies are excellent for couples, families, small groups as all are thoroughly Biblical. To get maximum benefit you should consider getting a paper copy so you can mark symbols,etc.
Fatal distractions : conquering destructive temptations by Arthur, Kay, 89 ratings These 40 minute Bible studies are excellent for couples, families, small groups as all are thoroughly Biblical. To get maximum benefit you should consider getting a paper copy so you can mark symbols,etc.
How to make choices you won't regret by Arthur, Kay, 78 ratings These 40 minute Bible studies are excellent for couples, families, small groups as all are thoroughly Biblical. To get maximum benefit you should consider getting a paper copy so you can mark symbols,etc.
Building a marriage that really works by Arthur, Kay, 65 ratings This is a 40 minute Bible study (6 weeks). Try this if you are not willing to do a more in depth study as this will give you plenty of Biblical truth about your marriage covenant!
How do you know God's your father? by Arthur, Kay, 45 ratings These 40 minute Bible studies are excellent for couples, families, small groups as all are thoroughly Biblical. To get maximum benefit you should consider getting a paper copy so you can mark symbols,etc.
Heaven, hell, and life after death by Arthur, Kay 77 ratings These 40 minute Bible studies are excellent for couples, families, small groups as all are thoroughly Biblical. To get maximum benefit you should consider getting a paper copy so you can mark symbols,etc.
Key principles of biblical fasting by Arthur, Kay 84 ratings These 40 minute Bible studies are excellent for couples, families, small groups as all are thoroughly Biblical. To get maximum benefit you should consider getting a paper copy so you can mark symbols,etc.
The message of Proverbs : wisdom for life by Atkinson, David John
Habakkuk and Zephaniah by Barber, Cyril J
Searching for identity by Barber, Cyril J
Leadership : the dynamics of success by Barber, Cyril J
Through the valley of tears by Barber, Cyril J - Book for those who have lost someone dear.
Your marriage has real possibilities : biblical principles of marriage by Barber, Cyril J;Barber
- Cyril Barber's The Minister's Library - Volume 1 (1974) - BORROW this book
- Cyril Barber's The Minister's Library - Volume 2
1. General Reference Works and Bible Commentaries - excellent resource
2. Old Testament - reviews of commentaries
3. New Testament - reviews of commentaries
4. Doctrinal Theology
5. Doctrinal Literature
6. Pastoral Theology
7. Social and Ecclesiastical Theology
8. Missions and Evangelism
9. Christian Education
10. Church History Learning About People, Part 2
- Cyril Barber's The Minister's Library - Volume 3 - excellent resource
1. General Reference Works and Bible Commentaries
2. Old Testament - reviews of commentaries
3. New Testament - reviews of commentaries
4. Doctrinal Theology
5. Doctrinal Literature
6. Pastoral Theology
7. Social and Ecclesiastical Theology
The message of 2 Corinthians : power in weakness by Barnett, Paul
Is the New Testament history? by Barnett, Paul
Is the New Testament reliable? by Barnett, Paul
The birth of Christianity : the first twenty years by Barnett, Paul
Finding the historical Christ by Barnett, Paul
Man's Ruin - Romans 1:1-32 - Expository Messages (1952) 330 pages.
The invisible war : the panorama of the continuing conflict between good & evil by Barnhouse, Donald Grey
Let me illustrate; stories, anecdotes, illustrations by Barnhouse, Donald Grey,
Bible truth illustrated by Barnhouse, Donald Grey,
The love life - The Gospel of John - by Barnhouse, Donald Grey
The cross through the open tomb by Barnhouse, Donald Grey
The experiencing God study Bible : the Bible for knowing and doing the will of God - Blackaby, Henry (1996) 1968 pages - CHECK THIS ONE! Each chapter begins with several questions under the title "PREPARE TO MEET GOD." Then you will interesting symbols before many of the passages. The chapter ends with a "DID YOU NOTICE?" question. This might make a "dry chapter" jump off the page! Read some of the 48 ratings
The book of Romans by Blackaby, Henry T.
The epistle of Paul the apostle to the Hebrews by Blackaby, Henry T
Called to be God's leader : how God prepares his servants for leadership by Blackaby, Henry T.,
Experiencing God day-by-day : the devotional and journal by Blackaby, Henry T., 1935-; Blackaby, Richard
The experience : a devotional and journal : day by day with God by Blackaby, Henry T., 1935-; Blackaby, Richard,
The man God uses by Blackaby, Henry
Experiencing God : knowing and doing the will of God by Blackaby, Henry T.
Experiencia con Dios : cómo conocer y hacer la voluntad de Dios by Blackaby, Henry T.
El llamado de Dios : el propósito de Dios para todo creyente by Blackaby, Henry T
Experiencing God : how to live the full adventure of knowing and doing the will of God by Blackaby, Henry T
Experiencing God together : God's plan to touch your world by Blackaby, Henry T.
Fresh encounter : experiencing God through prayer, humility, and a heartfelt desire to know Him by Blackaby, Henry T, King, Claude
Experiencing the Cross by Blackaby, Henry T
The ways of God : how God reveals himself before a watching world by Blackaby, Henry T.,
Experiencing the Resurrection : the everyday encounter that changes your life by Blackaby, Henry T.
A God centered church : experiencing God together by Blackaby, Henry
Created to be God's friend : how God shapes those he loves by Blackaby, Henry T.,
Your church experiencing God together by Blackaby, Henry T
What's so spiritual about your gifts by Blackaby, Henry T
Reflections on the seven realities of experiencing God by Blackaby, Henry
Reality : 7 truths from experiencing God y Blackaby, Henry; Blackaby, Richard
Called & accountable : God's purpose for every believer by Blackaby, Henry T
Created to be God's friend : how God shapes those he loves by Blackaby, Henry T
God in the marketplace : 45 questions Fortune 500 executives ask about faith, life, & business by Blackaby, Henry T.
Spiritual leadership : moving people on to God's agenda by Blackaby, Henry T.
On mission with God : living God's purpose for His glory by Blackaby, Henry T.
The power of the call by Blackaby, Henry T.,
Living waters : Psalms for your quiet time with God by Blaiklock, E. M
The Acts of the apostles : an historical commentary by Blaiklock, E. M
The Christian in pagan society by Blaiklock, E. M
Cities of the New Testament by Blaiklock, E. M
This faith or that? : Why we believe in the existence of God by Blaiklock, E. M
Letters to children of light : commentary on First, Second and Third John by Blaiklock, E. M., author
Blaiklock's Handbook to the Bible : up-to-date, precise, easy-to-find information on the Old and New Testaments by Blaiklock, E. M
Today's handbook of Bible characters by Blaiklock, E. M
The Zondervan pictorial Bible atlas by Blaiklock, E. M., ed or here Zondervan pictorial bible atlas
The archaeology of the New Testament, rev. ed by BLAIKLOCK, E. M
The compact handbook of New Testament life by Blaiklock, E. M
Out of the earth : the witness of archaeology to the New Testament by Blaiklock, E. M
The Beatitudes for today by Blanchard, John
Luke comes alive! by Blanchard, John,
Read, Mark, learn by Blanchard, John, (Simple introduction to Gospel of Mark)
Truth for Life : a devotional commentary on the Epistle of James by Blanchard, John
Not hearers only : Bible studies in the Epistle of James by Blanchard, John
Anyone for heaven? by Blanchard, John
Whatever happened to hell? by Blanchard, John
Sifted silver : a treasury of quotations for Christians by Blanchard, John (For purchase The Complete Gathered Gold: A Treasury of Quotations) (See also other resources on Archive.org - Christian Quotations)
Why on earth did Jesus come? by Blanchard, John
Does God believe in atheists? by Blanchard, John
Evolution - fact or fiction? by Blanchard, John
Why believe the Bible? by Blanchard, John
Has science got rid of God? by Blanchard, John
Will the real Jesus please stand up? by Blanchard, John
Meet the real Jesus by Blanchard, John,
What in the world is a Christian? by Blanchard, John
Right with God by Blanchard, John
Ultimate questions by Blanchard, John
Is God past his sell-by date? by Blanchard, John
Where is God : when things go wrong? by Blanchard, John,
Why the cross? by Blanchard, John,
Judges, Ruth. Vol. 6: New American Commentary (1999) 776 pages Read more user reviews.
Rosscup - An evangelical contributes 586 pp. on Judges and 151 on Ruth. Introductory sections for both books survey the state of scholarly opinion and his belief in the integrity and reliability of the biblical books. Copious footnotes, often lengthy, reflect on others’ views, verifications of points in the books and also in other scripture, etc. Verse by verse work offers detail on grammar, word meaning, background, customs, and interpretive problems. Block holds that Jephthah sacrificed his daughter in death. On passages overall, this is a standout commentary, yet at times it states convictions without a specific answer to other leading views. One instance is in not commenting on the view that Ruth acted indecently with Boaz at night. Some accounts, as episodes of Samson, seem for the most part to be explained in reasonable detail. (Commentaries for Biblical Expositors: An annotated bibliography of selected works)
Cyril Barber "An exceedingly valuable exegetical and theological exposition. Based on the NIV, though Block gives evidence of working from the Hebrew text. Readers will find this a learned, discerning discussion that readily explains the meaning and message of these twin books. Recommended.
The Book of Ezekiel 1-24 by Block, Daniel Isaac (1997) 920 pages.
The Book of Ezekiel 25-48 by Block, Daniel Isaac (1997) 864 pages.
By the river Chebar : historical, literary, and theological studies in the book of Ezekiel by Block, Daniel Isaac (2013) 344 pages 7 ratings
Once again Daniel Block has provided wise perspectives that enable us to 'see with our eyes, hear with our ears, and set our hearts' (Ezek 40:4) on many of the enigmas in the book of Ezekiel. --Mark J. Boda, McMaster Divinity College
Few scholars, whether evangelical or critical, Christian or Jewish, know the book of Ezekiel like Daniel Block. This collection of essays profoundly deepens and enriches our appreciation of the prophet's work and is an essential resource for all who study it. --Iain Duguid, Grove City College --Wipf and Stock Publishers
Breaking the da Vinci code : answers to the questions everyone's asking by Bock, Darrell L
Can I trust the Bible? / Darrell L. Bock by Bock, Darrell L
Who is Jesus? : linking the historical Jesus with the Christ of faith by Bock, Darrell L
Luke by Bock, Darrell L
Dethroning Jesus : exposing popular culture's quest to unseat the biblical Christ by Bock, Darrell L
The Gospel of Matthew by Boice, James Montgomery
Ephesians : an expositional commentary by Boice, James Montgomery,
The Minor Prophets : an expositional commentary by Boice, James Montgomery, 292 pages
Renewing your mind in a mindless world : learning to think and act biblically by Boice, James Montgomery
The heart of the cross by Boice, James Montgomery
Dealing with Bible problems : alleged errors and contradictions in the Bible by Boice, James Montgomery
Hearing God when you hurt by Boice, James Montgomery,
The king has come by Boice, James Montgomery
Christ's call to discipleship by Boice, James Montgomery
Jesus on trial by Boice, James Montgomery
The Parables of Jesus by Boice, James Montgomery
Foundations of the Christian faith : a comprehensive & readable theology by Boice, James Montgomery
Amazing grace by Boice, James Montgomery
Standing on the rock : biblical authority in a secular age by Boice, James Montgomery,
God the redeemer by Boice, James Montgomery
The Christ of Christmas by Boice, James Montgomery,
Awakening to God by Boice, James Montgomery,
The sovereign God by Boice, James Montgomery,
Judges The Anchor Bible. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday and Co., 1975.
Cyril Barber's critique - A new translation with scholarly notes and commentary. Neither as helpful to the expository preacher as Fausset's exemplary treatment, nor as abreast of the latest scholarly research as Wood's invaluable work. What is presented, however, is valuable for its correlation of linguistic and historical data.
What Mormons believe by Bowman, Robert
Why you should believe in the Trinity : an answer to Jehovah's Witnesses by Bowman, Robert
Jehovah's Witnesses, Jesus Christ, and the Gospel of John by Bowman, Robert
Understanding Jehovah's Witnesses : why they read the Bible the way they do by Bowman, Robert
Faith has its reasons : an integrative approach to defending Christianity : an apologetics handbook
The Gospel of John by Bruce, F. F (1994) 444 pages. User reviews
Acts - Bible Study Commentary by Bruce, F. F. (1982) 124 pages - this is not the top rated NICNT version 27 ratings
The book of the Acts (New International Commentary on the New Testament) by Bruce, F. F (1988) 584 pages. User reviews.
The book of the Acts (New International Commentary on the New Testament) by Bruce, F. F (1988) 584 pages
Rosscup - This work, first issued in 1954, is now revised not long before Bruce died, with a new translation of the Greek text in place of the ASV. The bibliographical lists are extensively updated in footnotes, Bruce has interacted with later studies, arranged comments on fewer verses, and achieved a more lucid style in places. However, the basic verse-by-verse commentary remains substantially the same. It remains the finest commentary on Acts as to exposition in detail. Bruce points to I. H. Marshall’s commentary for detail on Luke’s theology. He shows a fine grasp of pertinent history, a sound explanation of most passages, and insights on many of the problems.
The Acts of the Apostles: the Greek text with introduction and commentary by Bruce, F. F. (1990) 608 pages. Somewhat Technical. User reviews
New Bible Commentary - (1994) Bruce, F. F. “The Acts of the Apostles,” in New Bible Commentary. A boiled down version of Bruce’s expertise, quite helpful in itself.
The Epistle of Paul to the Romans : an introduction and commentary (TNTC) by Bruce, F. F. (1983) User reviews
The Epistle of Paul to the Romans : an introduction and commentary by Bruce, F. F. (1963) 296 pages 13 ratings Rosscup ranks this the 5th best (out of 10) expositional commentary.
The Epistle to the Ephesians : a verse-by-verse exposition by Bruce, F. F (1961) 148 pages. 50 ratings Rosscup ranks this the 4th best (out of 10) exegetical commentary.
The hard sayings of Jesus by Bruce, F. F (1983) 276 pages. User reviews
See also Encyclopedia of Bible difficulties by Archer, Gleason L - or here with no restrictions
The Gospel in the feasts of Israel
The Gospel in the feasts of Israel
Miriam, the virgin of Nazareth
John : the Gospel of life by Burge, Gary M.
Interpreting the Gospel of John : a practical guide by Burge, Gary M
John by Burge, Gary M., (NIV Application Commentary)
Bible almanac by Trimiew, Anna, 1948-; Burge, Gary M.,
Fascinating Bible facts : people, places, & events by Howard, David M., Jr; Burge, Gary M 17 ratings
Joshua, leader under fire by Campbell, Donald Very practical with excellent insights and illustrations from former president of Dallas Theological Seminary.
Judges : leaders in crisis times by Campbell, Former president of Dallas Theological Seminary - has wonderful insights, illustrations and practical applications. Unfortunately this book is no longer being published but you may be able to find used copies. Excellent practical commentary on Judges with good illustrations for sermons.
Cyril Barber - A well-informed, judicious exposition that combines a timely handling of the text with a practical application of it. Ideal for adult discussion groups. Recommended.
Daniel, decoder of dreams by Campbell, Donald
The God who is there : finding your place in God's story by Carson, D. A 274 ratings
It can no longer be assumed that most people--or even most Christians--have a basic understanding of the Bible. Many don't know the difference between the Old and New Testament, and even the more well-known biblical figures are often misunderstood. It is getting harder to talk about Jesus accurately and compellingly because listeners have no proper context with which to understand God's story of redemption. In this basic introduction to faith, D. A. Carson takes seekers, new Christians, and small groups through the big story of Scripture. He helps readers to know what they believe and why they believe it. The companion leader's guide helps evangelistic study groups, small groups, and Sunday school classes make the best use of this book in group settings.
The cross and Christian ministry : leadership lessons from 1 Corinthians by Carson, D. A
Showing the spirit : a theological exposition of 1 Corinthians 12-14 by Carson, D. A
The Sermon on the mount : an evangelical exposition of Matthew 5-7 by Carson, D. A
For the love of God : a daily companion for discovering the riches of God's Word by Carson, D. A
The difficult doctrine of the love of God by Carson, D. A
The gagging of God : Christianity confronts pluralism by Carson, D. A
Christ and culture revisited by Carson, D. A
Basics for Believers by Carson, D. A
The King James version debate : a plea for realism by Carson, D. A
When Jesus confronts the world : an exposition of Matthew 8-10 by Carson, D. A
An introduction to the New Testament by Carson, D. A
Praying with Paul : a call to spiritual reformation by Carson, D. A.
Worship : adoration and action by Carson, D. A
Cornerstone biblical commentary - covers Psalms and Proverbs (published by Tyndale) Read some of the 13 ratings
A critical and exegetical commentary on the Epistle to the Romans by Cranfield, C. E. B
A commentary on Romans 12-13 by Cranfield, C. E. B
The first epistle of Peter by Cranfield, C. E. B
I & II Peter and Jude : introduction and commentary by Cranfield, C. E. B
The Bible and Christian life : a collection of essays by Cranfield, C. E. B
The Apostles' Creed : a faith to live by by Cranfield, C. E. B
If God be for us : a collection of sermons by Cranfield, C. E. B
Judges & Ruth: Tyndale Old Testament Commentary (or a PDF source TOTC Judges & Ruth) - Arthur Cundall writes the commentary on Judges and Leon Morris writes the commentary on Ruth. These both get excellent reviews - see reviews by several users.
Here is a generic review - "The Tyndale volumes have long been the premier shorter-length commentary series on both Testaments throughout the English-speaking world." (Craig Blomberg, Denver Seminary)
Isaiah 40-66 and Jeremiah by Cundall, Arthur Ernest
Understanding the Old Testament Proverbs, Isaiah, Jeremiah by Scripture Union
God's world by Cundall, Arthur Ernest
Looking on the heart - Exposition of the Book of 1 Samuel 15-31 by Davis, Dale Ralph
2 Kings : the power and the fury by Davis, Dale Ralph
Cyril Barber - Combines history and theology in his description of the events surrounding Israel's first two kings.
The message of Daniel : His kingdom cannot fail by Davis, Dale Ralph
The house that Jesus built : a little manual about the church by Davis, Dale Ralph
Exposition of 2 Kings (MP3 Series)
Exposition of 1 Kings (MP3 Series)
A Study of 1 Samuel (21-Part MP3 Series)
DEHAAN, MARTIN RALPH - Founder of Our Daily Bread ministries
Pentecost and after (Acts) by DeHaan, M. R.
Broken things : why we suffer by DeHaan, M. R.
Genesis and evolution by DeHaan, M. R.
Law or grace by DeHaan, M. R
Daniel the Prophet by DeHaan, M. R.
The chemistry of the blood and other stirring messages by DeHaan, M. R
Portraits of Christ in Genesis by DeHaan, M. R.
Our daily bread : 366 devotional meditations by DeHaan, M. R
Russia and the United Nations in Prophecy: What Saith the Scriptures? The Light of the Lamp of Prophecy on Recent World Events by DeHaan, M. R
New Testament words in today's language by Detzler, Wayne A - Wonderful resource to supplement word studies. 3 ratings THIS IS A SLEEPER!
Living words in Ephesians by Detzler, Wayne A
Living words in I Corinthians by Detzler, Wayne A
Nine marks of a healthy church by Dever, Mark
The deliberate church : building your ministry on the gospel by Dever, Mark
What is a healthy church? by Dever, Mark
Twelve challenges churches face by Dever, Mark
God and politics : Jesus' vision for society, state and government by Dever, Mark, author
Challenging church : the good book guide to 1 Corinthians 1-9 by Dever, Mark 9 ratings
Even today, Jesus is still a figure of intense interest and admiration for millions. But then theres His church. Church is a boring topic for most, and a reluctantly fulfilled duty for many. And we can understand why. Churches say they have the best news in the world, that they have the answer to our problems, that they are Gods embassies on earth; and yet churches are made up of people like you and me, who are grumpy, irritable, unfaithful, selfish, and worse. And as that is sadly true of churches today, so it was of the church in Corinth. It was young, it was full of life, and it was just as full of problems. What would God say to such a challenging church? What did they need to be excited by, to listen to, to learn? Use this seven-study guide to open up the first nine chapters of the letter of 1 Corinthians, to hear what God said to His church in Corinth, and what God still says to His church today.
AN APPEAL - Although I am listing these devotionals, let me encourage you to use them only as an instrument to drive you to the pure milk of the Word of God (1Peter 2:2+). Why? Devotionals per say will not cause you to grow progressively in sanctification as effectively as the Word of God. It is the difference between reading words about the Word and reading the Word itself. Does that make sense? When you read the pure Word, your Father is speaking directly to you through the Spirit, exalting the One you are to daily imitate (enabled by the Word and the Spirit), Jesus Christ our Lord. At least spend as much time reading the Words of God as you spend reading devotional words about the Word of God.
The Valley of vision : a collection of Puritan prayers and devotions - Powerful devotional
Our daily bread : for personal and family devotions texts - these are my favorite devotionals
Our daily bread by Gibbs, Terri A (Collector's Edition - some of their best devotionals)
Strength for the journey : day-by-day with Jesus by Stowell, Joseph (excellent) (Far from home : the soul's search for intimacy with God)
Family walk by Wilkinson, Bruce; Kirk, Paula; Edwards, Calvin W; Walk Thru the
Talk thru Bible personalities by Wilkinson, Bruce;
The Daily walk Bible by Wilkinson, Bruce; Wallace, Peter M; Hoover, John, 1950-; Walk Thru
New Daily walk Bible texts
Talking it over : fifty-two inspiring devotionals with daily Bible readings for people on the move by Sweeting, George
This Day is the Lords by Ten Boom, Corrie
Songs of my soul by W. Phillip Keller
Morning by morning by Spurgeon, C. H. (Charles Haddon), 1834-1892
Faith's checkbook : daily devotional promises for today by Spurgeon, C. H. (Charles Haddon), 1834-1892
Your daily walk : 365 daily devotionals to read through the Bible in a year texts
Journey : [moments of guidance in the presence of God] by Jeremiah, David, 19
Closer walk New Testament : New International Version by Wilkinson, Bruce; Edwards, Calvin W; Kirk, Paula; Walk Thru the Bible
Closer walk : 365 daily devotionals that nurture a heart for God by Wilkinson, Bruce; Hodges, Mickey R; Kirk, Paula; Walk
The Daily walk Bible by Wilkinson, Bruce; Kirk, Paula; Hoover, John, 1950-; Walk Thru the
Daily light on the daily path : from the New International Version by Zondervan
More Family walk by Wilkinson, Bruce; Kirk, Paula; Edwards, Calvin W; Walk Thru the
The 365 day devotional commentary by Richards, Larry,
The power of His presence : a year of devotions from the writings of Ray Stedman
His imprint, my expression by Arthur, Kay
Beloved - from God's heart to yours by Arthur, Kay
Lord, I give you this day : 365 appointments with God by Arthur, Kay,
How can I live : a devotional journey with Kay Arthur
Teach me how to live : a second devotional journey with Kay Arthur
Powerful moments with God by Arthur, Kay, 280 very short devotionals.
Beloved : from God's heart to yours : a daily devotional by Arthur, Kay
Experiencing God day-by-day : the devotional and journal by Blackaby, Henry T., 1935-; Blackaby, Richard
The experience : a devotional and journal : day by day with God by Blackaby, Henry T., 1935-; Blackaby, Richard,
Our daily bread : 366 devotional meditations by DeHaan, M. R
Word biblical commentary - Romans 1-8 by James D G Dunn. (1982) 596 pages. User reviews
Word biblical commentary - Romans 9-16 by James D G Dunn
Romans by Dunn, James D. G.
The evidence for Jesus by Dunn, James D. G
Who was Jesus? a little book of guidance by Dunn, James D. G.
Christology in the making : a New Testament inquiry into the origins of the doctrine of the Incarnation by Dunn, James D. G
Jesus and the Spirit : a study of the religious and charismatic experience of Jesus and the first Christians as reflected in the New Testament by Dunn, James D. G
Unity and diversity in the New Testament : an inquiry into the character of earliest Christianity by Dunn, James D. G
The living word by Dunn, James D. G.
Judges Bible Study Commentary: Judges. Everyman's Bible Commentary (1982) (Zondervan)
Cyril Barber - A practical, clearly outlined, conservative treatment. Ideal for lay people.
Ezekiel by Enns, Paul
Rosscup - This is a brief work of only 144 pages, but it is thought provoking. Ellison views 28:11–19 (and Isaiah 14:4–23) as not speaking of the fall of Satan as many believe. He interprets the revolt of Gog in chapters 38–39 as occurring at the end of the millennium in Revelation 20:7–11, as does Erich Sauer in From Eternity to Eternity (p. 134). He also takes chapters 40–48 as allegory and rejects the view of a re-establishing of a literal temple and sacrifices during the millennium. Yet he devotes only eight pages to these nine chapters. Ellison is also contributor of I and II Kings and I and II Chronicles in the New Bible Commentary.
Faith, hope, and love SERMON OUTLINES - by Enns, Paul - Excellent resource for sermon background. Includes illustrations.
The outlines for this book (AND ONE BELOW) have been chosen from some of the most respected preachers in history. Each book in the Bryant Sermon Outlines Series contains thirty or more outlines focusing on one theme. These outlines on faith, hope and love (AND FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT) are designed to spark an idea, provide an initial structure, and/or furnish a fitting illustration.
Fruit of the spirit SERMON OUTLINES by Enns, Paul - Excellent resource for sermon background. Includes illustrations.
Rosscup - Concise treatments are given to each of the N. T. books. The main value of the set lies in its clear synthesis which helps the student grasp the flow of thought as he moves through a book. Erdman possessed a lucid writing style. He was amillennial.
The book of Genesis, an exposition by Erdman, Charles R.
The book of Deuteronomy, an exposition by Erdman, Charles R.
The Gospel of Mark : an exposition by Erdman, Charles R.
The Acts; an exposition by Erdman, Charles R.
The Gospel of John; an exposition by Erdman, Charles R.
The Epistle of Paul to the Romans : an exposition. by Erdman, Charles R.
The First epistle of Paul to the Corinthians : an exposition by Erdman, Charles R
Paul's hymn of love, First Corinthians thirteen; an interpretation by Erdman, Charles R.
The Second epistle of Paul to the Corinthians; an exposition by Erdman, Charles R. or Here
The Epistle of Paul to the Ephesians; an exposition by Erdman, Charles R.
The Epistles of Paul to the Colossians and to Philemon : an exposition by Erdman, Charles R.
The Epistles of Paul to the Thessalonians by Erdman, Charles R.
The Pastoral epistles of Paul, an exposition by Erdman, Charles R.
The Epistle to the Hebrews; an exposition by Erdman, Charles R.
D.L. Moody, his message for today by Erdman, Charles R.
The Lord we love, devotional studies in the life of Christ by Erdman, Charles R.
The spirit of Christ; devotional studies in the doctrine of the Holy Spirit by Erdman, Charles R.
Discovering Christ in Ruth : the kinsman-redeemer by Fortner, Donald S
Four minor prophets: Obadiah, Jonah, Habakkuk, and Haggai; their message for today by Gaebelein, Frank E
The practical Epistle of James; studies in applied Christianity by Gaebelein, Frank E
The Expositor's Bible commentary : with the New international version of the Holy Bible by Gaebelein, Frank - This is background for OT and NT but not commentary.
Expositor's Bible Commentary - Volume 8 - Matthew - D A Carson, Mark - Walter Wessel, Luke - Walter Liefeld
From day to day : a message from the Bible for each day of the year by Gaebelein, Frank E
The Christian, the arts, and truth : regaining the vision of greatness by Gaebelein, Frank E.
The pattern of God's truth : problems of integration in Christian education by Gaebelein, Frank
EXPOSITOR'S BIBLE COMMENTARY - Volume 4 - 1-2 Kings, 1-2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Job - 1092 pages (1976)
If you are eager to get a complete commentary set, I think the Expositor’s Bible Commentary is probably the best of the bunch for your money. —Paul Westervelt, Discipleship Journal
The single work that I recommend to cover the whole Bible is The Expositor’s Bible Commentary. —Emmaus Journal, Emmaus Bible College
AT THE ALTAR OF SEXUAL IDOLATRY - 252 page book - you can view the entire book free online at archive.org.
Read the section entitled "Alarming Trends" and realize that it was written almost 20 years prior!
Matthew 1-14 by Gangel, Kenneth O - This is more like a workbook with questions and short explanatory notes.
Matthew 15-28 by Gangel, Kenneth O - This is more like a workbook with questions and short explanatory notes.
Acts by Gangel, Kenneth - This is more like a workbook with questions and short explanatory notes.
1 & 2 Timothy and Titus by Gangel, Kenneth - This is more like a workbook with questions and short explanatory notes
24 ways to improve your teaching by Gangel, Kenneth
You and your spiritual gifts by Gangel, Kenneth
Christian education : its history and philosophy by Gangel, Kenneth
Lessons in leadership from the Bible by Gangel, Kenneth
Building a Christian family by Gangel, Kenneth O; Gangel, Elizabeth
Team leadership in Christian ministry : using multiple gifts to build a unified vision by Gangel, Kenneth
Competent to lead by Gangel, Kenneth
The Christian educator's handbook on family life education by Gangel, Kenneth
Schooling choices by House, H. Wayne; Smith, David W., 1943-; Gangel, Kenneth
The family first by Gangel, Kenneth
Building leaders for church education by Gangel, Kenneth
Feeding & leading by Gangel, Kenneth
Communication and conflict management in churches and Christian organizations by Gangel, Kenneth
Your family : biblical solutions for raising children by Gangel, Kenneth
Joshua Judges: The Foundations of Bible History. Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications, 1978.
Cyril Barber's critique - Reprinted after years of neglect, this epochal work treats history, geography, archaeology, and the settlement of Israel in the land. Though he adheres to a modified form of the documentary hypothesis, Garstang's treatment is nevertheless possessed of a freshness and vitality seldom found in works of this nature.
Joseph, from prison to palace by Getz, Gene
When you're confused & uncertain : take a lesson from Abraham by Getz, Gene A
Abraham: trials and triumph by Getz, Gene A
When you feel like you haven't got it, take a lesson from Moses by Getz, Gene
When the job seems too big : take a lesson from Joshua by Getz, Gene A
David: God's man in faith and failure by Getz, Gene A
Hope under construction : insights into the life of Nehemiah by Getz, Gene A
Daniel : standing firm for God by Getz, Gene A
Pressing on when you'd rather turn back : studies in philippians by Getz, Gene
A profile of Christian maturity : a study of Philippians by Getz, Gene
Standing firm when you'd rather retreat : based on I Thessalonians by Getz, Gene
A profile for a Christian life style : a study of Titus by Getz, Gene A
The measure of a Christian : studies in James 1 by Getz, Gene
Believing God when you are tempted to doubt : the measure of a Christian based on James 1 by Getz, Gene A
When the pressure's on by Getz, Gene
When you feel like a failure : take a lesson from David by Getz, Gene
Elijah : remaining steadfast through uncertainty by Getz, Gene A
1 Thessalonians : moving forward in a backward world by Getz, Gene A
The Apostles : becoming unified through diversity by Getz, Gene A
The measure of a woman by Getz, Gene A
The measure of a man by Getz, Gene
The measure of a marriage by Getz, Gene
Living for others when you'd rather live for yourself by Getz, Gene A
God's plan for building a good reputation by Getz, Gene A
Sharpening the focus of the church by Getz, Gene
Effective church growth strategies by Getz, Gene A
Praying for one another by Getz, Gene A
Encouraging one another by Getz, Gene A
Building up one another by Getz, Gene
Loving one another by Getz, Gene A
Paul : living for the call of Christ by Getz, Gene A
The First Epistle to the Corinthians by Fee, Gordon D
Paul's Letter to the Philippians by Fee, Gordon D
The First and Second Letters to the Thessalonians by Fee, Gordon D
1 and 2 Timothy, Titus by Fee, Gordon D; Gasque, W. Ward
How to read the Bible book by book : a guided tour by Fee, Gordon D
How to read the Bible for all its worth by Fee, Gordon D
Paul, the Spirit, and the people of God by Fee, Gordon D
Listening to the spirit in the text by Fee, Gordon D
New Testament exegesis : a handbook for students and pastors by Fee, Gordon D
Christian Apologetics (2013) - This resource has no restrictions and allows copy and paste
Part 1: Methodology 1
1. Agnosticism 3
2. Rationalism 19 .
3. Fideism 35
4. Experientialism 56 .
5. Evidentialism 72
6. Pragmatism 90
7.Combinationalism 105
8. Formulating an Adequate Test for Truth 120
Part 2: Theistic Apologetics 137
9.Deism 139
10. Finite Godism 159
11. Pantheism 17
12. Panentheism 201
13. Polytheism 222
14. Atheism 240
15. Theism 265
Part 3: Christian Apologetics 291
16. Naturalism and the Supernatural 293
17. Objectivism and History 319 18. The Historical Reliability of the New Testament 342
19. The Claim for the Deity and Authority of Jesus Christ 374
20. The Evidence for the Deity and Authority of Jesus Christ 393
21. The Inspiration and Authority of the Bible 419
The Apologetics Study Bible Understand Why You Believe by Norman Geisler - This resource has no restrictions and allows copy and paste
A popular survey of the Old Testament by Geisler, Norman
A general introduction to the Bible by Geisler, Norman
From God to us : how we got our Bible by Geisler, Norman
Christian apologetics by Geisler, Norman
To everyone an answer : a case for the Christian worldview : essays in honor of Norman L. Geisler
Living loud : defending your faith by Geisler, Norman
Baker encyclopedia of Christian apologetics by Geisler, Norman
Systematic theology Volume 1 by Geisler, Norman
Christian apologetics by Geisler, Norman
Christian ethics by Geisler, Norman
Chosen but free by Geisler, Norman
Answering Islam : the crescent in light of the cross by Geisler, Norman L; Saleeb, Abdul
Conviction without compromise by Geisler, Norman
Roman Catholics and Evangelicals : agreements and differences by Geisler, Norman
Worlds apart : a handbook on world views by Geisler, Norman
The infiltration of the New Age by Amano, J. Yutaka; Geisler, Norman L
Why I am a Christian : leading thinkers explain why they believe by Geisler, Norman L; Hoffman, Paul K.
Origin science : a proposal for the creation-evolution controversy by Geisler, Norman
The Creator in the courtroom : "Scopes II" : the 1981 Arkansas creation-evolution trial by Geisler, Norman L; Brooke, A. F; Keough, Mark J
Knowing the truth about Creation : how it happened and what it means for us by Geisler, Norman
Answering Islam : the crescent in light of the cross by Geisler, Norman
Miracles and the modern mind : a defense of biblical miracles by Geisler, Norman
Miracles and modern thought by Geisler, Norman
The battle for the resurrection by Geisler, Norman
Legislating morality : is it wise? is it legal? is it possible? / Dr. Norman Geisler & Frank Turek by Geisler, Norman L
The Bible's answers to 100 of life's biggest questions by Geisler, Norman
Gambling : a bad bet by Geisler, Norman
St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans : a devotional commentary by Thomas, W. H. Griffith
Hebrews; a Devotional Commentary by Thomas, W. H. Griffith
The Prayers of St. Paul by Thomas, W. H. Griffith
Outline Studies in the Acts of the Apostles by Thomas, W. H. Griffith
The Apostle John : Studies in His Life and Writings by Thomas, W. H. Griffith
Through the Pentateuch Chapter by Chapter by Thomas, W. H. Griffith
Genesis : a Devotional Commentary by Thomas, W. H. Griffith
Genesis : a Devotional Commentary by Thomas, W. H. Griffith
Life abiding and abounding : Bible Studies in Prayer and Meditation by Thomas, W. H. Griffith
The Holy Spirit of God by Thomas, W. H. Griffith
Grace and Power, Some Aspects of the Spiritual Life by Thomas, W. H. Griffith
Christianity is Christ by Thomas, W. H. Griffith
Christ Preeminent; Studies in the Epistle to the Colossians by Thomas, W. H. Griffith
The Christian Life and How to Live It by Thomas, W. H. Griffith
Leviticus, an introduction and commentary by Harrison, R. K.
Jeremiah and Lamentations; an introduction and commentary by Harrison, R. K. (Roland Kenneth)
Introduction to the Old Testament; with a comprehensive review of Old Testament studies and a special supplement on the Apocrypha by Harrison, R. K. (Roland Kenneth)
Old Testament times by Harrison, R. K
Biblical Hebrew by Harrison, R. K.
Archaeology of the New Testament by Harrison, R. K. (See also Archaeology and the Bible - OT and NT)
Old Testament times : a social, political, and cultural context by Harrison, R. K.
Living by the Book - by Dr Howard Hendricks - classic on inductive study. Read this one. Highly recommended. It also has some practice exercises to hone your observational and interpretation skills.
Teaching to change lives by Hendricks, Howard
The 7 laws of the teacher by Hendricks, Howard G
Husbands & wives by Hendricks, Howard G;Hendricks,
Heaven help the home by Hendricks, Howard
Say it with love by Hendricks, Howard G
Footprints : walking through the passages of life by Hendricks, Howard
Standing together : impacting your generation by Hendricks, Howard
Taking a stand : what God can do through ordinary you! by Hendricks, Howard
Elijah : confrontation, conflict, and crisis by Hendricks, Howard
As iron sharpens iron : building character in a mentoring relationship by Hendricks, Howard
Color outside the lines : a revolutionary approach to creative leadership by Hendricks, Howard
Exposition of I and II Thessalonians by Hendriksen, William,
Half-hours with William Hendriksen : stirring devotional surveys of Romans, Philippians, Luke and Revelation, with other gems by Hendriksen, William,
Israel in prophecy by Hendriksen, William,
The Sermon on the Mount by Hendriksen, William,
Exposition of Galatians by Hendriksen, William,
Exposition of Philippians by Hendriksen, William,
A commentary on Colossians and Philemon by Hendriksen, William
The Gospel of Mark by Hendriksen, William
Exposition of the Gospel according to John by Hendriksen, William
Exposition of the Gospel According to Luke - William Hendriksen (1142 pages)
Exposition of the Pastoral Epistles by Hendriksen, William
More than conquerors : an interpretation of the book of Revelation by Hendriksen, William
Lectures on the last things by Hendriksen, William
Remaining faithful : the bible vs. end-time fiction by Hendriksen, William,
Our nearest kinsman : the message of redemption and revival in the book of Ruth by Hession, Roy (1976) 100 pages (Roy Hessions works)
My Calvary road : one man's pilgrimage by Hession, Roy
Be filled now by Hession, Roy
The power of God's grace by Hession, Roy
We would see Jesus by Hession, Roy
The Calvary road by Hession, Roy - A classic if you are in need of personal revival (Ps 119:25)
HIEBERT, D EDMOND - his works are highly recommended, conservative, insightful
First Timothy by Hiebert, D. Edmond
Titus and Philemon by Hiebert, D. Edmond
An introduction to the New Testament - the Gospels and Acts Volume 1 by Hiebert, D. Edmond
An introduction to the New Testament Volume 2 by Hiebert, D. Edmond
An introduction to the New Testament Volume 3 - Non-Pauline Epistles and the Revelation by Hiebert, David Edmond
The Pauline Epistles Volume 2 by Hiebert, D. Edmond
An introduction to the non-Pauline epistles by Hiebert, D. Edmond
MARK HITCHCOCK - has written many books on how current events relate to Bible prophecy and is conservative and millennial
- 101 Answers to Questions About the Book of Revelation - BORROW
- Global Reset - Do Current Events Point To The Antichrist And His Worldwide Empire (Table of Contents) - it was released in 2022 and addresses the role of such recent events as the COVID Pandemic. The Global Reset does not need to be borrowed but is fully available free of charge at archive.org (as of 9/8/23)
- What Jesus says about earth's final days
- Who is the Antichrist?
- Cashless - Bible Prophecy, Economic Chaos and the Future Financial Order
- The late great United States : what Bible prophecy reveals about America's last days
- 101 answers to the most asked questions about the end times
- Corona crisis : plagues, pandemics, and the coming apocalypse
- After the empire : the fall of the Soviet Union and Bible prophecy
- Isis, Iran & Israel
- The coming Islamic invasion of Israel
- Iran : the Coming Crisis : Radical Islam, Oil, and the Nuclear Threat
- The truth behind Left behind
- The apocalypse of Ahmadinejad : the revelation of Iran's nuclear prophet
- Visits to heaven and back, are they real?
- The Mayan apocalypse - fiction, a novel
- 8 Minutes to Digital winter - fiction, a novel
- 55 answers to questions about life after death
The Gospel of Matthew by Hobbs, Herschel H., (1965) 364 pages
The Gospel of Matthew by Hobbs, Herschel H (1961) 264 pages
The epistles to the Corinthians by Hobbs, Herschel H (1963) 136 pages
Living wisely in a foolish world - PROVERBS - by House, H. Wayne
Chronological and background charts of the New Testament by House, H. Wayne
The role of women in ministry today by House, H. Wayne
Charts of Christian theology and doctrine by House, H. Wayne
Charts of cults, sects & religious movements by House, H. Wayne
Does God feel your pain? by House, H. Wayne
Christian ministries and the law : what church and para-church leaders should know by House, H. Wayne
Compact Bible commentary by Radmacher, Earl D; Allen, Ronald Barclay; House, H., Wayne
Schooling choices by House, H. Wayne;
Civilization in crisis : a Christian response to homosexuality, feminism, euthanasia, and abortion by Fowler, Richard A., 1948-;House, H., Wayne
The book of Ruth by Hubbard, Robert L (1988) 344 pages
First and Second Kings by Hubbard, Robert L., 1943- (1991) 252 pages (Everyman's Bible Commentary)
Ordinary, faithful people (Book of Ruth) by Hubbard, Robert L., (1992) 172 pages
Paul's Second epistle to the Corinthians by Hughes, Philip Edgcumbe
Rosscup - This is detailed commentary (508 pages), uses the Greek carefully, discusses technical details in the footnotes, deals carefully and sometimes at length with problems, and shows acquaintance with a great number of other works. It is one of the finer earlier contributions to the NIC series.
HUGHES, R KENT (books by Hughes)
Behold the Man (Expository Studies in the Gospel of John 11-21) by Hughes, R. Kent (1984) 184 pages
Liberating ministry from the success syndrome by Hughes, R. Kent,
The gift of Christmas by Hughes, R. Kent
Disciplines of a godly young man by Hughes, R. Kent,
Disciplines of a godly man by Hughes, R. Kent
Living on the cutting edge : Joshua and the challenge of spiritual leadership by Hughes, R. Kent,
Common sense parenting by Hughes, R. Kent, Hughes, Barbara
Abba Father : the Lord's pattern for prayer (Matthew 6:9-14) by Hughes, R. Kent,
Sought by grace by Hughes, R. Kent
Work out your salvation with fear and trembling. Many within the church believe they are saved because they made a profession of faith, believe the Bible is true, and try to live a good life. But the Bible has so much more to say about salvation! R. Kent Hughes presents Sought by Grace, his provocative work seeking to raise readers' level of commitment to work out their salvation. He boldly confronts unbiblical views of salvation while gently leading readers to a deeper understanding of the role Christ plays in their lives as Savior and Lord.
1 & 2 Timothy and Titus : to guard the deposit by Hughes, R. Kent, Rosscup ranks the #3 (out of 6) expositional commentary.
Cyril Barber - The authors include personal anecdotes in these commentaries, and this gives their work a downto-earth quality. They adhere to the text and are not afraid to champion interpretations (e.g., of 1 Timothy 2:11-12) that are unpopular in today’s milieu. Anyone teaching or preaching on these “pastoral” epistles will find considerable help in these pages.
Are evangelicals born again? : the character traits of true faith by Hughes, R. Kent,
Genesis : beginning and blessing by Hughes, R. Kent,
Disciplines of grace by Hughes, R. Kent
Preach the Word : essays on expository preaching in honor of R. Kent Hughes (2007) 312 pages
The coming evangelical crisis : current challenges to the authority of Scripture and the Gospel - R Kent Hughes, John MacArthur, R C Sproul, Michael Horton, Albert Mohler
See list of 30 of her books on Biblical counseling that can be borrowed
Hearts of Iron, Feet of Clay - Judges shows us our potential for greatness...our capacity for catastrophe (2005) This is one of my favorite practical commentaries on Judges. - see reviews by users.
Rosscup - This little book is a "sleeper" and has flown under the radar of many evangelicals. I highly recommend it to supplement your teaching and/or preaching through the Book of Judges. Notice that all the reviewers have given it the highest rating possible..
Journey Through Judges - This is a 50 part series online (no charge) walking you through the entire book of Judges (recommended)!
The parables : understanding what Jesus meant by Inrig, Gary 239 ratings
Forgiveness : Discover the power and reality of authentic Christian forgiveness by Inrig, Gary Reviews
A call to excellence by Inrig, Gary (1985) 172 pages See rating and review
True north : discovering God's way in a changing world by Inrig, Gary 33 ratings
Gary Inrig throws a lifeline into the uncharted waters of the new millennium. He blends true stories of remarkable courage and integrity with practical applications from God's Word. And always, Inrig points the reader to the only constant in swirling seas of change - the Lord Jesus Christ.
Quality friendship by Inrig, Gary Read some of th e17 ratings
How to profit from Bible reading by Jensen, Irving 2 ratings
Simply understanding the Bible by Jensen, Irving 8 ratings
Enjoy your Bible by Jensen, Irving 5 ratings
Independent Bible study by Jensen, Irving 14 ratings
Jensen's Survey of Bible - Old Testament and New Testament (online) by Jensen, Irving 140 ratings (NT) 133 ratings (OT) This is an outstanding resource and a great place to begin your study on any book of the Bible.
Journey of the Bible : the remarkable story of how the Bible came from God to you by Jensen, Irving
Numbers, Deuteronomy : a self-study guide by Jensen, Irving
Joshua : a self-study guide by Jensen, Irving
1 & 2 Samuel : a self-study guide by Jensen, Irving
Job : a self-study guide by Jensen, Irving
Psalms : a self-study guide by Jensen, Irving or here Psalms : a self-study guide
Proverbs : a self-study guide by Jensen, Irving
Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther : a self-study guide by Jensen, Irving
Jeremiah : prophet of judgment by Jensen, Irving
Minor prophets of Israel : Jonah, Amos, Hosea by Jensen, Irving
Ezekiel, Daniel : a self-study guide by Jensen, Irving
John : inductive studies by Jensen, Irving
Mark : a self-study guide by Jensen, Irving
Luke : a self-study guide by Jensen, Irving
Acts: an independent study; a manual on Bible-study-in-depth by Jensen, Irving
1 Corinthians : a self-study guide by Jensen, Irving
Second Corinthians by Jensen, Irving
I & 2 Thessalonians : a self-study guide by Jensen, Irving
James : a self-study guide by Jensen, Irving
1 & 2 Peter : a self-study guide by Jensen, Irving
Epistles of John & Jude : a self-study guide by Jensen, Irving
Hard sayings of the Old Testament by Kaiser, Walter (Or see unrestricted Pdf version)
More hard sayings of the Old Testament by Kaiser, Walter C
Hard Sayings of the Bible - Kaiser, Walter, Peter H. Davids F.F. Bruce Manfred T. Brauch
Back toward the future : hints for interpreting Biblical prophecy by Kaiser, Walter C.,
The Old Testament in contemporary preaching by Kaiser, Walter
The uses of the Old Testament in the New by Kaiser, Walter C
Back toward the future : hints for interpreting Biblical prophecy by Kaiser, Walter
Three views on the New Testament use of the Old Testament by Kaiser, Walter
Revive us again : biblical insights for encouraging spiritual renewal by Kaiser, Walter
Quest for renewal : personal revival in the Old Testament by Kaiser, Walter C
Quality living by Kaiser, Walter C.
Toward Old Testament ethics by Kaiser, Walter C.
Toward an Old Testament theology by Kaiser, Walter
Toward an exegetical theology : Biblical exegesis for preaching and teaching by Kaiser, Walter
The promise-plan of God : a biblical theology of the Old and New Testaments by Kaiser, Walter C
The Messiah in the Old Testament by Kaiser, Walter C
Have you seen the power of God lately? : lessons for today from Elijah by Kaiser, Walter C
Psalms : heart to heart with God by Kaiser, Walter
Proverbs : wisdom for everyday life by Kaiser, Walter C
The Old Testament documents : are they reliable & relevant? by Kaiser, Walter C
Mission in the Old Testament : Israel as a light to the nations by Kaiser, Walter
Classical evangelical essays in Old Testament interpretation by Kaiser, Walter C
Acts : an exegetical commentary by Keener, Craig S., 1208 pages
Miracles : the credibility of the New Testament accounts by Keener, Craig S.
And marries another : divorce and remarriage in the teaching of the New Testament by Keener, Craig S
A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23 : Phillip Keller
Elijah: Prophet of Power : Keller, W. Phillip
Elijah and Elisha: Prophets of Israel
Joshua, man of fearless faith by Keller, W. Phillip
A layman looks at the Lord's prayer : Keller, W. Phillip
A layman looks at the Lamb of God by W. Phillip Keller
A layman looks at the love of God : devotional study of 1 Corinthians 13 by Keller, W. Phillip
A gardener looks at the fruits of the spirit : Keller, W. Phillip
What is the Father like? : W. Phillip Keller
Lessons from a sheep dog : Keller, W. Phillip
Salt for society : Keller, W. Phillip
Sea edge by Keller, W. Phillip
Sky edge by Keller, W. Phillip
Wonder o' the wind : a common man's quest for God by Keller, W. Phillip
Mountain splendor : this is my Father's world by Keller, W. Phillip
Splendour from the land by Keller, W. Phillip
Predators in our pulpits by Keller, W. Phillip
The classic works of Phillip Keller by Keller, W. Phillip
Serenity : finding God again for the first time by Keller, W. Phillip
As a tree grows : reflections on growing in the image of Christ by Keller, W. Phillip
Strength Of Soul by Keller, W. Phillip
Walking with God by Keller, W. Phillip
Touched by His hand : the reflections of Phillip Keller by Keller, W. Phillip
Outdoor moments with God by Keller, W. Phillip
Still waters by Keller, W. Phillip
Ocean glory : this is my father's world by Keller, W. Phillip
Songs of my soul : W. Phillip Keller (Devotional)
Studies in the Gospel of Mark by Kent, Homer Austin
Mark : the beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ by Kent, Homer Austin
Light in the darkness : studies in the Gospel of John by Kent, Homer Austin,
Jerusalem to Rome; studies in the Book of Acts by Kent, Homer Austin,
The Epistle to the Hebrews : a commentary by Kent, Homer Austin
New Testament essays in honor of Homer A. Kent, Jr.
Genesis: an introduction and commentary by Kidner, Derek (1977) 232 pages
Psalms 1-72 : an introduction and commentary by Kidner, Derek
Psalms 73-150 : a commentary on Books III-V of the Psalms by Kidner, Derek
The wisdom of Proverbs, Job, and Ecclesiastes : an introduction to wisdom literature by Kidner, Derek (1985) 180 pages
The message of Ecclesiastes : a time to mourn, and a time to dance Derek Kidner (1973) 124 pages
Love to the loveless : the message of Hosea by Kidner, Derek
In the Bible Speaks Today series, this work on Hosea is scholarly in a readable, practical thrust. Kidner gives “A bird’s-eye view of the book” in 5 1/2 pages (137–42) that helps the reader see main thoughts quickly. Though without a numbered outline, the exposition is set off under catchy headings. Kidner favors seeing Hosea 3:5 ultimately fulfilled in what Paul predicts for literal Israel at the end of the present age in Romans 11:12, 15, 25ff. (p. 44; he is unclear on what this means). This is a brief but very competent work presented in a refreshing style by an evangelical of international repute.
Understanding the Old Testament by Scripture Union - Derek Kidner on Leviticus - Numbers - Deuteronomy - Study Guide - 100 pages
Zondervan illustrated Bible backgrounds commentary on the Gospel of John
FaithWalk : a daily journey through the Bible by Kroll, Woodrow Michael (2000) - 365 Day Devotional - Brief but well done.
Tested by fire by Kroll, Woodrow Michael - (1991) 130 pages. This is a study of the Christian's Heavenly rewards. You do not want to be ignorant of this truth! Chapter titles - (1) It's Too Late Now, (2) Salvation versus Rewards, (3) The Courtroom, (4) The Evaluation, (5) The Criteria, (6) The Rewards, (7) The Loss of Reward, (8) Diversion: A Devilish Device. (See also Edge of eternity : Randy C. Alcorn)
Journey into life : a study on Romans by Kroll, Woodrow
Ruth and Esther : stories of God's grace by Kroll, Woodrow (2009) 106 pages
Proverbs : God's guide for life's choices by Kroll, Woodrow Michael
Ten pearls of wisdom from Ecclesiastes by Kroll, Woodrow Michael,
Revelation : the Glorified Christ by Kroll, Woodrow
Empowered to pray : ten great prayers of the Bible reveal the secrets of praying with power by Kroll, Woodrow
The home front handbook : how to support missions behind the lines by Kroll, Woodrow Michael,
People in the Bible : encounter 125 heroes, villains & ordinary souls by Kroll, Woodrow
Stories of little people in the Bible, used by a big God to impact their world by Kroll, Woodrow Michael
James : living your faith by Kroll, Woodrow Michael (80 page study guide from Back to the Bible)
Prime of your life : a guide for fifty and beyond by Kroll, Woodrow Michael
Prodigal people : coming home to right relationships by Kroll, Woodrow
Is there a man in the house? by Kroll, Woodrow
How to find God in the Bible by Kroll, Woodrow Michael
The vanishing ministry by Kroll, Woodrow Michael,
An interview with God : questions you're asking and how the Bible answers them by Kroll, Woodrow Michael
The twelve voices of Easter by Kroll, Woodrow Michael
The I am God by Kroll, Woodrow Michael,
Facing your final job review : the judgment seat of Christ, salvation, and eternal rewards by Kroll, Woodrow Michael
I want to go to heaven when I die by Kroll, Woodrow Michael
Prescription for preaching by Kroll, Woodrow
Back to the Bible : turning your life around with God's Word by Kroll, Woodrow
Struggling with selfishness : choosing to look beyond yourself to the heart of the Master by Kroll, Woodrow
The road to heaven by Kroll, Woodrow
The joy of belonging : discovering who you are in Christ by Kroll, Woodrow
7 secrets to spiritual success by Kroll, Woodrow
When God doesn't answer : removing roadblocks to answered prayer by Kroll, Woodrow
Taking back the good book : how America forgot the Bible and why it matters to you by Kroll, Woodrow
Bible country : a journey through the Holy Land by Kroll, Woodrow (1982) 136 pages. Many pictures and maps. If you can't afford to go to Israel, this book might give you a sense of the land.
The Second Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians : an introduction and commentary by Kruse, Colin G
Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians by Lane, William L - Only 98 pages.
Hebrews : a call to commitment by Lane, William
Hebrews Word Biblical Commentary - Hebrews 9-13 by Lane, William L.,
High-lights of the Bible - New Testament - by Lane, William L.
The New Testament speaks by Barker, Glenn W., 1920-; Lane, William L.,
The Communicator's Commentary - Luke (Also known as The Preacher's Commentary Series - Volume 26: Luke) - 356 pages (1983) See user reviews.
Two beginnings : generation and regeneration by Laurin, Roy L. - Compares Genesis and John
Second Corinthians : where life endures by Laurin, Roy L
Heaven help us! : truths about eternity that will help you live today by Lawson, Steven J
The legacy : what every father wants to leave his child by Lawson, Steven J
Final call (It's Time for the Church to Wake Up and Answer the Final Call) by Lawson, Steven J
In it to win it - Pursuing Victory in the One Race that Really Counts by Lawson, Steven
Men who win : pursuing the ultimate prize by Lawson, Steven
Absolutely sure : settle the question of eternal life by Lawson, Steven
Judges/Ruth - Everyman's Bible Commentary - Arthur Lewis (1979) 132 pages. 1 rating
The Screwtape Letters - online
Last words of saints and sinners by Lockyer, Herbert - THIS IS A FASCINATING BOOK TO READ! 105 ratings
The last words of the dying have fascinated readers throughout history. They reveal the fears, hopes, courage, and legacies of both the famous and not-so-famous. This collection of seven hundred quotes includes the last words of commoners, atheists, poets, and politicians along with noted Christians and martyrs. Excellent for casual reading and as a ready reference source for the pastor or public speaker.
Dying, death, and destiny by Lockyer, Herbert
Bible-Centered Devotions on Purity and Hope (Volume I) by Lockyer, Herbert - This is a SLEEPER! I was skimming through and found this little gem to whet your appetite to read this book - "Sin persisted in means that the sinner easily catches fire at temptation." That is a pithy, profound picture of sin! The devotions are punctuated with beautiful black and white photography (in all 4 volumes), something you seldom see today.
“That life is made up of new beginnings is a truism we cannot escape as we enter the circle of another year. With two faces, one looking back and the other forward, we approach the opening month on our calendar. It signifies life and promise and seems to say to our hearts, ‘Grow old along with me, the best is yet to be.’”—Herbert Lockyer In these Bible-based meditations, Lockyer ponders the message God sends through the seasons to the hearts and souls of humanity. Seasons of the Lord is as multicolored as the leaves of autumn and as spiritually refreshing as the first day of spring. This yearlong devotional combines four of Herbert Lockyer’s seasonal devotionals into one source, with devotions for each day of the year, complete with Scriptures and relevant reflections.
Bible-centered devotions on resurrection and glory (Volume II) by Lockyer, Herbert (See note above)
Bible-centered devotions on fulfillment and splendor (Volume III) by Lockyer, Herbert (See note above)
Bible-centered devotions on silence and remembrance (Volume IV) by Lockyer, Herbert (See note above)
Dark threads the weaver needs by Lockyer, Herbert
“When the loom is silent and the shuttles cease to fly, then the Weaver will explain why the dark threads were as needful as the threads of gold and silver. As the skies continue dark and overcast, and shades of night obscure the light, may grace be ours ever to remember that the God who cannot err is able to make us perfect through suffering.”—Herbert Lockyer, Dark Threads the Weaver Needs
Suffering is an age-old question that has puzzled the people of God since time began. After all, if our God is both a loving and an all-powerful Being, why does He allow such pain and suffering in the world? At the age of eighty-two, legendary Bible scholar Dr. Herbert Lockyer set out to answer this question. As he watched his wife of sixty-six years slowly fade from loving spouse to an incapacitated person who needed his constant care, he looked upon her afflicted, helpless form and asked, O my God, why? In this outstanding work, Lockyer does not present ideas on how to cope with suffering but rather teaches how to pass through it, removing self-pity and using personal trials as a springboard to help others. In the midst of his darkest hour, Lockyer examines the problem of human suffering in light of God’s love and His eternal plan.
How to find comfort in the Bible by Lockyer, Herbert
The man who died for me : meditations on the death and resurrection of our Lord by Lockyer, Herbert
When God died : a series of meditations for Lent : including descriptive messages on the seven last words of Jesus from the Cross by Lockyer, Herbert
Ancient portraits in modern frames : Bible biographies by Lockyer, Herbert
All the prayers of the Bible : a devotional and expositional classic by Lockyer, Herbert
All the holy days and holidays; or, Sermons on all national and religious memorial days by Lockyer, Herbert
All the messianic prophecies in the Bible by Lockyer, Herbert
All the promises of the Bible by Lockyer, Herbert
All the miracles of the Bible : the supernatural in scripture, its scope and significance by Lockyer, Herbert
All the apostles of the Bible : studies in the characters of the apostles, the men Jesus chose and the message they proclaimed by Lockyer, Herbert
All the divine names and titles in the Bible : a unique classification of all scriptural designations of the three persons of the Trinity by Lockyer, Herbert
All the doctrines of the Bible; a study and analysis of major Bible doctrines by Lockyer, Herbert
All the women of the Bible : the life and times of all the women of the Bible by Lockyer, Herbert
All the men of the Bible : a portrait gallery and reference library of more than 3000 Biblical characters by Lockyer, Herbert
All the kings and queens of the Bible : tragedies and triumphs of royalty in past ages by Lockyer, Herbert
Everything Jesus taught about Himself, God, the Holy Spirit, the Scriptures by Lockyer, Herbert
Everything Jesus taught about love, marriage, divorce, women, children by Lockyer, Herbert
The breath of God by Lockyer, Herbert
Their finest hour : thrilling moments in ancient history by Lockyer, Herbert
The Lenten sourcebook; including thoughts and messages for Easter Day by Lockyer, Herbert
Nelson's illustrated Bible dictionary : an authoritative one-volume reference work on the Bible, with full colour illustrations, by Lockyer, Herbert;
How to read Exodus by Longman, Tremper
1 Chronicles thru Job by Longman, Tremper (2012) 248 pages.
Here’s an accessible reference that aids personal Bible study or Sunday school preparation—the Layman’s Bible Commentary, reference for the everyday Christian, not the scholar! Volume 4—covering 1 Chronicles through Job—provides section-by-section commentary on the flow and theme of each book, as well as historical and literary context for each. Major interpretations are presented for controversial passages and topics. Puzzling passages and Bible practices are explained, and charts and diagrams further aid your understanding. And “Take It Home” segments provide a practical application for each passage.
The book of Ecclesiastes by Longman, Tremper - New International Commentary on the Old Testament
Cyril Barber - The author provides an extensive introduction to Ecclesiastes, explores the traditional background matters as authorship, language, genre, structure, literary style, and theology. Longman argues that the author of Ecclesiastes is not Solomon (BE A BEREAN Acts 17:11+), but a writer who adopts a “Solomonic persona.” In his verse-by-verse commentary this OT scholar clarifies what to many is the confusing message of Ecclesiastes.
Rosscup - The Professor of OT, Westminster Theological Seminary, argues that in 1:12–12:7 Qoheleth, not Solomon, is pessimistic, but a different writer (narrator) of the prologue (1:1–11) and epilog (12:8ff.) offers the right view of life. He uses the other material as a method to instruct his son (12:12) about the folly into which a mere human perspective can plunge one. Many readers will, however, find much in 1:12–12:7 showing a healthy outlook, as in repeating the fear of God (5:7; 7:18; 8:12–13, as well as 12:13). The fear in the three earlier places need not be seen as “fright” as Longman perceives it as fitting his theory, but can be respectful awe. Longman does not always steer readers aright, but he has a widely-researched work that stimulates scholarly minds, some of this coming in footnotes about such things as word meaning and grammar.
How to read the Psalms by Longman, Tremper
Cyril Barber - Ably introduces the Psalms so that users of this handbook will derive maximum benefit from the devotional reading of this portion of God's Word.
How to read Proverbs by Longman, Tremper
Song of Songs by Longman, Tremper
Rosscup - In a work of 238 big pp. with broad study behind it, Longman says the Song may or may not be by Solomon (ED: I HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THIS GIVEN THAT THE NAME OF THE BOOK IS THE SONG OF SOLOMON. BE A BEREAN Acts 17:11+). The story is not about him, rather the two main characters, a woman and a man, are seen in terms of a literal (natural) sexual relationship, the Song being an anthology of love poems expressing emotions, not a drama with an overall plot, and not a piece with allegorical meanings (27–37). Longman’s discussion of views in history (20–47) is valuable. He sets the poetry in the world of ancient near eastern love poetry (Egyptian, Mesopotamian, northwest semitic, etc., 49–54). It affirms love, sex, and marriage in relation to God’s redemptive aims for relationships, and in sync with Him (70). The commentator devotes a half page to two and a half on verses, unpacking what their meaning suggests, for instance man’s admiring comparison of the woman to a mare among chariots, enhanced by ornaments (1:9). Serious users will include this, one of the top overall sources, especially in the informative introduction and effort to keep a natural sense (cf. the opposite in Brooks, among many others).
Cyril Barber - The author is unclear as to whether or not this Song was written by Solomon. He does not believe that the story is about Solomon, but rather that this anthology is about a man and a woman involved in a sexual relationship. He does not believe that there is any uniform plot, nor does he see in the text grounds for allegorical meanings. Scholarly. Contains excellent word studies.
Jeremiah, Lamentations by Longman, Tremper
Click here for titles of 197 resources you can borrow
1 Corinthians by MacArthur, John
Ruth & Esther : women of faith, bravery and hope by MacArthur, John,
Believer's Bible Commentary by MacDonald, William (1995) 2480 pages
Dr. John MacArthur, Jr. - "Concise yet comprehensive - the most complete single-volume commentary I have seen."
Warren Wiersbe - "For the student who is serious about seeing Christ in the Word."
The Gospel of Matthew: Behold Your King by MacDonald, William (1974) 340 pages
Philippians, Colossians and Philemon by MacDonald, William (1972) 160 pages
The letters to Timothy and Titus by MacDonald, William (2003) 148 pages.
The Epistle to the Hebrews; from ritual to reality by MacDonald, William (1971) 264 pages.
Alone in majesty by MacDonald, William - Study of the Attributes of a Holy God (1994) 196 pages 5 ratings All give it 5/5 stars.
The Wonders of God by MacDonald, William (1996) 124 pages - The Wonders of God in Creation, in Providence, in Redemption. This makes for fascinating reading that gives glory to God.
Mark, evangelist and theologian by Martin, Ralph P
Cyril Barber - A scholarly assessment of the scope of Mark's gospel with a suggestion for a new purpose and Sitz im leben.
The Epistle of Paul to the Philippians : an introduction and commentary (Tyndale NT Commentary) by Martin, Ralph
Philippians - New Century Commentary by Martin, Ralph P
Colossians and Philemon - New Century Commentary by Martin, Ralph P
The theology of the letters of James, Peter, and Jude by Chester, Andrew, Martin, Ralph
New Testament books for pastor and teacher by Martin, Ralph P
The family and the fellowship : New Testament images of the church by Martin, Ralph P
The worship of God : some theological, pastoral, and practical reflections by Martin, Ralph P
The kingdom of the cults by Martin, Walter - A Modern Classic.
The truth about Seventh-Day Adventism by Martin, Walter,
The New Age cult by Martin, Walter,
The rise of the cults by Martin, Walter,
Screwtape writes again by Martin, Walter,
The New cults by Martin, Walter
The maze of Mormonism by Martin, Walter
Through the windows of heaven : 100 powerful stories and teachings from Walter Martin, the original Bible answer man by Martin, Walter,
Martin speaks out on the cults by Martin, Walter
Jehovah's Witnesses by Martin, Walter
Jehovah of the Watchtower by Martin, Walter,
Essential Christianity; a handbook of basic Christian doctrines by Martin, Walter,
Evidence That Demands A Verdict - 1999 - NO LIMITATIONS
See also Peter Stoner's apologetic book Science Speaks - online
The New Evidence that Demands a Verdict - NO LIMITATIONS
Evidence That Demands a Verdict - Volume I
Evidence that demands a verdict - Volume II
More evidence that demands a verdict
Apologetics for a new generation
Josh McDowell answers five tough questions
Answers to tough questions skeptics ask about the Christian faith
Josh McDowell's guide to understanding your Bible
Apologetics for a new generation
A skeptic's quest : Josh McDowell's search for reality
Reasons why we should consider Christianity
He walked among us : evidence for the historical Jesus
Click for a listing of more than 400 of his books - the following list is only a partial sampling.
Thru the Bible with J. Vernon McGee - 1 Corinthians - Revelation
Thru the Bible with J. Vernon McGee - Proverbs - Malachi
Thru the Bible with J. Vernon McGee - Genesis - Deuteronomy
Jesus : centerpiece of scripture by McGee, J. Vernon
Doctrine for difficult days by McGee, J. Vernon
The best of J. Vernon McGee Volume 1 by McGee, J. Vernon
Thru the Bible with J. Vernon McGee - Complete Index
Real characters : how God uses unlikely people to accomplish great things by McGee, J. Vernon
Feasting on the word by McGee, J. Vernon
Genesis by McGee, J. Vernon
Exodus 19-40 by McGee, J. Vernon
Leviticus by McGee, J. Vernon
Numbers by McGee, J. Vernon
Deuteronomy by McGee, J.
Love, liberation & the law : the Ten commandments by McGee, J. Vernon
Ruth, the romance of Redemption by McGee, J. Vernon
1 & 2 Kings by McGee, J. Vernon
Esther, the romance of providence by McGee, J. Vernon
Job by McGee, J. Vernon
Proverbs by McGee, J. Vernon
Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon by McGee, J. Vernon
Thru the Bible with J. Vernon McGee, Volume 3 - Proverbs-Malachi by McGee, J. Vernon User reviews.
Isaiah, Chapter 1-35 by McGee, J. Vernon
Isaiah Chapter 36-66 by McGee, J. Vernon
Daniel by McGee, J. Vernon
Zechariah by McGee, J. Vernon
Matthew 1-13 by McGee, J. Vernon
Matthew 14-28 by McGee, J. Vernon
Luke by McGee, J. Vernon
John 1-10 - Volume 1 - J Vernon McGee
John 1-10 - Volume 1 (another copy) - J Vernon McGee
John 11-21 - Volume 2 - J Vernon McGee
Romans volume 1 by McGee, J. Vernon Romans volume 2
Romans 9-16 by McGee, J. Vernon
Reasoning through Romans by McGee, J. Vernon
First Corinthians by McGee, J. Vernon
First and Second Thessalonians by McGee, J. Vernon
First Peter by McGee, J. Vernon
James by McGee, J. Vernon
Revelation 14-22 by McGee, J. Vernon
What the Bible is all about by Mears, Henrietta What the Bible is all about OR here - What the Book is all about
What the New Testament is all about by Mears, Henrietta
A look at the Old Testament : an abridged survey of Genesis - Malachi by Mears, Henrietta
What Jesus is all about by Mears, Henrietta
Discover Jesus in the pages of the Bible : amazing facts about the greatest person who ever lived by Mears, Henrietta
I & II Chronicles by McConville, J. G.
Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther by McConville, J. G 11 ratings
Galatians by Moo, Douglas J
Tim Challies - Douglas Moo – The Epistle to the Romans (New International Commentary on the New Testament). There is no shortage of commentaries on the book of Romans! Not only that, but there is no shortage of excellent commentaries to choose from. Pride of place appears to go to Douglas Moo and his contribution to the NICNT series. D.A. Carson commends it and says, “Moo exhibits extraordinary sense in his exegesis. No less importantly, this is the first commentary to cull what is useful from the new perspective on Paul while nevertheless offering telling criticism of many of its exegetical and theological stances.”
Cyril Barber - Moo, Douglas J. The Epistle to the Romans. New International Commentary on the New Testament. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1996. This commentary focuses both on the theological meaning and the contemporary significance of Paul’s letter. Of value is Moo’s discussion on such issues as Jewish law, the relationship between Jews and Gentiles and the people of God. Moo carefully analyzes each passage and interacts with the views of others before stating his views with meticulous precision. Here is a work that ranks with the best works on this epistle.
Keith Mathison (Ligonier) - Number one rated = Douglas Moo — The Epistle to the Romans (New International Commentary on the New Testament, 2018). The first edition of Douglas Moo’s NICNT commentary on Romans was published in 1996. It has recently been released in a second updated edition. This commentary is judged by many to be the best all-around evangelical commentary on Romans. It is thorough, but it is not overly technical. Moo presents his exegetical arguments carefully and cogently. This reader is especially impressed by his treatment of Romans 11. In terms of intermediate–advanced level commentaries, this one is the best place to begin. Moo has also written the commentaries on Romans in the Encountering series and in the NIVAC series.
The letter of James by Moo, Douglas J - Pillar NT Commentary Series
Tim Challies - Douglas Moo – The Letter of James (Pillar New Testament Commentary). Moo’s commentary is widely regarded as the best treatment of James and is universally recommended by the commentators on the commentaries. You may recognize his name from the recommendations for Romans where his name also appears. Keith Mathison says it well: “If you can only have one commentary on James, this is the one to have. Highly recommended.” Do note that Moo has also written a volume for the Tyndale New Testament Commentary series; if you own this one (which you should) you will have no need for the other.
Cyril Barber - This highly original commentary seeks to make the letter of James clear and applicable to Christians living today. While interacting with the latest views of this portion of God’s Word, Moo avoids giving it an academic flavor. He ably bridges the gap between James’ 1st century readers and believers today. Insightful.
Keith Mathison (Ligonier) - Number 1 rated = Douglas Moo — The Letter of James (Pillar New Testament Commentary, 2000). Douglas Moo is one of the top conservative New Testament scholars alive today. He has written one of the best commentaries on Romans, and now one of the best commentaries on James. If you can only have one commentary on James, this is the one to have. Highly recommended. Moo has also contributed the volume on James in the Tyndale New Testament Commentary series, but if you have the Pillar volume, the Tyndale volume is unnecessary.
James Rosscup - Moo, Douglas J. The Letter of James (Pillar NTC). Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2000. Moo in this exegetical study is longer (271 pp.) than his earlier effort in this list. He argues for authorship by James, the Lord’s brother (20–22), discusses seven areas of theology (27–43), and argues that in James faith of those God has freely justified expresses its reality in obeying God (38, etc.), as Paul held in “faith working through love” (Gal. 5:6). Clear exposition is thought out well, and sometimes Moo grapples with views and problems (not all, cf. “crown,” 1:12, and Hodges). In 2:14 he distinctly counters Hodges (123–24), and again at 2:18, 26 (128–29, 143). His detail on 2:14–26 is fairly helpful; he also is diligent with “spirit” in 4:5, and “sick” in 5:14. Among medium-length works, this is one of the best in recent years.
The letter of James : an introduction and commentary by Moo, Douglas J - Tyndale New Testament Commentary
James Rosscup - Moo, Douglas J. The Letter of James: An Introduction and Commentary (Tyndale New Testament Commentary). Downers Grove: IVP, 1985. 191 pp. Eerdmans published the same commentary in 1989. It is a concise, conservative, clear work adept in exegetical details from careful research by a member of the New Testament faculty at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. It is helpful especially for teachers and preachers. Moo, who did the massive 2-volume work on Romans, also wrote “James” in The Evangelical Commentary on the Bible, ed. W. A. Elwell (Grand Rapids: Baker, 1989).
Encountering the book of Romans : a theological survey by Moo, Douglas J
Romans : celebrating the good news by Moo, Douglas J
The Epistle to the Romans by Moo, Douglas J - New International Commentary on the New Testament
The Corinthian letters of Paul : an exposition of I and II Corinthians by Morgan, G. Campbell
The Acts of the apostles by Morgan, G. Campbell
The Gospel according to Luke by Morgan, G. Campbell
Hosea : the heart and holiness of God by Morgan, G. Campbell
The Gospel according to Matthew by Morgan, G. Campbell
The parables of the kingdom by Morgan, G. Campbell
The gospel according to Mark by Morgan, G. Campbell
God's last word to man; studies in Hebrews by Morgan, G. Campbell
Life applications from every chapter of the Bible by Morgan, G. Campbell
Discipleship by Morgan, G. Campbell
Studies in the prophecy of Jeremiah by Morgan, G. Campbell
The man in the mirror : solving the 24 problems men face by Morley, Patrick M Or here
Discipleship for the man in the mirror : a complete handbook for spiritual growth by Morley, Patrick M
Seven seasons of the man in the mirror : guidance for each major phase of your life by Morley, Patrick M
Getting to know the man in the mirror : an interactive guide for men by Morley, Patrick M
Understanding your man in the mirror : answers to the questions women ask about their husbands ... by Morley, Patrick M
What husbands wish their wives knew about men by Morley, Patrick M
A man's guide to the spiritual disciplines : 12 habits to strengthen your walk with Christ by Morley, Patrick M
Devotions for the man in the mirror : 75 readings to cultivate a deeper walk with Christ by Morley, Patrick M
Devotions for couples by Morley, Patrick M
The dad in the mirror : how to see your heart for God reflected in your children by Morley, Patrick M;
No man left behind : how to build and sustain a thriving disciple-making ministry for every man in your church by Morley, Patrick M
Man alive : transforming your seven primal needs into a powerful spiritual life by Morley, Patrick M
Pastoring men : what works, what doesn't, and why it matters now more than ever by Morley, Patrick M
he rest of your life by Morley, Patrick M
How to survive the economic meltdown : practical and spiritual strategies for you and your friends by Morley, Patrick M
How God makes men : ten epic stories, ten proven principles, one huge promise for your life by Morley, Patrick M
Coming back to God : answers to men's honest questions and doubts by Morley, Patrick M
The season of rebuilding by Morley, Patrick M
The seasons of reflection and building by Morley, Patrick M
Walking with Christ in the details of life by Morley, Patrick M
Ten secrets for the man in the mirror : startling ideas about true happinessby M orley, Patrick M
Two-part harmony by Morley, Patrick M
Walking with Christ in the details of life by Morley, Patrick M
Second wind for the second half : twenty ideas to help you reinvent yourself for the rest of the journey by Morley, Patrick M
The Gospel according to St. Luke : an introduction and commentary by Morris, Leon,
The Gospel according to John : the English text with introduction, exposition and notes by Morris, Leon,
The Gospel According to Matthew - Pillar NT Commentary
The First epistle of Paul to the Corinthians : an introduction and commentary by Morris, Leon,
Rosscup - Though the works in the Tyndale Series are concise, this is a good commentary and is recent. Morris is adequate a good part of the time in his comments on passages, but weak in detail on historical background, evidently because of the brevity to which he was held.
Galatians : Paul's charter of Christian freedom by Morris, Leon,
Rosscup - This concise product often says a lot that shoots to the crux in a well-organized form. Morris has readable print and flowing style. Teachers, preachers, students and laity will profit by following through verses and getting some careful help on some of the problems, though at times space does not allow posing considerations (3:17; 6:16), contributing to some generality. It is a rather good survey by a discerning scholar, it simply vies with many works that provide far more, at least for teachers and diligent studying pastors.
The Epistles of Paul to the Thessalonians : an introduction and commentary by Morris, Leon Or here
1 and 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James by Morris, Leon,
The Book of Revelation : an introduction and commentary by Morris, Leon
Hiebert - A concise interpretation by a noted conservative scholar who combines the preterist and futurist views.
New Testament theology by Morris, Leon,
The Cross in the New Testament by Morris, Leon
The New Testament and the Jewish lectionaries by Morris, Leon
The Biblical doctrine of judgment : Morris, Leon
The Atonement, its meaning and significance Morris, Leon
Anointed expository preaching by Olford, Stephen F 102 ratings
What is “expository preaching?” In this brilliant new book, Dr. Stephen Olford and Dr. David Olford, both widely respected preachers in their own right define “expository preaching” (“exposing Scripture instead of imposing upon it”), teach its technique, and express its significance (“all true preaching is expository”). This book equips and encourages preachers of all kinds to respect their calling and minister God’s inerrant Word by the Olford’s marvelous methods.
Windows of wisdom : devotional studies in Proverbs by Olford, Stephen
The Christian message for contemporary life : the gospel's power to change lives by Olford, Stephen F
Lord, open the heavens! : a heart-cry for revival by Olford, Stephen F
The secret of soul-winning : Olford, Stephen F
The way of holiness : signposts to guide us by Olford, Stephen
The grace of giving; thoughts on financial stewardship by Olford, Stephen F
Not I but Christ : Olford, Stephen F
Committed to Christ and His church Olford, Stephen F
Going places with God by Olford, Stephen
The sword of suffering : enduring words of hope, inspiration, and healing in the midst of despair by Olford, Stephen
The Pulpit and the Christian calendar : preaching on significant days by Olford, Stephen
Pulpit & the christian calendar (Volume 2) by Olford Stephen
Believing our beliefs : preaching on the foundations and evidence for new life by Olford, Stephen
The Christian message for contemporary life : the gospel's power to change lives by Olford, Stephen
Proclaiming the Good News : evangelistic expository messages Olford, Stephen F
A Passion for preaching : reflections on the art of preaching essays in honor of Olford, Stephen F
Bible explorer's guide : how to understand and interpret the Bible - John Phillips (2002) 292 pages.
Rosscup - This general introductory work, evangelical in nature, has two sections, Hermeneutics and Helps. Under the first are twenty-two divisions dealing with Words, Figures of Speech, Culture, Context, Types, Parables, Prophecy, Devotional Rule, Application, Christ the Ultimate Key, and others. The second has a quick survey of the Bible, summary of Bible history, symbols, helpful books, and the like. Phillips, a premillennialist, is well-known for his Exploring the New Testament, a series of clear practical expositions of key books like John and Romans.
For this day : 365 meditations by J.B. Phillips by Phillips, John Bertram
Exploring Old Testament History
Exploring Old Testament Poetry and Prophecy
Exploring the world of the Jew by Phillips, John (2002) 292 pages
Teaching with results : Study Guide, an Independent Study in the Bible by Phillips, John, (1996) 180 pages
Exploring the Psalms - Volume 3 - Psalms 73-106
Exploring the Psalms - Volume 4 - Psalms 107-119
Exalting Jesus in Matthew by Platt, David, (2013) 404 pages 193 ratings
What did Jesus really mean when He said Follow me? by Platt, David
Radical : taking back your faith from the American Dream by Platt, David While I do not agree with some of Platt's stands in 2020-2022, this book has some eye opening and convicting sections.
You & your thoughts : the power of right thinking by Radmacher, Earl
Can we trust the Bible? - Leading Theologians Speak Out on Bible Inerrancy by Radmacher, Earl
Compact Bible commentary by Radmacher, Earl D
NKJV study Bible : New King James Version by Radmacher,
The new linguistic and exegetical key to the Greek New Testament by Rogers, Cleon - This book is a gold mine of little gems on individual Greek words in any NT passage you are studying. If you have time it is always worth checking out! I use it in my Greek word studies all the time.
First & Second Thessalonians by Ryrie, Charles
The place of women in the church by Ryrie, Charles
Balancing the Christian life by Ryrie, Charles
You mean the Bible teaches that ... by Ryrie, Charles
The basis of the premillennial faith by Ryrie, Charles
Revelation by Ryrie, Charles
The final countdown by Ryrie, Charles - Short, but well done summary of end times events. Literal, millennial perspective. 2 ratings
The Bible and tomorrow's news; a new look at prophecy by Ryrie, Charles
Biblical answers to contemporary issues by Ryrie, Charles
Basic theology : a popular systemic guide to understanding biblical truth by Ryrie, Charles
The miracles of our Lord by Ryrie, Charles
Understanding Bible doctrine by Ryrie, Charles
A survey of Bible doctrine by Ryrie, Charles
So great salvation : what it means to believe in Jesus Christ by Ryrie, Charles
Object lessons by Ryrie, Charles
Dispensationalism by Ryrie, Charles
The Holy Spirit by Ryrie, Charles
A survey of Bible doctrine by Ryrie, Charles
Making the most of life by Ryrie, Charles
What you should know about social responsibility by Ryrie, Charles
Romans by Sproul, R. C.
The holiness of God by Sproul, R. C.
The spirit of revival : discovering the wisdom of Jonathan Edwards by Parrish, Archie, 1932-; Sproul, R. C
The mystery of the Holy Spirit by Sproul, R. C
Now, that's a good question! by Sproul, R. C
Can I trust the Bible? by Sproul, R. C
Doubt & assurance by Sproul, R. C
Growing in-- the Word by Sproul, R. C
Essential truths of the Christian faith by Sproul, R. C.
After darkness, light : distinctives of Reformed theology : essays in honor of R.C. Sproul
The invisible hand : do all things really work for good? by Sproul, R. C
Grace unknown : the heart of Reformed theology by Sproul, R. C
How can I develop a Christian conscience? by Sproul, R. C
By faith alone by Sproul, R. C
Faith alone : the evangelical doctrine of justification by Sproul, R. C
How then shall we worship? : biblical principles to guide us today by Sproul, R. C
Not a chance : the myth of chance in modern science and cosmology by Sproul, R. C.
Lifeviews : understanding the ideas that shape society today by Sproul, R. C.
Renewing your mind : basic Christian beliefs you need to know by Sproul, R. C
What's in the Bible : the story of God through time & eternity by Sproul, R. C
Choosing my religion by Sproul, R. C.
The truth of the cross by Sproul, R. C
Knowing Scripture by Sproul, R. C
Reason to believe by Sproul, R. C
The holiness of God by Sproul, R. C.
Chosen by God by Sproul, R. C
Ultimate issues by Sproul, R. C
Mighty Christ by Sproul, R. C.
Following Christ by Sproul, R. C
Money matters by Sproul, R. C
Not a chance : the myth of chance in modern science and cosmology by Sproul, R. C.
The dark side of Islam by Sproul, R. C
What can I do with my guilt? by Sproul, R. C
The work of Christ : what the events of Jesus' life mean for you by Sproul, R. C
Are we together? : a Protestant analyzes Roman Catholicism by Sproul, R. C
Discovering the intimate marriage : a practical guide to building a good marriage by Sproul, R. C
Family practice : God's prescription for a healthy home by Sproul, R. C
The intimate marriage by Sproul, R. C
The last days according to Jesus : when did Jesus say he would return? by Sproul, R. C
One holy passion : the consuming thirst to know God by Sproul, R. C
Pleasing God by Sproul, R. C.
Bound for glory : God's promise for your family by Sproul, R. C
The soul's quest for God by Sproul, R. C
Effective prayer by Sproul, R. C
In the presence of God by Sproul, R. C
The donkey who carried a king by Sproul, R. C
Ethics and the Christian by Sproul, R. C
Basic training, plain talk on the key truths of the faith by Sproul, R. C.
The heart of reformed theology by Sproul, R. C.
A walk with Jesus : enjoying the company of Christ by Sproul, R. C
When worlds collide : where is God? by Sproul, R. C.
In search of dignity by Sproul, R. C.
Abortion : a rational look at an emotional issue by Sproul, R. C
What's in the Bible : the story of God through time & eternity by Sproul, R. C
A Treasury of Inspirational Writings - 1998 - For a sample see "I press on...." (Php 3:14)
Second Corinthians : unlocking the Scriptures for you by Staton, Knofel 2 ratings
Logos.com - This nontechnical commentary on First Corinthians analyzes the many problems the church in Corinth faced, including unity, relationships, liberty, and worship assembly. It provides a look into the historical, cultural, and religious contexts surrounding the epistle, and illustrates how the message of First Corinthians is still contemporarily relevant in today’s churches.
First Corinthians : unlocking the Scriptures for you by Staton, Knofel
Logos.com - This nontechnical commentary on First Corinthians analyzes the many problems the church in Corinth faced, including unity, relationships, liberty, and worship assembly. It provides a look into the historical, cultural, and religious contexts surrounding the epistle, and illustrates how the message of First Corinthians is still contemporarily relevant in today’s churches.
Expository studies in Matthew 13 : behind history by Stedman, Ray C
The servant who rules Mark 1-8 by Stedman, Ray C
The ruler who serves Commentary on Gospel of Mark by Stedman, Ray C. Always worth consulting his practical sound commentary. This work is volume 2 so it begins with Mark 8:34 to the end of the Gospel.
Expository studies on prayer : Jesus teaches on prayer by Stedman, Ray C
Growth of the body : [Acts 13-20] by Stedman, Ray C
From guilt to glory Romans 1-8 by Stedman, Ray C
Expository studies in 1 Corinthians : the deep things of God by Stedman, Ray C
Expository studies in 2 Corinthians : power out of weakness by Stedman, Ray C
Our riches in Christ : discovering the believer's inheritance in Ephesians by Stedman, Ray C
Riches in Christ by Stedman, Ray C
Spiritual warfare : winning the daily battle with Satan by Stedman, Ray C
Hope in a chaotic world : First and Second Thessalonians by Stedman, Ray C.
How to live what you believe : a life-related study in Hebrews by Stedman, Ray C
What more can God say? A fresh look at Hebrews by Stedman, Ray C
God's final word : understanding Revelation by Stedman, Ray C
Friend of God : the legacy of Abraham, man of faith by Stedman, Ray C
Highlights of the Bible : Genesis to Nehemiah by Stedman, Ray C
Highlights of the Bible : poets and prophets by Stedman, Ray C
Authentic Christianity : a fresh grip on life by Stedman, Ray C 124 ratings Read some of the glowing reviews. This is a must read!
This classic by Ray Stedman moves you beyond religion, doctrine, rules, and rituals into the life-changing experience of being genuinely and intimately connected with Christ. He shows you how to live a life of faith with integrity - a life that attracts people and compels them to seek its Source.
Is this all there is to life? by Stedman, Ray C
Secrets of the Spirit by Stedman, Ray C
Understanding man by Stedman, Ray C
Adventuring through the life of Christ : a Bible handbook on the Gospels and Acts by Stedman, Ray C
Expository studies in Job : behind suffering by Stedman, Ray C
Expository studies on prayer : Jesus teaches on prayer by Stedman, Ray C
Talking to my Father : what Jesus teaches about prayer by Stedman, Ray C
Body life by Stedman, Ray C
The beginnings by Stedman, Ray C
Death of a nation by Stedman, Ray C (1976)
What on earth is happening? : what Jesus said about the end of the Age by Stedman, Ray C (Literal interpretation).
Playing by the rules : a basic guide to interpreting the Bible by Stein, Robert H
Difficult passages in the Epistles by Stein, Robert H.
An introduction to the parables of Jesus by Stein, Robert H.,
STOTT, JOHN - click for listing of these and other books to borrow
The message of Galatians by Stott, John R. W
Men made new : an exposition of Romans 5-8The message of Acts : the Spirit, the church & the world
Life in Christ : a guide for daily living
Guard the truth : the message of 1 Timothy & Titus by Stott, John R. W
What Christ thinks of the church : an exposition of Revelation 1-3 by Stott, John R. W
What Christ thinks of the church : insights from Revelation 2-3
The Letters of John : an Introduction and Commentary (Tyndale New Testament Commentaries) by Stott, John R. W (1988) 244 pages. 89 ratings
Tim Challies - John Stott is always an able commentator and his volume in the TNTC is no exception. Carson praises it as “one of the most useful conservative commentaries on these epistles, so far as the preacher is concerned” and says “it is packed with both exegetical comments and thoughtful application.” The TNTC is targeted squarely at a general audience, so both pastors and interesting general readers will find it tremendously beneficial. If you are looking for a commentary to guide you as you read John’s epistles devotionally, this is probably the one you want.
The Message of the Sermon on the Mount
Sermon on the mount : seeking first the Kingdom of God : 13 studies for individuals or groups by Stott, John R. W
The radical disciple : wholehearted Christian living
The contemporary Christian : with study guide
Favourite psalms by Stott, John R or here Favourite Psalms
New issues facing Christians today by Stott, John R. W
Confess your sins; the way of reconciliation by Stott, John R
Christian basics : a handbook of beginnings, beliefs and behaviour
Christian counter culture : the message of the Sermon on the Mount
The essential John Stott : the Cross of Christ : the Contemporary christian
Understanding the Bible by Stott, John 130 ratings
Basic Christianity by Stott, John R. W 543 ratings
The Cross of Christ by Stott, John R. W 622 ratings
The living church : convictions of a lifelong pastor
Men with a message : an introduction to the New Testament and its writers by Stott, John R. W 4 ratings
Old Testament characters : Bible study guide by Swindoll, Charles R (1991) 132 pages. Chapter 1 = Judges 13-15; Chapter 2 = Judges 16:4-31, Abigail 1Sa 25, Absalom - 2Sa 13-18, Rehoboam 1Ki 11-14, Namaan and Gehazi - 2Ki 5, Jbez 1Chr 4:9-10; Uzziah 2Chr 26, Esther, Prodigal preacher - Jonah 1-2, Revival - Jonah 3-4
Insights on John by Swindoll, Charles
Meet me in the library : readings from eight writers who shaped my life by Swindoll, Charles
Bedside blessings : 365 Days of inspirational thoughts by Swindoll, Charles
Walk with Jesus : the journey to the cross and beyond by Swindoll, Charles
Intimacy with the Almighty : encountering Christ in the secret places of your life by Swindoll, Charles
1 and 2 Thessalonians by Swindoll, Charles
Saying it well : touching others with your words by Swindoll, Charles
Stones of remembrance : Bible study guide by Swindoll, Charles
Strengthening your grip by Swindoll, Charles
Living on the ragged edge : coming to terms with reality by Swindoll, Charles
Suddenly one morning : the shopkeeper's story by Swindoll, Charles
The church : purpose, profile, priorities (Bible study guide) by Swindoll, Charles
The tale of the tardy oxcart and 1,501 other stories by Swindoll, Charles
Devotions for growing strong in the seasons of life by Swindoll, Charles
Moses : a man of selfless dedication : profiles in character by Swindoll, Charles
Flying closer to the flame : a passion for the Holy Spirit by Swindoll, Charles
Beholding Christ-- the lamb of God : a study of John 15-21 by Gire, Ken; Butterworth, Bill; Swindoll, Charles
Excellence in ministry : Bible study guide from the Bible-teaching ministry of Charles R. Swindoll by Swindoll, Charles
Start where you are : catch a fresh vision for your life by Swindoll, Charles
Living the psalms : encouragement for the daily grind by Swindoll, Charles
The road to Armageddon by Swindoll, Charles
Selected Studies from Proverbs by Swindoll, Charles
When your comfort zone gets the squeeze by Swindoll, Charles
Marriage : from surviving to thriving : practical advice on making your marriage strong by Swindoll, Charles
A look at the Book : traveling the original Route 66 : a Bible survey by Swindoll, Charles
Rise & shine : a wake-up call by Swindoll, Charles
What it takes to win : Bible study guide by Swindoll, Charles
Why, God? : calming words for chaotic times by Swindoll, Charles
Dealing with defiance by Swindoll, Charles
Esther : a woman of strength & dignity : Bible study guide by Swindoll, Charles
Memorable scenes from Old Testament homes : Bible study guide by Swindoll, Charles
Cultivating purity in an impure world by Swindoll, Charles
Encouragement for life : words of hope and inspiration by Swindoll, Charles
A ministry anyone could trust by Swindoll, Charles
Killing giants, pulling thorns by Swindoll, Charles
The mystery of God's will : what does He want for me? by Swindoll, Charles
The mystery of God's will : [what does He want for me?] by Swindoll, Charles
Fun is contagious by Swindoll, Charles
Elijah : a man of heroism and humility : profiles in character by Swindoll, Charles
You and your problems : Bible study guide by Swindoll, Charles
Contagious Christianity : a study of First Thessalonians : Bible study guide from the Bible-teaching ministry of Charles R. Swindoll by Swindoll, Charles
Growing deep in the Christian life study series by Swindoll, Charles
Can one person make a difference? : Bible study guide by Swindoll, Charles
Issues and answers in Jesus' day : Bible study guide by Swindoll, Charles
The treasured writings of Charles Swindoll by Swindoll, Charles
Building blocks of Biblical character : Bible study guide by Swindoll, Charles
Clearing the high hurdles : overcoming obstacles to obeying God's call by Swindoll, Charles
The Lamentations of Jeremiah : Bible study guide by Swindoll, Charles
Signposts along life's journey : Bible study guide ; from the Bible-teaching ministry of by Swindoll, Charles
Dear graduate : letters of wisdom from Charles R. Swindoll by Swindoll, Charles
Exalting Christ ... the Son of God : a study of John 1-5 by Swindoll, Charles
The declaration of something mysterious : Jesus' courage and communication of the truth : a study of Luke 10:38-16:18 by Swindoll, Charles
The church awakening : an urgent call for renewal by Swindoll, Charles
Abraham : one nomad's amazing journey of faith by Swindoll, Charles
The bride : renewing our passion for the Church : Bible study guide by Swindoll, Charles
Paul : a man of grace and grit : insight for living Bible study guide by Swindoll, Charles
Letters to churches then and now : Bible study guide by Swindoll, Charles
The finishing touch by Swindoll, Charles
God's provision : in time of need by Swindoll, Charles
Embraced by the Spirit : the untold blessings of intimacy with God by Swindoll, Charles
Sanctity of life : the inescapable issue by Swindoll, Charles
The gentle art of a servant's heart by Swindoll, Charles
Five meaningful minutes a day by Swindoll, Charles
Stress fractures by Swindoll, Charles
Memorable scenes from Old Testament homes : Bible study guide by Swindoll, Charles
The collected works of Charles Swindoll by Swindoll, Charles
The practical life of faith : a study of Hebrews 11-13 by Swindoll, Charles
Three steps forward, two steps back : persevering through pressure by Swindoll, Charles
The owner's manual for Christians : the essential guide for a God-honoring life by Swindoll, Charles
Hope in hurtful times : a study of 1 Peter : Bible study guide by Swindoll, Charles
The way of truth in a world of fiction : beyond The Da Vinci Code by Swindoll, Charles
God's Masterwork : A concerto in sixty-six movements by Swindoll, Charles
The quest for character by Swindoll, Charles
Make your dream come true by Swindoll, Charles
The preeminent person of Christ : a study of Hebrews 1-10 by Swindoll, Charles
Faith that endures in times like these : Bible study guide by Swindoll, Charles
Discovering God's mysteries by Swindoll, Charles
Singleness : biblical advice on staying single by Swindoll, Charles
Shedding light on our dark side ; Bible study guide by Swindoll, Charles
God's masterwork : 2 thessalonians through revelation by Swindoll, Charles
Living above the level of mediocrity : a commitment to excellence by Swindoll, Charles
Issues and answers in Jesus' day by Swindoll, Charles
A Bethlehem Christmas : celebrating the joyful season by Swindoll, Charles
Active spirituality : a non-devotional guide by Swindoll, Charles
A family album : biblical snapshots for unique situations by Swindoll, Charles
Discipleship : ministry up close and personal : Bible study guide by Swindoll, Charles
Compassion : showing care in a careless world by Swindoll, Charles
God's will : biblical direction for living by Swindoll, Charles
Coming to terms with sin : a study of Romans 1-5 : Bible study guide by Swindoll, Charles
Hand me another brick : Bible study guide by Swindoll, Charles
Growing deep : exploring the roots of our faith by Swindoll, Charles
Parenting : from surviving to thriving : building healthy families in a changing world by Swindoll, Charles
The strong family by Swindoll, Charles
The practical life of faith : a study of Hebrews 11-13 by Swindoll, Charles
You and your child by Swindoll, Charles
Laugh again by Swindoll, Charles
Abraham : the friend of God (Bible study guide) by Swindoll, Charles
The darkness and the dawn : empowered by the tragedy and triumph of the cross by Swindoll, Charles
Come before winter and share my hope by Swindoll, Charles
Learning to walk by grace : a study of Romans 6-11 : Bible study guide by Swindoll, Charles
The strength of an exacting passion : a study of Acts 18:18-28:31 by Swindoll, Charles
The bride : renewing our passion for the Church by Swindoll, Charles
Growing pains : Bible study guide by Swindoll, Charles
The owner's manual for Christians : the essential guide for a God-honoring life by Swindoll, Charles
Home, where life makes up its mind by Swindoll, Charles
Wisdom for the way : wise words for busy people by Swindoll, Charles
Calm answers for a confused church : a study of 1 Corinthians 12-16, Bible study guide from the Bible-teaching ministry of by Swindoll, Charles
Great stories from old testament lives : Bible study guide by Swindoll, Charles
The life and times of Elijah : Bible study guide by Swindoll, Charle
So, you want to be like Christ? workbook : eight essentials to get you there by Swindoll, Charles R. (2005) 164 pages 183 ratings
Becoming a people of grace : [an exposition of Ephesians] by Swindoll, Charles R (2001) 236 pages
Living beyond the daily grind : reflections on the songs and sayings in scripture by Swindoll, Charles R
Living beyond the daily grind, book 2 : reflections on the songs and sayings in scripture by Swindoll, Charles
Facing life's problems with God's hope : insight for Living Bible study guide by Swindoll, Charles
Simple faith by Swindoll, Charles
Hope again by Swindoll, Charles R
New hope for life's challenges : reflections on 1 Peter by Swindoll, Charles
Dear graduate : letters of wisdom from Charles Swindoll by Swindoll, Charles
Second wind : fresh hope for the road ahead by Swindoll, Charles
David : a man of passion & destiny : Bible study guide by Swindoll, Charles
Christ at the crossroads : Bible study guide : from the Bible-teaching ministry of by Swindoll, Charles
He gave gifts : Bible study guide by Swindoll, Charles
Paw Paw Chuck's big ideas in the Bible by Swindoll, Charles
Shedding light on our dark side [ : Insight for living Bible study guide] by Swindoll, Charles
The strength of character : 7 essential traits of a remarkable life by Swindoll, Charles
Faith that endures in times like these : Bible study guide by Swindoll, Charles
Contagious Christianity : a study of First Thessalonians : Bible study guide from the Bible-teaching ministry of Charles R. Swindoll by Swindoll, Charles
Three steps forward, two steps back : perservering through pressure by Swindoll, Charles
Starting over : fresh hope for the road ahead by Swindoll, Charles
The quest for character : inspirational thoughts for becoming more like Christ by Swindoll, Charles
Dropping your guard by Swindoll, Charles
New Testament postcards : Bible study guide by Swindoll, Charles
Daniel : God's pattern for the future : Bible study guide by Swindoll, Charles
Relating to others in love : a study of Romans 12-16 by Swindoll, Charles
Growing pains by Swindoll, Charles
Spiritual gifts : Bible study guide by Swindoll, Charles
The glory of Christmas by Swindoll, Charles
Strong reproofs for a scandalous church : a study of 1 Corinthians 1:1-6:11 : Bible study guide by Swindoll, Charles
Mission possible : a 40-day adventure with Jesus by Swindoll, Charles
Joseph : a man of integrity and forgiveness : profiles in character from Charles R. Swindoll by Swindoll, Charles
The inspirational writings of Charles R. Swindoll : three bestselling works in one volume by Swindoll, Charles
Eternity : knowing your place in God's forever plan by Swindoll, Charles
Exalting Christ ... the Lamb of God : a study of John 15-21 by Swindoll, Charle
Dropping your guard : the value of open relationships by Swindoll, Charles
Daniel : God's pattern for the future : Bible study guide by Swindoll, Charles
Jesus : the greatest life of all by Swindoll, Charles
Songs for all seasons by Swindoll, Charles
Practical Christianity : Old Testament principles for our new life in Christ by Swindoll, Charles
You and your problems : Bible study guide by Swindoll, Charles
Standing out : being real in an unreal world by Swindoll, Charles
Making new discoveries : Bible study guide by Swindoll, Charles
The darkness and the dawn, Bible study guide by Swindoll, Charles
The consummation of something miraculous : Jesus' trials and triumph of redemption : a study of Luke 16:19-24:53 : Bible study guide by Swindoll, Charles
Hear me when I call : connecting with a God who cares by Swindoll, Charles
Esther : a woman for such a time as this : Bible study guide by Swindoll, Charles
Galatians : letter of liberation, Bible study guide by Swindoll, Charles
A family album : Bible study guide by Swindoll, Charles
Golden nuggets from forgotten places : selected studies from Kings and Chronicles by Swindoll, Charles
Three steps forward, two steps back : persevering through pressure by Swindoll, Charles
One-on-One Discipleship by Swindoll, Charles
Integrity : the mark of godliness by Swindoll, Charles
The master's plan for the church by Swindoll, Charles
Jesus: when God became a man : Bible study guide by Swindoll, Charles
You and your child : Bible study guide by Swindoll, Charles
Growing up in God's family : Bible study guide by Swindoll, Charles
Man to man : Chuck Swindoll selects his most significant writings for men by Swindoll, Charles
Growing wise in family life by Swindoll, Charles
Encourage me by Swindoll, Charles
David : a man of passion & destiny : profiles in character by Swindoll, Charles
God's Word, God's world ... and you : a fresh look at evangelism by Swindoll, Charles
Fascinating stories of forgotten lives : rediscovering some Old Testament characters by Swindoll, Charles
Great days with the great lives by Swindoll, Charles
A minister everyone would respect : a study of 2 Corinthians 8-13 by Swindoll, Charles
His name is wonderful : Bible study guide by Swindoll, Charles
Becoming a people of grace : [an exposition of Ephesians] by Swindoll, Charles
Encourage me : caring words for heavy hearts by Swindoll, Charles
Becoming a people of grace : [an exposition of Ephesians] by Swindoll, Charles
Hand me another brick: timeless lessons on leadership : how effective leaders motivate themselves and others by Swindoll, Charles
Job : a man of heroic endurance by Swindoll, Charles
A ministry anyone could trust by Swindoll, Charles
The grace awakening workbook by Swindoll, Charles
Active spirituality : a non-devotional guide by Swindoll, Charles
The church awakening : an urgent call for renewal by Swindoll, Charles
Intimacy with the Almighty : a personal journey by Swindoll, Charles
Strike the original match by Swindoll, Charles
Getting through the tough stuff : it's always something! by Swindoll, Charles
Leadership : influence that inspires by Swindoll, Charles
Conquering through conflict : a study of 2 Peter : Bible study guide by Swindoll, Charles
Practical helps for a hurting church : Bible study guide by Swindoll, Charles
A life well lived by Swindoll, Charles
John the Baptizer : Bible study guide by Swindoll, Charles
Following Christ ... the man of God : a study of John 6-14 by Swindoll, Charles
Living portraits of the church by Swindoll, Charles
Improving your serve : the art of unselfish living by Swindoll, Charles
Changing wanderers into worshipers : from the Exodus to the promised land : Insight for Living Bible study guide by Swindoll, Charles
Questions Christians ask : Bible study guide by Swindoll, Charles
Growing strong in the seasons of life. Summer by Swindoll, Charles
Solomon : Bible study guide by Swindoll, Charles
The inspirational writings of Charles Swindoll by Swindoll, Charles
Laugh again ; Flying closer to the flame ; The mystery of God's will by Swindoll, Charles
Victory : a winning game plan for life by Swindoll, Charles
Great attitudes! : 10 choices for success in life by Swindoll, Charles
God's masterwork-- a concerto in sixty-six movements : Genesis through Second Chronicles by Swindoll, Charles
The Gospel According to St. Matthew : an Introduction and Commentary by Tasker, R. V. G (1983) 292 pages. 2 ratings
The General Epistle of James : an Introduction and Commentary by Tasker, R. V. G. (1983) 148 pages.
The Second Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians : an Introduction and Commentary by Tasker, R. V. G.
A critical and exegetical commentary on the First epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians by Robertson, Archibald
Understanding the Old Testament by Scripture Union - All 12 minor prophets. 100 pages.
The Expositor's Bible Commentary : Gospel of John Tenney, Merrill C. (228 pages)
Nelson's illustrated encyclopedia of Bible facts by Packer, J. I. (James Innell); Tenney, Merrill C.
The Bible; the living word of revelation by Tenney, Merrill C. (Merrill Chapin),
The Bible almanac by Packer, J. I.; Tenney, Merrill C. 796 pages (1980) The environment, religions, cultures, agriculture, trade, transportation, warfare, government, family relationships, clothing, architecture, and music of the peoples living in the Middle East during Biblical times are described
The World of the New Testament by Packer, J. I. (James Innell); Tenney, Merrill C (1982) 232 pages
The World of the Old Testament by Packer, J. I. (James Innell); Tenney, Merrill C - (1982) 232 pages
12 Questions Jesus Asked by Tenney, Merrill C. (Merrill Chapin)
Roads : a Christian must travel : fresh insights into the principles of Christian experience by Tenney, Merrill C. (Merrill Chapin),
Handy Dictionary of the bible by Tenney, Merrill C. (Merrill Chapin)
The Reality of the Resurrection by Tenney, Merrill C. (Merrill Chapin),
New Testament Times by Tenney, Merrill C. (Merrill Chapin)
Interpreting Revelation by Tenney, Merrill C. (Merrill Chapin), The book of Revelation
The Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia Bible dictionary (covers A-C) 1096 pages
The Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible Volume 1 (covers A-C) 1096 pages
The Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible Volume 2 (Covers D-G). 880 pages
The Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible Volume 3 (covers H-L) 1040 pages
The Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible Volume 4 (covers M-P) 984 pages
The Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible Volume 5 (covers Q-Z) 1094 pages
The Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible Volume 1
The Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible Volume 2
The Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible Volume 3
New Testament Survey by Tenney, Merrill C. (Merrill Chapin),
NIV Compact Dictionary of the Bible by Douglas, J. D. (James Dixon)
Public life in BibleTimes Packer, J I and Tenney, Merrill (184 pages) Gathers information about trade, transportation, tools, money, economics, government, laws, weapons, and warfare in Palestine during Biblical times
The Victorious Christian life by Tippit, Sammy
Worthy of Worship by Tippit, Sammy
No Matter What the Cost : an autobiography by Tippit, Sammy An exciting autobiography. I guarantee you will not be bored!
God's Secret Agent : an autobiography by Tippit, Sammy
Fire in your Heart by Tippit, Sammy IN NEED OF REVIVAL? Read this book beloved! I have read it 4-5 times (I need a lot of revival!)
The Prayer Factor by Tippit, Sammy
The Gathering Storm: Winds of Change in a Post-Christian World by Tippit, Sammy - written in 1996 - If the world was post-Christian in 1996 what would they call the world in 2022?!!!
Fit for Battle : the Character, Weapons, and Strategies of the Spiritual Warrior by Tippit, Sammy
Reproduced by Permission of the Author : You Can Be Like Jesus by Tippit, Sammy; Jenkins, Jerry B - A convicting read! (See also my article The Holy Spirit-Walking Like Jesus Walked!)
UNGER, MERRILL - Former Professor of Old Testament at Dallas Theological Seminary
Unger's Commentary on the Old Testament (Volume 2 - Isaiah - Malachi) by Unger, Merrill Frederick, 1909- (1981) 972 pages.
Zondervan illustrated Bible backgrounds commentary - New Testament - 552 pages. (2002) See user reviews.
The new Unger's Bible dictionary by Unger, Merrill Frederick, 1909-
Archaeology and the Old Testament by Merrill F. Unger
Survey of the Bible : introductory insights, background studies, book-by- book survey by Unger, Merrill Frederick
The parallel New Testament and Unger's Bible handbook : produced for Moody monthly by Unger, Merrill (1975) 744 pages 4 ratings
The Hodder Bible handbook by Unger, Merrill 2 ratings Has some nice color pictures and maps. Has summaries often chapter by chapter which can provide a good overview.
Hailey's Bible Handbook - online
C H Spurgeon - Lectures to My Students
Unger's bible handbook : a best-selling guide to understanding the bible by Unger, Merrill F
Rosscup - A former Professor of Old testament at Dallas Seminary, evangelical writer of many scholarly books, did this in his late years. He has sections on each Bible book, archaeology, Major Prophets, Minor Prophets, between the testaments, the four gospels, epistles of Paul, how the Bible came to us, Bible statistics, outline of church history, creation stories, Ur of Abram’s day, Egypt, Assyria, the Chaldean empire, demonism, miracles, Bethlehem, Dead Sea scrolls, Corinth, Ephesus, Rome, etc. The work includes more than 20 charts and 30 maps and has color sections. Unger has good material at some points in surveying passages, dealing with certain problems, etc., and handles the long-range prophecies in a premillennial way. Often he is very cursory.
Nelson's expository dictionary of the Old Testament by Unger, Merrill
Israel and the Aramaeans of Damascus by Unger, Merrill
A new heart : a commentary on the book of Ezekiel by Vawter, Bruce (1991) 240 pages. User reviews
Genesis (Everyman's Bible Commentary) by Vos, Howard Frederic, 8 ratings Vos was Professor of History and Archaeology, King’s College, Briarcliff Manor, New York.
James Rosscup - A simple, broad survey by a conservative who tends to give some good comments but at times not nail down his view to explain a matter (cf. his survey of four views on days in Genesis 1, then leaving the matter hanging, and not commenting on how long God rested in 2:1–3; or his not choosing a preference on “sons of God” on Genesis 6 after a shallow consideration of issues). However, in a concise treatment he does touch on many of the problems.
Matthew, a study guide commentary by Vos, Howard Frederic,
Mark : a study guide commentary by Vos, Howard Frederic
Galatians : a call to Christian liberty by Vos, Howard Frederic
Philippians : Bible study commentary by Vos, Howard Frederic
1, 2 Samuel : Bible study commentary by Vos, Howard Frederic,
Roscupp - Vos was Professor of History and Archaeology, King’s College, Briarcliff Manor, New York, In this conservative work he gives a long outline at the outset, then incorporates this in his survey of I and 2 Samuel. For many Bible teachers, preachers, and lay people the exposition helpfully sums up what is said and some implications. It offers brief explanation of some main problems, such as the number judged at Beth Shemesh in I Samuel 6:19ff. and how to fill in the number of Saul’s years in 13:1.
An introduction to Bible geography by Vos, Howard Frederic
The life of Christ by Vos, Howard Frederic
Genesis and archaeology by Vos, Howard Frederic
An introduction to Bible archaeology by Vos, Howard Frederic (See also Archaeology and the Bible - OT and NT)
Beginnings in Bible archaeology by Vos, Howard Frederic
Archaeology in Bible lands by Vos, Howard Frederic
Exploring church history by Vos, Howard Frederic 18 ratings
Enjoy a comprehensive but concise tour of the events and personalities that have marked the growth of the Christian church over the last 2,000 years. Renowned evangelical scholar Howard F. Vos summarizes the most up-to-date information and statistics available on worldwide Christianity. Includes index, bibliography, endnotes, and maps.
Nelson's new illustrated Bible manners & customs : how the people of the Bible really lived by Vos, Howard Frederic
Can I trust the Bible? : important questions of ten asked about the Bible, with some answers by eight evangelical scholars by Vos, Howard Frederic
Religions in a changing world : a presentation of world religions in the mid-twentieth century - facing the onslaugts of rising nationalism, communism, and increasing mass communication by Vos, Howard Frederic
A commentary on Micah by Waltke, Bruce
The book of Proverbs by Waltke, Bruce
Knowing the will of God by Waltke, Bruce
Theological wordbook of the Old Testament by Harris, R. Laird, Waltke, Bruce
The Bible chapter by chapter by Water, Mark
Key Bible words made easy by Water, Mark
Hard questions about the Bible made easy by Water, Mark
Hard questions about Christianity made easy by Water, Mark
Daily devotions made easy by Water, Mark
Key word commentary : thoughts on every chapter of the Bible by Water, Mark
The new encyclopedia of Christian quotations by Water, Mark
Understanding Islam and Christianity made easy by Water, Mark
Knowing God's will made easier by Water, Mark
Teachings of the Bible made simple by Water, Mark
The children's encyclopedia of Bible people by Water, Mark
New Testament activity Bible : favorite stories Jesus told by Water, Mark
What the Bible has to say about love by Water, Mark
Moral choices made simple by Water, Mark
The big book of Bible people by Water, Mark
My first book of Bible animals by Water, Mark
Pause for power : a 365-day journey through the Scriptures by Wiersbe, Warren
With the Word by Wiersbe, Warren 430 ratings Old and New Testament.
Amazon.com - A fresh approach which not only offers trustworthy exposition, but also provides a book-by-book, chapter-by-chapter tour through the glory of the Bible. This highly readable personal "conversation" with Scripture guides you through each book, helping you reap the rich, life-changing applications on every page. You will be encouraged to develop your own personal Bible reading program and learn the power of meditation on its truth.
Wiersbe's Expository Outlines on the New Testament by Wiersbe, Warren W
Cyril Barber - This is a book of exceptional merit. Pastors, missionaries, and Christian workers will profit from its use. Wiersbe introduces each book of the NT, provides an outline, and then furnishes his readers with a chapter-by-chapter discussion of the contents. The homiletic style is a “plus.” Recommended.
The Bible Exposition Commentary - Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy - Warren Wiersbe - classic comments by Dr Wiersbe (click for over 100 of his available books)
50 People Every Christian Should Know
Bible Exposition Commentary - New Testament
Bible Exposition Commentary - Old Testament
The Bible Exposition Commentary - Ephesians through Revelation - Warren Wiersbe
Rosscup - One of America’s most appreciated staunchly evangelical Bible conference teachers gives diligent, refreshing expositions. These are all of his 23 separate, earlier books in the “Be” series on the New Testament. He strikes a particular appeal with lay people as he crystallizes sections, deals with some of the verses, handles certain problems and backgrounds and applies principles. He is premillennial.
Windows on the parables by Wiersbe, Warren
Meet your King (Matthew) by Wiersbe, Warren
Be loyal (Matthew) by Wiersbe, Warren
Live like a king : making the Beatitudes work in daily life by Wiersbe, Warren
Rosscup - First published in 1976. Wiersbe recognizes the present and future implications of the “Sermon on the Mount,” and expounds the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:1-16) with God’s Kingdom program in mind. Here is a work that is rich in insights and spiritual application. Each message deals with the realities of living the Christian life as a “King’s kid.” Recommended.
Cyril Barber - A devotional masterpiece. Practical, relevant, rich in insights, and rewarding in its application of truth to life. This brief work deserves to be read slowly and carefully
Be diligent (Mark) by Wiersbe, Warren
Be compassionate (Luke 1-13) by Wiersbe, Warren W
Cyril Barber - Together these volumes treat the gospel of Luke. Wiersbe, who is a pastor's pastor, outlines and expounds the text with exemplary skill. These books are ideal for individual or group Bible study.
Be courageous (Luke 14-24) by Wiersbe, Warren
Be alive (John 1-12) by Wiersbe, Warren
Be transformed (John 13-21) by Wiersbe, Warren
Listen! Jesus is praying : an expository study of John 17 Listen, Jesus is praying (Study Guide) by Wiersbe, Warren
Be dynamic (Acts 1-12) by Wiersbe, Warren
Be daring : put your faith where the action is (Acts 13-28) by Wiersbe, Warren
Cyril Barber - Continues the author's popular exposition of the Book of Acts. Shows how the power of God is available to work through ordinary people to accomplish His purposes in the Church and in the world. Recommended.
Be right (Romans) by Wiersbe, Warren
Be right : an expository study of Romans by Wiersbe, Warren
Romans : how to be right with God, yourself, and others by Wiersbe, Warren
Be wise (1 Corinthians 1) by Wiersbe, Warren Or here Be wise
Be encouraged : God can turn your trials into triumphs : NT commentary, 2 Corinthians by Wiersbe, Warren
Be encouraged : God can turn your trials into triumphs : NT commentary, 2 Corinthians by Wiersbe, Warren W
Be free : an expository study of Galatians by Wiersbe, Warren
Be rich (Ephesians) by Wiersbe, Warren W
What to wear to the war : studies from Ephesians 6 by Wiersbe, Warren
Be rich : gaining the things that money can't buy : NT commentary, Ephesians by Wiersbe, Warren
Be joyful (Philippians) by Wiersbe, Warren
Be complete : [how to become the whole person God intends you to be] (Colossians) by Wiersbe, Warren
Be ready (1-2 Thessalonians by Wiersbe, Warren Or here Be ready
Be faithful (1 & 2 Timothy, Titus) by Wiersbe, Warren Or here - Be ready
1 & 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon : it's always too soon to quit! by Wiersbe, Warren
Be confident (Hebrews) by Wiersbe, Warren
Cyril Barber - A challenging and insightful book that should be used extensively by adult Bible study groups. Recommended.
Be mature (James) by Wiersbe, Warren Or here - Be mature : growing up in Christ See also Maturity (adapted from James commentary)
Be hopeful (1 Peter) by Wiersbe, Warren Or here - Be hopeful
Be alert (2 Peter, 2 & 3 John, Jude) by Wiersbe, Warren Or here - Be alert
Cyril Barber - A timely treatment of 2 Peter, 2 and 3 John, and Jude. Exposes those who are merchandisers of error, teachers of false doctrine, and deceivers of those whose lack of knowledge of God's Word makes them easy prey to cultists.
Be real (1 John) by Wiersbe, Warren Or here Be real
Be victorious (Revelation) by Wiersbe, Warren
Cyril Barber - A clear, easy-to-read, understandable exposition of the book of Revelation. Can be used with profit by individuals or groups. Recommended.
Wiersbe's expository outlines on the Old Testament by Wiersbe, Warren W 113 ratings
With the Word by Wiersbe, Warren 430 ratings Old and New Testament.
Amazon.com - A fresh approach which not only offers trustworthy exposition, but also provides a book-by-book, chapter-by-chapter tour through the glory of the Bible. This highly readable personal "conversation" with Scripture guides you through each book, helping you reap the rich, life-changing applications on every page. You will be encouraged to develop your own personal Bible reading program and learn the power of meditation on its truth.
With the Word by Wiersbe, Warren
Be basic (Genesis 1-11) by Warren W. Wiersbe
Be counted (Numbers) by Wiersbe, Warren
Be Strong - Joshua - Warren Wiersbe (1994) 180 pages Or Here Be Strong
Cyril Barber - Discusses the Book of Joshua. Shows readers how to put God’s power to work in their lives. An excellent resource for adult discussion groups.
Put your life together : studies in the book of Ruth by Wiersbe, Warren W (1985) 116 pages (note - different than Be Committed)
Be committed : doing God's will whatever the cost (Ruth, Esther) by Wiersbe, Warren (1993)
Be committed : doing God's will whatever the cost by Wiersbe, Warren W (2008) 196 pages
Be successful : attaining wealth that money can't buy : OT commentary, 1 Samuel by Wiersbe, Warren
Be distinct : standing firmly against the world's tides : OT commentary 2 Kings & 2 Chronicles by Wiersbe, Warren
Be determined (Nehemiah) by Wiersbe, Warren
Why us?: when bad things happen to God's people (Job) by Wiersbe, Warren W (1984) 164 pages. 15 ratings
Be patient : waiting on God in difficult times (Job) by Wiersbe, Warren Patience (Adapted from Be Patient - Job)
Meet yourself in the Psalms by Wiersbe, Warren
Prayer, praise & promises : a daily walk through the Psalms by Wiersbe, Warren
Be comforted (Isaiah) by Wiersbe, Warren
Be decisive : taking a stand for the truth : OT commentary, Jeremiah by Wiersbe, Warren
Be resolute : determining to go God's direction (Daniel) by Wiersbe, Warren
Be concerned (Amos, Obadiah, Micah, Zephaniah) by Wiersbe, Warren
Be heroic (Ezra, Haggai, Zechariah) by Wiersbe, Warren
A time to be renewed (366 Devotional Readings) by Wiersbe, Warren
Thoughts for men on the move : strength for the journey by Wiersbe, Warren
The wonderful names of Jesus by Wiersbe, Warren
His name is Wonderful by Wiersbe, Warren
The cross of Jesus : how Christ understood His crucifixion by Wiersbe, Warren
Be myself : memoirs of a bridge builder by Wiersbe, Warren
Be what you are (12 Intriguing Pictures of the Christ from the New Testament) by Wiersbe, Warren
On being a servant of God by Wiersbe, Warren
God isn't in a hurry : learning to slow down and live by Wiersbe, Warre
Who am I? : New Testament pictures of the Christian life by Wiersbe, Warren
Victorious Christians you should know by Wiersbe, Warren
Be quoted : from A to Z with Warren W. Wiersbe by Wiersbe, Warren
Walking with the giants : a minister's guide to good reading and great preaching by Wiersbe, Warren
When life falls apart by Wiersbe, Warren W Or here - When life falls apart
Be challenged Profiles of Six Bible Teenagers by Wiersbe, Warren
Be a real teen! by Wiersbe, Warren
Bless you : receiving and sharing the blessings of the Lord by Wiersbe, Warren Or Here Bless you
Real peace : freedom and conscience in the Christian life by Wiersbe, Warren W
Making sense of the ministry by Wiersbe, Warren W Or here Making sense of the ministry
Priorities for the pastor by Wiersbe, Warren
The cross of Jesus : how Christ understood His crucifixion by Wiersbe, Warren
Real worship by Wiersbe, Warren
Why us? : when bad things happen to God's people by Wiersbe, Warren
The elements of preaching by Wiersbe, Warren
What shall we name the baby? by Wiersbe, Warren
Something happens when churches pray by Wiersbe, Warren
Ministering to the mourning : a practical guide for pastors, church leaders, and other caregivers by Wiersbe, Warren
Classic sermons on the miracles of Jesus by Wiersbe, Warren
Classic sermons on world evangelism by Wiersbe, Warren
Classic sermons on Heaven and Hell by Wiersbe, Warren
Classic sermons on Christian service by Wiersbe, Warren
Classic sermons on the Resurrection of Christ by Wiersbe, Warren
Classic sermons on spiritual warfare by Wiersbe, Warren
Classic sermons on the church by Wiersbe, Warren
Classic sermons on hope by Wiersbe, Warren
Classic sermons on suffering by Wiersbe, Warren
Classic sermons on worship by Wiersbe, Warren
Classic sermons on the miracles of Jesus by Wiersbe, Warren
Classic sermons on the birth of Christ by Wiersbe, Warren
Real worship : it will transform your life by Wiersbe, Warren
Famous unanswered prayers by Wiersbe, Warren
The dynamics of preaching by Wiersbe, Warren
Being a child of God : your guide for the adventure by Wiersbe, Warren
5 secrets of living by Wiersbe, Warren
Enjoy your freedom by Wiersbe, Warren
His name is Wonderful by Wiersbe, Warren
How to be a caring Christian by Wiersbe, Warren
Caring people : learning to live with and help one another by Wiersbe, Warren
The bumps are what you climb on : encouragement for difficult days by Wiersbe, Warren Or here - The bumps
Ten power principles for Christian service : ministry dynamics for a new century by Wiersbe, Warren
Index of biblical images : similes, metaphors, and symbols in Scripture by Wiersbe, Warren
Key words of the Christian life : understanding and applying their meanings by Wiersbe, Warren
The biblical shorthand of theological language is useful for expressing complicated doctrines-but only for those who understand it. Key Words of the Christian Life demystifies words and concepts like "justification," "sanctification," and "adoption into the family of God" for lay readers. Each chapter focuses on a New Testament word or phrase that has important implications for the believer's life and faith. Warren Wiersbe gives easy-to-grasp explanations of each word's theological meaning, along with practical application for the Christian life. Wiersbe's careful teaching will be invaluable to everyone from new believers to those looking for resources to teach others the powerful implications of key Bible words.
Talk thru the Bible by Wilkinson, Bruce
A life God rewards 31 day devotional by Wilkinson, Bruce
The Daily walk Bible by Wilkinson, Bruce
Closer walk : 365 daily devotionals that nurture a heart for God by Wilkinson, Bruce
The Daily walk Bible by Wilkinson, Bruce
The 7 laws of the learner : textbook edition by Wilkinson, Bruce; Teaching with style : course workbook
Personal holiness in times of temptation by Wilkinson, Bruce
The Wilkinson & Boa Bible handbook : the ultimate guide to help you get more out of the Bible by Wilkinson, Bruce
Genesis : a study guide : Wood, Leon
Rosscup - This is a republication of the 1975 study guide of 152 pp. below. A staunch conservative offers a quick survey in basic information, often resolving main problems briefly. He leaves open the length of the days in Genesis 1, employs a detailed outline, and primarily assists lay readers and students looking for a terse review. A fine, brief evangelical survey of the main flow of the book, with a number of quite helpful comments on problem areas most readers want to see discussed. Among the briefer works this is one of the best.
Daniel : Bible study commentary by Wood, Leon James
The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament - Leon Wood - 164 pages (1978). See user reviews.
Survey of Israel's History - Revised Edition - Leon Wood - 416 pages (1986). See user reviews
James Rosscup - This is one of the most rewarding surveys available from the standpoint of giving a survey and yet pausing on key problem areas to state a well-considered view and specific supports marshalled briefly. It is firmly evangelical.
James Rosscup - Chapter 8 surveys the Joshua period succinctly but very helpfully in conservative style, dealing with main problems such as the long day and providing frequently good footnotes. Another fine survey of conservatives is by John J. Davis & John C. Whitcomb, Israel, A Commentary on Joshua-2 Kings (Grand Rapids: Baker, 1989, 542 pp.). The latter work combines three former books, Conquest and Crisis, The Birth of a Kingdom and Solomon to the Exile. Wood’s section on Joshua, as the other parts, offers comments that pull together main truths and seek to assist on main problems even to the extent of giving views and reasons.
The Bible & future events : an introductory survey of last-day events - Leon Wood - 208 pages. See user reviews.
The Prophets of Israel - Leon Wood - 405 pages (1979) See user reviews.
James Rosscup - A thoroughly conservative work, very clearly written, in two sections, prophetism and the prophets. Wood under the first division goes into the identity, meaning of “to prophesy,” function, the Holy Spirit and prophecy, and other aspects. In the second, he discusses in some detail prophets before Samuel, Samuel, monarchy prophets, and the writing prophets from the ninth century to post-exilic days. This is a fine book that gives the student or pastor a much better, integrated understanding of the prophets behind the prophetic books.
WUEST, KENNETH - one of my favorite sources - his writings are a veritable "gold mine"!
Mark in the Greek New Testament for the English reader by Wuest, Kenneth
Romans in the Greek New Testament for the English reader by Wuest, Kenneth
Ephesians and Colossians in the Greek New Testament for the English reader by Wuest, Kenneth
Philippians in the Greek New Testament : for the English reader by Wuest, Kenneth
Hebrews in the Greek New Testament, for the English reader by Wuest, Kenneth (See free Pdf - Hebrews Commentary)
First Peter in the Greek New Testament for the English reader by Wuest, Kenneth - EXCELLENT!
Bypaths in the Greek New Testament for the English reader by Wuest, Kenneth
Untranslatable riches from the Greek New Testament for the English reader by Wuest, Kenneth
Treasures from the Greek New Testament for the English reader by Wuest, Kenneth
The practical use of the Greek New Testament by Wuest, Kenneth
Golden nuggets from the Greek New Testament for the English reader by Wuest, Kenneth
PHILIP YANCEY - NOTE: Click this link for many of his other books that can be borrowed.
What's so amazing about grace? by Yancey, Philip
Where is God when it hurts? by Yancey, Philip
The Jesus I never knew by Yancey, Philip
Discovering God : a devotional journey through the Bible by Yancey, Philip
The Communicator's Commentary. 1, 2 Corinthians by Chafin, Kenneth 9 ratings (Now published as The Preacher's Commentary)
Rosscup says this is part of "A 12-vol. set done by 12 men selected for unusual ability to show the Bible is alive in biblical exposition, with spiritual refreshment and insight. The authors seek to combine scholarship on biblical meaning, illustrations to spark applications, and outlines."
The Communicator's Commentary: 1, 2 Samuel by Chafin, Kenneth (Now published as The Preacher's Commentary)
Rosscup says this is part of "A 12-vol. set done by 12 men selected for unusual ability to show the Bible is alive in biblical exposition, with spiritual refreshment and insight. The authors seek to combine scholarship on biblical meaning, illustrations to spark applications, and outlines."
The communicator's commentary. 1, 2 Thessalonians, 1, 2 Timothy, Titus by Demarest, Gary W
Conflict and community in Corinth : a socio-rhetorical commentary on 1 and 2 Corinthians by Witherington, Ben, III
Word biblical commentary - Job 38-42 by David J A Clines (1982) 560 pages. User reviews.
Word biblical commentary - Hebrews 1-8 by William Lane (1982) 384 pages. User reviews.
Joshua, Judges, Ruth by Goslinga, C. J (1986) 568 pages
The dangers of a shallow faith : awakening from spiritual lethargy by Tozer, A. W.
The best of A.W. Tozer by Tozer, A. W. (compiled by Warren Wiersbe)
The glory of Christ (2002) John Armstrong, Jim Elliff, Albert Mohler, J I Pacer
The whole Bible is focused on Jesus, from Genesis to Revelation; yet it is sometimes preached as if its sole purpose is to be a handbook for daily living, a guide for a happy marriage or for successful child-rearing. While it is right to look to God's Word for principles and insights regarding these practical issues, we must also see within its pages the fresh revelation of the person of God's unique Son, Jesus Christ. The Glory of Christ challenges and guides readers in doing just that. Chapters are drawn from sessions given at the Solus Christus: Rediscovering the Wonder of Christ's Glory conference, presented by Reformation and Revival Ministries. Contributors include John Armstrong, Jim Elliff, R. Albert Mohler, Jr., and J. I. Packer. The authors believe that true revival will come only when we as God's people return to the centrality of Jesus Christ. Recovering the wonders of Christ alone is not merely an antiquated slogan of the 16th-century Reformation, declares this book. It is the flame which will ignite a new reformation today.
Ablaze with His glory by Fehsenfeld, Del (1989) 196 pages 5 ratings
God gives "burning" men and women to every generation--prophets commissioned by Him to boldly penetrate hearts and set them ablaze with revival and reformation. Del Fehsenfeld Jr. was that kind of man, and this book is a potent summation of his life message. But be warned: This isn't just a book that you read--this is a book that reads you! The truths of personal and corporate revival unpacked in Ablaze with His Glory can spark a revolutionary encounter with God. Are you ready to be set on fire by the power of God's presence? Then you're ready for Ablaze!
America : turning a nation to God by Evans, Tony (2015) 216 pages 95 ratings
In America: Turning a Nation to God, Dr. Evans helps Christians understand that at the core, America's problems are spiritual. And, God and His rule are America's only hope. As His people, God is calling us to return to Him in humility and repentance, to submit to His rule and authority. Only as we commit to doing so, individually and collectively, will we realize that hope. We hold within the collective body of Christ not only the power but also the capacity to put our country back on the path of ascendancy. This straight-forward teaching, when embraced by believers in our nation, will usher in the greatest revival in American history.