Irving Jensen (Online) - Used by Permission
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View Chuck Swindoll's chart of Exodus,
Summary Chart of The Book of Exodus |
Redemption from Egypt Ex 1:1-18:27 |
Revelation from God Ex 19:1-40:38 |
Getting Israel Out of Egypt | Getting Egypt Out of Israel! | ||||||||||||||||||||
Narration | Legislation | ||||||||||||||||||||
Birth of Moses Ex 1-2 |
Call of Moses Ex 3-6 |
Conflict with Pharaoh Ex 7-10 |
Exodus from Egypt Ex 11-12 |
Red Sea Crossed Ex 13-15 |
Journey To Sinai Ex 16-18 |
Law Given Ex 19-24 |
Tent Plan Ex 25-31 |
Idol Worship Ex 32-34 |
Tent Built Ex 35-40 |
Subjection | Redemption | Instruction | |||||||||||||||||||
Suffering and Liberation of People of God |
Guidance of God |
Worship of God |
Moses and Burdens of Israel |
Pharaoh and Plagues Upon Egypt |
Red Sea Deliverance |
Wilderness Provision |
Sinai Instructions |
Bondage and Oppression |
Deliverance and Provision |
Law Pattern and Construction |
Israel in Egypt Ex 1:1-13:16 |
Israel to Sinai Ex 13:17-18:27 |
Israel at Sinai Ex 19:1-40:38 |
God's People Enduring Bondage |
God's Grace Revealed in Redemption |
God's Glory Manifested in Worship |
Egypt 430 Years (15% of Exodus) |
Wilderness 2 Months (30% of Exodus) |
Mt Sinai 10 Months (55% of Exodus) |
From Groaning |
To Glory! |
Then Moses said,
Theme: Redemption (See this concept - 11x/7v Exodus 6:6; 13:13, 15; 15:13; 21:8, 30; 34:20) Key Verses (Ex 6:6; Ex 19:5–6) Key Chapters (Ex 12–14)—The climax of the entire Old Testament is recorded in Exodus 12–14: the salvation of Israel through blood (the Passover) and through power (the Red Sea). The Exodus is the central event of the Old Testament as the Cross is of the New Testament. (Wilkerson) That is to say that the shed blood of the Passover Lamb clearly points to the shed blood of the Lamb of God Who Alone is able to take away your sins!
Key words in the Book of Exodus
Ex. 18:1 |
Advice from Moses’ father-in-law |
Advice from Moses’ father-in-law |
Num. 10:29 |
Ex. 15:22 |
Three-day journey to Sinai |
Three-day journey from Sinai |
Num. 10:33 |
Ex. 15:22–26 |
Complaint about water |
Unspecified complaint |
Num. 11:1–3 |
Exodus 16 |
Manna and quail |
Manna and quail |
Num. 11:4–15, 31–35 |
Exodus 18 |
Leaders appointed to assist Moses |
Leaders appointed to assist Moses |
Num. 11:16–30 |
Ex. 15:20–21 |
Miriam’s song of praise |
Miriam and Aaron rebel |
Numbers 12 |
Ex. 17:8–16 |
Israel defeats Amalek |
Israel defeated by Amalek |
Num. 14:39–45 |
Ex. 17:1–7 |
Water from rock |
Water from rock |
Num. 20:1–13 |
Ex. 32:6 |
People sacrifice to other gods |
People sacrifice to other gods |
Num. 25:2 |
Ex. 32:27 |
Killing of apostates demanded |
Killing of apostates demanded |
Num. 25:5 |
Ex. 32:28–29 |
Levites’ status enhanced |
Levites’ (Phinehas’s) status enhanced |
Num. 25:6–13 |
Ex. 32:35 |
Plague on the people |
Plague on the people |
Num. 25:9 |
J Sidlow Baxter - Is there in all history a more amazing spectacle than the Exodus? - a more august and solemn revelation of God than at Sinai? - a more significant piece of architecture than the Israelite Tabernacle? - a greater human figure than the man Moses? a more influential national epoch than the founding of the Israel theocracy? All these are found in this second book of Scripture. It is the fons et origo - the very fount and origin of the national life, law, and organized religion of Israel. The title "Exodus," which means "outgoing," accurately conveys the main subject of the book; but two other subjects are associated with the Exodus, as being the direct outcome of it, and complimentary to it, namely, the Law, and the Tabernacle....Think what the Exodus meant in relation to Egypt. It meant three things specially. First, it was the first big-scale exposure of the falsity of idolatry. The primal revelation of Himself, and of Divine truth, which God had given to the early fathers of the race, had been more and more obscured or perverted as time had elapsed, through the perverted mind and will of fallen man; and systems of idolatry had grown up (Josh 24:2,14,15), man having made all manner of gods for himself. Egypt at the time of the Exodus was probably the greatest kingdom on earth, and its gods were considered correspondingly great. When God would call out the people of Israel to their new life and their intended national mission of restoring the knowledge of the one true God, He would, at the same time, expose the falsity of all man-concocted deities. Thus we find God saying: "Against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment: I am the Lord" (Ex 12:12) (see also Nu 33:4). This smash-up of Egypt's gods not only compelled even the magicians of Egypt to confess: "This is the finger of God (i.e., of the true God)," but, being so conspicuous, it was a lesson to all the nations of that day (Rc 15:14-15; 18:2; and see Josh 9:9). It duly impressed, also, the minds of the Israelites; and we hear them singing, from the farther bank of the Red Sea: "Who is like unto Thee, O Lord, among the gods? " Second, the overthrow of Egypt demonstrates the uselessness, sin, and folly of attempting to resist Jehovah, the God of Israel, the one true God. At the beginning of the contest Pharaoh contemptuously asked: "Who is Jehovah, that I should obey Him?" the Exodus was designed to answer that question in a way which should be a lesson to all men for all time. Indeed, God announced to Pharaoh, through Moses: "In very deed for this cause have I raised thee up, for to show in thee My power, and that My Name may be declared throughout the earth" (Ex 9:16). Third, it is to be remembered that all the principal features of the Exodus possess a typical import, and that in line with this, Egypt, the scene of the Exodus, is a type of "the world," in the morally evil sense. Egypt is a type of the world (1) in its material wealth and power (Heb 11:26); (2) in its fleshly wisdom and false religion (Ex 8:7, etc.; 1 Kings 4:30); (3) in its despotic prince, Pharaoh, who himself is a figure of Satan; (4) in its organization on the principles of force, human aggrandizement, ambition, and pleasure; (5) in its persecution of the people of God (Deut 4:20); (6) in its overthrow by Divine judgment (Ex 12:29; 15:4-7). In the plagues, the smiting of the firstborn, and the drowning of the Egyptian host, we see the final tribulation, judgment and destruction of the present world system. (Explore the Book SEE Vol. 1 Genesis to Joshua)
Henrietta Mears - Exodus follows Genesis in much the same relation as the New Testament stands to the Old Testament. Genesis tells of humanity's failure under every test and in every condition; Exodus is the thrilling epic of God hastening to the rescue. It tells of the redeeming work of a sovereign God. Exodus is preeminently the book of redemption in the Old Testament. It begins in the darkness and gloom, yet ends in glory; it commences by telling how God came down in grace to deliver an enslaved people, and ends by declaring how God came down in glory to dwell in the midst of a redeemed people. Exodus, which is Greek, means "way out." Without Genesis the book of Exodus has no meaning. It begins with the Hebrew word we, which means "And" or "Now" (KJV). The story is just continuing. This book, like many other books of the Old Testament, begins with the word "And." This seems to point to the fact that each author was not just recording his own story but only his part of a great drama that began in the events of the past and looked forward to that which would come. Take the five books of Moses—Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. Each book is about something and those five things are vitally related to one another. The Great Hero, Moses - The book gives us the story of Moses, the great hero of God. D. L. Moody (Dwight Lyman Moody, 1832-1899, American evangelist) said that Moses spent - (1) Forty years thinking he was somebody (2) Forty years learning he was nobody (3) Forty years discovering what God can do with a nobody. See Hebrews 11:23-29. (BORROW What the Bible is All About)
David Wilkerson- Christ in Exodus—Exodus contains no direct messianic prophecies, but it is full of types and portraits of Christ. Here are seven: (1) Moses: In dozens of ways Moses is a type of Christ (Deut. 18:15). Both Moses and Christ are prophets, priests, and kings (although Moses was never made king, he functioned as the ruler of Israel); both are kinsman-redeemers; both are endangered in infancy; both voluntarily renounce power and wealth; both are deliverers, lawgivers, and mediators. (2) The Passover: John 1:29, 36 and First Corinthians 5:7 make it clear that Christ is our slain God and the Passover Lamb. (3) The seven feasts: Each of these feasts portrays some aspect of the ministry of Christ. (4) The Exodus: Paul relates baptism to the Exodus event because baptism symbolizes death to the old and identification with the new (see Rom. 6:2–3; 1 Cor. 10:1–2). (5) The manna and water: The New Testament applies both to Christ (see John 6:31–35, 48–63; 1 Cor. 10:3–4). (6) The tabernacle: In its materials, colors, furniture, and arrangement, the tabernacle clearly speaks of the person of Christ and the way of redemption. The development is progressive from suffering, blood, and death, to beauty, holiness, and the glory of God. The tabernacle is theology in a physical form. (7) The high priest: In several ways the high priest foreshadows the ministry of Christ, our Great High Priest (see Heb. 4:14–16; 9:11–12, 24–28). (BORROW Talk thru the Bible)
Ray Stedman - The Old Testament is particularly designed of God to make the great truths of the New Testament come alive for us. We need this to happen in our Christian experience. So many of these truths are simply academic knowledge as far as we are concerned until they come alive when we see them interpreted in the dramatic presentations of the Old Testament. This is especially true of the first five or six books of the Old Testament, for here God lays out the foundational pattern of his workings. In a panoramic view of Scripture, the first six books, Genesis through Joshua, trace out God's pattern of working in human life. His pattern will be exactly the same in your life as it was in the lives of Adam, Abraham, Moses, David and all the others. It will follow the pattern that is developed for us in Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy and Joshua. In these books we will see how God moves in our lives. It is necessary therefore when we are studying in these books to relate each one briefly to the others. Genesis is the book that reveals the need of mankind. Genesis is all about man -- man's creation, man's sin, the new world that followed the flood, and man's slow journey through time, groping after God. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph -- four men who followed God -- set forth the need of men for justification, sonship, sanctification, and glorification. Most significantly, Genesis ends with the words "a coffin in Egypt." All you can say about man when you have said everything there is to say, is that he lives in the realm of death. But Exodus is all about God. Exodus is God's answer to man's need and God's supply for man's sin. It begins immediately with God's activity and throughout the whole course of the book you see God mightily at work. The book is the picture, therefore, of redemption, of God's activity to redeem man in his need, in his sin, in his degradation and misery. As such, it is a beautiful picture and contains tremendously instructive lessons to us of what redemption is; that is, what God has done, is doing in our lives, and what he intends to do with us -- the steps that he will be taking. Now redemption isn't complete in this book. You will never get the full story of redemption in Exodus. You must move on into Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. Then the full picture develops as you come into the book of Joshua, where you find Israel brought into the land and into the place of triumph and victory over their enemies -- a picture of the triumphant, victorious Christian experience. Israel, then, is a picture of the people of God, of the church of God, and of you as a child of God. These books are marvelously designed of the Holy Spirit for they describe actual historical events which occurred in such a way under the overruling government of God that they act out for us great redemptive truths. This is why Paul says in writing to the Corinthians, "These things happened to them as a warning [literally, types] but they were written down for our instruction." (1Cor. 10:11) Therefore, it is well to give heed to them. (Exodus- Design for Deliverance)
- ESV Introduction to Exodus - includes timeline, outline, map - see also The Global Message of Exodus and timelines
- Introduction of Exodus - Charles Swindoll
- Introduction to the Book of Exodus (Identical to that found in MacArthur Study Bible) - John MacArthur
- An Introduction to the Pentateuch - David Malick
- An Introduction to the Book of Exodus - David Malick
- An Argument of the Book of Exodus - David Malick
- Selected Bibliography of Exodus - David Malick
- Notes and Outline in Pdf - J Vernon Mcgee
- Exodus - brief overview - Myer Pearlman
- Knowing God Through Exodus - Radio Bible Class
- God's Answer To Man's Need: Exodus - Ray Stedman
- Exodus- Design for Deliverance - Ray Stedman
- Analysis of Exodus - Author, Date, Purpose, etc
- Exodus - Synopsis - excellent overview (only 8 pages) - G Campbell Morgan
- American Tract Society Exodus
- Bridgeway Bible Dictionary Exodus Exodus, book of
- Chabad Knowledge Base Exodus
- Easton's Bible Dictionary Exodus
- Holman Bible Dictionary Exodus Exodus, Book of
- Hitchcock Bible Names Exodus
- Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible Exodus
- Watson's Theological Dictionary Exodus
- 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica Book of Exodus The Exodus
- Kitto Biblical Cyclopedia Exodus Exodus book of
- McClintock and Strong's Bible Encyclopedia Exodus
- The Nuttall Encyclopedia Exodus
- The Jewish Encyclopedia Exodus Exodus, Book of
- Easton's Bible Dictionary Exodus, Book of
- Fausset Bible Dictionary Exodus, the Book of
- Morrish Bible Dictionary Exodus, Book of
- International Standard Bible Encyclopedia Exodus, the Book of
- American Tract Society Moses
- Bridgeway Bible Dictionary Moses
- Baker Evangelical Dictionary Moses
- Easton's Bible Dictionary Moses Law of Moses
- Fausset Bible Dictionary Moses
- Holman Bible Dictionary Moses Law of Moses
- Hitchcock Bible Names Moses
- Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible Moses
- Hastings' Dictionary of the NT Moses Moses
- Dictionary of Early Christian Biography Moses
- Smith Bible Dictionary Law of Moses
- Whyte's Bible Characters Moses
- Wilson's Bible Types Moses
- Watson's Theological Dictionary Moses
- International Standard Bible Encyclopedia Moses
- Kitto Biblical Cyclopedia Moses
- The Nuttall Encyclopedia Moses
Explanation - Most of the resources below are newer commentaries (written after 1970) and other Bible resources which previously were available only for purchase in book form or in a Bible computer program. The resources are made freely available by but have several caveats - (1) they do not allow copy and paste, (2) they can only be checked out for one hour (but can be checked out immediately when your hour expires giving you time to read or take notes on a lengthy section) and (3) they require creating an account which allows you to check out the books free of charge. To set up an account click and then click the picture of the person in right upper corner and enter email and a password. That's all you have to do. Then you can read these more modern resources free of charge! I have read or used many of these resources but not all of them so ultimately you will need to be a Berean (Acts 17:11+) as you use them. I have also selected works that are conservative and Biblically sound. If you find one that you think does not meet those criteria please send an email at
Expository Nuggets from Genesis and Exodus by Stuart Briscoe
Exodus - New International Bible Commentary by J Bruckner. 372 pages
Handbook on the Pentateuch - Exodus on page 138 by Victor Hamilton
Bible Knowledge Commentary - Old Testament - 1608 pages. Dallas Theological Seminary Faculty - Exodus by Dr John Hannah
Bible Exposition Commentary - Old Testament by Wiersbe, Warren W
Wiersbe's expository outlines on the Old Testament by Wiersbe, Warren W 113 ratings
"Even the most difficult Scriptures come alive as Warren Wiersbe leads you book-by-book through the Old Testament and helps you to see the "big picture" of God's revelation. In this unique volume, you will find: • Introductions and/or outlines for every Old Testament book • Practical expositions of strategic chapters • Special studies on key topics, relating the Old Testament to the New Testament • Easy-to-understand expositions that are practical, preachable, and teachable If you have used Dr. Wiersbe's popular BE series, you know how simple and practical his Bible studies are, with outlines that almost teach themselves. If not, you can now discover a wonderful new resource. This work is a unique commentary on every book of the Old Testament. It contains new material not to be found in the BE series.
With the Word - Devotional Commentary - Warren Wiersbe -27 ratings 428 ratings Comments on each chapter. Wiersbe is always worth checking!
"A fresh approach which not only offers trustworthy exposition, but also provides a book-by-book, chapter-by-chapter tour through the glory of the Bible. This highly readable personal "conversation" with Scripture guides you through each book, helping you reap the rich, life-changing applications on every page. You will be encouraged to develop your own personal Bible reading program and learn the power of meditation on its truth."
Hard sayings of the Old Testament by Kaiser, Walter (Or see unrestricted Pdf version)
More hard sayings of the Old Testament by Kaiser, Walter C
The Old Testament in contemporary preaching by Kaiser, Walter
The uses of the Old Testament in the New by Kaiser, Walter C
The promise-plan of God : a biblical theology of the Old and New Testaments by Kaiser, Walter C
The Messiah in the Old Testament by Kaiser, Walter C
The communicator's commentary : Exodus by Dunnam, Maxie D (Now published as Preacher's Commentary)
The Broadman Bible commentary - Genesis and Exodus
The Layman's Bible commentary by Kelly, Balmer H.
The Pentateuch as Narrative - John Sailhamer - Not strictly speaking a commentary but have helpful comments on many chapters.
Moses : a man of selfless dedication : profiles in character by Swindoll, Charles
Cyril Barber - Swindoll is a master in the use of drama, and those who have sat under his ministry readily appreciate his acumen. His writings, however, do not reflect this and leave a great figure such as Moses forever (it seems) in the shadows. On the positive side, this is a useful summary of the great liberator’s contribution to the lives of his people
Changing wanderers into worshipers : from the Exodus to the promised land : Insight for Living Bible study guide by Swindoll, Charles
Do you ever feel like you’re wandering through life without a strong sense of purpose or a clear sense of direction? While we all experience such seasons, they don’t have to be all we experience. God enjoys turning wandering people into worshippers, transforming drifters into pilgrims who receive His words, follow His ways, believe His promises, and enjoy His presence. That’s exactly the work He began through Moses who led the people out of Egypt to Sinai and eventually into the promised land.
Moses: moments of glory ... feet of clay by Getz, Gene A - How to appropriate God's power today.
Opening up Exodus by Campbell, Iain
By the time we have read through Exodus we have learned the basic vocabulary of the Gospel - words like blood, redeem, sacrifice, glory, law, tabernacle and passover are all here, part of the great drama in which God saves a people for himself. To study Exodus, therefore, is to come to the heart of the message of redemption, to see God as the Saviour of his people, caring for them and present with them as they journey from Egypt to Canaan, from the house of bondage to the land of promise. Join the journey now!
Exodus : free to serve by Dray, Stephen - A general guide through each chapter of Exodus including questions.
Exodus (The Daily Bible Study Series) by Ellison, H. L. (Henry Leopold) (1982) 228 pages.
Rosscup - Surprisingly, barely over a page of introduction precedes a commentary on the RSV set up under brief captions such as “The Burning Bush.” He dates the exodus late. Much space is used just printing the RSV, and it breaks up continuity. He assumes the midwives lied, and says apart from the last plague “there is nothing supernatural in the plagues on Egypt” (p. 40). He deems it probable that when Moses thrust a piece of wood into Marah’s waters, “nothing miraculous was intended” (85). Yet to him the manna and the water out of the rock were supernatural (90, 92). Quite a bit of the survey is helpful, even if one is perplexed here and there by Ellison’s unnecessary conclusions.
Holy ground; Expositions from Exodus by White, Douglas M.(1962) 147 pages. I have skimmed it and while not in depth seems to focus on applying the passages to our life in the New Testament.
Egypt and the Exodus by Pfeiffer, Charles - conservative
Thru the Bible covering the Pentateuch - J Vernon McGee
How to read Exodus by Longman, Tremper 17 ratings
Exodus Chapters 19-40 by McGee, J. Vernon
Exodus : learning to trust God : 24 studies in 2 parts for individuals or groups by Reapsome, James Gets 5/5 stars - 45 ratings
James W. Reapsome is a retired pastor who also formerly served as editor of Evangelical Missions Quarterly and the World Pulse newsletter. He was also executive director of Evangelical Missions Information Service in Wheaton, Illinois. He is the co-editor of Innovation in Mission and the author of LifeGuide studies such as Exodus, Hebrews, Grief and Marriage.
KJV Bible Commentary - NO RESTRICTIONS. Hindson, Edward E; Kroll, Woodrow Michael. Over 3000 pages of the entire OT/NT. Well done conservative commentary that interprets Scripture from a literal perspective. Pre-millennial. User reviews - it generally gets 4/5 stars from users. - 372 ratings
Very well done conservative commentary that interprets Scripture from a literal perspective user reviews
The King James Version Bible Commentary is a complete verse-by-verse commentary. It is comprehensive in scope, reliable in scholarship, and easy to use. Its authors are leading evangelical theologians who provide practical truths and biblical principles. Any Bible student will gain new insights through this one-volume commentary based on the timeless King James Version of the Bible.
NKJV Study Bible: New King James Version Study Bible (formerly "The Nelson Study Bible - NKJV") NO RESTRICTIONS by Earl D Radmacher; Ronald Barclay Allen; Wayne H House. 2345 pages. (1997, 2007). Very helpful notes. Conservative. Pre-millennial. 917 ratings
Dictionary of Biblical Imagery - free for use online with no restrictions (i.e., you do not need to borrow this book). Editors Leland Ryken, J C Wilhoit, Tremper Longman III - This is a potential treasure chest to aid your preaching and teaching as it analyzes the meaning of a host of Biblical figures of speech. One downside is there is no index, so you need to search 3291 pages for entries which are alphabetical. Excellent discussions.
The King James Study Bible Second Edition 2240 pages (2013) (Thomas Nelson) General Editor - Edward Hindson with multiple contributing editors. . 3,194 ratings. Pre-millennial. See introduction on How to Use this Study Bible.
Wycliffe Bible Commentary - OT and NT - Charles Pfeiffer - 1560 pages (1962). 214 ratings Less detailed than the KJV Bible Commentary.
Rosscup - Conservative and premillennial scholars here have been experts in their fields. The work contains brief introductions and attempts to give a verse-by-verse exposition, though it does skip over some verses. The treatments vary with the authors, but as a whole it is a fine one-volume commentary for pastors and students to use or give to a layman. Outstanding sections include, for example: Whitcomb on Ezra-Nehemiah-Esther; Culver on Daniel; Ladd on Acts; Harrison on Galatians; Johnson on I Corinthians; and Ryrie on the Johannine Epistles.
Believer's Bible Commentary - OT and NT - MacDonald, William (1995) 2480 pages. Conservative. Literal. Often has very insightful comments. John MacArthur, says "Concise yet comprehensive - the most complete single-volume commentary I have seen." Warren Wiersbe adds "For the student who is serious about seeing Christ in the Word." One hour limit.
Rosscup - This work, originally issued in 1983, is conservative and premillennial, written to help teachers, preachers and people in every walk of life with different views, explanation and application. The 2-column format runs verse by verse for the most part, usually in a helpfully knowledgeable manner, and there are several special sections such as “Prayer” in Acts and “Legalism” in Galatians. The premillennial view is evident on Acts 1:6, 3:20, Romans 11:26, Galatians 6:16, Revelation 20, etc.
HCSB Study Bible : Holman Christian Standard Bible - General Editor Jeremy Royal Howard (2010) 2360 pages. Conservative. Good notes. Include Holmans excellent maps. One hour limit
Life Application Study Bible: Old Testament and New Testament: New Living Translation. Has some very helpful notes especially with application of texts. 4,445 ratings. See also Life application New Testament commentary - Bruce Barton
The MacArthur Study Bible - John MacArthur. Brief but well done notes for conservative, literal perspective. 1,275 ratings
ESV Study Bible - Excellent resource but not always literal in eschatology and the nation of Israel 6,004 ratings
The David Jeremiah Study Bible - (2013) 2208 pages. 2,272 ratings - "Drawing on more than 40 years of study, Dr. David Jeremiah has compiled a legacy resource that will make an eternal impact on generations to come. 8,000 study notes. Hundreds of enriching word studies"50+ Essentials of the Christian Faith" articles."
NIV Study Bible - (2011) 2570 pages - Use this one if available as it has more notes than edition below.
The Defender's Study Bible : King James Version by Morris, Henry M. Excellent notes by well known creationist. 45 ratings
Ryrie Study Bible (1994) 2232 pages
The Living Insights Study Bible : New International Version - Charles Swindoll. Notes are good but somewhat sparse and not verse by verse.
The Apologetics Study Bible Understand Why You Believe by Norman Geisler
The Woman's Study Bible : the New King James Version
The Study Bible for Women : Holman Christian Standard Bible
Daily Study Bible for Men : New Living Translation
New Bible Commentary - (1994) See user reviews
Compact Bible commentary by Radmacher, Earl D; Allen, Ronald Barclay; House, H Wayne, et al - 954 pages. 424 ratings Multiple contributors to the comments which are often verse by verse. The comments are brief but meaty and can really help your study through a given book. A sleeper in my opinion.
Evangelical Commentary on the Bible - editor Walter Elwell (1989) 1239 pages. User reviews.
The Experiencing God Study Bible: the Bible for knowing and doing the will of God - Blackaby, Henry (1996) 1968 pages - CHECK THIS ONE! Each chapter begins with several questions under the title "PREPARE TO MEET GOD." Then you will interesting symbols before many of the passages. The chapter ends with a "DID YOU NOTICE?" question. This might make a "dry chapter" jump off the page! Read some of the 48 ratings
NLT Study Bible (Illustration Version)
The Holman Illustrated Study Bible 120 ratings Includes the excellent Holman maps but otherwise of little help in serious study.
NIV Topical Study Bible : New International Version
NIV Archaeological Study Bible (2005) 2360 pages 950 ratings (See also Archaeology and the Bible - OT and NT)
"Readers who desire a more intimate knowledge of the historical context of the Bible will appreciate the NIV Archaeological Study Bible. Full of informative articles and full-color photographs of places and objects from biblical times, this Bible examines the archaeological record surrounding God’s Word and brings the biblical world to life. Readers’ personal studies will be enriched as they become more informed about the empires, places, and peoples of the ancient world. Features include: • Four-color interior throughout • Bottom-of-page study notes exploring passages that speak on archaeological and cultural facts • Articles (520) covering five main categories: Archaeological Sites, Cultural and Historical Notes, Ancient Peoples and Lands, the Reliability of the Bible, and Ancient Texts and Artifacts • Approximately 500 4-color photographs interspersed throughout • Detailed book introductions that provide basic, at-a-glance information • Detailed charts on pertinent topics • In-text color maps that assist the reader in placing the action "
Disciple's Study Bible: New international version 54 ratings Not that helpful for verse by verse study. Focuses on application of Christian doctrines. 10,000 annotations; doctrinal summaries, "Life Helps" section relate doctrine to everyday discipleship.
NIV Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible. Bringing to Life the Ancient World of Scripture Keener, Craig and Walton, John. Editors (2017)
J.Sidlow Baxter: Explore The Book - pdf Vol. 1 Genesis to Joshua
Jensen's Survey of Bible (online) by Jensen, Irving 140 ratings (NT) 133 ratings (OT) This is a classic and in conjunction with the following three resources should give you an excellent background to the Bible book you are studying. Jensen has some of the best Book charts available and includes "key words." He also gives you some guidelines as to how to begin your inductive study of each book.
What the Bible is all about by Mears, Henrietta. This is a classic and is filled with "pearls" from this godly teacher of God's Word.
Talk thru the bible by Wilkinson, Bruce The Wilkinson & Boa Bible handbook : the ultimate guide to help you get more out of the Bible
Halley's Bible Handbook Henry H. Halley - (2000) 2720 pages (much larger than original edition in 1965 and no time limit on use). (Halley's Bible handbook : an abbreviated Bible commentary - one hour limit 1965 872 pages)
Rosscup - A much-used older evangelical handbook bringing together a brief commentary on Bible books, some key archaeological findings, historical background, maps, quotes, etc. It is helpful to a lay Bible teacher, Sunday School leader, or pastor looking for quick, pertinent information on a Bible book. This is the 72nd printing somewhat revised. Halley packed in much information. Unger’s is better overall, but that is not to say that Halley’s will not provide much help on basic information.
The Shaw Pocket Bible Handbook - Editor - Walter Elwell (1984) 408 pages.
"This hardback is small in size but packed full of content: Brief summaries of every book of the bible, cultural, archaeological and historical info, word definitions, pictures, maps and charts." Worth checking!
Eerdmans' Handbook to the Bible (1983) 688 pages
Today's Handbook of Bible Times & Customs by Coleman, William L
Nelson's New Illustrated Bible Manners & Customs : How the People of the Bible Really Lived by Vos, Howard Frederic
The New Unger's Bible Dictionary by Unger, Merrill Frederick, 1909-
Nelson's Expository Dictionary of the Old Testament by Unger, Merrill. Indexed by English word and then any related Hebrew nouns or verbs. Definitions are solid and geared to the lay person.
Nelson's Expository Dictionary of the Old Testament by Unger, Merrill
Dictionary of deities and demons in the Bible (DDD) - 950 pages (1995) Read some of the 65 ratings (4.8/5 Stars). A definitive in depth resource on this subject. Very expensive to purchase.
Archaeology and the Old Testament by Merrill F. Unger
Survey of the Bible : introductory insights, background studies, book-by- book survey by Unger, Merrill
A look at the Old Testament : an abridged survey of Genesis - Malachi by Mears, Henrietta
Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament by Harris, R. Laird - 229 ratings (5/5 Stars) One of the best OT lexicons for studying Hebrew words.
Here is another link to the TWOT which has no time limit on use and does allow copy and paste. Can be downloaded as PDF.
Vine's Expository Dictionary of Old Testament and New Testament Words - Online pdf
Hebrew Honey: a simple and deep word study of the Old Testament - 330 pages. The definitions have more of a devotional flavor. For example, see the descriptive definition for "Abide" (Hebrew - gur).
Expository Dictionary of Bible Words by Richards, Larry, 33 ratings It does not go into great depth on the Greek or Hebrew words but does have some excellent insights.
So That's What it Means (Theological Wordbook) - Formerly titled "Theological Wordbook" edited by Charles Swindoll. It is now under this new title So That's What it Means and can be borrowed - it is more like a dictionary than a lexicon but the comments are superb! The contributors include DKC—Donald K. Campbell, WGJ—Wendell G. Johnston, JAW—John A. Witmer, JFW—John F. Walvoord
- Lesson 1 can be downloaded as Pdf
- Click for discussion of the value of Inductive Study
- Exodus - Deliverance, redemption, the Law, the Tabernacle
Exodus is a wonderfully practical study of God's Word that contains foundational truths about deliverance, redemption, the Law and the Tabernacle. Walk with Moses out of Egypt and gain insights for leadership. Observe the judgments of God while delivering His people. Understand the Old Covenant of the Law and how it was given to Israel to help in our understanding of the New Testament. Examine the contents and structure of the Tabernacle of God among His people and catch a glimpse of His holiness. Learn powerful truths about Who God is and what His ways are like. 11 weeks, 11 lessons
- Exodus 1-3 Lesson 1 Notes (KA) God-The Deliverer for Those in Bondage - not available
- Exodus 4-7 Lesson 2 (PD) The Name of God
- Exodus Lesson 2 Notes (KA) When We Fail, He's Still I AM
- Exodus 7-10 Lesson 3 (KA) Beware of a Hardened Heart:
- Exodus 11-13 Lesson 4 Notes (KA) Redeemed from Slavery by a Lamb
- Exodus 14-16 Lesson 5 Notes (KA) Frightened? Facing a Red Sea?
- Exodus 17-18 Lesson 6 Notes (KA) Amalek, Ever-Present Battle!
- Exodus 19-20 Lesson 7 Notes (KA) Why Commandments When We Can't Keep Them?
- Exodus 21-24 Lesson 8 Notes (KA) The Covenants of Our Salvation
- Exodus 25-31 Lesson 9 Notes (KA): Worship God, His Way
- Exodus 32-33 Lesson 10 Notes (KA) God & The Golden Calf:
- Exodus 34-40 Lesson 11 Notes (KA) If Your Presence Doesn't Go with Me...
- Source: Louisiana Precept - Helping Louisiana Discover the Truth
The chosen people are in hopeless bondage in the land of Egypt, having no power to deliver themselves. But God says: ''I have seen the affliction of My people, I have heard their cry, I know their sorrows, I am come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians, and to bring them up unto a good land'' (Ex 3:7,8). It is a beautiful picture of the soul redeemed from the bondage of [sin] into the glorious liberty of the children of God. God is revealed to us as the Deliverer and Leader of His people, a God near at hand, dwelling among them, concerned with the affairs of their daily life.
His commission to Moses opens with the glorious vision of the Angel of Jehovah (note) appearing in the Burning Bush. A common little thorn bush of the dessert, ablaze with God! What a picture of the Incarnation. God manifesting Himself in a visible tangible form (1John 1:1-note). When Moses asks His Name, He says, ''I AM THAT I AM; say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you'' (Ex 3:14). Where do we find that Name again? Jesus said: ''I am the Bread of Life; I am the Light of the World; I am the Door; I am the Good Shepherd; I am the Resurrection and the Life; I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; I am the True Vine.'' Again, in response to the words, ''When Messias cometh, that is Christ...'', Jesus said, ''I am He.'' And once He applies that name to Himself in all its simple majesty: ''Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I AM.'' It was then that the Jews ''took up stones to cast at Him.'' Why? The answer comes out in the accusation of the Jews to Pilate, ''We have a law, and by our law He ought to die, because He made Himself the Son of God.'' [All of the above statements are found in the Gospel of John.]
The Passover Lamb
In the Passover Lamb we have a picture of the Redemption that is in Christ Jesus. With many of the types we feel that we may not have interpreted them rightly, but with some we can have no doubt, for God has told us the meaning. It is so in this case, and in most of the types of Exodus. ''Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us: therefore let us keep the feast'' (1Cor 5:7,8, cf Jn 1:29, 36).
Ex 12:6. It was a slain lamb-- not a living one-- that availed the Israelites in the hour of judgment.
1Cor 2:2. I determined not to know anything among you save Jesus Christ, and Him crucified.
Ex 12:5. The lamb was to be without blemish.
Ex 12:7. Its blood was to be shed and applied to the door-posts.
1Pet 1:18,19-note. Ye were... redeemed... with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot.
Ex 12:46. No bone of it was to be broken.
John19:36; The the Scripture might be fulfilled,, A bone of Him shall not be broken.
Ex 12:3, 20. In every home that night there was one dead, either the first-born or the lamb in stead of the first-born. Ro 6:23-note. The wages of sin is death.
Ro 5:8-note. While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
Ex 12:2. The Israelites were to reckon their life as a nation from the day of the Passover. ''It shall be the first month of the year to you.'' John 3:7. Ye must be born again.
Gal 4:3-6. We were in bondage... But God sent forth His Son... to redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons.
Ex 13:2. All the first born-- those who had been redeemed by the blood of the lamb-- were to be sanctified (ie., set apart) unto the Lord.
1Cor 6:19,20-note . Ye are not your own: ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.
The word pasach (06452), translated ''Pass over,'' in Ex 12:13,23, 27 is used in three other passages of Scripture, namely 2Sa 4:4, translated ''became lame''; 1Kings 18:21, trans. ''halt,'' 1Ki 18:26, ''leaped''; and Isaiah 31:5, ''As birds flying, so will the Lord of Hosts protect Jerusalem; He will protect and deliver it. He will pass over and preserve it.'' How does a mother bird-- the word is in the feminine-- protect her nest? Not by passing over it in the sense of passing by it, but by fluttering over it, spreading her wings in protection. Thus, Jehovah Himself preserved His people on that awful night when the Destroyer was abroad in the land of Egypt. It was by the Lord's command that the Destroyer executed His judgment upon Egypt. ''All the first-born in the land of Egypt shall die.'' Being in Egypt, Israel came under Egypt's doom. But Jehovah Himself stood on guard, as it were, at every blood-sprinkled door. He became their Saviour. Nothing short of this is the meaning of the Passover.
The first-born in Egypt were saved from death by the lamb slain in their stead. God's word to them was: ''When I see the blood, I will pass over you.'' The blood of the lamb made them safe, their trust in God's promise made them sure. In the same way, we may have salvation through Jesus, the Lamb of God, slain in our stead, and assurance through believing God's record that He ''hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in His Son'' (1John 5:10-13).
The Living Bread and Living Water--
Next, we have a double picture of Christ as the Living Bread and the source of the Living Water, and again we are left in no uncertaintly as to the application of the types. When Israel murmured, the Lord said to Moses, ''Behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you'' (Ex 16:4). The Lord applied this type to Himself and said, ''I am that Bread of Life. Your fathers did eat manna in the wilderness, and are dead... I am the Living Bread which came down from heaven: if any man eat of this Bread, he shall live for ever: and the Bread that I will give is My flesh, which I will give for the life of the world'' (John 6:48-51). How beautifully this follows on from the teaching about the Passover, which Jesus also applied to Himself when He was eating the Passover Feast with His disciples. He took the bread, which was a recognised part of that feast, and gave thanks and brake it, saying, ''Take, eat; this is My body. And He took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all of it; for this is My blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins'' (Mat 26:26-28). When He spoke to His disciples about eating His flesh and drinking His blood, they murmured and said, ''This is an hard saying.'' And Jesus said, ''Doth this offend you? What and if ye shall see the Son of Man ascend up where He was before? It is the Spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing'' (John 6:60-63). We see clearly by these words that it is a personal, spiritual appropriation of Christ in His death which avails, and nothing outward. We also see the vital necessity of this appropriation: ''Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, ye have no life in you.'' We must each for ourselves know the blood which has been shed applied to our souls spiritually for the remission of our sins, and daily-- as the Israelites gathered the manna-- we must know what it is to feed upon the Bread of Life.
Then, in the history of Israel, there immediately follows The Smitten Rock. ''Thou shalt smite the rock, and there shall come water out of it, that the people may drink'' (Ex 17:6). ''They drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ'' (1Cor 10:4). ''Whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life'' (John 4:13,14).
The Law--
Moses was a type of Christ, as specially seen in two points:
In delivering the whole people from an awful bondage. The bondage of sin from which Christ delivers us is far more terrible than the bondage of Egypt.
In the giving of a new law. [The law that Christ gives is superior to the law of Moses, as] Christ Himself shows in the Sermon on the Mount (Mt 5-7-note) -- a law which touches the springs of character and conduct, rather than the outcome; a law which He has summed up for us, first in two commandments, and finally in one word -- Love!
The Tabernacle--
[For more complete studies of the Tabernacle, see Christ in the Tabernacle, by W.W. Rugh (See Diagram of the Tabernacle]
With the Tabernacle (and with its services), again, we are not left in doubt as to the true meaning. In the Epistle to the Hebrews we are distinctly told that it was ''a copy and shadow of the heavenly things'' (Heb 8:5, RV). It was the outward sign of God's presence in the midst of the meeting-place between God and man. As such, it was a true picture of the Incarnation. ''The Word became flesh, and tabernacled among us, and we beheld His glory'' (John 1:14, RV, margin). ''The Tabernacle of God is with men'' (Rev 21:3). As a whole, it was a type of Christ, and every part of it shows forth something of His glory (Ps 29:9, margin). Every detail of its design was given to Moses by God in the mount. ''As Moses was admonished of God when he made the Tabernacle: for, See, saith He, that thou make all things according to the pattern shown thee in the mount'' (Heb 8:5). And over fifty times, it is recorded of Moses, ''As the Lord commanded Moses, so did he.'' What have we each seen in the Tabernacle? How did it appear viewed from without? A long black, unattractive tent of badgers' skins. But when we come inside, we find ourselves surrounded by shining gold: looking up to the curtained roof, we see the wings of the cherubim woven in blue and purple and scarlet and fine twined linen. All the beauty within is revealed by the light of the golden candlestick. So it is with Christ Himself. The natural man, beholding Him, sees no beauty that he should desire Him. But to those who know the Lord Jesus Christ, His beauty satisfies their souls.
The Tabernacle was protected by a court of pure white linen, held up by sixty pillars, and entered by a curtain of coloured material, called the Gate. The walls of the Tabernacle were made of boards of shittim wood overlaid with gold, resting in massive silver sockets sunk into the sand. These sockets were made from the redemption-money paid by every Israelite, thus the whole fabric rested upon a foundation of redemption (1Pet 1:18,19). The entrance [of the Tabernacle itself] was protected by a curtain called the Door, and the two parts of the Tabernacle-- the Holy Place and the Most Holy Place [or, Holy of Holies]-- were divided by another curtain-- the Veil. Spread over the solid framework of the Tabernacle were four sets of curtains, which formed its only roof, and hung down over the sides, covering it completely.
Now, draw a straight line from the center of the Gate to the Mercy-Seat [in the middle of the Holy of Holies]. You go through the Altar, through the Laver, through the Door; you pass the Table of Shewbread on your right hand, and the Golden Lampstand on your left; through the Altar of Incense, through the Veil, to the Ark, covered by the Mercy-Seat... This is the true Pilgrim's Progress, from the camp outside to the immediate presence of God.
The Court was entered by the Gate (John 10:9). This was a curtain. A curtain is the very easiest means of entrance; it is not like a wooden door at which you have to knock, you can lift it silently. At the time, no one need know of the transaction which takes place silently between the soul and its Saviour. It may be like Nicodemus, coming by night. But when the curtain is dropped again, you are completely inside, not half in and half out as in a doorway-- but completely shut off by a sharp dividing line. Inside that Gate, you are completely surrounded by the spotless white curtains of the Court. ''Complete in Him''; ''made the righteousness of God in Him.'' Here, you are immediately confronted by the brazen Altar of Burnt Offering. ''One Sacrifice for sins for ever'' (Heb 10:12). Then, the Laver [which speaks of] cleansing, as the result of the Atonement (Zech 13:1). Thus far, every Israelite might enter. Have we come thus far? Have we entered by the Gate, and accepted the Sacrifice, and known the Cleansing?
Only the Priests might enter the Tabernacle itself. If we have proved the power of the Cross, Christ calls us to be priests, set apart for His Service. We may enter still farther. The Holy Place is entered by the Door. This again is Christ Himself. He is the means of entrance into every fresh position of blessing. Every spiritual blessing comes with a fresh view of Christ and what He can be to us. He is the one entrance, as well for the first step, as the last. The Gate, the Door, the Veil, they were all of the same materials and colours, and the number of square cubits (20 by 5, or, 10 by 10)-- though the Gate was stretched out wide as if to emphasize the breadth of the universal proclamation, ''Whosoever will may come.''
In the Holy Place, were two great gifts-- Food and Light: ''I am the Bread of Life''; ''I am the Light of the World.'' Then the Golden Altar of Incense (Heb 7:25): Christs' continual Intercession by which alone our prayers can ascend to God.
So far, and no farther, the Priests might enter. Into the Holy of Holies only one man, only one day in the year, might enter, and that not without blood. ''But Christ being come an High Priest of good things to come... by His own blood... has entered into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us.'' (Heb 9), and He also has opened up for us a way of access by His blood into the Holiest, into the very presence of God here and now, as we read in Heb 10.
The Veil--
Heb 10:20, ''Through the veil, that is to say His flesh.'' The veil was rent in twain from the top to the bottom at the moment of His death (Mat 27:51). ''From the top to the bottom,'' the way of access opened by God Himself. [Within the Veil, we find...]
The Ark, containing the unbroken Law--
Here again, we see Christ, who alone kept [the Law] completely. The Ark was covered by the Mercy-Seat, or, as it should be translated, the Propitiatory Covering. The word in Heb 9:5 and Rom 3:24,25 is the same.
The Propitiation-- Christ.
This is the meeting-place betwen God and man (Ex 25:22). Above it rested the Shekinah-glory, the symbol of God's presence. It arose from the Mercy-Seat, a pillar of fire by night and a cloud by day, spreading out over the whole camp as a protection, and guiding the children of Israel on their march.
The Great High Priest--
In Aaron, we have a picture of our Great High Priest. His garments were all typical. The three ornaments of his dress, which were engraved with a signet, teach a very precious lesson. The onyx stones on his shoulder and the breastplate on his heart were engraved with the names of the children of Israel, that he might bear them before the Lord continually. The plate of the mitre, on his forehead was engraved with ''Holiness to the Lord'' to bear the iniquity of their holy things ''that they might be accepted before the Lord.'' On his shoulders, on his forehead, and on his heart. What do we see here but the perfect strength and perfect wisdom and perfect love of our High Priest put forth on our behalf? The Good Shepherd lays the lost sheep ''on His shoulder.'' Christ is ''made unto us Wisdom.'' ''Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.''
Many of us see the uselessness of an outward priesthood-- of any man to come between us and God. But are we equally clear in valuing the inner Reality? Do we feel our utter need of the Lord Jesus as our Great High Priest, and recognise that we cannot draw nigh to God except through His one availing sacrifice?
Aaron, the type, fell short, for he was a sinful man. Jesus Christ is a perfect High Priest. As man, He was tempted in all points like as we are, yet without sin. He is able to sympathize and to succour [ie., help us in our need] because He has been through it all. He is able to understand our need to the uttermost because He was perfect man. He is able to meet our need to the uttermost because He is perfect God. He was able to bear the whole world's sin in His Atonement on the Cross. He is able to bear the whole world's need in intercession upon the Throne.
Published August, 2020 Verse by verse comments including Hebrew word studies, devotional thoughts, etc. Note that each verse has a Multiple Sermons and Commentaries link WITH resources related the specific chapter (e.g see Exodus 1 Resources) I need your help - Please report bad links.
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- Exodus 1
- Exodus 2
- Exodus 3
- Exodus 4
- Exodus 5
- Exodus 6
- Exodus 7
- Exodus 8
- Exodus 9
- Exodus 10
- Exodus 11
- Exodus 12
- Exodus 13
- Exodus 14
- Exodus 15
- Exodus 16
- Exodus 17
- Exodus 18
- Exodus 19
- Exodus 20
- Exodus 21
- Exodus 22
- Exodus 23
- Exodus 24
- Exodus 25
- Exodus 26
- Exodus 27
- Exodus 28
- Exodus 29
- Exodus 30
- Exodus 31
- Exodus 32
- Exodus 33
- Exodus 34
- Exodus 35
- Exodus 36
- Exodus 37
- Exodus 38
- Exodus 39
- Exodus 40
The Wilderness Wanderings
- Deliverance from Egypt Exodus 12:1-14
- Crossing the Red Sea Exodus 14:1-31
- Blessing and Bitterness Exodus 15:1-27
- Quail and Manna Exodus 16:1-16
- Strife at Rephidim Exodus 17:1-7
- War with Amalek Exodus 17:8-16
- Jethro's Advice to Moses Exodus 18:1-27
- The Covenant at Sinai Exodus 19:1-25
- The Golden Calf Incident Exodus 32:1-29
- Exodus 1
- Exodus 2
- Exodus 3
- Exodus 4
- Exodus 5
- Exodus 6
- Exodus 7
- Exodus 8
- Exodus 9
- Exodus 10
- Exodus 11
- Exodus 12
- Exodus 13
- Exodus 14
- Exodus 15
- Exodus 16
- Exodus 17
- Exodus 18
- Exodus 19
- Exodus 20
- Exodus 21
- Exodus 22
- Exodus 23
- Exodus 24
- Exodus 25
- Exodus 26
- Exodus 27
- Exodus 28
- Exodus 29
- Exodus 30
- Exodus 31
- Exodus 32
- Exodus 33
- Exodus 34
- Exodus 35
- Exodus 36
- Exodus 37
- Exodus 38
- Exodus 39
- Exodus 40
The Tabernacle of Moses Series:
- God’s Heavenly Pattern for our Spiritual Transformation – Part I: The Outer Court
- God’s Heavenly Pattern for our Spiritual Transformation – Part II: The Holy Place – Golden Lampstand
- God’s Heavenly Pattern for our Spiritual Transformation – Part III: The Holy Place – Table of Showbread
- God’s Heavenly Pattern for our Spiritual Transformation – Part IV: The Holy Place – Golden Altar of Incense
- God’s Heavenly Pattern for our Spiritual Transformation – Part V: The Most Holy Place
- God’s Heavenly Pattern for our Spiritual Transformation – Part VI: The Priestly Garments
- God’s Heavenly Pattern for our Spiritual Transformation – Part VII: Our Great High Priest
- God’s Heavenly Pattern for our Spiritual Transformation – Part VIII: The Women of the Tabernacle
Sacrifices and Offerings of the Old Covenant Series:
- The Fire Sacrifices and Offerings of Israel – Introduction
- The Fire Sacrifices and Offerings of Israel – The Burnt Offering
- The Fire Sacrifices and Offerings of Israel – The Meal Offering
- The Fire Sacrifices and Offerings of Israel – The Peace Offering
- The Fire Sacrifices and Offerings of Israel – The Sin Offering
- The Fire Sacrifices and Offerings of Israel – The Trespass Offering
- The Fire Sacrifices and Offerings of Israel – The Red Heifer Offering
Clarke (1760-1832) was Methodist, Wesleyan, Arminian, (e.g., Clarke "suggested that although God can know all future events, He chooses not to know some events beforehand" Baker Encyclopedia of the Bible, page 808). He did not always interpret Scripture literally and so was amillennial (to quote Clarke on 1000 years - "I am satisfied that this period should not be taken literally" [see comment on Rev 20:4] - he interpreted Revelation as a Historicist) which led him to interpret the church as fulfilling many OT promises to Israel. Influential in development of doctrine of Entire Sanctification (or "Christian perfection"). Affirmed the authority and sufficiency of Scripture, but held a belief of "plenary dynamic inspiration" (idea of every thought inspired), thus falling short of "plenary verbal inspiration" (every single word inspired) (Bib. Sacra: Vol 125, p 163, 1968). In summary, a useful, respected commentary but as with all extra-Biblical resources you are advised to "Be a Berean!" Acts 17:11
- Exodus 1
- Exodus 2
- Exodus 3
- Exodus 4
- Exodus 5
- Exodus 6
- Exodus 7
- Exodus 8
- Exodus 9
- Exodus 10
- Exodus 11
- Exodus 12
- Exodus 13
- Exodus 14
- Exodus 15
- Exodus 16
- Exodus 17
- Exodus 18
- Exodus 19
- Exodus 20
- Exodus 21
- Exodus 22
- Exodus 23
- Exodus 24
- Exodus 25
- Exodus 26
- Exodus 27
- Exodus 28
- Exodus 29
- Exodus 30
- Exodus 31
- Exodus 32
- Exodus 33
- Exodus 34
- Exodus 35
- Exodus 36
- Exodus 37
- Exodus 38
- Exodus 39
- Exodus 40
Calvin did not write a verse by verse commentary on Exodus so some of the verses will not have commentary
- Exodus 1
- Exodus 2
- Exodus 3
- Exodus 4
- Exodus 5:1-5
- Exodus 6:1-8
- Exodus 7:1-7
- Exodus 8:1-7
- Exodus 9:1-7
- Exodus 10:1-6
- Exodus 11:1-10
- Exodus 12:1
- Exodus 12:1-20
- Exodus 12:21-28
- Exodus 12:24-27,43-49
- Exodus 12:29-39
- Exodus 13:1,2,11-16
- Exodus 13:3-10
- Exodus 13:17-22
- Exodus 14
- Exodus 15
- Exodus 16
- Exodus 17
- Exodus 18
- Exodus 19
- Exodus 20:1-2
- Exodus 20:3
- Exodus 20:18-21
- Exodus 22:29
- Exodus 30:11-13,15,16
- Exodus 34:19,20
Updated Feb, 2019
- Exodus 1:7-14 Overcoming The Strange Pull Of Egypt
- Exodus 2:1-10 Jochebed: A Portrait Of A Godly Mother
- Exodus 2:1-10 The Man With Two Mothers
- Exodus 3:1-12 God's Answers For Man's Excuses
- Exodus 4:1-5 What Is That In Thine Hand?
- Exodus 6:1-8 Heavenly Help For Hurting Hearts
- Exodus 6:1-8 he Blessings Of A Redeemed People
- Exodus 8:1; 25-32 Let's Make A Deal
- Exodus 8:1-15 Another Night With The Frogs
- Exodus 8:1-15 just One More Night With The Frogs
- Exodus 15:22-27 lessons Learned At Life's Bitter Pools
- Exodus 16:1-7, 14-15; Nu 11:1-9 Are You Satisfied With God's Gift?
- Exodus 16:11-15 Manna: What Is It?
- Exodus 17:8-13 Thank God For Guys Like Hur
- Exodus 17:8-13 Somebody Touched Heaven For Me
- Exodus 20:1-17 The Ten Commandments, An Introduction
- Exodus 20:1-3 Who Is On First
- Exodus 20:4-6 No Pictures Allowed
- Exodus 20:7 God's Last Name Is Not Damn
- Exodus 20:8-11 Sunday Is Still A Holy Day
- Exodus 20:12 Honor Thy Father And Thy Mother
- Exodus 20:13 There Is More To Murder Than Taking A Life
- Exodus 20:14 The Destructive Power Of Adultery
- Exodus 20:15 Thou Shalt Not Steal
- Exodus 20:16 How To Handle Your Neighbor's Reputation
- Exodus 20:17 The Sin Nobody Will Admit To
- Exodus 26:31-33 The Message In The Veil
- Exodus 30:1-10 The Golden Altar Of Incense
- Exodus 30:34-38 The Scent Of Biblical Worship
- Exodus 33:12-23 Show Me Thy Glory
- Exodus 33:12-23 The Significance Of Biblical Worship
- Exodus 26:31-33 The Message In The Veil
These sermons are excellent expository messages that average about 10 pages each
- 1. Hurry Up and Wait! (Exodus 1:1-2:10)
- 2. How God Uses Failure (Exodus 2:11-25)
- 3. How God Saves His People, Part 1 (Exodus 3:1-22)
- 4. How God Saves His People, Part 2 (Exodus 3:1-22)
- 5. Serving God Effectively (Exodus 4:1-31)
- 6. The Plan Isn’t Working (Exodus 5:1-6:30)
- 7. God’s Mighty Power to Save (Exodus 7:1-25)
- 8. Exalt the Lord God! (Exodus 8-10)
- 9. God’s Means of Salvation (Exodus 11:1-12:36)
- 10. The Scenic Route To The Promised Land (Exodus 13:17-22)
- 11. Why God Ordains Trials (Exodus 14:1-31)
- 12. Singing, But Then Sinning (Exodus 15:1-27)
- 13. Raining Bread from Heaven (Exodus 16:1-36)
- 14. Problems Within And Problems Without (Exodus 17:1-16)
- 15. God’s Purpose for His People (Exodus 19:1-25)
- 16. Obeying The Big Ten (Exodus 20:1-17)
- 17. Avoiding Spiritual Compromise (Exodus 32:1-35)
- 18. God’s Presence: Dangerous, but Essential (Exodus 33:1-17)
- 19. Going Deeper with God (Exodus 33:18-34:9)
- 20. Entering God’s Holy Presence (Exodus 40:1-38)
- 21. When Leaders Get Depressed (Numbers 11:1-34)
- 22. Challenging Spiritual Leaders (Numbers 12:1-15)
- 23. Persevering Faith or Temporary Faith? (Numbers 13:1-14:11)
- 24. The Tragic Consequences of Unbelief (Numbers 14:11-45)
- 25. Serving God Wrongly or Rightly? (Numbers 16:1-50)
- 26. Stumbling at the Finish (Numbers 20:1-13)
- 27. The Snake that Saves (Numbers 21:1-9)
- 28. A Healthy Transition (Deuteronomy 31:1-13)
- 29. Remember This Song! (Deuteronomy 31:16-22; 32:1-47)
- 30. Knowing The God Of Moses (Deuteronomy 33:26-29)
- 31. If God Wrote Your Obituary (Deuteronomy 34:1-12)
- Exodus 1
- Exodus 2
- Exodus 3
- Exodus 4
- Exodus 5
- Exodus 6
- Exodus 7
- Exodus 8
- Exodus 9
- Exodus 10
- Exodus 11
- Exodus 12
- Exodus 13
- Exodus 14
- Exodus 15
- Exodus 16
- Exodus 17
- Exodus 18
- Exodus 19
- Exodus 20
- Exodus 21
- Exodus 22
- Exodus 23
- Exodus 24
- Exodus 25
- Exodus 26
- Exodus 27
- Exodus 28
- Exodus 29
- Exodus 30
- Exodus 31
- Exodus 32
- Exodus 33
- Exodus 34
- Exodus 35
- Exodus 36
- Exodus 37
- Exodus 38
- Exodus 39
- Exodus 40
Below is the Unabridged Version of the Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
- Introduction
- Exodus 1
- Exodus 2
- Exodus 3
- Exodus 4
- Exodus 5
- Exodus 6
- Exodus 7
- Exodus 8
- Exodus 9
- Exodus 10
- Exodus 11
- Exodus 12
- Exodus 13
- Exodus 14
- Exodus 15
- Exodus 16
- Exodus 17
- Exodus 18
- Exodus 19
- Exodus 20
- Exodus 21
- Exodus 22
- Exodus 23
- Exodus 24
- Exodus 25
- Exodus 26
- Exodus 27
- Exodus 28
- Exodus 29
- Exodus 30
- Exodus 31
- Exodus 32
- Exodus 33
- Exodus 34
- Exodus 35
- Exodus 36
- Exodus 37
- Exodus 38
- Exodus 39
- Exodus 40
- Exodus 1
- Exodus 2
- Exodus 3
- Exodus 4
- Exodus 5
- Exodus 6
- Exodus 7
- Exodus 8
- Exodus 9
- Exodus 10
- Exodus 11
- Exodus 12
- Exodus 13
- Exodus 14
- Exodus 15
- Exodus 16
- Exodus 17
- Exodus 18
- Exodus 19
- Exodus 20
- Exodus 21
- Exodus 22
- Exodus 23
- Exodus 24
- Exodus 25
- Exodus 26
- Exodus 27
- Exodus 28
- Exodus 29
- Exodus 30
- Exodus 31
- Exodus 32
- Exodus 33
- Exodus 34
- Exodus 35
- Exodus 36
- Exodus 37
- Exodus 38
- Exodus 39
- Exodus 1:1-2:10 Moses: The Man of God
- Exodus 2 The Great Renunciation
- Exodus 2:1-10 In Memory Of Mother
- Exodus 2:11-15 Human Failure
- Exodus 3 In A Flame of Fire
- Exodus 3:10 The Great Non-Compromiser
- Exodus 4:18-5:23 Dying To Self
- Exodus 4:24-26 Moses & That Ethiopian Woman
- Exodus 5:22-12:12 The Difference Between
- Exodus 7:1-10:29 The Great Non Compromiser
- Exodus 10-12 The Birthday of the People of God
- Exodus 12-13 Blood Of The Passover
- Exodus 12:29 The Passage at the Red Sea
- Exodus 15:22 The Way Of The Wilderness
- Exodus 15:22 Don't Drink Bitter Water
- Exodus 17:8-13 Holding Up The Hands of the Pastor
- Exodus 25 The Tabernacle in the Wilderness
- Exodus 25:10 The Ark of the Covenant
- Exodus 25:10 The Mercy Seat
- Exodus 25:18 The Cherubim
- Exodus 25:23-30 The Table of Showbread
- Exodus 27 The Brazen Altar
- Exodus 33:11-27 Facing The Future With God
Consisting of 40 readings to be read weekly - practical applications. (1854)
"Dr. Cumming is one of the most notable preachers in London, and a very prolific and popular writer. It is written in the author's usual ready, flowing style." —Merchant Magazine and Commercial Review
- Exodus 1
- Exodus 1:8
- Exodus 2
- Exodus 3
- Exodus 4
- Exodus 5
- Exodus 6
- Exodus 7
- Exodus 8
- Exodus 9
- Exodus 10
- Exodus 11
- Exodus 12
- Exodus 13
- Exodus 14
- Exodus 15
- Exodus 16
- Exodus 17
- Exodus 18
- Exodus 19
- Exodus 20
- Exodus 21
- Exodus 22
- Exodus 23
- Exodus 24
- Exodus 25
- Exodus 26
- Exodus 27
- Exodus 28
- Exodus 29
- Exodus 30
- Exodus 31
- Exodus 32
- Exodus 33
- Exodus 34
- Exodus 34:5 Saving Name
- Exodus 35
- Exodus 36
- Exodus 37
- Exodus 38
- Exodus 39
- Exodus 40
- The Shekinah
- The Veiled Prophet
- Exodus 1-2 Affliction brings multiplication; Disobeying; Times in the wilderness
- Exodus 3 Thorns; God sees your affliction; Being nobody
- Exodus 4-5 Who makes blind or deaf?; Sticking to the Word of God
- Exodus 6-10 Can we be gods?; The finger of God
- Exodus 11-12 Supernatural favor; The Lord's Passover
- Exodus 13 When your son asks you; Do miracles bring faith?
- Exodus 14 Vulnerability; Victory over tribulations
- Exodus 15 Miriam; Bitter water - bitter Word?; None of these diseases
- Exodus 16 Grumbling and complaining; Bread from heaven
- Exodus 17:1-7 Quarreling; Water from the rock
- Exodus 17:8-18:27 Holding up Moses' arms; Amalek; Giving godly advice
- Exodus 19-20 The ten commandments; Generational curses?
- Exodus 21-22 Bondservants; Cursing authority
- Exodus 23 Enemies and strangers; The Sabbath; Prophetic feasts
- Exodus 24 Approaching God on His terms; The desire to obey
- Exodus 25 Contribution from the heart; ark & mercy seat; table; lamp stand
- Exodus 26-27 Design of the tabernacle; The Veil
- Exodus 28-30 Clothing priests; Altar of incense; Atonement money; Laver
- Exodus 31 Natural-born abilities Sabbath; Two tablets; The finger of God
- Exodus 32 No patience; Weak Leadership; Intercession
- Exodus 33-34 Tent of meeting; Seeing God's face; Moses' shining face
- Exodus 35 Resting in God; Contributing to the Lord; Skillful men
- Exodus 36-40 Trusting people with finances; Building the tabernacle and ark
- 1. Pharaoh’s Fears and Israel’s Faith (Exodus 1)
- 2. The Preservation and Preparation of Israel’s Deliverer (Exodus 2)
- 3. The Burning Bush (Exodus 3:1-15)
- 4. Beating Around the Burning Bush (Exodus 3 and 4)
- 5. The Finger of God (Exodus 7:14-10:29)
- 6. The Passover and the Plague of the Firstborn (Exodus 11:1-13:16)
- 7. The Red Sea: Israel’s Deliverance and Egypt’s Defeat (Exodus 13:17-14:31)
- 8. The Song of the Sea (Exodus 15)
- 9. Boot Camp and “C” Rations (Exodus 16)
- 10. The Grumbling of Men and the Grace of God (Exodus 17:1-7)
- 11. The Tyranny of the Urgent (Exodus 18)
- 12. The Preamble to Israel’s Constitution (Exodus 19)
- 13. An Overview of the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:1-17)
- 14. Israel’s Worship (Exodus 20:1-7)
- 15. The Meaning of the Sabbath (Exodus 20:8-11)
- 16. The Sabbath Controversy in the Gospels
- 17. The Sabbath in Apostolic Preaching and Practice
- 18. Between Child and Parent - Honoring Father and Mother (Exodus 20:12)
- 19. The Sanctity of Life (Exodus 20:13)
- 20. The Sanctity of Marriage (Exodus 20:14)
- 21. The Sin of Stealing (Exodus 20:15)
- 22. The Sanctity of Truth (Exodus 20:16)
- 23. Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Coveting -- and a Whole Lot More! (Exodus 20:17)
- 24. The Magnificent Meal on Mt. Sinai (Exodus 24:1-18)
- 25. The Rejection of God and the Revelation of Man (Exodus 32:1-14)
- 26. Israel and Aaron at the Hand of Moses (Exodus 32:15-35)
- 27. “Outside the Camp” (Exodus 33:1-11)
- 28. The Presence of God With His People (Exodus 33:12-17)
- 29. The "Backside" of God (Exodus 33:18-34:9)
- 30. A New Beginning (Exodus 34:10-35)
- 31. Concerning Contributions (Exodus 35:1-36:7)
- 32. The Tabernacle, the Dwelling Place of God (Exodus 36:8-39:43)
- 33. The Consecration of the Tabernacle and the Presence of God (Exodus 40)
CAVEAT - Sometimes substitutes the "church" for Israel - Be a Berean!
- Exodus 1:8-15 A New King, Who Knew Not Joseph
- Exodus 1:15-22 The Midwives Who Feared God
- Exodus 2:1-10 The Deliverer Delivered (by Women!)
- Exodus 2:11 A Failed Deliverance
- Exodus 2:23-25 God Remembered His Covenant
- Exodus 3:1-12 The Burning Bush
- Exodus 3:10-15 Christian World View - Postmodernism #1
- Exodus 3:13-22 I AM Who I AM
- Exodus 4:1-9 Signs and Wonders for Moses
- Exodus 4:10-17 A Spokesman for Moses
- Exodus 4:18-26 Hardening Pharaoh's Heart
- Exodus 4:27-5:14 The People Believed, Worshiped, and are Afflicted
- Exodus 5:15-6:1 The Foremen Grumble
- Exodus 6:2-9 Revelation of the Divine Name
- Exodus 6:10-7:7 The Lord's Plan
- Exodus 7:8-13 Moses, Aaron and the Sorcerers
- Exodus 7:14-15 The 1st Plague: The Nile Turned to Blood
- Exodus 8:1-15 The Second Plague: Frogs
- Exodus 8:16-32 The 3rd & 4th Plagues: Gnats and Flies
- Exodus 9:1-7 The 5th Plague: Death of Livestock
- Exodus 9:8-35 The 6th & 7th Plagues: Boils and Hail
- Exodus 10:1-20 The 8th Plague: Locusts
- Exodus 10:21-29 The 9th Plague: Darkness
- Exodus 11:1-20 The 10th Plague: Death of the Firstborn
- Exodus 12:1-13 The Lord's Passover
- Exodus 12:14-20 The Feast of Unleavened Bread
- Exodus 12:21-32 Celebration and Destruction
- Exodus 13:1-16 Because of What the Lord did for Me
- Exodus 13:17-22 The Bones of Joseph
- Exodus 14:1-14 The Lord Will Fight for You
- Exodus 14:15-31 The Lord Overthrows the Egyptians
- Exodus 15:1-21 The Songs of Moses and Miriam
- Exodus 15:22-27 The Test at Marah
- Exodus 16:1-21 Manna and Quail
- Exodus 17:1-7 The Waters of Quarreling
- Exodus 17:8-16 The Lord is My Banner
- Exodus 18:1-27 The Wise Counsel of Jethro
- Exodus 19:1-6 On Eagles' Wings
- Exodus 19:7-15 Preparation for a Divine Encounter
- Exodus 19:16-25 Meeting God
- Exodus 20:1-2 Grace Before Law
- Exodus 20:3 #1 - No god but God
- Exodus 20:4-6 #2 - No Idols
- Exodus 20:7 #3 - Do Not Wrongly Take God's Name
- Exodus 20:8 #4 - The Command (Blessing) We Love to Hate
- Exodus 20:12 #5 - Honor Parental Authority
- Exodus 20:13 #6 - Do No Immoral Killing
- Exodus 20:14 #7 - The Scarlet Letter
- Exodus 20:15 #8 - No Theft
- Exodus 20:16 #9 - No False Testimony
- Exodus 20:17 #10 - No Coveting
- Exodus 20:18-21 The Fear of God
- Exodus 20:22-26 How to Worship
- Exodus 21:1-11 What About Slavery?
- Exodus 21:12-17 Capital Punishment
- Exodus 21:18-32 What Does “An Eye for An Eye” Really Mean?
- Exodus 21:33- 22:15 What God Says About Dogs, Cows & Property Rights
- Exodus 22:16-31 God's Concern for Community
- Exodus 23:1-9 Justice and Neighbor-love
- Exodus 23:10-19 The Parties You Have to Go To
- Exodus 23:20-33 Loyalty to God
- Exodus 24:1-11 The Blood of the Covenant
- Exodus 24:12-18 The Glory of the Lord
- Exodus 25:1-40 That I May Dwell Among Them
- Exodus 26:1-37 Its Curtains
- Exodus 27:1-21 Mobile Sanctuary
- Exodus 28:1-45 The Beauty of Holiness
- Exodus 29:1-46 Preparations for Priests
- Exodus 30:1-38 A Sweet Smell for the Lord
- Exodus 31:1-18 Bezalel the Builder
- Exodus 32:1-10 Sin at Sinai
- Exodus 32:11-18 Does God Change His Mind?
- Exodus 32:19-35 Who is on the Lord's Side?
- Exodus 33:1-11 I Will Not Go Up in Your Midst
- Exodus 33:12-33 A Mediator with a Heart
- Exodus 34:1-9 The Lord Passes By
- Exodus 34:10-28 Glorifying God
- Exodus 34:29-35 The Face of Moses
- Exodus 35:1-19 Sabbath and Construction
- Exodus 35:20-36:7 Moses’ Reverse Capital Campaign
- Exodus 35:20-36:7 Gifts and Craftsmen
- Exodus 36:8 - 38:20 The Progress of Construction
- Exodus 38:21 - 39:31 Priestly Garments
- Exodus 39:32-43 Moses' Benediction
- Exodus 40:1-33 The Tent of Meeting Set Up
- Exodus 40:34 The Glory Cloud (Ed: Shekinah)
Click here for the following devotionals (scroll down page)
- Exodus 2:1-5 Train a Child; Affect the World
- Exodus 3:1-14 Frail Man Cannot Limit God
- Exodus 4:1-17 God Enables Whom He Calls
- Exodus 5:10-23 Rejected by One's Own
- Exodus 6:1-13 Learning to Stand Alone
- Exodus 7:1-13 Unquestioned Obedience
- Exodus 8:20-32 Refusing to Compromise
- Exodus 9:22-35 God Knows the Heart
- Exodus 10:12-29 Resisting God
- Exodus 11 God's Judgment Announced
- Exodus 12:1-14 A New Beginning
- Exodus 12 Saved by the Blood
- Exodus 13:17-22 God Leads His Own
- Exodus 14 Released From Bondage!
- Exodus 15 From Singing to Complaining
- Exodus 16:11-36 Feeding on God's Provisions
- Exodus 17:1-7 Life to All Who Drink
- Exodus 18:13-27 Delegating Responsibility
- Exodus 19 Preparing to Give the Law
- Exodus 20 Law Reveals Need of Grace
- Exodus 32:1-18 Trust in God, Not Man
- Exodus 32:19-35 Stand Up for Jesus!
- Exodus 33:12-23 Desiring to Know God Better
- Exodus 34 Reflecting God's Glory
- Israelology: Part 1 of 6 Introduction: Definition of Terms
- Israelology: Part 2 of 6 Israel Present (Note: Article begins on Page 2)
- Israelology: Part 3 of 6 Israel Present (Continued)
- Israelology: Part 4 of 6 - Israel Future (Part One)
- Israelology: Part 5 of 6 - Israel Future (Part Two)
- Israelology: Part 6 of 6 Other Relevant Topics - Illustrations of Israel (including marriage)
- Exodus 1
- Exodus 2
- Exodus 3
- Exodus 4
- Exodus 5
- Exodus 6
- Exodus 7
- Exodus 8
- Exodus 9
- Exodus 10
- Exodus 11
- Exodus 12
- Exodus 13
- Exodus 14
- Exodus 15
- Exodus 16
- Exodus 17
- Exodus 18
- Exodus 19
- Exodus 20
- Exodus 21
- Exodus 22
- Exodus 23
- Exodus 24
- Exodus 25
- Exodus 26
- Exodus 27
- Exodus 28
- Exodus 29
- Exodus 30
- Exodus 31
- Exodus 32
- Exodus 33
- Exodus 34
- Exodus 35
- Exodus 36
- Exodus 37
- Exodus 38
- Exodus 39
- Exodus 40
Note: This site is conservative and answers questions with Scripture with only minimal "opinion."
- Book of Exodus - Bible Survey
- What should we learn from the life of Aaron?
- What should we learn from the life of Moses?
- Who was Moses' mother?
- Why did God speak to Moses out of the burning bush?
- Who was Zipporah in the Bible?
- Who was Jethro in the Bible?
- Who was Moses’ wife? Did Moses have more than one wife?
- What does the Bible mean when it refers to holy ground?
- Why was God going to kill Moses in Exodus 4:24-26?
- Why did God harden Pharaoh’s heart?
- Who was the Pharaoh of the Exodus?
- Are the pyramids mentioned in the Bible? Did the enslaved Israelites build the pyramids?
- What was the meaning and purpose of the ten plagues of Egypt?
- Is there extra-biblical evidence of the ten plagues in Egypt?
- Who were Jannes and Jambres?
- What is the importance of the parting of the Red Sea?
- Did the Israelites in the book of Exodus cross the Red Sea or the Reed Sea?
- What did the Law mean when it referred to a lasting ordinance?
- What did the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night signify? (Exodus 13:21-22)
- What is the location of the real Mount Sinai?
- What are the Ten Commandments?
- Why is "You shall have no other gods before me" in the Ten Commandments?
- Why is "You shall not make for yourself an idol" in the Ten Commandments?
- What is the true meaning of the second commandment?
- Why is "You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God" in the Ten Commandments?
- Why is "Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy" in the Ten Commandments?
- Why is "Honor your father and your mother" in the Ten Commandments?
- Why is "You shall not murder" in the Ten Commandments?
- Why is "You shall not commit adultery" in the Ten Commandments?
- Why is "You shall not steal" in the Ten Commandments?
- Why is "You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor" in the Ten Commandments?
- Why is "You shall not covet" in the Ten Commandments?
- What day is the Sabbath, Saturday or Sunday?
- Does God require Sabbath keeping of Christians?
- What did it mean to be devoted to destruction?
- What is the difference between the ceremonial law, the moral law, and the judicial law in the Old Testament?
- What was the significance of the sprinkling of blood?
- What was the bread of the Presence (Exodus 25:30)?
- What was manna?
- What does the Bible mean by "an eye for an eye"?
- What was the sanctuary shekel?
- What was the significance of the anointed priest?
- What should we learn from the golden calf incident in Exodus 32?
- What sort of pagan revelry did the Israelites indulge in (Exodus 32:6)?
- Why wasn't Aaron punished for making the golden calf?
- If Moses met face to face with God, why, later, was he not allowed to see God’s face?
- What does the Bible say about what foods we should eat (kosher)? Are there foods a Christian should avoid?
- Why did the Old Testament Law command against the eating of pork?
- Theology of Unclean Food - Gordon J. Wenham, Evangelical Quarterly 53.1 (January/March 1981): 6-15.
- What does it mean that Christians are not under the law?
- Does God require Sabbath-keeping of Christians?
- Do Christians have to obey the Old Testament law?
- What should Christians learn from the Mosaic Law?
- Law vs. grace—why is there so much conflict among Christians on the issue?
- Exodus 1-2 The Challenge of Motherhood
- Exodus 2:11-15 Timing is Everything
- Exodus 3:1-10 The Talking Bush
- Exodus 3:11-4:18 The Fine Art of Making Excuses
- Exodus 4:18-31 Valuable Truth in Unlikely Places
- Exodus 4:29-6:12 When Things Don't Go As Expected
- Exodus 7-11 God Versus the Stubborn Heart
- Exodus 11,12 The Night Egypt Cried
- Exodus 13 The Importance of Remembering the Past
- Exodus 14 When Your Back is Against the Wall
- Exodus 15-17 Learning to Stop Complaining
- Exodus 17-18 Lessons in Leadership
- Exodus 19 Preparing to Meet With God
- Exodus 21-31 Learning to Love God's Law
- Exodus 32 The Threat of Spiritual Amnesia
- Exodus 32 Effective Praying
- Exodus 33 The Backside of God: Responding to the Tragedies of Life
- Exodus 34 Representing God in the World
- Exodus 20:2,3 Giving God His Rightful Place
- Exodus 20:4-6 Worshipping God Appropriately - The Second Commandment:
- Exodus 20:7 Treating God With Respect - The Third Commandment
- Exodus 20:8-11 Keeping the Sabbath Holy - The 4th Commandment
- Exodus 20:12 The Foundation of Society - The 5th Commandment
- Exodus 20:13 Valuing Life - The 6th Commandment
- Exodus 20:14 Pursuing Pure Relationships - The 7th Commandment
- Exodus 20:15 Keeping Your Hands to Yourself - The 8th Commandment
- Exodus 20:16 Speaking Well of Those Around You - The 9th Commandment
- Exodus 20:17 That Satisfied Feeling - The 10th Commandment
Unfortunately this church keeps changing their links so it is almost impossible to keep them updated. For that reason I am not attempting to organize the sermons below for fear they will soon change their links again. Apologies.
Brief Notes from Conservative, Evangelical, Millennial Perspective
- Exodus 1
- Exodus 2
- Exodus 3
- Exodus 4
- Exodus 5
- Exodus 6
- Exodus 7
- Exodus 8
- Exodus 9
- Exodus 10
- Exodus 11
- Exodus 12
- Exodus 13
- Exodus 14
- Exodus 15
- Exodus 16
- Exodus 17
- Exodus 18
- Exodus 19
- Exodus 20
- Exodus 21
- Exodus 22
- Exodus 23
- Exodus 24
- Exodus 25
- Exodus 26
- Exodus 27
- Exodus 28
- Exodus 29
- Exodus 30
- Exodus 31
- Exodus 32
- Exodus 33
- Exodus 34
- Exodus 35
- Exodus 36
- Exodus 37
- Exodus 38
- Exodus 39
- Exodus 40
- Exodus 1
- Exodus 2
- Exodus 3
- Exodus 4
- Exodus 5
- Exodus 6
- Exodus 7
- Exodus 8
- Exodus 9
- Exodus 10
- Exodus 11
- Exodus 12
- Exodus 13
- Exodus 14
- Exodus 15
- Exodus 16
- Exodus 17
- Exodus 18
- Exodus 19
- Exodus 20
- Exodus 21
- Exodus 22
- Exodus 23
- Exodus 24
- Exodus 25
- Exodus 26
- Exodus 27
- Exodus 28
- Exodus 29
- Exodus 30
- Exodus 31
- Exodus 32
- Exodus 33
- Exodus 34
- Exodus 35
- Exodus 36
- Exodus 37
- Exodus 38
- Exodus 39
- Exodus 40
James Rosscup "Keil, C. F. and Franz Delitzsch. Commentary on the Old Testament. 25 volumes. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1950. This is the best older, overall treatment of a critical nature on the Old Testament Hebrew text verse by verse and is a good standard work to buy. The student can buy parts or the whole of this series. Sometimes it is evangelical, at other times liberal ideas enter." (Commentaries for Biblical Expositors: An Annotated Bibliography of Selected Works)
- Introduction
- Exodus 1
- Exodus 2
- Exodus 3
- Exodus 4
- Exodus 5
- Exodus 6
- Exodus 7
- Exodus 8
- Exodus 9
- Exodus 10
- Exodus 11
- Exodus 12
- Exodus 13
- Exodus 14
- Exodus 15
- Exodus 16
- Exodus 17
- Exodus 18
- Exodus 19
- Exodus 20
- Exodus 21
- Exodus 22
- Exodus 23
- Exodus 24
- Exodus 25
- Exodus 26
- Exodus 27
- Exodus 28
- Exodus 29
- Exodus 30
- Exodus 31
- Exodus 32
- Exodus 33
- Exodus 34
- Exodus 35
- Exodus 36
- Exodus 37
- Exodus 38
- Exodus 39
- Exodus 40
Transcripts and Mp3's
- Exodus 1:1-22 The House of Bondage
- Exodus 2:1-25 Prophet, Providence and Covenant
- Exodus 3:1-12 God Encountered and the Servant Commissioned
- Exodus 3:13-22 The Name of All Names
- Exodus 4:1-27 Moses’ Excuses and the Compulsion of Compliance
- Exodus 4:27 – 6:1 Moses, Aaron and Pharaoh: the First Round
- Exodus 6:2-9 A Renewed Commission
- Exodus 6:10 – 7:13 The Second Round
- Exodus 7:14 – 10:29 The Remaining Rounds – the Nine Plagues
- Exodus 11:1-10 The Tenth Plague: Grace and Judgment Announced
- Exodus 12:1-51 Out of the Land of Egypt
- Exodus 13:1-16 The Feast of Unleavened Bread
- Exodus 13:17-22 The Pillar of Cloud and Fire
- Exodus 14:1–15:27 Through the Red Sea, or Redemption by Power
- Exodus 16:1-36 Israel and the Manna
- Exodus 17:1-7 The Smitten Rock
- Exodus 17:8-16 Then Came Amalek
- Exodus 19 – 24:18 Israel at Mount Sinai
- Exodus 32:1-35 Israel and the Golden Calf
- Exodus 32: 15-43 Moses’ Swan Song: From Indictment to Hope, part II
- Exodus 33: 1-29 The Blessing of the Tribes
See Kroll's 75 page book - Lessons on living from Moses : becoming a light in the darkness - There are 31 excellent devotionals beginning in Exodus 4 and through Exodus 13:21-22. This book therefore is an excellent companion to the devotionals below beginning in Exodus 15.
Click Exodus Devotionals and scroll down page for the following devotionals
- Exodus 15:21-22 Living in the Valleys - most people don’t live on mountains. The demands of reality require that life is generally lived in the valleys.
- Exodus 15:23 By the Waters of Bitterness - A bitter spirit will keep you from being a better person.
- Exodus 15:24 The Attitude of Ingratitude - Times of need are times for praying, not complaining... Nothing cures ingratitude as quickly as a good memory.
- Exodus 15:25 Cry Out - It’s not what you know but who you know that counts.
- Exodus 15:26 The Key to Health - An ounce of obedience is worth a pound of protection.
- Exodus 15:27 Does Jesus Care? - In His time, God gives us rest from every test.
- Exodus 16:2-3 Selective Memories - The memories Satan selects never reflect the way it really was.
- Exodus 16:4 Tested By the Blessings - If you are experiencing a time of blessing, that’s wonderful—but be sensitive to the potential for danger. Testing doesn’t stop just because the trials have ceased. The need for obedience is constant whether the sun shines or not.
- Exodus 16:7 Glory in the Morning - How you begin your day will frequently determine how you end it.
- Exodus 16:8 I Hate to Complain - Ultimately, all our complaints are directed against God.
- Exodus 16:23 Rest Rest - (Sabbath) Rest is a matter of wisdom, not law.
- Exodus 17:1-3 Give 'Em A Brake - Pastors need your grace, not your gripes.
- Exodus 17:5-6 Water From the Rock - The world offers a cistern; Christ offers a well.
- Exodus 17:8 When Life Isn't Fair - Perhaps you also are experiencing unfair treatment. Life is not fair, but God is.
- Exodus 17:9 The Mentor - In helping others, we help ourselves.
- Exodus 17:11-12 A Little Help From Your Friends - Be sensitive to the opportunities to respond as Aaron and Hur did. Victory is never won alone.
- Exodus 17:14 Write It Down - The weakest ink is stronger than the greatest memory. When you’re feeling discouraged, or perhaps even wondering if God loves you, take out your journal and refresh your memory.
- Exodus 17:15-16 His Banner Over Me - Is it obvious to those around you that the King is in residence in your life? If the King is in residence, be sure to fly His flag.
- Exodus 18:2-5 A Family Reunion - Christians never say "good-bye"; just "until we meet again."
- Exodus 18:7-8 Respecting Your Elders - Treat the elderly as a nonrenewable resource; they are!
- Exodus 18:10-11 Great is the Lord - Trouble never troubles God.
- Exodus 18:14,17 The Test of a True Friend - faithful friend is a truthful friend.
- Exodus 18:21 Looking for Leadership - What a man is will always determine what a man does.
- Exodus 18:22 Burden Bearers - Are you willing to help others bear their burdens? A burden shared is a lighter load.
- Exodus 19:3-4 No Obstacles Allowed - What you can’t go through, God will help you fly over.
- Exodus 19:9 No Room For Doubt - During those times when doubts arise, quench them with a healthy dose of proof. Read your Bible... Our faith is based on facts, not fiction.
- Exodus 19:10-11 The God Who Is Near - When you put your hand in God’s hand, you will never walk alone.
- Exodus 20:1-3 Priority One - If your life is chaotic, it may indicate your priorities are jumbled. Make God priority one in your life and you may be surprised at how easily everything else comes together. Only by starting your priorities right can you hope to end them right. Everything begins with the right priorities, and right priorities begin with God.
- Exodus 20:12 Honor Your Parents - Honor your parents and the Lord will honor you.
- Exodus 20:13 Respect for Life - An attitude can murder just as easily as an ax.
- Exodus 20:14 An Undefiled Bed - When adultery walks in, everything worth having walks out
Lange has some very in depth comments on the book of Exodus - He is worth consulting!
NOTE: Some of the links go to Biblehub and others links in BOLD FONT go to Google as Biblehub does not have all 40 chapters linked
- Exodus - Introduction
- Exodus - Discussion of Sacrifices
- Exodus 1 Commentary
- Exodus 2 Commentary
- Exodus 3 Commentary
- Exodus 4 Commentary
- Exodus 5 Commentary
- Exodus 6 Commentary
- Exodus 7 Commentary
- Exodus 8 Commentary
- Exodus 9 Commentary
- Exodus 10 Commentary
- Exodus 11 Commentary
- Exodus 12 Commentary - extensive
- Exodus 13 Commentary
- Exodus 14 Commentary
- Exodus 15 Commentary
- Exodus 16 Commentary
- Exodus 17 Commentary
- Exodus 18 Commentary
- Exodus 19 Commentary
- Exodus 20 Commentary
- Exodus 21 Commentary
- Exodus 22 Commentary
- Exodus 23 Commentary
- Exodus 24 Commentary
- Exodus 25 Commentary
- Exodus 26 Commentary
- Exodus 27 Commentary
- Exodus 28 Commentary
- Exodus 29 Commentary
- Exodus 30 Commentary
- Exodus 31 Commentary
- Exodus 32 Commentary
- Exodus 33 Commentary
- Exodus 34 Commentary
- Exodus 35 Commentary
- Exodus 36 Commentary
- Exodus 37 Commentary
- Exodus 38 Commentary
- Exodus 39 Commentary
- Exodus 40 Commentary
- Exodus Doctrinal and Homiletic Appendix
- Exodus Homiletic Hints - Be a Berean!
Primarily devotional rather than expositional
- Exodus 3:3: The Burning Bush
- Exodus 3: 14 I Am That I Am'
- Exodus 12:11 The Passover
- Exodus 13:13 Redemption
- Exodus 13:21 The Pillar (Shekinah Glory)
- Exodus 14:30 The Red Sea
- Exodus 15:23-25 Marah
- Exodus 15:26 The Healer
- Exodus 16:15 Manna
- Exodus 17:6 The Smitten Rock
- Exodus 17:11 Prevailing Intercession
- Exodus 17:15 The Banner
- Exodus 20:1 Mount Sinai
- Exodus 21:5-6 The Willing Servant
- Exodus 25:10-11 The Ark of the Covenant
- Exodus 25:30 The Table of the Bread of the Presence
- Exodus 25:31 The Golden Lampstand
- Exodus 26:1 The Tabernacle
- Exodus 27:1-2 The Bronze Altar
- Exodus 28:1 The Priest
- Exodus 28:2 The Holy Garments
- Exodus 30:1-3 The Incense Altar
- Exodus 30:18 The Washbasin
- Exodus 33:18-19 The Name
Mackintosh, a Plymouth Brethren, was a gifted teacher and writer. D L Moody said that "it was C. H. Mackintosh who had the greatest influence" upon his learning of the Word of God. One of his most respected works was Notes on the Pentateuch. If you are not familiar with his work, read through some of his observations on Exodus. Further biographical Note
- Links to all chapters of Exodus
- Exodus 1:1-14 Four Shaping Centuries
- Exodus 1:6-7 Death and Growth
- Exodus 2:1-10 The Ark Among the Flags
- Exodus 3:1:The Bush That Burned and Did Not Burn Out
- Exodus 3:10-20:The Call of Moses
- Exodus 11:1-10: A Last Merciful Warning
- Exodus 12:1-14 Passover Expiation & Feast, Memorial & Prophecy
- Exodus 13:9: Thought, Deed, Word
- Exodus 14:19-31: A Path in the Sea
- Exodus 15:2: My Strength and Song
- Exodus 15:13:The Shepherd and the Fold
- Exodus 15:17:The Ultimate Hope
- Exodus 15:23-25: Marah
- Exodus 16:4-12:The Bread of God
- Exodus 17:15: Jehovah Nissi
- Exodus 18:3-4: Gershom and Eliezer
- Exodus 18:21:The Ideal Statesman
- Exodus 20:1-11 The Decalogue:1- Man and God
- Exodus 20:12-21: The Decalogue: 2 - Man and Man
- Exodus 23:16: The Feast of Ingathering in the End of the Year
- Exodus 24:1-2: The Love of Thine Espousals
- Exodus 25:30: The Bread of the Presence
- Exodus 25:31: The Golden Lampstand
- Exodus 28:12,29: The Names of Aaron's Breastplate
- Exodus 28:36: Three Inscriptions With One Meaning
- Exodus 30:1: The Altar of Incense
- Exodus 30:12: Ransom For Souls
- Exodus 30:15: Ransom For Souls - 2
- Exodus 32:1-8, 30-35: The Golden Calf
- Exodus 32:15-26: The Swift Decay of Love
- Exodus 33:12-23: The Mediator's Threefold Prayer
- Exodus 34:6: God Proclaiming His Own Name
- Exodus 34:7: Sin and Forgiveness
- Exodus 34:29: Blessed and Tragic Unconsciousness
- Exodus 35:21: An Old Subscription List
- Exodus 40:1-16: The Copies of Things in the Heavens
- Exodus Commentary - Exodus 1-14 - 344 pages - on page 336 is a list of illustrations used in commentary
- Exodus Commentary - Exodus 15-34 - 384 pages - on page 380 is a list of illustrations used in commentary
- Exodus 1:12
- Exodus 2:12
- Exodus 3:13
- Exodus 4:10
- Exodus 5:22
- Exodus 6:6
- Exodus 7:5
- Exodus 8:23
- Exodus 9:26
- Exodus 10:23
- Exodus 11:2
- Exodus 12:8
- Exodus 13:14
- Exodus 14:30
- Exodus 15:25
- Exodus 16:4
- Exodus 17:6
- Exodus 18:23
- Exodus 19:5
- Exodus 20:21
- Exodus 21:6
- Exodus 22:5
- Exodus 23:22
- Exodus 24:11
- Exodus 25:9
- Exodus 26:33
- Exodus 27:20
- Exodus 28:34
- Exodus 29:4
- Exodus 30:32
- Exodus 31:2
- Exodus 32:30
- Exodus 33:22
- Exodus 34:29
- Exodus 35:35
- Exodus 36:5
- Exodus 37:6
- Exodus 38:8
- Exodus 39:30
- Exodus 40:38
- Hebrews 11:24 OUR STANDPOINT
- Hebrews 11:23 HIS MOTHER'S FAITH
- Hebrews 11:24 "COME TO YEARS"
- Exodus 4:20 "TO EGYPT"
- Exodus 14:29, 30 THE PASSAGE OF THE RED SEA
- Exodus 15:21 THE SONG OF VICTORY
- Exodus 15:22 MARAH AND ELIM
- Exodus 16:14-16 THE GIFT OF MANNA
- Exodus 17:1-15 REPHIDIM
- Exodus 18:19 THE GOD-WARD ASPECT
- Exodus 19:18 AT THE FOOT OF SINAI
- Numbers 10:29 THE START FROM SINAI
- Numbers 11:29 NOBLE TO THE CORE
- Numbers 20:11 HOW IT WENT ILL WITH HIM
- Deuteronomy 31:2 PREPARING FOR PISGAH
- Deuteronomy 34:5,6 THE DEATH OF MOSES
- Exodus 1 - The Bitterness of Life
- Exodus 2:1-22 The Morning Cometh and Also the Night
- Exodus 2:23-25 The Darkest Hour Before the Dawn
- Exodus 3:1-12 The Preparation of the Messenger
- Exodus 3:13-22 The Name of Names!
- Exodus 4:1-9 The Credentials of the Messenger
- Exodus 4:10-17 From Servant to Friend
- Exodus 4:18-26 Meet for the Master's Use
- Exodus 4:27, 6:1 The First Challenge to Pharaoh
- Exodus 6:2-9 On Eagle's Wings
- Exodus 6:10, 7:13 The Second Challenge to Pharaoh
- Exodus 7:14, 10:29 The Nine Plagues
- Exodus 11:1-10, 12:1-28, 43-51, 13:3-10 The Passover
- Exodus 12:29, 13:1, 2:11-16 A Night to be Much Observed
- Exodus 13:17-22 The Way of the Wilderness
- Exodus 14:13 The Salvation of the Lord
- Revelation 15:1-8 The Twofold Song
- Exodus 15:23-26 The Wells of Bitterness
- Exodus 16:1 The Food from Heaven
- Exodus 17:1-15 Rephidim
- Exodus 18:1-27 The Economy of Force
- Exodus 19:1-25 The Preparation for the Giving of the Law
- Exodus 20:1-17 The Ten Words
- Exodus 20:18-21, Hebrews 12:18-22 The Mount that Might be Touched
- Exodus 20:22-26 The Summons to Worship
- Exodus 21:1-32 The Rights of the Individual
- Exodus 21:33, 22:15 The Rights of Property
- Exodus 22:16, 23:19 Miscellaneous Laws
- Exodus 23:20-33 The Prepared Place and the Angel-Guide
- Exodus 24:1-18 Concentric Circles of Approach
- Exodus 25:1-9 In the Mount with God
- Exodus 25:10-22 The Ark of the Covenant
- Exodus 25:23-30; Leviticus 24:5-9 The Table of the Presence Bread
- Exodus 25:31-40, 27:20-21 The Candlestick of Pure Gold
- Exodus 26:1-30 The Significance of the Tabernacle
- Exodus 26:31-37; Hebrews 10:19-22 Into the Holiest
- Exodus 27:1-19, 30:17-21 The Court and its Contents
- Exodus 28 The Priesthood of Aaron and His Sons
- Exodus 29, 30:22-33 The Consecration and Daily Duty
- Exodus 30:1-10, 34-38 The Golden Altar of Perpetual Incense
- Exodus 30:11-16; 38:24-31 The Ransom Money
- Exodus 31:1-11 The Designated Artists
- Exodus 31:12-17 God's Sabbath-Rest and Ours
- Exodus 31:18; 32:15-20; 34:1, 28, 29 Tables of the Testimony
- Exodus 32:1-6, 21-29 The Golden Calf
- Exodus 32:7-14, 30-35 The Fourfold Intercession of Moses
- Exodus 33:12-17 Alone, Yet Not Alone
- Exodus 33:18, 34:27 The Cleft of the Rock
- Exodus 34:29-35, 2Cor 3:18 He Wist Not
- Exodus 35:1-29, 36:2-7 The Gifts of the Willing-Hearted
- Exodus 39:32, 40:38 The Glory of Consummated Work
Enter Query below to search articles in 33 conservative Theological Journals - An annual $50 or monthly $5 fee (click here) is required to view the entire article but will give you access to literally thousands of conservative articles. Search by book You can also search by chapter like: John 1 or Gen. 2 You can also search by simple or complex references like: James 1:2 or Hebrews 1:1-3,6; 5:4
Below are a few examples of journal articles from a search on Exodus (by chapter - i.e., "Ex 1," "Ex 2," etc)...
- Bondage in Egypt - William McRae
- The Hardening of Pharaoh’s Heart in Its Literary and Cultural Contexts - Dorian Cox
- An Exegetical And Theological Consideration Of The Hardening Of Pharaoh’s Heart In Exodus 4-14 And Romans 9 - G K Beale
- The Providence of God - William J McRae
- The Finger of God - William J. McRae
- The Testing of God’s People: Exodus and Luke - Debbie Hunn
- The Meaning of the Divine Name YHWH - Charles Gianotti
- Divine Hardening in the Old Testament - Chisholm
- Deliverance From Death By The True Passover Lamb: Significant Aspect Of The Fulfillment Of Passover In Gospel Of John - Paul Hoskins
- Israel in Slavery and Slavery in Israel- D. Jeffrey Mooney
- The Duration of the Israelite Sojourn in Egypt - Paul J Ray
- Guidelines for Understanding and Proclaiming Old Testament Narratives - Steven Mathewson
- The Feast Of Cover-Over - Meredith G. Kline
- Allen, Ronald B. "The Bloody Bridegroom in Exodus 4:24-26," Bibliotheca Sacra 153 (1996) 259-69
- Bailey, Jon N. “Vowing Away the Fifth Commandment: Matthew 15:3-6//Mark 7:9-13,” Restoration Quarterly 42 (2000) 193-209
- Barrick, William D. “The Openness of God: Does Prayer Change God?” The Master's Seminary Journal 12/2 (Fall 2001) 149-166
- Beale, G. K. "An Exegetical and Theological Consideration of the Hardening of Pharaoh's Heart in Exodus 4-14 and Romans 9," Trinity Journal 5 NS (1984) 129-54. (Adv)
- Beitzel, Barry J. "Exodus 3:14 and the Divine Name: A Case of Biblical Paronomasia," Trinity Journal 1.1 (1980) 5-20.
- Burkitt, F. C. “The Hebrew Papyrus of the Ten Commandments," The Jewish Quarterly Review 15 (1903) 392-408.
- Burton, Keith A. “The Decalogue as Essential Torah in Second Temple Judaism,” Journal of the Adventist Theological Society 9/1-2 (1998):310-317.
- Cerling, C. E. “Abortion and Contraception in Scripture,” Christian Scholars Review (Fall, 1971) 42-58. —
- Chisholm, Robert B. “Does God ‘Change His Mind?'” Bibliotheca Sacra 152 (October-December 1995): 387-99 —
- Coats, G. W. "The Failure of the Hero: Moses as a Model for Ministry," Asbury Theological Journal 41.2 (1986) 15-22.
- Cole, H. R. “The Sabbath and the Alien,” Andrews University Seminary Studies 38.2 (Autumn 2000) 223-229.
- Congdon, Robert N. "Exodus 21:22-25 and the Abortion Debate," Bibliotheca Sacra 146 (1989) 132-47.
- Craigen, Trevor. “Urim and Thummim” Post Graduate Seminar Paper, Grace Theological Seminary, Winona Lake, IN: 1978.
- Davis, John J. "The Patriarchs' Knowledge of Jehovah," Grace Theological Journal 4.1 (1963) 29-43
- Davis, D. R. "Rebellion, Presence, and Covenant: A Study in Exodus 32-34," Westminster Theological Journal 44 (1982) 71-87.
- Dyer, C. H. "The Date of the Exodus reexamined," Bibliotheca Sacra 140 (1983) 225-43.
- Finn, A. H. “The Tabernacle Chapters,” The Journal of Theological Studies — 16 (July 1915) 449-82.
- Foote, Theodore C. "The Ephod," Journal of Biblical Literature 21 (1902) 1-47.
- Glisson, Shawn D. “Exodus 6:3 in Pentateuchal Criticism,” Restoration Quarterly 28.3 (1985/86) 135-43.
- Grisanti, Micahel A. “The Abortion Dilemma,” The Master's Seminary Journal 11/2 (Fall 2000) 169-190.
- Hendrix, Ralph E. "A Literary Structural Overview of Ex 25-40," Andrews University Seminary Studies 30.2 (1992) 123-38.
- ________. "A Literary Structural Analysis of the golden-Calf Episode in Exodus 33:1-33:6," Andrews University Seminary Studies 28.3 (1990) 211-17.
- ________. "Mi kan and 'Ohel Mo'ed: Etymology, Lexical Definitions,and Extra-Biblical Usage," Andrews University Seminary Studies 29.3 (1991) 213-23.
- ________. "The Use of Mi Kan and 'Ohel M' ed in Exodus 25-40," Andrews University Seminary Studies 30.1 (1992) 3-13.
- Hoehner, Harold W. "The Duration of the Egyptian Bondage," Bibliotheca Sacra 125 (1969) 306-16.
- House, H. Wayne. “Miscarriage or Premature Birth: Additional Thoughts on Exodus 21:22-25,” Westminster Theological Journal 41.1 (1978) — 108-23.
- Kennedy, A. R. S. "Shewbread." A Dictionary of the Bible. Ed. J. Hastings. Vol. 4. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1902. 495-97.
- _________. "Tabernacle." A Dictionary of the Bible. Ed. J. Hastings. — Vol. 4. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1902. 653-68.
- Klein, David J. “Proving and Provision at Marah,” Kerux 15.1 (2000) 24-29.
- Kline, Meredith G. “The Ha-Bi-Ru—Kin or Foe of Israel? Part 1” Westminster Theological J 19 (1956) 1-24.
- Kline, Meredith G. The Feast Of Cover-Over
- Kline, Meredith G. “The Ha-Bi-Ru—Kin or Foe of Israel? Part 2” Westminster Theological Journal 19 (1956) 170-84.
- Kline, Meredith G. “The Ha-Bi-Ru—Kin or Foe of Israel? Part 3” Westminster Theological Journal 20 (1958) 46-70.
- Kline, Meredith G. “The Two Tables of the Covenant,” Westminster Theological Journal 22 (1960) 133-46.
- Laney, J. Carl. “God's Self-Revelation in Exodus 34:6-8,” Bibliotheca Sacra 158 (Jan.-Mar. 2001) 36-51.
- Leder, Arie, C. The Coherence of Exodus: Narrative Unity and Meaning, Calvin Theological J 36 (2001) 251-69.
- _________. "Reading Exodus to Learn and Learning to Read Exodus," Calvin Theological J 34 (1999) 11-35.
- Lee, Jeong W. “Introduction to the Ten Commandments,” Kerux 12.1 (1998) 33-40.
- Livingston, G. Herbert. "A Case Study of the Call of Moses," Asbury Theological Journal 42.2 (1987) 89-113.
- Mattingly, Gerald L. "The Exodus-Conquest and the Archaeology of Transjordan: New Light on and Old Problem," Grace Theological Journal 4.2 (1983) 245-62.
- McDaniel, Thomas F. “The Septuagint has the Correct Translation of Exodus 21:22-23”
- Meek, Theophile J. “The Sabbath in the Old Testament,” Journal of Biblical Literature 33 (1914) 201-12.
- Mercer, Samuel A. B. “Merneptah's Israel and the Exodus,” Anglican Theological Review 5 (1922/23) 96-107
- Patterson, Richard D. "The Song of Redemption," Westminster Theological Journal 57.2 (1995) 453-61.
- ________. "Victory at Sea: Prose and Poetry in Exodus 14-15," Bibliotheca Sacra 161 (Jan. 2004) 42-54.
- Ray, Paul J. "The Duration of the Israelite Sojourn in Egypt," Andrews University Seminary Studies 24.3 (1986) 231-48.
- Rea, John. "The Time of the Oppression and the Exodus," Grace Theological Journal 2.1 (Winter, 1961) 5-14.
- ________. "New Light on the Wilderness Journey and the Conquest," Grace Theological Journal 2.2 (Spring 1961) 5-13.
- Riggs, Jack R. "The Length of Israel's Sojourn in Egypt," Grace Theological Journal 12.1 (Winter, 1971) 18-35.
- Shea, William H. “The Inscribed Tablets from Tell Deir cAlla,” Andrews University Seminary Studies 27.1 (Spring 1989) 21-37.
- Slater, Thomas B. “The Possible Influence of LXX Exodus 20:11 on Acts 14:15,” Andrews University Seminary Studies 30.2 (1992)151-52.
- Sprinkle, Joe M. "The Interpretation of Exodus 21:22-25 (Lex Talionis) and Abortion," Westminster Theological Journal 55.2 (1993) 233-53.
- Waltke, B. K. "Palestinian Artifactual Evidence Supporting the Early Date of the Exodus," Bibliotheca Sacra 129 (1972) 33-47.
- Wessner, Mark D. “ Toward a Literary Understanding of Moses and the LORD "Face To Face" (MyniPA-lx, MyniPA) in Exodus 33:7-11,” Restoration Quarterly 44 (2002) 109-16.
- Wilson, R. D. "Critical Note on Exodus VI.3," Princeton Theological Review 22 (1924) 108-19.
- Worley, David R. “God's Gracious Love Expressed: Exodus 20:1-17,” Restoration Quarterly 14 (1971) 184-204.
- Young, E. J. "The Call of Moses, Part 1" Westminster Theological Journal (1966-67) 117-35.
- ________. "The Call of Moses, Part II," Westminster Theological Journal 30 (1967-68) 1-23.
- Zuck, Roy B. “The Practice of Witchcraft in the Scriptures,” Bibliotheca Sacra 128 (1971): 352-60
- Best Commentaries on Exodus - Tim Challies
- Best Commentaries on Exodus - Ligonier
- Best Commentaries on Exodus - Logos
- Images, etc related to the Book of Exodus
- Maps related to the Book of Exodus
- Expulsion of the Hyksos
- Egypt and Palestine in the Late Bronze Age
- Sites in the Amarna Archive (Akhetaton; Tell el-Amarna)
- Campaigns of Thutmose III and Amenhotep II
- Canaan in the 14th Century: The Tell el-Amarna Tablets
- The Egyptian Empire and the Hittites
- Egyptian Empire and Balance of Power, ca. 1400 BCE
- The Route of the Exodus
- Route of Exodus - Holman
- Route of Exodus from Egypt – Insight for Living
- Route of the Exodus – Bible-History online
- Events during the Sojourn at Kadesh-Barnea - Excellent
- Journey of the Spies
- The Journey from Kadesh-Barnea to the Plains of Moab
- Pictures related to Pentateuch
- Clip Art - Exodus 2, 7-8, 14, 19,35-40
- Clip Art - Exodus 35-40
- Pitts Theology Library- Digital Image Archive - Thumbnails available in full sized Pdf (E.g., The Red Sea)
- ESV Maps - Exodus from Egypt
- Tabernacle Diagram
Hint: You can use Google image search (use "Safe search" to be sure to filter out explicit images) to great advantage - Click the link below and type in your book title and chapter, being sure to put them in quotation marks. Do this for Exodus 1, 2, 3, etc. You will retrieve an assortment of pictures in terms of quality but this should allow you to select suitable material for teaching, preaching or general illustration.
- Moses (studies 1-24) - 105 pages - What You Need to Know About MOSES “Why He Chose to Suffer Affliction over the Pleasures of Sin”.
- Each study has a set of questions followed by a number of lessons
- Old Testament History - The Exodus and The Wanderings in the Wilderness
- Exodus 1:1-7 Egypt And Its History During The Stay Of The Children Of Israel, As Illustrated By The Bible & Ancient Monuments
- Exodus 1 The Children Of Israel In Egypt - Their Residences, Occupations, Social Arrangements, Constitution, And Religion - "A New King Who Knew Not Joseph."
- Exodus 2 The Birth, And The Training Of Moses, Both In Egypt And In Midian, As Preparatory To His Calling
- Exodus 2:23; 4:17 The Call Of Moses - The Vision Of The Burning Bush -The Commission To Pharaoh And To Israel -And The Three "Signs," And Their Meaning
- Exodus 4:17-31 Moses Returns Into Egypt - The Dismissal Of Zipporah -Moses Meets Aaron - Their Reception By The Children Of Israel - Remarks On The Hardening Of Pharaoh's Heart
- Exodus 5:1-12:30 Moses And Aaron Deliver Their Message To Pharaoh - Increased Oppression Of Israel - Discouragement Of Moses - Aaron Shows A Sign - General View And Analysis Of Each Of The Ten "Strokes," Or Plagues
- Exodus 12-15:21 The Passover And Its Ordinances - The Children Of Israel Leave Egypt - Their First Resting-Place The Pillar Of Cloud And Of Fire - Pursuit Of Pharaoh Passage Through The Red Sea - Destruction Of Pharaoh And His Host - The Song "On The Other Side."
- Exodus 15:22; 16 The Wilderness Of Shur - The Sinaitic Peninsula - Its Scenery And Vegetation - Its Capabilities Of Supporting A Population - The Wells Of Moses -Three Days March To Marah - Elim Road To The Wilderness Of Sin - Israel's Murmuring - The Miraculous Provision Of The Quails - The Manna
- Exodus 17, 18 Rephidim - The Defeat Of Amalek And Its Meaning - The Visit Of Jethro And Its Symbolical Import
- Exodus 19-20:17 Israel At The Foot Of Mount Sinai - The Preparations For The Covenant - The "Ten Words?" And Their Meaning
- Exodus 20:18-24:12 Civil & Social Ordinances Of Israel As The People Of God - Their Religious Ordinances In Their National Aspect - The "Covenant Made By Sacrifice" And The Sacrificial Meal Of Acceptance
- Exodus 24:12; 25-33 The Pattern Seen On The Mountain - The Tabernacle, The Priesthood, And The Services In Their Arrangement And Typical Meaning - The Sin Of The Golden Calf - The Divine Judgment - The Plea Of Moses - God's Gracious Forgiveness - The Vision Of The Glory Of The Lord Vouchsafed To Moses
- Exodus 34-50 Moses A Second Time On The Mount - On His Return His Face Shineth - The Rearing Of The Tabernacle - Its Consecration By The Seen Presence Of Jehovah
BOOK II. Containing The Interval Of Two Hundred And Twenty Years. From The Death Of Isaac To The Exodus Out Of Egypt.
- CHAPTER 9. Concerning The Afflictions That Befell The Hebrews In Egypt, During Four Hundred Years.
- CHAPTER 10. How Moses Made War With The Ethiopians.
- CHAPTER 11. How Moses Fled Out Of Egypt Into Midian.
- CHAPTER 12. Concerning The Burning Bush And The Rod Of Moses.
- CHAPTER 13. How Moses And Aaron Returned Into Egypt To Pharaoh.
- CHAPTER 14. Concerning The Ten Plagues Which Came Upon The Egyptians.
- CHAPTER 15. How The Hebrews Under The Conduct Of Moses Left Egypt.
- CHAPTER 16. How The Sea Was Divided Asunder For The Hebrews, When They Were Pursued By The Egyptians, And So Gave Them An Opportunity Of Escaping From Them.
BOOK III. Containing The Interval Of Two Years. From The Exodus Out Of Egypt, To The Rejection Of That Generation.
- CHAPTER 1. How Moses When He Had Brought The People Out Of Egypt Led
- CHAPTER 2. How The Amalekites And The Neighbouring Nations, Made War With The Hebrews And Were Beaten And Lost A Great Part Of Their Army.
- CHAPTER 3. That Moses Kindly Received-His Father-In-Law, Jethro, When He Came To Him To Mount Sinai.
- CHAPTER 4. How Raguel Suggested To Moses To Set His People In Order, Under Their Rulers Of Thousands, And Rulers Of Hundreds, Who Lived Without Order Before; And How Moses Complied In All Things With His Father-In-Law’s Admonition.
- CHAPTER 5. How Moses Ascended Up To Mount Sinai, And Received Laws From God, And Delivered Them To The Hebrews.
- CHAPTER 6. Concerning The Tabernacle Which Moses Built In The Wilderness For The Honor Of God And Which Seemed To Be A Temple.
- CHAPTER 7. Concerning The Garments Of The Priests, And Of The High Priest.
- CHAPTER 8. Of The Priesthood Of Aaron.
- CHAPTER 9. The Manner Of Our Offering Sacrifices.
- CHAPTER 10. Concerning The Festivals; And How Each Day Of Such Festival Is To Be Observed.
- CHAPTER 11. Of The Purifications.
- CHAPTER 12. Several Laws.
- CHAPTER 13. Moses Removed From Mount Sinai, And Conducted The People To The Borders Of The Canaanites.
- CHAPTER 14. How Moses Sent Some Persons To Search Out The Land Of The Canaanites
- CHAPTER 15. How Moses Was Displeased At This, And Foretold That God Was Angry And That They Should Continue In The Wilderness For Forty Years And Not, During That Time, Either Return Into Egypt Or Take Possession Of Canaan.
- A Case Study of the Call of Moses - 25 page paper in The Asbury Journal, 1987
- An Introduction to the Pentateuch
- An Introduction to the Book of Exodus
- An Argument of the Book of Exodus
- Selected Bibliography of Exodus
- See also Notes and Outline in Pdf
Exodus tells the story of their "going out." Writer is Moses (24:4) and time covered is about 80 years from his birth.
The theme is threefold: the faithfulness, the power, the wisdom of GOD. First, GOD was faithful to His promises to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. So, by His power, He opened the iron gates of Egypt. When Sinai was reached, GOD provided an infinitely wise law by which the Children of Israel were to live.
Preparation for deliverance (1-13) Priesthood (28, 29)
Journey to Sinai (14-19) Idolatry (32, 33)
Laws given (20 - 24) Covenant (34)
Tabernacle (25 - 27; 30, 31) Tabernacle erection (35-40)
This book breathes the presence of GOD. He was aware of the plight of His people and did something about it. Exodus is particularly the book of a great servant of GOD, Moses. Here is a man who talked with GOD face to face. The Mosaic Law is GOD's highest for His people. It is heavenly wisdom simplified for earthly living. The Israelites' journey to the Promised Land has become a giant object lesson for the Christian life today. Here began the sad story (chapter 32) of man's failure which was repeated continually in Israel's history.
Moses' life was divided into three periods:
40 years in schools of Egypt;
40 years in school of GOD (tending sheep in the desert);
40 years in service.
At the end of his life he was still strong and able (Deuteronomy 34:7).
The ten plagues were directed against the Egyptian government, but were also a demonstration against the gods of Egypt. For instance, the first two plagues showed JEHOVAH superior to the god of the Nile; the third against the earthgod Seb and the priests who could not officiate with lice upon them.
The Israelites could not be delivered until they came "under the blood" of the Passover. This is the central fact in GOD's relationship and a continual reminder of sin and need for cleansing. GOD immediately took up His residence among His people. They could see the sign of His presence in the pillar of fire and cloud.
The Ten Commandments are given as an epitome of the law, easily taught and easily remembered.
Exodus begins the original "Pilgrim's Progress."
How much manna was required for 40 years? (Ex 16:15)
Note how meticulous GOD is about details - (Hebrews 8:5).
Exodus is geographically and historically accurate; believe it entirely. However, its main value today is to take the experiences, trials, and deliverances and apply them to the Christian life.
- Christ in the Tabernacle by W.W. Rugh
- Christ in the Tabernacle - Diagram Showing the Placement of the Tribes & Priests
- Christ in the Tabernacle Introduction
Typical Teaching of the Tabernacle (Exodus 25-31)
- 1 - The Tabernacle as a Whole
- 2 - The Hangings of the Court
- 3 - The Gate
- 4 - The Brazen Altar
- 5 - The Offerings (Lev 1-7)
- 6 - The Laver
- 7 - The Door
- 8 - The Veil
- 9 - The Boards
- 10 - The Coverings
- 11- The Tabernacle
- 12 - The Candlestick
- 13 - The Table
- 14 - The Golden Altar
- 15 - The Ark
- 16 - The Mercy-Seat
- 17 - The Cherubim
- 18 - The Priesthood
- 19 - Jehovah's Master Workman
- 20 - Israel's Folly and Jehovah's Favor (Exodus 32-34)
- 21 - The Making & Setting Up (Exodus 35-40)
Excerpt - How do I apply this?Like the Israelites who left Egypt, all believers in Christ are redeemed and consecrated to God. Under the Mosaic Covenant, people annually sacrificed unblemished animals according to specific regulations in order to have their sins covered, or borne, by that animal. The author of the New Testament book of Hebrews tells us, “But those sacrifices are an annual reminder of sins, because it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins” (Hebrews 10:3–4 NIV). Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross fulfilled the Law. As the perfect Lamb of God, He took away our sin permanently when He sacrificed Himself on our behalf. “We have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once for all” (10:10 NIV).Have you accepted His sacrifice on your behalf? Are you truly “redeemed”? If you’d like to learn about this, see “How to Begin a Relationship with God.”
- OT Reflections of Christ - Exodus - Paul Van Gorder (see excerpt below)
- OT Reflections of Christ - Table of Contents - every book - Paul Van Gorder
If the theme of Exodus is redemption, then the book must be filled with foreshadowings of Christ and His work. We will look at five specific prophetic pictures in detail. We will also consider the life and ministry of Moses and Aaron and see them as types of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Burning Bush
Exodus 3 contains the account of the burning bush and the call of Moses. This was a common little thorn bush, and Moses no doubt had seen many of them in the desert. This one looked like all the other bushes, yet it was different. The little acacia shrub burned, but it was not consumed. A voice coming out of the bush said, ''I AM THAT I AM'' (Ex 3:14). Only an eternal, self-existent, immutable Being could say that He always will be what He always has been. Centuries later, One stood upon the earth as a man. He was born in Bethlehem, was brought up in a carpenter's shop, and was tempted in every way we are, without ever sinning. We hear Him say, ''I AM the door, I AM the bread of life, I AM the light of the world, I AM the good shepherd, I AM the way, the truth, and the life, I AM the true vine-- [before Abraham was] I AM!'' [All of these statements are recorded in the gospel of John.] John wrote, ''The Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us (and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father), full of grace and truth'' (John 1:14). The One born in that human body in Bethlehem was God manifest in the flesh. He was made in the likeness of man, yet He was aglow with deity. Only He could dare say to the Father, ''Glorify Thou Me with Thine own self with the glory which I had with Thee before the world was'' (John 17:5).
The Passover Lamb
Israel was enslaved by a powerful monarch in Egypt. How was God to get them out and yet execute His justice, maintain His holiness, and show His love and mercy? Exodus 12 tells the story. He accomplished their release through the blood of the Passover lamb. First Corinthians 5:7 states unequivocally, ''For even Christ, our Passover, is sacrificed for us.'' How beautifully that paschal lamb portrayed the death of God's Lamb, the Lord Jesus!
The lamb was a male, a firstling of the flock, and without blemish (Ex 12:5).
We are redeemed ''with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot'' (1Pet 1:19).
The lamb was kept 4 days for examination (Ex 12:3-6).
What scrutiny our Lord came under by friend and foe! Only He could say, ''Which of you convicteth Me of sin?'' (John 8:46).
The lamb must be slain (Ex 12:6). Christ said of Himself, ''Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a grain of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone; but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit'' (John 12:24). It was not His life as an example, nor His words as a teacher, but the shedding of His blood as the perfect sacrifice that secured our redemption.
The blood had to be applied (Ex 12:7). John 3:36 says, ''He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life; and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth on him.''
The blood was applied and that alone brought salvation (Ex 12:23).
The writer of Hebrews said, ''By which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all. For by one offering, He hath perfected forever them that are sanctified'' (Heb 10:10,14).
Not a bone of the Passover lamb was to be broken (Ex 12:46).
Consider the account of Christ's crucifixion and the record of John 19:33. ''But when they came to Jesus, and saw that He was dead already, they broke not His legs.''
Sheltered by the blood, they were nourished by the roast lamb.
This typified Christ as the believer's sustenance and food (see Mt 26:26).
How does a mother bird protect her nest? Not by flying by it, but by fluttering over it. That night in Egypt, Jehovah Himself stood guard over (literally, hovered over) the houses of Israel where the blood had been applied and kept their firstborn safe from death. [The word translated 'pass over' in Ex 12:13,23,27 is also used in Isaiah 31:5.]
The Manna--
When redeemed Israel was marching toward Canaan, God gave them manna, food from heaven. In John 6, the Lord Jesus said, ''My Father giveth you the true bread from heaven. I am the bread of life; he that cometh to Me shall never hunger'' (John 6:32,35). Consider the amazing analogy between the manna and the Lord Jesus Christ! The manna came down from heaven; it was a gift of God; men tried to explain it naturally; it was given at night; it was sent when Israel was about to perish; it came to the place they were; it was gathered only by stooping; it had to be gathered individually; either they gathered it or walked upon it; it was despised by the mixed multitude; it was mysterious to Israel; it was preserved over the Sabbath day; it was laid up before Jehovah; it met the daily need; and it was eventually hidden in the ark.
The Water from the Rock--
Exodus 17 records the experience of the people of Israel at Rephidim, where ''there was no water for the peope to drink'' (Ex 17:1). God commanded Moses to smite the rock, and water gushed forth. That smitten rock was a type of Christ, as we are told in 1Corinthians 10:4. The people were murmuring and complaining and were totally unworthy of this act of grace (read Ephesians 2:1-8). God's grace is free, abundant (Rom 5:20), near (Rom 10:8), and available to all who will take it (Isa 55:1). The water gushing forth pictured the Spirit given freely (John 7:37-40). The people of Israel could not drink of the refreshing water until the rock was first smitten. Before the Holy Spirit could be given, Christ had to die at Calvary. To a sinning, murmuring people God had displayed His grace. It was as Paul said in Romans 5:20, ''But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound.''
The Tabernacle and Priesthood--
While only two chapters in Genesis are occupied with the creation of the world, fourteen chapters in Exodus are taken up with the tabernacle. This shows the esteem God places upon the work of redemption, and that Christ is the center and object of the Spirit's revelation. For your further study, I mention the following elements of the tabernacle that graphically portray the way of approach to God.
The entire tabernacle was a figure of the heavenly (Hebrews 9:23,24).
The ark of the covenant-
Acacia wood and gold: the humanity and deity of Christ.
Contents of the ark: a type of Christ.
The Law: Christ had God's law in His heart;
He was the fulfillment of the law.
Manna: Christ is sustenance to believers on their pilgrimage.
Aaron's rod: Christ's resurrection.
The ark: A type of the throne of grace;
the mercy seat: the Lord Jesus.
The table of showbread: Christ our communion.
The candlestick: Christ our light (Heb 1:9; Rev 1:9-18).
The altar of incense: Christ our advocate and intercessor.
The laver: the cleansing by the Word and by Christ.
Bronze altar: the cross of Christ and His atonement.
Anointing oil: the Holy Spirit's anointing for service.
Garments [of the High Priest]: gold for righteousness [and Deity];
blue for heavenly; purple for royalty; scarlet for sacrifice.
The writer of Hebrews said, ''And they, truly were many priests, because they were not allowed to continue by reason of death; but this man, because He continueth ever, hath an unchangeable priesthood. Wherefore, He is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by Him, seeing He ever liveth to make intercession for them'' (Heb 7:23-25). Aaron fell short in his priesthood because he was a sinful man and subject to death. The type is therefore seen in contrast. Christ is able to understand our need to the uttermost because He is a perfect man. He is able to meet all our need because He is God. At the cross He was qualified to bear the whole world's sin in His atonement. At the throne He is able to care for our need through His intercession.
Christ is ''a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek'' in that He is our intercessor forever. But His priesthood is after the pattern of Aaron. First, Aaron was appointed by God (Ex 28:1). We read in Hebrews 5:5, ''So also Christ glorified not Himself to be made an high priest, but He that said unto Him, Thou art My Son, today have I begotten Thee.'' Second, only Aaron could make atonement in the holy place (Leviticus 16:1-3). Of our Lord it is written, ''Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by His own blood, He entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us'' (Heb 9:12).
How is it possible for a holy God to receive sinners without violating His righteousness and justice? The inspired answer comes from the book of Exodus: ''When I see the blood, I will pass over you'' (Ex 12:13). Sin was judged, and the blood was shed; Israel was saved and received. (Ed: Keep in mind however that the writer of Hebrews warns "Therefore, let us fear lest, while a promise remains of entering His rest, any one of you should seem to have come short of it. For indeed we have had good news preached to us, just as they also; but the word they heard did not profit them, because it was not united by faith in those who heard. For we who have believed enter that rest." Heb 4:1-3-note; The way of salvation in both the Old and New Testaments is the same - Faith in Christ - For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; 9not as a result of works, that no one should boast. Eph 2:8-9-note)
- Barnes Commentary on Exodus 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
- Biblical Illustrator Comments (many comments and illustrations) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
- Dummelow's Bible Commentary on Exodus 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
- Introduction Exodus 1:1-7
- Blessing In Prosperity And Affliction Exodus 1:1-22
- The Birth Of The Deliverer Exodus 2:1-10
- The Preparation Of The Deliverer Exodus 2:11-25
- The Burning Bush And The Call Of Moses Exodus 3:1-12
- The Name Of God Exodus 3:13-22
- The Credentials Of The Messenger Exodus 4:1-17
- The Mission, The Message And Divine Discipline Exodus 4:18-31
- The First Encounter: From Highs To Lows Exodus 5:1-6:1
- Revelation And Encouragement Exodus 6:2-9 - Mp3 Only
- Moses And The Magician’s Rods And Snakes Exodus 6:10-7:13 - Mp3 Only
- War On The Gods: The First Three Plagues Exodus 7:14-8:19 - Mp3 Only
- God’s Patience: Plagues 4 Through 9 Exodus 8:20-10:29
- Expositor's Bible Commentary on Exodus 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
- A C Gaebelein Annotated Commentary on Exodus 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Exodus; Principle #1; Ex. 1:1-7; p. 78
God's Unconditional Promises: We are to live our lives with the full confidence that God will ultimately fulfill His promises.
VideoExodus; Principle #2; Ex. 1:8-14; p. 78
Times of Persecution: When we live among people who are threatened by our presence, we should expect various forms of persecution.
VideoExodus; Principle #3; Ex. 1:15-22; p. 79
Wise Resistance: When we are persecuted because of our biblical values, we should respond with wisdom and discretion.
VideoExodus; Principle #4; Ex. 2:1-4; p. 80
Proactive Parenting: Parents are to be proactive in protecting children from evil influences.
VideoExodus; Principle #5; Ex. 2:5-10; p. 80
A Family Affair: As local churches, we are to provide love and support for families that are experiencing the results of a hostile environment.
VideoExodus; Principle #6; Ex. 2:11-15; p. 81
Putting Others First: When we make decisions, we are to consider first and foremost the needs of others rather than our own words.
VideoExodus; Principle #7; Ex. 3:1-12; p. 82
Serving in God's Strength: We are to use the abilities and gifts God has given us diligently, but we are always to rely on His divine strength.
VideoExodus; Principle #8; Ex. 3:13-4:12; p. 83
Healing Emotional Scars: When we have experienced unusual trauma, we should trust God to help us experience spiritual and emotional healing.
VideoExodus; Principle #9; Ex. 5:1-6:9; p. 85
Painful but Helpful Tests: When we experience negative psychological results because of our human failures, we should not be surprised if God tests us in our areas of vulnerability.
VideoExodus; Principle #10; Ex. 6:10-30; p. 86
Regressive Behavior: On our journey toward maturity, we must be on guard against our tendency to regress to old patterns of behavior.
VideoExodus; Principle #11; Ex. 7:1-11:10; p. 87
Divine Therapy: To serve God and His people courageously, we should trust Him to help us take specific steps to overcome our own psychological and spiritual problems.
VideoExodus; Principle #12; Ex. 12:1-28; p. 92
Christ, The Passover Lamb: To inherit eternal life, we must receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our personal Savior and experience the redemption that comes through His shed blood.
VideoExodus; Principle #13; Ex. 14:1-22; p. 94
Developing Confidence in God: To develop our faith in God, we must also develop our confidence in the capacities and abilities God has given us.
VideoExodus; Principle #14; Ex. 14:23-31; p. 95
Putting God First: All spiritual leaders should make sure God is always exalted above all.
VideoExodus; Principle #15; Ex. 15:1-21; p. 96
Glorifying God: There are times we should avoid using first person pronouns in order to focus attention on God.
VideoExodus; Principle #16; Ex. 15:22-27; p. 97
Short Memories: When we face difficult circumstances, we should reflect on God's previous and present blessings.
VideoExodus; Principle #17; Ex. 16:1-8; p. 97
Respecting Our Leaders: When we complain against Christian leaders who are serving Christ faithfully, we must understand that we are actually complaining against God.
VideoExodus; Principle #18; Ex. 16:9-30; p. 98
Complete Obedience: We are to determine in our hearts to obey God fully.
VideoExodus; Principle #19; Ex. 17:1-7; p. 99
Our Wilderness School: To continue to mature in Christ, we are to view our weakness as opportunities to grow spiritually.
VideoExodus; Principle #20; Ex. 18:1-12; p. 100
Witnessing to Unsaved Family Members: To be an effective Christian witness to unsaved relatives, we are to live consistent Christian lives.
VideoExodus; Principle #21; Ex. 18:13-18; p. 101
Leadership Blind Spots: To function effectively, leaders in churches, in families, and in vocational roles should seek wisdom and guidance from others.
VideoExodus; Principle #22; Ex. 18:19-20; p. 101
Establishing Priorities: To be effective, spiritual leaders must establish biblical priorities.
VideoExodus; Principle #23; Ex. 18:21-23; p. 101
Delegating Effectively: To be effective leaders, we must delegate responsibilities to other qualified people.
VideoExodus; Principle #24; Ex. 18:24-27; p. 102
Being Teachable: To be effective, leaders must continue to be learners themselves.
VideoExodus; Principle #25; Ex. 19:1-6; p. 102
Reflecting God's Holiness: As members of God's spiritual family, we are to reflect God's holy character to those who are not yet His children.
VideoExodus; Principle #26; Ex. 19:7-20:17; p. 104
A New Command: As believers, we are to love one another as He has loved us in order to fulfill the requirements of the law.
VideoExodus; Principle #27; Ex. 21:1-23:9; p. 107
The Greatest Commandments: To evaluate the maturity of our relationship with God, we should evaluate the quality of our relationships with one another.
VideoExodus; Principle #28; Ex. 23:20-33; p. 108
A Holy Witness: We are to be God's witnesses in this world without becoming a part of the world.
VideoExodus; Principle #29; Ex. 25:1-27:21; p. 111
God's Sanctuary: Since believers are God's New Testament temple, we should more and more reflect His holiness as we grow together in Jesus Christ.
VideoExodus; Principle #30; Ex. 28:1-43; p. 113
Reflecting Jesus Christ: As local churches, we are to reflect the beauty, glory, and holiness of the Lord Jesus Christ by manifesting the fruit of the Spirit in all of our relationships.
VideoExodus; Principle #31; Ex. 29:1-46; p. 114
Set Apart for God: Spiritual leaders are to be models of Christlike maturity but should not be considered separate from other members of the body of Jesus Christ.
VideoExodus; Principle #32; Ex. 32:1-6; p. 117
The Sin of Idolatry: We must constantly be on guard against idolatrous attitudes and actions.
VideoExodus; Principle #33; Ex. 32:7-14; p. 117
Supernatural Compassion: To demonstrate God's eternal love and compassion, we must be empowered by the Holy Spirit to reflect the fruit of the Spirit.
VideoExodus; Principle #34; Ex. 32:15-24; p. 118
Human Rationalization: We should not rationalize our sinful behavior or avoid taking responsibility for our actions.
VideoExodus; Principle #35; Ex. 33:1-23; p. 119
Intercessory Prayer: Because of the mediating ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ, we are to approach God anytime and anywhere to share our deepest concerns.
VideoExodus; Principle #36; Ex. 34:28-35; p. 121
Reflecting God's Glory: Its God's will that we should more and more reflect His glory and holiness to the watching world.
VideoExodus; Principle #37; Ex. 35:4-29; p. 122
Grace and Generosity: As we understand and experience God's grace, we should be motivated to be generous with our material possessions in order to build His eternal kingdom.
VideoExodus; Principle #38; Ex. 35:30-35; p. 123
Gifts of the Holy Spirit: As members of God's spiritual family, we are to use our talents and abilities to build up one another and become a living sanctuary.
VideoExodus; Principle #39; Ex. 39:32-43; p. 127
The Tribunal of Christ: As members of God's living tabernacle, we should all do our part to prepare ourselves for God's final inspection.
VideoExodus; Principle #40; Ex. 40:34-38; p. 129
The Holy Scriptures: In our spiritual journey, we are to follow God's path that He has clearly revealed in the Holy Spirit.
- John Gill Commentary on Exodus 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
- L M Grant Commentary on Exodus 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
- Notes, Critical and Practical, on the Book of Exodus Volume 1
- Notes, Critical and Practical, on the Book of Exodus Volume 2
Cyril Barber - Considering the paucity of good works on Exodus, this commentary is a must. Although dated archaeologically and historically, it more than makes up for these deficiencies with its enriching comments on the text.
- Hawker's Poor Man's Commentary on Exodus 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
- Keil and Delitzsch Commentary on Exodus 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
- Kretzmann's Popular Commentary on Exodus 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
- Mackintosh's Comments on the Pentateuch (Exodus) 1 2 3 4 5 7 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 35
- God Will Take Care of You (gleanings from the life of Moses)
- God's Answer to Our Low Self-Esteem (Exodus 3 and 4)
- Go Forward! (Exodus 14)
- The One True God (Exodus 20:3; see same at 1Kings 18)
- Displeased With The god We Create (Ex. 20:4-6)
- The God Who Requires Reverence (Ex. 20:7)
- The God Who Requires Rest (Ex. 20:8-11)
- The God Who Requires Honour (Ex. 20:12)
- The God Who Requires Holiness (Ex. 20:13-17)
- Thru the Bible covering the Pentateuch - Borrow
- Introduction
- Exodus 1
- Exodus 2
- Exodus 3
- Exodus 4
- Exodus 5
- Exodus 6
- Exodus 7
- Exodus 8
- Exodus 9
- Exodus 10
- Exodus 11
- Exodus 12
- Exodus 13
- Exodus 14
- Exodus 15
- Exodus 16
- Exodus 17
- Exodus 18
- Exodus 19
- Exodus 20
- Exodus 21
- Exodus 22
- Exodus 23
- Exodus 24
- Exodus 25
- Exodus 26
- Exodus 27
- Exodus 28
- Exodus 29
- Exodus 30
- Exodus 31
- Exodus 32
- Exodus 33
- Exodus 34
- Exodus 35
- Exodus 36
- Exodus 37
- Exodus 38
- Exodus 39
- Exodus 40
- F B Meyer Commentary on Exodus 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
The Defender's Study Bible : King James Version - borrow
Defender's Study Bible notes - Conservative notes from Creationist Dr Henry Morris - notes available can be found on right side of age...
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
- Exodus - Gleanings on Exodus - 72 Separate Studies - See critique of Arthur Pink who although quite good can occasionally see something in the passage that may not be God's intended meaning
- The Ten Commandments by A. W. Pink-Contents
- Poole's English Annotations on Exodus 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
- Pulpit Commentary on Exodus (Click for list of homilies) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
- Exodus: Design for Deliverance - 42 sermons audio and transcripts
- Studies in Exodus 13:17-14:31
- Studies in Exodus 13:1-16
- Studies in Exodus 13:17-14:31
- Studies in Exodus 15:1-21
- Studies in Exodus 15:22-27
- Studies in Exodus 16:1-6
- Studies in Exodus 17:1-7
- Studies in Exodus 17:8-16
- Studies in Exodus 18:1-27
- Studies in Exodus 20:1-21
- Studies in Exodus 20:22-21:11
- Studies in Exodus 21:12-32
- Studies in Exodus 21:33-22:15
- Studies in Exodus 22:16-23:9
- Studies in Exodus 23:10-19
- Studies in Exodus 23:20-33
- Studies in Exodus 24:1-11
- Studies in Exodus 24:12-25:40
- Studies in Exodus 26:1-27:21
- Studies in Exodus 28:1-43
- Studies in Exodus 29:1-46
- Studies in Exodus 30:1-38
- Studies in Exodus 31:1-18
- Studies in Exodus 32:1-14
- Studies in Exodus 32:15-35
- Studies in Exodus 33:1-11; 34:29-35
- Studies in Exodus 33:12-34:9
- Studies in Exodus 34:10-28
- Studies in Exodus 35-40
- Exodus 1:1–4
- Exodus 1:5
- Exodus 1:7
- Exodus 1:8–22
- Exodus 1:8
- Exodus 1:11
- Exodus 1:14
- Exodus 1:15
- Exodus 1:16
- Exodus 2:1
- Exodus 2:2
- Exodus 2:3
- Exodus 2:5
- Exodus 2:10
- Exodus 2:11–15
- Exodus 2:15
- Exodus 2:16
- Exodus 2:17
- Exodus 2:18
- Exodus 2:22
- Exodus 2:23
- Exodus 3:1
- Exodus 3:2
- Exodus 3:3
- Exodus 3:5
- Exodus 3:6
- Exodus 3:8
- Exodus 3:10
- Exodus 3:11
- Exodus 3:12
- Exodus 3:13
- Exodus 3:14
- Exodus 3:15
- Exodus 3:16
- Exodus 3:17
- Exodus 3:18
- Exodus 3:20
- Exodus 3:21
- Exodus 4:1–9
- Exodus 4:1
- Exodus 4:2
- Exodus 4:6
- Exodus 4:9
- Exodus 4:10
- Exodus 4:13–16
- Exodus 4:17
- Exodus 4:19
- Exodus 4:20
- Exodus 4:21
- Exodus 4:22
- Exodus 4:24
- Exodus 4:25
- Exodus 4:27
- Exodus 4:30
- Exodus 4:31
- Exodus 5:1
- Exodus 5:2
- Exodus 5:3
- Exodus 5:5
- Exodus 5:7
- Exodus 5:10
- Exodus 5:15–21
- Exodus 5:21
- Exodus 5:22
- Exodus 6:1
- Exodus 6:2–8
- Exodus 6:3
- Exodus 6:4
- Exodus 6:5
- Exodus 6:6
- Exodus 6:7
- Exodus 6:9–13
- Exodus 6:14–27
- Exodus 6:20
- Exodus 6:23
- Exodus 6:25
- Exodus 6:28–7:7
- Exodus 7:1
- Exodus 7:2–5
- Exodus 7:3
- Exodus 7:9
- Exodus 7:11
- Exodus 7:13
- Exodus 7:14–10:29
- Exodus 7:14
- Exodus 7:17
- Exodus 7:19
- Exodus 7:22
- Exodus 8:3
- Exodus 8:7
- Exodus 8:8
- Exodus 8:16–19
- Exodus 8:19
- Exodus 8:20
- Exodus 8:21
- Exodus 8:23
- Exodus 8:25
- Exodus 8:26
- Exodus 9:3
- Exodus 9:5
- Exodus 9:6
- Exodus 9:7
- Exodus 9:8
- Exodus 9:11
- Exodus 9:14
- Exodus 9:15–16
- Exodus 9:20–21
- Exodus 9:23
- Exodus 9:25
- Exodus 9:27
- Exodus 9:31–32
- Exodus 10:1
- Exodus 10:2
- Exodus 10:9
- Exodus 10:11
- Exodus 10:12–15
- Exodus 10:16
- Exodus 10:22
- Exodus 11:1
- Exodus 11:3
- Exodus 11:5
- Exodus 12:2
- Exodus 12:5
- Exodus 12:6
- Exodus 12:7
- Exodus 12:8–9
- Exodus 12:11
- Exodus 12:12
- Exodus 12:15
- Exodus 12:19
- Exodus 12:22
- Exodus 12:24
- Exodus 12:26
- Exodus 12:31
- Exodus 12:32
- Exodus 12:36
- Exodus 12:37
- Exodus 12:38
- Exodus 12:40
- Exodus 12:41
- Exodus 12:43–49
- Exodus 12:46
- Exodus 13:2
- Exodus 13:8
- Exodus 13:9
- Exodus 13:12
- Exodus 13:13
- Exodus 13:14
- Exodus 13:15
- Exodus 13:17
- Exodus 13:18
- Exodus 13:19
- Exodus 13:20
- Exodus 13:21
- Exodus 14:2
- Exodus 14:4
- Exodus 14:6
- Exodus 14:11
- Exodus 14:13
- Exodus 14:14
- Exodus 14:15
- Exodus 14:16
- Exodus 14:19
- Exodus 14:21
- Exodus 14:24
- Exodus 14:25
- Exodus 14:27
- Exodus 14:30
- Exodus 14:31
- Exodus 15:1–21
- Exodus 15:1
- Exodus 15:3
- Exodus 15:5
- Exodus 15:6
- Exodus 15:8
- Exodus 15:9
- Exodus 15:11
- Exodus 15:12
- Exodus 15:13
- Exodus 15:14
- Exodus 15:17
- Exodus 15:18
- Exodus 15:22–17:16
- Exodus 15:22
- Exodus 15:23
- Exodus 15:24
- Exodus 15:25
- Exodus 15:26
- Exodus 15:27
- Exodus 16
- Exodus 16:1
- Exodus 16:4
- Exodus 16:7
- Exodus 16:13
- Exodus 16:14
- Exodus 16:23
- Exodus 16:31
- Exodus 16:33
- Exodus 16:35
- Exodus 17:1
- Exodus 17:2
- Exodus 17:5
- Exodus 17:6
- Exodus 17:8
- Exodus 17:9
- Exodus 17:10
- Exodus 17:14
- Exodus 17:15
- Exodus 17:16
- Exodus 18–24
- Exodus 18
- Exodus 18:2
- Exodus 18:11
- Exodus 18:12
- Exodus 18:16
- Exodus 18:21
- Exodus 19:1
- Exodus 19:3–6
- Exodus 19:4
- Exodus 19:5
- Exodus 19:6
- Exodus 19:11
- Exodus 19:16
- Exodus 19:24
- Exodus 20:1–17
- Exodus 20:1
- Exodus 20:2
- Exodus 20:3
- Exodus 20:4
- Exodus 20:5
- Exodus 20:6
- Exodus 20:7
- Exodus 20:8
- Exodus 20:10
- Exodus 20:12
- Exodus 20:13
- Exodus 20:14
- Exodus 20:16
- Exodus 20:18
- Exodus 20:19
- Exodus 20:24
- Exodus 20:25
- Exodus 20:26
- Exodus 21–23
- Exodus 21:1
- Exodus 21:2
- Exodus 21:6
- Exodus 21:7–11
- Exodus 21:13
- Exodus 21:15
- Exodus 21:16
- Exodus 21:17
- Exodus 21:19
- Exodus 21:20
- Exodus 21:21
- Exodus 21:22
- Exodus 21:24
- Exodus 21:28
- Exodus 21:32
- Exodus 22:1
- Exodus 22:3
- Exodus 22:4
- Exodus 22:6
- Exodus 22:8
- Exodus 22:12
- Exodus 22:14
- Exodus 22:15
- Exodus 22:16
- Exodus 22:18
- Exodus 22:20
- Exodus 22:21
- Exodus 22:22
- Exodus 22:25
- Exodus 22:26
- Exodus 22:28
- Exodus 22:29
- Exodus 22:31
- Exodus 23:4
- Exodus 23:9
- Exodus 23:11
- Exodus 23:14
- Exodus 23:15
- Exodus 23:16
- Exodus 23:18
- Exodus 23:19
- Exodus 23:20
- Exodus 23:21
- Exodus 23:22
- Exodus 23:24
- Exodus 23:25
- Exodus 23:27
- Exodus 23:28
- Exodus 23:29
- Exodus 23:31
- Exodus 23:32
- Exodus 24
- Exodus 24:1
- Exodus 24:3
- Exodus 24:4
- Exodus 24:5
- Exodus 24:7
- Exodus 24:8
- Exodus 24:10
- Exodus 24:11
- Exodus 24:12–18
- Exodus 24:14
- Exodus 24:16
- Exodus 25:1–31:8
- Exodus 25:1
- Exodus 25:3
- Exodus 25:4
- Exodus 25:5
- Exodus 25:6
- Exodus 25:7
- Exodus 25:8
- Exodus 25:9
- Exodus 25:10
- Exodus 25:13
- Exodus 25:16
- Exodus 25:17
- Exodus 25:18
- Exodus 25:22
- Exodus 25:23–40
- Exodus 25:23
- Exodus 25:29
- Exodus 25:30
- Exodus 25:31
- Exodus 25:32
- Exodus 26
- Exodus 26:1
- Exodus 26:7
- Exodus 26:13
- Exodus 26:14
- Exodus 26:15
- Exodus 26:26
- Exodus 26:31
- Exodus 26:36
- Exodus 27:1
- Exodus 27:3
- Exodus 27:4
- Exodus 27:9
- Exodus 27:16
- Exodus 27:18
- Exodus 27:20
- Exodus 27:21
- Exodus 28:1–30:3
- Exodus 28:1
- Exodus 28:2
- Exodus 28:6
- Exodus 28:15
- Exodus 28:22
- Exodus 28:29
- Exodus 28:30
- Exodus 28:31
- Exodus 28:36
- Exodus 28:40
- Exodus 28:42
- Exodus 29:1
- Exodus 29:2
- Exodus 29:4
- Exodus 29:5
- Exodus 29:9
- Exodus 29:10
- Exodus 29:15
- Exodus 29:19
- Exodus 29:20
- Exodus 29:22
- Exodus 29:24
- Exodus 29:26
- Exodus 29:38
- Exodus 29:42–46
- Exodus 30:1
- Exodus 30:12
- Exodus 30:13
- Exodus 30:17–21
- Exodus 31:1–11
- Exodus 31:2
- Exodus 31:6
- Exodus 31:12–17
- Exodus 31:18
- Exodus 32–34
- Exodus 32:1
- Exodus 32:4
- Exodus 32:5
- Exodus 32:6
- Exodus 32:7
- Exodus 32:10
- Exodus 32:11
- Exodus 32:13
- Exodus 32:14
- Exodus 32:16
- Exodus 32:18
- Exodus 32:19
- Exodus 32:20
- Exodus 32:21–24
- Exodus 32:26
- Exodus 32:29
- Exodus 32:30
- Exodus 32:32
- Exodus 32:33
- Exodus 32:34
- Exodus 33:1
- Exodus 33:2
- Exodus 33:4
- Exodus 33:5
- Exodus 33:7
- Exodus 33:12
- Exodus 33:13
- Exodus 33:14
- Exodus 33:15
- Exodus 33:16
- Exodus 33:17
- Exodus 33:18
- Exodus 33:19
- Exodus 33:22
- Exodus 33:23
- Exodus 34:1
- Exodus 34:2–3
- Exodus 34:5–7
- Exodus 34:5
- Exodus 34:6–7
- Exodus 34:6
- Exodus 34:9
- Exodus 34:11–16
- Exodus 34:13
- Exodus 34:14–16
- Exodus 34:18–26
- Exodus 34:27
- Exodus 34:28
- Exodus 34:29
- Exodus 34:30
- Exodus 34:33
- Exodus 35:1–3
- Exodus 35:4–39:43
- Exodus 35:22
- Exodus 36:8–39:43
- Exodus 38:25
- Exodus 39:33
- Exodus 40:1–33
- Exodus 40:2
- Exodus 40:31
- Exodus 40:34–38
- Exodus 40:36
- Exodus Commentary - 209 pages
- Sermon Bible Commentary on Exodus 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 22 23 24 25 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 39
- Charles Simeon - Horae Homileticae on Exodus 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 23 24 25 28 30 31 32 33 34 36 40
- LIFE IN EGYPT. Exodus 1 and 2.
- MOSES' BIRTH AND FAILURE. Exodus 2:1-15.
- THE CALL OF MOSES. Exodus 3:1-10.
- THE EXCUSES OF MOSES. Exodus 3:11-14; 4:1-16.
- THE SURRENDER OF MOSES. Exodus 4:16-31.
- THE GOSPEL OF MOSES. Exodus 6:1-8.
- THE SHELTERING BLOOD. Exodus 12:1-33.
- LED BY THE LORD. Exodus 13:16-22; 14.
- THE NEW WAY. Exodus 14.
- THE SONG OF MOSES. Exodus 15:1, 2.
- THE HEALING TREE. Exodus 15:22-25.
- THE SMITTEN ROCK. Exodus 17:1-7.
- THE HOLY WAR. Exodus 17:8-16.
- THE WORK OF GOD. Exodus 19:4-8.
- THE GIVING OF THE LAW. Exodus 19; 20.
- THE BONDAGE OF LOVE. Exodus 21:1-6.
- THE ANGEL SAVIOR. Exodus 23:20-25.
- THE ARK OF THE COVENANT. Or, The Person and Work of Christ.
- Study I. THE CHARACTER AND USE OF THE ARK. Exodus 25:9-22.
- THE ATONEMENT MONEY. Exodus 30:11-16.
- THE ANOINTING OIL. Exodus 30:22-33.
- THE PRAYER OF MOSES; Or, the Servant's Need. Exodus 33:12-23.
- THE TRANSFIGURED FACE. Exodus 34:29-35.
- Commentary on Exodus 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
- Exodus 3: Men Who Met God: Moses on the Mount
- Exodus 3: Men Who Met God: Moses and the Burning Bush-He Met God in a Crisis of Encounter
- Exodus 3:2 The Typical Glory of the Redeemer (See study of Types = Typology)
- Exodus 3:7,8 Devotional (see Oct 31)
- Exodus 4-11 God vs. the Gods of Egypt
- Exodus 4:12; Does God Still Give Revelation?
- Exodus 6–12 God’s Saving Power Displayed in Egypt
- Exodus 8:15; The Conscience, Revisited
- Exodus 12:14-20 - 23 Times A Day = find out what some of us do 23x/day
- Exodus 12:40-41 The Duration of the Egyptian Bondage (400 vs 430 years)
- The Duration of the Egyptian Sojourn (Paul Ray)
- The Length of the Israel's Sojourn (Jack Riggs)
- Exodus 15 "The Way of the World and the Way of the Word” --Mp3 & Video only
- Exodus 15:22-27 Lesson One for the Children of God – The Beginning of God’s Primer -- Mp3 or Video
- The Holiness of God - Part 1 - All 3 audios related to Exodus 13:21
- The Holiness of God - Part 2
- The Holiness of God - Part 3
- Exodus 16 Food Supply Everything we need God has for us, but we must go and get His blessing. He will give us bread for our souls and drink through His Spirit to keep our souls strong.
- Exodus 19:5 Israelite Covenants in the Light of Ancient Near Eastern Covenants-1
- Exodus 19:5 Israelite Covenants in the Light of Ancient Near Eastern Covenants-2
- Exodus 20:1-7 Are You Saved? (true conversion) - especially directed to children
- Exodus 20:1-3 God's Ownership Of People
- Exodus 20:8-11; Exodus 31:12-18; Deut 5:12-15 - A Rest Required
- Exodus 20:8-11 Are the Sabbath laws binding on Christians today?
- Exodus 20:3–17 Do the Ten Commandments apply to Christians today?
- Exodus 20:12 How Can We Rescue the Family?
- Exodus 20:13 Can you explain the discrepancy between the command, "Thou shalt not kill," and the fact that God kills?
- Exodus 20:13; Acts 24:15; Romans 5:2–5; 2 Corinthians 1:10 Can one who commits suicide be saved?
- Exodus 20:11 - Monkeying with the Meaning
- Exodus 20:11 Creation: Believe It or Not
- Exodus 20:11 Evolution and Ethics
- Exodus 20:11 Genesis 1:1–31 Creationism
- Genesis 1:1–31; Exodus 20:11 Evolution: Science or Faith?
- Exodus 21:15–17; Exodus 21:28–31 God’s High Call for Women
- Exodus 20:12 Leviticus 19:3 The Biblical Portrait of Women: Setting the Record Straight Does the Bible denigrate women?
- Exodus 23:6 Let 'Em Know or Let It Go? How do we know when to confront and when to quietly forgive and forget?
- Exodus 23:10–11 Evangelicalism and the Environmental Movement
- Exodus 23:10–11; Leviticus 25:1–7; Deuteronomy 28 Do we have a responsibility to care for the environment?
- Exodus 24:4–7; Exodus 34:27; Scripture, Tradition, and Rome, Part 1 The tendency to venerate tradition is very strong in religion. .
- Exodus 25:2; Leviticus 27:30–33; Deuteronomy 14:22–29; Does God require me to give a tithe of all I earn?
- Exodus 21:22 1 Timothy 5:14; Psalm 127:3–5 What does the Bible teach about birth control?
- The Law From God, Exodus 20:1-2
- No Other Before Him, Exodus 20:2-3
- Having God As Our God, Exodus 20:2-3
- God's Holy Jealousy, Exodus 20:4-6
- God's Holy Name, Exodus 20:7
- Keep It Holy, Exodus 20:8-11
- Honor Father and Mother, Exodus 20:12
- The Great Value of Human Life, Exodus 20:13
- Keeping Marriage Sacred, Exodus 20:14
- What Belongs To Our Neighbor, Exodus 20:15
- Protecting Our Neighbor's Name, Exodus 20:16
- Do Not Covet, Exodus 20:17
- Tabernacle Treasures
- Chapter 1: In the Court
- Chapter 2: In the Holy Place
- Chapter 3: In the Holy of Holies
- Exodus 25:17-22 God's Throne of Grace - His Mercy Seat
- Exodus 25-40 God Dwelling with Man
- Exodus 26:31-35 Hebrews 10-19-22 The Veil in the Tabernacle
- Exodus 28:1 The Tabernacle as a Type
129 Page Book
- Exodus 3 The Angel in the Bush (see on site discussion of Angel of the LORD)
- Exodus 6,12 Exit Lane
- Exodus Series A Prophet Like Me (Deuteronomy 18:15)
- Exodus 12 Meeting God at Midnight
- Exodus 14:1-2 Betwixt The Sword And The Sea
- Exodus 14:19-20 Envision The Enveloping God
- Exodus 14:5-9 Strong Enemy, Stronger Ally
- Exodus 14:15 Taking The Next Step
- Exodus 14 Under the Cloud
- Exodus 14 Help Lord!
- Exodus 14 God's Specialty
- Exodus 14:13 Leave Room For God
- Exodus 14,15 Asking The Right Question
- Exodus 14:26-29,15 Faith-Building By The Sea Shore
- Exodus 14,15 Don't Forget To Praise Him
- Exodus 15 The Lord Showed Him a Tree
- Exodus 16 What is It?
- Exodus 17 Streams in the Desert
- Exodus 24 - The Promptable Heart
- Exodus 25, et al: That I May Dwell Among You
- Exodus 25, The Heavenly Tabernacle
- Exodus 27 Curtains and Colors
- Exodus 29 The Altar of Bronze
- Exodus 30:17-21: The Bronze Laver
- Exodus 30:1-9, 37:10-16 Inside the Tabernacle - Christ: Our Sufficiency
- Exodus 25 The Raiders of the Lost Ark Meet The Perfect Storm
- Exodus 28 Man In The Middle
- Exodus 28, 39 Dress Rehearsal: What The High Priestly Garments of Aaron Tell Us About Christ
- Exodus 28, 39 Dress Rehearsal: What The High Priestly Garments of Aaron Tell Us About Christ - Part 2
- Exodus 40 - The Heavenly Tent
Notes, critical and practical, on the book of Exodus - First edition - 1846
- Exodus 1
- Exodus 2
- Exodus 3
- Exodus 4
- Exodus 5
- Exodus 6
- Exodus 7
- Exodus 8
- Exodus 9
- Exodus 10
- Exodus 11
- Exodus 12
- Exodus 13
- Exodus 14
- Exodus 15
- Exodus 16
- Exodus 17
- Exodus 18
- Exodus 19
- Exodus 20
- Shekinah
- Hebrew Theocracy
- Exodus 21
- Exodus 22
- Exodus 23
- Exodus 24
- Exodus 25
- Exodus 26
- Exodus 27
- Exodus 28
- Exodus 29
- Exodus 30
- Exodus 31
- Exodus 32
- Exodus 33
- Exodus 34
- Exodus 35
- Exodus 36
- Exodus 37
- Exodus 38
- Exodus 39
- Exodus 40
Notes synch with Scripture and with Constable's Notes & Related Articles - Nice!
- Exodus 1
- Exodus 2
- Exodus 3
- Exodus 4
- Exodus 5
- Exodus 6
- Exodus 7
- Exodus 8
- Exodus 9
- Exodus 10
- Exodus 11
- Exodus 12
- Exodus 13
- Exodus 14
- Exodus 15
- Exodus 16
- Exodus 17
- Exodus 18
- Exodus 19
- Exodus 20
- Exodus 21
- Exodus 22
- Exodus 23
- Exodus 24
- Exodus 25
- Exodus 26
- Exodus 27
- Exodus 28
- Exodus 29
- Exodus 30
- Exodus 31
- Exodus 32
- Exodus 33
- Exodus 34
- Exodus 35
- Exodus 36
- Exodus 37
- Exodus 38
- Exodus 39
- Exodus 40
- Exodus 20:1-2 God of Grace
- Exodus 20:3 God Only
- Exodus 20:4-6 God Created in Man's Image
- Exodus 20:7 The Name Not Vain
- Exodus 20:8-11 Work and Worship
- Exodus 20:12 Family Foundation
- Exodus 20:13 Sacred Life
- Exodus 20:14 Sexual Purity
- Exodus 20:15 Hands Off!
- Exodus 20:16 To Tell the Truth
- Exodus 20:17 Desires Under Control
- Exodus 2:11, 37ff The Power In Meekness
- Exodus 2:11-25 What Have We Learned?
- Exodus 3:1-15 Don't Be Surprised
- Exodus 3:2 Seeing God
- Exodus 3:3:13-22 Who is God?
- Exodus 3:1-12 Sunrise
- Exodus 3:5 Worthy Of Worship
- Exodus 3:6 God's Holiness
- Exodus 3:6 Fear of God
- Exodus 3:7 Hurting And Hearing
- Exodus 3:12 He'll Make It Work
- Exodus 3:1-6,10-14 Burning Questions
- Exodus 3:13-18 The Perfect Sentence
- Exodus 3:14 Anything and Everything
- Exodus 3:14 Who Is God
- Exodus 3:7-15 Who Am I
- Exodus 4:1-5 - What’s In Your Hand
- Exodus 4:1-9,17 The Tales Of Two Sticks
- Exodus 4:2 The Little Things
- Exodus 4:10-17 The Power of Our Limits
- Exodus 4:10-17 - Absolutely Nobody
- Exodus 4:10-17 He Trains My Hands
- Exodus 4:1-17 - The Tales Of Two Sticks
- Exodus 4:10-17 Now Go!
- Exodus 5:1-14 The Darkest Hour
- Exodus 5:1-14,22-23 The Storm Will Pass
- Exodus 5:1-14, 22-23 From Bad To Worse
- Exodus 6:1-8 God’s Strong Arm
- Exodus 6:1-9 The Most Depressing Day
- Exodus 6:3- El-Shaddai
- Exodus 6:1-9 Hurting And Hearing
- Exodus 6:1-13 Not Without Hope
- Exodus 6:1-13 Bricks Without Straw
- Exodus 6:28-7:13 - No Match For God
- Exodus 7:8 Unmasking the Magicians
- Exodus 8:1-15 Out Of Chaos
- Exodus 8:16-19 A Gnat Lesson
- Exodus 8:20-32 The Buzzing Of The Flies
- Exodus 11 Fatal Frame Of Mind
- Exodus 12 True Freedom
- Exodus 12:1-3 Invite Questions
- Exodus 12:13-17,25-27 Your Children Will Ask
- Exodus 12:1-20 The Passover Picture
- Exodus 12:21-23 L’Chayim!
- Exodus 12:29-42 Golden Gods
- Exodus 13:14-16 Where History Comes Alive
- Exodus 13:17-22 God’s Timing
- Exodus 13:21-22 Wilderness Wanderings
- Exodus 13:21 The Cloud And The Spirit
- Exodus 13:21 A Path Through The Woods
- Exodus 14:1-14 Standing Still
- Exodus 14:15 A Time For Action
- Exodus 14:1 “Don’t Worry, Dad!”
- Exodus 14:1-14 A Matter Of Perspective
- Exodus 14:10-22 Finding God’s Pathway
- Exodus 14:5-22 Stand or Go?
- Exodus 14:21-22 Unlimited Power
- Exodus 14:30 A Bad Habit
- Exodus 14:10-14 Strength in Stillness
- Exodus 15:1–2,13–18 Our Strength And Song
- Exodus 15:1-18 Celebration Of Praise
- Exodus 15:God Is At Work
- Exodus 15 - One More Miracle
- Exodus 15 - A Tree Of Healing
- Exodus 15:11 - The Perfect Sentence
- Exodus 15:11 Celebration Of Praise
- Exodus 15:19-27 Life After Miracles
- Exodus 15:22-27 From Bitter To Sweet
- Exodus 15:22-27 Into The Desert
- Exodus 15:22-27 The Road To Blessing
- Exodus 15:22-27 A Tree Of Healing
- Exodus 15:22-27 An Oasis in the Desert
- Exodus 15:22-16:5 The Sport of Scapegoating
- Exodus 15:25 The Same Hand
- Exodus 15:26 Into The Desert
- Exodus 15:26 The Great Healer
- Exodus 16:1-5 A Hill Too High
- Exodus 16:1-12 No Reverse
- Exodus 16:4 One Day At A Time
- Exodus 16:11-31 What Is It
- Exodus 17 - A Bad Habit
- Exodus 17:1-7 - Desert Pete
- Exodus 17:1-6 - Fellow Workers
- Exodus 17:11 Invisible Support
- Exodus 17:12 A Helping Hand
- Exodus 17:12 A Paraplegic's Partner
- Exodus 17:1-6 Fellow Workers
- Exodus 18 - Exhausted
- Exodus 18:13-27 Willing Heart, Wise Head
- Exodus 18:13-24 A Time For Good Counsel
- Exodus 18:13-27 Wearing Yourself Out
- Exodus 18:19 The Wisdom of Age
- Exodus 18:24 - Minister Mentor
- Exodus 19:1-8 - Our Main Calling
- Exodus 19 True Worth-Ship
- Exodus 20:1-6 Is Work Your God?
- Exodus 20:1-20 The Gift Of Family
- Exodus 20:1-7 The Name
- Exodus 20:1-7 Honoring Your Parents
- Exodus 20:1-17 Beware Of What You Want
- Exodus 20:1-17 Murphy's Laws
- Exodus 20:1-17 Windmills and Fences
- Exodus 20:1-17 Long Life
- Exodus 20:3 - Golden Gods
- Exodus 20:3 Who Is On the Throne?
- Exodus 20:3 Only Room For One
- Exodus 20:4 Unseen Majesty
- Exodus 20:7 Word Watch
- Exodus 20:7 Holy Is Your Name
- Exodus 20:7 Commandment 3—Respect God’s Name
- Exodus 20:8-11 A Slower Pace
- Exodus 20:8-11 Lie Down
- Exodus 20:12 - The Gift Of Family
- Exodus 20:12 Commandment 5—Honor Your Parents
- Exodus 20:18-26 Exodus 20:13 - In Defense Of Life
- Exodus 20:16 Commandment 9—Tell The Truth
- Exodus 20:16 Creeping Deception
- Exodus 20:17 - Good But Guilty
- Exodus 20:18-26 the Go-Between
- Exodus 22:21-27 Have A Heart
- Exodus 22:22- 27- Hear Their Cry
- Exodus 23 - A Wonderful Pair
- Exodus 23:1-9 Doing Justice
- Exodus 23:Bribery
- Exodus 23:12 What Does It Take?
- Exodus 23:16 Not A Killjoy
- Exodus 23:20-33 Don't Get Stung
- Exodus 23:20-33 Little by Little
- Exodus 24:1-8 - Seeing God
- Exodus 25:1-9 A Little Piece Of Heaven
- Exodus 25-27 House of Symbols
- Exodus 25-27 Inner Beauty
- Exodus 25:10-22 The Intrigue of the Ark
- Exodus 25:14-15 Showing Respect
- Exodus 25:31-40 The Right Light
- Exodus 25:1-9 Little Piece Of Heaven
- Exodus 26:1-11 Perfect Fit
- Exodus 30:7-8 Psalms, Incense, Praise
- Exodus 30:17-21 Spiritual Cleansing
- Exodus 30:34-36 - Broken Things
- Exodus 31:1-5 The Craftsman’s Touch
- Exodus 31:1-11 A Place Just For You
- Exodus 31:1-11 - Icebergs
- Exodus 31:12- 18 Take A Day To Rest
- Exodus 31:12- 18 The Most Important Days
- Exodus 31:1-11 Reflecting God’s Glory
- Exodus 32:1 - Fast Freeze
- Exodus 32:21-35 Stray Hearts
- Exodus 32:1 - Look Back
- Exodus 32:1-14 Commandment 2: Refuse Idolatry
- Exodus 32:15-29 Blaming God
- Exodus 32 - Blurred Vision
- Exodus 33:1-11 We Just Have to Talk
- Exodus 33:1-11 A Refresher Course On God’s Majesty
- Exodus 33:11 Good Buddy
- Exodus 33:7-17 Knowing God Personally
- Exodus 33:12-23 Awesome!
- Exodus 33:12-17 - Anywhere With Jesus
- Exodus 33:14 Walking Away
- Exodus 33:18-34:8 God's Description Of Himself
- Exodus 34:1-8 God's Description
- Exodus 34:1-9 Caricature God
- Exodus 34:6 God's Description Of Himself
- Exodus 34:6-7- What Makes God Laugh-
- Exodus 34:29 Seeing God's Glory
- Exodus 34:27-35 Give Me New England!
- Exodus 34:29-30 - Making A Face
- Exodus 34:29-35. Getting Beyond Ourselves
- Exodus 35:20-29 Free Tomatoes
- Exodus 35:30-36:1 Good Workers
- Exodus 35:30-35 - With All My Art
- Exodus 35:30-36:1 Good Workers
- Exodus 36:1-7 Beauty In The Church
- Exodus 37:1-9 The Sensuous Christian
- Exodus 38:8 Giving Up Our Mirrors
- Exodus 40:24 The Right Light
- Exodus 1:1-22 Abortion, Race, Gender, and Christ
- Exodus 3:13-15 "I Am Who I Am"
- Exodus 4:10-12 Who Made Man's Mouth?
- Exodus 5:22-6:8 My Name Is God Almighty
- Exodus 19:1-9 God's Covenant Through Moses
- Exodus 20:8-11 Remember the Sabbath Day to Keep It Holy
- Exodus 33:12-19 I Will Be Gracious to Whom I Will Be Gracious
- Exodus 34:1-10 The Lord, a God Merciful and Gracious
- Exodus 34:10-16 The Lord Whose Name Is Jealous
- Contents
- Alphabetical List of Illustrations - also see below for illustrations by chapter
- Introduction and Preface
- Hint: Remember to Check here for more illustrations and devotionals on Exodus
- Introduction
- Exodus 1
- Exodus 2
- Exodus 3
- Exodus 4
- Exodus 5
- Exodus 6
- Exodus 7
- Exodus 8
- Exodus 9
- Exodus 10
- Exodus 11
- Exodus 12
- Exodus 13
- Exodus 14
- Exodus 15
- Exodus 16
- Exodus 17
- Exodus 18
- Exodus 19
- Exodus 20
- Exodus 21
- Exodus 22
- Exodus 23
- Exodus 24
- Exodus 25
- Exodus 26
- Exodus 27
- Exodus 28
- Exodus 29
- Exodus 30
- Exodus 31
- Exodus 32
- Exodus 33
- Exodus 34
- Exodus 35
- Exodus 36
- Exodus 37
- Exodus 38
- Exodus 39
- Exodus 40
- Exodus 4 Here Am I . . . Send Aaron
- Exodus 12 Christ B.C. Part II: Lamb of God
- Exodus 13:21-22 Does God Still Guide?
- Exodus 13:21-22 Sense and Nonsense about God's Guidance
- Exodus 20:12 Forever Children
- Exodus 20:3 No Other Gods
- Exodus 20:4-6 No Graven Images
- Exodus 20:7 Taking God Seriously
- Exodus 20:8-11 Take Time for God
- Exodus 20:12 Forever Children
- Exodus 20:13 Murder in My Mouth
- Exodus 20:14 Adultery in My Heart
- Exodus 20:15 Stop, Thief!
- Exodus 20:16 Truth or Consequences
- Exodus 20:17 The Sin No One Will Admit
- Exodus 33:18 Show Me Your Glory
- Introduction
- Exodus 1
- Exodus 2
- Exodus 3
- Exodus 4
- Exodus 5
- Exodus 6
- Exodus 7
- Exodus 8
- Exodus 9
- Exodus 10
- Exodus 11
- Exodus 12
- Exodus 13
- Exodus 14
- Exodus 15
- Exodus 16
- Exodus 17
- Exodus 18
- Exodus 19
- Exodus 20
- Exodus 21
- Exodus 22
- Exodus 23
- Exodus 24
- Exodus 25
- Exodus 26
- Exodus 27
- Exodus 28
- Exodus 29
- Exodus 30
- Exodus 31
- Exodus 32
- Exodus 33
- Exodus 34
- Exodus 35
- Exodus 36
- Exodus 37
- Exodus 38
- Exodus 39
- Exodus 40
See some titles below
- Exodus Homilies 1
- Exodus Homilies 2
- Exodus Homilies 3
- Exodus Homilies 4
- Exodus Homilies 5
- Exodus Homilies 6
- Exodus Homilies 7
- Exodus Homilies 8
- Exodus Homilies 9
- Exodus Homilies 10
- Exodus Homilies 11
- Exodus Homilies 12
- Exodus Homilies 13
- Exodus Homilies 14
- Exodus Homilies 15
- Exodus Homilies 16
- Exodus Homilies 17
- Exodus Homilies 18
- Exodus Homilies 19
- Exodus Homilies 20
- Exodus Homilies 21
- Exodus Homilies 22
- Exodus Homilies 23
- Exodus Homilies 24
- Exodus Homilies 25
- Exodus Homilies 26
- Exodus Homilies 27
- Exodus Homilies 28
- Exodus Homilies 29
- Exodus Homilies 30
- Exodus Homilies 31
- Exodus Homilies 32
- Exodus Homilies 33
- Exodus Homilies 34
- Exodus Homilies 35
- Exodus Homilies 36
- Exodus Homilies 37
- Exodus Homilies 38
- Exodus Homilies 39
- Exodus Homilies 40
Exodus 1 Homilies
- Exodus 1:1 Removal to Egypt
- Exodus 1:1-5 The Patriarchal Names
- Exodus 1:6 Joseph in Egypt
- Exodus 1:6 The 12 Foundations
- Exodus 1:6 An Ending
- Exodus 1:1-7 Tarry Thou the Lord's Leisure
- Exodus 1:1-22 The Prosperity of Israel
- Exodus 1:7-11 A Multiplying People & a King's Fears
- Exodus 1:7,12 God the Protector of His People
- Exodus 1:7-14 Israel in Egypt
- Exodus 1:8 Joseph Forgotten
- Exodus 1:8-14 Egypt's Sin
- Exodus 1:10-12 The Wisdom of the Wise...Naught
- Exodus 1:11-14 The Bondage
- Exodus 1:8-22 The Policy of Pharaoh
- Exodus 1:15-22 Steps in Sin
- Exodus 1:15-21 The Conduct of Midwives
- Exodus 1:15-22 A King's Edict
- Exodus 1:15-22 The Way of Sin
- Exodus 1:17 Duty of Opposing Authority...
Exodus 2 Homilies
- Exodus 2:1-2 The Birth of Moses
- Exodus 2:1-9 The Infancy of Moses
- Exodus 2:1-10 By Faith was works made Perfect
- Exodus 2:1-10 A Picture of True Faith
- Exodus 2:1-10 The Child of the Water
- Exodus 2:1-11 A Child of Providence
- Exodus 2:2 The Beauty of Moses
- Exodus 2:3-9 The Escape of Moses
- Exodus 2:10 The Education of Moses
- Exodus 2:11, 12 Moses a Would Be Deliverer
- Exodus 2:11, 12 The Choice of Moses
- Exodus 2:11-15 Unpurified Zeal
- Exodus 2:11-15 Moses "Was Grown"
- Exodus 2:11-12 Moses, the Ardent but Mistaken Patriot
- Exodus 2:11-15 Mistake in Life's Morning
- Exodus 2:13, 14 Moses as a Peacemaker
- Exodus 2:13-15 Moses the Hater of All Oppressions
- Exodus 2:15 Moses as a Fugitive
- Exodus 2:16-19 Moses a Second Time the Champion...
- Exodus 2:21-22 Moses as Husband and Father
- Exodus 2:15-23 The Long Exile
- Exodus 2:15-22 Moses in Midian
- Exodus 2:15 Sitting by the Well
- Exodus 2:22 Life and its Moods
- Exodus 2:23-25 The Hour of Help
- Exodus 2:23-25 Moses in Christ
- Exodus 2:23-25 A Groaning Israel and an Observant God
- Exodus 2:23-25 As in Streams
Exodus 3 Homilies
- Exodus 3:1-2 The Burning Bush
- Exodus 3:1-5 Moses at the Bush
- Exodus 3:1-5 The Burning Bush
- Exodus 3:1-5 The Bush and Its Suggestions
- Exodus 3:1-6 Prophetic Vision/Divine Revelation
- Exodus 3:1-10 The Burning Bush
- Exodus 3:2 The Bush in History
- Exodus 3:3 The Impulse to Draw Nigh
- Exodus 3:3-10 How Moses Met with God
- Exodus 3:4-6 The Prohibition and the Ground of it
- Exodus 3:6 The God of the Fathers
- Exodus 3:6 The God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob
- Exodus 3:7-9 A Large Promise for a Great Need
- Exodus 3:7-10 The Call of Moses
- Exodus 3:7-11 God's Sympathy with the Oppressed
- Exodus 3:10-12 Insufficiency
- Exodus 3:10-12 The First Difficulty
- Exodus 3:15-16 The Name
- Exodus 3:11 -17 Hindrances to Service
- Exodus 3:11 Fitness of Moses to be God's Instrument
- Exodus 3:11-12 Moses' Timidity Notwithstanding...
- Exodus 3:13-15 God's Revelation of Himself...
- Exodus 3:13-15 The Proper Name of God
- Exodus 3:13-17 The Second Difficulty...
- Exodus 3:16 The Divine Injunction to Gather the Elders
- Exodus 3:16-22 The Two Messages
- Exodus 3:17,18 The Promises to the Elders & to Moses
- Exodus 3:18-22 The Coming Liberation
- Exodus 3:18-22 Removal of Moses' Fear
- Exodus 3:19,20 Pharaoh's Obduracy...
- Exodus 3:21,22 God Brings Good Out of Evil
Exodus 4 Homilies
- Exodus 4:1 Unbelief
- Exodus 4:1-5 The Intent of the First Sign
- Exodus 4:1-9 The Third Difficulty...
- Exodus 4:1-9 Weakness and Strength for God's Service
- Exodus 4:1-10 A Trilogy of Signs
- Exodus 4:1-17 Divine Supplements for Human Infirmity
- Exodus 4:6-8 The Intent of the Second Sign
- Exodus 4:9 The Intent of the Third Sign
- Exodus 4:10 Slowness of Speech...
- Exodus 4:10-17 Slow of Speech.
- Exodus 4:10-12 The Fourth Difficulty...
- Exodus 4:10-17 God's Wrath will fall where His Service is Declined.
- Exodus 4:13-14 The Sin of Self Distrust...
- Exodus 4:13 A Servant's Difficulties
- Exodus 4:13-16 Moses Taking A Step Too Far...
- Exodus 4:14 The Love of Brothers
- Exodus 4:14-16 Diversities of Gifts A Benefit...
- Exodus 4:17 The Rod
- Exodus 4:17 The Importance of the Rod
- Exodus 4:18-21 The Return
- Exodus 4:18-23 True Faith and Its Joy
- Exodus 4:18-31 Facing Egypt
- Exodus 4:19 The Fact of Having a Mission Does Not Release a Man from Social Obligations
- Exodus 4:19 The Unsolicited Removal of a Source of Great Anxiety
- Exodus 4:19-23 Obedience Brings a Blessing
- Exodus 4:21 Hardening
- Exodus 4:22, 23 Israel A Type of Sonship
- Exodus 4:24-31 The Three Meetings
- Exodus 4:24-26 One Small Duty Neglected May Frustrate the Whole Purpose of Life!
- Exodus 4:19-29 My Times Are in Thy Hand
- Exodus 4:24-26 Neglect of the Covenant on Its Human Side
- Exodus 4:24-27 Interpretation of Providence
- Exodus 4:27 God Does Not Stint His Help When He Visits Man
- Exodus 4:28 Full Confidence Necessary Between Fellow Workers
- Exodus 4:29-31 The Blessing on Obedience
- Exodus 4:31 Worship the Proper Outcome of Thankfulness
- Exodus 4:29-31 Preaching and Faith
Exodus 5 Homilies
- Exodus 5: The People of Jehovah Detained and Oppressed
- Exodus 5:1-5 God's Will Often Opposed by the Great of the Earth & His Servants Rebuffed
- Exodus 5:1-21 Failure
- Exodus 5:1-4 The First Interview
- Exodus 5:1-5 God's Demand and Pharaoh's Answer
- Exodus 5:2 Pharaoh's First Response: His Answer in Word
- Exodus 5:4-10 Increased Cruelty
- Exodus 5:6-9 The Picture of A Tyrant
- Exodus 5:7 Bricks Without Straw
- Exodus 5:9 Vain Words
- Exodus 5:6-14 The Increase of Trouble For God's People No Proof of the Failure of His Purpose
- Exodus 5:10-14 A Blind Obedience tot he Commands of Tyrants Not Laudable
- Exodus 5:10-15 Bricks Without Straw
- Exodus 5:14 Vicarious Suffering
- Exodus 5:15-18 A Wicked Man's Persistence in Wrong Doing
- Exodus 5:15-18 Unheeded Expostulation
- Exodus 5:4-18 Pharaoh's First Response: His Answer in Deed
- Exodus 5:5-6:6 The Troubled Find Consolation in God Only
- Exodus 5:21 The Servants of God Liable to Reproach from Friends no less than Enemies
- Exodus 5:20-23 Murmuring and Faith
- Exodus 5:19-21 Thoughtless Smiters of a Brother in Adversity
- Exodus 5:22-23 The Religious Soul Takes its Griefs Straight to God
Exodus 6 Homilies
- Exodus 6:1 God's Condescension to a Weak Faith
- Exodus 6:1-9 A Divine Commentary on a Divine Name
- Exodus 6:2-3 God's Names and Their Importance
- Exodus 6:2-8 The Message to Afflicted Israel
- Exodus 6:2-3 The Lord Thy God is One God
- Exodus 6:4-8 God a Keeper of Covenants
- Exodus 6:7 A Rich Promise
- Exodus 6:8 God Encourages Moses in His Despondency
- Exodus 6:9 Spiritual Deadness Produced by Extreme Physical Need
- Exodus 6:9 The Pains of the Lower Life Shutting Out the Blessings of the Higher Life
- Exodus 6:11, 13 The New Commission
- Exodus 6:10-7:7 The Uncircumcised Lips
- Exodus 6:11 The Servant of God Must Labor Unceasingly
- Exodus 6:9-14, 28-30 Shaken Faith and an Unshaken Purpose
- Exodus 6:9-12 The Contagion of Despair
- Exodus 6:13-27 The Historical Character of Real Revelation
- Exodus 6:14-28 The Genealogy of Moses and Aaron
- Exodus 6:28-7:7 God Still Glorified Amid Human Weakness & Sin
Exodus 7 Homilies
- Exodus 7:1-2 God Assigns to Each Man His Intellectual Grade
- Exodus 7:3 Heart Hardening
- Exodus 7:1-8 A god to Pharaoh
- Exodus 7:3-5 The Fierceness of Man turns to God's Praise
- Exodus 7:9 Miracles the Credentials of an Ambassador of God
- Exodus 7:10-12 False Imitations of Things Divine Not Difficult of Detection
- Exodus 7:8-14 The Rod Turned into a Serpent
- Exodus 7:8-13 The Credentials of God's Ambassadors
- Exodus 7:8-13 The First Sign to Pharaoh: The Rod Becomes a Serpent
- Exodus 7:17-20 God's Punishments appropriate and terrible
- Exodus 7:14-25 The Nile turned into blood
- Exodus 7:14-25 The First Plague: The Water Turned to Blood
- Exodus 7:14-25 The Water Turned to Blood
- Exodus 7:22-23 The Power of Satan is With Deceivableness
- Exodus 7:24 God allows men to seek and obtain alleviations of His judgments
- Exodus 7-10 The Great Conflict
- Exodus 7-10 The Lord, He is the God
Exodus 8 Homilies
- Exodus 8:1-8 God Can Scourge Men Beyond Endurance with a Whip of Straw
- Exodus 8:1-39 Three Plagues-Frogs, Lice, Flies
- Exodus 8:1-16 The Plague of Frogs
- Exodus 8:1-15 Second Plague: The Frogs
- Exodus 8:8-13 God's Mercy When Men Repent Ever So Little
- Exodus 8:15 Double-Minded Men, Unstable in All their Ways
- Exodus 8:19 Moral Avalanches Not Easily Arrested When Once Set in Motion
- Exodus 8:16-19 The Plague of Lice
- Exodus 8:16-19 The Third Plague: The Gnats: The Finger of God
- Exodus 8:16-19 There is a Limit to the Divine Mercy
- Exodus 8:22-23 God Puts Division Between the Good and the Bad, Both Here & Hereafter
- Exodus 8:22-32 The Plague of Flies
- Exodus 8:20-32 The Fourth Plague-The Flies: The Immunities of Goshen
- Exodus 8:20-32 The Fourth Plague
- Exodus 8:25-26 Compromise Not Allowable in Religious Matters
- Exodus 8:29 The Duty of God's Servants to Rebuke The Great of the Earth
- What’s That in Your Hand? (Exodus 4:1-5)
- The Life of Moses (Exodus 2:1-2)
- A Rock and a Hard Place (Exodus 14:1-14)
- Are you thirsty? (Exodus 17:1-7)
- The Dispensation of Law (Exodus 19:3-8)
- Worship in the O.T. (Exodus 25:9)
- Who's On the Lord's Side? (Exodus 32:26)
- Pride: How Long…? (Exodus 10:1-3)
- Ten Commandments: #1 (Exodus 20:2-3)
- Ten Commandments: #2 (Exodus 20:4-6)
- Ten Commandments: #3 (Exodus 20:7)
- Ten Commandments: #4 (Exodus 20:8-11)
- Ten Commandments: #5 (Exodus 20:12)
- Ten Commandments: #6 (Exodus 20:13)
- Ten Commandments: #7 (Exodus 20:14)
- Ten Commandments: #8 (Exodus 20:15)
- Ten Commandments: #9 (Exodus 20:16)
- Ten Commandments: #10 (Exodus 20:17)
- Principles, Convictions, Standards, Preferences, and Hang-ups (Exodus 19:23)
- Great Aspects Of God (Exodus 3:10-15)
- God Above All Others. (Ex. 20:3; 34:14)
- Practical Christianity Series - Ministry Above and Beyond (Exodus 21:23-27)
- Developing Trust - Part 2 (Exodus 20:3-4)
- The Names of God - Elohim (Exodus 3:13-14)
- The Names of God - El-Shaddai (Exodus 6:2-3)
- The Names of God - Jehovah-Rophe (Exodus 15:26)
- The Names of God - Jehovah-Nissi (Exodus 17:15)
- Exodus 1:1-12 Introduction to Moses
- Exodus 1:13-2:10 Birth of Moses
- Exodus 2:11-3:5 Moses Flees to Midian
- Exodus 3:6-22 God calls Moses to deliver Israelites, Pt 1
- Exodus 4;1-17 God calls Moses to deliver Israelites, Pt 2
- Exodus 4:18-5:23 Moses' first encounter with Pharaoh
- Exodus 6:1-7:2 God sends Moses to tell Pharaoh let Israelites go
- Exodus 7:1-25 Moses' 2nd encounter w/Pharaoh - 1st plague blood
- Exodus 8:1-23 - Second plague frogs, 3rd lice, 4th flies
- Exodus 8:24-32 - Plague #4 flies concluded
- Exodus 9:1-7 - 5th Plague, Disease on Beasts
- Exodus 9:8-35 - 6th & 7th Plagues Boils & Hail
- Exodus 10:1-11:3 - 8th & 9th Plagues, Locusts & Darkness
- Exodus 11 & 12 - 10th Plague - Death - Initiation of the Passover
Click here to access the 82 titles listed below - the Pdf has 968 pages of sermons. Rogers is conservative, pithy and practical! He is one of the stellar expositors of the twentieth century. Highly recommended to aid your sermon and teaching preparation. Illustrations in green font.
- Mothers of Faith—Exodus 1:22–2:10
- Faith for the Family—Exodus 2:1–10
- The Rod of God—Exodus 2:11–12
- All the Way Out of Egypt—Exodus 8:25
- Genuine Confession—Exodus 9:27
- Families Under the Blood—Exodus 12
- Knowing God Intimately—Exodus 33:12–15
- Don’t Pass over the Passover—Exodus 12:1–4
- The Lamb of Promise—Exodus 12:1–11, 14, 22
- Going Deeper—Exodus 12:1–14
- The Kidnapper—Exodus 12:1–14
- The Passover—Exodus 12:8
- Detours, Dead-Ends, and Dry Holes—Exodus 13:17–22
- Turning Bitterness into Blessing—Exodus 15:22–25, 6, 11, 13, 18, 27
- Our Daily Bread—Exodus 16:4
- How to Feed on Daily Bread—Exodus 16:4–8, 14–18
- Four Principles of Victory—Exodus 17:8–13
- Going on to Victory—Exodus 17:8–16
- Victory over the Flesh—Exodus 17:8–16
- God’s Remedy for Worn-Out Preachers—Exodus 18:13–26
- The First Commandment—Exodus 20:1–3
- The Second Commandment—Exodus 20:4–6
- The Third Commandment—Exodus 20:7
- The Fourth Commandment—Exodus 20:8–11
- The Fifth Commandment, Part 1—Exodus 20
- The Fifth Commandment—Exodus 20:12
- The Sixth Commandment: Thou Shalt Not Kill—Exodus 20:13
- The Seventh Commandment—Exodus 20:14
- The Eight Commandment—Exodus 20:15
- The Ninth Commandment—Exodus 20:16
- The Tenth Commandment—Exodus 20:17
- The Way to Worship—Exodus 20:1–6
- Leading Family Worship—Exodus 20:4–5
- Leading Family Worship—Exodus 20:4–5
- Graven Images—Exodus 20:4–6
- The Name Above All Names—Exodus 20:7
- Thou Shalt Not Cuss—Exodus 20:7
- How to Make the Rest Day the Best Day—Exodus 20:8–11
- Darwin, Dinosaurs, and Devilish Deceptions, Part 1—Exodus 20:11
- Darwin, Dinosaurs, and Devilish Deceptions, Part 2—Exodus 20:11
- Has the Nuclear Family Bombed?—Exodus 20:12
- Honor Thy Father and Mother—Exodus 20:12
- Honoring Father and Mother—Exodus 20:12
- Honoring Father and Mother—Exodus 20:12
- How to Be the Child of a Happy Mother—Exodus 20:12
- How to Be the Child of a Happy Mother—Exodus 20:12
- How to Be the Mother of a Happy Child—Exodus 20:12
- Families That Choose Life—Exodus 20:1–13
- The Key to a Magnificent Marriage—Exodus 20:14
- Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery—Exodus 20:14
- Integrity: Don’t Leave Home Without It—Exodus 20:15
- Truth or Consequences—Exodus 20:16
- The Secret of Satisfaction—Exodus 20:17
- The Secret of Satisfaction—Exodus 20:17
- The Holy of Holies and the Ark of the Covenant—Exodus 25:10–22
- Study of the Tabernacle #1—Exodus 25:1–9
- Study of the Tabernacle #2—Exodus 30:11–15; 26:1, 7, 14–30
- Study of the Tabernacle #3—Exodus 27:1–8; 29:11–14
- Study of the Tabernacle #4—Exodus 30:17–21
- Study of the Tabernacle #5—Exodus 25:31–37
- Study of the Tabernacle #6—Exodus 25:23–30
- Study of the Tabernacle #7—Exodus 30:1–10, 32–33, 37–38
- Study of the Tabernacle #8—Exodus 26:31–34
- Study of the Tabernacle #9—Exodus 25:10–16
- Study of the Tabernacle #10—Exodus 25:17–22
- Camping with God: The Tabernacle—Exodus 25:1–9
- Feed the Flame—Exodus 35:21, 29
- The Table of the Tabernacle—Exodus 25:23–30
- Overlook of the Tabernacle—Exodus 25:40
- The Well-Dressed Baptist Priest—Exodus 28:31–35
- The Laver of the Tabernacle—Exodus 30
- Christ Our Supplication—Exodus 30:1–5
- Developing People: A Tribute to Jim Whitmire—Exodus 31:1–11
- God Has a Purpose for Your Life—Exodus 31:1–11
- The Strange Case of the Golden Calf—Exodus 32:1–6
- Practicing His Presence—Exodus 32:30–33:3
- How to Enjoy the Presence of God—Exodus 33:1–4
- What to Do When God Seems Far Away—Exodus 33:1–3
- How to Practice the Presence of God—Exodus 33:1–4, 14–15
- Knowing the Ways of God—Exodus 33:12–15
- Knowing God Intimately—Exodus 33:11–16
- Knowing the Ways of God—Exodus 33:12–14
- Knowing God Intimately—Exodus 33:13–14
- How to Practice the Presence of God—Exodus 33:14
- Hearing God—Exodus 34:1–2
- The Life that Glows—Exodus 34:29–35
- Hearts and Hands for the Harvest—Exodus 35:4–29
- Exodus 1:-22 A Message Of Redemption
- Exodus 1:15-2:3 A Vision For Our Children
- Exodus 2:1-25 How God Makes A Man
- Exodus 3:1-4 Don't Despise The Desert
- Exodus 3:5-4:9 When God Calls A Man
- Exodus 4:10-31 The Calling Of Moses
- Exodus 5:1-23 Cry Out To God
- Exodus 6:1-30 I Will . . .
- Exodus 7:1-8:10 One More Night With The Frogs
- Exodus 8:16-19 The Finger Of God
- Exodus 8:20-32 Satan's Compromise
- Exodus 9:1-35 Don't Mess Around With The Lord
- Exodus 10:1-21 Pride Comes Before A Fall
- Exodus 10:21-11:10 A Divine Difference
- Exodus 12:1-20 The Passover
- Exodus 12:21-51 The Pilgrimage Begins
- Exodus 13:1-22 God Can Use Donkeys
- Exodus 14:1-22 Boxed In By God
- Exodus 13:17-14:31 Life On The Edge
- Exodus 15:1-21 The Song Of Moses
- Exodus 15:22-27 From Bitterness To Sweetness
- Exodus 16:1-36 The Morning Manna
- Exodus 16:1-17:7 Jesus Is Our Manna
- Exodus 17:8-16 The War With Amalek
- Exodus 18:1-27 Team Ministry
- Exodus 19:1-4 On Eagle's Wings
- Exodus 19:5-15 Preparing To Meet With God
- Exodus 19:16-25 The Mountain That Burned
- Exodus 20:1-17 Introduction To The Law
- Exodus 20:3 Have No Other Gods
- Exodus 20:4-6 No Carved Images
- Exodus 20:7 Honoring God's Name
- Exodus 20:8-11 The Sabbath
- Exodus 20:12 Honoring Your Parents
- Exodus 20:13 Do Not Murder
- Exodus 20:14-17 Do Not Lust
- Exodus 20:18-26 Being Afraid Or Fearing God
- Exodus 21:1-36 Jesus, The Perfect Servant
- Exodus 22:1-31 The Law Of Moses Part 1
- Exodus 23-24 The Law Of Moses Part 2
- Exodus 25:1-9 Jesus Our Tabernacle
- Exodus 25:10-32 Jesus, The Ark Of The Covenant
- Exodus 25:23-40 The Table And The Light
- Exodus 26:1-30 The Tabernacle Coverings
- Exodus 26:31-37 The Veil
- Exodus 27:1-21 The Tabernacle Courtyard
- Exodus 28:1-29 Gems On The Heart Of Jesus
- Exodus 28:30-43 The Priest Ministry
- Exodus 29:1-46 The Ordination Of The Priest
- Exodus 30:1-38 The Alter Of Incense And The Brass Laver
- Exodus 31:1-18 Anointed For Service
- Exodus 32:1-29 Let's Be Like The World
- Exodus 33:1-17 Desiring The Presence Of The Lord
- Exodus 33:18-34:35 Show Me Your Glory
- Exodus 35-40 Finishing The Work
Older works from Pulpit Commentary and Biblical Illustrator organized by chapter and verse
- Exodus 1 - Sermons by Verse
- Exodus 2 - Sermons by Verse
- Exodus 3 - Sermons by Verse
- Exodus 4 - Sermons by Verse
- Exodus 5 - Sermons by Verse
- Exodus 6 - Sermons by Verse
- Exodus 7 - Sermons by Verse
- Exodus 8 - Sermons by Verse
- Exodus 9 - Sermons by Verse
- Exodus 10 - Sermons by Verse
- Exodus 11 - Sermons by Verse
- Exodus 12 - Sermons by Verse
- Exodus 13 - Sermons by Verse
- Exodus 14 - Sermons by Verse
- Exodus 15 - Sermons by Verse
- Exodus 16 - Sermons by Verse
- Exodus 17 - Sermons by Verse
- Exodus 18 - Sermons by Verse
- Exodus 19 - Sermons by Verse
- Exodus 20 - Sermons by Verse
- Exodus 21 - Sermons by Verse
- Exodus 22 - Sermons by Verse
- Exodus 23 - Sermons by Verse
- Exodus 24 - Sermons by Verse
- Exodus 25 - Sermons by Verse
- Exodus 26 - Sermons by Verse
- Exodus 27 - Sermons by Verse
- Exodus 28 - Sermons by Verse
- Exodus 29 - Sermons by Verse
- Exodus 30 - Sermons by Verse
- Exodus 31 - Sermons by Verse
- Exodus 32 - Sermons by Verse
- Exodus 33 - Sermons by Verse
- Exodus 34 - Sermons by Verse
- Exodus 35 - Sermons by Verse
- Exodus 36 - Sermons by Verse
- Exodus 37 - Sermons by Verse
- Exodus 38 - Sermons by Verse
- Exodus 39 - Sermons by Verse
- Exodus 40 - Sermons by Verse
- Invitation to Exodus
- Purpose
- Themes
- Key Verses
- Outline
- The Israelites’ Suffering and Need of a Deliverer (1:1–2:22)
- The Pharaoh Tries to Destroy Fruitful Israel (1:1–22)
- The Introduction of Israel’s Deliverer (2:1–22)
- The Lord Calls Israel’s Deliverer: Moses (2:23–4:17)
- The Lord Remembers the Israelites and His Covenant with Them (2:23–25)
- The Lord Calls Moses to Be the Israelites’ Deliverer (3:1–4:17)
- Moses Goes Back to Egypt (4:18–31)
- Moses Returns to Egypt (4:18–26)
- Moses and Aaron Announce Deliverance to the Israelites (4:27–31)
- Pharaoh’s Oppression and the Lord’s Promise of Deliverance (5:1–6:9)
- Pharaoh Refuses the Lord’s Command; the People Turn on Moses and Aaron (5:1–21)
- The Lord’s Promise of Deliverance and the People’s Despair (5:22–6:9)
- Introduction to the Coming Deliverance (6:10–7:7)
- The Lord Commands Moses to Confront Pharaoh (6:10–12)
- The Genealogy of Moses and Aaron (6:13–27)
- The Lord Commands Moses to Confront Pharaoh and Foretells What Is to Come (6:28–7:7)
- Through Miraculous Signs of Judgment, the Lord Reveals His Sovereign Power over Pharaoh and Egyptian Gods (7:8–11:10)
- First Sign: Aaron’s Rod Swallows Pharaoh’s Servants’ Rods (7:8–13)
- Second Sign, First Strike: Water to Blood (7:14–25)
- Third Sign, Second Strike: Frog Infestation (8:1–15)
- Fourth Sign, Third Strike: Gnat Infestation (8:16–19)
- Fifth Sign, Fourth Strike: Fly Infestation (8:20–32)
- Sixth Sign, Fifth Strike: Egyptian Livestock Die (9:1–7)
- Seventh Sign, Sixth Strike: Boils (9:8–12)
- Eighth Sign, Seventh Strike: Hail (9:13–35)
- Ninth Sign, Eighth Strike: Locusts (10:1–20)
- Tenth Sign, Ninth Strike: Darkness (10:21–29)
- Foretelling the Eleventh Sign, Tenth Strike: Death of the Firstborn (11:1–10)
- The Israelites Leave Egypt and Receive Instructions for Commemorating Their Deliverance (12:1–13:16)
- Instructions for Passover (12:1–13)
- Instructions for the Feast of Unleavened Bread (12:14–20)
- Moses Gives the Israelites the Passover Instructions (12:21–28)
- The Eleventh Sign, Tenth Strike Happens, and the Israelites Leave Egypt (12:29–42)
- Further Passover Instructions (12:43–50)
- The Consecration of the Firstborn and Further Instructions on the Feast of Unleavened Bread (12:51–13:16)
- The Lord’s Final Defeat of Pharaoh as He Leads the Israelites out of Egypt (13:17–15:21)
- Initial Departure Route and the Lord’s Leading by the Cloud (13:17–22)
- The Lord Delivers His People through the Sea and Drowns Pharaoh’s Army in It (14:1–31)
- The Israelites Sing of the Lord’s Deliverance (15:1–21)
- Three Stories of Wilderness Testing and the Lord’s Provision (15:22–17:7)
- The Lord Tests the Israelites: No Water (15:22–27)
- The Lord Tests the Israelites: No Food (16:1–36)
- The Israelites Test the Lord: Is He among Them? (17:1–7)
- The Israelites Defeat Amalek with the Lord’s Help (17:8–16)
- Jethro Praises the Lord and Gives Counsel to Moses (18:1–27)
- Jethro Praises the Lord (18:1–12)
- Jethro Counsels Moses about Administering the Law (18:13–27)
- The Lord Invites the Israelites into Covenant Relationship and Appears on Mt. Sinai (19:1–25)
- The Lord’s Invitation into Covenant Relationship (19:1–6)
- The People Prepare for the Lord’s Appearing (19:7–15)
- The Lord Appears on Mt. Sinai (19:16–25)
- The Foundation of Covenant Law: The Ten Commandments (20:1–21)
- Historical Prologue (20:1–2)
- The Ten Commandments (20:3–17)
- The People Ask Moses to Be the Mediator of the Lord’s Voice (20:18–21)
- Introduction to the Remaining Covenant Laws: Proper Worship (20:22–26)
- Further Covenant Laws for the People (21:1–23:19)
- Laws on Servitude: Male Servants (21:1–6)
- Laws on Servitude: Female Servants (21:7–11)
- Laws Whose Penalty Is Capital (21:12–17)
- Laws on Harm from One Person to Another (21:18–27)
- Laws on Harm from an Animal to a Person (21:28–32)
- Laws on Harmed or Stolen Property (21:33–22:15)
- A Law on the Seduction of an Unbetrothed Virgin (22:16–17)
- Further Laws Whose Penalty Is Capital (22:18–20)
- Laws on Dealing Justly and Compassionately with the Disadvantaged (22:21–27)
- Laws on Honoring Divine and Earthly Authorities (22:28–31)
- Laws on Impartial Justice and Practical Love of Enemies (23:1–9)
- Laws on the Sabbath Year, Sabbath Day, and Religious Feasts (23:10–19)
- Concluding Exhortations to Obedience and Promises of Blessings (23:20–33)
- The Covenant Is Confirmed (24:1–11)
- Moses Goes up the Mountain to Receive the Covenant Tablets from the Lord (24:12–18)
- The Contributions Needed for the Tabernacle (25:1–9)
- A Contribution to Be Received from Those Willing of Heart (25:1–2)
- The Materials of the Contribution (25:3–7)
- The Purpose of the Contribution (25:8–9)
- Instructions for Building the Tabernacle (25:10–27:21)
- The Ark of the Covenant (25:10–22)
- The Golden Table (25:23–30)
- The Golden Lampstand (25:31–40)
- The Tabernacle’s Four Coverings (26:1–14)
- The Tabernacle Structure (26:15–30)
- The Veil (26:31–35)
- The Screen (26:36–37)
- The Altar of Burnt Offering (27:1–8)
- The Courtyard (27:9–19)
- Oil for the Golden Lampstand (27:20–21)
- The Priestly Garments (28:1–43)
- Introduction (28:1–4)
- The High Priest’s Garments (28:5–39)
- The Priests’ Garments (28:40)
- The Priestly Garments’ Purpose (28:41)
- Priestly Undergarments (28:42–43)
- The Priestly Ordination Ceremony (29:1–35)
- Introduction (29:1–3)
- The Ordination Ceremony (29:4–35)
- The Altar of Burnt Offering and Its Offerings (29:36–42)
- Summary of the Tabernacle’s Purpose (29:43–46)
- Instructions for Other Items Used at or for the Tabernacle (30:1–38)
- The Golden Incense Altar (30:1–10)
- The Census Tax (30:11–16)
- The Bronze Basin (30:17–21)
- The Holy Anointing Oil and Holy Incense (30:22–38)
- The Divinely Gifted Tabernacle Artisans (31:1–11)
- Bezalel (31:1–5)
- Oholiab (31:6a)
- Other Gifted Artisans (31:6b)
- The Items to Be Made (31:7–11)
- The Importance of Keeping Sabbath, the Covenant Sign (31:12–17)
- Command and First Rationale (31:12–13)
- Command, Second Rationale, and Penalty (31:14–15)
- Command and First Rationale (31:16–17)
- The Lord Gives Moses the Stone Tables of the Covenant (31:18)
- The Israelites’ Idolatry, the Lord’s Anger, and Moses’s Intercession on Their Behalf So They Are Not Destroyed (32:1–14)
- The Israelites Worship the Golden Calf (32:1–6)
- The Lord Decrees Their Destruction (32:7–10)
- Moses Intercedes on the People’s Behalf (32:11–14)
- Moses Destroys the Idol, Confronts Aaron, and Calls for Judgment (32:15–29)
- Moses Destroys the Idol (32:15–20)
- Moses Confronts Aaron (32:21–24)
- Moses Calls for Judgment (32:25–29)
- Moses Intercedes a Second Time for the People, and the Lord Renews the Patriarchal Promise of Land (32:30–33:6)
- Moses Intercedes on the People’s Behalf (32:30–32)
- The Lord’s Response (32:33–34)
- The Lord’s Judgment (32:35)
- The Lord’s Further Response (33:1–3)
- The People’s Response (33:4–6)
- Moses Intercedes a Third Time for the People, and the Lord Promises to Go in Their Midst (33:7–17)
- Aside: The Place He Intercedes: The First "Tent of Meeting" (33:7–11)
- Moses Intercedes on the People’s Behalf (33:12–17)
- Moses Asks to See the Lord’s Glory (33:18–23)
- Moses’s Request (33:18)
- The Lord’s Response (33:19–23)
- The Lord Reveals His Glory (34:1–8)
- How Moses Is to Prepare (34:1–3)
- Moses Obeys (34:4)
- The Lord Appears and Proclaims His Name (34:5–7)
- Moses’s Response (34:8)
- Moses Intercedes a Fourth Time for the People, and the Covenant Is Renewed (34:9–28)
- Moses Intercedes on the People’s Behalf (34:9)
- The Covenant Is Renewed (34:10–28)
- Moses’s Shining Face (34:29–35)
- Moses’s Face Shines (34:29–32)
- Moses’s Use of the Veil (34:33–35)
- Introduction (35:1)
- The Importance of Keeping Sabbath, the Covenant Sign (35:2–3)
- Collecting the Tabernacle Materials (35:4–36:7)
- The Contributions Needed for the Tabernacle (35:4–9)
- The Tabernacle Items to Be Made (35:10–19)
- The Bringing of the Tabernacle Contributions (35:20–29)
- The God-Gifted Tabernacle Artisans (35:30–36:1)
- The Command to Stop Bringing Tabernacle Contributions (36:2–7)
- Making the Tabernacle and Its Related Components (36:8–39:43)
- The Tabernacle’s Four Coverings (36:8–19)
- The Tabernacle Structure (36:20–34)
- The Veil (36:35–36)
- The Screen (36:37–38)
- The Ark of the Covenant (37:1–9)
- The Golden Table (37:10–16)
- The Golden Lampstand (37:17–24)
- The Golden Incense Altar (37:25–28)
- The Holy Anointing Oil and Holy Incense (37:29)
- The Altar of Burnt Offering (38:1–7)
- The Bronze Basin (38:8)
- The Courtyard (38:9–20)
- The Tabernacle Donations (38:21–31)
- The Priestly Garments (39:1–31)
- The People Bring the Tabernacle Items to Moses (39:32–43)
- The Tabernacle Is Set Up (40:1–33)
- The Lord Commands to Set up the Tabernacle (40:1–8)
- The Lord Commands to Make Holy the Tabernacle and Priests (40:9–15)
- The Tabernacle Is Set up according to the Lord’s Commands (40:16–33)
- The Lord’s Glory Fills the Tabernacle (40:34–38)
- The Lord’s Glory Fills the Tabernacle (40:34–35)
- The Lord Guides and Dwells among the Israelites by His Cloud (40:36–38)
- Bibliography
- Endnotes & Permissions
- Sermon Notes for Exodus 3:1-4
- Sermon Notes for Exodus 3:1-12
- Sermon Notes for Exodus 3:7,8
- Sermon Notes for Exodus 3:7-8
- Sermon Notes for Exodus 3:11
- Sermon Notes for Exodus 3:11, 13; 4:1, 10, 13
- Sermon Notes for Exodus 6:6-7
- Sermon Notes for Exodus 8:25, 28; 10:11, 24
- Sermon Notes for Exodus 8:25,28; 10:9-11,10,24
- Sermon Notes for Exodus 9:27
- Sermon Notes for Exodus 10:1,2
- Sermon Notes for Exodus 11:7
- Sermon Notes for Exodus 12:3-7
- Sermon Notes for Exodus 14
- Sermon Notes for Exodus 14
- Sermon Notes for Exodus 14:13,14
- Sermon Notes for Exodus 14:15
- Sermon Notes for Exodus 14:15
- Sermon Notes for Exodus 15:1
- Sermon Notes for Exodus 17:8
- Sermon Notes for Exodus 20
- Sermon Notes for Exodus 20:20
- Sermon Notes for Exodus 21:5-6
- Sermon Notes for Exodus 21:5-6
- Sermon Notes for Exodus 22:7-9
- Sermon Notes for Exodus 23:20-30
- Sermon Notes for Exodus 23:27-30
- Sermon Notes for Exodus 23:30-33
- Sermon Notes for Exodus 24:3,7
- Sermon Notes for Exodus 27:1
- Sermon Notes for Exodus 31:12-17
- Sermon Notes for Exodus 33:12-15
- Sermon Notes for Exodus 33:14-15
- Sermon Notes for Exodus 33:14-15
- Sermon Notes for Exodus 34:5-8
- Sermon Notes for Exodus 35:21,22
THROUGH THE BIBLE SERIES - MP3 - A great way to supplement your read thru the Bible program
- C2000 Series on Exodus 1-5
- C2000 Series on Exodus 6-10
- C2000 Series on Exodus 11-12
- C2000 Series on Exodus 13-15
- C2000 Series on Exodus 16-18
- C2000 Series on Exodus 19-20
- C2000 Series on Exodus 21-22
- C2000 Series on Exodus 23-25
- C2000 Series on Exodus 26-29
- C2000 Series on Exodus 30-32
- C2000 Series on Exodus 33-34
- C2000 Series on Exodus 35-40
- Exodus 1
- Exodus 2
- Exodus 3
- Exodus 4
- Exodus 5
- Exodus 6
- Exodus 7
- Exodus 8
- Exodus 9
- Exodus 10
- Exodus 11
- Exodus 12
- Exodus 13
- Exodus 14
- Exodus 15
- Exodus 16
- Exodus 17
- Exodus 18
- Exodus 19
- Exodus 20
- Exodus 21
- Exodus 22
- Exodus 23
- Exodus 24
- Exodus 25
- Exodus 26
- Exodus 27
- Exodus 28
- Exodus 29
- Exodus 30
- Exodus 31
- Exodus 32
- Exodus 33
- Exodus 34
- Exodus 35
- Exodus 36
- Exodus 40
All of the sermons Spurgeon preached on Exodus
Plus Spurgeon's Sermon Notes and Expositions on Exodus
- Exodus 1:10-12 Prosperity Under Persecution
- Exodus 2:23-25, 3:9-10 Israel's Cry and God's Answer
- Exodus 3:6 The Two Pivots
- Exodus 3:9-10 Israel's Cry and God's Answer
- Exodus 4:22, 23, 6:1 The Great Emancipator
- Exodus 6:9 To the Saddest of the Sad
- Exodus 7:12 The Power of Aaron's Rod
- Exodus 8:1 A Divine Challenge
- Exodus 8:8 Take Away the Frogs
- Exodus 8:25, 28, 10:8, 24, 26 All or None - Or, Compromises Refused - A Sermon With Five Texts
- Exodus 9:27 Confession of Sin—a Sermon with Seven Texts
- Exodus 10:3 The Question Between the Plagues
- Exodus 10:26 Full Redemption
- Exodus 11:7 Separating the Precious from the Vile
- Exodus 12:1-2 The Beginning of Months
- Exodus 12:1-20: Exposition
- Exodus 12:3-4 Too Little For the Lamb
- Exodus 12:3-4 Sermon Notes -Too Little for the Lamb
- Exodus 12:8 Bitter Herbs
- Exodus 12:13 The Sacred Love-Token
- Exodus 12:13 The Blood
- Exodus 12:21-27 The Blood of Sprinkling and the Children)
- Exodus 12:26 A Question for Communicants
- Exodus 12:41 The Exodus
- Exodus 12:42 A Holy Celebration
- Exodus 13:13 Redeeming the Unclean
- Exodus 14 Exposition
- Exodus 14:3 Entangled in the Land
- Exodus 14:15 Unseasonable Prayer
- Exodus 14:15 Sermon Notes - Unseasonable Prayer
- Exodus 14:15 Forward! Forward! Forward!
- Exodus 14:19-20 The Glory in the Rear
- Exodus 15:1-2 Jubilate
- Exodus 15:22-26 Marah Better Than Elim
- Exodus 15:23-25 Marah; or, the Bitter Waters Sweetened
- Exodus 15:26 Jehovah-Rophi
- Exodus 16:4 Lessons From the Manna
- Exodus 17:8 War with Amalek
- Exodus 17:8-9 Both Sides of the Shield
- Exodus 17:9 War of Truth
- Exodus 20:1-17: Exposition
- Exodus 20:18-20 The Mediator—The Interpreter
- Exodus 21:5-6 The Ear Bored With An Awl
- Exodus 21:5-6 Ears Bored to the Door-Post
- Exodus 24:1-8 Exposition
- Exodus 32:14 The Meditation of Moses
- Exodus 32: Exposition
- Exodus 32:26 Who Is On The LORD's Side?
- Exodus 32:1-29 Exposition
- Exodus 33:15 Removal
- Exodus 28:36-38 The Iniquity of Our Holy Things
- Exodus 29:1 The Consecration of Priests
- Exodus 29:33 Eating the Sacrifice
- Exodus 30:7-8 Incense And Light
- Exodus 30:11-16, 38:26-27 Silver Sockets; or, Redemption the Foundation (Pdf)
- Exodus 32:14 The Mediation Of Moses
- Exodus 32:26 On Whose Side Are You? (Pdf)
- Exodus 32:26 Sermon Notes - Who Is on the Lord's Side?
- Exodus 33:18-23 God's Glory and His Goodness
- Exodus 33:7 The Tabernacle-Outside the Camp (Pdf)
- Exodus 33:14 Choice Food for Pilgrims to Canaan
- Exodus 33:18 A View of God's Glory
- Exodus 33:19 Election No Discouragement to Seeking Souls
- Exodus 34:14 A Jealous God
- Exodus 34:29-35 The Shining Face of Moses
- Exodus 20:3 The First Commandment
- Exodus 20:4-6 The Second Commandment
- Exodus 20:7 The Third Commandment
- Exodus 20:8-11 The Fourth Commandment
- Exodus 20:12 The Fifth Commandment
- Exodus 20:13 The Sixth Commandment
- Exodus 20:14 The Seventh Commandment
- Exodus 20:15 The Eighth Commandment
- Exodus 20:16 The Ninth Commandment
- Exodus 20:17 The Tenth Commandment
- Introduction to Exodus Sermon
- Exodus 1:1-7 Sermon
- Exodus 1:8-22 Sermon
- Exodus 2:1-10 Sermon
- Exodus 2:11-25 Sermon
- Exodus 3:1-12 Sermon
- Exodus 3:13-22 Sermon
- Exodus 4:1-17 Sermon
- Exodus 4:18-31 Sermon
- Exodus 5:1-6:1 Sermon
- Exodus 6:1-9 Sermon
- Exodus 6:10-7:7 Sermon
- Exodus 7:8-25 Sermon
- Exodus 8:1-32 Sermon
- Exodus 9:1-35 Sermon
- Exodus 10:1-29 Sermon
- Exodus 11:1-10 Sermon
- Exodus 12:1-13 Sermon
- Exodus 12:14-20 Sermon
- Exodus 12:21-28 Sermon
- Exodus 12:29-42 Sermon
- Exodus 12:43-51 Sermon
- Exodus 13:1-16 Sermon
- Exodus 13:17-22 Sermon
- Exodus 14:1-14 Sermon
- Exodus 14:15-31 Sermon
- Exodus 15:1-18 Sermon
- Exodus 15:19-27 Sermon
- Exodus 16:1-21 Sermon
- Exodus 16:22-36 Sermon
- Exodus 17:1-7 Sermon
- Exodus 17:8-16 Sermon
- Exodus 18:1-12 Sermon
- Exodus 18:13-27 Sermon
- Exodus 19:1-8 Sermon
- Exodus 19:9-17 Sermon
- Exodus 19:16-25 Sermon
- Exodus 20:1-17 Sermon
- Exodus 20:18-26 Sermon
- Exodus 21:1-11 Sermon
- Exodus 21:12-36 Sermon
- Exodus 22:1-15 Sermon
- Exodus 22:16-23:9 Sermon
- Exodus 23:10-19 Sermon
- Exodus 23:20-33 Sermon
- Exodus 24:1-11 Sermon
- Exodus 24:12-18 Sermon
- Exodus 25:1-9 Sermon
- Exodus 25:10-22 Sermon
- Exodus 25:23-30 Sermon
- Exodus 25:31-40 Sermon
- Exodus 26:1-14 Sermon
- Exodus 26:15-30 Sermon
- Exodus 26:31-37 Sermon
- Exodus 27:1-8 Sermon
- Exodus 27:9-21 Sermon
- Exodus 28:1-43 Sermon
- Exodus 29:1-46 Sermon
- Exodus 30:1-10 Sermon
- Exodus 30:11-38 Sermon
- Exodus 31:1-11 Sermon
- Exodus 31:12-18 Sermon
- Exodus 32:1-14 Sermon
- Exodus 32:15-35 Sermon
- Exodus 33:1-23 Sermon
- Exodus 34:1-9 Sermon
- Exodus 34:10-35 Sermon
- Exodus 35:1-29 Sermon
- Exodus 35:30-36:7 Sermon
- Exodus 36:8-38:31 Sermon
- Exodus 39:1-43 Sermon
- Exodus 40:1-38 Sermon
Exodus 1
- God's Covenant Deliverance: Moses, God's Chosen Leader - Exodus 1:1-18:27)
- God's Deliverance: Moses, Leading From Egypt - Exodus 1:1-15:21
- Moses: Born to Deliver - Exodus 1:1-2:10
- Israel: Filling the Land - Exodus 1:1-7
- Pharaoh's First Plan: Slavery and Forced Labor - Exodus 1:8-14
- Pharaoh's Second Plan: The Hebrew Midwives - Exodus 1:15-21
- Pharaoh's Third Plan: Pharaoh's Daughter - Exodus 1:22-2:10
Exodus 2
Exodus 3
- Moses: His Calling at the Burning Bush - Exodus 3:1-4:17
- God's Self-Disclosure: Does God Have a Name?
Exodus 4
Exodus 6
Exodus 7
- The Miraculous Plagues - Exodus 7:8-12:30
- Initial Miracle Before Pharaoh - Exodus 7:8-13
- The Nine Plagues - Exodus 7:14-10:29
- Signs and Wonders 1-3: God is Sovereign - Exodus 7:14-8:18
- Sign and Wonder 1: The Plague of Blood - Exodus 7:14-25
Exodus 8
- Sign and Wonder 2: The Plague of Frogs - Exodus 8:1-15
- Sign and Wonder 3: The Plague of Gnats - Exodus 8:16-19
- Signs and Wonders 4-6: The Lord's Love and Hatred - Exodus 8:20-9:12
- Sign and Wonder 4: The Plague of Flies - Exodus 8:20-32
Exodus 9
- Sign and Wonder 5: The Plague on Livestock - Exodus 9:1-7
- Sign and Wonder 6: The Plague of Boils - Exodus 9:8-12
- Signs and Wonders 7-9: God is Omnipotent and Merciful - Exodus 9:13-10:29
- Sign and Wonder 7: The Plague of Hail - Exodus 9:13-35
Exodus 10
- Sign and Wonder 8: The Plague of Locusts - Exodus 10:1-20
- Sign and Wonder 9: The Plague of Darkness - Exodus 10:21-29
Exodus 11
- Final Plague of Passover Night - Exodus 11:1-12:30
- Sign and Wonder 10 (Part I): The Plague on the Firstborn, Its Announcement - Exodus 11:1-10
Exodus 12
- Sign and Wonder 10 (Part II): The Plague on the Firstborn, The Passover - Exodus 12:1-28
- Sign and Wonder 10 (Part III): The Plague on the Firstborn, Its Execution - Exodus 12:29-30
- The Exodus - Exodus 12:31-15:21
- Out of Egypt: Israel's Beginning Steps - Exodus 12:31-41
- Out of Egypt: Passover Restrictions - Exodus 12:42-51
Exodus 13
- Out of Egypt: Consecration of the Firstborn - Exodus 13:1-16
- Out of Egypt: Deliverance at the Sea - Exodus 13:17-15:21
- The Sea: Passing Through - Exodus 13:17-14:31
- God's Route and Guidance - Exodus 13:17-22
Exodus 14
- God's Trap - Exodus 14:1-9
- God's Exhortation to Faith - Exodus 14:10-14
- God's Deliverance - Exodus 14:15-31
Exodus 15
- The Sea: Celebration - Exodus 15:1-21
- Divine Provision: Moses Leading to Sinai - Exodus 15:22-18:27
- Rebellion at Marah - Exodus 15:22-27
Exodus 16
- Rebellion in the Desert of Sin - Exodus 16:1-36
- Renewed Grumbling - Exodus 16:1-12
- Provision of Quail and Manna - Exodus 16:13-36
Exodus 17
- Provision at Rephidim - Exodus 17:1-16
- The Provision of Water - Exodus 17:1-7
- The Defeat of the Amalekites - Exodus 17:8-16
Exodus 18
- Near Sinai - Exodus 18:1-27
- Moses' testimony of Israel's redemption from Egypt- Exodus 18:1-12
- Jethro's Counsel - Exodus 18:13-27
Exodus 19
- God's Covenant: Mediated by Moses - Exodus 19:1-24:18
- The Covenant: Its Initiation - Exodus 19:1-25
- Israel's Arrival at Sinai - Exodus 19:1-2
- The Basic Requirements of the Covenant - Exodus 19:3-6
- Israel's Assent to the Covenant - Exodus 19:7-8
- Preparations for a Royal Visit - Exodus 19:9-15
- The Lord Appears in Majesty - Exodus 19:16-25
Exodus 20
- The Covenant: Its Codification - Exodus 20:1-23:33
- The Ten Commandments - Exodus 20:1-17
- The Book of the Covenant - Exodus 20:18-23:33
- The Prologue - Exodus 20:18-26
Exodus 21
- The Book and Its Laws - Exodus 21:1-23:19
- Laws Regarding Hebrew Servants - Exodus 21:1-11
- Laws Regarding Personal Injuries - Exodus 21:12-36
Exodus 22
Exodus 23
- Laws Regarding Justice and Mercy - Exodus 23:1-9
- Laws Regarding the Sabbath - Exodus 23:10-13
- Laws Regarding Festivals - Exodus 23:14-19
- The Epilogue - Exodus 23:20-33
Exodus 24
Exodus 25
- God's Tabernacle: Moses the Builder - Exodus 25:1-40:38
- Tabernacle Instructions - Exodus 25:1-31:18
- The Tabernacle: Its Priests - Exodus 25:1-30:10
- The Tabernacle: Its Furnishings - Exodus 25:1-27:19
- Collection of Materials - Exodus 25:1-9
- The Ark - Exodus 25:10-22
- The Table - Exodus 25:23-30
- The Gold Lampstand - Exodus 25:31-40
Exodus 26
- The Tabernacle - Exodus 26:1-37
- The Inner Curtain - Exodus 26:1-6
- The Second Curtain - Exodus 26:7-13
- The Outermost Covering - Exodus 26:14
- The Tabernacle Framework - Exodus 26:15-30
- The Curtain of Separation - Exodus 26:31-35
- The Entrance - Exodus 26:36-37
Exodus 27
- The Brazen Altar - Exodus 27:1-8
- The Courtyard - Exodus 27:9-19
- The Priests and Their Services - Exodus 27:20-30:10
- Collection of Oil - Exodus 27:20-21
Exodus 28
- The Priestly Garments - Exodus 28:1-43
- The Priests and their Garments - Exodus 28:1-5
- The Ephod - Exodus 28:6-14
- The Breastplate - Exodus 28:15-30
- Other Priestly Garments - Exodus 28:31-43
Exodus 29
- The Consecration of Priests - Exodus 29:1-46
- Consecration Materials - Exodus 29:1-3
- Consecration Washing and Anointing - Exodus 29:4-9
- Installation Sacrifices - Exodus 29:10-28
- The High Priest's Garment Regulations - Exodus 29:29-30
- The Ordination Meal - Exodus 29:31-34
- The Seven Day Ritual - Exodus 29:35-37
- The Duties of the Priests - Exodus 29:38-46
Exodus 30
- The Altar of Incense - Exodus 30:1-10
- Atonement Money - Exodus 30:11-16
- The Bronze Basin - Exodus 30:17-21
- Anointing Oil - Exodus 30:22-33
- Incense - Exodus 30:34-38
Exodus 31
Exodus 32
- Israel's Failure: God's Forgiveness - Exodus 32:1-34:35
- Israel's Violation and Moses' Intercession - Exodus 32:1-29
- The Golden Calf - Exodus 32:1-6
- Moses' Intercession for Sinful Israel - Exodus 32:7-14
- Moses' Just Anger - Exodus 32:15-20
- Aaron's Excuses- Exodus 32:21-24
- The Levite's Intervention - Exodus 32:25-29
- God's Threat and Moses' Intercession - Exodus 32:30-33:23
- Moses' Renewed Intercession - Exodus 32:30-35
Exodus 33
- Israel's Remorse, but not Repentance - Exodus 33:1-6
- The Tent of Meeting - Exodus 33:7-11
- The Lord's Presence - Exodus 33:12-17
- The Lord's Glory - Exodus 33:18-23
Exodus 34
- Renewal of the Covenant - Exodus 34:1-35
- Re-newed Words, New Tablets - Exodus 34:1-7
- Prayer for Covenant Renewal - Exodus 34:8-17
- Walking in Covenant Love and Worship - Exodus 34:18-28
- The Radiant Face of Moses - Exodus 34:29-35
Exodus 35
- The Tabernacle: Its Construction - Exodus 35:1-40:38
- Its Preparations - Exodus 35:1-36:7
- The Call to Contribute - Exodus 35:1-19
- Israel's Offerings - Exodus 35:20-29
- The Craftsmen - Exodus 35:30-36:7
Exodus 36
Exodus 37
Exodus 38
Exodus 39
Exodus 40
- Its Erection - Exodus 40:1-38
- The Tabernacle: Setting It Up - Exodus 40:1-33
- The Tabernacle: God's Glory - Exodus 40:34-38
Some Healthy Motivation | Exodus 23:20-33 | Westman, Dan |
I Stretch Out My Hands To You | Exodus 23:1-19 | Grant, Scott |
Words of Life | Exodus 20:1-21 | Westman, Dan |
Ready to Listen | Exodus 19:1-25 | Taylor, Paul |
A Burden Shared | Exodus 18:1-27 | Grant, Scott |
The Tyranny of Expectations | Exodus 17:1-16 | Grant, Scott |
A New Master | Exodus 15:22-27, 16:1-30 | Taylor, Paul |
A Song of Victory | Exodus 15:1-21 | Westman, Dan |
Into the Chaos | Exodus 14:1-31, 13:17-22 | Grant, Scott |
Seeking Glory | Exodus 11:1-10 | Westman, Dan |
Part of Something Bigger | Exodus 6:1-30 | Taylor, Paul |
From Bad to Worse | Exodus 5:1-23 | Grant, Scott |
Overcoming the Resistance | Exodus 4:1-31 | Westman, Dan |
God Is | Exodus 3:1-22 | Taylor, Paul |
Seeds of Hope | Exodus 2:1-25 | Westman, Dan |
God's Purpose Prevails | Exodus 1:1-22 | Taylor, Paul |
The Power of Remembering | Exodus 2:23-25 | Smith, Kaloma |
The Other Side of the Sea | Exodus 15:1-18 | Grant, Scott |
Work and Rest for Life | Exodus 20:8-11, 31:12-13 | Gustafson, Corrie |
All That Is Mine Is Yours | Exodus 20:17 | Grant, Scott |
Seek Truth, Speak Truth | Exodus 20:16 | Grant, Scott |
Honoring Our Parents | Exodus 20:12 | Smith, Rolana |
"You shall not commit adultery" | Exodus 20:14 | Soderberg, Eric |
You Shall Not Murder: Dead Man Walking | Exodus 20:13 | Becker, Brent |
What Does Love Look Like? | Exodus 20:15 | Burnham, Andy |
Keep the Sabbath Day Holy | Exodus 20:8-11 | Holmlund, Steve |
Replacing God, Devaluing God | Exodus 20:4-7 | Burnham, Andy |
Small Gods | Exodus 20:3 | Sharp, Nolan |
"I Am the Lord Your God" | Exodus 20:1-2 | Zeisler, Steve |
A People Freed: A Law for God's Presence | Exodus 18:1-27, 19:1-25, 20:1-26, 21:1-36, 22:1-31, 23:1-33, 24:1-18, 25:1-40, 26:1-37, 27:1-21, 28:1-43, 29:1-46, 30:1-38, 31:1-18, 32:1-35, 33:1-23, 34:1-35, 35:1-35, 36:1-38, 37:1-29, 38:1-31, 39:1-43, 40:1-38 | Taylor, Paul |
A People Freed: A Leader for Freedom | Exodus 1:1-22, 2:1-25, 3:1-22, 4:1-31, 5:1-23, 6:1-30, 7:1-25, 8:1-32, 9:1-35, 10:1-29, 11:1-10, 12:1-51, 13:1-22, 14:1-31, 15:1-27, 16:1-36, 17:1-16 | Taylor, Paul |
Yahweh Nissi, The LORD My Banner | Exodus 17:1-16 | Herminghaus, Judy |
Yahweh Rophe, The LORD Who Heals | Exodus 15:22-27 | Herminghaus, Judy |
A Rest Relished | Exodus 16:23-29, 35:3 | Taylor, Paul |
A Rest Required | Exodus 20:8-11, 31:12-18 | Taylor, Paul |
I Will Be With You | Exodus 3:1-22, 4:1-17 | Zeisler, Steve |
Responding to Grace | Exodus 35:1-35, 36:1-38, 37:1-29, 38:1-31, 39:1-43, 40:1-38 | Grant, Scott |
A Better Deal | Exodus 34:29-35 | Grant, Scott |
The Lord Still Relates | Exodus 34:1-28 | Grant, Scott |
Asking For All of the Lord | Exodus 33:1-23 | Grant, Scott |
Passion for People | Exodus 32:1-35 | Grant, Scott |
The Mystery of the Tabernacle | Exodus 25:1-31 | Grant, Scott |
Adjusting to a Different Home | Exodus 25:1-40, 26:1-37, 27:1-21, 28:1-43, 29:1-46, 30:1-38, 31:1-18 | Grant, Scott |
Come Up to the Lord | Exodus 24:1-18 | Grant, Scott |
The Battle Belongs to the Lord | Exodus 23:20-33 | Grant, Scott |
Worshiping the Lord | Exodus 20:22-26, 21:1-36, 22:1-31, 23:1-19 | Grant, Scott |
Embracing the Lord | Exodus 19:7-25 | Grant, Scott |
The Lord's Treasure Chest | Exodus 19:1-6 | Grant, Scott |
The Perils of Perfectionism | Exodus 18:1-27 | Grant, Scott |
Rally Behind the Lord | Exodus 17:1-16 | Grant, Scott |
The Giver | Exodus 16:1-36 | Grant, Scott |
The Sweet Word | Exodus 15:22-27 | Grant, Scott |
The Lord Leads Us to See His Salvation | Exodus 13:17-22, 14:1-31 | Grant, Scott |
Celebrate the Lord's Salvation | Exodus 11:1-10, 12:1-51, 13:1-16 | Grant, Scott |
The Lord Redeems His People | Exodus 11:1-10, 12:1-51, 13:1-16 | Grant, Scott |
There Is No One Like the Lord | Exodus 9:13-35, 10:1-29 | Grant, Scott |
The Lord Spares His People | Exodus 8:20-32, 9:1-12 | Grant, Scott |
God Reveals Himself Through His Servant | Exodus 7:8-25, 8:1-19 | Grant, Scott |
The Question Isn't 'Why' but 'Who' | Exodus 5:22-23, 6:1-30, 7:1-7 | Grant, Scott |
Birth Pangs of Life | Exodus 5:1-21 | Grant, Scott |
Last-minute Gifts | Exodus 4:18-31 | Grant, Scott |
Divinely Deficient | Exodus 4:1-17 | Grant, Scott |
Being Involved | Exodus 3:1-22 | Grant, Scott |
The Deliverer Needs a Deliverer | Exodus 2:1-25 | Grant, Scott |
God's Purposes Can't be Defeated | Exodus 1:1-22 | Grant, Scott |
Determination to Give Thanks | Exodus 20:17 | Zeisler, Steve |
Protection of Property and Reputation | Exodus 20:15-16 | Zeisler, Steve |
Commitment to Covenant | Exodus 20:14 | Zeisler, Steve |
Respect for Life | Exodus 20:13 | Zeisler, Steve |
Appreciation of Authority | Exodus 20:12 | Zeisler, Steve |
Faithful Rest | Exodus 20:8-11 | Zeisler, Steve |
Fear of the Lord | Exodus 20:4-7 | Zeisler, Steve |
Single-minded Devotion | Exodus 20:2-3 | Zeisler, Steve |
Awakened from Uselessness | Exodus 3:1-22 | Zeisler, Steve |
What We Were Created For | Exodus 20:1-26 | Zeisler, Steve |
10th Plague - Death - Initiation of the Passover | Exodus 11:1-10, 12:1-51 | Roe, Bob |
8th & 9th Plagues, Locusts & Darkness | Exodus 10:1-29, 11:1-3 | Roe, Bob |
6th & 7th Plagues, Boils & Hail | Exodus 9:8-35 | Roe, Bob |
5th Plague, Disease on Beasts | Exodus 9:1-7 | Roe, Bob |
Plague #4 flies concluded | Exodus 8:24-32 | Roe, Bob |
2nd plague frogs, 3rd lice, 4th flies | Exodus 8:1-23 | Roe, Bob |
Moses' 2nd encounter with Pharaoh - 1st plague blood | Exodus 7:1-25 | Roe, Bob |
God sends Moses to tell Pharaoh let Israelites go | Exodus 6:1-30, 7:1-2 | Roe, Bob |
Moses' first encounter with Pharaoh | Exodus 4:18-31, 5:1-23 | Roe, Bob |
God calls Moses to deliver Israelites, Part 2 | Exodus 4:1-17 | Roe, Bob |
God calls Moses to deliver Israelites, Part I | Exodus 3:6-22 | Roe, Bob |
Moses Flees to Midian | Exodus 2:11-25, 3:1-5 | Roe, Bob |
Birth of Moses | Exodus 1:13-22, 2:1-10 | Roe, Bob |
Introduction to Moses | Exodus 1:1-12 | Roe, Bob |
The Naming of The Name | Exodus 2:1-25, 3:1-22, 4:1-31 | Roper, Dave |
Exodus: Design for Deliverance | Exodus | Stedman, Ray |