Click chart to enlarge
Chart from recommended resource Jensen's Survey of the OT - used by permission
Summary Chart of The Book of Genesis |
Focus | Foundation Events (Four Events) (Events Predominant) |
Foundation People (Four People) (People Predominant) |
Divisions | Creation (Ge 1-2) |
Fall (Ge 3-5) |
Flood (Ge 6-9) |
Nations (Ge 10-12) |
Abraham's Faith (Ge 12-24) |
Isaac's Family (Ge 25-26) |
Jacob's Conflicts (Ge 27-36) |
Joseph's Calamity (Ge 37-50) |
Topics | Beginning of the Human Race (Race As A Whole) |
Beginning of the Hebrew Race (Family of Abraham) |
Faithfulness of Mankind (Noah) |
Faithfulness of One Man's Family (Abraham) |
Historical | Biographical | |||||||
Place | Eastward From Eden to Ur |
Westward From Canaan to Egypt |
Time | ~2000+ Years (20% of Genesis) (~4004-2090BC) |
About 300 Years 193 Yr in Canaan, 93 Yr in Egypt (80% of Genesis) (2090-1804BC) |
Primeval History of Humanity |
Patriarchal History of Israel |
Author | Moses |
Explanation - Most of the resources below are newer commentaries (written after 1970) and other Bible resources which previously were available only for purchase in book form or in a Bible computer program. The resources are made freely available by archive.org but have several caveats - (1) they do not allow copy and paste, (2) they can only be checked out for one hour (but can be checked out immediately when your hour expires giving you time to read or take notes on a lengthy section) and (3) they require creating an account which allows you to check out the books free of charge. To set up an account click archive.org and then click the picture of the person in right upper corner and enter email and a password. That's all you have to do. Then you can read these more modern resources free of charge! I have read or used many of these resources but not all of them so ultimately you will need to be a Berean (Acts 17:11+) as you use them. I have also selected works that are conservative and Biblically sound. If you find one that you think does not meet those criteria please send an email at https://www.preceptaustin.org/
Genesis: beginning and blessing by Hughes, R. Kent, 76 ratings
"R. Kent Hughes, respected pastor and author of many other commentaries in this series, takes readers back to the beginning of the Bible and moves through Genesis with careful exegesis. He explores the superbly crafted structure of the book as well as the weighty themes it contains. For those who preach, teach, and study God’s Word, this exceptionally detailed work will reveal much about the beginnings of God’s great story."
Cyril Barber - This well-outlined exposition of 702 pp. (replete with an index of Hughes’ sermon illustrations) gives evidence of careful preparation. The stories in the book of Genesis are well-known to us, and here they receive fresh analysis and application. Hughes’ critique of human nature is prominent throughout, and he boldly points out the origin of our rebellion against God and continued sinfulness. Also prominent is God’s grace freely bestowed upon His undeserving creatures. Preachers will find that this work contains an abundance
The Genesis Record : a Scientific and Devotional Commentary - by Dr Henry Morris
Cyril Barber on Morris' The Genesis Record : a Scientific and Devotional Commentary (It can be borrowed) - Valuable as corollary reading. Of great importance for the scientific data that has been included in the author's exposition. Should be consulted by all who wish to be well-informed on the issues alluded to by Moses.
Exploring Genesis: An Expository Commentary. (3 copies available) John Phillips.
Designed for beginning Bible students, this work contains some valid applications of truth to life, but does not deal convincingly with some of the problems.
The Defender's Study Bible : King James Version by Morris, Henry M. Excellent notes by well known creationist. 45 ratings
The Henry Morris KJV Study Bible is an invaluable apologetic Bible study tool for the defense of the Christian faith, including biblical creationism, that highlights the foundational truths of Genesis found in all the other 65 books of the KJV Bible. The comprehensive apologetic study bible notes provide answers to questions related to doctrinal issues, as well as scientific matters, such as geology, earth history, astronomy, biology, and other sciences.
The Genesis Flood : the Biblical Record and its Scientific Implications - John Whitcomb and Henry Morris 469 ratings
Over 250,000 copies sold. This anniversary edition celebrates 50 years of Whitcomb and Morris's biblically-based system of creationism and catastrophism that unifies and correlates scientific data from early earth history a modern creationist classic.
Genesis: an introduction and commentary by Kidner, Derek 9 ratings
Derek Kidner not only provides a verse-by-verse exegetical commentary but also lucidly handles the tough issues that Genesis raises. Focusing on the study of Genesis on its own terms, as "a living whole," he highlights the theological themes of the nature of God, humankind, and salvation. In this volume, formerly part of the Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries series, Kidner's clear prose and theological insight will expand readers' understanding of God's character and of humanity's nature and destiny.
James Rosscup - It is evident that much study lies behind this concisely stated commentary in the Tyndale series. Kidner has packed in a lot of understanding of word meanings, movements of thought in different parts of Genesis, customs, God’s purposes, and relationship to other parts of Scripture. It is a solid but brief work. Cf. his works also on Psalms and Proverbs.
Paradise to Prison : studies in Genesis by Davis, John J
Paradise to Prison is a commentary, textbook and complete study guide to the book of Genesis. In very readable fashion the author explores the lives of the patriarchs as well as important doctrinal themes. Each chapter is carefully documented and sources from archaeology and ancient Near Eastern history are freely used. The writer's premise is that no other ancient literature surviving the ravages of time can rightly be compared to Genesis with its unsurpassed theological perspectives and vivid profiles of early man.
Cyril Barber - An indispensable aid to the study of Genesis by one whose archaeological, historical, and philological expertise places him in the forefront of evangelical scholars today. Recommended.
Genesis (Everyman's Bible Commentary) by Vos, Howard Frederic, 8 ratings
James Rosscup - A simple, broad survey by a conservative who tends to give some good comments but at times not nail down his view to explain a matter (cf. his survey of four views on days in Genesis 1, then leaving the matter hanging, and not commenting on how long God rested in 2:1–3; or his not choosing a preference on “sons of God” on Genesis 6 after a shallow consideration of issues). However, in a concise treatment he does touch on many of the problems.
Genesis : a study guide : Wood, Leon
Rosscup - This is a republication of the 1975 study guide of 152 pp. A staunch conservative offers a quick survey in basic information, often resolving main problems briefly. He leaves open the length of the days in Genesis 1, employs a detailed outline, and primarily assists lay readers and students looking for a terse review. A fine, brief evangelical survey of the main flow of the book, with a number of quite helpful comments on problem areas most readers want to see discussed. Among the briefer works this is one of the best.
Genesis. 1-15 by Wenham, Gordon J
Cyril Barber - This is a work of remarkable erudition. While some will consult it solely to ascertain whether or not Wenham agrees with them on some disputed point, the value of this commentary extends to the writer's discussion of the theology of Genesis, as well as his citation of important contemporary literary sources. While thoroughly conversant with the Documentary Hypothesis, only rarely does Wenham include this information in his treatment of these chapters. This is an exemplary work, and we look forward with anticipation to the publication of vol. 2.)
Rosscup - Wenham gives much readable and good information on the Hebrew text, word study, exegesis and insightful exposition. He is somewhat freed from traditional critical views and holds to historicity of events and persons. He does not deny theories that different strands of literary composition have led to the Genesis we know, but is skeptical toward this. He places his stress on the canonical text as a unity. Despite this, many conservatives wonder what kind of evangelical he is when he uses J and P, not clearly explaining how his usage departs from the intent usually involved in these designations. His claims that certain P material, so-called, was earlier or later than J material will be regarded as arbitrary and speculative.
Genesis. 16-50 by Wenham, Gordon J
Cyril Barber - Aims at accuracy in interpreting the original text. Here is a work of exceptional merit. It abounds in preaching values, and is to be highly recommended.
Rosscup - In volume 2, beneficial introductory sections discuss the patriarchs’ historical setting, chronology and religion, and Egytian background for Joseph. Wenham handles well Abraham’s intercession for Sodom, and has a mixture of good and unnecessary reading into the offering of Isaac (cf. waffling on 22:5), as well as dubious suggestions (32:30; 37:4 among others). But usually remarks are very profitable. In 44:5 more data could help in regard to Joseph’s using of a divining cup (424). As is typical of the WBC, a reader finds a very fine listing of serious literature on each biblical section.
The Pentateuch as narrative : a biblical-theological commentary - John H Sailhamer
Genesis : a commentary Waltke, Bruce Keith, and C. J. Fredricks
Encountering the book of Genesis Bill T Arnold
Abraham : one nomad's amazing journey of faith - Charles Swindoll
Abraham: a model of pioneer faith - Charles Swindoll
Abraham : the friend of God (Bible study guide) - Charles Swindoll
Abraham : the Lord will provide - Ed Dobson
Faith of our fathers : a Bible commentary for laymen : Genesis Ronald F Youngblood
Expository Nuggets from Genesis and Exodus by Stuart Briscoe
Teach me your ways Genesis - Deuteronomy by Arthur, Kay,
Handbook on the Pentateuch : Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy - Victor Hamilton -- Does not have great detail but does have occasional interesting insights.
The Book of Genesis, an Exposition by Erdman, Charles R.
Cyril Barber - First published in 1950, this handy overview of Moses' first book traces the main theme and reveals the relevance of this portion of God's Word through the leading characters.
Wiersbe's Expository Outlines on the Old Testament by Wiersbe, Warren W 113 ratings
"Even the most difficult Scriptures come alive as Warren Wiersbe leads you book-by-book through the Old Testament and helps you to see the "big picture" of God's revelation. In this unique volume, you will find: • Introductions and/or outlines for every Old Testament book • Practical expositions of strategic chapters • Special studies on key topics, relating the Old Testament to the New Testament • Easy-to-understand expositions that are practical, preachable, and teachable If you have used Dr. Wiersbe's popular BE series, you know how simple and practical his Bible studies are, with outlines that almost teach themselves. If not, you can now discover a wonderful new resource. This work is a unique commentary on every book of the Old Testament. It contains new material not to be found in the BE series.
With the Word - Devotional Commentary - Warren Wiersbe -27 ratings 428 ratings Comments on each chapter. Wiersbe is always worth checking!
"A fresh approach which not only offers trustworthy exposition, but also provides a book-by-book, chapter-by-chapter tour through the glory of the Bible. This highly readable personal "conversation" with Scripture guides you through each book, helping you reap the rich, life-changing applications on every page. You will be encouraged to develop your own personal Bible reading program and learn the power of meditation on its truth."
KJV Bible Commentary - Hindson, Edward E; Kroll, Woodrow Michael. Over 3000 pages of the entire OT/NT. Well done conservative commentary that interprets Scripture from a literal perspective. Pre-millennial. User reviews - it generally gets 4/5 stars from users.
Very well done conservative commentary that interprets Scripture from a literal perspective user reviews
The King James Version Bible Commentary is a complete verse-by-verse commentary. It is comprehensive in scope, reliable in scholarship, and easy to use. Its authors are leading evangelical theologians who provide practical truths and biblical principles. Any Bible student will gain new insights through this one-volume commentary based on the timeless King James Version of the Bible.
The King James Study Bible Second Edition 2240 pages (2013) (Thomas Nelson) General Editor - Edward Hindson with multiple contributing editors. Pre-millennial. See introduction on How to Use this Study Bible.
NKJV Study Bible: New King James Version Study Bible (formerly "The Nelson Study Bible - NKJV") by Earl D Radmacher; Ronald Barclay Allen; Wayne H House. 2345 pages. (1997, 2007). Very helpful notes. Conservative. Pre-millennial.
Bible Knowledge Commentary - Old Testament - 1608 pages. Dallas Theological Seminary Faculty. Conservative. Evangelical.
The MacArthur Study Bible : John MacArthur Brief but well done notes 1,275 ratings
Wycliffe Bible Commentary - Charles Pfeiffer - 1560 pages (1962). Less detailed than the KJV Bible Commentary. Conservative.
The Battle for the Beginning: the Bible on Creation and the Fall of Adam John MacArthur
ESV Study Bible - Excellent resource but not always literal in eschatology and the nation of Israel
Believer's Bible Commentary - OT and NT - William MacDonald, William. Conservative. Literal. Often has very insightful comments with a devotional leaning. John MacArthur, says "Concise yet comprehensive - the most complete single-volume commentary I have seen." Warren Wiersbe adds "For the student who is serious about seeing Christ in the Word."
Rosscup - This work, originally issued in 1983, is conservative and premillennial, written to help teachers, preachers and people in every walk of life with different views, explanation and application. The 2-column format runs verse by verse for the most part, usually in a helpfully knowledgeable manner, and there are several special sections such as “Prayer” in Acts and “Legalism” in Galatians. The premillennial view is evident on Acts 1:6, 3:20, Romans 11:26, Galatians 6:16, Revelation 20, etc.
The David Jeremiah study bible - (2013) 2208 pages.
"Drawing on more than 40 years of study, Dr. David Jeremiah has compiled a legacy resource that will make an eternal impact on generations to come. 8,000 study notes. Hundreds of enriching word studies"50+ Essentials of the Christian Faith" articles."
The NIV Study Bible by Barker, Kenneth L; Burdick, Donald W (1995) 2250 pages. Note this is the first edition. This resource has been fully revised in 2020.
Zondervan NIV Study Bible - (2011) 2570 pages - Use this one if available as it has more notes than edition below. One hour limit
HCSB Study Bible : Holman Christian Standard Bible - General Editor Jeremy Royal Howard (2010) 2360 pages. Conservative. Good notes. Include Holmans excellent maps.
Life Application Study Bible: Old Testament and New Testament: New Living Translation. Has some very helpful notes especially with application of texts.
The Apologetics Study Bible Understand Why You Believe by Norman Geisler
Dictionary of Biblical Imagery - free for use online with no restrictions (i.e., you do not need to borrow this book). Editors Leland Ryken, J C Wilhoit, Tremper Longman III - This is a potential treasure chest to aid your preaching and teaching as it analyzes the meaning of a host of Biblical figures of speech. Clue - use the "One-page view" which then allows you to copy and paste text. One downside is there is no index, so you need to search 3291 pages for entries which are alphabetical.
Multiple Resources by Renowned Creationist Henry Morris
- Some Call it Science: the Religion of Evolution by Morris, Henry M.
- A history of modern creationism by Morris, Henry
- Scientific creationism by Henry Morris
- 5 reasons to believe in recent creation by Morris, Henry M.
- The scientific case for creation by Morris, Henry M
- Creation and the modern Christian by Morris, Henry M
- The beginning of the world by Morris, Henry M
- The twilight of evolution by Morris, Henry M.
- The Bible and modern science by Morris, Henry M
- Creation: acts, facts, impacts by Morris, Henry M
- The big three : major events that changed history forever by Morris, Henry
- After Eden : understanding creation, the curse, and the cross by Morris, Henry M
- The long war against God : the history and impact of the creation/evolution conflict by Morris, Henry M
- The book of beginnings : a practical guide to understand and teach Genesis by Morris, Henry M
- Your origins matter by Morris, Henry M.
- The modern creation trilogy by Morris, Henry
- The troubled waters of evolution by Morris, Henry
- Science, scripture, and the young earth: an answer to current arguments against the Biblical doctrine of recent creation by Morris, Henry M.
- Men of science, men of God : great scientists who believed the Bible by Morris, Henry M
- The Bible has the answer : practical Biblical discussions of 100 frequent questions by Morris, Henry M.
In the beginning : Genesis Nelson Impact Bible Study Guide
The Nelson Impact Bible Study series will introduce in-depth Bible study to Christian laypeople. Each book will help readers experience the true meaning of the messages in the book of Genesis, and in turn, empower the reader to truly make a difference in the world for Christ. Designed for individual or group study, the study guide will provide a foundation for Bible study and encourage the reader to return to the Bible. All necessary background information will be given so that the reader needs only a Bible and the study guide. The messages will be thorough but easily understood and will be complimented by application questions to guide the readers into a deeper relationship with the Bible that will impact their lives with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Jensen's Survey of Bible - Old Testament and New Testament (online) by Jensen, Irving This is an outstanding resource and a great place to begin your study on any book of the Bible.
IVP Background Commentary - OT - John Walton - Be a Berean!
Genesis and Archaeology by Vos, Howard Frederic
Howard F. Vos has had a distinguished career as an expert in historical, geographical, biblical, and archeological research. A prolific author and editor, he is responsible for twenty-five books that are standards in their field, including the Wycliffe Bible Dictionary. He has traveled extensively in the Bible lands and excavated many sites in Israel. Vos is currently Emeritus Professor of History and Archaeology at The King's College in New York.
NIV Archaeological Study Bible (2005) 2360 pages 950 ratings
"Readers who desire a more intimate knowledge of the historical context of the Bible will appreciate the NIV Archaeological Study Bible. Full of informative articles and full-color photographs of places and objects from biblical times, this Bible examines the archaeological record surrounding God’s Word and brings the biblical world to life. Readers’ personal studies will be enriched as they become more informed about the empires, places, and peoples of the ancient world. Features include: • Four-color interior throughout • Bottom-of-page study notes exploring passages that speak on archaeological and cultural facts • Articles (520) covering five main categories: Archaeological Sites, Cultural and Historical Notes, Ancient Peoples and Lands, the Reliability of the Bible, and Ancient Texts and Artifacts • Approximately 500 4-color photographs interspersed throughout • Detailed book introductions that provide basic, at-a-glance information • Detailed charts on pertinent topics • In-text color maps that assist the reader in placing the action "
New Bible Commentary - (1994) user reviews
Genesis for Everyone by Goldingay, John Only Genesis 17-50.
Explore The Book - Genesis to Joshua - PDF - J.Sidlow Baxter:
The Jewish Study Bible - Only OT - Interesting Jewish perspective.
Evangelical Commentary on the Bible - editor Walter Elwell (1989) 1239 pages. User reviews.
Genesis 16-33 by McGee, J. Vernon
The Early Earth: An Introduction to Biblical Creationism by Whitcomb, John C 18 ratings
First published in 1972, The Early Earth has established itself as one of the most illuminating books defending biblical creationism. Whitcomb’s stellar defense of biblical creationism.
The Moon : its creation, form and significance by Whitcomb, John C
The World that Perished by Whitcomb, John C 28 ratings
The World that Perished, a forceful sequel to The Genesis Flood and companion to The Early Earth, radiates an unshakeable faith in the authority of the Word of God. Whitcomb maintains with vigor that the Bible declares and affirms a supernatural, catastrophic flood of worldwide proportions, a declaration corroborated by scientific observations that are not warped by a uniformitarian bias in geology.
Portraits of Christ in Genesis by DeHaan, M. R 39 ratings
From the lives of Adam, Abel, Isaac, Joseph and many other Biblical characters, Dr. DeHaan develops pictures that foreshadow Christ and His ministry. A fascinating study of Old Testament typology, Portraits of Christ in Genesis relates deep theological truths in language easily understood by the laymen. This is Dr. DeHaan's parting message to the world. Shortly after he completed the manuscript for this book, and even before the series was completed on the air, Dr. DeHaan went to his heavenly reward. At his memorial service telegrams from fellow radio preachers were received praising and recommending the teaching ministry of this great man of God.
The Experiencing God Study Bible : the Bible for knowing and doing the will of God - Blackaby, Henry (1996) 1968 pages - CHECK THIS ONE! Each chapter begins with several questions under the title "PREPARE TO MEET GOD." Then you will interesting symbols before many of the passages. The chapter ends with a "DID YOU NOTICE?" question. This might make a "dry chapter" jump off the page! Read some of the 48 ratings
Invitation to Genesis : participant book by Enns, Peter, 10 ratings
Stories that live : 6 Bible stories for God's little people by Enns, Peter;
The Pentateuch; a concise commentary on Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy by Erdman, Charles
Nelson's Expository Dictionary of the Old Testament by Unger, Merrill
Dictionary of deities and demons in the Bible (DDD) - 950 pages (1995) Read some of the 65 ratings (4.8/5 Stars). A definitive in depth resource on this subject. Very expensive to purchase.
Archaeology and the Bible - OT and NT - only 123 pages. No division by books. Strictly confines itself to discussion of archaeology.
Unger's bible handbook : a best-selling guide to understanding the bible by Unger, Merrill F
Halley's Bible Handbook Henry H. Halley - (2000) 2720 pages (much larger than original edition in 1965 and no time limit on use). (Halley's Bible handbook : an abbreviated Bible commentary - one hour limit 1965 872 pages)
Rosscup - A much-used older evangelical handbook bringing together a brief commentary on Bible books, some key archaeological findings, historical background, maps, quotes, etc. It is helpful to a lay Bible teacher, Sunday School leader, or pastor looking for quick, pertinent information on a Bible book. This is the 72nd printing somewhat revised. Halley packed in much information. Unger’s is better overall, but that is not to say that Halley’s will not provide much help on basic information.
The Shaw Pocket Bible Handbook - Editor - Walter Elwell (1984) 408 pages.
"This hardback is small in size but packed full of content: Brief summaries of every book of the bible, cultural, archaeological and historical info, word definitions, pictures, maps and charts." Worth checking!
Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties by Archer, Gleason L - or here with no restrictions
Hard Sayings of the Bible - Walter Kaiser
Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament by Harris, R. Laird - (5/5 Stars) One of the best OT lexicons for studying Hebrew words.
Here is another link to the TWOT which has no time limit on use and does allow copy and paste. Can be downloaded as PDF.
Vine's Expository Dictionary of Old Testament and New Testament Words - Online pdf
Hebrew Honey: a simple and deep word study of the Old Testament - 330 pages. The definitions have more of a devotional flavor. For example, see the descriptive definition for "Abide" (Hebrew - gur).
Expository Dictionary of Bible Words by Richards, Larry, It does not go into great depth on the Greek or Hebrew words but does have some excellent insights.
So That's What it Means (Theological Wordbook) - Formerly titled "Theological Wordbook" edited by Charles Swindoll. It is now under this new title So That's What it Means and can be borrowed - it is more like a dictionary than a lexicon but the comments are superb! The contributors include Donald Campbell, Wendell Johnston, John Witmer, John Walvoord
Nelson's Expository Dictionary of the Old Testament by Unger, Merrill. Indexed by English word and then any related Hebrew nouns or verbs. Definitions are solid and geared to the lay person.
Synonyms of the Old Testament-Robert Girdlestone
MICHAEL ANDRUS, et al - audio and transcripts. Andrus' exposition is superlative and worth checking out!
BILL BALDWIN - 74 sermons - somewhat of an outline format
- Genesis Sermons - click here for links to following sermons (Samples - Ge 12 - Faith of Abram) (Ge 39 - Temptation of Joseph)
- Genesis 4:1-16 - "Cain and Abel"
- Genesis 4:17-26 - "The City of Man and the Pilgrims of God"
- Genesis Sermons - Genesis 1- 50 - 27 messages
- The Way Of Cain - Genesis 4:1-13
- Are The Days Of Noah Here Again? - Genesis 4:16-26
RICH CATHERS - frequent illustrations
- Genesis Sermons
- Genesis 4
STEVEN COLE - highly recommended
- Genesis 4:9 Am I My Brother's Keeper?
- Genesis 4:3-5 With Joy Abounding
- Genesis 4:1-12 I Have Trouble With My Children
- Genesis Critically & Exegetically Expounded Volume 2 Genesis 1-11
- Genesis Critically & Exegetically Expounded Volume 2 Genesis 12-50
- Genesis; Principle #7; Gen 4:1-8; p. 9 Sinful Anger: We must not allow the God-created emotion of anger become sinful Video
- Genesis; Principle #8; Gen. 4:17-19; p. 10 Moral Purity: To live in God's will, we must maintain the one-flesh relationship in marriage Video
GRACE NOTES - 892 pages
- Why did God accept Abel’s offering, but reject Cain’s offering? Why did Cain then kill Abel?
- Who was Cain's wife?
- Who was Cain afraid of after he killed Abel?
- What was the mark that God put on Cain (Genesis 4:15)?
- Why wasn't Cain’s punishment death (Genesis 4:14)?
- Am I my brother’s keeper?
- Why did people in Genesis live such long lives?
SKIP HEITZIG - Genesis Notes - Includes Mp3, outlines, transcripts
- Genesis 4:1-7 Cain and Abel
- Genesis 4:1-11 Crawling Out of the Anger Hole
- Genesis 4:3-9 My Brother's Keeper?
- Genesis 4 Waltke, Bruce K. “Cain and His Offering,” Westminster Theological Journal 48 (1986) 363-72.
- Cain and Abel
- Early Population
- Genesis 4:3-7 The Offerings of Cain and Abel
- Genesis 4:8 The Death of Abel
- The Discovery of Fire
- Genesis 4:17 The First City
- Genesis 4:19-20 Lamech
- Genesis 4:20, 21 Jabal and Jubal
- Genesis 4:22 Tubal-Cain
- Arts Before the Flood
- Genesis 4
- The New Bible Commentary - Online
- Genesis - Book of Beginnings - index
- "Raising Cain" (Genesis 4:1-26)
PAUL E KRETZMANN - Lutheran Perspective
GARY KUKIS These Pdf files are very in depth studies including several Bible translations, word studies and comments.
LIGONIER - Devotionals
- The MacArthur Study Bible - Borrow
Introduction | Genesis 1 | Genesis 2 | Genesis 4 |
Genesis 4 | Genesis 5 | Genesis 6 | Genesis 8 |
Genesis 9 | Genesis 12 | Genesis 13 | Genesis 14 |
Genesis 15 | Genesis 17 | Genesis 18 | Genesis 19 |
Genesis 22 |
- Genesis 2 What's Wrong With Living Together?
- Genesis 2, 1 Cor 15 First Adam, Second Adam
- Genesis 2 A Bride for Her Husbands
- Genesis 6 Christ, the Ark
- Genesis 11 Towers, Terror and Triumph
- Genesis 11-19 Sin City
- Genesis 11-19 Grieve Over a Fallen Culture but Don't Yield to It
- Genesis 14 The Mysterious Melchizedek
- Genesis 15 Faith
- Genesis 18:1-5 Abraham's Visitors
- Genesis 22 Mount Moriah and the Master
- Genesis 22:1-5 Preview Of Christ
- BORROW The Defender's Study Bible : King James Version
- BORROW The Genesis Record : a Scientific and Devotional Commentary
- Genesis 4:1 Cain
- Genesis 4:2 Abel tiller of the ground
- Genesis 4:3 process of time an offering
- Genesis 4:4 Abel
- Genesis 4:5 his countenance fell
- Genesis 4:6 Why art thou wroth
- Genesis 4:7 rule over him
- Genesis 4:8 talked with Abel
- Genesis 4:9 I know not
- Genesis 4:10 thy brother’s blood
- Genesis 4:11 cursed from the earth
- Genesis 4:12 vagabond
- Genesis 4:13 punishment
- Genesis 4:14 every one
- Genesis 4:15 mark
- Genesis 4:16 from the presence Nod
- Genesis 4:17 knew his wife Enoch city
- Genesis 4:18 Lamech
- Genesis 4:19 two wives Zillah
- Genesis 4:20 bare Jabal
- Genesis 4:22 brass and iron
- Genesis 4:23 speech
- Genesis 4:24 sevenfold seventy and sevenfold
- Genesis 4:25 Seth
- Genesis 4:26 Enos call upon the name the LORD
- Genesis - A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Book of Genesis, with a new translation (1867)
NETBIBLE - study notes - tend to be technical but can give some excellent insights
- Genesis 4 A Lasting Legacy
- Genesis 4:1–12 Getting Away with It
- Genesis 4:1-16 Sin Crouches At The Door
- Genesis 4:1-7 A Worthy Offering
- Genesis 4:1-8 Resisting the Trap
- Genesis 4:8 Primitive Heart
Genesis 4 | Genesis 5 | Genesis 6 | Genesis 9 |
A W PINK - Gleanings in Genesis
- Genesis 4:1-16 Murder One: Why Do We Hate Each Other?
- Genesis 4:17-26 City Life: Serving God in a Pagan World
- Genesis 4:26 Jabal and Jubal
- Gen 4
- Gen 4:1–16
- Gen 4:1
- Gen 4:2
- Gen 4:4–5
- Gen 4:4
- Gen 4:5
- Gen 4:6
- Gen 4:7
- Gen 4:8
- Gen 4:9
- Gen 4:10–14
- Gen 4:10
- Gen 4:11
- Gen 4:13
- Gen 4:14
- Gen 4:15
- Gen 4:17–24
- Gen 4:17–18
- Gen 4:17
- Gen 4:19–24
- Gen 4:19
- Gen 4:24
- Gen 4:25–26
- Gen 4:25
- Gen 4:26
- The Blood Atonement—Genesis 4:1–8
JOHN SCHULTZ - Former missionary
Introduction | Genesis 1 | Genesis 2 | Genesis 4 |
Genesis 22 |
- Cain And Abel Genesis 4:1-16
- Genesis 4:6,7 To Those Who Are Angry with Their Godly Friends
- Genesis 4:9 Am I My Brother's Keeper?
- Genesis 4:10 Am I Clear of His Blood?
- Genesis 4:10 (Heb 12:24) The Blood of Abel and the Blood of Jesus
- Cain and Abel: Conflict of the Seeds - Genesis 4:1-26
- Cain: Seed of the Serpent - Genesis 4:1-16
- Line of Cain: Line of the Serpent - Genesis 4:17-24
- Birth of Seth: Line of the Woman - Genesis 4:25-26
GEOFF THOMAS - Sermons on Genesis
- 4:1-5 Worship, accepted, rejected
- 4:5-8 Sin gives birth to death
- 4:8-9 The first murder
- 4:10-16 The blood of Christ better
- 4:17-26 The Cainite Civilization
DAVID THOMPSON - transcripts
STEVE ZEISLER - and other speakers from Peninsula Bible Church