Genesis Commentaries & Sermons

Genesis Commentaries, Sermons, Illustrations, Devotionals

Click chart to enlarge
cChart from recommended resource Jensen's Survey of the OT - used by permission
Summary Chart of
The Book of Genesis
Focus Foundation Events
(Four Events)
(Events Predominant)
Foundation People
(Four People)
(People Predominant)
Divisions Creation
(Ge 1-2)
(Ge 3-5)
(Ge 6-9)
(Ge 10-12)
(Ge 12-24)
(Ge 25-26)
Jacob's Conflicts
(Ge 27-36)
(Ge 37-50)
Topics Beginning of the Human Race
(Race As A Whole)
Beginning of the Hebrew Race
(Family of Abraham)
Faithfulness of Mankind
Faithfulness of One Man's Family
Historical Biographical
Place Eastward
From Eden to Ur
From Canaan to Egypt
Time ~2000+ Years
(20% of Genesis)
About 300 Years
193 Yr in Canaan, 93 Yr in Egypt
(80% of Genesis)
Primeval History
of Humanity
Patriarchal History
of Israel
Author Moses


  • Ge 1:1-25 - The Universe (Everything)
  • Ge 1:26-2:25 - The Human Race
  • Ge 3:1-7 - Sin Enters the World
  • Ge 3:8-24- God Promises Redemption from Bondage to Sin
  • Ge 4:1-15 - Family Life
  • Ge 4:16ff - Civilization
  • Ge 10:1-11:32 - The Nations of the World
  • Ge 12:1ff - The Story of Israel and the Jews
  • “First Mentions” of Important Biblical Words in Genesis - Dr Henry Morris


Explanation - Most of the resources below are newer commentaries (written after 1970) and other Bible resources which previously were available only for purchase in book form or in a Bible computer program. The resources are made freely available by but have several caveats - (1) they do not allow copy and paste, (2) they can only be checked out for one hour (but can be checked out immediately when your hour expires giving you time to read or take notes on a lengthy section) and (3) they require creating an account which allows you to check out the books free of charge. To set up an account click and then click the picture of the person in right upper corner and enter email and a password. That's all you have to do. Then you can read these more modern resources free of charge! I have read or used many of these resources but not all of them so ultimately you will need to be a Berean (Acts 17:11+) as you use them. I have also selected works that are conservative and Biblically sound. If you find one that you think does not meet those criteria please send an email at The resources are listed in alphabetical order by the author's last name and some include reviews of the particular resource. 

HINT WHEN BOOKS SAY "UNAVAILABLE" - "Borrow unavailable" means that someone else has it checked out for an hour. And if they are savvy and really like using it, they will immediately check it out after the hour expires and this keeps it from being shown as "Available." I use a few tricks when this happens

(1) If I have the exact quote from the book and want to see the context, I search with a few words from the quote (putting them in quotation marks so that they are the specific words searched). That will allow me to open the page and see the context. Here is an example from Gordon J Wenham's Genesis 1-15 which is almost always listed as "Borrow Unavailable." 

(a) So I have this quote from Genesis 3 and want to see the context - "Now, explicit characterization of actors in the story is rare in Hebrew narrative, so it seems likely that in noting the snake’s shrewdness the narrator is hinting that his remarks should be examined very carefully

(b) I selected "Now, explicit characterization" and searched it (with the quotes) and found 1 hit, clicked it and retrieved the page with the quote in context. See the page with this quote and notice it allows you to read 2 pages. 

(2) A second trick I use is to put one word in the title in search. 

(a) E.g., I searched "genesis" and retrieved 522 hits. Note the page numbers it retrieved which is most of the pages. 

(b) You will have to hunt to find what you want but this can occasionally be helpful. 

(c) Sometimes you encounter "Limited Preview. Some pages are omittedl" You can try trick #4 but it may not work. Then you have to wait until you can borrow the book. 

(3) Now let's say you want to look up comments on Genesis 15, the story of Abraham.

(a) Search "genesis 15" and you retrieve 8 hits and notice you have access to almost 12 pages of comments. Remember each hit gives you access to 2 pages. 

(b) Click this one and you see beginning comments on Genesis 15:1-21. 

(4) ONE CAVEAT - Let's say you perform the maneuvers listed above, click on the page and it is blacked out. What you can try to REFRESH that page and many times (not always) it will allow you to read that page. Note this will not always work because it will say "Some pages are omitted." 

(5) You need to be "creative" in how you search for specific "unavailable" book. Sometimes I just put a number in the search queue. E.g., I put 7 in the search box and it retrieved 518 hits. Yes, you have to hunt around, but this might allow you to read the comments you are seeking. 

(6) One other trick I use since these book do not allow copy and paste is I will do my search and find a quote I want to copy in the actual search column. E.g., search Wenham's popular book on Genesis 1-15 for "genesis 15." Notice the first hit on page 300. You can copy and paste this hit quote shown below.

Page 300 The uncountability of Abram’s descendants is a perennial theme of Genesis: 15:5; 16:10; 28:14; 32:12. Balaam, the prophet hired by the king of Moab to curse Israel, said Israel was already beyond counting in his day (Num 23:10). Solomon said the same thing some centuries later (1 Kgs 3:8), though of course both eras were famed for their censuses. The NT sees believing Gentiles as well as faithful Jews as being counted as Abram’s descendants (Rom 4:16—18; Gal 3:29), so that in heaven there will be “a great multitude which no man can number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and tongues” (Rev 7:9).

(7) The more you play around with this on a "Borrow unavailable" book, the better you will become at finding what you are looking for. 

NOTE: If you find any other "tricks" that are useful please send me an email. 

Genesis: beginning and blessing by Hughes, R. Kent,  76 ratings

"R. Kent Hughes, respected pastor and author of many other commentaries in this series, takes readers back to the beginning of the Bible and moves through Genesis with careful exegesis. He explores the superbly crafted structure of the book as well as the weighty themes it contains. For those who preach, teach, and study God’s Word, this exceptionally detailed work will reveal much about the beginnings of God’s great story."

Cyril Barber - This well-outlined exposition of 702 pp. (replete with an index of Hughes’ sermon illustrations) gives evidence of careful preparation. The stories in the book of Genesis are well-known to us, and here they receive fresh analysis and application. Hughes’ critique of human nature is prominent throughout, and he boldly points out the origin of our rebellion against God and continued sinfulness. Also prominent is God’s grace freely bestowed upon His undeserving creatures. Preachers will find that this work contains an abundance

The Genesis Record : a Scientific and Devotional Commentary  - by Dr Henry Morris

Cyril Barber on Morris' The Genesis Record : a Scientific and Devotional Commentary (It can be borrowed) - Valuable as corollary reading. Of great importance for the scientific data that has been included in the author's exposition. Should be consulted by all who wish to be well-informed on the issues alluded to by Moses.

Exploring Genesis: An Expository Commentary. (3 copies available) John Phillips.

Designed for beginning Bible students, this work contains some valid applications of truth to life, but does not deal convincingly with some of the problems.

The Defender's Study Bible : King James Version by Morris, Henry M. Excellent notes by well known creationist. 45 ratings

The Henry Morris KJV Study Bible is an invaluable apologetic Bible study tool for the defense of the Christian faith, including biblical creationism, that highlights the foundational truths of Genesis found in all the other 65 books of the KJV Bible. The comprehensive apologetic study bible notes provide answers to questions related to doctrinal issues, as well as scientific matters, such as geology, earth history, astronomy, biology, and other sciences.

The Genesis Flood : the Biblical Record and its Scientific Implications - John Whitcomb and Henry Morris 469 ratings

Over 250,000 copies sold. This anniversary edition celebrates 50 years of Whitcomb and Morris's biblically-based system of creationism and catastrophism that unifies and correlates scientific data from early earth history a modern creationist classic.

Genesis: an introduction and commentary (Tyndale OT Commentary Series) by Kidner, Derek 9 ratings

Derek Kidner not only provides a verse-by-verse exegetical commentary but also lucidly handles the tough issues that Genesis raises. Focusing on the study of Genesis on its own terms, as "a living whole," he highlights the theological themes of the nature of God, humankind, and salvation. In this volume, formerly part of the Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries series, Kidner's clear prose and theological insight will expand readers' understanding of God's character and of humanity's nature and destiny.

James Rosscup - It is evident that much study lies behind this concisely stated commentary in the Tyndale series. Kidner has packed in a lot of understanding of word meanings, movements of thought in different parts of Genesis, customs, God’s purposes, and relationship to other parts of Scripture. It is a solid but brief work. Cf. his works also on Psalms and Proverbs.

Paradise to Prison : studies in Genesis by Davis, John J

Paradise to Prison is a commentary, textbook and complete study guide to the book of Genesis. In very readable fashion the author explores the lives of the patriarchs as well as important doctrinal themes. Each chapter is carefully documented and sources from archaeology and ancient Near Eastern history are freely used. The writer's premise is that no other ancient literature surviving the ravages of time can rightly be compared to Genesis with its unsurpassed theological perspectives and vivid profiles of early man.

Cyril Barber - An indispensable aid to the study of Genesis by one whose archaeological, historical, and philological expertise places him in the forefront of evangelical scholars today. Recommended.

Genesis (Everyman's Bible Commentary) by Vos, Howard Frederic, 8 ratings 

James Rosscup - A simple, broad survey by a conservative who tends to give some good comments but at times not nail down his view to explain a matter (cf. his survey of four views on days in Genesis 1, then leaving the matter hanging, and not commenting on how long God rested in 2:1–3; or his not choosing a preference on “sons of God” on Genesis 6 after a shallow consideration of issues). However, in a concise treatment he does touch on many of the problems.

Genesis : a study guide : Wood, Leon

Rosscup -  This is a republication of the 1975 study guide of 152 pp. A staunch conservative offers a quick survey in basic information, often resolving main problems briefly. He leaves open the length of the days in Genesis 1, employs a detailed outline, and primarily assists lay readers and students looking for a terse review. A fine, brief evangelical survey of the main flow of the book, with a number of quite helpful comments on problem areas most readers want to see discussed. Among the briefer works this is one of the best.

Genesis. 1-15 by Wenham, Gordon J

Cyril Barber - This is a work of remarkable erudition. While some will consult it solely to ascertain whether or not Wenham agrees with them on some disputed point, the value of this commentary extends to the writer's discussion of the theology of Genesis, as well as his citation of important contemporary literary sources. While thoroughly conversant with the Documentary Hypothesis, only rarely does Wenham include this information in his treatment of these chapters. This is an exemplary work, and we look forward with anticipation to the publication of vol. 2.)

Rosscup -  Wenham gives much readable and good information on the Hebrew text, word study, exegesis and insightful exposition. He is somewhat freed from traditional critical views and holds to historicity of events and persons. He does not deny theories that different strands of literary composition have led to the Genesis we know, but is skeptical toward this. He places his stress on the canonical text as a unity. Despite this, many conservatives wonder what kind of evangelical he is when he uses J and P, not clearly explaining how his usage departs from the intent usually involved in these designations. His claims that certain P material, so-called, was earlier or later than J material will be regarded as arbitrary and speculative.

Genesis. 16-50 by Wenham, Gordon J

Cyril Barber - Aims at accuracy in interpreting the original text. Here is a work of exceptional merit. It abounds in preaching values, and is to be highly recommended.

Rosscup -  In volume 2, beneficial introductory sections discuss the patriarchs’ historical setting, chronology and religion, and Egytian background for Joseph. Wenham handles well Abraham’s intercession for Sodom, and has a mixture of good and unnecessary reading into the offering of Isaac (cf. waffling on 22:5), as well as dubious suggestions (32:30; 37:4 among others). But usually remarks are very profitable. In 44:5 more data could help in regard to Joseph’s using of a divining cup (424). As is typical of the WBC, a reader finds a very fine listing of serious literature on each biblical section.

Wiersbe's Expository Outlines on the Old Testament by Wiersbe, Warren W 113 ratings 

"Even the most difficult Scriptures come alive as Warren Wiersbe leads you book-by-book through the Old Testament and helps you to see the "big picture" of God's revelation. In this unique volume, you will find: • Introductions and/or outlines for every Old Testament book • Practical expositions of strategic chapters • Special studies on key topics, relating the Old Testament to the New Testament • Easy-to-understand expositions that are practical, preachable, and teachable If you have used Dr. Wiersbe's popular BE series, you know how simple and practical his Bible studies are, with outlines that almost teach themselves. If not, you can now discover a wonderful new resource. This work is a unique commentary on every book of the Old Testament. It contains new material not to be found in the BE series.

With the Word - Devotional Commentary - Warren Wiersbe -27 ratings  428 ratings Comments on each chapter. Wiersbe is always worth checking!

"A fresh approach which not only offers trustworthy exposition, but also provides a book-by-book, chapter-by-chapter tour through the glory of the Bible. This highly readable personal "conversation" with Scripture guides you through each book, helping you reap the rich, life-changing applications on every page. You will be encouraged to develop your own personal Bible reading program and learn the power of meditation on its truth."

KJV Bible Commentary - Hindson, Edward E; Kroll, Woodrow Michael. Over 3000 pages of the entire OT/NT - no restriction on length of time one can use  it.  - 372 ratings

Very well done conservative commentary that interprets Scripture from a literal perspective (pre-millennial)  user reviews 

The King James Version Bible Commentary is a complete verse-by-verse commentary. It is comprehensive in scope, reliable in scholarship, and easy to use. Its authors are leading evangelical theologians who provide practical truths and biblical principles. Any Bible student will gain new insights through this one-volume commentary based on the timeless King James Version of the Bible.

The King James Study Bible Second Edition (2013) (Thomas Nelson) contributing editors (only first is listed) include Wayne A. Brindle. 

NKJV Study Bible: New King James Version Study Bible (formerly "The Nelson Study Bible - NKJV") by Radmacher, Earl D; Allen, Ronald Barclay; House, H. Wayne (1997, 2007); 917 ratings Very helpful notes. Conservative. There is no restriction on length of time one can use, 

Bible Knowledge Commentary - Old Testament - 1608 pages. Dallas Theological Seminary Faculty. Conservative. Evangelical.

The MacArthur Study Bible : John MacArthur  Brief but well done notes 1,275 ratings

Wycliffe Bible Commentary - Charles Pfeiffer - 1560 pages (1962). Less detailed than the KJV Bible Commentary. Conservative.

Ryrie Study Bible Expanded Edition (1994) 2232 pages

ESV Study Bible - Excellent resource but not always literal in eschatology and the nation of Israel 6,004 ratings

The David Jeremiah study bible - (2013) 2208 pages. 2,272 ratings -

"Drawing on more than 40 years of study, Dr. David Jeremiah has compiled a legacy resource that will make an eternal impact on generations to come. 8,000 study notes. Hundreds of enriching word studies"50+ Essentials of the Christian Faith" articles."

The NIV Study Bible by Barker, Kenneth L; Burdick, Donald W (1995) 2250 pages. Note this is the first edition. This resource has been fully revised in 2020. 

Zondervan NIV Study Bible - (2011) 2570 pages  - Use this one if available as it has more notes than edition below. One hour limit

HCSB Study Bible : Holman Christian Standard Bible - General Editor Jeremy Royal Howard (2010) 2360 pages. Conservative. Good notes. Include Holmans excellent maps. One hour limit

Life Application Study Bible: Old Testament and New Testament: New Living Translation. Has some very helpful notes especially with application of texts. 4,445 ratings One hour limit

The Apologetics Study Bible Understand Why You Believe by Norman Geisler

The Battle for the Beginning: the Bible on Creation and the Fall of Adam John MacArthur

Dictionary of Biblical Imagery - free for use online with no restrictions (i.e., you do not need to borrow this book). Editors Leland Ryken, J C Wilhoit, Tremper Longman III - This is a potential treasure chest to aid your preaching and teaching as it analyzes the meaning of a host of Biblical figures of speech. Clue - use the "One-page view" which then allows you to copy and paste text. One downside is there is no index, so you need to search 3291 pages for entries which are alphabetical. 

Multiple Resources by Renowned Creationist Henry Morris

In the beginning : Genesis  Nelson Impact Bible Study Guide 

The Nelson Impact Bible Study series will introduce in-depth Bible study to Christian laypeople. Each book will help readers experience the true meaning of the messages in the book of Genesis, and in turn, empower the reader to truly make a difference in the world for Christ. Designed for individual or group study, the study guide will provide a foundation for Bible study and encourage the reader to return to the Bible. All necessary background information will be given so that the reader needs only a Bible and the study guide. The messages will be thorough but easily understood and will be complimented by application questions to guide the readers into a deeper relationship with the Bible that will impact their lives with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Genesis and Archaeology by Vos, Howard Frederic

Howard F. Vos has had a distinguished career as an expert in historical, geographical, biblical, and archeological research. A prolific author and editor, he is responsible for twenty-five books that are standards in their field, including the Wycliffe Bible Dictionary. He has traveled extensively in the Bible lands and excavated many sites in Israel. Vos is currently Emeritus Professor of History and Archaeology at The King's College in New York.

Life Application Study Bible : New Living Translation. Has some very helpful notes. 4,445 ratings

NIV Archaeological Study Bible (2005) 2360 pages 950 ratings

"Readers who desire a more intimate knowledge of the historical context of the Bible will appreciate the NIV Archaeological Study Bible. Full of informative articles and full-color photographs of places and objects from biblical times, this Bible examines the archaeological record surrounding God’s Word and brings the biblical world to life. Readers’ personal studies will be enriched as they become more informed about the empires, places, and peoples of the ancient world. Features include: • Four-color interior throughout • Bottom-of-page study notes exploring passages that speak on archaeological and cultural facts • Articles (520) covering five main categories: Archaeological Sites, Cultural and Historical Notes, Ancient Peoples and Lands, the Reliability of the Bible, and Ancient Texts and Artifacts • Approximately 500 4-color photographs interspersed throughout • Detailed book introductions that provide basic, at-a-glance information • Detailed charts on pertinent topics • In-text color maps that assist the reader in placing the action "

New Bible Commentary - (1994) See user reviews 

Genesis for Everyone by Goldingay, John Only Genesis 17-50.

Explore The Book - Genesis to Joshua - PDF - J.Sidlow Baxter: 

The Jewish Study Bible - Only OT - Interesting Jewish perspective.

Evangelical Commentary on the Bible - editor Walter Elwell (1989) 1239 pages. User reviews

Genesis 16-33 by McGee, J. Vernon

The Early Earth: An Introduction to Biblical Creationism by Whitcomb, John C  18 ratings

First published in 1972, The Early Earth has established itself as one of the most illuminating books defending biblical creationism. Whitcomb’s stellar defense of biblical creationism. 

The Moon : its creation, form and significance by Whitcomb, John C

The World that Perished by Whitcomb, John C 28 ratings

The World that Perished, a forceful sequel to The Genesis Flood and companion to The Early Earth, radiates an unshakeable faith in the authority of the Word of God. Whitcomb maintains with vigor that the Bible declares and affirms a supernatural, catastrophic flood of worldwide proportions, a declaration corroborated by scientific observations that are not warped by a uniformitarian bias in geology.

Portraits of Christ in Genesis by DeHaan, M. R 39 ratings

From the lives of Adam, Abel, Isaac, Joseph and many other Biblical characters, Dr. DeHaan develops pictures that foreshadow Christ and His ministry. A fascinating study of Old Testament typology, Portraits of Christ in Genesis relates deep theological truths in language easily understood by the laymen. This is Dr. DeHaan's parting message to the world. Shortly after he completed the manuscript for this book, and even before the series was completed on the air, Dr. DeHaan went to his heavenly reward. At his memorial service telegrams from fellow radio preachers were received praising and recommending the teaching ministry of this great man of God.

The Experiencing God Study Bible : the Bible for knowing and doing the will of God - Blackaby, Henry (1996) 1968 pages - CHECK THIS ONE! Each chapter begins with several questions under the title "PREPARE TO MEET GOD." Then you will interesting symbols before many of the passages. The chapter ends with a "DID YOU NOTICE?" question. This might make a "dry chapter" jump off the page! Read some of the 48 ratings 

Invitation to Genesis : participant book by Enns, Peter, 10 ratings

Stories that live : 6 Bible stories for God's little people by Enns, Peter; 

The Book of Genesis, an Exposition by Erdman, Charles R.

Cyril Barber - First published in 1950, this handy overview of Moses' first book traces the main theme and reveals the relevance of this portion of God's Word through the leading characters.

The Pentateuch; a concise commentary on Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy by Erdman, Charles

Nelson's Expository Dictionary of the Old Testament by Unger, Merrill 

Dictionary of deities and demons in the Bible (DDD) - 950 pages (1995) Read some of the 65 ratings (4.8/5 Stars). A definitive in depth resource on this subject. Very expensive to purchase. 


Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament by Harris, R. Laird - (5/5 Stars) One of the best OT lexicons for studying Hebrew words.

Here is another link to the TWOT which has no time limit on use and does allow copy and paste. Can be downloaded as PDF. 

Vine's Expository Dictionary of Old Testament and New Testament Words - Available Online. if you know the Strong's number, you can do a "control + find" on Windows or "Command-F" on a Mac to find the Hebrew word. The TWOT above has more extensive listing and more detailed definitions than Vine's but to look up by Strong's number click the Index which allows you to find the corresponding TWOT number (which goes from 1-3066). 

So That's What it Means - This is another book formerly titled "Theological Wordbookedited by Charles Swindoll. It is now under this new title So That's What it Means and can be borrowed - it is more like a dictionary than a lexicon but the comments are superb! The contributors include DKC—Donald K. Campbell, WGJ—Wendell G. Johnston, JAW—John A. Witmer, JFW—John F. Walvoord 

Expository Dictionary of Bible words : Word studies for key English Bible words based on - Stephen Renn -  Short definitions of Hebrew and Greek words.

Expository Dictionary of Bible Words by Richards, Larry,  It is does not go into great depth on the Greek or Hebrew words but does have some excellent insights. 

Hebrew honey : a simple and deep word study of the Old Testament by Novak, Alfons. Indexed by English words.

Girdlestone's Synonyms of the Old Testament - click for list of 127 entries

Expository Dictionary of Bible Words by Richards, Larry,  33 ratings It is does not go into great depth on the Greek or Hebrew words but does have some excellent insights. 


  • Lesson 1 of each of Parts 1-5 can be downloaded as Pdf
  • Click for discussion of the value of Inductive Study

This course explores creation from Genesis 1–2. You will learn how the world was created and how man came into being as you study both biblical and scientific accounts. 6 weeks, 6 lessons

Genesis 3–11 contains promises that unfold throughout Scripture. See God's plan for marriage, His relationship with His people, His judgment of the wicked, and His salvation of the righteous. (Not dependent on Genesis Part 1.) 10 weeks, 10 lessons

Learn principles and truths from the life of Abraham that will challenge you in your walk, and give you hope in your future. In the life of Abraham, we see God's choosing and the further unfolding of His redemptive plan. We learn more about God's character and His relationship with us in Abraham's example. Learn how man becomes righteous, how God keeps His promises, and how God protects those who are His. 6 weeks, 6 lessons (covers Genesis 12–25)

God renews the covenant promise to Abraham through the patriarchs Isaac and Jacob. Their lives become an integral part of the scarlet thread of redemption that God weaves through all of Scripture and the source of comfort for us. But two nations arise from Isaac, descendants of Jacob and Esau. Their struggle continues the story of God's choice. The lessons we learn for our lives from these men and their relationship to God can guide our steps of faith. 4 weeks, 4 lessons (covers Genesis 24–36)

Have you ever been falsely accused? Or maybe you have suffered unjustly for something you had no control over. The life of Joseph is a study on handling extreme situations. What would you be like if you were the ruler of the world? How would you act if you were literally a slave? Joseph had to deal with a life of ups and downs, and his God taught him how to handle them all. 4 weeks, 4 lessons (covers Genesis 37–50) See page 37 for chapter themes 1-36


Cyril Barber - Though accepting a modified form of the documentary hypothesis (What is the documentary hypothesis?), Alford succeeds in bringing to his study of the OT the same depth of insight and richness of thought that characterized his treatment of the NT A rare work; buy it while it is available.


Joseph Teacher Notes corresponding to the 12 studies above

Joseph - Additional Notes Used to prepare the preceding studies: Each is about 20-30 pages and corresponds to the preceding studies in Genesis.


Paul Apple's well done 592 page commentary - November, 2018 - recommended resource


J. Sidlow Baxter:

Besides being introductory, Genesis is explanatory. The other writings of the Bible are inseparably bound up with it inasmuch as it gives us the origin and initial explanation of all that follows. The major themes of Scripture may be compared to great rivers, ever deepening and broadening as the flow; and it is true to say that all these rivers have their rise in the watershed of Genesis. Or, to use an equally appropriate figure, as the massive trunk and widespreading branches of the oak are in the acorn, so, by implication and anticipation, all Scripture is in Genesis. Here we have in germ all that is later developed. It has been truly said that “the roots of all subsequent revelation are planted deep in Genesis, and whoever would truly comprehend that revelation must begin here.”

It is important to recognize the relationship between Genesis and the last book of Scripture. There is a correspondence between them which at once suggests itself as being both a proof and

 product of the fact that the Bible is a completed revelation. There is no adequate understanding of either of them without the other; but taken together they are mutually completive. There is no going back beyond the one, and not going forward beyond the other; nor is there in either case any need to do so. In broad outline and majestic language Genesis answers the question: “How did all begin?” In broad outline and majestic language Revelation answers the question: “How will all issue?” All that lies between them is development from the one to the other.

Gleason Archer

The guiding principle throughout the narrative is the covenant of grace, and God’s gracious dealings with true believers from the time of Adam onward. First there is the selective process whereby the covenant fellowship is narrowed down by stages to a single individual, Abraham; then the elective principle widens to include a large family, that of Jacob. Thus the stage is set for the nurturing of an entire nation in the favored refuge of Goshen in Egypt.

R. Kent Hughes:

As deep and weighty as the book of Genesis is, it is no dry textbook. Its narratives of the garden, the flood, and the tower of Babel have captivated hearts for over three millennia and have provided inspiration for the world’s greatest poetry. The earthy, epic lives of Abraham and Isaac, and Jacob and Esau, and Joseph in ‘Egypt are so primary and universal and so skillfully told that they have never ceased to enthrall listeners. . .

Genesis is all about grace. The Apostle Paul’s aphorism, “ where sin increased, grace abounded all the more” (Romans 5:20) sums up this major theme of Genesis. Genesis, far from being a faded page fallen from antiquity, breathes the grace of God. What a time we’re going to have as our souls are worked over by the sin-speech-grace-punishment pattern of chapters 1-11, and by the overall “where sin increase, grace abounds” theme of the whole book. This is good soul medicine – strong meat. It was grace from the beginning – in both primeval and patriarchal history. It always will be grace.

Genesis also provides us with a grand revelation of God’s faithfulness as it recounts God’s fidelity over and over again in the lives of the patriarchs. We see that God remains faithful even when the people to whom the promises are made become the greatest threat to the fulfillment of the promise. Such is God’s faithfulness that the sinful, disordered lives of the promise-bearers can’t abort the promises.

W. H. Griffith Thomas:

It must be evident . . . that there was no intention of writing an universal history of man, but only of recording the development of the Divine will and purpose for and through Abraham. It is history written with a special purpose. The book might esily have begun with Abraham if the purpose had been to record the ordinary history of an ordinary people; yet inasmuch as Israel was not an ordinary people, but charged with God’s purposes for the whole of mankind, it was necessary to show – at least in brief from – the connection between the progenitor of the human race and Abraham, in whom and in whose descendants the Divine purpose was to be realized.


     Major Events: Four basic questions of mankind are answered
       Creation: How did the universe begin?
       Fall: Why does a good God permit suffering?
       Flood: Will God Judge the world?
       Tower of Babel: Why do people differ as to races and languages?
       Adam: Object of grace.
       Noah: The chosen one.
       Abraham: Man of faith.
       Isaac: The beloved son.
       Jacob: The chosen and chastened son.
       Joseph: The suffering and glorified one.

Dr. Thomas Constable:

Throughout Genesis, we see that people in general consistently failed to trust and obey God (e.g., in Noah's day, at Babel, and throughout the patriarchal period).

Genesis also records what God has done to encourage people to trust and obey Him. It is only by living by these two principles that people can enjoy a relationship with God and realize all that God created them to experience.

On the one hand, Genesis reveals much about the person and work of God. This revelation helps us to trust and obey Him. It is through His personal revelations to the main characters in Genesis that God revealed Himself initially (e.g., Adam and Eve, Noah, and the patriarchs).

On the other hand, Genesis reveals much about the nature of man. Not only did God reveal the perversity and depravity of man, but He also identified many positive examples of faith and obedience in the lives of the godly.

In Genesis we learn that faith in God is absolutely essential if we are to have fellowship with Him and realize our potential as human beings.

Faith is the law of life. If one lives by faith, he flourishes, but if he does not, he fails. The four patriarchs are primarily examples of what faith is and how it manifests itself. In each of their lives we learn something new about faith.

Abraham's faith demonstrates unquestioning obedience. When God told him to do something, he almost always did it. This is the most basic characteristic of faith. That is one reason Abraham has been called "the father of the faithful." God revealed Himself nine times to Abraham (12:1-3, 7; 13:14-17; 15; 17:1-21; 18; 21:12-13; 22:1-2; 22:15- 18), and each time Abraham's response was unquestioning obedience.

Isaac's faith helps us see the quality of passive acceptance that characterizes true faith in God. This was his response to God's two revelations to him (26:2-5, 24). Sometimes Isaac was too passive.

Jacob's story is one of conflict with God until he came to realize his own limitations: then he trusted God. We can see his faith in his acknowledged dependence on God. God's seven revelations to him eventually led him to this place (28:12-15; 31:3, 11-13; 32:24- 29; 35:1, 9-12; 46:2-4). Most believers today can identify with Jacob most easily, because we too struggle with wanting to live independent of God.

Joseph's life teaches us what God can do with a person who trusts Him consistently in the face of adversity. The outstanding characteristic of Joseph's life was his faithful loyalty to God. He believed God's two revelations to him in dreams (37:5-7, 9), even though God's will did not seem to be working out as he thought it would. Patient faith and its reward shine through the story of Joseph. The Lord Jesus supremely illustrates this quality of faith.

Faith, the key concept in Genesis, means trusting that what God has prescribed is indeed best for me, and demonstrating that trust by waiting for God to provide what He has promised. A "person of faith" is one who commits to acting on this basis—even though he or she may not see how God's way is best.




A. (Genesis 1:1-2:25) Creation -- The Beginning of Life Created by God -- Fellowship

  1. (Genesis 1:1-2:3) The Beginning of Earth -- Every Aspect of God’s Creation Was Judged to be Very Good by God Himself
  2. (Genesis 2:4-25) The Beginning of Man and Woman
  • (Genesis 2:4) Transition
  • (Genesis 2:5-7) Creation of Man
  • (Genesis 2:8-15) Provision of Perfect Environment for Man = Garden of Eden
  • (Genesis 2:16-17) Provision of Food for Man = Fruit from Trees and Prohibition of Eating from Tree of
  • Knowledge of Good and Evil
  • (Genesis 2:18-23) Creation of Woman
  • (Genesis 2:24-25) Institution of One Flesh Relationship in Marriage

Goal: New Creation – of the Heavens and Earth / of Redeemed Individuals

B (Genesis 3:1-6:8) Fall -- The Beginning of Human Temptation and Sin – Rebellion / Redemption

  1. (Genesis 3:1-24) The Fall of Man Prompted God to Respond with Severe Curses –  on the serpent, the woman, the man and the environment
  2. (Genesis 4:1-2) The Beginning of Procreation
  3. (Genesis 4:3-7) The Beginning of Offerings to the Lord
  4. (Genesis 4:8-16) The Beginning of Strife
  5. (Genesis 4:17-5:32) The Descendants of Adam Through Cain and Seth
  6. (Genesis 4:17-24) Descendants Through Cain
  7. (Genesis 4:25-5:32) Descendants Through Seth
  8. (Genesis 6:1-8) Growing Population Coupled with Increasing Corruption and Wickedness

Goal: Redemption accomplished by the Seed of the Woman [Rebellion countered by Obedience of 2nd Adam]

C. (Genesis 6:9-11:32) Flood -- Judgment/Deliverance -- The Beginning of Redemption Amidst Growing Corruption -- Days of Noah and the Flood of Judgment and the Ark of Deliverance – Judgment/Salvation

  1. (Genesis 6:9-22) Covenant with Noah – Deliverance Via the Ark from Universal Flood of Judgment
  2. (Genesis 7:1-24) Details of Noah’s Flood
  3. (Genesis 8:1-19) Aftermath of the Flood
  4. (Genesis 8:20-9:17) Renewal of Noahic Covenant
  5. (Genesis 9:18-10:32) Descendants of Noah through Shem, Ham and Japheth

Goal: Destruction of World by Fire and Ultimate Lake of Fire While Sparing the People of God Via Ark of Salvation

D. (Genesis 11:1-32) Babel -- Dispersion – The Beginning of Division into Nations with Separate Languages -- Pride

  1. (Genesis 11:1-9) Tower of Babel and further dispersion of people speaking variety of languages
  2. (Genesis 11:10-26) Descendants of Shem, Peleg, Reu, Nahor and Terah

Goal: Unity of God’s People in the One Family of God [Pride countered by Humility of Christ]


[Overlapping outline divisions – tracking each patriarch from birth until death]

A. (Genesis 11:27-25:11) Abram / Abraham – Life of Pioneering Faith

  1. (Genesis 12:1-9) Faith Moves Out -- Called to Canaan -- Divine call blesses a dependent journey
  2. (Genesis 12:10 – 13:4) Faith is Challenged -- Stumbling in Egypt -- God’s Sovereign Purposes Cannot be Derailed by Man’s Sinful Blunders
  3. (Genesis 13:5-18) Faith Separates -- Separation from Lot -- Walking by faith frees you up to relinquish your rights because of your confidence in God’s promises
  4. (Genesis 14:1-24) Faith Rescues -- Rescue of Lot -- Divine deliverance via a courageous man of faith
  5. (Genesis 15:1-21) Faith Clings to God’s Promises – Antidote to Fear, Doubt and Quitting
  6. (Genesis 16:1-16) Faith Failures Make a Mess of Things – Rely on the God Who Sees          Scheming of Sarah          Fleeing of Hagar
  7. (Genesis 17:1-27) Faith Sealed by Significant Sign – God Almighty reaffirms His covenant promises and commands circumcision as the sign of His covenant with Abraham
  8. (Genesis 18:1-33) Faith Lives Out Key Theological Questions:
    a. Is Anything Too Difficult for the Lord? Greatness of God
    b. Shall Not the Judge of All the Earth Deal Justly? Goodness of God
  9. (Genesis 19:1-29) Stench of Sodom – Unbelievers Face Terrible Judgment
  10. (Genesis 19:30-38) Legacy of a Loser – Lot demonstrates that a life of worldliness won’t end well – Lot’s sordid sin with his daughters
  11. (Genesis 20:1-18) Faith is Challenged Again -- God overrules even our besetting sins to accomplish His kingdom purposes – Abimelech takes Sarah into his harem
  12. (Genesis 21:1-21) Sovereignty of God Over Both Child of Promise and Child of Flesh – Birth of Isaac
  13. (Genesis 21:22-34) Faith Receives Guarantees of Possessing God’s Promises
    a. (Genesis 21:22-32) Guarantee of possession of the promised land via non-aggression covenant with Abemelech –  
        Sign = ownership of water well at Beersheba
    b. (Genesis 21:33-34) Guarantee of possession of the promised land via God’s character as the Everlasting God – 
        Sign = planting of tamarisk tree at Beersheba
  14. (Genesis 22:1-24) Faith Passes the Final Exam – Offering Up of Isaac
  15. (Genesis 23:1-20) Faith Takes Ownership of the Promises of God – Death and Burial of Sarah – Dealing with death reveals our perspective towards eternity and the promises of God
  16. (Genesis 24:1-67) Faith in the Providence of God – God’s Providence grants us success as we trust Him for His provision to accomplish His divine plan – A Bride for Isaac
  17. (Genesis 25:1-11) Death of Abraham – the Father of the Faithful
  18. (Genesis 25:12-18) Aside – Genealogy of Ishmael

B. (Genesis 21:1-35:29) Isaac – Life of Covenant Blessing

  1. (Genesis 21:1-7) Birth of Isaac
  2. (Genesis 26:1-35) Standing on the Promises of God – God reaffirms His covenant promises to encourage perseverance in times of trial since He is with us to bless and protect – Digging Wells
  3. (Genesis 35:28-29) Death of Isaac

C.  (Genesis 25:19-50:14) Jacob / Israel – Life of Wrestling with God

  1. (Genesis 25:19 – 27:46) Treachery Among Brothers - Jacob Supplants Esau
    a. (Genesis 25:19-34) Esau Despising the Promises of God –Short-sighted carnal value system despises God’s blessing – Jacob supplants Esau [Genesis 26:1-35 -- See above regarding Isaac
    b.(Genesis 27:1-46) Jacob Stealing the Blessing --God can advance His kingdom program despite selfish agendas
  2.  (Genesis 28:1-22) Overwhelmed by God’s Gracious Blessing –The spectacular promises of sovereign grace constitute a divine blessing that cannot be duplicated by fleshly efforts and evoke a response of consecrated devotion
  3. (Genesis 29:1 – 30:24) – Establishing a Household
    a. (Genesis 29:1-30) The School of Hard Knocks –    Sometimes God’s Providence teaches us painful lessons through the school of hard knocks
    b. (Genesis 29:31 – 30:24) Fleshly Efforts of Desperate Housewives – Rivalry and strife fester when we pursue fleshly efforts to achieve selfish goals instead of praising God for His gracious gifts
  4.  (Genesis 30:25 – 31:55) Covenant Blessing
    a. (Genesis 30:25-43) Abundant Prosperity – Despite our faith failures and sinful manipulations, God brings guaranteed prosperity to His chosen people
    b. (Genesis 31: 1-55) Return to the Promised Land –
  5. (Genesis 32:1 – 33:20) Reconnecting with Esau
    a. (Genesis 32:1-32) Part 1 – Wrestling with God – Fears give way to faith in God’s promise when we are broken of our self-sufficiency and cling to God alone
    b. (Genesis 33:1-20) Part 2 – Peaceful Co-existence – How can the believing community peacefully co-exist with relatives from a worldly value system?
  6. (Genesis 34:1-31) Vengeance Belongs to God – There is a reason God forbids humans to exercise vengeance – Vengeance can only be fairly administered by a holy and just God
  7. (Genesis 35:1-29) Walking with God Along Life’s Roller Coaster Journey – Pillars of remembrance mark significant milestones along life’s journey for Jacob
    (Genesis 36:1-43) Aside – Genealogy of Esau
  8. (Genesis 46:1-34) Drastic Change in Life’s Circumstances – Relocating to Egypt -- Drastic changes need support:
    From confidence in God’s will
    From commitment from one’s extended family
    From counsel from wise leadership
  9. (Genesis 48:1 – 49:33) Final Blessings
    a. (Genesis 48:1-22) Crossed Hands of Blessing – Putting Ephraim Before Manasseh -- Jacob’s deathbed blessing reveals his faith in God’s sovereign election
    b. (Genesis 49:1-33) Deathbed Prophecies of Abundant Blessing –Final prophetic blessings and final burial charge issued by Jacob upon his deathbed-

D. (Genesis 30:22-50:26) Joseph – Life of Providential Blessing Genesis 50:20 / Romans 8:28

  1. (Genesis 37:1-36) Mistreated and Cast Aside – Family Dysfunction --    The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone
    (Genesis 38:1- 30) Aside -- Origin of Perez – Ancestor of David – Sinful scenarios can fulfill covenant commitments
  2. (Genesis 39:1 – 41:57) Trials and Suffering Offset by Prosperity and Blessing --
    a. (Genesis 39:1-23) Prosperity in Egypt – Even in Prison – God uses even injustice and captivity to accomplish His purposes of prospering His chosen people to accomplish His kingdom objectives
    b. (Genesis 40:1-23) Serving God in the Pit – Disappointment and delay present opportunities to glorify God
    c. (Genesis 41:1-57) From Pit to Pinnacle –  God elevates Joseph to prominence in Egypt to orchestrate His ultimate promises of divine rescue and redemption
  3. (Genesis 42:1 – 43:34) Preparation for Family Conviction and Repentance --
    a. (Genesis 42:1-38) Providential Pressure – Providential pressure sets the stage for family reconciliation and Messianic blessing
    b. (Genesis 43:1-34) When Feasting Replaces Fear –  God’s merciful love and provision far surpass our fears and anxious expectations
  4. (Genesis 44:1 – 45:28) Family Restoration --
    a. (Genesis 44:1-34) Transformation of Joseph’s Brothers Family reconciliation requires transforming repentance
    b. (Genesis 45:1-28) One Big Happy Family – Providential reconciliation blessed by God with abundant provision and inward transformation
  5. (Genesis 47:1-31) Providential Prosperity in the Midst of Surrounding Poverty – God prospers those who seek first his kingdom agenda
  6. (Genesis 50:1-26) God’s Master Plan – “God meant it for good”

    Appreciating the Providence of God in accomplishing His redemptive agenda



Why Study the Book of Genesis? Significant in 5 key ways

Significant from its Title – Book of Beginnings (transliteration from the Greek translation of the Septuagint); books named by the first word in the book; Book of Origins – looked at this idea last week; need to understand both our origins and our destiny – Jesus identified Himself by the title: “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end”

First book of the Bible and first book of the Pentateuch – 5 books of the Pentateuch are really viewed as 1 book with 1 author – that will be important when we come to discuss authorship But many evangelical scholars today would question whether Genesis is scientifically accurate when it comes to explaining the origin of life on earth. Maybe it is just a mythological adaptation that has theological application but was never intended to be interpreted literally.

Albert Mohler begs to disagree:  Theological disaster ensues when the book of nature (general revelation) is used to trump God’s special revelation, when science is placed over Scripture as authoritative and compelling. And that is the very heart of this discussion. While some would argue that the Scriptures are not in danger, the current conversation on this subject is leading down a path that will do irrevocable harm to our evangelical affirmation of the accuracy and authority of God’s Word.

So our understanding of the inerrancy of Scripture is at stake in how we interpret the book of Genesis.

Certainly it is a controversial book – Derek Kidner:  There can scarcely be another part of Scripture over which so many battles, theological, scientific, historical and literary, have been fought, or so many strong opinions cherished

Significant as the Foundation for so many important doctrines – you can’t expect to skip the level 101 course in any discipline and then fully understand the material that is built on that foundation

J. Sidlow Baxter:  The other writings of the Bible are inseparably bound up with it inasmuch as it gives us the origin and initial explanation of all that follows. The major themes of Scripture may be compared to great rivers, ever deepening and broadening as they flow; and it is true to say that all these rivers have their rise in the watershed of Genesis. Or, to use on equally appropriate figure, as the massive trunk and wide-spreading branches of the oak are in the acorn, so, by implication and anticipation, all Scripture is in Genesis. Here we have in germ all that is later developed. It has been truly said that “the roots of all subsequent revelation are planted deep in Genesis, and whoever would truly comprehend that revelation must begin here.

Our understanding of the rest of the OT and of the NT and of how Jesus Christ fulfills prophecies relating to God’s plan for redemption must start with an understanding of the first book, the foundational book, the book of Genesis

What doctrines are introduced here? Just some of the basic ones: set against the background of the paganism of the countries the nation of Israel

    a. Sovereignty and Providence of God - sovereign in creation … but not some type of deistic view where God becomes disengaged; instead God is sovereign in governing the world He created and providentially ordering the affairs of mankind to accomplish His purposes

    b. Goodness of God - We see that in Creation; we see that in His providence – testimony of Joseph after being so mistreated by his brothers
Gen. 50:20 “As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive.”
Rom. 8:28 “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.”

Very practical side to studying Genesis – Ro 15:4 “For whatever was written in earlier times was written for our instruction, so that through perseverance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope” Story of Joseph and his perseverance should give each of us hope 1 Cor. 10 speaks of the value of OT examples

      - Power of God
      - Divine Election

Parunak: Note alternation between chosen and rejected lines, emphasizing the selection that is going on throughout the book.
    c. Importance of Truth vs. Deception -  lies told by Abraham to try to save his life name Jacob – deceiver; his interaction with twin brother Esau

      I. Doctrine of Sin, of Depravity
      J. God’s Plan of Redemption

The first promise of redemption is definite but largely undefined in Genesis 3:15: “He shall bruise you on the head, and you shall bruise him on the heel.”

Later in Genesis we learn that the world will be blessed through Abraham (Ge 12:3).

The line through which Messiah would come was through Isaac, not Ishmael; Jacob, not Esau.

Finally in Genesis we see that Israel’s coming ruler will be of the tribe of Judah: “The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor the ruler’s staff from between his feet, until Shiloh comes, and to him shall be the obedience of the peoples” (Genesis 49:10). (Source)

Christ is also seen in people and events that serve as types (a “type” is a historical fact that illustrates a spiritual truth). Adam is “a type of Him who is to come” (Rom 5:14). Both entered the world through a special act of God as sinless men. Adam is the head of the old creation; Christ is the Head of the new creation. Abel’s acceptable offering of a blood sacrifice points to Christ, and there is a parallel in his murder by Cain. Melchizedek (“righteous king”) is “made like the Son of God” (Heb 7:3). He is the King of Salem (“peace”) who brings forth bread and wine and is the priest of the Most High God. Joseph is also a type of Christ. Joseph and Christ are both objects of special love by their Fathers, both are hated by their brethren, both are rejected as rulers over their brethren, both are conspired against and sold for silver, both are condemned though innocent, and both are raised from humiliation to glory by the power of God. 

- Significant because it is Widely Quoted in the NT – what did Jesus think about the book of Genesis? What did the Apostle Paul think about the book of Genesis?

John 5:46 “For if you believed Moses, you would believe Me, for he wrote about Me.”

Luke 24:27 “Then beginning with Moses and with all the prophets, He explained to them the things concerning Himself in all the Scriptures.”

John 1:45

Morris:  There are at least 165 passages in Genesis that are either directly quoted or clearly referred to in the New Testament. Many of these are alluded to more than once, so that there are at least two hundred quotations or allusions to Genesis in the New Testament … there exist over one hundred quotations or direct references to Genesis 1-11 in the New Testament. Furthermore, every one of these eleven chapters is alluded to somewhere in the New Testament, and every one of the New Testament authors refers somewhere in his writings to Genesis 1-11. On at least six different occasions, Jesus Christ Himself quoted from or referred to something or someone in one of these chapters, including specific reference to each of the first seven chapters.

Genesis is quoted from over 200 times in the New Testament. In fact chapters 1-11 is quoted more than 100 times in the New Testament. It’s not just mentioned but you’ll find it being quoted word for word over 165 in the New Testament. 

  B. Significant because it clearly shows how man is accountable to his Creator.

Platte: When we compromise the Bible statements about our origin, we invariably end up being confused about our purpose in life and our destiny. Humanistic evolution, for example, denies the creation and says we came by evolutionary forces (chance). The logical consequence would be that there is no real purpose for life, and there is no life after death. We can understand our purpose and goal only when we understand our origin.

If Genesis didn’t matter … If God didn’t care if we believe in a literal six day creation, in how He formed Eve out of Adam, in the institution of marriage as between one man and one woman created in the image of God and joined together in a unique one-flesh relationship, in the historicity of the universal flood of Noah’s day, in the details of the lives of the Jewish patriarchs, then God would have left Genesis out of the canon of 66 inspired books of scripture.

Foundational to a Christian world view – essential in light of Israel’s immersion in a pagan culture surrounding by alternative world views just as we are today –

Bruce Hurt, MD



Well-done sermon notes - Recommended



These are Barber's recommendations for the pastor's library. 

  • Aalders, Gerhard Charles. Genesis. 2 vols. Bible Student's Commentary. Translated by W Heymen. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1981. The publication in English of this outstanding Dutch commentary makes available to present day preachers the exegetical insights of a renowned Bible scholar. Should aid in the exposition of the Word.
  • *Alford, Henry. The Book of Genesis, and Part of the Book of Exodus (see below). Minneapolis: Klock & Klock Christian Publishers, 1979. Though accepting a modified form of the documentary hypothesis (What is the documentary hypothesis?), Alford succeeds in bringing to his study of the OT the same depth of insight and richness of thought that characterized his treatment of the NT A rare work; buy it while it is available.
  • Augustinus, Aurelius. The Literal Meaning of Genesis. 2 vols. Translated and annotated by J. H. Taylor. New York: Newman Press, 1982. Part of the Ancient Christian Writers series. Records Augustine's impressions of Genesis during the years following his conversion. In these volumes we see how he corrected the Manichean heresy that characterized his early beliefs.
  • Boice, James Montgomery. Genesis: An Expositional Commentary. In process. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1982-. Adequately explains the basic theme, purpose, and theology inherent in Genesis. Deals bravely with critical issues. Champions the cause of biblical creationism. Challenges the thinking of his readers as he deals realistically with the "sons of God" issue, the extent of the Deluge, and similar questions. Succeeds in providing the kind of exposition that may well become the best ever produced on this portion of God's Word. Scheduled for three volumes. Recommended.
  • Boice, James Montgomery. Genesis: An Expositional Commentary. 3 vols. Grand Rapids: Ministry Resources Library, 1982-87. Now complete, this study deals fairly with the numerous difficulties expositors face as they seek to interpret this portion of God's Word. Boice is fair when it comes to treating points of view that differ from his own. He makes a good case for ex nihilo creation, believes the sons of God are angelic beings, that the flood was universal, et cetera. He treats the contents section by section, rather than verse by verse. His discussion of the life of the patriarchs is excellent. Whereas in the past pastors have relied heavily upon the works of Candlish, Delitzsch, and a few others for background material, in Boice's exposition they now have a new and up-to-date work to consult.
  • Bonar, Horatius. Thoughts on Genesis (see below). Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications, 1979. First published in 1875 under the title Earth's Morning, these devotional studies of Genesis chaps. 1-6, covering the period from Adam to the Flood, are permeated with practical application of biblical truth to life.
  • Bruggemann, Walter. Genesis. Interpretation, a Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching. Atlanta: John Knox Press, 1982. †Presenting in a popular format the results of higher critical theories, this work succeeds in combining historical, textual, and theological issues in a way that is designed to enrich a preacher's pulpit ministry.
  • Bush, George. Notes on Genesis. Volume 1, Volume 2 in 1 (see below). Minneapolis: Klock & Klock Christian Publishers, 1976. Although dated archaeologically and historically, Bush more than makes up for these deficiencies with his enriching comments on the text, sidelights drawn from his thorough knowledge of the Arab culture, and devotional application.
  • Candlish, Robert Smith. Studies in Genesis (see below). Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications, 1979. First published in 1868. Candlish highlights the doctrinal issues as well as the biographical features contained in this portion of God's Word. In spite of its age, this remains one of the best works for pastors. Recommended.
  • Davidson, Robert. Genesis 1-11. Cambridge Bible Commentary on the New English Bible. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1973. †This "Prologue" to Genesis presents the material in the form of myths within a religious framework and seeks to see extrabiblical tales behind the events of creation, the Fall, the Flood, and the tower of Babel.
  • _______, Genesis 12-50. Cambridge Bible Commentary on the New English Bible. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979. If one makes allowance for the writer's use of Redaktionsgeschichte, this work has some value for it is rich in historical references and has some occasional exegetical insights.
  • BORROW THIS BOOK - Davis, John D. Genesis and Semitic Tradition. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1980. First published in 1894, this conservative work by a Reformed Bible scholar demonstrates the uniqueness as well as the integrity of the OT when compared with literary material from the ancient Near East. Most valuable.
  • BORROW THIS BOOK - Davis, John James. Paradise to Prison: Studies in Genesis. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1975. An indispensable aid to the study of Genesis by one whose archaeological, historical, and philological expertise places him in the forefront of evangelical scholars today. Recommended.
  • BORROW THIS BOOK -  DeHaan, Martin Ralph. Portraits of Christ in Genesis. Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications, 1995. First published in 1966. These messages comprise the last of DeHaan’s highly readable books. They explores the lives of the men mentioned in Genesis and draw from their experiences the prophetic types that prefigure the life and ministry of Jesus Christ.
  • Delitzsch, Franz Julius. A New Commentary on Genesis (see below). Translated by S. Taylor. 2 vols. Minneapolis: Klock & Klock Christian Publishers, 1979. Adopts a moderate approach to the critical theories of authorship. Provides an excellent treatment of the period from Abraham to Joseph. Deserving of careful reading.
  • *Dillow, Joseph C. The Waters Above: Earth's Pre-Flood Vapor Canopy. Chicago: Moody Press, 1981. By drawing information from a variety of sources, Dillow provides ample evidence in support of an antediluvian vapor canopy around the earth. His exegesis is thorough and the model he proposes is plausible, explaining thermal and physical phenomena in an understandable manner. Recommended.
  • BORROW THIS BOOK -  Erdman, Charles Rosenbury. The Book of Genesis: An Exposition. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1982. First published in 1950, this handy overview of Moses' first book traces the main theme and reveals the relevance of this portion of God's Word through the leading characters.
  • Fohr, S. D. Adam and Eve: The Spiritual Symbolism of Genesis and Exodus. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1986. Seeks to retrieve the narrative portions of Genesis and Exodus from the limbo to which modern scholarship has relegated them. Develops a symbolic interpretation based upon four ages and a cyclical view of history. 
  • Gibson, John C. L. Genesis. 2 vols. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1981-. †Inspired by William Barclay's NT studies, these OT works seek to follow a similar format. Gibson's scholarship is impeccable, but his reliance on extrabiblical source material and adherence to beliefs long identified with the theological left undermine the value of this commentary. "This is liberal scholarship at its worst. Conservative views of this section of scripture are set aside and often ridiculed. Evangelicals should look elsewhere for insights into this vital portion of the Old Testament" (Donald K. Campbell).
  • BORROW THIS BOOK - Green, William Henry. The Unity of the Book of Genesis. Also available in  *.doc  *.pdf  *.html Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1979. First published in 1895, this volume answers the adherents of the documentary hypothesis point-by-point. Green maintains the consistency, harmony, unity, and Mosaic authorship of Genesis and succeeds in demolishing higher critical theories with a fairness that is impressive.
  • BORROW THIS BOOK - Ham, Ken, and Paul Taylor. The Genesis Solution. Santee, CA: Master Books, 1988. Shows the importance of a proper understanding of the Book of Genesis. Explains how such an approach to the world's and mankind's beginnings is essential to all other forms of knowledge. A good book. Well-reasoned.
  • Hamilton, Victor P. The Book of Genesis, Chapters 1--17. New International Commentary on the Old Testament. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1990. Includes sections on the book's title, structure, composition, theology, problems in interpretation, canonicity, the MT, an outline, and a select bibliography. The commentary is based upon the author's own translation, and gives evidence of his extensive knowledge of the ancient Near East, of the writings of others, and of literary and form criticism
  • Hamilton, Victor P. The Book of Genesis, Chapters 18--50. New International Commentary on the Old Testament. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans publishing Co., 1995. This prodigious and scholarly work provides readers with linguistic, historical, literary, social and theological information on the text of Genesis and the lives of the Patriarchs. It emphasizes God’s loyalty to His word and illustrates His faithfulness to His covenant. This volume begins with Abraham’s reception of the three “Visitors” and ends with the story of Joseph. Devotional thoughts are interspersed with more technical data., and the result is a work of real merit. (THE FOLLOWING WORK by Hamilton can be borrowed - Handbook on the Pentateuch : Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy - not great detail but has some interesting insights on some of the chapters. 
  • BORROW THIS BOOK - Hughes, R. Kent. Genesis: Beginning and Blessing. Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2004. This well-outlined exposition of 702 pp. (replete with an index of Hughes’ sermon illustrations) gives evidence of careful preparation. The stories in the book of Genesis are well-known to us, and here they receive fresh analysis and application. Hughes’ critique of human nature is prominent throughout, and he boldly points out the origin of our rebellion against God and continued sinfulness. Also prominent is God’s grace freely bestowed upon His undeserving creatures. Preachers will find that this work contains an abundance helpful information.
  • Jacob, Benno. The First Book of the Bible: Genesis. Translated and edited by Ernest I. Jacob and Walter Jacob. New York: Ktav Publishing House, 1974. After rejecting the documentary hypothesis, the author breaks new ground as he correlates the rich heritage of Judaism with the text of Genesis.
  • Janzen, J. Gerald. Abraham and All the Families of the Earth: A Commentary on the Book of Genesis 12--50. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1993. “The ever-increasing interdependency of our postmodern era between all people of the earth-- and, between humans and the earth itself--demands that a hermeneutic of salvation history take into account the complexities of world history and embrace the environment. Janzen provides an important contribution toward such a goal by interpreting Israel’s ancestral history in Genesis 12--50 within the larger framework of creation in Genesis 1--11.”--Thomas B. Dozeman.
  • Jukes, Andrew. Types in Genesis (see below). Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications, 1976. Reprinted from the eighth (1898) edition, this work concentrates on the spiritual significance of the lives of those mentioned by Moses in his first book (Click for warnings about Typological Interpretation)
  • BORROW THIS BOOK - Kikawada, Isaac M., and Arthur Quinn. Before Abraham Was: The Unity of Genesis 1-11. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1985. After carefully analyzing a century of OT scholarship supporting the documentary hypothesis, these authors affirm the unity of Genesis 1-11. It is hoped that this work will contribute much toward a fresh appreciation of this all important portion of God's Word
  • Law, Henry. The Gospel in Genesis (see below). Carlisle, PA: Banner of Truth Trust, 1993. Sermons on select verses. Devotional and spiritually edifying, but at times heavily topological (Click for warnings about Typological Interpretation)
  • BORROW THIS BOOK - Morris, Henry Madison. The Genesis Record: A Scientific and Devotional Commentary on the Book of Beginnings. (See below for his Study Notes on Genesis) Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1976. Valuable as corollary reading. Of great importance for the scientific data that has been included in the author's exposition. Should be consulted by all who wish to be well-informed on the issues alluded to by Moses. (The Genesis Record : a Scientific and Devotional Commentary can be borrowed)
  • BORROW THIS BOOK - Phillips, John. Exploring Genesis: An Expository Commentary. (3 copies available) Grand Rapids: Kregel, 2001. First published in 1980. Designed for beginning Bible students, this work contains some valid applications of truth to life, but does not deal convincingly with some of the problems.
  • Sailhamer, John H. Genesis Unbound: A Provocative New Look at the Creation Account. Sisters, OR: Multnomah Books, 1996. “A startlingly refreshing and innovative interpretation of the text of Genesis 1--2. It is an altogether new way of seeking the much needed rapproachment between the young and old earth Bible believers. Not everyone will adopt all of the features of this reverent treatment of the text, but all will find plenty to challenge their thinking in areas that they might have previously thought were consistent with the biblical text. This volume will be talked about for years to come.”-- Walter C. Kaiser, Jr. (BORROW RELATED BOOK The Pentateuch as narrative : a biblical-theological commentary)
  • BORROW THIS BOOK - Schaeffer, Francis August. Genesis in Space and Time: The Flow of Biblical History. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1972. In grappling with the dilemmas facing modern man, Schaeffer correctly traces their origin to man's rejection of the early chapters of Genesis. The author from L'Abri explains their relevance in contemporary terms.
  • Stedman, Ray C. The Beginnings (see his sermons Genesis 1-32). Waco, Tex.: Word Books, 1978. Covering Genesis 4-11, this sequel to Understanding Man continues the author's expository studies and treats the major events from the sin of Cain to the tower of Babel. Insightful. BORROW THIS BOOKFriend of God : the legacy of Abraham, man of faith
  • Stigers, Harold G. A Commentary on Genesis. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1975. Information from the recently discovered Ebla texts was not available to the author when he worked on the manuscript of this book. Though the treatment is primarily exegetical, the translation of the Hebrew text is helpful, and the handling of the grammar brings out the nuances inherent in the original. The placing of events in their ancient setting is particularly valuable to preachers. Unfortunately, the work is marred by numerous misspellings of Hebrew words (in their transliteration).
  • BORROW THIS BOOK - Swindoll, Charles Rozell. Joseph: A Man of Integrity and Forgiveness. Nashville: Nelson, 1998. Swindoll’s introductions are generally very good. His attempts at relevance frequently deteriorate into trite colloquiums that are “in” today and passé tomorrow. As far as the content of this book is concerned, these chapters lack insight into human nature, sidestep interpretive problems, and emphasize the obvious. What is lacking is the kind of edifying explanation drawn from the lessons of Joseph’s life.
  • Thomas, William Henry Griffith. Genesis, A Devotional Commentary (see below). Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications, 1988. Thomas' discussion of Genesis 1--11 attempts to interact with the scientific information current in his day. His treatment of chapters 12--50 is excellent. Walter C. Kaiser, Jr., says of his book: "The outstanding feature of [this work] is the way in which he puts the whole book together, carefully weaving the book's purpose, plan, unity, values, and doctrines into a beautiful, but challenging tapestry." This richly devotional work is ideal for lay study as well as for pastors. Highly recommended
  • BORROW THIS BOOK -  Waltke, Bruce Keith, and C. J. Fredricks. Genesis : a commentary
    Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2001. The authors could have written an erudite work, but instead produced a commentary that can be read by an intelligent layperson. There are many excellencies scattered throughout these pages. The authors do not fit into a preconceived mold. They offer a view of creation that allows for a pre-Adamic race before Genesis 1:1; adopt an amillennial approach to Genesis 12:1-3 (that unfortunately blurs the distinction between “Jews, Gentiles and the Church of God in the NT); make allowance for Moses’ use of documents, and believe that the book was brought to its present state by an unknown editor.
  • BORROW THIS BOOK -  Wenham, Gordon J. Genesis 1--15. Word Biblical Commentary. Waco, TX: Word Books, 1987. This is a work of remarkable erudition. While some will consult it solely to ascertain whether or not Wenham agrees with them on some disputed point, the value of this commentary extends to the writer's discussion of the theology of Genesis, as well as his citation of important contemporary literary sources. While thoroughly conversant with the Documentary Hypothesis, only rarely does Wenham include this information in his treatment of these chapters. This is an exemplary work, and we look forward with anticipation to the publication of vol. 2.)
  • BORROW THIS BOOK -   Wenham, Gordon J. Genesis 16--50. Word Biblical Commentary. Dallas, TX: Word Publications, 1994. Aims at accuracy in interpreting the original text. Here is a work of exceptional merit. It abounds in preaching values, and is to be highly recommended.
  • Westermann, Claus. Genesis, a Commentary. 3 vols. Translated by J. J. Scullion. Minneapolis: Augsburg Publishing House, 1984-86. Follows the European format for contemporary commentaries with an extensive bibliography preceding each section. Adheres to modern critical assumptions of the text's redaction. While the comments on each biblical passage are not particularly scintillating, this is a wide-ranging, well-informed, well-researched, well-documented commentary, and it is well-deserving of consultation.
  • BORROW THIS BOOK -  Westermann, Claus. Genesis: A Commentary. Translated by J. J. Scullion. In process. Minneapolis: Augsburg Publishing House, 1984- †Scheduled for three volumes, this painstaking commentary covers all of the issues that undergird the development of a sound biblical theology. Westermann adheres to the usual documentary hypothesis and makes use of Formgeschichte and Redaktiongeschichte. Valuable excurses are included in each section. These help readers gain an invaluable understanding of these chapters of Genesis in the development of theology.
  • BORROW THIS BOOK -  Whitcomb, John Clement, Jr. The World That Perished. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1973. This supplement to The Genesis Flood and companion volume of The Early Earth brings up to date the author's vast research into the primeval conditions prevailing on the earth before the Deluge, as well as the changes that took place following the Flood
  • BORROW THIS BOOK -  Youngblood, Ronald, ed. The Genesis debate : persistent questions about Creation and the Flood Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1986. Twenty-two scholars from different theological traditions debate such issues as the length of the days of creation; the age of the earth; evolution vs. creation; the nature of Cain's offering; and so forth. Both sides of an issue are presented by writers convinced that their position is the biblical one. The result is a very handy volume in which a reader can quickly and easily gain an understanding of the pros and cons of the situation. Recommended.


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Genesis 50

Resources Related to Genesis

Related to Genesis

THESE ARE ALL THUMBNAILS (SMALL PICTURES) AND IF YOU CLICK THEM THEY TAKE YOU TO A SITE THAT DOES NOT HAVE THE LARGE IMAGE (I would recommend not clicking the thumbnails as it will take you to a site with annoying popups, etc)

HINT: From these pictures you can do a simple Google Image search and find the larger image. For example, click on "Eden" and you will note the picture under Genesis 2:4-25 entitled "Garden of Eden" and the artist's name is Jacob de Backer. So go to Google IMAGE search (not the general search) and in the search box (or address bar) type - "Garden of Eden" Jacob de Backer - This will retrieve the image in full size.


Hint: You can use Google image search (use "Safe search" to be sure to filter out explicit images) to great advantage - Click the link below and type in your book title and chapter, being sure to put them in quotation marks. Do this for Genesis 1, 2, 3, etc. You will retrieve an assortment of pictures in terms of quality but this should allow you to select suitable material for teaching, preaching or general illustration.

Book of Genesis

Note: This older work is a compilation of sermons, notes, illustrations from a variety of preachers and expositors.

Introduction Genesis 1 Genesis 2 Genesis 3
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Genesis 37 Genesis 38 Genesis 39 Genesis 41
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Genesis 50


Devotionals on Genesis 1-6


  1. Genesis 1
  2. Genesis 2
  3. Genesis 3
  4. Genesis 4
  5. Genesis 5
  6. Genesis 6


  2. SATAN


Modern commentary - published July, 2017. 


Introduction Genesis 1 Genesis 2 Genesis 3
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Genesis 46 Genesis 47 Genesis 49


Bush, George (biography).

Cyril Barber - Although dated archaeologically and historically, Bush more than makes up for these deficiencies with his enriching comments on the text, sidelights drawn from his thorough knowledge of the Arab culture, and devotional application.

Commentary on Genesis

My comments on Clarke's commentary - "Clarke (1760-1832) was Methodist, Wesleyan, Arminian, (e.g., Clarke "suggested that although God can know all future events, He chooses not to know some events beforehand" Baker Encyclopedia of the Bible, page 808). He did not always interpret Scripture literally and so was amillennial (to quote Clarke on 1000 years - "I am satisfied that this period should not be taken literally" [see comment on Rev 20:4] - he interpreted Revelation as a Historicist) which led him to interpret the church as fulfilling many OT promises to Israel. He was influential in development of doctrine of Entire Sanctification (or "Christian perfection"). Clarke did affirm the authority and sufficiency of Scripture, but held a belief of "plenary dynamic inspiration" (idea of every thought inspired), thus falling short of "plenary verbal inspiration" (every single word inspired) (Bib. Sacra: Vol 125, p 163, 1968). In summary, a useful, respected commentary but as with all extra-Biblical resources you are advised to "Be a Berean!" (Acts 17:11+)

James Rosscup - This old, conservative Wesleyan Methodist work is good devotionally and aggressive for righteous living. Laypeople can find it still valuable today. It is Arminian in viewpoint and thus helpful, for example, in showing the reader how this approach deals with texts involving the eternal security question. The work contains much background material from many sources on all books of the Bible.

C H Spurgeon adds that "Adam Clarke is the great annotator of our Wesleyan friends; and they have no reason to be ashamed of him, for he takes rank among the chief of expositors. His mind was evidently fascinated by the singularities of learning, and hence his commentary is rather too much of an old curiosity shop, but it is filled with valuable rarities, such as none but a great man could have collected. Like Gill, he is one-sided, only in the opposite direction to our friend the Baptist. The use of the two authors may help to preserve the balance of your judgments. If you consider Clarke wanting in unction, do not read him for savor but for criticism, and then you will not be disappointed. The author thought that lengthy reflections were rather for the preacher than the commentator, and hence it was not a part of his plan to write such observations as those which endear Matthew Henry to the million. If you have a copy of Adam Clarke, and exercise discretion in reading it, you will derive immense advantage from it, for frequently by a sort of side-light he brings out the meaning of the text in an astonishingly novel manner. I do not wonder that Adam Clarke still stands, notwithstanding his peculiarities, a prince among commentators. I do not find him so helpful as Gill, but still, from his side of the question, with which I have personally no sympathy, he is an important writer, and deserves to be studied by every reader of the Scriptures. He very judiciously says of Dr. Gill, “He was a very learned and good man, but has often lost sight of his better judgment in spiritualizing the text;” this is the very verdict which we pass upon himself, only altering the last sentence a word or two; “He has often lost sight of his better judgment in following learned singularities;” the monkey, instead of the serpent, tempting Eve, is a notable instance." (Spurgeon, C. H. Lectures to my Students, Vol. 4: Commenting and Commentaries; Lectures Addressed to the students of the Pastors' College, Metropolitan Tabernacle)

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Commentary on Genesis

Introduction Genesis 1 Genesis 2 Genesis 3
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Cyril Barber - First published in 1868. Candlish highlights the doctrinal issues as well as the biographical features contained in this portion of God's Word. In spite of its age, this remains one of the best works for pastors. Recommended.

James Rosscup -This was rated by Spurgeon in Commenting and Commentaries as “the (premier) work on Genesis”. There are 72 chapters in lecture form. Candlish believes in a young earth but alas, the universal fatherhood of God. His work is often helpful in spite of some peculiarities, but not nearly as beneficial as many works since. (Commentaries for Biblical Expositors: An Annotated Bibliography of Selected Works)

Book of Genesis

Introduction Genesis 1 Genesis 2 Genesis 3
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Genesis 12 Genesis 13 Genesis 14 Genesis 15
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Genesis 33 Genesis 34 Genesis 35 Genesis 36
Genesis 37 Genesis 38 Genesis 39 Genesis 41
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Genesis 50

Sermons on Genesis

Excellent Resource. Virtually Verse by Verse
More than 900 pages of in depth preaching, functions almost like a commentary

on the Whole Bible - Genesis
Robert Jamieson, A. R. Fausset, David Brown

James Rosscup writes that "This is a helpful old set of 1863 for laypeople and pastors to have because it usually comments at least to some degree on problems. Though terse, it provides something good on almost any passage, phrase by phrase and is to some degree critical in nature. It is evangelical....Especially in its multi-volume form this is one of the old evangelical works that offers fairly solid though brief help on many verses" (Commentaries for Biblical Expositors: An Annotated Bibliography of Selected Works)

C H Spurgeon writes "Of this I have a very high opinion. It is the joint work of Mr. Jamieson, A. R. Fausset, and Dr. David Brown. It is to some extent a compilation and condensation of other men’s thoughts, but it is sufficiently original to claim a place in every minister’s library; indeed it contains so great a variety of information that if a man had no other exposition he would find himself at no great loss if he possessed this and used it diligently" (Spurgeon, C. H. Lectures to my Students, Vol. 4: Commenting and Commentaries; Lectures Addressed to the students of the Pastors' College, Metropolitan Tabernacle)

Introduction Genesis 1 Genesis 2 Genesis 3
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Genesis 50

on the Whole Bible - Genesis
Robert Jamieson, A. R. Fausset, David Brown

Introduction Genesis 1 Genesis 2 Genesis 3
Genesis 4 Genesis 5 Genesis 6 Genesis 7
Genesis 8 Genesis 9 Genesis 10 Genesis 11
Genesis 12 Genesis 13 Genesis 14 Genesis 15
Genesis 16 Genesis 17 Genesis 18 Genesis 19
Genesis 21 Genesis 22 Genesis 23 Genesis 24
Genesis 25 Genesis 26 Genesis 27 Genesis 28
Genesis 29 Genesis 30 Genesis 31 Genesis 32
Genesis 33 Genesis 34 Genesis 35 Genesis 36
Genesis 37 Genesis 38 Genesis 39 Genesis 41
Genesis 42 Genesis 43 Genesis 44 Genesis 45
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Genesis 50

Expository Notes and Commentary

Introduction Genesis 1 Genesis 2 Genesis 3
Genesis 4 Genesis 5 Genesis 6 Genesis 7
Genesis 8 Genesis 9 Genesis 10 Genesis 11
Genesis 12 Genesis 13 Genesis 14 Genesis 15
Genesis 16 Genesis 17 Genesis 18 Genesis 19
Genesis 21 Genesis 22 Genesis 23 Genesis 24
Genesis 25 Genesis 26 Genesis 27 Genesis 28
Genesis 29 Genesis 30 Genesis 31 Genesis 32
Genesis 33 Genesis 34 Genesis 35 Genesis 36
Genesis 37 Genesis 38 Genesis 39 Genesis 41
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Genesis 46 Genesis 47 Genesis 48 Genesis 49
Genesis 50

Sermons on Genesis

A New Commentary on Genesis

This is a different resource than Keil & Delitzsch below

Cyril Barber - Adopts a moderate approach to the critical theories of authorship. Provides an excellent treatment of the period from Abraham to Joseph. Deserving of careful reading.

James Rosscup writes that "The author holds to the Documentary Hypothesis but does not deny the uniqueness of Genesis or minimize the significance and authority of its message. He is careful in the Hebrew and deals with the problems, providing much to aid the expositor." (Commentaries for Biblical Expositors: An Annotated Bibliography of Selected Works)

Devotionals on
Book of Genesis

  1. Genesis 11:27-32 Fruitfulness Requires Separation
  2. Genesis 12:4-9 Separation Often Produces Conflict
  3. Genesis 12:7-9 A Tent and Altar Life
  4. Genesis 12:9-13 Altar Neglect Brings Failure
  5. Genesis 12:14-20 Friend of the World or of God?
  6. Genesis 13:1-4 Results of Backsliding  (Backsliding)
  7. Genesis 13:5-13 Spirit-Controlled or Carnal?
  8. Genesis 14:10-16 Restoring a Brother
  9. Genesis 14:17-24 Refusing the World's Offers
  10. Genesis 15:1-6 The Believer's Reward
  11. Genesis 16:6-16 Results of the Lack of Faith
  12. Genesis 17:1-2 God's Perfect Timing
  13. Genesis 17 The Almighty God
  14. Genesis 17:3-8 Abraham's God Is Our God
  15. Genesis 17:9-21 (scroll down) Flesh and Spirit in Conflict 
  16. Genesis 18:1-5 God Honors His Own
  17. Genesis 18:6-15 Nothing Is Impossible
  18. Genesis 18:16-21 A Friend of God
  19. Genesis 18:22-33 Intercessory Prayer
  20. Genesis 20:1-7 The Disobedient Servant
  21. Genesis 20:8-18 God of the Overcomer 
  22. Genesis 21:1-7 God Loves Ordinary People
  23. Genesis 21:8 Going on to Maturity
  24. Genesis 21:9-21 Conflict is Inevitable
  25. Genesis 21:11 The Basis of Unity
  26. Genesis 21:12 Parting With the Desires of the Flesh
  27. Genesis 22:1-8 The Necessity of Testing
  28. Genesis 22:1-2 Testing Has a Purpose
  29. Genesis 22:3 The Response of Faith
  30. Genesis 22:4-5 Trusting in Spite of Circumstances
  31. Genesis 22:7-9 A Submissive Faith
  32. Genesis 22:9-12 Action Proves Faith
  33. Genesis 22:13-19 Passing the Test
  34. Genesis 24:63 God Honors Quiet Dedication
  35. Genesis 25:1-8 Our Highest Goal
  36. Genesis 25:21-26 Two Children Become Two Nations
  37. Genesis 25:27-34 Running Ahead of God
  38. Missing
  39. Genesis 25:34 Despising God's Provisions
  40. Genesis 26:1-6 Don't Rely on the Flesh
  41. Genesis 26:7-11 Like Father, Like Son
  42. Genesis 26:12-14 Backslidden but Blessed
  43. Genesis 26:14-16 Blessing and Presence
  44. Genesis 26:17-20 (scroll down) Heading Home
  45. Genesis 26:21-22 Not Insisting on Rights
  46. Genesis 26:23-24 Restored Fellowship
  47. Genesis 26:25 Three Absolutes
  48. Genesis 26:30-33 (scroll down) God Exalts the Totally Committed
  49. Genesis 27:1-17 Impatient to Wait on God
  50. Genesis 27:18-29 Deceived by a Kiss
  51. Genesis 27:30-37 The Effects of Selfishness
  52. Genesis 27:30-40 Bad Attitude Brings Spiritual Loss
  53. Genesis 27:41-46 Sowing and Reaping
  54. Genesis 28:1-5 Bringing Out the Best
  55. Genesis 28:10-17 God Knows Us Thoroughly
  56. Genesis 29:1-12 Nothing by Chance
  57. Genesis 29:13-15 God Teaches Us Through Others
  58. Genesis 29:16-28 The Cost of Refusing to Wait
  59. Genesis 30:25-33 God Forgives the One Who Repents
  60. Genesis 31:1-7 God Knows the Heart
  61. Genesis 31:43-49 A Covenant of Separation
  62. Genesis 32:1-8 At the End of Self
  63. Genesis 32:9-12 Praying With Proper Motives
  64. Genesis 32:13-21 God's Plan or Ours?
  65. Genesis 32:22-26 Alone with God
  66. Genesis 32:27-32 Is All on the Altar?
  67. Genesis 33:1-11 Fear Follows Great Experience
  68. Genesis 33:12-20 Too Timid to Testify
  69. Genesis 34:1-7 A Step at a Time
  70. Genesis 34:27-35:3 In Spite of Sin, Grace
  71. Genesis 35:4-12 Bethel at Last!
  72. Genesis 35:16-20 A Marriage Partner Dies
  73. Genesis 35:27-29 A Father Dies
  74. Genesis 35:28-29 Blessing of Difficulties
  75. Genesis 37:1-4 Influence During Formative Years
  76. Genesis 37:5-11 God's Mysterious Ways
  77. Genesis 37:18-24 Facing Death Prepares for Life
  78. Genesis 37:25-36 Faith for Life's Uncertainties
  79. Genesis 39:1-6 A Life of Faithfulness
  80. Genesis 39:7-13 Resisting Temptation
  81. Genesis 39:13-23 God Never Deserts His Own
  82. Genesis 40:1-8 Serving Willingly and Faithfully
  83. Genesis 40:9-15 God Knows Our Heartaches
  84. Genesis 40:16-23 Special Favors Forgotten (Training Through Chastening)
  85. Genesis 41:1-14 Failure of the World's Wisdom
  86. Genesis 41:25-36 Advice Without Self-Interest
  87. Genesis 41:37-45 The Test of Position and Prosperity
  88. Genesis 41:46-57 Forgetting Past Trials
  89. Genesis 42:1-17 Brothers Meet Again
  90. Genesis 42:18-28 No Grudges Held
  91. Genesis 42:29-38 Judging by the Circumstances
  92. Genesis 43:1-18 Guilt Produces Fear
  93. Genesis 43:1-10 Death to the Self-Life
  94. Genesis 43:19-34 A Brother Is Honored
  95. Genesis 44:1-16 No Excuses; Mercy Sought
  96. Genesis 44:17-34 A Right Heart Attitude
  97. Genesis 45:1-15  Not You . . . But God
  98. Genesis 45:16-28  A Father Hears Good News
  99. Genesis 46:1-34 A Family Reunion
  100. Genesis 47:1-31 God's Purpose Fulfilled
  101. Genesis 47:1-12 Testifying to a King
  102. Genesis 48:1-22 New Heirs Appointed (Fearing God)
  103. Genesis 49:28-33 A Believer Dies
  104. Genesis 50:1-17 Failing to Accept Forgiveness
  105. Genesis 50:18-26 Confidence in God's Word

Book of Genesis
Marcus Dods

Warren Wiersbe one of the more esteemed modern evangelical commentators writes: If you can locate the six-volume edition of the Expositor’s Bible, buy it immediately! It takes up less space than the original fifty-volume set, and not everything in the original set is worth owning.

Cyril J. Barber - This set, originally published in 1903, contains expositions by both conservative and liberal theologians. The most important works are by Dods (Genesis), Chadwick (Exodus and Mark), Kellogg (Leviticus), Blaikie (Joshua, I and II Samuel), Adeney (Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther), Maclaren (Psalms), Moule (Romans), Findlay (Galatians and Ephesians), Plummer (Pastoral Epistles and the Epistles of James and Jude), and Milligan (Revelation.)

Introduction Genesis 1 Genesis 2 Genesis 3
Genesis 4 Genesis 5 Genesis 6 Genesis 7
Genesis 8 Genesis 9 Genesis 10 Genesis 11
Genesis 12 Genesis 13 Genesis 14 Genesis 15
Genesis 16 Genesis 17 Genesis 18 Genesis 19
Genesis 21 Genesis 22 Genesis 23 Genesis 24
Genesis 25 Genesis 26 Genesis 27 Genesis 28
Genesis 29 Genesis 30 Genesis 31 Genesis 32
Genesis 33 Genesis 34 Genesis 35 Genesis 36
Genesis 37 Genesis 38 Genesis 39 Genesis 41
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Genesis 46 Genesis 47 Genesis 48 Genesis 49
Genesis 50


Commentary on Genesis
 Annotated Bible

James Rosscup writes that "This dispensationally oriented work is not verse-by-verse, but deals with the exposition on a broader scale, treating blocks of thought within the chapters. Cf. also Arno C. Gaebelein, Gaebelein’s Concise Commentary on the Whole Bible (I Volume, Neptune, NJ: Loizeaux, 1985), the Annotated Bible revised. The author was a popular evangelical Bible teacher of the first part of the century, much like H. A. Ironside in his diligent but broad, practical expositions of Bible books. Gaebelein was premillennial and dispensational, and editor for many years of Our Hope Magazine." (Commentaries for Biblical Expositors: An Annotated Bibliography of Selected Works)

Introduction Genesis 1 Genesis 2 Genesis 3
Genesis 4 Genesis 5 Genesis 6 Genesis 7
Genesis 8 Genesis 9 Genesis 10 Genesis 11
Genesis 12 Genesis 13 Genesis 14 Genesis 15
Genesis 16 Genesis 17 Genesis 18 Genesis 19
Genesis 21 Genesis 22 Genesis 23 Genesis 24
Genesis 25 Genesis 26 Genesis 27 Genesis 28
Genesis 29 Genesis 30 Genesis 31 Genesis 32
Genesis 33 Genesis 34 Genesis 35 Genesis 36
Genesis 37 Genesis 38 Genesis 39 Genesis 41
Genesis 42 Genesis 43 Genesis 44 Genesis 45
Genesis 46 Genesis 47 Genesis 48 Genesis 49
Genesis 50

Commentary on Genesis

C H Spurgeon -- "Beyond all controversy, John Gill was one of the most able Hebraists of his day, and in other matters no mean proficient...His great work on the Holy Scriptures is greatly prized at the present day by the best authorities, which is conclusive evidence of its value, since the set of the current of theological thought is quite contrary to that of Dr. Gill. No one in these days is likely to be censured for his Arminianism, but most modern divines affect to sneer at anything a little too highly Calvinistic (see Calvinism): however, amid the decadence of his own rigid system, and the disrepute of even more moderate Calvinism, Gill’s laurels as an expositor are still green. His ultraism is discarded, but his learning is respected: the world and the church take leave to question his dogmatism, but they both bow before his erudition. Probably no man since Gill’s days has at all equaled him in the matter of Rabbinical learning. Say what you will about that lore, it has its value: of course, a man has to rake among perfect dunghills and dust-heaps, but there are a few jewels which the world could not afford to miss. Gill was a master cinder-sifter among the Targums, the Talmuds, the Mishnah, and the Gemara. Richly did he deserve the degree of which he said, “I never bought it, nor thought it, nor sought it.”

He was always at work; it is difficult to say when he slept, for he wrote 10,000 folio pages of theology. The portrait of him which belongs to this church, and hangs in my private vestry, and from which all the published portraits have been engraved, represents him after an interview with an Arminian gentleman, turning up his nose in a most expressive manner, as if he could not endure even the smell of free-will. In some such a vein he wrote his commentary. He hunts Arminianism throughout the whole of it. He is far from being so interesting and readable as Matthew Henry. He delivered his comments to his people from Sabbath to Sabbath, hence their peculiar mannerism. His frequent method of animadversion (a critical and usually censorious remark) is, “This text does not mean this,” nobody ever thought it did; “It does not mean that,” only two or three heretics ever imagined it did; and again it does not mean a third thing, or a fourth, or a fifth, or a sixth absurdity; but at last he thinks it does mean so-and-so, and tells you so in a methodical, sermon-like manner. This is an easy method, gentlemen, of filling up the time, if you are ever short of heads for a sermon. Show your people firstly, secondly, and thirdly, what the text does not mean, and then afterwards you can go back and show them what it does mean. It may be thought, however, that one such a teacher is enough, and that what was tolerated from a learned doctor would be scouted in a student fresh from college. For good, sound, massive, sober sense in commenting, who can excel Gill? Very seldom does he allow himself to be run away with by imagination, except now and then when he tries to open up a parable, and finds a meaning in every circumstance and minute detail; or when he falls upon a text which is not congenial with his creed, and hacks and hews terribly to bring the word of God into a more systematic shape. Gill is the Coryphaeus (the leader of the Greek chorus and thus the leader of any movement) of Hyper-Calvinism, but if his followers never went beyond their master, they would not go very far astray." (Spurgeon, C. H. Lectures to my Students, Vol. 4: Commenting and Commentaries; Lectures Addressed to the students of the Pastors' College, Metropolitan Tabernacle)

James Rosscup adds that "Gill (1697–1771), a pastor of England, wrote these which are two-column pages, ca. 900–1,000 pages per volume, Originally they were 9 volumes, folio. He also wrote Body of Divinity, 3 volumes, and several other volumes. His commentary is evangelical, wrestles with texts, is often wordy and not to the point but with worthy things for the patient who follow the ponderous detail and fish out slowly what his interpretation of a text is. He feels the thousand years in Revelation 20 cannot begin until after the conversion of the Jews and the bringing in of the fullness of the Gentiles and destruction of all anti-Christian powers (volume 6, p. 1063) but in an amillennial sense of new heavens and new earth coming right after Christ’s second advent (pp1064–65), and the literal thousand years of binding at the same time. He feels the group that gathers against the holy city at the end of the thousand years is the resurrected wicked dead from the four quarters of the earth (i.e. from all the earth, etc. (1067)." (Commentaries for Biblical Expositors: An Annotated Bibliography of Selected Works)

Introduction Genesis 1 Genesis 2 Genesis 3
Genesis 4 Genesis 5 Genesis 6 Genesis 7
Genesis 8 Genesis 9 Genesis 10 Genesis 11
Genesis 12 Genesis 13 Genesis 14 Genesis 15
Genesis 16 Genesis 17 Genesis 18 Genesis 19
Genesis 21 Genesis 22 Genesis 23 Genesis 24
Genesis 25 Genesis 26 Genesis 27 Genesis 28
Genesis 29 Genesis 30 Genesis 31 Genesis 32
Genesis 33 Genesis 34 Genesis 35 Genesis 36
Genesis 37 Genesis 38 Genesis 39 Genesis 41
Genesis 42 Genesis 43 Genesis 44 Genesis 45
Genesis 46 Genesis 47 Genesis 48 Genesis 49
Genesis 50

Sermons on Genesis
Union Church


  • Genesis; Principle #1; Gen 1:1-25; p. 5 Chosen in Christ: To have an abundant life now and eternally, we must receive the gift of life provided by the all-powerful God who created the universe. Video
  • Genesis; Principle #2; Gen 1:26-2:7; p. 73 Body, Soul, and Spirit: Since we are eternal beings created by God to inhabit physical bodies, we are to offer our total beings to God in order to glorify Him Video
  • Genesis; Principle #3; Gen 2:8-24; p. 7 Marital Union: To grow in openess and unity, we are to follow God's plan regarding a one man-one woman relationship within the bonds of marriage. Video
  • Genesis; Principle #4; Gen 3:1-7; p. 7 Satan's Tactics: Since Satans goal is to deceive us, we should consistently focus on God's truthful message in His Word. Video
  • Genesis; Principle #5; Gen 3:8-13; p. 8 Avoiding Rationalization: We should be on guard against our tendency to rationalize disobedience and shift blame Video
  • Genesis; Principle #6; Gen 3:16; p. 9 Avoiding Marital Conflict: To avoid tensions in our marriages, we are to follow Christs example of love. Video
  • Genesis; Principle #7; Gen 4:1-8; p. 9
  • Sinful Anger: We must not allow the God-created emotion of anger become sinful Video
  • Genesis; Principle #8; Gen. 4:17-19; p. 10 Moral Purity: To live in God's will, we must maintain the one-flesh relationship in marriage Video
  • Genesis; Principle #9; Gen. 5:21-24; p. 11 Biblical Values: Even though many people around us violate biblical values, we are to walk with God Video
  • Genesis; Principle #10; Gen. 6:1-11; p. 12 Holy Living: As the world becomes more and more decadent, we should continue to trust God to enable us to live righteous and Godly lives Video
  • Genesis; Principle #11; Gen. 6:12-22; p. 13 Reflecting God's Compassion: We must be on guard against becoming uncompassionate when God allows people to live sinful lives and even prosper Video
  • Genesis; Principle #12; Gen. 7:1-8:22; p. 14 Common Grace: We must understand that God's material blessings represent His common grace and mercy to all mankind
  • Video
  • Genesis; Principle #13; Gen. 9:1-28; p. 15 Renewing Our Minds: To walk with God daily, we are to renew our minds and be committed to doing His will Video
  • Genesis; Principle #14; Gen. 11:1-9; p. 16 Overcoming Pride: We should avoid the sin of pride, which can lead us to build our own kingdom rather than the kingdom of God Video
  • Genesis; Principle #15; Gen. 11:27-12:3; p. 17 God's Mercy: Since God reached out to us before we reached out to Him, we should always thank Him for saving us by His sovereign grace. Video
  • Genesis; Principle #16; Gen. 12:4-10; p. 18 Seeking God's Wisdom: When we face difficult circumstances, we should always seek God's wisdom so that well continue to walk in His will Video
  • Genesis; Principle #17; Gen. 12:11-15; p. 19 Overcoming Mistakes: We should do all we can to walk in God's will, even though we may have made wrong decisions in the past that have created our present crises. Video
  • Genesis; Principle #18; Gen. 12:16-13:4; p. 19 Material Blessings: We should never conclude that wealth in itself is an indication of God's approval of our attitudes and behavior Video
  • Genesis; Principle #19; Gen. 13:5-11; p. 20 Self-Evaluation: We must continually evaluate our motives and behavior in the light of God's directives in the Word of God. Video
  • Genesis; Principle #20; Gen. 13:12-18; p. 20 Inappropriate Fellowship: To avoid losing our moral bearings, we must not have fellowship with unbelievers who are living immoral and evil lives Video
  • Genesis; Principle #21; Gen. 14:1-15:1; p. 22 Growing in Faith: When we face periods of doubt and fear, we are to look to God to protect us and to meet our needs Video
  • Genesis; Principle #22; Gen. 15:2-6; p. 22 Justified by Faith: No matter what our religious background, we must personalize our faith in God and in His Son, Jesus Christ Video
  • Genesis; Principle #23; Gen. 16:1-2; p. 23 Cultural Influences: We should be cautious not to allow our pre-conversion, non-biblical values to cause us to make decisions that violate God's will Video
  • Genesis; Principle #24; Gen. 16:3-5; p. 24
  • Blaming Others: We must avoid blaming others for our own mistakes.
  • Video
  • Genesis; Principle #25; Gen. 16:15-17:2; p. 24 Growing Spiritually: We should use the negative results of personal mistakes as an opportunity to grow spiritually. Video
  • Genesis; Principle #26; Gen. 17:15-18; p. 25 False Conclusions: We must be cautious not to interpret circumstances subjectively in order to support what have been personal mistakes. Video
  • Genesis; Principle #27; Gen. 17:19-27; p. 26 Obedience to God's Command: Once we have put our faith in Jesus Christ, we should be obedient to God's command and identify ourselves as believers and members of God's family.
  • Video
  • Genesis; Principle #28; Gen. 18:1-15; p. 27 Trusting God: To help others overcome their skepticism and unbelief, we are first and foremost to trust God to intervene in their lives. Video
  • Genesis; Principle #29; Gen. 20:1-18; p. 29 Spiritual Regression: Even though we are growing spiritually, we must be careful not to regress to old patterns of sinful behavior. Video
  • Genesis; Principle #30; Gen. 21:1-10; p. 30 Sins Consequences: We should expect painful consequences when our sin impacts those closest to us. Video
  • Genesis; Principle #31; Gen. 21:11-34; p. 31 Acting Responsibly: Regardless of the consequences of our sins, we are to confess those sins, accept God's forgiveness and move forward in our Christian lives. Video
  • Genesis; Principle #32; Gen. 22:1-19; p. 32 Spiritual Testing: We should not be surprised when God allows unique tests to come into our lives to enable us to become more mature in our Christian experience. Video
  • Genesis; Principle #33; Gen. 23:1-20; p. 33 Lifestyle Evangelism: We should live Godly lives before unbelievers in order to demonstrate that we are truly God's children. Video
  • Genesis; Principle #34; Gen. 24:1-14; p. 33 Praying in God's Will: We are to pray consistently and specifically but always in harmony with God's revealed will in the Word of God. Video
  • Genesis; Principle #35; Gen. 24:15-27; p. 34 Being Thankful: We are humbly to thank and praise God when He answers our prayers. Video
  • Genesis; Principle #36; Gen. 24:28-25:26; p. 36 Modeling Christ: As husbands, we should be an example to our wives in living the Christian life.
  • Video
  • Genesis; Principle #37; Gen. 25:27-28; p. 37 Parental Favoritism: To be wise and mature parents, we must be on constant guard against Satans tactics. Video
  • Genesis; Principle #38; Gen. 25:29-34; p. 37 Selfish Attitudes and Actions: We are never to take advantage of another persons weaknesses in order to achieve our own selfish goals. Video
  • Genesis; Principle #39; Gen. 26:12-25; p. 38 Spiritual Insensitivity: We should continually develop our intimate relationship with God not allowing our hearts to grow cold and insensitive toward our heavenly Father, our families, and our fellow believers. Video
  • Genesis; Principle #40; Gen. 26:26-35; p. 39 Worldly Desires: We are to pursue holiness, not allowing sinful desires to dominate and control our attitudes and actions. Video
  • Genesis; Principle #41; Gen. 27:1-20; p. 40 Pure Motives: We are to faithfully imitate Christs love for us in order to avoid deceptive behavior in our relationships with one another. Video
  • Genesis; Principle #42; Gen. 27:46-28:9; p. 41 Making Proper Decisions: We should first and foremost make decisions to please God, not to ingratiate ourselves with others for purely selfish reasons. Video
  • Genesis; Principle #43; Gen. 28:10-17; p. 42 A Born-Again Experience: Even if we have been reared in a Christian family, we should make sure our relationship with God is personal. Video
  • Genesis; Principle #44; Gen. 28:18-22; p. 43 Faith and Works: We are to test the reality of our relationship with God by the good works that result. Video
  • Genesis; Principle #45; Gen. 29:1-20; p. 44 Carnal Behaviors: Even when we become true believers, we should be on guard against old patterns of sinful behavior that tend to persist.
  • Video
  • Genesis; Principle #46; Gen. 29:21-30; p. 44 Sin Patterns: When we sin against someone and do not seek forgiveness, we should not be surprised if someone sins against us in a similar fashion. Video
  • Genesis; Principle #47; Gen. 29:31-30:24; p. 45 God's Moral Laws: We must obey God's moral laws if we are to avoid family dysfunction in marriage relationships. Video
  • Genesis; Principle #48; Gen. 31:1-32; p. 47 Faith versus Fear: To experience God's power and protection, we should exercise faith, not fear and manipulation. Video
  • Genesis; Principle #49; Gen. 32:1-20; p. 49 The Human and Divine: In times of difficulty, we should seek to blend proper precautions (human effort) with prayer (dependence on God). Video
  • Genesis; Principle #50; Gen. 32:21-32; p. 49 God's Discipline: When we persistently violate God's will, we should anticipate our heavenly Fathers discipline. 
  • Video
  • Genesis; Principle #51; Gen. 33:1-11; p. 50 Godly Fellowship: We are to have close fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Christ so that we can have intimate fellowship with God. Video
  • Genesis; Principle #52; Gen. 33:12-17; p. 51 Honesty and Openness: After we have experienced restoration with those we hurt, we must continue to have open, honest relationships in order to avoid recurring problems. Video
  • Genesis; Principle #53; Gen. 33:18-34:31; p. 52 Parental Protection: We are to do all we can to protect our children from worldly influences and at the same time, avoid overprotecting them. Video
  • Genesis; Principle #54; Gen. 35:1-15; p. 53 Idolatrous Activities: Christian parents should avoid any kind of idolatrous activities. Video
  • Genesis; Principle #55; Gen. 35:16-37:4; p. 55 Generational Mistakes: We should do all we can to avoid repeating the same mistakes our parents made with us. Video
  • Genesis; Principle #56; Gen. 37:5-11; p. 55 Identity Crises: When were feeling rejection, we must be careful not to set ourselves up for more rejection by trying harder to prove ourselves. Video
  • Genesis; Principle #57; Gen. 37:12-14; p. 56 The Subtlety of Denial: When we experience various cries, we should seek to face reality. Video
  • Genesis; Principle #58; Gen. 37:15-23; p. 57 Subtle Pride: When we are highly favored and blessed by God and others, we should beware of subtle pride. Video
  • Genesis; Principle #59; Gen. 37:24-36; p. 57 Jealousy and Anger: When we have feelings of jealousy, we should take steps to keep these emotions from leading to sinful anger. Video
  • Genesis; Principle #60; Gen 38:1-30; p. 59 God's Sovereign Plan: We should keep our eyes on God's will for our lives when some Christians-even spiritual leaders-engage in sinful and scandalous actions. Video
  • Genesis; Principle #61; Gen. 39:1-12; p. 59 Overcoming Temptation: To resist the temptation to sin, we must develop firm moral and ethical convictions based on a deep appreciation for God's love and grace in our lives. Video
  • Genesis; Principle #62; Gen. 39:13-23; p. 60
  • Persecution for Doing Right: When we are persecuted for refusing to violate God's moral laws, we should remember that the Lord will never forget our stand for righteousness. Video
  • Genesis; Principle #63; Gen. 40:1-23; p. 61 Not Forgetting: When someone does something special for us, we should look for opportunities to return the favor. Video
  • Genesis; Principle #64; Gen. 41:1-16; p. 62 Character Development: When we face difficult experiences, we should ask God to help us view these crises as opportunities to develop our Christian character. Video
  • Genesis; Principle #65; Gen. 41:17-46; p. 63 Preparation for Greater Responsibility: We should view difficult experiences as opportunities to learn to be more effective in carrying out God's purposes in the world. Video
  • Genesis; Principle #66; Gen. 41:50-52; p. 64 Psychological and Spiritual Healing: Because biological families are impacted by sin, we are to help create loving and supportive relationships with the body of Christ to bring emotional and spiritual healing. Video
  • Genesis; Principle #67; Gen. 42:1-45:3; p. 67 God's Gift of Tears: When facing intensely emotional experiences, we should give ourselves permission to cry. Video
  • Genesis; Principle #68; Gen. 45:4-15; p. 68 Forgiveness: When someone has wronged us, we are to forgive unconditionally even though that person may not admit it was wrong or even ask for forgiveness. Video
  • Genesis; Principle #69; Gen. 45:16-47:27; p. 70 Doing Good for All: No matter our circumstances, we should live lives of integrity before all people. Video
  • Genesis; Principle #70; Gen. 49:22-50:21; p. 73 Understanding God's Purpose: When we face difficult situations, we should ask God to help us see some divine meaning in the experiences. Video

Questions Related to on Genesis

NOTE: This site is conservative and answers the questions with Scripture with only a minimal component of "opinion." 

  1. Book of Genesis - Bible Survey
  2. Does Genesis chapter 1 literally mean 24 hour days?
  3. Why is a day measured from evening to morning in Genesis 1?
  4. What is the Gap Theory? Did anything happen in between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2?
  5. What is the canopy theory?
  6. How could there be light on the first day of Creation if the sun was not created until the fourth day?
  7. Why are there two different Creation accounts in Genesis chapters 1-2?
  8. What happened on each of the days of Creation?
  9. Why does the Bible describe the moon as a light?
  10. Why did God rest on the seventh day of creation (Genesis 2:2)?
  11. Why did God make man out of the dust of the earth (Genesis 2:7)?
  12. What is the biblical Creation story?
  13. How do beliefs about creation impact the rest of theology?
  14. What is the breath of life?
  15. Were Adam and Eve saved? How many children did Adam and Eve have? When were Adam and Eve created?
  16. Who was Eve in the Bible?
  17. What does it mean that God gave humanity dominion over the animals?
  18. Why weren’t Adam and Eve created at the same time (Genesis 2)?
  19. Why did God use Adam's rib to create Eve?
  20. What does it mean that a wife is supposed to be a helpmeet / help meet?
  21. How was the woman a helper suitable for the man (Genesis 2:18)?
  22. What did God mean when He told Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply?
  23. Did God create other people in addition to Adam and Eve?
  24. Was Satan the serpent in Genesis chapter 3?
  25. Was Adam with Eve when she spoke to the serpent (Genesis 3:6)?
  26. What is the meaning of the tree of life?
  27. Was Adam and Eve's sin really about eating a piece of forbidden fruit?
  28. Did God literally and visibly walk in the garden (Genesis 3:8)?
  29. How is a woman’s desire for her husband a curse (Genesis 3:16)?
  30. Why didn’t Adam and Eve immediately die for their sin (Genesis 3)?
  31. Why did God punish women with pain in childbirth (Genesis 3:16)?
  32. Is it wrong to reduce birth pains by taking pain relievers?
  33. What is the Adamic covenant?
  34. What is the Protoevangelium?
  35. Did we all inherit sin from Adam and Eve?
  36. How did the Fall affect humanity?
  37. What is the location of the Garden of Eden?
  38. Why did God put the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden?
  39. Why didn't Adam and Eve find it strange that a serpent was talking to them?
  40. How did the knowledge of good and evil make man like God (Genesis 3:22)?
  41. Why was it wrong for Adam and Eve to know good and evil (Genesis 3:22)?
  42. Why did God have the cherubim guard just the east side of Eden (Genesis 3:24)?
  43. Why did God accept Abel’s offering, but reject Cain’s offering? Why did Cain then kill Abel?
  44. Who was Cain's wife?
  45. Who was Cain afraid of after he killed Abel?
  46. What was the mark that God put on Cain (Genesis 4:15)?
  47. Why wasn't Cain’s punishment death (Genesis 4:14)?
  48. Am I my brother’s keeper?
  49. Why did people in Genesis live such long lives?
  50. Who was the oldest man in the Bible?
  51. Why did Lamech think Noah would bring comfort (Genesis 5:29)?
  52. Who are the sons of God and daughters of men in Genesis 6:1-4?
  53. Who / what were the Nephilim?
  54. What should we learn from the life of Noah?
  55. What was it like in the days of Noah?
  56. Why did God also destroy animals in the Flood (Genesis 6-8)?
  57. Were fish and sea creatures also destroyed during the Flood (Genesis 6-8)?
  58. Was Noah's flood global?
  59. Had it ever rained before the Flood in Noah's day?
  60. Did the Bible copy the Flood account from other myths and legends?
  61. How long did it take Noah to build the ark? How long was Noah on the ark?
  62. What is gopher wood?
  63. Why did Noah release a raven? Why did he later release a dove (Genesis 8)?
  64. How did Noah fit all the animals on the ark?
  65. What made some animals clean and others unclean (Genesis 7)?
  66. Would the discovery of Noah's Ark be important?
  67. What is the Noahic Covenant?
  68. Why did God prohibit eating meat with blood in it (Genesis 9:4)?
  69. Why did God mandate capital punishment for murder (Genesis 9:6)?
  70. Why did Noah get drunk after the flood?
  71. Why did Noah curse Ham / Canaan?
  72. Who were the sons of Noah, and what happened to them and their descendants?
  73. In what way was the earth divided in Peleg’s time?
  74. What happened at the Tower of Babel?
  75. What is the Table of Nations?
  76. Who were the Rephaim?
  77. Who was Melchizedek?
  78. Why was a burial place so important in the Bible?
  79. What should we learn from the life of Abraham?
  80. What was Abraham’s religion before God called him?
  81. Why was Abraham promised land that belonged to others (Genesis 12)?
  82. What is the story of Abraham and Lot?
  83. Why did God punish Pharaoh for Abram’s lie (Genesis 12:17)?
  84. What is the Abrahamic Covenant?
  85. What should we learn from the life of Sarah?
  86. What was a blood covenant (Genesis 15:9-21)?
  87. Why did God send the Israelites to Egypt for 400 years (Genesis 15:13)?
  88. What is the land that God promised to Israel?
  89. Why did Abraham bargain with God in regard to Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 18)?
  90. What is the significance of a city gate in the Bible?
  91. What was the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah?
  92. Why was Lot's wife turned into a pillar of salt?
  93. Why did Lot offer up his daughters to be gang raped? Why did God allow Lot's daughters to later have sex with their father?
  94. What should we learn from the life of Isaac?
  95. What was the significance of weaning a child in the Bible (Genesis 21:8)?
  96. What is the story of Sarah and Hagar?
  97. Why did Abraham banish Ishmael (Genesis 21:14)?
  98. Why did oaths involve putting a hand under someone's thigh (Genesis 24:9)?
  99. Why did God command Abraham to sacrifice Isaac?
  100. What should we learn from the life of Jacob?
  101. What was the story of Jacob and Esau?
  102. Why was a father's blessing so highly valued in the Old Testament?
  103. What is the difference between a blessing and a birthright (Genesis 25)?
  104. What is Jacob's Ladder?
  105. What is the story of Jacob, Leah, and Rachel?
  106. What was the purpose of a dowry (Genesis 31:15)?
  107. Why did people keep family idols in the Bible?
  108. What is the meaning of Jacob wrestling with God?
  109. What are the mandrakes mentioned in the Bible?
  110. What should we learn from the life of Joseph?
  111. Why did Jacob give Joseph a coat of many colors?
  112. What is the significance of a scarlet thread?
  113. What is the story of Joseph and his brothers?
  114. What is the story of Joseph and Potiphar?
  115. Who were the priests of On? Was Joseph wrong to marry the daughter of a pagan priest (Genesis 41)?
  116. Why did Pharaoh give Joseph so much power?
  117. What kind of divination did Joseph do in Genesis 44:5, 15?
  118. What are the twelve tribes of Israel?
  119. Were Jacob’s prophecies about his sons fulfilled?
  120. Who/what is the Lion of the tribe of Judah?
  121. What does it mean that the scepter will not depart from Judah (Genesis 49:10)?

Genesis: A Devotional Commentary
London: Religious Tract Society - 1909


James Rosscup rates this as the #1 devotional commentary on Genesis. Rosscup writes "the notes by W. H. Griffith-Thomas...will be a warm devotional help...This work is good in tracing the argument and showing connections between chapters. It is usually quite good devotionally and gives suggestions for meditation at the ends of the chapters. Applications are often usable. It is an excellent book to put into the hands of a layman who is not ready to grapple with the minutia of exegesis, but who is serious about his Bible study. It is also good for the preacher and teacher. Since it is out of print, readers must search in other places for it."

Commentary on Genesis

Conservative, Evangelical, Millennial

to Genesis

Hint: Words from the hymns make great additions to sermons

Commentary on Genesis

Introduction Genesis 1 Genesis 2 Genesis 3
Genesis 4 Genesis 5 Genesis 6 Genesis 7
Genesis 8 Genesis 9 Genesis 10 Genesis 11
Genesis 12 Genesis 13 Genesis 14 Genesis 15
Genesis 16 Genesis 17 Genesis 18 Genesis 19
Genesis 21 Genesis 22 Genesis 23 Genesis 24
Genesis 25 Genesis 26 Genesis 27 Genesis 28
Genesis 29 Genesis 30 Genesis 31 Genesis 32
Genesis 33 Genesis 34 Genesis 35 Genesis 36
Genesis 37 Genesis 38 Genesis 39 Genesis 41
Genesis 42 Genesis 43 Genesis 44 Genesis 45
Genesis 46 Genesis 47 Genesis 48 Genesis 49
Genesis 50


Sermon Series on Genesis

“In the Beginning God” 
The Study of Genesis 
              Lowell F. Johnson              

January 2012 - These are well done in outline form and include added links from 


  • A braham: Taking the Step of Faith - Genesis 11:27–12:9         
  • When Your Faith Goes South -  Genesis 12:10-13:4     
  • Living With Life’s Choices -  Genesis 13:1-18      
  • Magnanimous Abraham -  Genesis 14:1-24  
  • Reaffirming the Promise -  Genesis 15:1-6        
  • Abrahamic Covenant -  Genesis 15:7-21       
  • The Mistake of Trying to Help God Out -  Genesis 16:1-16     
  • The God of the Everlasting Covenant -  Genesis 17:1-27     
  • When God Came to Dinner -  Genesis 18:1-15   
  • Abraham : The Intercessor -  Genesis 18:16-33   
  • Lot : The Shameful Christian -  Genesis 19:1-38   
  • Revisiting Old Sins -  Genesis 20:1-18  
  • A Time to Weep and A Time to Laugh -  Genesis 21:1-21  
  • Abraham’s Defining Moment -  Genesis 22:1-14


  • The Death of a Princess - Genesis 23:1-20       
  • Finding a Bride for Isaac - Genesis 24:1-19, 22-28,57-67  
  • Abraham: Gathered To His People - Genesis 25:5-10           
  • The Birth of a Heel-Grabber - Genesis 25:19-26  
  • What Would You Give in Exchange  For Your Soul? - Genesis 25:27-34 
  • Like Father Like Son - Genesis 26:1-33 
  • A Shady Way to Get Your Blessing - Genesis 27:1-46  
  • Jacob’s Ladder -  Genesis 28:10-22  
  • The Deceiver Deceived - Genesis 19:1-30 
  • Birth Wars!   - Genesis 29:31-30:24   
  • The Case of the Speckled Sheep - Genesis 30:25-43
  • Jacob’s Separation From Laban -  Genesis 31:1-55  
  • Jacob’s Preparation to Meet Esau - Genesis 32:1-23     
  • Wrestling With God - Genesis 32:22-32       
  • Healing the Hurts of the Past - Genesis 32-33  
  • Brutal Behavior - Genesis 34-36     
  • Joseph: Favored Son, Hated Brother - Genesis 37:1-11
  • The Heartbreak of Shattered Dreams - Genesis 37:12-35    
  • The Ugliest Chapter in the Bible - Genesis 38   
  • The Lord was with Joseph - Genesis 37:36; 39:1-6 
  • Fatal Attraction: The Test of Purity - Genesis 39:7-23 
  • Godly Detours - Genesis 39:20-23; 40:1-15,23  
  • Joseph: Remembered and Promoted - Genesis 41:1-8, 14-16, 25-33, 39-41   
  • Resurrecting A Dead Conscience - Genesis 41:53-54,57; 42:1-8  
  • Judah Grows Up - Genesis 43:1-10      
  • Be Extra Nice to Folks - Genesis 43:11-14  
  • Swimming In A Sea of Emotion - Genesis 43:15-34    
  • Joseph’s Brothers’ Final Test - Genesis 44:1-34  
  • I Am Joseph - Genesis 45:1-15   
  • It Is Enough - Genesis 45:25-47:7 
  • Joseph and Crisis Management - Genesis 47:13-26  
  • Reflections of a Life - Genesis 48:1-22 
  • Confronting the Problems of Sin - Genesis 49:1-12 
  • God Meant It For Good! - Genesis 50:15-26          

Commentary on Genesis

  • See separate commentary by Franz Delitzsch above

James Rosscup writes that "This is the best older, overall treatment of a critical nature on the Old Testament Hebrew text verse by verse and is a good standard work to buy. The student can buy parts or the whole of this series. Sometimes it is evangelical, at other times liberal ideas enter." (Commentaries for Biblical Expositors: An Annotated Bibliography of Selected Works)

C H Spurgeon -- "A work for the learned. It has received the highest commendations from competent scholars. But it is somewhat dull and formal." (Spurgeon, C. H. Lectures to my Students, Vol. 4: Commenting and Commentaries; Lectures Addressed to the students of the Pastors' College, Metropolitan Tabernacle)

Introduction Genesis 1 Genesis 2 Genesis 3
Genesis 4 Genesis 5 Genesis 6 Genesis 7
Genesis 8 Genesis 9 Genesis 10 Genesis 11
Genesis 12 Genesis 13 Genesis 14 Genesis 15
Genesis 16 Genesis 17 Genesis 18 Genesis 19
Genesis 21 Genesis 22 Genesis 23 Genesis 24
Genesis 25 Genesis 26 Genesis 27 Genesis 28
Genesis 29 Genesis 30 Genesis 31 Genesis 32
Genesis 33 Genesis 34 Genesis 35 Genesis 36
Genesis 37 Genesis 38 Genesis 39 Genesis 41
Genesis 42 Genesis 43 Genesis 44 Genesis 45
Genesis 46 Genesis 47 Genesis 48 Genesis 49
Genesis 50


Cyril Barber - this work concentrates on the spiritual significance of the lives of those mentioned by Moses in his first book.  

Chapters 1, 2

I. The Work of God and all the topics below
II. The First Day
III. The Second Day
IV. The Third Day
V. The Fourth Day
VI. The Fifth Day
VII. The Sixth Day
VIII. The Seventh Day

Chapter 3

I. Adam, or Man and all topics below
II. Man's Way
III. The Fruit of Man's Way
IV. The Remedy for Man

Chapters 4, 5

I. Cain and Abel, or the First and Second Birth
II. The Carnal and the Spiritual (re "carnal" see cautions on commentary notes of 1 Cor 3:1ff)
III. Their Lives

Chapters 6 - 11

I. Noah on the Ground of the Old Man and topics below
II. Noah in the Waters
III. Noah on the Earth beyond the Flood
IV. Noah's Sons
V. Noah's Failure

Chapters 12 - 20

I. Abram's Separation from his Country and his Father's House and topics below
II. Abram's Separation from Lot
III. Abram's Conflicts to Deliver Lot
IV. Abram's Trials through the Word of God and Prayer
V. Abram's Efforts to be fruitful by Hagar
VI. The true Way for Abram to be fruitful
VII. The End of Lot
VIII. Abraham in the Philistines' Land

Chapters 21 - 26

I. The Birth of Isaac, and its Results and topics below
II. The Offering up of Isaac
III. Sarah's Death, and Isaac's Union with Rebekah
IV. Keturah, and Isaac at Lahai-roi
V. The Trials of Isaac respecting Seed
VI. Isaac's Two-fold Seed, the Elder and the Younger
VII. Isaac in the Philistines' Land

Chapters 27 - 36

I. Jacob's Carnal Means to gain God's Ends and topics below
II. The Motives to Service, and Encouragements by the Way
III. The Service for Wives and Flocks
IV. The Departure from Laban
V. The Journey to Canaan, and Change of Name
VI. The Sojourn in Succoth, and Dinah's Fall
VII. The Return to Bethel
VIII. The Seeds of Jacob and Esau

Chapters 37 - 50

I. Joseph's Dreams, and Suffering from his Brethren and topics below
II. Judah's History
III. Joseph in Potiphar's House
IV. Joseph in Prison
V. Joseph exalted over all Egypt

Daily Bible Illustrations

Published in 1854

C H Spurgeon writes that this work is "not exactly a commentary, but what marvelous expositions you have there! You have reading more interesting than any novel that was ever written, and as instructive as the heaviest theology. The matter is quite attractive and fascinating, and yet so weighty, that the man who shall study those eight volumes thoroughly (Volume 1 = Genesis), will not fail to read his Bible intelligently and with growing interest." (Spurgeon, C. H. Lectures to my Students, Vol. 4: Commenting and Commentaries; Lectures Addressed to the students of the Pastors' College, Metropolitan Tabernacle)

The Pictorial Bible

Published in 1854

C H Spurgeon writes that The Pictorial Bible is "A work of art as well as learning" adding that if one "cannot visit the Holy Land, it is well for you that there is a work like the Pictorial Bible, in which the notes of the most observant travelers are arranged under the texts which they illustrate. For the geography, zoology, botany, and manners and customs of Palestine, this will be your counselor and guide." (Spurgeon, C. H. Lectures to my Students, Vol. 4: Commenting and Commentaries; Lectures Addressed to the students of the Pastors' College, Metropolitan Tabernacle) This resource is in one sense somewhat antiquated, but in another sense is timeless with well numerous done illustrations that make the text spring off the page when you read words like "balm of Gilead (pix)". It's pages beckon the reader to tarry a moment and peruse the interesting comments on subjects that might otherwise be quite foreign to readers of a western culture and mindset.

Book of Genesis

Rosscup notes that "The treatments of books within this evangelical set vary in importance. Generally, one finds a wealth of detailed commentary, background, and some critical and exegetical notes. Often, however, there is much excess verbiage that does not help particularly. On the other hand, it usually has something to assist the expositor on problems and is a good general set for pastors and serious lay people though it is old." (Ibid)

Introduction Genesis 1 Genesis 2 Genesis 3
Genesis 4 Genesis 5 Genesis 6 Genesis 7
Genesis 8 Genesis 9 Genesis 10 Genesis 11
Genesis 12 Genesis 13 Genesis 14 Genesis 15
Genesis 16 Genesis 17 Genesis 18 Genesis 19
Genesis 21 Genesis 22 Genesis 23 Genesis 24
Genesis 25 Genesis 26 Genesis 27 Genesis 28
Genesis 29 Genesis 30 Genesis 31 Genesis 32
Genesis 33 Genesis 34 Genesis 35 Genesis 36
Genesis 37 Genesis 38 Genesis 39 Genesis 41
Genesis 42 Genesis 43 Genesis 44 Genesis 45
Genesis 46 Genesis 47 Genesis 48 Genesis 49
Genesis 50

Exposition of Genesis

James Rosscup notes that "In this very thorough, monumental work on Genesis, the author is conservative and uses the original Hebrew constantly. He considers carefully most major truths of the book and uses the grammatical-historical method. This is one of the most valuable works to have on Genesis. It came out originally in 1942." (Commentaries for Biblical Expositors: An Annotated Bibliography of Selected Works)

What the Bible teaches – Much detail, and loyal to the high view of Scripture. Some very good insights.

Rosscup rates Leupold's commentary as the fifth best detailed exegetical commentary of all time on the book of Genesis. Be aware that Leupold is amillennial.

Sermons on Genesis

Conservative, Evangelical, Millennial. The first set of links include blogs and articles, some by other individuals at Grace to you.

Sermons Are Listed Below

Thru the Bible Commentary
Mp3's on Genesis

Devotional Commentary
on Genesis

Mackintosh, a Plymouth Brethren, was a gifted teacher and writer. D L Moody said that "it was C. H. Mackintosh who had the greatest influence" upon his learning of the Word of God. One of his most respected works was Notes on the Pentateuch. Further biographical Note - Another format - Genesis 1-15 ; Genesis 16-50

James Rosscup has a relevant note on Mackintosh's work on the Pentateuch writing that "This is a one-volume edition of an old evangelical devotional work (Genesis to Deuteronomy, Notes on the Pentateuch). It has some value at times, especially for lay readers, yet is not to the point as much with pertinent material as W. H. Griffith-Thomas on the Pentateuch (also old) and John Sailhamer’s recent introductory survey." (Commentaries for Biblical Expositors: An Annotated Bibliography of Selected Works)

Genesis 1 Genesis 3 Genesis 4 Genesis 6
Genesis 10 Genesis 11 Genesis 12 Genesis 13
Genesis 14 Genesis 15 Genesis 16 Genesis 17
Genesis 18 Genesis 19 Genesis 20 Genesis 21
Genesis 22 Genesis 23 Genesis 24 Genesis 25
Genesis 26 Genesis 27 Genesis 32 Genesis 33
Genesis 35 Genesis 36 Genesis 37 Genesis 38
Genesis 39

Devotionals on Genesis

F. B. Meyer's 'Through the Bible' Commentary

Introduction Genesis 1 Genesis 2 Genesis 3
Genesis 4 Genesis 5 Genesis 6 Genesis 7
Genesis 8 Genesis 9 Genesis 10 Genesis 11
Genesis 12 Genesis 13 Genesis 14 Genesis 15
Genesis 16 Genesis 17 Genesis 18 Genesis 19
Genesis 21 Genesis 22 Genesis 23 Genesis 24
Genesis 25 Genesis 26 Genesis 27 Genesis 28
Genesis 29 Genesis 30 Genesis 31 Genesis 32
Genesis 33 Genesis 34 Genesis 35 Genesis 36
Genesis 37 Genesis 38 Genesis 39 Genesis 41
Genesis 42 Genesis 43 Genesis 44 Genesis 45
Genesis 46 Genesis 47 Genesis 48 Genesis 49
Genesis 50


Our Daily Homily = ODH
Our Daily Walk = ODW
Plus other devotional writings by F B Meyer related to Genesis

Abraham: The Obedience of Faith - click for all chapters below on one file

  • Genesis 12:1-2 THE DIVINE SUMMONS
  • Hebrews 11:8 "HE OBEYED"
  • Genesis 12:10 GONE DOWN INTO EGYPT
  • Genesis 13:9 SEPARATED FROM LOT
  • Genesis 13:9 THE TWO PATHS
  • Genesis 14, Hebrews 7:1 MELCHIZEDEK
  • Genesis 15, Romans 4:20 THE FIRMNESS OF ABRAHAM'S FAITH
  • Genesis 15, Habakkuk 2:3, Lam 3:26, Ro 8:25 WATCHING WITH GOD
  • Genesis 16:1 HAGAR, THE SLAVE GIRL
  • Genesis 17:1 "BE THOU PERFECT!"
  • Genesis 18:1 THE DIVINE GUEST
  • Genesis 18:22-23 PLEADING FOR SODOM
  • Genesis 20:9 A BIT OF THE OLD NATURE
  • Genesis 21:33-34 A QUIET RESTING PLACE

Israel: A Prince with God The Story of Jacob Retold

Joseph: Beloved, Hated, Exalted

Sermons on Genesis

James Rosscup writes that "This evangelical work is both homiletical and expository and is often very good homiletically but weaker otherwise. Helpful in discussing Bible characters, it is weak in prophecy at times because of allegorization. It is not really as valuable today as many other sets for the serious Bible student. The expositions are in the form of sermons.." (Commentaries for Biblical Expositors: An Annotated Bibliography of Selected Works)

Click on respective chapter in table below for the specific sermon

  • Genesis 1:26-2:3 The Vision of Creation
  • Genesis 3:1-15 How Sin Came In
  • Genesis 3:24 Eden Lost and Restored
  • Genesis 4:3-16 The Growth and Power of Sin
  • Genesis 4:7 What Crouches at the Door
  • Genesis 5:22; Genesis 17:1 With, Before, After
  • Genesis 5:24 The Course and Crown of a Devout Life
  • Genesis 6:9-22 The Saint Among Sinners
  • Genesis 8:1-22 Clear Shining after Rain
  • Genesis 9:8-17 The Sign for Man and the Remembrancer for God
  • Genesis 12:1-9 An Example of Faith
  • Genesis 12:5 Abram and the Life of Faith
  • Genesis 12:6, 7 Coming In
  • Genesis 12:6, 7 The Man of Faith
  • Genesis 12:8 Life in Canaan
  • Genesis 13:1-13 The Importance of a Choice
  • Genesis 14:13 Abram the Hebrew
  • Genesis 15:5-18 God’s Covenant with Abram
  • Genesis 15:1 The Word that Scatters Fear
  • Genesis 15:6 Faith and Righteousness
  • Genesis 17:1-9 Waiting Faith Rewarded and Strengthened by New Revelations
  • Genesis 17:18 A Petulant Wish
  • Genesis 18:l6-33 Because of His Importunity
  • Genesis 19:15-26 The Intercourse of God and His Friend The Swift Destroyer
  • Genesis 22:1-14 Faith Tested and Crowned
  • Genesis 22:14 The Crowning Test and Triumph of Faith: Jehovah-Jireh
  • Genesis 24:27 Guidance in the Way
  • Genesis 25:8 The Death of Abraham
  • Genesis 25:27-34 A Bad Bargain
  • Genesis 25:34 Pottage versus Birthright
  • Genesis 26:12-25 The First Apostle of Peace at Any Price
  • Genesis 28:10-22 The Heavenly Pathway and the Earthly Heart
  • Genesis 32:1, 2 Mahanaim: the Two Camps
  • Genesis 32:9-12 The Twofold Wrestle—God’s with Jacob and Jacob’s with God
  • Genesis 35:1 A Forgotten Vow
  • Genesis 37:1-11 The Trials and Visions of Devout Youth
  • Genesis 37:23-36 Man’s Passions and God’s Purpose
  • Genesis 40:1-15 Goodness in a Dungeon
  • Genesis 41:38-48 Joseph, the Prime Minister
  • Genesis 45:1-15 Recognition and Reconciliation
  • Genesis 47:1-12 Joseph, the Pardoner and Preserver Growth by Transplanting
  • Genesis 47:9; Genesis 48:15, 16 Two Retrospects of One Life
  • Genesis 49:23, 24 The Hands of the Mighty God of Jacob
  • Genesis 49:24 The Shepherd, the Stone of Israel
  • Genesis 50:14-26 A Calm Evening, Promising a Bright Morning
  • Genesis 50:25 Joseph’s Faith
  • Genesis 50:26 A Coffin in Egypt
Introduction Genesis 1 Genesis 2 Genesis 3
Genesis 4 Genesis 5 Genesis 6 Genesis 8
Genesis 9 Genesis 12 Genesis 13 Genesis 14
Genesis 15 Genesis 17 Genesis 18 Genesis 19
Genesis 22 Genesis 24 Genesis 25 Genesis 26
Genesis 28 Genesis 32 Genesis 35 Genesis 37
Genesis 39 Genesis 41 Genesis 45 Genesis 47
Genesis 48 Genesis 49 Genesis 50

Conservative, Evangelical

BIBLE CARDS - Heidelberg Picture Cards, 1901 

  • Genesis - Color picture on one side and questions on the opposite side. 


All three of above agree on the top two commentaries...

  1.  NICOT - Victor P. Hamilton
  2.  WBC - Gordon J. Wenham


Click here for individual articles - Here is the link to source the journals on Galaxie.




GOSPEL COALITION - Genesis Resources




JOHN ANKERBERG, JOHN WELDON - and some other apologetic resources related to archaeology



OSWALD CHAMBERS Devotionals on Genesis




Introduction Genesis 1 Genesis 2 Genesis 3
Genesis 4 Genesis 5 Genesis 6 Genesis 7
Genesis 8 Genesis 9 Genesis 10 Genesis 11
Genesis 12 Genesis 13 Genesis 14 Genesis 15
Genesis 16 Genesis 17 Genesis 18 Genesis 19
Genesis 21 Genesis 22 Genesis 23 Genesis 24
Genesis 25 Genesis 26 Genesis 27 Genesis 28
Genesis 29 Genesis 30 Genesis 31 Genesis 32
Genesis 33 Genesis 34 Genesis 35 Genesis 36
Genesis 37 Genesis 38 Genesis 39 Genesis 41
Genesis 42 Genesis 43 Genesis 44 Genesis 45
Genesis 46 Genesis 47 Genesis 48 Genesis 49
Genesis 50


SKIP HEITZIG - Genesis Notes - Includes Mp3, outlines, transcripts 




JOB MARTIN - The Evolution of a Creationist - interesting book written so that a layman can understand 


WOODROW KROLL - Devotionals on the Life of Abraham















TODAY IN THE WORD - Devotionals on entire book of Genesis

Many of these devotionals begin with excellent illustrations. Here is an example from Genesis 1:14-25 - 

Carl Linné, better known as Carolus Linnaeus, loved botany and spent a great deal of his time in medical school studying it. In 1735, he published Systema Naturae,a system for classifying living things by using two Latin names--for example, humanity is “homo sapiens.” This work continues to influence modern botanists, especially in their naming methods and use of hierarchical classification. Linnaeus was motivated by a belief in the orderliness of God’s world. He believed that creation would be like a fingerprint, revealing key aspects of the character of the Creator. In making a classification system, he was only discovering an order that was already there.






MARK ADAMS - sermons Genesis

REDDIT ANDREWS - 26 page booklet

FEFC WICHITA - MICHAEL ANDRUS, et al - audio and transcripts. Andrus' exposition is superlative and worth checking out! 

Here is another source of Genesis sermons by Michael Andrus, et al 

BILL BALDWIN - 74 sermons - somewhat of an outline format

  • Genesis Sermons - click here for links to following sermons (Samples - Ge 12 - Faith of Abram) (Ge 39 - Temptation of Joseph)
  • 1st Introductory Sermon - "An Introduction to the Old Testament in Light of the New"
  • 2nd Introductory Sermon - "The Book of Genesis in Context"
  • Genesis 1:1 - "The Beginning"
  • Genesis 1:2-13 - "The First Three Days"
  • Genesis 1:14-31 - "Man, the Glory of Creation
  • Genesis 2:1-3 - "The Glorious Rest"
  • Genesis 2:4-17 - "God, the Provider and Ruler
  • Genesis 2:18-25 - "The Perfect Marriage"
  • Genesis 3:1-7 - "The First Judgment"
  • Genesis 3:8-24 - "Curse and Exile"
  • Genesis 4:1-16 - "Cain and Abel"
  • Genesis 4:17-26 - "The City of Man and the Pilgrims of God"
  • Genesis 5 - "The Children of Adam" (outline)
  • Genesis 5 - "The Children of Adam" (written out)
  • Genesis 6:1-8 - "The Progress of Evil and a Hopeful Remnant"
  • Genesis 6:9-22 - "The Coming Judgment and the New Creation"
  • Genesis 7 - "The Waters of Judgment
  • Genesis 8:1-19 - "The New Creation"
  • Genesis 8:20-22 - "Noah's Sacrifice"
  • Genesis 9:1-7 (part 1) - "A Mixed Blessing"
  • Genesis 9:1-7 (part 2) - "A Provisional Peace"
  • Genesis 9:8-17 - "A Covenant of Common Grace"
  • Genesis 9:18 - 29 - "Salvation to the Ends of the Earth"
  • Genesis 10 - "The Seeds of History"
  • Genesis 11:1-9 - "Babylon Is Fallen!"
  • Genesis 11:10-26 - "Waiting for Jesus"
  • Genesis 11:27-32 - "The Need for Christ"
  • Genesis 12:1-9 - "The Faith of Abram"  Faith of Abram
  • Genesis 12:10-20 - "The Faithfulness of God"
  • Genesis 13 - "The Promise Grows"
  • Genesis 14 - "Abram's Victory"
  • Genesis 15:1-6 - "Abram's Righteousness"
  • Genesis 15:7-21 - "The Terms of the Covenant"
  • Genesis 16 - "The Works of the Flesh"
  • Genesis 17 - "The Sign of the Covenant"
  • Genesis 18:1-15 - "The Birth Announcement"
  • Genesis 18:16-33 - "Abraham the Mediator"
  • Genesis 19:1-11 - "Not Even One"
  • Genesis 19:12-29 - "Judgment Day"
  • Genesis 19:30-38 - "Lot's Legacy"
  • Genesis 20 (Abraham and Abimelech) - "Abraham the Sinner, Christ the Savior"
  • Genesis 21:1-7 - "The Nativity of Isaac"
  • Genesis 21:8-21 - "Cast Out the Bondwoman!"
  • Genesis 21:22-34 - "Dwelling in the Promised Land"
  • Genesis 22:1-19 - "The Sacrifice of the Promised Seed"
  • Genesis 22:15-19 - "Abraham's Reward"
  • Genesis 22:20-24 - "The Preparation of the Bride"
  • Genesis 23 - "Possession in the Promised Land"
  • REVIEW - Genesis 1 - 23 - "The Big Picture"
  • Genesis 24 - "A Perfect Bride"
  • Genesis 25:1-18 - "The Death of Abraham and the Blessing of Isaac"
  • Genesis 25:19-28 - "Strength in Weakness"
  • Genesis 25:29-34 - "Esau Sells His Soul"
  • Genesis 26:1-11 - "The Sins and Blessings of the Father"
  • Genesis 26:12-22 - "The Treachery of the World and the Faithfulness of God"
  • Genesis 26:34 - 28:9 - "The Blessing of Jacob"
  • Genesis 28:10-22 - "The Stairway to Heaven"
  • Genesis 29:1-14 - "A Changed Man"
  • Genesis 29:15-29 - "Jacob Deceived"
  • Genesis 30:25-43 - "Jacob's Faith"
  • Genesis 31:1-21 - "Jacob's Gospel"
  • Genesis 31:22-42 (part 1) - "Jacob's Protector"
  • Genesis 31:22-42 (part 2) - "Jacob's Justification"
  • Genesis 31:43 - 32:2 - "The Two Worlds"
  • Genesis 32: 3-32 - "Jacob's Blessing"
  • Genesis 33 - "Jacob Returns the Blessing"
  • Genesis 34 - "The Battle over Dinah"
  • Genesis 35:1-8 - "Escape to Bethel"
  • Genesis 35:9-15 - "The Blessing of Jacob"
  • Genesis 35:16-20 - "The Road to Bethlehem"
  • Genesis 35:21-29 - "Israel's Defeats and Christ's Perfections"
  • Genesis 36:1 - 37:1 - "Esau's Greatness"
  • Genesis 37:2-36 - "The Plan of God"
  • Genesis 38 - "The Seed of Judah"
  • Genesis 39 - "The Temptation of Joseph"





RICH CATHERS - frequent illustrations





W A CRISWELL - sermons









DAVID HOLWICK - frequent use of illustrations

JODI HOOPER - Lessons for Kids



KEITH KRELL - 55 SERMONS - Check this resource - well done verse by verse exposition with numerous footnotes and practical applications




The host site changed links so that virtually every sermon was a dead link. You could try this page which is a Google search for the sermons



  • Genesis MP3 Series -- Denton Bible Church Media - Excellent Exposition - This link a a little tricky as it is VERY SLOW!  When you click "LOAD MORE SERMONS" be patient as it is very slow and eventually other messages will come up. Patience!!! It will be worth the wait! 
  • Sermon 1: The Universe: Its Form and Forces
  • Sermon 2: The Waters Above
  • Sermon 3: The Fullness Thereof
  • Sermon 4: King of the Earth
  • Sermon 5: The Sabbath Day
  • Sermon 6: Genesis 2: The Willing Subject
  • Sermon 7: No Longer Two
  • Sermon 8: Paradise Lost
  • Sermon 9: A Banquet of Consequences
  • Sermon 10: Two Men, Two Paths
  • Sermon 11: The Way of Cain
  • Sermon 12: The First Hero
  • Sermon 13: When God’s Voice is Silent
  • Sermon 14: Noah: A Blueprint of a Faithful Man
  • Sermon 15: The Flood of Noah
  • Sermon 16: The Noahic Covenant
  • Sermon 17: Curse and Disperse: The Table of Nations
  • Sermon 18: The Heretic and the Whore
  • Sermon 19: Abraham: The Pivot in the Unfolding Plan
  • Sermon 20: The Abrahamic Covenant
  • Sermon 21: The Progression of a Patriarch
  • Sermon 22: Patriarchal Flop
  • Sermon 23: The “Eyes” Have It
  • Sermon 24: The Alters of Altars
  • Sermon 25: Trials, the Forge of Greatness
  • Sermon 26: Melchizedek: Type of a Forever Priest
  • Sermon 27: “Footsteps”
  • Sermon 28: “How to get to Heaven by The Father of the Faithful”
  • Sermon 29: God’s Covenant People
  • Sermon 30: The Perils of Patience
  • Sermon 31: The Genesis of Jesus or the God Who Hears
  • Sermon 32: El Shaddai
  • Sermon 33: Covenant Children
  • Sermon 34: It’s a Wonderful Life
  • Sermon 35: Dare to Draw Nearer
  • Sermon 36: “Fatal Attraction”
  • Sermon 37: “Pilgrim’s Regress”
  • Sermon 38: Isaac: Shadow of the Begotten
  • Sermon 39: Patriarchs and Philistines
  • Sermon 40: “Love Divine, All Loves Excelling”
  • Sermon 41: “Death be not proud”
  • Sermon 42: Made in Heaven
  • Sermon 43: The Sovereignty of God-The first Fundamental
  • Sermon 44: “Siren’s Song: The Tragedy of Esau”
  • Sermon 45: Extraordinary Principles from an Ordinary Man
  • Sermon 46: Responses to the Revealed Will
  • Sermon 47: The Presence
  • Sermon 48: Divine Discipline
  • Sermon 49: Of Maids and Mandrakes
  • Sermon 50: How to be a Believer in an Unbelieving World
  • Sermon 51: The Divine Protection or “Kings X”
  • Sermon 52: The Magnificent Defeat
  • Sermon 53: The Restoration of a Backslider
  • Sermon 54: “The road less traveled”
  • Sermon 55: The Father’s Glorious Firstborn: Then and Now
  • Sermon 56: The Black Sheep of the Chosen Line
  • Sermon 57: Joseph, the Faithful
  • Sermon 58: Clinging in the Dark
  • Sermon 59: Beautiful Savior, Lord of All Nations
  • Sermon 60: Hound of Heaven
  • Sermon 61: Love Divine-All Love Excelling
  • Sermon 62: Icebergs
  • Sermon 63: Flourishing in Famine: Clean Living in a Dirty World
  • Sermon 64: The People of God: A Family Portrait
  • Sermon 65: A Joyful View of a Grim Subject
  • Sermon 66: Providence: Beauty on the Black Keys
  • Sermon 67: A Coffin in Egypt

PASTORLIFE - links updated 2/19/2025


  • The Importance of Studying Genesis (docpdf)
  • Outline of Genesis (docpdf)
  • Genesis 5 and 11 Genealogies (Excelpdf)
  • Genesis 1:1-2:25. The Creation Account (docpdf)
  • Genesis 3. The Fall (docpdf)
  • Genesis 4. Cain and Able (docpdf)
  • Genesis 5. Adam's Family (docpdf)
  • Genesis 6. Leading up to the Flood (docpdf)
  • Genesis 7, 8. The Flood (docpdf)
  • Genesis 9 Dispensation of Government (docpdf)
  • Genesis 10:1-11:9. Table of Nations and Tower of Babel (docpdf)
  • Genesis 11:27-12:20. Abrahamic Covenant (docpdf)
  • Genesis 13-15. History of Abraham Before Isaac (docpdf)
  • Genesis 16:1-18:15. Ishmael and Isaac (docpdf)
  • Genesis 18:16-19:38. Sodom and Gomorrah (docpdf)
  • Genesis 20-22. Abraham and Isaac (docpdf)
  • Genesis 23-24. Death of Sarah and Marriage of Isaac (docpdf)
  • Genesis 25-27. Jacob and Esau (docpdf)
  • Genesis 28-31. Jacob and Laban (docpdf)
  • Genesis 32-36. Jacob Returns to the Land of His Fathers (docpdf)
  • Genesis 37-41. Joseph (docpdf)
  • Genesis 42-45. Joseph and His Brothers (docpdf)
  • Genesis 46-50. Jacob and Joseph (docpdf)




ADRIAN ROGERS - click here for more sermons


ROB SALVATO - many chapters do not have notes


JOHN SCHULTZ - Former missionary


 Intro Genesis 1 Genesis 2 Genesis 3
Genesis 4 Genesis 5 Genesis 6 Genesis 7
Genesis 8 Genesis 9 Genesis 10 Genesis 11
Genesis 12 Genesis 13 Genesis 14 Genesis 15
Genesis 16 Genesis 17 Genesis 18 Genesis 19
Genesis 21 Genesis 22 Genesis 23 Genesis 24
Genesis 25 Genesis 26 Genesis 27 Genesis 28
Genesis 29 Genesis 30 Genesis 31 Genesis 32
Genesis 33 Genesis 34 Genesis 35 Genesis 36
Genesis 37 Genesis 38 Genesis 39 Genesis 41
Genesis 42 Genesis 43 Genesis 44 Genesis 45
Genesis 46 Genesis 47 Genesis 48 Genesis 49
Genesis 50


See also link with list of over 1500 mentions of Genesis on

  • Creation Genesis 1
  • The Creator's Sabbath Genesis 2
  • The Garden Of Eden Genesis 2:8-19
  • The First Marriage Genesis 2:18, Genesis 2:21-25
  • The Fall Of Man Genesis 3
  • Cain And Abel Genesis 4:1-16
  • Noah Saved From Wrath Genesis 6:7
  • The Altar And The Bow Genesis 8:20-21; Genesis 9:12-16
  • The Tower Of Babel Genesis 11:1-9
  • The Call Of Abraham Genesis 12:1-4
  • Abraham In Canaan Genesis 12:4-9
  • Abraham In Egypt Genesis 20:10-18; Genesis 13:1-4
  • Abraham The Separated One Genesis 13:5-18
  • Abraham The Man Of Faith Genesis 14:18-24
  • Abraham Encouraged Genesis 15:1-6
  • Abraham Walking Before God Genesis 17:1-5
  • Abraham Receiving And Serving Genesis 18:1-17
  • The History Of Lot Genesis 19
  • A Solemn Reflection Genesis 19:27-28
  • Hagar The Helpless Genesis 21:14-19
  • The Sacrifice Of Abraham Genesis 22:1-14
  • The Bridal Search Genesis 24
  • Rehoboth Victory Through Yielding Genesis 26:17-28 
  • Jacob's Vision Genesis 28:10-22
  • The Mysterious Wrestler Genesis 32:24-31
  • The Call To Bethel Genesis 35:1-7
  • Joseph The Patient Sufferer Genesis 37
  • Joseph The Exalted Heart Searcher Genesis 42 - 44
  • Joseph The Revealed Kinsman Genesis 45
  • Joseph The Ruling Prince Genesis 47
  • Types Of Christians Genesis 49

R C SPROUL - Devotionals from his "Before the Face of God" series




TABLETALK - Ligonier Ministries

PAUL TAYLOR - see sermons in table below

  • Genesis 1:1 True Story
  • Genesis 1-11 - World Made- The Beginning
  • Genesis 12-36 A Family Born- God's Heroes
  • Genesis 37-50 Family Born- Evil Overcome


DAVID THOMPSON - transcripts - over 100 messages on Genesis

GEOFF THOMAS - Sermons on Genesis

Genesis 1

Genesis 2

Genesis 3

Genesis 4

Genesis 5

Genesis 6

Genesis 7

Genesis 8

Genesis 9

Genesis 10

Genesis 11





"The Book of Genesis and Part of the Book of Exodus is a thorough and excellent commentary on the first book of Moses, and the first twenty-five chapters of Exodus. A verse-by-verse examination of the Scripture, this volume by one of the 19th century’s best theologians is illuminating and comprehensive in its erudition of history, language, translation, and interpretation of Genesis and Exodus." (



"This solid, fifty-chapter anthology of Cumming’s sermons on the book of Genesis provides an in-depth look into the first book of Moses, colored with Cumming’s astute commentary and perceptive insight." (


"Dillmann’s methodical approach to Genesis is outstanding in its textual precision, and includes Hebrew and Greek translations of key passages." (


JOHN DUMMELOW - Genesis - Dummelow's Commentary - Brief Comments

Introduction Genesis 1 Genesis 2 Genesis 3
Genesis 4 Genesis 5 Genesis 6 Genesis 7
Genesis 8 Genesis 9 Genesis 10 Genesis 11
Genesis 12 Genesis 13 Genesis 14 Genesis 15
Genesis 16 Genesis 17 Genesis 18 Genesis 19
Genesis 21 Genesis 22 Genesis 23 Genesis 24
Genesis 25 Genesis 26 Genesis 27 Genesis 28
Genesis 29 Genesis 30 Genesis 31 Genesis 32
Genesis 33 Genesis 34 Genesis 35 Genesis 36
Genesis 37 Genesis 38 Genesis 39 Genesis 41
Genesis 42 Genesis 43 Genesis 44 Genesis 45
Genesis 46 Genesis 47 Genesis 48 Genesis 49
Genesis 50


Rosscup notes that "Driver was a careful scholar and aids the expositor in understanding the meanings of difficult phrases...(in his critique of Driver on Exodus Rosscup adds that he has) helpful comments on matters of historical background and word meanings. It helps on problems, though Driver was liberal." (Ibid)


Introduction Genesis 1 Genesis 2 Genesis 3
Genesis 4 Genesis 5 Genesis 6 Genesis 7
Genesis 8 Genesis 9 Genesis 10 Genesis 11
Genesis 12 Genesis 13 Genesis 14 Genesis 15
Genesis 16 Genesis 17 Genesis 18 Genesis 19
Genesis 21 Genesis 22 Genesis 23 Genesis 24
Genesis 25 Genesis 26 Genesis 27 Genesis 28
Genesis 29 Genesis 30 Genesis 31 Genesis 32
Genesis 33 Genesis 34 Genesis 35 Genesis 36
Genesis 37 Genesis 38 Genesis 39 Genesis 41
Genesis 42 Genesis 43 Genesis 44 Genesis 45
Genesis 46 Genesis 47 Genesis 48 Genesis 49
Genesis 50



Warren Wiersbe one of the more esteemed modern evangelical commentators writes: If you can locate the six-volume edition of the Expositor’s Bible, buy it immediately! It takes up less space than the original fifty-volume set, and not everything in the original set is worth owning.

Cyril J. Barber - This set, originally published in 1903, contains expositions by both conservative and liberal theologians. The most important works are by Dod (Genesis), Chadwick (Exodus and Mark), Kellogg (Leviticus), Blaikie (Joshua, I and II Samuel), Adeney (Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther), Maclaren (Psalms), Moule (Romans), Findlay (Galatians and Ephesians), Plummer (Pastoral Epistles and the Epistles of James and Jude), and Milligan (Revelation.)


Introduction Genesis 1 Genesis 2 Genesis 3
Genesis 4 Genesis 5 Genesis 6 Genesis 7
Genesis 8 Genesis 9 Genesis 10 Genesis 11
Genesis 12 Genesis 13 Genesis 14 Genesis 15
Genesis 16 Genesis 17 Genesis 18 Genesis 19
Genesis 21 Genesis 22 Genesis 23 Genesis 24
Genesis 25 Genesis 26 Genesis 27 Genesis 28
Genesis 29 Genesis 30 Genesis 31 Genesis 32
Genesis 33 Genesis 34 Genesis 35 Genesis 36
Genesis 37 Genesis 38 Genesis 39 Genesis 41
Genesis 42 Genesis 43 Genesis 44 Genesis 45
Genesis 46 Genesis 47 Genesis 48 Genesis 49
Genesis 50


Introduction Genesis 1 Genesis 2 Genesis 3
Genesis 4 Genesis 5 Genesis 6 Genesis 7
Genesis 8 Genesis 9 Genesis 10 Genesis 11
Genesis 12 Genesis 13 Genesis 14 Genesis 15
Genesis 16 Genesis 17 Genesis 18 Genesis 19
Genesis 21 Genesis 22 Genesis 23 Genesis 24
Genesis 25 Genesis 26 Genesis 27 Genesis 28
Genesis 29 Genesis 30 Genesis 31 Genesis 32
Genesis 33 Genesis 34 Genesis 35 Genesis 36
Genesis 37 Genesis 38 Genesis 39 Genesis 41
Genesis 42 Genesis 43 Genesis 44 Genesis 45
Genesis 46 Genesis 47 Genesis 48 Genesis 49
Genesis 50




Introduction Genesis 1 Genesis 3 Genesis 4
Genesis 6 Genesis 7 Genesis 8 Genesis 9
Genesis 10 Genesis 11 Genesis 12 Genesis 14
Genesis 16 Genesis 18 Genesis 19 Genesis 20
Genesis 21 Genesis 24 Genesis 25 Genesis 29
Genesis 32 Genesis 34 Genesis 37 Genesis 48




Introduction Genesis 1 Genesis 2 Genesis 3
Genesis 4 Genesis 5 Genesis 6 Genesis 7
Genesis 8 Genesis 9 Genesis 10 Genesis 11
Genesis 12 Genesis 13 Genesis 14 Genesis 15
Genesis 16 Genesis 17 Genesis 18 Genesis 19
Genesis 21 Genesis 22 Genesis 23 Genesis 24
Genesis 25 Genesis 26 Genesis 27 Genesis 28
Genesis 29 Genesis 30 Genesis 31 Genesis 32
Genesis 33 Genesis 34 Genesis 35 Genesis 36
Genesis 37 Genesis 38 Genesis 39 Genesis 41
Genesis 42 Genesis 43 Genesis 44 Genesis 45
Genesis 46 Genesis 47 Genesis 48 Genesis 49
Genesis 50


MEREDITH KLINE - OT Scholar - several articles including a Genesis Commentary


Introduction Genesis 1 Genesis 2 Genesis 3
Genesis 4 Genesis 5 Genesis 6 Genesis 7
Genesis 8 Genesis 9 Genesis 10 Genesis 11
Genesis 12 Genesis 13 Genesis 14 Genesis 15
Genesis 16 Genesis 17 Genesis 18 Genesis 19
Genesis 21 Genesis 22 Genesis 23 Genesis 24
Genesis 25 Genesis 26 Genesis 27 Genesis 28
Genesis 29 Genesis 30 Genesis 31 Genesis 32
Genesis 33 Genesis 34 Genesis 35 Genesis 36
Genesis 37 Genesis 38 Genesis 39 Genesis 41
Genesis 42 Genesis 43 Genesis 44 Genesis 45
Genesis 46 Genesis 47 Genesis 48 Genesis 49
Genesis 50

GARY KUKIS - Genesis Commentary

These Pdf files are very in depth studies including several Bible translations, word studies and comments.

Genesis 1

Genesis 2

Genesis 3

Genesis 4

Genesis 5

Genesis 6

Genesis 7

Genesis 8

Genesis 9

Genesis 10

Genesis 11

Genesis 12

Genesis 13

Genesis 14

Genesis 15

Genesis 16

Genesis 17

Genesis 18

Genesis 19

Genesis 20

Genesis 21

Genesis 22

Genesis 23

Genesis 24

Genesis 25

Genesis 26

Genesis 27

Genesis 28

Genesis 29

Genesis 30

Genesis 31

Genesis 32

Genesis 33

Genesis 34

Genesis 35

Genesis 36

Genesis 37

Genesis 38

Genesis 39

Genesis 40

Genesis 41

Genesis 42

Genesis 43

Genesis 44

Genesis 45

Genesis 46

Genesis 47

Genesis 48

Genesis 49

Genesis 50






Rosscup comments on Murphy's style in his commentary on Exodus "This old evangelical work of 591 pp. has some value at times for pastors, but so many works are superior. Murphy gives only his own comments, and only now and then any special help. The old writing style slows reading and takes longer to get to a point. Comments often point in a good direction but brevity hampers." (Ibid)


Genesis 1 Genesis 2 Genesis 3 Genesis 4
Genesis 6 Genesis 7 Genesis 8 Genesis 9
Genesis 11 Genesis 12 Genesis 13 Genesis 14
Genesis 15 Genesis 17 Genesis 18 Genesis 19
Genesis 21 Genesis 22 Genesis 24 Genesis 25
Genesis 37 Genesis 39 Genesis 40 Genesis 41
Genesis 42 Genesis 43 Genesis 45 Genesis 47


Introduction Genesis 1 Genesis 2 Genesis 3
Genesis 4 Genesis 5 Genesis 6 Genesis 7
Genesis 8 Genesis 9 Genesis 10 Genesis 11
Genesis 12 Genesis 13 Genesis 14 Genesis 15
Genesis 16 Genesis 17 Genesis 18 Genesis 19
Genesis 21 Genesis 22 Genesis 23 Genesis 24
Genesis 25 Genesis 26 Genesis 27 Genesis 28
Genesis 29 Genesis 30 Genesis 31 Genesis 32
Genesis 33 Genesis 34 Genesis 35 Genesis 36
Genesis 37 Genesis 38 Genesis 39 Genesis 41
Genesis 42 Genesis 43 Genesis 44 Genesis 45
Genesis 46 Genesis 47 Genesis 48 Genesis 49
Genesis 50

A W PINK- see entire book - Gleanings in Genesis


Introduction Genesis 1 Genesis 2 Genesis 3
Genesis 4 Genesis 5 Genesis 6 Genesis 7
Genesis 8 Genesis 9 Genesis 10 Genesis 11
Genesis 12 Genesis 13 Genesis 14 Genesis 15
Genesis 16 Genesis 17 Genesis 18 Genesis 19
Genesis 21 Genesis 22 Genesis 23 Genesis 24
Genesis 25 Genesis 26 Genesis 27 Genesis 28
Genesis 29 Genesis 30 Genesis 31 Genesis 32
Genesis 33 Genesis 34 Genesis 35 Genesis 36
Genesis 37 Genesis 38 Genesis 39 Genesis 41
Genesis 42 Genesis 43 Genesis 44 Genesis 45
Genesis 46 Genesis 47 Genesis 48 Genesis 49
Genesis 50


Introduction Genesis 1 Genesis 2 Genesis 3
Genesis 4 Genesis 5 Genesis 6 Genesis 7
Genesis 8 Genesis 9 Genesis 10 Genesis 11
Genesis 12 Genesis 13 Genesis 14 Genesis 15
Genesis 16 Genesis 17 Genesis 18 Genesis 19
Genesis 21 Genesis 22 Genesis 23 Genesis 24
Genesis 25 Genesis 26 Genesis 27 Genesis 28
Genesis 29 Genesis 30 Genesis 31 Genesis 32
Genesis 33 Genesis 34 Genesis 35 Genesis 36
Genesis 37 Genesis 38 Genesis 39 Genesis 41
Genesis 42 Genesis 43 Genesis 44 Genesis 45
Genesis 46 Genesis 47 Genesis 48 Genesis 49
Genesis 50



SERMON BIBLE COMMENTARY - portions of sermons from different preachers - not all verses have comments.

Introduction Genesis 1 Genesis 2 Genesis 3
Genesis 4 Genesis 5 Genesis 6 Genesis 7
Genesis 8 Genesis 9 Genesis 10 Genesis 11
Genesis 12 Genesis 13 Genesis 14 Genesis 15
Genesis 16 Genesis 17 Genesis 18 Genesis 19
Genesis 21 Genesis 22 Genesis 23 Genesis 24
Genesis 25 Genesis 26 Genesis 27 Genesis 28
Genesis 29 Genesis 30 Genesis 31 Genesis 32
Genesis 33 Genesis 34 Genesis 35 Genesis 36
Genesis 37 Genesis 38 Genesis 39 Genesis 41
Genesis 42 Genesis 43 Genesis 44 Genesis 45
Genesis 46 Genesis 47 Genesis 48 Genesis 49
Genesis 50


Introduction Genesis 1 Genesis 2 Genesis 3
Genesis 4 Genesis 5 Genesis 6 Genesis 7
Genesis 8 Genesis 9 Genesis 10 Genesis 11
Genesis 12 Genesis 13 Genesis 14 Genesis 15
Genesis 16 Genesis 17 Genesis 18 Genesis 19
Genesis 21 Genesis 22 Genesis 23 Genesis 24
Genesis 25 Genesis 26 Genesis 27 Genesis 28
Genesis 29 Genesis 30 Genesis 31 Genesis 32
Genesis 33 Genesis 34 Genesis 35 Genesis 36
Genesis 37 Genesis 38 Genesis 39 Genesis 41
Genesis 42 Genesis 43 Genesis 44 Genesis 45
Genesis 46 Genesis 47 Genesis 48 Genesis 49
Genesis 50



Introduction Genesis 1 Genesis 2 Genesis 3
Genesis 4 Genesis 5 Genesis 6 Genesis 7
Genesis 8 Genesis 9 Genesis 10 Genesis 11
Genesis 12 Genesis 13 Genesis 14 Genesis 15
Genesis 16 Genesis 17 Genesis 18 Genesis 19
Genesis 21 Genesis 22 Genesis 23 Genesis 24
Genesis 25 Genesis 26 Genesis 27 Genesis 28
Genesis 29 Genesis 30 Genesis 31 Genesis 32
Genesis 33 Genesis 34 Genesis 35 Genesis 36
Genesis 37 Genesis 38 Genesis 39 Genesis 41
Genesis 42 Genesis 43 Genesis 44 Genesis 45
Genesis 46 Genesis 47 Genesis 48 Genesis 49
Genesis 50


A Question for Atheists J. B. Clark. Genesis 1:1
A Revelation of God and of Nature Pulpit Analyst Genesis 1:1
Beginning is a Word Familiarly on Our Lips J.F. Montgomery Genesis 1:1
Chance Cannot Explain Order in Creation Archbishop Tillotson. Genesis 1:1
Chance not Creative   Genesis 1:1
Creation C. P. Eden, M. A. Genesis 1:1
Creation A. Monod, D. D. Genesis 1:1
Creation A. H. Strong, D. D. Genesis 1:1
Creation J. Parker, D. D. Genesis 1:1
Creation James G. Murphy, LL. D. Genesis 1:1
Creation W. S. Smith, B. D. Genesis 1:1
Creation a Comforting Thought   Genesis 1:1
Creation's Birth J. S. Withington. Genesis 1:1
Design Wm. Adamson. Genesis 1:1
Genesis of the Universe G. D. Boardman. Genesis 1:1
God First F. J. Falding, D. D. Genesis 1:1
God the Author of All Things   Genesis 1:1
God the Maker of Heaven and Earth T. T. Shore, M. A. Genesis 1:1
Import of Faith in a Creator Canon Liddon. Genesis 1:1
Love in the Fact of Creation Dean Alford. Genesis 1:1
Man's Limited Knowledge of Nature T. Carlyle. Genesis 1:1
On Beginnings J. E. Gibberd. Genesis 1:1
On the Existence and Character of God Preb. Row, M. A. Genesis 1:1
Order no Proof of Evolution W. M. Taylor, D. D. Genesis 1:1
Pantheism A. H. Strong, D. D. Genesis 1:1
Seeking the True God E. Stock. Genesis 1:1
The Birth of the World Also the Birth of Time J. P. Lange, D. D. Genesis 1:1
The Christian Doctrine of Creation D. Greig, M. A. Genesis 1:1
The Creation R. S. Candlish, D. D. Genesis 1:1
The Creation Stopford A. Brooke, M. A. Genesis 1:1
The Creation L. D. Bevan, LL. B. Genesis 1:1
The Creation D. C. Hughes, M. A. Genesis 1:1
The Creation and Revelation of Life from God J. P. Lange, D. D. Genesis 1:1
The Creation as a Revelation of God J. P. Lange, D. D. Genesis 1:1
The Creative Laws and the Scripture Revelation S. Kellogg, D. D. Genesis 1:1
The Creator and His Work J. S. Exell, M. A. Genesis 1:1
The Creator and the Creation J. Vaughan, M. A. Genesis 1:1
The End of God in Creation W. C. Wisner. Genesis 1:1
The Folly of Atheism   Genesis 1:1
The Outline of Creation J. P. Lange, D. D. Genesis 1:1
The Theology of Creation J. Parker, D. D. Genesis 1:1
The Word Earth as Used in Scripture Prof. Gaussen. Genesis 1:1
The Work of God and the Work of Man J. P. Lange, D. D. Genesis 1:1
The World According to its Various Forms J. P. Lange, D. D. Genesis 1:1
What We Learn Here About God J. White. Genesis 1:1
A True and Firm Foundation R.A. Redford Genesis 1:1-5
An Emblem of Unrenewed Man   Genesis 1:2
Genesis of Order G. D. Boardman. Genesis 1:2
On Looking Back to Original Condition J. White. Genesis 1:2
The Chaos J. Matthews, M. A. Genesis 1:2
The Chaos of the Earth Illustrated by the Chaotic Condition of the Moon C. Williams. Genesis 1:2
The Creation T. M. Herbert, M. A. Genesis 1:2
The Inability of Chaos Apart from God to Evolve Order G. Wight. Genesis 1:2
The Spirit of God Considered as the Chief Agent in the Work of the New Creation J. Davies, B. D. Genesis 1:2
The Teaching of Chaos J. S. Exell, M. A. Genesis 1:2
The Work of the Holy Spirit J. B. Owen, M. A. Genesis 1:2
Without Form and Void J. S. Exell, M. A. Genesis 1:2
All the Blessings of the Light J. B. C. Murphy, B. A. Genesis 1:3-4
Darkness Before Light J. Vaughan, M. A. Genesis 1:3-4
Genesis of Light G. D. Boardman. Genesis 1:3-4
Light Dean Law. Genesis 1:3-4
Light and its Laws J. C. Gray. Genesis 1:3-4
Light and Life W. S. Smith, B. D. Genesis 1:3-4
Light and the Gospel Compared J. Burns, D. D. Genesis 1:3-4
Light, a Source of Life J. P. Lange, D. D. Genesis 1:3-4
Light, Natural and Spiritual Spurgeon, Charles Haddon Genesis 1:3-4
Night a Necessity C. Williams. Genesis 1:3-4
The Ceaseless Act of the Almighty W. Burgess. Genesis 1:3-4
The Creation of Light J. S. Exell, M. A. Genesis 1:3-4
The Creation of Light a Day's Work of God J. P. Lange, D. D. Genesis 1:3-4
The First Day A. Jukes. Genesis 1:3-4
The First Day of Creation Spurgeon, Charles Haddon Genesis 1:3-4
The Word of God J. P. Lange, D. D. Genesis 1:3-4
Lessons from the Night   Genesis 1:5
Light, Natural and Spiritual Spurgeon, Charles Haddon Genesis 1:5
The Evening and the Morning L. W. Bacon. Genesis 1:5
The First Day The Preacher's Monthly Genesis 1:5
The First Day The Protoplast Genesis 1:5
The Record of the First Day of Creation Reminds Us of the First Day of Human Life The Protoplast Genesis 1:5
A Type of Prayer and its Answer H. W. Morris, D. D. Genesis 1:6-8
Atmospherical Adjustments H. W. Morris, D. D. Genesis 1:6-8
Genesis of the Sky G. D. Boardman. Genesis 1:6-8
Interesting Illustrations of Design in the Atmosphere Brewer., Brewer., Brewer., Brewer. Genesis 1:6-8
Reflections H. W. Morris, D. D. Genesis 1:6-8
The Atmosphere J. S. Exell, M. A. Genesis 1:6-8
The Atmosphere G. C. Noyes, D. D. Genesis 1:6-8
The Atmosphere H. W. Morris, D. D. Genesis 1:6-8
The Composition of the Atmosphere Brewer. Genesis 1:6-8
The Firmament A. Fuller. Genesis 1:6-8
The Influence of Sin Seen in its Deterioration H. Bonar. Genesis 1:6-8
The Second Day A. Jukes. Genesis 1:6-8
Uses of the Atmosphere John Cobley. Genesis 1:6-8
Distribution of Sea and Land A. Fuller. Genesis 1:9-10
Genesis of the Lands G. D. Boardman. Genesis 1:9-10
The Sea and the Dry Land J. S. Exell, M. A. Genesis 1:9-10
The Third Day A. Jukes. Genesis 1:9-10
Various Uses of the Sea Bib. Sacra. Genesis 1:9-10
All Nature is Emblematic Professor Gaussen. Genesis 1:11-13
An Inimitable Work Professor Gaussen. Genesis 1:11-13
Genesis of the Plants G. D. Boardman. Genesis 1:11-13
Lessons from Leaves, Flowers, and Grass H. W. Morris, D. D. Genesis 1:11-13
Plant Life Professor Gaussen. Genesis 1:11-13
Reflections on the Vegetable Creation H. W. Morris, D. D. Genesis 1:11-13
Seed Professor Gaussen. Genesis 1:11-13
The Beauty of the Grass   Genesis 1:11-13
The First Vegetable The Protoplast Genesis 1:11-13
The Grass Homiletic Review Genesis 1:11-13
The Growth of Plants S. Turner. Genesis 1:11-13
The Law of Food Production   Genesis 1:11-13
The Miracle of Reproduction Professor Gaussen. Genesis 1:11-13
The Vegetable Creation H. W. Morris, D. D. Genesis 1:11-13
Vegetation J. S. Exell, M. A. Genesis 1:11-13
Genesis of the Luminaries G. D. Boardman. Genesis 1:14-19
God Calling the Luminaries into Existence J. S. Exell, M. A. Genesis 1:14-19
God has Placed the Lights Above Us J. S. Exell, M. A. Genesis 1:14-19
God More Glorious than the Sun   Genesis 1:14-19
Lessons of the Firmament J. B. Smith, D. D. Genesis 1:14-19
Light Professor Gaussen. Genesis 1:14-19
Lights T. M. Herbert, M. A. Genesis 1:14-19
No Note of Time in the Dark Prof. Gaussen. Genesis 1:14-19
Reflections on the Sun H. W. Morris, D. D. Genesis 1:14-19
The Clock of the Universe Prof. Gaussen. Genesis 1:14-19
The Clock of Time H. Macmillan, D. D. Genesis 1:14-19
The Fourth Day A. Jukes. Genesis 1:14-19
The Fourth Day R.A. Redford Genesis 1:14-19
The Great Time Keeper H. Bushnell, D. D. Genesis 1:14-19
The Heavenly Bodies J. S. Exell, M. A. Genesis 1:14-19
The Heavenly Bodies J. S. Exell, M. A. Genesis 1:14-19
The Heavenly Bodies Emblematic of the Spiritual H. Bonar, D. D. Genesis 1:14-19
The Heavenly Luminaries J. P. Millar. Genesis 1:14-19
The Luminaries A. Fuller. Genesis 1:14-19
The Moon, an Emblem of the Church H. W. Morris, D. D. Genesis 1:14-19
The Place and Use of Creatures are Assigned unto Them J. S. Exell, M. A. Genesis 1:14-19
The Stars and the Spiritual Life H. Macmillan, D. D. Genesis 1:14-19
The Sun Bib. Sacra. Genesis 1:14-19
Time Bishop S. Wilberforce. Genesis 1:14-19
Time Should be Valued Prof. Gaussen. Genesis 1:14-19
Birds Prof. Gaussen. Genesis 1:20-23
Fecundity of Fishes Prof. Gaussen. Genesis 1:20-23
Fish and Fowl J. S. Exell, M. A. Genesis 1:20-23
Genesis of the Animals G. D. Boardman. Genesis 1:20-23
Insects Prof. Gaussen. Genesis 1:20-23
Reflections on the Insect Creation Prof. Gaussen. Genesis 1:20-23
Resemblances Between Fishes and Birds Prof. Gaussen. Genesis 1:20-23
Shoals of Animalculae   Genesis 1:20-23
Some of the Faculties and Organs of Fishes Prof. Gaussen. Genesis 1:20-23
The Fifth Day R.A. Redford Genesis 1:20-23
The Prolific Character of the Life of the Ocean Jacobus. Genesis 1:20-23
God's Blessing Abundant A. McAuslane, D. D. Genesis 1:22-23
God's Blessing Upon the Means of Great Importance J. Spencer. Genesis 1:22-23
Beasts, or Wild Animals H. W. Morris, D. D. Genesis 1:24-25
Reflections on the Domestic Animals H. W. Morris, D. D. Genesis 1:24-25
The Animal Creation J. S. Exell, M. A. Genesis 1:24-25
The Animals of the Earth as Fore Runners of Man J. P. Lange, D. D. Genesis 1:24-25
The Sixth Day R.A. Redford Genesis 1:24-31
Of the First Covenant Made with Man Hugh Binning Genesis 1:26
The Likeness of God Charles Kingsley Genesis 1:26
The Purpose in the Coming of Jesus S. D. Gordon Genesis 1:26
The Vision of Creation Alexander Maclaren Genesis 1:26
The Sixth Day R.A. Redford Genesis 1:24-31
Care for the Body H. W. Beecher. Genesis 1:26-27
Fellowship with God S. Martin. Genesis 1:26-27
Genesis of Man G. D. Boardman. Genesis 1:26-27
God Makes Man Near to Himself S. Martin. Genesis 1:26-27
God Manifests Himself Through Man S. Martin. Genesis 1:26-27
Love in the Creation of Man Dean Alford. Genesis 1:26-27
Man a Creation, not an Evolution A. H. Strong, D. D. Genesis 1:26-27
Man Created in God's Image A. Furst, D. D. Genesis 1:26-27
Man Created in the Divine Image D. Moore, M. A. Genesis 1:26-27
Man Created in the Image of God Archdeacon Hodson, M. A. Genesis 1:26-27
Man in God's Image S. Martin. Genesis 1:26-27
Man in God's Kingdom   Genesis 1:26-27
Man Made in the Image of God M. Gibson, D. D. Genesis 1:26-27
Man's Creation and Empire W. R. Campbell. Genesis 1:26-27
Our Ancestors Benson Bailey. Genesis 1:26-27
Proofs of the Divine in Man J. O. Dykes, D. D. Genesis 1:26-27
The Antiquity of Man Historically Considered G. Rawlinson, M. A. Genesis 1:26-27
The Creation of Man R.A. Redford Genesis 1:26, 27
The Creation of Man J. S. Exell, M. A. Genesis 1:26-27
The Creation of Man J. Burns, D. D. Genesis 1:26-27
The Creation of Man H. J. Hastings, M. A. Genesis 1:26-27
The Creation of Man in the Divine Image D. N. Sheldon, D. D. Genesis 1:26-27
The Defaced Image H. R. Burton. Genesis 1:26-27
The Divine Image a Thought Experimentally Useful S. Martin. Genesis 1:26-27
The Divine Image in Man Dean Vaughan. Genesis 1:26-27
The Divine Image in Man The Evangelical Preacher Genesis 1:26-27
The Divine in Man F. W. Robertson, M. A., L. Bonnet. Genesis 1:26-27
The Image of God J. Benson. Genesis 1:26-27
The Image of God W. S. Smith, B. D. Genesis 1:26-27
The Image of God in Man Archdeacon Hannah. Genesis 1:26-27
The Jewish and the Christian Thought of Man W. Clarkson, B. A. Genesis 1:26-27
The Making of Man J. Parker, D. D. Genesis 1:26-27
The State of Innocence E. Monro, M. A. Genesis 1:26-27
The Vastness of Man J. Pulsford. Genesis 1:26-27
What is the Image of God in Which Man was Created R. South, D. D. Genesis 1:26-27
Human Nature Charles Kingsley Genesis 1:27
Man's Dominion Over the Lower Animals S. McGill, D. D. Genesis 1:28
The Divine Blessing A. McAuslane, D. D. Genesis 1:28
Dependence on God J. S. Exell, M. A. Genesis 1:29-30
Food Bib. Sacra. Genesis 1:29-30
Let no Man be Discontented with Mean Fare J. S. Exell, M. A. Genesis 1:29-30
Man's Proper Food Prof. Gaussen. Genesis 1:29-30
Nature Productive Prof. Gaussen. Genesis 1:29-30
The Miracle of Nourishment Prof. Gaussen. Genesis 1:29-30
The Universe God's Gift to Man J. S. Exell, M. A. Genesis 1:29-30
A Pretty World   Genesis 1:31
Admiration of Completed Work G. Dawson. Genesis 1:31
Creation Very Good J. Bolton. Genesis 1:31
Everything in Species Made Perfect At One and the Same Time in the Creation J. Spencer. Genesis 1:31
God in Nature; Or, Spring Lessons J. Foster, B. A. Genesis 1:31
God's Approbation of His Works Sketches of Sermons Genesis 1:31
God's Approbation of His Works   Genesis 1:31
God's Creation Charles Kingsley Genesis 1:31
Perfection R.A. Redford Genesis 1:31
Perfection of Nature H. Wonnacott. Genesis 1:31
The Good Creation C. Kingsley, M. A. Genesis 1:31
The Love of Beauty: in Nature F. Paget, D. D. Genesis 1:31





























































































BRUCE HURT - on site, verse by verse commentaries

The Analyzed Bible - Genesis

James Rosscup writes that "Morgan was an evangelical master at surveying a book and giving its message within a brief compass. He introduces each book with a chart giving an analysis and synthesis. Revell put it out in a one-volume form in 1959..., and it is adequate to have the one-volume work, since Morgan is broad in his treatment anyway." (Commentaries for Biblical Expositors: An Annotated Bibliography of Selected Works)

As an aside G Campbell Morgan would read the book from which he planned to preach as many as 40 times till its related parts became clear in sections and paragraphs! Little wonder he was able to honestly entitle his work "The Analyzed Bible"!

Introduction Genesis 1 Genesis 2 Genesis 3
Genesis 4 Genesis 5 Genesis 6 Genesis 7
Genesis 8 Genesis 9 Genesis 10 Genesis 11
Genesis 12 Genesis 13 Genesis 14 Genesis 15
Genesis 16 Genesis 17 Genesis 18 Genesis 19
Genesis 21 Genesis 22 Genesis 23 Genesis 24
Genesis 25 Genesis 26 Genesis 27 Genesis 28
Genesis 29 Genesis 30 Genesis 31 Genesis 32
Genesis 33 Genesis 34 Genesis 35 Genesis 36
Genesis 37 Genesis 38 Genesis 39 Genesis 41
Genesis 42 Genesis 43 Genesis 44 Genesis 45
Genesis 46 Genesis 47 Genesis 48 Genesis 49
Genesis 50


Pastor Morgan has frequent quotes and interesting illustrative stories.


Dr Morris is one of the most well known creationist of modern times and thus his study Bible notes are fairly detailed in the book of Genesis. Recommended to supplement your study of this foundational book of Truth regarding the beginnings of sin and of redemption for when sin abounded in Eden, grace abounded all the more! Hallelujah!

Cyril Barber on Morris' The Genesis Record : a Scientific and Devotional Commentary (It can be borrowed) - Valuable as corollary reading. Of great importance for the scientific data that has been included in the author's exposition. Should be consulted by all who wish to be well-informed on the issues alluded to by Moses.


1. Authenticity of Biblical Text

2. Creation versus Evolution as Worldviews

3. The Logic of Biblical Creation

4. Outline of Earth History as Revealed in the Book of Genesis

5. Global Processes Indicating Recent Creation

6. The Universality of the Deluge

7. Bible-Believing Scientists of the Past

8. Science and the Scriptures

9. Miracles of the Bible

10. Chronology of the Patriarchs in Genesis

11. Quotations from or allusions to Genesis in the New Testament

12. “First Mentions” of Important Biblical Words in Genesis

13. Fulfillment of Biblical Prophecies

14. “I AM”—the Eternal Self-Existent God

15. The Deity of Christ

16. The Resurrection of Christ

17. Prophecies Fulfilled at the First Coming of Christ

18. Creation and Consummation—The Book of Revelation

19. Internal Designs in the Bible

20. The Creationist Faith of our Founding Fathers


NETBible notes are in the right panel. More technical comments but check it out as there are occasional "pearls"! 

Radio Bible Class

Excellent illustrations for sermons and teaching. Updated Jan 1, 2020

Related Resource:

Our Daily Bread - Multiple Devotionals on one page

Commentary on Genesis
The People's Bible

Click the respective chapters below for the sermons listed...

  • Genesis 1 and Intro
  • Genesis 1:26-31 The Making of Man
  • Notes for Preachers
  • Genesis 2:1-3 Adam, Eden and Eve
  • Genesis 3:1-5 The Woman, The Serpent, and the Fall
  • Genesis 3:17 The Ground
  • Genesis 4:2 Early Family Life
  • Genesis 4:1`3 Cain's Punishment
  • Genesis 5:1 Nobodyism
  • Genesis 6:13 Noah's Flood
  • Genesis - Making, Destroying and Saving Man
  • Genesis 9:13 The New Beginning
  • Genesis 10:1-5 The Fountains of History
  • Genesis 11 On the Building of Babel
  • Genesis 12 Abram's Pilgrimage
  • Genesis 12:1-20 The Same-Varied
  • Genesis 13:1 Abram and Lot
  • Genesis 14 Battle of the Kings
  • Genesis 15:1 Abram's Vision
  • Genesis 15, 16 Abram's Domestic Life
  • Genesis 18 Abraham's Intercession
  • Genesis 19:24, 25 The Destruction of Sodom
  • Genesis 20 Abraham and Abimelech
  • Genesis 21:14 Ishmael
  • Genesis 22:2 The Offering of Isaac
  • Genesis 23 The Burial of Sarah
  • Genesis 24:66 Rebekah: Domestic Life
  • Genesis 25:8 The Death of Abraham
  • Genesis 26:17-33 The Wells of Isaac
  • Genesis 26:34, 35 The Marriage of Esau
  • Genesis 27 The Deception of Isaac
  • Genesis 28:10-22 The Dream of Jacob
  • Genesis 29-31 In the Service of Laban
  • Genesis 37:19 Joseph's Dream
  • Genesis 39 Joseph's Captivity
  • Genesis 39 Joseph's Captivity
  • Genesis 39:20 Joseph in Prison
  • Genesis 41:1 Pharaoh's Dream
  • Genesis 41:46 Joseph's Elevation
  • Genesis 42:24 Joseph's Brethren Under Trial
  • Genesis 44:1-5 Joseph's Revelation
  • Genesis 47-49 The Last Days of Jacob
  • Genesis 45:9-11 Joseph's Death
  • Handfuls of Purpose for All Gleaners - Sermon Ideas
  • Genesis The Panorama of Genesis
Introduction Genesis 1 Genesis 2 Genesis 3
Genesis 4 Genesis 5 Genesis 6 Genesis 9
Genesis 10 Genesis 11 Genesis 12 Genesis 13
Genesis 14 Genesis 15 Genesis 16 Genesis 18
Genesis 19 Genesis 20 Genesis 21 Genesis 22
Genesis 23 Genesis 24 Genesis 25 Genesis 26
Genesis 27 Genesis 28 Genesis 29 Genesis 30
Genesis 31 Genesis 37 Genesis 39 Genesis 40
Genesis 41 Genesis 42 Genesis 44 Genesis 45
Genesis 47 Genesis 48 Genesis 49


These studies were presented between Aug 2000 and June 2004 at Washtenaw Independent Bible Church, Ann Arbor, MI. The book is organized into eleven parts, a prolog and then ten parts introduced by the phrase, "These are the generations of X." In each case, "X" is something that has been introduced in the previous section. The heading thus has the sense, "I've told you about X. Now let me tell you how the subsequent history unfolded, based on what you know about X." 

Source: CyberChapel



MP3 Audio Files


Introduction to Genesis

Genesis 1:1-2:3

Genesis 2:4-4:26,
The Generations of Heaven and Earth

Genesis 5:1-6:8
The Generations of Adam

Genesis 6:9-9:29
The Generations of Noah

Genesis 10:1-11:9
The Generations of the Sons of Noah

Genesis 11:10-26
The Generations of Shem


Genesis 11:27-25:11
The Generations of Terah

Genesis  25:12-18,
The Generations of Ishmael

Genesis 25:19-35:29
The Generations of Isaac

Genesis 36:1-43
The Generations of Esau

Genesis 37:1-50:26
The Generations of Jacob

Summary Overview


Book of Genesis

Introduction Genesis 1 Genesis 2 Genesis 3
Genesis 4 Genesis 5 Genesis 6 Genesis 7
Genesis 8 Genesis 9 Genesis 10 Genesis 11
Genesis 12 Genesis 13 Genesis 14 Genesis 15
Genesis 16 Genesis 17 Genesis 18 Genesis 19
Genesis 21 Genesis 22 Genesis 23 Genesis 24
Genesis 25 Genesis 26 Genesis 27 Genesis 28
Genesis 29 Genesis 30 Genesis 31 Genesis 32
Genesis 33 Genesis 34 Genesis 35 Genesis 36
Genesis 37 Genesis 38 Genesis 39 Genesis 41
Genesis 42 Genesis 43 Genesis 44 Genesis 45
Genesis 46 Genesis 47 Genesis 48 Genesis 49
Genesis 50

Sermons on Genesis

Sermons on Genesis

Excellent Exposition

Book of Genesis

Hint: After opening a chapter you can scroll down the page for numerous HOMILIES related to that chapter.

Introduction Genesis 1 Genesis 2 Genesis 3
Genesis 4 Genesis 5 Genesis 6 Genesis 7
Genesis 8 Genesis 9 Genesis 10 Genesis 11
Genesis 12 Genesis 13 Genesis 14 Genesis 15
Genesis 16 Genesis 17 Genesis 18 Genesis 19
Genesis 21 Genesis 22 Genesis 23 Genesis 24
Genesis 25 Genesis 26 Genesis 27 Genesis 28
Genesis 29 Genesis 30 Genesis 31 Genesis 32
Genesis 33 Genesis 34 Genesis 35 Genesis 36
Genesis 37 Genesis 38 Genesis 39 Genesis 41
Genesis 42 Genesis 43 Genesis 44 Genesis 45
Genesis 46 Genesis 47 Genesis 48 Genesis 49
Genesis 50


Sermons on Genesis


Click here to access the 102 titles listed below - the Pdf has 1234 pages of sermons. Rogers is conservative, pithy and practical! He is one of the stellar expositors of the twentieth century. Highly recommended to aid your sermon and teaching preparation. Illustrations in green font.

  1.   How to Have a True Foundation—Genesis 1:1
  2.   The God of Creation—Genesis 1:1
  3.   What a Mighty God We Serve—Genesis 1:1
  4.   The World in a Week—Genesis 1:1–5
  5.   Image or Imagination?—Genesis 1:24–27
  6.   A Conquering Church—Genesis 1:26
  7.   A Conquering Church—Genesis 1:26
  8.   The Bible and Animal Rights—Genesis 1:26
  9.   What’s Wrong with Animal Rights?—Genesis 1:26
  10.   Harmony in the Home—Genesis 1:27
  11.   Harmony in the Home, Part 1—Genesis 1:27; 2:18
  12.   How to Prepare Kids for Marriage—Genesis 1:27; 2:18–24
  13.   Millionaire Marriages—Genesis 2; 3
  14.   The Rest of Your Life—Genesis 2:1–3
  15.   The Anatomy of Salvation—Genesis 2:7
  16.   How to Function with Unction—Genesis 2:7
  17.   How to Function with Unction—Genesis 2:7
  18.   A Tale of Two Trees—Genesis 2:15–17
  19.   How to Put Meaning in Your Marriage—Genesis 2:18–24
  20.   Millionaire Marriages—Genesis 2:18–25
  21.   Wedding Bells in Eden—Genesis 2:18–25
  22.   Celebrate the Difference—Genesis 2:19–25
  23.   A Super Glue Marriage—Genesis 2:21–25
  24.   Four Lies That Ruined the World—Genesis 3:1–5
  25.   Four Lies that Ruined the Word—Genesis 3:1–5
  26.   Overcoming Satanic Deception—Genesis 3:1–5
  27.   Satan’s Four Spiritual Flaws—Genesis 3:1–5
  28.   The Evolution of a Sin—Genesis 3:1–6
  29.   Unmasking Satan’s Lies—Genesis 3:1–13
  30.   The Guilty Pair—Genesis 3:7–15
  31.   The Blood Atonement—Genesis 4:1–8
  32.   The Rapture of the Church—Genesis 5:5–24
  33.   Captain Noah and the Good Ship Grace—Genesis 6:1–8
  34.   Unsinkable Saints—Genesis 6:5–16
  35.   Noah’s Ark—Genesis 6:12–22
  36.   The Coming Kingdom of Christ—Genesis 10–11
  37.   The New Age Is Not New—Genesis 10–11
  38.   The Rise and Fall of Babylon—Genesis 10–11
  39.   Humanism: Tower of Blunders—Genesis 11:1–9
  40.   How to Mend a Broken Faith—Genesis 12:1
  41.   Dare to Be Great—Genesis 12:1–4
  42.   When Your Faith Fails—Genesis 12:1–4
  43.   What to Do When Faith Falters—Genesis 12:1–20
  44.   What to Do When Your Faith Falters—Genesis 12:10–20
  45.   The Sin of Sodom and the Spirit of the World—Genesis 13:1–11
  46.   Your Friendly Enemy—Genesis 13:5–12
  47.   Dangerous Decisions—Genesis 13:5–13
  48.   The Foolish Father Who Failed His Family—Genesis 13:10–12; 19:7–26
  49.   Is It Really Just a Small, Small World?—Genesis 13:12–13
  50.   How You Can Get Victory—Genesis 14:11–16
  51.   Faith Is the Victory—Genesis 14:11–24
  52.   The Problem in the Middle East—Genesis 17:1–8
  53.   The Promise that Changed the Word—Genesis 17:1–8
  54.   How to Be Strong in Faith—Genesis 17:15–17
  55.   Is Anything Too Hard for the Lord?—Genesis 18:13–14
  56.   Is There Anything Too Hard for God?—Genesis 18:14
  57.   Is There Anything Too Hard for the Lord?—Genesis 18:14
  58.   The Most Important People on Earth—Genesis 18:16–22; 19:24–29
  59.   The Sin of Sodom—Genesis 18:16–23
  60.   An Old Testament Calvary—Genesis 22:1–2
  61.   The Gospel According to Abraham—Genesis 22:1–2
  62.   The Gospel According to Isaac—Genesis 22:1–13
  63.   A Dress Rehearsal for Calvary—Genesis 22:1–14
  64.   An Old Testament Portrait of Christ—Genesis 22:1–14
  65.   The Testing of Your Faith—Genesis 22:1–14
  66.   Faith: Look, Examine, Test—Genesis 22:1–18
  67.   Till Death Do Us Part—Genesis 23:1–2
  68.   A Bride For Isaac—Genesis 24
  69.   Bringing Back the Bride—Genesis 24
  70.   Success Is Not an Accident—Genesis 24
  71.   The Bride of Christ—Genesis 24
  72.   The Romance of Redemption—Genesis 24
  73.   The Romance of Redemption—Genesis 24:1–4
  74.   Super Success—Genesis 24:1–56
  75.   Fine Principles of Prosperity—Genesis 24:56
  76.   Victory over the Flesh—Genesis 25:19–24
  77.   Failure Is Not Final—Genesis 28:10–22
  78.   The Stairway to Heaven—Genesis 28:10–22
  79.   A Battle You Cannot Afford to Win—Genesis 32
  80.   God Is Not Finished with You—Genesis 32
  81.   The Blessing of Brokenness—Genesis 32:1–28
  82.   Back to Bethel—Genesis 35
  83.   Investing for Life—Genesis 37
  84.   Practicing the Presence of God—Genesis 37
  85.   Joseph: A Type of Christ—Genesis 37; 41; 45
  86.   The Gospel According to Joseph—Genesis 37; 41; 45
  87.   How to Make Your Dreams Come True—Genesis 37:1–11
  88.   Discover Your Destiny—Genesis 37:1–28; 39:1–23
  89.   The Gospel According to Joseph—Genesis 37:2–4
  90.   Learning to Practice God’s Presence—Genesis 39
  91.   What to Do When Your Dreams Dissolve—Genesis 39; 40; 41:46, 51, 52
  92.   Practicing the Presence of God When Nothing Seems to Make Sense—Genesis 39:20–23
  93.   When Everything Goes Wrong—Genesis 39:21–23
  94.   Keeping On—Genesis 45
  95.   The Anatomy of Salvation—Genesis 45
  96.   The Anatomy of Salvation—Genesis 45
  97.   The Gospel According to Joseph, Part 2—Genesis 45
  98.   The Gospel According to Joseph—Genesis 45:1–15
  99.   Dying Grace—Genesis 47:28–29
  100.   A Box of Bones—Genesis 50:22–26
  101.   God’s Presence in the Hour of Death—Genesis 50:22–26
  102.   Waiting for the Promise—Genesis 50:22–26

Sermons on Genesis

How to Handle Criticism Genesis 42:1-38, 43:1-34, 44:1-34, 45:1-28
How to Handle Resentment Genesis 42:1-38, 43:1-34, 44:1-34, 45:1-28
A Man for the Hour Genesis 12:1-20, 13:1-4
How To Handle Strife Genesis 13:5-7
What Will Be, Will Be Genesis 49:3-27
Defilement that Delays Genesis 33:1-20, 34:1-31, 35:1-15
The Crisis that Cripples Genesis 32:1-32
To Bethel and Back Genesis 28:1-22, 29:1-35, 30:1-43, 31:1-55, 35:1-3
Birthrights and Rights Genesis 26:1-35, 27:1-46, 28:1-5
Jacob - His Birth and Birthright Genesis 25:20-34
Cain and Abel Genesis 4:1-26
The Foundations of the Home Genesis 2:18-25

Sermons on Genesis

If you are not familiar with the great saint Charles Simeon see Dr John Piper's discussion of Simeon's life - you will want to read Simeon's sermons after meeting him! - click Brothers We Must Not Mind a Little Suffering (Mp3 even better)

Click the respective chapter below for the following sermons

  • Genesis 1:26 Creation of Man
  • Genesis 2:3 Appointment of the Sabbath
  • Genesis 2:16,17 Covenant Made with Adam
  • Genesis 3:4 The Serpent Beguiling Eye
  • Genesis 3:6,7 The Fall of Man
  • Genesis 3:11-13 Excuses Made by our First Parents After Their Fall
  • Genesis 3:21-24 The Way of Salvation Illustrated to our First Parents
  • Genesis 4:8-10 The Death of Abel
  • Genesis 4:26 Institution of Public Worship
  • Genesis 6:6,7 God's Determination to Destroy Man
  • Genesis 7:1 Preservation of Noah
  • Genesis 9:12-16 God's Covenant with Noah
  • Genesis 11:4-8 Confusion of Tongues
  • Genesis 12:1-4 Call of Abram
  • Genesis 13:8-11 Separation of Abram and Lot
  • Genesis 14:18-20 Melchizedec Blessing Abram
  • Genesis 15:5,6 Abram Justified by Faith
  • Genesis 15:8 Covenant Confirmed to Abram
  • Genesis 16:13 The Omniscience of God
  • Genesis 17:9,10 Circumcision of Abraham
  • Genesis 18:13,1 4 Sarah Reproved for Her Unbelief
  • Genesis 18:19 Abraham's Care of His Family
  • Genesis 18:32 Abraham's Intercession for Sodom
  • Genesis 19:17 Lot Delivered Out of Sodom
  • Genesis 20:9 Abraham Reproved for Denying His Wife
  • Genesis 21:9,10 Abraham Casting Out Hagar and Ishmael
  • Genesis 22:14 Jehovah-Jireh, the LORD Will Provide
  • Genesis 23:17, 18 Abraham Purchasing a Burying-Place in Canaan
  • Genesis 24:2-4 Marriage of Isaac
  • Genesis 25:23 Jacob Preferred Before Esau
  • Genesis 27:35 Jacob Obtaining the Blessing
  • Genesis 28:20-22 Jacob's Vow
  • Genesis 28:16-19 Jacob's Pillar at Beth-El
  • Genesis 32:26 Jacob Pleading With God
  • Genesis 33:4 Reconciliation of Esau and Jacob
  • Genesis 34:31 Slaughter of the Shechemites
  • Genesis 37:4 Joseph Envied by His Brethren
  • Genesis 40:23 Ingratitude of Pharaoh's Butler
  • Genesis 41:41 Joseph's Advancement
  • Genesis 42:21 The Power of Conscience
  • Genesis 42:36 Jacob's Unbelieving Fears
  • Genesis 45:8 God Viewed in Joseph's Advancement
  • Genesis 45:27, 28 Jacob's Resolution to Visit Joseph in Egypt
  • Genesis 47:7-10 Jacob's Interview with Pharaoh
  • Genesis 48:15, 16 Jacob Blessing the Son's of Joseph
  • Genesis 50:15-17 Joseph's Brethren Fulfilling the Prophecy Respecting Them
Introduction Genesis 1 Genesis 2 Genesis 3
Genesis 4 Genesis 5 Genesis 6 Genesis 7
Genesis 9 Genesis 11 Genesis 12 Genesis 13
Genesis 14 Genesis 15 Genesis 16 Genesis 17
Genesis 18 Genesis 19 Genesis 20 Genesis 21
Genesis 22 Genesis 23 Genesis 24 Genesis 25
Genesis 27 Genesis 28 Genesis 32 Genesis 33
Genesis 34 Genesis 37 Genesis 39 Genesis 40
Genesis 41 Genesis 42 Genesis 45 Genesis 47
Genesis 48 Genesis 49 Genesis 50

Sermons on Genesis

All his sermons & sermon notes on Genesis

Devotionals on Genesis
Morning and Evening
& Faith's Checkbook

ALL of the following are on one page - SCROLL DOWN PAGE FOR SPECIFIC DEVOTIONAL

  • Genesis 1:4
  • Genesis 1:4
  • Genesis 1:4
  • Genesis 1:5
  • Genesis 1:5
  • Genesis 3:8
  • Genesis 3:15
  • Genesis 4:2
  • Genesis 7:6
  • Genesis 8:9
  • Genesis 8:9
  • Genesis 8:11
  • Genesis 9:14
  • Genesis 9:14
  • Genesis 9:15
  • Genesis 13:14-15
  • Genesis 17:7
  • Genesis 21:6
  • Genesis 24:63
  • Genesis 25:11
  • Genesis 28:13
  • Genesis 28:15
  • Genesis 29:26
  • Genesis 32:12
  • Genesis 32:12
  • Genesis 35:18
  • Genesis 39:12
  • Genesis 41:4
  • Genesis 42:2
  • Genesis 42:8
  • Genesis 46:3-4
  • Genesis 48:21
  • Genesis 49:19
  • Genesis 49:24
  • Genesis 50:24

Verse by Verse Exposition on Genesis
Comments on Select Verses

Sermons on the
Book of Genesis


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Chapter 30

Chapter 31

Chapter 32

Chapter 33

Chapter 34

Chapter 35

Chapter 36

Chapter 37

Chapter 38

Chapter 39

Chapter 41

Chapter 42

Chapter 43

Chapter 44

Chapter 45

Chapter 46

Chapter 47

Chapter 48

Chapter 49

Chapter 50

Commentary on Genesis
Emphasis on Practical Application of Principles to Real Life

Spurgeon Comments: Trapp will be most valuable to men of discernment, to thoughtful men, to men who only want a start in a line of thought, and are then able to run alone. Trapp excels in witty stories on the one hand, and learned allusions on the other. You will not thoroughly enjoy him unless you can turn to the original, and yet a mere dunce at classics will prize him. His writings remind me of himself: he was a pastor, hence his holy practical remarks; he was the head of a public school, and everywhere we see his profound scholarship; he was for some time amid the guns and drums of a parliamentary garrison, and he gossips and tells queer anecdotes like a man used to a soldier's life; yet withal, he comments as if he had been nothing else but a commentator all his days. Some of his remarks are far fetched, and like the far fetched rarities of Solomon's Tarshish, there is much gold and silver, but there are also apes and peacocks. His criticisms would some of them be the cause of amusement in these days of greater scholarship; but for all that, he who shall excel Trapp had need rise very early in the morning. Trapp is my especial companion and treasure; I can read him when I am too weary for anything else. Trapp is salt, pepper, mustard, vinegar, and all the other condiments. Put him on the table when you study, and when you have your dish ready, use him by way of spicing the whole thing. Yes, gentlemen, read Trapp certainly, and if you catch the infection of his consecrated humour, so much the better for your hearers.

Introduction Genesis 1 Genesis 2 Genesis 3
Genesis 4 Genesis 5 Genesis 6 Genesis 7
Genesis 8 Genesis 9 Genesis 10 Genesis 11
Genesis 12 Genesis 13 Genesis 14 Genesis 15
Genesis 16 Genesis 17 Genesis 18 Genesis 19
Genesis 21 Genesis 22 Genesis 23 Genesis 24
Genesis 25 Genesis 26 Genesis 27 Genesis 28
Genesis 29 Genesis 30 Genesis 31 Genesis 32
Genesis 33 Genesis 34 Genesis 35 Genesis 36
Genesis 37 Genesis 38 Genesis 39 Genesis 41
Genesis 42 Genesis 43 Genesis 44 Genesis 45
Genesis 46 Genesis 47 Genesis 48 Genesis 49
Genesis 50

Cross References on Genesis

These cross references are generally much more complete than those in the margins of your routine Bible or study Bible. And remember that only a diamond can cut a diamond, so the best commentary on Scripture is Scripture! This resource is very useful to amplify your sermon on a given passage or chapter. 

Introduction Genesis 1 Genesis 2 Genesis 3
Genesis 4 Genesis 5 Genesis 6 Genesis 7
Genesis 8 Genesis 9 Genesis 10 Genesis 11
Genesis 12 Genesis 13 Genesis 14 Genesis 15
Genesis 16 Genesis 17 Genesis 18 Genesis 19
Genesis 21 Genesis 22 Genesis 23 Genesis 24
Genesis 25 Genesis 26 Genesis 27 Genesis 28
Genesis 29 Genesis 30 Genesis 31 Genesis 32
Genesis 33 Genesis 34 Genesis 35 Genesis 36
Genesis 37 Genesis 38 Genesis 39 Genesis 41
Genesis 42 Genesis 43 Genesis 44 Genesis 45
Genesis 46 Genesis 47 Genesis 48 Genesis 49
Genesis 50

Peninsula Bible Church

Sermon Scripture References Speaker
Bones Of Promise Genesis 50:22-26 Grant, Scott
Joseph's Tears Genesis 50:1-21 Zeisler, Steve
Before Your Time Is Up Genesis 49:1-32 Grant, Scott
Surprise Blessing Genesis 47:28-31, 48:1-22 Taylor, Paul
Kingdom Economy Genesis 47:1-31 Taylor, Paul
The Good Life Genesis 46:28-30, 47:1-12 Grant, Scott
Moving the Family of God Genesis 45:16-28, 46:1-27 Taylor, Paul
What Kind of Family Genesis 44:1-34, 45:1-15 Taylor, Paul
Eulogy Virtues Genesis 42:1-38 Grant, Scott
The Things God Uses Genesis 42:1-36 Grant, Scott
The Vindication By God Genesis 41:37-57 Louie, Jeff
Coloring Inside the Lines Genesis 41:1-36 Taylor, Paul
Waiting In The Pit Genesis 40:1-23 Taylor, Paul
Get Back In The Story Genesis 38:1-30 Grant, Scott
The Worst Best Thing Genesis 37:12-36 Taylor, Paul
God's Work in the Mess Genesis 37:1-11 Taylor, Paul
Pushing Against a Rock Genesis 31:1-55 Grant, Scott
Jacob's Start-Up Genesis 30:25-43 Grant, Scott
Work and Rest for Life Genesis 1:31, 2:1-3 Gustafson, Corrie
Kingdom Power Genesis 1:1-31, 3:1-24 Taylor, Paul
Finding Fulfillment Genesis 1:1-31, 2:1-25, 3:1-24 Westman, Dan
Called to Life Genesis 39:1-23, 40:1-23, 41:1-57 Lopez, Paco
This Time Tomorrow Genesis 2:1-25, 3:1-24 Taylor, Paul
A Family Born: Evil Overcome Genesis 37:1-36, 38:1-30, 39:1-23, 40:1-23, 41:1-57, 42:1-38, 43:1-34, 44:1-34, 45:1-28, 46:1-34, 47:1-31, 48:1-22, 49:1-33, 50:1-26 Taylor, Paul
A Family Born: God's Heroes Genesis 12:1-20, 13:1-18, 14:1-24, 15:1-21, 16:1-16, 17:1-27, 18:1-33, 19:1-38, 20:1-18, 21:1-34, 22:1-24, 23:1-20, 24:1-67, 25:1-34, 26:1-35, 27:1-46, 28:1-22, 29:1-35, 30:1-43, 31:1-55, 32:1-32, 33:1-20, 34:1-31, 35:1-29, 36:1-43 Taylor, Paul
A World Made: The Beginning Genesis 1:1-31, 2:1-25, 3:1-24, 4:1-26, 5:1-32, 6:1-22, 7:1-24, 8:1-22, 9:1-29, 10:1-32, 11:1-32 Taylor, Paul
True Story Genesis 1:1 Taylor, Paul
Diversity: How Many Become One Genesis 11:1-9 Taylor, Paul
Yahweh Jireh, The LORD Provides Genesis 22:1-14 Herminghaus, Judy
The God Who Sees Genesis 16:1-16, 21:1-34 Herminghaus, Judy
The Journey Home Genesis 35:16-29 Grant, Scott
Course Correction Genesis 35:1-15 Grant, Scott
The Great Letdown Genesis 34:1-31 Grant, Scott
Embrace of Brothers Genesis 33:1-20 Grant, Scott
Wounded by Grace Genesis 32:24-32 Grant, Scott
False Face Genesis 32:1-23 Grant, Scott
Perspective on the Workplace Genesis 31:22-55 Grant, Scott
Worship in the Workplace Genesis 30:15-43, 31:1-16 Grant, Scott
The Mess of Marriage Genesis 29:31-35, 30:1-24 Grant, Scott
The Things We Do For Love Genesis 29:15-30 Grant, Scott
Boy Meets Girl Genesis 29:1-14 Grant, Scott
Heaven on the Edge of Nowhere Genesis 28:10-22 Grant, Scott
A Son Rejected Genesis 27:30-46, 28:1-9 Grant, Scott
A Son Unloved Genesis 26:34-35, 27:1-29 Grant, Scott
From Famine to Feast Genesis 26:1-33 Grant, Scott
A Long Way to Go Genesis 25:19-34 Grant, Scott
God's Heart For The World Genesis 12:1-3, 22:15-19 Hall, Danny
Forfeit Your Life to Save It Genesis 19:17-38 Zeisler, Steve
You Cannot Serve Two Masters Genesis 19:1-16 Zeisler, Steve
How to Set a Course in Life Genesis 13:1-18 Zeisler, Steve
The Nations of the Earth Genesis 9:18-29, 10:1-32, 11:1-32 Zeisler, Steve
God Remembered Noah Genesis 8:1-22, 9:1-17 Zeisler, Steve
Judgment and Rescue Genesis 6:6-22, 7:1-24 Zeisler, Steve
Only Evil all the Time Genesis 5:1-32, 6:1-6 Zeisler, Steve
City Life Genesis 4:16-26 Zeisler, Steve
Jealousy and Worship Genesis 4:1-15 Zeisler, Steve
Paradise Lost Genesis 3:20-24 Zeisler, Steve
Everything Got Broken Genesis 3:16-19 Zeisler, Steve
God Said, "Where Are You?" Genesis 3:7-15 Zeisler, Steve
Snake Eyes Genesis 3:1-7 Zeisler, Steve
What is Marriage? Genesis 2:24-25 Zeisler, Steve
God Fashioned a Woman Genesis 2:18-25 Zeisler, Steve
Earth's Dust, God's Breath Genesis 2:4-20 Zeisler, Steve
The Crown of Creation Genesis 1:24-31, 2:1-3 Zeisler, Steve
God Saw that it was Good Genesis 1:3-23 Zeisler, Steve
Overcoming Chaos Genesis 1:1-3 Zeisler, Steve
In The Beginning Genesis 1:1 Zeisler, Steve
How God Turns Evil Into Good Genesis 50:1-26 Ritchie, Ron
The Blessing Genesis 48:1-22 Ritchie, Ron
Life Is In The Son Genesis 45:1-28, 46:1-7 Ritchie, Ron
God Is Not Mocked Genesis 42:1-38 Ritchie, Ron
Steps Toward Spiritual Maturity Genesis 40:1-23, 41:1-57 Ritchie, Ron
The Lord Is With Us! Genesis 39:1-23 Ritchie, Ron
The Potter And The Clay Genesis 37:1-36 Ritchie, Ron
They Desire a Better Country Genesis 49:28-33, 50:1-26 Zeisler, Steve
The Family Album Genesis 48:1-22, 49:1-27 Zeisler, Steve
The Journey to Egypt Genesis 46:8-34, 47:1-31 Zeisler, Steve
Too Good to Be True Genesis 45:16-28, 46:1-7 Zeisler, Steve
Lessons in Brotherly Love Genesis 42:1-38, 43:1-34, 44:1-34, 45:1-15 Zeisler, Steve
From Prison to Prominence Genesis 40:1-23, 41:1-57 Zeisler, Steve
That Which You Do in Secret Genesis 38:1-30, 39:1-23 Zeisler, Steve
Beautiful Dreamer Genesis 37:1-36 Zeisler, Steve
Learning to Lead Genesis 33:1-20, 34:1-31, 35:1-29, 36:1-43 Zeisler, Steve
Freedom from Fear Genesis 31:17-55, 32:1-32 Zeisler, Steve
Learning the Hard Way Genesis 28:10-22, 29:1-35, 30:1-43, 31:1-16 Zeisler, Steve
Abraham's Son Genesis 25:12-34, 26:1-35, 27:1-46, 28:1-9 Zeisler, Steve
A Matter of Life and Death Genesis 23:1-20, 24:1-67 Zeisler, Steve
The Supreme Test Genesis 22:1-24 Zeisler, Steve
Truth and Consequences Genesis 18:16-33, 19:1-38 Zeisler, Steve
War and Worship Genesis 14:1-24 Zeisler, Steve
A Child Is Born, A Son Is Given Genesis 20:1-18, 21:1-7 Zeisler, Steve
D-Day Genesis 11:26-32 Zeisler, Steve
It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time Genesis 16:1-16 Zeisler, Steve
Life The Life-Giver Genesis 25:1-11 Zeisler, Steve
Life Without a Safety Net Genesis 21:8-34 Zeisler, Steve
O Holy Night Genesis 15:1-21 Zeisler, Steve
The Laughter Lesson Genesis 17:1-27, 18:1-15 Zeisler, Steve
The Man Who Never Returned Genesis 12:1-20 Zeisler, Steve
The Price is Wrong Genesis 13:1-18 Zeisler, Steve
Prayer's Essentials Genesis 32:9-32 Stedman, Ray
Prayer's Anchor Genesis 18:22-33 Stedman, Ray
The Beginning of Prayer Genesis 3:8-13 Stedman, Ray
The King of Peace Genesis 14:17-24 Stedman, Ray
How to Handle Criticism Genesis 42:1-38, 43:1-34, 44:1-34, 45:1-28 Roper, Dave
How to Handle Resentment Genesis 42:1-38, 43:1-34, 44:1-34, 45:1-28 Roper, Dave
A Man for the Hour Genesis 12:1-20, 13:1-4 Roper, Dave
How To Handle Strife Genesis 13:5-7 Roper, Dave
What Will Be, Will Be Genesis 49:3-27 Roper, Dave
Defilement that Delays Genesis 33:1-20, 34:1-31, 35:1-15 Roper, Dave
The Crisis that Cripples Genesis 32:1-32 Roper, Dave
To Bethel and Back Genesis 28:1-22, 29:1-35, 30:1-43, 31:1-55, 35:1-3 Roper, Dave
Birthrights and Rights Genesis 26:1-35, 27:1-46, 28:1-5 Roper, Dave
Jacob - His Birth and Birthright Genesis 25:20-34 Roper, Dave
Cain and Abel Genesis 4:1-26 Roper, Dave
What Price Abortion? Genesis 9:6 Stedman, Ray
The Foundations of the Home Genesis 2:18-25 Roper, Dave
Exit from Eden Genesis 3:20-24 Stedman, Ray
Love's Disciplines Genesis 3:16-19 Stedman, Ray
The Devil's Burden Genesis 3:14-15 Stedman, Ray
God at Work Genesis 3:8-21 Stedman, Ray
The Package Deal Genesis 3:7-13 Stedman, Ray
The Heart of Temptation Genesis 3:6 Stedman, Ray
The Enticement of Evil Genesis 3:1-5 Stedman, Ray
The Making of Woman Genesis 2:18-25 Stedman, Ray
The Making of Man Genesis 2:4-17 Stedman, Ray
Faith Conquering Fear Genesis 15:1-6 Stedman, Ray
Here Comes the Bride Genesis 24:1-67 Stedman, Ray
How Prayer Works Genesis 18:16-33 Stedman, Ray
Ishmael must Go! Genesis 21:1-14 Stedman, Ray
It all Depends on Me Genesis 16:1-16 Stedman, Ray
Letting God Choose Genesis 13:5-18 Stedman, Ray
Life's Hardest Trial Genesis 22:1-19 Stedman, Ray
Old Natures Never Die Genesis 20:1-18 Stedman, Ray
The Abundant Entrance Genesis 25:1-8 Stedman, Ray
The Beginning of Faith Genesis 11:31-32, 12:1-9 Stedman, Ray
The Circumcised Life Genesis 17:1-27 Stedman, Ray
The Furnace and the Lamp Genesis 15:7-21 Stedman, Ray
The High Cost of Letting Down Genesis 12:10-20, 13:1-4 Stedman, Ray
The Peril of Victory Genesis 14:17-24 Stedman, Ray
The Wasted Years Genesis 19:1-38 Stedman, Ray
This Thirsty World Genesis 21:14-34 Stedman, Ray
Till Death do us Part Genesis 23:1-20 Stedman, Ray
When God comes to Dinner Genesis 18:1-15 Stedman, Ray
When you Need a Friend Genesis 14:1-16 Stedman, Ray
Adam's Book Genesis 5:1-27 Stedman, Ray
Controlling God Genesis 11:1-9 Stedman, Ray
God's Funnel Genesis 10:1-32 Stedman, Ray
Signs of Collapse Genesis 6:1-12 Stedman, Ray
The End of the Old Genesis 7:1-24 Stedman, Ray
The Mark of Cain Genesis 4:9-16 Stedman, Ray
The New Beginning Genesis 8:1-22 Stedman, Ray
The Three Families of Man Genesis 9:18-28 Stedman, Ray
The Way of Escape Genesis 6:9-22 Stedman, Ray
Too Much, Too Soon Genesis 4:17-26 Stedman, Ray
Who needs Government? Genesis 9:1-17 Stedman, Ray
Why do men Hate? Genesis 4:1-8 Stedman, Ray
Was Adam for Real? Genesis 2:4-7 Stedman, Ray
The Seventh Day Genesis 2:1-3 Stedman, Ray
Sex and Food Genesis 1:27, 1:29-31 Stedman, Ray
The Glory and the Misery of Man Genesis 1:26-28 Stedman, Ray
Born to Reign Genesis 1:24-26 Stedman, Ray
The Heights and the Depths of Life Genesis 1:20-23 Stedman, Ray
Signs and Seasons Genesis 1:14-19 Stedman, Ray
To Bring Forth Fruit Genesis 1:9-13 Stedman, Ray
The Invisible Kingdom Genesis 1:6-8 Stedman, Ray
Out of Darkness Genesis 1:1-5 Stedman, Ray
In the Beginning Genesis 1:1 Stedman, Ray
What is Sex? Genesis 2:18-25 Stedman, Ray
Genesis: The Method of Faith Genesis Stedman, Ray



DISCLAIMER: Before you "go to the commentaries" go to the Scriptures and study them inductively (Click 3 part overview of how to do Inductive Bible Study) in dependence on your Teacher, the Holy Spirit, Who Jesus promised would guide us into all the truth (John 16:13). Remember that Scripture is always the best commentary on Scripture. Any commentary, even those by the most conservative and orthodox teacher/preachers cannot help but have at least some bias of the expositor based upon his training and experience. Therefore the inclusion of specific links does not indicate that we agree with every comment. We have made a sincere effort to select only the most conservative, "bibliocentric" commentaries. Should you discover some commentary or sermon you feel may not be orthodox, please email your concern. I have removed several links in response to concerns by discerning readers. I recommend that your priority be a steady intake of solid Biblical food so that with practice you will have your spiritual senses trained to discern good from evil (Heb 5:14-note).