Prophecy can be like a puzzle with many pieces that are difficult to put together. Therefore, it behooves us to apply the useful technique of "F.O.T.O." which is an acronym for "focus on the obvious." That said, there are 8 time phrases in Daniel and the Revelation that have the same numerical value (see table below). This obvious fact is surely not a coincidence. God wants us to know how His Story ("History") ends. But as with all jigsaw puzzles some intellectual work is involved in order to put the pieces together in an orderly manner. There are many today who have jettisoned a literal interpretation of prophecy, including these repeated numerical phrases in the two greatest prophetic books in the Bible, Daniel and Revelation. Those who espouse a non-literal interpretation of these two great prophetic books are hard pressed to explain the obvious similarities in these 8 time phrases. The result is a myriad of interpretations that range from floridly allegorical to fictitiously fanciful. Beloved, if God said it in plain words, He meant it. If He had wanted to confuse us about the end of His Story, He could have easily accomplished that goal. But to the contrary, God desires that His children know the truth, for He knows that it is truth which sets us free, free from the anxieties of wondering how is the mystical book of Revelation going to be unveiled, how is the story of the late great planet earth going to end. While literal interpretation of the Revelation cannot answer every question in this amazing book, it can give us a very good sense of how God's plan for the ages will unfold. As I often tell my students, if the plain sense of the text makes good sense in context, then attempt to make no other sense out of the text, lest one ends up with utter nonsense. And sadly, that is the problem with a majority of the 200 commentaries I personally own that attempt to interpret the Revelation. If you look at the Greek text of John's Revelation, it is fascinating that the very first word (Revelation 1:1+) you encounter is apokalupsis which in simple terms means to take the lid off so that something previously hidden can be seen and understood. In short, the Holy Spirit inspired John to record apokalupsis as the first word so that God's bondservants through the ages could know and understand how the book of the Revelation unfolds the end of planet earth and beginning of the new heavens and new earth. The only interpretative method that achieves that end is by letting the text say what it says and avoiding reading any of the plethora of commentaries. And so, the best approach is to first read the "instructions," which is always a good idea when you purchase something that needs assembly. Do not read other "experts" instructions on how to assemble the book of the Revelation. That said, after you have done your own reading of the text hopefully taking a literal approach, Dr Anthony Garland has written one of the best commentaries available using this literal approach and he has given me permission to post it on Here is the link to Revelation 1:1 which will connect with the following passages.
Rev 11:3+ |
1260 days |
And I will grant authority to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for twelve hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth. FIRST 3.5 YEARS |
Da 9:27+ | Middle of the week |
The time when the prince who is to come breaks the covenant with Israel and carries out the abomination of desolation MIDDLE OF 7 YEARS |
Da 7:25+ | Time, times and half a time |
The time during which the saints (Jews) will be given into Little Horn's (Antichrist's) hand (power). SECOND 3.5 YEARS |
Rev 13:5+ |
42 months |
Authority to act given to Antichrist - "And there was given to him a mouth speaking arrogant words and blasphemies; and authority to act for forty-two months was given to him." SECOND 3.5 YEARS |
Da 12:7+ | Time, times and half a time |
The time required to shatter the power of the holy people (the Jews) and the completion of the events described in Daniel 10-12. SECOND 3.5 YEARS |
Rev 11:2+ | 42 months |
The time period during which the Gentile nations will be given the outside court of the Temple and will trample down Jerusalem. SECOND 3.5 YEARS |
Rev 12:6+ | 1260 days |
The time period when Israel flees into the wilderness to a place prepared by God so that she might be nourished. SECOND 3.5 YEARS |
Rev 12:14+ | Time and times and half a time |
The time during which Israel is nourished in the wilderness from the presence of the serpent SECOND 3.5 YEARS |
THOUGHT - What should the study of prophecy do to our hearts and lives? It should motivate us (enabled by His Spirit) to pursue "holy conduct and godliness, looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God," (2Pe 3:11-12+) in the short time we have to wait for our Lord's return (1Th 1:10+). The truth of His imminent return should prompt us purify ourselves as He is pure (1Jn 3:3+) and to frequently cry...