Philemon Resources

Click chart to enlarge
Charts from Jensen's Survey of the NT - used by permission
Another Overview Chart - Philemon - Charles Swindoll
Detailed Chart by W Graham Scroggie

Bruce Hurt, MD

May, 2024 


Carson, Herbert M., "The Epistle of Paul to the Colossians and Philemon." The Tyndale New Testament Commentaries. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co. (1960).

Drysdale, A. H., "The Epistle of St. Paul to Philemon." Devotional Commentaries. London: The Religious Tract Society (1870; 1925 reprint). -- 

Rich in devotional value, yet a work of scholarly exposition. Full, lucid, and abounding in practical applications.

Ernst, Karl J., The Art of Pastoral Counselling. A Study of the Epistle to Philemon. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House (1941). --

Philemon viewed as a case in pastoral counseling. Interesting and stimulating analysis of the epistle.

Gaebelein, Frank E., Philemon the Gospel of Emancipation. Wheaton: Van Kampen Press (1939). -- 

A brief exposition based on careful study of the text, with applications to daily life.

Hendriksen, William, BORROW "Exposition of Colossians and Philemon." New Testament Commentary. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House (1964).

Hiebert, D. Edmond, BORROW Titus and Philemon Everyman's Bible Commentary. Chicago: Moody Press (1968). -- 

An exegetical treatment of both epistles in the light of the original as the basis for an interpretation of the text.

Johnson, Philip C., BORROW "The Epistles To Titus and Philemon." Shield Bible Study Series. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House (1966).

A concise, well-outlined interpretation intended as a study guide to these epistles.

Kelly, William, An Exposition of the Epistle of Paul to Titus and of that to Philemon, With Translation of an Amended Text. Denver: Wilson Foundation (1968 reprint). -- 

A careful exposition by a voluminous Plymouth Brethren scholar of the past century.

Knox, John, and Buttrick, George A., "The Epistle to Philemon," The Interpreter's Bible. Vol. XI. New York: Abingdon Press (1955). -- Introduction and exegesis by Knox; exposition by Buttrick. --

Knox propounds the novel view that the real owner of Onesimus was Archippus and that the purpose of the letter was to secure the return of Onesimus to Paul for his own service.

Lenski, R. C. H., BORROW The interpretation of st. paul's epistles to the colossians, to the thessalonians, to timothy, to titus and to philemon. Columbus, Ohio: Lutheran Book Concern (1937).

Lightfoot, J. B., Saint Paul's Epistle to the Colossians and to Philemon. London: Macmillan and Co. (1927 reprint).

Lohse, Eduard, BORROW "Colossians and Philemon, A Commentary on the Epistles to the Colossians and to Philemon." Hermenia—A Critical and Historical Commentary on the Bible. Translated by William R. Poehlmann and Robert J. Karris. Edited by Helmut Koester. Philadelphia: Fortress Press (1971).

Maclaren, Alexander, "The Epistles of St. Paul to the Colossians and to Philemon," The Expositor's Bible. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co. (1943 reprint).

Martin, Ralph P., BORROW Colossians and Philemon New Century Bible Based on the Revised Standard Version. London: Oliphants (1974).

Müller, Jac. J., BORROW "The Epistles of Paul to the Philippians and to Philemon." The New International Commentary on the New Testament. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co. (1955). -- 

A concise interpretation by a conservative professor of South Africa. Seeks to maintain a balance between exact scholarship and the practical import of the letters. Technical matters are confined to the footnotes.

Moule, C. F. D., "The Epistles of Paul the Apostle to the Colossians and to Philemon." Cambridge Greek Testament Commentary. Cambridge: University Press (1957).

Moule, H. C. G., "The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Colossians and to Philemon." Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges. Cambridge: University Press (1893; 1932 reprint).

Radford, Lewis B., BORROW "The Epistle to the Colossians and the Epistle to Philemon." Westminster Commentaries. London: Methuen & Co. (1931).

Scroggie, W. Graham, A Note to a Friend, Paul to Philemon. London: The Hulbert Publishing Co. (n.d.).  -- 

An in-depth study of this brief letter, based upon a detailed outline, with warm practical lessons. Richly rewarding.

Thomas, W. H. Griffith, BORROW Studies in Colossians and Philemon. Edited by Winifred G. T. Gillespie, his daughter. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House (1973).

Vincent, Marvin R., "A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Epistles to the Philippians and to Philemon." Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark (1897; 1950 reprint).  -- 

Greek text. A scholarly, generally conservative interpretation with valuable introductions and word studies and exegetical comments

From Hiebert's highly recommended resource: An Introduction to the New Testament FOLLOWING CAN BE BORROWED:

An introduction to the New Testament - the Gospels and Acts Volume 1 by Hiebert, D. Edmond

An introduction to the New Testament Volume 2 by Hiebert, D. Edmond

An introduction to the New Testament Volume 3  -  Non-Pauline Epistles and the Revelation by Hiebert, David Edmond


Titus and Philemon by Hiebert, D. Edmond

Philippians, Colossians and Philemon by MacDonald, William (1972) 160 pages

The Preacher's outline & sermon Bible : New Testament, King James Version 1 Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians, 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, Jude, Revelation.

1 & 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon : it's always too soon to quit! by Wiersbe, Warren 

Bible Exposition Commentary - New Testament  by Wiersbe, Warren 

The interpretation of st. paul's epistles to the colossians, to the thessalonians, to timothy, to titus and to philemon by R.C.H. Lenski

1 and 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James by Morris, Leon,

Treasures of Wisdom: Studies in Colossians & Philemon - Homer Kent

Philippians, Colossians, Philemon - Bruce Barton

Galatians thru Philemon - Mark Strauss

Word biblical commentary - Colossians, Philemon - Peter T O'Brien

Thru the Bible Commentary: I and II Timothy, Titus, Philemon By: J. McGee

The Epistles of Paul to the Colossians and to Philemon : an exposition by Erdman, Charles R.

A commentary on Colossians and Philemon by Hendriksen, William a commentary on colossians & philemon

Colossians and Philemon  - New Century Commentary by Martin, Ralph P

Colossians and Philemon : bible study commentary By: Vaughan, Curtis

Ephesians, Colossians, Philemon (New International Biblical Commentary, 10) By: Arthur G. Patzia

A Critical And Exegetical Commentary On The Epistles To The Philippians And To Philemon By: Rev. Marvin R. Vincent



HENRY ALFORD Philemon Commentary - The New Testament for English Readers

ALBERT BARNES Commentary on Philemon

WILLIAM BARCLAY Commentary on Philemon - Daily Study Bible (critique)


JOHANN BENGEL Short Pithy Comments similar to following but less Greek

JOSEPH BEET Commentary on Philemon

JOHN BENNETT Brief Notes on Philemon

JOSEPH BENSON Commentary on Philemon

BIBLICAL ILLUSTRATOR Commentary on Philemon

BRIDGEWAY COMMENTARY Commentary on Philemon

WILLIAM BURKITT Commentary on Philemon

JOHN CALVIN Commentary on Philemon

CAMBRIDGE GREEK TESTAMENT Commentary on Philemon - A. Lukyn Williams

A. Lukyn Williams (1853–1943) was ordained to the priesthood in 1877, and became principal of Moore Theological College in 1878. On Philemon, Williams also discusses its canonicity, as well as its relation to slavery.


H. C. G. Moule (1841–1920) was the son of the vicar of Fordington, Dorchester, and was educated at home prior to attending university at Cambridge. He was ordained in 1867 and was curate at Fordington before being appointed as dean of Trinity College, Cambridge, 1873 to 1876. During his tenure at Cambridge he became first principal of Ridley Hall Theological College, in 1881, and Norrisian Professor of Divinity in 1899. In 1901, he succeeded B.F. Westcott as Bishop of Durham. He wrote Colossians and Philemon in a single volume - This volume is divided into two distinct sections, covering first Colossians and then Philemon. Before the verse-by-verse commentary on each epistle, facts and background information are laid out in a detailed manner. Included is an essay entitled "Slavery, and the Attitude of Christianity Towards It."

ALAN CARR Sermons on Philemon

JOHN CEREGHIN Commentary on Philemon

ADAM CLARKE Commentary on Philemon

GEORGE CLARKE Commentary on Philemon (1906) "Designed for Pastors and Sunday Schools"

BRADLEY COBB Commentary on Philemon

STEVEN COLE Sermons on Philemon

His sermons function much like a verse by verse commentary

THOMAS CONSTABLE Expository Notes on Philemon

JOHN DARBY Commentary on Philemon

MARK DEVER Audio Sermons on Philemon Series Title: "Forgiveness"

A H DRYSDALE The Epistle of St. Paul to Philemon Devotional Commentary

D Edmond Hiebert Rich in devotional value, yet a work of scholarly exposition. Full, lucid, and abounding in practical applications.

Note that this commentary is on site. 


Name and Title of the Writer - Philemon 1:1

II Friendly Greetings and Compliments - Philemon 1:1,2

III Salutation to the Church-Fellowship -  Philemon 1:2

IV A General Benediction - Philemon 1:3-7


Preliminary Note

Devout Thanks and Prayer -  Philemon 1:4

II Reasons for the Devout Thanks - Philemon 1:5

III Purport of the Prayer -  Philemon 1:6

IV Good Occasion for Thanks -  Philemon 1:7


Approaching the Subject - Philemon 1:8,9

II Paul Unveiling the Subject -  Philemon 1:9-12

III Paul Explaining the Subject -  Philemon 1:13,14

IV Paul Arguing the Subject -  Philemon 1:15

Paul Pleading the Subject -  Philemon 1:16

VI Paul Enforcing the Subject -  Philemon 1:17

VII Paul Guarding the Subject -  Philemon 1:18-20

VIII Paul Commending the Subject -  Philemon 1:21,22


Parting Salutations and Benediction -  Philemon 1:23, 25

JOHN DUMMELOW Commentary on Philemon

CHARLES ELLICOTT Commentary on Philemon


Warren W. Wiersbe - If you can locate the six-volume edition of the Expositor’s Bible, buy it immediately! It takes up less space than the original fifty-volume set, and not everything in the original set is worth owning. Samuel H. Kellogg on Leviticus is a classic; so is Alexander Maclaren on the Psalms and on Colossians. (A Basic Library for Bible Students)

EXPOSITOR'S GREEK TESTAMENT Philemon Commentary W E Oesterley

JAMIESON, FAUSSET, BROWN Commentary Critical and Explanatory Commentary on Philemon

A C GAEBELEIN  Commentary on Philemon Annotated Bible

JOHN GILL Commentary on Philemon

L M GRANT Commentary on Philemon

JAMES GRAY Commentary on Philemon

ROBERT HAWKER Commentary on Philemon Hawker's Poor Man's Commentary

MATTHEW HENRY Commentary on Philemon

F B HOLE Commentary on Philemon

RHODERICK ICE Commentary on Philemon

INTERVARSITY PRESS Commentary on Philemon

NOTE: Unfortunately only the general comments of each section are available. The more in depth verse by verse comments have not been archived, so that this resource is of only limited value. 

H A IRONSIDE Commentary on Philemon

Rosscup - A good practical discussion of the book, with Ironside’s usual illustrative richness. (Commentaries for Biblical Expositors: An annotated bibliography of selected works)

WILLIAM KELLY Commentary on Philemon

Hiebert  A careful exposition by a voluminous Plymouth Brethren scholar of the past century.

PAUL E. KRETZMANN Commentary on Philemon The Popular Commentary

JOHN PETER LANGE Commentary on Philemon

J B LIGHTFOOT Commentary on Philemon

Rosscup - Many regard (his) commentary (on Colossians) as the best older work on the Greek text… As earlier stated, this work is excellent on Colossians and is also helpful on Philemon in the Greek text. (Commentaries for Biblical Expositors: An annotated bibliography of selected works)

JOHN MACARTHUR Sermons on Philemon

This series by MacArthur in 1991 is entitled "Forgiveness: How to Restore Broken Relationships"  - It’s the simple mathematics of being human. Two people plus one relationship equals inevitable pain. One unkind word, careless act, or intentional attack, and a gulf is opened that could potentially damage a relationship forever. That’s where the need for real, biblical forgiveness comes in. Forgiveness can heal even the worst damage between husbands and wives, children and parents, longtime friends, and everyone in between. In Forgiveness, John MacArthur looks to the life of Philemon to illuminate one of Scripture’s greatest examples of human forgiveness in action. 

HENRY MAHAN'S COMMENTARY Commentary on Philemon

J VERNON MCGEE Thru the Bible on Philemon Commentary Mp3 Only

F B MEYER Commentary on Philemon

HEINRICH MEYER Commentary on Philemon Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament


HENRY MORRIS Commentary Notes on Philemon Defender's Study Bible

You can also BORROW Defender's Study Bible : King James Version

H C G MOULE Commentary on Philemon

VERSE BY VERSE COMMENTARY - tool which lists comments from multiple commentaries on one verse on one page

  • Philemon 1:1 - click Philemon 1:2 in upper right corner to go to next verse.




  • Philemon 64 pages, somewhat technical





T. R. KELLEY - check out this series on forgiveness

  • Forgiveness - A Study in Philemon - Excerpt from the introduction - Whether the offense is big or small, forgiveness is a process that only God can accomplish in us. Forgiveness is beyond us – it is the work of God in us. Overlooking a transgression is to look beyond the transgression. As we forgive, we bring glory to God, for we are never more like God than when we forgive.


JOHN MCRAY - article

DAVID MALICK - article

ESV Notes


JOHN MCRAY - Theology of Philemon 


PAUL CHAPPELL - devotionals

DAVID COLBURN - aid to lead a Bible study


RAY STEDMAN - sermon

HADDON ROBINSON - youtube sermon

DAVID GUZIK -  modern commentary, conservative, evangelical


JOHNNY HUNT - sermon

ROB JACKSON - sermon

RICH CATHERS - study notes

RON DANIEL - study notes


JOHN CALVIN - commentary

EXPLORE THE BIBLE - study/teaching helps

F B MEYER - devotional

DON FORTNER - sermons

OUR DAILY BREAD - devotionals


DAVID LEGGE - sermon


ARTHUR PEAKE - commentary

PETER PETT - commentary

EASY ENGLISH - commentary

W A CRISWELL - sermon


MONERGISM - sermons - Mp3



MICHAEL A G HAYKIN - journal article

JERRY DODSON - 11 page article

JOHN PIPER - article

​​​ALISTAIR WILSON - commentary

R C SPROUL - Devotionals - Tabletalk

DAVID STRAIN - sermons

GENE GETZ - Short videos with emphasis on principles

  • Philemon; Principle #1; Phm. 1-3; Confronting Sensitive Issues: To resolve certain problems, spiritual leaders must communicate with everyone in a local church. Video
  • Philemon; Principle #2; Phm. 4-16;  Demonstrating Wisdom: To carry out Christ's mission to the world, we must demonstrate wisdom toward all people. Video
  • Philemon; Principle #3; Phm. 17-22;  The Judeo-Christian Ethic: Though God has not promised that we can significantly change our culture at large, as believers we are to be faithful in demonstrating biblical values. Video


BRUCE GOETTSCHE - sermon (topic - forgiveness)

RICK EZELL - sermon 


JAMES HASTINGS - great texts

FRED H WRIGHT - Manners and customs

GEORGE MULLER - sermon notes

ROBERT HAWKER - devotional

JON COURSON - devotional


ROBERT MORGAN - devotional & sermon

J C PHILPOT - devotional

IAN PAISLEY - devotional

VANCE HAVNER - devotional

JOHN HENRY JOWETT - devotional

JOHN BUTLER - sermon starters - 7 volumes

ROBERT NEIGHBOUR Commentary on Philemon Wells of Living Water Commentary

NET BIBLE NOTES  Commentary on Philemon



This page has devotionals from a variety of sources including Our Daily Bread, Vance Havner, Warren Wiersbe, etc. These make excellent teaching or preaching illustrations on the letter to Philemon

  • Devotionals-Philemon - the equivalent of 34 pages. Below are  a few examples of what you will find on this page of devotionals and illustrations....

JOSEPH PARKER Commentary on Philemon

MATTHEW POOLE Commentary on Philemon


Scroll down for homiletics and notes

PULPIT COMMENTARY Commentary on Philemon

Scroll down for homiletics or click for Pulpit Commentary Homiletics


REFORMATION STUDY BIBLE Commentary Notes on Philemon


A T ROBERTSON Philemon Word Pictures in the New Testament

ROB SALVATO Sermons on Philemon

PHILLIP SCHAFF Philemon Commentary Schaff's Popular Commentary on the New Testament

JOHN SCHULTZ Commentary on Philemon


Comment: This excellent commentary is filled with "pearls," is a very easy to understand and is imminently applicable to real life. Scroggie writes 171 pages on ONE CHAPTER and discusses not just each verse but even each phrase. Excellent exposition! 

D Edmond Hiebert an excellent expositor in his own right writes - "An in-depth study of this brief letter, based upon a detailed outline, with warm practical lessons. Richly rewarding."

Dr John Cereghin pastor and writer of a short work on Philemon comments - " A rewarding and in depth study. One of the best ever produced on this epistle." (I agree!)

Excerpt - A Note to a Friend - When a Field-Marshal, such as Paul was, speaks of a "private," such as Archippus was, as a "fellow-soldier," he may reckon on that Tommy to follow him in the fight to the death. 

When a master-workman, such as Paul was, speaks of an obscure person like Philemon as his "fellow-worker," he has made him capable of better work than ever before. 

It is this "milk of human kindness" that feeds our hearts; it is generous acknowledgment and praise, such as Paul bestoweed, that tone up life and service, and make men and women capable of unthought-of deeds. 

Let us from this simple yet profound introduction learn what Christianity is at its best. 



CHARLES SIMEON Sermons on Philemon

CHUCK SMITH Commentary & Sermon Notes on Philemon



JOSEPH SUTCLIFFE Commentary on Philemon

THIRD MILLENNIUM Resources on Philemon


Conservative, well-done. Transcripts 5-7 pages each.


JOHN TRAPP Commentary on Philemon

BOB UTLEY Commentary on Philemon

MARVIN VINCENT Word Studies in Philemon

MARVIN VINCENT International Critical Commentary on Philemon

Rosscup comments on Vincent's commentary in the ICC series - "Obtain this work for a detailed examination of the Greek text with good word studies." (Commentaries for Biblical Expositors: An annotated bibliography of selected works)

D Edmond Hiebert on his commentary - Greek text. A scholarly, generally conservative interpretation with valuable introductions and word studies and exegetical comments.

DANIEL WHEDON Commentary on Philemon


A Christian Household A. Maclaren, D. D. Philemon 1:1
A Lofty Title   Philemon 1:1
A Pathetic Commencement Bp. Wm. Alexander. Philemon 1:1
A Prisoner for Christ W. Attersoll. Philemon 1:1
A Prisoner of Christ   Philemon 1:1
Brotherhood in Christ A. W. Johnson. Philemon 1:1
Christ the Christian's Supreme Motive C. H. Parkhurst. Philemon 1:1
Fellow Labourers W. Jones, D. D. Philemon 1:1
Inferences from the Subject Matter of This Epistle Bp. Smalridge. Philemon 1:1
Lessons D. Dyke, B. D. Philemon 1:1
Lessons D. Dyke, B. D. Philemon 1:1
Lessons R. Nisbet, D. D. Philemon 1:1
Paul and Timothy -- the Old and the Young J. Parker, D. D. Philemon 1:1
Philemon Bp. Smalridge. Philemon 1:1
St. Paul's Relations with Philemon Dean Plumptre. Philemon 1:1
The Blot Wiped Out W. Attersoll. Philemon 1:1
The Bondman Seen to Advantage A. H. Drysdale, M. A. Philemon 1:1
The Lord's Prisoner   Philemon 1:1
Two Better than One W. Attersoll. Philemon 1:1
The Scepter of Love W.M. Statham Philemon 1:1, 2
The Address and Salutation T. Croskery Philemon 1:1-3
A Christian Household A. Maclaren, D. D. Philemon 1:2
A Church in a House A. D. Johnson. Philemon 1:2
A Comprehensive Salutation   Philemon 1:2
A New Reading Bp. Lightfoot. Philemon 1:2
A Stern Message A. Maclaren, D. D. Philemon 1:2
Addressed to Both A. Maclaren, D. D. Philemon 1:2
An Act of Zeal Bp. Chris. Wordsworth. Philemon 1:2
Apphia Bp. Wm. Alexander. Philemon 1:2
Archippus Dean Alford. Philemon 1:2
Archippus Bp. Chris. Wordsworth. Philemon 1:2
Christians are Fellow Soldiers J. Hovey. Philemon 1:2
Early Christian Churches Bp. Wm. Alexander. Philemon 1:2
Family Worship   Philemon 1:2
Fellow Soldier Bp. Wm. Alexander. Philemon 1:2
Fellow Soldier W. Attersoll. Philemon 1:2
Fulfilling the True Soldiership A. H. Drysdale, M. A. Philemon 1:2
Influence of Personal Contact Preacher's Lantern. Philemon 1:2
Ministers are Soldiers D. Dyke, B. D. Philemon 1:2
Refreshment in the Church A. H. Drysdale, M. A. Philemon 1:2
Sister Bp. Lightfoot. Philemon 1:2
Soldier Instead of Worker A. Maclaren, D. D. Philemon 1:2
Tact Dean Alford. Philemon 1:2
The Domestic Church A. D. Johnson. Philemon 1:2
The Family Church D. Dyke, B. D. Philemon 1:2
The Mission of the Church A. H. Drysdale, M. A. Philemon 1:2
The Warfare of Work A. H. Drysdale, M. A. Philemon 1:2
A Loving Wish A. Maclaren, D. D. Philemon 1:3
A Touching Prayer Bp. Wm. Alexander. Philemon 1:3
God Our Father   Philemon 1:3
Grace D. Dyke, B. D. Philemon 1:3
Grace from God A. H. Drysdale, M. A. Philemon 1:3
Grace to be Used W. M. Statham, M. A. Philemon 1:3
Peace D. Dyke, B. D. Philemon 1:3
The Apostle's Prayer W. Attersoll. Philemon 1:3
The Unity of the Divine Father and Son A. Maclaren, D. D. Philemon 1:3
Varieties of Grace W. M. Statham, M. A. Philemon 1:3
A Large Prayer List M. F. Sadler, M. A. Philemon 1:4
A Thankful Commendation A. Maclaren, D. D. Philemon 1:4
A Thankful Interest in God A. H. Drysdale, M. A. Philemon 1:4
Christian Congratulation D. Dyke, B. D. Philemon 1:4
Good Men Need Our Prayers W. Jones, D. D. Philemon 1:4
Happy in Being Prayed For W. Jones, D. D. Philemon 1:4
Intercessory Prayer a Means for Diffusing Good R. Nisbet, D. D. Philemon 1:4
Love's Outcome in Prayer W.M. Statham Philemon 1:4
Praises and Prayers M. Henry, D. D. Philemon 1:4
Prayer and Attainment A. H. Drysdale, M. A. Philemon 1:4
Prayerful Thanksgiving A. W. Johnson. Philemon 1:4
The Benefit We May Confer on Others by Praying for Them W. Attersoll. Philemon 1:4
The Growth of Graces W. Attersoll. Philemon 1:4
Recognition of the Christian Character and Services of Philemon T. Croskery Philemon 1:4-7
A True Human Love Bp. Wm. Alexander. Philemon 1:5
Faith and Love D. Dyke, B. D. Philemon 1:5
Faith and Love Acceptable to God A. H. Drysdale, M. A. Philemon 1:5
Faith and Love in the Christian Life A. H. Drysdale, M. A. Philemon 1:5
Faith Toward Christ A. Maclaren, D. D. Philemon 1:5
Faith Towards Christ A. H. Drysdale, M. A. Philemon 1:5
Love and Faith not Separated A. H. Drysdale, M. A. Philemon 1:5
Love and Faith, the Principal Points of Salvation W. Attersoll. Philemon 1:5
Love Extending to the Saints W. Jones, D. D. Philemon 1:5
Love First A. Maclaren, D. D. Philemon 1:5
Love of Christ a Bond of Brotherhood   Philemon 1:5
Love to Christ A. Maclaren, D. D. Philemon 1:5
Love to Saints A. H. Drysdale, M. A. Philemon 1:5
Thankful for the Graces of Others D. Dyke, D. D. Philemon 1:5
The Saintly Household W. Attersoll. Philemon 1:5
Why Believers are Called Saints W. Attersoll. Philemon 1:5
A Communion of Gifts W. Jones, D. D. Philemon 1:6
Christian Beneficence a Means of Spiritual Growth A. Maclaren, D. D. Philemon 1:6
Communication M. E. Sadler, M. A. Philemon 1:6
The Acknowledgment of Good in Others W. Jones, D. D. Philemon 1:6
The Efficacy of Faith D. Dyke, B. D. Philemon 1:6
The Gifts and Blessings of God W. Attersoll. Philemon 1:6
Almsgiving W. Jones, D. D. Philemon 1:7
Benevolence Encouraged C. Simeon, M. A. Philemon 1:7
Commendation of Philemon's Liberality Bp. Smalridge. Philemon 1:7
Delight in Love Manifested by Others A. H. Drysdale, M. A. Philemon 1:7
Refreshing Ministries   Philemon 1:7
Spiritual Blessings Bestowed on Others Give Occasion of Joy to the Saints W. Attersoll. Philemon 1:7
Thankfulness for Love D. Dyke, B. D. Philemon 1:7
The Duty of Looking After and Relieving the Poor W. Attersoll. Philemon 1:7
The Far-Reaching Consequences of Good Deeds A. Maclaren, D. D. Philemon 1:7
Authoritative in Christ A. Maclaren, D. D. Philemon 1:8
Mingled Command and Entreaty Bp. Wm. Alexander. Philemon 1:8
Ministerial Boldness W. Jones, D. D. Philemon 1:8
The Ministerial Office is One of Power and Authority W. Attersoll. Philemon 1:8
Wise Ministerial Exhortation D. Dyke, B. D. Philemon 1:8
Appeal by Entreaty Rather than Command T. Croskery Philemon 1:8-11
A Beautiful Specimen of Christian Humility and Genuine Pathos Bp. Chris. Wordsworth. Philemon 1:9
A Review of Life and a Glimpse of Glory J. S. Pearsall. Philemon 1:9
Anxieties Tell on Age M. F. Sadler, M. A. Philemon 1:9
Christian Old Age A. Maclaren, D. D. Philemon 1:9
Duty Enforced by Personal Consideration A. Maclaren, D. D. Philemon 1:9
Gentle Means of Persuading Men to be Used Rather than Sev W. Attersoll. Philemon 1:9
Love More Effective than Severity   Philemon 1:9
Paul the Aged G. T. Coster. Philemon 1:9
Reverence Due to Old Age W. Jones, D. D. Philemon 1:9
The Aged Christian U. R. Thomas. Philemon 1:9
The Aged Minister J. A. James. Philemon 1:9
The Entreaty of Love A. Maclaren, D. D. Philemon 1:9
The Standard of Age Bp. Wm. Alexander. Philemon 1:9
Love's Motive-Power W.M. Statham Philemon 1:9, 10
Brotherly Regard in the Church W. Attersoll. Philemon 1:10
Eager for Usefulness D. Dyke, B. D. Philemon 1:10
Onesimus H. R. Nevill. Philemon 1:10
Preaching in Chains   Philemon 1:10
Softened by the Entreaty of a Friend Bp. Wm. Alexander. Philemon 1:10
Spiritual Children J. F. B. Tinling, B. A. Philemon 1:10
Spiritual Parentage Better than Natural W. Jones, D. D. Philemon 1:10
The Afterlife of Onesimus Dean Plumptre. Philemon 1:10
The Compassion of the Gospel Homilist Philemon 1:10
The Courtesy of the Gospel F. Harper, M. A. Philemon 1:10
A New Leaf Turned Over A. Maclaren, D. D. Philemon 1:11
Altered by Conversion W. Attersoll. Philemon 1:11
Conversion of Heart Produces Alteration in the Life W. Attersoll. Philemon 1:11
Manhood Raised A. H. Drysdale, M. A. Philemon 1:11
Religion Makes Us Profitable W. Jay. Philemon 1:11
Self-Profitableness W. Jones, D. D. Philemon 1:11
The Hurtful Made Profitable by Conversion W. Attersoll. Philemon 1:11
Christian Love for Converts W. Attersoll. Philemon 1:12
Christianity and Slavery A. Maclaren, D. D. Philemon 1:12
Forgiveness A. W. Johnson. Philemon 1:12
Forgiveness J. P. Lange. Philemon 1:12
Forgiveness   Philemon 1:12
Forgiveness of Others Lord Herbert. Philemon 1:12
He Who Cannot Forgive Man Cannot Find Forgiveness with Go J. P. Lange. Philemon 1:12
In What Sense is it True that He Who Forgives Shall be Fo J. P. Lange. Philemon 1:12
Paul's Affection for Onesimus A. Maclaren, D. D. Philemon 1:12
Reconciliation of Brothers   Philemon 1:12
The Duty of Reconciliation W. Jones, D. D. Philemon 1:12
The Sinner's Substitute Biblical Museum Philemon 1:12
The Motives that Prompted the Apostle to Send Back Onesimus to His Master T. Croskery Philemon 1:12-16
A Ministering Friend A. Maclaren, D. D. Philemon 1:13
A Welcome Service W. Attersoll. Philemon 1:13
Christian Ministration W. Jones, D. D. Philemon 1:13
Ministering to the Saints W. Attersoll. Philemon 1:13
What is This Ministering M. F. Sadler, M. A. Philemon 1:13
Freedom Essential to Virtue A. Maclaren, D. D. Philemon 1:14
Servants not to be Detained from Their Masters W. Jones, D. D. Philemon 1:14
Spontaneity in Goodness A. F. Muir, M. A. Philemon 1:14
Voluntary Goodness W. Jones, D. D. Philemon 1:14
Voluntary Virtue   Philemon 1:14
Willinghood in Service W. Attersoll. Philemon 1:14
A Brother Forever Bp. Wm. Alexander. Philemon 1:15
A Runaway Converted C. H. Spurgeon. Philemon 1:15
All Things Turboed by God's Providence W. Attersoll. Philemon 1:15
Contingency Bp. Wm. Alexander. Philemon 1:15
Eternal Friendship Bp. Lightfoot. Philemon 1:15
God's Power to Bring Good Out of Evil D. Dyke, B. D. Philemon 1:15
More than a Servant W. Attersoll. Philemon 1:15
Perhaps A. Maclaren, D. D. Philemon 1:15
Perhaps, -- Therefore P. B. Power, M. A. Philemon 1:15
Philemon and Onesimus Canon Liddon. Philemon 1:15
Sin not to be Exaggerated W. Jones, D. D. Philemon 1:15
The Providence of God in Human Life A. H. Drysdale, M. A. Philemon 1:15
The Providence of God in the Life of Man W. Jones. Philemon 1:15
The Runaway Slave Sent Back F. Bourdillon, M. A. Philemon 1:15
The Story of a Runaway Slave C. H. Spurgeon. Philemon 1:15
Brethren in Christ W. Attersoll. Philemon 1:16
Care for Servants   Philemon 1:16
Christian Brotherhood A. Maclaren, D. D. Philemon 1:16
Christian Brotherhood D. Dyke, B. D. Philemon 1:16
Christianity and Slavery R. S. Storrs, D. D. Philemon 1:16
Love Forever H. Melvill, B. D. Philemon 1:16
Mutual Obligations of Christian Masters and Servants H. Melvill, B. D. Philemon 1:16
Reasons for the Increase of Mutual Love W. Attersoll. Philemon 1:16
Regard for Those in Whom Grace is Found W. Attersoll. Philemon 1:16
A Partner Dean Plumptre. Philemon 1:17
A Partner, not a Prelate W. Jones, D. D. Philemon 1:17
New Arguments W. Attersoll. Philemon 1:17
The Plea of Christian Fellowship T. Croskery Philemon 1:17
Ownership of Goods W. Attersoll. Philemon 1:18
Reparation to God A. H. Drysdale, M. A. Philemon 1:18
Suretyship W. Attersoll. Philemon 1:18
Taking the Slave's Debt A. Maclaren, D. D. Philemon 1:18
The Atonement -- an Illustration S. Cox, D. D. Philemon 1:18
Theft Bp. W. Alexander. Philemon 1:18
The Apostle's Frank Acceptance of Pecuniary Responsibility for Onesimus T. Croskery Philemon 1:18, 19
A Christian's Word Should be Enough W. Jones, D. D. Philemon 1:19
A Precious Relic Bp. Wm. Alexander. Philemon 1:19
A Signed Bond Bp. Chris. Wordsworth. Philemon 1:19
Man Restored to Himself M. F. Sadler, M. A. Philemon 1:19
Man's Debt Remitted by Christ R. Nisbet, D. D. Philemon 1:19
Ourselves Received from and Given to Christ A. Maclaren, D. D. Philemon 1:19
Reverence and Love Due to Ministers W. Attersoll. Philemon 1:19
We Owe Ourselves to Christ A. Maclaren, D. D. Philemon 1:19
What Do You Owe W. Birch. Philemon 1:19
Written Covenants W. Attersoll. Philemon 1:19
Personal Obligation W.M. Statham Philemon 1:19, 20
A Plea for Personal Consideration T. Croskery Philemon 1:20
Christ the True Sphere of Action A. Maclaren, D. D. Philemon 1:20
Provoked to Virtue by a Good Example R. Nisbet, D. D. Philemon 1:20
A Good Opinion of Others W. Attersoll. Philemon 1:21
Earnest Confidence in Others D. Dyke, B. D. Philemon 1:21
More Hinted than Stated A. Maclaren, D. D. Philemon 1:21
Obedience M. F. Sadler, M. A. Philemon 1:21
Philemon's Willing Heartedness G. G. Phipps. Philemon 1:21
Something More Bp. Wm. Alexander. Philemon 1:21
Super-Abounding Obedience W. Attersoll. Philemon 1:21
The Apostle's Concluding Appeal T. Croskery Philemon 1:21, 22
A Hope of Liberty Bp. Chris. Wordsworth. Philemon 1:22
A Lodging Bp. Wm. Alexander. Philemon 1:22
Answered Prayer Unmerited W. Attersoll. Philemon 1:22
Christian Friendship A. W. Johnson. Philemon 1:22
Christian Hospitality W. Attersoll. Philemon 1:22
Letters Do not Blush Bp. Smalridge. Philemon 1:22
Needful Preparation W.M. Statham Philemon 1:22
Prayer for Temporal Blessings A. Maclaren, D. D. Philemon 1:22
St. Paul Coming to Philemon W. Attersoll. Philemon 1:22
The Duty of Praying for Ministers D. Dyke, B. D. Philemon 1:22
Apostolic Salutations Nitzsch. Philemon 1:23-24
Courteous Speeches are Becoming to Christians W. Attersoll. Philemon 1:23-24
Courtesy J. W. Diggle. Philemon 1:23-24
Observations W. Attersoll. Philemon 1:23-24
Salutations and Prayer T. Croskery Philemon 1:23-25
Amen   Philemon 1:25
Grace J. Lyth, D. D. Philemon 1:25
Grace J. Lyth, D. D. Philemon 1:25
Grace J. Lyth, D. D. Philemon 1:25
Grace A. H. Drysdale, M. A. Philemon 1:25
Grace the Gift of Christ A. Maclaren, D. D. Philemon 1:25
Grace to be Most Desired W. Attersoll. Philemon 1:25
The Apostolic Benediction R. Cecil, M. A. Philemon 1:25
The Christian's Prayer for His Brethren in Christ J. Dillon, D. D. Philemon 1:25
The Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ   Philemon 1:25

