EXPLANATION: The resources listed on this page are more limited than the resource page on most of the other books of the Bible because of the major differences in the systems of interpretation. That said an attempt is made to list only resources that take primarily a literal approach to the interpretation of the Revelation. Note also that some of the resources are only available to borrow and generally do not allow the copy and paste function.
Conservative. Adheres to a literal 1000 year kingdom on earth inhabitants of which include born again Jews. God is not finished with Israel.
- Exalting Jesus in Revelation - BORROW
D Edmond Hiebert - Prints author's own translation. Volume 1, covering the first five chapters, deals extensively with the seven letters. The author's strong points are his handling of historical data and his Greek word studies.
- Revelation 1 - Barclay has some interesting comments on the first 3 chapters, but after that is not very helpful.
WILLIAM BARRICK - the power points on the 7 churches are lengthy and have many pictures
- Revelation Studies in Outline Form - includes text, powerpoint, audio
- Introduction (PPT, Audio) (PPT = "Power Point" Presentations)
- Revelation 1 (PPT, Audio pt 1, Part 2)
- Revelation 1:1-3 An Introduction to the Revelation
- Revelation 1:4-8 A Letter to the Ages (Part 1)
- Revelation 1:4-8 A Letter to the Ages (Part 2)
- Revelation 1:9-11 John the Revelator
- Revelation 1:12-20 The Man in the Midst
- Revelation 1:1-8 Introduction To The Book Of Revelation
- Revelation 1:9-2:7 Vision Of Jesus / Letter To Ephesian Church
- The Unveiling Of The Book - Revelation 1:1-3
- A Sneak Preview Of Coming Attractions - Revelation 1:4-8
- The Unveiling Of Revelation - Revelation 1:1-8
- I, John - Revelation 1:9-11; 18
- The Backdrop For The Revelation - Revelation 1:9-20
- When Jesus Brings The Message - Revelation 1:10-11; 2:7
- The Lord Of Glory - Revelation 1:12-18; 20
- The Lord of Glory In His Ministry - Revelation 1:12-19
RICH CATHERS - Study Notes on Revelation
THOMAS CONSTABLE Expository Commentary
- Revelation 1:9 The State of the Church
- Revelation 1:7 The Coming of the Lord Secretly and Openly
- Revelation 1:4-6 John's Ascription Of Praise
- Revelation 1:9-18 Our Living Lord
- Revelation 1:17-18 Christ and Death
- Revelation 1:4 The Symbolism of Numbers - Pt. 1
- Revelation 1:4 The Symbolism of Numbers - Pt. 2
- Revelation 1:7 Behold He Cometh With Clouds
- Revelation 1:1-3 The Blessedness of the Vision
- Revelation 1:17-18 The Living Glory
- Revelation 1:9-20 The State of the Church
- Revelation 1:1-7 The Coming King
- Revelation 1:4 To The Seven Churches Which Are in Asia
- Revelation 1:1-3 For The Time Is At Hand
- Revelation 1:19 The Seven Mighty Miracles at the End of the World
- Revelation 1:1 The Vision of the Apocalypse
- Revelation 1:20 The Mystery of the Seven Stars
- Revelation 1:7 "Even So Amen"
- Revelation 1:9 In the Isle of Patmos
- Revelation 1:10-18 The Vision Of Our Glorified Lord
- Revelation 1:17-18 The Cross and the Crown
- Revelation 1:19 God's Outline of the Apocalypse
- Revelation 1:7 The Second Coming of Christ
- Revelation 1:18 The Keys Of Hell And Death
- Revelation 1:1 The Apocalypse of Jesus Christ/Vision of the Apocalypse
- Revelation 1-19: The Apocalypse
- Revelation 1-2 The Seven Angels of the Seven Churches
- Revelation 1-3 The Seven Churches of Asia
A C GAEBELEIN Annotated Bible Commentary on Revelation
While this work is not well known and is seldom mentioned in lists of commentaries on the Revelation, in my opinion it is one of the best verse by verse modern works available. It is premillennial. Highly Recommended!
- Revelation 1:1-8; The Second Coming: Since Jesus Christ will return, we are always to be ready for that great event. Video
- Revelation 1:9-20;Leadership Responsibilities: All spiritual leaders in local churches are responsible to prepare people for Christ's return. Video
OLIVER GREENE Commentary on Revelation
DAVE GUZIK Commentary on Revelation
FLOYD HITCHCOCK Lectures on The Revelation - 1940
Floyd Hitchcock = Returned Missionary from Japan and Korea, Radio Pastor, KWTO, Springfield, Mo., Editor of The Gospel Messenger, Pastor of Radio Gospel Center. The Flying Preacher: Pilot of “The Good Ship Emmanuel”
- 01. Revelation 1:1-3
- 02. Revelation 1:4
- 03. Revelation 1:5-8
- 04. Revelation 1:9-17
- 05. Revelation 1:18
- 06. Revelation 1:19-20
HOLMAN CSB Study Bible : Holman Christian Standard Bible - BORROW
General Editor Jeremy Royal Howard (2010) 2360 pages. Conservative. Good notes. Include Holmans excellent maps.
H. A. IRONSIDE Notes on Revelation
JAMIESON, FAUSSETT, BROWN - A Commentary, Critical and Explanatory, on the Old and New Testaments
This is one of the more literal older commentaries.
- The David Jeremiah study bible - (2013) - BORROW
- Escape the Coming Night - 273 page study (2002 edition)- BORROW
ALAN JOHNSON - Author of comments on Revelation
- The Expositor's Bible Commentary - 1994 edition - Abridged - BORROW
S LEWIS JOHNSON Sermons on Revelation
- Revelation 1:1,2,3 - The Revelation of Jesus Christ
- Revelation 1:4,5,6,7,8 - The Authentic Emperor
- Revelation 1:9-20 - Christ Amid the Candlesticks
J HAMPTON KEATHLEY III Commentary on the Revelation
- Foundations for the Study of Prophecy (Revelation)
- The Introduction Proper (Revelation)
- Revelation 1:1-8 The Prologue
- Revelation 1:9-20 The Things Past
D Edmond Hiebert - Expository lectures by a noted Plymouth Brethren scholar of the past century. The author uses Scripture to try to explain the symbols of the book. The viewpoint is premillennial and pretribulational.
KJV BIBLE COMMENTARY - Hindson, Edward E; Kroll, Woodrow Michael.
Over 3000 pages of the entire OT/NT - no restriction on length of time one can use it. No copy and paste. Well done conservative commentary that interprets Scripture from a literal perspective (pre-millennial) Has nice, readable maps.
- Revelation : the Glorified Christ - Brief comments - 124 pages - BORROW
- Revelation illustrated and made plain (340 pages) - BORROW
Cyril Barber - The Minister's Library (Volume 3) - An exposition of Revelation 1--3. “This book is intended to be a wake-up call to the sleeping church of America.”--John F. MacArthur, Jr. It comes highly recommended.
- Final call - BORROW
- Believer's Bible Commentary - BORROW
- The MacArthur Study Bible - BORROW
- Because the time is near : John MacArthur explains the book of Revelation - BORROW
- A Jet Tour Through Revelation
- Revelation 1 Christ’s Commitment to His Church
- Revelation 1:1 Back to the Future, Part 1
- Revelation 1:1-6 Back to the Future, Part 2
- Revelation 1:4-17 Christ’s Role in the Church Today
- Revelation 1:7-8 The Certainty of the Second Coming
- Revelation 1:9-17 The Vision of the Glorified Son, Part 1
- Revelation 1:10-20 Christ at Work In His Church
- Revelation 1:17-19 The Vision of the Glorified Son, Part 2
- Treasures from Revelation - 472 pages - list of illustrations on page 459
This is a 94 page book with brief pithy comments from a literal perspective. Interesting. Online but cannot copy and paste.
- Introduction
- Revelation 1
- Thru the Bible with J. Vernon McGee - Revelation - BORROW
- Thru the Bible Commentary Vol. 58: The Prophecy (Revelation 1-5) - BORROW
- The Prophecy - Revelation, Chapters 6-13 - BORROW
HENRY MORRIS - Defender's Study Bible Notes
- The Revelation Record - BORROW - his full commentary on the Revelation
- Revelation 1:1 Revelation shortly signified angel John
- Revelation 1:2 record
- Revelation 1:3 Blessed
- Revelation 1:4 seven Asia to come Spirits
- Revelation 1:5 kings of the earth
- Revelation 1:6 kings and priests
- Revelation 1:7 see him pierced him
- Revelation 1:8 see him pierced him
- Revelation 1:9 Patmos
- Revelation 1:10 the Lord’s Day
- Revelation 1:11 book Asia
- Revelation 1:13 in the midst candlesticks down to the foot paps
- Revelation 1:14 white as snow
- Revelation 1:17 as dead first and the last
- Revelation 1:18 alive for evermore keys of hell
- Revelation 1:19 which shall be hereafter
- Revelation 1:20 seven stars
NET BIBLE NOTES on Revelation
WILLIAM NEWELL Commentary on the Revelation
Rosscup - This is a premillennial, dispensational study which takes a thorough-going literal approach to the book. It is good on the English text and will have its main usefulness in some points for lay people. Read Ironside and Ryrie to maintain a balance in a lighter dispensational work. (Commentaries For Biblical Expositors- Dr. Jim Rosscup)
Formerly "The Nelson Study Bible - NKJV" by Earl D Radmacher; Ronald Barclay Allen; Wayne H House.
- Revelation (Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament) - This is available as a Pdf. Osborne does seem to favor the 1000 millennium. There are a few points I would disagree with him -- e.g., when the devil is released at the end of the 1000 years, he deceives and gathers an army - these are people who have been alive while Jesus Himself is reigning on earth and they still refuse to believe in Him! To be sure this is somewhat mind boggling and could reflect either the hardness of hearts of those who are born to the believers who enter the 1000 year kingdom. Alternatively Osborne posits that these are men and women who were not destroyed when Christ returned to conquer in Revelation 19.
OUR DAILY BREAD Devotionals on Revelation
- Revelation 1:1-8 The Complete Story
- Revelation 1:5 Nowhere To Hide
- Revelation 1:7 Headline Event
- Revelation 1:9-17 Mighty Waters
- Revelation 1:9-18 Awesome, Not Frightening
- Revelation 1:18 He Was Dead But Now Lives
- Revelation 1:8-18 The Timeless Name
- Revelation 1:9-18 Christ Is Risen!
- Revelation 1:10-17 Just Imagine!
- Revelation 1:10-18 From Awe To Adoration
- Revelation 1:10-18 Touching Bottom
- Revelation 1:18 Resurrection Reality
- Revelation 1:18 He Was Dead But Now Lives
- Revelation 1:20 The Right Light
JOHN PHILLIPS - Exploring Revelation. Chicago: Moody Press. 1974
Rosscup - Here is a very light dispensational work, often alliterative, picturesque, with frequent illustrations (some quite good), but scant in supporting interpretation. Often Phillips shows no real attempt to grapple with meaning, as on leaving the first love (2:4), being blotted out (3:5), identifying the seven stars, giving more than opinion on being kept in 3:10, who the overcomer is in 2:7, what 4:1 means, etc. He does take the 24 elders as angels (86) and the 144,000 as Israelites, both with shallow support. The work as a whole offers minimal light to help any but elemental readers grasp some points, and for others is pretty much a waste of time unless certain illustrations help. (Commentaries For Biblical Expositors- Dr. Jim Rosscup)
Cyril Barber - The Minister's Library - A careful commentary that those who preach through this portion of God's Word will want to consult. Premillennial.
- Exploring Revelation - BORROW
JOHN R RICE - Biography
A Baptist pastor. Millennial. Comments less technical but very insightful. A sleeper in my opinion.
GRANT RICHISON Revelation Commentary Notes
- Introduction
- Revelation 1:1
- Revelation 1:1b
- Revelation 1:1c
- Revelation 1:1c
- Revelation 1:2
- Revelation 1:3
- Revelation 1:3b
- Revelation 1:3c
- Revelation 1:3d
- Revelation 1:4
- Revelation 1:4b
- Revelation 1:4c
- Revelation 1:4d
- Revelation 1:5
- Revelation 1:5b
- Revelation 1:5c
- Revelation 1:5d
- Revelation 1:5e
- Revelation 1:5f
- Revelation 1:6
- Revelation 1:7
- Revelation 1:8
- Revelation 1:9
- Revelation 1:9b
- Revelation 1:10
- Revelation 1:11
- Revelation 1:12
- Revelation 1:13
- Revelation 1:14
- Revelation 1:15
- Revelation 1:16
- Revelation 1:17
- Revelation 1:18
- Revelation 1:18b
- Revelation 1:19
- Revelation 1:20
A. T. ROBERTSON Word Pictures on Revelation
Notes on original Greek text. Interpretative approach difficult to state with certainty but not definitively futuristic
CHARLES RYRIE - Dispensational
Hiebert - A concise, well-outlined study of Revelation, following the premillennial, pretribulational view. Ideal for a beginner's study of Revelation.
Cyril Barber - The Minister's Library (Volume 3) - A refreshing, concise exposition highlighted with helpful charts and graphs, and explaining in lay terms the scope of John’s vision. Recommended.
- The Final Countdown - BORROW - Short summary of end times events. Literal, millennial perspective.
- Revelation - BORROW
- Ryrie Study Bible - BORROW
ROB SALVATO Sermon Notes on Revelation
Text and Audio Available. Literal, futuristic.
- Revelation 1:1-7 The Unveiling
- Revelation 1:4-8 Behold He Is Coming
- Revelation 1:9-20 A Vision Of Jesus
RAYMOND SAXE Sermons on Revelation Fellowship Bible Church
- Revelation 1:1-3 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 1:4-5 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 1:5-8 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 1:9-11 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 1:12-13 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 1:13-16 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 1:16-20 ( doc, pdf)
WALTER SCOTT Revelation Commentary
Rosscup - A helpful older premillennial work that is at some points lucid in expounding the meaning. (Commentaries for Biblical Expositors) (Commentaries For Biblical Expositors- Dr. Jim Rosscup)
- The Great Unveiling (1979) - BORROW
J A SEISS Revelation Commentary
Joseph Augustus Seiss' (picture) Lectures on the Apocalypse was initially published in 3 volumes in the mid-1800's and has become widely accepted by modern evangelical scholars as one of the first popular works based upon the futurist interpretation of the Revelation.
Rosscup writes that Seiss' work is "An expository older premillennial work of great detail on units of the book." (Commentaries For Biblical Expositors- Dr. Jim Rosscup)
- Entire book in Pdf - allows copy and paste
- Entire book in HTML - allows copy and page - has index to each chapter
- Preface to Volume 1 (1865)
- Table of Contents - 1
- General Index
- Revelation 1:1-3
- Revelation 1:4-8
- Revelation 1:9-17
- Revelation 1:17-20
- Revelation 1:20
- Entire commentary on Revelation in one Pdf - 168 pages
- Revelation 1:1-3 - Jesus will come again, soon
- Revelation 1:4-6 - God is both great, and kind
- Revelation 1:7 - Jesus will return in public
- Revelation 1:8 - The beginning and the end of all things
- Revelation 1:9 - John on Patmos
- Revelation 1:10 - The Lord’s day
- Revelation 1:11 - The 7 churches of Revelation
- Revelation 1:12 - 7 gold lampstands
- Revelation 1:13 - John sees Christ
- Revelation 1:14-15 - A description of Christ as judge
- Revelation 1:16 - Christ’s perfect character
- Revelation 1:17 - John’s fear of Christ
- Revelation 1:18 - The events that give Christians the confidence to love Christ
- Revelation 1:19 - The work of a prophet
- Revelation 1:20 - The ‘angels’ of the churches
CHUCK SMITH Revelation Commentary
RAY STEDMAN Revelation Expository Messages
- Overview: The Revelation of Jesus Christ
- Revelation 1:1-18: Behind The Scenes Of History
- Revelation 1:19-2:7: The Church That Lost Its Love
- God's final word : understanding Revelation (372 pages) - BOOK - BORROW
- What Christ thinks of the church : an exposition of Revelation 1-3 - BORROW
- What Christ thinks of the church : insights from Revelation 2-3 - BORROW
- Revelation - Unveiling the End - Act 1 - The Heavenly Stage (Revelation 1-5) (162 pages) - BORROW
- Interpreting Revelation (234 pages) - BORROW
- The Book of Revelation (128 pages) - BORROW
DAVID THOMPSON Sermons on Revelation Texas Corners Church
VALLEY BIBLE CHURCH Revelation Expository Messages
Click this page for the messages below - audio and transcripts available
- Revelation 1:1-3 The Unveiling - Part 1 Terry Riley
- Revelation 1:4-8 The Unveiling - Part 2 Terry Riley
- Revelation 1:9-11 A Glimpse of Our Glorified Lord - Part 1 Terry Riley
- Revelation 1:12-16 A Glimpse of our Glorified Lord - Part 2 Terry Riley
- Revelation 1:17-20 A Glimpse of Our Glorified Lord - Part 3 Terry Riley
JOHN WALVOORD Revelation Exposition
See Dr Walvoord's excellent summary on interpretation of prophecy
Rosscup - Written by one of the foremost modern-day articulators of premillennial dispensationalism, this book is a lucid exposition of the Revelation which combines textual exposition with theological orientation. Walvoord shows awareness of wide reading, gives various views, is fair, and deals with problems as they arise. It is the best broad dispensational work to appear in recent years, and Robert Thomas has the best detailed technical work so far. (Commentaries For Biblical Expositors- Dr. Jim Rosscup)
- Be Victorious - In Christ You Are an Overcomer - Book of Revelation
- With the Word - Comments on each chapter
- Wiersbe's Expository Outlines on the New Testament
Everett F Harrison - Editor of New Testament. Uses the KJV. Strictly speaking not a study Bible, but short notes are similar. KJV text in left column, commentary notes in right column. The comments are generally verse by verse, short, conservative and to the point. Pre-millennial.
STEVE ZEISLER, et. al. Revelation Peninsula Bible Church