Spiritual Life

Our Body, His Temple

WHERE DOES GOD DWELL TODAY? - In the OT Solomon asked "Will God indeed DWELL with mankind on the earth?" (2Chr 6:18) In the NT Stephen made it clear that "the Most High does not DWELL in TEMPLES made with human hands" (Acts 7:48), quoting Isaiah 66:1 where Jehovah proclaimed "Heaven is My throne and earth is the footstool of my feet. What kind of SANCTUARY will you build for Me?

Give Me An Undivided Heart

(Psalm 86:11)

Integrity is derived from "integer" (a whole number as opposed to a fraction) and speaks of the quality of being undivided. O, to be men and women of integrity, lights shining in the midst of the darkness in such a way that the world might see our undivided hearts and this would bring glory to our Father Who is in heaven. (Mt 5:16+, cf Php 2:15+).

A great prayer to pray (daily) would be David's words...

Fire in Your Heart

 Fire in Your Heart is a story of revival that will stir your soul. Evangelist Sammy Tippit has preached throughout Eastern Europe, including Russia and has seen thousands of people in those countries find peace in Jesus Christ, despite persecution, oppression, and dwindling educational and job opportunities. Spiritual awakening has touched millions in Africa, South America, Korea, and Eastern Europe. Why, then, have Western Christians, the people who worked so hard to send Christianity eastward, become lukewarm?