Spiritual Life

Abide in Christ

Andrew Murray - During the life of Jesus on earth, the word He chiefly used when speaking of the relations of the disciples to Himself was: ‘Follow me.’ When about to leave for heaven, He gave them a new word, in which their more intimate and spiritual union with Himself in glory should be expressed. That chosen word was: ‘Abide in me.’ It is to be feared that there are many earnest followers of Jesus from whom the meaning of this word, with the blessed experience it promises, is very much hidden.

Light After Darkness

LIGHT AFTER DARKNESS - Perhaps you are going through dark times, even as I have been for many months, with still no end in sight. May your mind be renewed and the joy of your salvation be restored as you ponder Spurgeon's query: "Why should we dread to descend into the dark shaft of affliction, if it leads us to the gold mine of bright spiritual experience? Why should we cry out if the sun of our prosperity goes down, and yet in the darkness of our adversity we are better able to count the starry promises with which the Faithful God has been pleased to gem the sky?