Doctor Luke
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Chart from recommended resource Jensen's Survey of the NT - used by permission
See another Luke Overview Chart by Charles Swindoll
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Chart from recommended resource Jensen's Survey of the NT - used by permission

Click chart to enlarge
Chart from recommended resource Jensen's Survey of the NT - used by permission
In depth verse by verse analysis with numerous word studies, cross references, and quotations from conservative resources.
Completed - 6/17/2018 (Revised Summer/Fall 2022)
- Luke 1 Commentary - 335 pages
- Luke 2 Commentary - 257 pages
- Luke 3 Commentary - 122 pages
- Luke 4 Commentary - 195 pages
- Luke 5 Commentary - 223 pages
- Luke 6 Commentary - 232 pages
- Luke 7 Commentary - 143 pages
- Luke 8 Commentary - 255 pages
- Luke 9 Commentary - 227 pages
- Luke 10 Commentary - 175 pages
- Luke 11 Commentary - 187 pages
- Luke 12 Commentary - 224 pages
- Luke 13 Commentary - 170 pages
- Luke 14 Commentary - 150 pages
- Luke 15 Commentary - 116 pages
- Luke 16 Commentary - 229 pages
- Luke 17 Commentary - 124 pages
- Luke 18 Commentary - 219 pages
- Luke 19 Commentary - 190 pages
- Luke 20 Commentary - 180 pages
- Luke 21 Commentary - 196 pages
- Luke 22 Commentary - 250 pages
- Luke 23 Commentary - 160 pages
- Luke 24 Commentary - 180 pages
Explanation - The following list includes not only commentaries but other Christian works by well known evangelical writers. Most of the resources below are newer works (written after 1970) which previously were available only for purchase in book form or in a Bible computer program. The resources are made freely available by archive.org but have several caveats - (1) they do not allow copy and paste, (2) they can only be checked out for one hour (but can be checked out immediately when your hour expires giving you time to read or take notes on a lengthy section) and (3) they require creating an account which allows you to check out the books free of charge. To set up an account click archive.org and then click the picture of the person in right upper corner and enter email and a password. That's all you have to do. Then you can read these more modern resources free of charge! I have read or used many of these resources but not all of them so ultimately you will need to be a Berean (Acts 17:11+) as you use them. I have also selected works that are conservative and Biblically sound. If you find one that you think does not meet those criteria please send an email at https://www.preceptaustin.org/
Preaching Luke-Acts by Allen, Ronald J.
James Rosscup - This conservative commentary is a detailed work in the Greek and is well-written. The author did the famous Greek-English lexicon and two books on alleged contradictions.
Bible commentary: the Gospel according to St. Luke by Arndt, William F
Poet and peasant : a literary-cultural approach to the parables in Luke by Bailey, Kenneth
James Rosscup - Bailey discusses four Lukan parables at length in the first book, making a great contribution as to cultural data that opens up the parables. His data is based on studies while teaching for many years in the mid-East, also on extensive travels, correspondence, and scholarly probing into the literature. Particularly insightful are his remarks on Luke 15 (the triad of parables) and Luke 11 (Friend at Midnight). The second book continues to be rich in peasant cultural background, with data not available to many who study the parables. But the second book treats ten further parables (7:36–50 and others in 9:51–19:48, Luke’s travel narrative). These are well-done but not treated in as much detail. Both books are excellent in making parables “come alive” and making readers think. In more recent years both volumes have been put into one book. Cf. Hultgren in the Matthew section.
Luke comes alive! by Blanchard, John,
Luke by Bock, Darrell L - IVP NT Commentary Series 428 pages 16 ratings
James Rosscup - One meets with a far shorter work than the 2-vol. effort. Bock says (12) that the larger work has focused on accuracy and rationale for views, this one on relevancy and relational matters of faith. Evangelical comments run quickly to their points, yet the generality causes skipping some key details (cf. on Anna, 2:36–38), or seem to argue around a more likely view with unconvincing reasoning (3:16). In other cases, Bock seems to select the most probable view, an instance being in seeing the sermon (Luke 6) as a condensed version of the same sermon in Matt. 5–7 (119). One can also find the second and third soils of Luke 8 taken to represent people not actually saved (148–49). One can wonder in 14:34–35 how inability to be worthy disciples is in harmony with salvation as a gift, for the work passes by this. Bock in most verses touches clearly on key issues, and an author lacks space to deal with every important matter, whether in a short or massive attempt. For a work with much application, cf. Darrell Bock, Luke (NIV Application Commentary. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1996, 640 pp.).
Cyril Barber - A well-researched, well-outlined, and well-written commentary that is easy to read. Uses the text of the NIV. Adequately explains the theological themes relating to the life and mission of Christ. Recommended.
Patterns for power : parables of Luke by Briscoe, D. Stuart
Saint Luke by Caird, G. B.
Cyril Barber - One of the better works in this series. Contains numerous references to Jewish literature as well as pertinent comments on the text. Is of value to the preacher. Needs to be read with discernment
Luke by Evans, Craig A., The New International Commentary on the New Testament
James Rosscup - A lucid study, often of help on problem texts but cursory at times. Evans gives authorship by Luke “provisional acceptance” and feels that this issue is not vital to how this gospel is interpreted (3). After a brief introduction (1–16), general summaries of each section are followed by added notes on a few key details, with bypassing of many, such as Anna’s 84 years in 2:36–38, and problems of interpretation in 11:5–7. While Evans shows high expertise even when terse, one will find other works explaining far more to make their time fruitful.
The Bible knowledge background commentary : Matthew-Luke by Evans, Craig A - This resource will give you very interesting insights and is worth checking on individual passages
The Gospel according to Luke (I-IX) The Gospel according to Luke : introduction, translation, and notes (X-XXIV) by Fitzmyer, Joseph A
James Rosscup - An internationally known Catholic scholar presents an excellent appraisal of “The Current State of Lukan Studies” (3–34) and has “A Sketch of Lukan Theology” (143–270). In explaining the gospel text, Fitzmyer has often helpful sources on various points. This will rank as one of the best-regarded commentaries at this time from the standpoint of awareness of critical literature and comments reflecting current learning. He gives his own translation and a fairly lucid, detailed exposition that is abreast of language, background, and views. It is a mixed bag with Fitzmyer, though. He often takes views that evangelicals appreciate, such as Jesus’ resurrection body being able to eat food. At other times he stumbles where there are possible solutions, as when he feels that there is no way to harmonize the accounts of Jesus’ resurrection. Indices to both volumes help find material.
The Gospel of Luke by Green, Joel B. New International Commentary on the New Testament 143 ratings
James Rosscup - Replaces the work of Geldenhuys (1951). Scholars will appreciate the author’s emphasis on literary and narrative criticism. Pastors, however, will have little to gain from this work.
Tim Challies - Most commentators on the commentaries commend this volume, D.A. Carson among them, though he offers caveats. He says it is “full of thoughtful interaction with contemporary scholarship, but I do not think it is either as rigorous or as accurate as the work of Luke.” He suggests that its unique strength is narrative historiography and discourse analysis. If you, like me, don’t know what that means, then perhaps choose one of the other volumes
James Rosscup - This work with pp. i-xcii plus 928 replaced Norval Geldenhuys’ effort of 1951. Green puts more focus on literary criticism, narrative criticism, and social-scientific analysis than on earlier issues about historical critical matters, redaction and source criticism, etc. One sees topics such as family allegiances, friendship, purity, and status. He seeks to show OT background for this gospel, and not Mark, or Matthew, or oral tradition. Green sets up a misleading opinion that Luke and those using his work were “not so much concerned with the issue, Did it happen? as with the queries What happened? and what does it all mean? (36). It surely is both. However, he does appear to believe that the details are fact in Luke’s perspective, but thinks Luke is more burdened with how to understand things (20). One can say that Luke saw the two in a necessary balance and need not have any thought of ranking them.
Commentary on the Gospel of Luke : the English text with introduction, exposition and notes by Geldenhuys, Norval,
James Rosscup - Amillennial in its interpretation of the kingdom program, this work is solid and explains many verses rather well but is not the best.
According to Luke : a new exposition of the Third Gospel by David Gooding 9 ratings
Half-hours with William Hendriksen : stirring devotional surveys of Romans, Philippians, Luke and Revelation, with other gems by Hendriksen, William,
Exposition of the Gospel of Luke (BCNT) - William Hendrisen
Luke : a self-study guide by Jensen, Irving
The Communicator's Commentary - Luke (Also known as The Preacher's Commentary Series - Volume 26: Luke) Larson, Bruce - 356 pages (1983) See user reviews.
The Parables of Jesus by Kistemaker, Simon J.,
James Rosscup - A past national president of Evangelical Theological Society deals with all of Jesus’ parables and shows a lucid style, warmth, and broad acquaintance with scholarly writings on his material which is obvious in footnotes. He uses the NIV text. The contribution is very good on background, the main thrust of parables, key expository details, and the practical contribution for life. This is one of the best fairily recent evangelical works on the parables in general (cf. Bailey, Ellisen, Hultgren, Longenecker, etc, under Matthew and Luke).
Book of Luke : Jesus, the son of man by Lucado, Max
Luke : the savior of the world by MacArthur, John - Not his full commentary.
A tale of two sons : the inside story of a father, his sons, and a shocking murder by MacArthur, John
Luke and the last things : a perspective for the understanding of Lukan thought by Mattill, A. J
Cyril Barber - An exacting, technical presentation of Lukan theology. Rich and full. 2
Luke by McGee, J. Vernon
The Gospel according to Luke by Morgan, G. Campbell
The Gospel according to St. Luke : an introduction and commentary by Morris, Leon,
Matheson (Ligonier) - Christians should pick up and read anything they find by the late Leon Morris. For those who may not have the time to dig into a 2,100-page commentary and are looking for a great introductory-level commentary on Luke, Morris is the place to begin.
Cyril Barber - A clear, forthright presentation of the facts surrounding the authorship and date of this gospel, followed by almost 300 pages of exposition. A handy and helpful volume.
James Rosscup - Morris has written a good conservative commentary of some detail. It is lucid and not technical in nature.
Tim Challies - The inherent and deliberate limits of the Tyndale New Testament Commentaries means that this volume is relatively short (370 pages) and written at a popular level. This is the entry-level commentary for those who would like just one volume on Luke. Morris has written commentaries on many books of the Bible and they are uniformly sound even if they are rarely considered the top of the class.
What are they saying about Luke? by Powell, Mark Allan, 6 ratings
James Rosscup - A well-researched, contemporary assessment of the teaching of Luke's gospel. Summarizes the contribution of modern scholars, and examines the dominant theories regarding the composition of the gospel. Intertwines political and social aspects of Luke's "former work" to describe the community about which the physician wrote.
A walk with Jesus : enjoying the company of Christ - Gospel of Luke by Sproul, R. C 3 ratings
The declaration of something mysterious : Jesus' courage and communication of the truth : a study of Luke 10:38-16:18 by Swindoll, Charles
The consummation of something miraculous : Jesus' trials and triumph of redemption : a study of Luke 16:19-24:53 : Bible study guide by Swindoll, Charles
The origination of something glorious : Jesus' birth and beginning of ministry : a study of Luke 1:1-6:49 : Bible study guide - Swindoll, Charles R
The declaration of something mysterious : Jesus' courage and communication of the truth : a study of Luke 10:38-16:18 by Swindoll, Charles R
The consummation of something miraculous : Jesus' trials and triumph of redemption : a study of Luke 16:19-24:53 : Bible study guide by Swindoll, Charles R
Luke & John : life that lasts forever - Quick Notes - Mark Strauss
Luke by Tannehill, Robert C 13 ratings
Interpreting the parables by Blomberg, Craig
Chronological and Background Charts of the NEW TESTAMENT - Pdf - D Wayne House - outstanding compilation of charts - check this one out!. This book can also be borrowed = Chronological and background charts of the New Testament
KJV Bible Commentary - Hindson, Edward E; Kroll, Woodrow Michael. Over 3000 pages of the entire OT/NT - no restriction on length of time one can use it. No copy and paste. Well done conservative commentary that interprets Scripture from a literal perspective. User reviews - it generally gets 4/5 stars from users. - 372 ratings
Very well done conservative commentary that interprets Scripture from a literal perspective (pre-millennial) user reviews
The King James Version Bible Commentary is a complete verse-by-verse commentary. It is comprehensive in scope, reliable in scholarship, and easy to use. Its authors are leading evangelical theologians who provide practical truths and biblical principles. Any Bible student will gain new insights through this one-volume commentary based on the timeless King James Version of the Bible.
NKJV Study Bible: New King James Version Study Bible by Radmacher, Earl D; Allen, Ronald Barclay; House, H. Wayne; 917 ratings Very helpful notes. Conservative.
The Word in life Study Bible - Very interesting format. Not your routine study Bible. Worth checking the very informative notes. (e.g., here is a picture of Jesus' post-resurrection appearances.)
New Bible Commentary - (1994) See user reviews
The Experiencing God Study Bible : the Bible for knowing and doing the will of God - Blackaby, Henry (1996) 1968 pages - CHECK THIS ONE! Each chapter begins with several questions under the title "PREPARE TO MEET GOD." Then you will interesting symbols before many of the passages. The chapter ends with a "DID YOU NOTICE?" question. This might make a "dry chapter" jump off the page! Read some of the 48 ratings
Wycliffe Bible Commentary - OT and NT - Charles Pfeiffer - 1560 pages (1962). 214 ratings Less detailed than the KJV Bible Commentary.
The New Testament and Wycliffe Bible commentary - This version has no time restriction but only has the NT.
The Defender's Study Bible : King James Version by Morris, Henry M. Excellent notes for well known creationist. 45 ratings
The MacArthur Study Bible - John MacArthur. Brief but well done notes 1,275 ratings
The David Jeremiah study bible - (2013) 2208 pages. 2,272 ratings Logos.com - "Drawing on more than 40 years of study, Dr. David Jeremiah has compiled a legacy resource that will make an eternal impact on generations to come. 8,000 study notes. Hundreds of enriching word studies"50+ Essentials of the Christian Faith" articles."
ESV study Bible - Excellent resource but not always literal in eschatology and the nation of Israel 6,004 ratings
Believer's Bible Commentary by MacDonald, William (1995) 2480 pages
Dr. John MacArthur, Jr. - "Concise yet comprehensive - the most complete single-volume commentary I have seen."
Warren Wiersbe - "For the student who is serious about seeing Christ in the Word."
Life application study Bible : New Living Translation. Has some very helpful notes. 4,445 ratings
DICTIONARY OF JESUS AND THE GOSPELS - interesting articles in some depth
Compact Bible commentary by Radmacher, Earl D; Allen, Ronald Barclay; House, H Wayne, et al - 954 pages. 424 ratings Multiple contributors to the comments which are often verse by verse. The comments are brief but meaty and can really help your study through a given book. A sleeper in my opinion.
NIV archaeological study Bible (2005) 2360 pages 950 ratings (See also Archaeology and the Bible - OT and NT)
NIV cultural backgrounds study Bible. bringing to life the ancient world of scripture Keener, Craig and Walton, John. Editors (2017)
The NIV study Bible by Barker, Kenneth L; Burdick, Donald W (1995) 2250 pages. Note this is the first edition. This resource has been fully revised in 2020.
The Ryrie study Bible - Charles Ryrie (1978) 2142 pages. Conservative. 216 ratings
Evangelical Commentary on the Bible - editor Walter Elwell (1989) 1239 pages. User reviews.
Eerdmans' family encyclopedia of the Bible (1978) 344 pages
Eerdmans' handbook to the Bible (1983) 688 pages
The Lion handbook to the Bible - (1999) 822 pages. This resource is absolutely loaded with very nice color pictures and charts.
Tyndale handbook of Bible charts & maps by Wilson, Neil
Bible handbook and A-Z bible encyclopedia
International children's Bible field guide : answering kids' questions from Genesis to Revelation by Richards, Larry
The illustrated guide to Bible customs & curiosities by Knight, George W. (George William),
Today's handbook of Bible times & customs by Coleman, William L
The Shaw pocket Bible handbook - Editor - Walter Elwell (1984) 408 pages.
"This hardback is small in size but packed full of content: Brief summaries of every book of the bible, cultural, archaeological and historical info, word definitions, pictures, maps and charts." Worth checking!
Zondervan illustrated Bible backgrounds commentary - New Testament - 552 pages. (2002) See user reviews.
The new Unger's Bible dictionary by Unger, Merrill Frederick, 1909-
Survey of the Bible : introductory insights, background studies, book-by- book survey by Unger, Merrill Frederick
The parallel New Testament and Unger's Bible handbook : produced for Moody monthly by Unger, Merrill (1975) 744 pages 4 ratings
The Hodder Bible handbook by Unger, Merrill
Nelson's expository dictionary of the Old Testament by Unger, Merrill
Kregel Bible handbook : a full-color guide to every book of the Bible by Kerr, William 3 ratings
The new encyclopedia of Christian quotations by Water, Mark
Zondervan handbook to the Bible
Zondervan illustrated Bible backgrounds commentary - Matthew, Mark, Luke
Background Commentary on Luke - Clinton Arnold
Dictionary of Paul and his letters 180 ratings IVP Series
The Dictionary of Paul and His Letters is a one-of-a-kind reference work. Following the format of its highly successful companion volume, the Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels, this Dictionary is designed to bring students, teachers, ministers and laypeople abreast of the established conclusions and significant recent developments in Pauline scholarship. No other single reference work presents as much information focused exclusively on Pauline theology, literature, background and scholarship. In a field that recently has undergone significant shifts in perspective, the Dictionary of Paul and His Letters offers a summa of Paul and Pauline studies. In-depth articles focus on individual theological themes (such as law, resurrection and Son of God), broad theological topics (such as Christology, eschatology and the death of Christ), methods of interpretation (such as rhetorical criticism and social-scientific approaches), background topics (such as apocalypticism, Hellenism and Qumran) and various other subjects specifically related to the scholarly study of Pauline theology and literature (such as early catholicism, the center of Paul's theology, and Paul and his interpreters since F. C. Baur). Separate articles are also devoted to each of the Pauline letters to hermeneutics and to preaching Paul today.
Dictionary of the later New Testament & its developments 71 ratings IVP Series
The third of IVP's critically acclaimed series of dictionaries of the New Testament provides focused study on the often-neglected portions of the New Testament: Acts, Hebrews, the General Epistles, and Revelation. Furthermore, its scope goes beyond the life of the New Testament church to include the work of the apostolic fathers and early Christianity up through the middle of the second century.
Dictionary of New Testament background 79 ratings IVP Series
In a time when our knowledge of the ancient Mediterranean world has grown by leaps and bounds, this volume sets out for readers the wealth of Jewish and Greco-Roman background that should inform our reading and understanding of the New Testament and early Christianity. The Dictionary of New Testament Background takes full advantage of the flourishing study of the Dead Sea Scrolls and offers individual articles focused on the most important scrolls. In addition, the Dictionary encompasses the fullness of second-temple Jewish writings, whether pseudepigraphic, rabbinic, parables, proverbs, histories or inscriptions. Articles abound on aspects of Jewish life and thought, including family, purity, liturgy and messianism. The full scope of Greco-Roman culture is displayed in articles ranging across language and rhetoric, literacy and book culture, religion and cults, honor and shame, patronage and benefactors, travel and trade, intellectual movements and ideas, and ancient geographical perspectives. No other reference work presents so much in one place for students of the New Testament. Here an entire library of scholarship is made available in summary form.
- Joseph: I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas Matthew 1-2
- Mary: How to Have a Merry Christmas “Mary Everyday” Luke 1:46-55
- A Heavenly Birth Announcement Luke 2:8-20
- A Wise Men-tality Matthew 2:1-12
- Mary: Believing the Impossible Luke 1:26-38
- The Song of the Two Mothers Luke 1:39-56
- Miracles At Bethlehem Luke 2:1-7
- O Holy Night Luke 2:8-20
- Worshiping With the Wise Men Matthew 2:1-12
- The Messiah's Name: Emmanuel Matthew 1:22-23
- The Messiah's Name: Jesus Matthew 1:21
- Backwards Christmas Luke 2:8-20
- Mary's Little Lamb Luke 2:7-11
- Born in a Manger Luke 2
- Christmas Is Spelled L.O.V.E. 1 Corinthians 13
- Mary: The Mother of our Lord Luke 1:26-38
- Joseph: The Forgotten Man of Christmas Matthew 1:18-25
- His Wonderful Name Isaiah 9:6
- What I Want For Christmas for Our Church Philippians 1:9-11
- God Speaks to Us Through a Little Baby Hebrews 1:1-3
- Reclaiming Your Christmas Luke 2:8-16
- The First Gifts Given to Jesus Matthew 2:1-11
- Messages From the Manger Luke 2:1-15
- Luke – Luke 1:1
- A Beautiful Song From A Humble Servant – Luke 1:46-55
- A Beautiful Song From a Humble Servant – Luke 1:46-55
- It Was the Birthday of the Saviour – Luke 2:1-20
- Joy to the World — Luke 2:1-20
- The Christmas Evangelists – Luke 2:8-20
- That Amazing Man From Galilee – Luke 4:31-37
- Tell Me About the Son of God – Luke 4:38-44
- Finding New Purpose – Luke 4:42-5:11
- Strange Things Happen When Jesus is Present – Luke 5 :17-26
- A Tax Collector God Changed – Luke 5:27-32
- Showing Love – Luke 7:36-50
- What Does It Mean To Follow Jesus – Luke 9:57-62
- Let Jesus Teach You How to Pray – Luke 11:1-13
- The Story of the Prodigal Sons – Luke 15:11-32
- Why Did Jesus Come – Luke 19:1-10
- Looks Can Be Deceiving – Luke 20:45-21:37
- Father Im Coming Home – Luke 24:46
This version has less Greek than the version below. (1810-1871)
Read Alford's fascinating brief biography and Phil Johnson's related comments
James Rosscup writes that Alford's series on the New Testament "contains much that is valuable in the Greek New Testament… though all of the Greek New Testament words have been changed to English throughout." (Commentaries for Biblical Expositors: An Annotated Bibliography of Selected Works)
Charles Haddon Spurgeon (see his comments in following entry on Alford).
Editorial Note: If you are not proficient in Greek, you will find this work considerably more useful than the following work by Alford, because in this volume he translates the Greek and Latin into English. While the "The Greek New Testament" is longer (e.g., English version of 1John = 66 pages compared to Greek version = 94 pages in part because the latter includes comments of more technical nature), the substance of the commentary is otherwise similar to that found in the "NT for English Readers".
James Rosscup writes that "This was the great work in the life of the versatile Dean of Canterbury. An outcome of this production was the New Testament for English Readers (4 vols.). Alford was a Calvinist, conservative and premillennial, though not dispensational. He takes a literal interpretation of the thousand years in Rev. 20 and has a famous quote there, is strong on sovereign election as in Ro 8:29, 30 and 1Pe 1:2, but, unfortunately, holds to baptismal regeneration in such texts as Titus 3:5 and John 3:5. He shows a great knowledge of the Greek text and faces problems of both a doctrinal and textual nature." (Commentaries for Biblical Expositors: An Annotated Bibliography of Selected Works)
John Piper writes ""When I’m stumped with a… grammatical or syntactical or logical [question] in Paul, I go to Henry Alford. Henry Alford… comes closer more consistently than any other human commentator to asking my kinds of questions."
Charles Haddon Spurgeon writes that this text "is an invaluable aid to the critical study of the text of the New Testament. You will find in it the ripened results of a matured scholarship, the harvesting of a judgment, generally highly impartial, always worthy of respect, which has gleaned from the most important fields of Biblical research, both modern and ancient, at home and abroad. You will not look here for any spirituality of thought or tenderness of feeling; you will find the learned Dean does not forget to do full justice to his own views, and is quite able to express himself vigorously against his opponents; but for what it professes to be, it is an exceedingly able and successful work. The later issues are by far the most desirable, as the author has considerably revised the work in the fourth edition. What I have said of his Greek Testament applies equally to Alford’s New Testament for English Readers,* which is also a standard work." (Spurgeon, C. H. Lectures to my Students, Vol. 4: Commenting and Commentaries; Lectures Addressed to the students of the Pastors' College, Metropolitan Tabernacle)
- Introduction to Luke
- Luke 1 Commentary
- Luke 2 Commentary
- Luke 3 Commentary
- Luke 4 Commentary
- Luke 5 Commentary
- Luke 6 Commentary
- Luke 7 Commentary
- Luke 8 Commentary
- Luke 9 Commentary
- Luke 10 Commentary
- Luke 11 Commentary
- Luke 12 Commentary
- Luke 13 Commentary
- Luke 14 Commentary
- Luke 15 Commentary
- Luke 16 Commentary
- Luke 17 Commentary
- Luke 18 Commentary
- Luke 19 Commentary
- Luke 20 Commentary
- Luke 21 Commentary
- Luke 22 Commentary
- Luke 23 Commentary
- Luke 24 Commentary
Online - Parables of our Lord - Table of Contents
- Luke 13:6-9 The Barren Fig Tree
- Luke 14:16-24 The Excuses
- Luke 15 The Lost Sheep, the Lost Coin, and the Prodigal Son
- Luke 15:1-7 The Lost Sheep
- Luke 15:8-10 The Lost Coin
- Luke 15:11-32 The Prodigal Son
- Luke 16:1-9 The Prudent Steward
- Luke 16:19-31 The Rich Man and Lazarus
D Edmond Hiebert - Prints the author's own translation. A series of popular studies whose strong point is word study. Contains good illustrative material. Part of the author's interpretation follows a liberal position. Barclay holds that Christ's descent into Hades gave those who there heard Him a second chance.
Cyril Barber - Barclay provides helpful word studies, good illustrations and colorful historical data. Liberal leanings are evident in several places.
Comment: I appreciate Barclay's unique insights on Greek words, but clearly his teaching about a "second chance" is NOT sound doctrine! Be an Acts 17:11 Berean with Barclay. See discussion of his orthodoxy especially the article "The Enigmatic William Barclay".
Luke 1 | Luke 2 | Luke 3 | Luke 4 |
Luke 5 | Luke 6 | Luke 7 | Luke 8 |
Luke 9 | Luke 10 | Luke 11 | Luke 12 |
Luke 13 | Luke 14 | Luke 15 | Luke 16 |
Luke 17 | Luke 18 | Luke 19 | Luke 20 |
Luke 21 | Luke 22 | Luke 23 | Luke 24 |
Frequent use of illustrations. Same material below in slightly different format.
- Luke:1:1-4 Dedicated to Theophilus
- Luke:1:5 -25 The Promise of Little John
- Luke:1:26 -38 Mary’s Heavenly Visit
- Luke:1:39 -56 Mary’s Magnificat
- Luke:1:57 -80 A Horn & a Dayspring
- Luke:2:1 -7 The Bethlehem Miracle
- Luke:2:8 -20 The Christmas Gospel
- Luke:2:21 -35 Child of Hope
- Luke:2:36 -52 Left Behind
- Luke:3 The Road That John Built
- Luke:4:1 -13 Triple Assault
- Luke:4:14 -44 Divine Deliverance
- Luke:5:1 -11 Manfishing
- Luke:5:12 -16 The Messiah’s Midas Touch
- Luke:5:17 -26 Forgiven
- Luke:5:27 -32 Is there a Doctor in the House?
- Luke:5:33 -39 Why are Your Disciples having so much FUN?
- Luke:6:1 -16 Sabbathtage & Team Eclectic
- Luke:6:17 -36 Christian Living is not always Comfortable Living
- Luke:6:37 -49 Modeling Jesus’ Life
- Luke:7:1 -17 An Officer & a Gentleman
- Luke:7:18 -35 100 Proof
- Luke:7:36 -50 2 Sinners & 1 Savior
- Luke:8:1 -18 Parable of the Soils
- Luke:8:19 -39 Family, Faith, & Freedom
- Luke:8:40 -56A Finger of Faith
- Luke:9:1-17 A Dozen Sent, a Multitude Fed
- Luke:9:18-26 His Cross, my Cross
- Luke:9:27-36 A Foretaste of Glory
- Luke:9:37-62 Failure, Frustration, & moving Forward
- Luke:10:1-24 Behold I Send You
- Luke:10:25-42 Wrong Question
- Luke:11:1-4 Coming Up For Air
- Luke:11:5-13 Someone’s Knocking at the Door
- Luke:11:14-32 Spirit of the living God fall afresh on me
- Luke:11:33-54 A Lit Lamp
- Luke:12:1-12 Do Not Fear
- Luke:12:13-21 The True Meaning of Life
- Luke:12:22-34 Reaping Ravens & Laboring Lilies
- Luke:12:35-59 Weather-Wise but Spiritually-Foolish
- Luke:13:1-17 Personal Disaster doesn’t equal Personal Sin
- Luke:13:18-35 Kingdom Peeks!
- Luke:14:1-24 Games People Play
- Luke:14:25-35 Warning The Shallow
- Luke:15:1-10 The Love & Loss of God
- Luke:15:11-32 Riches to Rags to Riches
- Luke:16:1-13 A Bad Man’s Good Example
- Luke:16:14-31 Highway To Hell
- Luke:17:1-10 4 Sermonettes
- Luke:17:1-10-Part 2 Unconditional Forgiveness?
- Luke:17:11-19 Healed But Not Whole
- Luke:17:20-37 Kingdom Conundrum
- Luke:18:1-14 2 Prayerables
- Luke:18:15-30 Kindergarten Kingdom
- Luke:18:31-43 Carpe Diem
- Luke:19:1-10 Up a Tree
- Luke:19:11-27 Use It or Lose It
- Luke:19:28-44 A Borrowed Donkey, Used Clothes, & Dead Branches
- Luke:19:45-20:19 You’re Not the Boss of Me
- Luke:20:20-47 Render to God That Which is His
- Luke:21:1-4 The Appraiser
- Luke:21:5-28 Ain't Nothing Sacred Anymore?
- Luke:21:29-38 Tree Watcher
- Luke:22:1-20 The Passover Passes Over
- Luke:22:21-34 Betrayal, Greatness, & Failure
- Luke:22:35-53 Gethsemane is NOT Calvary
- Luke:22:54-71 Friends Deny Him - Foes Debase Him
- Luke:23:1-25 Kangaroo Court
- Luke:23:26-43 Great Grace
- Luke:23:44-24:12 The Gospel- Death, Burial, Resurrection
- Luke:24:13-27 A Walk to Remember
- Luke:24:28-35 From Mourners to Missionaries
- Luke:24:36-53 Now You See Him, Now You Don't
- Luke 1:26-38 The Proclamation of Jesus' Birth
- Luke 1:46-56 Mary's Christmas Song
- Luke 1:67-79 What a Mighty God We Serve
- Luke 2:1-7 Christmas:A Time of Distraction or Devotion?
- Luke 2:1-20 The Birth of the Savior
- Luke 2:8-20 The Savior is Born
- Luke 4:16-22 The Lord of Liberty
- Luke 7:1-10 The Benefit of Genuine Faith
- Luke 7:11-17 I Say unto Thee, Arise
- Luke 8:22-26 What Manner of Man is This!
- Luke 8:35-37 The Tale of Two Cities
- Luke 8:40-48 Who Touched Me?
- Luke 9:37-42 Life at the Foot of the Mountain
- Luke 9:57-62 Counting the Cost for Jesus
- Luke 10:30-37 Our Duty to Serve Others
- Luke 11:5-10 Prayer is Profitable
- Luke 12:49-53 The Division of Christ
- Luke 13:34-35 The Danger of Denial
- Luke 14:23 Go! Compel them to Come In
- Luke 15:8-10 Calling all Friends
- Luke 15:25-32 The Prodigal Who Never Left
- Luke 17:5-10 Faith and Faithfulness
- Luke 18:9-14 Religion or Redemption
- Luke18:18-23 More than Turning Over a New Leaf
- Luke 19:28-40 The Triumphant Entry
- Luke 22:39-44 He was at the Place
- Luke 22:54-62 Following Afar Off
- Luke 23:1-7 Jesus before Pilate
- Luke 23:7-12 Jesus before Herod
- Luke 23:26-32 The Walk toward Calvary
- Luke 23:33 The Place Called Calvary
- Luke 24:1-9 Celebration at the Sepulcher
- Luke 24:1-12 Oh, What a Morning
This version has more Greek than the Critical English Testament version below. Published 1877.
Combination of Gnomon above + Comments by other expositors [in brackets] (Recommended if not conversant with Greek)
Pastor Bill's sermons are recommended because they focus on the Scripture and have frequent quotes and illustrations as well as practical application.
Brian Bill Sermons on Luke - the following numberber sermons are all on one page (except the first one)...
- Luke 1-2 Christmas According to Luke
- Luke 1-2 Advent Conspiracy: Worship Fully
- Luke 1:5-25 God Uses Ordinary People: Elizabeth
- Luke 1:26:35 The Christmas Collision
- Luke 1:26-38 A God Who Gives
- Luke 1:26-38 What are you waiting for?
- Luke 1:26-38 Misunderstood Mary
- Luke 1:34 Christmas Questions: Doubt
- Luke 1:46-55 Mary's Music
- Luke 1:67-79 Zechariah's Christmas Chorus
- Luke 2:1-7 The Mystery Man With No Room
- Luke 2:8-20 Christmas Questions: Discovery
- Luke 2:8-20 Christmas According to Luke
- Luke 2:8-20 The Shepherd's Joy About Jesus
- Luke 2:9-14 The Angels' Plea for Peace
- Luke 2:14 The Angel's Alleluia
- Luke 2:25 Waiting for Christmas
- Luke 2:38 All I Want for Christmas is Hope
- Luke 5:27-31 Discovering Your Style (Part 2)
- Luke 8:1-3; John 20:1-18 Women Who Worship
- Luke 10:25-37 Knowing Our Neighbors
- Luke 11:1-4 How to Pray the Lord’s Way
- Luke 13:1 Why Do Bad Things Happen?
- Luke 15 The Scope of Grace
- Luke 16:19-31 What Happens When You Die?
- Luke 17:7-10 Settling the Servanthood Issue
- Luke 17:7-10 Serving Without Thanks
- Luke 18 Our Just God
- Luke 18:1-8 Will He Find Faith?
- Luke 18:9-14 A Prayer God Will Answer
- Luke 18:31-34 A Blind Man Meets a Healer
- Luke 19:1-10 A Little Man Meets a Big God
- Luke 19:28-44 A Big Crowd Meets a King
- Luke 19:28-44 Every Member a Worshipper
- Luke 19:28-44 Worship Fit for a King
- Luke 22:31-34, 54-62 Recovering from Failure
- Luke 23:24-48 A Few People Meet the Savior
- Luke 23:16-49 The Case for Christ: His Death
- Luke 23:34 Forgiving the Unforgivable
- Luke 23:39-42 Last Second Salvation
- Luke 23:44-46 Born to Die
- Luke 24:13-36 Seeking the Savior
- Luke 24:38 (et al) Dismantling Our Doubt
- Luke 24:50-53 Focusing on the Future
IVP New Testament Commentaries are made available by the generosity of InterVarsity Press.
Rosscup comments: Evangelical comments run quickly to their points, yet the generality causes skipping some key details (cf. on Anna, Lk 2:36-38) or seem to argue around a more likely view with unconvincing reasoning (Lk 3:16). In other cases, Bock seems to select the most probable view, an instance being in seeing the sermon (Luke 6) as a condensed version of the same sermon in Mt 5–7. One can also find the second and third soils of Luke 8 taken to represent people not actually saved (148–49). One can wonder in Lk 14:34–35 how inability to be worthy disciples is in harmony with salvation as a gift, for the work passes by this. Bock in most verses touches clearly on key issues and… lacks space to deal with every important matter… For a work with much application, cf. Darrell Bock, Luke (NIV Application Commentary. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1996). (Rosscup, J. Commentaries for Biblical Expositors)
- Preface: An Invitation to Be Reassured (1:1-4)
- Infancy Narrative (1:5-2:52)
- Announcing the Forerunner, John the Baptist (1:5-25)
- The Announcement of the Birth of Jesus to Mary (1:26-38)
- Mary's Meeting with Elizabeth (1:39-45)
- Mary's Hymn of Praise: Magnificat (1:46-56)
- The Birth and Naming of John (1:57-66)
- Zechariah's Hymn: Benedictus (1:67-80)
- The Birth of Jesus (2:1-21)
- The Witness of a Man and Woman at the Temple (2:22-40)
- The Twelve-Year-Old Jesus Goes to the Temple (2:41-52)
- John's Preaching and Jesus' Qualifications for Ministry (3:1-4:13)
- Galilean Ministry: The Revelation of Jesus (4:14-9:50)
- The Journey to Jerusalem (9:51-19:44)
- The Blessing of Decision: Privilege, Mission and Commitment (9:51-10:24)
- Discipleship: Looking to Our Neighbor, to Jesus and to God (10:25-11:13)
- Controversies, Corrections and Calls to Trust (11:14-54)
- Discipleship: Trusting God (12:1-48)
- Know the Time: Israel Turns Away but Blessing Still Comes (12:49-14:24)
- Pure Discipleship (14:25-35)
- Why Pursue Sinners? (15:1-32)
- Generosity: Handling Money and Possessions (16:1-31)
- False Teaching, Forgiveness, Faith and Service (17:1-10)
- Faithful in Looking for the King, the Kingdom and Its Consummation (17:11-18:8)
- Humility and Trusting All to the Father (18:9-30)
- Messiah Turns Toward Jerusalem (18:31-19:44)
- Jerusalem: The Innocent Slain and Raised (19:45-24:53)
- Luke 1:1-38 The Angelic Announcements Made To Zacharias And To Mary
- Luke 1:39-80 The Songs Of Zacharias And Mary
- Luke 2:1-39 The Birth And Dedication Of Jesus
- Luke 2:40-3:14 The Early Life Of Jesus / Intro. To The Ministry Of John The Baptist
- Luke 3:15-4:13 The Baptism, Genealogy, & Temptation Of Jesus
- Luke 4:14-44 Jesus Begins His Public Ministry
- Luke 5:1-26 Jesus Begins To Call Disciples And Then Heals A Leper And A Paralyzed Man
- Luke 5:27-6:11 Jesus Calls Levi, Continues To Heal, And Begins To Have Conflict After Conflict With The Pharisees
- Luke 6:12-23 Jesus Chooses The 12 Apostles / Sermon On The Mount, Part #1
- Luke 6:24-36 Sermon On The Mount, Part #2
- Luke 6:37-49 Sermon On The Mount, Part #3
- Luke 7:1-23 Healing Of Centurion's Slave / Raising Of Widow's Son / Delegation Sent To Jesus From John The Baptist
- Luke 7:24-50 Jesus Commends John The Baptist Then Dines With Simon The Pharisee And A Sinful Woman Anoints His Feet
- Luke 8:1-21 Parable Of The Sower / Admonishment Concerning The Light / Jesus' Mother And Brothers Pay Him A Visit
- Luke 8:22-56 Jesus Calms Sea / Heals Man Possessed Of Many Demons / Heals Woman Of Hemorrhage / Raises Jarius' Daughter
- Luke 9:1-17 Jesus Sends The Twelve On An Intern Mission Trip / Feeds The Five Thousand
- Luke 9:18-27 Peter's Great Confession / Jesus Begins To Tell His Disciples What His Messiah-ship Means And What Discipleship Brings
- Luke 9:28-50 Jesus Is Transfigured / Casts Demon Out of Boy After His Disciples Were Unsuccessful / Teaches What True Greatness Consists Of
- Luke 9:51-62 Jesus Heads To Jerusalem / Commands Three Men To Follow, However Each Has An Excuse For Putting Off This Decision
- Luke 10:1-37 Jesus Sends The Seventy Out On A Mission Trip / Tells The Story About the Good Samaritan
- Luke 10:38-11:13 Martha & Mary / Jesus Teaches His Disciples How To Pray And Encourages Them To Persist In Praying
- Luke 11:14-32 Jesus Is Accused Of Casting Out A Demon By The Ruler Of The Demons / People Must Decide About Jesus
- Luke 11:33-54 Jesus Instructs About Use Of A Lamp / Argues with Pharisees About Righteousness Involving Cleansing Of The Inside Part
- Luke 12:1-21 Jesus Prepares Disciples for Persecution By Speaking Of Future Judgment & Telling Of Greater Importance Of After Life
- Luke 12:22-34 Jesus Teaches His Disciples Why There Is No Good Reason For Them To Worry Or Be Anxious About Anything
- Luke 12:35-59 Jesus Teaches His Disciples That They Are Always To Be Ready For His Return
- Luke 13:1-17 Jesus Teaches About The Importance Of Repenting / The Unfruitful Fig Tree / Jesus Heals On The Sabbath
- Luke 13:18-35 Kingdom Parables / The Narrow Door / Jesus Warned Herod Wants To Kill Him
- Luke 14:1-24 Jesus Heals Man Of Dropsy On Sabbath / Teaches Wisdom Of Not Seeking Places Of Honor For Oneself / Parable Of Banquet Dinner
- Luke 14:25-15:10 Jesus Teaches Cost Of Discipleship & Two Parables Which Show How God Seeks Out The Lost
- Luke 15:11-32 Jesus Teaches The Parable Of The Prodigal Son (or The Loving Father)
- Luke 16:1-15 Upon Being Fired For Mismanagement A Man Ingratiates Himself To His Master's Debtors By Reducing Their Debts
- Luke 16:16-31 Jesus Points The Pharisees To The Law / Teaches About The Rich Man And Lazarus In Hades
- Luke 17:1-19 Jesus Gives Four Instructions To Disciples To Help In Their Growth And Faith / Heals Ten Lepers But Only One Thanks Him
- Luke 17:20-37 Questioned About When God's Kingdom Will Come, Jesus Tells His Disciples About His Second Coming
- Luke 18:1-17 The Importunate Widow / A Pharisee And A Tax Gatherer Pray At Temple / People Bring Their Children To Jesus
- Luke 18:18-43 Jesus Meets The Rich Young Ruler / Jesus Again Predicts His Death / The Healing Of Blind Bartimaeus
- Luke 19:1-27 Zaccheus Comes To Try And Get A Glimpse Of Jesus / Parable Of The Minas
- Luke 19:28-48 Jesus Triumphal Entry Into Jerusalem / Weeps Over Jerusalem & Pronounces Judgment / Drives Money Changers From Temple
- Luke 20:1-26 Pharisees Ask Jesus What Authority He Works Under / Parable Of Ungrateful Vine-growers / Is it lawful to pay taxes to Rome?'
- Luke 20:27-47 Sadducees Ask Jesus Question About Marriage In the Afterlife / Jesus Asks Scribes How David Could Call Messiah, 'Lord' ?
- Luke 21:1-24 Jesus Commends A Poor Widow For Her Giving / The Olivet Discourse: Part #1
- Luke 21:25-38 The Olivet Discourse: Part #1 / 'Why Does Jerusalem Play Such A Central Role In The World & In God's Plans?'
- Luke 22:1-38 Sunday Is Coming But Today It Is Friday
- Luke 22:39-71 The Garden Of Gethsemane / Jesus' Trials Before The Jews / Peter's Denials
- Luke 23:1-25 Three Trials Before The Roman Authorities: Jesus Goes Before Pilate, Herod, And Pilate
- Luke 23:26-56 The Crucifixion Of Jesus
- Luke 24:1-35 The Resurrection Of Jesus
- Luke 24:36-53 The Great Commission
- The Life of Luke the Physician
- Luke 1:1-25 - Birth of John Foretold
- Luke 1:26-56 - The Birth of Jesus Foretold
- Luke 1:26-38 - The Virgin Birth
- Luke 1:26-33 - What the Virgin Birth Did
- Luke 1:34-38 - What the Virgin Birth Was
- Luke 1:57-80 - The Birth of John and the Benedictus
- Luke 2:1-12 The Infant is Sovereign
- Luke 2:1-20 - The Birth of Jesus
- Luke 2:8-20 - What Child is this?
- Luke 2:21-40 - The Presentation of Jesus
- Luke 2:41-52 - The Boy Jesus
- Luke 3:1-20 - John the Baptizer
- Luke 3:21-38 - The Baptism and Genealogy of Jesus
- Luke 4:1-13 - Jesus' Temptation
- Luke 4:14-30 - Jesus Rejected
- Luke 4:16-37 - A Tale of Two Synagogues
- Luke 4:31-44 - Jesus' Authority
- Luke 5:1-11 - Jesus' First Disciples
- Luke 5:12-26 - Up on the Housetop
- Luke 5:27-32 - Levi's Party
- Luke 5:27-39 - Common Sinners & New Wine
- Luke 6:1-16 - Lord of the Sabbath
- Luke 6:17-49 - Sermon on the Plain
- Luke 7:1-10 - The Centurion's Faith
- Luke 7:11-17 - The Widow's Faith
- Luke 7:18-35 - John's Doubts
- Luke 7:36-50 - A Sinful Woman's Faith
- Luke 8:1-15 - Parable of the Sower
- Luke 8:16-39 - Listening Faith
- Luke 8:40-56 - Healing and Resurrection
- Luke 9:1-17 Sending Out and Gathering In
- Luke 9:18-27 - The Christ of God
- Luke 9:28-36 - The Transfiguration
- Luke 9:37-50 - True Greatness
- Luke 9:51-62 - The Cost of Following Jesus
- Luke 10:1-24 - Jesus Sends out the Seventy
- Luke 10:25-37 - The Good Samaritan
- Luke 10:38-42 - The Priority of His Presence
- Luke 11:1-13 - The Priority of Prayer
- Luke 11:14-28 - Jesus on Unclean Spirits
- Luke 11:29-36 - The Sign of Jonah
- Luke 11:37-54 - Dead Religion
- Luke 12:1-12 - The Right Kind of Fear
- Luke 12:13-21 - The Wrong Kind of Focus
- Luke 12:22-34 - The Wrong Kind of Fear
- Luke 12:35-59 - The Right Kind of Focus
- Luke 13:1-9 - The Right Kind of Religion
- Luke 13:1-9 - Why do tragedies happen?
- Luke 13:10-21 - The Gracious Kingdom
- Luke 13:22-35 - The Narrow Door
- Luke 14:1-24 - The Great Banquet
- Luke 14:25-35 - The Cost of Being a Disciple
- Luke 15:1-10 - The Lost Sheep and Lost Coin
- Luke 15:11-32 - The Prodigal Son
- Luke 16:1-18 - The Shrewd Manager
- Luke 16:19-31 - The Rich Man and Lazarus
- Luke 16:19-31 - The Uncomfortable Reality of Hell
- Luke 17:1-19 - Forgiveness and Thanksgiving
- Luke 17:20-37 - The Coming of the Kingdom
- Luke 18:1-17 - The Secret to Prayer
- Luke 18:18-43 - Rich Ruler, Blind Beggar: What faith looks like
- Luke 19:1-10 - Zacchaeus the Tax Collector
- Luke 19:11-27 - Parable of the Minas / Pounds
- Luke 19:28-44 - The Triumphal Entry
- Luke 19:45-20:8 - Jesus' Authority Questioned
- Luke 20:9-26 - Jesus' Authority Revealed
- Luke 20:27-21:4 - Jesus' Questioners Questioned
- Luke 21:5-38 - Signs of the Times
- Luke 22:1-38 - The Last Supper
- Luke 22:39-65 - Jesus Arrested
- Luke 22:66-23:25 - Jesus on Trial
- Luke 23:26-56 - Jesus' Crucifixion
- Luke 24:1-12 - Jesus' Resurrection
- Luke 24:1-12 - An Unexpected Ending
- Luke 24:13-35 - The Road to Emmaus
- Luke 24:36-53 - Jesus Appears to His Disciples
D Edmond Hiebert - A practical, warm-hearted exposition by a conservative scholar. Although written during the nineteenth century, it is rich in its interpretative contents, as, for example, on chapter 15.
The comments are somewhat scattered but here is the index graciously compiled by CCEL
1:1 1:1-4 1:5 1:5 1:5 1:5-13 1:13 1:14-17 1:14-17 1:17 1:18-20 1:21-25 1:26-33 1:34-38 1:39-45 1:46-50 1:51-55 1:53 1:56-66 1:67-75 1:76-80 2:1-7 2:8 2:8-14 2:11 2:15-21 2:19 2:22-32 2:25 2:33-39 2:40-47 2:40-47 2:42 2:48-52 2:51 2:52 3:1 3:1 3:1-6 3:2 3:3 3:6 3:7 3:7-14 3:8 3:8 3:9 3:10 3:12 3:15-18 3:19 3:19-20 3:21 3:21-23 3:23 3:23 3:23-38 4:1-4 4:5-13 4:14-15 4:15 4:16-22 4:23-30 4:31-36 4:32 4:33 4:36 4:38-44 4:39 4:43 5:1 5:1-11 5:5 5:6 5:8 5:10 5:12-16 5:17-26 5:27-32 5:29 5:33-39 5:39 6:12-19 6:13 6:17 6:20 6:20-26 6:22 6:22 6:24 6:27-36 6:29-30 6:30 6:31 6:34-35 6:35 6:37-38 6:37-42 6:40 6:40 6:43 6:43-45 6:45 6:46 6:47 7:1-10 7:5 7:11 7:11-17 7:28 7:33 8:16 8:17 8:22-25 8:26 8:26-39 8:38 8:40-48 8:45 8:49-56 8:52 8:54 9:1-2 9:3-5 9:26 9:57-62 9:60 9:61 10:16 10:17 10:21 11:1 11:1-4 11:5 11:5-13 11:33 11:34-36 11:38 12:2-7 12:5 12:8-9 12:11-12 12:22-28 12:29 12:29-32 12:32 12:33-34 12:35 12:51 12:58-59 13:23 13:23-24 13:25 13:25-30 13:32 14:25-32 14:28 14:33 14:34-35 16:13 16:16 16:16 16:17 16:18
- Luke 1:5-17 The Problem Of Unanswered Prayer
- Luke 1:26-38 Behold The Lamb Prepared
- Luke 1:36-38 What a Lovely Name
- Luke 1:26-38 Fear Not -
- Luke 1:46-55 Celebrate The Lord
- Luke 1:57-80 Where The Rays Of Heaven's Sunrise Reach
- Luke 2:1-20 Behold The Lamb Provided
- Luke 2:1-20 Who We Leave Out of the Nativity
- Luke 2:1-20 How to Assemble a Right Christmas
- Luke 2:7--20 When Shepherds Meet
- Luke 2:8-20 We Can Sing the Shepherd's Song
- Luke 2:1-7 Why Was The Lord Of Glory Laid In A Manger?
- Luke 2:1-20 Three Christmas Messages
- Luke 2:1-20 The Night Heaven Visited The Earth
- Luke 2:8-20 Some True Reasons For The Season -
- Luke 2:8-20 O Holy Night
- Luke 2:11 The Three-fold Identity Of Bethlehem's Babe
- Luke 2:21-38 Behold The Lamb Praised
- Luke 2:21-36 The Lord's Family Goes To Church
- Luke 4:14-22 The Mission Of The Messiah
- Luke 5:1-11 A Fishing Trip To Remember
- Luke 5:1-11 Nevertheless At Thy Word I Will
- Luke 7:11-17 He Came To Me
- Luke 8:1-3 Woman Called Mary
- Luke 10:17-20 You've Got A License To Praise The Lord
- Luke 10:17-20 Why You Can Rejoice
- Luke 10:38-42 At The Feet Of Jesus
- Luke 11:1-13 How To Get God's Ear
- Luke 11:1-13 Our Lord's Pattern For Prayer
- Luke 12:29-32 The Most Wonderful Father Of Them All
- Luke 12:32 Precious Words To A Precious People
- Luke 13:1-5 Lessons America Learned On September 11, 2001
- Luke 13:10-17 Thou Art Loosed
- Luke 14:15-24 Are You Going To The Supper?
- Luke 14:16-35 Come And Dine...Go And Die
- Luke 14:15-24 Compelled To Come; Commanded To Go
- Luke 15:1-7 The Lost Sheep
- Luke 15:1-7 What The Good Shepherd Does For His Sheep
- Luke 15:3-7 The Shepherd Seeking His Sheep
- Luke 15:8-10 The Lost Silver
- Luke 15:8-10 The Value Of Just One
- Luke 15:11-24 The Lost Son -
- Luke 15:11-24 How To Go Home
- Luke 15:11-24 It'll Be Better When I Get Home
- Luke 15:11-32 There's No Place Like Home -
- Luke 15:25-32 The Lost Sibling
- Luke 15:1-7 The Shepherd And His Sheep
- Luke 15:8-10 A Penny Saved Is A Penny Earned
- Luke 15:11-24 A Tale Of A Wasted Life
- Luke 15:11, 25-32 The Prodigal Brother
- Luke 16:16-31 A Horrible Place Called Hell
- Luke 16:19-31 An Interview In Hell
- Luke 16:19-31 A Glimpse Of A Place Called Hell
- Luke 16:19-31 Can God Really Save Your Loved Ones?
- Luke 16:19-31 From Here To Eternity
- Luke 16:19-31 The Truth About Hell
- Luke 17:11-19 Thankful For Grace -
- Luke 17:26-27 Four Elements That Mark The Last Days
- Luke 18:1 The Place Of Prayer
- Luke 18:1-8 The Power Of Persistent Prayer
- Luke 19:1-10 Out On A Limb
- Luke 19:1-10 A Little Man Meets A Big God
- Luke 19:1-10 How Zacchaeus Was Saved
- Luke 19:28-40 If Stones Could Talk
- Luke 19:29-40 he Day The Shouting Stopped
- Luke 22:7-20 Lest We Forget
- Luke 22:31-34 Help For Sifted Saints
- Luke 23:13-46 He Did It All For You
- Luke 23:13-46 Just For You
- Luke 23:33 The Place
- Luke 23:32-43 A Thrilling Moment
- Luke 23:32-47 What Convinced The Centurion?
- Luke 23:33-47 A Place Called Calvary
- Luke 23:33, 39-43 The Differences Are All That Matter
- Luke 23:39-43 Look To Calvary
- Luke 23:50-24:12 The Conquest Of The King
- Luke 24:1-12 A Morning Like No Other
- Luke 24:1-12; 36-48 Oh, What A Morning
- Luke 24:44-53 Tarry Until
Click for brief critique of Clarke
- Luke 1:1-4 Dr. Luke, Writer of the Virgin Birth
- Luke 1:5-80 The Silence and Song of Zacharias
- Luke 1:26-35 The Miracle of Bethlehem
- Luke 1:26 God Chooses a Virgin Mother
- Luke 1:26-37 A Physician's Account of the Virgin Birth
- Luke 1:26-35 When God Became Man
- Luke 1:26-30 Was Jesus Born of a Virgin?
- Luke 1:26-35 A Miracle In Bethlehem
- Luke 1:26-38 Mary: Beautiful Motherhood
- Luke 1:26-56 Mary:The Virgin Mother
- Luke 1:26-35 The Miracle of God's Incarnation
- Luke 1:31-33 The Child and the Kingdom
- Luke 1:35 Two Biological Miracles of God
- Luke 1:78 The Dayspring
- Luke 2:1 A Decree of Caesar Augustus
- Luke 2:1-7 The Christ of Christmas
- Luke 2:1 The Decrees of Caesar and of God
- Luke 2:1-5 What Was News the Day Before Christmas
- Luke 2:1-5 What Was the News the Day Before Christmas?
- Luke 2:1-20 Children's Christmas Hour
- Luke 2:1-20 The Star Of Hope
- Luke 2:1-16 The Angels of Heaven
- Luke 2:6-40 Sweet Little Jesus Boy
- Luke 2:6-7 The Little Lamb of God
- Luke 2:7 Babe of Bethlehem
- Luke 2:9 The Christ of Christmas
- Luke 2:11 Jesus Born in Our Hearts and Home
- Luke 2:11 Jesus Born in Heart and Home
- Luke 2:11 When Jesus Is Born In Our Hearts
- Luke 2:12 The World's Greatest Need
- Luke 2:12 The Babe in the Manger
- Luke 2:15 Do You See What I See?
- Luke 2:19-51 Twas the Day After Christmas
- Luke 2:22-35 The Meaning of Christmas
- Luke 2:26-35 The Miracle of the Incarnation
- Luke 2:39-52 The Christian Home
- Luke 2:39-52 The Child in the Christian Home
- Luke 2:40-51 Twas the Day After Christmas
- Luke 2:40 Leaving the Patterns of Life
- Luke 2:51 Twas the Day after Christmas
- Luke 2:51 Religion in the Letdown
- Luke 2:51 Twas the Day After Christmas
- Luke 2:51-52 Weaving the Patterns of Life
- Luke 3:21-22 Emblems of the Holy Spirit-the Dove
- Luke 4:20 Closing the Book
- Luke 5:33 What God Says About Fasting
- Luke 8:40-48 The Hem of His Garment
- Luke 8:49-55 Jesus Speaks to Us About Hopelessness
- Luke 10:2 God's Call for Workers
- Luke 10:18 The Fall of Lucifer
- Luke 11:1 Lord, Teach Us To Pray
- Luke 11:1-4 Christ Opens a School of Prayer
- Luke 11:1 Lord Teach Us to Pray
- Luke 11:1 How to Pray
- Luke 12:6 The Fifth Sparrow
- Luke 12:15-21 When the Soul Goes Bankrupt
- Luke 12:16 The Fifth Sparrow
- Luke 12:16 The Fifth Sparrow
- Luke 12:13-21 The Illusion Of Progress
- Luke 12:18 Jesus Speaks to Us About Purposelessness
- Luke 12:49 The Fire of the Lord
- Luke 13:1-5 Except Ye Repent
- Luke 14:15-22 Refusing God with An Excuse
- Luke 14:18 Excuses!
- Luke 14:25 Everything or Nothing
- Luke 15:10 Where Angels Rejoice
- Luke 15:1-10 The Most Tragic Word in the Bible
- Luke 15:1-6 The Most Tragic Word: Lost
- Luke 15:3-7 The Shepherd Heart
- Luke 15:8-10 Lost in the Home
- Luke 15:11-24 The Prodigal Son
- Luke 15:25-32 The Prodigal Who Stayed at Home
- Luke 16 What Shall I Do in the First Five Minutes of Eternity?
- Luke 16:15 A Great Gulf Fixed
- Luke 16:19-31 Does My Soul Live Forever?
- Luke 16:1-2 What Do With Possessions?
- Luke 16:19-31 The Horror of Waking Up In Hell
- Luke 16:19-24 Tormented in a Flame
- Luke 16:19-31 What Heaven and Hell Are Like
- Luke 16:19 The First Five Minutes in Eternity
- Luke 16:19-24 Tormented in a Flame
- Luke 16:19-24 Tormented in a Flame
- Luke 16:19-31 Between Death and Resurrection
- Luke 16:19-31 Five Lost Brethren
- Luke 16:19-24 The Sorrows of Hell
- Luke 16:22 What Shall I Do in the First Five Minutes of Eternity
- Luke 16 Damnation and Hell (Lecture)
- Luke 16:22-24 What It Means to Be Lost
- Luke 16:23 Do People Wake Up in Hell?
- Luke 16:23 What It Means To Be Lost
- Luke 17:11-19 With Thanksgiving to God
- Luke 17:12-19 A God Kind of Healing Service
- Luke 17:26-36 The Great Separation
- Luke 17:37 Our Day of Grace
- Luke 18:1-8 Importunate Prayer
- Luke 18:1-8 A Parable of Prayer
- Luke 18:31-43 Jesus Is Passing By
- Luke 18:35-43 Jesus Is Passing By
- Luke 18:35 Jesus Is Passing By
- Luke 18:35 Jesus Is Passing By
- Luke 18:37 Jesus Is Passing By
- Luke 18:1-8 Importunate Prayer
- Luke 19:10 The Seeking Christ
- Luke 19:10 Life's Greatest Tragedy
- Luke 19:10 What It Is To Be Lost
- Luke 19:13 Occupy Till I Come (Stewardship)
- Luke 19:1-10 The So-Different Christ
- Luke 19:1-10 Jesus, Friend of Sinners
- Luke 19:1-10 Zacchaeus Come Down
- Luke 19:10 The Seeking Note
- Luke 19:10 The Sympathizing Jesus
- Luke 19:10 I Am Lost, What Shall I Do?
- Luke 19:10 hat Matters To Me
- Luke 19:7 Jesus, Friend of Sinners
- Luke 19:11-13 Occupy Till I Come"
- Luke 19:12-15 God's Steward
- Luke 19:13 Occupy Till I Come
- Luke 19:13 Occupy Till I Come -1
- Luke 19:13 God's Business is Big Business
- Luke 19:32-41 The Strangest Parade
- Luke 19:36-44 The Strangest Parade
- Luke 19:41 Christ and the City
- Luke 19:41 Christ and the City
- Luke 19:41 Jesus Comes to Dallas
- Luke 19:41 The Age of Redemption
- Luke 19:11-27 Occupy Till I Come
- Luke 19:12-13The State of the Church
- Luke 20:27-38 The God of the Living
- Luke 21:24 Israel in the Consummation of History
- Luke 21:24 The Times of the Gentiles
- Luke 21:24 The Times of the Gentiles
- Luke 21:24 Jesus, Jews, and Jerusalem
- Luke 22:1-30 God's Idea of Greatness
- Luke 22:1-16 the Appointed Kingdom
- Luke 22:54-62 tears of Repentance
- Luke 22:31-32 i Have Prayed for Thee
- Luke 22:31-32 I Have Prayed for Thee
- Luke 22:39-40 How to Know God's Will
- Luke 22:54-63 True Repentance
- Luke 23 The Word of Salvation to the Dying Thief
- Luke 23:39-43 The Intermediate State
- Luke 23:32-43 The Price He Paid (Lord's Supper)
- Luke 23:20-49 the Crowd at the Cross
- Luke 23:39-47 The Marvelous Message of Jesus
- Luke 23:43 where We Go When We Die
- Luke 23:43 The Intermediate State
- Luke 23:39-43 To the Dying Thief
- Luke 23:33 The Doctrine of Total Depravity
- Luke 23:43 Where We Go When We Die
- Luke 23:32-43 The Price That He Paid
- Luke 23:43 Where We Go When We Die
- Luke 24:25 The Rending of the Veil
- Luke 24:47 Beginning at JerusalemBeginning at Jerusalem
- Luke 24:46-51 The Blessing of Christ
- Luke 24:44-53 The Remission of Sins
- Luke 24:25-47 Christ and the Prophets
- Luke 24:27-44 Jesus and His Bible
- Luke 24:28-31 Thus Close Is God to Man
- Luke 24:29 Clothed with Power
- Luke 24 The Unknown Guest
- Luke 24 Types of Calvary
- Luke 24:13-35 The Unknown Guest
- Luke 24:25-45 Christ and the Prophets
- Luke 24:25 The Witness of Christ to the Word
- Luke 24:27 The Witness of Christ to the Word
- Luke 24:36-43 Joy Abounding
- Luke 24:36-43 The Christ of the Common Road
- Luke 24:32 The Burning Heart
- Luke 24:46-51 Blessings Abounding
- Luke 24:44-53 The Remission of Sins
- Luke 24:46-53 Wearing God's Clothing
- Luke 24:38-45 Services of Prayer and Remembrance: Crucifixion
- Luke 24:36-42 Great Fact of the Gospel: Jesus Is Alive
- Luke 22:44 Suffering and Sacrifice
- Luke 24:44 Jesus and His Bible
- Luke 24:47 The Remission of Sins
- Luke 24:49 Prayer and Practicality
- Luke 24:25-27 Why I Became a Premillennialist
- Luke 24:36-45 The Christ of the Common Road
Over 1000 pages of Sermons - Excellent Exposition with illustrations, quotes, practical conclusion and discussion questions. Functions like a verse by verse commentary! Highly recommended to supplement your preaching and teaching in the Gospel of Luke.
- Luke 1:1-4 Faith Rooted in History
- Luke 1:5-17 When God Brings Revival
- Luke 1:18-25 The Problem of Doubt
- Luke 1:26-45 Should Christians Hail Mary?
- Luke 1:53
- Luke 1:46-56 Glorifying the God of Mercy and Judgment
- Luke 1:57-80 The Tender Mercy of Our God
- Luke 2:1-20 The Best News in the World
- Luke 2:8-11
- Luke 2:8-20
- Luke 2:10-11
- Luke 2:21-35 Christ Our Hope
- Luke 2:25-35
- Luke 2:36-38b
- Luke 2:36-38 A Life Well Spent
- Luke 2:39-52 Imitating Jesus
- Luke 3:1-6 Good News for Bad Times
- Luke 3:7-14 False and True Repentance
- Luke 3:15-22 Pointing People to Christ
- Luke 3:23-28 The Genealogy of Jesus
- Luke 4:1-13 The Temptation of Jesus
- Luke 4:14-30 Why Religious People Reject Christ
- Luke 4:31-44 Jesus—Lord Over All
- Luke 5:1-11 Catching Fish or Men?
- Luke 5:12-16 The Cleansing Power of Jesus
- Luke 5:17-26 Helping Our Friends Find Forgiveness
- Luke 5:27-32 Why Jesus Does Not Save Good People
- Luke 5:33-6:5 Avoiding Gospel Killjoys
- Luke 6:6-11 When Jesus Stomps On Your Toes
- Luke 6:12-19 The Master’s Men and Method
- Luke 6:20-26 How to Live Happily Ever After
- Luke 6:27-35 Radical Love
- Luke 6:36-45 Judging Others, Judging Self
- Luke 6:46-49 Why Obedience is Not Optional
- Luke 7:1-10 An Effective Servant
- Luke 7:11-17 Christ’s Hope and Power for a Hurting World
- Luke 7:18-35 Dealing With Doubt
- Luke 7:36-50 How to Love Jesus Fervently
- Luke 8:1-3 Serving the Savior
- Luke 8:4-15 Superficial and Genuine Believers
- Luke 8:16-21 Take Care How You Listen!
- Luke 8:22-25 What to do When Life Gets Stormy
- Luke 8:26-39 Christ’s Transforming Power
- Luke 8:40-48 Jesus’ Cleansing Power
- Luke 8:49-56 From Fear to Faith
- Luke 9:1-9 Proclaiming the Good News
- Luke 9:10-17 Our Inadequacy, Christ’s Adequacy
- Luke 9:18-22 The Crucial Question
- Luke 9:23 Following Self or Jesus?
- Luke 9:23-24
- Luke 9:24-26 Why Crucify Self?
- Luke 9:27-36 The Glory of Christ
- Luke 9:37-45 Needy People, Mighty God
- Luke 9:46-56 Relational Lessons for Christian Service
- Luke 9:57-62 The Only Way to Follow Jesus
- Luke 10:1-16 The Crucial Message
- Luke 10:17-24 What Makes Jesus Rejoice
- Luke 10:25-37 Salvation and Good Works
- Luke 10:38-42 The One Thing Necessary
- Luke 11:1-4 Lord, Teach Us to Pray!
- Luke 11:5-13 How to Approach God
- Luke 11:14-28 The Heavenly War
- Luke 11:29-36 How to Respond to God’s Word
- Luke 11:37-54: Why Jesus Hates Legalism
- Luke 12:1-12 Confessing or Denying Christ?
- Luke 12:13-21 How To Be Really Rich
- Luke 12:22-34 How to Solve Worries About Money
- Luke 12:35-48 Are You Ready for Christ’s Return?
- Luke 12:49-59 The Divisive Jesus
- Luke 13:1-9 What We Should Learn From Tragedies
- Luke 13:10-17 Religion Versus Reality
- Luke 13:18-21 Why You Want To Be On Jesus’ Side
- Luke 13:22-30 The Narrow Door
- Luke 13:31-35 Christ Would, But They Would Not
- Luke 14:1-14 Jesus the Confronter
- Luke 14:15-24 How to Have Dinner With Jesus
- Luke 14:25-35 The Cost of Discipleship
- Luke 15:1-10 God’s Lost and Found
- Luke 15:11-32 How to Receive God’s Abundant Mercy
- Luke 15:11-32 A Model for Hurting Parents
- Luke 16:1-13 How to be Truly Rich
- Luke 16:14-18 Scoffing or Submitting?
- Luke 16:19-31 A Great Chasm Fixed
- Luke 17:1-4 Relational Sins and How to Deal With Them
- Luke 17:5-10 More Faith or More Obedience?
- Luke 17:11-19 How to Respond to God’s Blessings
- Luke 17:20-37 The Present and Future Kingdom
- Luke 18:1-8 Persevering in Prayer
- Luke 18:9-14 The Wrong and Right Way to Approach God
- Luke 18:15-17 Bringing Children to Jesus
- Luke 18:18-27 How Good People Get Saved
- Luke 18:28-34 What do You Get When You Follow Christ?
- Luke 18:35-43 When Jesus Passes By
- Luke 19:1-10 Why Jesus Came
- Luke 19:11-27 Doing Business for Jesus
- Luke 19:28-44 Why You Should Follow Jesus
- Luke 19:45-20:8 By What Authority?
- Luke 20:9-19 Who Owns the Vineyard?
- Luke 20:20-26 Guile, Government, and God
- Luke 20:27-40 Why You Should Care About Doctrine
- Luke 20:41-47 True and False Religion
- Luke 21:1-4 Giving That Pleases the Lord
- Luke 21:5-24 Staying Sane When the Whole World Goes Crazy
- Luke 21:25-38 On Guard! He’s Coming!
- Luke 22:1-6 Evil Religion
- Luke 22:7-23 Come to the Table
- Luke 22:24-30 Who’s the Greatest?
- Luke 22:31-38 Failure and Hope
- Luke 22:39-53 Prayer or Temptation?
- Luke 22:54-62 Spiritual Failure and Restoration
- Luke 22:63-71 God in the Hands of Angry Sinners
- Luke 23:1-12 The Verdict on Jesus
- Luke 23:13-25 Condemned or Set Free?
- Luke 23:26-49 The King on the Cross
- Luke 23:26 A Dad Who Bore The Cross
- Luke 23:34 Our Great Need, God’s Greater Grace
- Luke 23:39-43 A Deathbed Conversion
- Luke 23:46 Dying Well
- Luke 23:50-56 Taking a Stand for Christ
- Luke 24:1-12 The Foundation for Our Faith
- Luke 24:13-35 Disappointment and Hope
- Luke 24:36-43 Too Good to be True, But True!
- Luke 24:44-49 Our Mission and How to Fulfill It
- Luke 24:50-53 Why the Disciples Rejoiced at Jesus’ Ascension
- What Can I Believe? (Luke 1:1-4:44)
- Luke 1:1-25,57-80 Where Is God at Work?
- Luke 2:1-52 Who Is Jesus?
- Luke 3:1-38 What Is Repentance
- Luke 4:1-44 How Can I Resist Temptation?
- How Should I Respond? (Luke 5:1-8:56)
- Luke 5:1-39 Follow Jesus
- Luke 6:1-49 Live by Jesus’ Teachings
- Luke 7:1-50 Express Gratitude to Jesus
- Luke 8:1-56 Receive Jesus as Savior
- What Is Required of Me? (Luke 9:1-13:35)
- Luke 9:1-50 A New Lifestyle
- Luke 9:51-10:42 A New Responsibility
- Luke 11:1-54 A New Communication
- Luke 12:1-59 A New Priority
- Luke 13:1-35 New Concern
- Everyday Concerns (Luke 14:1-16:31)
- Luke 14:1-35 Relating to Others
- Luke 15:1-32 Dealing with Disappointment
- Luke 1:26-56 Responding to God’s Leadership
- Luke 16:1-31 Handling Money
- Special Concerns (Luke 17:1-20:47)
- Luke 17:1-37 What About the Kingdom?
- Luke 18:1-43 What About Pride?
- Luke 4:17-21; 6:18-21; 9:46-48; 18:15-17What About Helpless People?
- Luke 19:1-48 What About Heavenly Rewards?
- Luke 20:1-47 What About Unbelievers?
- Biblical Certainties (Luke 21:1-24:53)
- Luke 21:1-38 Jesus Will Return
- Luke 22:1-71 Jesus’ Ministry Continues
- Luke 23:1-56 Jesus Offers Forgiveness
- Luke 24:1-53 Jesus Lives Foreverr
The Gospel of the Gentiles
- Preface to the Gospel of Luke
- Luke 1:1-38 The Silence is Shattered
- Luke 1:39-56 The Worship of Two Women
- Luke 1:57-80 Why John Was Not Named "Little Zach"
- Luke 2:1-20 The Birth of the Messiah
- Luke 2:21-40 Psalm of Simeon and the Announcement of Anna
- Luke 2:39-52 The Day Jesus Went AWOL
- Luke 3:1-20 John the Baptizer
- Luke 3:21-28 The Baptism and Genealogy of Jesus (; 1 Samuel 16:1-13; 2 Samuel 7:8-13)
- Luke 4:1-13 The Temptation of Jesus Part I
- Luke 4:5-8 The Temptation of Jesus Part II
- Luke 4:9-13 The Temptation of Jesus Part III
- Luke 4:1-13 The Temptation of Jesus Part IV
- Luke 4:14-30 On Prophets and Popularity
- Luke 4:31-44 Deity Confronts the Demons
- Luke 5:1-11How to Hook a Fisherman
- Luke 5:12-26 Stretcher Carriers and Sermon Critics
- Luke 5:27-39 On Eating Drinking and Being Merry
- Luke 6:1-11 The Great Sabbath Controversy
- Luke 6:12-26 Defining Discipleship
- Luke 6:27-49 Tough Love
- Luke 7:1-17 Jesus the Healer
- Luke 7:18-35 John's Problem with Jesus
- Luke 7:36-50 Wordless Worship of an Unnamed Woman
- Luke 8:1-3 Ministry, Money and Women
- Luke 8:4-21 Parable of the Soils
- Luke 8:22-25 Stilling of the Storm
- Luke 8:26-39 The Deliverance the Demoniac or "Unholy Fear"
- Luke 8:40-56 The Interrupted Miracle or Two Touching Miracles
- Luke 9:1-27 The Training of the Twelve
- Luke 9:18-26 The Cross and Christianity
- Luke 9:27-36 The Transfiguration of Christ
- Luke 9:37-56 Secular Saints
- Luke 9:57-62 Conflicting Commitments
- Luke 10:1-16 When Personal Evangelism is Inadequate
- Luke 10:17-24 The True Source of Joy
- Luke 10:25-37 The Good Samaritan
- Luke 10:38-42 When Martha was Mad at the Master
- Luke 11:1-13 Teach Us to Pray
- Luke 11:14-36 Evidence that Produced Various Verdicts
- Luke 11:37-54 Fundamentalists in Formaldehyde
- Luke 12:1-12 The Hazard of Hypocrisy for Heralds of the Gospel
- Luke 12:13-21 Greed: The Affliction of the Affluent
- Luke 12:22-34 A Disciple's Perspective on Possessions
- Luke 12:35-48 The Way to Wait
- Luke 12:49-59 Consequences of Christ's Coming
- Luke 13:1-21 A Problem of Perspective
- Luke 13:22-35 Striving to Enter the Narrow Door
- Luke 14:1-24 Table Talks
- Luke 14:25-35 How to Hate Your Wife
- Luke 15:1-32 Lost and Found
- Luke 16:1-13 Does Christ Commend a Crook or "The Sting"
- Luke 16:14-31 The Rich Man and Lazarus
- Luke 17:1-4 Taking Sin Seriously
- Luke 17:5-19 Putting Faith In Perspective
- Luke 17:20-37 Sign-Seeking and the Coming of the Kingdom
- Luke 18:1-14 Piety, Persistence, Penitence, and Prayer
- Luke 18:15-30 Blessed Babes and a Miserable Millionaire
- Luke 18:31-19:10 From the Sublime to the Ridiculous
- Luke 19:11-27 The Nobleman: His Slaves and His Citizens
- Luke 19:28-44 The Untriumphal Entry
- Luke 20:1-18 The Tempest in the Temple: The Abuses of Authority
- Luke 20:19-26 God and Government
- Luke 20:27-40 One Bride for Seven Brothers
- Luke 20:41-21:4 David's Son
- Luke 21:5-38 Jerusalem in the Last Days
- Luke 21:25-36 The Second Coming of Christ
- Luke 21:37-22:6 Preparations for the Passion of Christ
- Luke 22:7-23 The Last Supper
- Luke 22:24-38 Perspective, Personal Ambition, and Prophecy
- Luke 22:39-46 The Garden of Gethsemane
- Luke 22:47-71 The Rejection of Israel's Messiah - Part I
- Luke 23:1-25 The Rejection of Israel's Messiah - Part II
- Luke 23:26-49 The Rejection of Israel's Messiah - Part III
- Luke 23:26-49 The Rejection of Israel's Messiah - Part IV
- Luke 23:40-24:35 Dealing with the Death of Jesus
- Luke 23:54-24:35 "From Heartbreak to Heartburn"
- Luke 24:36-53 From Invisibility to Invincibility
Rosscup comments: Concise treatments are given to each of the NT books. The main value of the set lies in its clear synthesis which helps the student grasp the flow of thought as he moves through a book. Erdman possessed a lucid writing style. He was amillennial. (Rosscup, J. Commentaries for Biblical Expositors)
D Edmond Hiebert - A devotional and practical exposition, in paragraph form, by a conservative Presbyterian scholar.
Luke; Principle #1; Lk. 1:1-4; p. 1377
Written Communication: We should look for opportunities to use personal letters to help fellow believers develop a more intimate relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.
VideoLuke; Principle #2; Lk. 1:5-38; p. 1378
Abiding Faith: Even though we may be living godly lives, we must be on guard against the sin of unbelief.
VideoLuke; Principle #3; Lk. 1:39-45; p. 1379
Life at Conception: In a day when people are taught that the unborn are not living beings, we must do what we can to expose this terrible deception with biblical truth.
VideoLuke; Principle #4; Lk. 1:46-80; p. 1380
Worshipful Praise: As those who have experienced redemption, we should continually praise God for sending the Lord Jesus Christ to be our Savior.
VideoLuke; Principle #5; Lk. 2:8-20; p. 1381
Amazing Grace: We should never cease to be awestruck by the redemptive story revealed throughout Scripture.
VideoLuke; Principle #6; Lk. 2:25-35; p. 1382
The Power of Prejudice: When we read and hear Scripture, we are to allow the Holy Spirit to penetrate our subjective and prejudicial thinking.
VideoLuke; Principle #7; Lk. 2:39-52; p. 1383
Both God and Man: Though Jesus came to earth as the divine Son of God, we are to take comfort in the fact that because of His human nature, He can identify with all of our weaknesses.
VideoLuke; Principle #8; Lk. 3:1-22; p. 1384
Believer's Baptism: As believers in the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, we are to be baptized so as to bear witness to our salvation experience.
VideoLuke; Principle #9; Lk. 3:23-38; p. 1385
A Gospel for All: We must never compromise the truth that all people--regardless of ethnic backgrounds, social status, race, color, or gender-- become spiritually equal when they receive the gift of life through the Lord Jesus Christ.
VideoLuke; Principle #10; Lk. 4:1-13; p. 1386
Satan's Strategy: We must always be on guard against Satan's attacks on our lives, but particularly when we are physically and psychologically vulnerable.
VideoLuke; Principle #11; Lk. 5:1-11; p. 1387
Overcoming Fear: We must not allow fear to keep us from obeying Christ's call on our lives to live in His will. VideoLuke; Principle #12; Lk. 5:27-32; p. 1388
Redemptive Grace: We should be thankful that God chooses to use transformed lives to minister to others in special ways.
VideoLuke; Principle #13; Lk. 6:12-16; p. 1390
Leadership Appointments: When it comes to selecting and appointing key spiritual leaders, significant time should be devoted to prayer.
VideoLuke; Principle #14; Lk. 6:17-49; p. 1386
Divine and Human Creativity: We must understand that the Holy Spirit both superintended the writing of Scripture and, at the same time, gave biblical authors freedom to be creative.
VideoLuke; Principle #15; Lk. 7:36-50; p. 1393
Worship from the Heart: We should express deep love and gratitude to God because of His gift of salvation to all those who believe and receive His message.
VideoLuke; Principle #16; Lk. 9:28-36; p. 1396
Spiritual Disciplines: In our human weaknesses--even as Christians--we must discipline ourselves to think clearly and to respond biblically.
VideoLuke; Principle #17; Lk. 9:51-56; p. 1397
Ministry of Compassion: In representing the Lord Jesus Christ, we are always to be motivated by love and compassion.
VideoLuke; Principle #18; Lk. 9:57-62; p. 1398
Our Calling in Christ: To understand and apply Jesus' teachings, we must distinguish between His calling to the original apostles to follow Him and God's calling to salvation and to live in His will.
VideoLuke; Principle #19; Lk. 10:1-24; p. 1399
A Witness in this World: To walk in the will of God, we must participate in fulfilling Christ's ultimate mission for coming into this world.
VideoLuke; Principle #20; Lk. 10:25-37; p. 1400
Freedom from Prejudice: We are to demonstrate the reality of our salvation experience by truly loving God and all human beings.
VideoLuke; Principle #21; Lk. 10:38-42; p. 1400
Worship and Service: We should not become so busy serving God that we fail to take time to listen to His message in the Holy Scriptures.
VideoLuke; Principle #22; Lk. 11:1-13; p. 1401
A Model Prayer: We are to creatively, boldly, and persistently use Jesus' prayer as a divine outline for our own personal and corporate prayers.
VideoLuke; Principle #23; Lk. 11:14-23; p. 1402
Thinking Clearly: No matter how educated we may be, we must be on guard against irrational and inconsistent thinking regarding God's revealed truth.
VideoLuke; Principle #24; Lk. 11:27-28; p. 1402
Obedience: Though hearing God's revealed truth is foundational in our spiritual growth, we should make sure we apply this truth in daily living.
VideoLuke; Principle #25; Lk. 11:37-54; p. 1403
Hypocritical Behavior: As Christ-followers, we are to avoid engaging in inconsistent behavior.
VideoLuke; Principle #26; Lk. 12:1-12; p. 1404
Steadfastness: We are not to allow fear of rejection to keep us from sharing our faith and living consistent Christian lives.
VideoLuke; Principle #27; Lk. 12:13-21; p. 1405
Eternal Investments: When God blesses us with material possessions that exceed our personal needs, we are to use our excess wealth to build God's eternal kingdom.
VideoLuke; Principle #28; Lk. 12:35-48; p. 1406
Faithful Leadership: All spiritual leaders are to be faithful in carrying out their managing and shepherding responsibilities.
VideoLuke; Principle #29; Lk. 12:49-53; p. 1406
A Difficult Decision: Though God's will for families and churches is unity and peace, we must also be aware that the gospel of Jesus Christ calls for a choice that may bring separation and division.
VideoLuke; Principle #30; Lk. 12:54-13:9; p. 1407
True Repentance: To experience eternal life and avoid eternal death, we must all repent of our sins and receive God's gift of salvation.
VideoLuke; Principle #31; Lk. 13:34-35; p. 1409
God's Compassion: We are to always present a message of hope to all people that God loves them and they can be saved if they respond to His grace.
VideoLuke; Principle #32; Lk. 14:7-14; p. 1409
Humility and Generosity: To live in God's will, we must demonstrate two basic qualities: humility and generosity.
VideoLuke; Principle #33; Lk. 14:15-24; p. 1410
Good News for All: To carry out the Great Commission, we are to share the gospel with all people regardless of their economic status, their physical and mental condition, or their ethnic and religious backgrounds.
VideoLuke; Principle #34; Lk. 14:25-35; p. 1411
Dedicated Discipleship: To be a dedicated believer, we must always make our commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ a priority over all other relationships as well as over our material possessions.
VideoLuke; Principle #35; Lk. 15:1-32; p. 1412
The Lost is Found: We are to rejoice and celebrate whenever an unsaved person repents and becomes a member of God's eternal family.
VideoLuke; Principle #36; Lk. 16:1-15; p. 1413
Treasures in Heaven: When making decisions as they relate to our material possessions, we should do so with a perspective on eternity.
VideoLuke; Principle #37; Lk. 16:19-31; p. 1414
Loving Money: If we are blessed with wealth, we must not allow it to harden our hearts and to cause us to miss God's gift of eternal salvation.
VideoLuke; Principle #38; Lk. 17:11-19; p. 1415
Redeeming Grace: We should encourage unbelievers to thank God for His common grace that He has bestowed on all humanity.
VideoLuke; Principle #39; Lk. 18:1-8; p. 1416
Persistent Prayer: When we face difficult circumstances that are beyond our control, we are to keep asking God for His divine help.
VideoLuke; Principle #40; Lk. 18:9-14; p. 1416
Humility in Prayer: We are always to approach God with a spirit of humility, knowing it is only by His grace we can enter His holy presence.
VideoLuke; Principle #41; Lk. 18:31-34; p. 1417
Selective Beliefs: We should make sure we do not have spiritual blind spots that cause us to use the Christian faith as a means to honor ourselves.
VideoLuke; Principle #42; Lk. 19:1-10; p. 1418
Universal Grace: We must never forget Jesus? primary mission: to provide salvation for all people.
VideoLuke; Principle #43; Lk. 19:11-27; p. 1419
God's Unfolding Revelation: To understand God's redemptive plan as it relates to both the nation of Israel and the church, we must carefully follow the unfolding story throughout Scripture.
VideoLuke; Principle #44; Lk. 19:41-44; p. 1420
Christ's Compassionate Love: Though Jesus Christ will someday serve as a righteous judge, we must remember that He came to earth the first time because He is a loving and caring Savior.
VideoLuke; Principle #45; Lk. 22:1-6; p. 1423
Spiritual Qualifications: When selecting key leaders in the church, we must take seriously the qualifications outlined in Scripture.
VideoLuke; Principle #46; Lk. 22:7-20; p. 1423
The Lord's Supper: As we remember the death of the Lord Jesus Christ, we are to use the freedom God has given us to make this a meaningful memorial experience in our particular cultural situation.
VideoLuke; Principle #47; Lk. 22:21-27; p. 1424
Reflecting Unity: When we remember and proclaim Jesus' death with a communion meal, we are to be committed to creating unity in the church.
VideoLuke; Principle #48; Lk. 22:28-34; p. 1425
Satanic Attacks: No matter how significant our position in the church, we are to be on guard against Satan's efforts to destroy us.
VideoLuke; Principle #49; Lk. 22:66-23:12; p. 1426
God's Sovereignty: Even when evil leaders engage in terrible acts of violence in order to achieve their own selfish goals, we are to acknowledge God's overall sovereign control over events in history.
VideoLuke; Principle #50; Lk. 23:32-43; p. 1428
Our Eternal Hope: When we face physical death, as believers we are to be assured that we will immediately be with Jesus Christ in heaven.
VideoLuke; Principle #51; Lk. 24:13-35; p. 1429
The Living Word: When we study the Scriptures and hear them taught and explained, we should respond with deep feelings of gratitude, especially as they reveal the living Christ.
Spurgeon has these comment on Godet: Dr. Meyer says: “To an immense erudition, to a living piety, Godet unites a profound feeling of reality; there is here a vivifying breath, an ardent love for the Saviour, which helps the disciple to comprehend the work, the acts, the words of his Divine Master.” (Spurgeon - Commenting on Commentaries)
Cyril Barber - An exhaustive, technical commentary that ably defends the cardinal doctrines of the Christian faith while expounding the text. Deserves a place on the shelf of every pastor.
D Edmond Hiebert - An exhaustive, technical commentary by a conservative French theologian of the past century. Godet's theological and critical conservatism is clearly revealed in this work on Luke. Of abiding value in spite of its age.
Rosscup comments: Though old, this work is almost exhaustive in dealing with interpretive problems and shows a wide acquaintance with commentators of all ages up to his day. He is regarded by Greek authorities as weak on textual criticism but strong on exegesis. (Rosscup, J. Commentaries for Biblical Expositors)
- Chapter 1
- Chapter 2
- Chapter 3
- Chapter 4
- Chapter 5
- Chapter 6
- Chapter 7
- Chapter 8
- Chapter 9
- Chapter 10
- Chapter 11
- Chapter 12
- Chapter 13
- Chapter 14
- Chapter 15
- Chapter 16
- Chapter 17
- Chapter 18
- Chapter 19
- Chapter 20
- Chapter 21
- Chapter 22
- Chapter 23
- Chapter 24
- Boy Jesus - Luke 2:41-52
- A New Direction - Luke 3:1-20
- Stepping Into the Fray - Luke 3:21-22
- Standing Firm in the Wilderness - Luke 4:1-13
- Right in Front of You - Luke 4:14-30
- Follow the One Who Has the Power - Luke 4:31-44
- A Life-Changing Moment - Luke 5:1-13
- A Message of Hope - Luke 5:12-16
- Treating the Problem Not the Symptom - Luke 5:17-26
- Hardening of the Attitudes -Luke 5:27-39
- Missing the Point - Luke 6:1-11
- Assembling a Team - Luke 6:12-16
- A New Mindset - Luke 6:17-26
- An Uncomfortable Rule - Luke 6:27-36
- The Most Abused Verse in Scripture - Luke 6:37-38
- Real or Counterfeit? - Luke 6:39-49
- Uncommon Faith - Luke 7:1-10
- The Funeral That Ended Early - Luke 7:11-17
- The Funeral That Ended Early - Luke 7:11-17
- Dealing with Doubt - Luke 7:18-36
- Jesus and the Sinner - Luke 7:36-50
- A Lesson from Seeds - Luke 8:1-16
- Living Up to Our Privilege - Luke 8:16-21
- Calming the Storm - Luke 8:22-25
- Freedom from Torment - Luke 8:26-39
- Life-Changing Encounters -Luke 8:40-56
- Learning to Fly - Luke 9:1-9
- Feeding the Multitude - Luke 9:10-17
- The Quiz We All Must Pass - Luke 9:18-25
- Leader's Meeting - Luke 9:28-36
- Back to Reality - Luke 9:37-45
- A Question of Rank - Luke 9:46-50
- Telling it Like it Is - Luke 9:51-62
- Asking the Right Question - Luke 10:25-37
- Love Illustrated - Luke 10:25-37
- Pursuing What is Best - Luke 10:38-42
- The Lord's Prayer - Luke 11:1-4
- Persistence in Prayer - Luke 11:5-13
- Attacking the Heart of the Issue - Luke 11:14-28
- Welcome the Light - Luke 11:27-36
- Heading in the Wrong Direction - Luke 11:37-54
- Wise Counsel - Luke 12:1-12
- For What Do You Labor? - Luke 12:13-21
- Leaving Stress and Anxiety Behind - Luke 12:22-34
- Living With Anticipation - Luke 12:35-48
- Truly Following Christ - Luke 12:49-59
- An Urgent Call to Repentance - Luke 13:1-9
- Seeing Beyond Our Tunnel Vision - Luke 13:10-21
- Two Doors, Two Different Destinations - Luke 13:22-30
- What Do You Desire - Luke 13:31-35
- Sound Advice - Luke 14:1-14
- Shallow Excuses for Rejecting God's Blessing - Luke 14:15-24
- Those Who Cannot Be His Disciple - Luke 14:25-35
- The Lost and Found - Luke 15:1-10
- The Watching Father - Luke 15:11-32
- Taking a Lesson from the World - Luke 16:1-15
- Embracing the New While Cherishing the Past - Luke 16:14-18
- The Great Reversal - Luke 16:19-31
- Four Questions for Vital Discipleship - Luke 17:1-10
- Christian Gratitude - Luke 17:11-19
- Anticipating the Future -Luke 17:20-37
- Undiminished Faith - Luke 18:1-8
- The Necessary Attitude for a Changed Life - Luke 18:9-14
- Come to Jesus - Luke 18:15-17
- The Man Who Walked Away - Luke 18:18-30
- Facing the Future With Your Eyes Open - Luke 18:31-43
- The Wee Little Man - Luke 19:1-10
- Evaluating Your Investment Portfolio - Luke 19:11-27
- Shouts of Joy, Tears of Sadness -Luke 19:45-48
- Church Cleaning Day - Luke 19:45-48
- By What Authority? - Luke 20:1-8
- The Limits of Mercy - Luke 20:9-19
- The Tax Man Cometh -Luke 20:20-26
- What Happens After We Die - Luke 20:27-40
- Jesus Ltd. - Luke 20:41-47
- The Heart of the Widow - Luke 21:1-4
- What On Earth is Going to Happen? - Luke 21:5-24
- Signs of His Coming - Luke 21:25-38
- The Missing Piece - Luke 22:1-6
- The Last Supper - Luke 22:7-23
- Mom Always Liked You Best - Luke 22:24-30
- When Faith is Tested - Luke 22:31-38
- Watch and Pray - Luke 22:39-46
- Betrayed - Luke 22:47-53
- Failure - Luke 22:52-64
- Kangaroo Court - Luke 22:63-71
- Jesus on Trial - Luke 23:1-12
- A Leader's Dilemma - Luke 23:13-25
- The Death Walk - Luke 23:26-33
- A Prayer and a Promise - Luke 23:32-43
- The Death and Victory of Jesus - Luke 23:44-49
- Crucified, Dead, and Buried - Luke 23:50-56
- The Impact of the Resurrection - Luke 24:1-12
- The Best Kind of Heartburn - Luke 24:13-35
- A Very Pleasant Surprise - Luke 24:36-49
- The Next Chapter - Luke 24:50-53
Great Texts of the Bible: in depth
- Luke 2:7 No Room
- Luke 2:10-11 Good Tidings of Great Joy
- Luke 2:13-14 The Song of the Heavenly Hosts
- Luke 2:34-35 A Touchstone of Character
- Luke 2:40 The Growth of the Child Jesus
- Luke 2:49RV Always at Home
- Luke 2:49AV Always at Work
- Luke 3:21-22 The Baptism of Jesus
- Luke 6:12-13 Prayer and Choice (See Topic "Prayer")
- Luke 7:50 Forgiveness (See Topic "Forgiveness")
- Luke 10:37 The Good Samaritan
- Luke 10:42 The One Thing Needful
- Luke 11:13 The Gift of the Holy Spirit (See Topic "Holy Spirit")
- Luke 12:15 A Man's True Life
- Luke 13:24 The Narrow Door
- Luke 15:17-20 The Return to the Father
- Luke 16:10 Faithfulness in Little Things
- Luke 17:17 Ingratitude
- Luke 17:20-21 The Coming Kingdom
- Luke 17:20-21 The Kingdom that is Within
- Luke 19:10 Cur Deus Homo
- Luke 19:41-42 The Impenitent City
- Luke 21:19 The Winning of the Soul
- Luke 22:19 In Remembrance
- Luke 22:31-32 Sifted as Wheat
- Luke 24:32 An Open Bible and a Burning Heart
Click for Unabridged Version of Luke Commentary
- Luke 1:26-30 The Son of God
- Luke 1:26-38 The Man Christ Jesus: The Peculiarities
- Luke 1:26-38 Son of Mary and Son of God
- Luke 1:46-56 Mary’s Celebration of Christmas
- Luke 1 Part VI
- Luke 1, 4, 10 The Holy Spirit in the Life of Christ
- Luke 2:1-10 The Baptism of Christ
- Luke 5:1-14 Catching Man Alive, or the Drought of Fishes
- Luke 6:12-16 The Necessity of Prayer
- Luke 7:36-50 The Woman That Was a Sinner, or the Proof and Power of Forgiveness
- Luke 8:1-3 Mary Magdalene
- Luke 8:22-25 Faith and the Night of the Tempest
- Luke 8:40-56 Master of Death and Man of Feeling
- Luke 12:41-48 Doctrine of Eternal Punishment – II
- Luke 14, Acts 16 The Doctrine of Efficacious and Irresistible Grace
- Luke 16:19-31 The Intermediate State
- Luke 23:32-43 The Dying Thief
- Luke 23:26-32 Divine Appointment and Human Disappointment
- Luke 23:32-43 Christ Among the Bandits
- Luke 23:33-43 The Last Words – I
- Luke 24:13-35 The Necessity of Christ’s Death – IV
- Luke 24:13-35 The Word of the Risen Christ, the Unfailing Remedy for Despair
The MacArthur Study Bible - borrow
Luke : the savior of the world by MacArthur, John - Not his full commentary. - Borrow
296 Sermons on Luke! Excellent Exposition. Functions like a verse by verse commentary!
- Luke - Escaping Materialism
- Luke - Living for the Joy of Giving
- Luke 1:1-4 Physician and Historian
- Luke 1:1-4 Theologian and Pastor
- Luke 1:5-7 Zacharias: The Righteous Priest
- Luke 1:8-17 God Breaks His Silence: The Revelation to Zacharias
- Luke 1:15-17 The Greatness of John the Baptist
- Luke 1:18-25 A Faithful Promise to a Faithless Priest
- Luke 1:26-31 The Divine Announcement to Mary, Part 1
- Luke 1:26-35 The Greatest Child Ever Born
- Luke 1:31-33 The Divine Announcement to Mary, Part 2
- Luke 1:34-35 The Foundations of the Virgin Birth
- Luke 1:34-35 Fallacies About the Virgin Birth
- Luke 1:34-38 The Virgin Birth: A Divine Miracle
- Luke 1:39-45 Mary and Elizabeth: Confirming Angelic Prophecy
- Luke 1:46-55 The True Christmas Spirit
- Luke 1:46-55 The Spirit of Christmas
- Luke 1:46-55 Mary's Praise
- Luke 1:56-66 The Miraculous Birth of John the Baptist
- Luke 1:67-80 Zachariah's Song of Salvation: Introduction
- Luke 1:67-80 Zachariah's Song of Salvation: The Davidic Covenant
- Luke 1:67-80 Zachariah's Song of Salvation: The Abrahamic Covenant
- Luke 1:67-80 Zachariah's Song of Salvation: The New Covenant, Part 1
- Luke 1:67-80 Zachariah's Song of Salvation: The New Covenant, Part 2
- Luke 1:67-80 Zachariah's Song of Salvation: The New Covenant, Part 3
- Luke 2:1-7 Jesus' Birth in Bethlehem- 1
- Luke 2:1-7 Jesus' Birth in Bethlehem- 2
- Luke 2:8-11 The Announcement of Jesus' Birth- 1
- Luke 2:8-14 The Announcement of Jesus' Birth- 2
- Luke 2:11 God, The Savior of Men
- Luke 2-15-21 The Announcement of Jesus' Birth- 3
- Luke 2:21-24 Testifying to Jesus: Joseph & Mary
- Luke 2:25-30 Testifying to Jesus: Simeon
- Luke 2:25-35 Testifying to Jesus: Simeon, Part 2
- Luke 2:36-38 Testifying to Jesus: Anna
- Luke 2:39-46 The Amazing Child Who Was God, Part 1
- Luke 2:47-52 The Amazing Child Who Was God, Part 2
- Luke 2:49 The Amazing Child Who Was God, Part 3
- Luke 3:1 Setting the Stage for Jesus, Part 1
- Luke 3:2-3 Setting the Stage for Jesus, Part 2
- Luke 3:3 Setting the Stage for Jesus, Part 3
- Luke 3:3 Setting the Stage for Jesus, Part 4
- Luke 3:4-6 A Voice Crying in the Wilderness, Part 1
- Luke 3:4-6 A Voice Crying in the Wilderness, Part 2
- Luke 3:7-8 True Repentance: God's Highway to the Heart- 1
- Luke 3:8-14 True Repentance: God's Highway to the Heart- 2
- Luke 3:15-17 True Repentance: God's Highway to the Heart- 3
- Luke 3:15-17 True Repentance: God's Highway to the Heart- 4
- Luke 3:18-20 The Legacy of John the Baptist
- Luke 3:21-22 The Messiah's Divine Confirmation, Part 1
- Luke 3:21-22 The Messiah's Divine Confirmation, Part 2
- Luke 3:23-38 The Messiah's Royal Lineage
- Luke 4:1-2 The Invincibility of the Messiah
- Luke 4:3-8 The Temptation of the Messiah, Part 1
- Luke 4:9-13 The Temptation of the Messiah, Part 2
- Luke 4:14-15 From the Wilderness to Galilee: Jesus' Judean Ministry
- Luke 4:16-21 Jesus' Return to Nazareth: Ministry in the Synagogue
- Luke 4:16-21 Jesus' Return to Nazareth: Preaching in the Synagogue
- Luke 4:16-21 Jesus' Return to Nazareth: Rejection by the People
- Luke 4:22-30 Jesus' Return to Nazareth: Rejection by the People
- Luke 4:31-34 Jesus' Authority over Demons, Part 1
- Luke 4:31-34 Jesus' Authority over Demons, Part 2
- Luke 4:31-37 Jesus' Authority over Demons, Part 3
- Luke 4:38-44 Jesus: The Divine Deliverer, Part 1
- Luke 4:38-44 Jesus: The Divine Deliverer, Part 2
- Luke 5:1-11 Characteristics of Jesus' Divinity, Part 1
- Luke 5:1-11 Characteristics of Jesus' Divinity, Part 2
- Luke 5:12-15 A Lesson from a Leper
- Luke 5:17-20 A Saving Faith in a Paralyzed Man
- Luke 5:21-25 Only God Forgives Sin, Part 1
- Luke 5:21-26 Only God Forgives Sin, Part 2
- Luke 5:27-32 Jesus Came to Call and to Save Sinners
- Luke 5:33-39 The Uniqueness of the Gospel
- Luke 6:1-5 Jesus: The Divine Truth Teller
- Luke 6:6-11 Divine Truth Confronts Human Tradition
- Luke 6:12-13 Common Men, Uncommon Calling
- Luke 6:14 Common Men, Uncommon Calling: Peter, Part 1
- Luke 6:14 Common Men, Uncommon Calling: Peter, Part 2
- Luke 6:14 Common Men, Uncommon Calling: Peter, Part 3
- Luke 6:14 Common Men, Uncommon Calling: Andrew and James
- Luke 6:14 Common Men, Uncommon Calling: John
- Luke 6:15 Common Men, Uncommon Calling: Matthew and Thomas
- Luke 6:16 Common Men, Uncommon Calling: Judas Iscariot, Part 1
- Luke 6:16 Common Men, Uncommon Calling: Judas Iscariot, Part 2
- Luke 6:15-16 Common Men, Uncommon Calling: James, Simon, and Judas
- Luke 6:17-19 The Popularity and Power of Jesus
- Luke 6:20-23 The Character of a True Christian-1
- Luke 6:23-26 The Character of a True Christian- 2
- Luke 6:27-28 The Commands of Kingdom Love
- Luke 6:29-30 The Actions of Kingdom Love
- Luke 6:31-38 The Content of Kingdom Love
- Luke 6:39-45 The Danger of Following the Wrong Spiritual Teacher
- Luke 6:46-49 The Ultimate Religious Decision
- Luke 7:1-2 The Man Who Amazed Jesus, Part 1
- Luke 7:2-9 The Man Who Amazed Jesus, Part 2
- Luke 7:11-17 Jesus' Power over Death
- Luke 7:19-20 Are You the Coming One?
- Luke 7:18-20 Why the Believer Doubts, Part 1
- Luke 7:21-23 Why the Believer Doubts, Part 2
- Luke 7:24-27 The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived, Part 1
- Luke 7:27-28 The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived, Part 2
- Luke 7:31-35 The Parable of the Brats: Style Versus Substance
- Luke 7:36-50 The Transformed Sinner
- Luke 8:1-3 The Scope of Jesus' Ministry
- Luke 8:4-15 Receptivity to the Gospel, Part 1
- Luke 8:13 Receptivity to the Gospel, Part 2
- Luke 8:14-15 Receptivity to the Gospel, Part 3
- Luke 8:16-21 Be Careful How You Listen
- Luke 8:22-25 The Story of the Calm, Part 1
- Luke 8:22-25 The Story of the Calm, Part 2
- Luke 8:26-29 The Maniac Who Became a Missionary, Part 1
- Luke 8:30-39 The Maniac Who Became a Missionary, Part 2
- Luke 8:40-48 Jesus' Compassionate Power, Part 1
- Luke 8:49-56 Jesus' Compassionate Power, Part 2
- Luke 9:1-2 A Profile of a Christian Messenger, Part 1
- Luke 9:3-6 A Profile of a Christian Messenger, Part 2
- Luke 9:7-9 Who Is This Man?
- Luke 9:10-11 The Range of Jesus' Compassion
- Luke 9:12-17 Divine Compassion in Common Grace
- Luke 9:16-21 Be Careful How You Listen
- Luke 9:18-22 Life's Most Important Question
- Luke 9:23 The Starting Principle of Discipleship
- Luke 9:23 The Necessary Components of Saving Faith
- Luke 9:23-25 The Gospel: Self-Love or Self-Hate?
- Luke 9:26 Who's Ashamed of Whom?
- Luke 9:23-26 The Gospel in Perspective
- Luke 9:26-31 A Glimpse of the King's Return, Part 1
- Luke 9:32-36 A Glimpse of the King's Return, Part 2
- Luke 9:37-42 The Significance of Faith, Part 1
- Luke 9:42-43 The Significance of Faith, Part 2
- Luke 9:37-45 An Addendum of Faith
- Luke 9:43-45 The Amazing Person of Christ
- Luke 9:46-48 Humility: The Mark of True Greatness
- Luke 9:49-50 Humility: The Mark of True Greatness, Part 2
- Luke 9:51-56 A Mission of Mercy
- Luke 9:46-56 Humility: An Essential Element for Ministry
- Luke 9:57-62 Barriers to True Discipleship
- Luke 10:1-4 Attitudes of Effective Evangelism
- Luke 10:5-11 Responses to the Kingdom: Peace or Punishment
- Luke 10:12-16 A Warning to the Indifferent
- Luke 10:17-20 The Joys of a True Disciple
- Luke 10:21 What Makes Jesus Rejoice? Part 1
- Luke 10:22 What Makes Jesus Rejoice? Part 2
- Luke 10:25-29 What Makes Jesus Rejoice, Part 3
- Luke 10:30-37 The Good Samaritan
- Luke 10:38-42 The Christian's Priority
- Luke 11:1 Jesus' Pattern for Every Prayer
- Luke 11:2 When You Pray Say, "Father"
- Luke 11:2 Hallowed Be Thy Name
- Luke 11:2 Thy Kingdom Come
- Luke 11:2 Thy Will Be Done
- Luke 11:3 Our Daily Bread
- Luke 11:4 Forgive Us Our Sins, Part 1
- Luke 11:4 Forgive Us Our Sins, Part 2
- Luke 11:4 Forgive Us Our Sins, Part 3
- Luke 11:4 Forgive Us Our Sins, Part 4
- Luke 11:4 Lead Us Not into Temptation
- Luke 11:5-10 Pray Boldly
- Luke 11:11-13 God's Generous Response to Boldness in Prayer
- Luke 11:14-23 The Vilification of Jesus, Part 1
- Luke 11:14-23 The Vilification of Jesus, Part 2
- Luke 11:24-28 The Danger of Moral Reformation
- Luke 11:29-32 The Last Sign
- Luke 11:33-36 A Question of Sight
- Luke 11:37-44 How to Evangelize Religious People
- Luke 11:46-50 What's Missing in False Religion, Part 1
- Luke 11:45-52 Kingdom Obstructionists
- Luke 11:51-54 What's Missing in False Religion, Part 2
- Luke 12:1-7 A Certain Cure for Hypocrisy, Part 1
- Luke 12:8-9 A Certain Cure for Hypocrisy, Part 2
- Luke 12:10-12 A Certain Cure for Hypocrisy, Part 3
- Luke 12:13-21 The Rich Fool
- Luke 12:22-25 Anxiety-Free Living, Pt. 1
- Luke 12:25-31 Anxiety-Free Living, Pt. 2
- Luke 12:32-34 Anxiety-Free Living, Part 3
- Luke 12:35-40 Waiting for the Master's Return, Part 1
- Luke 12:35-40 Waiting for the Master's Return, Part 2
- Luke 12:41-48 Reward and Punishment at Christ's Return
- Luke 12:49-53 Jesus, the Great Divider
- Luke 12:54-59 The Failure to Discern the Times and the Threat
- Luke 13:1-5 Supernatural Lessons from a Natural Disaster
- Luke 13:6-9 Living on Borrowed Time
- Luke 13:10-17 Christ Creates Conflict in the Synagogue
- Luke 13:18-21 The Increasing Influence of the Kingdom
- Luke 13:22-30 Are Just a Few Being Saved? Part 1
- Luke 13:22-30 Are Just a Few Being Saved? Part 2
- Luke 13:31-33 Who Really Killed Jesus?
- Luke 13:34-35 Divine Compassion for Those Deserving Condemnation, Part 1
- Luke 13:34-35 Divine Compassion for Those Deserving Condemnation, Part 2
- Luke 13:34-35 Divine Compassion for Those Deserving Condemnation, Part 3
- Luke 13:34-35 Divine Compassion for Those Deserving Condemnation, Part 4
- Luke 13:34-35 Divine Compassion for Those Deserving Condemnation, Part 5
- Luke 14:1-6 The Healing Savior vs the Hypocritical System
- Luke 14:7-14 Humbling the Exalted--Exalting the Humble
- Luke 14:15-24 An Invitation to God's Great Banquet
- Luke 14:25-27 The Extreme Nature of True Discipleship, Part 1
- Luke 14:25-35 The Extreme Nature of True Discipleship, Part 2
- Luke 15 Jesus: The Seeking Savior, Part 1
- Luke 15:1-2 Heaven's Joy: Recovering the Lost
- Luke 15:8-10 Recovering the Lost Coin
- Luke 15 The Seeking Savior - Pt 1
- Luke 19:1-10 Jesus: The Seeking Savior, Pt 2
- Luke 15 The Seeking Savior-Study Guide (6 separate topics)
- Luke 15:11-32 The Tale of Two Sons
- Luke 15:11-16 The Tale of Two Sons - Part 1
- Luke 15:17-21 The Tale of Two Sons - Part 2
- Luke 15:22-24 The Tale of Two Sons - Part 3
- Luke 15:25-28 The Tale of Two Sons - Part 4
- Luke 15:28-32 The Tale of Two Sons - Part 5
- Luke 15:11-16 The Licentious Son
- Luke 15:17-24 The Loving Father
- Luke 15:25-32 The Legalistic Son
- Luke 16:1-13 Investing Earthly Finances with an Eternal Focus
- Luke 16:14-15 Why False Teachers Mock the Truth, Part 1
- Luke 16:14-16 Why False Teachers Mock the Truth, Part 2
- Luke 16:16-18 Why False Teachers Mock the Truth, Part 3
- Luke 16:19-31 A Testimony of One Surprised to be in Hell, Part 1
- Luke 16:19-31 A Testimony of One Surprised to be in Hell, Part 2
- Luke 16:19-31 A Testimony of One Surprised to be in Hell, Part 3
- Luke 16:19-31 A Testimony of One Surprised to be in Hell, Part 4
- Luke 16:19-31 A Testimony of One Surprised to be in Hell, Part 5
- Luke 17:1-4 Four Hallmarks of Humility, Part 1
- Luke 17:3-4our Hallmarks of Humility, Part 2
- Luke 17:5-10 Four Hallmarks of Humility, Part 3
- Luke 17:11-19 Ten Men Healed, One Man Saved
- Luke 17:20-21 The Invisible Kingdom of God, Part 1
- Luke 17:20-21 The Invisible Kingdom of God, Part 2
- Luke 17:22 7 Characteristics of the Coming King, Part 1
- Luke 17:23-25 7 Characteristics of the Coming King, Part 2
- Luke 17:25-30 7 Characteristics of the Coming King, Part 3
- Luke 17:31-37 Characteristics of the Coming King, Part 4
- Luke 18:1-8 Persistent Prayer for the Lord's Return
- Luke 18:9-14 Who Can Be Right with God? Part 1
- Luke 18:9-14 Who Can Be Right with God? Part 2
- Luke 18:15-17 Children and the Kingdom of God, Part 1
- Luke 18:15-17 Children and the Kingdom of God, Part 2
- Luke 18:18-27 The Impossibility of Salvation, Part 1
- Luke 18:18-27 The Impossibility of Salvation, Part 2
- Luke 18:24-30 The Impossibility of Salvation, Part 3
- Luke 18:31-34 Approaching the Cross with Determined Anticipation, Part 1
- Luke 18:31-34 Approaching the Cross with Determined Anticipation, Part 2
- Luke 18:35-43 A Blind Beggar Receives Saving Sight
- Luke 19:1-10 A Sinner Meets a Seeking Savior, Part 1
- Luke 19:1-10 A Sinner Meets a Seeking Savior, Part 2
- Luke 19:1-10 Jesus: The Seeking Savior, Part 2
- Luke 19:11-27 Fitting Rewards from the Returning King
- Luke 19:28-40 Jesus' Humble Coronation, Part 1
- Luke 19:28-44 Jesus' Humble Coronation, Part 2
- Luke 19:45-48 The King Confronts Corruption
- Luke 20:1-8 Rejecting the King's Authority
- Luke 20:9-18 The Murder of God's Son - A Prophetic Parable-Part 1
- Luke 20:9-18 The Murder of God's Son - A Prophetic Parable-Part 2
- Luke 20:19-26 The Diagnosis of the Christ Rejecters
- Luke 20:27-40 The Savior Silences the Sadducees
- Luke 20:41-44 David's Son and Lord
- Luke 20:45-47 Confronting Error with Condemnation, Not Conversation
- Luke 20:45-47 The Trinitarian Testimony of Jesus’ Coming
- Luke 21:1-4 Abusing the Poor
- Luke 21:8 God’s Plan Demands Christ’s Return, Part 1
- Luke 21:5-7 Jesus’ Description of the Temple’s Destruction
- Luke 21:9-11 The World in Conflict and Distress
- Luke 21:12-19 The Persecution and Endurance of Christians, Part 1
- Luke 21:12-19 The Persecution and Endurance of Christians, Part 2
- Luke 21:18-19 The Undying Faith of Christians Facing Death
- Luke 21:37-22:2 God’s Preparation for Christ’s Cross
- Luke 21:20-24 The Terrors of the Great Tribulation, Part 1
- Luke 21:20-24 The Terrors of the Great Tribulation, Part 2
- Luke 21:25-26 Celestial Signs of the Coming Savior
- Luke 21:29-33 The Final Generation of the Future Judgment
- Luke 21:34-36 The Believer’s Gift to Christ
- Luke 22:1-6 Sinister Players in the Sovereign Plan of Redemption
- Luke 22:14-20 The Final Passover, the First Communion
- Luke 22:21-30 Table Talk on Trouble and Triumph, Part 1
- Luke 22:31-34 Table Talk on Trouble and Triumph, Part 2
- Luke 22:35-38 Table Talk on Trouble and Triumph, Part 3
- Luke 22:39-46 Four Features of Triumphant Prayer
- Luke 22:47-53 A Traitorous Kiss for the Triumphant Savior
- Luke 22:54-62 The Danger of Spiritual Over-Confidence
- Luke 22:63-71 The Sinless Savior before the Sinister Sanhedrin, Part 1
- Luke 22:63-71 he Sinless Savior before the Sinister Sanhedrin, Part 2
- Luke 23 The Sympathetic People at the Cross
- Luke 23:1-3 Jesus Accused before Pilate, Part 1
- Luke 23:2-7 Jesus Accused before Pilate, Part 2
- Luke 23:7-12 Jesus’ Silence Before Herod
- Luke 23:13-25 The Final Verdict from the Fickle Judge, Pt. 1
- Luke 23:13-25 The Final Verdict from the Fickle Judge, Pt. 2
- Luke 23:26-33 Characters on the Road to the Cross, Part 1
- Luke 23:26-33 Characters on the Road to the Cross, Part 2
- Luke 23:32-39 The King Crucified- The Contrast at Calvary
- Luke 23:26-33 Characters on the Road to the Cross, Part 1
- Luke 23:26-33 Characters on the Road to the Cross, Part 2
- Luke 23:33-39 The King Crucified: The Comedy at Calvary
- Luke 23:39-43 The King Crucified- Conversion at Calvary
- Luke 23:44-46 The King Crucified: Consummation at Calvary
- Luke 23:50-56 The Supernatural Burial of Christ
- Luke 24:1-12 Empty Tomb with an Angelic Explanation
- Luke 24:1-12 Witnessing Women and Doubting Disciples
- Luke 24:13-32 Christ: The Living Expositor, Part 1
- Luke 24:13-32 Christ: The Living Expositor, Part 2
- Luke 24:33-43 The Living Christ Dispels All Doubt
- Luke 24:44–49 The Great Commission: Proclaiming Forgiveness to the World, Part 1
- Luke 24:44–49 The Great Commission: Proclaiming Forgiveness to the World, Part 2
- Luke 24:50-53 The Significance of the Ascension
- Luke 1 Why a Virgin Birth?
- Luke 1 Mary’s Humble Response
- Luke 1:38 How Could Mary Respond So Calmly to the News of Her Miraculous Pregnancy?
- Luke 3 Why the Genealogies?
- Luke 3:23-38 Why Does Scripture Include Christ's Detailed Genealogies?
- Luke 4 The Healings of Jesus
- Luke 5 Why Did Jesus Forbid People from Making Him Known?
- Luke 6 Woe to the Wealthy
- Luke 6 The Golden Rule
- Luke 6:46 Why Do You Call Me Lord?
- Luke 7 Christ's Holiness and Our Sinfulness
- Luke 7:1-11 What Amazed Jesus About the Centurion's Faith?
- Luke 7:19 Are You the Coming One?
- Luke 7:36-39 Why Did Christ Allow a Prostitute to Wash His Feet?
- Luke 9:59-60 What Is the High Cost of Discipleship?
- Luke 14 Should a Christian Hate His Family?
- Luke 16 Abraham's Bosom, Paradise, and Heaven
- Luke 17 Where Is The Kingdom of God?
- Luke 1:15 True Greatness
- Luke 1:46–55 The Magnificat
- Luke 1:67–80 Zacharias’ Hymn
- Luke 1:78–79 The Dayspring from on High
- Luke 2:8–20 Shepherds and Angels
- Luke 2:16 Was, Is, Is to Come
- Luke 2:29–30 Simeon’s Swan-song
- Luke 2:49 The Boy in the Temple
- Luke 3:1–14 John the Preacher of Repentance
- Luke 3:15–22 John’s Witness to Jesus, and God’s
- Luke 4:1–13 The Temptation
- Luke 4:21 Preaching at Nazareth
- Luke 4:33–44 A Sabbath in Capernaum
- Luke 5:4 Instructions for Fishermen
- Luke 5:8 Fear and Faith
- Luke 5:17–26 Blasphemer, or—Who?
- Luke 6:20–31 Laws of the Kingdom
- Luke 6:41–49 Three Condensed Parables
- Luke 7:6–7 Worthy—Not Worthy
- Luke 7:13–15 Jesus at the Bier
- Luke 7:18–28 John’s Doubts and Christ’s Praise
- Luke 7:28 Greatness in the Kingdom
- Luke 7:30 Thwarting God’s Purpose
- Luke 7:34 A Gluttonous Man and a Winebibber
- Luke 7:41–43 The Two Debtors
- Luke 7:47 Love and Forgiveness
- Luke 7:50 Go into Peace
- Luke 8:2–3 The Ministry of Women
- Luke 8:4–15 One Seed and Diverse Soils
- Luke 8:14 Seed among Thorns
- Luke 8:43–48 A Miracle within a Miracle
- Luke 8:50 Christ to Jairus
- Luke 9:10–17 Bread from Heaven
- Luke 9:11 'The Lord that Healeth Thee’
- Luke 9:18–27 Christ’s Cross and Ours
- Luke 9:29 Prayer and Transfiguration
- Luke 9:30–31 'In the Holy Mount’
- Luke 9:51 Christ Hastening to the Cross
- Luke 10:1–11 Christ’s Messengers: Their Equipment and Work
- Luke 9:25–37 Neighbours Far Off
- Luke 11:1–13 How to Pray
- Luke 11:1 The Praying Christ
- Luke 11:13–23 The Rich Fool
- Luke 12:22–31 Anxious about Earth, or Earnest about the Kingdom
- Luke 12:29 Stillness in Storm
- Luke 12:35–36 The Equipment of the Servants
- Luke 12:37 The Servant-Lord
- Luke 12:37, 43, 44 Servants and Stewards Here and Hereafter
- Luke 12:19 Fire on Earth
- Luke 13:10–17 True Sabbath Observance
- Luke 13:22–30 The Strait Gate
- Luke 13:32–33 Christ’s Message to Herod
- Luke 14:1–14 The Lessons of a Feast
- Luke 14:18 Excuses not Reasons
- Luke 14:28 The Rash Builder
- Luke 8 'That Which Was Lost’
- Luke 15:11–24 The Prodigal and His Father
- Luke 15:22–23 Gifts to the Prodigal
- Luke 16:8 The Follies of the Wise
- Luke 16:10–12 Two Kinds of Riches
- Luke 16:12 The Gains of the Faithful Steward
- Luke 16:19–31 Dives and Lazarus
- Luke 16:25 Memory in Another World
- Luke 17:9–10 God’s Slaves
- Luke 17:11–19 Where Are the Nine?
- Luke 18:1–14 Three Kinds of Praying
- Luke 18:15–30 Entering the Kingdom
- Luke 18:40–41 The Man that Stopped Jesus
- Luke 19:5 Melted by Kindness
- Luke 19:16–18 The Trading Servants
- Luke 19:17–19 The Rewards of the Trading Servants
- Luke 19:37–48 A New Kind of King
- Luke 20:9–19 Tenants Who Wanted to Be Owners
- Luke 20:24 Whose Image and Superscription
- Luke 21:20–36 When Shall These Things Be?
- Luke 22:7–20 The Lord’s Supper
- Luke 22:24–37 Parting Promises and Warnings
- Luke 22:25–26 Christ’s Ideal of a Monarch
- Luke 22:28 The Lonely Christ
- Luke 22:32 A Great Fall and a Great Recovery
- Luke 22:39–53 Gethsemane
- Luke 22:53 The Cross, the Victory and Defeat of Darkness
- Luke 22:54–71 In the High Priest’s Palace
- Luke 22:61 Christ’ Look
- Luke 23:1–12 'The Rulers Take Counsel Together’
- Luke 23:9 A Soul’s Tragedy
- Luke 23:13–26 Jesus and Pilate
- Luke 23:33–46 Words from the Cross
- Luke 23:42 The Dying Thief
- Luke 24:1–12 The First Easter Sunrise
- Luke 24:5–6 The Living Dead
- Luke 24:13–32 The Risen Lord’s Self-revelation to Wavering Disciples
- Luke 24:28–29 Detaining Christ
- Luke 24:30–31 The Meal at Emmaus
- Luke 24:34 Peter Alone with Jesus
- Luke 24:36–53 The Triumphant End
- Luke 24:48–49 Christ’s Witnesses
- Luke 24:50–51 The Ascension
Our Daily Walk and Our Daily Homily
- Luke 1:38
- Luke 1:46-47, 68
- Luke 2:14
- Luke 3:16
- Luke 4:18
- Luke 5:7
- Luke 5:13
- Luke 5:19
- Luke 5:27-28
- Luke 6:13
- Luke 6:40
- Luke 7:13
- Luke 8:46
- Luke 9:31
- Luke 10:18
- Luke 10:21
- Luke 10:27-29
- Luke 11:1
- Luke 11:1
- Luke 11:2
- Luke 11:2
- Luke 11:2
- Luke 11:4
- Luke 11:9
- Luke 12:11
- Luke 12:15
- Luke 12:15
- Luke 12:29-31
- Luke 13:24
- Luke 14:23
- Luke 14:26-27, 33
- Luke 14:27
- Luke 14:33
- Luke 15:6-7
- Luke 15:25-28
- Luke 15:28
- Luke 16:12
- Luke 17:5-6
- Luke 17:8
- Luke 17:10
- Luke 17:20
- Luke 18:6
- Luke 19:34
- Luke 20:24
- Luke 20:37-38
- Luke 21:36
- Luke 22:31
- Luke 23:43
- Luke 24:7
RANDY ALCORN - each of the books below can be borrowed freely from archive.org
- Eternity - Randy Alcorn takes the story of Luke 16 and gives readers an understanding of heaven and hell using a comic book format on a subject which is no laughing matter!
- The Treasure Principle by Randy Alcorn (or Here) (See also in depth commentary - 2 Corinthians 5:10) John Piper writes "Supercharged with stunning, divine truth! Lightning struck over and over as I read it.”
- Money, Possessions, and Eternity by Randy Alcorn 369 ratings
- The Law of Rewards by Randy Alcorn
- Managing God's Money : a Biblical Guide by Randy Alcorn
- The Promise of Heaven : Reflections on our Eternal Home by Randy Alcorn
- Wait Until Then by Randy Alcorn
- Seeing The Unseen A Daily Dose Of Eternal Perspective by Randy Alcorn Reach through the fog of this life?and see the world beyond. From the author of the bestselling book Heaven, here are 60 meditations that will inspire you to live each day with an eternal perspective. Spiritually speaking, we live in the Country of the Blind. Sin has blinded us to the truth about God and Heaven, both of which are real yet unseen. But just as the physically blind must accept by faith there are stars in the sky, we must remind ourselves what Scripture tells us about eternal realities. In daily doses, author Randy Alcorn offers insights on the Christian life along with Scriptures and inspirational quotes that can transform the way you think and live today. It's time to open your eyes and see the unseen.
Excellent, literal study notes. Click links below and then click on links on the right side of page for note on that verse.
- Luke 1:3 me also from the very first Theophilus
- Luke 1:7 well stricken in years
- Luke 1:15 strong drink from his mother’s womb
- Luke 1:16 turn to the Lord
- Luke 1:17 power of Elias prepared for the Lord
- Luke 1:23 accomplished
- Luke 1:26 sixth month Gabriel
- Luke 1:27 virgin
- Luke 1:28 highly favoured
- Luke 1:30 favour
- Luke 1:31 conceive in thy womb
- Luke 1:32 throne of his father David
- Luke 1:34 How shall this be
- Luke 1:35 overshadow thee holy thing Son of God
- Luke 1:36 thy cousin Elisabeth
- Luke 1:37 impossible
- Luke 1:41 filled with the Holy Ghost
- Luke 1:46 magnify the Lord
- Luke 1:47 my Saviour
- Luke 1:67 filled with the Holy Ghost
- Luke 1:70 since the world began
- Luke 1:77 knowledge of salvation
- Luke 1:78 dayspring
- Luke 1:80 in the deserts
- Luke 2:1 all the world
- Luke 2:2 Cyrenius
- Luke 2:3 his own city
- Luke 2:5 espoused wife
- Luke 2:7 swaddling clothes in a manger inn
- Luke 2:8 abiding in the field
- Luke 2:13 heavenly host
- Luke 2:16 lying in a manger
- Luke 2:21 circumcising of the child named of the angel
- Luke 2:24 turtledoves
- Luke 2:30 thy salvation
- Luke 2:34 for a sign
- Luke 2:35 thy own soul
- Luke 2:40 filled with wisdom
- Luke 2:46 in the midst
- Luke 2:49 wist my Father’s business
- Luke 2:51 was subject unto them
- Luke 2:52 increased in wisdom
- Luke 3:1 Pontius Pilate
- Luke 3:2 came unto John
- Luke 3:4 Esaias the prophet
- Luke 3:8 of these stones
- Luke 3:12 publicans
- Luke 3:19 tetrarch
- Luke 3:22 beloved Son
- Luke 3:23 son of Heli
- Luke 3:38 son of God
- Luke 4:4 every word of God
- Luke 4:5 taking him up moment of time
- Luke 4:16 as his custom was
- Luke 4:18 upon me
- Luke 4:19 preach the acceptable year
- Luke 4:24 his own country
- Luke 4:26 was a widow
- Luke 4:27 Naaman the Syrian
- Luke 4:30 passing through the midst
- Luke 4:32 with power
- Luke 4:34 the Holy One
- Luke 4:41 not to speak
- Luke 5:3 Simon’s out of the ship
- Luke 5:4 draught
- Luke 5:6 fishes
- Luke 5:13 be thou clean
- Luke 5:20 their faith
- Luke 5:21 Who can forgive sins
- Luke 5:27 Levi
- Luke 5:29 publicans
- Luke 5:39 new
- Luke 6:3 Have ye not read
- Luke 6:9 Is it lawful
- Luke 6:13 twelve
- Luke 6:16 the brother
- Luke 6:17 plain
- Luke 6:19 virtue
- Luke 6:20 on his disciples
- Luke 6:22 separate you
- Luke 6:24 woe unto you
- Luke 6:26 speak well of you
- Luke 6:38 given unto you
- Luke 6:40 perfect
- Luke 6:44 his own fruit
- Luke 6:49 heareth, and doeth not
- Luke 7:9 so great faith
- Luke 7:11 Nain
- Luke 7:14 Arise
- Luke 7:19 Art thou he
- Luke 7:27 it is written
- Luke 7:28 not a greater prophet
- Luke 7:29 justified God
- Luke 7:34 ye say publicans
- Luke 7:37 a sinner alabaster box of ointment
- Luke 7:38 weeping with tears
- Luke 7:50 Thy faith hath saved thee.
- Luke 8:2 Magdalene
- Luke 8:3 Chuza Herod’s steward of their substance
- Luke 8:10 to others in parables
- Luke 8:11 The seed
- Luke 8:17 known
- Luke 8:21 My mother
- Luke 8:24 there was a calm
- Luke 8:26 country of the Gaderenes
- Luke 8:31 the deep
- Luke 8:35 his right mind
- Luke 8:43 physicians
- Luke 8:54 Maid, arise
- Luke 9:7 tetrarch John
- Luke 9:23 his cross daily
- Luke 9:30 Moses and Elias
- Luke 9:31 accomplish
- Luke 9:50 not against us
- Luke 9:51 steadfastly
- Luke 9:53 did not receive him
- Luke 9:54 from heaven
- Luke 9:59 bury my father
- Luke 10:1 other seventy also
- Luke 10:2 labourers are few
- Luke 10:7 worthy of his hire
- Luke 10:14 more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon
- Luke 10:17 even the devils
- Luke 10:18 fall from heaven
- Luke 10:19 serpents and scorpions.
- Luke 10:20 rejoice not
- Luke 10:29 who is my neighbour
- Luke 10:35 pence
- Luke 10:42 that good part
- Luke 11:1 teach us to pray
- Luke 11:2 When ye pray, say
- Luke 11:12 ask an egg
- Luke 11:13 give the Holy Spirit
- Luke 11:18 through Beelzebub
- Luke 11:24 return unto my house
- Luke 11:28 Yea rather
- Luke 11:30 Jonas was a sign
- Luke 11:49 wisdom of God
- Luke 11:50 foundation of the world
- Luke 11:51 blood of Abel
- Luke 12:6 two farthings
- Luke 12:7 more value
- Luke 12:10 shall not be forgiven
- Luke 12:12 shall teach you
- Luke 12:15 beware of covetousness
- Luke 12:17 bestow my fruits
- Luke 12:18 This will I do
- Luke 12:20 thou fool
- Luke 12:21 for himself
- Luke 12:32 little flock
- Luke 12:33 Sell that ye have
- Luke 12:40 Be ye therefore ready
- Luke 12:47 many stripes
- Luke 12:48 much required
- Luke 12:49 fire on the earth
- Luke 12:50 baptism accomplished
- Luke 12:57 judge ye not
- Luke 13:1 the Galilaeans
- Luke 13:3 repent
- Luke 13:6 vineyard
- Luke 13:15 the sabbath
- Luke 13:31 Herod
- Luke 13:32 be perfected
- Luke 13:34 ye would not
- Luke 14:14 resurrection of the just
- Luke 14:18 to make excuse
- Luke 14:23 highways and hedges
- Luke 14:26 hate
- Luke 14:27 bear his cross
- Luke 14:28 counteth the cost
- Luke 14:34 lost his savour
- Luke 15:1 publicans
- Luke 15:3 parable
- Luke 15:4 that which is lost
- Luke 15:8 ten pieces of silver
- Luke 15:10 joy in the presence
- Luke 15:12 Father, give me the portion of goods
- Luke 15:13 riotous living
- Luke 15:15 that country
- Luke 15:16 no man gave
- Luke 15:29 serve thee
- Luke 15:31 Son
- Luke 16:8 wisely
- Luke 16:9 mammon of unrighteousness everlasting habitations
- Luke 16:10 faithful also in much
- Luke 16:16 until John
- Luke 16:17 one tittle
- Luke 16:19 rich man
- Luke 16:20 beggar named Lazarus laid
- Luke 16:22 carried by the angels Abraham’s bosom
- Luke 16:23 hell Abraham afar off
- Luke 16:24 Father Abraham water tormented in this flame
- Luke 16:25 remember
- Luke 16:31 hear not Moses
- Luke 17:2 millstone
- Luke 17:6 sycamine tree
- Luke 17:7 having a servant
- Luke 17:8 Make ready
- Luke 17:9 trow
- Luke 17:10 our duty
- Luke 17:17 where are the nine
- Luke 17:18 this stranger
- Luke 17:19 made thee whole
- Luke 17:21 within you
- Luke 17:24 as the lightning
- Luke 17:26 days of Noah
- Luke 17:32 Lot
- Luke 17:34 in one bed
- Luke 17:35 the other left
- Luke 17:37 gathered together
- Luke 18:1 always to pray
- Luke 18:8 shall he find faith
- Luke 18:10 publican
- Luke 18:12 fast twice
- Luke 18:13 be merciful
- Luke 18:17 as a little child
- Luke 18:19 none is good
- Luke 18:25 needle’s eye
- Luke 18:33 rise again
- Luke 18:35 a certain blind man
- Luke 19:2 chief among the publicans
- Luke 19:10 to save
- Luke 19:12 to return
- Luke 19:13 pounds Occupy
- Luke 19:14 not have this man
- Luke 19:17 authority over ten cities
- Luke 19:28 ascending up to Jerusalem
- Luke 19:40 the stones
- Luke 19:42 this thy day
- Luke 19:44 even with the ground knewest not the time
- Luke 19:45 cast out
- Luke 20:4 The baptism of John
- Luke 20:9 a long time
- Luke 20:17 that is written
- Luke 20:24 penny
- Luke 20:25 unto Caesar
- Luke 20:27 Sadducees
- Luke 20:28 Moses wrote
- Luke 20:35 neither marry
- Luke 20:37 he calleth the Lord
- Luke 20:42 David himself saith
- Luke 21:2 two mites
- Luke 21:5 some spake of the temple
- Luke 21:11 fearful sights
- Luke 21:12 before all these being brought before kings
- Luke 21:18 perish
- Luke 21:19 patience
- Luke 21:20 compassed with armies
- Luke 21:24 into all nations times of the Gentiles
- Luke 21:25 with perplexity
- Luke 21:26 fear
- Luke 21:27 and great glory
- Luke 21:28 begin to come to pass
- Luke 21:29 all the trees
- Luke 21:33 pass away
- Luke 21:34 come upon you unawares
- Luke 21:35 the whole earth
- Luke 21:36 stand before
- Luke 22:3 Satan into Judas
- Luke 22:20 in my blood
- Luke 22:30 the twelve tribes of Israel
- Luke 22:31 Satan hath desired
- Luke 22:36 buy one
- Luke 22:37 among the transgressors
- Luke 22:38 two swords
- Luke 22:39 wont
- Luke 22:42 not my will
- Luke 22:43 an angel
- Luke 22:44 drops of blood
- Luke 22:46 Why sleep ye...
- Luke 22:53 your hour
- Luke 22:61 looked upon Peter
- Luke 22:62 wept bitterly
- Luke 23:4 no fault
- Luke 23:5 Jewry
- Luke 23:9 answered him nothing
- Luke 23:12 enmity
- Luke 23:30 Fall on us
- Luke 23:31 green tree
- Luke 23:34 forgive them know not
- Luke 23:39 railed on him
- Luke 23:42 said unto Jesus, Lord
- Luke 23:43 To day
- Luke 23:46 commend my spirit
- Luke 23:53 never man before
- Luke 23:54 the preparation
- Luke 24:4 two men
- Luke 24:13 furlongs
- Luke 24:18 Cleopas
- Luke 24:25 believe all
- Luke 24:26 enter in to his glory
- Luke 24:27 beginning at Moses concerning himself
- Luke 24:30 blessed it, and brake
- Luke 24:32 our heart burn opened to us
- Luke 24:39 my feet flesh and bones
- Luke 24:43 did eat before them
- Luke 24:44 must be fulfilled the psalms
- Luke 24:45 their understanding
- Luke 24:47 repentance and remission of sins
- Luke 24:49 promise of my Father
- HCSB Study Bible : Holman Christian Standard Bible - General Editor Jeremy Royal Howard (2010) 2360 pages. Conservative. Good notes. Include Holmans excellent maps. One hour limit
- Bock, Darrell L. Luke. IVP New Testament Commentary. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1994. A well-researched, well-outlined, and well-written commentary that is easy to read. Uses the text of the NIV. Adequately explains the theological themes relating to the life and mission of Christ. Recommended.
- Brawley, Robert L. Centering on God: Method and Message in Luke-Acts. Louisville, KY: Westminster/John Knox Press, 1990. Takes advantage of the complimentarity of methods and combines multiple approaches for a fresh understanding of Luke-Acts. While many of the current literary approaches break radically with the traditional historical-critical methodology, Brawley's particular system develops a path between the current and traditional approaches. His method is theocentric, and it is aimed at showing God in relation to humanity.
- Caird, George Bradford. Saint Luke. Westminster Pelican Commentaries. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1977. One of the better works in this series. Contains numerous references to Jewish literature as well as pertinent comments on the text. Is of value to the preacher. Needs to be read with discernment.
- Conzelmann, Hans. The Theology of St. Luke. Translated by G. Buswell. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1982. †Having first made its appearance more than two decades ago, this work has now been superseded by other theories of Lukan theology.
- Craddock, Fred B. Luke. Interpretation, a Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching. Louisville, KY: Westminster/John Knox Press, 1990. Provides key thoughts for preachers and teachers. Explains the central purpose of Luke's gospel. Interprets each section in light of its "confessional" or "sacramental" significance.
- Crawford, Norman. Luke. What The Bible Teaches. Kilmarnock, Scotland: John Ritchie, 1989. Based upon the text of the AV. A popular exposition dealing with Luke's gospel geographically, not thematically, and drawing from the text important truths for daily living.
- Fitzmeyer, Joseph Augustine. The Gospel According to Luke. 2 vols. The Anchor Bible. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday and Co., 1981-1985. †This lengthy, scholarly treatment of the text of Luke's gospel with extensive footnotes containing critical data is ideal for student use.
- Fitzmyer, Joseph Augustine. Luke the Theologian: Aspects of His Teaching. New York: Paulist Press, 1989. The Lucan writings form about a quarter of the NT. After re-evaluating the authorship of Luke-Acts, Fitzmyer discusses eight aspects of Luke's theology. Provocative.
- Ford, Josephine Massyngbaerde. My Enemy Is My Guest: Jesus and Violence in Luke. Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books, 1984. †"This is a very readable and clear exposition of Luke's presentation of Jesus as an advocate of nonviolence. It rests on a profound knowledge of the political background in the first century" (I. Howard Marshall).
- Franklin, Eric. Christ the Lord: A Study of the Purpose and Theology of Luke-Acts. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1975. Based solidly on Redaktionsgeschichte, this work seeks to explain Luke's writings in terms of the imminency of the parousia. Speculative.
- Gooding, David. According to Luke: A New Exposition of the Third Gospel. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1987. Uses a careful analysis of Luke's literary structure to bring out this gospel's unique presentation of the person and work of Christ. The material is divided into two parts: The coming of the Son of God from glory, and His return to glory. Within these foci are many interconnected themes which, while they show Luke's skill as a literary artist, in no way lessen the historical value of his material. Imaginative.
- Green, Joel B. The Gospel of Luke. New International Commentary on the New Testament. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1997. Replaces the work of Geldenhuys (1951). Scholars will appreciate the author’s emphasis on literary and narrative criticism. Pastors, however, will have little to gain from this work.
- Hendriksen, William. Exposition of the Gospel of Luke. New Testament Commentary. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1978. Fills a long-felt need for a comprehensive, scholarly exposition of this neglected gospel. Structures Luke's thematic presentation around Christ's words "the work which Thou gavest Me to do:' Treats Christ's ministry in terms of its inauguration, continuation, and consummation. Recommended.
- Hughes, R. Kent. Luke: That You May Know the Truth. 2 vols. Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 1998. Provocative and perceptive sermons that deal with the content of Luke’s gospel. For readability and practicality they fall somewhere between Frederic Godet and William Barclay. Lay people will find these volumes helpful.
- *Kelly, William. An Exposition of the Gospel of Luke. Minneapolis: Klock & Klock Christian Publishers, 1981. An excellent handling of Luke's theme, replete with the author's own translation and an exposition that is at once refreshing and satisfying.
- *Marshall, I. Howard. Luke, Historian and Theologian. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1971. Attempts to bridge the gap between those treatments of Lukens gospel that are solely historical and those that emphasize only the theological importance of his writings. A scholarly, well documented treatment. Deals admirably with the theology of Luke-Acts and the mission of the apostles. Contains a postscript chronicling Lucan studies since 1979. A work of profound scholarship
- Mattill, A. J., Jr. Luke and the Last Things. A Perspective for the Understanding of Lukan Thought. Dillsboro, N.C.: Western North Carolina Press, 1979. †An exacting, technical presentation of Lukan theology. Rich and full.
- *Morris, Leon Lamb. The Gospel according to St. Luke : an introduction and commentary Tyndale New Testament Commentaries. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1974. A clear, forthright presentation of the facts surrounding the authorship and date of this gospel, followed by almost 300 pages of exposition. A handy and helpful volume.
- Morrison, George H. Luke. 2 vols. Chattanooga, Tenn.: AMG Publishers, 1978. Excellent examples of the art of exposition. Does not cover every verse.
- Nolland, John. Luke 1:1--9:20. Word Biblical Commentary. Dallas, TX: Word Publishing, 1989. Here is a book serious Bible students will welcome. The author's scholarship is impeccable; his development of the purpose of the biblical writer is stimulating; and his exegesis is of the utmost value. This is a work that is sure to achieve "landmark" status
- Nolland, John. Luke 9:21--18:34. Word Biblical Commentary. Dallas, TX: Word Books, 1993. Focuses on Jesus’ role as the “Suffering Servant of Jehovah.” Continues to search for the possible sources of Luke’s material. Takes note of the dramatic turn of events which begin with Peter’s confession of the Lord Jesus as “the Christ of God,” followed by Christ’s warnings not to make His Messiahship known
- Powell, Mark Allan. What Are They Saying About Luke? New York: Paulist Press, 1990. A well-researched, contemporary assessment of the teaching of Luke's gospel. Summarizes the contribution of modern scholars, and examines the dominant theories regarding the composition of the gospel. Intertwines political and social aspects of Luke's "former work" to describe the community about which the physician wrote.
- Reiling, J., and J. L. Swellengrebel. A Translator's Handbook on the Gospel of Luke. Leiden, The Netherlands: E. J. Brill, 1971. An invaluable work for translators. Helpful to pastors, too, for its hints as to the meaning of words or phrases.
- Ryle, John Charles. Luke (Click for this commentary). Ryle’s exposition of Luke’s gospel is clear, devout, and accurate. Recommended!
- Schweizer, Eduard. Luke: A Challenge to Present Theology. Atlanta: John Knox Press, 1982. (Treats the basic theological issues that emerged as a result of working on a critical commentary on Luke's gospel. Draws attention to issues that students may expand into full-length discussions.
- _______, The Good News According to Luke. Translated by D. E. Green. Atlanta: John Knox Press, 1984 †Examines Luke and provides a detailed exposition that will delight the scholar. In Luke, Schweizer sees the Word truly become flesh, in spite of the supposed uncertainties of the historical details. He seeks to sift through the various myths that embody eternal timeless truth in narrative form so as to draw from Luke's writing a picture of Jesus of Nazareth. This work will appeal only to the scholar and offers little to the pastor.
- Stein, Robert H. Luke. New American Commentary. Nashville: Broadman Press, 1992. Ably defends the Lucan authorship, attempts to show Luke’s dependance upon Mark, and dates the writing of the gospel between 70 and 90 A.D. While some aspects of Stein’s approach will disappoint conservative readers, for the most part he has provided a capable exposition in which he has championed the virginal conception of Christ and shown how the census could have occurred between 7 and 4 B.C. Other apologetic aspects of Luke’s gospel have similarly been handled adroitly and with an awareness of the needs of his readers. Unfortunately, there are times when Stein is careless in his translation of certain Greek words and their nuances. For the most part, however, this is a capable exposition.
- Talbert, Charles H. Literary Patterns, Theological Themes, and the Genre of Luke Acts. Missoula, Mont.: Scholars Press, 1974. †This is a scholarly work that also provides readers with a detailed analysis of Luke style of writing. The search for Luke's admitted sources leads Talbert to take some unnecessary steps in his handling of this theme. He concludes his discussion by advancing information in support of his hypothesis that Luke organized his material around a balanced architectonic schema.
- Tiede, David L. Luke. Augsburg Commentary on the New Testament. Minneapolis: Augsburg Publishing House, 1990. An erudite work. Condenses a vast amount of data into 450 pages. Designed for lay people.
- Van Doren, William Howard. The Gospel of Luke. Expository and Homiletical Commentary. 2 vols. in 1. Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications, 1981. First published between 1876-1878 as a Suggestive Commentary, this work merited C. H. Spurgeon's approval. He wrote: "Well named 'suggestive'; it is all suggestions. It teems and swarms with homiletic hints."
- Wiersbe, Warren Wendell. Be compassionate and Be courageous (both can be borrowed) Wheaton, IL: Victor Books, 1988. Together these volumes treat the gospel of Luke. Wiersbe, who is a pastor's pastor, outlines and expounds the text with exemplary skill. These books are ideal for individual or group Bible study.
- Wilcock, Michael. The Savior of the World: The Message of Luke's Gospel. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1979. A clear evangelical exposition of this gospel. Avoids stereotypes and provides some helpful insights into Luke's special interests and style.
- Arndt, William. The Gospel According to Luke. St. Louis: Concordia, 1956. -- This conservative commentary is a detailed work in the Greek and is well-written. The author did the famous Greek-English lexicon and two books on alleged contradictions.
- Bailey, Kenneth E. Poet and Peasant. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1960. Also Through Peasant Eyes: More Lucan Parables, Their Culture and State. Eerdmans, 1981. -- Bailey discusses four Lukan parables at length in the first book, making a great contribution as to cultural data that opens up the parables. His data is based on studies while teaching for many years in the mid-East, also on extensive travels, correspondence, and scholarly probing into the literature. Particularly insightful are his remarks on Luke 15 (the triad of parables) and Luke 11 (Friend at Midnight). The second book continues to be rich in peasant cultural background, with data not available to many who study the parables. But the second book treats ten further parables (7:36–50 and others in 9:51–19:48, Luke’s travel narrative). These are well-done but not treated in as much detail. Both books are excellent in making parables “come alive” and making readers think. In more recent years both volumes have been put into one book. Cf. Hultgren in the Matthew section.
- Benware, Paul N. Luke (Everyman’s Bible Commentary). Chicago: Moody, 147 pp. -- A conservative, premillennial survey by a diligent young scholar. Often the book is helpful on problem areas, though brief. At other points the brevity of the series and length of Luke are among the reasons for over-generality that adds nothing to the understanding.
- Bock, Darrell. Luke 1:1–9:50 and Luke 9:51–24:53 (Baker Exegetical Commentary on the NT). Grand Rapids: Baker, 1994, 1996. -- This evangelical work of 2,148 pp. begins with 48 pp. on introductory issues. It has an overview, a conviction that Luke was the writer and a careful one to give material not fabricated but as a first class historian (13). There is a summary of each section, also the theology (27–43), a 5-pp. outline, etc. Bock has, after each section’s synopsis, exegetical detail on each verse, weighing views, giving reasons, explaining customs, offering many interactions with vast scholarly opinion. Some details are that he concludes that Matt. 5–7 and Luke 6 present summaries of the same sermon (553), in 7:47 he shows why forgiveness preceded the woman’s acts of love, and in 2:36–38 he deals with views on Anna’s 84 years, yet has nothing about whether she lodged in a temple room or was just at the temple daily. All in all, those needing thorough discussion find it in these vols. with massive bibliography, indexes of subjects, authors, Greek words, Scripture, and ancient writings. This is one of the top evangelical works on Luke all-around. (See Bock's IVP Commentary on Luke)
- Bock, Darrell. Luke (IVP NTC). Downers Grove: IVP, 1994. - One meets with a far shorter work than the 2-vol. effort. Bock says (12) that the larger work has focused on accuracy and rationale for views, this one on relevancy and relational matters of faith. Evangelical comments run quickly to their points, yet the generality causes skipping some key details (cf. on Anna, 2:36–38), or seem to argue around a more likely view with unconvincing reasoning (3:16). In other cases, Bock seems to select the most probable view, an instance being in seeing the sermon (Luke 6) as a condensed version of the same sermon in Matt. 5–7 (119). One can also find the second and third soils of Luke 8 taken to represent people not actually saved (148–49). One can wonder in 14:34–35 how inability to be worthy disciples is in harmony with salvation as a gift, for the work passes by this. Bock in most verses touches clearly on key issues, and an author lacks space to deal with every important matter, whether in a short or massive attempt. For a work with much application, cf. Darrell Bock, Luke (NIV Application Commentary. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1996, 640 pp.). (See Bock's IVP Commentary on Luke)
- Creed, J. M. The Gospel According to St Luke. London, 1965. -- A detailed, technical work on the Greek text. It is, with the commentary by Plummer and the works by Fitzmyer and Marshall, among the best along these lines.
- Ellis, E. Earle. The Gospel of Luke (New Century Bible). London: Oliphants, 1966. - One of the better commentaries of more recent years from the standpoint of explaining the text even where there are problems, though briefly. The author is an evangelical and well-versed in critical scholarship today.
- Evans, Craig A. Luke (New International Bible Commentary). Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 1991. 416 pp. - A lucid study, often of help on problem texts but cursory at times. Evans gives authorship by Luke “provisional acceptance” and feels that this issue is not vital to how this gospel is interpreted (3). After a brief introduction (1–16), general summaries of each section are followed by added notes on a few key details, with bypassing of many, such as Anna’s 84 years in 2:36–38, and problems of interpretation in 11:5–7. While Evans shows high expertise even when terse, one will find other works explaining far more to make their time fruitful.
- Fitzmyer, Joseph A. The Gospel According to Luke (Anchor Bible). 2 volumes. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1981–85. 1,642 pp. - An internationally known Catholic scholar presents an excellent appraisal of “The Current State of Lukan Studies” (3–34) and has “A Sketch of Lukan Theology” (143–270). In explaining the gospel text, Fitzmyer has often helpful sources on various points. This will rank as one of the best-regarded commentaries at this time from the standpoint of awareness of critical literature and comments reflecting current learning. He gives his own translation and a fairly lucid, detailed exposition that is abreast of language, background, and views. It is a mixed bag with Fitzmyer, though. He often takes views that evangelicals appreciate, such as Jesus’ resurrection body being able to eat food. At other times he stumbles where there are possible solutions, as when he feels that there is no way to harmonize the accounts of Jesus’ resurrection. Indices to both volumes help find material. The Gospel according to Luke (I-IX) The Gospel according to Luke : introduction, translation, and notes (X-XXIV)
- Geldenhuys, T. N. Commentary on the Gospel of Luke : the English text with introduction, exposition and notes (NIC). Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1952. - Amillennial in its interpretation of the kingdom program, this work is solid and explains many verses rather well but is not the best.
- Godet, Franz L. A Commentary on the Gospel of St. Luke. 2 volumes. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1982; available from Philadelphia: Fortress Press; also 1-volume ed. available from Grand Rapids: Kregel. Originally issued in 1870. - Though old, this work is almost exhaustive in dealing with interpretive problems and shows a wide acquaintance with commentators of all ages up to his day. He is regarded by Greek authorities as weak on textual criticism but strong on exegesis. Zondervan in 1959 also issued a reprint of the 1881 edition.
- Gooding, David. According to Luke. A New Exposition of the Third Gospel. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1987. - Gooding was formerly Prof. of Greek, Queen’s University, Belfast, and well known in many countries for biblical exposition. His writing of a simplified, flowing explanation is in 362 pp., moving section by section. He often refers to I. H. Marshall’s large work on the Greek text for more detail, as in giving six lines on the Luke 3 genealogy and referring to nine pp. in Marshall (78). He avoids other discussions also, as whether Luke 6 has the same sermon as Matt. 5–7, but says that Jesus, as many preachers, could vary material on different occasions (117–18). He generalizes “mysteries of the kingdom” in Luke 8:4–21 to refer only to “God’s way of salvation is a plan … which no one would ever have known anything about if God had not revealed it” (140). The commentary seems fair in a number of places checked, but is not as consistently profitable as several others are. Gooding has a similar (440-pp.) work on Acts, True to the Faith (London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1990), which is helpful to a pastor in terms of summing up spiritual emphases in passages.
- Green, Joel B. The Gospel of Luke (NICNT). Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1997. - This work with pp. i-xcii plus 928 replaced Norval Geldenhuys’ effort of 1951. Green puts more focus on literary criticism, narrative criticism, and social-scientific analysis than on earlier issues about historical critical matters, redaction and source criticism, etc. One sees topics such as family allegiances, friendship, purity, and status. He seeks to show OT background for this gospel, and not Mark, or Matthew, or oral tradition. Green sets up a misleading opinion that Luke and those using his work were “not so much concerned with the issue, Did it happen? as with the queries What happened? and what does it all mean? (36). It surely is both. However, he does appear to believe that the details are fact in Luke’s perspective, but thinks Luke is more burdened with how to understand things (20). One can say that Luke saw the two in a necessary balance and need not have any thought of ranking them.
- Griffith-Thomas, W. H. Outline Studies in Luke. A Devotional Commentary. Grand Rapids: Kregel, 1984. 410 pp. - This outlines sections, arranges ideas homiletically, gives practical insights, and has crisp simplicity in wording. The author (1861–1924), Welch by birth, was a professor of Systematic Theology at Wycliffe College, Toronto, also a pastor, world conference speaker, writer of many books and a co-founder of Dallas Seminary. He died before he was to become the first professor of Systematic Theology, Dallas Seminary. Here as in Matthew, Romans and Hebrews he offers considerable help for pastors and the gist of things pulled together devotionally for lay people. He is well-known for his devotional work on Genesis.
- Kistemaker, Simon. The Parables of Jesus. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1980. - A past national president of Evangelical Theological Society deals with all of Jesus’ parables and shows a lucid style, warmth, and broad acquaintance with scholarly writings on his material which is obvious in footnotes. He uses the NIV text. The contribution is very good on background, the main thrust of parables, key expository details, and the practical contribution for life. This is one of the best fairily recent evangelical works on the parables in general (cf. Bailey, Ellisen, Hultgren, Longenecker, etc, under Matthew and Luke).
- Liefeld, Walter L. “Luke” in Expositor’s Bible Commentary, Volume 8, ed. Frank Gaebelein and J. D. Douglas. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1984, pp. 797–1,059. - Liefeld has a generally good introduction with a fine discussion of themes and theology (13 points). He is disappointing in his discussion of distinctive features (p. 798). He can be vague and not nail things down as on baptism with fire (857) and what 16:8b-9, 17:7–10 and 19:11–27 are getting at. Still, in many passages he is helpful on main aspects and clear, giving the expositor aid, mingling informative comment with practical material. He is conservative and premillennial.
- Marshall, I. Howard. The Gospel of Luke. London: Paternoster, 1977. - One of the leading evangelicals of the British Isles has written this. It was my privilege to read a section before Dr. Marshall sent it to Paternoster. It is a serious attempt to explain verses in detail, with a keen perception of problems and different recent views, and an attempt to take a stand on most issues. The form is somewhat like the ICC, and the author has sought to provide for serious evangelical scholars a technically and exegetically-based answer to Bultmannian-type theories that are destructive to the Gospel’s real authority.
- Martin, John A. “Luke,” in Bible Knowledge Commentary, ed. John F. Walvoord and Roy B. Zuck, Volume II. Wheaton: Victor Books, 1985. - Conservative, premillennial work of a concise yet clear and well-informed nature. Despite the brevity to which he is held, Martin frequently gives views and an assessment, as in mentioning two views on the parables of Luke 15: restoration of a saved person to fellowship or bringing of unsaved people to salvation, the latter of which he favors (p. 244). Usually he has something helpful to say on problem verses.
- Morgan, G. Campbell. The Gospel According to Luke. NY: Revell, 1931. -This is a valuable commentary to have on the English text. It is one of Morgan’s better works in detailed exposition.
- Morris, Leon. The Gospel according to St. Luke : an introduction and commentary Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1974. - Morris has written a good conservative commentary of some detail. It is lucid and not technical in nature.
- Pate, C. Marvin. Luke (Moody Gospel Commentary). Chicago: Moody, 1995. - Pate devotes 521 pp. to explaining some of the pressing issues in verses, while passing by others with no comment or very general remarks that cover little. He uses transliteration for Greek words. In a dispensational effort, he reasons where relevant for a future restoration of Israel, and often supports Luke’s factual reliability. On certain problems he goes into more detail about views, for example on how the genealogies of Luke 3 and Matthew 1 relate (leaving this unresolved). He takes Matthew 5–7 and Luke 6 as giving versions of the same sermon, with variations explainable. Overall, the book is a fair medium-range survey exposition for those wanting brevity with attention to some of the leading issues.
- Plummer, Alfred. A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Gospel According to St. Luke (ICC). NY: Scribners, 1910. - This used to be often considered the best older commentary on the Greek.
- Spencer, W. D. and Spencer, A. B. The Prayer Life of Jesus: Shout of Agony. Revelation of Love, a Commentary. NY: University Press of America, 1990. 296 pp. - A comprehensive work dealing with Matthew 6:9–13; Luke 11:2–4 as well as with parables on prayer, Jesus’ emphasis on prayer in His busy life, New Testament words for prayer, Jesus’ positions while in prayer, John 17, Gethsemane, and the cross. It has a lot of good comment and ought to be refreshment amidst other studies. The authors teach at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hampton, MA.
- Tenney, Merrill C. “Luke Commentary,” in Wycliffe Bible Commentary, ed. C. F. Pfeiffer and E. F. Harrison. Chicago: Moody, 1962.- Tenney is limited in his space, but usually makes good use of it to explain verses so as to provide help. He is conservative and premillennial. Sometimes he is quite clear, other times one can only guess what he means when he is vague, as when he says that “the kingdom of God is nigh at hand” (21:29) are words complementary to 17:21, “The kingdom of God is within you” (p. 1063). Overall he offers a fairly good commentary for those wanting a brief study with considerable competence behind it.
- Wilcock, Michael. Saviour of the World: The Message of Luke’s Gospel. Downers Grove, IL: IVP. 1979. - In the Bible Speaks Today series, It is a clear, homiletically well-organized 215-pp. exposition of the main thrust in passages, not an attempt at a phrase by phrase commentary. He often shows a refreshingly high view of the gospels, as when he takes the talents (Matthew 25:14–30) and pounds (Luke 19:11–27) to be different though similar parables with complimentary emphases.
SEPTIMUS BUSS (1906) - 137 page book
- The Trial of Jesus - Excellent resource
INTRODUCTION (note that part of introduction was not copied and thus is missing)
XVI. YE ARE ALL WITNESSES (The Tetragrammaton)
DICTIONARY OF JESUS AND THE GOSPELS - go to page 317 for 8 page article).
Herodian Dynasty Introduction -The Herodian family ruled over the Palestinian area from 40 B.C. until around A.D. 100. In order to understand the political and social setting of Jesus’ ministry, it is important to understand the story of the Herods up through the first four decades of the first century A.D.
1. Herod the Great (47–4 B.C.)
2. Archelaus (4 B.C.–A.D. 6)
3. Philip the Tetrarch (4 B.C.–A.D. 34)
4. Herod Antipas (4 B.C.–A.D. 39)
5. The Herodians
JAMES FREEMAN - New Manners and Customs
- Swaddling clothes - manger - inn - Luke 2:7 - scroll to page 1003
- the Consolation - Luke 2:25 - scroll to page 1006
- First Day's Journey - Lk 2:44 - scroll to page 1007
- Doctors and Disciples - Luke 2:46KJV - scroll to page 1009
- Public Scripture Reading - Luke 4:16 - scroll to page 1010
- Books of Prophecy - Lk 4:17 - scroll to page 1011
- the Chazan - Posture of Teachers - Luke 4:20 - scroll to page 1012
- Night Fishing - Luke 5:5 - scroll to page 1013
- Luke Application Study Notes - These are practical notes which help you apply the text.
James Rosscup writes "This is a valuable commentary to have on the English text. It is one of Morgan’s better works in detailed exposition."
- The Gospel of Luke - 503 page Pdf (Another Source)
- The Crises of Christ - The Call for Christ = Man Fallen; The Birth, The Baptism, The Temptation, The Transfiguration, The Crucifixion, The Resurrection, The Ascension , Resultant-The Answer of Christ -Man Redeemed (This is same as Pdf above)
- Roman Law and the Trial of Christ - 11 page article from Bibliotheca Sacra, Vol 135, Issue 540, 1978. Recommended reading for background.
- Luke: sermon illustrations (Use "control + F" to find on the page when you open a link)
JAMES STALKER - 356 page book (1894)
CONTENTS - Click chapter number to go directly to that chapter
Matt. 26:47–56; Mark 14:43–50; Luke 22:47–53; John 18:1–11.
Matt. 26:57–68; Mark 14:51–65; Luke 22:54–71; John 18:12–14, 19–24.
Matt. 26:69–75; Mark 14:66–72; Luke 22:54–62; John 18:15–18, 25–7.
Matt. 27:11; Mark 15:2; Luke 23:2–4; John 18:28–38.
Luke 23:5–12.
Matt. 27:15–23; Mark 15:6–14; Luke 23:13–25; John 18:39, 40.
Matt. 27:26–30; Mark 15:15–20; Luke 23:25; John 19:1–5.
Matt. 27:24, 25; Mark 15:15; Luke 23:25; John 19:5–16.
Matt. 27:3–10; Acts 1:18, 19.
Matt. 27:31–3; Mark 15:20, 21; Luke 23:26; John 19:16, 17.
Luke 23:27–31.
Matt. 27:33–8; Mark 15:27, 28; Luke 23:32, 33; John 19:18–22.
Matt. 27:39–44, 55, 56; Mark 15:29–32; Luke 23:35–7, 49; John 19:23–5.
Luke 23:34.
Luke 23:39–43.
John 19:25–27.
Matt. 27:46–9; Mark 15:34–6.
John 19:28.
John 19:30.
Luke 23:46.
Matt. 27:50–4; Mark 15:38, 39; Luke 23:44, 45, 47.
John 19:31–7.
Matt. 27:57–61; Mark 15:42–7; Luke 23:50–6; John 19:38–42.
- Luke overview answers these questions; Who Wrote the Book? Where are we? Why is Luke Important? What's the big idea? How do I apply this? Swindoll's Overview Chart of Luke on right side of page
- Analysis of Luke - well done - 27 pages
- Luke 1:26-56 Holy Mary, Mother of God?
- Luke 7:36-50 Have You Miscalculated Your Indebtedness?
- Luke 9:49-62 Is Tolerance a Virtue or a Vice?
- Luke 9:51-10:24 On the Road with Jesus
- Luke 10:25-37 Here Is Love
- Luke 10:38-11:13 Our Father
- Luke 11:1-13 God Doesn't Read Junk Mail
- Luke 11:14-11:36 No Switzerlands in this War
- Luke 11:37-54 Inside Out
- Luke 12:4-34 Fear Not
- Luke 12:13-21 How Do You Become Rich Toward God?
- Luke 12:35-12:48 ARE YOU READY?
- Luke 12:54-13:9 Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?
- Luke 13:18-35 DO OR DIE
- Luke 14:1-24 Table Talk
- Luke 14:1-14:35 THE LOWEST PLACE
- Luke 14:25-35 Come at All Cost, But Count the Cost
- Luke 15:1-32 LOST AND FOUND
- Luke 16:1-31 THE ONE GOD HELPS
- Luke 16:19-31 Rich Man, Poor Man
- Luke 17:11-18:8 NOW AND NOT YET
- Luke 17:1-10 FOLLOWING JESUS
- Luke 18:9-18:30 WHO CAN COME?
- Luke 18:21-35 PARABLE OF THE UNFORGIVING SERVANT - Matthew Gertz
- Luke 19:1-10 Zaccheus - Can You Change Your Reputation at Work?
- Luke 19:11-27 What is Your Investment Strategy? Parable of the Ten Minas
- Luke 23 Pilate: Portrait of Betrayal
- Luke 24 Heartburn: The Antidote to Spiritual Depression
2015 Study
- Luke 1:1-25
- Luke 1:26-56
- Luke 1:57-80
- Luke 2:1-20
- Luke 2:21-35
- Luke 2:36-52
- Luke 3:1-14
- Luke 3:15-38
- Luke 4:1-13
- Luke 4:14-21
- Luke 4:22-30
- Luke 4:31-44
- Luke 5:1-15
- Luke 5:16-26
- Luke 5:27-39
- Luke 6:1-11
- Luke 6:12-16
- Luke 6:17-26
- Luke 6:27-30
- Luke 6:31-38
- Luke 6:39-49
- Luke 7:1-10
- Luke 7:11-17
- Luke 7:18-35
- Luke 7:36-50
- Luke 8:1-15
- Luke 8:16-18
- Luke 8:19-25
- Luke 8:26-39
- Luke 8:40-56
- Luke 9:1-9
- Luke 9:10-17
- Luke 9:18-26
- Luke 9:27-36
- Luke 9:27-45
- Luke 9:46-56
- Luke 9:57-62
- Luke 10:1-16
- Luke 10:17-24
- Luke 10:25-37
- Luke 10:38-42
- Luke 11:1-4
- Luke 11:5-13
- Luke 11:14-26
- Luke 11:27-36
- Luke 11:37-44
- Luke 11:45-54
- Luke 12:1-3
- Luke 12:4-7
- Luke 12:8-12
- Luke 12:13-21
- Luke 12:22-31
- Luke 12:32-34
- Luke 12:35-48
- Luke 12:49-59
- Luke 13:1-5
- Luke 13:6-9
- Luke 13:10-21
- Luke 13:22-30
- Luke 13:31-35
- Luke 14:1-11
- Luke 14:12-24
- Luke 14:25-35
- Luke 15:1-10
- Luke 15:11-24
- Luke 15:25-32
- Luke 16:1-12
- Luke 16:13-18
- Luke 16:19-31
- Luke 18:1-8
- Luke 18:9-14
- Luke 18:15-30
- Luke 18:31-43
- Luke 19:1-10
- Luke 19:11-27
- Luke 19:28-44
- Luke 19:45-48
- Luke 20:1-18
- Luke 20:19-26
- Luke 20:27-38
- Luke 20:39-47
- Luke 21:1-4
- Luke 21:5-19
- Luke 21:20-28
- Luke 21:29-36
- Luke 21:37 - 22:13
- Luke 22:14-20
- Luke 22:21-30
- Luke 22:31-38
- Luke 22:39-46
- Luke 22:47-62
- Luke 22:63-71
2000 Study
- Luke 1:1-25
- Luke 1:26-38
- Luke 1:39-56
- Luke 2:1-20
- Luke 2:21-28
- Luke 2:29-35
- Luke 2:36-51
- Luke 3:1-13
- Luke 3:14-16a
- Luke 3:16b-20
- Luke 3:21-38
- Luke 4:1-4
- Luke 4:5-8
- Luke 4:9-13
- Luke 4:14-30
- Luke 4:31-44
- Luke 5:1-16
- Luke 5:17-26
- Luke 5:27-39
- Luke 6:1-16
- Luke 6:17-26
- Luke 6:27-30
- Luke 6:31-38
- Luke 6:39-49
- Luke 7:1-10
- Luke 7:11-17
- Luke 7:18-30
- Luke 7:31-35
- Luke 7:36-50
- Luke 8:1-3
- Luke 8:4-15
- Luke 8:16-25
- Luke 8:26-39
- Luke 8:40-56
- Luke 9:1-17
- Luke 9:7-17
- Luke 9:18-23
- Luke 9:23-26
- Luke 9:27-36
- Luke 9:37-48
- Luke 9:49-62
- Luke 10:1-16
- Luke 10:17-24
- Luke 10:25-37
- Luke 10:38-42
- Luke 11:1-13
- Luke 11:9-13
- Luke 11:14-26
- Luke 11:27-36
- Luke 11:37-44
- Luke 11:45-54
- Luke 12:1-3
- Luke 12:4-12
- Luke 12:13-15
- Luke 12:16-21
- Luke 12:22-31
- Luke 12:32-40
- Luke 12:41-48
- Luke 12:49-59
- Luke 13:1-5
- Luke 13:6-9
- Luke 13:10-22
- Luke 13:23-35
- Luke 14:1-11
- Luke 14:12-24
- Luke 14:25-35
- Luke 15:1-10
- Luke 15:11-32
- Luke 16:1-13
- Luke 16:14-18
- Luke 16:19-31
- Luke 18:1-8
- Luke 18:9-14
- Luke 18:15-27
- Luke 18:28-34
- Luke 18:35-43
- Luke 19:1-10
- Luke 19:11-27
- Luke 19:28-44
- Luke 19:45-48
- Luke 20:1-19
- Luke 20:20-26
- Luke 20:27-40
- Luke 20:41-47
- Luke 21:1-4
- Luke 21:5-19
- Luke 21:16-19
- Luke 21:20-28
- Luke 21:29-38
- Luke 22:1-13
- Luke 22:14-23
- Luke 22:24-34
- Luke 22:35-46
- Luke 22:47-62
- Luke 22:63-71
- Luke 1:26-55 The Center of God's Will
- Luke 7:36-50 More Forgiveness - Less Faultfinding
- Luke 17:11-19 More Gratitude And Less Grumbling
- Gospel Beginnings Luke 1:1-7
- Scared Stiff by an Angel, Struck Dumb by Unbelief Luke 1:5-25
- Nothing is Impossible with God Luke 1:26-38
- Leaping for Joy Luke 1:26-45
- He Will Be Great Luke 1:26-28
- Nine Lessons and Carols - Offspring of a Virgin? Luke 1:26-38
- Communion in God's Providence Luke 1:39-45
- Magnificient! Lessons from Mary's Song Luke 1:46-54
- Luke's Christmas Liturgy - Magnificat: Mary Was a Shorter Catechism Girl Luke 1:46-55
- Mary: On the Christian Life 1:46-56
- His Name Is John Luke 1:57-66
- Luke's Christmas Liturgy - Benedictus: Covenant Mercy and Remembrance Luke 1:67-79
- The Benedictus Luke 1:67-79
- Lying in a Manger Luke 2:1-7
- It's a Boy! Luke 2:1-7
- Nine Lessons and Carols - The Significance of Christ's Birth Luke 2:1-7
- The Messiah Is Born Luke 2:1-7
- Away in a Manger Luke 2:7
- Hillside Shepherds Luke 2:8-20
- Good Christian Men, Rejoice Luke 2:8-11
- It Came Upon the Midnight Clear Luke 2:8-9
- While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Night Luke 2:8-15
- Pondering These Things in Our Hearts Luke 2:8-20
- Soli Deo Gloria Luke 2:8-16
- Adored by Angels Luke 2:8-14
- The Gloria Luke 2:8-20
- Nine Lessons and Carols - Peace by Piece Luke 2:8-20
- Good Tiding of Great Joy to All People Luke 2:8-20
- God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen Luke 2:10
- Hark! The Herald Angels Sing Luke 2:13-14
- Gloria Luke 2:14
- Jesus: Adored by Shepherds Luke 2:15-21
- Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus Luke 2:21-35
- Fulfilling the Law-Finding the Messiah Luke 2:21-40
- Nunc Dimitis Luke 2:22-38
- The Gift Only God Can Give Luke 2:22-35
- Luke Christmas Liturgy - Nunc Dimitis Luke 2:29-32
- In My Father's House Luke 2:40-52
- It Should Have Been Obvious Luke 2:41-52
- John Came Preaching Repentance Luke 3:1-20
- Jesus' Baptism Luke 3:21-22
- Jesus: Son of David, Son of Abraham, Son of Adam, Son of God Luke 3:23-38
- Tempted, Tried and Never Failing Luke 4:1-13
- An Unwelcome Prophet Luke 4:14-30
- A Preacher with Power Luke 4:31-44
- How Jesus Makes Disciples Luke 5:1-11
- When Experience Becomes a Purpose Luke 5:1-11
- Healing and Forgiving Luke 5:12-26
- He Came for Sinners Luke 5:27-39
- Lord of the Sabbath Luke 6:1-11
- Poor, Hungry, Weeping, Hated Rejected and Blessed! Luke 6:12-22
- What True Happiness Looks Like, and What Looks Like True Happiness , But Isn't Luke 6:20-26
- Blessed or Cursed? Weal or Woe Luke 6:20-26
- Loving Those Who Don't Love You Luke 6:27-36
- Judge Not? Luke 6:37-38
- You Are What You Do Luke 6:39-49
- God has Visited His People Luke 7:1-17
- Are You Sure About Jesus? Luke 7:18-35
- Love for Christ Luke 7:36-50
- Extravagant Love for Jesus #2 Luke 7:36-50
- Scandalous Grace Part 3: Go in Peace Luke 7:36-50
- She Loved Much Luke 7:36-50
- Have You Heard the Word Luke 8:1-15
- Take Care How You Listen Luke 8:16-21
- The Winds and Waves Still Know Luke 8:22-25
- The Man Jesus Renamed Luke 8:26-39
- Are you Laughing or Amazed? Luke 8:40-56
- To Make Disciples: Living for the Spread of His Glorious Grace Luke 9:1-6
- He Called. He Gave. He Sent Luke 9:1-9
- Jesus Is More Than Enough Luke 9:10-17
- Scandalous Grace: A Feast for the Wretched Luke 9:10-17
- Confession, Christ, Cross, Constraint Luke 9:18-22
- The First Lesson in Christ's School of Discipleship Luke 9:23-27
- The New Exodus Luke 9:28-36
- Amazed by the Greatness of God Luke 9:37-45
- Who Is the Greatest? Luke 9:46-56
- The Cost of Discipleship Luke 9:57-62
- Doing Missions Jesus-Style Luke 10:1-24
- Sent Out Luke 10:1-16
- Hidden and Revealed Luke 10:17-24
- Race Luke 10:25-37
- What Shall I Do to Inherit Eternal Life? Luke 10:25-37
- Pulled Away From the One Thing Necessary Luke 10:38-42
- It's Not about Martha. It's about You Luke 10:38-42
- How to Pray (1): Holy Father Luke 11:1-4
- How to Pray (2): Kingdom Come Luke 11:1-4
- How to Pray (3): Daily Bread Luke 11:1-4
- How to Pray (4): Forgive Us Luke 11:1-4
- How to Pray (5): Deliver Us Luke 11:1-4
- Don't Stop Praying (and if you have, start again) Luke 11:5-13
- Jesus: Ruler of the Ruler of Demons Luke 11:14-28
- How Are Your Eyes? Luke 11:29-36
- The Marks of a Pharisee (and the Remedy) Luke 11:37-54
- A Very Awkward Dinner Conversation Luke 11:37-54
- The Leaven of Hypocrisy Luke 12:1-3
- No Fear Luke 12:4-7
- What Our Tongues Tell Luke 12:8-12
- Life Isn't Stuff (so don't worship Stuff) Luke 12:13-21
- The Cure for Covetousness Luke 12:22-34
- Be Ready Luke 12:35-48
- Jesus: The Dividing Line Luke 12:49-59
- The Message of Repentance Clothed in Tragedies Luke 13:1-5
- Suspended Judgment and a Reason for Judgment Luke 13:6-17
- What Is the Kingdom of God Like? Luke 13:18-21
- The Narrow Door Luke 13:22-30
- Jesus' Compassion and Our Indifference Luke 13:31-35
- Jesus Cared about the Lord's Day. A lot. Luke 14:1-6
- Why was I a Guest? Luke 14:7-15
- The Great Banquet Luke 14:12-24
- What Will Jesus Cost You? Luke 14:25-35
- What Makes Angels Rejoice? Luke 15:1-10
- Jesus' Posture Towards Us Luke 15:1-32
- A Father's Prodigal Love for a Prodigal Luke 15:11-32
- The Greatest Prodigal of All Luke 15:20-32
- Faithful Stewarship as a Mark of Grace Luke 16:1-13
- Wholly Devoted Luke 16:1-13
- What the Law Shows about Our Hearts Luke 16:14-18
- The Poor Man (Who Thought He Was Rich) Luke 16:19-31
- One From the Dead Luke 16:19-31
- Temptation, Sin and Faith Luke 17:1-6
- Attitude Check Luke 17:7-10
- Motivation For Missions Luke 17:11-19
- Politics Luke 17:20-37
- The Kingdom of God Luke 17:20-21
- What You Must Know About the Second Coming Luke 17:22-37
- Always Pray. Don't Lose Heart Luke 18:1-8
- Gospel Focus: Avoiding Pharisaism Luke 18:9-14
- The Man Who Thought He Was Righteous (but wasn't) and the Man Who Thought He Wasn't (but was!) Luke 18:9-14
- The Journey Begins Luke 18:9-4
- Entering the Kingdom of Heaven Like a Child Luke 18:15-17
- The Poor Man (Who Thought He Was Rich) Luke 18:18-30
- The Third Day He Will Rise Again Luke 18:31-34
- Your Faith Has Made You Well Luke 18:35-43
- What Every Businessman Should Know in a Time of Economic Uncertainty - Jesus! Luke 19:1-10
- Today Salvation Has Come to This House Luke 19:1-10
- No Small Problem Luke 19:1-10
- Jesus and the Scam Artist Luke 19:1-10
- Kingdom Investments Luke 19:11-27
- Blessed Is He Who Comes in the Name of the Lord Luke 19:28-40
- In the Temple Luke 19:45-20:8
- Luke 20:9-18 “Rejection”
- Luke 20:19-26 “Rendering to Caesar and God”
- Luke 20:27-44 “What Jesus Believed About the Resurrection”
- Luke 20:27-44 Don't Fake Religion
- Luke 21:5-24 Hated By All On Account of My Name
- Luke 21:25-38 “My Words Will Not Pass Away”
- Luke 22:1-13 Prepare the Passover
- Luke 22:14-19 This Do in Remembrance of Me
- Luke 22:28-38 I Have Prayed for You
- Luke 22:39-46 While They Were Sleeping
- Luke 22:47-53 Betrayal
- Luke 22:54-62 I do not know Him
- Luke 22:63-71 Beaten and Questioned
- Luke 22:63-23:5 Heavenly Intercession
- Luke 23:1-5 Are You the King of the Jews?
- Luke 23:6-25 Before Herod and Pilate
- Luke 23:26-31 Weep for Yourselves
- Luke 23:26-43 Jesus and the Last Chance
- Luke 23:32 Salvation at the 11th Hour
- Luke 23:32-38 Father, Forgive Them
- Luke 23:32-49 Words from the Cross
- Luke 23:39-49 A Step Between Me and Death (An Outline)
- Luke 23:39-43 Remember Me
- Luke 23:39-43 Encounters with Jesus: A Dying Man
- Luke 23:44-49 Father, into Your Hands I Commit My Spirit
- Luke 23:50-56 On The Sabbath They Rested
- Luke 24:1-12 Perplexed, Frightened, Incredulous Marveling!
- Luke 24:1-10 Why Celebrate Easter?
- Luke 24:1-12 His Resurrection and Mine
- Luke 24:13-35 Did Not Our Hearts Burn within Us?
- Luke 24:13-27 Seven Miles with Jesus
- Luke 24:13-53 Burning Hearts, Open Minds
- Luke 24:13-35 Scandalous Grace: The Road to Emmaus
- Luke 24:36-53 I Believe in the Living Christ
- Luke 24:36-47 Reading the Bible Differently
- Luke 24:36-49 Jesus Stood Among Them
- Luke 24:45-48 Resurrection and Mission
- Luke 24:50-53 Carried Up into Heaven
ALFRED EDERSHEIM - Life and Times of the Messiah
- Luke 10:25-37, 11:5-13 The Second Series of Parable
- Luke 11:14-36, Mt 12:22-45 The First Perean Discourses
- Luke 11:37-54 The Morning Meal, et al
- Luke 12:1-13:17 - To the Disciples - Two Events and Their Moral
- Luke 13:22, John 10:22-42 - At the Feast of the Dedication of the Temple
- Luke 12:13-21 Three Parables of Warning to the Nation - The Foolish Rich Man, Barren Fig Tree, Great Supper
- Luke 13:6-9 The Barren Fig Tree
- Luke 13:23-30,31-35,14:1-11,25-35,17:1-10 - Christ's Discourses in Perea
- Luke 15 Three Parables of the Recovery of the Lord
- Luke 16 Unjust Steward...Jewish Notions of Hades
- Luke 22:1-6 Judas His Character and Apostasy
- Luke 18:1-14, Mt 18:23-35 The Three Last Parables of the Peraean Series
- Luke 22:7-13 Make Ready for Passover
- Luke 22 The Paschal Supper
- Luke 22:31-53 Gethsemane
- Luke 22:54-71 Before Annas and Caiaphas
- Luke 23:1-25 - The Morning of Good Friday
- Luke 23:26-38 - Crucified, Dead and Buried
- Luke 24 On the Third Day He Arose from the Dead
- Luke - 27 files
- Discovering Christ in the Gospel of Luke - Volume 1 - 613 pages
- Discovering Christ in the Gospel of Luke - Volume 2 - 617 pages
DON FORTNER'S SERMONS Luke-series - 201 files
- Luke 1:1-4 Things Most Surely Believed
- Luke 1:5-12 When God Broke His Silence
- Luke 1:13-17 A Man Filled With the Holy Ghost
- Luke 1:18-25 Unbelief
- Luke 1:26-33 Greatness of our Savior
- Luke 1:31-33 He Shall Be Great
- Luke 1:34-38 How Shall This Be
- Luke 1:39-45 A Visit InThe Hills
- Luke 1:46-56 Mary's Song
- Luke 1:57-66 The Hand Of The Lord Was With Him
- Luke 1:67-80 Three Reasons For Praise
- Luke 1:1 Things Most Surely Believed Among Us
- Luke 1:46-56 Mary's Song 1061
- Luke 1:77 Salvation and the Knowledge of It
- Luke 2:1-7 The Birth Of Our Savior
- Luke 2:8-20 The Message of the Incarnation
- Luke 2:21-24 According to the Law
- Luke 2:25-35 Christ Our Light, Glory, Salvation
- Luke 2:36-40 Them That Look For Redemption
- Luke 2:41-52 The Master's Boyhood
- Luke 3:1-6 The Making of a Prophet
- Luke 3:7-14 Baptist Preaching
- Luke 3:15-20 John the Baptist - A Faithful preacher
- Luke 3:21-38 Lessons From the Master's Baptism
- Luke 5:5 At Thy Word
- Luke 5:17-26 Four of The Most Important Men In The Bible
- Luke 5:18-26 Strange Things
- Luke 5:26 More Strange Things
- Luke 5:26 Strange Things
- Luke 5:526 Strange Things
- Luke 5:1-11 At Thy Word
- Luke 5:12-16 How Does A Sinner Approach the Lord
- Luke 5:17-26 Four of the Most Important Men
- Luke 5:27-32 A Publican Named Levi
- Luke 5:26 Strange Things
- Luke 5:33-39 The Old Is Better
- Luke 5:36-39 Patches, Broken Bottles, and Something Better
- Luke 6:1-5 The Second Sabbath After the First
- Luke 6:6-11 On Another Sabbath
- Luke 6:12-19 Prayer, Preaching, Power
- Luke 6:12-19 Worship
- Luke 6:20-26 Four Great Contrasts
- Luke 6:27-38 How Can I Live Among Men For The Glory of God
- Luke 6:39-45 Three Great Dangers
- Luke 6:16-49 What is Your Foundation
- Luke 9:7-11 Who Is This?
- Luke 9:7-11 Healing for All Who Need It
- Luke 9:12-17 Two Fish, Five Pieces of Bread and Five Thousand for Dinner
- Luke 9:18-22 Two Questions and a Command
- Luke 9:23-27 What Is Christianity? (another source)
- Luke 9:28-36 The Transfiguration — A Glimpse of Glory
- Luke 9:46-50 Two Things we Must Avoid
- Luke 9:51-56 When the Time Has Come
- Luke 9:57-62 A Fake Disciple and Two Misguided Preachers
- Luke 10:38-42 One Thing is Needful
- Luke 10:38-42 One Thing Needful
- Luke 11:1-04 Teach Us To Pray
- Luke 11:5-13 Shameless Desperation
- Luke 11:14-20 The Kingdom of God is Among You
- Luke 11:21-26 The Strong Man Armed
- Luke 11:27-32 Looking For A Sign
- Luke 11:29 30 32 A Greater Than Jonah is Here
- Luke 11:31 A Greater than Solomon is Here
- Luke 11:33-36 Light or Darkness
- Luke 11:37-54 If You Wear Your Halo Too Tight
- Luke 12:1-7 A Message to the Master's Friends
- Luke 12:7 The Very Hairs of Your Head
- Luke 12:08-12 Two Warnings and a Promise
- Luke 12:13-21 The Parable of the Rich Fool
- Luke 12:22-31 Neither Be Ye Of Doubtful Mind
- Luke 12:22-31 First Things First
- Luke 12:32-40 Your Father's Good Pleasure
- Luke 12:35-40 Christ Will Gird Himself and Serve Us
- Luke 12:41-48 God's Servants-The Faithful and the Evil
- Luke 12:49-53 I am Come to Send Fire on the Earth
- Luke 12:50 How I Am Straitened
- Luke 12:54-59 Discerning the Time
- Luke 13:1-5 Human Tragedy
- Luke 13:6-9 The Parable of the Barren Fig Tree
- Luke 13:10-17 Cured At Last
- Luke 13:18-21 Two Instructive Parables
- Luke 13:18-21 What is the Kingdom of God Like
- Luke 13:22-23 Three Sensible Questions About Salvation
- Luke 13:24-30 Strive To Enter In
- Luke 13:24 The Strait Gate
- Luke 13:30-35 Ye Would Not
- Luke 14:1-6 A Day For Mercy
- Luke 14:7-11 How must a sinner come to God
- Luke 14:12-15 Living For Eternity
- Luke 14:15-24 The Great Supper
- Luke 14:25-33 The Issue
- Luke 14:25-35 The Cost
- Luke 15:11-24 Grace - The Prodigal
- Luke 15:20 Come On Home
- Luke 15:23-24 Bring Hither the Fatted Calf
- Luke 15:24 The Parable of the Prodigal Son
- Luke 15:1-32 Lost and Found
- Luke 15:1 Publicans and Sinners Welcome
- Luke 15:2 This Man Receiveth Sinners
- Luke 15:3-7 The Parable of the Lost Sheep
- Luke 15:8-10 The Parable of The Lost Coin
- Luke 15:11-24 The Parable of the Prodigal Son
- Luke 15:11-24 God's Method of Grace
- Luke 15:20 And He Kissed Him
- Luke 15:22-23 But The Father Said
- Luke 15:25-32 The Other Son
- Luke 15:32 It Was Meet
- Luke 18:15-17 Infants in the Kingdom of God
- Luke 18:1-8 The Parable of the Unjust Judge
- Luke 18:9-14 Self-righteousness
- Luke 18:13-14 How Must A Sinner Approach God
- Luke 18:15-17 A Short, but Vital Sermon
- Luke 18:18-27 Yet Lackest Thou One Thing
- Luke 18:28-34 A Promise, A Prophecy, and A Problem
- Luke 18:35-43 Jesus At A Stand
- Luke 19:01-10 A Lost Sinner Sought and Saved
- Luke 19:5-6 Effectual Calling
- Luke 19:10 The Master's Mission
- Luke 19:11-27 The Nobleman and His Servants
- Luke 19:28-40 King Jesus Riding the Wild Ass's Colt
- Luke 19:40 Christ Shall be Worshipped
- Luke 19:41-44 He Beheld the City and Wept
- Luke 19:45-48 Purging the House of God
- Luke 20:1-8 Ungodliness in the House of God
- Luke 20:9-19 God's Church - His Vineyard
- Luke 20:17-18 Fall Upon That Stone
- Luke 20:19-26 Of God and Caesar
- Luke 20:27-38 Children of the Resurrection
- Luke 20:39-47 David's Son and David's Lord
- Luke 22:31-32 Sifted Wheat
- Luke 22:14-20 In Remembrance of Me
- Luke 22:21-30 Who is the greatest
- Luke 22:31-62 Peter's Fall and Restoration
- Luke 22:31-32 Sifted Wheat
- Luke 22:35 Lacked Ye Anything
- Luke 22:27 Our Savior's Last Lesson
- Luke 22:31-38 He was Reckoned among the Transgressors
- Luke 22:39-46 Agony in Gethsemane
- Luke 22:39-46 Agony in Gethsemane
- Luke 22:03-06 and 47-54 The Betrayal
- Luke 22:03-06 and 47-54 The Betrayal
- Luke 22:54-62 A Great Sinner and His Great Savior
- Luke 22:63-71 Majesty on Trial
- Luke 23:1-34 Then Said Jesus
- Luke 23:1-33 Barabbas
- Luke 23:33 The Place Called Calvary
- Luke 23:32-43 Lessons from Calvary
- Luke 23:32-43 Three Crosses - Three Crucifixions
- Luke 23:24-49 Beholding These Things
- Luke 23:8-11 Setting Christ at Nought
- Luke 23:34 Father Forgive Them
- Luke 23:39-43 One Taken, the Other Left
- Luke 23:44-45 The Rent Veil
- Luke 23:44-45 The Rent Veil
- Luke 23:44-49 Our Savior's Death
- Luke 7v41-42 Paid in Full
- Luke 23:46 Into Thy Hands I Commend My Spirit
- Luke 23:26 A Passer-by Compelled
- Luke 23:50-56 Joseph of Arimathaea
- Luke 1:1-4 Seeing the Whole Story
- Luke 1:5-25,57-80 Unfolding of the Story
- Luke 2:1-20 The Scope of the Story
- Luke 2:21-40 The Mission Announced
- Luke 2:41-52 The Mission Embraced
- Luke 3:1-22 The Mission Launched
- Luke 4:1-13 The Mission Challenged
- Luke 5:1-11 The Call to Follow
- Luke 10:25-37 Loving Our Neighbors
- Luke 1:5-20 What About the Old Folks?
- Luke 1:13-17 Preparing God's Way
- Luke 1:26-38 Open Your Heart To God's Plans
- Luke 1:26-38 Hail, Mary
- Luke 1:28-38 Can God Use a Woman?
- Luke 1:38,46-55 Mary's Faith
- Luke 1:39-45 Evaluate Your Christmas
- Luke 1:46-55 Auto-Focus Your Christmas
- Luke 1:46-55 Christmas Faith
- Luke 1:46-55 What Mary Knew
- Luke 1:67-75 Zech's Song
- Luke 1:76-79 All I Want For Christmas Is ... Peace
- Luke 2:1 Lowly In A Manger
- Luke 2:1-4,7 Love Prepared the Way
- Luke 2:1-5 Many Peoples, One Truth
- Luke 2:1-7 Christmas On Half A Loaf
- Luke 2:1-7 A Time of Upheaval
- Luke 2:1-7 One Thing Left To Do
- Luke 2:1-7 What If There Was No Christmas?
- Luke 2:4-12 That Silent Night
- Luke 2:4-18 Let's Go To Bethlehem
- Luke 2:7 No Room In the Inn
- Luke 2:7 No Room In the Inn
- Luke 2:8 It Happened At Night
- Luke 2:8-14 Have a Harking Christmas
- Luke 2:8-14 Where's the Peace?
- Luke 2:8-14 Messengers of Joy
- Luke 2:8-16 All I Want For Christmas Is ... Joy
- Luke 2:8-17 Wonder, The Shepherds' Gift
- Luke 2:8-18 Jesus Loved the Little People
- Luke 2:8-20 The Man Who Missed Christmas
- Luke 2:10 What We Bring to the Savior
- Luke 2:10-11 Joy, The Gift of the Christ Child
- Luke 2:14 Peace on Earth, Goodwill to Men
- Luke 2:14 Peace on Earth?
- Luke 2:25-32 Learning to Wait
- Luke 2:25-32 A Time of Affirmation
- Luke 2:25-32 The Faithful Will Come
- Luke 2:25-32 All I Want For Christmas Is ... Patience
- Luke 2:36-40 Anna: The Longest Wait
- Luke 2:42-51 What Mary Didn't Know
- Luke 2:51-52 From Blah To Plod
- Luke 2:52 Spiritual Maturity
- Luke 2:52 Get Back In Kilter
- Luke 4:1-13 Jesus and the Dark Force of Evil
- Luke 4:14-21 Spiritual Healing
- Luke 4:14-21 Good News for the Poor
- Luke 4:14-21 Heaven on Earth
- Luke 4:14-21 Mending a Broken World
- Luke 4:16-26 Worship in Jesus' Day
- Luke 4:18-19 What Is Ours in Christ - Freedom
- Luke 5:1-11 Surrender All
- Luke 5:17-26 His Friends Had Faith
- Luke 5:36-39 Can Old Become New?
- Luke 6:17-23 Practical Blessings
- Luke 6:24-26 Woes to the Well-Off
- Luke 6:27-29a The Hardest Love
- Luke 6:30-36,38 Give Like God
- Luke 6:37,39-42 Sawdust Inspectors
- Luke 6:43-45 The Tell-Tale Heart
- Luke 6:46-49 Rock Solid
- Luke 7:1-10 Believe He Can Do It
- Luke 7:11-16 The Funeral Crasher
- Luke 7:29-35 What Is It Going To Take?
- Luke 7:36-50 Jesus and Judgmentalism
- Luke 8:1-3 Mary Magdalene: Jesus's Companion
- Luke 8:26-39 What Can Jesus Do To You?
- Luke 8:42b-48 She Touched Him
- Luke 9:51-56 Jesus Said No
- Luke 9:57-62 Is Jesus Too Radical?
- Luke 10:17-20 Jesus vs. Evil
- Luke 10:25-37 The Good Samaritan
- Luke 10:25-37 The Good Samaritan
- Luke 10:25-37 Called To Care
- Luke 10:25-37 Becoming a Caring Church
- Luke 10:38-42 Mary and Martha
- Luke 11:5-10 Go Ahead and Bother Jesus
- Luke 12:4-7 You Are At Risk
- Luke 12:4-7 Keep Fear Alive
- Luke 12:13-31 The Rich Fool
- Luke 12:22-32 Faith -- Not Fretting
- Luke 13:1-5 Why Florida? Theodicy
- Luke 13:1-5 There's Got To Be A Reason
- Luke 13:23-30 Is Heaven Wide Open?
- Luke 14:1-6 Love Trumps All
- Luke 14:15-24 Compel Them To Come In!
- Luke 15:1-32 Lost Sheep, Coin and Son
- Luke 15:11-24 The Prodigal Son
- Luke 15:11-27 On Being a Child of God
- Luke 15:11-32 Our Loving Father
- Luke 16:1-9 The Shrewd Manager
- Luke 16:1-13 Conning Your Way Into Heaven
- Luke 16:19-31 You Can't Cross Over
- Luke 16:19-31 What Would Convince You?
- Luke 17:11-18 Thanks for Nothing
- Luke 17:12-19 Jesus and Thanksgiving
- Luke 17:20-24 God's Stealth Invasion
- Luke 18:1-8 The Unjust Judge
- Luke 18:1-8 The Unjust Judge
- Luke 18:9-14 The Pharisee and the Tax Collector
- Luke 18:9-14 Pharisee and Tax Collector
- Luke 18:18-22 What Must I Do To Be Saved?
- Luke 18:35-43 Lord, Have Mercy
- Luke 19:1-10 Really Repenting
- Luke 19:1-10 Words Are Not Enough
- Luke 19:1-10 The Wee Little Man
- Luke 19:28-44 Recognizing God's Visit
- Luke 19:29-36 Triumph or Tragedy?
- Luke 22:31-34 Simon Peter
- Luke 22:35-38 Taking Up Our Swords
- Luke 23:6-12 Herod Antipas
- Luke 23:39-43 Finding Paradise
- Luke 24:1-8 Early In The Morning
- Luke 24:1-11 Can You Believe It?
- Luke 24:1-11 Easter Isn't Obvious
- Luke 24:9-16 Worshiping Weirdness?
- Luke 24:13-32 From Brokenness To Exuberance
- Luke 24:13-33 Not What You Would Expect
- Luke 24:13-33 Beyond Expectations
- Luke 24:13-35 Defeat the Denial
- Luke 24:44-47 How Jesus Viewed the Bible
- Luke 9:23 Counting the Cost of Discipleship
- Luke 9:23 Our Desire and Devotion to Christ
- Luke 9:23 Saying No To Yourself
- Luke 9:23 The Kingdom Life Disciple
- Luke 14:12-24 No Passport, Just A Table
- Luke 16:19-31 A Story of Hell
- Luke 17:3 Regrets: Bad Choices and Second Chances
- Luke 22 The Devil Desires To Have You
- Luke 24:44-53 Too Good To Be True
- Luke 2:8-20 The Christmas Rush
- Luke 4 Fisherman Becomes Man-Fisher
- Luke 4:1-13 The Righteous One and The Wicked One
- Luke 12:4-7 Heartsick Over Hell
- Luke 13:1-5 9-1-1, What Is Your Emergency?
- Luke 15:1-32 Lost, Lost, Lost
- Luke 16:19-31 Life Was Good
- Luke 17:11-19 Thoughts on Thanksgiving
- Luke 23:39-43 The Belief of a Thief
- The Consequences of Unbelief (Luke 1:5-25)
- Touched By An Angel - Part I (Luke 1:5-25)
- Touched By An Angel - Part II (Luke 1:26-38)
- No Ordinary Child (Luke 1:26-38)
- From A Throne To A Feeding Trough (Luke 2:1-7)
- Angels In The Field (Luke 2:1-14)
- From Fear To Joy (Luke 2:8-14)
- Why Christmas Can Always Be Good News (Luke 2:8-14)
- Leave Your Job And Worship The Lord (Luke 2:1-20)
- Making The Message Known (Luke 2:8-20)
- The Time In Between (Luke 2:41-52)
- Luke 3:1-20 The Keys To Successful Ministry
- Luke 4:1-13 Living By What Is Written
- Luke 4:14-21 The Favourable Year of the Lord
- Luke 5:1-11 Have You Left Everything?
- Luke 5:27-32 Jesus, Our Physician
- Luke 6:1-11 Confused About The Sabbath
- Luke 6:46-49 Jesus, Our Lord
- Luke 7:1-10 The Value of Unworthiness
- Luke 7:18-28 Stop Stumbling!
- Luke 8:26-39 Surpassing the Faith of Demons
- Luke 9:57-62 Comfortable Christianity?
- Luke 10:38-42 Jesus, Our Teacher
- Luke 11:5-13 The God Who Delights In Answering Prayer
- Luke 12:13-21 The Wealth God Provides
- Luke 12:35-40 Jesus, Our Servant?
- Luke 12:35-40 Be Ready!
- Luke 13:1-9 Jesus, Our Judge
- Luke 15 When The Lost Are Found
- Luke 18:9-17 God Helps Those Who Are Helpless
- Luke 19:1-10 Hurrying To Jesus
- Luke 19:28-44 "The Stones Will Cry Out"
- Luke 22:39-46 The Empty Cup
- Luke 23:33-47 The Crucifixion of God
- Luke 24 The Empty Tomb & The Fulfilled Promise
- Luke 2:1-16 Considerations Concerning the Christ of Christmas
- Luke 9:23 Demands for Dedicated Discipleship
- Luke 17:11-19 Thanksgiving - The Lord and the Lepers
- Luke 24:1-9 Remembering The Resurrection
- Luke 1:5-23 The Birth of John the Baptist Foretold
- Luke 1:57-80 The Birth of John the Baptist
- Luke 2:1-20 The Birth of Jesus
- Luke 2:22-39 The Presentation in the Temple
- Luke 2:40-52 The Boy Jesus in the Temple
- Luke 3:1-20 The Ministry of John the Baptist
- Luke 4:16-60 The Visit to Nazareth
- Luke 5:1-11 The Call of the First Disciples
- Luke 6:20-26, 16:19-31 Poverty and Riches
- Luke 6:27-38 The Law of Love
- Luke 6:39-49 Hearing and Doing
- Luke 7:36-50 The Penitent Woman
- Luke 10:25-37 The Good Samaritan
- Luke 11:1-13 Jesus Teaching How to Pray
- Luke 12:35-48 Watchfulness
- Luke 14:1-14 Jesus Dines with a Pharisee
- Luke 14:15-24 False Excuses
- Luke 15:11-32 The Parable of the Two Sons
- Luke 18:35-19:10 Bartimeus and Zacchaeus
- Luke 24:1-12 The Resurrection of Jesus
- Luke 24:13-35 The Walk to Emmaus
- Luke 24:36-53 Jesus Ascends into Heaven
- Luke 2 Jesus Speaks from the Manger
- Luke 2:1-14 Baby Talk
- Luke 2:41 Looking To Jesus
- Luke 2:8-21 An Old Fashioned Christmas
- Luke 8:26-39 When God Says No
- Luke 11:1-13 The Prayer Life of Jesus
- Luke 13:34-35 Is It Too Late For America?
- Luke 15 Joy in the Father's House
- Luke 19 What is all the Shouting About?
- Luke 22:31-34 The Devil Knows Your Name, but So Does Jesus
- Luke 23:29-43 Today You Will Be With Me In Paradise
- Luke 23:33-43 At The Cross
- Luke 24:13-36 Jesus Himself Stood Among Them
EDWARD C MITCHELL - from The Parables of the NT Spiritually Unfolded
- Luke 14:7-11 Taking the Lowest Seats
- Luke 14:16-24 The Excuses - Indifference to the Heavenly Life
- Luke 14:28-33 Building a Tower and Making War - The Cost of Regeneration
- Luke 15:3-7 The Lost Sheep - The Lord's Saving Love
- Luke 15:8-10 The Lord Piece of Silver - The Loss and Recovery of Truth
- Luke 15:11-32 The Prodigal Son - The Sinner's Return to the Lord
- Luke 1 We Shall Give Him Our Son
- Luke 1 I Shall Give Him My Service
- Luke 1:26-31 Joy To The World
- Luke 1:26-33 Fear Not - God's Plan Includes Jesus
- Luke 1:26-49 I Shall Give My Self
- Luke 1:26-55 The Considerable Experience of the Christmas Story
- Luke 1:5-25 Fear Not - God's Plan Includes John
- Luke 2 To The Worshipping Hearts, Jesus Says, Come...Ye Faithful
- Luke 2:1-12 Why Did Jesus Come As A Baby?
- Luke 2:1-12 The Comparative Elements of the Christmas Story
- Luke 2:1-20 Fear Not - God's Plan Includes Joy
- Luke 2:40-52 The Story of Jesus - His Early Years
- Luke 2:49 The Story of Jesus - His Ministry Emphases
- Luke 4:18-19 The Story of Jesus - His Exemplary Ministry
- Luke 7:11-17 The Resurrection at Nain
- Luke 13:6-9 Another Year of Mercy
- Luke 17:11-`19 Thanking God For His Pardon
- Luke 19:1-10 To The Wanting Heart, Jesus Says, Come Down
- Let God Speak Luke 1:1-4 Doran Womack
- The Annunciation Luke 1:26-38 J. Robert White
- What A Baby! Luke 1:39-45 James McCullen
- A Life of Total Commitment Luke 1:46-55 Rick Safriet
- Christmas - Praise God Luke 1:8-50 Denis Lyle
- One Who Waited Luke 2 Mark Adams
- His Birth Luke 2:1-20 Mark Adams
- A Savior is Born Luke 2:1-20 Jay Vineyard
- The Most Misunderstood Christmas Song Luke 2:13-14 Paul E. Brown
- The Meaning of Christmas Luke 2:16-17 Preston A. Taylor
- And the Shepherds Returned Luke 2:20 Paul E. Brown
- Reclaiming The Home Luke 2:41-52 Frank Page
- The First Miracle of Christmas Luke 2:6-11 Kenneth Hendricks
- No Room for Jesus Luke 2:7 Paul E. Brown
- Bethlehem's Best: The Shepherd's Story Luke 2:8-20 Donald Cantrell
- Jesus, My All In All Luke 4:14-21 John Bisagno
- Jesus' Homecoming Luke 4:14-30 William R. Shively
- Sharing Jesus With Fear Luke 5:1-10 Steve Parr
- Fast Food and Front Porches Luke 5:27-32 Frank Page
- Building a Life that will Last Luke 6:46-49 Sammy Burgess
- God's Cure for Withering Lives Luke 6:6-11 Sammy Burgess
- Deep Water Blesssings Luke 8:22-25 William F. Harrell
- He's the Master of the Sea Luke 8:22-26 Sammy Burgess
- The Fear Factor Luke 8:40-48 Vince Hefner
- The Sower, The Seed, The Souls Luke 8:4-15 Dennis M. Davidson
- Dwelling in the Land of Desperation Luke 8:41-56 Donald Cantrell
- A True Disciple Luke 9:23 Jerry N. Watts
- How To Make a Success of the Christian Life Luke 9:23 Michael A. Guido
- The Challenge of Christian Discipleship Luke 9:23-25 Paul E. Brown
- Following Jesus Anywhere! Luke 9:57-58 Francis Dixon
- Following Jesus Anywhere! Luke 9:57-58 Francis Dixon
- The Terms of Discipleship Luke 9:57-62 J. Gerald Harris
- Enlarging Our Borders Through Service Luke 10:25-37 Frank Cox
- Takers, Observers and Givers Luke 10:25-37 J. Gerald Harris
- The Good Samaritan Luke 10:25-37 Dennis M. Davidson
- Wise Stewardship - Those Who Give Luke 10:33 Tom Hayes
- Risking the Lifeboat Luke 14:15-23 Frank Page
- Excuse Me! (Outline) Luke 14:15-24 Vince Hefner
- Jesus, Friend of Sinners Luke 15:1-10 Dennis M. Davidson
- Let Us Not Forget Luke 15:11-24 Jerry N. Watts
- Coming Home Luke 15:11-24 Steve Wagers
- A Father's Love Luke 15:11-24 O.S. Hawkins
- What Does A Real Father Do? Luke 15:11-32 Ron Hale
- A Lost Child Luke 15:3-32 Ken Hemphill
- Stewards R' Us Luke 16:1-13 James Merritt
- A Story of Hell Luke 16:19-31 Johnny Hunt
- A Scary Story Luke 16:19-31 Vince Hefner
- Regrets: Bad Choices and Second Chances Luke 17:3 Johnny Hunt
- The Forgotten Word Luke 17:7-10 Paul E. Brown
- The Duty of Intercession Luke 18:1-8 Stephen F. Olford
- Don't Lose Heart When You Pray Luke 18:1-8 Sammy Burgess
- What Impresses God Luke 18:9-14 James Merritt
- Palm Sunday - Is Jesus Still weeping? Luke 19:41 O.S. Hawkins
- Responsible Servants Luke 21:15-17 Dennis M. Davidson
- The Mount of Propitiation Luke 22:33 J. Gerald Harris
- When The Past Won't Stay Put Luke 22:54-62 Frank Page
- The Downfall of a Disciple Luke 22:54-62 Denis Lyle
- Cross - Examination Luke 23:32-43 Ron Hale
- The Place Called Calvary Luke 23:33 Sam Wolfe
- Conclusions From Calvary Luke 23:33-46 Jack Woodard
- The Cross of Mercy Luke 23:39-43 William R. Shively
- The Road Emmaus Luke 24:13-36 Mark Adams
- Death Where is Thy Sting Luke 24:1-9 J. Robert White
- Remembering The Resurrection Luke 24:1-9 Donnie L. Martin
- The Necessity of the Cross Luke 24:26 Paul E. Brown
- Coming To Know Jesus Luke 25:13-35 Calvin Wittman
SERMONS - Each link below begins with sermons on verse 1 - click arrow to advance to sermons on next verse
These are older, more "classic" sermons from the Biblical Illustrator
- Luke 13:4 We Will Never Forget
- Luke 14:28 Taking Calculated Risks
- Luke 15:17 Finding Yourself
- Luke 24:11 He Is Risen
- Luke 9:23 A Disciple's Life For Me
- Luke 23:29-43 Today, Paradise!
- Luke 23:33-38 Father, Forgive Them
- Luke 23:44-46 Live As He Died - Into Thy Hands
- Luke 1:26-38 What a Protestant Sees in the Virgin Mary
- Luke 1:39-45 Who's Excited About Christmas?
- Luke 2:13-15 Angels We Have Heard On High
- Luke 2:21-24 After Christmas
- Luke 2:41-49 Where To Find Him When You Find Him Missing
- Luke 5:36-39 Are You Ready For Something New?
- Luke 8:41-56 The Touch That Revives Me
- Luke 9:23 Christian Life 101
- Luke 11:37-41 Cleanliness is not Next to Godliness
- Luke 12:15:21 Don't Be A Fool
- Luke 14:16-24 The Meal No One Can Afford To Miss
- Luke 18:1-8 It's Me Again, Lord
- Luke 24:36-48 Resurrection Results: What a Living Jesus Means To You
- Luke 4:16-30 The Gracious One and His Gracious Word
- Luke 6:19 Health in Jesus
- Luke 7:36-50 Much Forgiveness, Much Love
- Luke 11:13 How Much More
- Luke 15:2 Jesus Watching For Sinners
- Luke 15:10 God's Joy Over The Returning Sinner
- Luke 15:20 The Father's Love
- Luke 15:22 God's Free Love
- Luke 17:26-27 Noah Days Sinner
- Luke 19:11-27 The Lowest And Highest
- Luke 19:40 Christ Must Have Praise
- Luke 21:28 Signs Of The Times
- Luke 21:36 Deliverance In The Day of The Lord
- Luke 22:18 The New Wine Of The Kingdom
- Luke 22:19-20 The Heavenly Feast
- Luke 23:32-43 The Three Crosses
- Luke 124:29 The Disciples' Invitation To The Master
D Edmond Hiebert - Greek text. The work of a famous British scholar of the past century. In spite of its age, the phrase-by-phrase treatment is worth consulting.
- Lectures on the Gospel according to Luke - Luke 1-8:21
- Lectures on the Gospel according to Luke - Luke 8:22 -17:10
- Lectures on the Gospel according to Luke - Luke 17:20- Luke 24
- Spurgeon comments: "We frequently consult this work and never without finding in it things new and old. To preachers who will not steal the lectures, but use them suggestively, they will be extremely serviceable." (Spurgeon - Commenting on Commentaries)
- Discovering Christ in the Gospel of Luke - Volume 1 - 613 pages
- Discovering Christ in the Gospel of Luke - Volume 1 - 617 pages
D Edmond Hiebert - An exhaustive, technical commentary by a conservative French theologian of the past century. Godet's theological and critical conservatism is clearly revealed in this work on Luke. Of abiding value in spite of its age.
- Gospel of Luke
- Who was Luke in the Bible?
- What can we learn from the life of Luke?
- What are the Synoptic Gospels? What is the Synoptic Problem?
- What is the difference between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Heaven?
- Why are Jesus' genealogies in Matthew and Luke so different?
- Questions about Luke
- Luke 1:3 Who was Theophilus at the beginning of Luke and Acts?
- Luke 1:6 Who was Elizabeth in the Bible?
- Luke 1:19 What does the Bible say about the angel Gabriel?
- Luke 2:36-38 Who was Anna the prophetess in the Bible?
- Why are Jesus' genealogies in Matthew and Luke so different?
- Luke 4:23 What is the meaning of “Physician, heal thyself”?
- Could Jesus have sinned (peccability or impeccability)?
- What is the meaning of “Physician, heal thyself” in Luke 4:23
- Gospel of Luke - Bible Survey
- What was the meaning and purpose of Jesus' temptations
- Why did Jesus fast?
- How to fast—what does the Bible say?
- What are the different types of fasting?
- What does it mean that Satan is prince of the power of the air
- What does it mean to have a wilderness experience
- Why did Satan think he could defeat God?
- Is there activity of demonic spirits in the world today
- What does the Bible say about demonic oppression?
- Is temptation a sin? Is it a sin to be tempted?
- What are some of the symbols of the Holy Spirit in the Bible
- What is the power of the Holy Spirit?
- In what ways was Moses like Jesus?
- Luke 5 What is the meaning of the parables of fasting at the wedding feast, the old cloth, and the wineskins?
- Luke 8 - Why are there two demon-possessed men in the Gerasene tombs in Matthew, but only one in Mark and Luke?
- Luke 8:41-56 Who was Jairus in the Bible?
- Luke 9:23 What did Jesus mean when He said, “Take up your cross and follow Me”? What does it mean to truly follow Christ?
- Luke 9:27 - Was Jesus' statement to the disciples in Luke 9:27 (also Matthew 16:28; Mark 9:1) incorrect?
- Luke 9:57-58 What does it mean that Jesus had nowhere to lay his head?
- Luke 9:60 What did Jesus mean when He said "Let the dead bury the dead"?
- Luke 10 What is the meaning of the Parable of the Good Samaritan?
- Luke 10:14 Why did Jesus mention Tyre and Sidon?
- Luke 11:5-10 What is the meaning of the Parable of the Friend in Need (Persistent Neighbor)?
- Luke 12:48 What does it mean that “to whom much is given, much will be required”?
- Luke 13:6-9 What is the meaning of the Parable of the Fig Tree?
- Luke 13:23-24 Just How Narrow is the Narrow Gate?
- Luke 13:20-21 What is the meaning of the Parable of the Leaven?
- Luke 13:11 What is a spirit of infirmity?"
- Luke 13:18-19 What is the meaning of the Parable of the Mustard Seed?
- With all of the different religions, how can I know which one is correct?
- Is Jesus really the only way to Heaven?
- Will more people go to heaven or to hell?
- Why did God make salvation such a narrow path?
- Why is being a good person not enough to get you into heaven?
- Luke 14:15-24 What is the meaning of the Parable of the Great Banquet?
- Luke 14:26 What did Jesus mean when He instructed us hate our father and mother?
- Luke 14:28 What does it mean to “count the cost”?
- Luke 15:3-10 What is the meaning of the Parables of the Lost Sheep and Lost Coin?
- Luke 15:11-32 What is the meaning of the Parable of the Prodigal Son?
- Luke 16:1-13 What is the meaning of the Parable of the Unjust Steward (Luke 16:1-13)?
- Luke 16 - What should we learn from the story of the rich man and Lazarus?
- Is Luke 16:19-31 a parable or an account of events that actually occurred?
- What is the difference between Sheol, Hades, Hell, the lake of fire, Paradise, and Abraham’s bosom?
- Luke 17:11-19 What is the story of the ten lepers in the Bible?
- Luke 17:21, KJV What did Jesus mean when He said, “The kingdom of God is within you”?
- Luke 18:35-43 - Matthew 20:29-34 says Jesus healed two blind men as He left Jericho. Mark 10:46-52 and Luke 18:35-43 say He healed one man as He entered Jericho. Is this a contradiction?
- Luke 19:11-27 What is the meaning of the Parable of the Ten Minas?
- Luke 19 What is Palm Sunday?
- Luke 22:7-30 What is the meaning and importance of the Last Supper?
- Luke 22:39-46 What are the Stations of the Cross and what can we learn from them?
- Luke 22:44 Why did Jesus sweat blood in the Garden of Gethsemane?
- Luke 23:42-43 What did Jesus mean when He said, “Today you will be with me in paradise”?
- Luke 24 What happened on the road to Emmaus?
These sermons that make a great starting point for preaching or teaching Luke and are all on one page. It is not cleaned up yet (lots of spaces, poor right margins, etc) but all the material is there. Click here and scroll down.
- An Introduction to the Gospel of Luke Luke 1:1-4
- The Annunciation of John the Baptist Luke 1:5-25
- The Arrival of John the Baptist Luke 1:57-66, 76-77, 80
- Gabriel's Conversation with Mary Luke 1:26-38
- Marveling at Bethlehem Luke 2:1-20
- A Heavenly Birth Announcement Luke 2:1-20
- Simeon: The Man Who Died Satisfied Luke 2:21-35
- Journey Without Jesus Luke 2:41-52
- John the Baptist: The Man, His Mission, and His Message Luke 3:1-20
- The Baptism of Jesus Luke 3:21-22
- Overcoming Temptation Luke 4:1-13
- Homecoming at Jesus' Church Job Description of Messiah Luke 4:14-30
- The Great Physician Is In Luke 4:31-44
- Fishing With Jesus Luke 5:1-11
- “Lord, If You Want To, You Can …” Luke 5:12-16
- The Forgiveness of Sin Luke 5:17-26
- Matthew's Salvation Party Luke 5:27-32
- New Wineskins Luke 5:33-39
- Lord of the Sabbath Luke 6:1-11
- The Selection of the Twelve Apostles Luke 6:12-19
- Jesus' Plain Sermon Luke 6:20-26
- The Most Difficult Command God Ever Gave Us Luke 6:27-36
- The Golden Rule Luke 6:31
- Are You a Faultfinder? Luke 6:37
- The Humor of Jesus Luke 6:39-49
- Amazing Faith Luke 7:1-10
- The Drier of All Tears Luke 7:11-17
- The Forgotten Beatitude Luke 7:18-23
- A Tribute to John the Baptist Luke 7:24-30
- O, How I Love Jesus Luke 7:36-50
- How to Cultivate a Teachable Heart Luke 8:1-15
- Faith in the Midst of the Storm Luke 8:22-25
- Jesus and the Wild Man Luke 8:26-40
- She Touched Me! Luke 8:41-48
- When They Laughed at Jesus Luke 8:41-42, 49-56
- On Mission For the Master Luke 9:1-11
- Jesus On the Mountain Luke 9:27-36
- Jesus In the Valley Luke 9:37-42
- What I've Learned Walking with Jesus Luke 9:43-62
- America Makes Sodom Look Good Luke 10:1-24
- And Like A Good Neighbor Luke 10:25-37
- A Tale of Two Sisters Luke 10:38-42
- Lord, Teach Us To Pray Luke 11:1-4
- Don't Stop Praying Luke 11:5-13
- A House Divided Luke 11:14-26
- Jesus: The Greater Luke 11:29-32
- This Little Light of Mine Luke 11:33-36; Matt.5:14-16
- Religion or Relationship Luke 11:37-54
- Warning Signs on the Road to Hell Luke 12:1-12
- The Biography of a Fool Luke 12:13-21
- First Things First Luke 12:22-34
- Ready or Not – He's Coming Luke 12:35-40
- What God Requires of You Luke 12:41-48
- Unless You Repent Luke 13:1-9
- ”Loosed” Luke 13:10-17
- ”What Is the Kingdom of God Like?” Luke 13:19-21
- Are There Few That Be Saved? Luke 13:22-30
- Have a Slice of Humble Pie Luke 14:1-4
- Excuse Me Luke 14:15-24
- The Cost of Discipleship Luke 14:25-35
- The Lost Sheep: A Parable of Salvation Luke 15:1-7
- The Lost Silver: A Parable of Celebration Luke 15:8-10
- The Lost Son: A Parable of Restoration Luke 15:11-24
- The Prodigal Father Luke 15:11-24
- A Loving Father Luke 15:11-12, 25-32
- The Lost Sibling: The Other Prodigal Luke 15:25-32
- When the World Outsmarts the Church Luke 16:1-13
- The Place Called Hell Luke 16:19-31
- Causing Others to Sin Luke 17:1-2
- Forever Forgiving Luke 17:3-4
- Mountain Moving Faith Luke 17:5-6
- Servant-hood Luke 17:7-10
- Servant-hood Amplified Luke 17:1-10
- An Attitude of Gratitude Luke 17:11-19
- The Present and Future Kingdom Luke 17:20-37
- Pray Until Something Happens Luke 18:1-8
- The Man Who Stopped by Church On His Way to Hell Luke 18:9-14
- Jesus Loves the Little Children Luke 18:15-17
- Who Then Can Be Saved Luke 18:18-30
- The Road to the Cross Luke 18:31-34
- What the Blind Man Saw Before He Could See Luke 18:35-43
- A Little Man Who Did a Big Thing Luke 19:1-10
- The Parable of the Pounds Luke 19:11-27
- When Cheers Turn to Tears Luke 19:28-44
- Cleansing the Temple Luke 19:45-48
- Questioning the Authority of Jesus Luke 20:1-8
- Caesar's or God's Luke 20:20-26
- One Bride With Seven Husbands Luke 20:27-40
- The Widow's Mites Luke 21:1-4
- What's Coming Before Jesus Comes Again? Luke 21:5-36
- The Signs Jesus Gave Concerning His Return Luke 21:6-28
- Israel: God's Miracle Nation Luke 21:29-33
- Be Patient Luke 21:19, 34-36
- The Conspiracy of Judas Luke 22:1-6
- Come to the Table Luke 22:7-20
- The Traitor's Hand Luke 22:21-23
- The Conversion of the Converted Luke 22:31-34
- Gethsemane Luke 22:39-46
- Sour Kisses and Silly Swords Luke 22:47-53
- Simon Peter's Darkest Hour Luke 22:31-34, 54-62
- Jesus before Pilate Luke 23:1 – 7
- Christ Before Herod Luke 23:8 – 12
- Christ Before Pilate Again Luke 23:13 – 25
- Bearing His Cross Luke 23:26
- A Sermon on the Way to the Cross Luke 23:27-31
- The Malefactors Luke 23:32, 39 – 43
- There They Crucified Him Luke 23:33
- Jesus' Dying Plea Luke 23:34
- Playing Games at the Foot of the Cross Luke 23:34b – 37
- The King of the Jews Luke 23:38
- Holy Spirit Conviction Luke 23:39 – 42
- Paradise Luke 23:43
- Midnight at Noonday Luke 23:44 – 45
- The Rent Veil Luke 23:45
- Father, Into Thy Hands Luke 23:46
- The Man Who Preached Christ's Funeral Luke 23:47 – 49
- And He Was Buried Luke 23:50 – 56
- Good News! Christ Jesus Is Alive! Luke 23:55 – 24:17
Cyril Barber - An excellent handling of Luke's theme, replete with the author's own translation and an exposition that is at once refreshing and satisfying.
- Luke 1
- Luke 2
- Luke 3
- Luke 4
- Luke 5
- Luke 6
- Luke 7
- Luke 8
- Luke 9
- Luke 10
- Luke 11
- Luke 12
- Luke 13
- Luke 14
- Luke 15
- Luke 16
- Luke 17
- Luke 18
- Luke 19
- Luke 20
- Luke 21
- Luke 22
- Luke 23
- Luke 24
KJV BIBLE COMMENTARY - Edward Hindson and Woodrow M Kroll
Well done conservative commentary that interprets Scripture from a literal perspective. User reviews - 372 ratings - I have found the comments are very good but not generally in great depth. It is worth check as you may glean additional insights on a passage. It is not strictly speaking verse by verse but does cover many verses.
- KJV Bible Commentary. - note if you want to use copy and paste function, select the one page view. Two page view does not allow copy/paste.
LIFE APPLICATION BIBLE - Notes on Luke (158 pages) includes nice black and white maps
- Luke Application Study Notes - These are practical notes which help you apply the text.
- Luke 1:1–4
- Luke 1:1
- Luke 1:2
- Luke 1:3
- Luke 1:4
- Luke 1:5
- Luke 1:6
- Luke 1:7
- Luke 1:9
- Luke 1:11
- Luke 1:13
- Luke 1:15
- Luke 1:17
- Luke 1:19
- Luke 1:21
- Luke 1:24
- Luke 1:27
- Luke 1:28–29
- Luke 1
- Luke 1:32
- Luke 1:33
- Luke 1:34
- Luke 1:36
- Luke 1:39
- Luke 1:41
- Luke 1:46–55
- Luke 1:48
- Luke 1:51–53
- Luke 1:54
- Luke 1:55
- Luke 1:59
- Luke 1:63
- Luke 1:65
- Luke 1:68
- Luke 1:69
- Luke 1:72
- Luke 1:76
- Luke 1:78
- Luke 1:80
- Luke 2:1–3
- Luke 2:3
- Luke 2:5
- Luke 2:7
- Luke 2:8
- Luke 2:9
- Luke 2:10
- Luke 2:11
- Luke 2:12
- Luke 2:13
- Luke 2:20
- Luke 2:21–24
- Luke 2:25
- Luke 2:28–32
- Luke 2:30
- Luke 2:31
- Luke 2:34
- Luke 2:35
- Luke 2:36
- Luke 2:41
- Luke 2:42
- Luke 2:43–45
- Luke 2:46–48
- Luke 2:49
- Luke 2:51
- Luke 2:52
- Luke 3:1
- Luke 3:2
- Luke 3:3
- Luke 3:4–6
- Luke 3:7–8
- Luke 3:9
- Luke 3:11
- Luke 3:12
- Luke 3:14
- Luke 3:15
- Luke 3:16
- Luke 3:19–20
- Luke 3:21
- Luke 3:22
- Luke 3:23–38
- Luke 4:1
- Luke 4:3–13
- Luke 4:5–8
- Luke 4:9
- Luke 4:14
- Luke 4:16–20
- Luke 4:21–27
- Luke 4:32
- Luke 4:33
- Luke 4:33–35
- Luke 4:34
- Luke 4:38–39
- Luke 4:41
- Luke 4:43
- Luke 5:1
- Luke 5:2
- Luke 5:3
- Luke 5:5
- Luke 5:6
- Luke 5:8
- Luke 5:12
- Luke 5:14
- Luke 5:17
- Luke 5:19
- Luke 5:20
- Luke 5:21
- Luke 5:24
- Luke 5:27
- Luke 5:28
- Luke 5:30
- Luke 5:33
- Luke 5:36–38
- Luke 6:1
- Luke 6:4
- Luke 6:5
- Luke 6:9
- Luke 6:12
- Luke 6:13
- Luke 6:17
- Luke 6:20–49
- Luke 6:20
- Luke 6:21
- Luke 6:22–23
- Luke 6:24–26
- Luke 6:30
- Luke 6:31
- Luke 6:32–34
- Luke 6:35
- Luke 6:37
- Luke 6:46–49
- Luke 7:2
- Luke 7:3
- Luke 7:5
- Luke 7:6–8
- Luke 7:8
- Luke 7:9
- Luke 7:13
- Luke 7:15
- Luke 7:16
- Luke 7:18–19
- Luke 7:21–23
- Luke 7:24–28
- Luke 7:32
- Luke 7:37–38
- Luke 7:37
- Luke 7:38
- Luke 7:39
- Luke 7:44–46
- Luke 7:47
- Luke 7:48–50
- Luke 8:2
- Luke 8:3
- Luke 8:4
- Luke 8:5
- Luke 8:6
- Luke 8:7
- Luke 8:8
- Luke 8:10
- Luke 8:13
- Luke 8:16–18
- Luke 8:19
- Luke 8:21
- Luke 8:22–23
- Luke 8:26
- Luke 8:27
- Luke 8:28
- Luke 8:30
- Luke 8:31
- Luke 8:32–33
- Luke 8:37
- Luke 8:38–39
- Luke 8:41
- Luke 8:43
- Luke 8:44
- Luke 8:45
- Luke 8:48
- Luke 8:52
- Luke 8:54
- Luke 8:56
- Luke 9:1–2
- Luke 9:3
- Luke 9:4
- Luke 9:5
- Luke 9:7
- Luke 9:8
- Luke 9:10–17
- Luke 9:10
- Luke 9:11
- Luke 9:20
- Luke 9:21
- Luke 9:23–25
- Luke 9:27
- Luke 9:28
- Luke 9:30
- Luke 9:31
- Luke 9:32
- Luke 9:33
- Luke 9:34
- Luke 9:35
- Luke 9:37–40
- Luke 9:41
- Luke 9:44
- Luke 9:45
- Luke 9:46
- Luke 9:47
- Luke 9:49–50
- Luke 9:51
- Luke 9:52–53
- Luke 9:54
- Luke 9:59
- Luke 10:1
- Luke 10:3
- Luke 10:4
- Luke 10:6
- Luke 10:11
- Luke 10:12
- Luke 10:13
- Luke 10:15
- Luke 10:16
- Luke 10:18
- Luke 10:19
- Luke 10:21
- Luke 10:22
- Luke 10:23–24
- Luke 10:25
- Luke 10:27
- Luke 10:28
- Luke 10:29–37
- Luke 10:33–34
- Luke 10:35
- Luke 10:38
- Luke 10:40–41
- Luke 11:1
- Luke 11:2–4
- Luke 11:2
- Luke 11:4
- Luke 11:7
- Luke 11:8
- Luke 11:13
- Luke 11:14–15
- Luke 11:17–18
- Luke 11:20
- Luke 11:21–22
- Luke 11:23
- Luke 11:24
- Luke 11:25
- Luke 11:28
- Luke 11:29
- Luke 11:30
- Luke 11:31
- Luke 11:32
- Luke 11:34
- Luke 11:38
- Luke 11:39–40
- Luke 11:42
- Luke 11:43
- Luke 11:44
- Luke 11:45
- Luke 11:46
- Luke 11:47
- Luke 11:49
- Luke 11:50–51
- Luke 11:52
- Luke 12:1
- Luke 12:2–3
- Luke 12:3
- Luke 12:5
- Luke 12:6
- Luke 12:10
- Luke 12:13
- Luke 12:22–34
- Luke 12:25
- Luke 12:27
- Luke 12:31
- Luke 12:33
- Luke 12:35
- Luke 12:37
- Luke 12:38
- Luke 12:42
- Luke 12:44
- Luke 12:45–46
- Luke 12:47–48
- Luke 12:49
- Luke 12:50
- Luke 12:54–56
- Luke 12:57–59
- Luke 13:1
- Luke 13:2
- Luke 13:3
- Luke 13:4
- Luke 13:6–9
- Luke 13:10
- Luke 13:11–13
- Luke 13:14
- Luke 13:15
- Luke 13:21
- Luke 13:22
- Luke 13:23
- Luke 13:24
- Luke 13:25
- Luke 13:26–27
- Luke 13:28
- Luke 13:29
- Luke 13:31
- Luke 13:32
- Luke 13:33
- Luke 13:34–35
- Luke 13:34
- Luke 13:35
- Luke 14:1
- Luke 14:2
- Luke 14:3
- Luke 14:5
- Luke 14:10
- Luke 14:15
- Luke 14:16–17
- Luke 14:18–20
- Luke 14:21–24
- Luke 14:26
- Luke 14:27
- Luke 14:28
- Luke 14:34
- Luke 15:1
- Luke 15:3
- Luke 15:8
- Luke 15:11–32
- Luke 15:11–12
- Luke 15:15
- Luke 15:20
- Luke 15:22–23
- Luke 15:25
- Luke 15:28
- Luke 15:29
- Luke 15:31
- Luke 16:1
- Luke 16:6
- Luke 16:8
- Luke 16:9
- Luke 16:11
- Luke 16:12
- Luke 16:13
- Luke 16:16
- Luke 16:17
- Luke 16:18
- Luke 16:19
- Luke 16:20
- Luke 16:22
- Luke 16:23
- Luke 16:24
- Luke 16:25
- Luke 16:27–28
- Luke 16:29
- Luke 17:1
- Luke 17:2
- Luke 17:5–6
- Luke 17:12
- Luke 17:14
- Luke 17:15–16
- Luke 17:20–37
- Luke 17:21
- Luke 17:22
- Luke 17:23–25
- Luke 17:25
- Luke 17:26–29
- Luke 17:32
- Luke 17:33
- Luke 17:34–35
- Luke 17:37
- Luke 18:1–8
- Luke 18:3
- Luke 18:5
- Luke 18:7
- Luke 18:8
- Luke 18:10
- Luke 18:11
- Luke 18:12
- Luke 18:13
- Luke 18:14
- Luke 18:18
- Luke 18:19
- Luke 18:22
- Luke 18:23–25
- Luke 18:26–27
- Luke 18:28–30
- Luke 18:31–34
- Luke 18:35
- Luke 18:38
- Luke 18:42
- Luke 19:2
- Luke 19:4
- Luke 19:8
- Luke 19:9
- Luke 19:10
- Luke 19:11
- Luke 19:12
- Luke 19:13
- Luke 19:14
- Luke 19:16–19
- Luke 19:20–21
- Luke 19:22–26
- Luke 19:28
- Luke 19:29
- Luke 19:30
- Luke 19:35–36
- Luke 19:37
- Luke 19:38
- Luke 19:39
- Luke 19:41–42
- Luke 19:43
- Luke 19:44
- Luke 19:45–46
- Luke 19:47–48
- Luke 20:1
- Luke 20:2
- Luke 20:3–4
- Luke 20:5–6
- Luke 20:7–8
- Luke 20:9–12
- Luke 20:13
- Luke 20:14
- Luke 20:17
- Luke 20:19
- Luke 20:20
- Luke 20:21
- Luke 20:22
- Luke 20:24
- Luke 20:27
- Luke 20:28–33
- Luke 20:34–36
- Luke 20:36
- Luke 20:37
- Luke 20:41
- Luke 20:45–47
- Luke 21:1
- Luke 21:2
- Luke 21:5
- Luke 21:6
- Luke 21:8
- Luke 21:9
- Luke 21:12
- Luke 21:13
- Luke 21:16–19
- Luke 21:20
- Luke 21:21
- Luke 21:22
- Luke 21:23
- Luke 21:24
- Luke 21:25–26
- Luke 21:27
- Luke 21:28
- Luke 21:30
- Luke 21:32
- Luke 21:36
- Luke 21:37–38
- Luke 22:1
- Luke 22:2
- Luke 22:3–6
- Luke 22:7
- Luke 22:8–12
- Luke 22:10
- Luke 22:14
- Luke 22:15–16
- Luke 22:17
- Luke 22:18
- Luke 22:19
- Luke 22:20
- Luke 22:22–23
- Luke 22:24–27
- Luke 22:25
- Luke 22:28–30
- Luke 22:31
- Luke 22:32
- Luke 22:35–36
- Luke 22:36
- Luke 22:38
- Luke 22:40
- Luke 22:41
- Luke 22:42
- Luke 22:43–44
- Luke 22:47
- Luke 22:53
- Luke 22:54
- Luke 22:55–62
- Luke 22:63–65
- Luke 22:66–71
- Luke 22:66
- Luke 22:67–69
- Luke 22:71
- Luke 23:1
- Luke 23:2
- Luke 23:3
- Luke 23:5–7
- Luke 23:9
- Luke 23:11
- Luke 23:16
- Luke 23:17
- Luke 23:18
- Luke 23:26
- Luke 23:27–31
- Luke 23:28
- Luke 23:31
- Luke 23:33
- Luke 23:34
- Luke 23:35
- Luke 23:42
- Luke 23:43
- Luke 23:44
- Luke 23:45
- Luke 23:46
- Luke 23:47
- Luke 23:48
- Luke 23:50–51
- Luke 23:53
- Luke 23:54
- Luke 23:55–56
- Luke 24
- Luke 24:1
- Luke 24:2
- Luke 24:2–3
- Luke 24:9
- Luke 24:10
- Luke 24:11
- Luke 24:13
- Luke 24:16
- Luke 24:18
- Luke 24:20
- Luke 24:21
- Luke 24:26
- Luke 24:27
- Luke 24:30
- Luke 24:31
- Luke 24:34
- Luke 24:36
- Luke 24:39
- Luke 24:42
- Luke 24:45
- Luke 24:48
- Luke 24:49
- Luke 24:50
- Luke 24:51
- Luke 24:52
- Luke 24:53
- The Sower (Matthew 13, Mark 4, Luke 8)
- The Mustard Seed (Matthew 13:31-32; Mark 4:30-32; Luke 13:18-19)
- The Leaven (Matthew 13:33; Luke 13:20-21)
- The Wicked Farmers (Matthew 21:33-44; Mark 12:1-12; Luke 20:9-16)
- The Marriage of the King's Son; The Great Banquet (Matthew 22:2-14; Luke 14:16-24)
- Pounds and Talents (Matthew 25:14-30; Luke 19:12-27)
- The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:30-37)
- The Rich Fool! (Luke 12:13-21)
- The Barren Fig-tree (Luke 13:6-9)
- The Lost Sheep and The Lost Coin (Luke 15:3-10)
- The Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32)
- The Unjust Steward (Luke 16:1-9)
- The Rich Man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31)
- The Unjust Judge; The Importunate Friend (Luke 18:1-8; Luke 11:5-8)
- The Pharisee and the Publican (Luke 18:9-14)
- Luke 1:1-4. The Gospel According to Luke
- Luke 1:5-25. The Announcement to Zacharias
- Luke 1:26-56. The Announcement to Mary
- Luke 1:57-80. The Birth and Circumcision of the Forerunner
- Luke 2:1-7. When God Became Man
- Luke 2:8-18. Angels, Shepherds and the Lamb of God
- Luke 2:21-40. Presentation in the Temple
- Luke 2:41-52. The Passover Incident
- Luke 3:1-22. John the Baptist
- Luke 4:1-13. The Wilderness Temptations
- Luke 4:16-30. The Announcement at Nazareth
- Luke 5:1-11. Fishers of Men
- Luke 5:12-16. Cleansing a Leper
- Luke 5:17-26. Healing the Paralytic
- Luke 5:27-39. Legal Liabilities
- Luke 6:1-11. Sabbath Controversies
- Luke 6:12-16. The Calling of the Twelve
- Luke 6:17-49. The Sermon on the Plain - Teaching to Live By
- Luke 7:1-10. The Healing of the Centurion's Servant
- Luke 7:11-17. The Raising of the Widow's Son
- Luke 7:17-35. John, Jesus and Judgments on a Generation
- Luke 7:36-50. The Proud and the Penitent
- Luke 8:1-21. People of the Kingdom
- Luke 8:22-25. Stilling Storms
- Luke 8:26-39. Demons and Deliverance
- Luke 8:40-56. Deliverance from Disease and Death
- Luke 9:1-10. Sending forth the Twelve
- Luke 9:10-17. Feeding the Five Thousand
- Luke 9:18-27. The Christ and the Cross
- Luke 9:27-36. The Transfiguration
- Luke 9:37-45. After the Fireworks
- Luke 9:46-62. Disciples of the Kingdom
- Luke 10:1-24. The Sending of the Seventy
- Luke 10:25-42. Samaritans and Sisters - A Lesson in Love
- Luke 11:1-13. Lessons on Prayer
- Luke 11:14-54. Evidence and Unbelief
- Luke 12:1-12. A Warning Against Hypocrisy
- Luke 12:13-34. The Pitfall of Prosperity
- Luke 12:35-59. The Readiness of the Righteous
- Luke 13:1-9. When Bad Things Happen
- Luke 13:10-35. Kingdom Controversies
- Luke 14:1-24. Dinner Invitations
- Luke 14:25-35. Discipleship - A Question of Commitment
- Luke 15:1-32. Lost and Found
- Luke 16:1-31. Stewards, Scoffers and Second Chances
- Luke 17:1-19. Stumbling Blocks and Stepping Stones
- Luke 17:20-37. The Coming Kingdom
- Luke 18:1-17. Prayer, Pride and People of the Kingdom
- Luke 18:18-43. The Rich and the Blind
- Luke 19:1-27. Friends and Enemies of the Kingdom
- Luke 19:28-48. The Triumphal Entry
- Luke 20:1-47. The Authority of the King
- Luke 21:1-38. Future Things
- Luke 22:1-38. The Last Supper
- Luke 22:39-46. The Last Tamptation of Jesus
- Luke 22:47-71. Betrayed, Denied and Rejected
- On what day did Jesus die?
Note: Utley is amilennial. Also be aware that he tends to replace Israel with the Church (see "Replacement theology") even in a straightforward passage such as Ro 11:26-note "all Israel will be saved". Of that passage He comments that one of the possible interpretations is "this refers in some sense to spiritual Israel, the Church (Ed: There is absolutely no justification in the context for this erroneous statement!), then goes on to add "The question of whether those Jews who were "hardened" will have an end time chance to respond cannot be answered from this or any text." (Ed: This latter dogmatic comment is clearly erroneous! Clearly the context is Jesus' Second Coming and the "end times" and the subject is the nation of Israel if the text is read literally). The only way to misinterpret this passage is to postulate that Paul did not literally mean what he said. Utley has some good material in non-eschatological passages but you need to be aware of his interpretative approach which is at times non-literal. Caveat Emptor!)
WARREN WIERSBE - Always worth checking for preaching/teaching points.
Rosscup - One of America’s most appreciated staunchly evangelical Bible conference teachers gives diligent, refreshing expositions. These are all of his 23 separate, earlier books in the “Be” series on the New Testament. He strikes a particular appeal with lay people as he crystallizes sections, deals with some of the verses, handles certain problems and backgrounds and applies principles. He is premillennial.
Cyril Barber - Together these volumes treat the gospel of Luke. Wiersbe, who is a pastor's pastor, outlines and expounds the text with exemplary skill. These books are ideal for individual or group Bible study.
Cyril Barber - This is a book (referring to Wiersbe's Expository Outlines) of exceptional merit. Pastors, missionaries, and Christian workers will profit from its use. Wiersbe introduces each book of the NT, provides an outline, and then furnishes his readers with a chapter-by-chapter discussion of the contents. The homiletic style is a “plus.” Recommended.
- Be compassionate (Luke 1-13) - borrow
- Be courageous (Luke 14-24) - borrow
- With the Word - borrow - Excellent chapter summaries. Good ideas for preaching or teaching. - 428 ratings
- Wiersbe's Expository Outlines on the New Testament - borrow - useful for preaching or teaching
- Windows on the parables - borrow
WYCLIFFE BIBLE COMMENTARY - Merrill C Tenney authored the Gospel of Luke. Scripture in left column, comments in right column
James Rosscup - Tenney is limited in his space, but usually makes good use of it to explain verses so as to provide help. He is conservative and premillennial. Sometimes he is quite clear, other times one can only guess what he means when he is vague, as when he says that “the kingdom of God is nigh at hand” (Lk 21:29) are words complementary to Lk 17:21, “The kingdom of God is within you” (p. 1063). Overall he offers a fairly good commentary for those wanting a brief study with considerable competence behind it.
- Luke Comments in the NT Wycliffe Bible commentary - no restrictions. Note if you want to use copy and paste function, select the one page view. Two page view does not allow copy/paste.
- Wycliffe Bible Commentary - OT and NT - Charles Pfeiffer - 1560 pages (1962) - can be borrowed
- Luke 1 - The Historical Reliability of the Bible - The Case for Design
- Luke 1:34-35 The Virgin Birth of Jesus Christ
- Luke 1:26-38 Nothing Is Impossible
- Luke 1:26-38 God in Three Persons, Blessed Trinity
- Luke 1:28-36 Christmas Psychology
- Luke 1:26-38 Divine Cartography
- Luke 1:26-38 When an Angel Visits
- Luke 1:26-3:23 Can We Borrow a Little Boy?
- Luke 1:46-55 Mary
- Luke 1:46-55 His Mercy Extended
- Luke 1:46-55 Holy Is His Name
- Luke 1:5-20, 57-64 Good News for Poor Performers and Splendid Sinners
- Luke 1:26-38 Why the Virgin Birth Matters
- Luke 1:26-38 Mary: Believing the Impossible
- Luke 1:33 His Kingdom Will Never End
- Luke 1:33 From Jacob to Jesus
- Luke 1:48-55 Jesus The Revolutionary: Mary's Song
- Luke 1:67-80 Behind The Scenes At Christmastime: Zechariah's Song
- Luke 1:78-79 Sunrise at Bethlehem
- Luke 1:48-55 Jesus The Revolutionary: Mary’s Song
- Luke 1:67-80 Zechariah’s Song
- 47 Christmas Sermons
- Luke 1:1-25 The Preparation of Zechariah and Elizabeth
- Luke 1:26-38 The Preparation of Mary
- Luke 1:39-56 The Praise of Mary
- Luke 1:52-80 The Praise of Zechariah and Elizabeth
- Luke 1:35 That Holy Thing
- Whyte's Bible Characters Zacharias and Elizabeth
- Luke 2:1-14 The Birth of Jesus
- Luke 2:15-20 Fruits & Signs of the Power of the Word of God
- Luke 2:33-40 Of Simeon & Anna
- Luke 2:7 The Firstborn
- Luke 2:14 Peace Among Men of God's Pleasureth
- Luke 2:40 Jesus: From Babyhood to Boyhood
- Luke 2:1-7 I'll Be Home For Christmas
- Luke 2:7 No Crib for a Bed: The God of Every Circumstance
- Luke 2:8-14 Can You Hear the Angels Singing?
- Luke 2:8-11 Christmas Joy
- Luke 2:11 A Savior is Born
- Luke 2:12 Lessons From the Manger
- Luke 2:14 The Impossible Dream: The Angels' Song
- Luke 2:17-20 'Twas the day After Christmas
- Luke 2:21 Eighth Day Savior
- Luke 2:25-35 The Cradle And The Cross: Simeon’s Song
- Luke 4 Sermons - messages from older writers
- Luke 5:1-11 The Frustrated Fisherman - Christ Speaks to the Problem of Limited Vision
- Luke 5:1-11 How God’s Will Can Mess Up Your Life in a Good Way
- Luke 5:17-26 Who Is This Man?
- Luke 6:27-36 The Final Step: Blessing Your Enemies
- Luke 6:38 The First Law of Christian Giving
- Luke 6:40 Lessons From the Master Teacher
- Luke 6:27 Why You Need Your Enemies and Your Enemies Need You
- Luke 7 Sermons - over 160 messages from older writers
- Luke 7:1-10 A Faith That Amazes The Savior
- Luke 7:11-17Jesus' Mercy to a Mother
- Luke 7:36-50 The Woman Who Was Forgiven Much
- Luke 7:36-50 When Jesus Met Simple Simon - Ray Stedman Mp3 only
- Luke 8 Sermons - over 160 messages from older writers
STEVE LAWSON - Mp3's only but well worth listening to from one of the finest Bible expositors of our time
- Luke 9:23-26 - The Cost of Discipleship
- Luke 9:57-62 The High Cost of Following Christ
- Click here for more sermons from Dr Lawson on Luke
- Luke 10:17-20 An Enrollment of Our Names in Heaven—the Noblest Source of Joy
- Luke 10:41-42 The One Thing Needful
- Luke 10:25-37 The Lawyer Who Wanted a Loophole
- Luke 10:38-42 Christ Speaks to Problem of Compulsive Busyness
- Luke 11:1 How Jesus Prayed
- Luke 11:2-4 The Pattern Prayer
- Luke 11:3-4 When Prayer becomes Personal
- Luke 11:5-13 Prayer's Certainties
- Luke 11:29-30,32 The Resurrection of Christ (audio only)
- Luke 11:1 What’s the good of prayer?
- Luke 11:9 The next best thing to do
- Luke 11:10 The next best thing to do
- Luke 14 - Sermons by Verse - older expositors
- Luke 14 Sermons - over 160 messages from older writers
- Luke 14:25-35 The Cost of Discipleshp 1 - 64 minutes
- Luke 14:25-35 The Cost of Discipleshp 2 - 62 minutes
- Luke 14:25-35 The Cost of Discipleshp 3 - 46 minutes
- Click here for more sermons from Dr Lawson on Luke
- Luke 14:15, 27 The Kingdom 3: The Oath of Allegiance
- Luke 14:33 The Terms Of Discipleship
- Luke 14:15, 27 The Kingdom 3: The Oath of Allegiance
- Luke 14:33 The Terms Of Discipleship
EDWARD C MITCHELL - from The Parables of the NT Spiritually Unfolded
- Luke 14:7-11 Taking the Lowest Seats
- Luke 14:16-24 The Excuses - Indifference to the Heavenly Life
- Luke 14:28-33 Building a Tower and Making War - The Cost of Regeneration
- Luke 15 - Sermons by Verse - older expositors
- Luke 15:1-7 God and the Unthinking
- Luke 15:8-10 God and the Neglected
- Luke 15:11-24 God and the Rebellious
- Luke 15:25-32 God and the Respectable
- Luke 15:1-7 The Parable of the Searching Father
- Luke 15:8-10 The Parable of the Seeking Spirit
- Luke 15:11-32 The Parable of the Lost Son
- Luke 15:21 Is It Becoming Easier to Say "I Was Wrong?"
- Luke 15:11-32 Trapped On a Dead-End Street
- Luke 15:1-7 Christ-Like Love in a World of Hate
- Luke 16 - Sermons by Verse - older expositors
- Luke 16:1-13 What Jesus Would Say to Jim Baker
- Luke 16:19-31 Playing with Fire: Can We Still Believe in Hell?
- On the Physical Death of Jesus Christ - Journal of the American Medical Association (March 21, 1986) - I read this shortly after I was saved and as a physician who specializes in pathology, I found the article written by a fellow pathologist from the Mayo Clinic to be extremely enlightening. It includes several excellent diagrams to help visualize various aspects of our Lord's scourging and crucifixion.
- HELL Luke 16:22-24
Journal articles, sermons, books
- How can I not go to hell? | GotQuestions.org (THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION TO ANSWER!)
- Eternal Punishment - In depth article on site
- Jesus' View of Eternal Punishment (Mt 25:31-46) - Robert L. Thomas - 31 pp
- Hell: Never, Forever, or Just for Awhile - Richard Mayhue - 16 pp
- Paul’s Concept Of Eternal Punishment - James Rosscup - 24 pp
- Eternal Punishment In John’s Revelation - Trevor P Craigen, 13 pp
- A Kinder, Gentler Theology Of Hell? - Larry D. Pettegrew, 17 pp
- Wrath That Endures Forever William V. Crockett - JETS 34.2 (1991): 195-202
- The Horrors and Habitat of Hell - Chris Gee (short, pithy, painful read)
- A Horrible Place Called Hell - Alan Carr
- One Hour After Death - James Smith
- Eternal Punishment - Eryl Davies, Foundations 13 (Autumn 1984): 34-44
- Jonathan Edwards & Hell - Christopher W. Morgan - 180 page book, can be borrowed
- The Eternity of Hell Torments, by the late Rev. Jonathan Edwards - Revised and corrected by the Rev. C.E. De Coetlogon, A.M. 1788
- Whatever Happened to Hell? - John Blanchard - 340 page book, can be borrowed
- Whatever Happened to Hell? - Jon E Braun - 216 page book, can be borrowed 5 ratings
- Death and the afterlife - Morey, Robert A. Morey - 328 page book, can be borrowed
- The Doctrine of Eternal Punishment, Harry Buis
- One Minute After You Die - Erwin Lutzer - 148 page book, can be borrowed
- One Minute After You Die - A Preview of Your final destination - 28 minute video by Dr Erwin Lutzer
- Luke 16:19-31 A Great Chasm Fixed - Steven Cole
- Eight Myths about Hell Sam Storms (very interesting)
- Who will go to hell? | GotQuestions.org
- Does hell exist? | GotQuestions.org
- Is hell real? Is hell eternal? | GotQuestions.org
- Where is hell? What is the location of hell? | GotQuestions.org
- What does hell look like? How hot is hell? | GotQuestions.org
- Are there different levels of punishment in hell? | GotQuestions.org
- What kind of bodies will people have in hell? | GotQuestions.org
- Did God create hell? | GotQuestions.org
- How is eternity in hell a fair punishment for sin? | GotQuestions.org
- How is an eternity in hell a just punishment for only a human lifetime of sin? | GotQuestions.org
- How can a loving God send someone to hell? | GotQuestions.org
- Is hell literally a place of fire and brimstone? | GotQuestions.org
- What does it mean that hell is referred to as a lake of fire? | GotQuestions.org
- Does God love the people who are in hell? | GotQuestions.org
- Why does God send people to hell? | GotQuestions.org
- Questions about Heaven, Hell, and Eternity (All) | GotQuestions.org
- Luke 18:1-8 When You Pray, Never Give Up
- Luke 18:9-14 A Good Man Lost and a Bad Man Saved
- Luke 18:9-14 How to be Right With God
- Luke 18:18-27 - When Having It All Is Not Enough
- Luke 18:1 What to pray for
- Luke 18:22 Are you discouraged in devotion?
- Luke 18:23 Have you ever been expressionless with sorrow?
- Luke 18:31 The Big Compelling Of God
- Luke 18:31 The Brave Comradeship Of God
- Luke 18:31 The missionary’s goal
- Luke 18:31, 34 The baffling call of God
- Luke 18:41 What Do You Want The Lord to Do for You?
- Luke 22:31-32 Faithful to the Fallen
- Luke 22:31-34 Why God Allows Good Men to Fall
- Luke 22:49-51 Midnight Miracle
- Luke 23:1-12 The Man Who Would Be King
- Luke 23:34 Forgiving the Unforgivable - article
- Luke 23:34 Forgiving the Unforgivable - sermon
- Luke 23:43 Last-Second Salvation
- Luke 23:46 A Time to Die
- Luke 23:34 Forgiveness From the Cross
- Luke 23:43 Paradise Through the Cross
- Luke 23:46 Trust on the Cross
- Luke 24:21 The Discipline of Dejection
- Luke 24:32 The Burning Heart
- Luke 24:26 His Resurrection Destiny
- Luke 24:49 The Life that Lives
- Luke 24:51 His Ascension and Our Union
Excellent resource, includes NETBible notes and Thomas Constable's notes both of which synchronize with the Scripture translation of your choosing. Very nice study tool!
- Luke 1
- Luke 1:5-17
- Luke 1:26-35
- Luke 1:26-35
- Luke 1:26-45
- Luke 1:26-38
- Luke 1:26-38
- Luke 1:26-38
- Luke 1:26-38
- Luke 1:34-41
- Luke 1:37
- Luke 1:39-56
- Luke 1:46-55
- Luke 1:67-80
- Luke 2
- Luke 2:1-10
- Luke 2:1-12
- Luke 2:1-14
- Luke 2:1-14
- Luke 2:1-14
- Luke 2:1-7,25-35
- Luke 2:1-7
- Luke 2:1-7
- Luke 2:1-7
- Luke 2:1-7
- Luke 2:1-7
- Luke 2:1-7
- Luke 2:1-7
- Luke 2:1-12
- Luke 2:6-14
- Luke 2:8-12; 21:25-28
- Luke 2:8-10
- Luke 2:8-14
- Luke 2:8-14
- Luke 2:8-14
- Luke 2:8-14
- Luke 2:8-14
- Luke 2:8-14
- Luke 2:8-14
- Luke 2:8-15
- Luke 2:8-19
- Luke 2:8-20
- Luke 2:8-20
- Luke 2:8-20
- Luke 2:8-20
- Luke 2:8-20
- Luke 2:8-20
- Luke 2:8-20
- Luke 2:8-20
- Luke 2:8–20
- Luke 2:8-20
- Luke 2:10
- Luke 2:13-20
- Luke 2:15-20
- Luke 2:21-35
- Luke 2:22-38
- Luke 2:25-35
- Luke 2:25-35
- Luke 2:25-35
- Luke 2:25-38
- Luke 2:30
- Luke 2:36-38
- Luke 2:41-52
- Luke 2:41-52
- Luke 2:46-52
- Luke 3
- Luke 3
- Luke 3:1-18
- Luke 3:1-18
- Luke 3:1-20
- Luke 3:2
- Luke 3:3
- Luke 3:4-5
- Luke 3:7-14
- Luke 3:21-22
- Luke 4
- Luke 4:1-13
- Luke 4:1-13
- Luke 4:1-13
- Luke 4:14-21
- Luke 4:14-22
- Luke 4:16
- Luke 5
- Luke 5:1-11
- Luke 5:1-11
- Luke 5:10
- Luke 5:27-32
- Luke 5:27-32
- Luke 5:27-35
- Luke 5:32
- Luke 6
- Luke 6:12-16
- Luke 6:27
- Luke 6:27-36
- Luke 6:27-36
- Luke 6:27-36
- Luke 6:27-36
- Luke 6:27-36
- Luke 6:27-35
- Luke 6:30-38
- Luke 6:32-36
- Luke 6:37-42
- Luke 6:37-42
- Luke 6:37-42
- Luke 6:37-45
- Luke 6:37-45
- Luke 6:41-45
- Luke 6:45
- Luke 6:46
- Luke 6:46-49
- Luke 6:46-49
- Luke 7
- Luke 7:1-10
- Luke 7:11-17
- Luke 7:11-23
- Luke 7:18-28
- Luke 7:28
- Luke 7:35
- Luke 7:34-48
- Luke 7:36-49
- Luke 7:36-50
- Luke 8
- Luke 8:4-15
- Luke 8:4-15
- Luke 8:4-15
- Luke 8:18
- Luke 8:22-25
- Luke 8:26-39
- Luke 8:26-39
- Luke 8:40-56
- Luke 8:40-42,49-56
- Luke 9
- Luke 9:1-10
- Luke 9:18-25
- Luke 9:18-26
- Luke 9:18-26
- Luke 9:18-26
- Luke 9:18-27
- Luke 9:18-27
- Luke 9:23
- Luke 9:23
- Luke 9:28-42
- Luke 9:28-29,34-42
- Luke 9:48
- Luke 9:48
- Luke 9:51-56
- Luke 9:51-56
- Luke 9:51-62
- Luke 9:57-62
- Luke 9:57-62
- Luke 9:57-62
- Luke 10
- Luke 10:1,17-24
- Luke 10:1-12;17-20
- Luke 10:1-12
- Luke 10:25-37
- Luke 10:25-37
- Luke 10:25-37
- Luke 10:25-37
- Luke 10:25-37
- Luke 10:25-37
- Luke 10:29-37
- Luke 10:30-37
- Luke 10:30-37
- Luke 10:38
- Luke 10:38-42
- Luke 10:38-42
- Luke 10:38-42
- Luke 10:38-42
- Luke 10:38-42
- Luke 10:38-42
- Luke 11
- Luke 11:1-4
- Luke 11:1-4
- Luke 11:1-10
- Luke 11:1-10
- Luke 11:1-10
- Luke 11:1-13
- Luke 11:1-13
- Luke 11:1-13
- Luke 11:2
- Luke 11:5-10
- Luke 11:14-23
- Luke 11:14-23
- Luke 11:29-32
- Luke 11:42
- Luke 12
- Luke 12:1-5
- Luke 12:1-9
- Luke 12:5
- Luke 12:7
- Luke 12:13-21
- Luke 12:13-21
- Luke 12:13-21
- Luke 12:13-21
- Luke 12:13-21
- Luke 12:13-21
- Luke 12:13-21
- Luke 12:13-21
- Luke 12:13-21
- Luke 12:13-21
- Luke 12:13-21
- Luke 12:13-34
- Luke 12:15-31
- Luke 12:15-31
- Luke 12:16-21
- Luke 12:16-21
- Luke 12:16-21
- Luke 12:16-21
- Luke 12:16-21
- Luke 12:16-21
- Luke 12:16-21
- Luke 12:16-21
- Luke 12:16-21
- Luke 12:16-21
- Luke 12:16-21
- Luke 12:16-21
- Luke 12:22-31
- Luke 12:22-31
- Luke 12:22-40
- Luke 12:22-34
- Luke 12:22-34e
- Luke 12:33
- Luke 12:35-40
- Luke 12:35-40
- Luke 12:41-48
- Luke 12:41-48
- Luke 12:41-48
- Luke 12:48
- Luke 12:49-53
- Luke 13
- Luke 13:1-5
- Luke 13:1-5
- Luke 13:1-5
- Luke 13:30
- Luke 14
- Luke 14:1-14 A New Tradition
- Luke 14:7-14 I'll Pay You Later
- Luke 14:7-14 Radical And Upside-Down
- Luke 14:7-14 Guest List
- Luke 14:7-14 Who's On My Guest List?
- Luke 14:11 Humility's Reward
- Luke 14:12-24 The Poor Man's Banquet
- Luke 14:23 Bring Them In!
- Luke 14:25-35 The Last Few Pounds
- Luke 14:25-35 One Passion
- Luke 14:25-33 What’s The Cost?
- Luke 14:25-33 Counting The Cost
- Luke 14:25-35 Killer Plants
- Luke 14:25-35 The Last Few Pounds
- Luke 14:26 A DISCIPLE’S LOVE
- Luke 14:26-27 Is Christ Worth It?
- Luke 14:28 Saying Yes To Jesus
- Luke 14:33 Sacrificial Giving
- Luke 15
- Luke 15 When The Lost Is Found
- Luke 15:1-7 Lessons From A Shepherd
- Luke 15:1-7 One-To-One
- Luke 15:1-7 A Heart Of Compassion
- Luke 15:1-7 T-Ball Faith
- Luke 15:1-7 To The Rescue
- Luke 15:1-10 The Value Of One - 3
- Luke 15:1-10 Heaven Rejoices!
- Luke 15:1-10 When The Lost Is Found
- Luke 15:1-10 Lost And Found
- Luke 15:1-10 Lost And Found -2
- Luke 15:1-10 Lost And Found -4
- Luke 15:1-10 Lost And Found -5
- Luke 15:1-10 Rejoicing In Release
- Luke 15:1-10 Joy Over One
- Luke 15:3-7 You Matter To God
- Luke 15:3-7 New To The Family
- Luke 15:4-6 Lost Ones
- Luke 15:1-10 He Found Me
- Luke 15:11-24 Avoid The Husks
- Luke 15:11-24 The Beauty of Forgiveness
- Luke 15:11-24 A Father Who Runs
- Luke 15:15-32 Two Wayward Brothers
- Luke 15:11-24 I'm Sorry
- Luke 15:11-32 It Makes Sense
- Luke 15:11-32 Who Gets The Love?
- Luke 15:11-32 Come Home!
- Luke 15:11-32 What Makes You Happy?
- Luke 15:11-24 Deal or No Deal
- Luke 15:11-24 Open Arms
- Luke 16
- Luke 16:1-10 Honor System
- Luke 16:1-13 Money Matters
- Luke 16:1-13 Spendthrifts Or Stewards
- Luke 16:1-15 What's Your Preoccupation?
- Luke 16:1-15 Big Money
- Luke 16:13 Servant Or Master?
- Luke 16:19-31 Bad Choice
- Luke 16:19-31 The Options
- Luke 16:19-31 The Best Eraser
- Luke 16:19-31 A Devoted Heart
- Luke 16:19-31 A Great Mystery
- Luke 16:19-31 Final Appointment
- Luke 16:19-31 Don't Go There!
- Luke 16:19-31 Are You Ready?
- Luke 17
- Luke 17:1-6 Crisis Of Faith
- Luke 17:1-10 Forgiving Clubs
- Luke 17:6 Unanswered Prayers
- Luke 17:6-10 Nothing But Grace
- Luke 17:10 An Attitude Problem
- Luke 17:11-19 Why Me?
- Luke 17:15 Greatness of Gratitude
- Luke 17:15 Not Even A Nod
- Luke 18
- Luke 18:1-8
- Luke 18:1-8
- Luke 18:1-8
- Luke 18:9-14
- Luke 18:9-14
- Luke 18:9-14
- Luke 18:9-14
- Luke 18:9-14
- Luke 18:18-27
- Luke 18:18-27
- Luke 18:27
- Luke 18:18-30
- Luke 19
- Luke 19:1-10
- Luke 19:1-10
- Luke 19:1-10
- Luke 19:1-10
- Luke 19:1-10
- Luke 19:1-10
- Luke 19:1-10
- Luke 19:1-10
- Luke 19:1-10
- Luke 19:1-10
- Luke 19:1-10
- Luke 19:1-10
- Luke 19:1-10
- Luke 19:1-10
- Luke 19:5
- Luke 19:5
- Luke 19:8
- Luke 19:8
- Luke 19:10
- Luke 19:10
- Luke 19:10
- Luke 19:10
- Luke 19:10
- Luke 19:11-27
- Luke 19:11-27
- Luke 19:11-27
- Luke 19:12-26
- Luke 19:13
- Luke 19:13
- Luke 19:29-40
- Luke 19:28-38
- Luke 19:28-38
- Luke 19:28-41
- Luke 19:28-44
- Luke 19:34
- Luke 19:38
- Luke 19:38
- Luke 19:40
- Luke 19:41
- Luke 19:37-44
- Luke 19:41-44
- Luke 21
- Luke 21:1-4
- Luke 21:1-4
- Luke 21:8
- Luke 22
- Luke 22:24-34
- Luke 22:31-32
- Luke 22:31-34
- Luke 22:31-34
- Luke 22:31-34
- Luke 22:31-34,54-62
- Luke 22:39-53
- Luke 22:54-62
- Luke 23
- Luke 23:1-12
- Luke 23:1-25
- Luke 23:13-33
- Luke 23:26-43
- Luke 23:26-56
- Luke 23:32-38
- Luke 23:33-38
- Luke 23:33-46
- Luke 23:39-43
- Luke 23:39-43
- Luke 23:43
- Luke 23:44ff
- Luke 23:50-24:12
- Luke 24
- Luke 24:1
- Luke 24:1-2
- Luke 24:2-3
- Luke 24:1-12
- Luke 24:1-12
- Luke 24:1-12
- Luke 24:6
- Luke 24:6
- Luke 24:10-16,36-43
- Luke 24:11
- Luke 24:13-34
- Luke 24:13-35
- Luke 24:13-35
- Luke 24:26
- Luke 24:27
- Luke 24:28-48
- Luke 24:31
- Luke 24:31
- Luke 24:32
- Luke 24:34
- Luke 24:36-45
- Luke 24:38
- Luke 24:40-41
- Luke 24:43
- Luke 24:44-53
- Luke 24:44-53
- Luke 24:45
- Luke 24:46
- Luke 24:48
- Luke 24:48-49
- Luke 24:50-53
- Luke 24:51
Lange's Commentary on the Holy Scriptures - 1861.
Spurgeon writes "Oosterzee in Lange is excellent."
D Edmond Hiebert - In keeping with the series to which it belongs, the massive material is presented in three parts: exegetical and critical, doctrinal and ethical, and homiletical and practical. Conservative in viewpoint. Valuable for those willing to dig into its vast stores of material, much of which is definitely dated.
Some chapters do not have comments by Parker.
- Luke 1:1-4 The Aim of Dr Luke
- Luke 1:5-25 How Not to Talk to an Angel
- Luke 1:26-38 The Virgin Birth of the Son of God
- Luke 1:26-38 The Child to Be Born Will Be Called Holy--the Son of God
- Luke 1:26-37 Christ Conceived By the Holy Spirit
- Luke 1:24-45 The Baby in My Womb Leaped for Joy - Desiring God
- Luke 1:46-55 Meditation on the Magnificat
- Luke 1:67-79 Jesus Is the Horn of Salvation
- Luke 2:1-20 A Big God for Little People Seven Christmas Eve Meditations
- :uke 2:1-20 A Savior Is Born! Glory to God, Peace to Man
- Luke 2:21-40 Simeon's Farewell to the World
- Luke 2:25-38 Preparing to Receive Christ Looking for the Consolation of Israel
- Luke 2:36-38 Fasting for the King's Coming
- Luke 2:41-52 The Son of God At 12 Years Old
- Luke 3:1-9 John the Baptist and the Brood of Vipers
- Luke 3:10-20 What Is the Fruit That Befits Repentance?
- Luke 3:21-38 The Baptism and Genealogy of Jesus
- Luke 4:1-14 Christ in Combat: Defense By the Spirit
- Luke 4:16-21 Christ in Combat: Offense By the Spirit
- Luke 4:16-30 Jesus Is the End of Ethnocentrism Racial Harmony Sunday
- Luke 5:1-11 Breaking Nets, Sinking Boats and Saving Men
- Luke 8:4-18 Take Care How You Listen! - 1
- Luke 8:4-18 Take Care How You Listen! - 2
- Luke 9:51-56 He Set His Face to Go to Jerusalem
- Luke 9:56b-62 The Radical Cost of Following Jesus
- Luke 10:25-37 Love Your Unborn Neighbor
- Luke 11:1-13 Prevailing Prayer for the Spirit's Power
- Luke 11:1-13 When God Says, "Not Now"
- Luke 11:14-23 How Is the Kingdom Present?
- Luke 11:37-42 These You Ought to Have Done Without Neglecting the Others
- Luke 12:13-34 Loved Flock, Do Not Be Afraid to Give It Away
- Luke 12:32 It Is Your Father's Pleasure to Give You the Kingdom
- Luke 12:32-34 Magnifying God with Money
- Luke 12:13-21 Let's Be Rich Toward God - Desiring God
- Luke 13:1-5 Unless You Repent You Will All Likewise Perish
- Luke 13:10-17 Jesus, Women, and Men
- Book What Jesus Demands of the World - 3 chapters on Luke 13:24 - scroll down to page 164
- Luke 14:12-14 Whom Shall We Invite to Thanksgiving Dinner?
- Luke 15:1-10 Mission: The Gladness of God
- Luke 15:1-2 This Man Receives Sinners and Eats with Them
- Luke 15:1-10 The Happiest Days of Heaven Second in a Series on Luke 15
- Luke 15:11-24 Coming to Yourself and Coming to the Father Part Three
- Luke 15:25-31 The Blinding Effects of Serving God Part Four
- Luke 16:19-31 Preparing to Receive Christ Hearing Moses and the Prophets
- Luke 17:20-21 Compassion, Power, and the Kingdom of God Is the Kingdom Present or Future?
- Luke 18:1-8 Always Pray and Do Not Lose Heart
- Luke 18:9-14 This Man Went Down to His House Justified
- Luke 18:15-17 Let the Children Come to Me
- Luke 19:28-44 Palm Sunday Tears of Sovereign Mercy
- Luke 19:41-44 O, That You Knew the Terms of Peace!
- Luke 21:16 Risk and the Cause of God Today
- Luke 22:1-6 Judas Iscariot, Suicide of Satan, Salvation of the World
- Luke 22:14-22 Until It Is Fulfilled in the Kingdom of God
- Luke 22:31-34 The Sifting of Simon Peter
- Luke 23:32-38 Father, Forgive, For We Know What We Are Doing"
- Luke 23:43 Today You Will Be with Me in Paradise Good Friday
- Luke 23:44-46 Into Thy Hands I Commit My Spirit Good Friday
- Luke 24:44-53 The Ascent of Joy
Detailed Comments Verse by Verse 3rd Edition 1900
Rosscup comments: This used to be often considered the best older commentary on the Greek. (Rosscup, J. Commentaries for Biblical Expositors)
D. D. Salmond - It is distinguished throughout by learning, sobriety of judgment, and sound exegesis. It is a weighty contribution to the interpretation of the third Gospel, and will take an honorable place in the series of which it forms a part.
The Herald and Presbyter - We are pleased with the thoroughness and scientific accuracy of the interpretations. . . . It seems to us that the prevailing characteristic of the book is common sense, fortified by learning and piety.
J. H. Thayer - It is a valuable and welcome addition to our somewhat scanty stock of first-class commentaries on the third Gospel. By its scholarly thoroughness it well sustains the reputation which the International Series has already won.
Cyril Barber - A most exhaustive and helpful treatment of the Greek text.
New Testament Commentary for English Readers Edited by Charles J Ellicott, D.D.
Exposition and Homilies. Scroll down each page for homilies
Notes on original Greek text
Robertson also authored an online book on Luke entitled Luke the Historian in the Light of Research about which Cyril Barber writes "A formal, scholarly defense of the accuracy of Luke's gospel. Includes a discussion of Luke's use of "medical terms" (click here) the account of Christ's birth, miracles and so on."
- Luke 1:4 Things That Are Certain
- Luke 1:5 John the Baptist
- Luke 2:1-7 No Room at the Inn
- Luke 2:1-7; 21 His Name Was Called Jesus
- Luke 2:10-11 Good News
- Luke 2:21-35 The Forgotten Man of Christmas
- Luke 5:1-11 Doing the Work of the Lord
- Luke 5:1-11 Partners in Ministry
- Luke 5:27-32 Follow Me
- Luke 5:27-39 Trade-in Time
- Luke 6:38 Promise Giving
- Luke 6:39-46 Beams, Splinters, and Sawdust
- Luke 7:11-17 Power of Life
- Luke 8:11 The Bible as Seed
- Luke 8:26-40 Graveyard Prayer Meeting
- Luke 8:40-42; 49-56 A Great Father
- Luke 10:25-37 Becoming a Caring Church (pt 1)
- Luke 10:25-37 Becoming a Caring Church (pt 2)
- Luke 10:25-29 Who Is My Neighbor?
- Luke 10:25-29 Parable of the Good Samaritan
- Luke 10:38-42 Foundations of the Family: Priorities
- Luke 11:13 Meet Yourself in the Parables
- Luke 11:13 The Filling of the Holy Spirit
- Luke 12:1-3 Beware Of Hypocrisy
- Luke 12:16-21 Fool's Harvest
- Luke 12:16-21; 36-40 Safeguards of Stewardship
- Luke 12:16-21 The High Cost of Being Lost
- Luke 12:54-57 What is Right?
- Luke 13:1-5 Why Does God Allow Suffering?
- Luke 13:1-9 Why God Permits Accidents
- Luke 13:1-9 Jesus Responds to Some Bad News
- Luke 13:1-9 Why God Permits Accidents, part 2
- Luke 13:1-9 The Ways of Providence
- Luke 14:7-11 Marks of a Christian: Humility
- Luke 15:10 Joy in Heaven
- Luke 15:11-24 Father's Day
- Luke 15:11-24 The Father is Still Waiting
- Luke 15:13 The Far Country
- Luke 16:19-31 Three Things in Hell
- Luke 16:19-31 Who Cares?
- Luke 16:19-31 If They Believe not the Bible
- Luke 16:22-31 The Man In Hell Never Asked
- Luke 17:3-10 Growing in Forgiveness
- Luke 17:11-19 Where Are the Nine?
- Luke 17:11-19 Sin of Ingratitude
- Luke 19:1-10 Why Did Jesus Come?
- Luke 19:10 Four Great Losses
- Luke 23:44-46 Into Thy Hands
- Luke 23:32-38 Father, Forgive Them
- Luke 23:33-43 Look To Calvary
- Luke 23:39-44 Today in Paradise
- Luke 24:1-12 The Message of the Empty Tomb
- Luke 24:44-49 The Great Commission, the Message
- Luke 24:47 Unconditional Forgiveness
- Luke 1:1-38 Christmas: A Season of Mystery,
- Luke 1:39-80 Christmas: A Season of Joyful Song
- Luke 2:1-21 Christmas: A Season of Salvation
- Luke 2:21-38 Is There a Light at the End of the Tunnel?
- Luke 2:39-52 Parents! Where Are Your Children?
- Luke 3:1-20 Can We Hope to Start Our Lives Over?
- Luke 3:21-38 How Can We Know That Jesus is the Son of God?
- Luke 4:1-13 The Secret to Resisting Temptation
- Luke 4:14-30 How Should We Respond to Open Doors, Closed Hearts?
- Luke 4:16-21 Jesus: Born to Serve
- Luke 4:31-44 How Should We Respond to a Sick Society?
- Luke 5:1-12 How Can We Experience Our Full Potential?
- Luke 5:12-16 Have You Ever Hungered For Wholeness?
- Luke 5:17-26 Who is Really Able to Forgive Our Sins?
- Luke 5:27-39 How Can We Bring Wholeness to Our Neighborhood?
- Luke 6:1-11 What is the Problem with Living a "Religious" Life?
- Luke 6:12-26 Where is the Life in the Living When the Living Seems Lifeless?
- Luke 6:27-38 How Should We React Toward Those Who Hate, Curse and Mistreat Us?
- Luke 6:39-49 How Can We Know if We Are Genuine Christians?
- Luke 7:1-17 How Can We Cancel Our Appointment with Death?
- Luke 7:18-35 Is Jesus the Son of God or Do We Look for Someone Else?
- Luke 7:35-50 What Do You See When You Look at Others?
- Luke 8:1-21 Do You Think or Do You Know You Are a Christian?
- Luke 8:22-25 Where is Jesus When You Need Him Most?
- Luke 8:26-39 Do You Believe in the Devil?
- Luke 8:40-56 To Whom Do We Turn in Times of Sickness and Death?
- Luke 9:1-17 Are You Living Up to Your Full Spiritual Potential?
- Luke 9:18-27 How Do You Become a Disciple of Jesus?
- Luke 9:28-36 Do You Believe in the Second Coming of Jesus Christ?
- Luke 9:37-50 When God Speaks, Are You Willing to Listen?
- Luke 9:57-10:24 Are You Willing to Become a Disciple of Jesus Christ?
- Luke 10:25-37 What Shall I Do to Inherit Eternal Life?
- Luke 10:38-42 How Can We Gain Control Over Our Distracted Lifestyle?
- Luke 11:1-4 Are You Willing to Say, "Lord, Teach Me to Pray"
- Luke 11:5-13 Does God Our Father Really Hear and Answer Our Prayers?
- Luke 11:14-36 Whom Do You See When You Look at Jesus?
- Luke 11:37-52 When Jesus Looks at Us. What Does He See--Our Mask or Our Heart
- Luke 11:53-12:12 Do You Know How to Survive in a Hostile World?
- Luke 12:13-34 How Should We Live in an Affluent Community?
- Luke 12:35-48 Are You Prepared For Jesus' Second Coming?
- Luke 12:49-59 Can You Read "The Signs of the Times"?
- Luke 13:1-9 What Does God Really Want From Me?
- Luke 13:10-21 ...Freed From Bondage of Satan
- Luke 13:22-35 When Heaven's Door is Shut...
- Luke 14:1-24...About Hospitality
- Luke 14:25-35 ...the Cost Of Becoming A Disciple
- Luke 15:1-32 What is Your Attitude Towards Repentant Sinners?
- Luke 16:1-18 Investing God's Money
- Luke 16:19-31 ...the Real Story of the Rich Man
- Luke 17:1-19 Discipleship: A High Calling
- Luke 17:20-37 When Will The Kingdom of God Come?
- Luke 18:1-14 Why Pray When You Can Faint?
- Luke 18:15-34 Can We Receive Eternal Life?
- Luke 18:35-19:10 The Faith To Begin a New Life
- Luke 19:11-27 How Involved are you in the Business of the Gospel of Christ
- Luke 19:28-44 That First Palm Sunday
- Luke 19:45-20:26 The Need for Cleansing
- Luke 20:27-47 Do You Believe in the Resurrection From the Dead?
- Luke 21:1-19 ...the Sign of the End of the Age?
- Luke 21:20-36 ...the Second Coming of Jesus?
- Luke 22:1-38 The Final Passover...
- Luke 22:39-46 Pray That You May Not Enter Into Temptation!
- Luke 22:47-62 Have You Ever Been Tempted to Deny You are a Disciple of Jesus?
- Luke 22:63-23:25 ...The Trial of Jesus
- Luke 23:26-49 Why Did Jesus Die on a Roman Cross?
- Luke 23:50-24:12 Do You Believe in the Resurrection of Jesus?
- Luke 24:13-35 Hope on the Road of Despair
- Luke 24:36-43 Have You Every Doubted Jesus Arose From the Dead?
- John 21:1-19 The Breakfast of Cleansing,
- Luke 24:44-49 What Is Our Commission and Message to the World?
Click here to access the 75 titles listed below - the Pdf has over 865 pages of sermons. Rogers is conservative, pithy and practical! He is one of the stellar expositors of the twentieth century. Highly recommended to aid your sermon and teaching preparation.
- When Prayer Seems Unanswered—Luke 1:5
- When Prayer Seems Unanswered—Luke 1:5–13
- When Prayer Seems Unanswered—Luke 1:5–17
- A Christmas Tribute to the Trinity—Luke 1:35
- Jesus Christ: The Son of God and God the Son—Luke 1:35
- His Unquestioned Lordship—Luke 2
- His Unequaled Birth—Luke 1:30–38; 2:8–14
- Is There Room for Jesus This Christmas?—Luke 2:1–7
- The Crowded-Out Christ—Luke 2:1–7
- Mary’s Little Lamb—Luke 2:7–11
- Christ the Lord—Luke 2:8–11
- He Is Lord—Luke 2:11
- His Unblemished Life—Luke 2:25–35
- The Lost Christ of Christmas—Luke 2:40–47
- The Lost Christ of Christmas—Luke 2:41–50
- Intercessory Prayer—Luke 3:21
- How to Handle Temptation—Luke 4:1–6, 9–12
- How to Handle Temptation—Luke 4:1–2
- How to Overcome Temptation—Luke 4:1–12
- Temptation—Luke 4:1–13
- How to Handle Temptation—Luke 4:1–18; 3:21–22
- Discovering Your Authority in Christ—Luke 7:1–9
- Strength Through Authority—Luke 7:1–10
- The Warfare of Prayer—Luke 10:17–19
- The Warfare of Prayer—Luke 10:17–19
- The Evil Empire—Luke 10:17–20
- A Caring Church—Luke 10:25–37
- How to Be a Good Friend—Luke 10:25–37
- Lifestyle Evangelism—Luke 10:25–37
- The Prayer Life of the Lord Jesus Christ—Luke 11:1
- The Principles of Prevailing Prayer—Luke 11:1–4
- Intercessory Prayer—Luke 11:5–13
- Intercessory Prayer—Luke 11:5–13
- The Story of Three Friends—Luke 11:5–13
- Real Repentance—Luke 13:1–5
- The Forgotten Word—Luke 13:1–5
- True Confessions and Counterfeit Confessions—Luke 13:1–4
- How to Be a Fully Committed Disciple of Jesus Christ—Luke 14:25–35
- How to Be a Fully Committed Disciple of Jesus Christ—Luke 14:25–35
- It Costs to Serve Jesus—Luke 14:25–35
- Jesus, Friend of Sinners—Luke 15
- Jesus, Friend of Sinners—Luke 15:1–32
- Lost and Found—Luke 15
- Seeing the World Through the Eyes of Christ—Luke 15
- Homecoming—Luke 15:1–24
- Jesus, the Friend of Sinners—Luke 15:1–32
- The Father’s Heart—Luke 15:1–32
- The Father’s Heart—Luke 15:1–32
- Is There a Little Pharisee in Me?—Luke 15:11–32
- Sinners: Nasty or Nice—Luke 15:11–32
- Sinners: Nasty and Nice—Luke 15:13–22
- The Ungrateful Brother—Luke 15:11–32
- Lord of All Your Wealth—Luke 16:1–3
- Faithful Stewardship—Luke 16:1–13
- Financial Faithfulness—Luke 16:1–13
- Financial Faithfulness—Luke 16:1–13
- You Can Take It with You—Luke 16:1–13
- Learning to Think Small—Luke 16:10–12
- Five Minutes After Death—Luke 16:19–31
- Five Minutes After Death—Luke 16:19–31
- Prayer: Its Force, Its Course, and Its Source—Luke 18:1
- You Are Very Important to God—Luke 19:1–10
- Time Out for Tears—Luke 19:37–46
- Time Out for Tears—Luke 19:37–48
- Daybreak for the Soul—Luke 22:19–22, 31–34, 54–61
- Failure is Not Final—Luke 22:31–34, 60–62
- Strength in Times of Crisis—Luke 22:31–62
- The Dawning of a New Day—Luke 22:31–34
- The Dawning of a New Day—Luke 22:31–34
- Gethsemane’s Cup—Luke 22:39–47
- The Dawning of a New Day—Luke 22:54–62
- The Dawning of a New Day—Luke 22:54–62
- Why Three Crosses?—Luke 23:32
- Sound Theology—Luke 23:33, 39–43
- The Week After Easter—Luke 24:13–36
INSTRUCTIONS - Click on the chapter below (bold font) for the sermons in that chapter on one page.
Charles H Spurgeon writes that Horae Homileticae are "Not Commentaries, but we could not exclude them. They have been called “a valley of dry bones”: be a prophet and they will live." (Commenting on Commentaries)
John Piper says that Horae Homileticae "is the best place to go for researching Simeon's theology. You can find his views on almost every key text in the Bible. He did not want to be labeled a Calvinist or an Arminian. He wanted to be Biblical through and through and give every text its due proportion, whether it sounded Arminian as it stands or Calvinistic. But he was known as an evangelical Calvinist, and rightly so. As I have read portions of his sermons on texts concerning election and effectual calling and perseverance he is uninhibited in his affirmation of what we would call the doctrines of grace… What Simeon experienced in the word was remarkable. And it is so utterly different from the counsel that we receive today that it is worth looking at." (Brothers, We Must Not Mind a Little Suffering) (Bolding added)
Who's Who in Christian History says that "If Wilberforce is the most famous evangelical layman in the Church of England, then Simeon is the most famous evangelical clergyman." (Bolding added)
Paul Mizzi notes that "Hours and hours of toil and labour have produced this veritable treasure, full of scholarship and intellectual endeavour." (Truth for Today) (Bolding added)
B. B. Siegel notes that "One can easily find suggestive and practical helps in the preparation of sermons, devotional talks, young people’s messages, prayer meeting talks, Sunday School lessons and personal Bible study. The study of these outlines will contribute greatly to expository preaching. It is a wonderful book for your library." (Bibliotheca Sacra Volume 112: page 458, October, 1955) (Bolding added)
NOTE - Here are All Simeon's Sermons on Luke on one Page
- Introduction
- Luke 1
- Luke 1:17 John the Forerunner of Jesus
- Luke 1:35, 38 The Angel's Message to Mary
- Luke 1:46, 47 The Virgin's Song of Praise
- Luke 1:67-75 The Son of Zacharias
- Luke 1:78, 79 The Causes of Our Saviour's Incarnation
- Luke 2
- Luke 2:10, 11 Christ's Incarnation Glad Tidings to All
- Luke 2:13, 14 The Angel's Song
- Luke 2:15 Inquiry into the Gospel Recommended
- Luke 2:21 The Circumcision of Christ
- Luke 2:22-24 Presentation of Christ in the Temple
- Luke 2:25 Christ the Consolation of Israel
- Luke 2:28-32 Testimony Borne to Jesus in the Temple
- Luke 2:34, 35 The ends and Effects of Christ's Exhibition to the World
- Luke 2:49 Christ's Early Habits
- Luke 3
- Luke 3:4-6 Ministry of John the Baptist
- Luke 3:10,11 Liberality to the Poor
- Luke 3:10-14 Practical Duties Enforced
- Luke 3:19, 20 The Imprisonment of John
- Luke 3:21, 22 The Descent of the Spirit
- Luke 4
- Luke 4:21, 22 Our Lord's First Sermon at Nazareth
- Luke 4:23 Physician, Heal Thyself
- Luke 4:28-30 Christ Escapes from His Blood-Thirsty Persecutors
- Luke 4:33, 34 An Unclean Spirit Cast Out
- Luke 4:38, 39 Peter's Wife's Mother Cured
- Luke 5
- Luke 5:8-11 The Draught of Fishes
- Luke 5:27-29 The Call of Matthew
- Luke 5:36-38 The New Wine and Old Bottles
- Luke 6
- Luke 6:12, 13 The Apostles Chosen
- Luke 6:19 The Analogy Between Bodily and Spiritual Cures
- Luke 6:20-26 True Happiness Stated
- Luke 6:43-45 The Tree Known by its Fruits
- Luke 6:46 The Folly of a Fruitless Profession
- Luke 7
- Luke 7:6, 7 The Centurion's Servant Healed
- Luke 7:14-16 The Widow's Son Raised
- Luke 7:31, 32, 35 The Perverse Children
- Luke 7:40-42 The Insolvent Debtors
- Luke 7:50 The Sinner's Fate
- Luke 8
- Luke 8:16-18 The Lighted Candle
- Luke 8:18 Directions How to Hear Sermons
- Luke 8:50 Jairus' Daughter Healed
- Luke 9
- Luke 9:12, 13 The Five Thousand Fed
- Luke 9:29-32 The Transfiguration of Christ
- Luke 9:55 Against Mistaking Our Own Spirit
- Luke 9:57-62 Appropriate Addresses to Distinct Characters
- Luke 9:62 Against a Disposition to Relinquish the Lord's Service
- Luke 10
- Luke 10:10-16 The Danger of Rejecting the Gospel
- Luke 10:20 The Enrolment of Our Names in Heaven, A Ground of Joy
- Luke 10:21 The Gospel Revealed to Babes
- Luke 10:23, 24 The Blessings of a Preached Gospel
- Luke 10:30-35 The Good Samaritan
- Luke 10:41, 42 Martha and Mary's Characters Compared
- Luke 10:42 One Thing Needful
- Luke 11
- Luke 11:1 Forms of Prayer, Good
- Luke 11:5-8 The Force of Importunity
- Luke 11:9,10 Importunity Encouraged
- Luke 11:21, 22 The Strong Man Armed
- Luke 11:27, 28 The Blessedness of the True Christian
- Luke 12
- Luke 12:1 Caution Against Hypocrisy
- Luke 12:4,5 God to be Feared, but Not man
- Luke 12:15 Caution Against Covetousness
- Luke 12:20, 21 The Rich Fool
- Luke 12:32 The Privileges of Christ's Flock
- Luke 12:35-37 The Watchful Servant
- Luke 12:50 The Bloody Baptism of our Lord
- Luke 12:57 Judging What is Right
- Luke 13
- Luke 13:5 Repentance
- Luke 13:7-9 The Barren Fig-Tree
- Luke 13:15, 16 The Infirm Woman Cured
- Luke 13:30 The Last First, and the First Last
- Luke 14
- Luke 14:1-4 The Man Cured of Dropsy
- Luke 14:7-10 The Ambitious Guest
- Luke 14:12-14 Liberality to the Poor Recommended
- Luke 14:16-18 The Great Supper
- Luke 14:28-33 The Foolish Builder and the Inconsiderate King
- Luke 15
- Luke 15:3-7 The Lost Sheep
- Luke 15:8-10 The Lost Piece of Silver
- Luke 15:10 Angels Rejoice Over Penitents
- Luke 15:23, 24 The Prodigal Son
- Luke 15:28 The Prodigal's Elder Brother
- Luke 16
- Luke 16:8 The Unjust Steward
- Luke 16:16 Pressing into the Kingdom
- Luke 16:25 The Rich Man and Lazarus
- Luke 16:29-31 The Hopeless State of Those Who Disregard the Scriptures
- Luke 17
- Luke 17:5,6 The Importance of Faith
- Luke 17:10 The Obedient Servant
- Luke 17:17, 18 The Ten Lepers Healed
- Luke 17:26-30 Suddenness of Christ's Second Coming
- Luke 17:32 Lot's Wife
- Luke 18
- Luke 18:1 The Duty of Persevering in Prayer
- Luke 18:6-8 The Importunate Widow
- Luke 18:13, 14 The Pharisee and the Publican
- Luke 18:31-34 Christ Foretells His Own Sufferings
- Luke 19
- Luke 19:9 The Conversion of Zaccheus
- Luke 19:10 The End For Which the Son of Man Came
- Luke 19:12, 13 The Pounds
- Luke 19:12, 14 The Rebellious Citizens
- Luke 19:26 Talents Lost, If Not Improved
- Luke 19:27 Christ's Enemies Warned
- Luke 19:37, 38 Our Lord's Triumphant Entry Into Jerusalem
- Luke 19:40 Our Duty Towards the Lord Jesus Christ
- Luke 19:41, 42 Christ's Compassion to Lost Sinners
- Luke 20
- Luke 20:15 The Wicked Husbandmen
- Luke 20:17, 18 The Rejected Corner Stone
- Luke 21
- Luke 21:17-19 Encouragement to Bear Persecution
- Luke 21:29-31 The Budding Fig-Tree
- Luke 22
- Luke 22:14-16 Our Lord's Eating the Last Passover with His Disciples
- Luke 22:22 The Circumstances of Our Lord's Death Foreordained
- Luke 22:28-30 Reward of Faithfulness
- Luke 22:31, 32 The Means of Security from Satan's Malice
- Luke 22:39-46 Christ's Sufferings in the Garden
- Luke 22:48 The Treason of Judas
- Luke 22:50, 51 The Healing of Malchus' Ear
- Luke 22:61, 62 Peter's Fall and Repentance
- Luke 23
- Luke 23:1-3 Christ's Accusation Before Pilate
- Luke 23:12 Herod's Reconciliation With Pilate
- Luke 23:13-25 Barabas Spared, and Christ Condemned
- Luke 23:27-31 Christ's Address to the Women Who Lamented Him
- Luke 23:31 The Green and Dry Tree
- Luke 23:34 Christ Interceding For His Enemies
- Luke 23:42, 43 Our Lord's Answer to the Penitent Thief
- Luke 23:47, 48 The Effect of Christ's Death on the Beholders
- Luke 24
- Luke 24:26 The Necessity of Christ's Sufferings and Exaltation
- Luke 24:32 Blessedness of Communion with Christ
- Luke 24:33, 34 Christ's Resurrection
- Luke 24:46, 47 The Gospel to Be First Preached at Jerusalem
- Luke 24:50-53 The Ascension of Christ
- Luke 1:1-25 God Knows And Hears
- Luke 1:26-38 All Because Of Grace
- Luke 1:39-80 Songs Of Redemption
- Luke 2:1-20 The Arrival
- Luke 2:21-52 What Must You Do?
- Luke 3:1-20 The Greatest Man
- Luke 3:21-22 My Beloved
- Luke 3:23-4:13 Why Jesus Was Tempted
- Luke 4:1-13 The Temptation Of Jesus
- Luke 4:14-30 The Ministry Of The Messiah
- Luke 4:31-44 Oh, What A Day!
- Luke 5:1-11 When Jesus Is In Charge
- Luke 5:12-16 The Cleansing Of The Leper
- Luke 5:17-26 Jesus Is In The House
- Luke 5:27-39 A New Thing
- Luke 6:1-11 The Lord Of The Sabbath
- Luke 6:12-16 he Calling Of The Twelve
- Luke 6:17-26 The Message Of The Kingdom
- Luke 6:27-36 The Danger Of Self Preservation
- Luke 6:37-45 Are We To Judge?
- Luke 6:46-49 Building On The Right Foundation
- Luke 7:1-17 He Still Moves Stones
- Luke 7:17-35 The Dungeon Of Doubt
- Luke 7:36-50 Forgiveness And Rest
- Luke 8:1-21 The Parable Of The Sower
- Luke 8:22-40 The Stilling Of Two Storms
- Luke 8:41-56 Only Believe
- Luke 9:1-17 His Hands And Feet
- Luke 9:18-22 Who Is Jesus To You?
- Luke 9:23-26, 57-62 A Call To Discipleship
- Luke 9:27-36 A Preview Of The Second Coming
- Luke 9:37-43 Bring Him To Me
- Luke 9:43-56 He Is Still Working In Me
- Luke 10:1-3 Ambassadors For Christ
- Luke 10:1-24 The Sending Of The 70
- Luke 10:25-37 Neighbors Like Christ
- Luke 10:38-42 Mindset Of Maturity
- Luke 11:1-13 The Disciple's Prayer
- Luke 11:14-26 The Finger Of God
- Luke 11:27-32 Show Me A Sign
- Luke 11:33-36 The Eye, The Lamp Of The Body
- Luke 11:37-54 Woe To You
- Luke 12:1-3 Beware Of Leaven
- Luke 12:1-12 The Causes And Cures Of Hypocrisy
- Luke12:13-21 What Will You be Doing 100 Years From Now?
- Luke 12:22-34 Reasons Not To Worry
- Luke 12:35-40 Living In The Last Days
- Luke 12:41-59 The Plight Of The Unprepared
- Luke 13:1-9 When Jesus Comes Looking For Fruit
- Luke 13:10-17 Making Crooked People Straight
- Luke 13:18-30 Considering The Kingdom
- Luke 13:31-45 Don't Be Afraid
- Luke 14:1-24 Oh What A Feast!
- Luke 14:25-35 Defining Discipleship
- Luke 15:1-24 When God Ran
- Luke 16:1-14 Money Matters
- Luke 16:14-31 What Matters Most Is Eternity
- Luke 17:11-19 The Importance Of Giving Thanks
- Luke 17:1-10 Things That Really Matter -Part 1
- Luke 17:1-10 Things That Really Matter -Part 2
- Luke 17:20-37 When The Kingdom Comes
- Luke 18:1-8 Prayer
- Luke 18:9-17 I-5 Prayer To Approaching God
- Luke 18:18-43 A Tale Of Two Hearts
- Luke 19:1-10 he Savior Who Seeks The Lost
- Luke 19:11-27 Jesus Has Need Of Donkeys
- Luke 19:28-58 The King Arrives - Praise Him!
- Luke 20:1-40 The Inspection Of The Passover Lamb
- Luke 20:41 - 21:4 A Question For You
- Luke 21:5-24 The Temple Mount Discourse
- Luke 21:25-38 Ready For His Return
- Luke 22:1-46 Final Hours And Lessons
- Luke 22:31-34, 39-62 The Fall And Rise Of Peter
- Luke 22:63-23:25 The Unjust Trial Of Jesus
- Luke 23:39-43 Between Two Thieves
- Luke 23:26-56 Four Men - One Savior
- Luke 24:13-35 Burning Hearts
- Luke 24:1-35 He Is Risen
- Luke 23:44-46 The Rent Veil
- Luke 24:36-53 Why Are You Troubled?
- Luke 24:49-53 The Promise Of The Father
- Sermon Notes for Luke 1:5
- Sermon Notes for Luke 1:5-20
- Sermon Notes for Luke 1:20
- Sermon Notes for Luke 1:26-38
- Sermon Notes for Luke 1:26
- Sermon Notes for Luke 1:26
- Sermon Notes for Luke 1:26
- Sermon Notes for Luke 1:51
- Sermon Notes for Luke 1:74-75
- Sermon Notes for Luke 2
- Sermon Notes for Luke 2:1
- Sermon Notes for Luke 2:1-8
- Sermon Notes for Luke 2:1-11
- Sermon Notes for Luke 2:1-14
- Sermon Notes for Luke 2:1-14
- Sermon Notes for Luke 2:1-20
- Sermon Notes for Luke 2:1-20
- Sermon Notes for Luke 2:6,7
- Sermon Notes for Luke 2:7
- Sermon Notes for Luke 2:7
- Sermon Notes for Luke 2:8-14
- Sermon Notes for Luke 2:8-14
- Sermon Notes for Luke 2:8-14
- Sermon Notes for Luke 2:8-15
- Sermon Notes for Luke 2:8
- Sermon Notes for Luke 2:10, 11
- Sermon Notes for Luke 2:11
- Sermon Notes for Luke 3:3
- Sermon Notes for Luke 4:1-14
- Sermon Notes for Luke 4:1-13
- Sermon Notes for Luke 4:1
- Sermon Notes for Luke 5:1-11
- Sermon Notes for Luke 5:1-11
- Sermon Notes for Luke 5:1
- Sermon Notes for Luke 5:4-6
- Sermon Notes for Luke 6:36
- Sermon Notes for Luke 6:46-49
- Sermon Notes for Luke 6:46-49
- Sermon Notes for Luke 6:47
- Sermon Notes for Luke 7:48
- Sermon Notes for Luke 8:1
- Sermon Notes for Luke 8:15
- Sermon Notes for Luke 8:22-25
- Sermon Notes for Luke 8:45
- Sermon Notes for Luke 9:19
- Sermon Notes for Luke 9:51-62
- Sermon Notes for Luke 9:51-62
- Sermon Notes for Luke 9:59-62
- Sermon Notes for Luke 10:38
- Sermon Notes for Luke 11:1
- Sermon Notes for Luke 12:15
- Sermon Notes for Luke 12:15-21
- Sermon Notes for Luke 12:15
- Sermon Notes for Luke 12:35-37
- Sermon Notes for Luke 12:35-37
- Sermon Notes for Luke 12:35-37
- Sermon Notes for Luke 12:35-40
- Sermon Notes for Luke 12:35-40
- Sermon Notes for Luke 13:24
- Sermon Notes for Luke 13:34
- Sermon Notes for Luke 14:11
- Sermon Notes for Luke 14:15-24
- Sermon Notes for Luke 15:1, 2
- Sermon Notes for Luke 15:3-31
- Sermon Notes for Luke 15:3
- Sermon Notes for Luke 15:23,24
- Sermon Notes for Luke 16
- Sermon Notes for Luke 16:10,11
- Sermon Notes for Luke 16:11
- Sermon Notes for Luke 16:19-31
- Sermon Notes for Luke 16:19-31
- Sermon Notes for Luke 16:19-31
- Sermon Notes for Luke 17:11-19
- Sermon Notes for Luke 17:11-19
- Sermon Notes for Luke 17:11
- Sermon Notes for Luke 17:28-30
- Sermon Notes for Luke 18:8
- Sermon Notes for Luke 18:18
- Sermon Notes for Luke 19:1-10
- Sermon Notes for Luke 19:10
- Sermon Notes for Luke 19:10
- Sermon Notes for Luke 19:10
- Sermon Notes for Luke 19:10
- Sermon Notes for Luke 19:10
- Sermon Notes for Luke 19:28-42
- Sermon Notes for Luke 19:28-44
- Sermon Notes for Luke 19:28-44
- Sermon Notes for Luke 19:28-44
- Sermon Notes for Luke 19:35-44
- Sermon Notes for Luke 19:41-44
- Sermon Notes for Luke 19:42
- Sermon Notes for Luke 20:17
- Sermon Notes for Luke 20:37, 38
- Sermon Notes for Luke 21:25
- Sermon Notes for Luke 21:34
- Sermon Notes for Luke 21:36
- Sermon Notes for Luke 22:20; Mt 26:39
- Sermon Notes for Luke 22:31
- Sermon Notes for Luke 23:13-28
- Sermon Notes for Luke 23:32-45
- Sermon Notes for Luke 23:33, 34
- Sermon Notes for Luke 23:34
- Sermon Notes for Luke 23:34
- Sermon Notes for Luke 23:34
- Sermon Notes for Luke 23:38
- Sermon Notes for Luke 23:39-43
- Sermon Notes for Luke 23:39-45
- Sermon Notes for Luke 23:39-45
- Sermon Notes for Luke 23:39-45
- Sermon Notes for Luke 24:13-32
- Sermon Notes for Luke 24:32
- Sermon Notes for Luke 24:32
- Sermon Notes for Luke 24:32
- Sermon Notes for Luke 24:32
- Sermon Notes for Luke 19:10
Click here for the following discussions
- A GREAT CHARACTER. Luke 1:15, 16.
- MARY'S PRAYER. Luke 1:30-38.
- HOLY JOY. Luke 1:46-55.
- DELIVERED TO SERVE. Luke 1:74, 75.
- SIMEON—A HIDDEN ONE. Luke 2:25-32.
- A SORROWFUL SEARCH. Luke 2:41-51.
- THE CALL OF JOHN. Luke 3:1-6.
- THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. Luke 4:1-13.
- A POWERFUL SERMON. Luke 4:14-30.
- A SCENE IN A SYNAGOGUE. Luke 4:33-37.
- THE LEPER CLEANSED. Luke 5:12-15.
- STRANGE THINGS. Luke 5:17-26.
- BLESSINGS AND WOES. Luke 6:20-26.
- THE TREE AND ITS FRUIT. Luke 6:41-45.
- DIGGING DEEP. Luke 6:46-49.
- A SOLDIER'S FAITH. Luke 7:1-10.
- THE WIDOW'S SON. Luke 7:11-16.
- THE TWO DEBTORS. Luke 7:41-43.
- THE QUESTION OF JOHN. Luke 7:17-35.
- SAVED BY FAITH. Luke 7:36-50.
- THE VIRTUE OF CHRIST. Luke 8:43-48.
- GRACE AND GRUDGE. Luke 9:51-56.
- SENT ONES. Luke 10:1-20.
- THE GOOD SAMARITAN. Luke 10:30-37.
- "MARTHA, MARTHA." Luke 10:38-42.
- THE HYPOCRITE. Luke 11:37-44.
- A GREAT FAILURE. Luke 12:13-21.
- HE IS COMING. Luke 12:35-48.
- THE BARREN FIG-TREE. Luke 13:6-9.
- MADE STRAIGHT. Luke 13:10-16.
- THE GREAT SUPPER. Luke 14:16-24.
- THE LOST SHEEP. Luke 15:1-7.
- THE LOST SILVER. Luke 15:8-10.
- THE LOST SON. Luke 15:11-24.
- LOST SYMPATHY. Luke 15:25-32.
- LESSONS FROM A LOST SOUL. Luke 16:19-31.
- TEN LEPERS CLEANSED. Luke 17:11-19.
- CHRIST'S SECOND ADVENT. Luke 17:20-37.
- SUCCESSFUL PRAYER. Luke 18:1-14.
- ONE THING LACKING. Luke 18:15-30.
- BARTIMAEUS. Luke 18:31-43.
- ZACCHAEUS. Luke 19:1-10.
- GETHSEMANE. Luke 22:39-54.
- PETER'S DENIAL. Luke 22:54-62.
- PILATE AND CHRIST. Luke 23:1-25.
- CALVARY. Luke 23:24-48.
- Luke 1:5–38 Angels as Messengers
- Luke 1:26–38 Spirit-Conceived and Virgin-Born
- Luke 1:39–45 Regeneration Is Immediate
- Luke 1:76-77 Salvation from the Old Evils
- Luke 2:11 Savior
- Luke 2:22–35 Our Divine Vocation
- Luke 2:22–35 Our Divine Vocation - 2
- Luke 2:22–35 A Divine Vocation
- Luke 2:22–38 Blessings Through Christ
- Luke 3:1–22 The Baptism of John
- Luke 4:16–30 The Servant Comes to the Synagogue
- Luke 7:1–10 The Standard of Truth
- Luke 7:1-10 The Authority of the Bible
- Luke 8:1–3 Many Generous Women
- Luke 8:40–56 Jarius’ Daughter
- Luke 9:18–20 The Christ
- Luke 10:1–12 On That Day
- Luke 10:1–20 The Greatest Joy 1
- Luke 10:1–20 Greatest Joy 2
- Luke 10:17–20 Victory over Satan
- Luke 10:1–20 The Greatest Joy 3
- Luke 10:25–37 Jesus and Authority
- Luke 11:1 Teach Us to Pray
- Luke 11:1–4 The Lord’s Prayer
- Luke 11:2a Our Father
- Luke 11:2a Hallowed Be Your Name
- Luke 11:2b Your Kingdom Come
- Luke 11:3–4a Bread and Forgiveness
- Luke 11:5–13 Turning Adversity to Good
- Luke 12:13–21 The Parable of the Rich Fool
- Luke 12:34 Valuing Goods and Services
- Luke 12:48 Accepting Graduated Responsibility
- Luke 13:1–5 Repentance: A Vital Step
- Luke 13:18–21 The Kingdom of God
- Luke 14:25–33 Pragmatism
- Luke 14:25–33 Planning to Grow
- Luke 14:25–33 Planning to Grow
- Luke 14:25–33 Planning to Grow
- Luke 15 Seeking the Lost
- Luke 15:11–31 Embracing the Penitent
- Luke 16:16 The Christian’s Chief Goal
- Luke 16:19–31 The Point of No Return
- Luke 17:7–10 Remembering Who We Are
- Luke 17:7–10 A Gift to Unworthy Servants
- Luke 17:11-19 Giving Thanks
- Luke 17:20–21 The Gospel of the Kingdom
- Luke 18:9–14 Faith and Repentance
- Luke 18:9–14 Faith and Repentance-2
- Luke 20:9-18 Jesus Our Cornerstone
- Luke 22:24–30 The Future Consummation
- Luke 22:14–20 The Bread and the Cup
- Luke 22:31–34 The Intercession of Christ
- Luke 22:39–46 The Third Petition
- Luke 24:13-15 The Master Teacher
- Luke 24:13–35 The Road to Emmaus
- Luke 24:13-34 The Christ of the Prophets
- Luke 24:36–49 Authority and Canon
- Luke 24:36–49 A Canon of Books
- Luke 1:17 A People Prepared for the Lord
- Luke 1:18, 34 A Distinction with a Difference
- Luke 1:20 The Judgment Upon Zacharias
- Luke 1:32 He Shall Be Great
- Luke 1:46 The Keynote of a Choice Sonnet
- Luke 1:46, 47 Mary’s Magnificat
- Luke 1:46, 47 Mary’s Song
- Luke 1:46-47 A Harp of Ten Strings
- Luke 1:53 Alto and Bass
- Luke 1:79 The Tender Mercy of Our God
- Luke 1:53 The Hungry Filled, the Rich Emptied
- Luke 1:78 God’s Tender Mercy
- Luke 2:7 No Room for Christ in the Inn
- Luke 2:10 The Great Birthday
- Luke 2:10 God Incarnate, the End of Fear
- Luke 2:10-12 Joy Born at Bethlehem
- Luke 2:14 The First Christmas Carol
- Luke 2:15 A Visit to Bethlehem
- Luke 2:17-20 Holy Work for Christmas
- Luke 2:25 Simeon
- Luke 2:28-30 “Your Salvation”
- Luke 2:29-30 Nunc Dimittis (to Send Away)
- Luke 2:29, 30 Simeon’s Swan Song
- Luke 2:30 Christ Seen As God's Salvation
- Luke 2:32 Christ, the Glory of His People
- Luke 2:34 Christ—The Fall and Rise of Many
- Luke 2:44 Supposing Him to Have Been in the Company
- Luke 2:44-46 A Lost Christ Found
- Luke 2:48, 49 The First Recorded Words of Jesus
- Luke 2:49 Christ About His Father's Business
- Luke 3:16 Loosening the Sandal Strap
- Luke 3:21, 22 The Preparatory Prayers of Christ
- Luke 4:13, Mt 4:11 Satan Departing, Angels Ministering
- Luke 4:27 The Rule of Grace
- Luke 4:28-30 Nazareth Or Jesus Rejected by His Friends
- Luke 4:38-39 Fever and Its Cure
- Luke 4:39 The Ministry of Gratitude
- Luke 5:5 “At Your Word”
- Luke 5:5 “Nevertheless at Your Word”
- Luke 5:8 Peter's Prayer
- Luke 5:16-26 Carried by Four
- Luke 5:17 The Gospel’s Healing Power
- Luke 5:17 “Sitting By”
- Luke 5:18-20 Good Cheer from Forgiven Sin
- Luke 5:20 First Forgiveness, Then Healing
- Luke 5:26 Strange Things
- Luke 5:26. Strange Thing- Sermon Notes
- Luke 5:31 Patients for the Great Physician
- Luke 6:12 Special Protracted Prayer
- Luke 6:12 The Preparatory Prayers of Christ
- Luke 6:15 Zealots
- Luke 6:32-34 The Heroic in Christianity
- Luke 6:39, 40 The Choice of a Leader
- Luke 6:46-49 On Laying Foundations
- Luke 7:4-9 The Centurion—Or, an Exhortation to the Virtuous
- Luke 7:6-8 The Centurion’s Faith and Humility
- Luke 7:11-17 Young Man, Is This for You?
- Luke 7:34 The Very Friend You Need
- Luke 7:37-38 The Woman Which Was a Sinner
- Luke 7:37, 38 Penitence, Pardon and Peace
- Luke 7:38 Our Place—At Jesus’ Feet
- Luke 7:38. At His Feet- Sermon Notes (scroll down page)
- Luke 7:41 Debtors and Debtors
- Luke 7:41, 42 The Two Debtors
- Luke 7:41-43 Who Loves Christ More?
- Luke 7:42 Bankrupt Debtors Discharged
- Luke 7:42, 43 Love’s Competition
- Luke 7:42. Love's Foremost - Sermon Notes (scroll down page)
- Luke 7:50 Saving Faith
- Luke 7:50 A Gracious Dismissal
- Luke 7:50 Go in Peace
- Luke 8:4-8 The Parable of the Sower
- Luke 8:5 The Seed by the Wayside
- Luke 8:6 Lacking Moisture
- Luke 8:12 Satan’s Punctuality, Power and Purpose
- Luke 8:18 Heedful Hearing
- Luke 8:28 Plain Words with the Careless
- Luke 8:40 A Welcome for Jesus
- Luke 8:40. A Welcome for Jesus - Sermon Notes
- Luke 8:42-48 Good Cheer from Grace Received
- Luke 8:43, 44 Cured at Last!
- Luke 8:46 Real Contact with Jesus
- Luke 8:47 She Was Not Hid
- Luke 9:11 Real Grace for Real Need
- Luke 9:11 Welcome! Welcome!
- Luke 9:32 Waking to See Christ’s Glory
- Luke 9:42 The Comer's Conflict with Satan
- Luke 9:42 The Devil's Last Throw
- Luke 9:52, 53 Why Men Reject Christ
- Luke 9:57-62 Fickle Followers
- Luke 9:61 The Broken Column
- Luke 10:20 Why May I Rejoice?
- Luke 10:21 The Lord’s Chosen Ministers
- Luke 10:21, 22 The Joy of Jesus
- Luke 10:25-37 The Good Samaritan
- Luke 10:33 Good News for You
- Luke 10:38-42 Martha and Mary
- Luke 10:39 Love at Leisure
- Luke 10:39. Love At Home - Sermon Notes (Scroll down)
- Luke 10:40 Cumbered with Much Serving
- Luke 10:41, 42 Martha and Mary
- Luke 10:42 The One Thing Needful
- Luke 10:42 A Threefold Motto
- Luke 11:9, 10 Prayer Certified of Success
- Luke 11:11-13 Right Replies to Right Requests
- Luke 11:21 Peace of the Devil and the Peace of God
- Luke 11:21-26 The Strong One Driven Out by a Stronger One
- Luke 11:27, 28 Believers As Blessed As the Blessed Virgin
- Luke 11:27, 28 The True Lineage
- Luke 11:29 A Word with Those Who Wait for Signs and Wonders
- Luke 11:31 A Greater Than Solomon
- Luke 11:33-36 The Eye and the Light
- Luke 11:54-57 Signs of the Times
- Luke 12:1 Hypocrisy
- Luke 12:29 Anxiety, Ambition, Indecision
- Luke 12:32 Little, but Lovely
- Luke 12:37, 38 Watching for Christ’s Coming
- Luke 12:49 Fire—The Need of the Times
- Luke 12:54-57 Signs of the Times
- Luke 13:1-5 Accidents, Not Punishments
- Luke 13:7, 8 Judgment Threatening But Mercy Sparing
- Luke 13:8 This Year Also
- Luke 13:10-13 The Lifting Up of the Bowed Down
- Luke 13:10-13 A Sabbath Miracle
- Luke 13:11-13 Christ Loosens from Infirmities
- Luke 13:18-19 Mustard Seed for Sunday-School Teacher
- Luke 13:24 Self-Delusion
- Luke 13:24 The Strait Gate
- Luke 13:30 Great Changes
- Luke 13:33 Jerusalem the Guilty
- Luke 14:17 All Things Are Ready, Come
- Luke 14:18 A Bad Excuse Is Worse Than Nothing
- Luke 14:20 A Straight Talk
- Luke 14:23 Compel Them to Come In
- Luke 14:22 More Room for More People
- Luke 14:22 Yet There Is Room"
- Luke 14:26 Characteristics of Christ’s Disciples
- Luke 14:28-30 Counting the Cost
- Luke 14:31, 32 Consider Before You Fight
- Luke 15:1 The Approachableness of Jesus
- Luke 15:1, 2 Christ and His Hearers
- Luke 15:2 An Appeal to Sinners
- Luke 15:2 Open House for all Comers
- Luke 15:4 “Until He Finds It”
- Luke 15:4-6 Our Great Shepherd Finding the Sheep
- Luke 15:4-6 The Good Shepherd in Three Positions- Sermon Notes (Scroll down)
- Luke 15:4-7 The Parable of the Lost Sheep
- Luke 15:8-10 The Lost Silver Piece
- Luke 15:10 A High Day in Heaven
- Luke 15:10 The Sympathy of the Two Worlds
- Luke 15:17 Number 1000 or Bread Enough and to Spare
- Luke 15:17 The Prodigal’s Climax
- Luke 15:20 Prodigal Love for the Prodigal Son
- Luke 15:20 The Prodigal’s Reception
- Luke 15:20 The Prodigal's Return
- Luke 15:20 The Turning Point
- Luke 15:20 He Ran, and He Ran
- Luke 15:20, 21 A Program Never Carried Out
- Luke 15:22, 23 The Reception of Sinners
- Luke 16:2 The Last Sermon for the Year
- Luke 16:2 The Sunday-School Teacher--A Steward
- Luke 16:26 The Bridgeless Gulf
- Luke 16:31 A Preacher from the Dead
- Luke 17:5 Growth in Faith
- Luke 17:5 The Necessity of Increased Faith
- Luke 17:5 Increased Faith the Strength of Peace Principles
- Luke 17:7-10 Our Service for Christ Never Finished
- Luke 17:12-14 Only Trust Him! Only Trust Him!
- Luke 17:15-19 “Where Are the Nine?”—Or, Praise Neglected
- Luke 17:17 “Where Are the Nine”? Where?
- Luke 17:22 And Why Not?
- Luke 17:32 Remember Lot’s Wife
- Luke 18:1 When Should We Pray?
- Luke 18:1-8 The Importunate Widow
- Luke 18:7 Prayerful Importunity
- Luke 18:8 The Search for Faith
- Luke 18:10 The Blessings of Public Worship
- Luke 18:13 Confession and Absolution
- Luke 18:13 A Sermon for the Worst Man on Earth
- Luke 18:14 Too Good to Be Saved!
- Luke 18:17 Receiving the Kingdom of God As a Little Child
- Luke 18:37 The Soul’s Crisis
- Luke 18:42 Saving Faith
- Luke 19:5 Effectual Calling
- Luke 19:5 Must He?
- Luke 19:5. Must He? - Sermon Notes
- Luke 19:6 The Honored Guest
- Luke 19:6 Jesus Joyfully Received
- Luke 19:7 The Sinner’s Savior
- Luke 19:10 Christ the Seeker and Saviour of the Lost
- Luke 19:10 The Errand of Mercy
- Luke 19:9 A Day to be Remembered
- Luke 19:10 The Mission of the Son of Man
- Luke 19:10 Saving the Lost
- Luke 19:10 Good News for the Lost
- Luke 19:12, 13 The Servants and the Pounds
- Luke 19:28 Our Glorious Leader
- Luke 19:37-40 Praise Your God, O Zion!
- Luke 19:41 Grace for Communion
- Luke 19:41 The Lamentations of Jesus,
- Luke 20:37, 38 Departed Saints Yet Living
- Luke 21:28-31 Joyful Anticipation of the Second Advent
- Luke 21:33 The Perpetuity of the Gospel
- Luke 22:19 Lord’s Supper, A Remembrance of Jesus
- Luke 22:19-20. Ordained Memorial - Sermon Notes (Scroll down)
- Luke 22:27. Servus Servorum - Sermon Notes (Scroll down)
- Luke 22:27 Servus Servorum
- Luke 22:31, 32; 23:46 Preparatory Prayers of Christ
- Luke 22:32 Christ’s Prayer for Peter
- Luke 22:32 Peter after His Restoration
- Luke 22:43 The Weakened Christ Strengthened
- Luke 22:44 Gethsemane
- Luke 22:44 The Agony in Gethsemane
- Luke 22:47-48 The Betrayal
- Luke 22:61, 62 Peter’s Restoration
- Luke 22:63-65 Majesty in Misery
- Luke 23:8,9 Our Lord before Herod
- Luke 23:11 Setting Jesus at Nothing
- Luke 23:27-31 Why Should I Weep?
- Luke 23:34 A Plea from the Cross
- Luke 23:34 Christ's Plea for Ignorant Sinners
- Luke 23:34. Father, Forgive Them - Sermon Notes
- Luke 23:34 Unknown Depths and Heights
- Luke 23:39-43 Witnessing at the Cross
- Luke 23:40-42 The Dying Thief in a New Light
- Luke 23:42-43 The Believing Thief
- Luke 23:46 Our Lord’s Last Cry from the Cross
- Luke 23:46 The Last Words of Christ on the Cross
- Luke 23:48 Mourning at the Sight of the Crucified
- Luke 24:5 A Timely Expostulation
- Luke 24:5,6 “The Lord Is Risen, Indeed”
- Luke 24:16 Jesus Near But Unrecognized
- Luke 24:25 Folly of Unbelief
- Luke 24:28, 29 The Blessed Guest Detained
- Luke 24:31 Eyes Opened
- Luke 24:36-44 First Appearance of the Risen Lord to the Eleven
- Luke 24:36 Peace Be Unto You
- Luke 24:36-44 The First Appearance of the Risen Lord to the Eleven
- Luke 24:36. A Divine Visitation - Sermon Notes (Scroll down)
- Luke 24:38 Christ the Cure for Troubled Hearts
- Luke 24:40 The Wounds of Jesus
- Luke 24:41 Too Good to Be True—A Paradox
- Luke 24:41-45 Joy Hindering Faith
- Luke 24:47 Beginning at Jerusalem
- Luke 24:47 Christ's First and Last Subject
- Luke 24:47 Repentance and Remission
- Luke 24:50-53 Our Lord’s Posture in Ascension
- Luke 24:50. Our Lord's Attitude in Ascension - Sermon Notes (Scroll down)
183 pages. Note that under the chapter headings the verses are not always in order because they are extracted from multiple separate expositions performed by Spurgeon. So be sure and scroll through the chapter to make sure you find all the verses.
- Luke 2:18
- Luke 2:19
- Luke 2:20
- Luke 3:4
- Luke 4:18
- Luke 5:4
- Luke 6:12
- Luke 8:13
- Luke 8:42
- Luke 8:47
- Luke 10:21
- Luke 10:40
- Luke 11:4
- Luke 11:27, 28
- Luke 14:10
- Luke 15:2
- Luke 15:18
- Luke 18:1
- Luke 18:14
- Luke 19:40
- Luke 22:32
- Luke 22:48
- Luke 22:44
- Luke 22:46
- Luke 23:26
- Luke 23:27
- Luke 23:31
- Luke 23:33
- Luke 24:16
- Luke 24:27
- Luke 24:33,35
- Luke 24:38
- Luke 24:45
Luke 1
- 1:1-4 Luke’s gospel and why he decided to write it
- 1:5-7 The mighty acts of God
- 1:8-10 Zechariah at the altar of Incense
- 1:11-17 God’s messenger speaks
- 1:18-25 God judges unbelief
- 1:26-28 God speaks to Mary
- 1:29-33 Mary’s son will be great
- 1:35-38 The virgin birth of Christ (I)
- 1:34-35 The virgin birth of Christ (II)
- 1:39-45 The child leaped for joy
- 1:46-56 The Magnificat
- 1:57-66 The birth of John and the blessings it bought
- 1:67-79 The Lord has come and redeemed his people
Luke 2
- 2:1-7 The birth in Bethlehem
- 2:6&7 The Son of the Most High placed in a manger
- 2:8&9 Shepherds in the fields
- 2:10-14 A Saviour who is Christ the Lord
- 2:12-20 Responding to the coming of Christ
- 2:21-24 The presentation of baby Jesus
- 2:51,52 The true nature of Christian nurture
- 2:25-38 The hope that prepares for heaven
- 2:39-50 The boy Jesus in the Jerusalem temple
Luke 3
- 3:1 The word of God came to John
- 3:2-14 The preaching of John the Baptist
- 3:7-18 John the Baptist’s method of church growth
- 3:19-21 The baptism of Jesus
- 3:21&22 How God loves His Son
- 3:23-38 The family tree of the Lord Jesus Christ
Luke 4
- 4:1&2 The Lord Jesus was tempted by the Devil
- 4:1&2 The Lord Jesus was tempted by the Devil 2
- 4:1&2 The temptations of Christ in the desert
- 4:14-21 Christ anointed to preach the good news to the poor
- 4:22-30 Getting furious with Jesus
- 4:31-37 Christ’s authority over evil spirits
- 4:37-41 The healing Saviour
- 4:42-44 The Praying Jesus Preaching the Good News of God’s Kingdom
Luke 5
- 5:1-11 Catching men
- 5:12-16 The healing of the leper
- 5:17-26 Jesus Christ has the authority to forgive sins
- 5:27-32 The conversion of a tax collector
- 5:33-39 The nature of true religion
Luke 6
- 6:1-11 The Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath
- 6:12-16 Twelve Apostles are chosen
- 6:17-20 The sermon on the plain
- 6:21 The bliss of a starving soul
- 6:21 Blessed are you who weep now
- 6:22-26 The Bliss of Being Hated for Christ’s sake
- 6:37-42 Christian – Do not judge
- 6:43-45 The Lord Jesus proclaims the inability of man
- 6:46 “Why call me ‘Lord’ yet refuse to do what I say?”
- 6:47-49 The two builders
Luke 7
- 7:1-10 Humble faith greatly rewarded
- 7:11-17 Jesus raises the dead
- 7:17-23 Do we need another Christ?
- 7:24-35 No-one greater than John
- 7:36-50 Forgiven Much, Loved much
Luke 8
- 8:1 The Parable of the Sower
- 8:16-18 Let your light shine before men
- 8:19-21 Being loved as a mother or brother of the Lord Jesus
- 8:22-25 Are you a fair-weather Christian
- 8:26-39 The Deliverance of the Demon Possessed Man
- 8:31-39 The Healing of the Demoniac
- 8:40-42, 49-56 The Raising of Jairus’ Daughter
- 8:43-48 After Twelve Years Healed
Luke 9
- 9:1-9 The Commissioning of the Twelve
- 9:10-17 The Feeding of the 5,000
- 9:18-22 Who is Jesus?
- 9:23-24 The Terms of True Discipleship
- 9:25 The Worth of the Soul
- 9:26 The Son of Man coming again in His Glory
- 9:27-36 The Transfiguration of Christ
- 9:27-36 The Transfiguration of Christ (2)
- 9:37-43 The Greatness of God Displayed
- 9:43-45 Betrayal – By Divine Consent
- 9:46-48 True Greatness Displayed and Taught
- 9:49-50 Whoever is Not Against You is For You
- 9:51-56 Jesus was Ready, Resolute, Rejected and Rebuking
- 9:57-62 Following Jesus Its Cost and Reward
Luke 10
- 10:1-11 The Harvest is Plentiful, but the Workers are Few
- 10:12-16 The Fearful Danger of Rejecting Christ
- 10:17-20 Victory Over Satan
- 10:21 Our Rejoicing Lord
- 10:21 The God Who Hides and Reveals
- 10:22 Knowing God through His Son
- 10:23-24 How Blessed is the Christian
- 10:25-28 What to do to Inherit Eternal Life
- 10:29-37 The Good Samaritan
- 10:38-42 Only One Thing is Needed
Luke 11
- 11:1-4 The Lord Teaches his Disciples to Pray
- 11:5-7 Keep on Praying
- 11:9-13 Asking for the Holy Spirit
- 11:14-23 Jesus and Beelzebub
- 11:24-26 A Warning of the Dangers of Fickle Religion
- 11:27-28 Who the Truly Blessed People Are
- 11:29-32 One Greater than Solomon is Here
- 11:33-36 Your Whole Being- Enlightened!
- 11:37-54 Some Religions can Damn You
Luke 12
- 12:1-3 What Has Been Hidden Will All Be Revealed
- 12:4-5 Fear the God Who Can Throw You Into Hell
- 12:6-7 How Deeply God Loves those who Acknowledge Christ
- 12:8&9 Being a Witness to the Good News of Jesus Christ
- 12:10 Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit
- 12:11-12 The Ministry of the Holy Spirit
- 12:13-15 Guard Against Greed
- 12:16-21 The Rich Fool
- 12:21-31 Do Not Worry
- 12:32 Do Not Be Afraid
- 12:33 Sell Your Possessions and Give to the Poor
- 12:33-34 Where Your Treasure Is There Your Heart Will Also Be
- 12:35-40 Always Be Ready
- 12:41-48 When Much Has Been Given Then Much Shall Be Demanded
- 12:49-53 I Have a Baptism To Undergo
- 12:53-59 Interpreting Truly This Present Time
Luke 13
- 13:1-5 Unless You Repent You Shall All Likewise Perish
- 13:6-9 Fruitfulness or Destruction
- 13:10-16 A Woman Set Free
- 13:18-19 The Mustard Seed
- 13:20-21 The Kingdom of God is like Yeast
- 13:23-30 Are Only a Few Going to be Saved?
- 13:31-35 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem!
Luke 14
Luke 15
- 15:1-10 The Lost Sheep and the Lost Coin
- 15:11 The Prodigal Son
- 15:26-32 The Parable of the Two Sons
Luke 16
- 16:1-13 The Parable of the Unrighteous Manager
- 16:14-15 Jesus’ Response To Those Who Sneer
- 16:16&17 The Unbreakable Character of Scripture
- 16:18 Jesus Teaches about Divorce
- 16:19-23 The Rich Man and Lazarus
- 16:22-26 The Rich Man and Lazarus 2
- 16:27-31 The Rich Man and Lazarus 3
- 2. Satisfied with the Scriptures
Luke 17
- 17:1-3 Sinning and Rebuking
- 17:3-10 Sinning and Forgiving
- 17:11-19 The Thankful Leper
- 17:20-21 What the Kingdom of God is and How it Comes
- 17:22-27 Our Present Expectations
- 17:28-32 Remember Lot’s Wife
- 17:33-37 Losing Your Life And Preserving It
Luke 18
- 18:1-8 Men Should Always Pray and Not Give Up
- 18:9-14 A Righteous Man Condemned and a Bad Man Justified
- 18:15-17 Bringing Children to Jesus
- 18:18-25 Jesus and the Rich Young Ruler
- 18:18-25 Jesus and the Rich Young Ruler [2]
- 18:24-30 How Hard for the Rich to Enter the Kingdom of God
- 18:31-34 The Death and Resurrection of the Son of Man Predicted
- 18:35-43 A Blind Man Sees
Luke 19
- 19:1-10 The Conversion of Zacchaeus
- 19:11-27 Investing in the Kingdom
- 19:28-34 The Triumphal Entry
- 19:35-49 The Triumphal Entry [2]
- 19:41-44 Jesus Weeping Over Jerusalem’s Defiant Ignorance
- 19:45-48 The Cleansing of the Temple
Luke 20
- 20:1-8 By What Authority?
- 20:9-19 The Parable Of The Evil Tenants Of The Vineyard
- 20:19-26 Give to Caesar What Is Caesar’s: Give To God What Is God’s
- 20:27-40 Seven Brothers For One Bride
- 20:39-44 Whose Son is Christ?
- 20:45-21:4 The Poorest May Believe and Show their Love for God
Luke 21
Luke 22
- 22:1-6 The Great Conspirators
- 22:7-13 Jesus- Our Omniscience, Predetermining and Gentle Lord
- 22:14-22 The Last Supper
- 22:24-30 Who is the Greatest?
- 22:31-34 Peter is Warned of a Coming Trial
- 22:35-38 Buy a Sword
- 22:39-46 Gethsemane [1]
- 22:39-46 Gethsemene [2]
- 22:43-46 Gethsemane [3]
- 22:47-48 Judas the Betrayer
- 22:49-51 God’s Way of Spreading His Kingdom
- 22:49-53 The Last Miracle
- 22:54-60 Peter Denying Christ [1]
- 22:54-62 Peter Denying Christ [2]
- 22:63-71 Are You the Son of God?
Luke 23
- 23:1 Pilate Meets the Lord Jesus Christ
- 23:1-5 Jesus Affirms He is King of the Jews
- 23:6-12 Herod Meets Jesus
- 23:13-25 Crucify Him! Crucify Him!
- 23:26 The Man Who Carried Jesus’ Cross
- 23:27-31 The Wailing Women of Jerusalem
- 23:35-37 The Mockery of Christ
- 23:38 The Placard Above Christ’s Head
- 23:39-43 The Dying Thieves
- 23:44-45 Darkness Came Over the Whole Land
- 23:44-45 When the Sun Stopped Shining and Why
- 23:45 The Veil of the Temple was Torn in Two
- 23:44-45 What the Darkness was Covering
- 23:46 Father into Thy hands I commend My Spirit
- 23:47-49 A Soldier Sees and Praises God
- 23:50-56 The Burial of the Lord Jesus Christ
- The Seven Cries From The Cross 1
- The Seven Cries From The Cross 3
Luke 24
- 24:49 The Holy Spirit: The Promise of the Father
- 24:1-8 Why do you look for the Living Among the Dead?
- 24:6-12 The Resurrection and Initial Bewilderment
- 24:13-23 The Crestfallen Disciples on the Road to Emmaus
- 24:25-31 The Road to Recovery
- 24:32-35 Burning Hearts and Joyful Voices
- 24:36-43 The Risen Lord Speaking Peace in the Midst of His People
- 24:44-45 Opening the Scriptures and Opening the Understanding
- 24:46-48 The Great Gospel Outlined, and the Disciples Commissioned
- 24:50-53 The Ascension (1)
- 24:50-53 The Ascension (2)
- 24:50-53 The Ascension (3)
- 24:52-53 The Gospel of Luke Concluded
Chapter 1
- The Preface - Luke 1:1-4
- Jesus' Birth and Early Years - Luke 1:5-4:13
- Two Mothers, Two Infants, One Savior - Luke 1:5-2:52
- Announcement of John's birth - Luke 1:5
- Upright in the sight of God - Luke 1:6-7
- Chosen by lot - Luke 1:8-9
- All the assembled worshipers were praying - Luke 1:10
- Your prayer has been heard - Luke 1:11-20
- The people were waiting for Zechariah and wondering - Luke 1:21-22
- The Lord has done this for me - Luke 1:23-25
- The Birth of Jesus foretold - Luke 1:26-38
- Mary visits Elizabeth - Luke 1:35-41
- Mary's song - Luke 1:46-56
- Birth of John the Baptist - Luke 1:57-66
- Zechariah's song - Luke 1:67-80
Chapter 2
- Caesar Augustus - Luke 2:1-3
- Jesus is born - Luke 2:4-7
- Shepherds - Luke 2:8-20
- Jesus Presented in the Temple - Luke 2:21-24
- Simeon - Luke 2:25-35
- Anna - Luke 2:36-40
- Boy Jesus at the Temple - Luke 2:41-51
Chapter 3
- John the Baptist: The Forerunner of Christ - Luke 3:1-20
- John the Baptist ministry - Luke 3:1-6
- Produce fruit in keeping with repentance - Luke 3:7-20
- Jesus' Baptism, Genealogy, and Testing - Luke 3:21-4:13
- Baptism of Jesus - Luke 3:21-22
- Lineage of Christ - Luke 3:23-38
Chapter 4
- Led by the Spirit in the desert - Luke 4:1
- Tempted 40 days - Luke 4:2-13
- It is written - Luke 4:3-4
- It is written - Luke 4:5-8
- As it says - Luke 4:9-13
- Jesus' Kingdom Ministry in Galilee - Luke 4:14-9:50
- Gospel Ministry: Nazareth - Luke 4:14-30
- Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit - Luke 4:14-15
- Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing - Luke 4:16-21
- Rejection in Nazareth - Luke 4:22-30
- The Kingdom Has Come: Teaching and Miracles - Luke 4:31-6:11
- Jesus drives out an evil spirit - Luke 4:31-37
- Jesus heals Peter's mother-in-law - Luke 4:38-44
Chapter 5
- Lake of Gennesaret - Luke 5:1
- The call of Peter - Luke 5:2-11
- Healing of the leper - Luke 5:12-16
- Healing of a paralytic - Luke 5:17-26
- The call of Mathew - Luke 5:27-32
- Fasting- Luke 5:33-39
Chapter 6
- Lord of the Sabbath - Luke 6:1-11
- The Twelve - Luke 6:12-16
- Kingdom Sermon on the Plain - Luke 6:17-49
- Crowds - Luke 6:17-20
- Blessings and woes - Luke 6:20-26
- Love your enemies - Luke 6:27-36
- Do not judge - Luke 6:37-42
- Fruitfulness - Luke 6:43-45
- Wise and foolish builders - Luke 6:46-49
Chapter 7
- More Miracles of the Kingdom - Luke 7:1-17
- The faith of the centurion - Luke 7:1-10
- Jesus raises a widow's son - Luke 7:11-17
- Jesus and John the Baptist - Luke 7:18-35
- Jesus and a Sinful Woman - Luke 7:36-50
Chapter 8
- The Kingdom Has Come: Parables And Miracles - Luke 8:1-56
- Parable of the Sower - Luke 8:1-15
- A lamp on a stand - Luke 8:16-18
- Jesus' brothers and sisters - Luke 8:19-21
- Jesus calms the storm - Luke 8:22-25
- Healing of demon possessed man - Luke 8:26-39
- A dead girl and a sick woman - Luke 8:40-56
Chapter 9
- Kingdom Preparation of the Twelve - Luke 9:1-50
- Jesus sends out Twelve - Luke 9:1-9
- Feeding of 5000 - Luke 9:10-17
- Peter's confession - Luke 9:18-27
- The transfiguration - Luke 9:28-36
- The healing of a boy with an evil spirit - Luke 9:37-45
- Who will be greatest? - Luke 9:46-50
- Jesus' Kingdom Ministry: Galilee to Jerusalem - Luke 9:51-19:27
- Kingdom Discipleship - Luke 9:51-10:42
- Purposed - Luke 9:51-56
- The cost of discipleship - Luke 9:57-62
Chapter 10
- The seventy-two - Luke 10:1
- The harvest is plentiful - Luke 10:2
- I am sending you out like lambs among wolves - Luke 10:3-7
- The kingdom of God is near - Luke 10:8-16
- The seventy-two returned - Luke 10:17-20
- You have hidden these things from the wise and learned - Luke 10:21-24
- The Good Samaritan - Luke 10:25-37
- Mary, who sat at the Lord's feet listening - Luke 10:38-42
Chapter 11
- Kingdom Prayer -Luke 11:1-13
- The Lord's Prayer - Luke 11:1-13
- The Kingdom and Demons - Luke 11:14-26
- Kingdom Blessing and Judgment -Luke 11:27-13:9
- Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it - Luke 11:27-28
- The sign of Jonah - Luke 11:29-32
- The lamp of the body - Luke 11:33-36
- Woes - Luke 11:37-54
Chapter 12
- Yeast of the Pharisees - Luke 12:1-3
- Be on your guard - Luke 12:4-12
- Parable of the Rich Fool - Luke 12:13-21
- Do not worry - Luke 12:22-34
- Be watchful - Luke 12:35-48
- No peace, but division- Luke 12:49-53
- Signs of the times - Luke 12:54-59
Chapter 13
- But unless you repent, you too will all perish - Luke 13:1-5
- The unfruitful fig tree - Luke 13:6-9
- A Sabbath Healing- Luke 13:10-17
- The Presence of the Kingdom of God - Luke 13:18-14:24
- The parables of the mustard seed and the yeast - Luke 13:18-21
- The narrow door - Luke 13:22-30
- Jerusalem, Jerusalem - Luke 13:31-35
Chapter 14
- Dinner with a Pharisee - Luke 14:1-24
- The healing of one with dropsy - Luke 14:2-6
- Places of honor at the table - Luke 14:7-14
- The great banquet - Luke 14:14-24
- Kingdom Teaching on Discipleship - Luke 14:25-35
Chapter 15
- Three Parables: Lost Sheep, Coin, Prodigal Son - Luke 15:1-32
- A lost sheep - Luke 1:1-7
- A lost coin - Luke 15:8-10
- Lost sinners - Luke 15:10
- The gracious Father and two sons - Luke 15:11-32
Chapter 16
- Priorities, Wealth, Power, Service and Humility - Luke 16:1-17:10
- The Parable of the Shrewd Manager - Luke 16:1-13
- An issue of authority - Luke 16:14-18
- The Rich Man and Lazarus - Luke 16:19-31
Chapter 17
- Some aspects of discipleship - Luke 17:1-10
- Causing others to sin - Luke 17:1-3
- Forgiveness - Luke 17:3-4
- Quality of faith - Luke 17:5-6
- Christian service - Luke 17:7-10
- The Ten Lepers - Luke 17:11-19
- The Coming of the Kingdom - Luke 17:20-37
Chapter 18
- Kingdom Parables on Prayer - Luke 18:1-14
- The Parable of the Persistent Widow - Luke 18:1-8
- The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector - Luke 18:9-14
- Jesus and the Children of the Kingdom - Luke 18:15-17
- The Rich [Young] Ruler - Luke 18:18-30
- A Prophecy of the Passion - Luke 18:31-34
- Kingdom Miracle: Sight to the Blind - Luke 18:35-43
Chapter 19
- The Gospel of the Kingdom: Zacchaeus, The Tax Collector - Luke 19:1-10
- Kingdom Parable on the Minas - Luke 19:11-27
- Jesus' Kingdom Ministry: Jerusalem - Luke 19:28-21:38
- Jesus' Triumphal Entry - Luke 19:28-44
- A Cleansing of the Temple - Luke 19:45-46
- Kingdom Lessons at the Temple - Luke 19:47-21:4
- The Temple area - Luke 19:47-48
Chapter 20
- Jesus' authority is questioned - Luke 20:1-8
- The Parable of the Tenants - Luke 20:9-19
- Paying taxes to Caesar - Luke 20:20-26
- Marriage at the resurrection - Luke 20:27-40
- Whose Son is the Christ? - Luke 20:41-47
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
- Jesus' Last Days in Jerusalem - Luke 22:1-24:53
- The Predestined Betrayal: The Conspiracy to Betray Jesus - Luke 22:1-6
- The Upper Room - Luke 22:7-38
- Kingdom Prayer: Gethsemane - Luke 22:39-46
- Jesus' Arrest - Luke 22:47-53
- Peter's Denial of Christ - Luke 22:54-62
- Jesus' Trails - Luke 22:63-23:25
- The soldiers mock Jesus - Luke 22:63-65
- Jesus before Pilate and Herod - Luke 22:66-23:25
Chapter 23
- Jesus' Crucifixion - Luke 23:26-56
- Seven Last Words of Christ upon the Cross - Luke 23:34
- Jesus' Death - Luke 23:44-49
- Jesus' Burial - Luke 23:50-56
Chapter 24
- Resurrection Appearances - Luke 24
- Jesus' Resurrection - Luke 24:1-12
- Jesus' Walk to Emmaus - Luke 24:13-35
- Jesus' Appearance Before His Disciples - Luke 24:36-49
- Jesus' Ascension - Luke 24:50-53
Sermons average about 6 pages, verse by verse exposition. Literal. Conservative.
- Luke Message #01 Introduction of Luke
- Luke Message #02 Luke 1:1-4
- Luke Message #03 Luke 1:5-10
- Luke Message #04 Luke 1:10-25
- Luke Message #05 Luke 1:26-38
- Luke Message #06 Luke 1:39-56
- Luke Message #07 Luke 1:57-66
- Luke Message #08 Luke 1:67-80
- Luke Message #09 Luke 2:1-7
- Luke Message #10 Luke 2:8-20
- Luke Message #11 Luke 2:21-40
- Luke Message #12 Luke 2:41-52
- Luke Message #13 Luke 3:1-14
- Luke Message #14 Luke 3:15-20
- Luke Message #15 Luke 3:21-38
- Luke Message #16 Luke 4:1-13
- Luke Message #17 Luke 4:14-30
- Luke Message #18 Luke 4:31-44
- Luke Message #19 Luke 5:1-11
- Luke Message #20 Luke 5:12-26
- Luke Message #21 Luke 5:27-39
- Luke Message #22 Luke 6:1-11
- Luke Message #23 Luke 6:12-19
- Luke Message #24 Luke 6:20-26
- Luke Message #25 Luke 6:27-36
- Luke Message #28 Luke 7:1-10
- Luke Message #29 Luke 7:11-17
- Luke Message #30 Luke 7:18-30
- Luke Message #31 Luke 7:31-50
- Luke Message #32 Luke 8:1-3
- Luke Message #33 Luke 8: 4-21
- Luke Message #34 Luke 8: 22-25
- Luke Message #35 Luke 8:26-39
Multiple devotionals under each chapter
Notes on original Greek text