John Commentaries & Sermons

Apostle John

(Verse by Verse Commentary on the Gospel of John - On Site)

Click chart to enlarge
Charts from Jensen's Survey of the NT - used by permission
See another Chart on Gospel of John from Charles Swindoll


Click to enlarge

BY GOSPEL OF JOHN (shaded area)

Click chart to enlarge

Focus more on
WHAT Jesus taught and did
Focuses more on
WHO Jesus is
Focus mainly on
our Lord's
public discourses
Focus more on His private conversations,
His verbal conflicts with Jews,
His closer teachings with inner disciples
More Factual More Doctrinal.
Begin with a human genealogy and
fulfillment of Jewish prophecy
Begins with a Divine revelation and
eternal existence


of Christ
Perspective Historical Spiritual
Beginning Begin with a human genealogy and
fulfillment of Jewish prophecy
Begins with a Divine revelation and
eternal existence
Matthew = 42%,
Mark = 7%, Luke = 59%
92% Unique
Seven "I Am" Statements
Discourse More Public
Focus is on Jesus
& the crowds
More Private
Focus is on Jesus
& individuals
More on ethical, practical
WHAT Jesus Taught
More on Person of Christ
WHO Jesus is
Main Geographic
Focus of Ministry
Mainly in North
around Galilee
Mainly around Jerusalem
at time of Feasts
Feasts Only 1 Passover recorded Records 3 Passovers
Mt = fulfilled
Mk = immediately
Luke = Son of Man
Mt 21:5: Behold your King
Mk 10:45: To serve
Lk 19:10 - To Seek & to save
Jn 20:31
Portrayed As
Mt - King
Mk - Servant
Lk - Son of Man
Son of God

Portrayed As




of God





All Men

Key Word



"Son of Man"


Key Verse

Mt 21:5

Mk 10:45

Lk 19:10

Jn 20:31
















Percent Spoken
By Christ





Old Testament





Old Testament





Unique Material





Main Emphasis
About Jesus

Synoptic Gospels (see together)
His Humanity


JOHN 1-12

to wine
Jesus' power over quality The disciples - Jn 2:1-11
Healing son of Official Jesus' power
over space
The official and his household - Jn 4:46-54
Healing the
Jesus' power
over time
Paralytic?? The Jews Jn 5:1-9
Feeding the
Jesus' power
over quantity
Some in the
Jn 6:26-66
Jn 6:1-15
Walking on
Jesus' power
over nature
The disciples - Jn 6:16-21
Healing man born blind Jesus' power
over adversity
The blind
Jn 9:1-12
Raising Lazarus Jesus' power
over death
Martha, Mary,
Many Jews
The Jewish
Jn 11:1-16

From Dr Thomas Constable

Compiled by Bruce Hurt, MD
Completed 9/27/2024

Precept Ministries International Inductive Study



Explanation - The following list includes not only commentaries but other Christian works by well known evangelical writers. Most of the resources below are newer works (written after 1970) which previously were available only for purchase in book form or in a Bible computer program. The resources are made freely available by but have several caveats - (1) they do not allow copy and paste, (2) they can only be checked out for one hour (but can be checked out immediately when your hour expires giving you time to read or take notes on a lengthy section) and (3) they require creating an account which allows you to check out the books free of charge. To set up an account click and then click the picture of the person in right upper corner and enter email and a password. That's all you have to do. Then you can read these more modern resources free of charge! I have read or used many of these resources but not all of them so ultimately you will need to be a Berean (Acts 17:11+) as you use them. I have also selected works that are conservative and Biblically sound. If you find one that you think does not meet those criteria please send an email at For hundreds of other commentaries and books that can be borrowed see Christian Commentaries Online

IMPORTANT CAVEAT - As these resources have become more popular over the last year, many times you will click on a book and it will say "UNAVAILABLE" which means that someone else has it checked out. And if they keep re-checking it out after their allotted hour, it may remain unavailable for a long time. There are a couple of "Work arounds" I have used in those cases. (1) If I know the exact quote I want to read, I do a search on that specific book on taking care to put a portion of the quote in quotation marks. That will usually allow you to read that page plus one other page. If it does not come up try using only one or two distinctive words in that quote. (2) Alternatively,  I will search on a word that I know will be on almost every page of the book. E.g., take the commentary by John Stott on The Epistles of John. Let's say it was unavailable. I did a search on the word "John" and retrieved over 500 hits which allows me to access most of the book. This does not always work and you make need to experiment. Otherwise you have to wait until the book becomes available. 

The Gospel according to John  (1990) - Donald A Carson. Eerdmans Publishing Co. One of the top rated commentaries on John.

Throughout this commentary Carson attempts to make clear the flow of the biblical writer's thoughts. He focuses on movement rather than word studies or syntax. He attempts to assess the value of a small but vital literary corpus on this gospel, and in some respects he charts a course for future studies of a similar genre. Includes some seminal thoughts on the contribution of John's Gospel toward the development of biblical and systematic theology.

The Farewell Discourse and Final Prayer of Jesus: An Exposition of John 14-17. BORROW Carson, Donald A.  Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1980. Brief, pertinent expository studies on a vital section of John's gospel. Combines exegesis with a timely exposition of the truth.

The Gospel according to John : the English text with introduction, exposition and notes (1971) - Leon Morris - New International Commentary on the New Testament - Excellent

Reflections on the Gospel of John by Leon Morris - 776 pages (2000)

Studies in the fourth Gospel by Leon Morris - 377 pages (1969) This is not his commentary in the NICNT, but his writing are always generally excellent. One user writes "This volume concerns controversies over authorship, date, and theological questions that Leon Morris deliberately didn't address in his full commentary."

The Gospel According to John : An Introduction and Commentary (2008) - Colin Kruse 404 pages

Note this is not his more detailed work in the Pillar Commentary Series but his shorter work in the Tyndale NT Commentary Series. See reviews although I think these are primarily on the newer edition (2017). They should still give you a good idea of the value of his original edition. 

John : The Gospel of Belief - An Analytic Study of the Text - Merrill Tenney (1959)

The Expositor's Bible Commentary - 1994 edition - Abridged - The comments on John are authored by Merrill Tenney

Exposition of the Gospel according to John by Hendriksen, William, 1900-1982 (1953) 526 pages  19 ratings. I find this commentary very useful. 

Rosscup - Trained in the Christian Reformed tradition, Hendriksen is thoroughly conservative and believes in plenary verbal inspiration. He served for ten years as Professor of New Testament Literature in Calvin Seminary. His introductions are quite extended and carefully written. In his commentary, which is very usable, he first presents a brief synthetic outline of a section, follows up with a detailed discussion verse-by-verse, then gives a survey of the argument in that section. His footnote discussions show a wide breadth of reading. He is usually quite helpful on problems, Greek word meanings, and matters of history, culture or geography. There are many stimulating sermon hints and devotional thoughts. He is good in presenting several different views to a question and documenting them thoroughly. He is amillennial in matters pertaining to the kingdom (cf. his comment on 10:16 as well as his book More Than Conquerors, pp. 222ff.). Though the author is very helpful in the Greek, the manner of discussion can be extremely valuable to the layman.

John - Life Application Commentary - Bruce Barton, et al. (1993) 468 pages  33 ratings Comments are not long but conservative often with excellent application points.

John: Life Application Bible Studies - 125 pages - study notes - not the same as the resource above.

Life Application Study Bible : New Living Translation. Has some very helpful notes. 4,445 ratings


The Gospel of John: by Bruce, F. F. (1994) 444 pages Grace Theological Journal - "A gold mine for the reader who desires to pursue the argument of the Gospel from the standpoint of the best of present-day scholarship." Rosscup ranks this the #4 (out of 8) best exegetical commentary. 

Rosscup - Bruce gives a fresh translation of the Greek, much good commentary, a copious use of current literature, and application. Clarity prevails as he offers help for pastors, seminarians and lay people. At times, however, his vocabulary will mystify those not trained in languages, e. g. “sotto voce,” p. 174; “ingressive sense of the aorist,” p. 246, etc. Overall it is a very fine commentary by one of the leading evangelicals of recent decades.

John : the gospel of light and life by Hillis, Don W  15 ratings - highly rated by users. Note this is not a commentary but a guided study with questions on many verses followed by a "test" (True/False) - Might be useful if you have never studied John. Also might be helpful to someone teaching (even preaching) John as it gives suggested questions. 

John - The NIV Application Commentary by Burge, Gary M., 1952- (2000) 638 pages 131 ratings or another source 16 ratings

Rosscup - A Wheaton College professor seeks to interpret John in its Jewish flavor, i.e. with sensitivity to the OT rooting and Palestinian Judaism of Jesus’ day. He uses such materials to see the Messianic aspects. Burge offers different views on some of the problems, such as “water and Spirit” in 3:6, and Peter’s responses in 21:15–17. He gives background custom as for the events of the festival when Jesus invited drinking from Him (7:37–39), and footwashing in chap. 13. This does not mean that in all verses comments are adequate (cf. 15:2, 6, for example) to nail details down distinctly, or look at views. Since this series often just sums up passages, remarks on some verses can be difficult and slow to be located, or at times not be there due to the generalities. Some key verses are handled too quickly, or only partially (cf. 10:28, 29). The comments are sufficient at times, but not consistently enough to put the work among the more dependable.

John: the Gospel of Life by Burge, Gary M., (2008) 148 pages - This is a study guide not a commentary. 

Interpreting the fourth Gospel by Burge, Gary (1996) 196 pages - A Guide to New Testament Exegesis. Not a commentary, but an interesting resource. For example on page 125 there is lengthy discussion on Word Studies in John including a section entitled "Fundamental Rules of Word Study." and another entitled "Common Johannine Word Study Errors."

Interpreting the Gospel of John : a practical guide by Burge, Gary M., (2013) 244 pages - Apparently the revised edition of the resource directly above. 

Exploring the Gospel of John. Phillips, John Grand Rapids: Kregel, 2001.

First published in 1988. Ably blends the history of the 1st century A.D. with Christ’s teaching. Holds the interest of lay readers. A devout exposition.

Light in the darkness : studies in the Gospel of John by Kent, Homer Austin (1974) 244 pages  2 ratings Rosscup ranks this is the #2 most useful expositional commentary on John. 

Rosscup - Kent’s paragraph-by-paragraph survey of John’s Gospel deals with some of the main problem areas in exposition. It is geared to be a guide for personal or group study. Kent utilizes photographs, maps, and diagrams. It is a good expositional survey by an evangelical (former President, Grace Theological Seminary, Winona Lake, IN).

Gospel of John. 2 vols. in 1. Van Doren, William Howard Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications, 1981.

"If men who read this volume do not preach the better for so doing, it is not Mr. Van Doren's fault; they must be Van Dolts by nature, though they may ignore the family name" (Charles H. Spurgeon).

The Gospel according to St. John : an introduction and commentary by Tasker, R. V. G. 1 ratings 

Evangelical Commentary on the Bible - editor Walter Elwell (1989) 1239 pages. User reviews.  Burge, Gary. “John,” in Evangelical Commentary 

James Rosscup - Although brief, Burge shows awareness of issues and often uses his space well to provide help.

The Theology of John.  Chicago: Moody Press, 1979. 

Cyril Barber - A detailed examination of Johannine literature covering all the major areas of thought. A worthy contribution to this area of biblical theology. Recommended.

Anatomy of the Fourth Gospel : a study in literary design by Culpepper, R. Alan

Cyril Barber - Competent interdisciplinary studies in English are rare. This one explores John and makes ample use of modern redactional works to highlight the poetics, narrative structure, and other aspects of the gospel. The result is a stimulating, scholarly work

The Beloved Disciple ... his name, his story, his thought : two studies from the Gospel of John by Eller, Vernard

Cyril Barber - An informative and unorthodox approach to the authorship and theology of the fourth gospel. With tongue-in-cheek Eller uses the techniques of Sherlock Holmes to unravel the mystery of authorship. His conclusion will surprise some and irritate others. A lively discussion.

The Gospel of John; an exposition by Erdman, Charles R.

Rosscup - Concise treatments are given to each of the N. T. books. The main value of the set lies in its clear synthesis which helps the student grasp the flow of thought as he moves through a book. Erdman possessed a lucid writing style. He was amillennial.

A guide to John's Gospel by Guthrie, Donald 

Cyril Barber - In order to promote more expositional study of the biblical text--especially among lay persons--Guthrie has prepared this collection of outlines on the Gospel of John. While his aim is to lay bare what the text actually says, his guiding purpose is to assist Christians understand how Scripture may be applied to their lives. To achieve this goal, Guthrie has divided John's gospel into sections. His knowledge of the NT is incisive, and his skill as a Bible teacher places all readers in his debt. This is an extremely helpful little volume and is as concise as it is relevant. Recommended.

John, the gospel of faith by Harrison, Everett Falconer, 1902- from Everyman's Bible Commentary series. Conservative, but not too much depth.


John: That You May Believe Gospel of John 1-10. by Hughes, R. Kent Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 1999. An expositional commentary of rare excellence. Covers the theme of John’s gospel in the best evangelical tradition. Designed for lay people.

Behold the Man (Expository Studies in the Gospel of John 11-21) by Hughes, R. Kent (1984) 184 pages Rosscup ranks Hughes work on John's Gospel #3 (out of 6) in the devotional category. 

Cyril Barber on Hughes' work "John: That you May Believe" - An expositional commentary of rare excellence. Covers the theme of John’s gospel in the best evangelical tradition. Designed for lay people.


Behold the Man (Expository Studies in the Gospel of John 11-21) by Hughes, R. Kent (1984) 184 pages Rosscup ranks Hughes work on John's Gospel #3 (out of 6) in the devotional category. 

Cyril Barber on Hughes' related work "John: That you May Believe" - An expositional commentary of rare excellence. Covers the theme of John’s gospel in the best evangelical tradition. Designed for lay people.


Abiding in Christ: Studies in John 15.  Rosscup, James E.Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1973.

Cyril Barber  An in-depth discussion of the apostle's teaching on abiding in Christ. Contains a full presentation of the problems and shows clearly the Christian's responsibility to live in love and obedience to the Lord.

Encountering John : the Gospel in historical, literary, and theological perspective by Köstenberger, Andreas J.,

Cyril Barber (on Kostenberger's "Exegetical Commentary on the NT") This commentary follows several other works on John’s Gospel written by Kostenberger. The writer treats this canonical book as historically reliable, the product of careful composition, that sets forth Christ as the Son of God in a way that would lead readers to faith in Him. A scholarly production.

The Gospel of John by Michaels, J. Ramsey - New International Biblical Commentary - Mathison writes "preachers may want to consult the commentaries by" and then mentions this author. 

John by Fredrikson, Roger (The Communicator's Commentary) - now published as the Preacher's Commentary. 4.9/5 stars. These are generally helpful for preaching as they often have illustrations, etc. Read some of the glowing reviews = 10 ratings or reviews.

Or here = The Communicator's Commentary. John - identical to above

The Gospel according to John : the English text with introduction, exposition and notes by Morris, Leon 1 rating Rosscup ranks this is the #5 most useful exegetical commentary on John.

Cyril Barber - A work of superlative scholarship that not only replaces the majestic work by Westcott but surpasses Barrett as well. 


Secrets of the Spirit by Stedman, Ray C (1977) 164 pages = Also present online at this link. - PDF's of the 12 sermons in this series giveiin in 1973 at Peninsula Bible Church. Entire series, one html file or one Adobe Acrobat .pdf file

Cyril Barber - As an exposition of Christ's "last will and testament," these studies of John 14-16 ably treat the events that took place on the eve of the crucifixion

Preaching the Gospel of John : proclaiming the living Word by Williamson, Lamar. 347 pages. See Ratings - Interesting format - not a classic commentary. A quick review suggests it might have some helpful hints on preaching the texts. 

Christ the liberator by Stott, John R. W

James Rosscup - This book has other messages at Urbana, 1970, but Stott’s expositions on John 13–17 fill the first 89 pages. In the opinion of the reviewer, they are some of the best ever published with respect to coming right to grips with the message for Christians in a concise focus. Stott is well-organized in elucidating the passage, and he brings key issues out clearly in their application to spiritual living and representing Christ in the world.

Insights on John by Swindoll, Charles R (2010) 376 pages  214 ratings - Insights on John, volume two in the landmark Swindoll's New Testament Insights series, provides a wealth of colorful, detailed, and easy-to-understand insights into the gospel of John. Drawing on his vast experience as a communicator of God's Word, Chuck Swindoll presents his legacy to all who read and love the Bible.

Following Christ ... the man of God : a study of John 6-14 by Swindoll, Charles (2000) 132 pages

The Gospel of John: Believe and Live (21st Century Biblical Commentary Series) by Towns, Elmer L (2002) 264 pages  47 ratings

Cyril Barber - This book is the fruit of the author's "lifelong love affair with the gospel of John." Through word studies from the Greek text, Towns presents the immense riches to be found in John's unique message. He explains that "John's ultimate purpose is that his readers will believe the record of the life and death of the Son of God and receive eternal life."

The Complete Biblical library / Vol. 5 : Part 1, New Testament : Study Bible, John - interesting resource. Includes interlinear and commentary notes. 

Believe in Miracles but Trust in Jesus by Rogers, Adrian - This is not a commentary on John but does have chapters dealing with some of Jesus' miracles in John - The Possibility of MiraclesThe Problem with Miracles. Water to Wine (John 2), Nobleman's Son Healed (John 4), Healing the Impotent Man (John 5), Feeding the 5000 (John 6), Calming the Storm (John 6), Opening Blind Eyes (John 9), Raising Lazarus (John 11), The Maximum Miracle (John 20:30-31). I will guarantee you that if you are preaching or teaching on any of the preceding chapters in John, you will glean many "pearls" from Dr Rogers' discussion. I give it "6 out of 5 stars!"  42 ratings

Searching for Identity. Barber, Cyril Chicago: Moody Press, 1975. Thirteen studies based on men and women in John's gospel. The writer integrates psychology with theology as he expounds the text. Designed for individual or group use.

Secrets of the Spirit. Stedman, Ray C Old Tappan, N .J.: Fleming H. Revell Co., 1975.

Cyril Barber - As an exposition of Christ's "last will and testament," these studies of John 14-16 ably treat the events that took place on the eve of the crucifixion.

Stedman, Ray C., God’s Loving Word: Exploring John’s Gospel. Grand Rapids: Discovery House Publishers, 1993. This exposition is one that is worthy of the highest praise. Stedman’s expository skills are legendary, his style is plain, his devotional thoughts are rich, and his doctrine is impeccable. Those who read this book thoughtfully will be richly blessed beyond their expectations. Based on the text of the NIV. Highly recommended (Click for Expositions)

Commentary on John by Whitelaw, Thomas

Cyril Barber - Formerly published as the Gospel of St. John. A verse-by-verse exposition with homiletic hints. Seminal. Evangelical.

Be alive  (John 1-12): Get to Know the Living Savior by Wiersbe, Warren (1986) 160 pages.  277 ratings - As he studied and wrote this book, Dr. Warren Wiersbe "felt like a man standing on holy ground." For he realized all the more the truth of the statement of the great Greek scholar Dr. A. T. Robertson: The Gospel of John is "the profoundest book in the world." In Be Alive, Dr. Wiersbe presents the basic teachings of the first twelve chapters of John's Gospel and urges readers to approach its truths with the hearts and minds of worshipers. Come to better know the living Savior and... BE ALIVE!

Be transformed (John 13-21): Christ's Triumph Means Your Transformation by Wiersbe, Warren (1986) 160 pages. 377 ratings - Yes, they became transformed men, those original disciples. In the opening chapters of John's Gospel, you see a group of men who were struggling with their faith and occasionally stumbling. But after Christ's death and resurrection, things changed--because they became transformed by His power and His Word. In completing his study of John's Gospel (see Be Alive for John 1-12). Dr. Warren Wiersbe explains how you can become a transformed person. He answers such important questions as:

  • How does the Holy Spirit work in my life?
  • What are the secrets of answered prayer?
  • Why is Christian fellowship so important?
  • How can I overcome the pressures of the world?

"But as many as received Him, to them gave the power to become..." (John 1:12). This is your invitation to personal transformation and triumph!

The Bible exposition commentary by Wiersbe, Warren W - All NT books in one source. Excellent. Or here

Rosscup - One of America’s most appreciated staunchly evangelical Bible conference teachers gives diligent, refreshing expositions. These are all of his 23 separate, earlier books in the “Be” series on the New Testament. He strikes a particular appeal with lay people as he crystallizes sections, deals with some of the verses, handles certain problems and backgrounds and applies principles. He is premillennial.

Windows on the parables by Wiersbe, Warren

Interpreting the parables by Blomberg, Craig

The Gospel of John - William Barclay - Be aware of some questions about his orthodoxy!   (critique) While William Barclay often has very insightful Greek word studies, the Berean-like reader (Acts 17:11) needs to be aware that he does hold some very unorthodox beliefs. See on site comments and also see article on The Enigmatic William Barclay"

John by Beasley-Murray, George Raymond, - Word Biblical Commentary - gets about 4/5 stars. 

One readers review - Given the comprehensiveness of most volumes in the Word series, one would expect more from this volume. It isn't bad by any stretch, but far less detailed and thorough than I had wanted. I don't see much in this which isn't available from other commentaries on John.

The Gospel of John by Witherington, Ben, III,  13 ratings - Read some of the ratings to get an idea of the nature of this book. 

God, are you there? (Do You Care? Do You Know About Me?) by Arthur, Kay (1994) 246 pages.  61 ratings This is not a commentary but a guide to study of the Gospel of John, and one of the best guides available. If you want to meet Jesus or introduce him to someone who is willing to study the Gospel of John with you, this book is for you. You will be guided through the Gospel using inductive Bible study methods by one of the premier inductive teachers of our generation. This would also be an excellent book for small group Bible study of John. You will not be disappointed and hopefully you can use it to see another soul brought into the Kingdom by the Spirit and the Word in John's Gospel (Jn 20:31)!

Jehovah's Witnesses, Jesus Christ, and the Gospel of John by Bowman, Robert M

James Rosscup - He puts his focus on John 1:1, answering Jehovah’s Witnesses who have changed their line of argument from a few years ago. Bowman also deals with 8:58 and 20:28. For years Bowman has shown skill in refuting cultic error as associate editor of Christian Research Journal and in other capacities.

Chronological and Background Charts of the NEW TESTAMENT - Pdf - D Wayne House - outstanding compilation of charts - check this one out!. This book can also be borrowed = Chronological and background charts of the New Testament


KJV Bible Commentary - Hindson, Edward E; Kroll, Woodrow Michael. Over 3000 pages of the entire OT/NT. Well done conservative commentary that interprets Scripture from a literal perspective. Pre-millennial.  User reviews - it generally gets 4/5 stars from users. - 372 ratings

Very well done conservative commentary that interprets Scripture from a literal perspective   user reviews 

The King James Version Bible Commentary is a complete verse-by-verse commentary. It is comprehensive in scope, reliable in scholarship, and easy to use. Its authors are leading evangelical theologians who provide practical truths and biblical principles. Any Bible student will gain new insights through this one-volume commentary based on the timeless King James Version of the Bible.

The King James Study Bible Second Edition 2240 pages (2013) (Thomas Nelson) General Editor - Edward Hindson with multiple contributing editors.  Pre-millennial. See introduction on How to Use this Study Bible.

NKJV Study Bible: New King James Version Study Bible (formerly "The Nelson Study Bible - NKJV") by Earl D Radmacher; Ronald Barclay Allen; Wayne H House. 2345 pages. (1997, 2007). Very helpful notes. Conservative. Pre-millennial.  917 ratings

The Wycliffe Bible Commentary - only the New Testament  - 1126 pages. (1971) Everett F Harrison - Editor of New Testament. Uses the KJV.  Strictly speaking not a study Bible, but short notes are similar. KJV text in left column, commentary notes in right column. The comments are generally verse by verse, short, conservative and to the point. Pre-millennial.

HCSB Study Bible : Holman Christian Standard Bible - General Editor Jeremy Royal Howard (2010) 2360 pages. Conservative. Good notes. Include Holmans excellent maps. One hour limit

Wycliffe Bible Commentary - OT and NT - Charles Pfeiffer - 1560 pages (1962).  Less detailed than the KJV Bible Commentary. 

The New Testament and Wycliffe Bible commentary - This version has no time restriction but only has the NT. Allows copy and paste (uses one-page view to copy)

The Defender's Study Bible : King James Version by Morris, Henry M. Excellent notes from well known creationist. 

The MacArthur Study Bible - John MacArthur. Brief well done notes from one of the best expositors of our generation. Always worth checking. 

The David Jeremiah Study Bible - (2013) 2208 pages. - "Drawing on more than 40 years of study, Dr. David Jeremiah has compiled a legacy resource that will make an eternal impact on generations to come. 8,000 study notes. Hundreds of enriching word studies"50+ Essentials of the Christian Faith" articles."

ESV Study Bible - Excellent resource but not always literal in eschatology and the nation of Israel 

Believer's Bible Commentary by MacDonald, William (1995) 2480 pages

Dr. John MacArthur, Jr. - "Concise yet comprehensive - the most complete single-volume commentary I have seen."

Warren Wiersbe - "For the student who is serious about seeing Christ in the Word." 

Life Application Study Bible: Old Testament and New Testament: New Living Translation. Has some very helpful notes especially with application of texts.  One hour limit

Compact Bible commentary by Radmacher, Earl D; Allen, Ronald Barclay; House, H Wayne, et al - 954 pages.  424 ratings Multiple contributors to the comments which are often verse by verse. The comments are brief but meaty and can really help your study through a given book. A sleeper in my opinion. 

The Word in life Study Bible - Very interesting format. Not your routine study Bible. Worth checking the very informative notes. (e.g., here is a picture of Jesus' post-resurrection appearances.)

New Bible Commentary - (1994) See user reviews 

The Experiencing God Study Bible : the Bible for knowing and doing the will of God - Blackaby, Henry (1996) 1968 pages - CHECK THIS ONE! Each chapter begins with several questions under the title "PREPARE TO MEET GOD." Then you will interesting symbols before many of the passages. The chapter ends with a "DID YOU NOTICE?" question. This might make a "dry chapter" jump off the page! Read some of the 48 ratings

NIV archaeological study Bible (2005) 2360 pages (See also Archaeology and the Bible - OT and NT)

NIV cultural backgrounds study Bible. bringing to life the ancient world of scripture Keener, Craig and Walton, John. Editors (2017)

Zondervan NIV Study Bible - (2011) 2570 pages  - Use this one if available as it has more notes than edition below. One hour limit

NIV Study Bible by Barker, Kenneth L; Burdick, Donald W (1995) 2250 pages. This is the first edition. This resource has been fully revised in 2020. One hour limit 

The Ryrie study Bible - Charles Ryrie (1978) 2142 pages. Conservative.  

With the Word - Devotional Commentary - Warren Wiersbe - This resource gives a chapter summary.

Wiersbe's Expository Outlines on the New Testament by Wiersbe, Warren W - Can provide great points for preaching and teaching. 

Cyril Barber - This is a book of exceptional merit. Pastors, missionaries, and Christian workers will profit from its use. Wiersbe introduces each book of the NT, provides an outline, and then furnishes his readers with a chapter-by-chapter discussion of the contents. The homiletic style is a “plus.” Recommended.

Evangelical Commentary on the Bible - editor Walter Elwell (1989) 1239 pages. 

Eerdmans' family encyclopedia of the Bible (1978) 344 pages

Eerdmans' handbook to the Bible (1983) 688 pages 

The Lion handbook to the Bible - (1999) 822 pages. This resource is absolutely loaded with very nice color pictures and charts.

Tyndale handbook of Bible charts & maps by Wilson, Neil  

Bible handbook and A-Z bible encyclopedia

International children's Bible field guide : answering kids' questions from Genesis to Revelation by Richards, Larry

The illustrated guide to Bible customs & curiosities by Knight, George W. (George William), 

Today's handbook of Bible times & customs by Coleman, William L

The Shaw pocket Bible handbook - Editor - Walter Elwell (1984) 408 pages.

"This hardback is small in size but packed full of content: Brief summaries of every book of the bible, cultural, archaeological and historical info, word definitions, pictures, maps and charts." Worth checking! 

Zondervan illustrated Bible backgrounds commentary - New Testament - 552 pages. (2002) 

The new Unger's Bible dictionary by Unger, Merrill Frederick, 1909-

Survey of the Bible : introductory insights, background studies, book-by- book survey by Unger, Merrill Frederick

The parallel New Testament and Unger's Bible handbook : produced for Moody monthly by Unger, Merrill  (1975) 744 pages 4 ratings

The Hodder Bible handbook by Unger, Merrill 

Nelson's expository dictionary of the Old Testament by Unger, Merrill 

Kregel Bible handbook : a full-color guide to every book of the Bible by Kerr, William

The new encyclopedia of Christian quotations by Water, Mark

Zondervan handbook to the Bible

Zondervan illustrated Bible backgrounds commentary  - Matthew, Mark, Luke

Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels IVP Series - This is the first edition, not the second edition published in 2013. This is worth checking out. Here is a sample on the entry for ABIDING...


As a common translation of the Greek verb menein, “to abide” has rich theological associations in the Fourth Gospel where 40 of the 112 NT occurrences of the verb occur (it appears another 26 times in the Epistles of John). It is used to communicate the enduring character of Christ*, and more importantly, when used with the preposition “in” and a personal object, it points to the relationship of mutual indwelling of the Father, the Son (see Son of God) and the believer.

1. Abiding As a Quality of Character

In the Greek OT menein, when used in a theological sense, most commonly speaks of the abiding character of God*. In contrast to the transitory nature of all things human, God remains, he endures, he is immutable. In the NT period this was considered to be a trait of the Messiah also, as evidenced by the crowds in John’s Gospel who say, “We have heard from the Law* that the Christ abides forever” (Jn 12:34). And John would have us know that Jesus is the Son who abides forever (Jn 8:35), who gives food that abides unto eternal life (Jn 6:27), and who enables one to produce fruit that abides (Jn 15:16).

In addition, in the first use of the verb in the Gospel, the Evangelist relates that John the Baptist (see John the Baptist) saw the Holy Spirit (see Holy Spirit) coming down from heaven* as a dove and remaining (emeinen) on Jesus (Jn 1:32). This was no momentary experience of the Spirit, perhaps like that of the judges or prophets*, but an enduring reality in Jesus’ life.

2. Abiding in Relationship

Of greater interest is the use in John’s Gospel of the phrase “to abide in” with a personal object to express the relationship of Jesus to the Father and both to believers. The priority must be given to Jesus’ mutual indwelling with the Father: “Don’t you believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me? The words that I speak to you are not from myself, but the Father who abides in me does his work” (Jn 14:10). This is a dynamic relationship which energizes the ministry of Jesus. Out of this personal union come his words and his works which manifest the character of God. “Do not believe me unless I do what my Father does. But if I do it, even though you do not believe me, believe the miracles, that you may learn and understand that the Father is in me, and I in the Father” (Jn 10:37–38 NIV).

The Son obeys the Father and imitates the Father (Jn 5:19–20; 14:31), but the Father imparts his life to the Son (“I live because of the Father,” Jn 6:57; also Jn 5:26), and together they share this common life and are united in love (Jn 3:35; 5:20; 14:31; 15:10; 17:21–23). This relationship between the Father and the Son becomes the model and source of the relationship between Jesus and his disciples*.

Jesus called men and women into this relationship of mutual indwelling using the most graphic imagery: “He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me and I in him” (Jn 6:56). Just as the Father has loved Jesus, so Jesus has loved his disciples, and they are to abide in his love (Jn 15:9). Just as Jesus has remained in his Father’s love by obeying his commands (see Commandment), so the disciples are to abide in Jesus’ love by obeying his commands (Jn 15:10). And as they abide in him, Jesus will convey his life to them, even as a vine* gives life to its branches (Jn 15:4–6). His life will manifest itself in their lives as they bear fruit, even as his works were the work of his Father. Apart from him the disciples can do nothing, just as Jesus could do nothing apart from the Father (Jn 5:19, 30).

Jesus mediates to his disciples the relationship he enjoys with his heavenly Father. “Just as the living Father sent me and I live because of the Father, so the one who feeds on me will live because of me” (Jn 6:57 NIV). The one who loves Jesus will be loved by the Father, and together the Father and the Son will make their abode (monē—a cognate of menein) with him (Jn 14:23). “I have given them the glory* that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one: I in them and you in me” (Jn 17:22–23). This is the perfect unity that results from the mutual indwelling of the Father, the Son and the believers.

“Abiding in Christ” assumes the most intimate union possible. The identification of Jesus with the true vine (Jn 15:1), a symbol of Israel* (cf. Hos 10:1; Jer 2:21; Ps 80:9–12, 15–16; Is 5:7), in which the disciples are to abide, suggests a corporate dimension to his person that has important christological implications.

This union with Christ, however, must not be confused with ideas of the Hellenistic mystery cults (see Hellenism), some of which taught a loss of individuality or a pantheistic absorption of the believer into the being of the divine. The teaching of the Fourth Gospel maintains throughout a moral dimension that assumes individual responsibility. It is a relationship that always begins with the divine initiative, but which calls for a human response: “Abide in me … abide in my word … abide in my love” (Jn 15:4, 7, 9).

Dictionary of Paul and his letters   IVP Series

The Dictionary of Paul and His Letters is a one-of-a-kind reference work. Following the format of its highly successful companion volume, the Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels, this Dictionary is designed to bring students, teachers, ministers and laypeople abreast of the established conclusions and significant recent developments in Pauline scholarship. No other single reference work presents as much information focused exclusively on Pauline theology, literature, background and scholarship. In a field that recently has undergone significant shifts in perspective, the Dictionary of Paul and His Letters offers a summa of Paul and Pauline studies. In-depth articles focus on individual theological themes (such as law, resurrection and Son of God), broad theological topics (such as Christology, eschatology and the death of Christ), methods of interpretation (such as rhetorical criticism and social-scientific approaches), background topics (such as apocalypticism, Hellenism and Qumran) and various other subjects specifically related to the scholarly study of Pauline theology and literature (such as early catholicism, the center of Paul's theology, and Paul and his interpreters since F. C. Baur). Separate articles are also devoted to each of the Pauline letters to hermeneutics and to preaching Paul today.

Dictionary of the later New Testament & its developments  IVP Series

The third of IVP's critically acclaimed series of dictionaries of the New Testament provides focused study on the often-neglected portions of the New Testament: Acts, Hebrews, the General Epistles, and Revelation. Furthermore, its scope goes beyond the life of the New Testament church to include the work of the apostolic fathers and early Christianity up through the middle of the second century.

Dictionary of New Testament background  IVP Series

 In a time when our knowledge of the ancient Mediterranean world has grown by leaps and bounds, this volume sets out for readers the wealth of Jewish and Greco-Roman background that should inform our reading and understanding of the New Testament and early Christianity. The Dictionary of New Testament Background takes full advantage of the flourishing study of the Dead Sea Scrolls and offers individual articles focused on the most important scrolls. In addition, the Dictionary encompasses the fullness of second-temple Jewish writings, whether pseudepigraphic, rabbinic, parables, proverbs, histories or inscriptions. Articles abound on aspects of Jewish life and thought, including family, purity, liturgy and messianism. The full scope of Greco-Roman culture is displayed in articles ranging across language and rhetoric, literacy and book culture, religion and cults, honor and shame, patronage and benefactors, travel and trade, intellectual movements and ideas, and ancient geographical perspectives. No other reference work presents so much in one place for students of the New Testament. Here an entire library of scholarship is made available in summary form. 

Dictionary of Biblical Imagery -  no restrictions (i.e., you do not need to borrow this book). Editors Leland Ryken, J C Wilhoit, Tremper Longman III -

This is a potential treasure chest to aid your preaching and teaching as it analyzes the meaning of a host of Biblical figures of speech. Allows copy and paste text. One downside is there is no index, so you need to search 3291 pages for entries which are alphabetical. 

Dictionary of deities and demons in the Bible (DDD) - 950 pages (1995) Read some of the 65 ratings (4.8/5 Stars). A definitive in depth resource on this subject. Very expensive to purchase. 


Greek Testament Critical Exegetical Commentary
Gospel of John

Read Henry Alford's(1810-1871) fascinating brief biography and Phil Johnson's related comments.

Charles Haddon Spurgeon - Alford's Greek Testament “for the use of Theological Students and Ministers,” is an invaluable aid to the critical study of the text of the New Testament. You will find in it the ripened results of a matured scholarship, the harvesting of a judgment, generally highly impartial, always worthy of respect, which has gleaned from the most important fields of Biblical research, both modern and ancient, at home and abroad. You will not look here for any spirituality of thought or tenderness of feeling; you will find the learned Dean does not forget to do full justice to his own views, and is quite able to express himself vigorously against his opponents; but for what it professes to be, it is an exceedingly able and successful work. The later issues are by far the most desirable, as the author has considerably revised the work in the fourth edition. What I have said of his Greek Testament applies equally to ALFORD’S NEW TESTAMENT FOR ENGLISH READERS,* which is also a standard work. (Lectures to my Students, Vol. 4: Commenting and Commentaries; Lectures Addressed to the students of the Pastors' College, Metropolitan Tabernacle)

Editorial Note: If you are not proficient in Greek, you will find this work considerably more useful than the following work by Alford, because in this volume he translates the Greek and Latin into English. While the "The Greek New Testament" is longer (e.g., English version of 1John = 66 pages compared to Greek version = 94 pages in part because the latter includes comments of more technical nature), the substance of the commentary is otherwise similar to that found in the "NT for English Readers".

The New Testament for English Readers
Gospel of John Commentary

James Rosscup writes that Alford's series on the New Testament "contains much that is valuable in the Greek New Testament...though all of the Greek New Testament words have been changed to English throughout." (Commentaries for Biblical Expositors)

Daily Study Bible Commentary
Gospel of John

D Edmond Hiebert comments - (Barclay) Prints the author's own translation. A series of popular studies well adapted to the lay reader. Barclay is strongest in his study of word meanings. Contains good illustrative material. (An Introduction to the NT)

See caveats regarding Barclay's theology.

Commentary Notes
Gospel of John

Gospel of John

Frequent sermon illustrations. Recommended

Studies in Gospel of John

Each study is about 5 pages for a total of ~140 pages. These are well done. 


Gnomon of the New Testament (1877)
Gospel of John Commentary

Note: If not proficient in Greek, see Critical English Testament below.

The Critical English Testament
Gospel of John Commentary

Represents Combination of Bengel's Gnomon + Comments by other expositors (in brackets) to make this more useful for those who do not read Greek.

James Rosscup writes "This work (Gnomon), originally issued in 1742, has considerable comment on the Greek, flavoring the effort with judicious details about the spiritual life. It has much that helps....." (Commentaries for Biblical Expositors)

C H Spurgeon -- "'A Critical New Testament, so compiled as to enable a reader, unacquainted with Greek, to ascertain the exact English force and meaning of the language of the New Testament, and to appreciate the latest results of modern criticism.' Such is the professed aim of this commentary, and the compilers have very fairly carried out their intentions. The whole of Bengel’s Gnomon is bodily transferred into the work, and as one hundred and twenty years have elapsed since the first issue of that book, it may be supposed that much has since been added to the wealth of Scripture exposition; the substance of this has been incorporated in brackets, so as to bring it down to the present advanced state of knowledge. We strongly advise the purchase of this book, as it is multum in parvo, and will well repay an attentive perusal. Tischendorf and Alford have contributed largely, with other German and English critics, to make this one of the most lucid and concise commentaries on the text and teachings of the New Testament" (Lectures to my Students, Vol. 4: Commenting and Commentaries; Lectures Addressed to the students of the Pastors' College, Metropolitan Tabernacle)

Gospel of John Commentary

Gospel of John Commentary

Gospel of John Commentary

Expositional Sermons


Expositional Sermons
Gospel of John

Excellent Resource - functions like a verse by verse commentary. This materal was preached by Pastor Cole over almost 2 years! Each sermon is the equivalent of a 10 page Pdf which means that these sermons represent over 1000 pages of Biblically sound doctrine to aid your study, teaching and preaching of the Gospel of John!

Commentary on John


Sermons on John

Commentary on John

Teacher helps for Lifeway Series on John

Commentary on John
Marcus Dods


Click for over 60 messages which vary in length up to 27 pages per message. 

  • Index John Intro - John 4
  • Index John 4 - John 8
  • Index John 9 - John 14
  • Index John 15 - John 21

Commentary on John

These are brief but well done notes. Recommended.

Exegetical Commentary on John

Professor of New Testament Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary

Great Texts of the Bible
Expositions in the Gospel of John

These are lengthy studies - usually >15 pages


See also John Sermon Illustrations - Our Daily Bread

Commentary on John
Rodney A Whitacre

Sermon Notes
Gospel of John

Another souce

Sermons on John

These Function Like a Verse by Verse Commentary. Recommended


Expository Sermons on John

Click Respective Chapter above for specific titles listed below

  • John 1:1-14 The Word in Eternity, in the World, and in the Flesh
  • John 1:8, 35 The Light and the Lamps
  • John 1:14, Rev 8:15, 21:3 Three Tabernacles
  • John 1:16 The Fulness of Christ
  • John 1:17 Grace and Truth
  • John 1:29 The World’s Sin-bearer
  • John 1:37-39 The First Disciples: I. John and Andrew
  • John 1:40-42 The First Disciples: II. Simon Peter
  • John 1:43 The First Disciples: III. Philip
  • John 1:45-49 The First Disciples: IV. Nathanael
  • John 1:50, 51 The First Disciples: V. Believing and Seeing
  • John 2:1-11 Jesus the Joy-bringer
  • John 2:11 The First Miracle in Cana — The Water Made Wine
  • John 2:16 Christ Cleansing the Temple
  • John 2:19 The Destroyers and the Restorer
  • John 3:2 Teacher or Saviour?
  • John 3:3 Wind and Spirit
  • John 3:14 The Brazen Serpent
  • John 3:14 Christ’s Musts
  • John 3:16 The Lake and the River
  • John 4:6, 32 The Wearied Christ
  • John 4:7, 26 Give Me to Drink’
  • John 4:10 The Gift and the Giver
  • John 4:14 The Springing Fountain
  • John 4:54 The Second Miracle
  • John 5:8 The Third Miracle in John’s Gospel
  • John 5:17-27 The Life-giver and Judge
  • John 6:11 The Fourth Miracle in John’s Gospel
  • John 6:12 'Fragments’ or ‘Broken Pieces’
  • John 6:19, 20 The Fifth Miracle in John’s Gospel
  • John 6:28, 29 How to Work the Work of God
  • John 6:48-50 The Manna
  • John 7:33, 34, 8:33 One Saying with Two Meanings
  • John 7:37, 38 The Rock and the Water
  • John 8:12 The Light of the World
  • John 8:30, 31 Three Aspects of Faith
  • John 8:33 'Never in Bondage’
  • John 9:4 Ro 13:12 One Metaphor and Two Meanings
  • John 9:6, 7 The 6th Miracle in John’s Gospel-The Blind Made to See, and the Seeing Made Blind
  • John 10:9 The Gifts to the Flock
  • John 10:14, 15 The Good Shepherd
  • John 10:16 Other Sheep’
  • John 11:5, 6 The Delays of Love
  • John 11:26, 27 Christ’s Question to Each
  • John 11:30-45 The Open Grave at Bethany
  • John 11:43, 44 The Seventh Miracle in John’s Gospel — The Raising of Lazarus
  • John 11:49, 50 Caiaphas
  • John 11:1-11 Love’s Prodigality Censured and Vindicated
  • John 12:12-26 A New Kind of King
  • John 12:26 After Christ: With Christ
  • John 12:32 The Universal Magnet
  • John 12:34 The Son of Man
  • John 12:35, 36 A Parting Warning
  • John 13:1 The Love of the Departing Christ
  • John 13:3-5 The Servant-master
  • John 13:27 The Dismissal of Judas
  • John 13:31, 32 The Glory of the Cross
  • John 13:33 Cannot and Can
  • John 13:33 Seeking Jesus
  • John 13:34, 35 'As I Have Loved’
  • John 13:37, 38 Quo Vadis?
  • John 13:38 A Rash Vow
  • John 14:1 Faith in God and Christ
  • John 14:2 'John 14:Many Mansions’
  • John 14:2, 3 The Forerunner
  • John 14:4-7 The Way
  • John 14:8-11 The True Vision of God
  • John 14:12-14 Christ’s Works and Ours
  • John 14:15 Love and Obedience
  • John 14:16, 17 The Comforter Given
  • John 14:18, 19 The Absent Present Christ
  • John 14:20, 21 The Gifts of the Present Christ
  • John 14:22-24 Who Bring Christ
  • John 14:25, 26 The Teacher Spirit
  • John 14:27 Christ’s Peace
  • John 14:28, 29 Joy and Faith, the Fruits of Christ’s Departure
  • John 14:30, 31 Christ Foreseeing His Passion
  • John 15:1-4 The True Vine
  • John 15:5-8 The True Branches of the True Vine
  • John 15:9-11 Abiding in Love
  • John 15:12, 13 The Oneness of the Branches
  • John 15:14-17 Christ’s Friends
  • John 15:18-20 Sheep among Wolves
  • John 15:21-25 The World’s Hatred, as Christ Saw It
  • John 15:26, 27 Our Ally
  • John 16:1-6 Why Christ Speaks
  • John 16:7, 8 The Departing Christ and the Coming Spirit
  • John 16:9-11 The Convicting Facts
  • John 16:12-15 The Guide into All Truth
  • John 16:16-19 Christ’s ‘Little Whiles’
  • John 16:20-22 Sorrow Turned into Joy
  • John 16:23, 24 'In That Day’
  • John 16:25-27 The Joys of ‘That Day’
  • John 16:28 'From’ and ‘To’
  • John 16:29-32 Glad Confession and Sad Warning
  • John 16:33 Peace and Victory
  • John 17:1-19 The Intercessor
  • John 17:14-16 'The Lord Thee Keeps’
  • John 17:20-26 The High Priest’s Prayer
  • John 24 The Folded Flock
  • John 17:26 Christ’s Summary of His Work
  • John 18:6-9 Christ and His Captors
  • John 18:15-27 Jesus before Caiaphas
  • John 18:28-40 Art Thou a King?
  • John 19:1-16 Jesus Sentenced
  • John 19:17-30 An Eye-witness’s Account of the Crucifixion
  • John 19:19 The Title on the Cross
  • John 19:22 The Irrevocable Past
  • John 19:30, Rev 21:6 Christ’s Finished and Unfinished Work
  • John 19:36 Christ Our Passover
  • John 19:38, 39 Joseph and Nicodemus
  • John 19:41 The Grave in a Garden
  • John 20:1-18 The Resurrection Morning
  • John 20:21-23 The Risen Lord’s Charge and Gift
  • John 20:28 Thomas and Jesus
  • John 20:30, 31 The Silence of Scripture
  • John 21:2 An Eloquent Catalogue
  • John 21:4 The Beach and the Sea
  • John 21:7 'It Is the Lord!’
  • John 21:15 'Lovest Thou Me?’
  • John 21:18, 19 Youth and Age, and the Command for Both
  • John 21:21, 22 They Also Serve Who Only Stand and Wait’

'Thru the Bible'
Gospel of John
Mp3's Only

Commentary on the Gospel of John

In a Deeply Devotional Style. Recommended.

James Rosscup - A well-organized, suggestively rich lighter, devotional commentary by the famous preacher and writer of a well-known series on Bible characters (Abraham, Moses, Elijah, etc.) and several other insightful devotional books. Here is a commentary by a bright light that can refresh personally, stimulate messages and help illustrate them.

Our Daily Homily (ODH)
Our Daily Walk - unmarked

"Notes from My Bible
Gospel of John 

Moody's notes although generally very brief are interesting to read and also profitable because they stimulate one to ponder or meditate on the chapter or verse to which his note applies. As you read Moody's notes, it will be fairly obvious that what he is writing down is based primarily on the inductive skill of careful Spirit enabled observation which leads him occasionally to make pithy intrepretations, an excellent pattern to imitate.

The Gospel According to John

328 page commentary

D Edmond Hiebert review - A series of expository sermons by this noted expository Bible teacher. Valuable for the many insights into this gospel.. (An Introduction to the NT)

Rosscup - This is another of Morgan’s better works and is good on the English text, though expositionally not as helpful as Hendriksen, Laney, Phillips and Pink.  (Commentaries for Biblical Expositors)


Robert Morgan's sermons are packed with numerous interesting illustrations, stories and hymn quotes. 

on John
Conservative, Evangelical


CYRIL BARBER - The Minister's Library - his recommendations for your library from Volume 2 and Volume 3

  • *Barber, Cyril John. Searching for Identity. BORROW Chicago: Moody Press, 1975. Thirteen studies based on men and women in John's gospel. The writer integrates psychology with theology as he expounds the text. Designed for individual or group use.
  • Barrett, Charles Kingsley. Essays on John. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1982. A valuable collection of essays dealing with John's theology and vocabulary. Also discusses his symbolism and relationship to contemporary religious movements.
  • *_______, The Gospel According to St. John: An Introduction with Commentary and Notes on the Greek Text. 2d ed. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1978. †An insightful work that must take its place among the best exegetical studies ever written on this portion of God's Word.
  • _______, The Gospel of John and Judaism. Translated by D. M. Smith. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1975. This English edition of the 1967 Franz Delitzsch Lectures assesses, in the light of modern critical scholarship, the environment, purpose, language, and provenance of John's gospel as seen against the backdrop of Judaism during the first century A.D.
  • Benware, Paul N. Luke: The Gospel of the Son of Man. Chicago: Moody Press, 1985. A brief, informative, and readable exposition-the kind laypeople should be encouraged to master. Helpful.
  • *Bernard, Thomas Dehany. The Central Teaching of Christ: A Study of John 13-17. Minneapolis: Klock.& Klock Christian Publishers, 1985. This work made its debut in 1892. It contains the same "wonderful force and freshness that made The Progress of Doctrine in the New Testament justifiably famous. The book gives no sign of hastiness. All seems to be the outcome of years of reverent thought, now brought to light in the clearest, most telling way" (Cambridge Review). A must for every pastor.
  • Blomberg, Craig L. The Historical Reliability of John’s Gospel: Issues and Commentary. Downers Grove, IL: IVP, 2001. The author advances evidence in support of the belief that the apostle John wrote the gospel that bears his name, and that what he wrote is historically accurate and reliable. He refutes the theories of those who claim that there are errors in this gospel and offers some interesting interpretations based on the customs of the times. (RELATED - BORROW The historical reliability of the Gospels)
  • Boice, James Montgomery. The Gospel of John. 5 vols. in 1. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1985. "Any expositor, beginner or veteran, will find this work useful not only in the realm of interpretation but also in applications, illustrations, and quotations" (Bibliotheca Sacra). The Gospel of John - Volume 1:John 1:1-4:54 - BORROW The Gospel of John - Volume 3 - John 9:1-12:50 BORROW
  • *Brown, John. Exposition of Our Lord's Intercessory Prayer. Minneapolis: Klock and Klock Christian Publishers 1979. The concluding prayer of our Lord's in the Garden here receives sensitive treatment. Brown was a pastor as well as an exegete. His handling of the text is excellent. His exposition serves as a model. Recommended.
  • Brown, Raymond Edward. The Community of the Beloved Disciple. New York: Paulist Press, 1979. †This resume of Johannine ecclesiology attempts to reconstruct the church of the first century with a view to gleaning principles that might be applied to the church today. The aim is praiseworthy; the writer's theological presuppositions, however, lead him wide of the truth. 
  • Bruce, Frederick Fyvie. The Gospel of John: Introduction, Exposition and Notes. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1983. Designed for the general Christian reader, this work grew out of studies that first appeared in The Bible Student, Bangalore, India. The translation is clear, and the comments, though brief, will prove valuable to preachers.
  • Carson, Donald A. The Farewell Discourse and Final Prayer of Jesus: An Exposition of John 14-17. BORROW Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1980. Brief, pertinent expository studies on a vital section of John's gospel. Combines exegesis with a timely exposition of the truth.
  • Carson, Donald A. Borrow The Gospel according to John Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1990. Throughout this commentary Carson attempts to make clear the flow of the biblical writer's thoughts. He focuses on movement rather than word studies or syntax. He attempts to assess the value of a small but vital literary corpus on this gospel, and in some respects he charts a course for future studies of a similar genre. Includes some seminal thoughts on the contribution of John's Gospel toward the development of biblical and systematic theology.
  • *Cook, W. Robert. The Theology of John. BORROW Chicago: Moody Press, 1979. A detailed examination of Johannine literature covering all the major areas of thought. A worthy contribution to this area of biblical theology. Recommended.
  • Cullmann, Oscar. The Johannine Circle. Translated by J. Bowden. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1976. †A new investigation into the origins of John's gospel. Cullmann advances a hypothesis concerning the problems of the origin, character, and setting of John's writing by suggesting that the "Johannine Circle" stood behind the gospel, influenced its composition, and maintained the concerns expressed by the apostle.
  • Culpepper, R. Alan. Anatomy of the Fourth Gospel: A Study in Literary Design. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1983. †Competent interdisciplinary studies in English are rare. This one explores John and makes ample use of modern redactional works to highlight the poetics, narrative structure, and other aspects of the gospel. The result is a stimulating, scholarly work.
  • Eller, Vernard. The Beloved Disciple: His Name, His Story, His Thought. Two Studies from the Gospel of John. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1987. An informative and unorthodox approach to the authorship and theology of the fourth gospel. With tongue-in-cheek Eller uses the techniques of Sherlock Holmes to unravel the mystery of authorship. His conclusion will surprise some and irritate others. A lively discussion.
  • Ellis, Edward Earle. The World of St. John: The Gospel and the Epistles. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1984. First published in 1965. This brief monograph shows that John was a theologian in his own right with roots in primitive Christianity as deep as Paul's.
  • *Godet, Frederic Louis. Commentary on John's Gospel. Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications, 1978. One of the finest expositions of John's gospel ever produced. No preacher should be without it. (Click here)
  • Govett, Robert. Govett on John. 2 vols. in 1. Miami Springs, Fla.: Conley and Schoettle Publishing Co., 1984. First published in 1891. This careful exposition of approximately 1,000 pages combines sound theology with a clear presentation of the meaning of the text. It remains one of the best works produced during this era. Recommended.
  • Guthrie, Donald. Exploring God's Word: A Guide to John's Gospel. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1986. In order to promote more expositional study of the biblical text--especially among lay persons--Guthrie has prepared this collection of outlines on the Gospel of John. While his aim is to lay bare what the text actually says, his guiding purpose is to assist Christians understand how Scripture may be applied to their lives. To achieve this goal, Guthrie has divided John's gospel into sections. His knowledge of the NT is incisive, and his skill as a Bible teacher places all readers in his debt. This is an extremely helpful little volume and is as concise as it is relevant. Recommended.
  • Haenchen, Ernst. John 1: A Commentary on the Gospel of John Chapters 1-6. Hermenia. Translated by R. W Funk. Edited by R. W Funk and U. Busse. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1984. †A work of impeccable scholarship. The introduction is full and complete. The comments on the text illumine as well as elucidate the theme of the writer. The bibliographies that preface each section are of the utmost value. This is a scholarly work and will be appreciated by the discerning reader.
  • Haenchen, Ernst. John. 2 vols. Hermeneia. Trans. by R. W. Funk. Edited by R. W. Funk and U. Busse. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1984-86. This critical and historical commentary seeks to find similarity between John's writings and the Gnostic Gospels from Nag Hammadi. Haenchen uses these source materials to supposedly cast light on John the Baptist's thought and Christ's message. The exegetical information contained in these volumes is of the utmost value. The historical data, however, is unreliable.
  • Harvey, Anthony Ernest. Jesus on Trial: A Study of the Fourth Gospel. Atlanta: John Knox Press, 1977. Uses the trial of Jesus-as conceived through its literary form and in terms of Jewish conventions-to cast light on the theme and composition of the fourth gospel.
  • *Hengstenberg, Ernst Wilhelm. Commentary on the Gospel of St. John. 2 vols. Minneapolis: Klock & Klock Christian Publishers, 1980. Rich in grammatical and syntactical insights, this reverent and devout work ably treats the life and labors of Christ as recorded in John's gospel. A rewarding work that will handsomely repay the time spent reading it. (click here for the online version)
  • Hughes, R. Kent. Behold the Man (Expository Studies in the Gospel of John 11-21) BORROW. Wheaton, Ill.: Victor Books, 1984. These studies based on John's gospel (covering chaps. 11-21) provide rich reflections on Christ's concluding months of ministry. The chapters are perceptive and revealing.
  • Hughes, R. Kent. John: That You May Believe. Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 1999. An expositional commentary of rare excellence. Covers the theme of John’s gospel in the best evangelical tradition. Designed for lay people.
  • Kent, Homer Austin, Jr. Light in the darkness : studies in the Gospel of John.  BORROW Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1974. This work adequately expounds the theme and content of John's gospel. Of value for use with groups.
  • Kostenberger, Andreas J. John. Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2004. This commentary follows several other works on John’s Gospel written by Kostenberger. The writer treats this canonical book as historically reliable, the product of careful composition, that sets forth Christ as the Son of God in a way that would lead readers to faith in Him. A scholarly production.
  • Laney, J. Carl. John. Moody Gospel Commentary (OR HERE). BORROW Chicago: Moody Press, 1992. A verse-by-verse commentary that adequately explains the meaning of each verse. Each Biblical chapter opens with a brief statement explaining John’s purpose for including the specific data within that chapter, and closes with a section labeled “Homiletic Suggestions.” These pages are filled with important insights.
  • Lindars, Barnabas. The Gospel of John. New Century Bible. Greenwood, S.C.: Attic Press, 1973. †This work is by far the most extensive and also the most radical to have been published in this series thus far. Lindars claims that the only valid interpretation of John's gospel is an existential one. In consequence, he searches for meaning(s) behind the events recorded but fails to treat the incidents mentioned by John as literal happenings. Disappointing.
  • Lutzer, Erwin Wesley. How to Have a Whole Heart in a Broken World. BORROW Wheaton, IL: Victor Books, 1987. Bases his counsel upon John 13-17. Provides his readers with a prescription for happy, healthy, fulfilling (if not trouble-free) living. Stimulating.
  • Mahoney, Robert. Two Disciples at the Tomb: The Background and Message of John 20, 1-10. Bern, Switzerland: Herbert Lang, 1974. A scholarly, critical analysis that treats the burial pericope in the light of the synoptic gospels. Examines John's teaching from the position of later didactic intent rather than from the perspective of history. 226.5'06.20.M27 Marsh, John. Saint John. Westminster Pelican Commentaries. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1977. First published in England in 1968. This form-critical work contains an extensive introduction, a brief commentary, and evaluative notes covering problems in the text. Judicious.
  • *Morris, Leon The Gospel According to john. New International Commentary on the New Testament. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1971. A work of superlative scholarship that not only replaces the majestic work by Westcott but surpasses Barrett as well.  (from Cyril Barber's TML Volume 2)
  • Morris, Leon Lamb. The Gospel According to John. Revised ed. New International Commentary on the New Testament. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1995. First published in 1971. This timely exposition can only be described by words like “tremendous,” “indispensable,” and a ”blessing” to all who study it. The revision, though shorter than the original work, is based on the text of the NIV and contains modifications deemed necessary in light of recent research. It is a must for every pastor and expository preacher. (from Cyril Barber's TML Volume 3)
  • Morris, Leon Lamb. Jesus is the Christ.: Studies in the Theology of John. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1989. Designed for those who still question "Who is Jesus?" Argues convincingly that John's Gospel was written to show that the human Jesus is the Christ (or Messiah) as well as the Son of God. Morris believes that John's ultimate purpose in penning his gospel was evangelistic as well as theological. With those two foci in mind he develops a fine Johannine theology based upon John's writings.
  • Morrison, George H. John. Chattanooga, Tenn.: AMG Publishers, 1978. Preachers will find these brief expository studies helpful. Each one is a masterpiece of the homiletic art. During his lifetime, Morrison's preaching attracted large crowds, and few who heard him remained unmoved.
  • Newton, George. An Exposition of John 17. Carlisle, PA: Banner of Truth Trust, 1995. Reprinted from the 1867 edition. Newton (1602-1681) was one of the greatest preachers of his day. This present volume contains some of his most famous sermons.
  • Peterson, Robert A. Getting to Know John's Gospel: A Fresh Look At Its Main Ideas. Phillipsburg, PA: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co.,1989. Designed to introduce readers to the theme and purpose of the fourth gospel. Presents the material topically (which does not always lead to a fuller and deeper knowledge of the theme). Questions at the end of each chapter help readers internalize the information.
  • Phillips, John. Exploring the Gospel of John. BORROW Grand Rapids: Kregel, 2001. First published in 1988. Ably blends the history of the 1st century A.D. with Christ’s teaching. Holds the interest of lay readers. A devout exposition.
  • Phillips, John. Exploring the Gospels: John. Neptune, NJ: Loizeaux Brothers, 1988. Stephen F. Olford said of this work, "Phillips does not attempt to entertain with 'Biblical objectivism.' His book, through designed to aid our study of the Word of God, is also a call to holiness, prayerfulness, and fruitfulness of life in Christ."
  • Plummer, Alfred. The Gospel According to St. John. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1981. Published a century ago, this study of the Greek text of John's gospel first appeared in the Cambridge Greek Testament. It has now been superseded by more recent treatments.
  • *Rainsford, Marcus. Our Lord Prays for His Own: Thoughts on John 17. Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications, 1985. In what is now regarded as "the greatest classic ever written on Christ's high priestly prayer for His people," Marcus Rainsford gives us a true masterpiece of both devotional and expository literature. The author deals with the "Holy of Holies" of Christ's earthly life. Those who prayerfully read it through will find ample reward in its exposition of doctrine and its application of truth to mind and heart. Here is, indeed, a timely, relevant, and practical exposition of John 17.
  • Rensberger, David. Johannine Faith and Liberating Community. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1988. Rensberger poses the question, "What did the first readers of the Gospel of John see in it? Politics? Liberation?" He then probes behind the spiritual meaning and attempts to show that John's purpose was social, even political, and he interprets the gospel accordingly. He also uses new knowledge of the historical setting of John's writings to explore the Fourth Gospel, and from this induction he deduces principles for liberation theology in the world today.
  • Ridderbos, Herman. The Gospel of John: A Theological Commentary. Trans. by J. Vriend. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1997. One of the main features of this commentary is that it approaches John’s gospel, not primarily as a witness of the faith of Johannine community, but as a witness of the factual revelation of God in the coming and work of Jesus Christ. A scholarly work.
  • *Rosscup, James E. Abiding in Christ: Studies in john 15. BORROW Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1973. An in-depth discussion of the apostle's teaching on abiding in Christ. Contains a full presentation of the problems and shows clearly the Christian's responsibility to live in love and obedience to the Lord.
  • Scroggie, William Graham. The Gospel of John. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1976. A clear analysis of John's theme, coupled with a lucid exposition of his purpose. Helpful, but overpriced.
  • Segovia, Fernando R Love Relationships in the johannine Tradition: AgapelAgapan in I john and the Fourth Gospel. Chico, Calif: Scholars Press, 1982. An excellent discussion of love and its theology in the Johannine writings (excluding the Apocalypse). A revealing study.
  • Smalley, Stephen S. John: Evangelist and Interpreter. Greenwood, S.C.: Attic Press, 1978. A scholarly work marked by independence of thought and a tendency to see too much of the Essenes and Gnostics in John's portrayal of Christ. Succeeds in alerting the reader to the depths of spiritual perception in John's writings, and for this reason is worth consulting.
  • Smalley, Stephen S. Thunder and Love. Milton Keynes, England: Word Publishing, 1994. Contains the author’s studies on the interrelationship of John’s writings and the people to whom he ministered. Chapters focus on the character, origins, composition and background, unity and structure, purpose and interpretation of the Johannine corpus.
  • Smith, Dwight Moody. Johannine Christianity: Essays on its Setting, Sources, and Theology. Columbia, S.C.: University of South Carolina Press, 1984. †Scholarly essays dealing with the sources, relation to the synoptics, and theology of the Johannine writings. Each essay is a model of scholarship.
  • *Stedman, Ray C. Secrets of the Spirit. BORROW Old Tappan, N .J.: Fleming H. Revell Co., 1975. As an exposition of Christ's "last will and testament," these studies of John 14-16 ably treat the events that took place on the eve of the crucifixion.
  • Stedman, Ray C., God’s Loving Word: Exploring John’s Gospel. BORROW Grand Rapids: Discovery House Publishers, 1993. This exposition is one that is worthy of the highest praise. Stedman’s expository skills are legendary, his style is plain, his devotional thoughts are rich, and his doctrine is impeccable. Those who read this book thoughtfully will be richly blessed beyond their expectations. Based on the text of the NIV. Highly recommended (Click for Expositions)
  • Strombeck, John Frederick. Grace and Truth: The True Relationship Between Law and Grace. Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications, 1991. First published in 1939. These studies are based on the teaching of John’s gospel. “Here is the most unusual and convincing presentation of a great Bible theme that is all too little understood by the majority of Christians. Strombeck has given us the simplest kind of study running through practically the entire Gospel of John, and has brought out in a most telling and inescapable manner a fact which probably few others have discovered--that in every chapter of this wonderful Gospel the striking contrast between law and grace, between faith and works, is emphasized.”-- The Sunday School Times.
  • Towns, Elmer L. The Gospel of John: Believe and Live. BORROW Old Tappan, NJ: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1990. This book is the fruit of the author's "lifelong love affair with the gospel of John." Through word studies from the Greek text, Towns presents the immense riches to be found in John's unique message. He explains that "John's ultimate purpose is that his readers will believe the record of the life and death of the Son of God and receive eternal life."
  • Van Doren, William Howard. Gospel of John. 2 vols. in 1. Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications, 1981. "If men who read this volume do not preach the better for so doing, it is not Mr. Van Doren's fault; they must be Van Dolts by nature, though they may ignore the family name" (Charles H. Spurgeon).
  • Vanderlip, George. Christianity According to John. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1975. A study of the theology of John's gospel. The author bases his material on recent scholarship but does not maintain a consistent evangelical position.
  • Whitelaw, Thomas. Commentary on John. Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications, 1993. Formerly published as the Gospel of St. John. A verse-by-verse exposition with homiletic hints. Seminal. Evangelical.


  • John, Theology of - Baker's Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology
  • John: the Gospel of Life by Burge, Gary M., (2008) 148 pages - This is a study guide not a commentary. (BORROW)
  • John - The NIV Application Commentary by Burge, Gary M., 1952- (2000) 638 pages (BORROW THIS BOOK)

    Rosscup - A Wheaton College professor seeks to interpret John in its Jewish flavor, i.e. with sensitivity to the OT rooting and Palestinian Judaism of Jesus’ day. He uses such materials to see the Messianic aspects. Burge offers different views on some of the problems, such as “water and Spirit” in 3:6, and Peter’s responses in 21:15–17. He gives background custom as for the events of the festival when Jesus invited drinking from Him (7:37–39), and footwashing in chap. 13. This does not mean that in all verses comments are adequate (cf. 15:2, 6, for example) to nail details down distinctly, or look at views. Since this series often just sums up passages, remarks on some verses can be difficult and slow to be located, or at times not be there due to the generalities. Some key verses are handled too quickly, or only partially (cf. 10:28, 29). The comments are sufficient at times, but not consistently enough to put the work among the more dependable.











DAVID REED - And ex-Jehovah's Witness rebuts claims of this cult. Note that he has several books addressing JW errors and false teachings of Mormonism.






JIM BOMKAMP - sermon transcripts on the Gospel of John

RICH CATHERS -  - sermon transcripts on the Gospel of John with frequent illustrations

RON DANIEL - sermon transcripts on the Gospel of John

FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH - sermon transcripts by Derek Thomas, David Strain, J Ligon Duncan, et al


DON FORTNER - sermon transcripts on the Gospel of John

BRUCE GOETTSCHE - sermon transcripts on the Gospel of John

GOSPEL COALITION - over 600 sermons, most are MP3's, plus a study course and some articles

GOTQUESTIONS - Related to the Gospel of John

JAMES GUNN - expositions on selected chapters

SCOTT HARRIS - Grace Bible Church - sermon transcripts on Gospel of John

DAVID HOLWICK over 75 sermon transcripts - frequent illustrations

BARRY HORNER - sermon transcripts on the Gospel of John

S LEWIS JOHNSON - sermon transcripts on the Gospel of John

LOWELL JOHNSON - sermons on John - click here for all of sermons below on one page

1. John's Wonderful Gospel John 21:24-25; 20:30-31
2. Heaven Came Down John 1:1-5, 14, 18
3. When God Became Man John 1:10-14, 16-17
4. A Man Sent From God John 1:6-8, 15, 19-28
5. Hallelujah, Praise the Lamb! John 1:29-34
6. The Man Other Men Follow John 1:35-51
7. The Best Is Yet To Come John 2:1-11
8. When God Cleans House John 2:13-25
9. Nick At Night or What Does It Really Mean to Be Saved John 3:1-10
10. Our Savior Like a Serpent John 3:14-15, Num. 21:4-9, Cor. 10:9 37
11. Love At It's Peek John 3:16
12. Make Your Choice John 3:16-21
13. The Preacher Who Lost His Congregation John 3:22-36
14. The Bad Samaritan John 4:1-30
15. It's Harvest Time John 4:31-42
16. A Portrait of Faith John 4:46-54
17. An Expose' of Legalism John 5:8-18
18. The Miracle That Got Jesus Killed John 5:1-18
19. The Claims of Christ to His Deity John 5:16-30
20. Evidence That Demands A Verdict John 5:18, 31-47 (See John McDowell's book by same name online)
21. Little Is Much When God Is In It John 6:1-15
22. Fragments John 6:12-13
23. When the Storms of Life Come John 6:15-21
24. Reasons For Following Jesus John 6:22-36
25. Jesus: The Bread of Life John 6:22-36
26. Spiritual Defections John 6:60-71
27. Jesus: The Talk of the Town John 7:1-15, 40-44
28. The Joy of a Flooded Heart John 7:37-39
29. The Salvation of a Shady Lady John 8:1-11
30. Jesus: The Light of the World John 8:12
31. Life's Greatest Tragedy John 8:21,24
32. Like Father, Like Son John 8:31-59
33. O, What A Savior John
34. I Once Was Blind, But Now I See John 9:1-12
35. Salvation: An Eye-Opening Experience John 9:8-25
36. Jesus: The Gateway To Glory John 10:1-10
37. The Heavenly Shepherd John 10:11, 14-15, 17-18, 27-30
38. The Sheep and the Shepherd John
39. The Eternal Security of the Believer John 10:27-30
40. Lazarus, Come Forth! John 11:1-7, 11-15, 17-45
41. The Tears of Jesus John 11:32-36
42. A Portrait of Extravagant Worship John 12:1-11
43. A Parade For Jesus John 12:12-19
44. Sir, We Would See Jesus John 12:20-26
45. Jesus' Thoughts on the Way to the Cross John 12:27-32 Ps. 118:24
46. A Servant Moment John 13:1-17
47. We Need Our Feet Washed John 13:1-12
48. Wash One Another's Feet! John 13:12-17
49. Judas Iscariot: So Close; Yet, So Far Away John 13:16-30
50. Love One Another John 13:34-35
51. A Cure for Troubled Hearts John 14:1-3
52. Is Jesus Christ the Only Way to Heaven John 14:1-6
53. Power for Ministry John 14:12-27
54.How to Be a Fruitful Christian John 15:1-11
55.Jesus: The Best Friend We Can Ever Have John 15:12-17
56.Warning: Prepare for Persecution John 15:17-25; 16:1-4
57. The Crisis of Conviction John 16:7-14
58. The Advantage of the Holy Spirit John 15:26-27; 16:7, 12-15
59. Sorrow Turned to Joy and Peace John 16:16-33
60. The Greatest Prayer Ever Prayed John 17:1-26
61. A Glimpse Into the Heart of Jesus John 17:1-5
62. What Is Eternal Life? John 17:1-3
63. Jesus Prays for Our Security John 17:11-12,15
64. Jesus Prays That We Will Be Joyful John 17:13
65. Jesus Prays That We Will Live Holy Lives John 17:14-16
66. Jesus Prays for Our Sanctification John 17:17-19
67. Jesus Prays for Our Unity John 17:20-22
68. Jesus Prays for Our Home-Going John 17:24-26
69. Drinking the Cup John 18:1-11
70. Malchus: The Last Miracle John 18:1-11
71. The Man Without a Fault John 18:12-14, 19-24, 31-37
72. Peter’s Denial John 18:12-18, 25-27
73. Pilate Before Jesus John 18:28 – 19:16
74. The Soldiers: Adding Pain and Shame John 19:1-3, 23-23, 31-37
75. Substituting for the Substitute John 19:23-27
76. I Am Thirsty John 19:28-30
77. It Is Finished John 19:28-30
78. At the Cross! John 19:16-37
79. The Burial of the Lord Jesus John 19:38-42
80. The Not Quite Empty Tomb John 20:1-18
81. The Man Who Missed Sunday Night Ser John 20:19-29
82. The Real Last Words of Christ John 20-21
83. Eating Breakfast With Jesus John 21:1-14
84. The Christian’s Supreme Question John 21:15-25
85. Lord, What About My Brother? John 21:17-25
86. John’s Wonderful Gospel John 21:24-25 John 20:30-31


DAVID LEGGE - sermon transcripts on the Gospel of John

HENRY MAHAN - Sermon transcripts on John - distinct from commentary in next section


MASTER'S BIBLE CHURCH -  In depth (eg, 20 pages on Jn 7:37-39!) - 81 sermons - no new additions as of Oct, 2019

  • Click here for main list - click on Pdf for sermons listed below
  • John 1:1-3    The Word Was God
  • John 1:4-8    A Light in the Darkness   
  • John 1:9-13    Light and Life for Man 
  • John 1:14    We Beheld His Glory
  • John 1:15-18    Christ Jesus: Our All 
  • John 1:19-28    The Humility of Greatness
  • John 1:29-34    Behold, the Lamb of God 
  • John 1:35-42    Words That Changed Lives
  • John 1:43-45    Finding Jesus; Found by Jesus
  • John 1:46-51    Spiritual Insight 
  • John 2:1-5    Water to Wine, part 1
  • John 2:6-11    Water to Wine, part 2
  • John 2:12-17    Jesus' Consuming Zeal 
  • John 2:18-22    The Sign You Must Believe
  • John 2:23-25    Believing in Jesus
  • John 3:1-8    You Must Be Born Again
  • John 3:9-15    He Who Descended from Heaven
  • John 3:16    God So Loved the World
  • John 3:17-21    Truth-Seekers and Light-Haters
  • John 3:22-30    Friend of the Bridegroom
  • John 3:31-33    The Supremacy of Jesus Christ 
  • John 3:34-36    Knowing and Believing
  • John 4:1-6    The Weary Man at the Well 
  • John 4:7-10    Caring About the Lost 
  • John 4:11-15    Living Water
  • John 4:16-19    Freed from Hidden Sin
  • John 4:20-24    True Spiritual Worship
  • John 4:25-30    Jesus, the Great Revealer 
  • John 4:43-49    A Progression of Faith, Part 1
  • John 4:50-54    A Progression of Faith, Part 2 
  • John 5:1-9a    God's Grace for a Miserable Man 
  • John 5:9b-15    Now It Was Sabbath
  • John 5:16-18    The Man Equal with God
  • John 5:24-30    The Authority of Jesus' Voice
  • John 5:31-38    The Testimony of Jesus
  • John 5:39-40    The Witness of Scripture
  • John 5:41-47    The Causes and Consequences of Rejecting Christ 
  • John 6:8-11    Feeding Five Thousand, Part 1  
  • John 6:12-15    Feeding Five Thousand, Part 2
  • John 6:15-21    On a Dark, Wind-tossed Sea 
  • John 6:22-29    Seeking and Finding Eternal Life 
  • John 6:30-35    The Bread of Life
  • John 6:36-40    The Father's Gift to His Son 
  • John 6:41-44    Drawn to Jesus
  • John 6:59-65    Disciples Who Don't Believe 
  • John 7:1-9    Hatred of the Holy One
  • John 7:10-13    Man Against Christ 
  • John 7:14-18    Taught by God
  • John 7:25-29    Adamant Ignorance
  • John 7:37-39    Rivers of Living Water 
  • John 7:40-44    The Christ Who Divides 
  • John 7:45-52    Reflections of Christ's Influence  
  • John 8:12-20    The Light of the World
  • John 8:21-29    Pressing Truth to the Heart 
  • John 8:30-36    Free Indeed 
  • John 8:37-40    Proof of Sonship 
  • John 8:41-47    Spiritual Family Resemblance 
  • John 8:48-53    The Model of Godliness 
  • John 8:54-59    I Am 
  • John 9:1-7    God's Works on Display 
  • John 9:8-12    Witnesses to the Light
  • John 9:13-17    Unbelief Meets a Miracle 
  • John 9:18-23    Faith and Intimidation  
  • John 9:24-34    Victorious Faith in Christ  
  • John 9:35-38    The Wonders of Salvation  
  • John 9:39-41    The Meaning of the Blind Man's Healing 
  • John 10:1-6    Shepherds, Sheep and Thieves 
  • John 10:7-10    The Door to Abundant Life 
  • John 10:11-15    The Good Shepherd 
  • John 10:16-21    The Goodness of Our Shepherd 



PHIL NEWTON - sermon transcripts on the Gospel of John


NOTE: Pastor Life unfortunately has changed their links and failed to provide Redirects. So if you desire to see one of the transcripts of the sermons below my suggestion to enter this site: "" and enter the TITLE between the quotation marks. This should allow you to find most of these sermons but there is no guarantee you will be able to find all of them (I could not find several).

TITLE Book/Chapter/Verse Subject Author
Resurrection: The Skeptic Confronted John  Resurrection; Easter J. Mike Minnix
It's A Risk Worth Taking John  Salvation; Hypocrisy; Nicodemus Franklin L. Kirksey
I Can Experience God's Presence Now and Always John  1 God, Presence of; Christmas; Jesus, Birth of Mark Adams
The First Christmas Gifts John  1 Christmas; Birth of Jesus J. Mike Minnix
The World's Greatest Blunder John  1 :10-11 Salvation; Christ, Rejection of W.A. Criswell
The Unopened Christmas Gift John  1 :11-18 Christmas, Gift, God's J. Mike Minnix
God Is Here! John  1 :1-18 Birth of Jesus; Jesus, Nature of; Christmas Mark Adams
The Birth of Jesus John  1 :1-18 Christmas; Birth of Jesus; Son of God Mark Adams
He Lives John  1 :1-3 Resurrection of Jesus; Easter Jesse M. Hendley
Jesus - The Promised Finalized John  1 :14 Jesus, Birth of; Christmas; Jesus in Prophecy Steve Wagers
The Grace That Saves Christmas John  1 :14-17 Christmas; Birth of Christ; Jesus, Birth of; Grace J. Mike Minnix
Grateful For Grace John  1 :17 Grace; Love of God; Joy Donnie L. Martin
The Story of Jesus - The Baptist's Faith and Message John  1 :19-36 Faith; Belief David E. Owen
To The Wondering Heart, Jesus Says, Come and See John  1 :29-42 Jesus, Invitation of; Assurance; Operation Andrew David E. Owen
The Life Of Discipleship - The Andrew Model Beholding The Best John  1 :35-40 Discipleship David E. Owen
Operation Andrew John  1 :35-42 Evangelism; Operation Andrew James O. Coldiron
Operation Andrew John  1 :35-42 Witnessing; Operation Andrew Gary Cobb
The First Christ Followers John  1 :35-51 Discipleship; Jesus Followers; Operation Andrew Mark Adams
The Story of Jesus - Calling the Disciples John  1 :35-51 Disciples, Calling the; Operation Andrew David E. Owen
Andrew - The Bringer John  1 :36-42 Operation Andrew; Evangelism; Witnessing J. Mike Minnix
The Gospel According To You John  1 :36-42 Operation Andrew; Evangelism; Soul Winning; Witnessing James O. Coldiron
Andrew's Witnessing Strategy John  1 :40 Soul Winning; Evangelism; Witnessing; Operation Andrew John Bisagno
Operation Andrew John  1 :40-42 Soul Winning; Witnessing; Evangelism; Operation Andrew Adrian Rogers
Inviting Others John  1 :40-42 Witnessing; Andrew; Church Growth Johnny Hunt
Bringing People To Jesus John  1 :41 Evangelism; Operation Andrew; Soul Winning; Witnessing Jesse M. Hendley
The Life Of Discipleship -The Andrew Model Bringing A Brother John  1 :41-42 Discipleship David E. Owen
The Crux of Christianity John  1 :43 Discipleship; Jesus, Following Franklin L. Kirksey
One John  1 :45-49 Soul Winning; Evangelism;Operation Andrew Johnny Hunt
Heed The Blessed Mother! John  2 Mother's Day; Virgin Mary; Mother Johnny L. Sanders
The Story of Jesus - Turning the Water into Wine John  2 :1-11 Miracles of Jesus; Water into Wine David E. Owen
The Turning of Water into Wine John  2 :1-11 Miracle of Jesus; Water into Wine David E. Owen
Time To Clean House John  2 :12-22 Jesus, Anger of; Temple, Cleansing of the Mark Adams
The Story of Jesus - Spring Cleaning the Church John  2 :12-25 Cleansing, Temple; Jesus, Anger of; Church, Pure David E. Owen
Thy Will Be Done John  2 :16-17 God, Will of; Will of God Johnny L. Sanders
Old-Fashioned Growth In A Fast-Paced World John  3 :10-35 Church growth; Evangelism J. Robert White
You Must Be Born Again John  3 :1-17 Salvation; New Birth, The; Born Again J. Mike Minnix
My Hope For The Future John  3 :1-17 Salvation; Nicodemus Mark Adams
Man's Greatest Need John  3 :1-21 Salvation Gary Webb
A Blueprint For Fathers John  3 :16 Father's Day; Father; Parenting; Home; Family Mark Adams
The Love of God John  3 :16 God, Love of; God's Love Denis Lyle
Thinking About Love John  3 :16 Love; God's Love Franklin L. Kirksey
Heaven's Valentine John  3 :16 Love of God; Jesus, God's Love in Terry Trivette
Eternal Security John  3 :16 Eternal Security; Salvation Mike Stone
The Bad Samaritan John  4 :1-42 Evangelism Mark Adams
A Worshipping Church John  4 :23-24 Worship Adrian Rogers
Having a Heart for the Harvest John  4 :27-38 Soul Winning; Witnessing; Evangelism Terry Trivette
Why We're In Business John  4 :27-39 Evangelism; Church; Missions James B. (Jim) Henry
The Left Water-Pot John  4 :28-30 Witnessing; Joy, Salvation; Missions Francis Dixon
Ever Increasing Faith John  4 :46-54 Faith; Trust; Dependence on God Jack Woodard
Trust John  4 :46-54 Trust; Faith; Dependence on God James Merritt
The Healing of the Nobleman's Son John  4 :46-54 Healing; Miracle of Jesus David E. Owen
At the Pool of Bethesda John  5 :1-18 Miracles; Jesus, Miracles of; Mercy David E. Owen
Witness For The Defense Of Jesus John  5 :16-47 Jesus Mark Adams
The Way God Works (Outline) John  5 :24 God, Ways of; Eternal Life; Salvation William F. Harrell
The Life of Discipleship - The Andrew Model - Bringing a Boy John  6 :1-13 Discipleship David E. Owen
The Feeding of the 5,000 John  6 :1-14 Miracles of Jesus; Feeding 5,000; Jesus, Power of David E. Owen
When The Pressure Is On John  6 :1-14 Pressure; Testing; Faith; Focus James Merritt
Jesus Walking on the Water John  6 :15-21 Miracles of Jesus; Faith; Jesus, Power of David E. Owen
Encouraging Frail Faith John  6 :16-21 Faith Mark Adams
Life Imparted Through Jesus John  6 :51-59 Lord's Supper; Communion; Life in Jesus Johnny Hunt
He Must Be Up To Something! John  6 :6 Trust; Faith; Prayer; Patience Sammy Burgess
Fringe Benefit Followers John  6 :63-66 Following Jesus Donnie L. Martin
What Will You Do With Jesus? John  7 :1-31 Decisions; Jesus; Choices Mark Adams
To The Withered Heart, He Says, Come and Drink John  7 :37 Jesus, Invitation of; Water of Life David E. Owen
Quenching the Thirst of the Soul John  7 :37-39 Water of Life; Life, Water of; Yearning; Desires Franklin L. Kirksey
Living in the Stone Age John  8 :1-11 Forgiveness; Judgment; Grace Donald Cantrell
Erasing the Scarlet Letter John  8 :1-11 Forgiveness; Adultery; Sin, Cleansing of; Jesus, Mercy of Terry Trivette
Forgiveness - God's Golden Gift John  8 :1-11 Forgiveness; Revival; Repentance John Bisagno
It's Time To Come To The Light (Outline) John  8 :12 Light of the World, Jesus; Salvation Toby Frost
The Light of the World John  8 :12-21 Christmas; Light, Jesus the J. Mike Minnix
The Great Physician and the Guilty Pharisees John  8 :1-59 Pride; Humility; Judging Others Franklin L. Kirksey
The Scarlet Letter and the Crimson Flow John  8 :3-11 Jesus, Blood of; Forgiveness; Adultery Terry Trivette
Declaration of Independence John  8 :31-36 Independence Day; America David E. Owen
Healing of the Blind Man John  9 :1-41 Miracles of Jesus; Jesus, Power of David E. Owen
The Grinch That Stole Christmas John  10 :10 Christmas; Jesus, Birth of Jack Woodard
Chattanooga Shooting Memorial Service John  10 :10 Funeral; America; Honor in Service; Death; Violence; Remembering Alan Stewart
The Purpose Driven Shepherd John  10 :1-14 Jesus, Blessings of; Guidance, God's Vince Hefner
How We Know His Voice John  10 :1-5 God, Voice of; Voice of God; Listening to God; Shepherd, The Johnny L. Sanders
Keeping Christ in Hanukkak John  10 :22-31 Christmas; Hanukkak; Light of the World David E. Owen
Seven Reasons Why A Saved Person Cannot Be Lost John  10 :27-29 Salvation; Faith; Blessed Assurance; Eternal Security Adrian Rogers
How To Be Sure I'm Saved John  10 :27-30 Salvation; Faith; Blessed Assurance; Eternal Security Dean Haun
In Times Like These John  11 Peace; Life; Strength; Salvation; America John C. Bryan
Glory Near A Grave! John  11 Vision; Dreams; Hope; Faith Alan Stewart
The Raising of Lazarus John  11 :1-44 Resurrection; Life; Miracles of Jesus; Jesus, Power of David E. Owen
Broken Dreams and New Beginnings John  11 :1-44 New Beginnings; Hardships; Faith; Brokenness O.S. Hawkins
The Day God Cried John  11 :1-57 Faith; Hope; Comfort Mark Adams
Life in the Resurrected Lord John  11 :25 Resurrection; Easter; Salvation; Forgiveness; Peace James McCullen
Do You Believe This? John  11 :25-26 Lordship; Resurrection; Salvation; Easter Franklin L. Kirksey
Being Thankful Even WhenThings Stink John  11 :38-41 Thanksgiving; Gratitude; Thanksgiving Day Terry Trivette
The Resurrection at Bethany John  11 :43 Resurrection; Power of Jesus; Life in Jesus; Lazarus David E. Owen
To The Worn-Out Heart Jesus Says, Come Forth John  11 :43 Christ, Invitation of; Life; Resurrection David E. Owen
The Next-to-the-Last Supper John  12 :1-11 Stewardship; Service Mark Adams
Jesus - King of Kings John  12 :12-19 Jesus, King Jared Moore
A Different King Of King John  12 :12-33 Discipleship; Christian Living; Jesus, King Mark Adams
The Life Of Discipleship: The Andrew Model Bringing Barbarians John  12 :17-26 Discipleship David E. Owen
A God-Honoring Offering John  12 :1-8 Giving; Stewardship; Offering, Acceptable; Money O.S. Hawkins
What To Say When You Don't Know What To Say John  12 :20-29 Security; Submission; Peace Ron Dunn
The Cutting Edge of Brokenness John  12 :24-26 Brokenness Gene Edwards
The Demonstration of an Extravagant Love John  12 :2-8 Love for Jesus; Action, Love Becoming J. Gerald Harris
The Servant John  13 Service; Servant J. Mike Minnix
A Man and His Master John  13 :1-17 Manhood; Men; Father J. Gerald Harris
The Foot-Washing Incident John  13 :1-17 Humility; Holiness; Service Paul E. Brown
The Hidden Blessings In Humility John  13 :12-17 Lord's Supper; Communion; Humility; Fruitfulness J. Mike Minnix
Humility John  13 :12-17 Humility J. Mike Minnix
Unwritten John  13 :1-27 Lord's Supper; Communion James William Mercer
The Pursuit of Happiness John  13 :17 Happiness Franklin L. Kirksey
How To Love As Jesus Loved John  13 :34 Love; Valentine's Day; Love of Jesus; Servanthood Adrian Rogers
The Big Picture John  13 :7 Providence of God; Will of God; Trust; Faith; Hardship Alan Stewart
Jesus John  14 Jesus Johnny L. Sanders
Peace I Leave With You John  14 :27 Peace; Christmas Mark Adams
No One Comes To The Father Except Through Me John  14 :6 Salvation; Christmas Mark Adams
Jesus Is The Way John  14 :6 Jesus, The Way Paul E. Brown
They Blindfolded Him John  14 :6 Truth; Lies; Worldliness; Blindness; Darkness; Compromise Alan Stewart
The Way, The Truth, And The Life John  14 :6 Jesus, the Way; Jesus, the Life; Jesus, the Truth J. Gerald Harris
Walking and Talking with Jesus John  15 Fellowship with Jesus; Fruitful Christians; Witnessing J. Mike Minnix
The Benefits of In-The-Zone Living John  15 :1-17 Christian Living Mark Adams
When Being Hated is a Good Thing John  15 :18 Persecution Mark Adams
When Being Hated is a Good Thing John  15 :18 Suffering; Persistence Mark Adams
Vintage Christianity John  15 :1-8 God the Father Franklin L. Kirksey
What If Christ Had Not Come? John  15 :22 Christ, Birth of; Christmas Paul E. Brown
Jesus Christ is the True Vine John  15 :5-8 Jesus; True Vine, Jesus is the Jared Moore
When Life Tumbles In John  16 :33 Trouble; Faith Ron Hale
When Life Tumbles In, What Then? John  16 :33 Problems; Trouble; Hardships Ron Hale
When The Spirit Speaks John  16 :7 Truth about Sin; Message of Holy Spirit Adrian Rogers
Security is for the Saved John  17 :12 Eternal Security; Judas; Salvation Johnny Hunt
The Real Lord's Prayer John  17 :1-26 Intercession, Jesus' Mark Adams
This World Is Not Our Home John  17 :13-19 Heaven Johnny Hunt
The Authority of Jesus John  17 :2 Jesus, Authority of; Lordship of Jesus Gene Carver
Jesus Prayed For You John  17 :20-26 Love of God; Jesus, Prayer of; Priestly Prayer J. Mike Minnix
The Gist of Eternal Life John  17 :3 Eternal Life Franklin L. Kirksey
Jesus Praying For His Disciples John  17 :6-10 Prayer, Jesus Johnny Hunt
Can You Handle The Truth? John  18 :28 Truth; Faith Mark Adams
The Centrality of the Cross John  19 :1-18 Cross; Calvary; Easter J. Mike Minnix
Celebrate the Cross John  19 :16-19 Cross; Christian Living Johnny L. Sanders
Take Care of Mama John  19 :16-27 Cross; Jesus, The Love of Mike Stone
His Crucifixion John  19 :17-42 Crucifixion; Cross; Easter Mark Adams
The Heart of a Mother John  19 :25 Mother Kenneth Hendricks
The Love of Jesus for the Home John  19 :25-27 Home; Family; Jesus and the Home J. Mike Minnix
I Thirst John  19 :26 Cross; Jesus, Humanity of Mike Stone
I Thrist John  19 :28 Cross, Sayings from the; Easter; Jesus, Humanity of Mike Stone
The Greatest Words Ever Spoken John  19 :30 Cross; Words of Jesus Mike Stone
It Is Finished John  19 :30 Cross of Christ; Last Words of Jesus; Salvation; Jesus, Completed Work of J. Mike Minnix
Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary John  20 :11-16 Mary Magdalene; Resurrection of Jesus Terry Trivette
The Crucial Nature of the Cross John  20 :1-18 Cross of Christ; Blood, The; Salvation; Substitution J. Mike Minnix
Are You Following The Right Leader John  20 :1-31 Resurrection; Easter Mark Adams
Rabboni! John  20 :16 Resurrection; Mary Magdalene; Easter; Encouragement Franklin L. Kirksey
A Tomb with a View John  20 :1-8 Resurrection; Easter, Death, Victory over Vince Hefner
Confidence For Soul Winning John  20 :19-23 Soul Winning Darrell W. Robinson
Seeing Christmas Through The Eyes Of The Open Tomb John  20 :19-31 Christmas; Resurrection; Jesus, Birth of; Life in Christ Johnny Hunt
The Man Who Almost Missed Easter John  20 :19-31 Easter; Resurrection Sammy Burgess
The Hands of the Risen Christ John  20 :20 Resurrection; Easter J. Mike Minnix
It's Time to Go John  20 :21 Missions J. Mike Minnix
The Nail-Scarred Hand John  20 :24-28 Resurrection; Easter; Nail-Scarred Hand Adrian Rogers
The Story of His Wounds John  20 :26-29 Crucifixion; Wounds of Jesus; Christ, Death of ; Doubt Terry Trivette
The Scars of Jesus John  20 :27 Crucifixion; Salvation; Cross of Christ; Suffering of Jesus Adrian Rogers
Keep On Believing John  20 :30-31 Faith; Trust; Belief William R. Shively
To The Weak Heart, Jesus Says, Come and Dine John  21 :12 Jesus, Invitation of; Weakness David E. Owen
Restoration - Who Needs It? John  21 :15-25 Restoration; Revival; Renewal; Dedication Franklin L. Kirksey
Lessons At The Lake John  21 :1-8 Faith; Trust; Jesus, Power of Terry Trivette
Leaning On Jesus John  21 :20 Lord's Supper; Spiritual Commitment; Love for Jesus J. Mike Minnix


GRANT RICHISON - commentary with practical application on each verse 

NOTE: The links below are just to the first verse of the chapter (e.g., ). In the top right corner of the page you will find a link to go to the next verse by verse comment. There are literally hundreds of comments - e.g., there are 4 separate studies on John 1:1 -    , then you can go to , etc, etc. Read Introduction to John

ROB SALVATO - sermon transcripts on the Gospel of John


NOTE: There are literally 1000's of sermons but the quality varies so please exercise a Berean mindset (Acts 17:11+). Check out the Pdf's which can be a useful source of preaching and teaching ideas but use discernment. 

SERMONS BY CHAPTER AND VERSE - older expositions

I am a Voice Various John 1:1
Speaking Voice A. W. Tozer John 1:1
That Which was from the Beginning Hugh Binning John 1:1
The Divine Jesus S. D. Gordon John 1:1
The Son of Thunder Charles Kingsley John 1:1
The Word in Eternity, in the World, and in the Flesh Alexander Maclaren John 1:1
Which We have Heard and Seen Hugh Binning John 1:1
A Notable Conversion J. J. Van Oosterzee, D. D. John 1:1-5
Christ and God D. Thomas, D. D. John 1:1-5
Christ is God   John 1:1-5
Christ the True God   John 1:1-5
Christ the Word of God J. Cumming, D. D. John 1:1-5
Controversy About Christ Bp.Ryle. John 1:1-5
God not Solitary J. Cynddylan Jones, D. D. John 1:1-5
On Books Charles Kingsley, M. A. John 1:1-5
Practical Reflections Bp. Ryle. John 1:1-5
The Deity of Christ an Impossible Invention Canon Liddon. John 1:1-5
The Divine Father and Son Arrowsmith. John 1:1-5
The Divinity of Christ Revealed in the Gospel of John Dr. Pentecost. John 1:1-5
The Heavenly Analogy of the Connection of Speech with Reason Dean Goulburn. John 1:1-5
The Nature of Christ Perfectly Similar and Equal to that of the Eternal Father J. F. Denham. John 1:1-5
The Origin of the Term Logos, or Word T. Whitelaw, D. D. John 1:1-5
The Relation of This Revelation with that of Genesis 1 J. Culross, D. D. John 1:1-5
The Resemblance Between the Written and the Personal Word Dean Goulburn. John 1:1-5
The Term Word Applicable to Christ G. Steward. John 1:1-5
The Word J. Cynddylan Jones, D. D. John 1:1-5
The Word W. Denton, M. A., Beaux Amis. John 1:1-5
The Word Made Flesh W. Perkins. John 1:1-5
The Word of Scripture Concerning the Beginning Lange., Lange. John 1:1-5
What is Gained by Defending the Eternal Pre-Existence of Jesus Christ J. Cynddylan Jones, D. D. John 1:1-5


CLAUDE STAUFFER - Verse by verse studies

  • John 1 Who is Jesus? Jesus is God, the Word made Flesh 
  • John 2 The First Sign – A Wedding and Water Turned to Wine
  • John 3 Three Musts 
  • John 4 The Samaritan Woman and the Second Sign
  • John 5 Do you want to be made well? 
  • John 7 Torrents of Living Water
  • John 8  Light of the world 
  • John 9 True Vision 
  • John 10 Jesus the Good Shepherd 
  • John 11   Wait and Be Raised
  • John 12 Through Triumph and Trouble, Still Truth
  • John 13 Willing to Wash Feet 
  • John 14 Help for Troubled Hearts
  • John 15 Relationships
  • John 16 Stumble-Proof Your Life 
  • John 17 Jesus Prays 
  • John 18  The Cause of Christ
  • John 19 The Cost of the Cross of Christ
  • John 20 The Resurrection Confirmation of the Cross of Christ 
  • John 21 Jesus and Peter

JOHN STEVENSON - sermon transcripts on the Gospel of John


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

DAVID THOMPSON -  79 SERMONS ON GOSPEL OF JOHN - conservative, evangelical

Links to sermons - Instructions: Click sermon, e.g. John - Message #4: John 1:1-5, which opens a page that has Audio and Pdf (scroll down past the "Play Audio) for the small notation "View PDF" which opens the transcripts averaging about 5 pages (totals about 400 pages) and organized as "Facts" Thompson has gleaned from the text.

VALLEY BIBLE CHURCH - sermon transcripts on the Gospel of John

INSTRUCTIONS - There are 182 sermons on John. The church changed their links so now the best way to retrieve the Transcript in Pdf is by clicking on the INDEX PAGE FOR SERMONS ON JOHN. Then hunt for the chapter and verse you desire (the list below is in same order as the Index page). When you find the text in which you are interested, select "DOWNLOADS" and then select TRANSCRIPT (average about 5 pages - Here is an example from sermon #169 "The Word Incarnate - Part 3: John 1:14")

  • God Revealed  John 1:18
  • The Triumphal Entry John 12:12-19
  • Worship: The Key To Living The Abundant Christian Life Part 9: John 7:37-38
  • Why Should Christians Expect To Make A Difference In The World?: John 20:19-23
  • Why Should We Believe The Resurrection Testimony Of The Disciples?: John 20:1-28
  • Follow Me: John 21:20-25
  • Faithful Unto Death: John 21:18-19
  • Serving Christ's Flock: John 21:15-17
  • The Fishing Story: John 21:1-14
  • The One Who Conquered Death Part 6: John 20:24-31
  • The One Who Conquered Death Part 5: John 20:19-23
  • The One Who Conquered Death Part 4: John  Topic: resurrection  Passage: John 20:11-18
  • The One Who Conquered Death Part 3: John 20:1-10
  • The One Who Conquered Death Part 2: John 19:38-42
  • The One Who Conquered Death Part 1: John 19:31-37
  • The Crucifixion of Christ Part 4: John 19:16-30
  • The Crucifixion of Christ Part 3: John 19:16-30
  • The Crucifixion of Christ Part 2: John 19:16-30
  • The Crucifixion of Christ Part 1: John 19:16-30
  • Christ Before Pilate Part 5: John 19:8-16
  • Christ Before Pilate Part 4: John 19:1-7
  • Christ Before Pilate Part 3: John 18:38-40
  • Christ Before Pilate Part 2: John 18:33-38
  • Christ Before Pilate Part 1: John 18:28-32
  • Jesus' Trial and Peter's Denials Part 3: John 18:19-27
  • Jesus' Trial and Peter's Denials Part 2: John 18:15-18
  • Jesus' Trial and Peter's Denials Part 1: John 18:12-14
  • The Arrest of Christ Part 2: John 18:6-11
  • The Arrest of Christ Part 1: John 18:1-5
  • The High Priestly Prayer of Christ Part 8: John 17:24-26
  • The High Priestly Prayer of Christ Part 7: John 17:20-23
  • The High Priestly Prayer of Christ Part : John 17:17-19
  • The High Priestly Prayer of Christ Part 5: John 17:13-16
  • The High Priestly Prayer of Christ Part 4: John 17:11-12
  • The High Priestly Prayer of Christ Part 3 John 17:6-10
  • The High Priestly Prayer of Christ Part : John 17:3-5
  • The High Priestly Prayer of Christ Part 1: John 17:1-2
  • Peace in a Troubled World - Part 2: John 16:28-33
  • Peace in a Troubled World - Part 1: John 16:25-27
  • Sorrow Turned to Joy - Part 2: John 16:23-24
  • Sorrow Turned to Joy - Part 1: John 16:16-22
  • The Spirit’s Revelatory Work Among the Apostle: John 16:12-15
  • The Convicting Ministry of The Holy Spirit - Part 2: John 16:5-11
  • The Convicting Ministry of The Holy Spirit - Part 1e: John 16:1-4
  • Let the Witnesses Come Forward: John 15:26-27
  • Why the World Hates Christians - Part : John 15:21-25
  • Why the World Hates Christians - Part 2: John 15:20
  • Why the World Hates Christians - Part 1: John 15:17-19
  • The Friends of Christ - Part 5: John 15:16
  • The Friends of Christ - Part : John 15:16
  • The Friends of Christ - Part 3: John 15:16
  • The Friends of Christ - Part 2: John 15:15
  • The Friends of Christ - Part 1: John 15:12-14
  • The Love of Christ: John 15:9-11
  • Abiding In Christ - Part 2: John 15:7-8
  • Abiding In Christ - Part 1: John 15:4-6
  • The Vine - The Vinedresse: John 15:1-3
  • Choosing Obedience for Loves Sakee: John 14:28-31
  • Peace I Leave With You - Peace I Give to You: John 14:27
  • The Truth - The Whole Trut: John 14:25-26
  • Those Who Love Christ: John 14:21-24
  • The Coming of the Spirit: John 14:16-20
  • The Best Is Yet to Come - Part 2: John 14:13-15
  • Are There Miracle Workers in the Church Today: John 14:12
  • The Best is Yet to Come - Part 1: John  Passage: John 14:12
  • Getting to Know The Father: John 14:7-11
  • I Am The Way - Part 2: John 14:4-6
  • I Am The Way - Part 1: John 14:1-3
  • The Prideful Interaction of Peter With Christ: John 13:36-38
  • Loving One Another: John 13:34-35
  • New Things: John 13:31-33
  • The Betrayer - Part 2: John 13:23-30
  • The Betrayer - Part 1: John 13:18-22
  • What the Resurrection Proves: John 13:17
  • Loving to the Limit - Part : John 13:12-17
  • Loving to the Limit - Part : John 13:6-11
  • Loving to the Limit - Part 1: John 13:1-5
  • The Importance of Saving Fait: John 12:44-50
  • Why Jesus Was Rejected - Part 2: John 12:39-43
  • Why Jesus Was Rejected - Part 1: John 12:37-38
  • The Effects of the Cross - Part 2: John 12:31-36
  • The Effects of the Cross - Part 1: John 12:27-30
  • But If It Dies...: John 12:20-26
  • The Triumphal Entry: John 12:12-19
  • Mary Anoints Christ: John 12:1-11
  • Lazarus - Come Forth - Part 6: John 11:45-57
  • Lazarus - Come Forth - Part 5: John 11:38-44
  • Lazarus - Come Forth - Part 4: John 11:28-37
  • Lazarus - Come Forth - Part : John 11:17-27
  • Lazarus - Come Forth - Part : John 11:7-16
  • Lazarus - Come Forth - Part 1: John 11:1-6
  • Tell Us Who You Are - Part : John 10:31-42
  • Tell Us Who You Are - Part 1: John 10:22-30
  • The Good Shepherd - Part 3: John 10:17-21
  • The Good Shepherd - Part 2: John 10:14-16
  • The Good Shepherd - Part 1e: John 10:11-13
  • Christ the Door: John 10:7-10
  • The True Shepherd - Part 2: John 10:3-6
  • The True Shepherd - Part 1: John 10:1-2
  • To Believe or Not to Believe - Part 2: John 9:39-41
  • To Believe or Not to Believe - Part: John 9:36-38
  • To See or Not to See: John 9:35
  • The Healing of the Blind Man Investigated - Part 2: John 9:19-34
  • The Healing of the Blind Man Investigated - Part 1: John 9:13-18
  • Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind - Part 2: John 9:8-12
  • Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind - Part 1: John 9:1-7
  • Jesus: The Light of the World - Part 6: John 8:48-59
  • Jesus: The Light of the World - Part 5: John 8:37-47
  • Jesus: The Light of the Word - Part 4: John 8:31-36
  • Jesus: The Light of the World - Part 3: John 8:20-30
  • Jesus: The Light of the World - Part 2: John 8:13-19
  • Jesus: The Light of the World - Part 1: John 8:12
  • Neither Do I Condemn You: John 7:53-8
  • The Feast of Booths - Part 6: John  Passage: John 7:45-52
  • The Feast of Booths - Part 5: John 7:37-44
  • The Feast of Booths - Part : John 7:25-36
  • The Feast of Booths - Part 3: John 7:18-24
  • The Feast of Booths - Part 2: John 7:14-17
  • The Feast of Booths - Part 1: John 7:1-13
  • The Bread of Life - Part 7: John 6:66-71
  • The Bread of Life - Part : John 6:60-65
  • The Bread of Life - Part 5: John 6:52-59
  • The Bread of Life - Part 4: John 6:41-51
  • The Bread of Life - Part 3 John 6:36-40
  • The Bread of Life - Part 2: John 6:28-35
  • The Bread of Life - Part 1: John 6:22-27
  • Jesus Walks on Water: John 6:16-21
  • The Feeding of the 5000 - Part : John 6:10-15
  • The Feeding of the 5000 - Part 1: John 6:1-9
  • Christ Calls Witnesses to the Stand - Part 2: John 5:39-47
  • Christ Calls Witnesses to the Stand - Part 1: John 5:30-38
  • The Voice of Chris: John 5:25-29
  • Christ's Equality With God: John 5:19-24
  • The Decision to Prosecute: John 5:16-18
  • The Initial Investigation: John 5:10-15
  • The So-Called Crime
  • Speaker: Dale Whitehead  Series: John  Passage: John 5:1-9
  • Growing Faith: John 4:43-54
  • Fruitful Labor: John 4:39-42
  • Soul Food Special: John 4:35-38
  • Soul Food: John 4:31-34
  • Shock and Awe: John 4:27-30
  • Worshiping God in Truth: John 4:24-26
  • Worshiping God in Spirit: John 4:20-23
  • The State of Our Unions: John 4:15-19
  • Living Water: John 4:10-14
  • Ministering While Physically Weary: John 4:1-9
  • The Witness of Christ: John 3:31-36
  • He Must Increase - I Must Decreas: John 3:22-30
  • For God So Loved the World - Part : John 3:17-21
  • For God So Loved the World - Part 4: John 3:16
  • For God So Loved the World - Part 3: John 3:16
  • For God So Loved the World - Part 2: John 3:16
  • For God So Loved the World - Part 1: John 3:16
  • You Must Be Born Again - Part e: John 3:9-15
  • You Must Be Born Again - Part : John 3:6-8
  • You Must Be Born Again - Part 2: John 3:4-5
  • You Must Be Born Again - Part 1: John 3:1-3
  • The Cleansing of the Temple - Part 3: John 2:18-25
  • The Cleansing of the Temple - Part 2: John 2:14-17
  • The Cleansing of the Temple - Part : John 2:12-13
  • Christ’s First Miracle: John 2:1-11
  • The Witness of Nathanael: John 1:43-51
  • The Witness of Andrew: John 1:35-42
  • The Basic Essentials of Witnessing - Part 2: John 1:29-34
  • The Basic Essentials of Witnessing - Part 1: John 1:19-28
  • The Word’s Superiority - Part 2: John 1:17-18
  • The Word’s Superiority - Part 1: John 1:15-16
  • The Word Incarnate - Part 3: John 1:14
  • The Word Incarnate - Part 2: John 1:12-13
  • The Word Incarnate - Part 1: John 1:9-11
  • The Word and John the Baptist: John 1:6-8
  • The Word and Creation: John 1:3-5
  • And the Word Was God: John 1:1-2
  • The Word and God: John 1:1-2
  • Why Did John Write the Fourth Gospel?: John 20:30-31
  • The Beloved Disciple: John 1-21
  • The Majesty of Christ: John 8:51-59
  • Where Will We Go? John 6:60-71
  • Meeting the Master: John 1:33-42
  • True Worship: John 4:20-24
  • Christian Oneness

I. Introduction to The Gospel of John (John 1:1-18)

A. The Background

1. The author

2. The purpose

B. God is revealed through the Word (John 1:1-2)

1. The Word was with God

2. The Word was God

C. God is revealed through creation (John 1:3-5)

D. God is revealed through John the Baptist (John 1:6-8)

E. God is revealed through the Word Incarnate (John 1:9-14)

1. His rejection (John 1:9-11)

2. His reception (John 1:12-13)

3. His glory (John 1:14)

F. God is revealed through the Superior Word (John 1:15-18)

1. Superior to John the Baptist (John 1:15-16)

2. Superior to Moses (John 1:17-18)

II. The Period of Consideration (John 1:19-4:42)

A. The witness of people (John 1:19-51)

1. The witness of John the Baptist (John 1:19-34)

a. The character of the witness: humility (John 1:19-28)

b. The content of the witness: the person and work of Christ (John 1:29-34)

2. The witness of Andrew (John 1:35-42)

3. The witness of Nathanael (John 1:43-51)

B. The witness of events (John 2:1-22)

1. The miracle at Cana (John 2:1-11)

2. The cleansing of the temple (John 2:12-25)

a. Jesus' concern for the Passover (John 2:12-13)

b. Jesus' concern for the temple (John 2:14-17)

c. Jesus' concern for the heart of man (John 2:18-25)

C. The witness of the new birth (John 3:1-15)

1. The necessity of the new birth (John 3:1-3)

2. The components of the new birth (John 3:4-8)

a. Born of water (John 3:4-5)

b. Born of the Spirit (John 3:6-8)

3. The focus of the new birth (John 3:9-15)

D. The witness of Christ's mission (John 3:16-21)

1. The cost of Christ's mission (John 3:16a)

2. The benefits of Christ's mission (John 3:16b)

a. Deliverance from judgment

b. Granted eternal life

  1) We will be better people

  2) We will have a better future

3. The response to Christ's mission (John 3:17-21)

E. The witness of John the Baptist (John 3:22-30)

F. The witness of Christ (John 3:31-36)

G. The witness to the Samaritan woman (John 4:1-30)

1. Christ's request of the woman (John 4:1-9)

2. Christ's offer to the woman (John 4:10-14)

3. Christ's insight into the woman (John 4:15-19)

4. Christ's instruction for the woman (John 4:20-26)

a. Worshiping God in spirit (John 4:20-23)

b. Worshiping God in truth (John 4:24-26)

5. The Samaritan woman's response to Christ (John 4:27-30)

H. The witness of Christ's work(John 4:31-42)

1. The motive (John 4:31-34)

2. The urgency (John 4:35-38)

3. The fruitfulness (John 4:39-42)

4. The response (John 4:43-54)

III. The Period of Controversy (John 5:1-6:71)

A. The controversy at Bethesda (John 5:1-47)

1. The so-called crime (John 5:1-9)

2. The initial investigation (John 5:10-15)

3. The decision to prosecute (John 5:16-18)

4. Christ's defense (John 5:19-47)

a. The nature of Christ (John 5:19-24)

b. The voice of Christ (John 5:25-29)

c. The witnesses of Christ (John 5:30-47)

  1) The Father, the Baptist and the works (John 5:30-38)

  2) The Scripture (John 5:39-47)

B. The controversy of the bread (John 6:1-71)

1. The feeding of the 5,000 (John 6:1-15)

a. The problem (John 6:1-9)

b. The solution (John 6:10-15)

2. Jesus Walks on Water (John 6:16-21)

3. The bread of life (John 6:22-71)

a. The challenge (John 6:22-27)

b. The promise (John 6:28-40)

  1) Our satisfaction (John 6:28-35)

  2) Our security (John 6:36-40)

c. The responses (John 6:41-71)

  1) The origin of Christ (John 6:41-51)

  2) The offense of Christ (John 6:52-59)

  3) The objection to Christ (John 6:60-65)

  4) The obligation to Christ (John 6:66-71)

IV. The Period of Conflict (John 7:1-11:57)

A. The Feast of Booths (John 7:1-8:59)

1. The beginning of the feast (John 7:1-13)

2. The middle of the feast (John 7:14-36)

a. The question of Jesus' schooling (John 7:14-24)

1) The divine education of Christ (John 7:14-17)

2) The righteous judgment by man (John 7:18-24)

b. The question of Jesus' source (John 7:25-36)

3. The last day of the feast (John 7:37-8:59)

a. The impact of Christ on the multitude (John 7:37-44)

b. The impact of Christ on the officers (John 7:45-52)

c. The impact of Christ on the woman caught in adultery (John 7:53-8:11)

d. The impact of Christ on the religious leaders (John 8:12-59)

1) The claim of Christ as the light (John 8:12)

2) The response of the Pharisees against the light (John 8:13-19)

3) The response of Christ to the Pharisees (John 8:20-59)

a) His declaration against the Pharisees (John 8:20-30)

b) His description of true disciples (John 8:31-36)

c) His damnation of false disciples (John 8:37-47)

d) His declaration of His divinity (John 8:48-59)

B. The healing of the blind man (John 9:1-41)

1. The power of God (John 9:1-7)

2. The perplexity of man (John 9:8-12)

3. The probe of the Pharisees (John 9:13-34)

a. The characteristics of willful unbelief (John 9:13-18)

b. More characteristics of willful unbelief (John 9:19-34)

4. The principles for receiving spiritual sight (John 9:35-41)

a. Spiritual sight is the product of divine initiative (John 9:35)

b. Spiritual sight is the product of human reception (John 9:36-38)

5. The punishment for rejecting spiritual sight (John 9:39-41)

C. Following the true shepherd (John 10:1-21)

1. Christ as the true shepherd (John 10:1-6)

a. The way they come to the sheep (John 10:1-2)

b. The way the sheep come to them (John 10:3-6)

2. Christ as the door (John 10:7-10)

3. Christ as the good shepherd (John 10:11-16)

a. The good shepherd dies for the sheep (John 10:11-13)

b. The good shepherd knows the sheep (John 10:14-16)

c. The good shepherd is raised for the sheep (John 10:17-21)

D. The identity of Christ (John 10:22-42)

1. Jesus is the Christ (John 10:22-30)

2. Jesus is the Son of God (John 10:31-42)

E. The raising of Lazarus (John 11:1-57)

1. The preparation for the miracle (John John 11:1-16)

a. Lazarus and his sisters (John 11:1-6)

b. Christ and the disciples (John 11:7-16)

2. The arrival of Jesus and his disciples in Bethany (John John 11:17-37)

a. Martha encounters Christ (John 11:17-27)

b. Mary encounters Christ (John 11:28-37)

3. The raising of Lazarus (John 11:38-44)

4. The response of the Jews (John 11:45-57)

V. The Period of Crisis (John 12:1-50)

A. Mary anoints Christ (John 12:1-11)

B. The triumphal entry (John 12:12-19)

C. But if it dies... (John 12:20-26)

D. The effects of the cross (John 12:27-36)

1. The effects of the cross on Christ (John 12:27-30)

2. The effects of the cross on others (John 12:31-36)

E. The rejection of Christ (John 12:37-43)

1. The rejection fulfilled prophecy (John 12:37-38)

2. The rejection was caused by God (John 12:39-43)

F. The importance of saving faith (John 12:44-50)

VI. The Period of Conference (John John 13:1-17:26)

A. Christ's love (John 13:1-17)

1. Christ's love exemplified (John 13:1-5)

2. Christ's love explained (John 13:6-11)

3. Christ's love exhorted (John 13:12-17)

4. Christ's love examined (John 13:17)

B. Christ's betrayer (John 13:18-30)

1. The betrayer predicted (John 13:18-22)

2. The betrayer pointed out (John 13:23-30)

C. Christ's farewell discourse (John 13:31-17:26)

1. The introduction to the discourse (John 13:31-38)

a. The new glory (John 13:31-33)

b. The new commandment (John 13:34-35)

c. The pride of Peter (John 13:36-38)

2. The discourse (John 14:1-16:33)

a. Christ's comfort (John 14:1-6)

1) Christ is the way to their deliverance (John 14:1-3)

2) Christ is the only way to their deliverance (John 14:4-6)

b. Christ's promises (John 14:7-31)

1) The promise of knowing God (John 14:7-11)

2) The promise of better days (John John 14:12-15)

a) The nature of the greater works (John 14:12)

b) The duration of the greater works (John 14:12)

c) The prayer for the greater works (John 14:13-15)

3) The promise of the Holy Spirit (John 14:16-20)

4) The promise of keeping the commandments (John 14:21-24)

5) The promise of blessing (John 14:25-31)

a) Christ's Spirit would teach their mind(John 14:25-26)

b) Christ;s peace would be comfort their heart (John 14:27)

c) Christ's departure would confirm their faith (John 14:28-31)

c. Christ's analogy of the vine (John 15:1-6)

1) Abiding in Christ bears fruit (John 15:1-3)

2) )Abiding in Christ bears much fruit (John 15:4-6)

3) Abiding in Christ brings answered prayer (John 15:7-8)

d. Christ's love (John 15:9-11)

e. Christ's friendship (John 15:12-16)

1) The friends of Christ love one another (John 15:12-14)

2) The friends of Christ know divine truth (John 15:15)

3) The friends of Christ are chosen (John 15:16)

4) The friends of Christ bear fruit (John 15:16)

5) The friends of Christ pray for fruitfulness (John 15:16)

f. Christ's opposition (John 15:17-27)

1) The world hates us because we are not of this world (John 15:17-19)

2) The world hates us because they hate Christ (John 15:20)

3) The world hates us because they do not know God (John 15:21-25)

g. Christ's witnesses (John 15:26-27)

h. Christ's departure (John 16:1-15)

1) Christ's departure will bring mistreatment from the world (John 16:1-4)

2) Christ's departure will bring the conviction of the Holy Spirit (John 16:5-11)

3) Christ's departure will being the guidance of the Holy Spirit (John 16:12-15)

i. Christ's joy (John 16:16-24)

1) The promise of joy (John 16:16-22)

2) The power of joy (John 16:23-24)

j. Christ's summary (John 16:25-33)

1) The love of the Father (John 16:25-27)

2) The faith and hope of the disciples (John 16:28-33)

3. The prayer (John 17:1-26)

a. Christ's prayer for himself (John 17:1-5)

1) Christ's glory of the Father (John 17:1-2)

2) The Father's glory of Christ (John 17:3-5)

b. Christ's prayer for his disciples (John 17:6-19)

1) Christ's motivation (John 17:6-10)

2) Christ's request (John 17:11-12)

3) Christ's promises (John 17:13-16)

4) Christ's truth (John 17:17-19)

c. Christ's prayer for his future disciples (John 17:20-26)

1) Christ's prayer for unity (John 17:20-23)

2) Christ's prayer for union (John 17:24-26)

VII. The Period of Crucifixion (John John 18:1-20:31)

A. Christ's arrest (John 18:1-11)

1. Christ's courage (John 18:1-5)

2. Christ's power (John 18:6-11)

B. Christ's trials (John 18:12-19:15)

1. Christ before the high priest (John 18:12-27)

a) Christ before Annas (John 18:12-14)

b) Christ denied by Peter (John 18:15-18)

c) Christ questioned by Annas (John 18:19-27)

2. Christ before Pilate (John 18:28-19:15)

a) Pilate with Christ's accusers (John 18:28-32)

b) Pilate's examination of Christ (John 18:33-38)

c) Pilate's attempted release of Christ (John 18:38-19:15)

  1) The attempted release via selection (John 18:38-40)

  2) The attempted release via scourging (John 19:1-7)

  3) The attempted release via suggestion (John 19:8-15)

C. Christ's crucifixion (John 19:16-30)

1. Christ's Deity seen in Bible prophecy (John 19:16-18, 22-24)

2. Christ's Deity seen in Pilate's inscription (John 19:19-21)

3. Christ's Deity seen in Christ's love (John 19:25-27)

4. Christ's Deity seen in Christ's knowledge (John 19:28-30)

D. Christ's resurrection (John 19:31-20:31)

1. Christ's mastery over death seen in His dying (John 19:31-37)

2. Christ's mastery over death seen in His burial (John 19:38-42)

3. Christ's mastery over death seen in His resurrection (John 20:1-31)

a) The proof from the empty tomb (John 20:1-10)

b) The proof from the eyewitnesses (John 20:11-31)

  1) Mary Magdalene (John 20:11-18)

  2) The disciples without Thomas (John 20:19-23)

  3) The disciples with Thomas (John 20:24-31)

VIII. The Period of Commission (John John 20:1-25)

A. Christ's supply (John 21:1-14)

B. Christ's teaching (John 21:15-25)

1. Serving Christ's sheep (John 21:15-17)

2. Serving Christ sacrificially (John 21:18-19)

3. Serving Christ singlemindedly (John 21:20-25)








ALFRED PLUMMER - Cambridge Greek Testament for Schools and Colleges

D Edmond Hiebert review - Greek text. Valuable introduction espouses the conservative view regarding introductory problems. The notes on the Greek text set forth its meaning concisely. (An Introduction to the NT) Note that Plummer also authored the Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges (see below)

Cyril Barber - Plummer, Alfred. The Gospel According to St. John. Published a century ago, this study of the Greek text of John's gospel first appeared in the Cambridge Greek Testament. It has now been superseded by more recent treatments.










A C GAEBELEIN - two works available

D Edmond Hiebert - A paragraph-by-paragraph interpretation of John by a noted evangelical Bible teacher and writer of the past generation. Contains many fine spiritual insights into the truths of this gospel. (An Introduction to the NT)



Rosscup - A good scholar is at his best here. He is exhaustive and excellent, though this work is old.  (Commentaries for Biblical Expositors)

D Edmond Hiebert - An older commentary by a noted conservative French scholar of the past century. Still outstanding as an evangelical interpretation of the fourth gospel, even if unaware of recent critical trends. (An Introduction to the NT)







Rosscup - This work, recently reprinted, has much judicious material tying the thought to Old Testament background theology. At times it is very provocative (cf. on Jn. 1:15, 30, “He is preferred before me,” italics mine). Hengstenberg is one of the towering older names, well-known for Christology of the Old Testament, for example.  (Commentaries for Biblical Expositors)

Cyril Barber - Rich in grammatical and syntactical insights, this reverent and devout work ably treats the life and labors of Christ as recorded in John's gospel. A rewarding work that will handsomely repay the time spent reading it.



Verse by verse and even phrase by phrase - well written and easy to understand.

D Edmond Hiebert review - Greek text.  A full verse-by-verse exposition of John by an accomplished conservative Baptist scholar of the past century. Still valuable for its unfolding of the meaning of the text.(An Introduction to the NT) - Articulating the distinctive characteristics of the Gospel of John, Alvah Hovey exegetically examines the text. Drawing upon notes from John A. Broadus for clarification in the margins, Hovey provides historical-critical method and inquiry into the text.

The Homiletic Review - The scholarship  of Dr. Hovey, the general a guarantee of the superior character and worth of the commentary as a whole.

The Treasury: An Evangelical Monthly for Pastor and People writes - Thorough scholarship, clear theological views, well chosen words, and the most careful editing.


D Edmond Hiebert review - Greek text. A 180-page introduction, in which the author rejects the traditional view of authorship, deals fully with the critical problems. The commentary is based on the author's rearrangement of the text of the gospel. Valuable for the discerning advanced student. (An Introduction to the NT)

Rosscup -   Bernard, J. A. Gospel According to St. John (International Critical Commentary). Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1928. A liberal work, now outdated as to literature but long held in high esteem on critical and exegetical matters.




D Edmond Hiebert review - The material in this volume of 650 two-column pages is divided into four parts under each section of the gospel: textual and grammatical; exegetical and critical; doctrinal and ethical; homiletical and practical. While much of the material is dated, it contains an abundance of riches for those willing to dig into its contents. (An Introduction to the NT)



D Edmond Hiebert review - The mature product of a noted Plymouth Brethren scholar of the last century. A thoroughly conservative interpretation of the fourth gospel. (An Introduction to the NT)


D Edmond Hiebert review - Lightfoot's primary concern is to exegete the text of the gospel. The text is divided into large units which are followed by a careful exposition. There are also notes on the text dealing with textual, critical, and interpretative matters. The introduction, reworked by the editor, adds to the value of the volume. (An Introduction to the NT)



JOHN W MCGARVEY (Church of Christ)



HEINRICH MEYER - Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament

D Edmond Hiebert review -Greek text. A full verse-by-verse treatment of John's gospel. Rich in references to other works on the gospel current during the past century. Fully acquainted with critical scholarship up to the time of its production. (An Introduction to the NT)

JOHN R MILLER - Devotional Hours with the Bible - 38 chapters on the book of John - scroll to bottom for index

ROBERT NEIGHBOUR - Living Water Commentary

JAMES NISBET - Church Pulpit Commentary



ALFRED PLUMMER - Cambridge Greek Testament for Schools and Colleges - Note Plummer also authored Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges (see below)

D Edmond Hiebert review - Greek text. Valuable introduction espouses the conservative view regarding introductory problems. The notes on the Greek text set forth its meaning concisely. (An Introduction to the NT)

Cyril Barber - Plummer, Alfred. The Gospel According to St. John. Published a century ago, this study of the Greek text of John's gospel first appeared in the Cambridge Greek Testament.

ALFRED PLUMMER - Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges (see Cambridge Greek Testament above).

POPULAR COMMENTARY ON THE NEW TESTAMENT - Gospel of John authored by William Milligan and William Moulton



PULPIT COMMENTARY Including Homilies

Note: These links include the verse by verse exposition (the first entry on the page) and are followed by the Homiletics and Homilies (Scroll down)


JOHNNY SANDERS - commentary notes









D Edmond Hiebert review - One of the classical commentaries on John. Still richly rewarding in spite of its age. An admirable presentation of the conservative position. (An Introduction to the NT)

James Rosscup - This is a reprint of a 1908 work which used to be generally regarded as the classic commentary on John. Westcott, born in England in 1825, studied at Dublin and was called “in learning a second Origen, in piety a second Augustine.” He teamed with F. J. A. Hort to labor 28 years in producing the famous Greek New Testament. He was conservative and Calvinistic. His knowledge of Greek was extensive, and he uses Greek and Latin in his comments. This plus his involved thinking at times makes it rather difficult for many to follow him. This is a good work to consult in any thorough study of John, and the student who wants to build his library with the best will not pass it by. (Commentaries for Biblical Expositors)







Renner writes "I know of no great Christian leader who hasn't faced some kind of opposition as he or she sought to do God's will. But the truth is that darkness does not have the power to over­come light! Every believer can overcome any attack if he or she won't quit first!" (Read the entire Devotional)















































































RICK RENNER - Sparkling Gems from the Greek

Renner writes "I've often heard Christians ask, "I wonder what it must have been like to walk with Jesus. Wouldn't it be wonderful to walk with Him and to hear His voice and talk to Him?" But believers who ask these kinds of questions don't understand the ministry of the Holy Spirit. If they did, they'd know that having the Holy Spirit with them is just like having Jesus right at their side! Because Jesus was about to depart from the world, He knew it was absolutely essential that the disciples learn how to rely entirely on the Spirit of God and to follow His leadership. Therefore, Jesus used His last moments to teach the disciples how to follow the Holy Spirit's leadership in the same way they had followed Him." (See the full devotional - John 14:16 Jesus' Last Lesson for the Disciples )
















RICK RENNER - Sparkling Gems from the Greek

Renner writes "Jesus has the greatest power in the whole universe! When He walked the earth, He healed the sick, cast out demons, raised the dead, walked on water, changed water into wine, and multiplied loaves and fishes. In fact, Jesus performed so many miracles that the apostle John said, "And there were also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written" (John 21:25). (Click full devotional)

















Sermons on the Gospel of John
Well Done


  1. John 3:1-8 Does "Must" Really Mean Must?
  2. John 4:39-42 Savior of the World
  3. John 14:1-3 The Great Consolation
  4. John 14:4-11 The Way to the Father
  5. John 14:12-14 Power for Ministry
  6. John 14:15-20 The Gift of the Divine Paraclete
  7. John 14:21-24 The Delight of Obedience
  8. John 14:25-26 Our Divine Teacher
  9. John 14:27-31 The Real Peace of Christmas
  10. John 15:1-3 I Am the Vine
  11. John 15:4-6 Abide in Christ
  12. John 15:7-11 Joyful Disciples, Part 1
  13. John 15:7-11 Joyful Disciples, Part 2
  14. John 15:12-14, 17 Love One Another
  15. John 15:15-16 The Key to Fruit-Bearing, Part 1
  16. John 15:15-16 The Key to Fruit-Bearing, Part 2
  17. John 15:18-25 When Persecution Comes
  18. John 15:26-16:4 Press on as Christ's Witness
  19. John 16:4-11 The Advantage of the Holy Spirit
  20. John 16:12-15 The Holy Spirit as Revealer
  21. John 16:16-24 A Joy that Cannot be Stolen
  22. John 16:25-33 Resources for a Tested Faith
  23. John 17 Christ's High Priestly Prayer
  24. John 17:1-3 What is Eternal Life?
  25. John 17:4-5 The Glory of Christ's Finished Work
  26. John 17:6-8 What is a Christian? Part 1
  27. John 17:6-8 What is a Christian? Part 2
  28. John 17:9-10 The Lord Prays for His Own
  29. John 17:11-12 Kept in the World
  30. John 17:13 Marks of the Church: Joy
  31. John 17:14-16 Marks of the Church: Holiness
  32. John 17:17-19 Marks of the Church: Truth, Part 1
  33. John 17:17-19 Marks of the Church: Truth, Part 2
  34. John 17:17-19 Marks of the Church: Mission
  35. John 17:20-23 Marks of the Church: Unity, Part 1
  36. John 17:20-23 Marks of the Church: Unity, Part 2
  37. John 17:24 Marks of the Church: Hope
  38. John 17:25-26 Marks of the Church: Love
  39. John 18:1-11 Drinking the Cup: Betrayal
  40. John 18:12-18, 25-57 Drinking the Cup: The Denial
  41. John 18:19-24, 28-32 Drinking the Cup: The Trial
  42. John 18:33-40 Drinking the Cup: Another Kingdom, Part 1
  43. John 18:33-40 Drinking the Cup: Another Kingdom, Part 2
  44. John 19:1-16 Drinking the Cup: Rejected by Men
  45. John 19:17-27 Drinking the Cup: Smitten of God
  46. John 19:28-30 It is Finished!
  47. John 19:38-42 And that He was Buried
  48. John 20:1-10 He Must Rise Again
  49. John 20:1-18 A Ruse or a Resurrection
  50. John 20:19-23 He Arose and He Sends
  51. John 20:24-29 A Cure for Doubters
  52. John 20:30-31 Have You Believed?
  53. John 21:1-14 It Is the Lord
  54. John 21:15-19 The Fallen Restored
  55. John 21:19-23 Follow Me!
  56. John 21:24-25 A Look at the Truth

Excellent sermon illustrations

Updated as of August 13, 2017

Click below for illustrations on site

Click below for illustrations off site

John 1

John 2

John 3

John 4

John 5

John 6

John 7

John 8

John 9

John 10

John 11

John 12

John 13

John 14

John 15

John 16

John 17

John 18

John 19

John 20

John 21

The People's Bible
Commentary on the Gospel of John

Exposition of the Gospel of John

Caveat - Although Pink's expositions are often excellent, one must be aware that he frequently invokes typological interpretations which are somewhat "strained" in the opinion of other expositors. Therefore while the works of A W Pink are listed, the reader should keep a Berean mindset (Acts 17:11+) when using them. See also the notes on Pink under "Commentaries" and in the discussion of Supernaturalistic interpretation

D Edmond Hiebert review - A full treatment of John's gospel by a Calvinistic Bible teacher who was also a voluminous author. It seeks to unfold the meaning of the text and apply it to the daily life of the believer. Rich in spiritual content. Avoids the technical and aims at the practical. (An Introduction to the NT)

James Rosscup - Before his death in 1952, Pink was a voluminous writer for the magazine, Studies in the Scriptures, which was published for 31 years. His expositions are non-technical and clearly intended for lay readers. Textual problems are for the most part untreated, but Pink does grapple seriously with doctrinal difficulties. He is conservative, Calvinistic, and switched from dispensationalism to amillennialism in his later years (compare his book The Redeemer’s Return with his later Exposition of Hebrews and Exposition of the Sermon on the Mount. Ralph Keiper has written in Eternity (April, 1955, p. 32): “His works show hours of study; each line is filled with information and blessing. His books are not shallow. His studies fill the soul with ‘strong meat’ which needs to be well digested.” His work on John has sometimes been called the best among older more detailed books on the English text.  (Commentaries for Biblical Expositors)

Sermons on the Gospel of John

Sermons on Gospel of John

Note - It seems that the sermons on Ray Pritchard's site are in a constant state of flux (so to speak) and they change URL links in a somewhat unpredictable way so some of the links below may not work. Here is a "workaround"- And you can use this technique for any website in which you encounter a dead link -- try this incredible tool to retrieve material that is no longer present on the "live" web. You will be amazed as I have been as I use it all the time. 

(1) Copy the URL of the sermon you want to read - for example see sermon #1 below - here is the old URL to John 1:10-13 Backstage at Bethlehem - If you click it you get the message NOT FOUND. Here is where the "Way Back Machine" is amazing.

(2) Go to WayBack Machine at

(3) Copy the URL from John 1:10-13 Backstage at Bethlehem and Paste the URL into the WayBack Machine search box. Click "Browse History"

(4) If  WayBack Machine has saved it (and my experience has been that I can almost always find old links saved) you will see a page with spikes for the years it was saved (Example of our Sermon from John 1:10-13). Select one of the spikes -- I usually select one of the older dates because the newest dates may give you "Page Not Found" message.

(5) Now you will see what looks like a calendar with all 12 months and 365 days. In this example I selected 2015 and found a blue colored circle under Jan (January) day "4" (some years like this one have more than one circle but they all work). Hold the pointer over the blue circle and you will see a popup like the example below. Now simply click their number 21:09:58 and it should bring up actual the sermon transcript. 

JANUARY 4, 2015

1 snapshot 


  1. John 1:10-13 Backstage at Bethlehem - this link has been corrected using the Wayback Machine.
  2. John 1:12-13 The Decision You Must Make
  3. John 1:14 When Did Christmas Begin?
  4. John 1:29 Christ B.C. Part II: Lamb of God Exodus 12
  5. John 3 Real Christian vs. Religious
  6. What is the Difference Between a Real Christian and a Religious Person
  7. John 3:8 The Wind Blows Wherever It Wills
  8. John 3:33-34 How Are You Fixed For Friends?
  9. John 4:1-30 Woman at the Well: Problem of a Guilty Past
  10. John 4:35-38 Harvest Time
  11. John 4:46-54 The Father of a Dying Son
  12. John 5:1-9 Have You Stopped Blaming Others For Your Problems?
  13. John 7:16-17 Back to Basics
  14. John 7:37-39 When God Comes Near: “I Believe in the Holy Spirit”
  15. John 8:1-11 Woman Caught Christ Speaks of Judgmental Spirit
  16. John 8:1-11 Are You Excited About Your Future?
  17. John 11:25-26 The Supreme Question of Easter
  18. John 13:1-17 Do People Feel Important Around You?
  19. John 14:1-3 Christ-He Will Come Again to Judge Living & Dead
  20. John 14:6 Is Jesus the Only Way to Heaven?
  21. John 14:13-14 "In Jesus’ Name, Amen"
  22. John 15:22 The First Christmas Miracle
  23. John 15:22 The First Christmas Miracle - 2
  24. John 16:8-11 When the Holy Spirit Comes
  25. John 17:3 A Place to Begin Genesis 1:1
  26. John 17:3 Why Are We Here? The First Question of the Catechism
  27. John 18:25-27 Before The Rooster Crows
  28. John 19:28-30 I Thirst
  29. John 19:30 Tetelestai!
  30. John 19:25-27 Final Words of a Family Man
  31. John 20:11-18 Why Are You Weeping?
  32. John 20:24-29 Doubters Welcome
  33. John 20:24-29 Apostle Who Would Not Believe: Broken Dreams
  34. John 21 Christ Speaks to Problem of Personal Failure

Gospel of John

Emphasis on Greek Word Study on John

See also Vincent for more Greek word studies.


Click here to access the 119 titles listed below - the Pdf has 1387 pages of sermons. Rogers is conservative, pithy and practical! He is one of the stellar expositors of the twentieth century. Highly recommended to aid your sermon and teaching preparation. 

  1.   The Reason for the Season—John 1:1–3, 11–14, 18
  2.   What Child Is This?—John 1:1–4
  3.   What Child Is This?—John 1:1–4
  4.   Jesus, the Light of the World—John 1:1–9
  5.   The Mystery of the Manger—John 1:1–3, 11–14
  6.   Operation Andrew—John 1:40–42; 6:5–11; 12:20–22
  7.   Nathanael Bartholomew: The Man Who Lost a Prejudice and Found the Savior—John 1:45–51
  8.   Jesus Is God’s Answer to Man’s Disappointment—John 2:1–11; 20:30–31
  9.   The Transforming Power of Christ—John 2:1–11
  10.   Three Miracle Births—John 3
  11.   The New Birth—John 3:1
  12.   The Facts of Life—John 3:1–7
  13.   Three Miracle Births—John 3:1–7
  14.   Three Miracle Births—John 3:1–7
  15.   Understanding the New Birth—John 3:1–7
  16.   The Nature of a New Birth—John 3:1–7, 16
  17.   Lifting Up Jesus—John 3:14–18
  18.   Contentment in the Ministry—John 3:22–30
  19.   The Way to Worship—John 4:1–24
  20.   Satisfaction for the Thirsty Soul—John 4:1–30
  21.   Faithful in Worship—John 4:3–24
  22.   The Ultimate Privilege—John 4:3–24
  23.   Give Him Glory—John 4:4–24
  24.   A Drink That Satisfies—John 4:6–10, 19–24
  25.   Life’s Greatest Privilege—John 4:16–24
  26.   Life’s Greatest Privilege—John 4:16–24
  27.   A Worshipping Church—John 4:23–24
  28.   Having Strong Faith—John 4:46–54
  29.   Jesus Is God’s Answer to Man’s Doubt—John 4:46–54
  30.   The Power of Faith—John 4:46–54
  31.   Jesus Is God’s Answer to Man’s Doubt—John 4:46–54
  32.   Whosoever Will—John 5:1–14, 24
  33.   Jesus Is God’s Answer to Man’s Desire—John 6:1–35
  34.   Heaven’s Bread for Earth’s Hunger—John 6:1–11, 25–27, 30–35, 47–51, 67–68
  35.   Jesus Is God’s Answer to Man’s Despair—John 6:15–21
  36.   How to Find Peace in the Midst of Your Storm—John 6:16–21
  37.   The Bread of Heaven—John 6:25–35, 47–59, 63
  38.   The Power in the Blood—John 6:53–57
  39.   There Is Power in the Blood—John 6:53–63
  40.   There’s Power in the Blood—John 6:53–63
  41.   The Precious Blood of Jesus Christ—John 6:53–68
  42.   Why Did Jesus Choose Judas?—John 6:70–71
  43.   Why I Believe in Jesus—John 5:39
  44.   Hypocrisy in the Ministry—John 6:70–71
  45.   The Man Who Kissed the Door to Heaven and Then Went to Hell—John 6:70–71
  46.   Why Did Jesus Choose Judas?—John 6:70–71
  47.   Stop Enduring Religion—John 7:37–39
  48.   The Abundant Life—John 7:37–39
  49.   The Soul’s Fountain of Youth—John 7:37–39
  50.   Casting the First Stone—John 8:1–11
  51.   Jesus Is God’s Answer to Man’s Darkness—John 9:1–41
  52.   Midnight at High Noon—John 9
  53.   A Time of Terror and a Word of Hope—John 10:10
  54.   Abundant Living Through Abundant Liberty—John 10:10; 11:14–44; 12:1–10
  55.   How to Be Sure You Are Eternally Secure, Part One—John 10:27–29
  56.   How to Be Sure You Are Eternally Secure, Part Two—John 10:27–28
  57.   Seven Reasons Why a Saved Person Cannot Be Lost—John 10:27–29
  58.   Jesus Is God’s Answer to Man’s Death—John 11:14–44; 12:1–11
  59.   Resurrection Life—John 11
  60.   This Is Your Life—John 11–12
  61.   The Abundant Life—John 11:25–26, 43–44
  62.   The Abundant Life—John 11:25–26, 43–44
  63.   A Right Christmas—John 12:12–26
  64.   Good News for Troubled Times—John 13
  65.   Timeless Truth for Troubled Times—John 13
  66.   Lessons in Foot Washing—John 13:1–15
  67.   Foot Washing—John 13:1–17
  68.   Jesus Outshines Them All—John 13:1–30
  69.   Christlike Love—John 13:34
  70.   How to Love as Jesus Loved—John 13:34
  71.   One Another: The Tie that Binds—John 13:34
  72.   Learning to Love—John 13:34–35
  73.   The Work of the Holy Spirit—John 14
  74.   The Place Called Heaven—John 14:1–3
  75.   Behold, the Bridegroom Cometh—John 14:1–3
  76.   Behold, the Bridegroom Cometh—John 14:1–3
  77.   Six Keys to Answered Prayer—John 14:6
  78.   Mission Impossible—John 14:11–12
  79.   A Spirit-Filled Church—John 14:12
  80.   A Spirit-Filled Church—John 14:12
  81.   Missions Impossible—John 14:12
  82.   The Believer’s Secret of Success—John 14:12
  83.   How to Do the Impossible—John 14:12, 16–18
  84.   These Are the Good Old Days—John 14:12–18
  85.   Six Keys to Answered Prayer—John 14:13
  86.   Six Keys to Answered Prayer—John 14:13–14
  87.   Don’t Mistreat Your Best Friend—John 14:15
  88.   The Holy Spirit: Your Best Friend—John 14:15–17, 26
  89.   The Secret of Obedience—John 14:15–18
  90.   How to Get Your Prayers Answered—John 15
  91.   The Life That Can Pray—John 15:1–7, 16
  92.   A Recipe for Joy—John 15:11
  93.   Fullness of Joy—John 15:11
  94.   Fullness of Joy: What It Is and How to Have It—John 15:11
  95.   How to Find Joy—John 15:11
  96.   How to Have Fullness of Joy—John 15:11
  97.   How to Have Fullness of Joy—John 15:11
  98.   A Family of Friends—John 15:12–17
  99.   What a Friend We Have in Jesus—John 15:12–20
  100.   Prayer: How to Get on Praying Ground—John 15:16
  101.   Are You Offended at God?—John 16:1–7
  102.   When the Spirit Speaks—John 16:7
  103.   Three Things That You Cannot Learn in School—John 16:7–9
  104.   God’s Cure for Man’s Ignorance—John 16:7–11
  105.   God’s Cure for Man’s Ignorance—John 16:7–11
  106.   The Greatest Prayer Ever Prayed—John 17:1–4
  107.   Knowing the Will of God—John 17:4
  108.   The Heartbeat of Our Mission—John 17:4
  109.   Knowing the Will of God for Missionary Service—John 17:4, 17–23
  110.   The Greatest Prayer Ever Prayed—John 17:20
  111.   Your Reactions Are Showing—John 18:1–11
  112.   The Finished Work of Calvary—John 19:30
  113.   The Word That Shook the World—John 19:30
  114.   Every Christian’s Job—John 20:21
  115.   The Nail-Scarred Hand—John 20:24–28
  116.   The Stars and Scars of Christmas—John 20:24–29
  117.   The Stars and Scars of Christmas—John 20:24–29
  118.   The Scars of Jesus—John 20:24–31
  119.   The Secret of Service—John 21:15–18

Expository Commentary on John

Sermons on John

Brothers We Must Not Mind a Little Suffering -  John Piper's discussion of Simeon's life 

Titles of Sermons -- Click Respective Chapters Above

  • John 1:1 The Divinity of Christ
  • John 1:9 Christ the Only True Light
  • John 1:10-12 Benefit of Receiving Christ
  • John 1:13 Christians Born of God
  • John 1:14 Incarnation and Character of Christ
  • John 1:16 The Believer's Interest in Christ's Fulness
  • John 1:18 The Manifestation Which Christ Has Given of the Father
  • John 1:29 Christ the Lamb of God
  • John 1:45 Sight of Jesus, A Source of Joy
  • John 1:46 Evil and Cure of Prejudice
  • John 1:47 An Israelite Indeed
  • John 2:11 The Water Turned Into Wine
  • John 2:17 Buyers and Sellers Driven Out
  • John 2:18, 19 The Resurrection, A Proof of Christ's Messiahship
  • John 3:3 The Nature and Necessity of Regeneration
  • John 3:14, 15 The Brazen Serpent A Type of Christ
  • John 3:16 The Love of God in Giving His Son for Man
  • John 3:17 The End For Which God Sent His Son
  • John 3:19-21 Men's Hatred of the Light
  • John 3:29, 30 Conversion of Souls A Ground of Joy
  • John 3:36 The Necessity of Faith in Christ
  • John 4:10 Christ A Fountain of Living Water
  • John 4:14 The Living Water
  • John 4:22 Salvation is of the Jews
  • John 4:24 The Worship Which God Requires
  • John 4:29 Conviction of Sin, A Preparation for Salvation
  • John 4:34 Christ's Diligence in Serving God
  • John 4:35, 36 The Happy State of the Church
  • John 4:41, 42 Conversion of the Samaritans
  • John 4:49-51 The Nobleman's Son Cured
  • John 5:14 The Man Healed at the Pool of Bethesda
  • John 5:17, 18 Christ's Equality with the Father
  • John 5:21-23 Christ's Vindication of His Own Divine Character
  • John 5:24 The Believer's Happy State
  • John 5:28, 29 The Resurrection
  • John 5:35 John Baptist's Character
  • John 5:39 Christ's Appeal to the Scriptures
  • John 5:40 The True Reason of Men's Destruction
  • John 5:42 Men's Want of Love to God
  • John 5:44 Faith Incompatible With the Love of Man's Applause
  • John 5:45, 46 Unbelief Rebuked
  • John 6:14 Christ's Messiahship Proved
  • John 6:27 Laboring For Heaven
  • John 6:28, 29 The Necessity of Faith in Christ
  • John 6:34 The Living Bread
  • John 6:37 Christ's Willingness to Receive Sinners
  • John 6:44 Man's Inability to Come to Christ
  • John 6:53-55 The Importance of Living by Faith on Christ
  • John 6:60 The Gospel a Ground of Offense
  • John 6:67-69 Christ the One Source of Eternal Life
  • John 6:67-69 No Saviour But the Lord Jesus
  • John 6:70 One of the Apostles A Devil
  • John 7:17 Connection Between Piety and Knowledge
  • John 7:36 Christ May be Sought Too Late
  • John 7:37, 38 Christ's Offer of the Spirit
  • John 8:10, 11 - The Woman Taken In Adultery Dismissed
  • John 8:12 Christ the Light of the World
  • John 8:21 Meetness For Heaven Necessary
  • John 8:24 Danger of Rejecting Christ
  • John 8:36 The Liberty Which Christ Gives His People
  • John 8:39 The True Children of Abraham
  • John 8:42 Love to Christ A Test of Our Relation to God
  • John 8:46 Unbelief Traced to Its Source
  • John 8:56 Abraham's Views of Christ
  • John 9:4 The Need of Working While it is Day
  • John 9:6, 7 The Blind Man Healed at the Pool of Siloam
  • John 9:35-38 Disposition to Be Exercised Towards the Gospel
  • John 9:39 Discriminating Effects of the Gospel
  • John 10:9 The Good Shepherd
  • John 10:10: Life Abundantly by Christ
  • John 10:17, 18 Voluntariness of Christ's Undertaking
  • John 10:27, 28 Security of Christ's Sheep
  • John 10:30 Christ One With the Father
  • John 11:25, 26 Christ the Resurrection and the Life
  • John 11:35 Jesus Wept
  • John 11:40 Lazarus Raised
  • John 11:51, 52 The Prophetic Counsel of Caiaphas
  • John 12:23, 24 Our Lord's Views of His Own Death
  • John 12:26 The Benefit of Following Christ
  • John 12:27, 28 Christ's Resignation
  • John 12:31, 32 The Effects of Christ's Death
  • John 12:35, 36 The Duty of Walking in the Light
  • John 12:42, 43 The Danger of Loving the Praise of Men
  • John 12:48 Men Judged by the Gospel
  • John 13:12-15 Christ's Condescension
  • John 13:17 Practical Religion Enforced
  • John 13:18 Ingratitude Depicted
  • John 13:31, 32 God Glorified in His Son
  • John 14:1 Faith in Christ An Antidote to All Trouble
  • John 14:2, 3 The Comfort to Be Derived from Christ's Ascension
  • John 14:6 No Way to God But Through Christ
  • John 14:8-11 Christ One With the Father
  • John 14:13. 14 Christ Engages to Answer Prayer
  • John 14:15-17 The Gift of the Spirit An Encouragement to Obedience
  • John 14:19 Our Life Dependent on the Life of Christ
  • John 14:21 Obedience the Test of Our Love to Christ
  • John 15:1,2 Christians Branches of the True Vine
  • John 15:5 Our Impotence Without Christ
  • John 15:8 Fruitfulness in Good Works
  • John 15:9 The Father's Love to Christ and Christ's to Us
  • John 15:11 Christianity Intended to Promote Our Happiness
  • John 15:12 Love to the Brethren
  • John 15:15 Christ's Followers His Friends
  • John 15:16 The Doctrine of Election Explained
  • John 15:18-20 Consolation to the Persecuted
  • John 15:22 The Great Sin of Rejecting Christ
  • John 15:23 Hatred of Christ is Hatred of the Father
  • John 15:26 The Personality and Office of the Holy Spirit
  • John 16:8-11 Offices of the Holy Spirit
  • John 16:14 The Office of the Spirit to Glorify Christ
  • John 16:24 The Benefit of Prayer
  • John 16:27 The Objects of the Father's Love
  • John 16:31 An Inquiry into the Reality and Degree of our Faith
  • John 17:1 Our Lord's Prayer to be Glorified On Earth
  • John 17:1 Christ's Power to Give Eternal Life
  • John 17:4,5 Our Lord's Dying Appeal to God
  • John 17:9, 10 The Objects of Our Lord's Intercession
  • John 17:15 Preservation From Sin More Desirable than Deliverance from Affliction
  • John 17:16 Christians Are not of the World
  • John 17:19 The End for Which Christ Dedicated Himself to God
  • John 17:20, 21 The Importance of Union Among Christians
  • John 17:22 The Glory Which Christ Gives To His People
  • John 17:24 Christ's Intercession
  • John 18:4-9 Christ's Enemies Smitten Down by a Word
  • John 18:19-23 Jesus Smitten in the High Priest's Palace
  • John 18:37 Christ's Good Confession
  • John 18:38 Pilate's Inquiry About Truth
  • John 19:5 Pilate's Further Attempt to Save Jesus
  • John 19:19-22 The Superscription Affixed to the Cross
  • John 19:23, 24 Casting Lots for Our Lord's Vesture
  • John 19:26, 27 Jesus Commends His Mother to John's Care
  • John 19:28-30 Our Savior's Death
  • John 19:30 Christ's Work Finished
  • John 19:31-37 The Treatment of Our Lord's Body on the Cross
  • John 19:38-42 The Burial of Jesus
  • John 19:39 Character of Nicodemus
  • John 20:8, 9 The Resurrection of Christ
  • John 20:21-23 Inspiration and Authority of the Apostles
  • John 20:27, 28 Thomas' Unbelief Reproved
  • John 20:30, 31 The Use and Intent of Our Lord's Miracles
  • John 21:17 Inquiries About Love to Christ

Gospel of John

The following topics are discussed on Handfuls of Purpose (click)

  • HOW TO BECOME CHILDREN. John 1:6-13.
  • THE WORD MADE FLESH. John 1:14-18.
  • THE FIRST DISCIPLES. John 1:35-42.
  • THE FIRST SIGN. John 2:1-11.
  • CLEANSING THE TEMPLE. John 2:13-19.
  • THE NEW BIRTH. John 3:1-9.
  • THE WAY INTO LIFE. John 3:14-21.
  • THE LIVING WATER. John 4:7-14.
  • THE WOMAN OF SAMARIA. John 4:1-30.
  • THE IMPOTENT MAN. John 5:1-15.
  • I AND MY FATHER. John 5:17-43.
  • THE IMPERISHABLE MEAT. John 6:26-29.
  • THE TRUE BREAD. John 6:30-40.
  • LAW AND GRACE. John 8:1-11.
  • THE SHEPHERD. John 10:1-10
  • THE GOOD SHEPHERD. John 10:11-18
  • THE SAFETY OF THE SHEEP. John 10:22-30
  • LAZARUS. John 11
  • JESUS. John 11.
  • A SUPPER SCENE. John 12:1-8
  • DEATH, LIFE, AND SERVICE. John 12:20-26
  • THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD. John 12:44-50
  • SELF-EXCOMMUNICATED. John 13:21-30
  • CHRIST AND THE FATHER. John 14:6-21
  • LOVE'S REWARD. John 14:21-24
  • OBEDIENCE. John 14:23, 24
  • "I AND YOU". John 15:12-26
  • THE GREAT HELPER. John 16:7-15
  • A LITTLE WHILE. John 16:16-23
  • MARY MAGDALENE. John 20:1-18
  • DOUBTING THOMAS. John 20:24-29
  • "IF I WILL". John 21:15-22

Calvary Chapel
Gospel of John

Study Guide for John

Chuck Smith's Commentary

Sermon Notes on John


These links have changed. Here is how you can find them. Click this link which is a google search on Enter the title you are interested in being sure to include quotation marks. For example, let's say you wanted to read the message entitle Thanksgiving and Abundance. Click this link and put in quotes "Thanksgiving and Abundance," which should retrieve the message.

  • John 1:1-18 Rediscovering Jesus
  • John 1:19-42 A Trustworthy Messenger
  • John 1:43-51 The Gospel for Cynics
  • John 2:1-12 Something Old, Something New
  • John 2:13-25 Tearing Down the Temple
  • John 3:1-21 Born Again is not Covered by Your HMO
  • John 3:22-36 A Basis for Joy
  • John 4:1-26 Worship in Spirit and in Truth
  • John 4:27-42 Everyday Evangelism
  • John 4:43-54 When Jesus Healed - 1
  • John 5:1-18 When Jesus Healed - 2
  • John 5:19-46 The Father and the Son
  • John 6:1-15 Thanksgiving and Abundance
  • John 6:16-25 Everybody Has a Hungry Heart
  • John 6:26-35 The Bread of Life, Part 1
  • John 6:26-35 The Bread of Life, Part 2
  • John 6:60-70 Deserters and True Believers
  • John 7:1-13 Everybody's Talking
  • John 7:14-36 Nobody Likes a Truth Teller
  • John 7:37-39 Streams of Living Water
  • John 8:1-11 False Judges
  • John 8:31-59 Who's Your Daddy?
  • John 9 What's Your Story?
  • John 10:1-21 A Sheep's Life
  • John 10:22-42 The Second Chance
  • John 11:1-16 When Jesus Waits
  • John 11:17-44 The Resurrection and the Life
  • John 12:1-37 The Coming of the King
  • John 13:1-28 What's So Great About Love?
  • John 14:1-11 A Simple Gospel
  • John 14:15-31 Who's Afraid of the Holy Ghost?
  • John 15:1-17 Fruitful Living
  • John 15:18-16:16 When They Hate You
  • John 16:17-33 Grief Into Joy
  • John 17 Knowing and Being Known
  • John 20 Rediscovering the Resurrection
  • John 21 Rediscovering Jesus

Sermons on John

All of Spurgeon's sermons on John

Sermon Notes on John

Exposition on John

Devotionals on John

From Morning and Evening Faith's Checkbook

Sermons on the Gospel of John

Devotionals on John 13-17

  • 1st A Living Parable — (John 13:1, 2) Actions speak louder than words. How do we demonstrate the highest form of love - even to those who may not deserve it?
  • 2nd The Drama Of Redemption — (John 13:3, 4,5) What does it mean to serve humbly with a servant's heart? How are we working out Jesus' amazing discipleship parable in our lives?
  • 3rd Prideful Humility — (John 13:6, 7, 8, 9) What is behind our strong sense of independence? Where do we find sufficiency for our needs?
  • 4th When You Don't Need A Bath! — (John 13:10, 11) What is behind feeling detached from a loving God? When we feel out of relationship with Jesus Christ, what can we we choose to do?
  • 5th Washing Feet — (John 13:12, 13, 14,1 5,16, 17) Which is stronger - our sense of forgiveness, or our desire for revenge? What does Jesus mean when He says that we ought to wash one another's feet?
  • 6th No Other Way — (John 13:18, 19, 20) How do we receive Godly people who lovingly confront us with problems of sin in our life? Does our focus shift to judging them, our rightness, or the Lord's words?
  • 7th The Point Of No Return — (John 13:21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30) How can resisting God's provision take us to the point of no return? How can accepting God's provision in Christ also take us to a point of no return?
  • 8th The Secret Of Glory — (John 13:31, 32, 33, 34, 35) What is the secret of glory? How do we achieve the personal fulfillment we are quite properly wanting?
  • 9th Betrayal Or Denial? — (John 13:36, 37, 38) What is our understanding of love? Where does our love originate and thus whose love is it?
  • 10th The Cure For Troubled Hearts — (John 14:1, 2, 3) Our hearts can often be troubled because of our circumstances. Can we choose not to have troubled hearts?
  • 11th The Inclusiveness And Exclusiveness Of Jesus — (John 14:4, 5, 6, 7) Is there more than one way to come to God? What do you think we must do to find God?
  • 12th The Secret Of His Being — (John 14:8, 9, 10, 11) What is the secret of our being? How can we rest from our striving and simply rest in loving?
  • 13th Greater Works — (John 14:12, 13, 14) How are we an influence in the spiritual realm here on earth? Is our faith the center of this life and the basis of our desires?
  • 14th In His Name — (John 14:13, 14) What does praying in Jesus' name mean? How can we both wait for and presently live a joyful life everyday?
  • 15th The Secret Of Our Identity — (John 14:15, 16, 17, 18, 29, 20) What is the ultimate secret of our lives? How can we know this is the truth? How is our identity related to our reality?
  • 16th What Does It Take To Obey? — (John 14:21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26) If it takes love to obey, what produces love? Why is our identity in Christ so interwoven with finding love and the exercise of its power?
  • 17th The Inheritance Of Peace — (John 14:27, 28, 29, 30, 31) How does the world give you peace? Can there really be a cure for a troubled heart?
  • 18th God's Vineyard — (John 15:1, 2, 3) What beautiful analogy has helped many people understand the relationship God wants us to know?
  • 19th Active And Passive — (John 15:4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11) What is the tremendous difference between our will power and our activity power - between our power to choose and our power to do?
  • 20th The Greatest Love — (John 15:12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17) What does it mean to love one another? How can we love someone we are not drawn to? What role do feelings play in loving others?
  • 21st The Witness — (John 15:18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 16:1, 2, 3)What is to be our response when we see or experience hate in the world? What is the way we can be an effective witness?
  • 22nd The Spirit, The World, And You — (John 16:4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11) How does God convince the world of (the one) sin, righteousness and judgment? How do people realize that there is clear-cut righteousness and absolute evil?
  • 23rd All That Is Mine Is Yours — (John 16:12, 13, 14, 15) If we learn to think like Jesus, will it enhance our comprehension and enjoyment of truth in any area of life?
  • 24th From Sorrow To Joy — (John 16:16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 21, 22, 23, 24) In times of difficulty, do we focus on how long our trial will last? How can our very sorrow produce joy?
  • 25th A Different Kind Of Peace — (John 16:25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33) When we have trouble at work, home or elsewhere, how does it affect our attitude? Why is real peace a result of trust in the person of Jesus?
  • 26th A Prayer For Glory — (John 17:1, 2, 3) Can our finite knowledge bring lasting peace? Do we seek to know the One in whom we may have this peace?
  • 27th Praying What Is Promised — (John 17:4, 5, 6, 7, 8) Why should we pray if God knows what is going to happen? Have we learned to pray based on the promises of God?
  • 28th Jesus Prays For His Own — (John 17:9, 10) Of the many blessings one can have in life, what would be the greatest blessing? How do we experience drawing close to God?
  • 29th In The World — (John 17:11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19) As we enter each day, do we acknowledge our vulnerability to the many guises of evil? Do our lives evidence the ownership of Jesus?
  • 30th True Unity — (John 17:20, 21, 22, 23) What unity do we demonstrate so the world can see how Jesus holds the key to reality and is indeed the revelation of the invisible God?
  • 31st Our Great Hope — (John 17:24, 25, 26) Must we wait for heaven? Do our lives reflect the glory of Jesus today as well as our hope to behold His glory in the future?

The Gospel of John

Sermons on John

Greek Word Studies
Gospel of John


The Vine John 15:1-5 Taylor, Paul
The Way, the Truth, and the Life John 14:1-6 Westman, Dan
The Resurrection and the Life John 11:1-27 Taylor, Paul
The Good Shepherd John 10:11-29 Grant, Scott
The Door of the Sheep John 10:1-10 Westman, Dan
The Light of the World John 8:12 Grant, Scott
The Bread of Life John 6:1-71 Taylor, Paul
Dreams and Disruptions John 12:12-15 Taylor, Paul
Unless a Grain of Wheat John 12:20-26 Van Riesen, Susan
Questions without Answers John 6:22-69 Taylor, Paul
Too Awkward? John 4:1-54 Lopez, Paco
Easter Sunday: Soul Thirst John 4:1-54 Grant, Scott
A Different Kind of Hero John 21:15-25 Grant, Scott
Breakfast on the Beach John 21:1-14 Grant, Scott
The Transformation of Thomas John 20:19-31 Zeisler, Steve
"I Have Seen the Lord" John 20:1-18 Zeisler, Steve
"It Is Finished" John 19:23-42 Zeisler, Steve
"Hail, King of the Jews!" John 19:1-22 Zeisler, Steve
Pilate's Predicament John 18:28-40 Zeisler, Steve
"The Cup that the Father Has Given Me" John 18:1-27 Zeisler, Steve
Good, Good, Good John 10:1-42 Grant, Scott
Sent into the World John 17:1-26 Taylor, Paul
Saying Goodbye to Jesus John 16:16-33 Taylor, Paul
Prepare for Suffering John 15:17-27, 16:1-15 Taylor, Paul
Friend of God John 15:1-17 Taylor, Paul
You are Not Alone John 14:15-31 Taylor, Paul
Simple Love John 13:31-38, 14:1-14 Taylor, Paul
Love Betrayed John 13:1-30 Taylor, Paul
The Seed Which Bears Fruit John 12:20-50 Zeisler, Steve
Dinner with Jesus John 11:53-57, 12:1-19 Zeisler, Steve
"If Only You Had Been Here" John 11:1-54 Zeisler, Steve
Shepherd of the Heart John 10:1-42 Grant, Scott
Glimpses of Glory John 9:1-41 Grant, Scott
Inside the Word John 8:31-59 Grant, Scott
The Next Step John 8:12-30 Grant, Scott
No Condemnation John 7:53, 8:1-11 Grant, Scott
"No One Ever Spoke Like This Man" John 7:31-52 Zeisler, Steve
The Unexpected Messiah John 7:1-30 Zeisler, Steve
"You Have the Words of Eternal Life" John 6:51-71 Zeisler, Steve
"I Am the Bread of Life" John 6:35-51 Zeisler, Steve
Food that Lasts Forever John 6:14-34 Zeisler, Steve
Five Loaves for Five Thousand John 6:1-13 Zeisler, Steve
Come to Jesus John 5:16-47 Grant, Scott
See, You Are Well John 5:1-15 Grant, Scott
Something Better John 4:43-54 Grant, Scott
Thirsty John 4:1-42 Grant, Scott
Downwardly Mobile John 3:22-36 Taylor, Paul
Second Chance John 3:1-21 Taylor, Paul
Fixing Religion John 2:13-25 Taylor, Paul
Life of the Party John 2:1-12 Taylor, Paul
Calling For Followers John 1:35-51 Taylor, Paul
Prepare for the King John 1:19-34 Taylor, Paul
Introducing Grace John 1:6-18 Taylor, Paul
The Other John 1:1-5 Taylor, Paul
The Savior Appears: Too Good To Be True John 19:1-42, 20:1-31, 21:1-25 Zeisler, Steve
The Savior Appears: Arrest and Crucifixion John 13:1-38, 14:1-31, 16:1-33, 17:1-26, 18:1-40, 19:1-42 Zeisler, Steve
The Savior Appears: Apostles and Opposition John 7:1-53, 8:1-59, 11:1-57, 12:1-50 Zeisler, Steve
The Savior Appears: He Taught with Authority John 6:1-71 Zeisler, Steve
The Savior Appears: Come and See John 1:1-51, 2:1-25, 3:1-36, 4:1-54 Zeisler, Steve
The Savior Appears: God with Us John 1:1-51 Zeisler, Steve
The Words of Resurrection John 20:14-16, 20:26-29, 21:1-23 Taylor, Paul
Completion of the Cross John 19:30 Taylor, Paul
Desire of the Cross John 19:28 Taylor, Paul
Family at the Cross John 19:26-27 Taylor, Paul
I Was Blind, But Now I See John 9:8-41 Zeisler, Steve
The Light of the World John 9:1-7 Zeisler, Steve
The First Stone John 7:53, 8:1-11 Zeisler, Steve
Five Loaves and Two Fish John 6:1-15 Zeisler, Steve
Do You Want to Get Well? John 5:1-16 Zeisler, Steve
Born of the Spirit John 3:1-15 Zeisler, Steve
Wine for a Wedding Feast John 2:1-12 Zeisler, Steve
Taste and See John 11:38-44 Grant, Scott
Wrestling with Faith John 11:17-37 Grant, Scott
Dealing with Disappointment John 11:1-16 Grant, Scott
Believing is Seeing John 3:1-21 Soderberg, Eric
Technology: How We Know and Are Known John 1:1-15, 1:14 Taylor, Paul
I Am The Resurrection And The Life John 11:1-45 Zeisler, Steve
They Have Taken Away My Lord John 20:1-17 Zeisler, Steve
Wilderness Journey John 5:1-47, 6:1-71, 7:1-53, 8:1-59, 9:1-41, 10:1-42, 11:1-57 Hanneman, John
The Search for Purpose John 21:15-25 Hall, Danny
The Search for Sight John 9:1-41 Hall, Danny
The Search for Mercy John 8:1-11 Hall, Danny
The Search for Healing John 5:1-15 Hall, Danny
The Search for Truth John 3:1-21 Hall, Danny
The Search for Love John 4:1-42 Hall, Danny
Where Jesus Meets Us John 20:1-31, 21:1-25 Grant, Scott
To Become Children of God John 1:6-13 Zeisler, Steve
A Light Shines in the Darkness John 1:1-5 Zeisler, Steve
The Challenge of Spiritual Leadership John 16:25-33 Hall, Danny
The Hope of Spiritual Leadership John 16:16-24 Hall, Danny
The Resources for Spiritual Leadership John 16:5-15 Hall, Danny
The Cost of Spiritual Leadership John 15:18-27, 16:1-4 Hall, Danny
The Essence of Spiritual Leadership John 15:9-17 Hall, Danny
The Formation of Spiritual Leadership John 15:1-8 Hall, Danny
The Foundation for Spiritual Leadership Part 2 John 14:15-31 Hall, Danny
The Foundation for Spiritual Leadership Part 1 John 14:1-14 Hall, Danny
The Way of Love John 13:21-38 Hall, Danny
The Way of Humble Service John 13:12-20 Hall, Danny
Down From His Glory John 13:1-11 Hall, Danny
Just Give Me Jesus John 12:37-50 Hall, Danny
Who Are You Looking For? John 20:1-18 Zeisler, Steve
Relevance and Irrelevance in Worship John 4:1-30 Goins, Doug
The Pleasure of Your Company John 7:37-39 Grant, Scott
"Remain in Me, and I Will Remain in You" John 15:1-11 Zeisler, Steve
Turnaround John 16:16-24 Grant, Scott
Scraping off the Grime John 16:5-15 Grant, Scott
An Appeal to a Friend John 13:21-30 Grant, Scott
Conviction for the World, Guidance for Disciples John 16:5-15 Grant, Scott
Glory, Love, and Blindness John 13:31-38 Grant, Scott
God's Home in Us John 14:15-31 Grant, Scott
Home with Our Father John 14:1-14 Grant, Scott
It's Not What You Know But Who You Know John 16:25-33 Grant, Scott
The Acceptance of Acceptance John 13:1-11 Grant, Scott
The Fruit of Love John 15:1-17 Grant, Scott
The Heart of Jesus John 17:1-19 Grant, Scott
The Joy of Being Seen John 16:16-24 Grant, Scott
the Ministry of Acceptance John 13:12-20 Grant, Scott
Understanding Hatred John 15:18-27, 16:1-4 Grant, Scott
Unity That Testifies John 17:20-26 Grant, Scott
Looking For Life In All The Wrong Places John 11:17-44 Ritchie, Ron
The Breakfast Of Cleansing John 21:1-19 Ritchie, Ron
Awakened from Grief John 2:1-11, 19:25-27 Zeisler, Steve
Awakened from Doubt John 20:1-31 Zeisler, Steve
Awakened from Uncertainty John 21:1-25 Zeisler, Steve
Awakened from Blindness John 9:1-41 Zeisler, Steve
Awakened From False Hopes John 4:1-54 Zeisler, Steve




DISCLAIMER: Before you "go to the commentaries" go to the Scriptures and study them inductively (Click 3 part overview of how to do Inductive Bible Study) in dependence on your Teacher, the Holy Spirit, Who Jesus promised would guide us into all the truth (John 16:13). Remember that Scripture is always the best commentary on Scripture. Any commentary, even those by the most conservative and orthodox teacher/preachers cannot help but have at least some bias of the expositor based upon his training and experience. Therefore the inclusion of specific links does not indicate that we agree with every comment. We have made a sincere effort to select only the most conservative, "bibliocentric" commentaries. Should you discover some commentary or sermon you feel may not be orthodox, please email your concern. I have removed several links in response to concerns by discerning readers. I recommend that your priority be a steady intake of solid Biblical food so that with practice you will have your spiritual senses trained to discern good from evil (Heb 5:14-note).