Click chart to enlarge
Chart from recommended resource Jensen's Survey of the NT - used by permission
Romans Overview Chart - Charles Swindoll

Source: Dr David Cooper
Click to Enlarge
Romans 1:18-3:20 | Romans 3:21-5:21 | Romans 6:1-8:39 | Romans 9:1-11:36 | Romans 12:1-16:27 |
God's Holiness In Condemning Sin |
God's Grace In Justifying Sinners |
God's Power In Sanctifying Believers |
God's Sovereignty In Saving Jew and Gentile |
Gods Glory The Object of Service |
Deadliness of Sin |
Design of Grace |
Demonstration of Salvation | ||
Power Given | Promises Fulfilled | Paths Pursued | ||
Righteousness Needed |
Righteousness Credited |
Righteousness Demonstrated |
Righteousness Restored to Israel |
Righteousness Applied |
God's Righteousness IN LAW |
God's Righteousness IMPUTED |
God's Righteousness OBEYED |
God's Righteousness IN ELECTION |
God's Righteousness DISPLAYED |
Slaves to Sin | Slaves to God | Slaves Serving God | ||
Doctrine | Duty | |||
Life by Faith | Service by Faith | |||
Modified from Irving L. Jensen's chart above |
Rome in the Time of Paul (c. A.D. 60)
The city plan below shows most of the features of the city of Rome that archaeologists have so far identified as dating from the time of Paul. Sections of the city would have been very impressive in his time, but most of the outstanding buildings visible in Rome today date to after his death. (ESV.org)
Explanation - The following list includes not only commentaries but other Christian works by well known evangelical writers. Most of the resources below are newer works (written after 1970) which previously were available only for purchase in book form or in a Bible computer program. The resources are made freely available by archive.org but have several caveats - (1) they do not allow copy and paste, (2) they can only be checked out for one hour (but can be checked out immediately when your hour expires giving you time to read or take notes on a lengthy section) and (3) they require creating an account which allows you to check out the books free of charge. To set up an account click archive.org and then click the picture of the person in right upper corner and enter email and a password. That's all you have to do. Then you can read these more modern resources free of charge! I have read or used many of these resources but not all of them so ultimately you will need to be a Berean (Acts 17:11+) as you use them. I have also selected works that are conservative and Biblically sound. If you find one that you think does not meet those criteria please send an email at https://www.preceptaustin.org/
The Epistle to the Romans Morris, Leon Lamb. The Epistle to the Romans. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1988. Gives evidence of the author's lifetime of devotion to the NT. This commentary is delightfully easy to read, even while introducing the reader to all the complexities of Paul's theology. The footnotes take into account recent scholarship. One of Morris' strong points is his ability to show the relevancy of Romans to our 20th century milieu. Very helpful!
The Preacher's Outline & Sermon Bible : New Testament, King James Version - Acts, Romans, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians - This is a very useful resource which always includes numerous related cross-references. It will be of aid to you preaching and teaching.
Johnson, Alan F The Freedom Letter. 2 vols. Chicago: Moody Press, 1985. A contemporary exposition of the theme and content of Paul's Roman episode. This edition is an expansion of the single volume 1974 work that proved invaluable to laypeople.
A critical and exegetical commentary on the Epistle to the Romans by Cranfield, C. E. B
A commentary on Romans 12-13 by Cranfield, C. E. B
Encountering the book of Romans : a theological survey by Moo, Douglas J
Romans : celebrating the good news by Moo, Douglas J
The Epistle to the Romans by Moo, Douglas J - New International Commentary on the New Testament
he Epistle to the Romans, New International Commentary, 1960. Murray, John, He will guide you stolidly with the heavy tread of the proverbial village policeman (though with more theology; and not especially the useful appendices and notes).
St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans : a devotional commentary by Thomas, W. H. Griffith
Romans, Life Application Bible Commentary, 1992. Barton, Bruce B., In short compass he develops the themes of Romans along traditionally Reformed lines.
The Epistle of Paul to the Romans : an introduction and commentary (TNTC) by Bruce, F. F. (1983) User reviews
The Epistle of Paul to the Romans : an introduction and commentary by Bruce, F. F. (1963) 296 pages 13 ratings Rosscup ranks this the 5th best (out of 10) expositional commentary.
The Expositor's Bible Commentary - 1994 edition - Abridged - New Testament
Be right (Romans) by Wiersbe, Warren
Be right : an expository study of Romans by Wiersbe, Warren
Romans : how to be right with God, yourself, and others by Wiersbe, Warren
Tree of Life Bible Commentary: The Epistle to the Romans by Jon Courson - interesting work. Not your typical commentary on Romans. Courson is a preacher and he has frequent illustrations. Worth checking out if you are preaching through Romans. 3 ratings
The Epistle to the Romans by Archer, Gleason
Romans volume 1 by McGee, J. Vernon Romans volume 2
Romans 9-16 by McGee, J. Vernon
Reasoning through Romans by McGee, J. Vernon
Word biblical commentary Romans 1-8 James Dunn
Word biblical commentary - Romans 9-16 by James D G Dunn
Romans by Dunn, James D. G.
From guilt to glory Romans 1-8 by Stedman, Ray C
Romans, Baker Exegetical Commentary of the New Testament, Schreiner, Thomas, 944 pages. In the latest addition to BECNT, Schreiner presents a fresh analysis of the substantive Book of Romans. It features many distinctives.
Romans by Sproul, R. C. An outstanding, popular exposition focusing on the essential teaching of this grand epistle. As always, Sproul is crystal clear presenting Biblical Christianity through this masterful letter. Highly recommended.
Journey into life : a study on Romans by Kroll, Woodrow
Men made new : an exposition of Romans 5-8
Romans in the Greek New Testament for the English reader by Wuest, Kenneth - Generally goes verse by verse but excellent explanation of the meanings of the Greek words Paul uses. I always find Kenneth Wuest very insightful for in depth study.
Half-hours with William Hendriksen : stirring devotional surveys of Romans, Philippians, Luke and Revelation, with other gems by Hendriksen, William,
Romans, an Expositional Commentary. Volume I, Justification by Faith, Romans 1-4, Boice, James M.
Romans : God's good news for the world by Stott, John - Stott had a previous work just on Romans 5-8, Men Made New (1966). Now with treatment of the whole book, he has one of the best overall popular and highly readable expositions of Romans.
The Epistle of Paul to the Romans : an exposition. by Erdman, Charles R.
Coming to terms with sin : a study of Romans 1-5 : Bible study guide by Swindoll, Charles
Learning to walk by grace : a study of Romans 6-11 : Bible study guide by Swindoll, Charles
Relating to others in love : a study of Romans 12-16 by Swindoll, Charles
Chronological and Background Charts of the NEW TESTAMENT - Pdf - D Wayne House - outstanding compilation of charts - check this one out!. This book can also be borrowed = Chronological and background charts of the New Testament
J.Sidlow Baxter: Explore The Book - pdf Vol. 6 Acts to Revelation
Man's Ruin - Romans 1:1-32 - Expository Messages (1952) 330 pages. - Donald Grey Barnhouse
The book of Romans by Blackaby, Henry T.
Romans by Hodge, Charles, 1797-1878 (Crossway Classic series)
Romans by Achtemeier, Paul J
Romans : An Exposition of Chapters 1 the Gospel of God - ONLINE but no copy/paste - by Lloyd-Jones, David Martyn
Romans : An Exposition of Chapters 2:1-3:20, the righteous judgment of God by Lloyd-Jones, David Martyn
Romans: An Exposition of Chapters 5:1-21 - Assurance - ONLINE but no copy/paste - by Lloyd-Jones, David Martyn
Romans: An Exposition of Chapters 7.1 - 8.4 the law: its functions and limits ONLINE but no copy/paste - by Lloyd-Jones, David Martyn
Romans: An Exposition of Chapter 8:5 - 17 the Sons of God ONLINE but no copy/paste by Lloyd-Jones, David Martyn
Romans: An Exposition of Chapter 8:17-39 The Final Perseverance of the Saints ONLINE but no copy/paste - by Lloyd-Jones, David Martyn
Romans: An Exposition of Chapter 13 Life in Two Kingdoms ONLINE but no copy/paste - by Lloyd-Jones, David Martyn
Preaching for Preachers by Lloyd-Jones, David Martyn (online)
Healing and the Scriptures by Lloyd-Jones, David Martyn (online)
The MacArthur Study Bible - John MacArthur. Brief but well done notes 1,275 ratings
HCSB Study Bible - conservative notes.
The David Jeremiah study bible - (2013) 2208 pages. 2,272 ratings Logos.com - "Drawing on more than 40 years of study, Dr. David Jeremiah has compiled a legacy resource that will make an eternal impact on generations to come. 8,000 study notes. Hundreds of enriching word studies"50+ Essentials of the Christian Faith" articles."
ESV Study Bible - Excellent resource but not always literal in eschatology and the nation of Israel 6,004 ratings
Believer's Bible Commentary by MacDonald, William (1995) 2480 pages
Dr. John MacArthur, Jr. - "Concise yet comprehensive - the most complete single-volume commentary I have seen."
Warren Wiersbe - "For the student who is serious about seeing Christ in the Word."
Life application study Bible : New Living Translation. Has some very helpful notes. 4,445 ratings
KJV Bible Commentary - Hindson, Edward E; Kroll, Woodrow Michael. Over 3000 pages of the entire OT/NT - no restriction on length of time one can use it. No copy and paste. Well done conservative commentary that interprets Scripture from a literal perspective. User reviews - it generally gets 4/5 stars from users. - 372 ratings
Very well done conservative commentary that interprets Scripture from a literal perspective (pre-millennial) user reviews
The King James Version Bible Commentary is a complete verse-by-verse commentary. It is comprehensive in scope, reliable in scholarship, and easy to use. Its authors are leading evangelical theologians who provide practical truths and biblical principles. Any Bible student will gain new insights through this one-volume commentary based on the timeless King James Version of the Bible.
NKJV Study Bible: New King James Version Study Bible by Radmacher, Earl D; Allen, Ronald Barclay; House, H. Wayne; 917 ratings Very helpful notes. Conservative.
The NIV study Bible by Barker, Kenneth L; Burdick, Donald W (1995) 2250 pages. Note this is the first edition. This resource has been fully revised in 2020.
The Defender's Study Bible : King James Version by Morris, Henry M. Excellent notes for well known creationist. 45 ratings
The Ryrie study Bible - Charles Ryrie (1978) 2142 pages. Conservative. 216 ratings
Ryrie Study Bible Expanded Edition (1994) 2232 pages
The Word in life Study Bible - Very interesting format. Not your routine study Bible. Worth checking the very informative notes. (e.g., here is a picture of Jesus' post-resurrection appearances.)
New Bible Commentary - (1994) See user reviews
The Experiencing God Study Bible : the Bible for knowing and doing the will of God - Blackaby, Henry (1996) 1968 pages - CHECK THIS ONE! Each chapter begins with several questions under the title "PREPARE TO MEET GOD." Then you will interesting symbols before many of the passages. The chapter ends with a "DID YOU NOTICE?" question. This might make a "dry chapter" jump off the page! Read some of the 48 ratings
Wycliffe Bible Commentary - OT and NT - Charles Pfeiffer - 1560 pages (1962). 214 ratings Less detailed than the KJV Bible Commentary.
The New Testament and Wycliffe Bible commentary - This version has no time restriction but only has the NT.
Wiersbe's Expository Outlines on the New Testament by Wiersbe, Warren W
Cyril Barber - This is a book of exceptional merit. Pastors, missionaries, and Christian workers will profit from its use. Wiersbe introduces each book of the NT, provides an outline, and then furnishes his readers with a chapter-by-chapter discussion of the contents. The homiletic style is a “plus.” Recommended.
DICTIONARY OF JESUS AND THE GOSPELS - interesting articles in some depth
Compact Bible commentary by Radmacher, Earl D; Allen, Ronald Barclay; House, H Wayne, et al - 954 pages. 424 ratings Multiple contributors to the comments which are often verse by verse. The comments are brief but meaty and can really help your study through a given book. A sleeper in my opinion.
NIV archaeological study Bible (2005) 2360 pages 950 ratings (See also Archaeology and the Bible - OT and NT)
NIV cultural backgrounds study Bible. bringing to life the ancient world of scripture Keener, Craig and Walton, John. Editors (2017)
Evangelical Commentary on the Bible - editor Walter Elwell (1989) 1239 pages. User reviews.
Eerdmans' family encyclopedia of the Bible (1978) 344 pages
Eerdmans' handbook to the Bible (1983) 688 pages
The Lion handbook to the Bible - (1999) 822 pages. This resource is absolutely loaded with very nice color pictures and charts.
Tyndale handbook of Bible charts & maps by Wilson, Neil
Bible handbook and A-Z bible encyclopedia
International children's Bible field guide : answering kids' questions from Genesis to Revelation by Richards, Larry
The illustrated guide to Bible customs & curiosities by Knight, George W. (George William),
Today's handbook of Bible times & customs by Coleman, William L
The Shaw pocket Bible handbook - Editor - Walter Elwell (1984) 408 pages.
"This hardback is small in size but packed full of content: Brief summaries of every book of the bible, cultural, archaeological and historical info, word definitions, pictures, maps and charts." Worth checking!
Zondervan illustrated Bible backgrounds commentary - New Testament - 552 pages. (2002) See user reviews.
The new Unger's Bible dictionary by Unger, Merrill Frederick, 1909-
Survey of the Bible : introductory insights, background studies, book-by- book survey by Unger, Merrill Frederick
The parallel New Testament and Unger's Bible handbook : produced for Moody monthly by Unger, Merrill (1975) 744 pages 4 ratings
The Hodder Bible handbook by Unger, Merrill
Nelson's expository dictionary of the Old Testament by Unger, Merrill
Kregel Bible handbook : a full-color guide to every book of the Bible by Kerr, William 3 ratings
The new encyclopedia of Christian quotations by Water, Mark
Zondervan handbook to the Bible
Zondervan illustrated Bible backgrounds commentary - Matthew, Mark, Luke
Background Commentary on Luke - Clinton Arnold
Dictionary of Paul and his letters 180 ratings IVP Series
The Dictionary of Paul and His Letters is a one-of-a-kind reference work. Following the format of its highly successful companion volume, the Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels, this Dictionary is designed to bring students, teachers, ministers and laypeople abreast of the established conclusions and significant recent developments in Pauline scholarship. No other single reference work presents as much information focused exclusively on Pauline theology, literature, background and scholarship. In a field that recently has undergone significant shifts in perspective, the Dictionary of Paul and His Letters offers a summa of Paul and Pauline studies. In-depth articles focus on individual theological themes (such as law, resurrection and Son of God), broad theological topics (such as Christology, eschatology and the death of Christ), methods of interpretation (such as rhetorical criticism and social-scientific approaches), background topics (such as apocalypticism, Hellenism and Qumran) and various other subjects specifically related to the scholarly study of Pauline theology and literature (such as early catholicism, the center of Paul's theology, and Paul and his interpreters since F. C. Baur). Separate articles are also devoted to each of the Pauline letters to hermeneutics and to preaching Paul today.
Dictionary of the later New Testament & its developments 71 ratings IVP Series
The third of IVP's critically acclaimed series of dictionaries of the New Testament provides focused study on the often-neglected portions of the New Testament: Acts, Hebrews, the General Epistles, and Revelation. Furthermore, its scope goes beyond the life of the New Testament church to include the work of the apostolic fathers and early Christianity up through the middle of the second century.
Dictionary of New Testament background 79 ratings IVP Series
In a time when our knowledge of the ancient Mediterranean world has grown by leaps and bounds, this volume sets out for readers the wealth of Jewish and Greco-Roman background that should inform our reading and understanding of the New Testament and early Christianity. The Dictionary of New Testament Background takes full advantage of the flourishing study of the Dead Sea Scrolls and offers individual articles focused on the most important scrolls. In addition, the Dictionary encompasses the fullness of second-temple Jewish writings, whether pseudepigraphic, rabbinic, parables, proverbs, histories or inscriptions. Articles abound on aspects of Jewish life and thought, including family, purity, liturgy and messianism. The full scope of Greco-Roman culture is displayed in articles ranging across language and rhetoric, literacy and book culture, religion and cults, honor and shame, patronage and benefactors, travel and trade, intellectual movements and ideas, and ancient geographical perspectives. No other reference work presents so much in one place for students of the New Testament. Here an entire library of scholarship is made available in summary form.
Halley's Bible Handbook Henry H. Halley - (2000) 2720 pages (much larger than original edition in 1965 and no time limit on use). (Halley's Bible handbook : an abbreviated Bible commentary - one hour limit 1965 872 pages)
Rosscup - A much-used older evangelical handbook bringing together a brief commentary on Bible books, some key archaeological findings, historical background, maps, quotes, etc. It is helpful to a lay Bible teacher, Sunday School leader, or pastor looking for quick, pertinent information on a Bible book. This is the 72nd printing somewhat revised. Halley packed in much information. Unger’s is better overall, but that is not to say that Halley’s will not provide much help on basic information.
The Shaw Pocket Bible Handbook - Editor - Walter Elwell (1984) 408 pages.
"This hardback is small in size but packed full of content: Brief summaries of every book of the bible, cultural, archaeological and historical info, word definitions, pictures, maps and charts." Worth checking!
- Following are from Cyril Barber's Minister's Library (#2) and (#3) - a helpful conservative evangelical resource.
Achtemeier, Paul J. Romans. Interpretation. Atlanta, Ga.: John Knox Press, 1985. (Borrow for an hour) †Traces Paul's thought as he lays before his readers his understanding of the gospel and describes the power of God to change and transform the believer. The comments on the text seek to make clear Paul's thought, but on occasion the writer's presuppositions mar his exposition. Because Paul's argument is cumulative, Achtemeier has included summaries at strategic places.
Anderson, Don. God Wants a Relationship, Not a Performance. Neptune, NJ: Loizeaux Brothers, 1989. Tackles the thorny issue of “be-ers” vs.”do-ers.” Uses Romans, chs. 5--8 to illustrate the essence of the Christian life. Timely. Buy it ... and read it. (Check out his 95 page Study Guide on Romans)
Black, Matthew. Romans. New Century Bible. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1981. This brief, exegetical commentary's uniqueness lies in its bibliographical notes, which are included in the text.
Boa, Kenneth, and William Kruidenier. Romans. Holman New Testament Commentary. Nashville: Holman, 2000. Here is the kind of commentary that has something for everyone—questions to prompt the internalization of Paul’s message, outlines to guide one’s thinking, and brief expository passages highlighting the salient features of Paul’s thought. (Romans Sermons - 63 - Mp3 Only)
Brown, John. Analytical Exposition of the Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Romans Minneapolis: Klock & Klock Christian Publishers, 1979. Of all the works by John Brown of Edinburgh, this exposition is without doubt one of the best. It was out of print for so long that many Bible students were unaware of its existence. Now it has been retrieved from oblivion. Buy it. (Online version - published in 1857)
Bruce, Frederick Fyvie. The Letter of Paul to the Romans. Rev ed. Tyndale New Testament Commentaries. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1985. Little revised from the 1963 edition, this commentary still is worthy of consultation. It is also handy for lay study (See commentaries above)
Cranfield, Charles E. B. A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans. 2 vols. International Critical Commentary. Edinburgh: T & T. Clark, 1975-1979. (Borrow for an hour) This indispensable work takes its place among the foremost works on Romans. Though it does not displace the renowned contribution by Sanday and Headlam, which has admirably served the needs of students since 1895, Cranfield magisterial handling of the grammar and syntax is of such quality as to immediately accord these volumes a place in every preacher's library. Those who take the time to study these volumes carefully will find themselves amply rewarded. Romans: A Shorter Commentary. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1985. Provides the layperson with an excellent treatment of Paul's theme and the development of his thought. (See commentaries above)
Davis, Ron Lee, and James D. Denney. Becoming a Whole Person in a Broken World. Grand Rapids: Discovery House Publishers, 1991. “Here is a bifocal treatment of Romans. Other studies center mainly on the biblical text. Davis not only looks carefully at Romans but also looks at the needs of his readers. Through his treatment, Romans sounds as up to date as this morning’s newspaper.”--Haddon Robinson.
Donfried, Karl P., ed. The Romans Debate. Revised and expanded ed. Peabody, MA: Hendricksen Publishers, 1991. First published in 1977. The essays that have been added to this new edition enhance the value of the book as a representative and informative collection of specific studies on different facets of Paul’s magnum opus.
Dunn, James D. G. Romans. 2 vols. Word Biblical Commentary. Dallas, TX: Word Books, 1988. Gives evidence of the author's extensive research and thorough acquaintance with Paul's thought. Dunn has provided all that a commentary should offer: Wide acquaintance with current research, careful linguistic comparisons and evaluations, a bid to set the document in its historical milieu, and an endeavor to interpret the biblical writer on his own terms. Dunn does appear to confuse Israel and the Church, and this is lamentable. He evidences, however, a love for Paul and a deep empathy with his teaching. A challenging, stimulating work. (See commentaries above)
Gifford, Edwin Hamilton. The Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans, With Notes and Introduction. Minneapolis: The James Family, 1977. A worthy reprint. This work has been virtually unobtainable for approximately seventy-five years. The author's exposition is based on a painstaking exegesis. His treatment of chapters 9-11 is from an amillennial perspective. The exposition is judicious and well reasoned.
Godet, Frederic Louis. Commentary on Romans (online). Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications, 1977. One of the most satisfying of all the nineteenth-century commentaries on Romans. Recommended.
Govett, Robert. Govett on Romans. Miami Springs, Fla.: Coney and Schoettle Publishing Co., 1981.(Online version) Originally issued in 1891 as The Righteousness of God the Salvation of the Believer, this study of Romans presents in an ordered way the development of Paul's thought. Excellent.
Haldane, Robert. Commentary on Romans (online). Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications, 1988. One of the finest and most rewarding of commentaries on this epistle. Highly recommended by C. H. Spurgeon and others who value works that are well-informed and reliable in their handling of the text.
Hendriksen, William. Exposition of Paul's Epistle to the Romans. 2 vols. in 1. New Testament Commentary. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1980. A masterful commentary that will take its place among the leading expositions on this portion of the Pauline corpus. Recommended.
Hodge, Charles. Romans (original version online). Crossway Classic Commentaries. Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books, 1994. A modern version of Hodge’s classic commentary. Will grace any pastor’s library. Recommended.
Hughes, R. Kent. Romans: Righteousness from Heaven. Preaching the Word. Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books, 1991. This gifted pastor brings all his talent for clear exposition, pointed application, and literary exposition to bear on Paul’s Roman letter. Nor does he fudge on the issues. His zeal in expounding the text is similar to that of a miner exposing the mother lode--riches beyond his wildest dreams-- and all contained in the themes of justification by faith, free grace, freedom from sin, the sovereignty and righteousness of God, and much more.
Johnson, Alan F The Freedom Letter. 2 vols. Chicago: Moody Press, 1985. A contemporary exposition of the theme and content of Paul's Roman episode. This edition is an expansion of the single volume 1974 work that proved invaluable to laypeople. (See commentaries above)
Kasernann, Ernst. Commentary on Romans. Translated and edited by G. W. Bromiley. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1980. (Borrow for an hour) This clearly outlined and well-documented scholarly commentary expands our awareness of Pauline theology. Reflects an individualism that necessitates care in reading as well as discernment.
Kreloff, Steven A. God’s Plan for Israel: A Study of Romans 9--11. Neptune, NJ: Loizeaux Brothers, 1995. Based on articles that originally appeared in Israel My Glory. Treats Israel’s past history, present blindness, and future prospects. The approach of this author differs from neo-dispensationalists in that he maintains a distinction between Israel and the Church. A careful reading of this book will eliminate much of the confusion that surrounds God’s plan for Israel’s future.
Kreloff is a Messianic Jewish believer. You can hear his audio sermons on Romans 9-11.
Paul's Sorrow For Israel - Ro 9:1-5, Paul's Passion For A Privileged People - Ro 9:1-5; God's Righteous Dealings With Israel - Ro 9:6-13 The Israel Of Israel - Ro 9:6-13 Objections To Election Answered - Ro 9:14-24 Does Election Destroy God's Righteousness? - Ro 9:14-18 Does Election Destroy God's Responsibility? (Pt 1) - Ro 9:19-24 Does Election Destroy God's Responsibility? (Pt 2) - Ro 9:25-33 Israel's Responsibility For Her Unbelief - Ro 10 Why Israel Is Responsible For Her Unbelief Part 1 - Ro 10:1-13 Why Israel Is Responsible For Her Unbelief Part 2 - Ro 10:14-21 Has God Forsaken Israel? - Ro 11:1-11 Has God Rejected Israel? (Part 1) - Ro 11:1-5 Has God Rejected Israel? (Part 2) - Ro 11:6-11 The Restoration Of Israel - Ro 11:12-28 Has God Rejected Israel? (Part 3) - Ro 11:12-22 Has God Rejected Israel? (Part 4) - Ro 11:23-29 The Mercies Of God - Ro 11:30 - 12:1
Liddon, Henry Parry Explanatory Analysis of St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans. Minneapolis: James & Klock Publishing Co., 1977. Only on rare occasions does a student of Scripture come across a work as rich and insightful as this one. Forming as it does the basis of Liddon's expository sermons, it demonstrates how a preacher may approach the text in order to lay bare the thoughts of the writer. As such, it provides a fitting model of the kind of analysis every preacher should engage in prior to attempting to deliver God's Word
Lloyd-Jones, David Martyn. Romans: An Exposition of Chapter 10, Saving Faith. Carlisle, PA: Banner of Truth, 1997. A Reformed, amillennial interpretation which blurs the distinction between Israel and the Church and asks instead, “Why do religious people not believe the gospel? What is the true nature of belief? What is the fate of those who have never heard the gospel? And, Who will tell them about Christ?” (He preached 366 sermons on Romans from March, 1955 through March, 1968! The audio messages are worth listening to if you have time - here is the link to the series on Romans).
_______, Romans: An Exposition of Chapter 12, Christian Conduct. Carlisle, PA: Banner of Truth, 2000. Transcribed from Lloyd-Jones’ expository messages, these chapters abound with sage counsel and the kind of admonition that comes from years of walking with the Lord.
_______, Romans: Assurance. London: Banner of Truth Trust, 1971. An important companion volume to the writer's study on justification and the atonement. Expounds Paul's teaching on sin and grace, hope and faith, redemption and glory. The heartwarming application of the Word of God to the needs of people today will edify preachers and laymen alike.
- Romans : An Exposition of Chapters 1 the Gospel of God - ONLINE but no copy/paste - by Lloyd-Jones, David Martyn
- Romans : An Exposition of Chapters 2:1-3:20, the righteous judgment of God by Lloyd-Jones, David Martyn
- Romans: An Exposition of Chapters 5:1-21 - Assurance - ONLINE but no copy/paste - by Lloyd-Jones, David Martyn
- Romans: An Exposition of Chapters 7.1 - 8.4 the law: its functions and limits ONLINE but no copy/paste - by Lloyd-Jones, David Martyn
- Romans: An Exposition of Chapter 8:5 - 17 the Sons of God ONLINE but no copy/paste by Lloyd-Jones, David Martyn
- Romans: An Exposition of Chapter 8:17-39 The Final Perseverance of the Saints ONLINE but no copy/paste - by Lloyd-Jones, David Martyn
- Romans: An Exposition of Chapter 13 Life in Two Kingdoms ONLINE but no copy/paste - by Lloyd-Jones, David Martyn
- Preaching for Preachers by Lloyd-Jones, David Martyn (online)
_______, Romans: An Exposition of Chapter 8:5-17; The Sons of God. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1975. Full of new insights and of great importance to all who wish to study the doctrine of sanctification.
_______, Romans: An Exposition of Chapter 8:17-39; The Final Perseverance of the Saints. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1976. A beautiful blending of doctrine and application, of theology and practice. As examples of expository preaching, these must rank among the choicest works of Christendom and should be accorded a place alongside those of Calvin, Jewel, Manton, and Sibbes. Recommended.
_______,Romans: Exposition of Chapters 3.20 to 4.25. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1971. A superb exposition of the doctrines of the atonement and justification
_______ . Romans: An Exposition of Chapters 7.1-8:4; The Law: Its Functions and Limits. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1974. This careful and detailed work is an example of expository preaching at its best. Lloyd Jones's analysis of carnality and spirituality is designed to expose the reason for the former and the way to acquire the latter
Luther, Martin. Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans. Translated by J. T Mueller. Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications, 1976. A reprint of the 1954 edition, this significant commentary deserves repeated consultation. (Online version)
MacArthur, John F., Jr. Justification by Faith. Chicago: Moody Press, 1985. Explains the heart of Paul's message, and gives to his readers an excellent, well-outlined discussion of this important doctrine. Preachers will find this to be an admirable aid in laying bare the essential truth of this portion of God's Word. (See below)
MacArthur, John F., Jr. Romans 1-8. The MacArthur New Testament Commentary. Chicago: Moody Press, 1991. This is a work of unusual merit. From the opening Preface to 8:39 the author holds his readers’ attention as he discusses NT theology and its relevance to the Church. This is also a remarkably lucid exposition of the fundamentals of the faith, and MacArthur has something good to offer on every section. Unafraid to take on those whose views disagree with his own, he champions the cause of evangelical Christian (from within the Reformed tradition), and ably defends the faith that has been handed down from Bible times to the present.
MacArthur, John F., Jr. Romans 9-16. MacArthur New Testament Commentary. Chicago: Moody Press, 1994. Concludes MacArthur’s exposition of Romans. Skillfully handles the controversies surrounding chs. 9--11. Contains some surprises in the discussion of spiritual gifts. Concludes with weighty discussions of important issues found in the remaining chapters. The author’s illustrations are pertinent, and the quotations (often from Reformed writers) are well-chosen.
Moo, Douglas J. The Epistle to the Romans. New International Commentary on the New Testament. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1996. This commentary focuses both on the theological meaning and the contemporary significance of Paul’s letter. Of value is Moo’s discussion on such issues as Jewish law, the relationship between Jews and Gentiles and the people of God. Moo carefully analyzes each passage and interacts with the views of others before stating his views with meticulous precision. Here is a work that ranks with the best works on this epistle. (See commentaries above)
Moo, Douglas. Romans 1-8. The Wycliffe Exegetical Commentary. Chicago: Moody Press, 1990. This is an excellent, exegetical commentary with a full introduction and a detailed exposition of the text. The syntactical diagram of the Greek text will be of great value to all preachers, and the rich insights Moo provides make this one of the most valuable commentaries to be published in several years. Ranks on a par with the works of Cranfield and Dunn. Recommended.
Moule, Handley Carr Glyn. The Epistle to the Romans. Minneapolis: Klock and Klock Christian Publishers, 1982. One of the best expositions of Romans ever produced. Ably blends the theology of the epistle with rich devotional insights. Should be read often and studied in a spirit of true devotion. First appeared in The Expositor's Bible.
_______, Studies in Romans. Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications, 1977. A capable exegetical study that contains important notes on the text-notes that are of importance to the preacher even though they do not expound Paul's discussion groups.
Morris, Leon Lamb. The Epistle to the Romans. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1988. Gives evidence of the author's lifetime of devotion to the NT. This commentary is delightfully easy to read, even while introducing the reader to all the complexities of Paul's theology. The footnotes take into account recent scholarship. One of Morris' strong points is his ability to show the relevancy of Romans to our 20th century milieu. Very helpful! (See commentaries above)
Phillips, John. Exploring Romans: An Expositional Commentary. Grand Rapids: Kregel, 2002. First published in 1969. Ably explains the theme of Paul’s letter. Ideal for lay use.
Stott, John Robert Romans: God’s Good News For the World. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1994. An exemplary work in which Stott expounds Paul’s magnum opus with his usual skill. He divides the letter into four major sections prefaced by an introduction and concluding with a statement about the providence of God in the ministry of Paul. His treatment of chapters 9--11 is decidedly amillennial, yet allows for “Israel’s future” in “God’s long-term design.” Recommended. (Caveat - As superb an expositor as Stott is, he sadly held to an aberrant belief on hell which allowed for annihilationism). (Is annihilationism biblical? | GotQuestions.org) (Men Made New - Romans 5-8 John Stott - borrow for an hour)
Thomas, William Henry Griffith. Commentary on Romans. Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications, 1996. Demonstrates Thomas’ mastery of outline and skill in providing the kind of homiletical material that preachers will appreciate. As a solid exegete and a capable expositor, Thomas has the ability to bring out of the text its true meaning. Recommended. (Here is the online version of Romans 6-11)(Here is the full commentary that can be "checked out" for an hour)
FROM MULTIPLE SOURCESNote: The compilation below is from John Cereghin. There is some repetition of critiques listed above.
The table below lists the sources of remarks on each resource - the symbol (e.g. "*", "#", etc) identifies the source used. For example, see the first resource, "Adam, Thomas. Paraphrase of Romans...." Note the asterisk symbol (*) which precedes the entry. This identifies this comment/critique as by Charles Spurgeon, Commenting and Commentaries
OF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING CRITIQUES* Charles Spurgeon, Commenting and Commentaries
# D. Edmond Hiebert, An Introduction to the New Testament
$ Tools For Preaching and Teaching the Bible by Stewart Custer
% The Minister's Library by Cyril Barber
^ New Testament Commentary Survey by D. A. Carson
@ From a website of John MacArthur's campus ministry at UCLA
! The Master's Journal, from the Master's Seminary (marked with !)
+ From The Discerning Reader website (www.discerningreader.com)
< Website of Ligonier Ministries, http://www.ligonier.org
? Biblical Viewpoint, Bob Jones University, April 1988
/ Website of Still Waters River Books, http://www.puritandownloads.com/swrb
Those entries without marking are evaluated by the author, John Cereghin.
* Adam, Thomas. Paraphrase on Romans I to XI., 1774. A poor paraphrase; very correct and evangelical, but thin as Adam's ale. We are disappointed, for the Private Thoughts of the same author are highly esteemed.
? Alford, Henry, Romans in The Greek Testament, 1877, 161 pages. Concise comments on the Greek text. He argues powerfully for the deity of Christ in 9:5; on 5:12 he attacks Pelagianism, defends the Augustinian doctrine of generically inherited corruption. (See below)
? Archer, Gleason Leonard, Jr, The Epistle to the Romans. 1959. A brief outline of Romans which gives the main argument. He holds to the Federal headship view of 5:12, strongly maintains the deity of Christ in Ro 9:5. (Note - His excellent Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties is available on Archive.org)
! Anderson, Norman. Freedom under Law, 1988. A biblical scholar who is also a professor emeritus of legal studies shows how law relates to true freedom. Various types of freedoms flourish under protection by laws. Later, the author examines law in the spiritual life according to Scripture. He argues in Matthew 5:17-20 for fulfillment of the law in the appropriate sense God has designed for it to have (p. 121). God purposed that Mosaic rules and regulations on ceremonial cleanness have their place in Old Testament times, but also look forward to moral cleanness such as was realized in Jesus's spiritual life and teaching and spiritual power. The Mosaic law was not designed to be a way to merit salvation by obeying, but revealed ways God willed for saved people to live for their well-being (p. 155). The law could speak of the need for life, but could not impart the life God gives in grace through Christ in the gospel. In the gospelway God supplies power to obey God's will as portrayed in the moral principles of the law, etc.
* Anderson, Robert. Exposition of Romans., 1837. After the manner of Charles Bridges. Full of holy unction and devout meditation.
? Barmby, J and Radford Thomson, Romans in volume 18 of The Pulpit Commentary, 1950, 498 pages. Homiletical material of unequal value by six different preachers. Parts are very helpful; some verses are omitted completely. It supports the deity of Christ in Ro 9:5. (See below)
? Barrett, Charles Kingsley, A Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans, 1957, 302 pages. Liberal, often precise in thought. On 5:12 he seems to express a Pelagian view of sin; he removes the deity of Christ in 9:5, adding that Paul’s calling Christ God is unlikely, but not “impossible” (179).
^ Bartlett, David Lyon, Romans, Westminster Bible Companion, 1995. He focuses on several of Paul’s grand themes (the oneness of God, God’s righteousness, Paul’s use of the Hebrew scriptures, and the emergence of the new age in Jesus Christ) and manages to read the entire epistle in these terms.
% Barth, Karl, The Epistle to the Romans, 1933, 568 pages. This landmark book first appeared in German after World War I. In it Barth showed the failure of liberalism and used the epistle as a platform from which to launch his own "new orthodoxy". Not a good exposition, but an epochal work of historical significance in the study of theology. ? On Ro 5:12, he says “Adam has no existence on the plane of history”.
^ Barton, Bruce B., Romans, Life Application Bible Commentary, 1992. In short compass he develops the themes of Romans along traditionally Reformed lines.
# Beet, Joseph Agar, A Commentary on St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans, 1902, 406 pages. An interpretation by a Wesleyan. Contains many helpful insights, but manifests some doctrinal weakness in handling the deity of Christ. The doctrinal summaries offer a distinctive feature. (Acts 17:11+ Warning) (See below) (He held some aberrant views of immortality - see CCEL entry)
# Black, Matthew, Romans. New Century Bible, 1973. Based on the Revised Standard Version. A concise scholarly treatment. Especially valuable for its frequent reference to sources for further study.
! Boice, James M.. Romans, an Expositional Commentary. Volume I, Justification by Faith, Romans 1-4, 1991. This Philadelphia preacher expounds the text, highlighting doctrinal points and their application to human life. This will be another multi-volume commentary. It is full of teaching that will build up the believer.
* Brown, John. Exposition of Romans, 1766. By a Calvinist of the old school. Heavy, perhaps; but precious. (See here)
/ 616 pages. John Brown of Wamphray's commentary on Romans has been called, "perhaps the best exposition of the Epistle yet to be found" (J.W.C., cited in the Johnston's Treasury of the Scottish Covenant, p. 341). At the very least it should be considered a classic Scottish Covenanter's commentary.
John Brown of Wamphray was one of Samuel Rutherford's favorite students. He was ejected in 1662, imprisoned and cruelly treated until he suffered exile to the Netherlands -- all for steadfastly maintaining the principles of the Covenanted Reformation. In fact, A.N. in the preface to this volume notes that, among other things, "the particular grounds and causes why he was thus inhumanly and barbarously treated, was his strict attachment to, and maintaining the binding force and perpetual obligations of the nation's solemn vows and covenants; his refusing acceptation of the then sinful Indulgences; ... his public and zealous testifying against licentious tolerations," etc. While in exile he wrote thirteen books. Johnston notes that Brown of Wamphray "has been regarded the most important theologian of the second period of Scottish Presbyterianism" (Treasury of the Scottish Covenant, p. 339). This commentary on Romans gives us a good indication as to why Brown is so highly regarded among Calvinists, historians and numerous commentators.* Brown, John, Analytical Expositions of Romans, 1857. Brown's work must be placed among of the first-class. He is a great expositor. (Archive.org)
? Bruce, F. F. The Epistle to the Romans. The Tyndale New Testament Commentaries, 1963, 288 pages. Perceptive comments from a Reformed viewpoint, manifesting a wide knowledge of literature and the theological writers. Occasionally too brief (3:21), often marvelously full (3:25). He holds that Paul taught the deity of Christ in 9:5; but urges moderate feelings toward those who disagree.
? Brunner, Emil, The Letter to the Romans, A Commentary, 1959, 168 pages. NeoOrthodox. He removes the deity of Christ from 9:5 and rejects Augustine’s interpretation of 5:12, coming close to a Pelagian view of sin..
^ Byrne, Brendan, Reckoning With Romans: A Contemporary Reading of Paul’s Gospel, 1986. Surprisingly good. One raises eyebrows here and there, but many old truths are set out in fresh ways. The 40 theses at the end of the book are worth pondering. This book is of greater value than his commentary.
^ Byrne, Brendan, Romans, 1996. A Sacra Pagina contribution whose approach is literary-rhetorical and who views the epistle as a call to inclusivism mediated through rhetorical persuasion, is suitably faddish but too often misses the point. A Catholic commentary.
# Calvin, John, The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Romans and to the Thessalonians. Calvin's Commentaries. On Romans the great Reformation expositor was at his best; still of value in spite of its age. (See below)
* Challis, James. Translation of Romans with Notes, 1871. The translation is made in the current language of the day. The notes are mainly critical.
* Chalmers, T. Lectures on Romans, 1827. Our preferences as to expositions lie in another direction; but we cannot be insensible to the grandeur and childlike simplicity which were combined in Chalmers.
? Coltman, William G., An Exposition of Romans, 1950, 268 pages. A devotional and practical commentary. He defends the deity of Christ in 9:5 and teaches the restoration of national Israel in chapter 11.
Constable, Thomas, Notes on Romans, 2006, 177 pages. Self-published commentary on the internet. Generally useful, but uses many different English versions. As always, we would prefer that commentators stick to one main “reference” commentary and base his remarks on that. Many quotes are offered from other authors which adds to the value of the work. (See below)
^ Cottrell, Jack, Romans, 1996-1998, 2 volumes. He is more of a theologian than an exegete and sometimes that shows. The strand of Arminian tradition to which Cottrell belongs is more comfortable with the concept of “original grace” than “original sin”. In the Campbellite tradition, water baptism is necessary for salvation.
@ Cranfield C.E.B. A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans, 2 volumes. Requiring a strong Greek knowledge, it is the best technical commentary on Romans. Cranfield is liberal and offers some neo-orthodox views, but it does not hinder this commentary very much.
^ Occasionally Cranfield seems more influenced by Barth than by Paul, but for thoughtful exegesis of the Greek text, with a careful weighing of alternative positions, there is nothing quite like it. An abbreviated (320 pages) edition is also available that makes fewer demands on the reader.
< Anyone doing serious in-depth study of the book of Romans will need to consult Cranfield's technical two-volume commentary. This is one of the most thorough commentaries on this book, and because it deals with every aspect of the Greek text, it does require a working knowledge of the original language. Readers should also be aware that Cranfield at times takes a somewhat Barthian approach to Romans, so the commentary should be used with care. For those who do not require the detailed exegetical information an abridged version is also available.+ Cranfield, C.E.B., Romans: A Shorter Commentary, 388 pages. A nontechnical abridgment of Cranfield's highly acclaimed two-volume commentary on Romans in the International Critical Commentary series. Following a brief introduction, Cranfield provides section-by-section and verse-by-verse commentary on Romans, based on his own translation. While no substitute for the original 2-volume work, this short abridgement gives us the meat of Cranfield's masterful work.
? Denney, James, St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans. The Expositor's Greek Testament. Volume 11. 1907, 170 pages Greek Text. He denies the deity of Christ in 9:5 and mentions that the connection between sin and death was common in Jewish writings “resting apparently on a literal interpretation of Genesis 3”. (See below)
# Dodd, C. H., The Epistle of Paul to the Romans. The Moffatt New Testament Commentaries, 1932, 281 pages. Prints the Moffatt translation. The work of an able Liberal British theologian, using a psychological approach to Paul and his teaching. Dodd does not hesitate to disagree with Paul's views on occasion.
^ Has been declared as a classic, although on many passages it is hard to see why. Perhaps it is for no other reason than that he writes well. Sadly, however, he consistently flattens future perspectives into present perspectives and pushes his own theories at the reader: he is uncomfortable unless he can have a domesticated cross.
? A very influential Neo-Orthodox commentary. He says frankly “Sometimes I think Paul is wrong and I have ventured to say so (xxxv).” On Ro 5:12 he says “Adam is a myth (though for Paul he may have seemed real) (79).” He removes the deity of Christ from Ro 9:5. (Acts 17:11+ Warning)! Dunn, James D.G., Romans. 2 vols.; Word Biblical Commentary, 1988. Dunn, professor of divinity, University of Durham, Scotland, has resorted to critical theories more that some conservatives would like, but he certainly reflects a massive amount of study in the work. He has much on viewpoints and their supports, word meanings, grammar, and bibliography on each pericope. His interaction with other scholarship makes this one of the best on Romans in that regard.
^ More up-to-date bibliographically and is certainly worthy of diligent study. Nevertheless, one of its controlling foci- the thesis that Paul and his readers are wrestling over the signs of membership in the people of God- is overdone, and is in general too indebted to E. P. Sanders. (See his Daily Bible Commentary on Romans)(Word Biblical Commentary - Ro 9-16)^ Edwards, James, Romans, New International Bible Commentary, 1995. Useful to laypeople.
* Edwards, Timothy. Paraphrase, with Annotations, on Romans and Galatians, 1752. Watt calls this a judiciously compiled work from the best comments. We judge it to be as poor as poverty itself.
? Erdman, Charles Rosenbury. The Epistle to the Romans, 1925, 160 pages. A devotional and practical commentary. He maintains the deity of Christ in 9:5; he teaches election in 8:30, but also teaches free will (p. 94).
* Ewbank, W.W. Commentary, with Translation and Notes, 1850. A sound evangelical comment, very good and gracious. In condensed thought this work is not rich; it is adapted for general reading.
^ Fitzmyer, Joseph A., Romans, Anchor Bible, 1993. A Catholic contribution whose exegesis is often magisterial. In many of the crucial passages, this work sounds far more Reformed than Catholic. A weakness of the work is that it does not interact seriously with much of the “new perspective”: Fitzmyer simply ignores it. Some of his short excursuses are worth the price of the volume.
* Forbes, John, Analytical Commentary, tracing the Train of Thought by the Aid of Parallelism, with Notes,&c, 1868. We think Dr. Forbes carries the idea of parallelism farther than it should go. It can only be applied strictly to poetical books, which Romans is not. He tries to bring out the other side of the truths taught in Hodge, Edwards, and Calvin; but we confess our preference of those authors to himself. The work will greatly edify those whom it does not confuse.
* Fry, John, Lectures, 1816. Having no theory to serve in this instance, Fry writes to edification.
^ Gamble, Harry, Jr., The Textual History of the Letter to the Romans. He ably defends the unity of the epistle.
? Gifford, E. H., The Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans, 1886, 238 pages. A very thorough exposition. He defends the deity of Christ in 9:5. He also demonstrates that this is the unanimous interpretation of the Ante-Nicene Fathers (178). (Archive.org)
Greene, Oliver, The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Romans, 1962, 334 pages. A conservative commentary of some value, not technical but not very devotional. Greene has a tendency to rely too much on the Scofield notes, “Greek scholars” (which Greene was unable to critique) and Albert Barnes, whom he quotes almost word-for-word in some places without giving Barnes credit. It is also dangerous for a man who knows no Greek to rely on the opinions of Greek scholars, for without a working knowledge of Greek, how will he be able to evaluate them and determine if they are right or wrong? Greene should have left the Greek alone if he couldn’t handle it and stuck to the English.
? Godet, F. L., Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans, 1883, 544 pages. An exhaustive and technical commentary. He surveys and refutes a great number of theological writers. He defends the deity of Christ thoroughly in 9:5, holds that death in 5:12 refers to physical death.
^ He is not at his best on Romans but is worth skimming. (See below)* Godwin, John H., New Translation, with Notes, 1873. Such a book as students need while studying the Greek text in college.
? Gore, Charles. St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans, 1899, 2 volumes. A commentary with a number of liberal views. On 5:12 he denies imputed guilt and man’s total depravity, adding that Paul assumed Genesis 3 was true. He does defend the deity of Christ in 9:5.
^ Grayson, Kenneth, Romans, 1997. The style is frequently abrasive and his positions too often eccentric.
Haldane, Robert, Exposition of the Epistle to the Romans, 1835-1839. This commentary is marred by constant interruptions in opposing various teachings by Macknight, Tholuck and Moses Stuart. The commentary would read much smoother without these constant digressions. I am interested in what Haldane thinks. I don't need him constantly telling me about what Macknight, Tholuck and Stuart thinks. This is a constant distraction from an otherwise good commentary. Peter Ruckman writes in a similar manner. (See below)
# Hamilton, Floyd E., The Epistle to the Romans., An Exegetical and Devotional Commentary, 1958, 235 pages. A thorough and strongly conservative exposition in the Reformed tradition. Aims at combining "grammatico-historical" exegesis with doctrinal and devotional methods.
? States his belief in the verbal inspiration of the autographs. He holds to the Federal headship of Adam in 5:12, the deity of Christ in 9:5.^ Harrison, E. F., Romans, in Expositor’s Bible Commentary, volume 10. He is responsible in his comments but provides little interaction and not much spark.
% Harrison, Norman Baldwin. His Salvation, 1926. An expository gem. Warmly devotional, and ideal for use with laymen's groups.
* Hinton, J. Howard. Exposition, 1863. Not believing in the constant parallelism of the Epistles, we care very little for this treatise, much as we esteem the author.
# Hodge, Charles, Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans, 1888, 462 pages. A weighty and learned verse-by-verse analysis of the text with frequent reference to the Greek. Doctrinal summaries and remarks appear at the end of each major section.
^ He has been eclipsed by Murray, who has been eclipsed by Moo.
< Although written well over one hundred years ago, Charles Hodge's commentary on Romans should still be required for those doing serious study of the text. Hodge was a systematic theologian, but contrary to what many today think, this was no hindrance to doing good exegetical work. This commentary is rich in exegetical and theological insight.
? Although not easy reading, it is immensely helpful. He vigorously defends the deity of Christ in 9:5. In an unusually lengthy treatment of 5:12 (142-155, 178-190) he advocates the Federal Headship view. (See below)% Hort, Fenton John Anthony. Prolegomena of St. Paul's Epistles to the Romans and the Ephesians, 1895. Brief and to the point. Focuses on the founding of the church of Rome and the purpose of the epistles. Includes a helpful analysis of Paul's letters.
? Hoyt, Herman A., The First Christian Theology: Studies in Romans, 1977, 187 pages. A brief conservative commentary. Each chapter has study questions. He defends Pauline authorship (11); claims that Paul cited 61 Old Testament passages in Romans (30); identifies three acts of God in saving men: justification, sanctification, preservation (60); warns against the danger of continuing in sin (75); teaches God’s sovereign election (102); stresses the importance of submission to God’s will (133); concludes with a bibliography on the life of Paul as well as on commentaries on Romans (183- 187).
! Hughes, R. Kent. Righteousness from Heaven, 1991. 339 pages. This very readable exposition explains Romans, section-by-section, and frequently introduces items from broader reading to stimulate the user. Hughes is diligent in researching and communicating winsomely and pointedly what the text says, and then realistically applying it to daily life. His studies are broad and will be more useful for lay people desiring a quick and interesting escort through Romans.
? Hunter, Archibald Macbride. The Epistle to the Romans, 1955, 134 pages. Brief liberal commentary. He removes the deity of Christ in 9:5; on 5:12 he says “Paul of course took the Genesis story as literal history.” Anyone who does so now Hunter calls “Fundamentalist” (59). To him the Genesis story is a “true myth” (60). Sometimes he manifests real insight into Paul’s thought (on 7:14-25).
% Ironside, Henry Allan. Lectures on the Epistle to the Romans, 1951. A clear, direct exposition. Recommended to new Christians and lay discussion groups.
Ironside is always worth consulting with a good deal of practical applications. (See below)# Johnson, Alan F., The Freedom Letter, 1974. Treats chapters 1-11 as the doctrinal foundation for Christianity, with chapters 12-15 setting forth the Christian life. The work of a competent evangelical scholar accepting a moderate premillennial position.
^ Johnson, Luke Timothy, Romans, 1997. His “literary and theological” commentary is sometimes helpful in untangling the flow of thought, but is too brief for close exegesis and in any case it is not one of his best efforts.
^ Käsemann, E., Romans, 1978. Käsemann is brilliant and infuriating, alternating theologically between insightful and tradition-bound (he writes as a deeply committed modern Lutheran). No one who reads him can remain neutral about anything he says. (On Archive.org)
# Kelly, William, Notes on the Epistle Of Paul the Apostle to the Romans With A New Translation, 1873, 374 pages. Reflects the evangelical, premillennial views of this voluminous Plymouth Brethren scholar of the past century.
Kelly, as well as Darby, would be more useful if they based their comments on a more verse-by-verse format instead of commenting on the paragraphs in the text. It can be difficult to locate the required material in the commentary text. (See below)? Kirk, Kenneth Escott, The Epistle to the Romans, The Clarendon Bible, 1937, 245 pages. Brief liberal notes but with a thorough introduction (135 pages). He is helpful on “the Main Ideas of the Epistle”. He removes the deity of Christ from 9:5, calls the statement in 5:12 a “rabbinic” argument (195).
* Knight, Robert, Commentary, 1854. Not at all to our mind. The author often seems to us rather to becloud the text than to explain it.
? Knox, John, and Cragg, Gerald R., The Epistle to the Romans, The Interpreter's Bible, 1954, 315 pages. The usual liberal exposition. On 5:12 it manifests a Pelagian view of sin (463). They remove the deity of Christ from 9:5, but they admit there are other interpretations.
# Prints the King James and Revised Standard versions at the top of the page.! Kreloff, Stephen, God’s Plan for Israel: A Study of Romans 9 –11, 1995. 112 pages. The exposition contained in this book originally appeared as articles in Israel My Glory magazine from October 1987 through January 1990. The author and publisher have done the Christian public a great service in making these articles available in this book.
The author has endeavored to present an exposition of Paul’s teaching in Romans 9-11, showing particularly the righteousness of God in His dealings with the Jewish people (11). To fulfill this purpose, Kreloff gives a simple, but not simplistic, verse-by-verse explanation of this crucial section of Romans. The basic premise of the work is that God is going to fulfill the salvation promises made to Israel through spiritual Jews, those of faith in God from the physical line of Abraham. The present unbelief of Israel in Jesus as Messiah does not negate a future fulfillment of God’s past promise to Israel. The existence of a remnant of believing Jews in every generation throughout the church age indicates that God has not permanently cast away His people. Kreloff traces this basic premise through Romans 9 –11. He especially deals with the OT passages Paul cites and explains how the apostle uses them in his argument. In his exposition, Kreloff states only his own interpretive positions, sometimes with added support. He never presents another interpretive viewpoint and interaction with it. For example, Kreloff states that Paul’s use of Hosea in Romans 9:25-26 is a “promise of mercy reserved only for a remnant within the nation of Israel” (44-5). Because some dispensationalists argue that Paul is applying the Hosea passage to Gentile believers here, a stronger explanation for Kreloff’s preferred view would be helpful. Further, the author makes some insightful comments concerning the evangelization of Jews during the present age. He writes, “During the church age God’s primary method for bringing Jewish people to Christ is through godly Gentile Christians…While most Jewish people look on Hebrew Christians with suspicion, they are intrigued by the testimonies of Gentiles who have come to embrace a Jewish Messiah revealed in a Jewish book” (82- 83). An extended discussion of this point and its present implications would be very beneficial. For the expositor working his way through Romans 9–11, God’s Plan for Israel provides a well-organized discussion that, when used in conjunction with a major exegetical commentary, will help the preacher present Paul’s teaching clearly and accurately.# Lange, John Peter, and Fay, F. R., The Epistle of Paul to the Romans. Commentary on the Holy Scriptures, 455 pages. The material on Romans in this massive volume (over 400 double column pages) falls into three parts: exegetical and critical; doctrinal and ethical; homiletical and practical. The additions by Schaff and Riddle add to its fullness and value. Still offers much help to those willing to dig in its closely printed pages.
? Conservative. He teaches original sin and guilt on Ro 5:12, the deity of Christ in Ro 9:5, holding that the words are a synagogue liturgy applied to Christ. (Available online)? Lenski, R. C. H., The Interpretation of St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans, 1938, 933 pages. Amillennial, conservative, militantly Lutheran. He uses the Greek extensively, defends the deity of Christ in Ro 9:5; on Ro 5:12 he comments on the question “What if Eve had sinned and Adam had not”: “…every well-trained (donkey) keeps off the hypothetical ice to avoid breaking a leg!”.
? Liddon, H. P., Explanatory Analysis of St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans, 1897, 317 pages. Thorough, technical commentary in outline form, often striking in insight, especially in its analysis of logic and structure. He upholds the deity of Christ in Ro 9:5 vigorously. (See below)
$ Lloyd-Jones, D. Martyn, Romans (1970-1974), 1729 pages. Wordy messages on Romans 3:20-5:21 with much good exposition and many digressions. He stresses the need for conviction of sin (Ro 3:21); gives clear word studies (Ro 3:25,26); dares (though a reformed expositor) to disagree with John Calvin on Ro 5:12; plainly rejects Karl Barth's teaching on Ro 8:3,4. Probably not the model most preachers should imitate, but the set is easy to read and Lloyd-Jones sometimes offers material one is hard-pressed to find elsewhere in addition to the wealth of practical application of Scripture.
% Loane, Marcus Lawrence, The Hope of Glory, 1968. Provides a rare combination of accurate exegesis, capable biblical exposition and conservative scholarship.
% Luther, Martin. Lectures on Romans, 1961, 444 pages. This indispensable work contains lectures first delivered to his students in 1515-16. Shows the process through which Luther went as he grappled with the problems of Catholic dogma versus justification by faith.
? He cites Augustine and Chrysostom after the manner of Scholastic commentators. (Available on Archive.org)* Martyr, Peter. A most learned and fruitful Commentary on Romans. Folio, 1568. Being in black letter and very long, few will ever read it; but it contains much that will repay the laborious bookworm.
@ MacArthur, John, Romans, MacArthur's New Testament Commentary. MacArthur summarizes his 121 sermon series on the book of Romans which he gave in 1981. Like his other commentaries, it is expository and provides technical analysis when appropriate to substantiate his point. 2 volumes.
^ Closer to exposition than to commentary. (See below)% McGee, John Vernon. Reasoning Through Romans. Plain, practical studies by a famous pastor and Bible teacher. (See below)
? Mills, Sanford C., A Hebrew Christian Looks At Romans, 1971, 507 pages. An exposition by a converted Orthodox Jew. He stresses the importance of the local church (19) and the eternal sonship of Christ (23); refers to the Jewish law of circumcising an infant who had died (62); attacks New Evangelicalism (63) and Arminianism (289, 218, 403); argues that Scripture contradicts Jewish thought (110); teaches believer’s baptism (120, 173f); defends the pretribulation rapture (151); makes the virgin birth the foundation for the deity of Christ (239-240); stresses predestination and the sovereignty of God (276,284,302,306,318,321,326, etc); fervently urges the deity of Christ (296); objects to some of Scofield’s interpretations (384-385); concludes with a brief biography (493-494).
@ Moo, Douglas, Romans 1-8, Wycliffe Exegetical Commentary. 1991, 591 pages. Moo's commentary is very precise in its analysis, very thorough in all his arguments; many are anxiously awaiting the second half of this masterpiece.
y are anxiously awaiting the second half of this masterpiece. ! Moo thoroughly analyzes each passage, interacting with various viewpoints and their supports and usually sifting out clearly his own preferences. His 21-page bibliography and citations are copious. His major sources are twelve in number: Barrett, Calvin, Cranfield, Dunn, Godet, Ksemann, Kuss, Michel, Murray, Nygren, Sanday and Headlam, and Wilckens. He is so cautious that at times it is difficult to determine his viewpoint. Whether agreeing with Moo or not, one will find reward in a careful reading of his discussions of controversial issues. In commenting on the Greek and discussing theological ramifications, the work must rank as one of the top evangelical treatments, along with Cranfield and Murray.
^ Probably the best Romans commentary now available in English. It’s introduction is thin but Moo exhibits extraordinary good sense in his exegesis. No less important, his is the first commentary to cull what is useful from the “new perspective” on Paul while nevertheless criticizing many of the perspective’s exegetical and theological stances.< Moo, Douglas, The Epistle to the Romans. New International Commentary on the New Testament, 1996. Douglas Moo's commentary on Romans is judged by many to be the best all around evangelical commentary on this epistle. It is thorough, but it is not overly technical. Moo presents his exegetical arguments carefully and cogently. This reader is especially impressed by his treatment of Romans 11. In terms of intermediate advanced level commentaries, this one is the best place to begin.
+ Moo, Douglas, , Encountering the Book of Romans, 230 pages. Moo begins his study with a clear, concise, and helpful survey of the two broad contemporary options for understanding Romans: the "Reformation approach" and the "new perspective approach," pointing out that how one approaches the book inevitably affects how one interprets it. He encourages students to decide which approach best fits with the actual teaching of the letter, and as a help in this process, often indicates how the two opposing views would interpret key texts. Moo goes on to address other introductory matters that are necessary for understanding Romans-the first-century context, the situation in Paul's life as well as the situation in the lives of his readers. After laying the groundwork for reading Romans, Moo leads readers through the weighty argument of this book, highlighting key themes and clarifying difficult passages. Throughout, he also helps students to see the continuing relevance of Romans. As with other volumes in the Encountering series, Encountering the Book of Romans is designed for classroom use and includes a number of helpful features, including a bibliography, key terms, chapter objectives, chapter outlines, sidebars, and illustrations. An excellent supplement to Moo's outstanding commentary on this massive book. A must have resource for classes working through Romans
! Morris, Leon, The Epistle to the Romans, 1988. xii + 578 pp. Morris in his retirement has completed one of the best exegetical works of his career. This commentary is quite thorough in most places and will undoubtedly be one of the most consulted treatments of Paul's epistle, useful to professors, pastors, and other serious students. Morris demonstrates a mature and profound grasp of issues that need to be resolved and a wide awareness of literature helpful in viewing Romans from various angles, and then makes many perceptively judicious comments. He writes from the perspective of Reformed theology. The work includes endorsements by Philip E. Hughes and Donald Guthrie on its dust jacket. It uses the New International Version but sometimes furnishes the writer's own renderings, and has a plethora of long and short footnotes dealing with Greek words, grammar, and other types of issues. Additional excursus on the righteousness of God, truth, the law in Romans, justification, judgment, and sin appear in the body of the commentary. Morris is an amillennialist. Most of his discussions are quite good or at least adequate. All in all, this commentary is worthy of a place on the shelf alongside works by C. E. B. Cranfield, William Hendriksen, and John Murray.
^ A workmanlike commentary in traditional mold. Its strength is the seriousness with which it takes the text; its weakness is its failure to grapple with the tenor of Pauline studies since E. P. Sanders.? Moule, H. C. G., Romans, Cambridge Bible Study Series, 1879, 220 pages. Brief notes by a Calvinistic Anglican, richly devotional, careful and reverent. His introduction includes parallels between Romans and Galatians (29-30) and Old Testament quotations (31).(See below)
? Moule, Handley Carr Glynn, Romans in The Expositor’s Bible, 1896, 453 pages. Probably the finest, most helpful exposition of Romans in print. He is intensely devotional but writes with real scholarship and insight. His sympathy with the thought and phraseology of Paul is remarkable. (See below)
^ Mounce, Robert H., Romans, New American Commentary, 1995. Sensible and workmanlike, but not exciting.
^ Murray, John, The Epistle to the Romans, New International Commentary, 1960. He will guide you stolidly with the heavy tread of the proverbial village policeman (though with more theology; and not especially the useful appendices and notes).
+ 760 pages. Careful scholarship and spiritual insight characterize this enduring commentary on Romans, generally considered to be Paul's most profound letter. In The Epistle to the Romans John Murray offers an exposition of Romans deeply penetrating in its elucidation of the text yet accessible to scholars, pastors, and students alike. In his introduction to the commentary proper, Murray discusses the authorship, occasion, purpose, and contents of Romans and provides important background information on the church at Rome. Murray then provides a verse-by-verse exposition of the text that takes into account key problems that have emerged in the older and newer literature. In ten appendices that close the volume Murray gives special attention to themes and scholarly debates that are essential for a full-orbed understanding of Romans. This combined edition of Murray's original two-volume work, formerly published as part of the New International Commentary on the New Testament series, will hold continued value as a scholarly resource in the study of Romans for years to come. A standard commentary from the leading Reformed theologian of the 20th century.
# Presents a post-millennial view of chapters 9-11.
< Originally part of the NICNT series, until it was replaced by Moo's work in 1996, John Murray's commentary on Romans remains a valuable work well worth consulting. Like Hodge, Murray was a systematic theologian, and like Hodge, this did not in any way hinder his exegetical work.Newell, William R., Romans Verse by Verse, 1948. Newell has an annoying habit of correcting the King James Bible far too much, basing his remarks on uncertain modern critical Greek scholarship. His changing of the traditional text adds nothing to this work. Newell is also weak in chapters 6 and 7 and the doctrines relating to sanctification that Paul lays out. I do think this work is better than his companion work on Hebrews.
? Practical and devotional, although at times his explanations lack clarity. He assumes that Ro 9:5 refers to the deity of Christ, cites Alford for proof. (See below)% Newman, Barclay and Eugene Nida, A Translator's Handbook on Paul's Letter to the Romans, 1973. The syntax of this volume is of particular importance and the authors attempt to resolve some of the problems inherent in the text. As will all volumes in this series, the thrust is to meet the need of translators. Pastors and seminarians may also find these works helpful.
Norris, J. Frank. Lectures on Romans, 228 pages. A series of sermon outlines and thoughts used as a textbook in Norris' seminary in Fort Worth, Texas. Not very deep or useful.
# Nygren, Anders, Commentary on Romans, 1949, 457 pages. A fresh, provocative treatment by a Lutheran scholar in the Lundensian school of theology, and reflecting that viewpoint.
^ Everyone who can do so should grasp his general introductory remarks on pages 16-26. Unfortunately, however, the book is inadequate as a verse-by-verse commentary.
? Neo-Orthodox presuppositions, but often manifesting brilliant insight into Paul’s thought. He makes Scripture conform to his philosophical understanding of the two Aeons.* Olshausen, Hermann., Commentary on Romans, 1850. Nobody seems very enthusiastic as to Olshausen, but some have borrowed from his pages more than they have confessed. Personally we do not care for him, but many prize and all respect him.
^ He sometimes offers independent interpretations that are worth pondering.^ O’Neill, J. C., Romans. He is so eccentric in his source theories, arguing that Paul did not write about one-third of Romans, that this is unlikely to be the first commentary to which students and preachers turn.
? Paisley, Ian R. K., An Exposition of the Epistle to the Romans, 1968, 191 pages. A fervent exposition in the form of alliterative outlines. They were prepared while Paisley was in prison for conscience sake. He identifies the baptism of Ro 6:3-5 as spirit baptism (87); holds that the old nature is not sent to a hospital to be cured but to the cross to be crucified (94); argues that covetousness violates all ten commandments (112); emphasizes sovereign election (141).
* Parr, Elnathan, A Short View of the Epistle to the Romans, 1651. The style is faulty but the matter is rich and full of suggestions. We regret that the work is not complete, and is seldom to be met with except in fragments.
# Phillips, John, Exploring Romans, The Gospel According to Paul, 1969. An extensive, popular exposition by a contemporary Bible teacher, rich in illustrations and quotations. The presentation is organized around a detailed alliterative outline; various word studies help to bring out the meaning of the text. The work of a gifted teacher.
Good, practical, useful, as, as his commentaries are, based on the King James Bible. His outlines are also very good and are alone worth the price of the book.^ Piper, John, The Justification of God: An Exegetical and Theological Study of Romans 9:1-23. This book is regrettably out of print. This is the best exegetical and theological discussion of Romans 9.
I have never really been impressed with Piper or his Calvinism or his contemporary Christianity and I still haven’t figured out what all the fuss is about his ministry.* Plumer, William, Commentary with Introduction on the Life, Times, Writings, and Character of Paul. Plumer is a laborious compiler, and to most men his works will be of more use than those of a more learned writer.
* Pridham, Arthur, Notes, 1862. Sound and gracious, but somewhat dull.
* Purdue, E., Commentary on Romans, 1855. Not important.
? Richardson, John R., and J. Knox Chamblin, The Epistle to the Romans, Proclaiming the New Testament, 1963, 166 pages. Homiletical comments on selected portions of Romans. In some ways useful, but on the whole, rather shallow. Ignores 9:5.
* Robinson, T. Suggestive Commentary on Romans. Van Doren Series of Commentaries, 1871. A good book in a good style. Worth any amount to preachers.
I think very highly of the format of this and similar commentaries. This is not a traditional commentary but Robinson gives numerous “seed thoughts” that the reader is expected to develop into complete thoughts. Useful critical material is in the footnotes. This is one of my favorite commentaries on Romans. (Available on Archive.org)Ruckman, Peter, The Bible Believer’s Commentary on Romans, 2003, 610 pages. Generally orthodox with some good practical material but Ruckman is known for several peculiar and unusual interpretations and a very confrontational attitude with modern commentators and those who are not supporters of the King James Bible or with his interpretations. This commentary does not include nearly as many of Ruckman’s usual tirades against other commentaries or against those who do not hold to the level of support of the King James Version that he would find sufficient, which is refreshing, much like his commentary on Revelation. This is probably because this book reads like sermon transcripts instead of a commentary written from scratch. Strongly dispensational, premillennial and anti-Calvinistic.
# Sanday, William, and Headlam, Arthur C., A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans. The International Critical Commentary, 1895, 562 pages. A very thorough commentary on the Greek text from a strongly Arminian view. In an exhaustive discussion of 9:5 they defend the deity of Christ (232-238). On 5:12 they hold that all men sin because they inherited tendencies from Adam (132); the Fall transmitted the liability to sin (132). Probably the most helpful commentary on the Greek. (Available)(Sanday and Headlam here)
^ Schlatter, Adolf, Romans, 1995, translated from German. A cause for great thankfulness that this has been translated into English. Obviously it is dated (Schlatter died in 1938), but it is still good at tracing the epistle’s line of argument.
+ Schreiner, Thomas, Romans, Baker Exegetical Commentary of the New Testament, 944 pages. In the latest addition to BECNT, Schreiner presents a fresh analysis of the substantive Book of Romans. It features many distinctives.
* Sclater, W., A Key to the Key of Scripture; or an Exposition, with Notes, upon the Romans, 1639. An antique but precious book.
# Shedd, William G. T., A Critical and Doctrinal Commentary on the Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans, 1879. Greek text. An exhaustive exegetical treatment by a conservative and Calvinistic teacher of the past century. Intended for the theological student and clergyman.
Sightler, Harold, Romans, 1983, 379 pages. Fundamentalist, dispensational and premillennial but somewhat sparse on the deeper, doctrinal discussions and technical matters. Popular, with some good practical material.
+ Sproul, R.C., The Gospel of God: Romans, 256 pages. An outstanding, popular exposition focusing on the essential teaching of this grand epistle. As always, Sproul is crystal clear presenting Biblical Christianity through this masterful letter. Highly recommended.
Stam, Cornelius R., Commentary on the Epistle of Paul to the Romans, 1984, 331 pages. Hyper-dispensational commentary but still some good material of discretion is used.
? Steele, David N., and Curtis C. Thomas, Romans: An Interpretive Outline, 1963, 214 pages. Brief outline, strongly Reformed. They defend the deity of Christ in 9:5; stress the Bible as the inspired, inerrant Word of God (1). Sometimes, the work lacks clarity.
* Stephen, John. Expositions on Romans, 1857. Sound in doctrine, practical in tone; above mediocrity.
# Stifler, James M., The Epistle to the Romans, 1960. A lucid and informative exposition, the result of years of study and teaching by a conservative Baptist professor of the past century. The treatment is verse by verse. Premillennial. (Available on Archive.org)
! Stott, John R. W, Romans: God's Good News for the World, 1994. 432 pages. Stott had a previous work just on Romans 5-8, Men Made New (1966). Now with treatment of the whole book, he has one of the best overall popular and highly readable expositions of Romans. He includes a brief introduction and a clear outline throughout. At the end David Stone has added a study guide (408-32) for Stott's commentary. He repeats the outline and lists key questions on many issues. Stott's labor is along lines readers have learned to expect of him. He keeps his writing quite orderly, vital, clear, often arresting in expression, conversant with views, seasoned with choice quotes, aware of Greek word-meanings, often supplying reasons for interpretations. As expected, any reader knowing exegesis and exposition will agree with Stott at times and disagree at others. The work will be strong or weak depending not only on Stott's diligence and detail but on the direction he takes on many verses. For serious lay readers and to some degree for pastors, much is informative, provides competent review, pulls salient things together with a refreshing vigor and style, and puts matters cogently. Yet the work is overly general on some things, and passes over others where clear-cut comment would help. As to its value on most passages, the commentary rates highly among popular, vigorous expositions of Romans for the general reading audience. For diligent expository pastors and teachers, it will retain value at many points, but they will need to turn to other works besides. (Men Made New - Ro 5-8 on Archive.org)
^ Stowers, Stanley K., A Rereading of Romans: Justice, Jews and Gentiles, 1994. He argues that Romans is not concerned with categories like sin and salvation, but rather, Paul is concerned in trying to persuade Gentiles that Christian Judaism will give them the self-mastery they seek; and that this form of Judaism, based on the faithfulness of a Messiah who adapted his approach to meet the needs of Gentiles, offers more hope than a Torah-based form of Judaism. There are so many things wrong with this position that it is hard to know where to begin, but at least the book nicely presents one form (but only one) of the so-called new perspective on Paul.
* Stuart, Moses. Commentary on Romans. Moses Stuart is judged to have been at his best in Romans and Hebrews. The present work is in some points unsatisfactory, on account of certain philosophico-theological views which he endeavors to maintain. Haldane denounced him as by false criticism "misrepresenting the divine testimony in some of the most momentous points of the Christian scheme." The charge was too true. (Archive.org)
^ Stuhlmacher, Peter, Romans, 1994. Now available in English and provides one of the best contemporary Lutheran readings of Romans.
% Taylor, Vincent. The Epistle to the Romans, 1955., 100 pages A brief analysis with some rather obvious comments. Arminian.
? On Ro 5:12 he characterizes the whole Genesis account as “this mythology” (39). He also removes the deity of Christ from Ro 9:5.* Terrot, C. H., Romans [in Greek] with Introduction, Paraphrase, and Notes, 1828. Anti-Calvinistic. Why do not such writers let Romans alone? (note- why? Did Spurgeon think that Romans belonged to the Calvinists and that only Calvinists had any business or right to comment on Romans? “Anti-Calvinists” have just as much right to write commentaries as do Calvinists-jc)
? Thomas, W. H. Griffith, St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans. A Devotional Commentary, 464 pages. A very helpful, practical and devotional commentary. He defends the deity of Christ in 9:5, gives different views on 5:12, stressing the reference is not to guilt, “but to an evil nature which he inherited from Adam” (156).”
* Tholuck, A. F. Exposition of Romans, 1842. Moses Stuart confesses his great obligations to this eminent divine, who far exceeds the most of his German brethren in spirituality, and is not far behind him in scholarship; yet even he is none too orthodox nor too reverent in his treatment of Holy Scripture. (Available on Archive.org)
* Vaughan, Charles John. Romans. The Greek Text, with English Notes, 1874, 327 pages. Very valuable to students of the Greek. The result of independent study and honest labor.
# Vine, W. E., The Epistle to the Romans, Doctrine, Precept, Practice, 1948. A phrase-by-phrase treatment by a British Plymouth Brethren scholar noted for his Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words. Concise, rewarding, warm and clearly evangelical in tone. Brings out much of the force of the Greek for the English student.
* Walford, W. Curea Romans, 1846. Walford makes comments of considerable value; he does not stand in the front rank, but his mediocrity is respectable.
* Wardlaw, Ralph. Lectures on Romans, 1861. Wardlaw interprets with great sobriety and spirituality, and we never consult him in vain, though we do not always agree with him. (Available on Archive.org)
* Williams, H. W., (Wesleyan Minister). Exposition, 1869. This epistle has a fascination for Arminian writers; it affords them an opportunity for showing their courage and ingenuity. Mr. Williams's book is instructive.
# Wilson, Geoffrey B., Romans, A Digest of Reformed Comment, 1969. A concise verse-by-verse interpretation; skillfully culls and blends views drawn from many Reformed interpreters. This digest provides a valuable introduction to Reformed exposition of Romans.
* Wilson, Thomas (Puritan). Commentary on Romans, 1614. Intended for the lessinstructed among the preacher's hearers, and put into the form of a dialogue. It is very solid, but does not contain much which is very striking or original.
% Wuest, Kenneth Samuel. Romans in the Greek New Testament, 1956. Of value to those with little or no understanding of the Greek (Available on Archive.org)
^ Ziesler, John, Romans in Trinity Press International New Testament Commentaries, 1989. Writes with clarity and frequently takes independent stands that provoke reflection.
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Read Alford's fascinating brief biography and Phil Johnson's related comments
James Rosscup writes that "This was the great work in the life of the versatile Dean of Canterbury. An outcome of this production was the New Testament for English Readers (4 vols.). Alford was a Calvinist, conservative and premillennial, though not dispensational. He takes a literal interpretation of the thousand years in Rev. 20 and has a famous quote there, is strong on sovereign election as in Ro 8:29, 30 and 1Pe 1:2, but, unfortunately, holds to baptismal regeneration in such texts as Titus 3:5 and John 3:5. He shows a great knowledge of the Greek text and faces problems of both a doctrinal and textual nature." (Commentaries for Biblical Expositors: An Annotated Bibliography of Selected Works)
Charles Haddon Spurgeon (see his comments in following entry on Alford).
Editorial Note: If you are not proficient in Greek, you will find this work considerably more useful than the following work by Alford, because in this volume he translates the Greek and Latin into English. While the "The Greek New Testament" is longer (e.g., English version of 1John = 66 pages compared to Greek version = 94 pages in part because the latter includes comments of more technical nature), the substance of the commentary is otherwise similar to that found in the "NT for English Readers".
James Rosscup writes that Alford's series on the New Testament "contains much that is valuable in the Greek New Testament...though all of the Greek New Testament words have been changed to English throughout." (Commentaries for Biblical Expositors: An Annotated Bibliography of Selected Works)
John Piper writes ""When I’m stumped with a...grammatical or syntactical or logical [question] in Paul, I go to Henry Alford. Henry Alford...comes closer more consistently than any other human commentator to asking my kinds of questions."
Charles Haddon Spurgeon writes that this text "is an invaluable aid to the critical study of the text of the New Testament. You will find in it the ripened results of a matured scholarship, the harvesting of a judgment, generally highly impartial, always worthy of respect, which has gleaned from the most important fields of Biblical research, both modern and ancient, at home and abroad. You will not look here for any spirituality of thought or tenderness of feeling; you will find the learned Dean does not forget to do full justice to his own views, and is quite able to express himself vigorously against his opponents; but for what it professes to be, it is an exceedingly able and successful work. The later issues are by far the most desirable, as the author has considerably revised the work in the fourth edition. What I have said of his Greek Testament applies equally to Alford’s New Testament for English Readers,* which is also a standard work." (Spurgeon, C. H. Lectures to my Students, Vol. 4: Commenting and Commentaries; Lectures Addressed to the students of the Pastors' College, Metropolitan Tabernacle)
Dr Barber places great emphasis on the "Christ Life." His expositions are very pragmatic and personally applicable...Sometimes too much so!
- Romans 1:1a: Paul: A Man God Can Use
- Romans 1:1b Eternal Works of God
- Romans 1:2-7 Good News of God
- Romans 1:8-15 Debtor of God's Good News
- Romans 1:16-18 Man's Desperation/God's Good News-1
- Romans 1:19-32 Man's Desperation/God's Good News-2
- Romans 2:1-14 Man's Desperation/God's Good News-3
- Romans 2:15-29 Man's Desperation/God's Good News-4
- Romans 3:1-5 Man's Desperation/God's Good News-5
- Romans 3:9-24 Man's Desperation/God's Good News-6
- Romans 3:21-26 Detail of God's Good News-1
- Romans 3:26-31 Detail of God's Good News-2
- Romans 3:31-4:12 Detail of God's Good News-3
- Romans 4:12-17 Detail of God's Good News-4
- Romans 4:18 Detail of God's Good News Pt 5
- Romans 4:18-25 Detail of God's Good News-6
- Romans 5:1-2 Detail of God's Good News-7
- Romans 5:3-5 Detail of God's Good News-8
- Romans 5:6-11 Detail of God's Good News-9
- Romans 5:12-14 Need To Be Justified By Faith
- Romans 5:15-17 Are You in Adam or in Christ?
- Romans 6:1-5 The New Life in Jesus
- Romans 6:6-11 The New Life in Christ-2
- Romans 6:12-14 The New Life in Christ-3
- Romans 6:14-16 The New Life in Christ-4
- Romans 6:15-23 The New Life in Christ Pt5
- Romans 7:1-5 Frustration...Under Law
- Romans 7:7-13 Frustration...Under Law
- Romans 7:14-25:Frustration...Under Law
- Romans 8:1-4: Frustration...Under Law
- Romans 8:5-11: Free to Be What God Wants
- Romans 8:12-17: Rights of the Holy Spirit
- Romans 8:18-21: Reward of the Holy Spirit
- Romans 8:22-25: Resource of the Holy Spirit
- Romans 8:26-29: Resource of the Holy Spirit- 2
- Romans 8:28-39: Revelation/Resolve the Spirit
- Review of 1-8: What Have You Learned?
- Review of 1-8: What Have You Learned?- 2
- Romans 9:1-3: The Attributes of God
- Romans 9:1-5: Israel: A Privileged People
- Romans 9:6-13: Israel: A Proud People
- Romans 9:14-19: God is a God of Purpose
- Romans 9:19-24: God is God of Purpose-Pt2
- Romans 9:30-10:5:Righteousness Precious Possession
- Romans 10:1-10: Righteousness Precious Possession 2
- Romans 10:11-15: Righteousness Precious Possession 3
- Romans 10:14-21: The Rejection of Righteousness
- Romans 11:1-10: Is God Through With Israel?
- Romans 11:11-24: Is God Through With Israel?
- Romans 12:1 Responsibilities Under Grace 1
- Romans 12:2 Responsibilities Under Grace 2
- Romans 12:3-5 Responsibilities Under Grace 3
- Romans 12:5-8 Responsibilities Under Grace 4
- Romans 12:1-8 Responsibilities Under Grace 5
- Romans 12:9-13 Responsibilities Under Grace 6
- Romans 12:14-17 Responsibilities Under Grace 7
- Romans 12:18-21 Responsibilities Under Grace 8
- Romans 13:1-5 Responsibilities Under Grace 9
- Romans 13:6-7 Responsibilities Under Grace 10
- Romans 13:8-9 Responsibilities Under Grace 11
- Romans 13:11-14 Responsibilities Under Grace 12
- Romans 14:1-6 Responsibilities Under Grace 13
- Romans 14:7-12 Responsibilities Under Grace 14
- Romans 14:13-21 Responsibilities Under Grace 15
- Romans 14:22-15:3 Responsibilities Under Grace 16
- Romans 15:4-13 Responsibilities Under Grace 17
- Romans 15:14-16 Responsibilities Under Grace 18
- Romans 15:17 A Right to Boast - Pt 1
- Romans 15:17-18 A Right to Boast - Pt 2
- Romans 15:17-19 Being A Useful Vessel to the Lord
- Romans 15:32 Walking in the Will of God
- Romans 16:1-2 The Body of Christ - Pt 1
- Romans 16:3-8 The Body of Christ - Pt 2
- Romans 16:9:12 The Body of Christ - Pt 3
- Romans 16:13-16 The Body of Christ - Pt 4
- Romans 16:17-18 Beware! - Pt 1
- Romans 16:19-20 Beware! - Pt 2
- Romans 16:21-24 Relationships
- Romans 16:25-27 The Power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
D Edmond Hiebert - Prints the author's own translation. A series of popular studies whose strong point is word study. Contains good illustrative material. Part of the author's interpretation follows a liberal position. Barclay holds that Christ's descent into Hades gave those who there heard Him a second chance.
Comment: I appreciate Barclay's unique insights on Greek words, but clearly his teaching about a "second chance" is NOT sound doctrine! Be an Acts 17:11+ Berean with Barclay. See discussion of his orthodoxy especially the article "The Enigmatic William Barclay".
- Who is he? Acts 17:11+ Alert - He held some aberrant views of immortality - see CCEL entry
- A Commentary on St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans
Rosscup: Calvin sees the theme of Romans as righteousness for men by God’s mercy in Christ, offered in the gospel and received by faith (p. 5). He takes six pages to survey the epistle chapter by chapter, then begins verse by verse comments, without giving an outline. He has many perceptive discussions that are deeply enriching. He takes Romans 2:7 as the life pattern of the truly saved through grace; Romans 3:28 as meaning justification by faith without any merit by works but James 2 as speaking of works out of faith that prove the reality of justification practically; Romans 7:14ff. as depicting a regenerate person, etc. As a clear, engrossing commentary that explains most points with a keen grasp of how things relate, this is one of the finer, old evangelical works from a theological standpoint.
These are excellent - highly recommended. They function much like a >1000 page verse by verse commentary.
- Romans 1:1, Introduction: Romans: The Gospel of God
- Romans 1:2-4: The Gospel of God: Described
- Romans 1:5-7: The Gospel of God: To the Nations
- Romans 1:8-15 Serving Saints
- Romans 1:16-17: The Gospel: God’s Power for Salvation
- Romans 1:18-23: Is God’s Wrath Justified?
- Romans 1:24-27: Going Down, Down, Down, Part 1
- Romans 1:28-32: Going Down, Down, Down, Part 2
- Romans 2:1-5: The Damnable Sin of Self-Righteousness
- Romans 2:6-11: Judged by Your Deeds
- Romans 2:12-16: God’s Impartial Judgment
- Romans 2:17-24: What Hypocrisy Does
- Romans 2:25-29: Ritual Versus Reality
- Romans 3:1-8: Objections Answered
- Romans 3:9-18: All Under Sin
- Romans 3:19-20: Why God Gave the Law
- Romans 3:21-24: How Can I Be Right With God?
- Romans 3:25-26: God the Just and the Justifier
- Romans 3:27-31: Faith Versus Pride
- Romans 4:1-5: God Justifies the Ungodly
- Romans 4:6-8: Forgiveness: The Supreme Blessing
- Romans 4:9-15: Religion Can’t Save You
- Romans 4:16-22: The Nature of Saving Faith
- Romans 4:23-25: What is a Christian?
- Romans 5:1-2: The Blessings of Justification
- Romans 5:3-5: Exulting in Trials
- Romans 5:6-8: God’s Amazing Love
- Romans 5:9-11: Saved for Sure!
- Romans 5:12-19: Death in Adam or Life in Christ?
- Romans 5:20-21: Super-Abundant Grace that Reigns
- Romans 6:1-4: Are You Dead to Sin?
- Romans 6:5-11: Dead to Sin, Alive to God
- Romans 6:12-14: It Ain’t Gonna Reign No More
- Romans 6:15-18: You Gotta Serve Somebody
- Romans 6:19-23: How to Win Over Sin
- Romans 7:1-6: Free from the Law
- Romans 7:7-11: Why God Gave the Law
- Romans 7:11-13: The Utter Sinfulness of Sin
- Romans 7:14-25, Overview Who is This Wretched Man?
- Romans 7:14-20: The Merry-Go-Round of Sin
- Romans 7:21-25: The War Within
- Romans 8:1-4: Set Free
- Romans 8:5-6: Two Groups, Two Destinies
- Romans 8:6-8: Understanding the Unbelieving Mind
- Romans 8:9-11: Do You Belong to Christ?
- Romans 8:12-13: Kill Your Sin!
- Romans 8:14-16: Signs of True Assurance
- Romans 8:17: Adopted Heirs of God
- Romans 8:18-25: Present Suffering, Future Glory
- Romans 8:26-27: The Spirit Helps Us Pray
- Romans 8:28: All Things for Good for Us
- Romans 8:29: Why All Things Work Together for Good for Us
- Romans 8:29-30: Why Our Salvation is Secure
- Romans 8:31-32: Enduring Opposition
- Romans 8:33-34: God’s Answer for Guilt
- Romans 8:35-39: The Triumph of God’s Love
- Romans 9:1-5: A Burden for the Lost
- Romans 9:6-13: Why God’s Word Cannot Fail
- Romans 9:14-18: Is God Unfair?
- Romans 9:19-23: God’s Glory in Judgment and Mercy
- Romans 9:24-29: God’s Great Mercy in Salvation
- Romans 9:30-33: The Right and Wrong Ways to God
- Romans 10:1-4: Why Religious People Miss Salvation
- Romans 10:5-10: How to be Saved
- Romans 10:11-15: Good News for All
- Romans 10:16-21: Why Some are Lost and Some are Saved
- Romans 11:1-6: Can God’s Promises Fail?
- Romans 11:7-10: Chosen or Hardened?
- Romans 11:11-15: God’s Certain Purpose for History
- Romans 11:16-24: Guarding Against Spiritual Pride
- Romans 11:25-27: Understanding God’s Prophetic Revelation
- Romans 11:28-32: Stand in Awe
- Romans 11:33-36: God is Great; You are not Great, Part 1
- Romans 11:33-36: God is Great; You are not Great, Part 2
- Romans 1:4;4:24-25;5:10; :4-10;7:4;8:11,33b-34;10:9-10;14:9: Why You Must Believe in the Risen Lord
- Romans 12:1: Why Give Yourself Totally to God?
- Romans 12:2: How to Change for Good
- Romans 12:3: True Humility
- Romans 12:4-5: Humility in the Functioning Body
- Romans 12:6-8: Humility in Exercising our Gifts
- Romans 12:9-10: Sincere Love
- Romans 12:11: How to Serve the Lord
- Romans 12:12: Joyful, Prayerful Perseverance
- Romans 12:12c: Devoted to Prayer
- Romans 12:13: Generous and Hospitable
- Romans 12:14-16: Transformed Attitudes
- Romans 12:17-21: Doing Right When You’re Wronged
- Romans 13:1-7: The Government and You
- Romans 13:1-7: Christ: Lord of our Politics
- Romans 13:8-10: The Debt You Always Owe
- Romans 13:11-14: Your Present Walk and the Coming Day
- Romans 14:1-4: Getting Along in Spite of Our Differences
- Romans 14:5-12: Why We Should Not Judge Others
- Romans 14:13-16: Love Trumps Liberty
- Romans 14:17-18: Keep the Main Thing the Main Thing
- Romans 14:19-23: One More Time
- Romans 15:1-3: Me First or Me Last?
- Romans 15:4: Why You Need the Old Testament
- Romans 15:5-6: True Christian Unity
- Romans 15:7-12: Accepting Those Who are Different
- Romans 15:13: Abounding in Hope
- Romans 15:14-21: Principles for Your Ministry, Part 1
- Romans 15:14-21: Principles for Your Ministry, Part 2
- Romans 15:22-29: Dreaming Big for God
- Romans 15:30-33: Praying Rightly
- Romans 16:1-16, 21-23: Snapshot of a Church
- Romans 16:17-20: A Final Warning: Beware of False Teachers!
- Romans 16:25-27: The Goal of the Gospel: The Glory of God
This notable work was conceived and carried out by that genius among editors, Sir William Robertson Nicoll, C.H., D.D., LL.D. He had an exceptional knowledge of religious and literary, of theological and philosophical, thought. He understood what were the most urgent needs of the church as to spiritual enlightenment, for the better exercise of the Church's mission in advancing the Kingdom of Christ to earth's remotest bounds.—Oscar L. Joseph, Litt. D.
If you can locate the six-volume edition of the Expositor’s Bible, buy it immediately! It takes up less space than the original fifty-volume set, and not everything in the original set is worth owning. Samuel H. Kellogg on Leviticus is a classic; so is Alexander Maclaren on the Psalms and on Colossians.—Warren W. Wiersbe, A Basic Library for Bible Students
This set, originally published in 1903, contains expositions by both conservative and liberal theologians. The most important works are by Dod (Genesis), Chadwick (Exodus and Mark), Kellogg (Leviticus), Blaikie (Joshua, I and II Samuel), Adeney (Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther), Maclaren (Psalms), Moule (Romans), Findlay (Galatians and Ephesians), Plummer (Pastoral Epistles and the Epistles of James and Jude), and Milligan (Revelation.)—Cyril J. Barber, The Minister’s Library
If you are confused about God's plan for Israel, then this series is for you (click). Each link will in turn give you several choices including an Mp3 message and brief transcript notes. The Mp3's are long (avg 70+ min) but are in depth and thoroughly Scriptural with many quotations from the Old Testament, which is often much less well understood than the NT by most Evangelicals. Garland takes a literal approach to Scripture, and his love for the Jews and passion to see them saved comes through very clearly on these 12 hours of teaching! Take your home Bible Study group through this series if you dare. Take notes on the tapes as the transcripts are a very abbreviated version of the audio messages. This course is highly recommended for all who love Israel! I think you will agree that Tony Garland, despite coming to faith after age 30 as an engineer, clearly has been given a special anointing by God to promulgate the truth concerning Israel and God's future plan for the Jews. He has also produced more than 20 hours of superb audio teaching in his verse by verse commentary on the Revelation (in depth transcripts also available) which will unravel (in a way you did not think was possible considering the divergent interpretations) God's final message of the triumph and return of the our Lord Jesus Christ as the King of kings and Lord of lords! Maranatha!
- Romans 9:1-5 Paul's Sorrow Concerning Israel
- Romans 9:6-13 Children of the Promise
- Romans 9:14-24 The Potter and the Clay
- Romans 9:25-33 A Remnant Will be Saved
- Romans 10:1-13 The Righteousness of God
- Romans 10:14-21 Has Israel Not Heard?
- Romans 11:1-6 God Has Not Cast Away The Jews
- Romans 11:7-15 Life from the Dead
- Romans 11:16-24 Two Olive Trees
- Romans 11:25-36 The Salvation of Israel
Related Resources:
- Romans 11 Does God Have a Future for Israel? by Gil Rugh - 46 page booklet
- The Jewish Problem - small book by Jewish believer David Baron (written in 1891-interesting!)
Rosscup: This famous work was translated from the French in 1864, and has gone through several printings in English. Godet, also known for other fine commentaries as on Luke (2 volumes), gives good detail on what verses mean, providing much that evangelicals easily identify with. Of course such an older work cannot be up on current studies as newer works can be.
- Romans 1:1-7 Preface - The Address
- Romans 1:8-15 The Interest Long Taken by the Apostle in the Christians of Rome
- Romans 1:16-17 The Statement of the Subject
- Romans 1 Excursus on the Word "To Justify"
- Romans 1-5 The Fundamental Part
- Romans 1:18-32 The Wrath of God on Gentiles
- Romans 2:1-29 The Wrath of God Suspended Over the Jewish People
- Romans 3:1-8 Jewish Prerogative Does Not Imply Exemption from Judgment
- Romans 3:9-20 Scripture Proclaims the Fact of Universal Condemnation
- Romans 3:21-5:11 Justification by Faith Acquired for the Whole World
- Romans 3:21-26 Justification by Faith Acquired for the Whole World
- Romans 3 - Excursus - The Expiation
- Romans 3:27-31 The Harmony of this Mode of Justification with the true Meaning of the Law
- Romans 4:1-25 Faith the Principle of Abraham's Justification
- Romans 5:1-11 The Certainty of Final Salvation for Believers
- Romans 5:12-21 The Universality of Salvation in Christ Proved by the Universality of Death in Adam
- Romans 6-8 Sanctification
- Romans 6:1-14 Sanctification in Christ Dead and Risen
- Romans 6 - Excursus on the Meaning of the expression "To Die Unto Sin"
- Romans 6:15-23 The Power of the New Principle of Sanctification to Deliver from Sin
- Romans 6-7 The Principle of Sanctification Contained in Justification by Faith
- Romans 7:1-6 Emancipation from the Law
- Romans 7:7-25 The Powerlessness of the Law to Sanctify
- Romans 8 The Work of the Holy Spirit
- Romans 8:1-11 Victory Over Sin
- Romans 8:12-17 Adoption
- Romans 8:18-30 Completion of Salvation
- Romans 8:31-39 Hymn of Assurance
- Romans 9-11 Rejection of Israel
- Romans 9:1-29 God's Freedom
- Romans 9:30-10:21 Cause of Israel's Rejection
- Romans 11:1-36 God's Plan in History of Salvation
- Romans 12-13 Life in Salvation
- Romans 12:1-2 The Basis of Christian Activity
- Romans 12:3-21 The Believer as a Member of the Church
- Romans 13:1-10 The Believer as a Member of the State
- Romans 13:11-14 Waiting For Christ
- Romans 14:1-15:13 Directions Regarding a Difference of View
- Romans 15:14-33 Personal Explanations
- Romans 16:1-24 Recommendations and Warnings
- Romans 16:25-27 The Look Upwards
God’s Open Secret of Liberty from the Guilt, Reign, and Fruit of Sin. Easy to Read and Understand Practical Comments on Romans 5-8, the heart of the Christian life!
Rosscup: This is a much-respected 746-pp. work (668 pp. through Romans 16:27, then several appendices on subjects relating to Romans. Though hampered by lack of any outline to relate things, the work has much gold if one has time and is willing to read voluminously to dig out the many nuggets. Whether or not one agrees with Haldane on a verse, his awareness of (or reviews of) many aspects of truth brought together is bound to prosper. Unlike most English expositors of which he is aware, Haldane sees 2:7 as hypothetical, law and not gospel. We may sample other verses: 5:14, “even over them,” infants who did not personally sin but sinned in Adam’s act as the representative head of the race; 7:14ff. refers to Paul even as a mature believer representative of all Christians (cf. p. 297); 8:5, 13 contrast the unsaved and the saved; God finally works all things absolutely to the good of His children, 8:28; the section in 8:28–39 has much to help a believer grow in assurance of God’s preserving grace; in 9:22, vessels of wrath are “fitted for destruction” by their sins, whereas vessels of glory are fitted by God; 11:26 speaks of literal and spiritually saved Israel, as distinct from Gentiles, being joined to Christ, along with saved Gentiles. Israel will be restored to its own land (p. 556). This is one of the greatest of the older commentaries, almost always offering solid help and much to stimulate the heart.
- Introduction: Rome in the Days of Paul: The Setting
- Romans 1:1-15 Prologue to Prison.
- Romans 1:16, 17 The Power of GOD.
- Romans 1:18-32 The Wrath of GOD.
- Romans 2:1-16 But We Are Different.
- Romans 2:17-29 Who Is a Real Jew?
- Romans 3:1-8 The Faithfulness of GOD.
- Romans 3:9-20 The Light of the Law.
- Romans 3:21-31 The Righteousness of GOD.
- Romans 4:1-16 Abraham Believed GOD.
- Romans 5:1-11 Peace With GOD.
- Romans 5:12-21 The New Race.
- Romans 6:1-14 The Free Gift of GOD.
- Romans 7:15-25 The Bankruptcy of Man's Best.
- Romans 8:1-17 The Law of Life.
- Romans 8:18-25 History's Painful Waiting.
- Romans 8:31-39 Unshakeable Foundations.
- Romans 9:14-24 Justice and Mercy.
- Romans 10:1-13 The Way of Salvation.
- Romans 11 The Unsearchable Judgments of GOD.
- Romans 12:1-8 The Christian Ethic.
- Romans 13:1-14 The Christian and the State.
- Romans 14:1-12 Our Duty To Those Who Disagree.
- Romans 15:1-7 Harmony in the Household of GOD.
- Romans 15:14-21 The Heart of an Apostle.
These are In Depth Studies
- Romans 1:16 Not Ashamed of the Gospel
- Romans 3:23-24 Justification
- Romans 5:1-2 The Harvest of the Justified
- Romans 5:8 God's Own Love
- Romans 6:11 A Good Reckoning
- Romans 6:23 The Wages and the Gift
- Romans 8:3-4 Law or Love
- Romans 8:6 The Carnal and the Spiritual
- Romans 8:9 The Owner's Mark
- Romans 8:11 The Resurrection of the Body
- Romans 8:14 The Leading of the Spirit
- Romans 8:15 The Spirit of a Son
- Romans 8:16 The Assurance of Sonship
- Romans 8:17 Joint-Heirs with Christ
- Romans 8:18 Another good Reckoning
- Romans 8:19 An Expectant Creation
- Romans 8:24-25 The Saving Grace of Hope
- Romans 8:26 How to Pray as We Ought
- Romans 8:28 Love's Prosperity
- Romans 8:32 The Inclusive Gift
- Romans 8:33-34 No Case
- Romans 8:38-39 An Inseparable Love
- Romans 9:3 Anathema from Christ
- Romans 10:10 The Heart and the Mouth
- Romans 12:1 The Body for God
- Romans 12:2 In Fashion or in Favor
- Romans 12:11 Business
- Romans 12:12 For the Battle
- Romans 12:21 The Polemics of Christianity
- Romans 13:8 Debt
- Romans 13:10 Love and the Law
- Romans 13:12 Ready for the Dawning
- Romans 14:7-9 Eternally the Lord's
- Romans 14:12 Our Accountability
- Romans 14:17 A Definition of the Kingdom
- Romans 15:1 The Privilege of the Strong
716 pages, Originally published 1835
Rosscup: This (is an) 1864 work by Hodge, who lectured at Princeton Theological Seminary for many years. He deals with the epistle verse-by-verse with good theological perspective and use of the Greek. It is a good, solid evangelical commentary helpful to a teacher, preacher, or layman on the problems because it delves into them with a zest.
Spurgeon: Hodge’s method and matter make him doubly useful in commenting. He is singularly clear, and a great promoter of thought.
Storms: Hodge is representative of the old Princetonian school of Reformed theologians. Hodge is more a theologian than an exegete, but will still interact with the text. Although it is over 100 years old, Hodge's work is worth consulting when studying some of the sticky theological issues in Romans.
Transcripts - youtube can be accessed at this link "The Men's Bible Study - Romans" (full playlist) - Here is another link with additionals studies
- Getting the Gospel Right, Part 1 - Romans 1:1-2
- Getting the Gospel Right, Part 2 - Romans 1:3-7
- Profile of a Servant - Romans 1:8-13
- Three Great I Am's - Romans 1:14-16
- The Righteousness of God - Romans 1:17
- From Faith to Faith - Romans 1:17
- Divine Wrath - Romans 1:18
- No Excuse - Romans 1:19-23
- Abandoned by God - Romans 1:24-27
- Death of a Society - Romans 1:28-32
- The Moralist Condemned, Part 1 - Romans 2:6-11
- The Moralist Condemned, Part 2 - Romans 2:6-11
- Those Who Have Never Heard- Romans 2:12-16
- Condemned By the Law- Romans 2:17-24
- True and False Circumcision - Romans 2:25-29
- Answering Objections - Romans 3:1-8
- The Final Verdict- Romans 3:9-20
- The Heart of the Epistle- Romans 3:21-26
- The Implication of Justification - Romans 3:27-31
- Abraham, Paul and David: Romans 4:1-8
- Faith Alone - Romans 4:9-17
- The Nature of Saving Faith - Romans 4:18-22
- The God Who Saves - Romans 4:23-25
- Justification Benefits, Part I - Romans 5:1
- Justification Benefits, Part II - Romans 5:2
- Justification Benefits, Part III - Romans 5:2-5
- God's Love Demonstrated - Romans 5:6-11
- Adam and Christ - Romans 5:12
- Three Great Contrasts - Romans 5:12-17
- The Final Argument - Romans 5:18-21
- A Matter of Life and Death - Romans 6:1-2
- What Happened to You? - Romans 6:2-7
- Your Spiritual Biography - Romans 6:8-11
- Holy Living in a Hellish World - Romans 6:12-14
- Whose Slave Are You? - Romans 6:15-19
- From Slavery to Slavery - Romans 6:20-22
- The Final Outcome - Romans 6:23
- The Believer and The Law - Romans 7:1-6
- The "I" Problem - Romans 7:14
- The Battle Within - Romans 7:15-20
- The Ongoing Struggle - Romans 7:21-25
- Life in the Spirit - Romans 8:1-4
- Only Two Kinds of People – Romans 8:5-8
- The New You - Romans 8:9-13
- The Spirit at Work - Romans 8:14-16
- The Vast Inheritance of Believers - Romans 8:17
- The Groaning and the Glory – Romans 8:18
- The Groaning and the Glory, Part 2 - Romans 8:19-22
- Looking Forward with Hope - Romans 8:23-25
- The Deep Groanings of the Spirit – Romans 8:26-27
- God’s Golden Chain of Salvation, Part 1 – Romans 8:29
- God’s Golden Chain of Salvation, Part 2 – Romans 8:29
- God’s Golden Chain of Salvation, Part 3 – Romans 8:29
- God’s Golden Chain of Salvation, Part 4 – Romans 8:29
- Seven Unanswerable Questions – Romans 8:31-37
- No Separation – Romans 8:38-39
- Burdened for the Lost - Romans 9:1-5
- Has the Word of God Failed? - Romans 9:6-13
- Is God's Choosing Fair? - Romans 9:14-18
- The Potter and the Clay - Romans 9:19-24
- Divine Certainty - Romans 9:25-26
- The Chosen Remnant – Romans 9:27-29
- The Tragedy of Unbelief - Romans 9:30-33
- Prayer for the Lost - Romans 10:1-3
- Christ and the Law – Romans 10:4-8
- Jesus is Lord - Romans 10:9-13
- Gospel Preaching - Romans 10:14-17
- Excuses, Excuses, Excuses! - Romans 10:18-21
- The Chosen Remnant - Romans 11:1-6
- Double Predestination - Romans 11:7-10
- The Mystery of History – Romans 11:11-17
- The Pride Crusher - Romans 11:17-21
- Tree-mendous Theology - Romans 11:22-24
- The Future Salvation of Israel - Romans 11:23-27
- Unexpected Mercy – Romans 11:28-32
- To God Be All Glory - Romans 11:33-36
- The Autonomy of God - Romans 11:35
- The Sovereignty of God – Romans 11:36
- To God Be the Glory - Romans 11:36
- Living on the Altar - Romans 12:1-2
- A Transformed Life - Romans 12:2
- Romans 12:3-8 Grace to Serve Others (Audio only)
- When Christianity Gets Real - Romans 12:9-13
- Painfully Practical Christianity Romans 12:14-18 (Audio only)
- Supernatural Christianity Romans 12:19-21 (Audio only)
- God and Government Romans 13:1-4 (Audio only)
- What You Owe the Government Romans 13:5-7 (Audio only)
- Love Without Limits Romans 13:8-10 (Audio only)
- The Urgency of the Hour Romans 13:11-14 (Audio only)
- Weak Believer, Strong Believer Romans 14:1-4 (Audio only)
- A Dispute Over Days Romans 14:5-9 (Audio only)
- The Judgment Seat of God Romans 14:10-12 (Audio only)
- Liberty, Legalism, and Love Romans 14:13-16 (Audio only)
- Kingdom Living Romans 14:17 (Audio only)
- When Rights Are Wrong Romans 14:18-23 (Audio only)
- An Appeal for Unity: Romans 15:1-4 (Audio only)
- A Prayer for Unity Romans 15:5-6 (Audio only)
- Accept One Another Romans 15:7-13 (Audio only)
- Marks of an Excellent Minister: Romans 15:14-21 (Audio only)
- Holy Ambition: Romans 15:20-21 (Audio only)
- Driven and Determined Romans 15:22-29
- A Request for Prayer Romans 15:30-33 (Audio only) (Audio only)
- A Servant of the Servants Romans 16:1-2 (Audio only)
- The Dynamic Duo Romans 16:3-5 (Audio only)
- Trophies of Grace: Romans 16:5-7 (Audio only)
- No Little People Romans 16:8-12 (Audio only)
- People Matter Romans 16:13-16 (Audio only)
- When Trouble Comes to Church Romans 16:17-20 (Audio only)
- Paul's Ministry Team Romans 16:21-23 (Audio only)
- The Grand and Glorious Finale: Romans 16:25-27 (Audio only)
James Rosscup on the book version of these sermons - An outstanding preacher of Westminster Chapel, London, gave this series of sermons on Friday evenings. He covered Romans 1:1–14:17 during the period October, 1955 to March, 1968. He begins here at Romans 3:20 because he wants to start the published volumes at what he calls the “heart” of Romans. The content is very perceptive of how the great doctrines relate to life as he reasons things out in a readable way, talking directly to people (for these are edited sermons left pretty much as he delivered them). The material has much gold, but the detail will probably leave its impact primarily on preachers doing an extended series and scheduling the great blocks of time to read the section on the verses they plan to cover in a given sermon. The studies are bound to leave their impact on the reader, broadening, deepening, enriching. Lloyd-Jones sometimes devotes entire sermons (chapters) to other passages related to a Romans text, e.g. on Romans 8:17–39 he gives five chapters on problem passages such as 2 Peter 2:1, Matthew 25:1–13 (danger of false profession) and Hebrews 6:4–8; 10:26–29. He argues that Romans 7:14–25 refers to pre-salvation experience. (Commentaries for Biblical Expositors: An Annotated Bibliography of Selected Works)
- 366 Mp3 Messages on the Book of Romans
- Here is a better listing of all the Mp3 sermons on Romans on one page
Romans : An Exposition of Chapters 1 the Gospel of God - ONLINE but no copy/paste - by Lloyd-Jones, David Martyn
- Romans : An Exposition of Chapters 2:1-3:20, the righteous judgment of God by Lloyd-Jones, David Martyn
- Romans: An Exposition of Chapters 5:1-21 - Assurance - ONLINE but no copy/paste - by Lloyd-Jones, David Martyn
- Romans: An Exposition of Chapters 7.1 - 8.4 the law: its functions and limits ONLINE but no copy/paste - by Lloyd-Jones, David Martyn
- Romans: An Exposition of Chapter 8:5 - 17 the Sons of God ONLINE but no copy/paste by Lloyd-Jones, David Martyn
- Romans: An Exposition of Chapter 8:17-39 The Final Perseverance of the Saints ONLINE but no copy/paste - by Lloyd-Jones, David Martyn
- Romans: An Exposition of Chapter 13 Life in Two Kingdoms ONLINE but no copy/paste - by Lloyd-Jones, David Martyn
- Preaching for Preachers by Lloyd-Jones, David Martyn (online)
Sermons below are Transcripts
- Romans 1 - The Plight of Man and the Power of God (book dealing with various passages in Romans 1)
- Romans 1:14KJV "I Am A Debtor"
- Romans 1:18 The Wrath of God
- Romans 10:3 Sermon
Click here to Access the Following Mp3 Messages
- Romans 3:1-2 Stewards of the Mysteries
- Romans 3:3 The Faith of God Without Effect?
- Romans 3:9-20 There is None Righteous
- Romans 3:10-12 Man Under Sin
- Romans 3:18-20 The Fear of the Lord
- Romans 3:20 Justification Explained
- Romans 3:21-31 The Turning Point: But Now
- Romans 3:21-31 More than Forgiveness
- Romans 3:24 By Free Grace Alone
- Romans 3:25 Propitiation
Excellent Resource - These Function Much Like a Verse by Verse Commentary
- Romans Introduction - author, date, setting, themes, interpretative challenges
- Romans 1 And Now for the Good News
- Romans - Questions and Answers on Romans 1-2
- Romans 1:1 The Preacher of the Good News
- Romans 1:1 The Man and the Message
- Romans 1:1-4 The Good News of Resurrection
- Romans 1:2-4 The Promise and Person of the Good News
- Romans 1:4b-7 Provision, Proclamation, Privilege & Purpose of Good News
- Romans 1:8-10a Marks of True Spiritual Service 1
- Romans 1:10-12 Marks of True Spiritual Service 2
- Romans 1:13-18 Marks of True Spiritual Service 3
- Romans 1:16-17 The Gospel of Christ
- Romans 1:18 The Wrath of God
- Romans 1:18-32 The Reality of God's Wrath
- Romans 1:18-32 When God Abandons a Nation
- Romans 1:18-32 What's Wrong with America?
- Romans 1:18-32 Assorted Attacks on the Bible
- Romans 1:19-20 Reasons for the Wrath of God, Pt. 1
- Romans 1:21-22 Reasons for the Wrath of God, Pt. 2
- Romans 1:22 Reasons for the Wrath of God, Pt. 3
- Romans 1:23 Reasons for the Wrath of God, Pt. 4
- Romans 1:24-25 Abandoned by God, Part 1
- Romans 1:26-32 Abandoned by God, Part 2
- Romans 1:26-32 What the Bible Teaches About Homosexuality
- Romans 2:1-16 Principles of God's Judgment - 4 separate Study Guides (click dropdown menu)
- Romans 2:1-3 Principles of God's Judgment 1
- Romans 2:4-5 Principles of God's Judgment 2
- Romans 2:6-10 Principles of God's Judgment 3
- Romans 2:11-16 Principles of God's Judgment 4
- Romans 2:11-16 Principles of God's Judgment 4b
- Romans 2:17-20 False Security, Part 1
- Romans 2:19-29 False Security, Part 2
- Romans 3:1-4 The Advantage of Being Jewish, Part 1
- Romans 3:5-8 The Advantage of Being Jewish, Part 2
- Romans 3:9-12 The Guilt of All Men, Part 1
- Romans 3:12-20 The Guilt of All Men, Part 2
- Romans 3:20-31 False Elements Added to Salvation
- Romans 3:21-25 How to Be Right With God, Part 1
- Romans 3:21-25 How to Be Right With God, Part 2
- Romans 3:25-26 How Christ Died for God, Part 1
- Romans 3:24-25 Looking at the Cross from God's Perspective
- Romans 3:25-31 God's Glory Displayed in Christ's Cross
- Romans 3:27 How Christ Died For God, Part 2
- Romans 3:28 True Marks of Saving Faith
- Romans 3:29-31 How Christ Died for God, Part 3
- Romans 4:1-3 Abraham-Justified by Faith, Part 1
- Romans 4:1-3 Abraham-Justified by Faith, Part 2
- Romans 4:4-8 Abraham-Justified by Faith, Part 3
- Romans 4:9-12 Abraham-Justified by Grace, Part 1
- Romans 4:13-17 Abraham-Justified by Grace, Part 2
- Romans 4:18-25 Salvation by Divine Power-Not Human Effort
- Romans 5:1-2 Security of Salvation 1
- Romans 5:1-2 Links in the Chain of Security: Peace and Grace
- Romans 5:2-4 Links in the Chain of Security: Hope
- Romans 5:5-11 Links in the Chain of Security: Love, Deliverance, and Joy
- Romans 5:1-11 Your Salvation Is Secure!
- Romans 5:1-11 Doctrine of Salvation: Assurance
- Romans 5:1-2a Security of Salvation 1 Study Guide (click dropdown menu)
- Romans 5:1-2a Security of Salvation 1
- Romans 5:2b-5a Security of Salvation 2 - Study Guide (click dropdown menu)
- Romans 5:2-5a Security of Salvation 2
- Romans 5:5b-11 Security of Salvation 3 - Study Guide (click dropdown menu)
- Romans 5:5-11 Security of Salvation 3
- The Doctrine of Salvation: Assurance - Study Guide (click dropdown menu)
- Romans 5:12-14 Adam and the Reign of Death
- Romans 5:12-17 Death Through Adam; Life Through Christ
- Romans 5:15-21 Christ and the Reign of Life
- Romans 6:1-14 Dead to Sin; Alive to God
- Romans 6:1-11 Alive Through Christ's Death
- Romans 6:1-14 The Spiritual Significance of The Resurrection, Pt. 1
- Romans 6:1-14 The Spiritual Significance of The Resurrection, Pt. 2
- Romans 6:1-14 Spiritual Transformation, Part 3
- Romans 6:1-5 Dying to Live 1 - Study Guide (click dropdown menu)
- Romans 6:1-5 Dying to Live 1
- Romans 6:6-10 Dying to Live 2
- Romans 6:6-10 Dying to Live 2- Study Guide (click dropdown menu)
- Romans 6:11-14 Dying to Live 3 - Study Guide (click dropdown menu)
- Romans 6:11-14 Dying to Live 3
- Romans 6:15-23 Freed from Sin and Forged unto Righteousness
- Romans 6:15-18 Free from Sin 1 - Study Guide (click dropdown menu)
- Romans 6:15-18 Free from Sin 1
- Romans 6:19-23 Free from Sin 2 - Study Guide (click dropdown menu)
- Romans 6:19-23 Free from Sin 2
- Romans 7:1-6 Dead to the Law - Study Guide (click dropdown menu)
- Romans 7:1-6 Dead to the Law
- Romans 7:1-6 Free from the Law, Yet Free to Obey
- Romans 7:7-8 Four Functions of the Law, Part 1
- Romans 7:7-8 Four Functions of the Law, Part 2
- Romans 7:14-25 Understanding the Believer's Battle with Sin
- Romans 7:14-25 Understanding the Believer's Battle with Sin, Part 2
- Romans 7:7-13 Sin and the Law
- Romans 7:7-13 Sin and the Law, Part 2
- Romans 7:1ff Dead to the Law, Study Guide (click dropdown menu)
- Romans 7:14-25 The Believer's Relationship to Sin
- Romans 7:14-17 The Believer and Indwelling Sin 1 - Study Guide (click dropdown menu)
- Romans 7:14-17 The Believer and Indwelling Sin 1
- Romans 7:14-17 The Believer and Indwelling Sin 2 - Study Guide (click dropdown menu)
- Romans 7:18-25 The Believer and Indwelling Sin 2
- Romans 8:1-2 Free from Judgment, Part 1
- Romans 8:3 Free from Judgment, Part 2
- Romans 8:3-4 Free from Judgment, Part 3
- Romans 8:1-4 Free from Sin, Able to Fulfill God's Law
- Romans 8:1-11 The Spirit Takes Us from Sin to Righteousness - Study Guide (click dropdown menu)
- Romans 8:1-11 The Spirit Takes Us from Sin to Righteousness
- Romans 8:4-6 The Transforming Work of the Spirit, Part 1
- Romans 8:7-11 The Transforming Work of the Spirit, Part 2
- Romans 8:12-13 The Key to Spiritual Victory
- Romans 8:12-13 The Spirit Empowers Us for Victory
- Romans 8:12-13 The Spirit Empowers Us for Victory - Study Guide (click dropdown menu)
- Romans 8:14-16 Marks of a Child Adopted by God
- Romans 8:12-13 Victory in the Spirit
- Romans 8:14-16 The Spirit Confirms Our Adoption - Study Guide (click dropdown menu)
- Romans 8:14-16 The Spirit Confirms Our Adoption
- Romans 8:17 The Christian's Future Glory
- Romans 8:17-18 Suffering Prepares Us for Glory
- Romans 8:17-18 The Gain of Glory - Study Guide (click dropdown menu)
- Romans 8:17-18 The Gain of Glory
- Romans 8:19-22 Creation Longs for Glory
- Romans 8:19-22 Creation Groans for Glory - Study Guide (click dropdown menu)
- Romans 8:19-22 Creation Groans for Glory
- Romans 8:23-25 The Believer Longs for Glory
- Romans 8:23-25 Believers' Groans for Glory - Study Guide (click dropdown menu)
- Romans 8:23-25 Believers' Groans for Glory
- Romans 8:26-27 The Holy Spirit Prays for Believers
- Romans 8:26-27 The Spirit's Groans for Glory - Study Guide (click dropdown menu)
- Romans 8:26-27 The Spirit's Groans for Glory
- Romans 8:28 The Extent of the Believer's Security
- Romans 8:28 The Recipients, Source, and Certainty of Security
- Romans 8:28 The Extent of Christian Invincibility
- Romans 8:28 The Recipients of Christian Invincibility
- Romans 8:29 The Purpose of Salvation
- Romans 8:29-30 The Components of Christian Invincibility
- Romans 8:31-39 The Challenges of Christian Invincibility
- Romans 8:28-39 The Ultimate Security
- Romans 8:29-30 The Progress of Salvation
- Romans 8:28 The Promise of Security 1 - Study Guide (click dropdown menu)
- Romans 8:28 The Promise of Security 1
- Romans 8:28 The Promise of Security 2 - Study Guide (click dropdown menu)
- Romans 8:28 The Promise of Security 2
- Romans 8:29-30 The Ultimate Security of Our Salvation - Study Guide (click dropdown menu)
- Romans 8:29-30 The Ultimate Security of Our Salvation
- Romans 8:31-32 Salvation Is Irrevocable, Pt. 1
- Romans 8:33-34 Salvation Is Irrevocable, Pt. 2
- Romans 8:35-39 Salvation Is Irrevocable, Pt. 3
- Romans 8:31-34 The Hymn of Security 1 - Study Guide (click dropdown menu)
- Romans 8:31-34 The Hymn of Security 1
- Romans 8:35-39 The Hymn of Security 2 - Study Guide (click dropdown menu)
- Romans 8:35-39 The Hymn of Security 2
- Romans 8:31-39 The Hymn of Security
- Romans 9-11 Is God Finished With Israel, Part 1
- Romans 9-11 Is God Finished With Israel, Part 2
- Romans 9:1-4 The Sorrowful Unbelief of Israel, Part 1
- Romans 9:4-5 The Sorrowful Unbelief of Israel, Part 2
- Romans 9:6-13 Is Israel's Unbelief Inconsistent with God's Plan? 1
- Romans 9:14-18 Is Israel's Unbelief Inconsistent with God's Plan? 2
- Romans 9:19-24 Is Israel's Unbelief Inconsistent with God's Plan? 3
- Romans 9:25-33 Is Israel's Unbelief Inconsistent with God's Plan? 4
- Romans 10:1-3 Israel's Failure, Part 1
- Romans 10:3 Israel's Failure, Part 2
- Romans 10:3 Israel's Failure, Part 3
- Romans 10:4-8 Israel's Failure, Part 4
- Romans 10:9-10 Israel's Failure, Part 5
- Romans 10:11-15 Israel's Failure, Part 6
- Romans 10:16-21 Israel's Future, Part 7
- Romans 10:1-15 Becoming the Means of Answered Prayer
- Romans 11:1-2 Has God Cancelled His Promises to Israel? Part 1
- Romans 11:2-6 Has God Cancelled His Promises to Israel? Part 2
- Romans 11:7-10 Has God Cancelled His Promises to Israel? Part 3
- Romans 11:11-15 Has God Cancelled His Promises to Israel? Part 4
- Romans 11:16-26 Has God Cancelled His Promises to Israel? Part 5
- Romans 11:25-29 Has God Cancelled His Promises to Israel? Part 6
- Romans 11:30-36 Has God Cancelled His Promises to Israel? Part 7
- Romans 12:1-2 The Believer's Supreme Act of Spiritual Worship
- Romans 12:1-2 The Supreme Act of Worship
- Romans 12:1-2 The Critical Elements of True Worship
- Romans 12:3-5 Ministry of Spiritual Gifts, Part 1
- Romans 12:6-7 Ministry of Spiritual Gifts, Part 2
- Romans 12:8 Ministry of Spiritual Gifts, Part 3
- Romans 12:9-21 Brick by Brick - Duties of Practical Christianity 1 - Study Guide (click dropdown menu)
- Romans 12:9 Brick by Brick - Duties of Practical Christianity 1
- Romans 12:9-12 Brick by Brick - Duties of Practical Christianity 2 - Study Guide (click dropdown menu)
- Romans 12:10-12 Brick by Brick - Duties of Practical Christianity 2
- Romans 12:9-21 Brick by Brick - Duties of Practical Christianity 3 - Study Guide (click dropdown menu)
- Romans 12:13 Brick by Brick - Duties of Practical Christianity 3
- Romans 12:9-21 Brick by Brick - Duties of Practical Christianity 4 - Study Guide (click dropdown menu)
- Romans 12:14-21 Brick by Brick - Duties of Practical Christianity 4
- Tackling the Tough Questions About the Christian and Government
- Romans 13:1-5 Obeying Civil Authorities
- Romans 13:1 The Christian's Responsibility to Government 1 -Study Guide (click dropdown menu)
- Romans 13:1 The Christian's Responsibility to Government 1
- Romans 13:1-3a The Christian's Responsibility to Government 2 - Study Guide (click dropdown menu)
- Romans 13:1-3a The Christian's Responsibility to Government 2
- Romans 13:1-2 The Christian's Responsibility to Government 3 - Study Guide (click dropdown menu)
- Romans 13:1-2 The Christian's Responsibility to Government 3
- Romans 13:3-5 The Christian's Responsibility to Government 4 - Study Guide (click dropdown menu)
- Romans 13:3-5 The Christian's Responsibility to Government 4
- Romans 13:6 Paying Your Taxes 1 - Study Guide (click dropdown menu)
- Romans 13:6 Paying Your Taxes 1
- Romans 13:6-7 Paying Your Taxes 2 - Study Guide (click dropdown menu)
- Romans 13:6-7 Paying Your Taxes 2
- Romans 13:8-10 Love: The Key to Obedience
- Romans 13:8 Love Fulfills the Law, Part 1
- Romans 13:8-10 Love Fulfills the Law, Part 2
- Romans 13:11 Putting On The Lord Jesus Christ, Part 1
- Romans 13:11-14 Putting On The Lord Jesus Christ, Part 2
- Romans 13:11-14 Time to Wake Up
- Romans 13:11-12 Put on the Lord Jesus Christ, Part 1
- Romans 13:12-14 Put on the Lord Jesus Christ, Part 2
- Making Decisions on Non-Moral Issues
- Romans 14:1 Receiving One Another with Understanding, Part 1
- Romans 14:1-15:13 Receiving One Another with Understanding, Part 1 - Study Guide (click dropdown menu)
- Romans 14:1-12 Receiving One Another with Understanding, Part 2
- Romans 14:1-15:13 Receiving One Another with Understanding, Part 2 - Study Guide (click dropdown menu)
- Romans 14:13-15 Building Up One Another Without Offending, Part 1
- Romans 14:1-15:13 Building Up One Another Without Offending, Part 1 - Study Guide (click dropdown menu)
- Romans 14:16-23 Building Up One Another Without Offending, Part 2
- Romans 14:1-15:13 Building Up One Another Without Offending, Part 2 - Study Guide (click dropdown menu)
- Romans 15:1-7 Pleasing One Another for the Sake of Christ
- Romans 15:1-7 Pleasing One Another for the Sake of Christ - Study Guide (click dropdown menu)
- Romans 15:8-13 Rejoicing with One Another in the Plan of God
- Romans 15:8-13 Rejoicing with One Another in the Plan of God - Study Guide (click dropdown menu)
- Romans 15:14-16 In Defense of Boldness, Part 1
- Romans 15:17-21 In Defense of Boldness, Part 2
- Romans 15:22-24 The Ministry in the Will of God, Part 1
- Romans 15:25-29 The Ministry in the Will of God, Part 2
- Romans 15:30-33 The Ministry in the Will of God, Part 3
Includes Well Done Illustrations
- Romans – Introduction to Romans C. Marvin Pate
- Why Study the Book of Romans? Jared C. Wilson
- God's Righteousness as God's Fairness in Romans 1:17: An Ancient Perspective on a Significant Phrase Frank Thielman
- Romans – The Gospel as the Revelation of God's Righteousness (Romans 1:1-17) Thomas R. Schreiner
- Romans – Introduction to Romans Thomas R. Schreiner
- Knowing the Bible (Romans) – God's Righteousness in His Wrath Against Sinners (Romans 1:18-3:20) Jared C. Wilson
- Knowing the Bible (Romans) – The Gospel as the Revelation of the Righteousness of God (Romans 1:1-17) Jared C. Wilson
- Knowing the Bible (Romans) – Overview Jared C. Wilson
- Romans 1 Natural Revelation and the Purpose of the Law in Romans Mark A. Seifrid
- Romans 1 Paul's Common Paraenesis (1Th 4-5; Phil. 2-4; and Ro. 12-13): The Correspondence between Ro 1:18-32 and 12:1-2, and the Unity of Romans 12-13 Seyoon Kim
- Romans 1:8-15 A Consideration of Romans 1:8–15 in light of Greco-Roman Rhetoric Marthy L. Reid
- Romans 1:16 - The Power to Save Miles McKee
- Romans 1 – No Shame Jim Witteveen
- Romans 1:1-7 Romans – The Gospel of God in Christ through Paul (Romans 1:1-7) C. Marvin Pate
- Romans 1:16-17 - The Gospel of Christ James D. Slopsema
- Romans 1:17 The Translation of Romans 1:17 – A Basic Motif in Paulinism
- Romans 1 and the Collapse of the Culture Gavin Beers
- Romans 1 Sexually Transmitted Infections: A Sign of God’s Judgment? Chris Richards
- Romans 1 – Without Excuse Jim Witteveen
- Romans 1:17 – From Faith to Faith John Murray
- Romans 1:17 – By Faith Alone! Jack de Jong
- Romans 1:18 – The Wrath of God Geoff Thomas
- Romans 1:18 Toward a Biblical Apologetic Charles M. Horne
- Romans 1:20 The Meaning of "Nature" in Romans 1 and Its Implications for Biblical Proscriptions of Homosexual Behaviour James B. DeYoung
- Romans 1:21 They Did Not Honor Him or Give Thanks — Why Thanksgiving is Inescapably Theological R. Albert Mohler Jr.
- Romans 2:12 - Will Pagans Perish? Ronald C. Christie
- Romans 2:14-15 – What of Those Who Do Not Have the Bible? Geoff Thomas
- Romans 2:12-16 – Paul, the Law, Jews, and Gentiles: A Contextual and Exegetical Reading Jeffrey S. Lamp
- Romans 2:17 Where Is Boasting? Peter Leithart
- Romans 3:1-8 – What Advantage the Jew Mark Horne
- Romans 3:4 Psalm 51 in Romans 3:4 Peter J. Leithart
- Romans 3:9 - Our Sin and God’s Love P. Niemeijer
- Romans 3:21-26. Written in Blood Jonathan Fletcher
- Romans 3:21-26 - Three Illustrations of Salvation Peter Barnes
- Romans 3:24 – Justification Is Free, by God's Grace, through Christ's Redemption Geoff Thomas
- Romans 3:25 – The meaning and Translation of Hilasterion Nico S. L. Fryer
- Romans 3:25 – The Wrath of God Satisfied for His People Al Baker
- Romans 3:25 – How to Motivate Yourself and Others in Evangelism Al Baker
- Romans 3:28 - Justified by Faith Alone James D. Slopsema
- Romans 4 The Triune God – The Greatness of God Bryan Chapell
- Romans 4:9–25 - By Faith Alone (2) Wybren H. Oord
- Romans 5:1-2 – Peace with God and False Peace D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
- Romans 5:1-5 - The Fruit of Justification: Victorious Living in the Light of God’s Smile William Boekestein
- Romans 5:3-4 No Hope without Character Paul Grimmond
- Romans 5:6 – Perfect Timing Jack de Jong
- Romans 5:6-8 -The Death of Christ: Timely, Unique, Atoning John L. van Popta
- Romans 5:6-8 - Immeasurable Love W. M. Wielenga
- Romans 5:7 The Good and the Just in Romans 5:7 Andrew D. Clarke
- Romans 5:7-8 - Incomparable Love and Incomparable Death Ryan Kampen
- Romans 5:8 - Christ Died for Us Clarence Bouwman
- Romans 5:12 – Was Adam a Historical Figure? Geoff Thomas
- Romans 5:12-21 – Universal Sin and Salvation Mark Rapinchuk
- Romans 5:13-14 Gospel until the Law: Romans 5:13-14 and the Old Covenant Meredith G. Kline
- Romans 6 How We Regard Ourselves Michael P. V. Barrett
- Romans 6 Definitive Sanctification William MacLeod
- Romans 6:3 – Baptism Is Like a Funeral John L. van Popta
- Romans 6:6, Ephesians 4:22-24, and Colossians 3:9-10 Is the Old Man Dead? John W. Keddie
- Romans 6:17-18 – Committed to the Form of Teaching Peter J. Leithart
- Romans 7 The Christian Life: Do Christians Feel "Wretched"? Cornelis Pronk
- Romans 7: A Battleground William Young
- Romans 7 Present Imperfect Andrew McGowan
- Romans 7 The Man in Romans 7 Fred A. Malone
- Romans 7:14-25 The "Wretched Man" of Romans 7:14-25 as Reductio ad Absurdum Gary S. Shogren
- Romans 7 Insights from Postmodernism's Emphasis on Interpretive Communities in the Interpretation of Romans 7 Walt Russell
- Romans 7:25 – Faith's Battle Jack de Jong
- Romans 8:1 – “There Is No Condemnation”: But Why Not? Chuck Lowe
- Romans 8:13 Owen on the Mortification of Sin Peter Golding
- Romans 8:14 – Led by the Spirit Klaas Stam
- Romans 8:15 - The Son’s Spirit in your Heart Bas Luiten
- Romans 8:15 – The Spirit of Sonship A. N. Hendriks
- Romans 8:15 Romans 8 – Adoption and the Spirit Trevor J. Burke
- Romans 8:16 – The Inward Testimony of the Holy Spirit Klaas Stam
- Romans 8:19-21 - Creation Looks for God’s Children L. W. De Graaff
- Romans 8:23 and 2 Corinthians 5:5 – The Spirit as Firstfruits and Guarantee A. N. Hendriks
- Romans 8:26 The Function of "Likewise" (Osautos) in Romans 8:26 Geoffrey C. Smith
- Romans 8:26, 27 – The Spirit as Intercessor A. N. Hendriks
- Romans 8:26-27 – The Spirit of Intercession Klaas Stam
- Romans 8:28 The Great Giver - Arthur Pink
- Romans 8:28 Nothing So Ill But Christ Will Compensate" Ian Hamilton
- Romans 8:28 Master Weaver Philip Burns
- Romans 8:31-39 – Hymn of the Justified Peter J. Leithart
- Romans 8:31-39 Romans 8 and the Extent of the Atonement: Help from John Murray Mike Riccardi, John Murray
- Does Romans 9 Teach Individual Election unto Salvation? Some Exegetical and Theological Reflections Thomas R. Schreiner
- Romans 9 Divine Sovereignty and Human Responsibility J. I. Packer
- Romans 9:13 Esau Have I Hated William MacLeod
- Romans 9:23-24 God's Ultimate Purpose John Piper
- Romans 9:33 The Interpretation of the "Stone" Passages by Peter and Paul: A Comparative Study Douglas A. Oss
- Romans 11:26 The Meaning of the Phrase "And Thus All Israel Will Be Saved" Charles M. Horne
- Romans 11:26 And Then All Israel Will Be Saved (1) & And Then All Israel Will Be Saved (2) P. H. R. van Houwelingen
- Romans 12 How Does the Church Show Caring Love Today Richard Brooks
- Romans 12:4-8 Church with Charisma G. Gunnink
- Jesus and Creation: Jesus’ Suffering and Creation T. M. Hofman
- You, Yes You, Are a Minister! Tim Challies
- Some Comments on Paul's Use of Genesis in His Epistle to the Romans John W. Montgomery
- Reading Romans Missiologically William B. Barcley
- Soteriology and Eschatology in Romans Robert E. Longacre, Wilber B. Wallis
- Romans 1:1-3:20 - The Epistle to the Romans: An Expanded Paraphrase
- Romans 3:21-4:25 - The Epistle to the Romans: An Expanded Paraphrase
- Romans 6:1 - 7:25 The Epistle to the Romans: An Expanded Paraphrase
- Romans 9:1- 11:36 - The Epistle to the Romans: An Expanded Paraphrase
- Romans 12:1-16:27 - The Epistle to the Romans: An Expanded Paraphrase
- Romans 1:1-7
- Romans 1:8-17
- Romans 1:18 - 2:16
- Romans 2:17 - 3:20
- Romans 3:21-31
- Romans 4:1-12
- Romans 4:13 - 5:11
- Romans 5:12 - 6:23
- Romans 7:1 - 8:11
- Romans 8:12-39
- Romans 9:1-33
- Romans 10:1-21
- Romans 11:1-36
- Romans 12:1-21
- Romans 13:1 - 15:13
- Romans 15:14 - 16:27
- 109 page pdf Bible Study which focuses on objective analysis of the Biblical text (not so much "What do you think that means?" but "What do you see in the text?") Has questions and short commentary. Good for a small group desiring an introductory study the greatest letter ever written!
- Battle, John A. “Paul’s Use of the Old Testament in Romans 9:25-26
- Dockery, David S. “Romans 7:14-25: Pauline Tension in the Christian Life,”
- Garlington, D. B. "The Obedience of Faith in the Letter to the Romans: Part I: (Excellent Discussion of Faith and Obedience)
- Garlington, D. B. "The Obedience of Faith in the Letter to the Romans: Part II:
- Garlington, D. B. "The Obedience of Faith in the Letter to the Romans: Part III:
- Garlington, D. B. "The Obedience of Faith in the Letter to the Romans: Part III(b):
- Hugenberger, Gordon. Homosexuality
- Longacre, Robert E. and Wilber B. Wallis. “Soteriology and Eschatology in Romans,”
- Merkle, Ben L. “Romans 11 and the Future of Ethnic Israel,”
- Rapinchuk, Mark. “Universal Sin and Salvation in Romans 5:12-21
- Reid, Marty L. “A Consideration of the Function of Ro 1:8-15 in Light of Greco-Roman Rhetoric
- Turner, David L. “Cornelius Van Til and Romans 1:18-21
- Young, Richard A. “The Knowledge of God in Romans 1:18-23: Exegetical and Theological Reflections
- Defender's Study Bible - Excellent, conservative, literal study Bible notes from a leading creationist commentator, Dr Henry Morris. Links to available notes on right side.
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
- Romans 1:1 Paul
- Romans 1:2 he had promised afore
- Romans 1:3 according to the flesh
- Romans 1:4 resurrection from the dead
- Romans 1:8 for you all
- Romans 1:13 let
- Romans 1:14 Barbarians
- Romans 1:16 power of God to the Jew first
- Romans 1:17 it is written
- Romans 1:20 from the creation things that are madeeternal power Godhead without excuse
- Romans 1:21 when they knew God
- Romans 1:22 became fools
- Romans 1:25 creature more than the Creator
- Romans 1:26 vile affections
- Romans 1:28 did not like to retain gave them over
- Romans 2:7 well doing
- Romans 2:9 the Jew first
- Romans 2:11 respect of persons
- Romans 2:12 without law
- Romans 2:17 called a Jew
- Romans 2:25 circumcision verily profiteth
- Romans 3:2 oracles
- Romans 3:3 shall their unbelief
- Romans 3:4 it is written
- Romans 3:8 good may come
- Romans 3:9 all under sin
- Romans 3:10 it is written
- Romans 3:11 none that seeketh
- Romans 3:13 open sepulchre
- Romans 3:14 cursing and bitterness
- Romans 3:15 shed blood
- Romans 3:18 no fear of God
- Romans 3:25 propitiation
- Romans 3:26 just, and the justifier
- Romans 4:1 justified by works
- Romans 4:2 what saith the scripture
- Romans 4:7 Saying
- Romans 4:8 not impute sin
- Romans 4:16 father of us all
- Romans 4:17 father of many nations
- Romans 4:18 that which was spoken
- Romans 4:21 able also to perform
- Romans 4:22 therefore
- Romans 5:1 justified by faith peace with God
- Romans 5:3 glory in tribulations
- Romans 5:9 Much more by his blood
- Romans 5:12 by one man death by sin
- Romans 5:14 Adam to Moses had not sinned figure
- Romans 5:19 made righteous
- Romans 5:20 offence might abound
- Romans 5:21 sin hath reigned
- Romans 6:2 are dead to sin live any longer therein
- Romans 6:4 buried with him by baptism should walk
- Romans 6:6 old man is crucified
- Romans 6:7 is dead freed
- Romans 6:11 died unto sin once
- Romans 6:12 reckon alive unto God
- Romans 6:20 servants of sin
- Romans 6:23 wages of sin gift of God
- Romans 7:4 dead to the law
- Romans 7:5 motions
- Romans 7:6 the letter
- Romans 7:8 concupiscens
- Romans 7:9 I died
- Romans 7:12 law is holy
- Romans 7:15 I do
- Romans 7:18 no good thing
- Romans 7:22 inward man
- Romans 7:23 law of sin
- Romans 7:24 who shall deliver me
- Romans 7:25 the law of God
- Romans 8:1 condemnation after the Spirit
- Romans 8:2 law of the Spirit
- Romans 8:3 likeness of sinful flesh
- Romans 8:9 Spirit of Christ none of his
- Romans 8:11 quicken your mortal bodies
- Romans 8:15 adoption Abba
- Romans 8:16 Spirit itself
- Romans 8:17 joint-heirs
- Romans 8:19 creature
- Romans 8:20 vanity
- Romans 8:21 corruption
- Romans 8:22 whole creation groaneth and travaileth
- Romans 8:25 hope
- Romans 8:26 groanings
- Romans 8:27 he maketh intercession will of God
- Romans 8:28 the called
- Romans 8:29 foreknow image of his Son
- Romans 8:30 glorified
- Romans 8:34 is risen again
- Romans 8:35 Who shall separate us
- Romans 9:6 not all Israel
- Romans 9:7 In Isaac
- Romans 9:8 children of the promise
- Romans 9:11 purpose of God not of works
- Romans 9:12 serve the younger
- Romans 9:13 it is written
- Romans 9:15 saith to Moses
- Romans 9:17 scripture saith unto Pharaoh
- Romans 9:18 hardeneth
- Romans 9:20 Why
- Romans 9:25 saith also in Osee Ho 2:23 Ho 1:10
- Romans 9:26 said unto them
- Romans 9:27 Esaias also crieth
- Romans 9:28 the work
- Romans 9:29 Esaias said before
- Romans 9:33 As it is written
- Romans 10:1 heart’s desire
- Romans 10:2 zeal of God
- Romans 10:5 shall live by them
- Romans 10:6 on this wise
- Romans 10:7 into the deep
- Romans 10:8 what saith it
- Romans 10:9 the Lord Jesus
- Romans 10:10 unto salvation
- Romans 10:11 not be ashamed
- Romans 10:12 Jew and the Greek
- Romans 11:1 an Israelite
- Romans 11:2 foreknew Wot scripture saith
- Romans 11:8 as it is written
- Romans 11:9 David saith
- Romans 11:12 much more their fulness
- Romans 11:15 life from the dead
- Romans 11:21 God spared not
- Romans 11:22 severity of God
- Romans 11:25 blindness in part fulness of the Gentiles
- Romans 11:26 Israel
- Romans 11:33 wisdom and knowledge past finding out
- Romans 11:34 who hath known
- Romans 11:35 recompensed
- Romans 11:36 all things
- Romans 12:1 therefore living sacrifice reasonable service
- Romans 12:2 to this world renewing of your mind prove
- Romans 12:4 many members in one body
- Romans 12:5 one body in Christ
- Romans 12:6 given to us proportion of faith
- Romans 12:7 ministry teacheth
- Romans 12:9 dissimulation
- Romans 12:11 business serving
- Romans 12:16 wise in your own conceits
- Romans 12:19 it is written
- Romans 13:1 subject unto the higher powers
- Romans 13:8 Owe no man any thing
- Romans 13:9 adultery this saying, namely
- Romans 13:10 fulfilling of the law
- Romans 13:11 nearer than when we believed
- Romans 13:12 nearer than when we believed
- Romans 14:1 doubtful disputations
- Romans 14:2 eateth herbs
- Romans 14:3 not judge him that eateth
- Romans 14:10 judge thy brother judgment seat of Christ
- Romans 14:12 give account
- Romans 14:14 nothing unclean of itself
- Romans 14:17 not meat and drink
- Romans 14:21 any thing whereby thy brother stumbleth
- Romans 14:23 damned not of faith
- Romans 15:1 ought
- Romans 15:2 as it is written
- Romans 15:3 written for our learning
- Romans 15:5 God of patience
- Romans 15:9 as it is written
- Romans 15:10 again he saith
- Romans 15:11 And again
- Romans 15:12 again, Esaias saith
- Romans 15:13 God of hope
- Romans 15:21 it is written
- Romans 15:26 Macedonia
- Romans 15:28 by you into Spain
- Romans 15:33 Amen
- Romans 16:1 Phebe servant
- Romans 16:3 Priscilla and Aquila
- Romans 16:7 kinsmen
- Romans 16:16 holy kiss
- Romans 16:17 divisions and offences
- Romans 16:18 their own belly fair speeches
- Romans 16:20 bruise Satan under your feet Amen
- Romans 16:21 Timotheus
- Romans 16:22 Tertius
- Romans 16:24 grace of our Lord Jesus Christ
- Romans 16:25 since the world began
- Romans 16:26 scriptures of the prophets everlasting God
- Romans 16:27 God only wise
- The Postmodern Abandonment of Israel
- Tracing The Critical Steps in the Establishment of the Modern State of Israel in 1948
- Israel: From Gaza to Eternity
- Palestine vs. Israel as the Name of the Holy Land
- The Evangelical Defection from Modern Israel
- Inductive Bible Study on Romans - highly recommended - Download first lesson free.
- Part 1 - 14 lessons Romans 1-5
- Part 2 - 9 lessons Romans 6-8
- Part 3 - 8 lessons Romans 9-11
- Part 4 - 8 lessons Romans 12-16
- Romans 1:1
- Romans 1:2
- Romans 1:3–4
- Romans 1:5–6
- Romans 1:5
- Romans 1:7
- Romans 1:8
- Romans 1:9
- Romans 1:11
- Romans 1:12
- Romans 1:13
- Romans 1:14
- Romans 1:16
- Romans 1:17
- Romans 1:18
- Romans 1:19
- Romans 1:21
- Romans 1:22–23
- Romans 1:24
- Romans 1:26–27
- Romans 1:27
- Romans 1:28
- Romans 1:32
- Romans 2:1–16
- Romans 2:1
- Romans 2:2
- Romans 2:4
- Romans 2:5
- Romans 2:6–10
- Romans 2:11
- Romans 2:12–16
- Romans 2:12
- Romans 2:14
- Romans 2:16
- Romans 2:17–29
- Romans 2:17–20
- Romans 2:21–23
- Romans 2:25
- Romans 2:29
- Romans 3:1
- Romans 3:2
- Romans 3:3–4
- Romans 3:5–8
- Romans 3:5
- Romans 3:6
- Romans 3:8
- Romans 3:10
- Romans 3:18
- Romans 3:19
- Romans 3:20
- Romans 3:21–31
- Romans 3:21
- Romans 3:22
- Romans 3:23
- Romans 3:24
- Romans 3:25
- Romans 3:26
- Romans 3:27
- Romans 3:28
- Romans 3:30
- Romans 3:31
- Romans 4
- Romans 4:2–3
- Romans 4:4–5
- Romans 4:6–8
- Romans 4:9–12
- Romans 4:13–15
- Romans 4:16
- Romans 4:17
- Romans 4:18
- Romans 4:19
- Romans 4:20
- Romans 4:25
- Romans 5:1–11
- Romans 5:1
- Romans 5:2
- Romans 5:4
- Romans 5:6
- Romans 5:8–11
- Romans 5:9
- Romans 5:10
- Romans 5:12–21
- Romans 5:12
- Romans 5:14
- Romans 5:15
- Romans 5:16
- Romans 5:18–19
- Romans 5:20
- Romans 6:1–14
- Romans 6:2
- Romans 6:3–4
- Romans 6:6
- Romans 6:7
- Romans 6:8
- Romans 6:11
- Romans 6:12
- Romans 6:13
- Romans 6:14
- Romans 6:15–23
- Romans 6:17
- Romans 6:18
- Romans 6:19
- Romans 6:23
- Romans 7:1–12
- Romans 7:3
- Romans 7:4
- Romans 7:6
- Romans 7:7
- Romans 7:8
- Romans 7:9
- Romans 7:10
- Romans 7:11
- Romans 7:12
- Romans 7:13
- Romans 7:14–25
- Romans 7:14
- Romans 7:15
- Romans 7:24
- Romans 7:25
- Romans 8
- Romans 8:1
- Romans 8:2
- Romans 8:3
- Romans 8:4–8
- Romans 8:7
- Romans 8:9–11
- Romans 8:10
- Romans 8:11
- Romans 8:12
- Romans 8:13
- Romans 8:14
- Romans 8:15
- Romans 8:16
- Romans 8:17–21
- Romans 8:22–25
- Romans 8:24
- Romans 8:26
- Romans 8:28
- Romans 8:29
- Romans 8:30
- Romans 8:31–39
- Romans 8:31
- Romans 8:32
- Romans 8:33
- Romans 8:34
- Romans 8:35
- Romans 8:36
- Romans 8:37
- Romans 8:38–39
- Romans 9:1–5
- Romans 9:1
- Romans 9:3
- Romans 9:4
- Romans 9:5
- Romans 9:6
- Romans 9:11
- Romans 9:13
- Romans 9:14
- Romans 9:17
- Romans 9:18
- Romans 9:19
- Romans 9:23
- Romans 9:30
- Romans 9:31
- Romans 10:1
- Romans 10:2
- Romans 10:3
- Romans 10:4
- Romans 10:5
- Romans 10:6–8
- Romans 10:9–10
- Romans 10:12
- Romans 10:14–15
- Romans 10:14
- Romans 10:18
- Romans 10:19–21
- Romans 11:1–10
- Romans 11:1
- Romans 11:2
- Romans 11:5
- Romans 11:6
- Romans 11:8–10
- Romans 11:11–24
- Romans 11:11
- Romans 11:12
- Romans 11:13
- Romans 11:15
- Romans 11:16
- Romans 11:17
- Romans 11:18
- Romans 11:20
- Romans 11:22
- Romans 11:23–24
- Romans 11:25–32
- Romans 11:25
- Romans 11:26
- Romans 11:29
- Romans 11:30
- Romans 11:33–36
- Romans 12:1
- Romans 12:2
- Romans 12:3
- Romans 12:4–8
- Romans 12:6
- Romans 12:7–8
- Romans 12:9–21
- Romans 12:9
- Romans 12:10
- Romans 12:11
- Romans 12:13
- Romans 12:14
- Romans 12:15
- Romans 12:16
- Romans 12:17
- Romans 12:18
- Romans 12:19–21
- Romans 12:20
- Romans 13:1
- Romans 13:2–3
- Romans 13:4
- Romans 13:6
- Romans 13:7
- Romans 13:8–10
- Romans 13:8
- Romans 13:9
- Romans 13:11
- Romans 13:12
- Romans 13:13
- Romans 13:14
- Romans 14:1
- Romans 14:2
- Romans 14:3
- Romans 14:5
- Romans 14:6–7
- Romans 14:9–12
- Romans 14:13–15:4
- Romans 14:15
- Romans 14:16–18
- Romans 14:18
- Romans 14:19–21
- Romans 14:22–23
- Romans 15:1–4
- Romans 15:2
- Romans 15:3
- Romans 15:4
- Romans 15:6
- Romans 15:8
- Romans 15:13
- Romans 15:14–22
- Romans 15:14
- Romans 15:16
- Romans 15:17–20wor
- Romans 15:19
- Romans 15:23–24
- Romans 15:24
- Romans 15:25–33
- Romans 15:29
- Romans 15:31
- Romans 15:33
- Romans 16
- Romans 16:1
- Romans 16:3
- Romans 16:5
- Romans 16:6
- Romans 16:7
- Romans 16:8
- Romans 16:9
- Romans 16:10
- Romans 16:11
- Romans 16:12
- Romans 16:16
- Romans 16:17–20
- Romans 16:19
- Romans 16:20
- Romans 16:21
- Romans 16:23
- Romans 16:25–27
- Romans 16:26
- Romans Road to Salvation - Have you entered through the narrow gate and walked down this narrow road entering into eternal life? cf Acts 4:12, Jn 14:6. Read the sobering words of Jesus in Matthew 7:13-14+ and compare them with His warning in Mt 7:21-23+ and Mt 7:24-27+. God grant you grace to build your house on the Rock, Christ Jesus. Amen
This is an Interesting Resource -
- Romans Introduction - 49 pages
- Series of Studies on Romans - audio and power points
- Israel in the Past - Elected - Part 1 - audio and power points
- Israel in the Past - Elected - Part 2 - audio and power points
- Israel in the Past - Elected - Part 3 - audio and power points
- Israel in the Present - Rejected - audio and power points
- Romans Chart – Romans 1-16
- Romans – Romans 1:1
- The Essentials and Excellence of Christian Salvation – Romans 3:21-31
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- Twelve Great Truths about the Doctrine of Justification, part 1 – Romans 3:21-31
- Twelve Great Truths about the Doctrine of Justification, part 2 – Romans 3:21-31
- Dealing the Death Blow to Sin: The Meaning and Purpose of Baptism – Romans 6:1-14
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- The Sensibility of Spiritual Service – Romans 12:1-2
- A Call To Total Commitment – Romans 12:1-2
- Jesus Paid It All! All to Him I Owe (Spring Graduation 2005) – Romans 12:1-2
- The Power of a Consecrated Life Lived Out in the Ministry of Lottie Moon – Romans 12:1
- What Is Our Proper Response To The Gospel? (20/20 Conference) – Romans 12:1-2
- God Has A Gift For You – Romans 12:3-8
- What Does a Real Christian Look Like? A Tribute to Dr. Adrian Rogers, The Man of God – Romans 12:9-21
- A Word From Paul For A Southern Baptist Convention Great Commission Resurgence Advance for the 21st Century – Romans 15:14-23
- Marks of a Great Commission People (Praying for a Great Commission Resurgence for the 21st Century Church) – Romans 15:14-24
- Living Out Our Reformation Convictions: Marks of a Great Commission People — Romans 15:14-24
- Romans 1:1-17 Paul’s Manifesto, Mission, & Message
- Romans 1:18-32 Trampled Truth
- Romans 2:1-16 Holier-Than-Thou-Club
- Romans 2:17-29 Preach What You Practice
- Romans 3:1-20 The Sewer of Sinful Humanity
- Romans 3:21-31 Supreme Paradox
- Romans 4 Chiseled Faith
- Romans 5:1-11 Benefits Package
- Romans 5:12-21 Grace on Crutches
- Romans 6:1-14 Newness of Life
- Romans 6:15-23 Set Free
- Romans 7:1-12 Volcano or Mountain
- Romans 7:13-25 Chipped Saints
- Romans 8:1-11 No Condo
- Romans 8:12-17 The Spirit of Adoption
- Romans 8:18-27 Froms Groans to Glory
- Romans 8:28-30 A Providence-Minded Man
- Romans 8:31-39 A Love That Keeps On Giving
- Romans 9 Sovereignly Selected
- Romans 10 The Romans Road To Salvation
- Romans 11 Horticultural Ethics
- Romans 12:1-3 What You Believe Must Determine How You Behave
- Romans 12:4-13 Love's Many Faces
- Romans 12:14-21 Rules of Engagement
- Romans 13:1-7 Good Citizens
- Romans 13:8-14 Love your Neighbor & Know the Time
- Romans 14:1-13 Shades of Gray: Gray is not Black or White
- Romans 14:14-23 Walking Life’s Gray Tightrope
- Romans 15:1-13 One-Minded, Love-Minded
- Romans 15:14-33 Competent Christianity
- Romans 16 Paul’s Photo Albums
Romans 1 Romans 2 Romans 3 Romans 4 Romans 5 Romans 6 Romans 7 Romans 8 Romans 9 Romans 10 Romans 11 Romans 12 Romans 13 Romans 14 Romans 15 Romans 16
- Romans 1:1-7 A Call to Obedience
- Romans 1:8-17 Finding Your Purpose
- Romans 1:22-31 American Idols
- Romans 2:1-4 God is More Kind Than We Think
- Romans 2:5-11 We're More Stubborn Than We Think
- Romans 2:12-16 Our Secrets Will Be Revealed
- Romans 2:17-29 The Fatal Flaws of Religion
- Romans 3:9-20 We've All Blown It
- Romans 3:21-25b How to Be Right with God
- Romans 3:25-31 Justice for All
- Romans 4:13-17 Receiving Rewards Not Wrath
- Romans 4:18-25 Finding Hope in a Hopeless World
- Romans 5:1-2 Making Peace with God
- Romans 5:3-5 Finding Joy in the Junk of Life
- Romans 5:6-8 God's Timing is Perfect
- Romans 5:9-11 The Results of Reconciliation
- Romans 5:12-19 Christ Delivers from Adam's Death
- Romans 5:20-21 The Greatness of God's Grace
- Romans 6:1-7 The Freedom You've Always Wanted
- Romans 6:8-18 The Goals of Grace
- Romans 7:1-6 Dying in Order to Live
- Romans 7:7-13 The Slippery Slope of Sin
- Romans 8:1 How to Do What God Wants You to Do
- Romans 8:2-11 Living the Spirit-controlled Life
- Romans 8:12-17 Allowing God's Spirit to Lead You
- Romans 8:26-27 When We Don’t Know What to Pray
- Romans 8:28-30 The Promises of Predestination
- Romans 8:31-37 Conquering Christians
- Romans 8:38-39 Lessons from a Lockdown
- Romans 9:1-5 Connecting People to Jesus
- Romans 9:16-18 Making Sense of Predestination
- Romans 9:16-18 Trusting What God Says
- Romans 9:30-33 Why People Stumble Over Christ
- Romans 10:9-10 Highway To Heaven
- Romans 11:11-24 Holding on to Hope
- Romans 11:33-36 Living for the Glory of God
- Romans 12:1 Worship is a Verb
- Romans 12:1-5 Knowing God’s Will
- Romans 12:11 The Deal with Zeal
- Romans 12:14 Getting Along With Others
- Romans 12:15-21 Loving Those You’d Rather Hate
- Romans 13:1-2 God, Government and You
- Romans 13:2-7 It’s Always Right to Do What’s Right
- Romans 13:8-10 Loving the Least
- Extra - Caregiver Guidelines
- Romans 14:1-8 Disagreeing Without Being Disagreeable
- Romans 14:9-12 Overcoming a Judgmental Spirit
- Romans 14:13-18 Dealing with Diversity
- Romans 14:19-23 Building Others Up
- Romans 15:1-4 Holding On to Hope
- Romans 15:8-13 Saved to Sing
- Romans 15:14 Gospel Means Go
- Romans 15:22-29 Expect the Unexpected
- Romans 15:30-33 Praying with Power
- Romans 16:17-27 The Goal of the Gospel
- Romans 1:1 The Credentials of Paul the Apostle - Part 1
- Romans 1:2-7 The Credentials of Paul the Apostle - Part 2
- Romans 1:8-15 What Every Christian Should Be
- Romans 1:16-17 Not Ashamed of the Gospel
- Romans 1:16-17 A Gospel Worth Sharing
- Romans 1:18 The Wrath of God
- Romans 1:18-23 The Reasons for the Wrath of God
- Romans 1:24-32 The Results of Man's Rebellion
- Romans 2:1-16 God's Judgment Of The Hypocrite
- Romans 2:17-29 God's Judgment Of The Religious Man
- Romans 3:1-8 Objections That Must Be Answered
- Romans 3:9-20 The Man In My Mirror
- Romans 3:19-31 The New Man In My Mirror
- Romans 4:1-8 The Faith Of Abraham
- Romans 4:9-12 How Righteousness Is Obtained
- Romans 4:13-17 Where The Law Fails, Faith Prevails
- Romans 4:18-25 Geritol, Diapers and The Word Of God
- Romans 5:1-5 True Believers Can Rejoice
- Romans 6:1-7 Pictures in the Pool
- Romans 6:1-5 How Dead Men Should Live
- Romans 5:1-5 True Believers Can Rejoice
- Romans 5:6-11 He Did It All For Me
- Romans 5:6-11 All This Just For Us
- Romans 5:12-14 How Paradise Was Ruined
- Romans 5:15-21 How Paradise Was Regained
- Romans 6:1-7 Pictures in the Pool
- Romans 6:1-5 How Dead Men Should Live
- Romans 6:6-14 Free At Last
- Romans 6:15-23 Slaves? Yes! But, To Which Master?
- Romans 7:1-6 Married? Yes! But To Which Husband?
- Romans 7:7-13 Paul's Spiritual Autobiography - Part 1
- Romans 7:14-25 Paul's Spiritual Autobiography - Part 2
- Romans 8:1-4 The Deliverance Of The Spirit Life
- Romans 8:5-13 The Differences Of The Spirit Life
- Romans 8:14-17 The Delights Of The Spirit Life
- Romans 8:17 Groaning Here, Glory There
- Romans 8:18-27 The Diligence Of The Spirit Life
- Romans 8:28-30 he Determination Of The Spirit Life
- Romans 8:28 The Chemistry Of The Cross
- Romans 8:31-39 The Distinction Of The Spirit Life
- Romans 8:33-39 Absolute Security
- Romans 8:37 More Than Conquerors
- Romans 9:1-5 Burdened For A Lost People
- Romans 9:6-33 Bound By The Lord's Purposes
- Romans 10:1-21 God's Plan Of Salvation
- Romans 11:1-36 God's Plan For The Jew And For You
- Romans 12:1-2 The Secret Of Holy Living
- Romans 12:3-8 Thinking About The Body
- Romans 12:9-21 Thinking About The Brethren
- Romans 13:1-10 The Believer's Secular Duty
- Romans 13:11-14 The Believer's Christian Duty
- Romans 13:11-14 Discharging Your Christian Duty
- Romans 14:1-12 I Would Never Do That
- Romans 14:13-23 Free To Help, Not To Hinder
- Romans 15:1-7 The Tolerant Christian
- Romans 15:8-13 The Abundant Christian Life
- Romans 15:14-17 How To Recognize A Soul Winner
- Romans 15:18-21 How To Recognize A Missionary
- Romans 15:30-33 Autobiography of a Traveling Man
- Romans 15:30-33 Will You Pray for Me?
- Romans 16:1-2 Introducing A Godly Christian Woman
- Romans 16:3-5 A Household Of Faith
- Romans 16:5-16; 21-23 A Salute To All The Saints
- Romans 16:17-20 How To Handle Troublemakers In The Church
- Romans 16:24-27 The Vocabulary Of Praise
- Romans 6:1-8:39 SALVATION IN US
- Romans Sermons - many illustrations
- Romans 3:1-2;
- Romans 3:1-26;
- Romans 3:27-4:3
- Romans 3:1-25;
- Romans 3:26-4:12
- Do You See Your Calling? Romans 1:1
- My Life's Spiritual Honor and Duty The Point Of Spiritual Honour Romans 1:14
- The Bounty Of The Destitute The Riches of the Destitute Romans 3:24
- Justification by Faith Romans 5:10
- The Nature of Degeneration The Bias Of Degeneration Romans 5:12
- Do You Walk In White? Romans 6:4
- Complete and Effective Divinity Moral Divinity Romans 6:5
- Moral Decision About Sin Romans 6:6
- Complete and Effective Decision About Sin Romans 6:6
- Complete and Effective Dominion Romans 6:9-11
- Moral Dominion Romans 6:9-11
- Building on the Atonement Romans 6:13
- Pull Yourself Together Romans 6:13-22
- Yielding Romans 6:16
- The Witness Of The Spirit Romans 8:16
- The Unrivalled Power Of Prayer Romans 8:26
- Test of Faithfulness Romans 8:28
- The Test Of Loyalty Romans 8:28
- The Undetected Sacredness of Circumstances Romans 8:28
- Heartiness v. Heartlessness Towards Others Romans 8:34,27
- Out Of The Wreck I Rise Romans 8:35
- The Source of Abundant Joy Romans 8:37
- Undaunted Radiance Romans 8:37
- Is My Sacrifice Living? Romans 12:1
- Am I My Brother's Keeper? Romans 14:7
- Romans 1:1 A Word that Would Remake the World
- Romans 1:1-29 How God Saves Sinners
- Romans 1:17-21 The Abomination that is Humanity
- Romans 2:1-20 The Mercy of God
- Romans 2:2-11 The Judgment of God
- Romans 2:28-29 The Problem of Israel's Unbelief
- Romans 3:9-23 The Universal Guilt of Mankind
- Romans 3:19-26 Law and Grace
- Romans 3:22 No Difference
- Romans 3:23 Theology of Atonement
- Romans 3:23-27 The Universality Of The Gospel
- Romans 3:25 God's Amazing Propitiation
- Romans 3:26 The God of Justice and Love
- Romans 3:26 Redemption
- Romans 4:1-5 His Faith Is Counted for Righteousness
- Romans 4:13-25 Abraham and the Promises of God
- Romans 4:1-12 The Faith That Saves
- Romans 4:1-5 His Faith Is Counted for Righteousness
- Romans 4:13-25 Abraham and the Promises of God
- Romans 4:1-12 The Faith That Saves
- Romans 4:1-5 Saving Faith
- Romans 4:1-5 Saving Faith
- Romans 5:1 Let Us Have Peace With God
- Romans 5:1-10 God Measures the Worth of a Man
- Romans 5:1-10 How the Death of Christ Saves Us
- Romans 5:1-10 Christian Assurance
- Romans 5:2 This Grace Wherein We Stand
- Romans 5:3-4 Out of Tribulation-Hope
- Romans 5:10 Saved By His Life
- Romans 5:10 Saved by His Life
- Romans 5:11 The Atonement
- Romans 5:15-21 Abounding Grace
- Romans 5:15-21 Why God Permitted Adam's Transgression
- Romans 5:20 Grace Abounding
- Romans 5:20 The Abounding Grace of God
- Romans 5:20 The Abounding Grace of God
- Romans 6:1-5 The Meaning of Baptism
- Romans 6:13-23 The Wages of Sin and the Gift of God
- Romans 6:23 The Gift of God
- Romans 7:13 The Exceeding Sinfulness of Sin
- Romans 7 The Children of Old Man Adam
- Romans 7:7-25 Living in the Seventh of Romans
- Romans 8:1 No Condemnation
- Romans 8:2-9 The Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus
- Romans 8:5-8 The Enmity Against God
- Romans 8:17-25 Redemptive Suffering Re-creation
- Romans 8:14 The Witness of the Spirit
- Romans 8:29-39 More Than Conquerors
- Romans 8:28 God's Providential Care
- Romans 8:1-2 The Seven Judgments
- Romans 8:28 Pastor's Class at CBI
- Romans 9-10: My Kinsmen According to the Flesh
- Romans 9:10-28 Election-The Hardest Passage In The Bible
- Romans 9:1-3 The Passion for Souls
- Romans 9:1-5 Israel in the Remembrance of God
- Romans 9:1-3 That They Might Be Saved
- Romans 9:1-3 The Burning Heart
- Romans 9:15-16 The Effectual Calling of God
- Romans 9:1-3 A Burden for Our Own Families
- Romans 10:13 Faithful to the Preaching Word
- Romans 10:9-10 The Great Confession
- Romans 10:12-15 How Shall They Hear Without a Preacher?
- Romans 10:1-13 That They Might Be Saved
- Romans 10:9-10 Great Words of Salvation: Confession
- Romans 10:1-10 That They Might Be Saved
- Romans 10:1-13 Calling on the Name of the Lord
- Romans 10:9-13 Necessity of Public Confession
- Romans 10:1-13 That They Might Be Saved
- Romans 10:1 That They Might Be Saved
- Romans 10:13 Hope and Salvation
- Romans 10:13 Hope and Salvation
- Romans 10:1 The Heart to Care
- Romans 10:1 The Heart to Care
- Romans 10:1-13 That They Might Be Saved
- Romans 10:1 The Burning Heart
- Romans 10:9-10 The Public Confession of Christ
- Romans 10:8-10 The Public Confession of Christ
- Romans 10:9-10 Why Must I Publicly Accept Christ?
- Romans 10:9-13 A Regeneration In Confession
- Romans 10:13 The Way of Salvation
- Romans 10:13 Three Minutes Before Death
- Romans 10:13 Faithful to the Preaching Word
- Romans 11:1 The Problem of Israel's Unbelief
- Romans 11:24-29 The Future Restoration of Israel
- Romans 11:1 The Jew and Palestine
- Romans 11:25 The Jews
- Romans 11:33-36 The Mysteries of God
- Romans 11:33-36 The Mysteries of God
- Romans 11:1-2 Israel in the Remembrance of God
- Romans 11:1 Israel in the Plan of God
- Romans 11:1 Hath God Cast Away His People?
- Romans 11:1 Hath God Cast Away His People
- Romans 11:1 Has God Cast Away His People?
- Romans 11:1 Has God Cast Away His People?
- Romans 11:1 The Problem of Israel's Unbelief
- Romans 11:25 Israel in the Remembrance of God
- Romans 12:1-2 A Living Sacrifice
- Romans 12:14-17 Good for Evil
- Romans 12:1-3 Drug Addiction Is Spelled D-E-A-T-H
- Romans 13:11 Knowing the Time
- Romans 13:1-7 God-Ordained Authority
- Romans 13:11 Hope of Heaven
- Romans 13:1-7 Truett and God's Call to America
- Romans 13:1-7 Dr. Truett and the State
- Romans 13:1-7 My Visit with the President
- Romans 13:1-7 Dr. Truett and God's Call to America
- Romans 13:1-7 Dr. Truett and God's Call to America
- Romans 14:5-6 The Christian Day of Worship
- Romans 14:5-6 The Christian Day of Worship
- Romans 14:8 Life at Its Best
- Romans 14:3-6 The Christian's Day of Worship
- Romans 14:1-23 The Law of Life
- Romans 15:30 Power Through Prevailing Prayer
- Romans 15:30 Power Through Prevailing Prayer
- Romans 15:4-13 The Christian Hope
- Romans 15:30-32 Agonizing in Prayer
- Romans 16:23 I, Tertius, Salute You
- Romans 16:1-2 Lottie Moon
- Romans 16:1-2 Lottie Moon
- Romans 16:1-4 Lottie Moon
- Romans 16:1-5 Miss Lottie Moon
- Romans 16:23 Quartus, A Brother
- Introduction to Romans
- Romans 1:1-17 A Look at the Book
- Romans 1:18-32 No Excuse for the Heathen
- Romans 2 No Excuse for the Jews
- Romans 3 Some Bad News, and Good News
- Romans 4 An Old Testament Illustration of Justification by Faith
- Romans 5 The Object of Our Faith
- Romans 6 The Necessity of Sanctification
- Romans 7 Sanctification—Humanly Impossible!
- Romans 8 From Agony to Ecstasy
- Romans 9 The Sovereignty of God in Salvation
- Romans 9:30-10:21 Human Responsibility and Salvation
- Romans 11 There Is a Future for Israel
- Romans 12 The New Mind
- Romans 13 Christian Obligations
- Romans 14 The Strong and the Weak
- Romans 15 Reading Paul’s Mail
- Romans 16 Paul, the "People Person"
- Preface to Romans
- Romans 1-16 Exploring the Riches of the Book of Romans
- Romans 1:1-3:26 Righteousness: It’s Not What You Know or Who You Are
- Romans 1:1-17 Paul’s Motivation for Ministry
- Romans 1:15-32 The Present Wrath of God
- Romans 2:1-29 Coming Wrath of God: Self-Righteousness Is Unrighteousness
- Romans 3:1-8 Condemning Questions
- Romans 3:9-20 Shutting the Mouths of the Self-Righteous
- Romans 3:21-26 Justification: A Divine Perspective
- Romans 3:27–4:25 Abraham: The Faith of Our Father
- Romans 3:27-5:1-21 The Basis and the Benefits of Justification
- Romans 5:1-11 The Benefits of Justification
- Romans 5:12-21 From the Curse to the Cure
- Romans 6:1–8:39 Responsibilities of Justification: The Agony and the Ecstasy
- Romans 6:1-14 An End to the Reign of Death
- Romans 6:12-23 The Stupidity of Sin
- Romans 7:1-6 The Relationship Between Rules and Righteousness
- Romans 7:7-13 The Loveliness of the Law and the Ugliness of Sin
- Romans 7:14-25 The War Within
- Romans 8:1-17 Siding With the Spirit
- Romans 8:18-27 From Groaning to Glory
- Romans 8:28 A Solace in Suffering: The Sovereignty of God
- Romans 8:29 God’s Eternal Decree
- Romans 8:30 The Glory of God
- Romans 8:31-39 Comforting Questions
- Romans 9-11 Righteousness of God in History: How God Can Use Sin...
- Romans 9:1-13 Man Opposes; God Disposes
- Romans 9:14-23 Divine Election is Questioned
- Romans 9:24-33 Israel’s Failure Is the Scripture’s Fulfillment
- Romans 10:1-13 The Only Road to Righteousness
- Romans 10:14-21 Without Excuse
- Romans 11:1-12 Man’s Failures Do Not Frustrate the Purposes of God
- Romans 11:13-24 The Kindness and Severity of God
- Romans 11:25-36 The Wisdom of God and the Wisdom of Man
- Romans 12:1-2 The Road to Renewal
- Romans 12:3-8 Thinking Straight About Spiritual Gifts
- Romans 12-16 The Outworking of God’s Righteousness
- Romans 12:9-13 What Is This Thing Called Love?
- Romans 12:14-21 Loving Your Enemies: Overcoming Evil With Good
- Romans 13:1-7 The Christian and Civil Government
- Romans 13:8-14 Love, Law, and the Last Days
- Romans 14:1-23 Love and Liberty: Liberties Love Won’t Take
- Romans 15:1-13 Pleasing Others and Praising God
- Romans 15:14-33 Paul’s Excuse
- Romans 16:1-16 Paul’s Greetings
- Romans 16:17-27 Watching Out for Wolves
- Romans 1:1-7 I Believe in Jesus Christ, His Only Son, Our Lord
- Romans 1:1-7 Greetings from an Apostle
- Romans 1:8-10 Paul's Prayer Report
- Romans 1:11-15 Paul's Purpose to Preach
- Romans 1:16-17 Paul's Good News (The Theme of Romans)
- Romans 1:18-20 We Have No Excuse
- Romans 1:21-23 We Know God, But Don't Glorify Him
- Romans 1:24-25 God Gave Them Over (1)
- Romans 1:26-27 God Gave Them Over (2)
- Romans 1:28-32 God Gave Them Over (3)
- Romans 2:1-3 We Have No Excuse
- Romans 2:4 Contempt for God's Kindness
- Romans 2:5-11 God Will Judge Justly
- Romans 2:12-16 God's Righteous Judgment on All
- Romans 2:17-20 The Jew's Confidence Empty
- Romans 2:21-24 The Jew's Failure
- Romans 2:25-29 The Difference Between Inward and Outward Righteousness
- Romans 3:1-4 Objection Overruled (1)
- Romans 3:5-8 Objection Overruled (2)
- Romans 3:9-18 All Are Under Sin
- Romans 3:19-20 The Law Can't Save You
- Romans 3:21-26 God, in the Gospel of His Son
- Romans 3:21-26 The Righteousness Which Comes by Faith (1)
- Romans 3:21-26 Justification by Grace Through Faith
- Romans 3:21-26 Justification by Grace Through Faith (2)
- Romans 3:23 What It Means to Be a Member of FPC - The Five Questions of Membership (1)
- Romans 3:27-31 The Implication of Justification
- Romans 3:27-31 Faith Alone
- Romans 3:27-31 The Instrument by Which We Receive the Righteousness of God: Faith
- Romans 4:1-3 The Bible Says Abraham Was Justified by Faith!
- Romans 4:4-8 David Understood Justification by Faith
- Romans 4:9-12 Faith and the Covenant Sign of Circumcision
- Romans 4:13-15 Faith and the Law
- Romans 4:16-17 Faith, Grace and the Spiritual Seed
- Romans 4:18-25 Abraham's Faith and Ours
- Romans 4:18-22 I Believe
- Romans 5:1-2 Justification By Faith Means Peace with God
- Romans 5:1-11 Something to Boast About? -Sinclair Ferguson
- Romans 5:3 Rejoicing in Tribulation - Derek Thomas - An Impossible Demand?
- Romans 5:3-5 Justification By Faith Means the Ability to Rejoice in Suffering
- Romans 5:6-8 Justification By Faith Flows from the Love of God
- Romans 5:8 175 and Counting: The Disputed Gospel
- Romans 5:9-11 Justification By Faith Means Freedom From God's Wrath
- Romans 5:12-14 The Broken Covenant of Works Brought Death into the World
- Romans 5:15-17 The Covenant of Grace Stands in Bold Contrast to the Broken Covenant of Works
- Romans 5:18-19 The Parallels Between the Broken Covenant of Works and the Covenant of Grace
- Romans 5:20-21 The Law, the Covenant of Works, and Grace
- Romans 5:21 Grace Reigns in Righteousness
- Romans 6:1-7 United to Christ
- Romans 6:1-7 United to Christ
- Romans 6:8-14 Living in Christ
- Romans 6:15-18 Under Grace
- Romans 6:19-23 Slaves of Righteousness
- Romans 7:1-6 The Newness of the Spirit
- Romans 7:7-12 What Should We Think of the Law?
- Romans 7:13-25 The Believer's Struggle with Sin (2)
- Romans 7:13-25 The Believer's Struggle with Sin (1)
- Romans 8:1-4 Delivered by the Spirit by Death of Christ
- Romans 8:1-4 The Best Chapter in the Bible (1): No Condemnation
- Romans 8:5-8 The Best Chapter in the Bible (2): Never Mind
- Romans 8:5-11 Flesh and Spirit
- Romans 8:9-11 The Best Chapter in the Bible (3): Always Mind - Derek Thomas
- Romans 8:12-17 Children of God
- Romans 8:12-13 The Best Chapter in the Bible (4): Killing Fields - Derek Thomas
- Romans 8:13 Putting Sin to Death - Derek Thomas
- Romans 8:14-17 The Best Chapter in the Bible (5): Lovers of Abba - Derek Thomas
- Romans 8:18-25 Present Suffering/ Future Glory
- Romans 8:18-25 The Best Chapter in the Bible (6): Hope of Glory - Derek Thomas
- Romans 8:18-25 Sons Displayed in Glory - Derek Thomas
- Romans 8:26-27 The Best Chapter in the Bible (7): Spirit Power - Derek Thomas
- Romans 8:26-27 The Spirit Intercedes for Us
- Romans 8:26-39 God's Care for His Children - Derek Thomas
- Romans 8:28-30 The Purpose of God
- Romans 8:28-30 The Best Chapter in the Bible (8): Golden Chain - Derek Thomas
- Romans 8:31-32 God is for Us, So Who is Against Us?
- Romans 8:31-37 The Best Chapter in the Bible (10): If God Is For Us (2)- Derek Thomas
- Romans 8:31-37 The Best Chpater in the Bible (9): If God Is For Us (1)- Derek Thomas
- Romans 8:33-34 God Has Justified Us, So Who Can Condemn Us?
- Romans 8:35-39 More than Conquerors
- Romans 8:38-39 The Best Chapter in the Bible (11): No Separation - Derek Thomas
- Romans 9:1-5 The Righteousness of God For Salvation
- Romans 9:6-13 Can God's Promises Fail?
- Romans 9:14-18 Isn't It Unfair for God to Choose Some and Not Others?
- Romans 9:19-23 How Can God Condemn If We Can't Resist His Will?
- Romans 9:24-29 God's Purpose to Display His Mercy Against the Backdrop of Evil
- Romans 9:30-33 Why Would Someone Reject Salvation?
- Romans 10:1-13 The Two Ways of Righteousness
- Romans 10:14-21 Faith Comes by Hearing
- Romans 11:1-5 A Remnant Believes, Just as Promised
- Romans 11:6-10 The Hardening of Israel
- Romans 11:11-16 A Hardening for Mercy's Sake
- Romans 11:17-22 A Warning Against Arrogance
- Romans 11:23-27 All Israel Will Be Saved
- Romans 11:28-32 A Glimpse Into the Decree
- Romans 11:33-36 Let Us Love and Sing and Wonder
- Romans 11:33-12:2 The Inscrutable Glory of Grace - David Strain
- Romans 11:33-36 Soli Deo Glorio: The Heartbeat of the Reformation - Derek Thomas
- Romans 11:36 The Aseity of God
- Romans 12:1-2 A Call to Give Yourself to God
- Romans 12:3-8 A Call to Humility and Service
- Romans 12:9-10 A Call to Love and Other-centeredness
- Romans 12:11-16 A Call to Diligence
- Romans 12:17-21 A Call to Seek Peace
- Romans 13:1-7 A Christian Response to the 2012 Elections
- Romans 13:1-7 A Christian Response to the 2012 Elections
- Romans 13:8-10 A Call to Fulfill the Law Through Love
- Romans 13:11-14 A Call to Live in Light of the Coming End
- Romans 14:1-12 A Warning Against Judging Brothers (2)
- Romans 14:1-12 A Warning Against Judging Brothers (1)
- Romans 14:13-23 On Christian Freedom
- Romans 14:13-23 On Christian Freedom
- Romans 15:1-12 Phoebe: The Ministry of Women in the Early Church
- Romans 15:1-6 Putting Others First, As Jesus Did
- Romans 15:7-13 Accept One Another
- Romans 15:14-21 The Goal of Paul's Mission
- Romans 15:22-29 Our Concern, Desire, Purpose, and Fruit
- Romans 15:22-29 Our Concern, Desire, Purpose, and Fruit
- Romans 15:30-33 A Call to Prayer
- Romans 16:1-2 Phoebe and the Ministry of Women in the Early Church
- Romans 16:3-16 Ministry in the Family of God
- Romans 16:17-20 A Warning Against Schismatics and an Expression of Hope
- Romans 16:21-27 Greeting to the Church and Glory to God
- Romans 1:13-17 One Man's Testimony
- Romans 1:18-25 God Hates Sin! Do We?
- Romans 2:17-29 Doing and Teaching Go Together
- Romans 3:9-18 Life's Most Important Fear
- Romans 5:1-5 Understanding Your Standing
- Romans 5:3; 2 Corinthians 4:7-18 Triumph in Tribulation
- Romans 6:1-10 One With Christ!
- Romans 6:11-14 Dead Reckoning
- Romans 7:1-6 Dead to the Law
- Romans 7:23 The War Within
- Romans 8:6-17 Your Debt to God's Spirit
- Romans 12:1-5 Not Imitation but Incarnation
- Romans 12:6-16 No Room for Envy in the Church
- Romans 12:14-21 Dealing With Disagreements
- Romans 12:38 Members of the Body
- Romans 13:1-10 Submitted but Faithful
- Romans 13:14 Put on the Lord Jesus Christ
- Romans 14:10-13 Be Cautious When You Criticize
- Romans 1-5, 8-17 What Do You Think Of The Gospel?
- Romans 1:18-32 Who Needs The Gospel? They Do!
- Romans 1:1-17 Good News To Tell
- Romans 2:1-11,17-21,23-24 Who Needs The Gospel? They Do Too!
- Romans 2:1-11; 3:21-26 Good News To Hear
- Romans 3:9-20 Our Great Problem
- Romans 3:21-23: The Gift You cannot Give Yourself
- Romans 3:1-12, 18-20 Do You Need The Gospel?
- Romans 3:21-28,4:1-2, 18-25 Are You Saved?
- Romans 3:28-4:5; 4:16-25 Good News To Believe
- Romans 5:1-11, 15, 20-21 It's All About Grace
- Romans 5:1-11 Do You Have Peace With God?
- Romans 5:12-21 What About God's Grace?
- Romans 6:1-14 United With Christ
- Romans 6:15-23 Given Eternal Life
- Romans 7:4-6, 14-25 Freed Through Christ
- Romans 7:7-2 It's All About Victory
- Romans 7:9-17, 26-32 It's All About Certainty
- Romans 8:1-14 Led By The Spirit
- Romans 8:15-27 Adopted As God's Children
- Romans 8:28-39 Loved By God
- Romans 9:1-6,14-18,19-2 The Need for Mercy
- Romans 9:1-4, 8-18 b, 2 The Call To Faith
- Romans 9:1-29: Need for Mercy
- Romans 9:30-10:21: Call to Faith
- Romans 10:1-4, 8b,-18a; 11:28-32 It's All About God's Plan
- Romans 11:1-2, 5-6, 11-15, 25-26 a, 28-32 Concern Of God
- Romans 12:1-8 Live In Worship
- Romans 12:1-21 Does Your Life Please God
- Romans 12:9-21 Live In Love
- Romans 13:1-10, 12b-14 Live As A Godly Neighbor
- Romans 13:1-14 Can You Be Counted On?
- Romans 14:1-12 Do You Show Respect To Others?
- Romans 14:1-12 Consider Others
- Romans 14:13-23 Guard Your Actions
- Romans 14:13-23 Do You Strive For Peace With Others?
- Romans 15:1-13 Glorify God
- Romans 15:1-13 Does Your Life Speak Well Of God?
- Romans 15:14-20,22-25, 28-32 Send The Light
- Romans 16:1-7, 17-20, 25-27 Relate Appropriately
- Romans 1:1-6 What Is it To Preach The Gospel
- Romans 1:1-7, 16-17 The Gospel Defined
- Romans 1:6 The Called
- Romans 1:6-17 Gods Church and Gods Preacher
- Romans 1:14-17 Why I Preach the Gospel
- Romans 1:16 Recovering the Gospel
- Romans 1:15-20 I am not Ashamed of the Gospel
- Romans 1:15 Ready
- Romans 1:17 The Just Shall Live by Faith
- Romans 1:18-32 God Gave Them Up
- Romans 1:18 The Wrath of God
- Romans 3:24 Four Facts About Justification
- Romans 3:25 Three Aspects of Christ's Satisfaction
- Romans 4:3 Standing on Justified Ground
- Romans 5:1-2 Blessed Assurance
- Romans 5:1-11 Being Justified
- Romans 5:14 Adam - A Type of Christ
- Romans 5:20-21 The Grace of God
- Romans 6:11-18 Living Under Grace
- Romans 6:23 Divine Sovereignty And Human Responsibility
- Romans 7:09 The Purpose of God's Holy Law
- Romans 7:24-08v01 Wretched, But Not Condemned
- Romans 8:1-39 The Glorious Eighth Chapter Of Romans
- Romans 8:1-39 The Glorious Eighth Chapter Of Romans
- Romans 8:17 Heirs of God
- Romans 8:18-33 The Magnitude of Our Heavenly Inheritance
- Romans 8:21 Liberty - Glorious Liberty
- Romans 8:24 Hope 1037.htm
- Romans 8:28 09:11 The Sevenfold Purpose of God
- Romans 8:28 The Called
- Romans 8:28 The Mystery of Providence
- Romans 8:28 The Mystery of Providence
- Romans 8:28-30 God's Great Purpose of Grace
- Romans 8:31-39 What Shall We Say to These Things
- Romans 9:19-33 Objections To God's Sovereignty Answered
- Romans 10:04 Christ The End Of The Law
- Romans 10:11 Not Ashamed
- Romans 12:1-2 Something Reasonable
- Romans 15:4 Seven Words From The Cross
- Romans 15:4 (Luke 23:34) Our Savior's Last Words
- Romans 15:4 The Fourfold Purpose Of Holy Scripture
- Romans 16:16-32 What's Going On
- Romans 1:1-7 What a Christian Believes
- Romans 1:8-15 Characteristics of Faithfulness
- Romans 1:16,17 Not Ashamed
- Romans 1:18-24 To Those Who "Never Knew"
- Romans 1:24-32 When God Gives Up
- Romans 2:1-16 A Word to the Good People
- Romans 2:17-3:8 Mr. Churchman
- Romans 3:9-20 No Exceptions
- Romans 3:21-26 But Now
- Romans 3:27-31 The Implications of the Good News
- Romans 4:1-25 Grace Consistently
- Romans 5:1-5 The Benefits of Justification
- Romans 5:6-11 The Wonder of God's Love
- Romans 5:12-21 Adam and Jesus
- Romans 6:1-14 Dead to Sin
- Romans 6:5-7 A Freedom Worth Celebrating
- Romans 6:15-23 Servants of God
- Romans 7:1-13 A Death Worth Celebrating
- Romans 7:14-25 An Encouraging Word
- Romans 8:1-4 No Condemnation
- Romans 8:5-11 Two Kinds of People
- Romans 8:12-17 Sons of God
- Romans 8:18-27 Groaning for the Future
- Romans 8:26,27 Help for Your Prayer Life
- Romans 8:28 A Promise You Need to Know
- Romans 8:29,30 The Golden Chain of God's Grace 1
- Romans 8:29, 30 The Golden Chain of God's Grace 2
- Romans 8:31-34 A Bold Declaration of Hope
- Romans 8:35-39 An Ongoing Reason for Gratitude
- Romans 9:1-9 True and False Believers
- Romans 9:7-21 God's Choice and Salvation
- Romans 9:22-33 God's Patience and Mercy
- Romans 10:1-5 Running Fast in the Wrong Direction
- Romans 10:6-13 The Way of Salvation
- Romans 10:14-21 Truth About the Lost
- Romans 11:1-12 What's the Deal with Israel?
- Romans 11:11-24 The Root and Its Branches
- Romans 11:25-31 The Fullness of Time
- Romans 11:32-34 From Him, Through Him, To Him
- Romans 12:1 Responding to God's Mercy
- Romans 12:2 Thinking Like a Believer
- Romans 12:1,2 Developing a Focus for the Future
- Romans 12:1,2 Responding to Christmas
- Romans 12:3 Christian Self-Esteem
- Romans 12:4-8 Doing What You Can Do
- Romans 12:9 Love Without Wax
- Romans 12:10,11 The Look of Love
- Romans 12:12,13 The Look of Love-II
- Romans 12:14-16 Characteristics of a Christ-Follower
- Romans 12:17-18 Doing What's Right in the Eyes of Everyone?
- Romans 12:19-21 Turning Enemies into Friends
- Romans 13:1-7 Christian Citizenship
- Romans 13:8-10 The Debt You Can't Pay Off
- Romans 13:11-14 Get it in Gear!
- Romans 14:1-12 When to Accept Others
- Romans 14:10-18 Instructions for the Strong
- Romans 14:19-15:6 Helping Each Other Grow
- Romans 15:4 The Power of God's Word
- Romans 15:5-13 How to Bring Glory to God
- Romans 15:14-33 A Strategy for Faithful Discipleship
- Romans 16 Wrapping it Up
- Romans: The Gospel of God’s Righteousness
- Romans 1:1-7 Study and Exposition
- Romans 1:8-15 Study and Exposition
- Romans 1:16-17 Study and Exposition
- Romans 1:18-32 Study and Exposition
- Romans 2:1-16 Study and Exposition
- Romans 2:17-29 Study and Exposition
- Romans 3:1-8 Study and Exposition
- Romans 3:9-20 Study and Exposition
- Romans 3:21-31. Study and Exposition
- Romans 4:1-12 Study and Exposition
- Romans 4:13-22 Study and Exposition
- Romans 4:23-25 Study and Exposition
- Romans 5:1-11 Study and Exposition
- Romans 5:12-21 Study and Exposition
- Romans 6:1-14 Study and Exposition
- Romans 6:15-23 Study and Exposition
- Romans 1:16-20 Plain as Day
- Romans 1:18-20 What Everyone Knows About God
- Romans 1:19-20 Why I Believe in God (1983)
- Romans 1:19-20 Why I Believe in God (1990)
- Romans 1:19-20 Can Atheists Go To Heaven?
- Romans 1:21-32 Turning Your Back on God
- Romans 1:21-32 World In Decline
- Romans 1:21-32 Why We Are Hung Up On Sex
- Romans 1:28-32 The Slippery Slope
- Romans 2:1ff Religious People Go To Hell Too
- Romans 2:1, 17-24 Everyone is in Trouble
- Romans 2:17-24 Valid Values
- Romans 3:9-24 Are People Good?
- Romans 3:21ff All Fall Short
- Romans 4:16-21 What Is Ours in Christ - Hope
- Romans 4:18-21; 15:13 Is There Any Hope?
- Romans 5:1-11 The Benefits of Believing
- Romans 5:1-11 Benefits of Believing
- Romans 6:1-13 Dead Man Walking
- Romans 6:3-11 New Life in Christ
- Romans 6:9-14 Can Addicts Be Cured?
- Romans 7:14-24 Old Ways Won't Work
- Romans 7:14 - 8:16 Torn In Two!
- Romans 7:15-20 We Are Powerless Over Sin
- Romans 8:1-17 Who Controls the Switch?
- Romans 8:9 Why I Believe in the Holy Spirit
- Romans 8:19-25 Frustrated?
- Romans 8:22-27 Groan With Me
- Romans 8:28 Is God in Control?
- Romans 8:28-29 Christlikeness
- Romans 8:28-30 Is It All For the Good?
- Romans 8:28-30 Predestination
- Romans 8:31-39 Overcoming Through Faith
- Romans 8:31-39 More Than Conquerors
- Romans 8:35-39 What Can Separate Us From God?
- Romans 9:6-21 Is There A Plan?
- Romans 9:10-26 God's Vote
- Romans 10:4-10 Is Salvation Hard?
- Romans 10:5-15 Ain't No Mountain High Enough
- Romans 10:6-15 Evangelism and Missions
- Romans 10:6-15 Made For Mission
- Romans 10:11-15 Gorgeous Feet
- Romans 10:16-20 Rejection Doesn't End It
- Romans 11:25-29 God's Plan for Israel
- Romans 12:1-8 Crawl on the Altar
- Romans 12:3-10 Measure Your Faith
- Romans 12:4-6a You Are So Gifted!
- Romans 12:6 Speaking For God
- Romans 12:6-18 There Is Hope
- Romans 12:8 The Gifts of Caring
- Romans 12:9-16 Love Is...
- Romans 12:9-18 Personal Commitment
- Romans 12:9-21 Love vs. Revenge
- Romans 12:10-12 Family Secrets
- Romans 12:10-16 Reflections on a Mission Trip
- Romans 12:14-21 Getting Along -- When It Is Hard
- Romans 13:1-7 Authentic Authority
- Romans 13:1-8 Authority and Government
- Romans 13:8-14 Before It's Too Late
- Romans 14 Dealing With Weak and Strong
- Romans 14:1-13 Dealing With Dummies
- Romans 14:5-9 Who Needs Holidays?
- Romans 14:10-12 Accountable 101
- Romans 15:5-13 Radical Acceptance
- Romans 15:17-20 What I'll Do
- Romans 15:23-33 How Far Can You Plan?
- Romans 16:1-27 It Takes All Kinds
- Romans 1:1-7 The Messiah That Paul Preached
- Romans 1:8-17 The Gospel That Paul Preached
- Romans 1:18-23 All Mankind on Death Row
- Romans 1:24-32 Divine Retribution
- Romans 2:1-16 The Judgment of God
- Romans 2:17-29 Rite Versus Righteousness
- Romans 3:1-4 Jews and the Oracles of God
- Romans 3:5-8 The Problem of Antinomianism
- Romans 3:9-20 The Universality of Sin
- Romans 3:21-26 Man Be Justified With God?
- Romans 3:27-31 Boasting Excluded, Law Established
- Romans 4:1-8 Abraham’s Salvation
- Romans 4:9-17 Justification, Baptism, Assurance
- Romans 4:18-25 The Faith of Abraham
- Romans 5:1-11 Safety, Certainty and Enjoyment
- Romans 5:12-21 The Imputation of Adam’s Sin
- Romans 5:13-14 All Under Foreign Domination
- Romans 5:15-21 Grace Abounding and Reigning
- Romans 6:1-14 Shall We Continue in Sin?
- Romans 6:15-23 Only Two Masters
- Romans 7:1-6 Marital Union With Christ
- Romans 7:7-12 Is the Law Sinful?
- Romans 7:13-25 The Struggle
- Romans 8:1-4 Power of the Indwelling Spirit
- Romans 8:5-17 Life by the Spirit – Part I
- Romans 8:5-17 Life by the Spirit, part II
- Romans 8:18-27 Three Groanings for Glory
- Romans 8:28-30 The Divine Purpose
- Romans 8:31-39 God For Us, or No Separation
- Romans 9:1-5 Christ Over All
- Romans 9:6-13 Distinguishing Grace
- Romans 9:14-33 Wrath Vessels, Mercy Vessels
- Romans 10:1-4 Christ, the End of the Law
- Romans 10:5-13 Salvation and Confession
- Romans 10:14-21 Israel’s Inexcusable Unbelief
- Romans 11:1-10 Is Israel’s Rejection Total?
- Romans 11:11-24 Parable of the Olive Tree
- Romans 11:25-27 The Salvation of Israel
- Romans 11:28-36 God’s Agenda for the Nations
- Romans 12:1-2 God’s Mercies and Living Sacrifices
- Romans 12:3-8 Advice for Charismatics
- Romans 12:9-12 Love That Can Hate
- Romans 12:13-21 Four Triplets of Duties
- Romans 13:1-14 Christian Citizen and the Day
- Romans 14:1-12 The Non-Essentials
- Romans 14:13-23 No Stumbling Blocks
- Romans 15:1-13 The Servant of the Nations
- Romans 15:14-21 Christ’s Priest to Gentiles
- Romans 15:22-33 The Jerusalem Offering
- Romans 16:1-24 Paul’s Friends
- Romans 16:25-27 The Mystery
LOWELL JOHNSON SERMONS ON ROMANS - Click here for all sermons listed below on one page
1. To Rome With Love Romans 1: 1 - 7
2. A Heart-to-Heart Ministry Romans 1: 8-15
3. A Gospel Worth Sharing Romans 1:16-17
4. God's Wrath Against Sin Romans 1:18-23
5. The Results of Man's Rebellion Romans 1:24-32
6. God's Impartial Judgment Romans 2: 1-16
7. Who Is A Jew? Romans 2:17-29
8. Take Advantage of Your Advantages Romans 3: 1-8
9. The Man in My Mirror Romans 3: 9-20
10. How Can A Man Be Right With God Romans 3:21-31
11. Salvation: Received Through Trusting: Not Trying Romans 4: 1-8
12. Abraham and Circumcision Romans 4: 9-12
13. Look What We Have In Jesus Romans 5: 1-5
14. All That, Just For Us Romans 5: 6-11
15. How Paradise Was Lost Romans 5:12-14
16. How Paradise Was Regained Romans 5:15-21
17. Free At Last Romans 6: 1-7
18. How to Walk in Victory in the Christian Life Romans 6: 8-14
19. Now That I'm Saved, Does It Matter How I Live? Romans 6:15-23
20. Free From the Law Romans 7: 1-6
21. Whatever Became of Sin Romans 7: 7-13
22. The Struggle Romans 7:14-25
23. The Deliverance of the Spirit Life Romans 8: 1- 4
24. Life in The Spirit Romans 8:5-13
25. The Delight of The Spirit Life Romans 8:14-17
26. Suffering and Glory Romans 8:18-27
27. The Spirit of Intercession Romans 8:26-27
28. God's Great Promise to the Saint Romans 8:28-30
29. The Golden Chain of our Salvation Romans 8:29-30
30. Absolute Security Romans 8:31-39
31. Paul's Burden For the Last Jews Romans 9: 1-5
32. God Is Sovereign And Fair! Romans 9: 6-18
33. Straight Talk About Election Romans 9:19-29
34. Stumbling Stone or Cornerstone Romans 10: 1-4
35. Why Good People Won't Go to Heaven Romans 10:4-13
36. God's Simple Plan of Salvation Romans 10: 5-13
37. Israel's Final Future Romans 11: 1-36
38. God's Altar Call Romans 12: 1
39. Living A Transformed Life Romans 12:2
40. The Agape Factor: Loving the Brethren by Grace Romans 12: 9-21
41. The Christian and Government Romans 13: 1-7
42. God's Medicine For a Sick World Romans 13: 8-10
43. It's Time to Wake Up! Romans 13:11-14
44. The Danger of a Judgmental Spirit Romans 14: 1-12
45. Love Is Better Than Liberty Romans 14:13-23
46. The Beauty of Unity Romans 15: 1-7
47. God's Multicultural Church Romans 15: 7-13
48. Paul's Ministry in Capsule Romans 15:14-29
49. Paul's Prayer Request Romans 15:30-33
50. Friends Along Paul's Journey Romans 16:1-16,
51. How To Handle Troublemakers in the Church Romans 16:17-20TIM KELLER
- Romans 1:16-17: A Message To Be Proud Of
- Romans 1:18: The Wrath Of God
- Romans 1:16-25: Christian Science and Scientology
- Romans 1:19-32: When God Gives Up
- Romans 1:20-32: Hinduism
- Romans 2:1-11:The Moral And Religious Myth
- Romans 2:11-16: The Long Arm Of The Law
- Romans 6: Dead To Sin
- Romans 6: The Certainty Of Salvation: Past, Present and Future
- Romans 7:1-23: The Victorious Christian Life
- Romans 7:24-8:4: No Condemnation
- Romans 8: Three Laws Of Life
- Romans 9:1-3: A Spirit Of Apathy;
- Romans 9: Lost Passion, Or A Passion For The Lost?
- Romans 9: The Deity Of Christ
- Romans 9:1-29: Israel and the Sovereign Justice of God
- Romans 9:30-10:17: The God Within Reach Of All Of Us
- Romans 10:18-11:36: What Future For Israel?
- Romans 12:1-2: Mental Sins
Cyril Barber - Only on rare occasions does a student of Scripture come across a work as rich and insightful as this one. Forming as it does the basis of Liddon's expository sermons, it demonstrates how a preacher may approach the text in order to lay bare the thoughts of the writer. As such, it provides a fitting model of the kind of analysis every preacher should engage in prior to attempting to deliver God's Word
- Romans 1
- Romans 2
- Romans 3
- Romans 4
- Romans 5
- Romans 6
- Romans 7
- Romans 8
- Romans 9
- Romans 10
- Romans 11
- Romans 12
- Romans 13
- Romans 14
- Romans 15
- Romans 16
- Romans 5:1 An Assured Salvation Devotional
- Romans 5:1 Peace with God Devotional
- Romans 5:1–2 The Peace that Brings Access Devotional
- Romans 5:1–2 Peace With God Devotional
- Romans 5:1–5 Living in Christ’s Death Devotional
- Romans 5:1–11 Fruits of Justification Devotional
- Romans 5:1–11 Peace with God Devotional
- Romans 5:1–11 Peace with God Devotional
- Romans 5:1-11 The Wellspring of Love Devotional
- Romans 5:2 Access by Faith Devotional
- Romans 5:2 Our Cherished Hope Devotional
- Romans 5:3-5 A New View of Suffering Devotional
- Romans 5:3–5 Our Christian Hope Devotional
- Romans 5:6-8 Assured by Love Devotional
- Romans 5:6–8 God’s Display of His Love Devotional
- Romans 5:9 Love Finds a Way Devotional
- Romans 5:9 Savior Devotional
- Romans 5:9-11 A Work Yet to Be Done Devotional
- Romans 5:10–11 Saved By the Life of God’s Son Devotional
- Romans 5:12 Our Union with Adam Devotional
- Romans 5:12 Sin Enters the World Devotional
- Romans 5:12–14 Adamic Covenant Devotional
- Romans 5:12–21 Adam’s Fall And God’s Response Devotional
- Romans 5:13-14 Counting Sin in Adam Devotional
- Romans 5:13-14 Our First Federal Head Devotional
- Romans 5:15–17 The Justice of God’s Choice Devotional
- Romans 5:15-17 A Superior Union Devotional
- Romans 5:17 Human Inability Devotional
- Romans 5:18–19 Constituting Us Righteous Devotional
- Romans 5:18-19 Perfect Obedience Devotional
- Romans 5:18-21 The Obedience Of One Devotional
- Romans 5:20 More Sin, More Grace Devotional
- Romans 5:20–21 The Reign of Grace Devotional
- Romans 5:21 The Motive of Grace Devotional
- Romans 1:4 The Witness of the Resurrection.
- Romans 1:7 Privilege and Obligation.
- Romans 1:11,12 Paul’s Longing.
- Romans 1;14 Debtors to All Men.
- Romans 1:16 The Gospel the Power of God.
- Romans 3:19-26 World-wide Sin and World-wide Redemption.
- Romans 3:22 No Difference.
- Romans 5:1 Let Us Have Peace.
- Romans 5:2 Access into Grace.
- Romans 5:2-4 The Sources of Hope.
- Romans 5:5 A Threefold Cord.
- Romans 5:8 What Proves God’s Love.
- Romans 5:21 The Warring Queens.
- Romans 6:17 The Form of Teaching.
- Romans 8:2 Thy Free Spirit.
- Romans 8:3 Christ Condemning Sin.
- Romans 8:16 The Witness of the Spirit.
- Romans 8:17 Sons and Heirs.
- Romans 8:17 Suffering with Christ, a Condition of Glory with Christ.
- Romans 8:19 The Revelation of Sons.
- Romans 8:23 The Redemption of the Body.
- Romans 8:26 The Interceding Spirit.
- Romans 8:32 The Gift That Brings All Gifts.
- Romans 8:37 More than Conquerors.
- Romans 8:38, 39 Love’s Triumph.
- Romans 12:1 The Sacrifice of the Body
- Romans 12:2 Transfiguration (middle of page)
- Romans 12:3 Sober Thinking (bottom 1/3 of page)
- Romans 12:4, 5 Many and One
- Romans 12:9, 10 Grace and Graces
- Romans 12:9,10 Love That Can Hate
- Romans 12:11 A Triplet of Graces
- Romans 12:12 Another Triplet of Graces
- Romans 12:13-15 Still Another Triplet
- Romans 12:16 Still Another Triplet
- Romans 12:17-19 Still Another Triplet
- Romans 12:19-21 Still Another Triplet
- Romans 13:8-14 Love and the Day
- Romans 13:11 Salvation Nearer
- Romans 13:12 The Soldier’s Morning-call
- Romans 14:12-23 The Limits of Liberty
- Romans 15:10, 11 Two Fountains, One Stream
- Romans 15:13 Joy and Peace in Believing
- Romans 16:1, 2 Phoebe
- Romans 16:3-5 Priscilla and Aquila
- Romans 16:10, 11 Two Households
- Romans 16:12 Tryphena and Tryphosa
- Romans 16:12 Persis
- Romans 16:20 A Crushed Snake
- Romans 16:22 Tertius
- Romans 16:23 Quartus a Brother
- Romans 1:1-17 The Gospel of God
- Romans 1:8-15 The Blessing of Christian Fellowship
- Romans 1:16-17 The Glory of the Gospel, Part Two
- Romans 1:16-17 The Glory of the Gospel
- Romans 1:16-17 The Glory of the Gospel, Part Three
- Romans 1:18-32 The Giant Slide Down
- Romans 1:18-20 The Wrath of God
- Romans 2:1-16 The Final, Eternal Judgment
- Romans 2:12-16 How Is Your Conscience?
- Romans 2:17-29 God Condemns Hypocrisy
- Romans 3:1-2 Our Rich Jewish-Christian Heritage
- Romans 3:3-20 Divine Diagnosis of Man's Heart
- Romans 3:21 The Makarios Man
- Romans 3:27-31 Soli Deo Gloria
- Romans 3:21-31 Sola Fide
- Romans 3:21-26 Salvation as Propitiation
- Romans 3:21-26 Jesus Ends Slavery
- Romans 3:21-26 The Full Salvation
- Romans 4:9-12 Abraham Our Father
- Romans 4:13-17 Heirs of the World
- Romans 4:16-25 Faith Is the Victory, Part One
- Romans 4:18-22 The Nature of Saving Faith
- Romans 4:23-25 The Only Way to Salvation
- Romans 5:1-2 Standing in God's Presence
- Romans 5:1-2 The Goal of Our Justification
- Romans 5:1-5 Why Do Good People Suffer?
- Romans 5:1-5 The Saints' Triumphant Praise
- Romans 5:6-8 Proof of the Father's Love
- Romans 5:9-10 Eternal Security
- Romans 5:12-14 The Reign of Original Sin
- Romans 5:15-17 Grace Abounding to Miserable Sinners
- Romans 5:18-21 The Triumph of Grace
- Romans 6:1-10 The Key to Holiness
- Romans 6:1-10 The Key to Holiness (b)
- Romans 6:11-14 "Under Grace" Christians
- Romans 6:11-14 Steps to Holiness
- Romans 6:12-14 Faith Is the Victory, Part Ten Christ Versus...
- Romans 6:13-14 Steps to Holiness, Part Two
- Romans 6:15-18 Steps to Holiness, Part Three
- Romans 6:19-23 Steps to Holiness, Part Four
- Romans 6:23 What Will Your End Be?
- Romans 7:1-4 Married to Jesus Christ
- Romans 7:5-6 Life in the Spirit
- Romans 7:7-13 Can Mosaic Law Save Us?
- Romans 7:14-25 A Wretched Man Becomes a Saint
- Romans 8:1 God-Guaranteed Eternal Security
- Romans 8:2 Freedom from Tyranny
- Romans 8:3 The Center of Christianity
- Romans 8:4 The Purpose of Redemption
- Romans 8:5-8 You Are What You Think
- Romans 8:9-11 The Radical Difference, Part One
- Romans 8:11 Jesus Lives for Us
- Romans 8:11 I Believe in the Resurrection of the Body
- Romans 8:12-13 How to Defeat Sin
- Romans 8:14 Proof of Sonship
- Romans 8:15-16 Proof of Sonship, Part Two
- Romans 8:17 The Proof of Suffering
- Romans 8:18-25 The Coming Glorious Earth Day
- Romans 8:18-25 Our Hope of Glory
- Romans 8:23-25 Patient Waiting
- Romans 8:26-27 The Holy Spirit, Our Helper
- Romans 8:28 God Guarantees Our Good
- Romans 8:28-30 God's Great Plan To Those Who Love God
- Romans 8:28-30 To Those Who Love God, Part Two
- Romans 8:29-30 Salvation Is of the Lord
- Romans 8:31 God Is for Us
- Romans 8:32 The Wondrous Cross
- Romans 8:33-34 No Accusation and No Condemnation
- Romans 8:35-39 Jesus Loves Me, This I Know
- Romans 9:1-4 A Burning Passion for Souls
- Romans 9:1-3 Burden for Souls
- Romans 9:1-33 The Immutability of God's Purpose
- Romans 9:5 Who Is Christ?
- Romans 9:6-13 Am I a True Christian?
- Romans 9:14-18 The Absolute Freedom of God
- Romans 9:19-24 Destined for Glory
- Romans 9:25-29 Thanksgiving
- Romans 9:30-33 I Did It My Way!
- Romans 9:32-33 Jesus Christ the Rock
- Romans 10:1-4 The Jewish Problem Analyzed
- Romans 10:5-10 Our Lord Jesus Christ: Believe and Confess
- Romans 10:8-13 Jesus Christ Is King
- Romans 10:9-13 Confessing the Risen Jesus
- Romans 10:11-13 Racism Condemned
- Romans 10:14-21 The Preacher and His Preaching
- Romans 11:1-10 Enduring Covenant Love
- Romans 11:11-15 The Salvation of the Jews
- Romans 11:16-24 Warning against Christian Pride
- Romans 11:25-32 God's Salvation Plan for Israel
- Romans 11:33-36 Great Is Our God
- Romans 11:36 To God Alone Be All Glory
- Romans 12:1-8 Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Part Two
- Romans 12:1-21 Worship Is All of Life
- Romans 12:1 The Christian Sacrifice, Part One
- Romans 12:2 The Transformed Life
- Romans 12:3-5 Spiritual Gifts in the Church
- Romans 12:3-8 Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Part Five
- Romans 12:6-8 Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Part Six
- Romans 12:6-8 Spiritual Gifts Part Two
- Romans 12:9-13 Life in God's Holy Church
- Romans 12:14, 17-21 Our Life in the World
- Romans 12:15-16 Our Life in God's Church
- Romans 13:1-7 God's Delegated Authorities
- Romans 13:1-7 The Church-State Relationship
- Romans 13:8-10 Love Your Neighbor
- Romans 13:11-14 Living in the Light
- Romans 13:11-14 What Time Is It?
- Romans 14:1-4 Church Family Life
- Romans 14:5-9 The Lordship of Christ
- Romans 14:10-12 The Lord Is Our Judge
- Romans 14:13-23 Life in God's Kingdom
- Romans 15:1-6 Spiritual Worship
- Romans 15:7-13 Christ Our Hope, Part One
- Romans 15:13 Christ Our Hope, Part Two
- Romans 15:14 Competent to Counsel
- Romans 15:14 Admonish One Another
- Romans 15:15-22 St. Paul's Priestly Ministry
- Romans 15:17-22 Holy Boasting of a Christian
- Romans 15:23-29 Financial Offering
- Romans 15:30-33 The Power of Christian Prayer
- Romans 16:1-2 Saved to Serve
- Romans 16:3-5a Saved to Serve, Part Two: Meet the Ideal Chr...
- Romans 16:5b-16 Saved to Serve, Part Three
- Romans 16:17-20 Beware of False Ministers
- Romans 16:21-23 Thank God for the Bible
- Romans 16:25-27 To God Be the Glory!
JOHN PAUL MILLER - Calvary Chapel
- Romans Commentary - 263 pages - outline format
- Romans 1:1-7 Set Apart for the Gospel
- Romans 1:1-7 Good News for Rome and Beyond
- Romans 1:8-13 The Church Encouraging the Church
- Romans 1:14-15 Debtors to the Gospel
- Romans 1:16 Not Ashamed of the Gospel
- Romans 1:17 The Righteousness of God in the Gospel
- Romans 1:18-20 02/17/08 Without Excuse
- Romans 1:21-23 Futile Worship
- Romans 1:24-27 God Gave Them Over
- Romans 1:28-32 The Peril of a Depraved Mind
- Romans 2:1-4 No Excuse!
- Romans 2:5-11 The Folly of Treasuring Wrath
- Romans 2:12-16 The Day of Judgment
- Romans 2:17-24 The Subtlety of Hypocrisy
- Romans 2:25-29 A Jew Inwardly
- Romans 3:1-8 Let God Be True
- Romans 3:9-18 None, None, None!
- Romans 3:19-20 Closed Mouths - Accountable World
- Romans 3:21-23 Righteousness through Faith
- Romans 3:24-25 Justification: A Gift of Grace
- Romans 3:25-26 God the Just & the Justifier
- Romans 3:27-31 No Boasting!
- Romans 3:27-31 Faith and Law
- Romans 4:1-3 Abraham: An Example of Justification by Faith
- Romans 4:4-8 David: An Example of Justification by Faith
- Romans 4:9-12 Faith Credited as Righteousness
- Romans 4:13-15 Law-Wrath / Faith-Righteousness
- Romans 4:16-17 Faith that Accords with Grace
- Romans 4:18-25 Faith and God's Promise
- Romans 5:1-2 Peace with God through Justification by Faith
- Romans 5:3-5 Justification as the Means to Radiant Hope
- Romans 5:6-8 Did 'ere such love and sorrow meet?
- Romans 5:9-11 Saved from Wrath
- Romans 5:12-14 The Reign of Death
- Romans 5:15-17 The Free Gift
- Romans 5:18-19 One Act of Righteousness
- Romans 5:20-21 The Reign of Grace
- Romans 6:1-4 Does Grace Promote Sin?
- Romans 6:5-7 Union with Christ and the Daily Walk
- Romans 6:8-11 Dead to Sin - Alive to God
- Romans 6:8-11 Resurrection Union
- Romans 6:12-14 Resisting the Reign of Sin - Pt. 1
- Romans 6:12-14 Resisting the Reign of Sin - Pt. 2
- Romans 6:15-19 Slaves of Righteousness - Pt. 1
- Romans 6:15-19 Slaves of Righteousness - Pt. 2
- Romans 6:20-23 Only Two Ways to Live - Pt. 1
- Romans 6:20-23 Only Two Ways to Live - Pt. 2
- Romans 7:1-6 Newness in the Spirit
- Romans 7:7-12 Our Sin Exposed
- Romans 7:13 How Sin Becomes Utterly Sinful
- Romans 7:14-25 Struggling with Sin, Pt. 1
- Romans 7:14-25 Struggling with Sin, Pt. 2
- Romans 7:14-25 Struggling with Sin, Pt. 3
- Romans 8:1-4 Now No Condemnation, Pt. 1
- Romans 8:1-4 Now No Condemnation, Pt. 2
- Romans 8:5-8 The Striking Contrast
- Romans 8:9-11 Does the Spirit Dwell in You?
- Romans 8:12-17 How God Gives Believers Assurance, Pt. 1
- Romans 8:12-17 How God Gives Believers Assurance, Pt. 2
- Romans 8:18-25 Suffering & Hope, Pt. 1
- Romans 8:18-25 Suffering & Hope, Pt. 2
- Romans 8:26-27 The Spirit’s Help, Pt. 1
- Romans 8:26-27 The Spirit’s Help, Pt. 2
- Romans 8:28-30 God, the Christian, and His Purpose, Pt. 1
- Romans 8:28-30 God, the Christian, and His Purpose, Pt. 2
- Romans 8:28-3 God, the Christian, and His Purpose, Pt. 3
- Romans 8:31-32 Is God For You?
- Romans 8:33-34 The Believer’s Steady Assurance, Pt. 1
- Romans 8:33-37 The Believer’s Steady Assurance, Pt. 2
- Romans 8:37-39 More than Conquerors
- Romans 8:1-39 How Romans 8 Applies Everyday—A Review
- Romans 9:1-5 Honor without Righteousness
- Romans 9:6-13 Children of Promise
- Romans 9:14-18 Sovereign Mercy
- Romans 9:19-23 Objections to Sovereign Mercy
- Romans 9:22-29 An Explanation of Sovereign Mercy
- Romans 9:30-33 Have You Stumbled Over the Stumbling Stone?
- Romans 10:1-4 Submitting to God's Righteousness
- Romans 10:5-13 The Word of Faith, Pt. 1
- Romans 10:5-13 The Word of Faith, Pt. 2
- Romans 10:5-13 The Word of Faith, Pt. 3
- Romans 10:14-15 Beautiful Feet!
- Romans 10:16-21 The Importance of Hearing and Believing the Word
- Romans 11:1-6 Israel, Election and Grace, Pt. 1
- Romans 11:7-10 Israel, Election and Grace, Pt. 2
- Romans 11:11-16 Israel’s Stumble—God’s Mercy
- Romans 11:17-22 The Danger of Spiritual Arrogance
- Romans 11:22-27 All Israel Will Be Saved
- Romans 11:28-32 The God of Mercy
- Romans 11:33-36 From Him—Through Him—To Him—All Glory!
- Romans 12:1-2 A Living Sacrifice, Pt. 1
- Romans 12:1-2 A Living Sacrifice, Pt. 2
- Romans 12:1-2 A Living Sacrifice, Pt. 3
- Romans 12:3-8 How the Body of Christ Functions, Pt. 1
- Romans 12:3-8 How the Body of Christ Functions, Pt. 2
- Romans 12:9-13 Body Life, Pt. 1
- Romans 12:9-13 Body Life, Pt. 2
- Romans 12:14-16 Living Out the Gospel, Pt. 1
- Romans 12:17-21 Living Out the Gospel, Pt. 2
- Romans 13:1-7 A Christian Approach to Citizenship
- Romans 13:8-10 What Do I Owe You?
- Romans 13:11-14 The Armor of Light
- Romans 14:1-9 Conscience and the Christian
- Romans 14:10-12 A Future Destiny
- Romans 14:13-23 Kingdom Living, Pt. 1
- Romans 14:13-23 Kingdom Living, Pt. 2
- Romans 15:1-6 Where the Church is Headed
- Romans 15:7-13 Accepted by Christ!
- Romans 15:14-21 A Passion for Missions
- Romans 15:22-29 The Local Church and Mission
- Romans 15:30-33 Missions and Prayer
- Romans 16:1-2 A Commendable Christian Woman
- Romans 16:3-16 A Picture of the Church
- Romans 16:17-20 Warning and Hope
- Romans 16:21-27 Glorying in the Gospel, Pt. 1
Your Body, The Body, and Everyone Else Romans Service to Christ; God's Love; Submission to God Terry Trivette Confessions of the Apostle Paul Romans 1 :14-17 Paul, Confessions of; Faith; Salvation; Believe J. Robert White Redemption, So Great and Free Romans 3 :21-24 Salvation; Grace; Redemption Johnny Hunt Living on Credit Romans 4 Redemption; Salvation; Faith; Rigtheousness J. Mike Minnix Three Theories of Justification Romans 5 :1 Justification Johnny L. Sanders Where Are We Now? Romans 5 :1-11 Reconclied to God; Christ, We are In; Grace, Living in Terry Trivette Much More Romans 5 :1-21 Blessings, Christian; Christian, The Blessings in Being a; Assurance Franklin L. Kirksey Grace Greater Than Our Sin Romans 5 :13-21 Grace; Salvation; Sin, Forgiveness of William R. Shively God Helps Those Who Can't Help Themselves Romans 5 :6-8 Salvation; God, Power of; Grace Terry Trivette Get Relief Romans 6 :11-14 Responsibility Larry Wynn Dominion Romans 6 :11-14 Sin, Power over; Victory; Christian Living; Sexual Victory Johnny Hunt Four Things The Old Time Preachers Believed Romans 6 :23 Sin; Judgment; Salvation J. Gerald Harris Some Things Christians Don't Have Romans 8 Funeral; Death J. Mike Minnix My Lord Knows The Way Romans 8 :14 Leadership of God; God's Will Franklin L. Kirksey The Heir Romans 8 :16-17 Heirs of God; Saved, Blessings of being J. Mike Minnix Joint Heirs With Jesus Romans 8 :17 Christ, Heirs with; Blessings in Christ Preston A. Taylor Environmental Evangelism Romans 8 :19-23 Environment and Salvation; Earth and Evangelism Terry Trivette Groans for Glory Romans 8 :22 Problems; Hardships; Promises of God; Peace; Eternity; Heaven Alan Stewart Claiming Romans 8:28 Romans 8 :28 Faith Paul E. Brown More Than Conquerors Romans 8 :29-39 Victory; Security, Eternal; Peace W.A. Criswell The Christian's Security System Romans 8 :31-39 Salvation; Faith; Blessed Assurance; Eternal Security Charles Q. Carter I Am Telling The Truth Romans 9 :1-3 Burden for Souls; Love for Sinners; Soul Winning; Witnessing Johnny Hunt Stumbling Block of Building Stone Romans 9 :30-33 Cross; Jesus, The Solid Rock Jerry N. Watts Under The Cross Romans 10 Cross; Salvation; Christian Living; Paul, The Apostle Johnny L. Sanders Grafted into God's Family Romans 11 :16-32 God, Family of; Body of Christ; Grafted; Church Jerry N. Watts The Divine Mandate Romans 12 Vision; Mandate, Divine; Purpose, Church; Ministry J. Gerald Harris The Surrendered Life Romans 12 :1-2 Life, Surrendered; Devotion; Commitment; Christian Living Jackie Kay Knowing God's Will For The New Year Romans 12 :1-2 God's Will; Will of God Jackie Kay Cardio - Transformed Hearts, Renewed Minds, Aligned Lives Romans 12 :2 Renewal; Mind, Renewed; Heart, Transformed Johnny Hunt Discerning God's Will Romans 12 :2 Will of God; God's Will Alan Stewart Motivational Gifts: Prophecy Romans 12 :6 Spiritual Gifts; Prophecy, The Gift of Johnny Hunt Motivational Gifts: Mercy Romans 12 :6-8 Mercy, Spiritual Gift of Johnny Hunt Wake Up! Romans 13 :11-14 Motivation; Faithful Service; Christian Living J. Mike Minnix Pajama Wearing Christians! Romans 13 :11-14 Christian Living Vince Hefner Every Knee Shall Bow Romans 14 :1-12 Lordship; Jesus is Lord; Judgment Jim Mastin The Lordship of Jesus Christ Romans 14 :8-9 Lordship; Jesus, Lordship of Roger D. Willmore Not Just Your Personal Savior Romans 15 :1-13 Others, Love for; Fellowship Terry Trivette E Pluribus Unum Romans 15 :1-7 Unity; Church; Fellowship; Oneness in Christ Terry Trivette Paul's Pillar People Romans 16 :1-27 Church Life; People, Problem; People, Helpful; Christian Living Mark Adams Lifting the Veil on Good and Evil Romans 16 :19 Divine Wisdom; discernment Franklin L. Kirksey TOMMY NELSON - Denton Bible Church
- Gospel Righteousness
- Key Texts in Romans
- Bad and Good News
- 1:1-7, Part 1
- 1:1-7, Part 2
- 1:8-15
- 1:16-17
- 1:18-19
- 1:20-23
- 1:24-32
- 2:1-11
- 2:12-16
- 2:17-29
- 3:1-4
- 3:5-8
- 3:9-20
- 3:21-26
- 3:25-26
- 3:25-26, Justice in the Gospel
- 3:27-31
- 4:1-12
- 4:13-17
- 4:18-25
- 5:1-2
- 5:3-5
- 5:6-11
- 5:12,18,19
- 5:12-19
- 5:20-21
- 6:1-4
- 6:5-7
- 6:8-14
- 6:15-23
- 7:1-6
- 7:7-12
- 7:13-25
- 8:1-4
- 8:5-11
- 8:10
- 8:12-17
- 8:18-22
- 8:23-25
- 8:26-27
- 8:28-30
- 8:29-30
- 8:31-34
- 8:35-39
- 9:1-5
- Romans 1:1-7: To Rome With Love
- Romans 1:8-15: Heart to Heart Ministry
- Romans 1:16-17: The Text That Changed the World
- Romans 1:16-17 Martin Luther's Highway to Heaven
- Romans 1:17-29: Can a Person Be Too Religious?
- Romans 1:18-20 What About Those Who Never Hear Gospel?
- Romans 1:18-20 Forgotten Doctrine: The Wrath of God
- Romans 1:21-23: Nightmare on Main Street
- Romans 1:24-32: When God Gives Up
- Romans 2:1-16: Mr. I.M. Okay Meets His Maker
- Romans 2:12 What Happens to Those Who Never Heard About Jesus
- Romans 3:1-8: I Object!
- Romans 3:9-20: The Man in the Mirror
- Romans 3:21-26 The Only Way to Be Right With God
- Romans 3:24-26 Where Grace & Wrath Meet...the Cross
- Romans 3:27-31 Sola Fide: By Faith Alone
- Romans 3:27-31 God Plays No Favorites
- Romans 4:1-8 Father Abraham
- Romans 4:5 The Great Exchange
- Romans 4:9-12 Righteousness is a Five Letter Word
- Romans 4:13-17 Faith--Yes! The Law--No!
- Romans 4:18-25 The Oldest Dad in the Nursery
- Romans 5:1-5 Most Sought After Things in the World
- Romans 5:6-11 That's Incredible!
- Romans 5:12-14 Paradise Lost
- Romans 5:15-21 Paradise Regained
- Romans 6:1-7: Free At Last
- Romans 6:8-14 Three Steps To Victory
- Romans 6:15-23 You Gotta Serve Somebody
- Romans 7:1-6 Remarried & Happy at Last!
- Romans 7:7-13: Whatever Became of Sin?
- Romans 7:14-25: The Struggle
- Romans 8:1-4 No Condemnation
- Romans 8:5-17: Life in the Spirit
- Romans 8:18-27 Why Bad Things to God's People
- Romans 8:26-27 When God Prays for You
- Romans 8:28: Can We Still Believe in Romans 8:28
- Romans 8:28: Can We Still Believe in Romans 8:28 - II
- Romans 8:29-30: The Golden Chain
- Romans 8:31-37: More Than Conquerors
- Romans 8:38-39: No Separation
- Romans 9:1-5 The Value of a Broken Heart
- Romans 9:6-18 God's Freedom
- Romans 9:6-18 God's Word Has Not Failed
- Romans 9:19-29 Straight Talk About Predestination
- Romans 9:30-33 Stumbling Stone or Cornerstone?
- Romans 10:5-13 God's Simple Plan of Salvation
- Romans 10:9-10 What is Saving Faith?
- Romans 10:14-21 How Shall They Hear
- Romans 11:1-10 Has God Lost the Battle
- Romans 11:11-16 No Hopeless Cases
- Romans 11:17-24 No Place for Pride
- Romans 11:25-26 Does Israel Have a Future-
- Romans 11:28-29 God Unchanging
- Romans 11:30-32 Sinners in the Hands of a Merciful God
- Romans 11:33-36 Our Awesome God
- Romans 12:1 God's Altar Call
- Romans 12:2 Changing Your Mind
- Romans 12:2 Good, Pleasing, Perfect
- Romans 12:3-8: Blueprint for a Healthy Church
- Romans 12:7 My Favorite Teacher
- Romans 12:8 The Barnabas Factor
- Romans 12:8 The Gift that Never Grows Old
- Romans 12:8 Calling All Servants
- Romans 12:8 What Moves Your Mountain-
- Romans 12:9-16: The Agape Factor: 12 Ways to Love
- Romans 12:13-15 Rejoicing and Weeping
- Romans 12:17-21: Hot Coals: Loving Those You’d Rather Hate
- Romans 13:1-7: How to be a Godly Rebel
- Romans 13:8-10 God’s Medicine for a Sick World
- Romans 13:11-14 Do You Know What Time It Is
- Romans 14:1-12: How to Kill a New Christian
- Romans 14:1-12: How to Kill a New Christian - II
- Romans 14:1-12 Overcoming a Judgmental Spirit
- Romans 14:13-23 A Warning to Wine-Drinkers
- Romans 14-15 Why We Don't Have to Win Every Argument
- Romans: Introduction
- Romans 1:1-17 The Gospel: The Good News
- Romans 1:18-23 Suppressing the Truth
- Romans 1:24-32 Sin, the Punishment of Sin
- Romans 2:1-11 Some Difficult Theological Reasoning
- Romans 2:12-16 All of Us in the Same Boat
- Romans 2:17-29 The Great Temptation for Religious People
- Romans 3:1-21 The Bad News and the Good News
- Romans 3:21-26 Some Important Terms
- Romans 3:27-4:12 Paul Was No Innovator
- Romans 4:13-25 Justification by Faith
- Romans 5:1-11 Why Jesus Christ?
- Romans 5:12-21 Covenant Theology
- Romans 6:1-14 New Life in Christ
- Romans 6:15-23 Everyone a Slave
- Romans 7:1-6 Living in the Spirit
- Romans 7:7-13 The Law as an Instrument of Grace
- Romans 7:14-25 A Jarring Admission
- Romans 8:1-8 The Bondage of the Will
- Romans 8:9-17 How to Live the Christian Life
- Romans 8:18-27 The Larger Story / A Groaning Life
- Romans 8:28-34 A Marvelous Piece of Logic
- Romans 8:28-34 The Golden Chain
- Romans 8:28-34 The Cross: The Pulpit of God’s Love
- Romans 8:35-39 More Than Conquerors
- Romans 9:1-13 Divine Election
- Romans 9:14-29 Two Perennial Objections
- Romans 9:30-10:13 The Fatal and Most Natural Heresy
- Romans 10:14-21 The Evangelistic Imperative
- Romans 11:1-10 The Remnant
- Romans 11:11-32 What a Day That Will Be!
- Romans 11:33-36 The Mysterious Majesty of God
- Romans 12:1-2 The Order of Life
- Romans 12:3-8 The First Part of a Gospel Life
- Romans 12:9-21 The Christian an Extremist
- Romans 13:1-7 The Christian as a Citizen
- Romans 13:8-14 It’s Not Rocket Science
- Romans 14:1-12 When Christians Disagree
- Romans 14:13-15:7 Living to Please Others
- Romans 15:8-21 Living Proud!
- Romans 15:22-33 The Best Laid Plans…
- Romans 16:1-2 Fighting Over Phoebe
- Romans 16:3-16 The Churches in Rome and Corinth
- Romans 16:17-27 When Christians Argue
- Romans 1:9-16 - Questions of Prayers
- Romans 1:14-17 - The I Am's of Paul
- Romans 1:17 - Intersection of Faith and Life
- Romans 1:18-21 - He is a God Who Speaks
- Romans 2:11 - Showing Fairness
- Romans 3:19-24 - God of Redemption
- Romans 3:22 - What Makes The Difference?
- Romans 4:18-21 - How to Become a Promises Believer
- Romans 4:20 - Faith of Abraham Part 1
- Romans 4.20 - The Faith of Abraham
- Romans 5:1-2 - Eternal Security part one
- Romans 5:1-6 - At Peace With God
- Romans 5:4 - Article XVI: Of the Righteous and the Wicked
- Romans 5:8 - While We Were Yet Sinners!
- Romans 5:12 - Sin
- Romans 5:12 - Benefits of Being Born Again
- Romans 5:12 - Article VI: Of the Fall of Man
- Romans 5:12-21 - Grace Is Amazing
- Romans 6:18 - A Change Of Masters
- Romans 6:23 - The High Cost of a Free Gift
- Romans 7:14-25 - Schizophrenic Christians
- Romans 7:15; 19 - Disappointed With Ourselves
- Romans 8:28- 30 - Full Assurance
- Romans 8:28 - Why All Things Work Together for Good.
- Romans 8:28 - Why did God Let it Happen?
- Romans 8:28 - The Rest of the Story!
- Romans 9:1-5 - Christmas Questions: Why Did God Choose the Jews?
- Romans 10:4-11 - Confessing Christ
- Romans 10:9-10,13 - Monopoly: Who's in Charge?
- Romans 10:13 - Old Time Gospel
- Romans 10:13 - What Really Happens When a Person Gets Saved?
- Romans 10:17 - Sweet Hour of Prayer #4:Scripture Praying
- Romans 12:1-2 - How To Make 1993 A Great Year!
- Romans 12:1-2 - Choose to Change: Attitude
- Romans 12:1-2 - Change
- Romans 12:1-2 - 4- H Christians
- Romans 12:1-21 - The Christian Life
- Romans 12:4- 5 - Hinderances to Growth
- Romans 12:17- 21 - Dealing with the Past
- Romans 12:17-21 - Forgiveness: Our Obligation
- Romans 13:1-7 - Article XVII: Of Civil Government
- Romans 14:10-12 - Accountability
- Romans 14:1- 2 - Five Types of Believers
- Romans 14:10-12 - Faith for the Future: Judgment Seat of Christ
- Romans 14:19 - Edify One Another
- Introduction to the Book of Romans
- The Revelation of Righteousness
- Romans 1:18-3:20 Condemnation, or, the Universal Need of Righteousness
- Romans 3:21-4:25 Justification
- Romans 5:1-6:23 Exultation
- Romans 7:1-25 The New Freedom in Life
- Romans 8:1-39 The New Power in Life
- Romans 9:1-10:21 Vindication or God’s Righteousness in His Relationship with Israel
- Romans 11:1-36 The Consolation of Israel’s Rejection
- Romans 12:1-21 Application in the Assembly
- Romans 13:1-14 Application in the Society
- Romans 14:1-15:13 Application to Doubtful Thing
- Romans 15:14-16:27 Conclusion, or Purpose, Plans and Praise in Connections with the Dissemination of Righteousness
- Romans 1:14-17 I Am Not Ashamed
- Romans 1:1-17 Introduction To Romans
- Romans 1:18-25 No Excuse
- Romans 1:18-32 Steps To Depravity
- Romans 2:1-16 God's Perfect Judgment
- Romans 2:25-29 The Circumcision Of The Heart
- Romans 2:17-3:20 None Righteous
- Romans 3:21-26 Justification
- Romans 3:21-31 Propitiation
- Romans 4:1-12 Justification By Faith
- Romans 4:3 Abraham: Living Faith
- Romans 4:19-22 The Faith Of Abraham
- Romans 4:11-5:3 God's Perspective
- Romans 5:1-11 The Seasons Of Life
- Romans 5:12-21 The Rescue Of Man
- Romans 6:1-14 The Old Man Nailed
- Romans 6:15-23 Who's Slave Are You?
- Romans 7:1-25 Guess Who's Dead
- Romans 8:1-4 Free To Fly
- Romans 8:1-11 Being Spiritually Minded
- Romans 8:14-17 The Joy Of Being Grown Up
- Romans 8:16-17 We Belong To Him
- Romans 8:16-29 Seeing The Big Picture
- Romans 8:29-39 More Than Conquerors Through Him
- Romans 9:1-33 Jacob I Have Loved
- Romans 10:1-21 God's Outstretched Arm
- Romans 10:14-15 Guest Speaker - George Bryson
- Romans 11:1-36 Not Finished With Israel
- Romans 12:1-2 A Living Sacrifice
- Romans 12:1-8 The Body - Which Part Are You?
- Romans 12:3-5 How The Body Works
- Romans 12:3-8 The Body: A Great Design
- Romans 12:6, Ephesians 4:11-16 Growing Up
- Romans 12:6, 1 Corinthians 12-14 Don't Be Ignorant About Spiritual Gifts
- Romans 12:9-21, 1 Corinthians 12-14 The Principle Of Love - Part I
- Romans 12:9-21, 1 Corinthians 12-14 The Principle Of Love - Part 2
- Romans 13:1-14 Citizens And Saints
- Romans 14:1-12 Diversity Or Division - Love Is The Key
- Romans 14:13-15:12 Pursue Edification
- Romans 15:14-16:27 Hearing Paul's Heart
- Romans 6:1-4 Transformed Part 1, The Great Exchange
- Romans 6:1-14 Transformed Part 2, Dead and Alive
- Romans 6:6-14 Transformed Part 3, Choose Your Master
- Romans 6:14-23 Transformed Part 4, Whose Slave Are You?
- Romans 7:1-13 Transformed Part 5, Freedom From Legalism
- Romans 7:14-8:4 Transformed Part 6, The Struggle Within
- Romans 8:1 Transformed Part 7, No Condemnation
- Romans 8:2-5 Transformed Part 8, The Spirit Filled Life
- Romans 8:5-13 Transformed Part 9, The Spirit Filled Dad
- Romans 8:14-17 Transformed Part 10, Adoption
- Romans 8:17-18 Transformed Part 11, Suffering and Glory
- Romans 8:19-27 Transformed Part 12, The Groan That Reaches The Throne
- Romans 8:28-29 Transformed Part 13, A Truth With A Target
- Romans 8:29-30 Transformed Part 14, Predestined To Glory
- Romans 8:31-34 Transformed Part 15, God Is For Us
- Romans 8:35-39 Transformed Part 16, More Than Conqueror
- Romans 1:1 (pdf)
- Romans 1:1-7 (pdf)
- Romans 1:3 (pdf)
- Romans 1:4 (pdf)
- Romans 1:6-7 (pdf)
- Romans 1:9-11 Exposition ( doc, pdf)
- Romans 1:9-13 (pdf)
- Romans 1:14-16 ( doc, pdf)
- Romans 1:16-17 (pdf)
- Romans 1:21-24 (pdf)
- Romans 2:1-3 (pdf)
- Romans 2:4-5 (pdf)
- Romans 2:6-10 (pdf)
- Romans 2:13, 16 (pdf)
- Romans 2:17-29 (pdf)
- Romans 3:1-8 (pdf)
- Romans 3:9-10 (pdf)
- Romans 3:10-11 (pdf)
- Romans 3:10-11 Part 2 (pdf)
- Romans 3:15-18 (pdf)
- Romans Romans 3:19-20 (pdf)
- Romans 3:12 (pdf)
- Romans 3:22 (pdf)
- Romans 3:23 (pdf)
- Romans 3:24 (pdf)
- Romans 3:24, Part 2 (pdf)
- Romans 3:25 (pdf)
- Romans 3:25, Part 2 (pdf)
- Romans 4:1-3 (pdf)
- Romans 4:4-5 (pdf)
- Romans 4:6-8 (pdf)
- Romans 4:9-12 (pdf)
- Romans 4:13-17 (pdf)
- Romans 4:17-19 (pdf)
- Romans 4:19-21 (pdf)
- Romans 4:22-25 (pdf)
- Romans 5:1 (pdf)
- Romans 5:2 (pdf)
- Romans 5:2, Part 2 (pdf)
- Romans 5:3 (pdf)
- Romans 5:12 (pdf)
- Romans 5:12-21 (pdf)
- Romans 5:12-21 Part 2 (pdf)
- Romans 6:1-6 (pdf)
- Romans 6:7-13 (pdf)
- Romans 6:11-14 (pdf)
- Romans 6:16-23 (pdf)
- Romans 7:7-13 (pdf)
- Romans 7:14-25 (pdf)
- Romans 8:1-4 (pdf)
- Romans 8:5-11 (pdf)
- Romans 8:12-17 (pdf)
- Romans 8:17-25 (pdf)
- Romans 8:26-28 (pdf)
- Romans 8:28 (pdf)
- Romans 8:31 (pdf)
- Romans 8:31, Part 2 (pdf)
- Romans 8:32 (pdf)
- Romans 8:33-34 (pdf)
- Romans 8:35-37 (pdf)
- Romans 8:38-39 (pdf)
- Romans 9:6-13 (pdf)
- Romans 9:14-18 (pdf)
- Romans 9:19-29 (pdf)
- Romans 9:30-33 (pdf)
- Romans 10:1-4 (pdf)
- Romans 10:5-11 (pdf)
- Romans 10:11-15 (pdf)
- Romans 10:16-21 (pdf)
- Romans 11:1-6 (pdf)
- Romans 11:7-10 (pdf)
- Romans 11:11-15 (pdf)
- Romans 11:16-24 (pdf)
- Romans 11:25-26 (pdf)
- Romans 11:25-27 (pdf)
- Romans 11:1-6 ( doc, pdf)
- Romans 11:7-10 ( doc, pdf)
- Romans 11:11-15 ( doc, pdf)
- Romans 11:16-24 ( doc, pdf)
- Romans 11:25-26 ( doc, pdf)
- Romans 11:26-27 ( doc, pdf)
- Romans 11:28-32 ( doc, pdf)
- Romans 11:33-36 ( doc, pdf)
- Romans 12:1 (pdf)
- Romans 12:1 (pdf)
- Romans 12:3-8 (pdf)
- Romans 12:9-13 (pdf)
- Romans 12:14-16 (pdf)
- Romans 13:11-13 (pdf)
- Romans 14:13-23 (pdf)
- Romans 15:1-7 (pdf)
- Romans 15:8-13 (pdf)
- Romans 15:30-33 ( doc, pdf)
- Romans 16:1-2 (pdf)
- Romans 16:3-16 (pdf)
- Romans 16:19-20 (pdf)
- Romans 16:21-27 (pdf)
CHUCK SMITH - Sermon Notes
- Romans 1:16 Separated Unto the Gospel
- Romans 1:16 The Power Unto Salvation
- Romans 2:5 Judgment of God
- Romans 2:29 No Title
- Romans 3:26 How Can a Just God Forgive Sin?
- Romans 4:19-21 Being Strong in the Faith
- Romans 5:1,2 Grace, Grace, Abounding Grace!
- Romans 6:1 Shall We Continue in Sin?
- Romans 7:18 The Problem
- Romans 8:2 The Answer, The Spirit Filled Life!
- Romans 8:31-34 Vital Questions
- Romans 9:18-20 Who Are You to Question God?
- Romans 10:15 The Gospel of Peace
- Romans 11:33 The Depth of God's Riches
- Romans 12:1 Your Reasonable Service
- Romans 13:11 High Time to Wake Up
- Romans 14:10 Every Knee Shall Bow
- Romans 15:5, 13, 44 The God of Hope and Peace Sermon Notes
- Introduction to the Epistle to the Romans (Charts Included)
- Romans 1:1-7. Introduction and Prologue
- Romans 1:8-17. Proclaimers of the Gospel
- Romans 1:18-23. What Makes God Angry?
- Romans 1:24-32. When God Gives Up
- Romans 2:1-16. The Judgement of God
- Romans 2:17-29. The Danger of Religion
- Romans 3:1-20. The Defense Rests
- Romans 3:21-31. God's Righteousness in Our Salvation
- Romans 4:1-25. A Righteous Reckoning
- Romans 5:1-11. The Resonance of Reconciliation
- Romans 5:12-21. Insights on Imputation
- Romans 6:1-14. Reckoned as Risen
- Romans 6:15-23. Free From Sin
- Romans 7:1-13. Freedom and the Law
- Romans 7:14-25. The Law of Sin
- Romans 8:1-17. The Ministry of the Spirit
- Romans 8:18-31. The Best is Yet to Come
- Romans 8:31-39. Eternally Secure
- Romans 9:1-13. Who is Israel?
- Romans 9:14-33. The Justice of God's Election
- Romans 10:1-21. The Hearing the Leads to Faith.
- Romans 11:1-36. Israel - Rejecting or Returning?
- Romans 12:1-2. A Call to Serve.
- Romans 12:3-8. We Are One
- Romans 12:9-21. A Life of Love
- Romans 13:1-7. The Christian's Response to Authority
- Romans 13:8-14. A Debt of Love
- Romans 14:1-12. Love's Acceptance
- Romans 14:13-23. Offenses and Stumbling
- Romans 15:1-13. A Life of Service
- Romans 15:14-33. To Rome with Love
- Romans 16:1-27. Final Farewells
- Glossary
SERMONS BY VERSE - 1000's of older works
- Outline of Romans (Broad)
- Introduction to Romans
- Romans 1:1-17
- Romans 1:18-32
- Romans 2:1-3:20
- Romans 3:21-31
- Romans 4:1-25
- Romans 5:1-21
- Romans 6:1-23
- Romans 7:1-25
- Romans 8:1-30
- Romans 8:31-39
- Purpose of Romans 9-11
- Romans 9:1-5
- Romans 9:6-13
- Romans 9:14-18
- Romans 9:19-33
- Romans 10:1-21
- Romans 11:1-36
- Romans 12:1-21
- Romans 13:1-14
- Romans 14:1-23
- Romans 15:1-16:27
- Romans - Bibliography
- Romans 1:1-7 Intro to Romans (1)
- Romans 1:1-7 Intro to Romans (2)
- Romans 1:16-23 Meaning of the Gospel
- Romans 1:24-2:3 Truth or Consequences
- Romans 7:1-5 You Won't Get to Heaven
- Romans 7:6-7 Struggling with Sin
- Romans 7:8-25 More Struggling with Sin
- Romans 8:1-6 No Condemnation
- Romans 8:7-13 Power of the Holy Spirit
- Romans 8:14-19 A Child of God
- Romans 8:20-25 God Keeps on Giving
- Romans 8:26-28 Adversity a Seed of Benefit
- Romans 8:28-34 There's More to Being a Christian than Just Saying You are One
- Romans 8:31-39 Once Saved, Always Saved
- Romans 11:1-10 God is Patient, Forgiving
- Romans 11:11-26 Belief the Bottom Line
- Romans 11:26-36 God's Merch
- Romans 12:1-2 Having the Best is a Simple Choice
- Romans 12:3-5 It's All About Oneness
- Romans 12:6-8 The Gifts
- Romans 12:9-13 Sharing Love
- Romans 12:10-21 Do You Measure Up to God's Standard of Christian Living?
- Romans 13:1 The Christian's Responsibilty to Government
- Romans 13:1-3 Honor Those in Authority
- Romans 13:3-5 What Might Jesus Say to Our Country?
- Romans 13:6-7 Does God Think We Should Pay Taxes?
- Romans 13:8-10 Love One Another
- Romans 13:8-10 Love One Anotehr (2)
- Romans 13:8-10 Love Fulfills the Law
- Romans 13:11-14 Wake Up!
- Romans 13:11-14 Live in the Light
Chapter 1
- Paul's Introduction - Romans 1:1-17
- Greetings - Romans 1:1-7
- Paul - Romans 1:1
- The Gospel Promised Beforehand - Romans 1:2
- A Description of Christ's Ministry - Romans 1:3-4
- We received grace and apostleship - Romans 1:5
- Who are called to belong to Jesus Christ - Romans 1:6
- Roman Saints - Romans 1:7
- Desire to Visit Rome - Romans 1:8-17
- I thank my God - Romans 1:8-10
- Spiritual gift - Romans 1:11
- Mutually encouraged - Romans 1:12
- Planned many times - Romans 1:13
- Paul's Divine Obligation - Romans 1:14 -15
- I am not ashamed of the Gospel - Romans 1:16
- Righteousness from God - Romans 1:17
- In Sin: Jews and Gentiles - Romans 1:18-3:20
- Gentile Sinfulness and General Revelation - Romans 1:18-32
- The Wrath of God - Romans 1:18
- What may be known about God - Romans 1:19-20
- For although they knew God - Romans 1:21
- Wise or fools? Romans 1:22-23
- God gave them over - Romans 1:24-25
- Natural relations . . . unnatural ones - Romans 1:26-27
- Did not think it worthwhile - Romans 1:28-31
- They know God's righteous decree - Romans 1:32
Chapter 2
- Privileged Jews and Sinfulness - Romans 2:1-3:8
- You, therefore, have no excuse . . . God will judge - Romans 2:1-16
- No Excuse - Romans 2:1
- Based on truth - Romans 2:2
- Show contempt - Romans 2:3-4
- Storing up wrath - Romans 2:5
- According to what you have done - Romans 2:6-10
- God will not show you favoritism - Romans 2:11
- Apart from the law . . . under the law - Romans 2:12-16
- The Law - Romans 2:12
- Do by nature things required by the law - Romans 2:13-15
- Through Jesus Christ - Romans 2:16
- The Jew - Romans 2:17-29
- Jewish Privileges - Romans 2:17-20
- Responsibilities corresponding to Privileges - Romans 2:21-24
- Circumcision has value - Romans 2:25-27
- A man is a Jew - Romans 2:28-29
Chapter 3
- ALL humanity (save Christ) is fallen - Romans 3:1-20
- What advantage? - Romans 3:1
- The very words of God - Romans 3:2
- Jewish Response of Unbelief - Romans 3:3-4
- Let us do evil that good may result - Romans 3:5-8
- Human argument - Romans 3:5-6
- Slanderously reported - Romans 3:7-8
- Universal Sinfulness - Romans 3:9-20
- Are we any better? - Romans 3:9
- As it is written - Romans 3:10
- The Totality of Our Human Condition - Romans 3:11-17
- No fear of God - Romans 3:18
- The law - Romans 3:19
- Declared righteous . . . by observing the law - Romans 3:20
- One Salvation for Jews and Gentiles - Romans 3:21-8:39
- Justification By Christ Alone - Romans 3:21-5:21
- Justification By Faith Alone - Romans 3:21-31
- "But now" . . . (that Christ has come) - Romans 3:21
- Comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe - Romans 3:22
- All - Romans 3:23
- Justified - Romans 3:24
- God presented - Romans 3:25
- To demonstrate his justice . . . just and the one who justifies - Romans 3:26
- Where, then, is boasting? - Romans 3:27-28
- There is only one God - Romans 3:29-30
- Nullify the law . . . uphold the law - Romans 3:31
Chapter 4
- Justification By Grace Alone: Abraham's Example - Romans 4:1-25
- Abraham and Justification by Faith Alone - Romans 4:1-3
- Righteousness credited as a gift - Romans 4:4-5
- David and Justification by Faith Alone - Romans 4:6-8
- Abraham Justified BEFORE Circumcision - Romans 4:9-12
- Heir of the world - Romans 4:13
- The law brings wrath - Romans 4:14-15
- Therefore, the promise comes by faith - Romans 4:16
- As it is written - Romans 4:17
- Against all hope - Romans 4:18
- Gave glory to God - Romans 4:19-22
- Raised . . . for our justification - Romans 4:23-25
Chapter 5
- Justification: Its Benefits to the Glory of God Alone - Romans 5:1-11
- We have peace - Romans 5:1
- We have hope - Romans 5:2
- Perseverance, character; and character, hope - Romans 5:3-4
- Because God's love - Romans 5:5-7
- Definite Atonement - Romans 5:8-11
- How much more - Romans 5:8-9
- Reconciled - Romans 5:10-11
- Christ: The Second and Last Man Adam - Romans 5:12-21
- Just as - Romans 5:12
- Sin is not taken into account - Romans 5:13
- Death reigned - Romans 5:14
- But the gift is not like the trespass . . . how much more - Romans 5:15-17
- Result . . . made sinners . . . made righteous - Romans 5:18-19
- So that the trespass might increase. . . grace increased all the more - Romans 5:20
Chapter 6
- Sanctification in the Christian Life - Romans 6:1-8:39
- Sin: Its Dominion Broken - Romans 6:1-23
- Dead and Alive in Christ - Romans 6:1-14
- By no means! - Romans 6:1-2
- Baptized into Christ . . . baptized into his death? - Romans 6:3-4
- We know that our old self was crucified with him - Romans 6:5-6
- Freed from sin (justified) - Romans 6:7
- We will also live with him - Romans 6:8-10
- Count yourselves - Romans 6:11
- Do not let sin reign - Romans 6:12
- Offer yourselves to God - Romans 6:13
- Sin shall not be your master - Romans 6:14
- Slaves of/to Righteousness - Romans 6:15-23
- Thanks be to God - Romans 6:15-16
- Slaves to righteousness - Romans 6:17-18
- When you were free from the control of righteousness - Romans 6:19-21
- Wages . . . gift - Romans 6:22-23
Chapter 7
- Sin: Its Continual Struggle - Romans 7:1-25
- The believer's relationship with the law - Romans 7:1-3
- In order that we might bear fruit to God - Romans 7:4
- Bore fruit for death - Romans 7:5
- What once bound us - Romans 7:6
- Is the law sin? - Romans 7:7
- But sin, seizing the opportunity - Romans 7:8
- I was alive apart from the law . . . I died - Romans 7:9
- Intended to bring life - Romans 7:10
- Sin . . . deceived me - Romans 7:11
- Holy, righteous and good - Romans 7:12
- The Three Uses of the Law: What Good Is the Law?
- Did that which is good, then, become death to me? - Romans 7:13
- The struggle of the normal Christian life - Romans 7:14-25
- Sanctification: When Will I Stop Sinning?
- The law is spiritual - Romans 7:14
- I do not understand - Romans 7:15-20
- Two driving forces - Romans 7:21-23
- Who will rescue me . . . ? - Romans 7:24
- Thanks be to God - Romans 7:25
Chapter 8
- Sin: The Saint's Continual Victory Over It - in the Spirit - Romans 8:1-39
- No condemnation - Romans 8:1
- The law of the Spirit of life . . . the law of sin and death - Romans 8:2
- The law was powerless . . . weakened - Romans 8:3
- Old Life vs. New Life - Romans 8:4-7
- The sinful nature . . . the Spirit - Romans 8:4-5
- The mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace - Romans 8:6
- Hostile to God - Romans 8:7
- A duality - Romans 8:8-11
- If the Spirit of God lives in you - Romans 8:8-9
- But if Christ is in you - Romans 8:10-11
- Therefore . . . an obligation - Romans 8:12
- Put to death the misdeeds of the body - Romans 8:13
- Led by the Spirit . . . sons of God - Romans 8:14
- Spirit of sonship - Romans 8:15
- Abba Father - Romans 8:16
- Heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ - Romans 8:17
- Creations' groans - Romans 8:18-22
- Church's groans - Romans 8:23-25
- Our adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies - Romans 8:23
- In this hope we were saved - Romans 8:24-25
- The Spirit groans - Romans 8:26-27
- And we know - Romans 8:28
- The Will of God: How Can I Know God's Will?
- Foreknew . . . predestined - Romans 8:29
- Predestined . . . called . . . justified . . . glorified - Romans 8:30
- A Triumphant Grand Conclusion- Romans 8:31-39
- What, then, shall we say in response to this? - Romans 8:31
- He who did not spare his own Son - Romans 8:32
- It is God who justifies - Romans 8:33
- At the right hand of God - Romans 8:34
- The love of Christ? - Romans 8:35
- A plea for those that suffer innocently - Romans 8:36
- More than conquerors - Romans 8:37
- The unstoppable love of God - Romans 8:38-39
Chapter 9
- God's Plan of Redemptive History - Romans 9:1-11:36
- Sovereign Election - Romans 9:1-29
- Concern for his fellow Israelites - Romans 9:1-5
- My conscience confirms it - Romans 9:1-2
- I could wish that I myself were cursed - Romans 9:3
- Eight Blessings - Romans 9:4-5
- Christ, who is God over all, forever praised! - Romans 9:5
- Isaac is elect - Romans 9:6-9
- Jacob is elect - Romans 9:10-12
- Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated - Romans 9:13
- What then shall we say? - Romans 9:14
- I will have mercy on whom I have mercy - Romans 9:15-18
- Then why does God still blame us? - Romans 9:19
- Who do you think you are? - Romans 9:20-21
- Objects of his wrath - prepared for destruction . . . objects of his mercy, whom he prepared in advance for glory - Romans 9:22-23
- Jews . . . Gentiles? - Romans 9:24
- Not my people - Romans 9:25-26
- Only the remnant . . . left us descendants - Romans 9:27-29
- Unbelief and Belief in Israel - Romans 9:30-11:10
- The Gentiles, who did not pursue righteousness - Romans 9:30-31
- The one who trusts in him will never be put to shame - Romans 9:32-33
Chapter 10
- Brothers - Romans 10:1
- Zealous for God - Romans 10:2
- They did not know the righteousness that comes from God - Romans 10:3
- Christ is the end of the law - Romans 10:4
- The righteousness that is by the law - Romans 10:5
- The righteousness that is by faith - Romans 10:6-8
- Confess . . . believe . . . believe . . . confess - Romans 10:9-10
- There is no difference - Romans 10:11-13
- How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? - Romans 10:14-15
- Lord, who has believed our message? - Romans 10:16
- Faith comes from hearing the message - Romans 10:17
- Their voice has gone out into all the earth - Romans 10:18
- What excuse? - Romans 10:19-21
Chapter 11
- Did God reject his people? - Romans 11:1-10
- By no means - Romans 11:1
- Whom he foreknew - Romans 11:2-4
- A remnant chosen by grace - Romans 11:5
- And if by grace, then it is no longer by works - Romans 11:6
- Judicial hardening- Romans 11:7-10
- Warnings and Encouragements - Romans 11:11-36
- Did they stumble so as to fall beyond recovery? - Romans 11:11
- Their fullness - Romans 11:12
- I am talking to you Gentiles - Romans 11:13-14
- Life from the dead? - Romans 11:15
- The whole batch is holy - Romans 11:16
- A wild olive shoot . . . grafted in - Romans 11:17
- Do not boast - Romans 11:18
- Afraid - Romans 11:19-21
- Consider . . . the kindness and sternness of God - Romans 11:22
- Cutting off . . . grafting in - Romans 11:23-24
- All Israel . . . elect Jews in Paul's day - Romans 11:25-32
- Mystery - Romans 11:25
- All Israel - Romans 11:26-29
- Things in common - Romans 11:30-32
- A song of praise - Romans 11:33-36
- Divine Omniscience: Does God Know Everything?
Chapter 12
- Instructions in Covenant Fidelity - Romans 12:1-15:13
- Covenant Fidelity: Full Consecration - Romans 12:1-2
- God's mercy - Romans 12:1
- Do not conform . . . be transformed by the renewing of your mind - Romans 12:2
- Covenant Fidelity: Serving Others - Romans 12:3-21
- For by the grace given me - Romans 12:3
- A body of gifts - Romans 12:4-8
- Prophesying - Romans 12:4-6
- Variety and practically of Gods' gifts - Romans 12:7-8
- Love, love, love, love, and again I say love - Romans 12:9-21
- Sincere love - Romans 12:9
- Be devoted . . . in brotherly love - Romans 12:10
- Serve with enthusiasm - Romans 12:11
- Be joyful in hope - Romans 12:12
- Hospitality - Romans 12:13
- Bless, not curse - Romans 12:14
- Genuine unity - Romans 12:15-16
- Dealing with a non-Christian environment - Romans 12:17-21
- A goal of peace and harmony - Romans 12:17-18
- Free of personal vengeance - Romans 12:19
- Heap burning coals on his head - Romans 12:20-21
Chapter 13
- Covenant Fidelity: In Political and Social Life - Romans 13:1-14
- Christians and Civil Government: Should I Obey the Government?
- Submission to governing authorities - Romans 13:1
- Rebellion against authorities - Romans 13:2-3
- God's servant to do you good - Romans 13:4-5
- Why do you pay taxes - Romans 13:6
- Give everyone what you owe him - Romans 13:7
- One constant obligation - Romans 13:8-10
- Self-love? - Romans 13:9
- Understanding the present - Romans 13:11
- Night . . . day - Romans 13:12
- Let us behave decently - Romans 13:13
- Clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ - Romans 13:14
Chapter 14
- Covenant Fidelity: Among Weak and Strong - Romans 14:1-15:13
- Accept him whose faith is weak - Romans 14:1
- Eats only vegetables - Romans 14:2
- Look down . . . condemn - Romans 14:3-4
- One man considers one day more sacred than another - Romans 14:5
- He who regards one day as special - Romans 14:6-8
- The seriousness of judging another - Romans 14:9-14
- Our freedom - Romans 14:13-15:4
- Do not by your eating destroy your brother for whom Christ died - Romans 14:15
- Exercising our freedom - Romans 14:16-17
- Approved by men - Romans 14:18
- Promoting peace and mutual edification - Romans 14:19-21
- Liberty of conscience in God's presence - Romans 14:22-23
Chapter 15
- We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak - Romans 15:1-4
- Build our neighbors up - Romans 15:2
- Suffering for the benefit of others - Romans 15:3
- Written to teach us - Romans 15:4
- With one heart and mouth - Romans 15:5-6
- Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you - Romans 15:7-8
- The Gentiles - Romans 15:9-12
- The holy and wholly work of the Holy Spirit - Romans 15:13
- Final Words - Romans 15:14-16:27
- Vision of the Expansion of the Gospel - Romans 15:14-22
- My brothers - Romans 15:14
- Minister . . . with the priestly duty - Romans 15:15-16
- The Trinitarian Gospel - Romans 15:17-20
- Signs and miracles - Romans 15:19
- Not told . . . have not heard - Romans 15:20-22
- Paul's Plan to Visit Rome - Romans 15:23-33
- Longing for Rome - Romans 15:23-24
- Spain - Romans 15:24
- Spiritual and material blessings - Romans 15:25-33
- Full measure of the blessing of Christ - Romans 15:25-29
- Paul's concern - Romans 15:30-32
- The God of peace - Romans 15:33
Chapter 16
- Greetings to Christians in Rome - Romans 16:1-16
- Phoebe - Romans 16:1-2
- Priscilla and Aquila - Romans 16:3-5
- Epenetus - Romans 16:5
- Mary, who worked very hard for you - Romans 16:6
- Andronicus and Junias - Romans 16:7
- Ampliatus - Romans 16:8
- Urbanus . . . Stachys - Romans 16:9
- Apelles . . . household of Aristobulus - Romans 16:10
- Herodion . . . the household of Narcissus - Romans 16:11
- Tryphena and Tryphosa . . . who work hard in the Lord - Romans 16:12
- Rufus, chosen in the Lord - Romans 16:13-15
- Holy kiss - Romans 16:16
- Warning Against Enemies - Romans 16:17-20
- Innocent - Romans 16:19
- Cruising for a bruising - Romans 16:20
- Paul's Companions Send Greetings - Romans 16:21-24
- Timothy - Romans 16:21
- I, Tertius - Romans 16:22
- Gaius - Romans 16:23
- Doxology - Romans 16:25-27
- But now revealed and made known through the prophetic writings - Romans 16:26-27
Romans 1
- 1:1 Paul’s Letter to the Romans
- 1:1 The Apostle Paul
- 1:1-4 What is the Gospel?
- 1:5-6 Paul’s Office & Commission
- 1:7 Christians are Loved by God and Called to be Saints
- 1:8-10 Paul’s Gratitude, Prayers and Unfulfilled Longings
- 1:11-13 Having the Very Best Ambitions for the Future
- 1:14-16 I am Debtor; I am Ready; I am not Ashamed
- 1:17 The Righteous Will Live by Faith
- 1:18 The Wrath of God
- 1:19-20 God is Plainly Revealed in Creation
- 1:21-23 They Exchanged the Glory of God for Idols
- 1:26-27 The Christian and Homosexual Actions
- 1:28-32 Why Everyone Needs a Saviour from Sin
Romans 2
- 2:1-4 You Pass Judgements on Another and You’re in Trouble
- 2:5-10 When God’s Righteous Judgement Will be Revealed
- 2:11-16 Every Man Knows More Than He Practices
- 2:14-15 What of those who do not have the Bible?
- 2:16 The Day When God Will Judge Men
- 2:17-24 ‘If…’
- 2:25-29 The Spirit Circumcising the Heart
Romans 3
- 3:3-4 A Professing Believer, Rejecting the Faith?
- 3:1-2 The Advantage of True Religion – Having the Words of God
- 3:5-8 A Proud Lie: ‘Good Must Come From Our Evil Actions’
- 3:9-18 The Plight of Man
- 3:21-22 The Righteousness That is From God has Been Made Known
- 3:19-20 Every Mouth Silenced and the Whole World Guilty
- 3:22-23 All Have Sinned and Fall Short of the Glory of God
- 3:24 Justification is Free, by God’s Grace, Through Christ’s Redemption
- 3:25 Christ Our Propitiation
- 3:25-26 God the Just and the Justifier of the Unjust who Trust
- 3:27-31 Boasting Excluded Before the Grace of the God of Nations
- Total Depravity
Romans 4
- 4:1-5 The God who Justifies the Wicked
- 4:6-8 Transgressions Covered; Sins Forgiven
- 4:9-12 The Blessedness of Justification for Every Believer
- 4:13-15 A Stupendous Promise Received By Faith in Christ
- 4:16&17 The Promise Comes by Faith
- 4:18-22 Against all Hope we Hope, Having Faith in God
- 4:22-24 The Consequences of Believing in God
- 4:24&25 The Two Pillars of Our Salvation
Romans 5
- 5:1 Peace With God
- 5:1 Peace With An Accessible God
- 5:1-2 We Have Access To God, We Stand In Grace, And We Rejoice
- 5:3-5 Rejoicing In Sufferings
- 5:6-8 God Demonstrates His Love
- 5:9 Justified By His Blood; Saved From Wrath By His Life
- 5:10-11 Reconciled By The Death Of Christ; Saved Through His Life.
- 5:12-14 Death Came To All Men Because All Sinned
- 5:12 By Adam Sin Entered The World
- 5:15-17 The Gift Of Grace In Christ Overflows To Many
- 5:18-21Life And Righteousness For All Men In Christ
Romans 6
- 6:1-2 We Died To Sin And So We Cannot Go On Living In Sin
- 6:3-4 We Were Baptised Into His Death And Raised To New Life
- 6:5-8 Anyone Who Has Died Has Been Freed From Sin
- 6:15-18 The Christian – A Slave To Righteousness
- 6:9-11 Alive To God In Jesus Christ
- 6:12-14 Do Not Let Sin Reign … Sin Shall Not Reign
- 6:19 Offer Your Body As A Servant To Righteousness
- 6:20-22 Set Free From Sin
- 6:23 The Wages Of Sin And The Gift Of God
Romans 7
- 7:1-6 The Christian Has Been Released From The Law
- 7:7 The Usefulness Of The Law
- 7:8-12 The Law Plus Sin Can Only Mean Death
- 7:13-14 A Sight Of Sin Makes Us Despise It All The More
- 7:14 But I Am Unspiritual, Sold As A Slave To Sin
- 7:15-17 Mr. Christian’s Personal Battles
- 7:15-20 The Christian’s Inward Conflict
- 7:21-25 Thanks Be To God For Rescue Through Jesus Christ Our Lord
Romans 8
- 8:1 No Condemnation
- 8:1-3 The Law of the Spirit of Life has Set Us Free
- 8:3&4 The Law's requirements Fulfilled in Us
- 8:5-9 To be Spiritually Minded is Life and Peace
- 8:9&10 The Christian Indwelt By the Spirit
- 8:11 Christ Raised by the Spirit, And We Are To Be Raised Also
- 8:12&13 Putting to Death the Misdeeds of the Body
- 8:13-25 How we Live the Christian Life
- 8:14 Being Led By The Spirit Of God
- 8:15 The Spirit of Sonship
- 8:16&17 The Spirit Bears Wirness With Our Spirits
- 8:17 Sonship and Suffering
- 8:18 The Incomparable Glory to be Revealed to Us
- 8:19-22 Creation itself will be Liberated
- 8:23-25 How We Live The Christian Life
- 8:26&27 The Intercession of the Holy Spirit
- 8:28 All Things Work Together For Good
- 8:29 The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination
- 8:30 The Golden Chain
- 8:31 What Shall We Say in Response To All This?
- 8:32 God the Father did not spare God the Son
- 8:33&34 Who is He that Condemns?
- 8:35-39 Nothing Shall Separate Us From the Love of Christ
- 8:37 In All These Things We Are More Than Conquerors
- Mortification: Its Nature as Definitive and Progressive
- Mortification: Its Obligation, Encouragement and Means
Romans 9
- 9:1 The Words of the Apostle Paul are Absolutely True
- 9:2-4 Paul's Heart Felt Anguish
- 9:4&5 Why We Love the People of God
- 9:6-9 God's Word Never Fails
- 9:10-13 Jacob I Loved but Esau I Hated
- 9:11-13 Jacob I Loved but Esau I Hated 2
- 9:14-18 Is God Unjust?
- 9:17-20 Who are You, O Man, To Talk Back to God?
- 9:20&21 Thou Art the Potter, I am the Clay
- 9:22-24 God’s Incredible Patience
- 9:25-29 God’s Judgement on Israel; God’s Blessing on the Gentiles
- 9:30-33 The Gentiles Received a Righteousness that is by Faith
Romans 10
- 10:1 Paul’s Heart’s Desire and Prayer
- 10:2-4 Submit to God’s Righteousness
- 10:5-11 The Righteousness that is by Faith
- 10:12-13 Calling on the Name of the Lord
- 10:14-15 God Sends Preachers to Call Men to Believe
- 10:16-17 Faith comes from Hearing but the Message comes from Christ
- 10:17 How May I Have Faith?
- 10:18-21 God’s Determination that Sinners be Saved
Romans 11
- 11:1-5 Did God Reject His People?
- 11:6 If we are Saved by Works then Grace is no Longer Grace
- 11:7-10 Self Hardening and Divine Hardening
- 11:11-12 How Divine Riches Have Come to Poor Gentiles
- 11:13-14 Unusual Approach to Evangelism and Salvation
- 11:15 Life from the Dead
- 11:16-20 The Mighty Benefits of Being Joined to the Saviour
- 11:20-24 Consider the Kindness and Sternness of God
- 11:25-27 So all Israel Will be Saved
- 11:28-32 ‘Tis Mercy all, Immense and Free
- 11:33 Oh the Depth of the Riches of the Wisdom of God!
- 11:34-36 From God and Through God and To God are all Things
Romans 12
- 12:1 Presenting your Bodies as Living Sacrifices to God
- 12:2 Be Transformed by the Renewal of your Minds
- 12:3 Coping and Succeeding in the Christian Life
- 12:4&5 Members One of Another
- 12:6-8 The all round Christian life
- 12:6 Spiritual Gifts And The Church
- 12:9 Sincere Love – The mark of the true Christian
- 12:10 Be devoted to one another in Brotherly Love
- 12:11 Never be lacking in Zeal
- 12:12&13 Five things God wants the Christian to do: be Joyful, Patient, Prayerful, Generous and Hospitable
- 12:14 Bless those that Persecute you; Bless and do not Curse
- 12:15 Rejoicing and Weeping with our Neighbours
- 12:16 Christian Relationships
- 12:17&18 Living under the Scrutiny of the Watching World
- 12:19-21 Do Not Take Revenge
Romans 13
- 13:1 The Christian and the Government
- 13:1&2 Submission to the Powers that be
- 13:1-6 The Two Kingdoms
- 13:8-10 The Law needs a Loving Fulfilment
- 13:11 Wake up from your Slumber
- 13:11&12 Full Salvation is Almost Here
- 13:12 The Night is Nearly Over
- 13:12-14 The Armour of Light
Romans 14
- 14:1&2 Judging Disputable Matters
- 14:1-6 The duties of the strong
- 14:7-8 Dying and living to the Lord
- 14:9 Christ died and rose again
- 14:10-12 The day of judgment
- 14:13-16 Acting in love to your Brother
- 14:17-18 What is the kingdom of God
- 14:19-20 The Christians three great goals
- 14:20-23 Filled with joy and peace as you trust in God
Romans 15
- 15:1-4 Value of all Scriptures
- 15:5-12 How to transform worship
- 15:13 Filled with all joy and peace as you trust God
- 15:14-16 The marks of the true Christian
- 15:17-19 The glorious ministry of the Apostles
- 15:20-24 Paul’s ambition and ours
- 15:25-28 Loving in deed as well as word
- 15:29 The full measure of the blessing of Christ
- 15:30-33 Paul’s final prayer
- The Peace of God
Romans 16
- 16:1-6 Phoebe, Priscilla and Mary
- 16:7-16 Final Greetings
- 16:17-18 Watch our for those who cause division
- 16:19 The Christian both wise and innocent
- 16:20 God will crush Satan under us
- 16:20-23 Greetings and Grace
- The Wisdom of God
- Introduction to Romans (Part 1)
- Introduction to Romans (Part 2)
- Romans 1:1-7
- Romans 1:8-15
- Romans 1:16-17
- Romans 1:18-20
- Romans 1:21-23
- Romans 1:24-32
- Romans 2:1-16
- Romans 2:17-29
- Romans 3:1-8
- Romans 3:9-20
- Romans 3:21-26
- Romans 3:27-31
- The Doctrine of Justification
- Romans 4:1-8
- Romans 4:9-12
- Romans 4:13-25
- Romans 5:1-11
- Romans 5:12-21
- Romans 6:1-10
- Romans 6:11-14
- Romans 6:15-23
- Romans 7:1-6
- Romans 7:7-12
- Romans 7:13-18
- Romans 7:19-25
- Romans 8:1-4
- Romans 8:5-11
- Romans 8:12-17
- Romans 8:18-27
- Romans 8:28-34
- Romans 8:35-39
- Romans 9:1-5
- Romans 9:6-20
- Romans 9:20-33
- Romans 10:1-13
- Romans 10:14-21
- Romans 11:1-12
- Romans 11:13-25
- Romans 11:25-36
- Romans 12:1-2
- Romans 12:3-8
- Romans 12:9-16
- Romans 12:17-21
- Romans 13:1-7
- Romans 13:8-10
- Romans 13:11-14
- Romans 14:1-9
- Romans 14:10-12
- Romans 14:13-23
- Romans 15:1-6
- Romans 15:7-13
- Romans 15:14-21
- Romans 15:22-29
- Romans 15:30-33
- Romans 16:1-16
- Romans 16:17-20
- Romans 16:20-27
- Romans 1:1 Introduction - "Are You Willing To Be A Slave?"
- Romans 1:2-7a - "Called By God For A Holy Purpose"
- Romans 1:7b-10 - "Walk In His Grace As A Grace Extender"
- Romans 1:11-12 - "I'll Encourage You, You Encourage Me"
- Romans 1:13-16 - "The Power Of The Gospel Is God's Power In Your Life"
- Romans 1:17-20 - "Every Knee Will Bow, And Every Tongue Confess, Jesus Christ As Lord"
- Romans 1:21-25 - "Professing To Be Wise, They Became Fools"
- Romans 1:26-32 - "God's Grace Is Greater Than The Vileness Of Sin. Praise God!"
- Romans 2:1-6 - "There Is No Partiality With God's Righteous Judgment"
- Romans 2:7-16 - "Everyone Will Be Judged By God. How Will He Determine Your Case?"
- Romans 2:17-29 - "Praise God For The Circumcision From Above"
- Romans 3:1-8 - "Prove Yourselves Doers Of The Word, In Christ"
- Romans 3:9-18 - "Oh, The Sinfulness Of The Sinful Heart!"
- Romans 3:19-26 - "God Is Just And The Justifier"
- Romans 3:27-31 - "Let Him Who Boasts, Boast In The Lord!"
- Romans 4:1-12 - "Blessed Is The Man Whose Sin The Lord Will Never Count Against Him"
- Romans 4:13-21 - "Do Not Waver In The Promises Of God, Give Him Glory!"
- Romans 4:22-25 - 5:1-2 - "We Wait For The Glorious Appearing Of Jesus Christ"
- Romans 5:3-5 - "We're Not In This Alone"
- Romans 5:6-11 - "In Christ, We Have Been Reconciled Even While We Were His Enemies"
- Romans 5:12-21 - "For As In Adam All Die, So In Christ All Will Be Made Alive."
- Romans 6:1-11 - "If Anyone Is In Christ, He Is A New Creation"
- Romans 6:12-23 - "Slaves Of God, Or Slaves Of The World ..... Which Are You?"
- Romans 7:1-8 - "Dead To the Law, Alive To Christ"
- Romans 7:9-15 - "Why Do I Struggle With Sin? The Answer May Surprise You!"
- Romans 7:16-25 - 8:1-7 - "How Do We Live By The Spirit, As Opposed To The Flesh?"
- Romans 8:8-11 - "The Spirit Of Christ Resides In Every Child Of God"
- Romans 8:12-17 - "To Be Adopted By God...... What A Concept!"
- Romans 8:18-23 - "We In Christ Groan Inwardly As We Await Our Adoption"
- Romans 8:24-28 - "With Perseverance, Wait Eagerly For Your Hope In Christ"
- Romans 8:29-30 - "For Those God Foreknew He Also Predestined"
- Romans 8:31-39 - "If Christ Is For Us, Who Can Be Against Us?"
- Romans 9:1-8 - "For They Are Not All Israel, Who Are Descended From Israel"
- Romans 9:9-13 - "Jacob I Loved, But Esau I Hated"
- Romans 9:14-23 - "What Then Shall We Say? Is God Unjust? Not At All!"
- Romans 9:24-33 - "I Will Call Them My People, Who Were Not My People"
- Romans 10:1-10 - "Confess; Believe, That "Jesus is Lord", And You Will Be Saved"
- Romans 10:11-15 - "How Beautiful Are The Feet Of Those Who Bring Good News"
- Romans 10:16-21 - 11:1 - "Did God Reject His People Israel? By No Means!"
- Romans 11:2-10 - "God Gave Israel A Spirit Of Stupor"
- Romans 11:11-16 - "Israel's Loss Is The Gentiles' Gain"
- Romans 11:17-25 - "God Is Able To Graft Israel In To Life Again"
- Romans 11:26-36 - 12:1 - "All Israel Will Be Saved. What Does This Mean?"
- Romans 12:2 - "Be Transformed By The Renewing Of Your Mind"
- Romans 12:3-5 - "In Christ, We Who Are Many Form One Body"
- Romans 12:6-8 - "What Is The Baptism Of The Holy Spirit As It Relates To Him Gifting Us?"
- Romans 12:6 - "Gift Of Prophecy Part 1"
- Romans 12:6 - "Gift Of Prophecy Part 2"
- Romans 12:7 - "Gift Of Service For Ministry .... Gift Of Teaching"
- Romans 12:8 - "The Gifts Of Exhortation, Of Giving, Of Leadership And Mercy"
- Romans 12:9-12 - "Be Fervent In Spirit, Serving The Lord"
- Romans 12:13-15 - "Seek To Meet The Needs Of Others"
- Romans 12:16-21 - "Do Not Be Overcome By Evil, But Overcome Evil With Good"
- Romans 13:1-3 - "Be Subject To Every Governing Authority"
- Romans 13:4-10 - "Owe No One Anything Except To Love One Another"
- Romans 13:11-14 - "The Hour Has Come For You To Wake Up From Your Slumber"
- Romans 14:1-12 - "Each Of us Will Give An Account Of Himself To God"
- Romans 14:13-23 - "What Are Christian Liberties And How Do We Practice Them?"
- Romans 15:1-13 - "Each Of Us Should Please His Neighbor For His Good, To Build Him Up"
- Romans 15:14-21 - "Whoever Serves, Let Him Do So As By God's Strength"
- Romans 15:22-33 - "Paul Plans His Visit To Rome"
- Romans 16:1-16 - "Ordinary People Doing An Extraordinary Work In Christ"
- Romans 16:17-20 - "Keep An Eye On Those Who Teach Falsehood In The Church"
- Romans 16:21-27 - "To The Only Wise God Be Glory Forever"
Date Sermon Scripture References Speaker Sermon Series 24 May 2020 Love That Never Leaves Romans 8:31-39 Grant, Scott Bound For Glory 17 May 2020 God's Good Purpose Romans 8:28-30 Grant, Scott Bound For Glory 10 May 2020 Groaning For Glory Romans 8:18-27 Grant, Scott Bound For Glory 03 May 2020 Abba! Father! Romans 8:12-17 Grant, Scott Bound For Glory 26 Apr 2020 No Condemnation Romans 8:1-11 Grant, Scott Bound For Glory 19 Sep 2010 Politics: How to Engage Government Romans 13:1-7 Taylor, Paul The Skipping Stone of the Spirit 06 Jul 2008 The Power of Love (Romans) Romans 12:9-21 Goins, Doug Main Service 10 Jun 2007 The Letter that Changes the World Romans Grant, Scott Romans: The Letter that Changes the World 03 Jun 2007 To Strengthen the Church Romans 16:1-27 Grant, Scott Romans: The Letter that Changes the World 27 May 2007 Breaking New Ground Romans 15:14-33 Grant, Scott Romans: The Letter that Changes the World 20 May 2007 With One Voice Romans 15:1-13 Grant, Scott Romans: The Letter that Changes the World 13 May 2007 What is Unity Worth? Romans 14:1-23 Grant, Scott Romans: The Letter that Changes the World 06 May 2007 Love Has Its Reasons Romans 13:8-13 Grant, Scott Romans: The Letter that Changes the World 29 Apr 2007 Overcoming Evil With Good Romans 12:14-21, 13:1-7 Grant, Scott Romans: The Letter that Changes the World 22 Apr 2007 The Value of Each Romans 12:3-13 Grant, Scott Romans: The Letter that Changes the World 15 Apr 2007 Doing God's Will Romans 12:1-2 Grant, Scott Romans: The Letter that Changes the World 01 Apr 2007 Mercy for All Romans 11:1-36 Grant, Scott Romans: The Letter that Changes the World 25 Mar 2007 Has God Proved Himself? Romans 9:30-33, 10:1-21 Grant, Scott Romans: The Letter that Changes the World 18 Mar 2007 The Stage for Christ Romans 9:1-29 Grant, Scott Romans: The Letter that Changes the World 16 Jul 2006 Love That Never Leaves Romans 8:31-39 Grant, Scott Romans: The Letter that Changes the World 09 Jul 2006 Groaning For Glory Romans 8:18-30 Grant, Scott Romans: The Letter that Changes the World 02 Jul 2006 Abba! Father! Romans 8:12-17 Grant, Scott Romans: The Letter that Changes the World 25 Jun 2006 Freedom From Condemnation Romans 8:1-11 Grant, Scott Romans: The Letter that Changes the World 18 Jun 2006 Freedom From the Law Romans 7:1-25 Grant, Scott Romans: The Letter that Changes the World 11 Jun 2006 Freedom From Sin Romans 6:1-23 Grant, Scott Romans: The Letter that Changes the World 04 Jun 2006 The New Humanity Romans 5:1-21 Grant, Scott Romans: The Letter that Changes the World 18 Feb 2006 God's Worldwide Family Romans 4:1-25 Grant, Scott Romans: The Letter that Changes the World 11 Feb 2006 Great Is Thy Faithfulness Romans 3:21-31 Grant, Scott Romans: The Letter that Changes the World 04 Feb 2006 The Best is a Bust Romans 3:1-20 Grant, Scott Romans: The Letter that Changes the World 29 Jan 2006 The Doctor Is Out Romans 2:1-29 Grant, Scott Romans: The Letter that Changes the World 22 Jan 2006 World Gone Wrong Romans 1:18-32 Grant, Scott Romans: The Letter that Changes the World 15 Jan 2006 The Power of the Gospel Romans 1:16-17 Grant, Scott Romans: The Letter that Changes the World 08 Jan 2006 The Story of the Gospel Romans 1:1-15 Grant, Scott Romans: The Letter that Changes the World 05 Apr 2003 The Heart of a Trailblazer Romans 15:14-29 Hall, Danny Missions and Evangelism: Why are we here? 29 Mar 2003 Our Task: Proclaiming and Sending Romans 10:14-15 Hall, Danny Missions and Evangelism: Why are we here? 08 Mar 2003 What's All The Fuss About? Romans 3:21-30 Hall, Danny Missions and Evangelism: Why are we here? 25 Jun 2000 The Power of Faith Romans 1:16-17 Hall, Danny The Just Shall Live By Faith 26 Sep 1999 Worship As A Lifestyle Romans 12:1-2 Goins, Doug The Now of Worship 05 Dec 1998 The Reign Of Grace Romans 5:12-21 Zeisler, Steve You are the Man: David's Sin and Its Outcomes 27 Dec 1997 The Gift that Keeps on Giving Romans 8:28-39 Hall, Danny Main Service 13 Jan 1996 The Benefits Of Spiritual Gifts Romans 12:1-8 Ritchie, Ron Now Concerning Spiritual Gifts 13 Nov 1993 Love Lessons Romans 12:3-21 Zeisler, Steve Studies in Romans 06 Nov 1993 Responding To Riches Romans 11:33-36, 12:1-2 Zeisler, Steve Studies in Romans 31 Oct 1993 Roots Romans 11:1-32 Zeisler, Steve Studies in Romans 24 Oct 1993 Full Of Zeal, Hard Of Hearing Romans 10:1-21 Zeisler, Steve Studies in Romans 17 Oct 1993 Out Of Our League Romans 9:14-33 Zeisler, Steve Studies in Romans 10 Oct 1993 Fatal False Assumptions Romans 9:1-13 Zeisler, Steve Studies in Romans 11 Jul 1993 God Is For Us Romans 8:26-29 Zeisler, Steve Studies in Romans 04 Jul 1993 Eager Anticipation Romans 8:18-25 Zeisler, Steve Studies in Romans 27 Jun 1993 Living By The Spirit Romans 8:1-17 Zeisler, Steve Studies in Romans 20 Jun 1993 The War Within Romans 7:1-25, 8:1-2 Zeisler, Steve Studies in Romans 13 Jun 1993 You've Got To Serve Somebody Romans 6:15-23 Zeisler, Steve Studies in Romans 06 Jun 1993 No Longer Slaves To Sin Romans 6:1-14 Zeisler, Steve Studies in Romans 30 May 1993 Righteousness Shall Reign Romans 5:12-21 Zeisler, Steve Studies in Romans 23 May 1993 Let Him Who Boasts Boast In The Lord Romans 5:1-11 Zeisler, Steve Studies in Romans 12 Mar 1993 Signing The Back Of The Yearbook Romans 16:1-27 Zeisler, Steve Studies in Romans 05 Mar 1993 Have Truth, Will Travel Romans 15:14-33 Zeisler, Steve Studies in Romans 26 Feb 1993 Lives Built By Christ Romans 14:19-23, 15:1-13 Zeisler, Steve Studies in Romans 20 Feb 1993 God Keeps His Promises Romans 3:31, 4:1-25 Zeisler, Steve Studies in Romans 19 Feb 1993 Dealing With Diversity Romans 14:1-8 Zeisler, Steve Studies in Romans 13 Feb 1993 "...That Saved A Wretch Like Me" Romans 3:9-31 Zeisler, Steve Studies in Romans 12 Feb 1993 Honorable Indebtedness Romans 13:8-14 Zeisler, Steve Studies in Romans 06 Feb 1993 Full Mind, Empty Heart Romans 2:17-29, 3:1-8 Zeisler, Steve Studies in Romans 05 Feb 1993 Who Governs Governments? Romans 13:1-7 Zeisler, Steve Studies in Romans 23 Jan 1993 High-Minded Hypocrisy Romans 2:1-16 Zeisler, Steve Studies in Romans 16 Jan 1993 Glorify God In Your Body Romans 1:24-27 Zeisler, Steve Studies in Romans 09 Jan 1993 Cycle Of Self-Destruction Romans 1:18-32 Zeisler, Steve Studies in Romans 02 Jan 1993 Great Good News Romans 1:1-17 Zeisler, Steve Studies in Romans 17 Jul 1977 The Great Mystery Romans 16:25-27 Stedman, Ray From Guilt to Glory -- Experienced 10 Jul 1977 All in the Family Romans 16:1-24 Stedman, Ray From Guilt to Glory -- Experienced 26 Jun 1977 An Adequate Ministry Romans 15:14-33 Stedman, Ray From Guilt to Glory -- Experienced 19 Jun 1977 Our Great Example Romans 15:1-13 Stedman, Ray From Guilt to Glory -- Experienced 05 Jun 1977 The Right to Yield Romans 14:13-23 Stedman, Ray From Guilt to Glory -- Experienced 29 May 1977 On Trying to Change Others Romans 14:1-12 Stedman, Ray From Guilt to Glory -- Experienced 09 Apr 1977 The Night is Nearly Over Romans 13:8-14 Stedman, Ray From Guilt to Glory -- Experienced 02 Apr 1977 God's Strange Servants Romans 13:1-7 Stedman, Ray From Guilt to Glory -- Experienced 19 Mar 1977 How to Hug Romans 12:9-21 Stedman, Ray From Guilt to Glory -- Experienced 12 Mar 1977 Who am I, Lord? Romans 12:3-8 Stedman, Ray From Guilt to Glory -- Experienced 05 Mar 1977 Living Day by Day Romans 12:1-3 Stedman, Ray From Guilt to Glory -- Experienced 26 Feb 1977 Our Great and Glorious God Romans 11:25-36, 12:1 Stedman, Ray From Guilt to Glory -- Exhibited 25 Dec 1976 There's Hope Ahead Romans 11:1-24 Stedman, Ray From Guilt to Glory -- Exhibited 11 Dec 1976 Have they not Heard? Romans 10:14-21 Stedman, Ray From Guilt to Glory -- Exhibited 04 Dec 1976 How to be Saved Romans 10:1-13 Stedman, Ray From Guilt to Glory -- Exhibited 27 Nov 1976 Let God be God Romans 9:14-33 Stedman, Ray From Guilt to Glory -- Exhibited 20 Nov 1976 Has God Failed? Romans 9:1-13 Stedman, Ray From Guilt to Glory -- Exhibited 06 Nov 1976 If God be For Us Romans 8:29-39 Stedman, Ray From Guilt to Glory -- Explained 31 Oct 1976 The Agony and the Ecstasy Romans 8:18-28 Stedman, Ray From Guilt to Glory -- Explained 24 Oct 1976 The Sons of God among Men Romans 8:14-17 Stedman, Ray From Guilt to Glory -- Explained 10 Oct 1976 Why not Live? Romans 8:5-13 Stedman, Ray From Guilt to Glory -- Explained 26 Sep 1976 No Condemnation Romans 7:25, 8:1-4 Stedman, Ray From Guilt to Glory -- Explained 19 Sep 1976 The Continuing Struggle Romans 7:7-25 Stedman, Ray From Guilt to Glory -- Explained 12 Sep 1976 Free to Win or Loose Romans 7:1-6 Stedman, Ray From Guilt to Glory -- Explained 05 Sep 1976 Whose Slave are You? Romans 6:15-23 Stedman, Ray From Guilt to Glory -- Explained 20 Jun 1976 The True Baptism of the Spirit Romans 6:3-14 Stedman, Ray From Guilt to Glory -- Explained 30 May 1976 Can we Go on Sinning? Romans 6:1-2 Stedman, Ray From Guilt to Glory -- Explained 23 May 1976 Rejoicing in God Romans 5:11-21 Stedman, Ray From Guilt to Glory -- Explained 16 May 1976 Rejoicing in Suffering Romans 5:3-10 Stedman, Ray From Guilt to Glory -- Explained 24 Apr 1976 Rejoicing in Hope Romans 5:1-2 Stedman, Ray From Guilt to Glory -- Explained 10 Apr 1976 The Faith of our Father Romans 4:13-25 Stedman, Ray From Guilt to Glory -- Explained 03 Apr 1976 The Father of Faith Romans 4:1-12 Stedman, Ray From Guilt to Glory -- Explained 24 Jan 1976 But Now Romans 3:21-31 Stedman, Ray From Guilt to Glory -- Explained 17 Jan 1976 Total Wipeout Romans 3:1-20 Stedman, Ray From Guilt to Glory -- Explained 10 Jan 1976 According to Light Romans 2:12-29 Stedman, Ray From Guilt to Glory -- Explained 03 Jan 1976 Sinful Morality Romans 2:1-11 Stedman, Ray From Guilt to Glory -- Explained 20 Dec 1975 The Deepening Darkness Romans 1:24-32 Stedman, Ray From Guilt to Glory -- Explained 13 Dec 1975 The Tragic Sense of Life Romans 1:18-23 Stedman, Ray From Guilt to Glory -- Explained 06 Dec 1975 Introduction to Life Romans 1:1-17 Stedman, Ray From Guilt to Glory -- Explained 31 Dec 1969 The Meaning of Baptism Romans 6:4 Stedman, Ray Main Service 21 Jul 1968 The Man God Uses Romans 1:13-16 Stedman, Ray Main Service 25 Nov 1967 The Scars of Sin Romans 6:16 Stedman, Ray Main Service 21 Jan 1967 The Message Of Romans Romans Stedman, Ray Adventuring through the Bible 02 Feb 1963 The Former Day Saints Romans 16:1-27 Stedman, Ray Romans (Series #1) 05 Jan 1963 The Minister of Jesus Christ Romans 15:14-33 Stedman, Ray Romans (Series #1) 29 Dec 1962 Power to Please Romans 15:1-13 Stedman, Ray Romans (Series #1) 15 Dec 1962 About Doubtful Things Romans 14:1-23 Stedman, Ray Romans (Series #1) 08 Dec 1962 The Demand of the Hour Romans 13:8-14 Stedman, Ray Romans (Series #1) 01 Dec 1962 Citizen-Saints Romans 13:1-7 Stedman, Ray Romans (Series #1) 24 Nov 1962 Authentic Christians Romans 12:9-21 Stedman, Ray Romans (Series #1) 10 Nov 1962 The Body at Work Romans 12:3-8 Stedman, Ray Romans (Series #1) 28 Oct 1962 Discovering the Will of God Romans 11:33-36, 12:1-2 Stedman, Ray Romans (Series #1) 21 Oct 1962 The Christian and the Jew Romans 11:1-36 Stedman, Ray Romans (Series #1) 14 Oct 1962 How Far Away is God? Romans 9:30-33, 10:1-21 Stedman, Ray Romans (Series #1) 16 Sep 1962 Who Chose Whom? Romans 9:1-29 Stedman, Ray Romans (Series #1) 09 Sep 1962 Prayer, Providence, Praise Romans 8:26-39 Stedman, Ray Romans (Series #1) 12 Aug 1962 The Joy of being Grown Up Romans 8:14-25 Stedman, Ray Romans (Series #1) 29 Jul 1962 In the Arena Romans 8:5-14 Stedman, Ray Romans (Series #1) 22 Jul 1962 False Consecration Romans 7:14-25, 8:1-4 Stedman, Ray Romans (Series #1) 15 Jul 1962 Do Chrisitans need the Ten Commandments? Romans 7:1-13 Stedman, Ray Romans (Series #1) 01 Jul 1962 Choose Your Master Romans 6:15-23 Stedman, Ray Romans (Series #1) 24 Jun 1962 The Day I Died Romans 6:1-14 Stedman, Ray Romans (Series #1) 17 Jun 1962 To Reign in Life Romans 5:12-21 Stedman, Ray Romans (Series #1) 10 Jun 1962 Faith Faces Life Romans 5:1-11 Stedman, Ray Romans (Series #1) 03 Jun 1962 Exhibit A Romans 3:27-31, 4:1-25 Stedman, Ray Romans (Series #1) 27 May 1962 Peale or Paul? Romans 3:9-26 Stedman, Ray Romans (Series #1) 20 May 1962 Red Herrings Romans 2:17-29, 3:1-8 Stedman, Ray Romans (Series #1) 13 May 1962 The Secrets of Men Romans 2:1-16 Stedman, Ray Romans (Series #1) 06 May 1962 When Everyone Knows God Romans 1:18-32 Stedman, Ray Romans (Series #1) 29 Apr 1962 Simple Christianity Romans 1:1-17 Stedman, Ray Romans (Series #1)
- Introduction to Romans
- Romans 1:1-3a: The Gospel: A Study on Romans 1:1-3a
- Romans 1:3-4 What Think Ye of Christ? A study on Romans 1:3-4
- Romans 1:3b and Luke 1:26-35 Why I Believe in the Virgin Birth
- Romans 1:4 The Resurrection of Jesus Christ
- Romans 1:5-7 The Grace of God
- Romans 1:8-17 God's Power
- Romans 1:17-18 Righteousness or Wrath -- Which Will It Be?
- Romans 1:18-23 Are the Heathen Lost?
- Romans 1:24-32 The Consequences of Rejecting Light
- Romans 2:1-5 You Too Are Guilty, Oh Moral Man!
- Romans 2:1-16 Principles of Judgment
- Romans 3:1-8 How Shall God Judge the World?
- Romans 3:9-18 Paul or Peale?
- Romans 3:19-20 The Major Purpose for the Mosaic Law
- Romans 3:21-24a Justified Freely
- Romans 3:24b Redemption
- Romans 3:24-26 Propitiation
- Romans 4:1-8 Justification in the Old Testament
- Romans 4:7-16 Justification by Grace Through Faith
- Romans 4:16-25 How Faith Operates
- Romans 5:1-5 Will the “By Faith Way” Work?
- Romans 5:6-11 Much More
- Romans 5:12-21 In Adam and in Christ
- Romans 6:1-2a Shall We Continue in Sin?
- Romans 6:2 Dead to Sin
- Romans 6:3-4a Baptism into Christ
- Romans 6:4-5 Alive in Christ
- Romans 6:6-10 The Crucified Old Man
- Romans 6:11-14 Experiencing Union with Christ
- Romans 6:14b-16 Slaves — Never to Be Emancipated
- Romans 6:17-23 Slaves for Holiness
- Romans 7:7-14 Law and Sanctification
- Romans 7:14-20 Discovering Our Sinfulness
- Romans 7:20-25 Who Shall Deliver Me?
- Romans 8:1-4 Deliverance through the Spirit
- Romans 8:5-13 Walking after the Spirit
- Romans 8:14-17Heirs with Christ
- Romans 8:18-27 Groanings Because of Sin
- Romans 8:28 Suffering and God's Plan
- Romans 8:29-30 From Eternity to Eternity
- Romans 8:31-39 God’s Love for His Own
- Romans 9:1-13 Who Chose Whom?
- Romans 9:14-24 Let God Be God
- Romans 9:25-33 The Marvelous Mystery of Salvation
- Romans 10:1-11 Man’s Responsibility? Faith!
- Romans 10:12-21 A Universal Gospel
- Romans 11:1-12 Has God Cast Away Israel?
- Romans 11:13-24 God's Covenant
- Romans 11:25-36 God's Plan for Israel
- Romans 12:1 A Living Sacrifice
- Romans 12:2 What is Worldliness?
- Romans 12:3-8 What are your Spiritual Gifts?
- Romans 12:9-13 Practical Christianity
- Romans 12:14-21 Love Offended
- Romans 13:1 Subjection to Governmental Authority
- Romans 13:2-4 Dare You Resist Your Government?
- Romans 13:5-7 Render unto Caesar
- Romans 13:5 Should a Christian Go to War?
- Romans 13:8-14 The Christian's Responsibility to his Neighbor
- Romans 14:1-3 Christian Understanding in Doubtful Things
- Romans 14:4-12 An Exhortation to the Weak Brother on Doubtful Things
- Romans 14:13-21 Exhortation to the Strong Brother on Doubtful Things
- Romans 14:22-23 Do All Things to Please Christ
- Romans 15:1-13 Power to Please
- Romans 15:14-33 The Concerns of a True Minister
- Romans 16:1-16 The Former Day Saints
- Romans 16:17-18 False Teachers
- Romans 16:17-27 The Closing Words of the Book of Romans
- Romans Commentary - Gnomon of the New Testament - Volume 3 - click for index
- Another source: R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12 R13 R14 R15 R16 JAB
- Romans 1 Commentary
- Romans 2 Commentary
- Romans 3 Commentary
- Romans 4 Commentary
- Romans 5 Commentary
- Romans 6 Commentary
- Romans 7 Commentary
- Romans 8 Commentary
- Romans 9 Commentary
- Romans 10 Commentary
- Romans 11 Commentary
- Romans 12 Commentary
- Romans 13 Commentary
- Romans 14 Commentary
- Romans 15 Commentary
- Romans 16 Commentary
- Romans 1 Commentary
- Romans 2 Commentary
- Romans 3 Commentary
- Romans 4 Commentary
- Romans 5 Commentary
- Romans 6 Commentary
- Romans 7 Commentary
- Romans 8 Commentary
- Romans 9 Commentary
- Romans 10 Commentary
- Romans 11 Commentary
- Romans 12 Commentary
- Romans 13 Commentary
- Romans 14 Commentary
- Romans 15 Commentary
- Romans 16 Commentary
- Spurgeon: In his own way this author is one of the most instructive of American writers; he is clear and definite, and leaves his meaning impressed upon the mind. His scholarship is respectable.....we have read him with pleasure....Always repays for consulting.
- Bibliotheca Sacra - Dr. Cowles writes with perspicuity, precision, and conciseness—three invaluable excellencIes of style for a commentary.
- Romans Introduction
- Romans 1 Commentary
- Romans 2 Commentary
- Romans 3 Commentary
- Romans 4 Commentary
- Romans 5 Commentary
- Romans 6 Commentary
- Romans 7 Commentary
- Romans 8 Commentary
- Romans 9 Commentary
- Romans 10 Commentary
- Romans 11 Commentary
- Romans 12 Commentary
- Romans 13 Commentary
- Romans 14 Commentary
- Romans 15 Commentary
- Romans 16 Commentary
- Romans - Speaker's Commentary >50 pages of introduction
- R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12 R13 R14 R15
Or by chapter:
- Romans Commentary (all in one Pdf) 419 pages or see below
- Title, Contents, and Introduction
- Romans 1:1-7 Salutation in the Gospel
- Romans 1:8-15 Introduction to the Gospel
- Romans 1:16-17 Theme, the Gospel of the Righteousness of God
- Romans 1:18-3:20 The Unrighteousness of Man, the Bad News
- Romans 3:21-31 The Righteousness of God, the Good News
- Romans 4:1-25 The Old Testament Confirmation of the Gospel
- Romans 5:1-21 The Reign of Grace over the Reign of Sin
- Romans 6:1-23 The Reign of Grace and Sanctified Liberation
- Romans 7:1-25 The Reign of Grace and the Law
- Romans 8:1-39 The Reign of Grace through the Spirit of the Gospel
- Romans 9:1-33 The Gospel and Israel’s Election
- Romans 10:1-21 The Gospel and Israel’s Defection
- Romans 11:1-36 The Gospel and Israel’s Salvation
- Romans 12:1-15:33 The Gospel and its Responsibilities
- Romans 16:1-24 Farewell Greetings in the Gospel
- Romans 16:25-27 Farewell Benediction in the Gospel
- Unabridged Version - click here
- Romans 1 Commentary
- Romans 2 Commentary
- Romans 3 Commentary
- Romans 4 Commentary
- Romans 5 Commentary
- Romans 6 Commentary
- Romans 7 Commentary
- Romans 8 Commentary
- Romans 9 Commentary
- Romans 10 Commentary
- Romans 11 Commentary
- Romans 12 Commentary
- Romans 13 Commentary
- Romans 14 Commentary
- Romans 15 Commentary
- Romans 16 Commentary
- R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12 R13 R14 R15 R16
SERMONS DIFFERENT THAN THE COMMENTARY:- Romans 1:1-4 Set Apart to Preach the Gospel
- Romans 1:1-5 The Everlasting Gospel
- Romans 1:1-6 God's Preacher
- Romans 1:1-6 The Business of Preaching
- Romans 1:1-6 The Credentials of Gospel Preaching
- Romans 1:1-6 The Preacher and His Gospel
- Romans 1:1-4 Separated Unto the Gospel of Christ
- Romans 1:14 Recovering the Gospel
- Romans 1:14-17 Why I Preach the Gospel
- Romans 1:16 How Does One Learn the Gospel
- Romans 1:16 Not Ashamed of the Gospel
- Romans 1:16 The Gospel
- Romans 1:16-17 The Just Shall Live By Faith.
- Romans 1:16-18 I am Not Ashamed of the Gospel of Christ
- Romans 1:16-19 Power and Revelation of the Gospel
- Romans 1:16-19 The Revelation of the Gospel
- Romans 2:28-29 He Is a Jew
- Romans 3:3 Is God Defeated
- Romans 3:19-28 The Greatest Story Ever Told.
- Romans 3:19-28 The Righteousness of God
- Romans 3:23-24 God's Way of Salvation
- Romans 3:24-26 Christ Our Mercy Seat
- Romans 3:28 We Conclude
- Romans 4:1-8 Do You Believe God
- Romans 4:3 Abraham Believed God
- Romans 4:21-24 Faith and Unbelief
- Romans 5:1 Justified By Faith
- Romans 5:1 Peace With God
- Romans 5:1 The Faith That Saves
- Romans 5:1 The Road to Peace
- Romans 5:1-02 We Have Peace With God
- Romans 5:12-21 Justified By Faith
- Romans 5:19 Three Things Modern Religionists Do Not Know.
- Romans 5:20 Grace Abounding Over Sin
- Romans 6:1 Will Calvinism Kill a Church
- Romans 6:1-12 Part 1
- Romans 6:7 Free From Sin
- Romans 6:11-12 Sin and the Believer
- Romans 6:12-23 Part 2
- Romans 6:23 Bad News and Good News
- Romans 6:23 Eternal Life - the Gift of God
- Romans 7:9 Slain by the Law
- Romans 8:1 No Condemnation In Christ
- Romans 8:1-5 The Difference Between Religion and Life
- Romans 8:22 He Spared Not His Own Son
- Romans 8:28 All Things Work Together For Good
- Romans 8:28 Justified By Faith
- Romans 8:28-30 A Careful Look at Predestination
- Romans 8:28-30 Called According to His Purpose
- Romans 8:28-31 Four Important Questions
- Romans 8:28-31 Sovereign Grace
- Romans 8:29-30 TULIP
- Romans 8:29-33 God's Election
- Romans 8:31 What Shall We Say to These Things
- Romans 8:31-39 Four Great Fears Removed
- Romans 8:32 He Spared Not His Own Son
- Romans 8:33-35 The Bold Challenge of God's Elect
- Romans 9:11 How to Meet the Doctrine of Election
- Romans 9:13 Jacob Have I Loved, Esau Have I Hated
- Romans 10:1-4 How Can a Sinner Approach God
- Romans 10:1-10 True Holiness
- Romans 10:1-17 Seven Things Every True Preacher Knows
- Romans 10:8-10 The Word of Faith
- Romans 10:9 When Is a Man Saved
- Romans 10:9-10 What Is It to Believe With the Heart
- Romans 10:13 Do You Really Want to Be Saved
- Romans 10:17 How to Obtain Saving Faith
- Romans 16:25-27 My Gospel
- Romans Commentary - 263 pages in outline format from Calvary Chapel
- Romans 1:1-7 Definitions
- Romans 2 The Gospel According to Paul
- Romans 3 The Law of Faith
- Romans 4 The Promise to Abraham
- Romans 5 Justification by Faith
Romans 5:9,10 A Fortiori ; Romans 5:15 The Two Adams- Romans 6:8 The Gospel According to Paul (Cont'd)
- Romans 8:9 The Spirit of Christ
- Romans 8:34 The Upper Thought
- Romans 10:1 Paul on the Heart
- Romans 12 The Christian Ideal
- Romans 12:9-21 The Christian Ideal (Cont'd)
- Romans 13 Ideal Society
- Romans 14 Apostolic Admonitions
Romans 14:12 Individualism ; Romans 14:16, 17 Proportionate Character- Romans 15 Brotherly Kindness
- R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12 R13 R14 R15 R16
- Charles Ellicott is the editor and only authored the commentary on Numbers. For a list of authors of each of the 66 books click here.
JOHN SCHULTZ - 140 pages
Rosscup: A popular series of radio expositions by a dynamic former pastor of The Church of the Open Door (Los Angeles) and key figure in the success of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, now developed into Biola University, one of the leading Christian liberal arts institutions in the world. His wife, Carol Talbot, has written his colorful life in For This I Was Born. The work on Romans is basic exposition alive with frequent potent illustrations drawn mostly from Talbot’s ministry. The material is an example of how one very effective channel of God’s gospel communicated it, and has much that is helpful for personal reading by laymen and ministers alike. Many aspects will prime a preacher or Bible study leader. Many, however, will not agree with Talbot that Romans 7:14–24 refers to the defeated Christian life, but will hold that even the mature Christian life will experience in some degree daily the down pull of sin and yet the uplift of the Spirit described in chapter 8.
- Chart on Romans
- Romans 1:1-17. Introduction
- Romans 1:18-3:20 Righteousness Required
- Romans 3:21-4:25 Righteousness Revealed
- Romans 5:1-21 Righteousness Received
- Romans 6:1-8:39 Righteousness Realized
- Romans 6:1-8:39 Righteousness Realized (cont.)
- Romans 6:1-8:39 Righteousness Realized (cont.)
- Romans 9:1-11:36 Righteousness Rejected
- Romans 9:1-11:36 Righteousness Rejected (cont.)
- Romans 9:1-11:36 Righteousness Rejected (cont.)
- Romans 12:1-15:7 Righteousness Reproduced
- Romans 15:8-16:27 Conclusion
- Romans 6:1-22 and Romans 8:1-14 How to Have Victory Over Sin - 35 page booklet
- Romans 8:1-14 and Romans 6:1-22 How to Have Victory Over Sin - 35 page booklet
- A Divine Cordial: Exposition of Romans 8:28. (Audio version of book)
- Rosscup: This (book) is excellent in looking in tremendous detail at 8:28 to see if all things do work together for good to those who love God, who are called according to His purpose, and in what senses they do. There is much solid and rich food for thought and much to make one think through. If a preacher or teacher is preparing to speak on Romans 8:28 this is a good book to expand his thinking on various facets of the matter.
- Romans 11 Does God Have a Future for Israel? - 46 page booklet
- Romans 13:1-7 Should Christians Endorse War?
- Romans 13:1-7 Christians and Politics: How Shall they Mix?
- Treasures from Romans - 552 pages - List of illustrations on page 543
- Introduction - Sketch of the Life of St Paul
- Date of Epistle - Genuineness - et al
- Parallels Between Romans and Galatians
- Quotations from the OT Argument of the Epistle - Chapter by Chapter
- Romans 1 Commentary
- Romans 2 Commentary
- Romans 3 Commentary
- Romans 4 Commentary
- Romans 5 Commentary
- Romans 6 Commentary
- Romans 7 Commentary
- Romans 8 Commentary
- Romans 9 Commentary
- Romans 10 Commentary
- Romans 11 Commentary
- Romans 12 Commentary
- Romans 13Commentary
- Romans 14 Commentary
- Romans 15 Commentary
- Romans 16 Commentary
Hint: NETBible (with choice of several other versions such as ESV, NAS, HCSB in right panel) scrolls in synch with NETBible notes in the right panel and Constable's Expository Notes.
James Rosscup - Dr. Chafer, president of Dallas Theological Seminary until 1952, used to say that Newell knew more about the book of Romans than any other man he knew. Newell has written here a detailed English commentary which is very helpful to laymen and easy to read.
- Romans 1:8-16
- Romans 1:8-16
- Romans 1:8-23
- Romans 1:12
- Romans 1:14
- Romans 1:14-17
- Romans 1:16
- Romans 1:16
- Romans 1:16
- Romans 1:16
- Romans 1:17
- Romans 1:18
- Romans 1:18
- Romans 1:18ff
- Romans 1:18-24
- Romans 1:18-25
- Romans 1:18-25
- Romans 1:18-32
- Romans 1:18-32
- Romans 1:19
- Romans 1:20
- Romans 1:20
- Romans 1:20
- Romans 1:21
- Romans 1:21
- Romans 1:22
- Romans 1:22
- Romans 1:25
- Romans 1:28
- Romans 1:29
- Romans 2:1
- Romans 2:1
- Romans 2:12-16
- Romans 2:15
- Romans 2:21
- Romans 2:21
- Romans 2:21
- Romans 2:23
- Romans 2:24
- Romans 3
- Romans 3:9ff
- Romans 3:9-20
- Romans 3:10
- Romans 3:10-11
- Romans 3:10-22
- Romans 3:17
- Romans 3:21ff
- Romans 3:21ff
- Romans 3:21-26
- Romans 3:21-26
- Romans 3:21-26
- Romans 3:21-28
- Romans 3:22ff
- Romans 3:23
- Romans 3:23
- Romans 3:23
- Romans 3:23
- Romans 3:23
- Romans 3:23
- Romans 3:28
- Romans 4
- Romans 4:1
- Romans 4:4-17
- Romans 4:5
- Romans 4:17
- Romans 4:20
- Romans 4:25
- Romans 4:25
- Romans 4:25
- Romans 5
- Romans 5:1
- Romans 5:1
- Romans 5:1
- Romans 5:1
- Romans 5:1
- Romans 5:1-11
- Romans 5:1-5
- Romans 5:1-5
- Romans 5:1-5
- Romans 5:1-2
- Romans 5:1-2
- Romans 5:2
- Romans 5:3
- Romans 5:3
- Romans 5:3
- Romans 5:3
- Romans 5:3
- Romans 5:5
- Romans 5:5
- Romans 5:6-15
- Romans 5:8
- Romans 5:8
- Romans 5:8
- Romans 5:8
- Romans 5:8
- Romans 5:8
- Romans 5:8
- Romans 5:8
- Romans 5:8
- Romans 5:8
- Romans 5:8
- Romans 5:8
- Romans 5:8
- Romans 5:8
- Romans 5:9
- Romans 5:9
- Romans 5:10
- Romans 5:10
- Romans 5:11
- Romans 5:12-21
- Romans 5:12-21
- Romans 5:15
- Romans 5:15-21
- Romans 5:17
- Romans 6
- Romans 6:1ff
- Romans 6:1-14
- Romans 6:1-18
- Romans 6:1
- Romans 6:1
- Romans 6:4
- Romans 6:8
- Romans 6:11
- Romans 6:11
- Romans 6:11
- Romans 6:11
- Romans 6:1-11
- Romans 6:11-23
- Romans 6:11-23
- Romans 6:12
- Romans 6:12
- Romans 6:12
- Romans 6:12
- Romans 6:12
- Romans 6:13
- Romans 6:13
- Romans 6:14
- Romans 6:14ff
- Romans 6:15-23
- Romans 6:15-23
- Romans 6:15-23
- Romans 6:15-23
- Romans 6:20
- Romans 6:22
- Romans 6:22
- Romans 6:23
- Romans 6:23
- Romans 6:23
- Romans 6:23
- Romans 6:23
- Romans 7
- Romans 7:5
- Romans 7:6
- Romans 7:7
- Romans 7:13-25
- Romans 7:14ff
- Romans 7:14-25
- Romans 7:15
- Romans 7:15-25
- Romans 7:18
- Romans 7:18
- Romans 7:24
- Romans 7:24
- Romans 8
- Romans 8:1
- Romans 8:1
- Romans 8:1-10
- Romans 8:1ff
- Romans 8:2
- Romans 8:3
- Romans 8:3
- Romans 8:3
- Romans 8:5
- Romans 8:6
- Romans 8:6
- Romans 8:9ff
- Romans 8:11-18
- Romans 8:12
- Romans 8:12-17
- Romans 8:12-17
- Romans 8:14
- Romans 8:14-17
- Romans 8:15
- Romans 8:15
- Romans 8:15
- Romans 8:16
- Romans 8:16-17
- Romans 8:16-17
- Romans 8:16-30
- Romans 8:16-27
- Romans 8:18 Romans 8:18
- Romans 8:18
- Romans 8:18-25
- Romans 8:22-39
- Romans 8:22-30
- Romans 8:26ff
- Romans 8:26
- Romans 8:26
- Romans 8:26-30
- Romans 8:27-39
- Romans 8:28
- Romans 8:28
- Romans 8:28
- Romans 8:28
- Romans 8:28
- Romans 8:28
- Romans 8:28
- Romans 8:28
- Romans 8:28
- Romans 8:28
- Romans 8:28
- Romans 8:28 - 30 Hyperseeing
- Romans 8:29
- Romans 8:29
- Romans 8:29
- Romans 8:29
- Romans 8:29
- Romans 8:30
- Romans 8:31
- Romans 8:31-39
- Romans 8:31-39
- Romans 8:31-39
- Romans 8:31-39
- Romans 8:31-39
- Romans 8:32
- Romans 8:33
- Romans 8:33
- Romans 8:34
- Romans 8:34-38
- Romans 8:35
- Romans 8:35
- Romans 8:37
- Romans 8:37
- Romans 8:38
- Romans 8:38
- Romans 8:39
- Romans 9:1-5 So Others May Live
- Romans 9:2 Do I Care?
- Romans 9:2 Sowing Seed With Tears
- Romans 9:2 Tears of a Teen
- Romans 9:3 Give Your Heart
- Romans 9:3 So Others May Live
- Romans 9:3 A Survivor's Thoughts
- Romans 9:3 What's It All About?
- Romans 9:12 Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated.
- Romans 10:1
- Romans 10:1
- Romans 10:1-13
- Romans 10:9ff
- Romans 10:9
- Romans 10:9
- Romans 10:9
- Romans 10:11-15 Where Have You Been?
- Romans 10:12-13
- Romans 10:13
- Romans 10:13
- Romans 10:13-17
- Romans 10:14
- Romans 10:14
- Romans 10:14
- Romans 10:14
- Romans 10:15
- Romans 11:33
- Romans 11:26-36
- Romans 11:33
- Romans 11:33-36
- Romans 12:1
- Romans 12:1-2, 9-18
- Romans 12:1
- Romans 12:1
- Romans 12:1-2
- Romans 12:1-8
- Romans 12:1-8
- Romans 12:1-8
- Romans 12:1-16
- Romans 12:2
- Romans 12:2
- Romans 12:2
- Romans 12:2
- Romans 12:2
- Romans 12:3
- Romans 12:3
- Romans 12:3
- Romans 12:3
- Romans 12:3-8
- Romans 12:3-8
- Romans 12:3-13
- Romans 12:3-11
- Romans 12:4-13
- Romans 12:5
- Romans 12:6
- Romans 12:6
- Romans 12:6
- Romans 12:6
- Romans 12:6
- Romans 12:6-13
- Romans 12:9
- Romans 12:9
- Romans 12:9ff
- Romans 12:10
- Romans 12:10
- Romans 12:11
- Romans 12:13
- Romans 12:14-21 Leap the Wall
- Romans 12:15
- Romans 12:15
- Romans 12:15
- Romans 12:15
- Romans 12:15
- Romans 12:15
- Romans 12:15
- Romans 12:15
- Romans 12:17
- Romans 12:17
- Romans 12:17
- Romans 12:17ff
- Romans 12:18
- Romans 12:18
- Romans 12:18
- Romans 12:19
- Romans 12:19
- Romans 12:19
- Romans 12:19
- Romans 12:20
- Romans 12:20
- Romans 12:21
- Romans 12:21
- Romans 12:21
- Romans 12:21
- Romans 12:21
- Romans 13:1
- Romans 13:1
- Romans 13:1-10 To Whom It Is Due
- Romans 13:1-10
- Romans 13:1-10
- Romans 13:1ff
- Romans 13:1ff
- Romans 13:1
- Romans 13:8
- Romans 13:9
- Romans 13:11
- Romans 13:11
- Romans 13:12
- Romans 13:14
- Romans 14:1-13
- Romans 14:1-13 Resolve To Resolve
- Romans 14:10-12
- Romans 14:13
- Romans 14:13
- Romans 14:17
- Romans 15:1
- Romans 15:1-7
- Romans 15:2
- Romans 15:6
- Romans 15:7
- Romans 15:4-13
- Romans 15:13
- Romans 15:13
- Romans 15:13
- Romans 15:13
- Romans 15:13
- Romans 15:20
- Romans 15:20
- Romans 15:22-33
- Romans 16
- Romans 16:1-2
- Romans 16:1-16
- Romans 16:1-16
- Romans 16:3
- Romans 16:3-4
- Romans 16:3-4
- Romans 16:3-4
- Romans 16:3-4
- Romans 16:4
- Romans 16:4
- Romans 16:10
- Romans 16:13
- Romans 16:18
- Romans 16:2
- Romans 1-7 The Greatest Thing in the World: An Overview
- Romans 1:1 The Author of the Greatest Letter Ever Written
- Romans 1:1-4 God's Good News Concerning His Son
- Romans 1:1-5 By His Grace, for His Name
- Romans 1:6-7 The Called of Christ and the Loved of God: Part One
- Romans 1:6-7 The Called of Christ and the Loved of God: Part Two
- Romans 1:7-8 Thank God for Famous Faith
- Romans 1:8-15 The Treasure of Faith in the Life of the Church
- Romans 1:8-15 The Gospel in the Church for the Obedience of Faith through Spiritual Gifts
- Romans 1:16 Not Ashamed of the Gospel
- Romans 1:16 The Gospel Is the Power of God Unto Salvation
- Romans 1:16 To the Jew First and Also to the Greek
- Romans 1:16-17 How Does the Gospel Save Believers? Pt.1
- Romans 1:16-17 How Does the Gospel Save Believers? Pt.2
- Romans 1:16-17 How Does the Gospel Save Believers? Pt.3
- Romans 1:16-23 Proud People Don't Say Thanks
- Romans 1:18 The Wrath of God Against Ungodliness and Unrighteousness
- Romans 1:18-21 Displays of God Remove the Excuse for Failed Worship
- Romans 1:21-23 The First Dark Exchange: Idolatry
- Romans 1:24-28 The Other Dark Exchange: Homosexuality
- Romans 1:24-28 The Other Dark Exchange - Homosexuality Part Two
- Romans 1:28-32 The Perils of Disapproving God
- Romans 1:28-32 Doing and Endorsing Evil
- Romans 1:28-2:11 Final Judgment Eternal Life Vs Wrath and Fury
- Romans 2:1-5 God's Response to Hypocrisy Kindness and Judgment
- Romans 2:6-10 The Final Divide: Eternal Life or Eternal Wrath, Part 1
- Romans 2:6-10 The Final Divide: Eternal Life or Eternal Wrath, Part 2
- Romans 2:6-10 The Final Divide: Eternal Life or Eternal Wrath Part Three
- Romans 2:11-16 There Is No Partiality with God
- Romans 2:11-16 There Is No Partiality with God Part Two
- Romans 2:17-24 The Effect of Hypocrisy Part One Dishonoring God
- Romans 2:17-24 The Effect of Hypocrisy Part Two Dishonoring God
- Romans 2:25-29 Who Is a True Jew? Part One
- Romans 2:25-29 Who Is a True Jew? Part Two
- Romans 3:1-8 Let God Be True Though Every Man a Liar Part One
- Romans 3:1-8 Why God Inspired Hard Texts
- Romans 3:9-18 All Jews and Gentiles Are Under Sin
- Romans 3:19-26 Jesus Is Precious Because He Removes Our Guilt
- Romans 3:19-20 Mouths Closed and All the World Accountable to God
- Romans 3:20-4:5 How Is It Right for God to Justify the Ungodly?
- Romans 3:21-26 God’s Free Gift of Righteousness
- Romans 3:21-26 The Demonstration of God's Righteousness 1
- The Demonstration of the Righteousness of God in Romans 3:25,26
- Romans 3:21-26 The Just and the Justifier
- Romans 3:21-26 God's Invincible Purpose 3: God Vindicated His Righteousness in Death of Christ
- Romans 3:21-4:8 God Justifies the Ungodly
- Romans 3:27-31 Justification By Faith Is the End of Boasting
- Romans 3:27-31 Justification By Faith Establishes the Law
- Romans 3:28 The Reformed Faith and Racial Harmony
- Romans 3:29-30 One God and One Salvation for All the Nations
- Romans 4:1-5 God Credits Faith As Righteousness
- Romans 3:27-4:5 Does James Contradict Paul?
- Romans 4:6-8 When the Lord Does Not Take Account of Sin
- Romans 4:9-12 Why Does It Matter Which Came First: Circumcision or Justification?
- Romans 4:9-12 How Do Circumcision and Baptism Correspond?
- Romans 4:13-15 Inheriting the World Depends on Faith, Not Law
- Romans 4:13-15 The Children of Abraham Are Heirs of the World
- Romans 4:16-21 The Faith - Grace - Certainty Connection
- Romans 4:16-21 Faith: In Hope, Against Hope, for the Glory of God
- Romans 4:20 Battling Unbelief At Bethlehem
- Romans 4:22-25 Why Was Jesus Put to Death and Raised Again?
- Romans 4:22-25 The Purpose and Perseverance of Faith
- Romans 4:22-25 Faith and the Imputation of Righteousness
- Romans 5:1-2 Let Us Exult in the Hope of the Glory of God!
- Romans 5:1-5 We Rejoice in Our Tribulations
- Romans 5:1-5 Our Hope: The Glory Of God
- Romans 5:1-8 Called to Rejoice in Suffering: For Holiness and Hope
- Romans 5:1-11 The Greatest of These Is Love The Depth of Christ's Love: Its Undeserving Objects
- Romans 5:3-8 The Love of God Has Been Poured Out Within Our Hearts
- Romans 5:6-8 Joy Purchased
- Romans 5:5-8 God Demonstrates His Love Toward Us
- Romans 5:9-11 Much More Shall We Be Saved By His Life
- Romans 5:9-11 We Exult in God through Our Lord Jesus Christ
- Romans 5:12-21 Twenty Years, Then Romans
- Romans 5:12-21 Adam, Christ, and Justification Part One
- Romans 5:12-21 Adam, Christ, and Justification Part Two
- Romans 5:12-21 Adam, Christ, and Justification Part Three
- Romans 5:12-19 Adam, Christ, and Justification Part Four
- Romans 5:12-21 Adam, Christ, and Justification Part Five
- Romans 5:20-6:4 What Baptism Portrays
- Romans 5:20-21 The Triumph of Grace through Righteousness
- Romans 6:1-14 Are We to Continue in Sin That Grace Might Increase?
- Romans 6:1-14 United with Christ in Death and Life Part One
- Romans 6:1-14 United with Christ in Death and Life Part Two
- Romans 6:1-11 Christ and Those in Him Will Never Die Again
- Romans 6:1-7 United with Christ in Death and Life Part Three
- Romans 6:5-10 Justified to Break the Power of Sin
- Romans 6:11-14 Do Not Let Sin Reign in Your Mortal Body Part One
- Romans 6:11-14 Do Not Let Sin Reign in Your Mortal Body Part Two
- Romans 6:14-19 Free From Sin, Slaves of Righteousness Part One
- Romans 6:14-19 Free From Sin, Slaves of Righteousness Part Two
- Romans 6:20-22 Slaves to God, Sanctification, Eternal Life
- Romans 6:22-33 The Free Gift of God Is Eternal Life Part One
- Romans 6:22,23 The Free Gift of God Is Eternal Life Part Two
- Romans 7 To Be A Mother, Is a Call to Suffer
- Romans 7:1-6 Dead to the Law, Serving in the Spirit, Part
- Romans 7:1-6 Dead to the Law, Serving in the Spirit, Part
- Romans 7:1-6 Dead to the Law, Serving in the Spirit, Part 3
- Romans 7:1-6 Dead to the Law, Serving in the Spirit, Part 4
- Romans 7:4-12 Jesus Christ and the Law of God
- Romans 7:7-12 The Importance of Knowing Our Sin
- Romans 7:7-12 How We Come to Know Sin
- Romans 7:4-12 Jesus Christ, and the Law of God
- Romans 7:7-13 The Deadly Team of Sin and Law
- Romans 7:14-25 Who is This Divided Man? Part 1
- Romans 7:14-25 Who is This Divided Man? Part 2
- Romans 7:14-25 Who is This Divided Man? Part 3t
- Romans 7:14-25 Who is This Divided Man? Part 4
- Romans 7:14-25 Who is This Divided Man? Part 5
- Romans 7:14-25 Who is This Divided Man? Part 6
- Romans 7:14-25 The Message of Romans 1-7
- Romans 1-8 The Mighty and Merciful Message of Romans
- Romans 8:1-8 How Believers Experienced the Spirit Before Pentecost
- Romans 8:1-17 The Life of God in the Soul of Man
- Romans 8:1 No Condemnation in Christ Jesus, Part 1
- Romans 8:1-4 No Condemnation in Christ Jesus, Part 2
- Romans 8:1-4 Set Free by the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus
- Romans 8:1-4 The Liberating Law of the Spirit of Life
- Romans 8:1-4 What the Law Could Not Do, God Did Sending Christ, Part 1
- Romans 8:1-4 What the Law Could Not Do, God Did Sending Christ, Part 2
- Romans 8:3-9 How the Spirit Does What the Law Could Not
- Romans 8:3-4 What Does It Mean to Fulfill the Law in Romans
- Romans 8:3-4 What We See When the Spirit Reigns: Love
- Romans 8:5-9 Why and How We Walk According to the Spirit
- Romans 8:7-11 Christian, Know Whose You Are
- Romans 8:9-11 The Spirit Will Give Life to Your Mortal Bodies
- Romans 8:10-17 How to Kill Sin, Part 1
- Romans 8:10-17 How to Kill Sin, Part 2
- Romans 8:10-17 How to Kill Sin, Part 3
- Romans 8:11 The Spirit of the Age and the Reality of the Risen Ch
- Romans 8:13-17 The Spirit-Led Are the Sons of God
- Romans 8:14-18 Children, Heirs, and Fellow Sufferers
- Romans 8:18-28 Christ and Cancer
- Romans 8:18-25 Our Hope: The Redemption of Our Bodies
- Romans 8:18-25 What Happens When You Die? Glorified and Free on the New Earth
- Romans 8:18-25 Subjected to Futility in Hope, Part 1
- Romans 8:18-25 Subjected to Futility in Hope, Part 2
- Romans 8:25-27 The Spirit Helps Us in Our Weakness, Part 1
- Romans 8:25-27 The Spirit Helps Us in Our Weakness, Part 2
- Romans 8:28-30 Called According to His Purpose
- Romans 8:28-30 Those Whom He Foreknew He Predestined
- Romans 8:28-30 Those Whom He Predestined He Also Called, Part 1
- Romans 8:28-30 Those Whom He Predestined He Also Called, Part 2
- Romans 8:28-30 Those Whom He Called He Also Justified, Part 1
- Romans 8:28-30hose Whom He Called He Also Justified, Part 2
- Romans 8:28-30 Those Whom He Justified He Also Glorified
- Romans 8:28-39 Who Shall Separate Us from the Love of Christ
- Romans 8:28-32 All Things for Good, Part 1
- Romans 8:28-32 All Things for Good, Part 2
- Romans 8:28-32 All Things for Good, Part 3
- Romans 8:28-30 Foreknown, Predestined, Conformed to Christ
- Romans 8:28-30 Glorification: Conformed to Christ for the Supremacy of Christ
- Romans 8:28-32 God Did Not Spare His Own Son
- Romans 8:31-37 It Is God Who Justifies!
- Romans 8:31-37 The All-Conquering Love of Christ
- Romans 8:32 Unsparing Pain, Unsparing Pleasure
- Romans 8:35-39 Nothing Can Separate Us from the Love of Christ
- Romans 8:38-39 Inseparable from God While "Going Without Going
- Romans 8:34 Christ Jesus is He Who Died, Yes, Rather Who Was Raised
- Romans 8:35-37 Risk and the Triumph of Love
- Romans 8:35-39 A Service of Sorrow, Self-Humbling, and Steady Hope
- Romans 9:1-5 The Absolute Sovereignty of God: What Is Romans Nine About
- Romans 9:1-5 My Anguish: My Kinsmen Are Accursed
- Romans 9:1-5 How Great Is the Honor of Israel
- Romans 9:1-13 How the Offspring of Isaac Blesses the Sons of Ishmael - Desiring God
- Romans 9:6-12 God's Word Stands: Not All Israel is Israel, Part 1
- Romans 9:6-12 God's Word Stands: Not All Israel Is Israel, Part 2
- Romans 9:6-13 Unconditional Election and the Invincible Purpose of God
- Romans 9:8-17 The Hardening of Pharaoh and the Hope of the World
- Romans 9:14-18 The Freedom and Justice of God in Unconditional Election
- Romans 9:14-18 The Fame of His Name and the Freedom of Mercy
- Romans 9:19-23 How God Makes Known the Riches of His Glory to the Vessels of Mercy
- Romans 9:23,24 God's Ultimate Purpose: Vessels of Mercy Knowing the Riches of His Glory
- Romans 9:24-29 The Gentiles Are Included
- Romans 9:30-33 The Gentiles Have Obtained Righteousness by Faith
- Romans 9:30-10:10 Believe in Your Heart that God Raised Jesus from the Dead
- Romans 9-11 My Heart's Desire: That They Might Be Saved
- Romans 10:1 My Prayer to God is That They Might Be Saved
- Romans 10:1-4 How to Submit to the Righteousness of God
- Romans 10:5-13 The Word of Faith that We Proclaim, Part 1
- Romans 10:5-13 The Word of Faith that We Proclaim, Part 2
- Romans 10:13-21 How Shall People Be Saved? Part 1
- Romans 10:13-21 How Shall People Be Saved? Part 2
- Romans 11:1-6 Has God Rejected His People? Part 1
- Romans 11:1-6 Has God Rejected His People? Part 2
- Romans 11:1-10 For God's Sake, Let Grace Be Grace!
- Romans 11:5-7 Pastoral Thoughts on the Doctrine of Election
- Romans 11:7-10 The Elect Obtained It But the Rest Were Hardened
- Romans 11:11-16 Did Israel Stumble in Order That They Might Fall?
- Romans 11:13-24 If the Root is Holy, the Branches are Holy
- Romans 11:13-24 The (Jewish) Root Supports You through Your Faith Alone
- Romans 11:17-24 You Stand Fast Through Faith, So Do Not Become Proud, But Fear
- Romans 11:17-22 Continue in the Kindness of God
- Romans 11:17-24 Look at the Kindness and the Severity of God
- Romans 11:17-22 The Echo and Insufficiency of Hell, Part 1
- Romans 11:17-22 The Echo and Insufficiency of Hell, Part 2
- Romans 11:22-29 All Israel Will Be Saved
- Romans 11:25-32 Israel, Palestine and the Middle East
- Romans 11:28-32 God's Design for History: The Glory of His Mercy
- Romans 11:33-36 The Deep Riches and Wisdom and Knowledge of God
- Romans 11:33-36 All Things Are From God, Through God, and To God. The Glory Is All His
- Romans 12 How Justified Sinners Love Each Other
- Romans 12:1-2 Compassion, Power, and the Kingdom of God: An Introduction
- Romans 12:1-8 Sound Judgment, One Body, Several Parts
- Romans 12:1-2 All of Life as Worship
- Romans 12:1-2 Why the Gift of Prophecy is not the Usual Way of Knowing God's Will
- Romans 12:1-8 Measures of Faith, Gifts of Grace, Ministry in Small Groups
- Romans 12:1-2 Build Your Life on the Mercies of God
- Romans 12:1-2 Present Your Bodies As a Living Sacrifice to God
- Romans 12:1-2 Do Not Be Conformed to This World
- Romans 12:1-2 Discerning the Will of God Concerning Homosexuality and Marriage
- Romans 12:1-2 The Renewed Mind and How to Have It
- Romans 12:1-2 What Is the Will of God and How Do We Know It?
- Romans 12:1-8 Assessing Ourselves With Our God-Assigned Measure of Faith, Part 1
- Romans 12:1-8 Assessing Ourselves With Our God-Assigned Measure of Faith, Part 2
- Romans 12:1-8 Faith: The Root and Trait of All Spiritual Gifts
- Romans 12:1-8 We, Though Many, Are One Body in Christ
- Romans 12:1-8 Using Our Gifts in Proportion to Our Faith, Part 1
- Romans 12:1-8 Using Our Gifts in Proportion to our Faith, Part 2
- Romans 12:3-8 Using Our Gifts in Proportion to Our Faith, Part 3
- Romans 12:3-13 No Condemnation in Christ Jesus, One Body in Christ
- Romans 12:9 Let Love Be Genuine
- Romans 12:9 Abhor What Is Evil; Hold Fast to What Is Good
- Romans 12:9-13 Strategic Hospitality
- Romans 12:9-11 Be Strong and Fervent in Spirit in the Cause of Truth and Life
- Romans 12:10 Love One Another With Brotherly Affection
- Romans 12:11 Boiling for Christ
- Romans 12:9-21 When Is It Right to Repay Evil With Pain?
- Romans 12:11-12 The Fruit of Hope: Joy
- Romans 12:12 Be Constant in Prayer for the Joy of Hope
- Romans 12:12 Be Devoted to Prayer
- Romans 12:12 Happy in Hope, Patient in Pain, Constant in Prayer
- Romans 12:13 Lavish Giving, Loving Guests, Living Christ
- Romans 12:14-21 Bless Those Who Persecute You
- Romans 12:14-18 Live Peaceably with All, if Possible
- Romans 12:16-20 Do Not Avenge Yourselves, But Give Place to Wrath
- Romans 12:17-21 Battling the Unbelief of Bitterness
- Romans 12:19-21 God's Wrath: "Vengeance Is Mine, I Will Repay," Says the Lord
- Romans 12:19 The Present Effects of Trembling at the Wrath of God
- Romans 12:20-21 Christ Overcame Evil With Good--Do the Same
- Romans 13:1-7 The Limits of Submission to Man
- Romans 13:1-7 Subjection to God and Subjection to the State, Part 1
- Romans 13:1-7 Subjection to God and Subjection to the State, Part 2
- Romans 13:1-7 subjection to God and Subjection to the State, Part 3
- Romans 13:1-7 subjection to God and Subjection to the State, Part 4
- Romans 13:7-14 love is a Fulfilling of the Law, Part 1
- Romans 13:7-14 love is a Fulfilling of the Law, Part 2
- Romans 13:7-14 love is a Fulfilling of the Law, Part 3
- Romans 13:11-14 put on the Lord Jesus Christ, Part 1
- Romans 13:11-14 put on the Lord, Jesus Christ, Part 2
- Romans 14:1-9 Each One Should Be Fully Convinced in His Own Mind
- Romans 14:1-6 How to Welcome a Weak Brother
- Romans 14:1-9 Is There a “Lord’s Day”?
- Romans 14:1-13 The Relationship Between Diversified Domestic Ministries and Frontier Missions
- Romans 14:1-13 The Relationship Between Diversified Domestic Ministries and Frontier Missions
- Romans 14:1-9 Jesus Is Precious Because Through Him We Become Authentic
- Romans 14:14-23 Do Not Destroy the Work of God
- Romans 14:10-13 We Will All Stand Before the Judgment of God
- Romans 14:16-19 The Kingdom of God is Righteousness and Peace and Joy in the Holy Spirit
- Romans 14:23 Whatever Is Not from Faith Is Sin
- Romans 15:1-7 Diversity in God Centered Worship
- Romans 15:1-4 Use the Inspired Scriptures to Rejoice in Hope
- Romans 15:1-7 Welcome One Another to the Glory of God
- Romans 15:1-9 Why Christ Became a Servant of the Jews
- Romans 15:4 How Can I Keep on Hoping? The Scriptures!
- Romans 15:5-13 God's Word Stands: Christ Came to Confirm It
- Romans 15:7-13 Gentiles Rejoice in the Root of Jesse
- Romans 15:7-13 Let All the Peoples Praise Him
- Romans 15:7-13 Word of Promise, Spirit of God, Hope of Man
- Romans 15:7-24 The Missionary Challenge of Paul's Life
- Romans 15:8-9 Mercy to the Nations
- Romans 15:14-21 A Pastor's Offering to God of Holy People
- Romans 15:14-21 By Signs and Wonders: Where Christ Has Not Been Named
- Romans 15:14-21 How the Spirit Sanctifies
- Romans 15:14-24 The Revelation of God's Righteousness Where There Is No Church
- Romans 15:16-19 The Kingdom of God is Righteousness and Peace and Joy in the Holy Spirit
- Romans 15:18-24 Holy Ambition: To Preach Where Christ Has Not Been Named
- Romans 15:18-21 Paul's Ambition and Bethlehem's Mission
- Romans 15:20 A Passion for the Supremacy of Christ--Where He Is Not Named
- Romans 15:20-28 Joy + Debt = A Two-Thousand-Mile Detour to Jerusalem
- Romans 15:28-33 Resting and Wrestling for the Cause of Christ—Together
- Romans 15:30 Incentives to Strive in Prayer
- Romans 15:30-31 Prayer Changes People's Wills
- Romans 16:1-7 Commending and Welcoming Radical Risk-Takers for Christ
- Romans 16:5b Carry My Love to My Beloved
- Romans 16:17-20 The God of Peace Will Soon Crush Satan Under Your Feet
- Romans 16:17-20 Watch Out for Those Who Lead You Away from the Truth
- Romans 16:21-23 Thank God for an Inspired Bible
- Romans 16:25-27 Command of God: The Obedience of Faith
- Romans 16:25-27 God Strengthens Us by the Gospel
- Romans 16:25-27 The Great Work of the Only Wise God
- Romans 16:25-27 To Him Be Glory Forevermore
- Romans 16:27 Jesus Christ in the Book of Romans
Emphasis on Greek Word Study
Click here to access the titles listed below - the Pdf has 1182 pages of sermons. Rogers is conservative, pithy and practical! He is one of the stellar expositors of the twentieth century. Highly recommended to aid your sermon and teaching preparation.
- The Book That Changed the World—Romans 1:1
- Life’s Greatest Adventure—Romans 1:14–16
- The Missionary Challenge—Romans 1:14–16
- Totally Abandoned to the Gospel—Romans 1:14–16
- No Other Way to Heaven Except Through Jesus—Romans 1:16
- The Need for Bold Believers—Romans 1:16
- Living By Faith—Romans 1:17; 10:11–21
- Midnight at High Noon—Romans 1:18–31
- The Lost World—Romans 1:18–31
- The Last Step on the Way Down—Romans 1:24
- Does Character Count?—Romans 1:28–32
- How God Handles Hypocrites—Romans 2:1–8, 16
- God Versus Humanity—Romans 3:9–10
- It’s Time for Some Good News—Romans 4:1–5
- How to Be Strong in the Faith—Romans 4:16–25
- How to Be Strong in Faith—Romans 4:16–25
- Strong Faith—Romans 4:16–25
- The Authority of the Holy Spirit—Romans 5:1–5, 17
- The Authority of the Holy Spirit—Romans 5:1–5, 17
- How to Have a Rock-Solid Faith—Romans 5:1–5
- How God Develops Christian Character—Romans 5:3
- There Is So Much More—Romans 5:6–9
- Our One-Man Salvation—Romans 5:6–21
- This Thing Called Sin—Romans 5:12
- How to Live in Victory—Romans 6:1–2
- Living Victoriously—Romans 6:1–13
- Liberated Living—Romans 6:1–19
- The Conquering Christian—Romans 6:1–22
- Three Steps to Victory—Romans 6:3–6, 11–18
- Abounding Victory Through Amazing Grace, Part 1—Romans 6:6–7
- Abounding Victory Through Amazing Grace, Part 2—Romans 7:1–4
- Learning to Possess Your Possessions—Romans 7:1–4
- The Grace, the Groan, and the Glory—Romans 8
- The Grace, the Groan, and the Glory—Romans 8
- Turning Hurts into Hallelujahs—Romans 8
- Your Spiritual Biography—Romans 8
- The Agony and the Ecstasy—Romans 8:1–4, 22–39
- Eternal Security of the Believer—Romans 8:1–39
- Getting to Know Your Best Friend—Romans 8:9
- The Spirit of Easter—Romans 8:9–11
- How to Make Sense Out of Suffering—Romans 8:18–23
- The Problem of Pain—Romans 8:18–23
- Desert Storms and Desert Roses—Romans 8:18–25
- The Problem of Pain—Romans 8:18–39
- The Problem of Pain—Romans 8:18–39
- A Biblical Response To Katrina—Romans 8:20–28
- How to Pray in the Spirit—Romans 8:26–27
- Praying in the Spirit—Romans 8:26–27
- Prayer—Romans 8:26–28
- God Works All Things Together for Good—Romans 8:28
- The Chemistry of the Cross—Romans 8:28
- Why Do Good Things Happen to Bad People?—Romans 8:28–39
- The Chemistry of the Cross—Romans 8:28–29
- A Total Makeover—Romans 8:28–30
- The Five Pillars of Salvation—Romans 8:28–30
- Victory over Circumstances—Romans 8:28–30
- Victory over Circumstances—Romans 8:28–30
- Blessed Assurance—Romans 8:28–31
- You Can Be Sure—Romans 8:28–31
- You Can Be Sure—Romans 8:28–31
- How to Be Sure That You Are Secure—Romans 8:29, 38–39
- Five Questions The Devil Can’t Answer—Romans 8:30–39
- The Heartbeat of Missions—Romans 9:1–3
- The Missionary Motive—Romans 9:1–3
- A Report from Israel—Romans 9:1–4; 10:1–4; 11:1–2
- Predestined for Hell? Absolutely Not!—Romans 9:1–23
- Salvation—Romans 10
- Man’s Greatest Need—Romans 10:1–4
- The Simplicity of Salvation—Romans 10:1–7
- Salvation—Romans 10:1–13
- This Thing Called Salvation—Romans 10:1–13
- Authentic Christianity—Romans 10:11–17
- Biblical Faith: What It Is and How to Have It—Romans 10:11–17
- Faith: What It Is and How to Have It—Romans 10:17–21
- Is God Through with the Jews?—Romans 11:1
- The Power of Effectual Prayer—Romans 11:36
- The Secret of Effectual Prayer—Romans 11:36
- The Secret of Effectual Prayer—Romans 11:36
- Is Capital Punishment a Sin?—Romans 12
- Discovering Your Ministry—Romans 12:1–12
- Five Principles for Discovering Your Ministry—Romans 12:1–8
- Five Principles for Discovering Your Ministry—Romans 12:1–8
- Unwrapping Your Spiritual Gift—Romans 12:1–13
- Does a Loving God Believe in Capital Punishment?—Romans 12:1–21; 13:1–4
- Humility—Romans 12:1–13
- How to Discover Your Spiritual Gift—Romans 12:6
- Freedom Is Not Free—Romans 12:9, 17–18; 13:1–4
- Knowing the Time—Romans 13
- The Christian and War—Romans 13:1–4
- What the Bible Says About War—Romans 13:1–4
- Christian Citizenship—Romans 13:1–7
- Christian Citizenship—Romans 13:1–7
- Freedom Is Not Free—Romans 13:1–7
- The Bible, War, and Peace—Romans 13:1–7
- The Wake-up Call—Romans 13:11–14
- When Good Men Differ—Romans 14
- What to Do When Brethren Disagree—Romans 14:1–23
- The Lordship of Christ—Romans 14:7–11
- The Things That Make for Peace—Romans 14:19
- Saved to Serve—Romans 15; 16
The Epistle to the Romans Commentary - The International Critical Commentary Series 1896
James Rosscup - Because of its thoroughness in matters of the Greek text, some have regarded this as the best of the older Greek works on Romans. It is good, but not as lucid and normally workable as commentaries by Bruce, Cranfield, Gifford, Murray, and Schreiner. These other works do not go into the minutia as Sanday and Headlam, but get to the point much better. However, the ICC work should be obtained by the serious student who can use his Greek. Cranfield’s new ICC work on Romans is better overall, as is Moo.
Sam Storms: . For many years the standard work on the Greek text, it has been replaced in the ICC series by Cranfield. Still worthy of study.
Distinct from preceding resource
- Intro
- Romans 1
- Romans 2
- Romans 3
- Romans 4
- Romans 5
- Romans 6
- Romans 7
- Romans 8
- Romans 9
- Romans 10
- Romans 11
- Romans 12
- Romans 13
- Romans 14
- Romans 15
- Romans 16
- Excursus
PDF transcripts - 1000's of PDF's but of variable quality so please Be a Berean.
- Romans 1 Sermon Devotionals and Illustrations
- Romans 2 Sermon Devotionals and Illustrations
- Romans 3 Sermon Devotionals and Illustrations
- Romans 4 Sermon Devotionals and Illustrations
- Romans 5 Sermon Devotionals and Illustrations
- Romans 6 Sermon Devotionals and Illustrations
- Romans 7 Sermon Devotionals and Illustrations
- Romans 8 Sermon Devotionals and Illustrations
- Romans 9 Sermon Devotionals and Illustrations
- Romans 10 Sermon Devotionals and Illustrations
- Romans 11 Sermon Devotionals and Illustrations
- Romans 12 Sermon Devotionals and Illustrations
- Romans 13 Sermon Devotionals and Illustrations
- Romans 14 Sermon Devotionals and Illustrations
- Romans 15 Sermon Devotionals and Illustrations
- Romans 16 Sermon Devotionals and Illustrations
NOTE: If you are not familiar with the great saint Charles Simeon see Dr John Piper's discussion of Simeon's life - you will want to read Simeon's sermons after meeting him! - click Brothers We Must Not Mind a Little Suffering (Mp3 even better)
- Romans 1:8 A Minister's Joy Over His People
- Romans 1:9-12 Paul's Love to the Church at Rome
- Romans 1:16 No Man to be Ashamed of the Gospel
- Romans 1:20,21 The Lost State of the Gentile World
- Romans 1:30 Men Haters of God
- Romans 2:3-5 Those who judge others, judged
- Romans 4:20-25 ABRAHAM’S FAITH
- Romans 8:24, 25 THE OFFICE OF HOPE
- Romans 8:33, 34 PAUL’S CONFIDENCE
- Romans 10:8-10 GOSPEL SALVATION
- Romans 11:34-36 GOD ALL IN ALL
- Romans 14:10-12 THE FUTURE JUDGMENT
- Romans 1:7: The Beloved Pastor's Plea for Unity
- Romans 1:15 Paul the Ready
- Romans 1:17 Sermon Notes
- Romans 1:20-21: Inexcusable Irreverence and Ingratitude
- Romans 1:20-21: Knowledge. Worship. Gratitude
- Romans 2:4: Earnest Expostulation [Objection]
- Romans 2:4: God's Goodness Leading to Repentance
- Romans 2:4 Concerning the Forbearance of God
- Romans 2:4. Concerning the Forbearance of God - Notes
- Romans 2:16: Coming Judgment of the Secrets of Men
- Romans 3:3-4: God Justified, Though Man Believes Not
- Romans 3:11 The Greatest Folly in the World
- Romans 3:22,23 There is No Difference
- Romans 3:24: Justification by Grace
- Romans 3:24,25 Christ Set Forth as a Propitiation
- Romans 3:24-26 Justice Vindicated, and Righteousness Exemplified
- Romans 3:24-26 Justification, Propitiation, Declaration
- Romans 3:26: Justice Satisfied
- Romans 3:27 Grace Exalted—Boasting Excluded
- Romans 4:16 How is Salvation Received?
- Romans 4:16,17 The Hold-fasts of Faith
- Romans 4:19-21 Unstaggering Faith
- Romans 4:20: Strong Faith
- Romans 4:24 Jesus Our Lord - Notes
- Romans 5:1: Justification by Faith
- Romans 5:1: Peace by Believing
- Romans 5:1: Peace: a Fact and a Feeling
- Romans 5:5 Heart Perfumed
- Romans 5:5 The Perfuming of the Heart
- Romans 5:5 The Personal Pentecost and the Glorious Hope
- Romans 5:6 The Old, Old Story
- Romans 5:6: For Whom Did Christ Die?
- Romans 5:6 The Sad Plight and Sure Relief
- Romans 5:6 The Underlying Gospel for the Dying Year
- Romans 5:8: Love's Commendation
- Romans 5:8 Love's Commendation
- Romans 5:10: Much More
- Romans 5:11 Joy in God
- Romans 5:11 Joy in a Reconciled God
- Romans 5:20 Sin and Grace
- Romans 5:20 All of Grace--the Book
- Romans 5:20 Grace Abounding
- Romans 5:20 Grace Abounding Over Abounding Sin
- Romans 5:20 Law and Grace
- Romans 5:20 Sin And Grace
- Romans 5:21 Reigning Grace
- Romans 6:3-4: Baptism--A Burial
- Romans 6:4 Christ's Resurrection and Our Newness of Life
- Romans 6:6 The Old Man Crucified
- Romans 6:8-11 Death and Life in Christ
- Romans 6:11 Death To Sin Through Christ
- Romans 6:11-12 Dead But Alive - Notes
- Romans 6:14 Believers Free From the Dominion of Sin
- Romans 6:14 The Upper Hand
- Romans 6:14-15 The Doctrines of Grace Do Not Lead to Sin
- Romans 6:18 Our Change of Masters
- Romans 6:23 Death and Life; the Wage and the Gift
- Romans 7:8,9 The Soul's Great Crisis
- Romans 7:13 The Monster Dragged to Light
- Romans 7:13 Sin's True Character
- Romans 7:23 The Dual Nature and the Duel Within
- Romans 7:24-25 The Fainting Warrior
- Romans 8:1 In Christ No Condemnation
- Romans 8:3 How God Condemned Sin
- Romans 8:3 Sin Condemned and Executed by Christ Jesus
- Romans 8:3, 4 The Law's Failure and Fulfilment
- Romans 8:7: The Carnal Mind Enmity Against God
- Romans 8:7 A Traitor Suspected and Convicted
- Romans 8:7 A Fatal Deficiency
- Romans 8:12: The Christian--A Debtor
- Romans 8:14 The Family Likeness
- Romans 8:14 The Leading of the Spirit, the Secret Token of the Sons of God
- Romans 8:15, 16 The Spirit of Bondage and of Adoption
- Romans 8:14-17: Heirs of God
- Romans 8:16-17: The Sons of God
- Romans 8:17 Heirs of God
- Romans 8:17: Joint-Heirs and their Divine Inheritance
- Romans 8:23: Creation's Groans and the Saints' Sighs
- Romans 8:24, 25 Saved in Hope
- Romans 8:26-27: The Holy Spirit's Intercession
- Romans 8:28: The True Christian's Blessedness
- Romans 8:29 Glorious Predestination
- Romans 8:29 Portraits of Christ
- Romans 8:30 Justification and Glory
- Romans 8:30: Predestination and Calling
- Romans 8:31 God is With Us
- Romans 8:32 The Gospel of Abraham's Sacrifice of Isaac
- Romans 8:32 The Saints Riches
- Romans 8:33,34 False Justification and True
- Romans 8:34: The Believer's Challenge
- Romans 8:34 A Bold Challenge Justified
- Romans 8:34: A Challenge and a Shield
- Romans 8:34 Jesus, the Substitute for His People
- Romans 8:37 More Than Conquerors
- Romans 8:38,39 Paul's Persuasion
- Romans 9:1-5 Concern for Other Men's Souls
- Romans 9:13 Jacob and Esau
- Romans 9:16: God's Will and Man's Will
- Romans 9:23, 24 Vessels of Mercy — A Sermon of Self-Examination
- Romans 9:25, 26 Sermon Notes
- Romans 9:30-33 S.S.: or, The Sinner Saved
- Romans 9:33 Unbelievers Stumbling; Believers Rejoicing
- Romans 10:1-3 Zealous, but Wrong
- Romans 10:3: Barriers Broken Down
- Romans 10:4: Christ the End of the Law
- Romans 10:5-9 A Monument for the Dead, and a Voice to the Living
- Romans 10:9 Mouth and Heart
- Romans 10:10 Believing with the Heart
- Romans 10:10 Confession with the Mouth
- Romans 10:10 Faith First, Confession Following
- Romans 10:11 Scriptural Salvation
- Romans 10:13: A Simple Sermon for Seeking Souls
- Romans 10:14, 15 The Whole Machinery of Salvation
- Romans 10:16 Disobedience to the Gospel - Notes
- Romans 10:16 Disobedience to the Gospel
- Romans 10:17 Faith's Way of Approach
- Romans 10:17 How Can I Obtain Faith?
- Romans 10:20-21: Sovereign Grace and Man's Responsibility
- Romans 12:11 Serving the Lord
- Romans 12:12 Constant, Instant, Expectant
- Romans 12:15 Sympathy and Song
- Romans 12:15 Fellowship in Joy - Notes
- Romans 12:21 Overcome Evil with Good
- Romans 13:11 Timely Reflections
- Romans 13:11 Wake Up! Wake Up!
- Romans 13:11-14 Dressing in the Morning
- Romans 13:14 Christ Put On
- Romans 15:4 Patience, Comfort, and Hope from the Scriptures
- Romans 15:4 Patience, Comfort and Hope from the Scriptures - Notes
- Romans 15:13 Joy and Peace in Believing
- Romans 15:13 Peace in Believing
- Romans 15:13 The Power of the Holy Ghost
- Romans 15:13 A Round of Delights
- Romans 15:13, 19 Our Urgent Need of the Holy Spirit
- Romans 15:30-33 Pleading for Prayer
- Romans 15:33: The God of Peace
Collected and collated from All His Expositions
- Romans 1 Exposition
- Romans 2 Exposition
- Romans 3 Exposition
- Romans 4 Exposition
- Romans 5 Exposition
- Romans 6 Exposition
- Romans 7 Exposition
- Romans 8 Exposition
- Romans 9 Exposition
- Romans 10 Exposition
- Romans 11 Exposition
- Romans 12 Exposition
- Romans 13 Exposition
- Romans 14 Exposition
- Romans 15 Exposition
- Romans 16 Exposition
- Romans 1:7
- Romans 1:17
- Romans 3:26
- Romans 3:31
- Romans 4:20
- Romans 5:3
- Romans 6:6
- Romans 6:14
- Romans 7:13
- Romans 8:1
- Romans 8:12
- Romans 8:17
- Romans 8:23
- Romans 8:23
- Romans 8:23 Romans 8:28
- Romans 8:30
- Romans 8:30
- Romans 8:32
- Romans 8:33
- Romans 8:34
- Romans 8:37
- Romans 9:15
- Romans 10:9
- Romans 11:26
- Romans 11:36
- Romans 12:2
- Romans 14:8
- Romans 16:20
- Romans 1:1-17: Simple Christianity
- Romans 1:18-32: When Everyone Knows God
- Romans 2:1-16: The Secrets of Men
- Romans 2:17-3:8: Red Herrings
- Romans 3:9-26: Peale or Paul?
- Romans 3:27-4:25: Exhibit A
- Romans 5:1-11: Faith Faces Life
- Romans 5:12-21: To Reign in Life
- Romans 6:1-14: The Day I Died
- Romans 6:15-23: Choose Your Master
- Romans 7:1-13: Ten Commandments?
- Romans 7:14-8:4: False Consecration
- Romans 8:5-14: In the Arena
- Romans 8:14-25: Joy of being Grown Up
- Romans 8:26-39 Prayer, Providence, Praise
- Romans 9:1-29: Who Chose Whom?
- Romans 9:30-10:21: How Far Away is God?
- Romans 11:1-36: Christian and the Jew
- Romans 11:33-12:2: Discovering Will of God
- Romans 12:3-8: The Body at Work
- Romans 12:9-21: Authentic Christians
- Romans 13:1-7: Citizen-Saints
- Romans 13:8-14: Demand of the Hour
- Romans 14:1-23: About Doubtful Things
- Romans 15:1-13: Power to Please
- Romans 15:14-33: Minister of Jesus Christ
- Romans 16:1-27: The Former Day Saints
- Romans 1:1-17 Introduction To Life
- Romans 1:18-23 The Tragic Sense Of Life
- Romans 1:24-32 The Deepening Darkness
- Romans 2:1-11 Sinful Morality
- Romans 2:12-29 According To Light
- Romans 3:1-20 Total Wipeout
- Romans 3:21-31 But Now
- Romans 4:1-12 The Father Of Faith
- Romans 4:13-25 The Faith Of Our Father
- Romans 5:1-2 Rejoicing In Hope
- Romans 5:3-10 Rejoicing In Suffering
- Romans 5:11-21 Rejoicing In God
- Romans 6:1-2 Can We Go On Sinning?
- Romans 6:3-14 True Baptism Of The Spirit
- Romans 6:15-23 Whose Slave Are You?
- Romans 7:1-6 Free To Win Or Lose?
- Romans 7:7-25 The Continuing Struggle
- Romans 7:25-8:4 No Condemnation
- Romans 8:5-13 Why Not Live?
- Romans 8:14-17 Sons Of God Among Men
- Romans 8:18-28 Agony & Ecstasy
- Romans 8:29-39 If Go Be For Us
- Romans 9:1-13 Has God Failed?
- Romans 9:14-33 Let God Be God
- Romans 10:1-13 How To Be Saved
- Romans 10:14-21 Have They Not Heard?
- Romans 11:1-24 There's Hope Ahead
- Romans 11:25-12:1 Great & Glorious God
- Romans 12:1-3 Living Day By Day
- Romans 12:3-8 Who Am I, Lord?
- Romans 12:9-21 How To Hug
- Romans 13:1-7 God's Strange Servants
- Romans 13:8-14 The Night Is Nearly Over
- Romans 14:1-12 Trying To Change Others
- Romans 14:13-23 The Right To Yield
- Romans 15:1-13 Our Great Example
- Romans 15:14-33 An Adequate Ministry
- Romans 16:1-24 All In The Family
- Romans 16:25-27 The Great Mystery
THEOLOGY OF WORK - From the Theology of Work Project. CLICK HERE FOR LIST OF COMMENTARIES ON ALL 66 BOOKS - click "Bible Commentary" in upper left corner, select book of interest. (This work was published as a book in 2014-2016) but is available at no charge on the web.
Emphasis on Greek Word Study