- New Verse by Verse commentaries - these are revised and updated almost daily
- Commentaries by Book
- Recently Updated Pages list
- List of Articles arranged by Topic
- Homepage note MENU BAR (directly above "WELCOME") which is another way to access new (and old) material
- Greek Word Studies - updated several times each week with new words
- Hebrew Word Studies - updated by less often than Greek word studies
- Daily Devotionals
- Also consider using the Google Search on the right side of the page if you are looking for a specific subject. This is the way I personally search for articles, etc which have previously been posted (as of 2023 there are over 20,000 pages of material).
Abba, the name of God = "Dear Father"
Above reproach: anegkletos
Abrahamic Covenant compared to Mosaic Covenant
Accepted in the Beloved - in depth study
Acts Commentaries on Site
- Click here for over 1500 page Verse by verse commentary on Acts by Bruce Hurt,MD - expositional comments, word studies, devotionals, etc
- Acts 1:8 Commentary (in depth)
- Acts 16 Commentary (brief)
- Acts 17 Commentary (brief)
- Acts 20:17-27 Commentary (in depth)
- Acts 20:28-38 Commentary (in depth)
Acts - Life of Paul (through Acts 21)-Wayne Barber
Adoption - In depth Study of this "Crown Jewel" of our Salvation
Adversary: antídikos (See also devil = diábolos)
Affliction (thlipsis) - see also Topic - Suffering
- See notes and quotes on suffering and trials - 1 Peter 1:6; 1 Peter 1:7
Agape love: in depth study
Alford, Henry - The Greek Testament - Commentary Mt-Rev by chapter
Alford, Henry - The New Testament for English Readers Mt-Rev by chapter
Amalekites (see exposition of Exodus 17:8-16)
Anistemi - Word Study - Rise Again! (Related Blog Post)
Antichrist: Little Horn, Man of lawlessness, son of destruction, the Beast, etc-
- What Does God's Word Say About the Antichrist-Part 1 - youtube video
- What Does God's Word Say About the Antichrist-Part 2 - youtube video
- Anxiety (merimna)
- Anxious, be anxious (merimnao) word study
- Jesus' solution "Do not be worried" Mt 6:25ff
- Paul's Solution - Philippians 4:6; Philippians 4:7
- Peter's Solution - Cast your cares on God - 1 Peter 5:7
- Fear, How to Handle It
- Worry - What is it?
Apostle (apostolos) - word study
Application of Scripture - where the "rubber meets the road"!
Arthur, Kay: Daniel Lectures Revelation Lectures (Pt 2, Pt 3 Pt 4)
Artesian Well Illustration - Spirit-Filled Believers Are Like Artesian Wells
Attributes of God
Attributes of God - Summary Chart (click each attribute for more detail)
Eternal Faithfulness Foreknows Good Holy
Immutable Impartial Incomprehensible Infinite Jealous Justice Longsuffering Love
Omnipotent Omnipresent Omniscient
Righteous Self-existent Self-sufficient Sovereign Transcendent Truth Wise Wrath
Attributes of God - Compiled from teachings of C H Spurgeon
Eternal Faithful Good Immutable Incomprehensible Infinite Jealous Love
Mercy Omnipotent Omnipresent Righteous Self Sufficient Sovereign Transcendent Truthful
Attributes of God: Click here links to excellent studies
Authority: exousia
Authority of God's Word - study on 2Timothy 3:16-17
Babylon - Comparison of Revelation 17-18 with Jeremiah 50-51 - includes Google map pictures of Babylon which might surprise you
Backsliding, Backslide, Backslidden, Drift, Drifting (Leaving your first love)
- Backsliding or Drifting - Discussion of this sad state of some saints
- Backsliding Quotations
- Backsliding - Drifting Away from God
- Slow Fade - Song by Casting Crowns - Good to listen to before you begin to "drift"
Baptize (baptizo) - What does baptized into Christ mean?
- Romans
- Ephesians
- Spiritual Warfare - Seven sermons from Ephesians 6
Barclay, William -
- Caveat on "The Enigmatic Barclay"
- The Enigmatic William Barclay by Wayne Jackson
Bema Seat Judgment - Judgment Seat of Christ
- See also: The Judgment Seat of Christ - How to live with a "Bema Seat" Mindset
- Bema Seat of Christ and the Great White Throne - Youtube video
Bereans - Be a Berean - See note Acts 17:11
Berridge, John - an incredible preacher in the mold of Wesley and Whitefield (and you probably never heard of him - I certainly hadn't!)
Bible - Inductive Study on the Power of God's Word
Bible, quotes and sayings related to the Bible
Bible Introductions - from Dr. John MacArthur - Each Book has a brief discussion of: Title, Author and Date, Background and Setting, Historical and Theological Themes, Interpretive Challenges and an Outline by Chapter and Verse. Very useful overview of each book. Grace To You ministries has made these freely available from the MacArthur Study Bible.
Bible Versions compared for how literal they translate Hebrew and Greek
- Introduction - What is Inductive Bible Study?
- Observation - What Does the Text Say?
- Interpretation - What Does it mean?
- Application - How am I to respond?
- Inductive Bible Study Powerpoint
- See also Bob Smith's well written, online book Basics of Bible Interpretation
- See multiple related resources on Biblical Interpretation (Hermeneutics)
- How to Read the Bible - C H Spurgeon
Bible Potpourri - miscellaneous resources related to Scripture (Links to English translation of the Septuagint, time lines, illustrations, images, etc)
Bible Versions: How interpretative is your translation? The more literal, the truer to the original
Bible Software - Free
- E-Sword Bible Computer Program: Most modules are free.
- TheWord - definitely rivals E-sword in versatility and resources available
Bibliography - summary of resources quoted
- Compilation of links to resources focusing on saints of the past
- Annie Johnson Flint (some of her poetry)
- Adoniram Judson: Missionary to Burma
Bitter, Bitterness
- Ruth chapter 1:20-22: discussion of Naomi's experience of Bitterness
- See also word study on pikría = bitterness
Blaspheme (blasphemeo) What does it mean to "blaspheme the Spirit"?
Blessed - makarios (We use it all the time but what does it really mean?)
- Makarios (We use it all the time but what does it really mean?)
- The Blessed Man - see exposition of Psalm 1:1ff
The Blessed Hope: Stabilizing Effect
The Blessed Hope: Sanctifying Effect
Other Resources on the Blessed Hope
Body - His Temple
Blood Avenger Jesus Christ-Our Blood Avenger
Bondservant, bondslave (doulos) - word study
Books - Christian books including 100's and 100's commentaries and other resources that can be borrowed at no charge.
Brenton's English Translation of Septuagint (LXX)
Brevity of this life - What God has to say (with comments by Spurgeon)
Books Online
- Online Book links - Christian biographies, devotionals, apologetics
- Fire in Your Heart - Sammy Tippit - looking for personal revival, read this book
- Fix Your Eyes on Jesus Ann Ortlund's wonderful devotional
Call - The Greek Verb Kaleo and its interesting nuances
Charts Various Topics
- Comparison of Bible translations: How literal is your version?
- End Time Judgments
- The Day of the LORD
- Three Divine Days
- The Last Days: What does Scripture about the "last days"?
- Glory of the LORD: Past, Present, Future
- God's Plan For Jerusalem: A Timeline
- Timeline of Times of Gentiles
Called: "the called"
Church History - Twenty Centuries
Chosen: The Elect in Christ: click
Christ - Study of Greek "Christos" (See also Messiah - Greek = Messias)
- Click for Scripture chain & chart (would make a great Sunday School series)
- Christ Our Rock
- Christ The Rock of Ages
- Christ The Rock of Our Salvation
- Christ The Smitten Rock
- Christ Our Rock of Refuge-Pt 1
- Christ Our Rock of Refuge-Pt 2
- Christ the Stone
- Christ Mighty God - El Gibbor
- Christ The Breaker
- Related: Jesus Name Above All Names
Christ Life (the "Christ life"): click; Click in Christ and in Christ Jesus and through Him = through Christ
Christian Commentaries and Books Online - 1000's of free books that can be checked out for an hour (if unavailable it means others have it checked out)
Christian soldier: click
Church - A Spirit Filled Church
Circumcision - peritome (Including Circumcision of one's heart)
Clarke, Adam - critique
Cling - study of verb interesting verb kollao
Commentaries - overview of Bible commentaries
Verse by Verse, in depth studies with links to related resources, word studies, quotations - Bruce Hurt,MC
Compilation of resources:
All 66 books are completed with links to literally thousands of conservative resources - sermons, commentaries, devotionals, illustrations.
Commentaries from Intervarsity Press Online:
Compassion - see here
Compromise - Great illustration of compromise - The "matador" plant
Conditional Clauses - verses that begin with "If" - see notes
Contentment - Multiple Quotes and Illustrations
- Contentment- overview of
- Contentment-more in depth discussion
- Christian Contentment on preceptaustin blog
Covenant - Beriyth - study of the Hebrew Word
- Covenant: As It Relates to Marriage
- Covenant: Why Study It?
- Covenant: Introduction
- Covenant: The Exchange of Robes
- Covenant: The Exchange of Armor and Belts
- Covenant: Solemn and Binding
- Covenant: A Walk Into Death
- Covenant: The Oneness of Covenant
- Covenant: Oneness Notes
- Covenant: Withholding Nothing from God
- Covenant: Abrahamic versus Mosaic
- Covenant: New Covenant in the Old Testament
- Covenant: Why the New is Better
- Covenant: Abrahamic vs Old vs New
Crown: stephanos
Crucified with Christ: notes on Galatians 2:20
Daniel Commentary - Verse By Verse - Bruce Hurt, MD
- Daniel 1 Commentary
- Daniel 2 Commentary
- Daniel 3 Commentary
- Daniel 4 Commentary
- Daniel 5 Commentary
- Daniel 6 Commentary
- Daniel 7 Commentary(1) -- Da 7:1-6
- Daniel 7 Commentary(2) -- Da 7:7-14
- Daniel 7 Commentary(3) -- Da 7:15-28
- Daniel 8 Commentary
- Daniel 9 Commentary(1)
- Daniel 9:24 Commentary
- Daniel 9:25 Commentary
- Daniel 9:26 Commentary
- Daniel 9:27 Commentary
- Daniel 10 Commentary - Preface to Prophecy of the Last Days
- Daniel 11 Commentary(1) -- Da 11:1-19
- Daniel 11 Commentary(2) -- Da 11:20-45
- Daniel 12 Commentary
- Summary Chart of Daniel's Seventieth Week
- Daniel's 70th Week paralleled with Other Daniel prophecies
- Daniel 9:24-27: Introductory Comments
- Brief "Prophecy Primer" why interpret prophecy literally?
- See Systems of Interpretation
- Why Daniel 9:24-27 Is One of Most Significant Passages in Scripture
- Daniel Commentaries by interpretative approach to Daniel 9:24-27
- Anecdotal Stories regarding Daniel 9:24-27
- Evidence Supporting Unit of Time in Daniel 9:24-27 as Years
- Daniel Commentaries from a literal, usually futuristic perspective
- Lectures by Kay Arthur on Daniel 9:24-27: Lec 14, Lec 15, Lec 16
- Chart Comparing Little Horn of Daniel 7 with Beast of Revelation 13
Daniel 9:24-27 Verse by Verse Commentary
Day of the LORD
- What? When? How Do I Respond?
- THE DAY OF THE LORD - CHARTS AND TIMELINES - youtube video below
Deacon - What does it mean to be a diakonos (servant, minister, deacon) in the NT?
Death to sin - What does this mean?
Deceive, deception: planao
- Discussion of Deceitfulness of sin
- Illustrations of Deceitfulness of sin
- Give Me An Undivided Heart
- Are You Entangled?
- Beware of Slowly Drifting From Your First Love of Jesus
- Compromise
Delight - Delighting in the Word of God - See discussion of delight
Desires: Lusts (epithumia)
Devil: diábolos (See also adversary = antídikos)
- Schemes of the devil methodeia
- Summary of Scriptures describing the devil's schemes
- Deuteronomy - Resources
- Deuteronomy Devotionals - by Chapter and Verse
- Deuteronomy Overview - Blog post
- Daily Light on the Daily Path - 365 AM & PM, KJV updated to NASB & Scripture links allow you to read context
- Faith's Checkbook by C H Spurgeon: Pt 1 Pt 2 Pt 3 Pt 4
- Fix Your Eyes on Jesus Ann Ortlund's wonderful devotional
- Fire in Your Heart - spiritual fire low? this work will challenge you
- Our Daily Bread
- Our Daily Walk - 365 days on site - F B Meyer
- RBC Discovery House Booklets
- Seven Minutes with God: How to jumpstart your quiet time
- Devotional Illustrations on Hebrews
Diakonos - servant, minister, deacon
Dictionaries: links to web resources
Discipline - Discipline of the Lord
Divine Punishment - Multiple quotes and illustrations
Doctrine: Why is it so important? See didaskalía
Dwelling Place of God - The Bodies of Believers
Ecclesiastes, Exposition - by Charles Bridges, on site
Ecclesiastes, Explained - by James MacDonald, on site
Ecclesiastes Commentary - by Leon Hyatt, on site
Ecclesiastes Devotionals - from Today in the Word
Ecclesiastes Illustrations-Multiple Sources
Ecclesiastes Devotional and Practical Meditations- by George Mylne, on site
Elders: presbuteros (See also overseers at episkopos)
Elect, election: ekletos; Chosen in Christ msg by Wayne Barber
Includes multiple quotes and 27 books she penned which can be borrowed to read.
El Olam, Everlasting God (See Related Blog post)
Emmanuel = God With Us: Study of this Name of God
Encouragement - Greek verb Parakaleo - call alongside to help!
End Times
- Second Coming
- The Second Coming and the War of the Great Day of God, the Almighty (Armageddon)
- Watching and Waiting
- Tribulation-Thlipsis (Greek Word Study)
- The Last Days
- The Great Tribulation
- Jeremiah 30:7-The Time of Jacob's Trouble
- Second Coming of Christ-Quotes, Devotionals & Illustrations
- Millennium 1 - overview of Rev 19:11-21:3, history of interpretation
- Millennium 2 - events leading up to
- Millennium 3 - description
- The Millennium in the Old and New Testament
- The Theocratic Kingdom - this magnum opus is onsite - written by a Lutheran pastor in mid-1800's who interpreted the Bible literally!
- The Theocratic Kingdom-Index
- Millennial Reign of Christ
Endurance: Hebrews 12:1 Notes: Lay Aside Every Encumbrance - Run the Race w Endurance
Enemy/enemies = the world, the flesh and the devil
Enslaved: douleuo
Entangled - Are You Entangled?
In some of his last words to Timothy, Paul wrote that "No soldier in active service ENTANGLES himself in the affairs of everyday life ("civilian pursuits"), so that he may please the One Who enlisted him as a soldier." (2Ti 2:4+)
Envy: phthonos
Ephesians by Wayne Barber presents over 400pp of notes on the Christ life
Eschatos - Word Study
Root of our English "eschatology"
Esther Commentary - A remarkable testimony to God behind the scenes ("seen") (Providence)! Verse by Verse - Bruce Hurt,MD
- Esther 1 Commentary
- Esther 2 Commentary
- Esther 3 Commentary
- Esther 4 Commentary
- Esther 5 Commentary
- Esther 6 Commentary
- Esther 7 Commentary
- Esther 8 Commentary
- Esther 9 Commentary
- Esther 10 Commentary
Expulsive Power of a New Affection
When you accentuate the positive, this enables elimination of the negative. For example in Romans 13:14+ we see this dynamic where Paul commands us to "put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh in regard to its lusts." Note the same pattern in Galatians 5:16+ where he commands us to "walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh."
- Ezekiel Commentaries, Sermons, etc - Revised May, 2009
- Overview of the Book of Ezekiel - Major Divisions
- Timeline of Ezekiel: Establish the Historical Context
- Guidelines for performing an Inductive Study of Ezekiel
- God's Plan for Jerusalem: Five Prophetic Mountain Peaks
- Departure of the Glory of Jehovah from Solomon's Temple
- Ezekiel Devotional Commentary - F B Meyer
- Jehovah Shammah - The LORD is There - Ezekiel 48:35
Enslaved: douleuo
Ezra 7:10 - Exposition of the "Ezra 7:10 Principle" - the "secret" of Spirit empowered, Word Centered, Christ Exalting, God Glorifying Preaching
- Faith = pistis - word study - plus links to multiple sermons by Spurgeon on faith
- Meaning of the specific phrase "the faith" in the NT
- Fact! Faith! Feeling! - an excellent message from F B Meyer
- Relationship of faith and obedience - study of covenant
- Obedience of faith - Roman 1:5, 16:25 - What does it mean?
- Faith and Works - See verse by verse comments on James 2:14 ; James 2:15; James 2:16; James 2:17; James 2:18; James 2:19; James 2:20; James 2:21; James 2:22; James 2:23;James 2:24; James 2:25; James 2:26
Faithfulness - Fruit of the Spirit
Faith's Checkbook: Devotional by C H Spurgeon
- 7 Last Words of Jesus - (1) On the Cross (2) on the Earth (3) in the Revelation
- Contrast some of the last words of sinners in book Last Words of Saints and Sinners by Herbert Lockyer
Fasting - see notes on Matthew 6:16
Fear of the Lord - Key Theme in Proverbs
- Click How to Handle Fear Part 1
- Click How to Handle Fear Part 2
- Click How to Handle Fear Part 3
- Click How to Handle Fear Part 4
Fellowship: koinonia
Fight: agonizomai (Strive, labor earnestly, compete)
Filled: pleroo - What does it mean to be filled with the Spirit?
- Filling of the Holy Spirit - exposition of Ephesians 5:18
- Table - How being filled with the Word Col 3:16ff "energizes" being filled with the Spirit
First Corinthians Commentary - Verse by Verse - Bruce Hurt,MD
- 1 Corinthians 2:10-16 Commentary
- 1 Corinthians 6:18, 19, 20 - You Are Not Your Own - You Have Been Bought with a Price
- 1 Corinthians 10:13 Commentary
- 1 Corinthians 13:4 13:5 13:6 13:7 13:8 - How Do You Rate Your Love for Others?
- 1 Corinthians 15:1 15:2 15:3 15:4 15:5 15:6 15:7 15:8 - How
- 1 Corinthians 15:58 Commentary
First John Commentary - Verse by Verse - Bruce Hurt,MD
- 1 John 1:1; 1 John 1:2; 1 John 1:3; 1 John 1:4; 1 John 1:5;
- 1 John 1:6; 1 John 1:7; 1 John 1:8; 1 John 1:9; 1 John 1:10
- 1 John 2:1-6 Commentary
- 1 John 2:7-11 Commentary
- 1 John 2:12-14 Commentary
- 1 John 2:15 1 John 2:16 1John 2:17 Commentary
- 1 John 2:18-23 Commentary
- 1 John 2:24 Commentary
- 1 John 2:25-27 Commentary
- 1 John 2:28-29 Commentary
- 1 John 3:1 Commentary
- 1 John 3:2 Commentary
- 1 John 3:3 Commentary
First Timothy Commentary - on site
- 1 Timothy 4:7; 4:8; 4:9; 10; 11, 12 - The Reward for Disciplining Yourself
- 1 Timothy 1:1-2 Commentary
- 1 Timothy 4:7; 4:8; 4:9; 4:10; 4:11, 4:12 Commentary
- 1 Timothy 6:6-8 Commentary
- 1 Timothy 6:9 Commentary
- 1 Timothy 6:10 Commentary
- 1 Timothy 6:11 Commentary
- 1 Timothy 6:12 Commentary
- 1 Timothy 6:13-16 Commentary
Flesh - A word with multiple nuances - See sarx
Flint, Annie Johnson: Click here samples of her poetry
First Fruits, Christ - As OT Prophecy of His Resurrection
Flesh versus Spirit - chart contrasting
Flesh (sarx) - definition, see also flesh - evil disposition
Fool, foolish: anoetos
Forbear: epieikes
Foreknowledge: prognosis
Forgive, Forgiveness and Unforgiveness
- List of links related to forgiveness/unforgiveness
- Multiple illustrations and quotes related to forgiveness/unforgiveness
- Exposition of "Forgiveness" in Ephesians 4:32
- Exposition of "Forgiveness" in Colossians 3:13
- Exposition of "Forgiveness" in Matthew 6:12 and Matthew 6:14-15
- Word studies on aphesis = forgiveness; aphiemi = to forgive; charizomai = forgive, freely give
- Forgiveness - A Study in Philemon
Fruit of the Spirit - see notes Galatians 5:22; Galatians 5:23
FULFILLED BIBLE PROPHECY - How sure is God's Word of prophecy?
- See the fulfillments of the incredible prophecy of the DESTRUCTION OF TYRE
Galatians - Commentary On Site
- Galatians 2:20 - Crucified with Christ
- Galatians 5:16 - Walking by the Spirit
- Galatians 5:17 - Warring Between the Flesh and the Spirit
- Galatians 5:18; Galatians 5:19; Galatians 5:20; Galatians 5:21;
- Galatians 5:22; Galatians 5:23; Galatians 5:24; Galatians 5:25; Galatians 5:26
- Galatians 6:14 - Boasting in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ
Genesis Commentaries, Sermons, Devotionals
Genesis Verse By Verse Commentary - under construction
- Genesis 1 Commentary
- Genesis 2 Commentary
- Genesis 3 Commentary
- Genesis 4 Commentary
- Genesis 5 Commentary
- Genesis 6 Commentary
- Genesis 7 Commentary
- Genesis 8 Commentary
- Genesis 9 Commentary
- Genesis 10 Commentary
- Genesis 11 Commentary
- Genesis 12 Commentary
- Genesis 13 Commentary
- Genesis 14 Commentary
- Genesis 15 Commentary
- Genesis 16 Commentary
- Genesis 17 Commentary
- Genesis 18 Commentary
- Genesis 19 Commentary
- Genesis 20 Commentary
- Genesis 21 Commentary
- Genesis 22 Commentary
Gentle: epieikes
Gentleness: prautes
- Gentleness - Fruit of the Spirit
Global Prayer Digest: daily prayer for hidden people groups
Glorify Relationship of Justified, Sanctified, Glorified
Glory of God - references regarding His past, present and future glory
Glory of the LORD - chronicles the departure from Solomon's Temple
God Is Able - Sola Scriptura overview
- Trust in Him at all times, O people. Pour out your hearts to Him, for God is our REFUGE. Selah.
Godliness - Discipline yourself for godliness -
- See notes 1Timothy 4:7; 1Timothy 4:8; 1Timothy 4:9; 1Timotny 4:10; 1Timothy 4:11, 1Timothy 4:12
Goel - Our Kinsman Redeemer - In Shadow (Type) & Substance
Good Hand of the LORD - What does it mean? How does it come about?
Good Deeds - word study
Goodness - Fruit of the Spirit
Gospel, Good News
Grace - Charis - Why is it so "amazing?"
- Greek Word Studies: links to in depth word studies on site
- Greek Tense, Voice, Mood Reference Chart
- Greek Word Study: Redemption: web tools to do simple Greek word study
- It's Greek to Me: listing of multiple links to Greek resources
- Greek verb parsing: abbreviations explained
- Habakkuk Overview - blog post
- Habakkuk 1 Commentary-verse by verse, in depth, numerous related resources
- Habakkuk 1 Commentary-Related Blog post
- Habakkuk 1 Commentary-Facebook post
- Habakkuk 2 Commentary-verse by verse, in depth, numerous related resources
- Habakkuk 2 Commentary-Related Blog post
- Habakkuk 2 Commentary-Facebook post
Hallelujah - in depth Word Study
Hamartia - Word Study on "Sin"
- Give Me An Undivided Heart
- Heart in Greek (2588) kardia
- Heart in Hebrew (03820) leb
- Heart in Hebrew (03824) lebab
- Proverbs 4:23 Commentary - Watch over your HEART with all diligence
- Matthew 5:8 Commentary - Blessed are the pure in HEART
- Circumcision Of the Heart
- Book by D L Moody (Where? Inhabitants? How to Get There?)
- Third Heaven: What is the third heaven?
- Heaven, host of: Who or what does this phrase refer to?
Hebrews Commentary Verse by Verse
- Hebrews 1 Commentary
- Hebrews 2 Commentary
- Hebrews 3 Commentary
- Hebrews 4 Commentary
- Hebrews 5 Commentary
- Hebrews 6 Commentary
- Hebrews 7 Commentary
- Hebrews 8 Commentary
- Hebrews 9 Commentary
- Hebrews 10 Commentary
- Hebrews 11 Commentary
- Hebrews 12 Commentary
- Hebrews 13 Commentary
- Hebrews Verse by Verse - William Newell
Hebrew Definitions - "Hebrew Honey"
Definition of Select Hebrew Words - New word studies added continually
Heir, Inheritance:
Word Study on heir (kleronomos) and meaning of inheritance in NT
- A Study of Eternal Punishment
- Sinners In the Hands of an Angry God - Jonathan Edwards
- Pay Day, Some Day - Robert G Lee
- What does it mean that Jesus "is able to come to my aid"?
- In Need of Help? Lift up your eyes. See notes on Psalm 121
- What does it mean Jesus "is able to come to my aid", to "succour" me?
- Help (482) antilambano
- Help (996) boetheia
- Help (997) boetheo
- Helper (998) boethos
- Helper (Advocate, Comforter) (3875) parakletos
Henry Alford's NT Commentary (Mt-Rev indexed by chapter, English and Greek editions).
Henry Alford- The Greek Testament - Commentary Mt-Rev by chapter
Henry Alford- The New Testament for English Readers Mt-Rev by chapter
Hermeneutics (see Interpretation)
- See exposition of 2Corinthians 7:1 Commentary
- Pursuit of holiness Click here
- See Study Jehovah Mekeddeshem - LORD Who Sanctifies (makes holy)
- Holiness Quotes - Tozer, Moody, Spurgeon, O. Chambers, et al
- Holiness: word study on hagiasmos
- The Holy Spirit - What Does it Mean to Imitate Paul who imitated Jesus? What is the Spirit's role?
- Commentary on Walking by the Spirit - Galatians 5:16; Galatians 5:17; Galatians 5:18; Galatians 5:24
- Romans 8:13 Commentary - Put sin to death by the Spirit
- Ephesians 5:18 Commentary - Be Filled With the Spirit
- Walking in the Spirit - Galatians 5:16
- Quenching the Spirit - What Does this Mean?
- Fruit of the Spirit - see notes Galatians 5:22; Galatians 5:23
- Spirit filled: Being Filled With the Spirit: 2 messages by Wayne Barber
- Spirit filled: Spirit Filled Families: 6 messages by Wayne Barber (Msg 4-6)
Hope: In depth survey of Biblical hope
- The Blessed Hope: Part 1
- The Blessed Hope: Definition
- The Blessed Hope: Source of
- The Blessed Hope: Part 2
- The Blessed Hope: Stabilizing Effect
- The Blessed Hope: Sanctifying Effect
Other Resources on the Blessed Hope
- Biblical Joy & Hope or Preceptaustin blog
- A Powerful Principle: Hope in God or Preceptaustin blog
- Christ Jesus our Hope
Hope - The Messianic Hope
Host of heaven: To whom/what does this phrase refer?
How to Perform a Greek Word Study
How to Perform a Hebrew Word Study
Idolatry and Immorality - the relationship and the antidote
- Idolatry - Brief Excursus on
- Idolatry - Dictionary Articles
- Idols - eidolon - word study
- Idolatry - eidololatreia - word study
- Idolater - eidololatres - word study
Illumination of Scripture
Ephesians Illustrations, most from Our Daily Bread
- Ephesians Sermon Illustrations 1
- Ephesians Sermon Illustrations 2
- Ephesians Sermon Illustrations 3
- Ephesians Sermon Illustrations 4
- Ephesians Sermon Illustrations 5
- Ephesians Sermon Illustrations 6
Philippians most illustrations from Our Daily Bread
- Philippians Illustrations 1
- Philippians Illustrations 2
- Philippians Illustrations 3
- Philippians Illustrations 4
Colossians most illustrations from Our Daily Bread
- Colossians Illustrations 1
- Colossians Illustrations 2
- Colossians Illustrations 3
- Colossians Illustrations 4
1Thessalonians Illustrations:
- Hebrews 1-4 Sermon Illustrations
- Hebrews 5-8 Sermon Illustrations
- Hebrews 9-10 Sermon Illustrations
- Hebrews 11 Sermon Illustrations
- Hebrews 12 Sermon Illustrations
- Hebrews 13 Sermon Illustrations
Romans: Illustrations, Our Daily Bread Devotionals
Bible, quotes and sayings related to the Bible "If you're too busy to read the Bible, you're too busy"
Images: OT & NT Biblical scenes - for teaching overheads
Imminency, Imminent - As related to Christ's Second Coming
- Another discussion on imminency
- The Second Coming and the War of the Great Day of God, the Almighty (Armageddon)
Immanuel = God With Us: Study of this Name of God
IMMANUEL, EMMANUEL (God with Us) - blogpost
IMMANUEL, EMMANUEL (God with Us) - Part 2 - blogpost
In Christ: click discussion; also in Christ Jesus; see through Christ
What Does It Mean to Be "In Christ"?
Indelible Grace: Inscribed on His Hands - Devotional Study of Isaiah 49:16
Inductive Bible Study: click here
Introduction, Observation, Interpretation, Application
Interpretation of God's Word -Supernaturalistic, Naturalistic, Existentialistic, Dogmatic
A "sampling" of the fruit one can glean from Inductive Bible Study
Click for Introduction to Inductive Bible Study using PowerPoint (2002) - Hint: View in "Slide Show" mode [see icons at bottom of the Power Point frame - click the one that says "Slide Show" - you can hit your "Escape" key at any time to revert back to the normal screen] - each mouse click will progressively give more information on each slide and make your viewing more "interactive".
Topics Related to Inductive Bible Study...
Context = "king" in interpretation
Key words = open the door to the passage
Marking of key words = for quick visualization
Interrogation the texts with the 5W'S & H - like a reporter
Terms of conclusion - What/why is the "therefore" there for?
Contrasts - change of direction
Expressions of time - What time is it in the passage?
Terms of comparison - Simile and Metaphor - figurative language to help us "figure" out the meaning of the text.
In Interpretation...
Observe With a Purpose
Keep Context King
Read Literally - see the importance of your System of Interpretation
Compare Scripture with Scripture
Consult Conservative Commentaries
Inheritance, heir
Word Study on heir (kleronomos) and meaning of inheritance in NT
Interpretation of Scripture (cf hermeneutics)
See related discussion - Typology - Study of Biblical types
See multiple related resources on Biblical Interpretation (Hermeneutics)
Isaiah Verse by Verse Commentary - on site (a long term project!)
- Isaiah 6 Commentary - I Saw the LORD!
- Isaiah 4:1 Isaiah 4:2-6 Who Is Our Blessed Hope? The Branch of Jehovah
- Isaiah 1-4 Commentary
- Isaiah 5 Commentary
- Isaiah 6 Commentary
- Isaiah 7 Commentary
- Isaiah 8 Commentary
- Isaiah 9 Commentary
- Isaiah 10 Commentary
- Isaiah 11 Commentary
- Isaiah 12 Commentary
- Isaiah 34 Commentary
- Isaiah 35 Commentary - this chapter describes the conditions in the millennium (do not read if you are amillennial or post-millennial)
- Isaiah 40:31 Commentary
- Isaiah 63:1-6 Commentary
Isaiah Devotionals - from a friend of mine
Israel of God - Is God "Finished" with Israel in His prophetic plan?
- Is God Finished With the Nation of Israel? - YOUTUBE VIDEO
- Israel - A Nation is Born - 6 part series - narrated by Abba Eban - God "resurrects" the nation of Israel after almost 2000 years of non-existence! If you have never watched this compelling documentary, it is an absolute must see if you love the nation of Israel. You will hear almost no Bible verses (there are a few allusions), but you will repeatedly see the sovereign hand of God controlling the scenes He is behind. You will see that history truly is "HIS Story!"
- Paul Wilbur’s haunting rendition of “Shalom Jerusalem”
- What is replacement theology / supersessionism? | (See also topic below "Replacement Theology")
Israel - What is the future of the nation of Israel?
- The Jewish Problem - 1891 book by Jewish believer David Baron
- The Jewish Problem - related blogpost "What is the Future of the Nation of Israel?"
- Shalom Jerusalem - Paul Wilbur - haunting rendition of this song
It is finished - Exposition of John 19:30
- See discussion of the incredible picture of our Savior's cry of Victory!
- John 19:30 Commentary
- TETELESTAI-Paid in Full
James Commentary - verse by verse - Bruce Hurt, MD
- Jehovah Ezer: The LORD our Helper - Study of Name:
- Jehovah Jireh - God our Provider - Study of Name
- Jeremiah Overview - blog post
Irving Jensen's outstanding Survey of the New Testament and Old Testament
- Great summary charts and guidelines to aid your observations in studying all 66 books.
- Jesus Name Above All Names
- Jesus - Study of Greek word Iesous
- Trial & Crucifixion of Jesus-Parallel Passages
Job - What Was the "Secret" of his perseverance?
- See notes Job 23:10; Job 23:11; Job 23:12
- Job Overview Chart - outlines the book of Job
- Job Resources - 100's of commentaries, sermons, devotionals
- Job Devotionals
- Job: A Man Stripped Bare-J Vernon McGee
- Job Commentary-James Smith
John's Gospel
- Commentary by F. B. Meyer - Devotionally oriented - Recommended
- John 3:30 Commentary - He must increase, but I must decrease.
- John 19:30 - It is Finished - A Study of Tetelestai
- Commentary on John 1:14-18
- Commentary on John 4:4-15
- Commentary on John 7:37-39
- John Commentaries - Comments on John 1:1 through John 1:18
2 John Commentary - see also 2 John Resources
2 John 1:1 Commentary
2 John 1:2 Commentary
2 John 1:3 Commentary
2 John 1:4 Commentary
2 John 1:5 Commentary
2 John 1:6 Commentary
2 John 1:7 Commentary
2 John 1:8 Commentary
2 John 1:9 Commentary
2 John 1:10 Commentary
2 John 1:11 Commentary
2 John 1:12 Commentary
2 John 1:13 Commentary
Jowett, John Henry - Devotionals for every day of the year
Joy: Jump for joy, relation to suffering, to Millennium
- Joy - Fruit of the Spirit
- Biblical Joy & Hope
- Thoughts on Joy & Hope & Perseverance & Prayer (See also Romans 12:12 In Depth Commentary)
Jude - Verse by Verse Commentary
- How to live with a "Bema Seat" Mindset (Commentary on 2Corinthians 5:10)
- Bema Seat of Christ and the Great White Throne - Youtube video
Judges Verse by Verse Commentary
Click for Links to every verse in this verse by verse commentary
Judgment, divine - Multiple quotes and illustrations
Judgment Seat of Christ - The Bema Seat
Judson, Adoniram: Missionary to Burma
Justify: Relationship of Justified, Sanctified, Glorified
Justified - "Just-as-if-I'd" never sinned
- Is this really a good definition of the important doctrine of justification?
Kindness: chrestotes
Kindness - Fruit of the Spirit
Kinsman Redeemer - In Shadow (Type) & Substance
Kinsman Redeemer in the book of Ruth
Knowledge: epignosis
Kollao - What are you clinging to? See study of the picturesque verb kollao
Kosmos - The World (See also the flesh and the devil)
Lamb of God-Past, Present and Future or Same study on site
Last - eschatos
- "Last days" in the New Testament - an eschatological term
- "Last days" - Discussion of the 20 passages in OT that use this term
- Moral, ceremonial, and judicial law - a brief study — What happens to the Law in the NT? How does it relate to believers?
- Purpose of the Law
Leviticus Commentaries, Devotionals -
Note: Following commentaries on Leviticus are "under construction" but do have a few notes...
- Leviticus 1 Leviticus 2 Leviticus 3 Leviticus 4 Leviticus 5 Leviticus 6 Leviticus 7
- Leviticus 8 Leviticus 9 Leviticus 10 Leviticus 11 Leviticus 12 Leviticus 13
- Leviticus 14 Leviticus 15 Leviticus 16 Leviticus 17 Leviticus 18 Leviticus 19
- Leviticus 20 Leviticus 21 Leviticus 22 Leviticus 23 Leviticus 24
Life of Paul - by Wayne Barber - overview in Acts through Acts 21
- The Christ Life: Site Hits
- New life in Christ: A Brand New Way of Life: the Christ Life - Wayne Barber
- New Life in Christ in Romans 6 by Wayne Barber
Perhaps you are going through dark times, even as I have been for many months, with still no end in sight. May your mind be renewed and the joy of your salvation be restored as you ponder Spurgeon's query: "Why should we dread to descend into the dark shaft of affliction, if it leads us to the gold mine of bright spiritual experience? Why should we cry out if the sun of our prosperity goes down, and yet in the darkness of our adversity we are better able to count the starry promises with which the Faithful God has been pleased to gem the sky? Many of His promises are written in 'invisible ink,' which we cannot read till the fire of trouble brings out the characters."
Living Water
- Living Water: Are You Thirsty for Living Water?
- See Related Commentary - John 7:37-39
- See Related Commentary - John 4:4-15
Locative of Sphere - The locative is the case of location or position, especially significant in the phrase IN CHRIST.
Lord (master, owner)- Word study on kurios
- Love of mankind (Philanthropia)
- Love - agape
- Love - phileo
- Love - Paul's practical description - notes 1Corinthians 13:4 1Corinthians 13:5 1Corinthians 13:6 1Corinthians 13:7 1Corinthians 13:8
- Love - Fruit of the Spirit
Lowell Johnson sermons - Several years ago (pre-COVID), brother Johnson emailed me and asked if I would post his messages on preceptaustin? After looking over several of them, I realized his sermons were solid, simple, applicational and could be an aid to pastors and teachers, so I proceeded to get his transcripts to post. It was in that fateful year of 2020 that brother Johnson contracted COVID from which he never recovered. My prayer (which I know would be his) is that these messages will be a blessing to pastors and teachers around the globe. That said, here are links to many of his sermons preached over the years. (Obituary)
- Christmas Sermons-Lowell Johnson
- Sermons on Genesis-Lowell Johnson
- Sermons on Job - Lowell Johnson
- Sermons on Ruth-Lowell Johnson
- Sermons on Proverbs-Lowell Johnson
- Sermons on Nehemiah-Lowell Johnson
- Sermons on Hosea - Lowell Johnson
- Sermons on Jonah-Lowell Johnson
- Sermons on Matthew 5-7-Lowell Johnson
- Sermons on Matthew 8-28-Lowell Johnson
- Sermons on Mark-Lowell Johnson
- Sermons on Luke-Lowell Johnson
- Sermons on John-Lowell Johnson
- Sermons on Romans-Lowell Johnson
- Sermons on Acts-Lowell Johnson
- Sermons on 1 Corinthians-Lowell Johnson
- Sermons on Philippians-Lowell Johnson
- Sermons on 1 Timothy - Lowell Johnson
- Sermons on Hebrews - Lowell Johnson
- Sermons on James-Lowell Johnson
- Sermons on 1 Peter-Lowell Johnson
Lusts: epithumia
Make Disciple - Matthew 28:18-20
Malachi Commentary - verse by verse
- Malachi 1 Commentary - verse by verse
- Malachi 2 Commentary - verse by verse
- Malachi 3 Commentary - verse by verse
- Malachi 4 Commentary - verse by verse
Malice: kakia
Malign: blasphemeo
- Paul's journeys: on website
- Bible Maps: links to 100's of maps
- OT & NT BIBLICAL PICTURES images & engravings Gustave Dore.
- HOLY LAND PHOTOS nice site with many excellent photos
- 41 POWER POINT MAPS OT & NT maps to aid study & teaching
Maranatha - In Depth Word Study
- A Maranatha Mindset One scholar has noted that in the 260 chapters in the NT, there are 318 references to the Second Coming of Christ which means that about 1 of every 30 verses refers to the return of the Bridegroom (Mt 25:6+, Jn 3:29+, cf Rev 19:7+)! It is also notable that for every prophecy describing Jesus' First Coming, there are eight which look forward to His Second Coming! Surely the Spirit desires to stir up in the Bride (Christ's Body, the Church - Eph 1:22-23+, 2Co 11:2+) a "Maranatha Mindset" which causes us to long for our Beloved, much like Solomon's bride who cried out "Hurry, my beloved!" (Song 8:14+)!
- The Second Coming and the War of the Great Day of God, the Almighty (Armageddon)
Marriage - see marriage covenant
- Marriage Customs in Jesus' Day - Relation to Return of Christ
- Marriage of the Lamb
- Israel The Wife of Jehovah
- The Gospel of Matthew - J C Ryle
- The Gospel of the Kingdom - Exposition of the Gospel According to Matthew-C H Spurgeon
Meditation, Biblical
- Discussion of Biblical Meditation
- Primer of Biblical Meditation
- Quiet Musing - Spurgeon's stirring motivation for meditation on God's Word
Meekness: gentleness
- Memorizing His Word: why do it? links to resources
- Memory Verses by Topic -consider bookmarking to facilitate review
Mephibosheth - study of 2 Samuel 9 (See also Mephibosheth by Alexander Maclaren)
Meyer, F B - works on site
Tried by Fire: Exposition of 1 Peter
Devotional Commentary on Philippians - F B Meyer
Gospel of John-F.B.Meyer-1: John 1:1-John 3:6
Gospel of John-F.B.Meyer-2: John 3:14-John 7:37-39
Gospel of John-F.B.Meyer-3: John 8:11-John 12:24
Gospel of John-F.B.Meyer-4: John 12:27-John 14:17
Gospel of John-F.B.Meyer-5: John 14:18-19 -John 16:12-15
Gospel of John-F.B.Meyer-6: John 16:33-John 18:39
Gospel of John-F.B.Meyer-7: John 19:16-John 21:25
Our Daily Walk - F B Meyer's devotionals will challenge your walk in Christ - 365 devotionals Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, June, July, Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec
Messianic Prophecies in Isaiah
Metaphor - Athlete (See also terms of comparison - simile, metaphor)
Micah Commentary - verse by verse
- Micah 1 Commentary - verse by verse
- Micah 2 Commentary - verse by verse
- Micah 3 Commentary - verse by verse
- Micah 4 Commentary - verse by verse
- Micah 5 Commentary - verse by verse
- Micah 6 Commentary - verse by verse
- Micah 7 Commentary - verse by verse
- Mighty to Save - Part 1 (Isaiah 63:1)
- Mighty to Save - Part 2 (Isaiah 63:1)
- Mighty to Save - Part 3 (Zephaniah 3:17)
- Millennium 1-Why did Early Church drift from literal interpretation of Rev 20?
- Millennium 2-What is the context? What events lead up to the Millennium?
- Millennium 3-How does the OT describe the 1000 year Messianic Age?
- The Millennium in the Old and New Testament
Miracles (Power)
Mountains in the Bible
- Ten Mountains Associated with Divine Encounters
- The Transfiguration - Alfred Edersheim
- The Transfiguration - James Hastings
- Click for links to Spiritual Songs and Hymns
- Cyberhymnal: best resource on web
- Modern Worship Vocals
Mystery: Definition; God's Mystery 3 messages by Wayne Barber
The Name of the Lord is a Strong Tower Series
Note: See also related entries under "CHRIST"
Charts parallel Kay Arthur's excellent study Lord I Want to Know You
- Name of the LORD is a Strong Tower - Summary Chart
- Name of the LORD - Why Study It?
- Proverbs 18:10 Commentary - a simple inductive study
- Our Stronghold - sermon by C H Spurgeon on Proverbs18:10
- Names of God - Blog Post
- Jesus Name Above All Names
- Abba, the name of God = "Dear Father"
- Abba, Father - Shorter Summary Page
- Adonai - My Lord, My Master
- Elohim - My Creator
- El Elyon - Most High God (Sovereign Over All)
- El Olam, Everlasting God
- El Roi - God Who Sees
- EL Shaddai - God Almighty
- Immanuel = God With Us
- Jehovah - The Self Existent Covenant Keeping God
- Jehovah Ezer - The LORD our Helper
- Jehovah Jireh - The LORD Will Provide
- Jehovah Rapha - The LORD our Healer
- Jehovah Roi - The Lord is My Shepherd Pt 1
- Jehovah Roi - The Lord is My Shepherd Pt 2
- Jehovah Sabaoth - LORD of hosts (of armies) Pt 1
- Jehovah Sabaoth - LORD of hosts (of armies) Pt 2
- Jehovah Mekeddeshem - LORD Who Sanctifies
- Jehovah Nissi -The LORD Our Banner
- Jehovah Rapha - LORD Who Heals
- Jehovah Shalom - The LORD our Peace Pt 1
- Jehovah Shalom - The LORD our Peace Pt 2
- Jehovah Shammah - The LORD is There
- Sun of Righteousness - Malachi 4:1-2 Prophecy of the Coming Messiah
- I Am A Worm and Not A Man - Psalm 22:6 - Speaks of the Messiah!
New Covenant in the Old Testament
New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology (NIDNTT) - Colin Brown, ed -
- This excellent resource is fully available on the web. This page gives instructions on how to best use this resource.
Numbers resources for the book of Numbers
Obedience of faith - Ro 1:5, 16:25 - What is the meaning?
Old Man
Old Testament Passages found in the New Testament
One Another - In the New Testament
Study the "one anothers" - most positive, some negative
Opportunity: Word Study of Kairos
Our Daily Walk F B Meyer's devotionals will challenge your walk in Christ
Overseers: episkopos (See also elders: presbuteros)
Paradoxes in Christianity - e.g., die to live, serve to rule, become poor to become rich, etc
Need encouragement to be an encourager? Study Parakaleo = call alongside to help!
Patience - Fruit of the Spirit
Peace: word study; Christ the Author of Peace
Peace - Fruit of the Spirit
Philemon Commentary - over 150 pages - see also Philemon Resources
Pink, A W - critique
Pleasure: hedone
Poiema - God's Workmanship (Masterpiece)
Power (miracles)
Power of God's Word - a simple inductive study and discussion
- Gems on Prayer by C H Spurgeon
- Prayer Resources: Multiple links: Topical Bible Studies, books, music
- PRAYER - some thoughts on Prayer
- How to Pray by R A Torrey
- Praying for Your Missionaries: Guide to specific daily prayers
- Prayer for Deeper Understanding: Wayne Barber
- Prayer for Fullness: Wayne Barber's exposition Ephesians 3:14-21
- Notes on the "Disciple's Prayer" Matthew 6:9ff
- Notes on praying for hope, joy, peace Romans 15:13
- Notes on praying for enlightenment, etc Ephesians 1:18, 19, 20
- Notes on praying for inner strength Ephesians 3:14, 15, 16, 17, 18
- Notes on Paul's "complete" prayer Colossians 1:9, 10, 11, 12ff
- Notes on praying when anxious Philippians 4:6, Philippians 4:7
- Notes on prayer for loving discernment Philippians 1:9, 10, 11, 12
- Notes on praying without ceasing 1Thessalonians 5:17
Precept Ministries International
- Precept Classes: in the Austin Area
- Precept Upon Precept Bible Studies - Download Pdf of Lesson free
- Daniel's 70th Week: Timeline chart of Daniel, Mt 24-25, Revelation, 2Th, etc
- Daniel Commentary - Verse by Verse On Site
- End Time Judgments
- Ezekiel: Links to Resources
- Ezekiel Timeline
- God's Plan For the Ages: timeline Adam to Christ, Millennial kingdom, New Heavens and New Earth
- God's Plan For Jerusalem: A Timeline
- Interpretation of Prophecy - multiple resources
- Introduction to Inductive Study of Ezekiel
- Millennium 1 - summary including overview of Rev 19:11-21:3, history of how it has been interpreted
- Millennium 2 - events leading up to the millennium, including Great Tribulation and Chart of 70th week
- Millennium 3 - description of this time on earth, primarily from the OT prophets
- The Millennium in the Old and New Testament
- Panorama of the Glory of the LORD: Past, Present, Future
- Prophecy Primer: Brief and Simple: basic guidelines for interpreting prophecy
- Prophetic Timeline of Times of Gentiles
- Prophecy, Messianic
- Resources on Revelation: only resources that interpret literally (futuristic)
- Revelation Overview - youtube video
- The Day of the LORD
- Three Divine Days
- The Last Days: What Does Scripture say about when "last days" will occur?
- Timeline of Jewish and Gentile History according to Daniel
- Time gaps in interpretation of prophecy
- Jesus' Incredible Teaching on "Time Gap" in the fulfillment of prophecy
- Proverbs Resources
- Proverbs Overview - Blog post
- Proverbs 1 Commentary - verse by verse
- Proverbs 2 Commentary - verse by verse
- Proverbs 4:23 Commentary - Guard Your Heart Diligently!
- Proverbs 5:22 Commentary - Captured by Iniquity and Held by Cords of one's own Sin - A Study
- Proverbs 5:1-14 Commentary
- Proverbs 5:15-23 Commentary
- Proverbs 6:20-35 Commentary
- Proverbs 7:1-27 Commentary
- Proverbs 18:10 - simple inductive study
- Proverbs 15 Commentary - Verse by Verse
- Proverbs 18:10 Commentary
- Proverbs 18:11 Commentary
- Proverbs 28:13 Commentary - danger of covering up sin vs the freedom of confessing and forsaking
- Proverbs 29:18 Commentary - No Vision, No Restraint! - a frequently misinterpreted text
- Our Stronghold - sermon by C H Spurgeon on Proverb 18:10
Providence - See also Esther Commentary which is filled with God's providential handiwork!
Psalms - Verse by Verse Commentary
- Psalm 1:1 Commentary
- Psalm 1:2 Commentary
- Psalm 1:3 Commentary
- Psalm 1:4-6 Commentary
- Psalm 19:7-14 Commentary
- Psalm 22:6 I Am A Worm and Not A Man - Speaks of the Messiah!
- Psalm 42:5 Commentary
- Psalm 51:1-9 Commentary
- Psalm 51:10-19 Commentary
- Psalm 113 Commentary
- Psalm 119 Commentary
- Psalm 121 - In Need of Help? Lift up your eyes. See Commentary on Psalm 121
- Psalms - Collection of Commentaries
- Psalms - over 400 Devotionals
- Psalms - Devotionals from Spurgeon - part 1
- Psalms - Devotionals from Spurgeon - part 2
Quiet Time: Is it too "quiet"? 7 Minutes with God to jumpstart your quiet time
- Backsliding or Drifting
- Scripture or the Word of God
- Quotes on Anxiety/Worry
- Anxiety-Worry-Quotes, Devotionals & Illustrations
- Forgiveness-Quotes and Illustrations
- Praise-Quotes, Devotionals, Illustrations
- The Word of God - Quotations and Illustrations
- Quotes on affliction
- Afflictions-Suffering-Quotes, Devotionals, Illustrations
- Quotes on suffering
- Quotes on holiness
- Quotations and Illustrations related to Second Coming
- Quotes related to the Return of the Lord
- Thanksgiving-Quotes, Devotionals, Illustrations
- Miscellaneous Quotes
- Matthew Henry Quotes on Meditation
- F B Meyer Quotes on Meditation
- C H Spurgeon Quotes on Meditation
- Robert J Morgan Quotes on Meditation
- Adrian Rogers Quotes on Meditation
- J Vernon McGee Quotes on Meditation
- Warren Wiersbe Quotes on Meditation
- John MacArthur Quotes on Meditation
- George Muller Quotes on Meditation
- Devotionals and Illustrations - Meditation
- Prayer Quotes
- Pithy Prayer Phrases
- Prayer Quotes, Devotionals and Illustrations
- Prayer Devotionals and Illustrations
- Prayer Hymns and Poems
- Spurgeon's Gems on Prayer
- Timing - Pre-, Mid- or Post-Tribulation
- Rapture - the Greek word harpazo
- Table comparing Rapture vs Second Coming
- Table Outlining The Jewish Wedding Analogy - courtesy of Tony Garland
148 topics as diverse as depression to dinosaurs
Reconciliation-Enmity to Amity
Detailed definition, Barber's Msg1 Msg2-4, Greek Word Study
Regeneration paliggenesia
Scriptural summary of surviving righteous Jews.
Remind: hupomimnesko
Repentance - word study plus links to sermons by Spurgeon, et al related to repentance
Replacement Theology - these are off site but this topic is vital to understand, especially the historical ramifications of this teaching
- Evils of Replacement Theology - Dr David Reagan - you need to watch the video for maximum impact - you will surprised and even shocked by what you learn!.
- Replacement Theology: What We Should Know – Part 1 - Gabe Morris
- Replacement Theology: What We Should Know – Part 2 - Gabe Morris
- Replacement Theology: What We Should Know – Part 3 - Gabe Morris
- Replacement Theology: What We Should Know – Part 4 - Gabe Morris
- What is replacement theology / supersessionism / fulfillment theology -
- What is replacement theology? Does God still have a plan for Israel? podcast -
Rescue: Rhuomai Deliver
Rest in the Bible - good topic to mediate on if you are seeing signs of "spiritual burnout"?
- Anastasis - definition
- Resurrection of Christ - on blogpost
- Resurrection of Christ
- The Two Resurrections - "First" and "Second" - on a timeline
- Seven Resurrections in Scripture
- Resurrection - Is it Taught in the Old Testament?
- Resurrection in the Old Testament
- Christ's Resurrection Prophesied in the Old Testament...
- First Fruits as a prophetic picture of Christ's Resurrection
- The Sign of Jonah as a prophecy of Christ's Resurrection
- The "Third Day" in Hosea - Does it predict Christ's Resurrection?
- See related topic: Resurrection in the Old Testament
- Resources on Revelation: only resources that interpret literally (futuristic)
- Revelation 4-22: Summary chart w/o commentary - time phrases, on earth vs in heaven
- Revelation Lectures by Kay Arthur Pt 2- 12 Lectures, Pt 3- 12 Lectures, Pt 4- 12 Lectures
- Revelation - A Testimony of Jesus Christ: one of best literal, conservative commentaries I have ever read on Revelation
- Revelation Overview - youtube video
Colorcoded (occurring in heaven or on earth), pure Word of God, pictures added
Rock, Christ: See topic above: Christ the Rock
Click for Scripture chain & chart (would make a great Sunday School series)
- Romans Road - The Bridge Illustration on Salvation
- Romans 6: New Life in Christ: Dr. Wayne Barber - excellent series
- Romans 6:1-3: What does "died to sin" mean?
Rulers: arche
- Ruth - In Depth Verse by Verse Commentary - on site
- Ruth: Collection of Sermons, Notes, Commentaries
Save: sozo
Salvation: Three Tenses of Salvation
- Romans Road - The Bridge Illustration on Salvation
- Treatise by Moody (offsite) The Way to God And How to Find It
- Assurance of Salvation
- Eternal Security of the Believer - Harry Ironside
- IRAS TU AL CIELO?-Are You Going to Heaven
- The Tragic Tale of Charles Templeton
- Regeneration
- Overview of What John 1-9 Says About Belief/Unbelief
Sanctification: hagiasmos
Sanctify: Relationship of Justified, Sanctified, Glorified
- Summary of Scriptures describing the devil's schemes
- See also Devil = diabolos and Adversary = Antidikos
- John 8:44 Commentary
Savior: soter
Scripture Chains
IN CHRIST JESUS Need Encouragement? Click & sit at His feet & listen to His voice (through His living Word). Make a list of truths you discover, then offer a prayer for each truth. Your mind will be renewed & refocused on Him & you will find rest for your soul.
Christ, the Rock, the Stone - Click here for Scripture chain
Second Coming - Table comparing Rapture vs Second Coming
Three Greek Words used to describe the Rapture and Second Coming...
- Parousia = coming
- Apokalupsis = revelation
- Epiphaneia = appearing
- Play/pray great song related to Second Coming = "Maranatha"
Second Corinthians - Commentary On Site
- 2 Corinthians 5:9 2 Corinthians 5:10 - The Judgment Seat of Christ
- 2 Corinthians 5:17 - A New Creation in Christ
- 2 Corinthians 7:1 - Let Us Cleanse Ourselves & Perfect Holiness
- 2 Corinthians 12:9; 2Corinthians 12:10 - All Sufficient Grace
- 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 - We Are Not to War According to the Flesh
- 2 Corinthians 12:9 2 Corinthians 12:10
- 2 Corinthians 13:5
- 2Cor 3:1 2Cor 3:2 2Cor 3:3 2Cor 3:4 2Cor 3:5 2Cor 3:6 2Cor 3:7 2Cor 3:8 2Cor 3:9 2Cor 3:10 2Cor 3:11 2Cor 3:12 2Cor 3:13 2Cor 3:14 2Cor 3:15 2Cor 3:16 2Cor 3:17 2Cor 3:18
- <>2Cor 4:4<>2Cor 4:5<>2Cor 4:6<>2Cor 4:7<>2Cor 4:8<>2Cor 4:9<>2Cor 4:10<>2Cor 4:11<>2Cor 4:12<>2Cor 4:13<>2Cor 4:14<>2Cor 4:15<>2Cor 4:16<>2Cor 4:17<>2Cor 4:18
- 2Cor 5:1 <> 2Cor 5:2 <> 2Cor 5:3 <> 2Cor 5:4 <> 2Cor 5:5 <> 2Cor 5:6 <> 2Cor 5:7 <> 2Cor 5:8 <> 2Cor 5:9 <> 2Cor 5:10 <> 2Cor 5:11 <> 2Cor 5:12 <> 2Cor 5:13 <> 2Cor 5:14 <> 2Cor 5:15 <> 2Cor 5:16 <> 2Cor 5:17 <> 2Cor 5:18 <> 2Cor 5:19 <> 2Cor 5:20 <> 2Cor 5:21
Self Control: see egkrates
- Self Control - Fruit of the Spirit
Simeon, Charles - Index to Horae Homileticae -
- Simeon's 13,000 pages of his sermons have been categorized by subject in an alphabetized index in the following links (only a few have live links because the prodigious volume of material would necessitate 100's of man hours to link each entry). If you would like live links to every index entry, you might consider purchasing Charles Simeon's 21 Volumes of Horae Homileticae Commentary but it is expensive (the index is found in volume 21 but to derive any benefit you would need to purchase the entire set). If you are not familiar with the great saint Charles Simeon see Dr John Piper's discussion of Simeon's life - you will want to read Simeon's sermons after meeting him! - click Brothers We Must Not Mind a Little Suffering (Mp3 even better)
- Charles Simeon-Index to Sermons - using example of entries for "Sin"
- Index 1 of Horae Homileticae -- A thru G
- Index 2 of Horae Homileticae -- H thru O
- Index 3 of Horae Homileticae -- P thru Z
Septuagint (LXX) - Septuagint (LXX), Brenton's English Translation
Sermon Illustrations - click here
Sermon on the Mount Study Guide: Questions and Answers
Sermon on the Mount Commentary: Table of Contents
Sermon on the Mount Commentary: Matthew 5 through Matthew 7
Servant (minister, deacon) - Study of Diakonos
Seven Pillars of Ministry - Wayne Barber
- Death to sin - What does this mean?
- Deceitfulness of sin - with multiple illustrations
- "The Sin" - Sin principle inherited from Adam
- Illustrations of the deceitfulness of sin
- What is Sin? - A Short Study of the Greek Word Hamartia
Slavery: douleuo
- See discussion 2 Timothy 2:3-4
- Three Kinds of Soldiers - Ten Principles of Warfare
- Roman Soldier by Edward Gibbon (from Decline & Fall of Roman Empire)
- The Roman Soldier - Description from Jewish Historian Josephus
- A Few Soldier Stories and Sermons
Song of Solomon Commentary
- Background to Aid Your Study
- Song of Songs - Introduction
- Song of Songs - Interpretative Approach
- Song of Songs - The Speakers
- Song of Songs - The Timing
- Song of Songs - An Outline
- Song of Songs - Subtitles
- Song of Songs - The Language
- Song of Songs - Key Images and Key Words
- Song of Songs - The Setting
- Song of Songs - The Hebrew Language
Song of Songs Commentary Notes
- Song of Songs 1 Commentary
- Song of Songs 2 Commentary
- Song of Songs 3 Commentary
- Song of Songs 4 Commentary
- Song of Songs 5 Commentary
- Song of Songs 6 Commentary
- Song of Songs 7 Commentary
- Song of Songs 8 Commentary
Soul (5590) soul = psuche or psyche
Includes discussion of dichotomist and trichotomist views
Romans 8:28 Commentary - God causes all things to work together for good
Spirit Filled: see under Holy Spirit
It was the middle of winter and the electricity had been knocked out by an ice storm. As we listened to our battery-powered radio the announcer said, “The following churches will be closed due to lack of power.” What a provocative statement! What would the announcer say about many American churches today? They probably wouldn't be closed for lack of activity, but lack of power is another matter!
- Chart of major Scriptures relating to gifts
- Multiple Resources on Spiritual Gifts
In depth verse by verse notes on Ephesians 6:10-18
- Ephesians 6:10
- Ephesians 6:11
- Ephesians 6:12
- Ephesians 6:13
- Ephesians 6:14
- Ephesians 6:15
- Ephesians 6:16
- Ephesians 6:17
- Ephesians 6:18
Ephesians 6:10-18 by Wayne Barber
- Eph 6:15-16: SPIRITUAL WARFARE, PT 4
- Eph 6:12-13: SPIRITUAL WARFARE, PT 6
Resisting the Roaring Lion (1Pe 5:8) (1Pe 5:9)
Schemes and wiles of the devil methodeia
Spurgeon, Charles Haddon:
- Gems on Prayer,
- Faith's Checkbook
- Spurgeon's Personal Testimony: a must read
- Spurgeon Commenting on Commentaries
- The Gospel of the Kingdom - Exposition of the Gospel According to Matthew-C H Spurgeon
- Faith's Checkbook January - March
- Faith's Checkbook -- April - June
- Faith's Checkbook -- July - September
- Faith's Checkbook -- October - December
- Spurgeon's Sermons on Ruth
- Spurgeon on the Attributes of God
- Spurgeon on Daniel - Devotionals
- Spurgeon on the Psalms - Sermons and Devotionals Indexed by Scripture
- Spurgeon on the Psalms - Pt 1 - from Morning and Evening Indexed by Scripture
- Spurgeon on the Psalms - Pt 2 - from Morning and Evening Indexed by Scripture
- Spurgeon Exposition on Genesis
- Spurgeon Exposition on Exodus
- Psalms - Devotionals by Spurgeon
- How to Read the Bible
- The Art of Illustration - Charles Haddon Spurgeon
- Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth by Spurgeon
- My Sermon Notes - Charles Haddon Spurgeon - Genesis-Proverbs
- My Sermon Notes - Charles Haddon Spurgeon - Ecclesiastes to Malachi
- My Sermon Notes - Charles Haddon Spurgeon - Matthew to Acts
- My Sermon Notes - Charles Haddon Spurgeon - Romans to Revelation
Stone, Christ - Click for Scripture chain & chart (would make a great Sunday School series)
Subject, submit, submission: hupotasso What does it really mean?
Succour: What does it mean?
- Notes and quotes on suffering and trials - 1 Peter 1:6 Commentary; 1 Peter 1:7 Commentary
- Discussion of suffering as a Divine Gift!
- The Refiner's Fire - blogpost related to suffering
- Exposition related to suffering - Romans 8:18
- Exposition related to tribulations - Romans 5:3
- Exposition on how the Savior Succors Suffering Saints - Hebrews 2:18
- Discussion of what the God of All Grace Promises when we suffer- 1Peter 5:10
- Exposition on how God uses suffering in the life of a saint - 2Cor 12:9-note; 2Co 12:10-note
- Exposition on Trials - James 1:2
- Exposition on present pain versus future joy - Matthew 5:10-12
- See in depth Word Study on Thlipsis = Affliction; See also related verb Thlibo = to suffer affliction
- See in depth Word Study on Peirasmos = Trial, Temptation
- See in depth Word Study on Peirasmos = Trial, Temptation
- See in depth Word Study on Sugkakopatheo = Suffer hardship with
- See in depth Word Study on Pascho = Suffer
- Don't forget to do a Site Search - Enter words like "suffering," "adversity," "tribulation"
Sun (syn) - Paul's preposition marking intimacy and union (click here also)
Sun of Righteousness - Malachi 4:1-2 Prophecy of the Coming Messiah
Blogpost - The Sun of Righteousness Will Rise
Temple, Jewish:
- Barrier Between Court of Gentiles and Court of the Jews
- Glory of the Temple: Past, Present and Future
- Temple of God in the NT = Bodies of Believers
- Our Body, His Temple
Testimony, personal - My Testimony to God's Grace
Tetelestai - Paid in Full - It is Finished
Thanksgiving, giving thanks:
- Exposition of Ephesians 5:20 (Eph 5:20)
- Exposition of Philippians 4:6 (Php 4:6)
- Exposition of 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (1Thes 5:18)
- Word Study on eucharisteo = Giving Thanks
- Word Study on eucharista = Thanksgiving
- Give Thanks
Theocratic Kingdom by George Peters - all 3 volumes onsite
Confused by the term Kingdom of God? This is the most complete work ever penned dealing with the Kingdom of God.
- Volume 1 - Propositions 1 - 106
- Volume 2 - Propositions 107 - 164
- Volume 3 - Propositions 165 - 206
- Index of Scriptures & Subjects
Time: Word Study of Kairos
Trench's Synonyms of the New Testament - online
Trials - see Suffering
Trumbull, H Clay - The Blood Covenant - Index to Online Edition (1893)
Trumpet - Is the 7th in Revelation the Last in 1 Corinthians?
Truth - In Depth Word study on Aletheia
Type, Typology - Study of Biblical types, rationale, cautions, guidelines, contrasts with allegory
Uncontentious: amachos
Understand: sunesis
Undivided Heart - blog version
Undivided Heart - longer website version
Needed: Christians living with a sense of imminency and urgency, redeeming the time in the work of and in the Lord! See 1Corinthians 15:58 commentary -
Unity, Preserving the Unity of the Spirit: 4 Pt exposition by Wayne Barber
Unity, preserving the unity of the Spirit - illustrations
Versions of the Bible Compared
Verse by Verse Commentaries - onsite compiled by Bruce Hurt,MD
Vertical Vision Empowers Horizontal Living
What/Who you are looking for will/should radically impact what/who you are living for.
Walk Worthy - Scriptural "Definition"
- What Does it Mean to Walk In a Manner Worthy of the Lord?
- The Overcoming Life - D L Moody
- The Race of Your Life - Dromos
Walking in the Spirit Galatians 5:16
- See also Exposition of Romans 8:13
- The Holy Spirit-Walking Like Jesus Walked!
- See also resources under topic - Holy Spirit
Warfare: see Spiritual Warfare
- Wisdom - Chokmah (Hebrew)
- Wisdom - Sophia (Greek)
- Contrast of earthly and godly/heavenly wisdom - James 3:13-18
- Paul's preposition marking intimacy and union (click here also)
Word of God
- Descriptions of how God describes His Word
- Word of God - How is your "appetite?"
- The Power of God's Word
- The Word of God - Quotations and Illustrations
- A Primer On Biblical Meditation
- God's Word: Hid and Not Hid
- Memorizing His Word
- 2 Timothy: Authority of God's Word
- Handle Accurately the Word
- Job 23:12 Commentary
Worry - See Worry - What is it? (See also Anxiety)
World - An important word to understand - see kosmos
Worm and Not A Man
I Am A Worm and Not A Man - Psalm 22:6 - Speaks of the Messiah!
- See Spiritual Discipline (some duplication of following resources)
- Sermons by John Piper on Worship
- Instructions for Singing by John Wesley
- Worthy of Worship by Sammy Tippit
- Worship (bow down) - Proskuneo
- Worship - Latreuo
Youtube Videos -
THE FOLLOWING ARE A SERIES OF YOUTUBE VIDEOS BY BRUCE HURT AND MOST ARE RELATED TO PROPHECY AND THE REVELATION - I am a literalist, so the videos take a futurist approach. Note that most of these videos are not lectures but are in a question/answer format. The entries labeled "Lesson __" represent the discussion of each of the lessons in the Precept course Revelation - Part 4. You will find numerous timelines that relate to the specific topic being discussed (millennium, rapture, day of the LORD, etc).
HOW TO STUDY YOUR BIBLE - "HINGE WORDS" Part 1 - given to a group of pastors in Tanzania (no prophecy)
REDEEM THE TIME - given to a group of men in Maryland (no prophecy)
Revive Me According to Thy Word
Lesson 6 - WHAT DOES THE WORD OF GOD TEACH ABOUT BABYLON? - Part 2 (Old Testament Scriptures)
Lesson 9 -144,000, Two Witnesses, The Mystery of God Is Finished
Lesson 10 -The Second Coming and the War of the Great Day of God, the Almighty (Aka "Armageddon")
Lesson 11 -The Rapture - Is It Real or Fantasy? What is the Timing - Pre-, Mid- or Post-Tribulation?
Lesson 12 - What Are the First and Second Resurrections and the Lake of Fire?
Lesson 13 - The Millennium and the Marriage of the Lamb
Lesson 14 - The Bema Seat of Christ and the Great White Throne
Zechariah Commentaries - Zechariah 12-14 functions as a unit and describe some of the greatest prophecies in the Old Testament regarding the Second Coming of Christ, the future of the literal Nation of Israel and the establishment of the Millennial Kingdom of Jesus Christ.
- Zechariah 4 Commentary
- Zechariah 5 Commentary
- Zechariah 12 Commentary
- Zechariah 13 Commentary
- Zechariah 14 Commentary